Career guidance in unstable times: linking
economic, social and individual benefits
Economic crisis, social exclusion and uncertain careers: lifelong guidance
responds to a triple challenge
The economic crisis that peaked in 2009 sent
shockwaves that will be felt for years to come. It
affected businesses, increased social risk for many
and destabilised job and career prospects.
Young people, particularly, have been badly affected.
They are suffering the highest unemployment rates
and their prospects have been damaged most. But,
despite high unemployment rates in many countries,
skill shortages are reported in science, technology,
engineering and mathematics (STEM) occupations.
Europe’s working population is also getting older.
In response, European Union (EU) countries have
devised several education, training and labour market
policies. In all of them, career guidance and
counselling increasingly play a central role due to their
effectiveness in developing the right skills and
attitudes people need for successful careers.
Although centred on individuals, benefits of guidance
and counselling go much wider. Guidance and
counselling, by their nature, link individuals’ agendas,
enterprises and governments’ economic and social
goals. Being flexible, guidance and counselling can
help individuals realise their aspirations, while giving
them a better understanding of their career prospects
and learning needs. They can be used in enterprises,
local communities or schools to improve learning
outcomes, knowledge transmission, productivity and
innovation. In short, guidance and counselling help
people and organisations to adapt and be productive
under new and atypical economic and social
Responding to the economic challenge
A European Council resolution of 2008 recommends
EU Member States provide access for all citizens to
lifelong guidance to develop career management
skills, such as professional communication, budget
management, critical thinking and project
development. Such skills help people adapt to career
contexts, including workplaces or learning
environments. Career management skills concern
how workers use key competences in enterprises to
learn, manage work, communicate and identify and
solve problems effectively and autonomously. They
also enable people to make more structured and
informed career decisions. OECD’s survey of adult
skills (PIAAC) shows that workers frequently using
key skills at work not only have better career
outcomes, but also integrate better into enterprises
and are more productive. By developing career
management skills, guidance and counselling help
improve economic outcomes for enterprises and
career outcomes for individuals.
Box 1.Accords seniors’: Crédit Industriel et
Commercial (CIC) France
As Europe’s workforce ages, enterprises need to
ensure that skills of retiring workers are replaced and
their knowledge passed on to younger workers
(Box 1). Guidance can balance business strategies for
The programme informs senior employees about their
career development possibilities in the enterprise and
about retirement procedures for leaving CIC. Each year,
the human resources (HR) department offers employees
older than 45 an interview with an HR manager.
Participation is voluntary. Employees can discuss
various options, such as skills assessment, mobility, a
new position, training, serving as mentors, information
about retirement and organisation of work time. Each
activity is carefully planned and complemented by
additional counselling, advice and skill development.
older workers between preparing them for retirement
and transferring their knowledge in the enterprise.
Older workers’ contributions to the enterprise can be
maximised by assessing their skills, attitudes and
preferences and devising an end-of-career strategy
that adapts their functions, or provides skills they
need, such as ICT skills. This increases workers’
motivation and productivity and supports longer
working lives. Guidance can also support mentoring
and tutoring activities, enabling older more
experienced workers to act as mentors/tutors to
monitor and steer new workers’ progress.
Similarly, guidance supports social and labour
integration of migrant workers into enterprises,
allowing for quick levelling of productivity with
established workers. Several types of assessment,
advisory and counselling methods and tools are
available to assist various levels of management,
including senior management, to integrate migrant
workers better.
Guidance is not only for people in particular
circumstances. Importantly, it allows for developing
workers’ skills in a lifelong perspective, which can be
carefully planned to combine personal with enterprise
needs. Integrating this approach into human resource
management can reduce skill mismatch in enterprises
and increase productivity and work satisfaction.
Responding to challenges of social
The economic crisis increased social risk for young
people and mid-career workers in sectors particularly
Despite more highly-qualified young people having
better labour market outcomes and sustained demand
in certain occupations, many young people are
disengaging early from education. Shares of young
people not in education, employment or training
(NEET) are near or above 20% in a third of EU
Member States (see Graph). NEETs have a higher
risk of long-term unemployment, irregular career
pathways, poverty and social exclusion. Economic
inactivity at a young age can have deep and
persistent consequences, damaging career outcomes
and identities, the so called ’scarring effect’. Migrant
young people are particularly affected by early leaving
from education and tend to have worse learning and
labour market outcomes.
Member States have responded to this challenge
through the youth guarantee to ensure employability
for people under 25 years old. The youth guarantee
attributes an important role to career guidance. It is
seen as a tool to prevent young people leaving school
early, help reintegrate disengaged young people into
the labour market and support their transition from
training to work. Being flexible and embedded in
public services and local communities, guidance
reaches groups at risk of exclusion, such as young
people disengaged from education, migrants and
unemployed people. By doing so, it also supports
social integration objectives, such as reducing
unemployment and poverty and increasing
qualification levels.
Guidance and counselling can help prevent young
people from becoming NEETs by assessing students’
level of risk of educational disengagement and by
clarifying their career options, all in close cooperation
with family and teachers. For young migrant workers
Source: Eurostat
Box 2. Project Kumulus, Germany
and severe social exclusion, career guidance is
frequently provided in close cooperation between local
communities, employment services, schools and
training providers (Box 2).
This type of public service outreach can also bring
young people back into the labour market. Young
people who left education and training early can be
identified, contacted and reengaged through training
with help of community leaders and families. Mentoring
involving local community members with successful
careers is effective in both prevention and recovery
strategies. Other effective ways to reengage young
people in training and education include providing
comprehensive information about all qualifications and
occupation choices the system offers. Guidance and
counselling can highlight flexible pathways to
qualifications, including validation of non-formal
learning, which is especially important for young
people outside education for a prolonged period.
Career guidance also reaches cases where people
feel excluded from participation in learning and the
labour market. A combination of targeted information,
careful assessment and validation of skills and
support for career planning can bring positive change
for individuals and communities.
Responding to individual needs
Frequent periods of unemployment and irregular
careers are increasing across Europe, particularly for
individuals in mid-career. Cedefop’s 2014 study
Navigating difficult waters (
) analysed careers and
stories of middle-aged individuals. It identified many
cases of instability and difficulty in establishing
coherent career paths that often arise due to lack of
access to quality career information and career
management skills (Box 3).
Best practices in career guidance report positive results
with tailored approaches, where skills, attitudes and
Box 3. Mid-career: individual stories
The programme provides young people from migrant
backgrounds with guidance support to increase their
skills through on-the-job training and internships.
Activities include: counselling in schools with high
percentage of immigrants, professional orientation
events, events for parents, and individual counselling in
the main office of the project. Cooperation with
employers is undertaken in schools authorised to
develop recovery training and search for internships.
The programme also attempts to include companies
owned by individuals from migrant backgrounds.
Counsellors have multicultural training.
Project website:
Mette: in search of career counselling
Mette, from Denmark, is single and in her 40s. She
started her own business as a massage therapist, but
only after a long journey of moving around and many
different types of job. Mette worked several times as a
legal secretary, a job for which she is qualified and
experienced. She finds the job easy, but also boring,
lacking any challenge. ‘It’s the wrong life for me; I should
not be working in a law firm. But that is what I can do
[…] and you get a good wage.’
At various points Mette could have benefited from
career guidance tailored to her needs to explore career
and learning opportunities. Having so many jobs was ‘a
search for what I wanted to do’. She enjoys working with
her hands and with people. She wanted to change her
line of work, but for Mette the public employment service
are not taking time to really listen to people, but ‘[…] are
so busy trying to fit us back into the […] job […] we are
trying to escape […]’.
Mercuzio: a mercurial talent
Mercuzio, from Italy is in his forties and currently works
part-time as a janitor in a city hotel.
He started work at 16, helping in his brother’s snack bar.
He has worked as a barman and waiter; in a factory
repairing coffee-making machines; owned a coffee bar
and managed a wine bar; an assistant chef; a partner in
a shoe-designing and -making business; and in a
restoration and renovation business. Plans to become a
professional pianist did not work out. He is now thinking
of becoming a writer.
Mercuzio’s learning path is fragmented; high school,
courses in repairing coffee machines and shoemaking
and, after many years working, a university degree in
humanities, majoring in art history. But through these
learning and development options, Mercuzio has
developed strong practical and social skills. He can
interact with all types of people and integrate into
different environments. Mercuzio has shown adaptability
in a challenging labour market, but lacks the skills and
knowledge to plan his career decisions better.
For more personal stories, see Navigating difficult
waters – Background material: methodology.
preferences of people are assessed and discussed
(Box 4). A thorough initial assessment followed by a
structured discussion of next steps in learning and
searching for work also have lasting effects on
people’s careers. Preferably this approach is supported
Box 4. Bilan de compétences (competence
by networks that include enterprise managers and
professional associations and by systematic follow-up
of individuals.
Two fundamental advantages of these approaches
are their adaptability to highly irregular career paths
and a favourable long-term cost-benefit relationship.
For example, people who receive this type of career
development support provided by public employment
services are less likely to return to the service under
social benefit regimes.
Lighter approaches to career information and advice
can be implemented with greater tailoring of provision
to individual needs, as long as initial profiling of clients
is sufficiently detailed. In these cases, information
about the labour market, education, training and
validation must be reliable and competently delivered
by counsellors who can adapt it to a client’s profile.
Lifelong guidance activities provide an effective
response to issues affecting individuals, groups and
They improve success of learning activities at all stages
and are among the most effective labour market
provisions for ensuring long-term career outcomes.
They support policy strategies in lifelong learning and
employment while translating them into direct support to
citizens. A well-coordinated lifelong guidance system
generates coherence of education, training and
employability support, and, most importantly, clarifies
available options for citizens.
Guidance is a positive response to social and economic
instability: science and practice of adaptability.
Briefing note – 9094 EN
Cat. No: TI-BB-14-007-EN-N
ISBN 978-92-896-1547-1, doi: 10.2801/68123
Copyright © European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
(Cedefop), 2015
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This approach comprises detailed assessment of compe-
tences, based on month-long series of research interviews,
group work in workshops and individual research work,
supported by a counsellor. Besides being a stocktaking
exercise, the portfolio also helps individuals wanting to
make realistic, informed career choices.
The bilan is a basis for planning learning and validation
for individuals and organisations. Enterprises can also
propose that employees use portfolios to plan promotions,
skill development and redeployment. Being flexible,
portfolios can support social integration for at-risk groups,
mid-career changes or innovation in enterprises. They
can also be combined with training under benefit systems,
apprenticeships, internships and be used to follow up
transitions to work.
Bilans and the centres developing them are generally
supported by networks of local stakeholders, which may
include public administration, trade unions and employers,
professional and civic associations.
Bilan de compétence centres are controlled by the employ-
ment ministry, but managed locally by representatives
from the employment and national education ministries,
trade unions, employers’ associations, chambers of
trade industry and commerce, and representatives of
organisations from economic, employment, work and
training environments.
Project website: