The LawFit Career Assessment: Predictive Career Planning
We are excited to offer you a quick-and-effective way to strengthen your job search this year!
The LawFit® Career Assessment is a scientifically based, online self-assessment customized to help law
students make better career decisions including:
· Identifying career starting points by narrowing your potential career options from an overwhelming
number to a more manageable number of law practice area choices AND general careers that match
your natural preferences and interests.
· Making your career counseling time more clear, efficient, focused and productive by identifying your
values, motivators and preferred work environments in addition to legal practice and general practice
areas -- in an organized format.
First Steps: Login from a SECURED password-protected WiFi NETWORK (not a public WiFi).
Use your LAW SCHOOL email address, to avoid non-delivery of your report.
Use the link and Master Code or your individual alpha-numeric code below to access LawFit®
Web Link:
Individual Code: [Email for a code]
1- Take LawFit in ONE sitting! Go with your first impressions: it should take 25-35 minutes.
2- WRITE DOWN your LOGIN ID number when you start, in case you get interrupted.
3- You can stop and login again with your unique LOGIN ID number. BUT, due to the integrity of the
assessment, you cannot go back and change your answers once you’ve begun.
Your individual LawFit Report will come via return email and will include:
1. Your matches with 25 Legal Practice Areas
2. Your matches with 12 General Career Areas
3. A profile of your Work Values and Motivators
4. A profile of your Preferred Work Environment
5. Descriptions of 25 Legal Practice Areas
6. Descriptions of 12 General Careers
7. Tips: How to Use Your Results
Next Step: Come in for Coaching!
As soon as you complete the self-assessment, your custom report will be generated. We STRONGLY encourage
you to set a time for us to debrief your profile together.
If you want details about LawFit, please check their website:
We look forward to your feedback -- and hope you will enjoy using LawFit to strengthen your job search!
The LawFit Career Assessment: Predictive Career Planning
Why LawFit?
Take advantage of predictive science to clarify your practice area matches, work values and interests EARLY.
Use it to become Strategic, Focused & Efficient and Confident & Energized. This is the way you want to feel
before important employer meetings -- and interviews!
Be STRATEGIC, not SUBJECTIVE! Students who have taken LawFit say that it helped them to clarify their
practice area and/or general career interests EARLY in their law school career. LawFit allowed them to be
strategic, choose elective courses, target experiential opportunities and seek internships/externships and
pre-/post grad jobs that are aligned with their talents.
Be FOCUSED & EFFICIENT: IDENTIFY YOUR BEST CHOICES! Students and career advisors understand that
using LawFit adds predictive scienceto the process of identifying matches with career path and preferred
work settings. Having this information helps you focus on the work options where are you most likely to
succeed and be productive, pre-job-offer or in terms of selecting summer practice rotations. You can work
smarter if you are able to narrow your options from an overwhelming number to a more manageable
number of choices that match your natural preferences and interests. LawFit allows you to identify likely
career choices, not just experiment!
Be CONFIDENT & ENERGIZED! LawFit can help you build confidence a great source of support as you
navigate law school and your job search. NOT knowing what areas might be a good fit can be anxiety-
inducing! The assurance that you are headed in the right direction based on matches with your true
interests can energize you in your search, give you confidence and a feeling of being in control. LawFit
allows you to be curious about careers that are likely to suit you.
How Should You Use Your LawFit Report?
Immediately after taking LawFit, you/your Career Office will receive a copy of your report. Did you answer
quickly and HONESTLY? Was it an accurate reflection of you? Scan for the following:
Career Matches (pp. 3-5) Matches with law practice areas and general careers can tell you a lot!
Values/Motivators and Work Environment (pp. 6-8) These are revealing! A good match makes it likely
you will be both successful and happy in your work; other matches mean you will have to sacrifice to ‘fit in’
which may be OK if you need to go for a high-paying job that doesn’t match you.
Law Practice Area Descriptions (pp. 9-22) Review your strongest matches, test your preferences.
General Career Descriptions (pp. 23-25) Review your top matches and reflect on values, motivators
How to Use Your Results (pp. 26-28) Refine your thinking and gather more info re: networking and
interview strategies.
Resources Ask your Career Office for a list of credible career resources. Beware of hearsay
Testimonials A separate list of testimonials about LawFit from law schools is available. Enjoy!