The INTERMED: a screening instrument to identify
multiple sclerosis patients in need of multidisciplinary
E L J Hoogervorst, P de Jonge, B Jelles, F J Huyse, I Heeres, H M van der Ploeg,
B M J Uitdehaag, C H Polman
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
Objective: To analyse the value of the INTERMED, a screening instrument to assess case complexity,
compared with the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) and the Guy’s Neurological Disability
Scale (GNDS) to identify multiple sclerosis (MS) patients in need of multidisciplinary treatment.
Methods: One hundred MS patients underwent INTERMED, EDSS, and GNDS examinations. Patient
care needs were assessed by a multidisciplinary team and a goal oriented treatment plan was defined.
Correlations between INTERMED, individual INTERMED domains, EDSS, GNDS sum score, and total
number of proposed disciplines involved in the treatment plan were studied.
Results: Mean (SD) age was 40.6 (10.1) years. Median scores were 14.0 for the INTERMED, 4.0 for
the EDSS, and 13.5 for the GNDS sum score. Moderate correlations were found between the
INTERMED sum score and EDSS (
=0.59) and GNDS sum score (
=0.60). The number of disciplines as
proposed by the multidisciplinary team showed the highest statistically significant correlation with the
INTERMED sum score (
=0.41) compared with EDSS (
=0.32) and GNDS sum score (
=0.34). No sig-
nificant or only weak correlations were found between the psychological domain of the INTERMED and
Conclusion: The findings in this study show that there is an additional value of the INTERMED com-
pared with the EDSS and GNDS in identifying MS patients in need of multidisciplinary treatment. The
INTERMED domains show the area of the patient’s vulnerability and care needs: especially the
INTERMED’s psychological and social domains may guide the clinician to deal with specific problems
that complicate healthcare delivery.
ultiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common cause of
neurological disability in young people.
tically, the course of the disease is highly variable and
unpredictable, although, with time, about two thirds of
patients pass into a progressive phase where a gradual
accumulation of wide ranging, and often complex, disabilities
occurs. These disabilities have a huge impact on the patient,
family and society, affecting mood, relationships, employ-
ment, and social interaction. Not surprisingly, this results in
huge cost to the society, much of which relates to indirect
effects of the disease, including loss of employment for both
patient and carer.
The recent development of disease modifying drugs has not
eliminated the need for rehabilitative strategies in the
management of MS. Rehabilitative techniques must be used
to reduce disability and handicap and should include a wide
range of interventions such as education, improving coping
strategies, physical rehabilitation, or the set up of a network of
community support. It is crucial to identify the optimal
approach for individual patients, but so far there are few sys-
tematic data to guide patient referral.
In most specialised centres the required patient care needs,
as well as the required treatment input and rehabilitation
goals for individual patients, are based on a detailed
assessment of physical, psychological, and social functioning
by a multidisciplinary team. Such a team is, however, usually
limited in the number of patients it can assess. Therefore, in
many places access to a multidisciplinary team is restricted or
only possible through long waiting lists. As a consequence, a
simple and short instrument that would screen patients with
respect to their needs and that could guide referral to the
multidisciplinary team, would be most welcomed and might
increase the (cost) effectiveness of the assessment procedure.
Neither the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS)
the Guy’s Neurological Disability Scale (GNDS),
two instru-
ments that measure disability in MS patients, give guidance
with respect to rehabilitative strategies required. Despite the
fact that the EDSS and GNDS are not developed to give guid-
ance to rehabilitative strategies, we used these measures in
this study for comparing with the INTERMED because the
EDSS is an often applied outcome measure in clinical trials of
MS and it seems possible that there is a connection between
more disability (EDSS), especially self reported disability
(GNDS), and the need for multidisciplinary treatment. In
contrast with the EDSS and GNDS, the INTERMED has been
defined to give guidance to the kind of (multidisciplinary)
treatment a patient needs.
In this study we have investigated the INTERMED, an
instrument that has been developed in the past years as a
method to assess case complexity in order to organise coordi-
nated and integrated health care.
It is based on observations
that comprehensive understanding of patients’ needs in-
creases effectiveness of healthcare delivery in several patient
The INTERMED is an observer rated instru-
ment that classifies information from a str uctured and proto-
colled medical history taking into four domains: biological,
psychological, social, and health care. Each domain is assessed
in the context of time (history, current state, and prognosis),
Abbreviations: MS, multiple sclerosis; EDSS, Expanded Disability Status
Scale; GNDS, Guy’s Neurological Disability Scale
See Editorial Commentary
See end of article for
authors’ affiliations
Correspondence to:
Dr E L J Hoogervorst, VU
Medical Centre,
Department of Neurology,
Post box 7057, 1007 MB
Amsterdam, Netherlands;
Received 23 April 2002
Accepted in revised form
15 August 2002
which results in 20 variables (table 1). The different domain
scores of the INTERMED show the area of the patient’s
vulnerability and care needs and give a direction for an
integrated treatment plan. The specific variables force the cli-
nician who rates the INTERMED to think about specific prob-
lems that complicate healthcare delivery, such as compliance,
alcohol misuse, coping problems, need for social support
and/or help at home, and psychiatric comorbidity. Giving glo-
bal guidance with respect to therapeutic interventions
required has been one of the important goals in the develop-
ment of the INTERMED.
In the process of its development, attention has been
directed to the reliability,
and the clinical utility
of the INTERMED. Reliability has been studied in terms of
inter-rater agreement, as another important goal of the
INTERMED was to improve communication between health
care professionals. A first inter-rater reliability study
gested that some improvements should be made, which has
led to a final version now being used in a number of studies. A
recent study of the inter-rater reliability of this final version in
a heterogeneous sample of patients with somatic illnesses,
with two independent raters—a psychologist and a clinician
nurse specialist—blindly rating patients based on a joint
interview, resulted in a κ of 0.85, indicating very good
Inter nal consistency has been studied as well as reliability
coefficients (Cronbach’s α), ranging from 0.75 to 0.92 in
different patient samples.
Applications in other patient populations with somatic and
psychosocial comorbidities, such as diabetes and advanced
cancer have demonstrated the INTERMED’s utility as measure
for case complexity and resulting care needs.
13 15
the INTERMED can be used to detect patients with a risk of
decreased response to standard biomedical treatment, to
design multimodal treatment, and to control for confounding
The objective of this study was to analyse the additional
infor mation obtained by the INTERMED in a cohort of MS
patients compared with neurologist rating of neurological
examination abnormalities (EDSS) and patient self report
(GNDS), and to study correlations between these measures
and healthcare needs as defined by a professional multidisci-
plinary team.
One hundred consecutive newly referred patients fulfilling
diagnostic criteria for MS,
who consulted the neurological
outpatient clinic of the VU Medical Centre in the period March
1999 to November 2000 were included in this study. During
this time period newly referred MS patients were referred to
the multidisciplinary team without taking into account
whether it was felt at the first visit there was a need for multi-
disciplinary assessment or not. Patients were diagnosed as
having relapsing-remitting (RR) (n=56), secondary-
progressive (SP) (n=24), or primary-progressive (PP) (n=20)
Patient care needs were assessed according to a standard pro-
cedure and discussed in a multidisciplinary team consisting
of: neurologist, MS nurse, doctor of rehabilitation medicine,
physiotherapist, occupational therapist, psychologist, and
social worker. For each individual patient the multidiscipli-
nary team defined a goal oriented treatment programme. In
“simple cases” it would consist of continued care by only the
neurologist and the MS nurse; in more complicated cases
input of at least one of the other participating disciplines
would be recommended, resulting in a really multidisciplinary
rehabilitation approach.
In parallel, patients underwent INTERMED, EDSS, and
GNDS examinations; the team did not know the results of
these examinations at the moment they defined the treatment
Detailed test procedures
The INTERMED form was filled in by the MS nurse on the
basis of a structured medical history from the nurse’s point of
view. The four domain scores of the INTERMED (table 1) were
obtained by adding the scores (0–3) of the five variables for
each domain; the total INTERMED score is the sum score of
the four domain scores (range 0–60). An independent
psychologist (PdeJ) calculated the INTERMED (domain)
scores and these were actively kept away from the multidisci-
plinary team.
Disability on the EDSS was assessed by well trained medi-
cal doctors under carefully standardised conditions; the EDSS
is divided in 20 half points ranging from 0 (normal) to 10
(death attributable to MS). The GNDS score was based on a
patient interview; each subcategory of the GNDS was scored
separately, ranging from 0 (normal) to 5 (maximum help
required). For creating the GNDS score, the sum score of the
12 subcategories was used, with a range from 0 (normal) to 60
(maximum possible disability).
Data analysis
To study the relation between the scores on the various
instruments and the patient healthcare needs, the recom-
mended number of disciplines in the treatment programme as
proposed by the multidisciplinary team was used. Analysis of
difference in INTERMED, EDSS, GNDS sum score, and
number of recommended disciplines for two different disabil-
ity strata (EDSS<4.0 v EDSS>4.0) was done using one way
analysis of variance. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients
(r) were calculated to assess the relation between the
INTERMED sum score, its domain scores, EDSS, GNDS sum
score, and total number of disciplines involved. In addition,
Spear man’s rank correlations were studied between age and
Domains History Current state Prognoses
Biological - Chronicity - Severity of illness - Complications and life threat
- Diagnostic uncertainty - Diagnostic uncertainty
Psychological - Restrictions in coping - Resistance to treatment - Mental health threat
- Premorbid psychiatric dysfunctioning - Severity of psychiatric symptoms
Social - Restrictions in social integration - Residential instability - Social vulnerability
- Social dysfunctioning - Restrictions in social network
Health care - Intensity of prior treatment - Organisational complexity - Care needs
- Prior treatment experience - Appropriateness
Huyse Lyons Stiefel Slaets de Jonge 1997, with permission of Elsevier.
The INTERMED and multiple sclerosis patients 21
disease duration and number of involved disciplines. To
account for the multiple correlations tested, we considered p
values <0.01 as statistically significant and p values <0.05 as
a trend only.
Patient characteristics, INTERMED sum scores, INTERMED
domain scores, EDSS, and GNDS sum scores and number of
disciplines involved are summarised in table 2 for the total
population and for different disability strata. Sixty three
patients had mild disability (EDSS<4.0) and 37 patients were
moderate to severely disabled (EDSS>4.0). Mean (SD) age
was 40.6 (10.1) years; 33% were male and 67% female, mean
(SD) disease duration 8.0 (7.8) years. Median scores were 4.0
for the EDSS, 13.5 for the GNDS sum score, and 14.0 for the
INTERMED. Significant differences were found between the
two disability strata (mild or more disability) for GNDS sum
score (p<0.001), INTERMED sum score (p<0.001), the
INTERMED domains biological, social, and health care (for all
three domains p<0.001), and number of proposed disciplines
by the multidisciplinary team (p<0.001).
For a total of 61 patients, at least one other healthcare dis-
cipline besides neurologist and MS nurse was included in the
treatment recommendation plan by the multidisciplinary
team. Table 3 shows the median scores of the INTERMED sum
score, EDSS, and GNDS sum score per number of disciplines
proposed. As expected EDSS, GNDS sum score, and
INTERMED sum scores were higher when more disciplines
were involved.
Table 4 shows the median scores on the different
INTERMED domains, INTERMED sum score, EDSS, and
GNDS sum score per proposed discipline. Of the different dis-
ciplines, the intervention of a psychologist was most often
recommended in the treatment plan of individual patients (in
29 cases), in these cases the median scores on the psychologi-
cal domain of the INTERMED and the INTERMED sum score
were highest and, remarkably, median EDSS and GNDS sum
scores were lowest compared with cases when treatment
intervention of another discipline was recommended.
Moderate correlations were found between the INTERMED
sum score and both the EDSS (r=0.59; p<0.01) and the GNDS
sum score (r=0.60; p<0.01) as well as the number of proposed
disciplines (r=0.41; p<0.01) for the total population. The
Table 2 Patient characteristics, age, and disease duration expressed as mean (SD). EDSS, GNDS sum score,
INTERMED, INTERMED domains, and number of disciplines (besides neurologist and MS nurse) expressed as median
(interquartile range)
Total Mild* More disability†
Total 100 63 37
M 331914
F 674423
Age 40.6 (10.1) 37.0 (8.8) 46.7 (9.3)
Disease duration (y) 8.0 (7.8) 4.9 (5.7) 12.2 (8.4)
EDSS‡ 4.0 (2.0–6.0) 2.5 (1.5–3.5) 6.5 (5.3–7.0)
GNDS§ sum score 13.5 (7.3–22) 10.0 (5.0–14.0) 23.0 (19.0–26.0)
INTERMED 14.0 (10.3–18.0) 12.0 (10.0–15.0) 18.0 (13.0–23.0)
Biological 7.0 (6.0–8.0) 7.0 (6.0–8.0) 8.0 (7.0–8.0)
Psychological 2.0 (1.0–4.0) 2.0 (1.0–3.0) 3.0 (1.0–5.0)
Social 1.0 (0.0–4.0) 0.0 (0.0–1.0) 4.0 (2.5–5.0)
Health care 3.0 (2.0–4.0) 2.0 (1.0–3.0) 4.0 (2.5–5.0)
Number of disciplines 1.0 (0.0–1.0) 1.0 (0.0–1.0) 1.0 (0.0–2.0)
*Mild disability = EDSS <4.0; †More disability = EDSS >4.0; ‡EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; §GNDS = Guy’s Neurological Disability Scale.
Table 3 Median scores on EDSS, GNDS sum score, and INTERMED per number of involved disciplines besides
neurologist and MS nurse (interquartile range)
Number of disciplines 0 n=39 1 n=41 2 n=13 3 n=7
EDSS* 2.5 (1.5–4.5) 4.0 (2.8–5.8) 4.0 (1.8–5.5) 6.5 (6.0–7.5)
GNDS† sum score 10.0 (4.0–18.0) 12.0 (8.0–22.0) 17.0 (10.0–21.5) 26.0 (26.0–28.0)
INTERMED 12.0 (10.0–15.0) 15.0 (11.0–18.0) 17.0 (13.0–22.0) 20.0 (15.0–23.0)
Biological 7.0 (6.0–8.0) 7.0 (6.0–8.0) 8.0 (7.0–8.0) 8.0 (8.0–8.0)
Psychological 2.0 (1.0–3.0) 3.0 (1.0–5.0) 3.0 (2.0–3.5) 3.0 (1.0–5.0)
Social 0.0 (0.0–2.0) 1.0 (0.0–4.0) 3.0 (0.5–5.5) 4.0 (2.0–7.0)
Health care 2.0 (1.0–3.0) 3.0 (2.0–4.0) 4.0 (2.5–5.0) 4.0 (4.0–5.0)
*EDSS = E xpanded Disability Status Scale; †GNDS = Guy’s Neurological Disability Scale.
Table 4 Median scores on the INTERMED domains, EDSS, GNDS sum score, and INTERMED sum score per discipline
involved (interquartile range)
Biological Psychological Social Health care INTERMED EDSS* GNDS† sum score
Psychologist (n=29) 7.0 (7.0–8.0) 4.0 (3.0–5.0) 1.0 (0.0–4.0) 4.0 (2.5–4.5) 27.0 (13.0–20.5) 4.0 (3.0–6.3) 14.0 (7.5–24.5)
Social worker (n=9) 8.0 (8.0–8.0) 3.0 (2.0–5.0) 5.0 (4.0–6.5) 4.0 (3.5–4.5) 19.0 (18.0–23.0) 6.0 (1.8–7.0) 23.0 (7.5–29.0)
Physiotherapist (n=14) 7.5 (6.0–8.0) 2.5 (1.0–3.5) 1.0 (0.0–3.0) 3.0 (2.8–5.0) 15.0 (10.0–17.8) 4.3 (3.4–6.0) 16.0 (10.0–26.0)
Occupational therapist (n=25) 8.0 (7.0–8.0) 2.0 (1.0–3.0) 3.0 (0.0–4.5) 3.0 (1.0–4.0) 16.0 (12.5–19.5) 5.0 (3.3–6.5) 17.0 (12.5–26.0)
Rehabilitation (n=9) 8.0 (7.5–8.0) 3.0 (1.0–5.5) 3.0 (0.5–4.5) 4.0 (2.5–5.0) 16.0 (12.0–23.0) 6.0 (4.5–6.3) 23.0 (19.5–27.0)
No other disciplines (n=39) 7.0 (6.0–8.0) 2.0 (1.0–3.0) 0.0 (0.0–2.0) 2.0 (1.0–3.0) 12.0 (10.0–15.0) 2.5 (1.5–4.5) 10.0 (4.0–18.0)
*EDSS = E xpanded Disability Status Scale; †GNDS = Guy’s Neurological Disability Scale.
22 Hoogervorst, de Jonge, Jelles, et al
number of disciplines showed lower correlations with both
EDSS (r=0.32; p<0.01) and GNDS sum score (r=0.34;
All four INTERMED domains showed good correlations
with the INTERMED sum score. Good correlations were also
found between the social domain and both EDSS and GNDS
sum score, and moderate cor relations were found between the
biological and healthcare domains and both EDSS and GNDS
sum score. The psychological domain however showed no sta-
tistically significant correlation with the EDSS and only a
weak but significant correlation with the GNDS sum score
(table 5).
No statistically significant correlation was found between
the number of proposed disciplines and age, whereas a weak
cor relation was found with disease duration (r=0.31;
In this cross sectional study we analysed the potential role of
the INTERMED as an instrument that would help to screen
individual patients to provide information to guide future
interventions, by comparing it with the traditionally used
neurologist rating of neurological examination abnormalities
(EDSS), patient self report (GNDS), and the number of differ-
ent disciplines being recommended in the treatment plan
indicated by a multidisciplinary team.
Our data confirm that the INTERMED indeed gives
complementary information when compared with the EDSS
and the GNDS, especially because the INTERMED includes
domains (that is, psychological and social) not or only
partially represented in either EDSS or GNDS.
We found that the INTERMED was the best predictor for
treatment decisions in a multidisciplinary rehabilitation
focused approach. The INTERMED sum score showed the best
cor relation (r=0.41) with the total number of disciplines
involved in the treatment plan of MS patients as indicated by
the multidisciplinary team compared with both EDSS and
GNDS. However, an overlap in the INTERMED sum score and
number of disciplines involved existed, for example at
INTERMED sum score 10 as well as 17 the number of
proposed disciplines was 0, 1, or 2.
Analysing the four individual domains of the INTERMED
showed an additional value of the INTERMED, especially the
psychological domain, which is only partially or not at all rep-
resented in either the GNDS or the EDSS. This is shown by the
fact that a weak, but statistically significant, correlation was
found between the psychological domain and the GNDS and a
trend only with the EDSS, whereas a good correlation was
found with the INTERMED sum score.
It was striking to find the weak or even absent statistically
significant correlations between the psychological domain
score, and the GNDS sum score or the EDSS, especially in the
light that the psychologist was the discipline most often
recommended in the treatment plan as proposed by the
multidisciplinary team. These weak or absent correlations are
most probably because of the fact that, mainly in early
diagnosed MS patients who still have low disability (low EDSS
and GNDS scores), psychological aspects, like acceptance of
diagnose and coping strategies, are important features for
which intervention by a psychologist can be indicated.
Although the EDSS and the GNDS do not incorporate the
issue of social problems, their correlation with the social
domain score of the INTERMED was statistically significant,
even though not so high as for the INTERMED sum score. We
assume that this is attributable to the fact that this domain
reflects the level of functioning—that is, having a job or stable
housing situation—, which is often correlated to disability. If
a patient does not have a job (which is more probable at higher
EDSS scores), this influences the variable restrictions in social
integration (at least 2 points) and restrictions in network (at
least 1 point).
The social domain turned out to be a determinant for the
total number of disciplines involved in the treatment of MS
patients as advised by the multidisciplinary team. This is
shown by the fact that the social domain score was higher
when more disciplines were recommended. More specific, the
social domain score seemed to be a predictor for a requirement
of intervention by a social worker (table 4).
The biological domain of the INTERMED showed relatively
high median scores as well as ceiling effects with little varia-
tion and a small interquartile range between the different dis-
ability strata as well as the total number and kind of
disciplines recommended in the treatment plan as indicated
by the multidisciplinary team. This is a result of the scoring
rules of the INTERMED and the fact that MS patients suffer
from at least one chronic condition that directly influences
their scores on chronicity (at least a score of 2) and biological
prognosis (at least a score of 2), therefore a score lower than 4
on the biological domain would not have been possible.
Another problem is the fact that, for example, communication
problems or dysphagia are scored in the biological domain and
as there is ceiling effect, consequently these problems are not
shown by the biological domain score. Communication and
swallowing problems, however, were rare in our patient popu-
lation (median scores on both GNDS subcategories speech and
swallowing were 0.0 (IQR 0–1) and 1.0 (IQR 0–2) for the
Brainstem Functional System of the EDSS).
In addition, most of the patients have experienced a period
of diagnostic uncertainty, which is reflected in past or present
diagnostic complexity in this domain. Obviously, this domain
does not add new information as compared with the EDSS or
the GNDS.
In conclusion, our study shows that the INTERMED
(domain) scores provide complementary information when
compared with either EDSS or GNDS. Specific domains of the
INTERMED show the area of the patient’s vulnerability and
care needs, whereas the specific variables, especially the
psychological and social domain, may guide the clinician to
deal with specific problems that complicate healthcare
Table 5 Spearman rank correlations between INTERMED, EDSS, GNDS sum score
and INTERMED sum score, INTERMED domains, and number of involved disciplines
for the total population
score EDSS† GNDS‡ sum score
INTERMED sum score 0.59** 0.60**
Biological 0.75** 0.52** 0.58**
Psychological 0.63** 0.24* 0.27**
Social 0.84** 0.61** 0.62**
Health care 0.81** 0.46** 0.47**
Number of disciplines 0.41** 0.32** 0.34**
**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level; *correlation is significant at the 0.05 level; †EDSS = Expanded
Disability Status Scale; ‡GNDS = Guy’s Neurological Disability Scale.
The INTERMED and multiple sclerosis patients 23
delivery. We would like to emphasise, however, that even
though the INTERMED clearly is a promising screening
instrument, it does not replace the need for multidisciplinary
assessment: even though it identifies problem areas, it does
not exactly indicate what the specific problems are and how
they might be tackled.
To demonstrate the clinical usefulness of the INTERMED in
MS patients in more depth, further studies will be necessary—
that is, relating INTERMED scores to clinical decision making,
to health care utilisation, and to outcome of intervention.
The authors acknowledge Professor Alan Thompson, London, UK, for
critically reviewing a previous version of this manuscript.
Authors’ affiliations
E L J Hoogervorst, B Jelles, I Heeres, B M J Uitdehaag, C H
Polman, Department of Neurology, VU Medical Centre, Amsterdam,
P de Jonge, F J Huyse, Department of Psychiatry, VU Medical Centre
H M van der Ploeg, Department of Medical Psychology, VU Medical
B M J Uitdehaag, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics,
VU Medical Centre
P de Jonge, Department of Psychiatry, University of Groningen,
Competing interests: none declared.
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