Cumbria County Council
Serving the people of Cumbria
Adult Social Care
Your care,
your choice
Cumbria County Council
Direct Payments - Your care, your choice
About this booklet
Direct Payments is one of a number of ways you can use your Personal Budget to
arrange your care and support services in partnership with Cumbria County Council’s
Adult Social Care service.
This booklet tells you:
• whatDirectPaymentsareandhowtheymighthelpyou;
• whocanhaveaDirectPayment;
• wheretogoforinformationandpracticalhelp;
• howtoaskforaDirectPayment;
• whatyourcaseworkerwilldo;and
• whatyouwillbeexpectedtodotosetupyourcareusing
Edward McClure
Edward needs 24 hour care at home.
Edward’s daughter Carol is the main
carer and uses direct payments to buy
personal care for her father and respite
for weekends and holidays for herself.
Direct Payments - Your care, your choice
What are Direct Payments?
If you think you need care or support services, Cumbria County Council’s Adult Social
Care service will carry out an assessment of your needs and decide how much money
could be available to meet your needs. Once we have carried out this assessment, you
will be helped to draw up a Support Plan of how you think your
needs can best be met.
There are three ways in which you can use your Personal Budget to arrange the
support you need:
• wecangiveyouyourPersonalBudgetasaDirectPaymentsoyoucanarrange
• wecanarrangetheservicesyoupreferforyouusingyourPersonalBudget;or
• youcanhaveacombinationofthetwo.TakingsomeofyourPersonalBudgetas
a Direct Payment and arranging your own services and having us arrange some
services for you.
Some services you decide you want, may only be possible using a Direct Payment
such as using a local person to help you or buying from a local provider.
A Direct Payment is money we can give you, to enable you to arrange and be in control
Payment to:
• employyourownstaff;
• designyourownservicethattsyourchoicesandneeds;
• buyequipmentthatbettertsyourlifestyle;
• arrangeyourownrespitecaretoofferyouoryourcarerabreak;
• payacareagencytoprovideyoudirectlywithservices;or
• acombinationofanyofthese.
However, there are some rules. You must spend your Direct Payment on things that
your assessment shows that you need. You can never use your Direct Payment to buy:
• servicesfromthelocalauthoritybutyoucanaskustobuythemonyourbehalf;
• longtermresidentialcare;or
• anythingthatdoesnotmeetyouragreedneeds.
Edward McClure
Cumbria County Council
Direct Payments - Your care, your choice
How will Direct Payments help me?
Direct Payments can give you greater control and choice in:
• theservicesyoureceive,
• whoprovidesthesetoyou,
• whenyoureceivethemandwhere.
You could choose your own home carer rather than having whoever is sent to you:
“The carers sent by the agency were always very nice but I would never know
who was going to turn up. Now I use my Direct Payments to employ a lady from
our village to help me get up and go to bed. I still use the agency for some calls
and for cover.”
You could arrange for your home carer to come at different times to suit what you want
to do:
“Although I have care needs I still work. I found that when my job required me to
have an early start it was often difcult to reorganise my care from its usual time
in the morning, if it was short notice it was impossible. I still have my regular care
from Cumbria Care but I use my Direct Payment to pay a friend when I need an
early ‘get up”.
Instead of going regularly to the same day centre, you could choose to go to different
centres or do different activities:
“I go to the day centre twice a week but I wanted to do an art class at my local
college. I now have one day at the day centre and a Direct Payment for the other
day which I use to pay someone to help me get to the college and to meet my
care needs at my class.”
Direct Payments - Your care, your choice
If you are a carer and are going on holiday, you could arrange for the person you look
after to stay at home rather than having to go into a residential home:
“When I went away for a break my husband used to go into a local residential
home for a short stay. The home was nice but not really his cup of tea. Now we
have a Direct Payment and we organise a short term care package at home for
him so that he gets to stay at home and I get my break.”
like a different model or style:
“We wanted a more portable hoist so we could take it with us when we stayed
with our daughter. We got a Direct Payment equal to the cost of the hoist that the
Adult Social Care Directorate would provide and topped it up with some money
of our own so that we could buy a more portable model.”
Andy Hopley
Andy uses direct payments to arrange
his own personal assistants through a
local agency. His personal assistants
support him at residential college
during the week and to help him go out
into town and socialise at the weekend.
Cumbria County Council
Direct Payments - Your care, your choice
Who can have a Direct Payment?
You are eligible to receive a Direct Payment if you:
• havebeenassessedasneedingcareservicesorasneedingapieceofequipment
• areacarerwhohasbeenassessedasneedingsupporttohelpyoulookafter
• areaparentofadisabledchildassessedasneedingcare.
• youareabletounderstandwhataDirectPaymentisandthatyouwillbe
• youareabletodirectyouowncare-thismeansyouareabletosaywhatyouwant
• youareabletomanagethemoneywithsomeone’shelporbyyourself.(Thereis
more about the help available later in this booklet.)
Cumbria County Council will offer Direct Payments to everyone who is eligible. However
there are a very small number of people who the law does not allow to have a Direct
• peoplegoingthroughthecriminaljusticesystemorpeoplewhoareservinga
• peoplewhoarereceivingcertaintypesoftreatmentundertheMentalHealthAct,
people receiving community care as part of a compulsory court order or people
receiving compulsory treatment for substance misuse.
Direct Payments - Your care, your choice
Where can I go for information and
practical help?
There are three main local sources of support for Direct Payments:
• yourcaseworker;
• CumbriaIndependentDirectPaymentsAdviceandSupportService;and
• FinancialAssessmentOfcers
Your case worker
Your case worker might be a social worker, occupational therapist or care coordinator.
This is the person who will carry out the initial assessment and who will discuss the
others like you have used them to design their own care plan. They will contact you
regularly to check if all is going well and are able to help and advise you if:
• yourneedsorcircumstanceschange;
• youwanttomakechangestohowyouspendyourDirectPayment;and
• youneedadviceonanyothermatter.
Adult Social Care Directorate staff cannot advise you on employment matters.
Direct Payments Advice and Support Service
This is a service run by The Penderels Trust and it is not part of Adult Social Care. They
can tell you about and support you with Direct Payments.
• thedifferentoptionsforarrangingyourcareservices;
• thebenetsforyouofusingDirectPayments;
• yourresponsibilitiesifyouarrangeyourcareusingDirectPayments;and
• thetermsandconditionsforreceivingDirectPayments;
Cumbria County Council
Direct Payments - Your care, your choice
They can give you practical support with:
• designingyourownDirectPaymentplan.Thisisyourplanofhowyouwouldlike
• settingupyourDirectPaymentbankaccount;
• advertising,recruitingandemployingyourownstaff.Ifthatistheoptionyou
• llingintheformsandpaperwork.
Financial Assessment Ofcers
• thesmallamountofDirectPaymentnancialpaperwork;and
• anyquestionsyoumighthaveaboutthenancialsideofyourDirectPayment.
this booklet.
Betty Fallon
Betty, who has dementia, and her son
use direct payments to buy care from
a local care worker who Betty knows
well. Betty’s son says direct payments
have enabled them to buy in the care
she needs and gives the family peace
of mind knowing she is safe.
Direct Payments - Your care, your choice
How do I ask for a Direct Payment?
To receive a Direct Payment, you and/or the person your look after must have an
assessment of need from Cumbria County Council’s Adult Social Care Directorate.
If you have already had an assessment from us, you should ask your case worker for
a review of your care so that you have an up to date agreement about your needs. If
you have not had an assessment, or if you are unsure who your case worker is, contact
this booklet). They will then ask a case worker to arrange an appointment to visit you.
What will my case worker do?
assessment is a discussion and agreement about your care needs. It includes
discussing areas such as:
• Whatcaretasks,suchaswashinganddressing,canyoudobyyourself?
• Whatcaretaskscanyoudoifsomeonehelpsyou?
• Aretherecaretasksyoucannotdoatall?
• Whohelpsandsupportsyouatpresent?
• Whatisthebestwayofmeetingyourneeds?
• Whatequipmentisrequiredtopromoteindependenceandsafety?
• Howmuchhelpisyourcarerabletoofferyou?
You should try to think about your care needs before your assessment so that you can
describe them clearly to your case worker.
Following the assessment, your case worker will give you a copy of the assessment
form that summarises your needs. You might want to discuss the different ways in which
any needs could be met. This could be in the form of Direct Payment or services that
You can then compare this with your own view of how you would like your care needs to
be met. You may then want to consider the option of receiving a Direct Payment.
services yourself within the budget allowed. However, any services you buy must help
to meet your assessed needs. You should discuss this with your case worker.
Cumbria County Council
Direct Payments - Your care, your choice
Contributions to the cost of
will be asked to contribute towards the cost of these services and if so, how much.
If you are receiving a Direct Payment, this will be reduced by any amount you have
been assessed as having to contribute. If you are assessed as not having to pay for
your services, your Direct Payment will not be affected. For more information about
contributionsandthenancialassessment,seeourbooklet‘How much will I pay?
Contributions to personal budgets and non-residential services’.
Bernadette Quinn
Bernadette was offered day care but
decided to use direct payments to
employ her own personal assistants.
They help her go out and have enabled
her to develop a busy work and social
Direct Payments - Your care, your choice
What will I have to do?
plan will describe:
• yourcareneeds,includingyourneedsidentiedinyourassessment;
• whichneedswillbemetbyDirectPayments;
• howthoseneedswillbemet,thatis,theservicesorequipmentyouwillbuyorhow
• whetherthereislikelytobeanyvariationinthewayyoumeetyourneeds;
• whatsupport,ifany,youmightneedtomanagetheDirectPayment;and
• whatcontingencyarrangementsyouhavemadetocoveremergencies(for
This should be as realistic as possible and cover all the costs, which you are likely
to encounter. The Direct Payments Advice and Support Service can give you more
information and practical help in doing this.
If you are going to employ staff, you will need to include their hourly rate, the number
of hours, any Employer National Insurance costs, liability insurance, training and so on.
If you decide to buy a service from an agency, you will need to include the number of
hours and the particular rates that apply to all aspects of the work, any mileage charges
and so on.
You may choose to meet your needs using a variety of methods and these will need to
be costed carefully to ensure that you can meet your needs with the budget you have.
Bernadette Quinn
Cumbria County Council
Direct Payments - Your care, your choice
should contact your case worker in order to submit your own Direct Payment Plan and
costing. The Direct Payment Advice and Support Service can help you with this.
If the Direct Payment is to go ahead you will receive an agreement from us which will
receiving a Direct Payment. You will need to check these and if you agree to them, you
should sign the agreement and send it back to us.
packages or respite care without a separate bank account but for repeated or ongoing
Direct Payments you must set up a separate account. This can also be used for
Independent Living Fund, Access to Work funding and any other care payments. This
send us your Direct Payment bank account details with your agreement as soon as
possible so we can start the payments.
Support Service can help you with this.
• detailsofwhentherstpaymentwillbepaidintoyournominatedbankaccount;
• alistofdateswhensubsequentDirectPaymentswillbepaidintoyouraccount;and
• nancialreturnformswithinstructionsonhowyoushouldcompletetheseona
monthly basis.
• howthepaymentswillbemadeandthepracticalitiesofreceivingpayments;
• thenancialrecordsyouwillneedtokeep;and
• themonthlyreturnsyouwillbeexpectedtoprovidetousandhowtocomplete
Direct Payments - Your care, your choice
What happens if my circumstances
Your case worker should review your assessment at least annually. This will provide you
with a regular check on how well your arrangements are meeting your needs. However,
circumstances, you should contact your case worker.
The Direct Payment Advice and Support Service can help you with changes to your
your case worker.
Although your case worker will retain responsibility to ensure that your assessed needs
are met, Direct Payments do give you more independence and control. You should
make sure that your plans enable you to meet your needs and control your services
in case your usual carers are unable to provide you with care. You should also plan
bank holidays.
The Direct Payment Advice and Support Service can help you to ensure your
arrangements are as comprehensive as possible. They can also provide you with
payroll for any staff you employ.
Cumbria County Council
Direct Payments - Your care, your choice
What do I do if there is an
While you should have contingency arrangements in place, these may not be able to
deal with every eventuality. If your care arrangements break down, you may need help
worker. If your case worker is not available, ask to speak to one of his/her colleagues
you can contact our Out of Hours Service on 01228 526690 for advice.
How do I end my Direct Payments?
reviewed to make sure your needs will still be met by any alternative arrangements that
are put in place.
Your Records
We keep records about our work with people who use our services. This information is
kept to enable us to arrange services for people and to carry out our legal duties. The
Data Protection Act 1998 gives you the right to see information we keep about yourself
whether this is kept on computer or in writing. Please ask your case worker or Customer
Services if you would like to know more.
Direct Payments - Your care, your choice
Your compliments, concerns,
comments and complaints
We welcome all feedback about our services. If you have a compliment, concern,
comment or complaint about our services, or a decision or action we have taken
then please let us know about it. You can ask your case worker if you would like to
Customer Services.
We will try to use the feedback you provide as a way of improving our service to you
and to others.
Anne Bradshaw
Anne uses direct payments to employ
her own care workers, one of which
is her sister in law. Her care workers
provide her with personal care, provide
transport and help take care of her
dog, Oliver.
Cumbria County Council
Direct Payments - Your care, your choice
The Penderels Trust
For information and practical help with Direct Payments, contact your local branch of
the Penerdels Trust.
01228 406352
01229 840255
PenderelsTrustMainOfce 08450 500862
You can also visit the Cumbria Direct Payments website at:
The Penderels Trust -
Civic Centre, Rickergate, Carlisle, CA3 8QG
CarlisleNorth-01228 227033
CarlisleEast-01228 227040
CarlisleWest-01228 221590
Eden Friargate, Penrith CA11 7NX
EdenWest(includingKeswick) -
01768 812243/33
EdenSouth-01768 812089/ 812231
EdenNorth-01768 812241/ 53
NorthAllerdale-01228 223450
SouthAllerdale-01900 706301
Keswick-01768 812243/ 812233
Blencathra House, Tangier Street
Whitehaven CA28 7UW
NorthCopeland-01946 506352
SouthCopeland-01946 506269
South Lakeland
Kendal-01539 713378
SouthLakesEast-01539 713111
SouthLakesWest-01539 713334
Barrow-in-Furness 4thFloor,Craven
FurnessEast-01229 407874
FurnessWest-01229 407446
FurnessNorth-01229 407444
Cumbria County Council Adult Social Care Directorate
Direct Payments - Your care, your choice
To ask for an assessment of need, contact Customer Services at:
Carlisle 01228 221803
Eden 01768 812239
Allerdale 01900 706294
Vince Hanlon
Vince, with the help of his brother,
used self directed support to plan his
move into his own at and arrange
the support he needs. He says self
directed support has changed his life
for the better and he is much happier.
Copeland 01946 506328
South Lakeland 01539 713286
Barrow-in-Furness 01229 407349
Allofcesareopen: 9.00am-5.00pmMondaytoThursday
Please note:donotemailuswithemergencyandurgentmatters;theseshouldbe
Out of Hours Service can be contacted on 01228 526690.
People wishing to make a referral can do this at
Cumbria County Council
Direct Payments - Your care, your choice
Direct Payments - Your care, your choice
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Cumbria County Council
Serving the people of Cumbria
September 2014