Content Outline
A Joint Program of the Federation of State Medical Boards
of the United States, Inc., and National Board of Medical Examiners
This outline provides a common organization of content across all USMLE examinations. Each Step exam will
emphasize certain parts of the outline, and no single examination will include questions on all topics in the outline.
The examples listed within the outline are just examples. Questions may include diseases, symptoms, etc., that are
not included in the outline. The USMLE program continually reviews its examinations to ensure their content is
relevant to the practice of medicine. As practice guidelines evolve or are introduced, the content on USMLE is
reviewed and modified as needed. At times, there is a change in emphasis on new content development that arises
from our ongoing peer-review processes. For example, there has been an emphasis on new content developed
assessing competencies related to geriatric medicine, and prescription drug use and abuse. USMLE has also focused
recent efforts on the often unrecognized health care needs of recently returning servicemen and servicewomen (eg,
traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder), and the families of deployed servicemen and
servicewomen. While many of the medical issues related to the health care of these special populations are not
unique, certain medical illnesses or conditions are either more prevalent, have a different presentation, or are
managed differently. Knowledge of foundational science and clinical science in these content areas will be assessed
on the USMLE Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 3 examinations.
Examinees should refer to the test specifications for each examination for more information about which
parts of the outline will be emphasized in the examination for which they are preparing. See the USMLE website
( for more detail.
Copyright © 2021 by the Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, Inc. (FSMB)
and National Board of Medical Examiners® (NBME®). All rights reserved. The United States
Medical Licensing Examination® (USMLE®) is a joint program of the FSMB and NBME.
Table of Contents
General Principles of Foundational Science 2
Immune System
Biostatistics, Epidemiology/Population Health, &
Blood & Lymphoreticular System 5
Behavioral Health 7
Nervous System & Special Senses 8
Skin & Subcutaneous Tissue 11
Musculoskeletal System 12
Cardiovascular System 13
Respiratory System 15
Gastrointestinal System 16
Renal & Urinary System 18
Pregnancy, Childbirth, & the Puerperium 20
Female Reproductive System & Breast 21
Male Reproductive System 22
Endocrine System 23
Multisystem Processes & Disorders 24
Interpretation of the Medical Literature 27
Social Sciences
General Principles of Foundational Science
Biochemistry and molecular biology
Gene expression: DNA structure, replication, exchange, and epigenetics (eg, imprinting, X-
activation, DNA methylation)
Gene expression: transcription
Gene expression: translation, post-translational processing, modifications, and disposition of
proteins (degradation), including protein/glycoprotein synthesis, intra-extracellular
sorting, and processes/functions related to Golgi complex and rough endoplasmic
Structure and function of proteins and enzymes (eg, enzyme kinetics and
structural/regulatory proteins)
Energy metabolism (eg, ATP generation, transport chain)
Biology of cells
Adaptive cell responses and cellular homeostasis (eg, hypertrophy)
Mechanisms of injury and necrosis, including pathologic processes (eg, liquefactive necrosis,
free radical formation)
Cell cycle and cell cycle regulation (eg, mitosis)
Mechanisms of dysregulation
cell biology of cancer (eg, role of p53, proto-oncogenes)
general principles of invasion and metastasis, including cancer staging
Cell/tissue structure, regulation, and function, including cytoskeleton, organelles,
glycolipids, channels, gap junctions, extracellular matrix, and receptors
Human development and genetics
Principles of pedigree analysis
inheritance patterns
occurrence and recurrence risk determination
Population genetics: Hardy-Weinberg law, founder effects, mutation-selection equilibrium
Principles of gene therapy
Genetic testing and counseling
Genetic mechanisms (eg, penetrance, genetic heterogeneity)
Biology of tissue response to disease
Acute inflammatory responses (patterns of response)
acute inflammation and mediator systems (eg, histamine, prostaglandins, bradykinins,
eosinophilic basic protein, nitric oxide)
vascular response to injury, including mediators
principles of cell adherence and migration (eg, ECAMs, selectins, leukocytic
diapedesis, and rolling)
microbicidal mechanisms and tissue injury (eg, defensins)
clinical manifestations (eg, pain, fever, leukocytosis, leukemoid reaction, chills)
Chronic inflammatory responses (eg, tumor necrosis factor)
Reparative processes
wound healing, repair: thrombosis, granulation tissue, angiogenesis, fibrosis,
scar/keloid formation
regenerative process
Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic processes: general principles
Pharmacokinetics: absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, dosage intervals
Mechanisms of drug action, structure-activity relationships (eg, anticancer drugs)
Concentration and dose-effect relationships (eg, efficacy, potency), types of agonists (eg,
full, partial, inverse) and antagonists and their actions
Individual factors altering pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (eg, age, gender,
disease, tolerance, compliance, body weight, metabolic proficiency,
Mechanisms of drug adverse effects, overdosage, toxicology
Mechanisms of drug interactions
Signal transduction, including structure/function of all components of signal transduction
pathways such as receptors, ligands (eg, general principles of nitric oxide, autocrine
and paracrine signaling)
Microbial biology
Microbial identification and classification, including principles, microorganism
identification, and non-immunologic laboratory diagnosis
structure (eg, cell walls, composition, appendages, virulence factors, extracellular
products, toxins, mechanism of action of toxins)
processes, replication, and genetics (eg, metabolism, growth, and regulation)
antibacterial agents (eg, mechanisms of action on organism, toxicity to humans, and
mechanisms of resistance)
structure (eg, physical and chemical properties, virulence factors)
processes, replication, and genetics (eg, life cycles, location of virus in latent infection)
antiviral agents (eg, mechanisms of action on virus, toxicity to humans, and
mechanisms of resistance)
structure (eg, cell wall, composition, appendages, virulence factors, extracellular
products, toxins, mechanisms of action of toxins)
processes, replication, and genetics (eg, asexual vs. sexual, metabolism, growth)
antifungal agents (eg, mechanisms of action on fungus, toxicity to humans, and
mechanisms of resistance)
structure (eg, appendages, macroscopic features, and virulence factors)
processes, replication, and genetics (eg, life cycles, metabolism, and growth)
antiparasitic agents (eg, mechanisms of action on parasite, toxicity to humans, and
mechanisms of resistance)
Normal age-related findings and care of the well patient
Infancy and childhood (0-12 years)
Normal physical changes: linear growth, variations in linear growth, including
constitutional delay; weight; head circumference; micturition, defecation,primary
incontinence/bedwetting; normal physical examination; screening; sleep;
teething syndrome
Developmental stages: motor; speech; cognitive; psychosocial; anticipatory guidance
Lifestyle and routine preventive health care: nutrition; exercise (eg, benefits of
preventive/travel medicine; risk factors and prevention (eg, guns,
swimming, motor vehicles, car seats); routine vaccinations
Adolescence (13-17 years)
Normal physical changes: linear growth, variations in linear growth including
constitutional delay; weight; puberty; normal physical examination; gynecomastia;
autonomy/self-identity; sleep
Developmental stages: cognitive (eg, abstract thought); psychosocial (eg, autonomy, role
confusion, sexual identity); anticipatory guidance
Lifestyle and routine preventive health care: nutrition; exercise (eg, benefits of
exercise); preventive/travel medicine; risk factors and prevention (eg, risk-taking
behavior, helmets, safe sex, motor vehicles, seat belts, distractions); routine
Adulthood (18-64 years)
Normal physical changes: weight; normal physical examination; screening; sleep
Developmental stages: cognitive; intimacy vs isolation; anticipatory guidance
Lifestyle and routine preventive health care: nutrition; exercise (eg, benefits of
exercise); preventive/travel medicine; risk factors and prevention; routine
Older Adulthood (65 years and older)
Normal physical changes, including normal physical exam for age: weight, height
(spinal compression), skin, bruising; normal physical examination; response to
temperature; micturition, defecation;sleep
Developmental stages: motor; cognitive (eg, psychomotor slowing); psychosocial;
integrity vs despair; retrospection; anticipatory guidance
Lifestyle and routine preventive health care: nutrition; exercise (eg, benefits of exercise);
preventive/travel medicine; risk factors and prevention (eg, falls, general medical
condition; polypharmacy, driving, caregiver stress); routine vaccinations
Immune System
Normal processes
Development of cells of the adaptive immune response, including positive and
negative selection during immune development
Structure, production, and function
granulocytes, natural killer cells, macrophages, mast cells, dendritic cells, cell receptors
(eg, complement receptors and Toll-like receptors), cytokines, chemokines
T lymphocytes, including T-lymphocyte receptors, accessory molecules (eg, CD3, CD4,
CD8, B7), cell activation and proliferation, cytotoxic T lymphocytes, and memory T
B lymphocytes and plasma cells, including B-lymphocyte receptors, immunoglobulins, cell
activation and proliferation, including development of antibodies and memory B
host defense mechanisms, host barriers to infection, mucosal immunity (eg, gut-
associated lymphoid tissue and bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue),
anatomical locations of T and B lymphocytes
Cellular basis of the immune response and immunologic mediators
antigen processing and presentation in the context of MHC I and MHC II molecules (eg,
TAP, beta-2 microglobulin), intracellular pathways, mechanisms by which MHC is
expressed on the surface; including distribution of MHC I and MHC II on different
cells, mechanisms of MHC I and MHC II deficiencies, and the genetics of MHC
regulation of the adaptive immune response (eg, peripheral tolerance, anergy,
regulatory T lymphocytes, termination of immune response, and B-T lymphocyte
activation, function, and molecular biology of complement (eg, anaphylatoxins)
functional and molecular biology of cytokines (eg, IL 1-15)
Basis of immunologic diagnostics (eg, antigen-antibody reactions used for diagnostic
purposes, ELISA, immunoblotting, antigen-antibody changes over time, ABO typing)
Principles of immunologic protection
vaccine production and mechanisms of vaccine action
biologically active antibodies (eg, monoclonal antibodies, polyclonal antibodies
including IVIG, VZIG, rabies immunoglobulin)
Effect of age on the function of components of the immune system
Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis,
Management, Risks, Prognosis
Disorders associated with immunodeficiency
deficiency primarily of humoral immunity: common variable immunodeficiency;
hyper IgM syndrome; hypogammaglobulinemia/agammaglobulinemia, X-linked
(Bruton); selective immunodeficiency (eg, IgA, IgM, IgE)
deficiency/dysfunction primarily of cell-mediated immunity: adenosine deaminase
deficiency; thymic aplasia (DiGeorge syndrome); severe combined immunodeficiency
disease (SCID); Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome; granulomatosis; allergic reactions/skin
complement deficiency: alternative pathway component deficiency (C2, C3b, C3bB,
C36B6); classical pathway component deficiency (C1q, C1r, C1-C5); terminal
component deficiency (C5b-C9; terminal complement complex); C1 esterase inhibitor
deficiency, hereditary angioedema; mannose-binding lectin (MBL) deficiency;
membrane attack complex deficiency
deficiency of phagocytic cells and natural killer cells: Chediak-Higashi disease; chronic
granulomatous disease and other disorders of phagocytosis; leukocyte adhesion
HIV/AIDS: HIV1 and HIV2; AIDS; AIDS complications (eg, neuropathy, dementia, renal
insufficiency); immunology of AIDS; immune reconstitution syndrome (IRS);
secondary infections; noninfectious complications
Immunologically mediated disorders
hypersensitivity reactions: type 1, 2, 3, including anaphylaxis; type 4; drug reactions;
serum sickness
transplantation: rejection; graft-vs-host disease
Adverse effects of drugs on the immune system: Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction; drugs
affecting the immune system (eg, prednisone, azathioprine, cyclosporine, methotrexate,
monoclonal antibody drugs [eg, abciximab, adalimumab; bevacizumab, infliximab,
omalizumab, rituximab]); vaccine adverse effects
Blood & Lymphoreticular System
Normal Processes
Embryonic development, fetal maturation, and perinatal changes Organ
structure and function
Cell/tissue structure and function
production and function of erythrocytes, including heme and hemoglobin synthesis;
hemoglobin O2 and CO2 transport, transport proteins, erythropoietin
production and function of platelets
production and function of coagulation and fibrinolytic factors; hemostasis
Repair, regeneration, and changes associated with stage of life
Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis,
Management, Risks, Prognosis
Infectious and immunologic
infectious disorders
viral: hemorrhagic fever (Ebola virus, Marburg virus); chikungunya; dengue fever;
Zika virus disease
parasitic: malaria (Plasmodium spp); babesiosis (Babesia species)
primary infections of lymphoid tissue: lymphadenitis (viral, bacterial, fungal,
parasitic); lymphangitis; buboes, bubonic plague (Yersinia pestis); cat scratch
disease (Bartonella henselae)
immunologic and inflammatory disorders: cryoglobinemia, essential mixed
cryoglobinemia; autoimmune hemolytic anemia; paroxysmal nocturnal
hemoglobinuria; thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura; hemolytic uremic
Neoplasms: leukemia, acute (ALL, AML); leukemia, chronic (CLL, CML); lymphomas, Hodgkin
disease, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Burkitt lymphoma, T-cell lymphoma; multiple myeloma,
dysproteinemias, monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS);
myelofibrosis; myelodysplastic syndrome, myelodysplasias; other immunoproliferative
neoplasms (eg, Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia)
Anemia, cytopenias, and polycythemia anemias
decreased production: anemia of chronic disease
hemolysis: glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency; pyruvate kinase deficiency
disorders of hemoglobin, heme, or membrane: disorders of red cell membranes;
hereditary spherocytosis, elliptocytosis; methemoglobinemia, congenital; sickle
cell disease; sideroblastic anemia; thalassemias
other causes of anemia: blood loss, acute and chronic as a cause of anemia
cytopenias: aplastic anemia; leukopenia; neutropenia, cyclic neutropenia,
agranulocytosis; pancytopenia; thrombocytopenia, quantitative; immune
thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
cythemias: leukocytosis; polycythemia vera; secondary polycythemia
Coagulation disorders (hypocoagulable and hypercoagulable conditions)
hypocoagulable: disseminated intravascular coagulation; hemophilia, congenital
factor VIII [hemophilia A] and IX [hemophilia B]; hypofibrinogenemia; von
Willebrand disease; platelet dysfunction, qualitative
hypercoagulable: heparin-induced thrombocytopenia; other coagulopathies (eg,
homocysteinemia, hypoplasminogenemia, antithrombin III, protein C/protein S
deficiency, Factor V Leiden, anticardiolipin antibodies, lupus anticoagulant,
prothrombin G20210A mutation)
reactions to blood components: ABO incompatibility/anaphylaxis; Rh
incompatibility/anaphylaxis; hemolysis, delayed; transfusion reaction; transfusion
contaminated with bacteria; transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI);
anaphylactoid reaction (IgA deficiency)
Traumatic, mechanical, and vascular disorders: mechanical injury to erythrocytes (eg, cardiac
valve hemolysis); disorders of the spleen; splenic rupture/laceration; splenic infarct;
splenic abscess; effects/complications of splenectomy (eg, sepsis due to encapsulated
bacteria); hypersplenism
Adverse effects of drugs on the hematologic and lymphoreticular systems: antiplatelet drugs,
antithrombin drugs (eg, dabigatran); chemotherapeutic agents; inhibitors of coagulation
factors; methemoglobinemia, acquired; propylthiouracil; tumor lysis syndrome; warfarin
Behavioral Health
Normal Processes
Psychodynamic and behavioral factors, related past experience (eg, transference,
personality traits)
Adaptive behavioral responses to stress and illness (eg, coping mechanisms)
Maladaptive behavioral responses to stress and illness (eg, drug-seeking behavior, sleep
Patient adherence: general adherence; adolescent adherence
Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis,
Management, Risks, Prognosis
Psychotic disorders: brief psychotic disorder; delusional disorder; psychotic disorder due to
another medical condition; schizophrenia; schizoaffective disorder; substance-induced
psychotic disorder
Anxiety disorders: acute stress disorder; anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety disorder,
anxiety due to another medical condition, social phobia); hyperventilation syndrome;
obsessive-compulsive disorder; panic disorder with and without agoraphobia; phobic
disorders; post-traumatic stress disorder; separation anxiety disorder; substance-induced
anxiety disorder, trichotillomania
Mood disorders: major depressive disorder with and without psychotic features, with and
without seasonal pattern; major depressive disorder, postpartum, with and without
psychotic features, including screening; cyclothymic disorder; persistent depressive
disorder (dysthymia); bipolar disorder, manic/depressed/mixed; premenstrual dysphoric
disorder; bipolar and related disorder or depressive disorder due to another medical
condition; substance/medication-induced bipolar and related disorder or depressive
disorder (illegal or prescribed); suicidal ideation/attempt
Somatoform disorders: body dysmorphic disorder; conversion disorder, including psychogenic
seizures; dissociative disorders; illness anxiety disorder (hypochondriasis); malingering;
pain disorder; somatic symptom disorder
Factitious disorders: factitious disorder imposed on self
Eating disorders and impulse control disorders: anorexia nervosa; binge-eating disorder;
bulimia nervosa; eating disorder; disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders (eg,
gambling, kleptomania, pyromania)
Disorders originating in infancy/childhood: reactive attachment disorder; attention-
deficit/hyperactivity disorder; speech sound disorder or language disorder; learning
disorder/dyslexia; intellectual developmental disorder and developmental delay,
undefined, including school problems, fetal alcohol syndrome; oppositional defiant
disorder, conduct disorder; autism spectrum disorder, Rett syndrome; psychoses with
origin specific to childhood; elimination disorders (incontinence, encopresis); tic
disorders/Tourette disorder
Personality disorders: antisocial personality disorder; avoidant personality disorder;
borderline personality disorder; dependent personality disorder; histrionic personality
disorder; narcissistic personality disorder; obsessive-compulsive personality disorder;
paranoid personality disorder; schizoid personality disorder
Psychosocial disorders/behaviors: adjustment disorder; grief response/bereavement, normal
and persistent complex; parent-child relational problems other than physical or emotional
abuse; other psychosocial stress
Sexual and gender identity disorders: gender dysphoria; psychosexual dysfunction
Substance use disorders: alcohol use disorder/intoxication/dependence/withdrawal;
tobacco/nicotine use disorder/dependence/withdrawal; varenicline use; cannabis use
disorder/intoxication/dependence; hallucinogen use
disorder/intoxication/dependence/withdrawal; inhalant use
disorder/intoxication/dependence/withdrawal; opioid, heroin, including prescription drug,
use disorder/intoxication/dependence/withdrawal; sedative, hypnotic, including
benzodiazepine and barbiturate use disorder/intoxication/dependence/withdrawal;
stimulant, cocaine, methamphetamine use
disorder/intoxication/dependence/withdrawal; other drugs of use disorders (eg, ecstasy,
PCP, bath salts)/intoxication/dependence/withdrawal; polysubstance use
Nervous System & Special Senses
Normal Processes
Embryonic development, fetal maturation, and perinatal changes, including neural tube
derivatives, cerebral ventricles, and neural crest derivatives
Organ structure and function
spinal cord
gross anatomy and blood supply
spinal reflexes
brain stem (eg, cranial nerves and nuclei, reticular formation, anatomy and blood
supply, control of eye movements)
gross anatomy and blood supply
higher function: cognition, language, memory, executive function
hypothalamic function
limbic system and emotional behavior
circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder
sensory systems
general sensory modalities, including sharp, dull, temperature, vibratory, and
special sensory modalities, including vision, hearing, taste, olfaction, and balance
motor systems
brain and spinal cord (upper motoneuron)
basal ganglia and cerebellum
autonomic nervous system
peripheral nerves
Cell/tissue structure and function, including neuronal cellular and molecular
axonal transport
excitable properties of neurons, axons, and dendrites, including channels
synthesis, storage, release, reuptake, and degradation of neurotransmitters and
presynaptic and postsynaptic receptor interactions, trophic and growth factors
brain metabolism
glia, myelin
brain homeostasis: blood-brain barrier, cerebrospinal fluid formation and flow,
choroid plexus
Repair, regeneration, and changes associated with stage of life
Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening,
Diagnosis, Management, Risks, Prognosis
Infectious, immunologic, and inflammatory disorders
infectious disorders: meningitis: bacterial (Actinomyces israelii; Haemophilus influenzae;
Listeria monocytogenes; Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Neisseria meningitidis;
Staphylococcus aureus, epidermidis; Streptococcus agalactiae; Streptococcus
pneumoniae); viral (adenovirus, arboviruses, echovirus and coxsackie A & B viruses,
polioviruses, herpes simplex virus, varicella zoster, human immunodeficiency virus,
lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, measles virus, mumps virus, St. Louis encephalitis
virus, California encephalitis virus, Western equine encephalitis virus); fungal
(Blastomycosis dermatitidis, Cryptococcus neoformans/gattii); spirochetal (Borrelia
burgdorferi; Leptospira; Treponema pallidum, including neurosyphilis);
protozoal/helminths (Acanthamoeba, Naegleria fowleri, Strongyloides stercoralis,
Angiostrongylus cantonensis, Baylisascaris procyonis); encephalitis (herpesvirus [HSV-
I], varicella-zoster virus, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, mumps virus,
enterovirus, West Nile virus, St. Louis encephalitis virus, rabies virus, Eastern and
Western equine encephalitis virus, poliovirus, Taenia, Toxoplasma gondii); prion
disease (eg, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease); botulism (Clostridium botulinum), tetanus
(Clostridium tetani); CNS disorders associated with AIDS (eg, progressive multifocal
immunologic and inflammatory disorders: myasthenia gravis, including thymoma;
multiple sclerosis; transverse myelitis
Neoplasms (cerebral, spinal, and peripheral): benign (meningioma, neurofibromatosis);
malignant (glioblastoma multiforme, astrocytoma, medulloblastoma, primary CNS
lymphoma); metastatic (eg, breast, lung, pancreatic, testicular, melanoma)
Cerebrovascular disease: arteriovenous malformations, ectatic cerebral vessels; transient
ischemic attack; stroke, thrombotic: cerebral artery occlusion/cerebral infarction;
stroke, embolic: cerebral embolism; stroke: intracerebral hemorrhage, including
subarachnoid hemorrhage, traumatic intracranial hemorrhage; cerebral artery
aneurysm; carotid artery stenosis/atherosclerosis/occlusion/dissection; vertebral artery
deficiency/dissection; subclavian steal syndrome; vascular dementia; hypertensive
encephalopathy; posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome; venous sinus
Disorders relating to the spine, spinal cord, and spinal nerve roots: cauda equina syndrome;
spinal artery thrombosis/embolus/infarct; spinal cord compression; spinal cord
transection, paraplegia and quadriplegia, acute and chronic effects (eg, autonomic
dysreflexia); spinal stenosis (cervical, lumbar); syringomyelia
Cranial and peripheral nerve disorders
cranial nerve injury/disorders: cranial nerve injury; Bell palsy; anisocoria, miosis,
mydriasis; internuclear ophthalmoplegia; nystagmus and other irregular eye
movements; vestibular neuritis, labyrinthitis; ptosis of the eyelid; Horner syndrome
peripheral nerve/plexus injury/disorders: peripheral nerve injury, including brachial
plexus; carpal/cubital/tarsal/peroneal tunnel syndrome; mononeuritis, Guillain-Barré
syndrome; Miller Fisher syndrome; neuropathy (eg, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease);
herpes zoster
Neurologic pain syndromes: complex regional pain syndrome (reflex sympathetic
dystrophy, causalgia); fibromyalgia; postherpetic neuralgia; phantom limb
pain/syndrome; thalamic pain syndrome; trigeminal neuralgia
Degenerative disorders/amnestic syndromes: Alzheimer disease; frontotemporal
dementia, including progressive supranuclear palsy, Lewy body disease; mild
neurocognitive disorder, mild cognitive impairment
Global cerebral dysfunction: altered states of consciousness; delirium; coma/brain death
Neuromuscular disorders: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/spinal muscular atrophy; muscular
dystrophy (eg, Duchenne, myotonic); muscle channelopathies (eg, hypokalemic period
Movement disorders: acute dystonia; adult tic disease; essential tremor; Huntington
disease; Parkinson disease, including Parkinson dementia
Metabolic disorders: adrenoleukodystrophy; metabolic encephalopathy
Paroxysmal disorders: headache, including migraine, mixed, tension, ice-pick, cluster,
medication withdrawal, caffeine withdrawal; seizure disorders, including generalized
tonic-clonic, partial, absence, febrile
Sleep disorders: cataplexy and narcolepsy; circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder;
insomnia, primary; sleep terror disorder and sleepwalking; REM sleep behavior
disorder; restless legs syndrome
Traumatic and mechanical disorders and disorders of increased intracranial pressure:
anoxic brain damage, cerebral hypoxia; epidural, subdural hematoma (cerebral and
spinal); intraparenchymal hemorrhage, traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage; cerebral
edema; pseudotumor cerebri (idiopathic intracranial hypertension); torticollis/cervical
dystonia; hydrocephalus, including normal-pressure; traumatic brain injury
(concussion)/postconcussion syndrome (dementia pugilistica); traumatic brain syndrome
Congenital disorders: Friedreich ataxia; neural tube defects (eg, spina bifida,
holoprosencephaly, anencephaly); microcephaly; Sturge-Weber syndrome; tuberous
sclerosis, von Hippel-Lindau disease; hydrocephalus, obstructive (Arnold-Chiari)
Adverse effects of drugs on the nervous system: acute dystonic reaction; drug-induced
meningitis (eg, NSAIDs, sulfa drugs); drug-induced neuropathy (eg, vincristine,
isoniazid, metronidazole); extrapyramidal adverse effects (eg, akathisia, dystonia,
drug-induced parkinsonism); neuroleptic malignant syndrome; poisoning by
psychotropic agents, including antidepressants; serotonin syndrome; tardive
Disorders of the eye and eyelid
infectious and inflammatory disorders of the eye: blepharitis/eyelid inflammation;
chalazion; chorioretinitis; conjunctivitis (adenovirus)/keratoconjunctivitis;
dacryocystitis; endophthalmitis; hordeolum; iridocyclitis; optic neuritis; periorbital
cellulitis; uveitis
neoplasms of the eye: melanoma; retinoblastoma
disorders of the eye and eyelid, structural: cataract; glaucoma; lacrimal system
disorders; pterygium; refractive disorders (presbyopia, myopia, hyperopia,
disorders of the pupil, iris, muscles (extraocular): amblyopia; strabismus
disorders of the retina: hypertensive retinopathy; macular degeneration; papilledema;
retinal detachment; retinitis pigmentosa; vascular disorders affecting the retina,
including central retinal artery embolus, retinal hemorrhage, amaurosis fugax,
embolus, carotid artery stenosis, central retinal vein occlusion; visual
impairment/blindness, night blindness
traumatic and mechanical disorders: black eye; burn of the eye and adnexa; corneal
abrasion, ulcer; dislocated lens; foreign body in eye; hyphema; injury to optic nerve
and pathways; laceration of the eye and eyelid; ocular open wounds; orbital
fracture; subconjunctival hemorrhage
adverse effects of drugs on the eyes: ethambutol; hydroxychloroquine; prednisone
Disorders of the ear
infectious and inflammatory disorders of the ear: chondritis; mastoiditis; otitis,
externa, media, interna, serous, suppurative, malignant otitis externa
neoplasms: acoustic neuroma, neurofibromatosis type 2; cholesteatoma
hearing loss/deafness: hearing loss, including noise-induced; otosclerosis; tinnitus
disorders of balance and spatial orientation: Ménière disease; motion sickness; vertigo,
including benign positional vertigo
traumatic and mechanical disorders: barotrauma; foreign body in ear; impacted
cerumen; laceration, avulsion; perforation of tympanic membrane; eustachian
tube disorders
adverse effects of drugs on the ear: antineoplastic agents, including cisplatin;
aminoglycosides; furosemide; salicylates
Skin & Subcutaneous Tissue
Normal Processes
Embryonic development, fetal maturation, and neonatal changes
Organ structure and function, including barrier function, thermal regulation
Cell/tissue structure and function, eccrine function
Repair, regeneration, and changes associated with stage of life (eg, senile purpura, male
pattern baldness, postmenopausal hair changes)
Skin defense mechanisms and normal flora
Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis,
Management, Risks, Prognosis
Infectious, immunologic, and inflammatory disorders
infectious disorders and infestations
bacterial: cellulitis, erysipelas, impetigo, staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome;
abscess, cutaneous, including septic abscess; anthrax (Bacillus anthracis);
carbuncle; folliculitis; pilonidal cyst, infected; pyoderma gangrenosum; MSSA
and MRSA skin infections; mycobacterial infections (eg, leprosy, draining
sinus); scarlet fever (group A Streptococcus)
viral: herpes simplex type 1 & type 2, herpes zoster, Ramsay-Hunt syndrome;
molluscum contagiosum; hand-foot-and-mouth disease; herpangina;
parvovirus; chickenpox, erythema infectiosum (fifth disease), rubella, measles,
roseola (exanthema subitum); verrucae vulgaris
fungal (deep and superficial): candidiasis, skin; dermatophytosis, tinea corporis;
dermatomycoses; diaper rash; onychomycosis
parasitic: cutaneous larva migrans; cutaneous leishmaniasis
infestations, nonvenomous bites, stings: scabies; lice; insect bites, including bed
immunologic and inflammatory disorders
papulosquamous and eczematous dermatoses: psoriasis; lichen planus and
lichenoid dermatoses; allergic/irritant contact dermatitis (eg, nickel);
dermatoses caused by plants (poison ivy, poison oak)
vesiculobullous disorders: epidermolysis bullosa; dermatitis herpetiformis;
pemphigus; pemphigoid
urticaria, erythema, exanthema, and purpura: erythema nodosum; atopic
dermatitis; pityriasis rosea; urticaria; Stevens-Johnson syndrome, erythema
multiforme, toxic epidermal necrolysis
autoimmune disorders: vitiligo
benign neoplasms, cysts and other skin lesions: actinic keratoses; cysts, including
epidermal; hemangiomas; lipoma; pigmented nevi; seborrheic keratosis;
malignant neoplasms: basal cell carcinoma; squamous cell carcinoma; melanoma,
including genital; Kaposi sarcoma; cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, mycosis fungoides
Integumentary disorders (hair and hair follicles, nails, sweat glands, sebaceous glands,
oral mucous membranes)
disorders of the hair and hair follicles: alopecia; seborrhea capitis/seborrheic dermatitis;
tinea barbae and capitis
disorders of the nails (including ingrowing nail)
disorders of sweat and sebaceous glands: acne vulgaris; hidradenitis suppurativa;
hyperhidrosis; ichthyosis; rosacea
Oral disease: aphthous ulcers (stomatitis, canker sores); leukoplakia
Disorders of pigmentation: albinism; lentigo
Traumatic and mechanical disorders: animal bites (dogs, cats, etc); burns or wounds affecting
the skin or subcutaneous tissue (eg, sunburn, other including blast injuries and burns);
cauliflower ear; effects of ultraviolet light; keloids; tattoo; thermal injury, perniosis,
frostbite; ulcers, decubitus
Congenital disorders: xeroderma pigmentosum; benign lesions in neonates, infants,
children (eg, congenital nevi)
Adverse effects of drugs on skin and subcutaneous tissue: drug reactions, eruptions,
including local reaction to vaccine
Musculoskeletal System
Normal processes
Embryonic development, fetal maturation, and perinatal changes
Organ structure and function
Cell/tissue structure and function
biology of bones, joints, tendons, skeletal muscle, cartilage
exercise and physical conditioning/deconditioning
Repair, regeneration, and changes associated with stage of life
Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis,
Management, Risks, Prognosis
Infectious, inflammatory, and immunologic disorders
infectious disorders: gangrene, dry and wet, clostridial myonecrosis (Clostridium
perfringens); discitis; myositis, infective; necrotizing fasciitis; osteomyelitis; septic
arthritis; spondylitis, tuberculous
immunologic disorders: ankylosing spondylitis; dermatomyositis/polymyositis;
juvenile idiopathic arthritis; rheumatoid arthritis, Felty syndrome; psoriatic
inflammatory disorders: adhesive capsulitis of shoulder (frozen shoulder syndrome);
ankylosis/spondylopathy (inflammatory); bursitis; fasciitis; osteochondritis,
osteochondritis dissecans; tendinitis, supraspinatus syndrome, enthesopathy of spine,
elbow, ankle; temporomandibular joint disorders; fibrositis, myofascial pain
syndrome; synovitis; tenosynovitis; myositis
Neoplasms: benign neoplasms (e.g., ganglion cyst); malignant neoplasms of bone (eg,
osteosarcoma, sarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, rhabdosarcoma); metastases to bone,
secondary malignant neoplasm of bone
Degenerative and metabolic disorders
degenerative/metabolic disorders of bone, tendon, and cartilage: chondromalacia; disc
degeneration, herniated disc; Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease; Osgood-Schlatter disease;
osteodystrophy; osteomalacia; osteonecrosis (avascular), bone infarct; osteoporosis;
osteopenia; osteitis deformans (Paget disease of bone); pathologic fracture;
radiculopathies; spondylolisthesis/spondylosis (degenerative)
degenerative/metabolic disorders of joints: gout, gouty arthritis, pseudogout; joint
effusion; osteoarthritis
degenerative/metabolic disorders of muscles, ligaments, fascia: Dupuytren contracture;
muscle calcification and ossification; muscle wasting and diffuse atrophy;
Traumatic and mechanical disorders: amputation and care of amputees; backache, including
low back pain; blast injuries; compartment syndrome; contractures, hospital-acquired;
contusions; dislocations; fractures; sprains, strains; kyphoscoliosis, scoliosis; rotator cuff
syndrome; slipped capital femoral epiphysis; dislocation of hip
Congenital disorders: achondroplasia/dwarfism; disorders of limb development (HOX gene
mutation, phocomelia); developmental dysplasia of the hip; dislocation of hip in
infantile spinal muscular atrophy; genu valgum or varum; foot deformities (flat foot,
valgus/varus deformities); osteogenesis imperfecta; McArdle disease; mitochondrial
Adverse effects of drugs on the musculoskeletal system: drug-induced myopathy (eg,
steroids, statins, cocaine, AZT); malignant hyperthermia
Cardiovascular System
Normal Processes
Embryonic development, fetal maturation, and perinatal transitional changes
Organ structure and function
chambers, valves
cardiac cycle, mechanics, heart sounds, cardiac conduction
hemodynamics, including blood volume and systemic vascular resistance
circulation in specific vascular beds, including pulmonary and coronary
Cell/tissue structure and function
heart muscle, metabolism, oxygen consumption, biochemistry, and secretory function
(eg, atrial natriuretic peptide)
endothelium and secretory function, vascular smooth muscle, microcirculation, and
lymph flow
neural and hormonal regulation of the heart, blood vessels, and blood volume,
including responses to change in posture, exercise, and tissue metabolism, and
autonomic responses
Repair, regeneration, and changes associated with stage of life
Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis,
Management, Risks, Prognosis
Infectious, immunologic, and inflammatory disorders
infectious disorders: bacterial endocarditis, myocarditis
immunologic and inflammatory disorders: atherosclerosis (eg, atherosclerosis of the
Neoplasms: myxoma, metastases
Dysrhythmias: premature beats (PACs, PVCs); atrial flutter/fibrillation; multifocal atrial
tachycardia; paroxysmal tachycardias; ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation; wide complex
tachycardia; torsades de pointes; bradycardias; atrioventricular block (first-, second-,
third-degree); conduction disorder (LBBB, RBBB); cardiac arrest; sick sinus syndrome;
prolonged QT syndrome; Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome; carotid sinus hypersensitivity;
pacemaker dysfunction, including failure to sense, capture
Heart failure: chordae tendineae rupture; congestive heart failure; cor pulmonale; diastolic
dysfunction; systolic dysfunction; mitral valve dysfunction; heart failure secondary to
myocardial infarction; high-output heart failure, including thyrotoxicosis-induced,
anemia-induced; tachycardia-induced; cardiogenic pulmonary edema
Ischemic heart disease: acute coronary syndrome, acute myocardial infarction; angina
pectoris, stable and unstable/coronary artery disease/coronary insufficiency;
coronary artery spasm
Diseases of the myocardium: cardiomyopathy, dilated, including alcoholic, viral, takotsubo;
cardiomyopathy, obstructive hypertrophic; cardiomyopathy, familial dilated;
cardiomyopathy, restrictive; hypertensive heart disease, left ventricular hypertrophy,
right ventricular hypertrophy; complications of myocardial infarction; nontraumatic
tamponade post-myocardial infarction; papillary muscle rupture/dysfunction; ventricular
free wall rupture; myocarditis
Diseases of the pericardium: chronic constrictive pericarditis; pericardial effusion; pericardial
tamponade; acute pericarditis; pericarditis, following myocardial infarction, surgery,
Valvular heart disease: valve disorders, mitral/aortic/tricuspid, pulmonic (eg,
regurgitation, stenosis, prolapse, insufficiency, vegetation); functional murmurs;
rheumatic heart disease; complications of artificial valves
Hypotension: orthostatic hypotension
Hypertension: elevated blood pressure reading without diagnosis of hypertension; essential
hypertension; malignant hypertension; secondary hypertension
Dyslipidemia: hypercholesterolemia; hyperlipidemia; hypertriglyceridemia;
lipoproteins/lipoprotein lipase deficiency
Vascular disorders
disorders of the great vessels: aneurysm, aortic (abdominal/thoracic), dissection,
ruptured; aneurysm, iliac, other peripheral vascular, ruptured; aortoiliac disease
peripheral arterial vascular disease: arterial embolus/thrombosis; arteriovenous
fistula; atheroembolic disease; claudication; cholesterol emboli; hypertensive
vascular disease; peripheral arterial disease; thromboangiitis obliterans
diseases of the veins: deep venous thrombosis, venous thromboembolism;
phlebitis/thrombophlebitis; varicose veins; venous insufficiency; stasis ulcers,
stasis dermatitis
Traumatic and mechanical disorders: ventricular puncture; myocardial contusion;
myocardial rupture; traumatic aortic dissection; traumatic tamponade
Congenital disorders, including disease in adults: anomalous left coronary artery; atrial
septal defect; coarctation of the aorta; endocardial cushion defect; patent foramen
ovale; patent ductus arteriosus; tetralogy of Fallot; transposition of the great vessels;
ventricular septal defect
Adverse effects of drugs on the cardiovascular system: adriamycin; cocaine, amphetamine,
PCP; ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, alpha blockers, minoxidil
Respiratory System
Normal Processes
Embryonic development, fetal maturation, and perinatal changes
Organ structure and function
airways, including mechanics and regulation of breathing
lung parenchyma, including ventilation, perfusion, gas exchange
nasopharynx, sinuses
Cell/tissue structure and function, including surfactant formation, and alveolar structure
Repair, regeneration, and changes associated with stage of life
Pulmonary defense mechanisms and normal flora
Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis,
Management, Risks, Prognosis
Infectious, immunologic, and inflammatory disorders
infectious, immunologic, and inflammatory disorders of the upper airways: acute
upper respiratory infection; viral infections (adenovirus, coronaviruses,
coxsackievirus, influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, rhinoviruses); sinusitis;
nasopharyngitis; epiglottitis; Bordetella pertussis pneumonia; croup; acute
laryngitis; acute laryngotracheitis; tracheitis; pharyngitis; streptococcal throat
infections; tonsillitis; peritonsillar abscess; rhinitis, allergic, chronic; ulcers of nasal
infectious, immunologic, and inflammatory disorders of the lower airways: hospital-
acquired pneumonia; ventilator-associated pneumonia, community-acquired
pneumonia, acute bronchiolitis; bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia
(BOOP); anthrax, pulmonary (Bacillus anthracis); aspiration pneumonia, pneumonitis;
bronchitis, acute; bronchopneumonia; pneumonia (Burkholderia pseudomallei,
Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Coxiella burnetii, Francisella tularensis, Haemophilus
influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Legionella, Moraxella catarrhalis, Mycoplasma
pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus, MSSA, MRSA, other
gram‐negative bacteria); viral infection (eg, influenza A, B, adenovirus, H1N1,
respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus); fungal infection (aspergillosis, including
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and aspergilloma, histoplasmosis,
coccidioidomycosis, Pneumocystis jirovecii); pulmonary tuberculosis; lung abscess;
viral infection (eg, influenza A, B, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus,
parainfluenza virus, avian influenza virus); fungal infection (aspergillosis, including
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and aspergilloma, histoplasmosis,
coccidioidomycosis, Pneumocystis jirovecii)
benign neoplasms: upper airways (eg, vocal cord polyps, nasal polyps, juvenile
papillomatosis); lungs and pleura (eg, solitary pulmonary nodule, bronchial
carcinoid tumors)
malignant neoplasms
upper airways: lip, oral cavity, and pharynx; head and neck cancer; larynx;
lower airways and pleura: malignant neoplasms of bronchus and/or lung (squamous
cell, adenocarcinoma, large cell, small cell); malignant neoplasms of pleura
(mesothelioma); secondary malignant neoplasms of lung; secondary malignant
neoplasms of pleura
metastatic neoplasms including pleural
Obstructive airway disease: asthma, reactive airway disease; bronchiectasis; chronic airway
obstruction; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis,
Pneumoconiosis/fibrosing/restrictive pulmonary disorders/interstitial lung disease:
pneumoconiosis; asbestosis; silicosis; silo-filler's lung, byssinosis, bagassosis,
berylliosis; hypersensitivity pneumonitis; hypereosinophilic syndromes, Loeffler
syndrome; interstitial pneumonia, usual (UIP), desquamative (DIP), nonspecific
Respiratory failure/respiratory arrest and pulmonary vascular disorders: acute respiratory
distress syndrome (ARDS); pulmonary hypertension; pulmonary vascular disorders,
arteriovenous fistula; pulmonary edema, pulmonary cause and unspecified; pulmonary
embolism; air and fat embolism; respiratory failure due to enteral feeding
Metabolic, regulatory, and structural disorders: disorders of gas exchange; hypoventilation;
hypoxia; pulmonary alveolar proteinosis; ventilation-perfusion imbalance
Disorders of the pleura, mediastinum, and chest wall: chylothorax; costochondritis;
empyema; hemothorax; mediastinitis; pleural effusion; pleuritis;
pneumomediastinum; pneumothorax
Traumatic and mechanical disorders
upper airways: epistaxis; barotrauma, sinus; laryngeal/pharyngeal obstruction;
tracheoesophageal fistula; tracheal stenosis; tracheomalacia; trauma (eg, tracheal
injury); foreign body (nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea); traumatic/mechanical
disorders of the nasal cavity/sinuses (eg, septal perforation)
lower airways and pleura: atelectasis; diaphragm/chest wall injury; drowning and near-
drowning; foreign body, upper and lower respiratory tract; penetrating chest wounds;
pulmonary contusion; sleep apnea, obstructive and central; hypoventilation
syndrome, obesity-hypoventilation syndrome
Congenital disorders: bronchogenic cysts; congenital cysts; congenital diaphragmatic
hernia; pulmonary sequestration; immotile cilia syndrome
Adverse effects of drugs on the respiratory system: bleomycin, amiodarone; adverse
effects of 100% oxygen; acute effects of tobacco/nicotine, inhalants, cocaine
Gastrointestinal System
Normal Processes
Embryonic development, fetal maturation, and perinatal changes
Organ structure and function
anatomy of the alimentary canal, including mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small
intestine, large intestine, anus, peritoneal cavity
liver and biliary system, including enterohepatic circulation
salivary glands and exocrine pancreas
gastrointestinal motility, including defecation digestion and absorption
Cell/tissue structure and function
endocrine and neural regulatory functions, including GI hormones (eg, gastrin)
salivary, gastrointestinal, pancreatic, hepatic secretory products, including enzymes,
proteins, bile salts, and processes
synthetic and metabolic functions of hepatocytes
Repair, regeneration, and changes associated with stage of life
Gastrointestinal defense mechanisms and normal flora
Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis,
Management, Risks, Prognosis
Infectious, immunologic, and inflammatory disorders
infectious disorders
bacterial: pseudomembranous colitis (Clostridium difficile); enteritis/enteric
(includes gastroenteritis) (eg, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Listeria
monocytogenes, Yersinia enterocolitica, Campylobacter species, Vibrio cholerae,
Salmonella species, Shigella species, traveler's/infectious diarrhea); hepatic
abscess, subhepatic abscess, subphrenic abscess; peritonitis, primary and
secondary; Whipple disease
viral: infectious esophagitis (eg, CMV, herpes); hepatitis A, B, C, D, E; coxsackievirus
enteritis/colitis; Echovirus enteritis/colitis; rotavirus enteritis; mumps;
gingivostomatitis, herpetic
fungal: thrush
parasitic: Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia, Isospora belli,
Strongyloides stercoralis
immunologic and inflammatory disorders: autoimmune hepatitis; celiac disease;
eosinophilic esophagitis; granulomatous enteritis; inflammatory bowel disease,
including Crohn disease, regional enteritis, microscopic colitis (collagenous and
lymphocytic colitis), ulcerative colitis, toxic megacolon
benign neoplasms, including polyps, cysts: stomach; small intestine; colon, rectum, and
anus, including polyps
malignant neoplasms and pre-malignant conditions: oral cancer (eg, lips, mouth, tongue,
salivary glands); esophageal, squamous and adenocarcinoma; Barrett esophagus;
gastrinoma, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome; gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors;
gastrointestinal stromal tumors; small intestine; stomach, adenocarcinoma,
lymphoma, MALT; colon, rectum, anus; hereditary colon cancer syndromes, familial
adenomatous polyposis (eg, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, Gardner syndrome, Turcot
syndrome, ); MUTYH-associated polyposis; gallbladder, cholangiocarcinoma,
adenocarcinoma of the ampulla of Vater; liver, including hepatoma; peritoneal
cancer, including metastatic studding with cancer; pancreas
metastatic neoplasms
Signs, symptoms, and ill-defined disorders: upper gastrointestinal bleeding; lower
gastrointestinal bleeding; constipation; diarrhea; hematochezia; bright red rectal
bleeding; melena; nausea, vomiting, rumination
Disorders of the oral cavity, salivary glands, and esophagus
oral cavity and salivary glands: abscessed tooth; dental caries; malocclusion;
disorders of the salivary glands (eg, stones, sialadenitis, parotitis)
esophagus: achalasia and cardiospasm; dysphagia; diverticulum (eg, Zenker);
esophageal periapical abscess without sinus; esophagitis/esophageal reflux
(GERD); esophagitis, pill; Mallory-Weiss syndrome; paraesophageal (hiatal) hernia;
stricture and stenosis of esophagus
Disorders of the stomach, small intestine, colon, rectum, anus
stomach: dyspepsia/hyperacidity; gastric ulcer; gastritis; peptic ulcer; peptic ulcer
perforation; gastroparesis
small intestine, colon: appendicitis; angiodysplasia; diverticula, diverticulitis,
diverticulosis; duodenitis, duodenal ulcer, peptic ulcer; gastroenteritis and colitis
(noninfectious); granulomatous enterocolitis; Hirschsprung disease; impaction of
intestine; intestinal obstruction/stricture; intussusception; irritable colon/irritable
bowel syndrome; mesenteric ischemia/ischemic bowel/ischemic colitis; necrotizing
enterocolitis; paralytic ileus; volvulus; malnutrition and malabsorption, including
lactose intolerance, short bowel syndrome
rectum and anus: abscess of anal and rectal regions; anal fissure; anal fistula; ulcer;
fecal incontinence; hemorrhage (rectum, anus); proctitis; hemorrhoids; rectal
Disorders of the liver and biliary system, noninfectious
liver: cirrhosis; Dubin-Johnson, Rotor syndromes; end-stage liver disease, including
indications for transplantation; Gilbert syndrome, Crigler-Najjar syndrome; hepatic
coma/hepatic encephalopathy; hepatitis, noninfectious; hepatitis, fatty liver,
alcoholic; hepatorenal syndrome; hepatopulmonary syndrome; jaundice; non-
fatty liver disease; portal hypertension/esophageal varices
biliary system: bile duct obstruction/cholestasis; cholangitis, including ascending;
choledocholithiasis; cholelithiasis/cholecystitis; cholestasis due to parenteral
nutrition; gallstone ileus; Mirizzi syndrome; primary biliary cirrhosis; primary
sclerosing cholangitis
Disorders of the pancreas: pancreatitis, acute; pancreatitis, chronic; pancreatitis,
hereditary; pancreatic cyst/pseudocyst; pancreatic duct obstruction; pancreatic
Disorders of the peritoneal cavity: ascites
Traumatic and mechanical disorders: abdominal wall defects; adhesions, postsurgical;
digestive system complications of surgery; post-gastric surgery syndromes (eg, blind loop
syndrome, adhesions); duodenal tear; foreign body in digestive system; inguinal, femoral,
and abdominal wall hernias; open wound, abdominal; perforation of hollow viscus and
blunt trauma; perforation/rupture of esophagus (Boerhaave syndrome); umbilical hernia
Congenital disorders: annular pancreas, biliary atresia, cleft lip and palate, esophageal
atresia, malrotation without volvulus, Meckel diverticulum, pyloric stenosis,
tracheoesophageal fistula
Adverse effects of drugs on the gastrointestinal system: drug-induced changes in motility
(chronic laxative abuse, opioids); drug-induced gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer disease
(NSAIDs); drug-induced hepatitis (eg, acetaminophen, isoniazid); drug-induced
pancreatitis (eg, thiazide diuretics)
Renal & Urinary System
Normal Processes
Embryonic development, fetal maturation, and perinatal changes
Organ structure and function
kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra
glomerular filtration and hemodynamics
urine concentration and dilution
renal mechanisms in acid-base balance
renal mechanisms in body fluid homeostasis
Cell/tissue structure and function
renal metabolism and oxygen consumption
tubular reabsorption and secretion, including transport processes and proteins
hormones produced by or acting on the kidney (eg, renin, aldosterone, angiotensin II,
Repair, regeneration, and changes associated with stage of life
Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis,
Management, Risks, Prognosis
Infectious, immunologic, and inflammatory disorders
infectious disorders
upper urinary tract: granulomatous pyelonephritis; perinephric abscess;
pyelonephritis; pyonephrosis; renal abscess; renal tuberculosis
lower urinary tract and urinary tract infections of unspecified location: cystitis;
chlamydial and nonchlamydial
immunologic and inflammatory disorders
upper urinary tract
glomerular disorders: Alport syndrome; glomerular disease due to hepatitis
B, C; glomerulonephritis, including poststreptococcal; IgA nephropathy;
lupus nephritis; minimal change disease; nephrotic syndrome; thin
basement membrane disease
tubular interstitial disease: acute tubular necrosis (ATN); acute
interstitial nephritis; papillary necrosis; HIV nephropathy
lower urinary tract: interstitial cystitis
benign neoplasms and cysts: polycystic kidney disease
malignant neoplasms: renal (eg, Wilms tumor/nephroblastoma, renal cell carcinoma,
renal tumors associated with congenital/hereditary conditions); urinary bladder and
collecting system
Signs, symptoms, and ill-defined disorders: dysuria; hematuria; oliguria, anuria; proteinuria
Metabolic and regulatory disorders: acute kidney injury; renal insufficiency; azotemia,
uremic syndrome; chronic kidney disease, including end-stage renal disease;
cystinuria; Fanconi syndrome; hypertensive renal disease (renal complications of
hypertension); renal calculi, ureteral calculi, nephrolithiasis; renal tubular acidosis
Vascular disorders: renal artery stenosis (atherosclerosis, fibromuscular dysplasia,
nephrosclerosis); renal vein thrombosis; renal infarction
Traumatic and mechanical disorders: bladder rupture; neurogenic bladder; obstructive
uropathy; posterior urethral valves; renal laceration; renal vascular injury; ureteral
laceration/avulsion/disruption; urethral diverticulum; obstruction/stricture/prolapse,
urethral/ureteral, vaginal walls, uterine, uterovaginal; urinary incontinence, including
secondary enuresis; vesicoureteral reflux
Congenital disorders: double ureters/ureteral duplication/double collecting system;
horseshoe kidney; hydronephrosis/reflux; renal agenesis, renal hypoplasia, renal
dysplasia; single kidney
Adverse effects of drugs on the renal and urinary system: ACE inhibitors; aminoglycosides;
amphotericin B; cisplatin; furosemide; gadolinium (nephrogenic systemic fibrosis);
heroin; iodinated contrast dye; lithium; NSAIDs; penicillins; sulfa drugs; tenofovir; drug -
induced urinary retention
Pregnancy, Childbirth, & the Puerperium
Normal Processes
Organ structure and function: pregnancy, including fertilization, implantation, development
of embryo, labor and delivery, the puerperium, lactation, gestational uterus, placenta
Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis,
Management, Risks, Prognosis
Prenatal care
preconception counseling and care: folate deficiency prevention; immunizations;
nutritional assessment, including vitamins; Rh screening
prenatal risk assessment/prevention: adolescent pregnancy; antepartum fetal
evaluation, including biophysical profile; genetic screening; α-fetoprotein; diabetes
mellitus; neural tube defects; Rh isoimmunization
supervision of normal pregnancy: assessment of gestational age; iron deficiency
prevention; nutrition, including weight management; surveillance, including
ultrasonography and assessment of fetal growth; vitamin deficiency prevention;
infections, maternal, fetal, newborn (focus on prevention and screening):
cytomegalovirus, coxsackievirus, hepatitis B virus, herpes simplex viruses, HIV,
influenza virus, parvovirus B19 virus, rubella virus, varicella-zoster virus, Chlamydia
trachomatis, Treponema pallidum, Streptococcus agalactiae, Toxoplasma gondii,
amnionitis; asymptomatic urinary tract infection
Obstetric complications: abortion, induced, septic, missed, spontaneous, threatened; acute
fatty liver of pregnancy; anemia of pregnancy, sickle cell disease, thalassemia in
pregnancy; antepartum hemorrhage, including third-trimester bleeding; cardiomyopathy
of pregnancy; cervical insufficiency, cervical shortening; cholestasis of pregnancy,
intrahepatic; congenital abnormalities, maternal (eg, bicornuate uterus); ectopic
pregnancy; fetal abnormality affecting management of mother (eg, hydrocephalus, spina
bifida); fetal growth restriction; gestational diabetes; maternal mortality; multiple
gestation; placental abnormalities (abruptio placentae, placenta previa, premature
separation of placenta); polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios; preeclampsia, eclampsia,
HELLP syndrome, gestational hypertension; prolonged pregnancy; Rh isoimmunization
affecting management of mother; vomiting in pregnancy (morning sickness, hyperemesis
gravidarum); trauma in pregnancy; infections complicating pregnancy
Labor and delivery: labor and delivery, uncomplicated; labor and delivery, complicated,
including shoulder dystocia; cesarean delivery, including complications; cord
compression, cord prolapse; fetal malpresentations (eg, breech/external cephalic);
intrapartum fetal evaluation, including fetal heart tones; intrapartum prophylaxis (eg,
HIV, Chlamydia, gonococcal prophylaxis); premature rupture of membranes; preterm
(before 37 weeks' gestation) and postdates labor and delivery; threatened preterm labor
Puerperium, including complications: lactation problems; breast-feeding problems; lochia;
postpartum cardiomyopathy; postpartum blues; postpartum hemorrhage; postpartum
sepsis; retained placenta, products of conception (eg, placenta accreta); uterine atony
Newborn (birth to 4 weeks of age)
normal newborn
examination of liveborn at admission to hospital
screening, newborn
disorders of the newborn: screening, newborn; ABO incompatibility in newborn;
hemolytic disease due to Rh incompatibility; birth asphyxia syndrome (liveborn
neonate); birth trauma (eg, cord compression, brachial palsy, lacerations); drug
withdrawal syndrome in newborn; feeding problems in newborn; fetal growth and
development abnormalities, including fetal growth restriction; gastrointestinal
obstruction; hypocalcemia of newborn; infections, congenital or peripartum
(cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex viruses, HIV, hepatitis B, rubella virus, parvovirus
B19 virus, varicella zoster virus, Chlamydia trachomatis, Streptococcus agalactiae,
Treponema pallidum, Toxoplasma gondii); intrapartum fetal distress/death
including stillborn; jaundice, fetal/neonatal/perinatal; laryngomalacia; macrosomia
(large for gestational age); meconium aspiration syndrome; neonatal acne; neonatal
Candida infection (thrush); neonatal hypoglycemia; neonatal conjunctivitis and
dacryocystitis; ophthalmic gonorrhea; phenylketonuria; premature infant; post-
term infant; pseudomembranous colitis of infancy; respiratory distress syndrome
(hyaline membrane disease); respiratory problems after birth (eg,
bronchopulmonary dysplasia, tracheomalacia; tracheoesophageal fistula in
neonates); retinitis of prematurity; seizures in newborn; sudden infant death
(SIDS), apparent life-threatening event
(ALTE); tetanus neonatorum
Congenital disorders, neonatal: congenital malformations and anomalies; neonatal
Adverse effects of drugs on pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium: alcohol, tobacco,
and other drugs (ATOD); prenatal radiation exposure; teratology (eg, ACE inhibitors,
SSRIs, warfarin, infections, toxins)
Systemic disorders affecting pregnancy, labor and delivery, and puerperium:
appendicitis; asthma; carpal tunnel syndrome in pregnancy; cirrhosis; deep venous
thrombosis (DVT); diabetes mellitus; heart failure, valvular heart disease;hypertension;
myasthenia gravis; obesity; pancreatitis; psychiatric disorders; renal calculus/calculi;
renal failure/renal disease, including SLE; seizure disorders; thyroid disorders,
hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism
Female Reproductive System & Breast
Normal Processes
Embryonic development, fetal maturation, and perinatal changes, gametogenesis
Organ structure and function
female structure, including breast
female function (eg, ovulation, menstrual cycle, puberty)
intercourse, sexual response
Cell/tissue structure and function: hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, sex steroids,
and gestational hormones
Reproductive system defense mechanisms and normal flora
Repair, regeneration, and changes associated with stage of life
Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis,
Management, Risks, Prognosis
infectious, immunologic, and inflammatory disorders: breast abscess; inflammatory
disease of breast, fat necrosis; mastitis; nipple discharge
benign and undefined neoplasms: breast cyst, solitary; fibrocystic changes;
fibroadenoma; hypertrophy of breast; intraductal papilloma
malignant neoplasms (including screening): breast cancer; intraductal carcinoma;
Paget disease of breast; phyllodes tumors
Female reproductive system
infectious, immunologic, and inflammatory disorders: bacterial vaginosis; Bartholin gland
abscess; cellulitis, pelvic; candidiasis of the vulva or vagina; lichen sclerosus; sexually
transmitted infections and exposure; cervicitis and endocervicitis; chancroid
(Haemophilus ducreyi); genital herpes; gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae); human
papillomavirus infection, genital/venereal/anal warts, condylomata acuminata;
lymphogranuloma venereum (Chlamydia trachomatis), non-lymphogranuloma
venereum; pelvic inflammatory disease; Fitz-HughCurtis syndrome; salpingitis and
oophoritis; syphilis (Treponema pallidum); trichomoniasis (Trichomonas vaginalis);
urethritis; vaginitis; vulvovaginitis
Neoplasms of the cervix, ovary, uterus, vagina, and vulva
benign neoplasms and cysts: abnormal Pap smear; benign neoplasm of ovary;
endocervical and endometrial polyps; leiomyomata uteri; ovarian cyst
malignant and precancerous neoplasms: cervical cancer; HPV causing cancer; cervical
dysplasia, HPV causing dysplasia; endometrial hyperplasia; endometrial/uterine
cancer; gestational trophoblastic disease (hydatidiform mole); ovarian cancer;
vulvar dysplasia and cancer
Fertility and infertility: assisted reproductive techniques (ART); contraception (eg, oral
contraceptives, IUD, vaginal cap, cervical sponge, diaphragm, implant, morning-after
pill, male and female condoms); female infertility; gonadal dysgenesis 45,X (Turner
syndrome); sterilization; tubal factors; infertility
Menopause: ovarian failure, premature menopause; perimenopause; premenopausal
menorrhagia; postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis (vaginal atrophy); postmenopausal
bleeding; vasomotor symptoms
Menstrual and endocrine disorders: abnormal uterine bleeding, including
perimenopausal; absence of menstruation (primary amenorrhea, secondary
amenorrhea including undiagnosed pregnancy); anovulation; dysmenorrhea;
endometriosis; hirsutism, virilization; mittelschmerz; pelvic pain; polycystic ovarian
syndrome; postcoital bleeding; premenstrual syndrome
Sexual dysfunction: dyspareunia; orgasmic dysfunction; sexual desire/arousal
syndrome; vaginismus
Traumatic and mechanical disorders: Asherman syndrome; chronic inversion of uterus;
chronic pelvic pain syndrome; cystocele; imperforate hymen; injuries, wounds, and burns
affecting the female reproductive system and injuries, wounds, burns, and blast injuries;
ovarian torsion; pelvic relaxation; rectocele; urethrocele
Congenital disorders: müllerian agenesis; uterus didelphys, bicornuate uterus; short cervix
Adverse effects of drugs on the female reproductive system and breast: antihistamines,
H2-receptor blockers; benzodiazepines; beta-adrenergic blockers; hormone
replacement; opioids; spironolactone; selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors;
tricyclic antidepressants
Male Reproductive System
Normal Processes
Embryonic development, fetal maturation, and neonatal changes, gametogenesis
Organ structure and function
structure, male genitalia and prostate
function, male genitalia and prostate (eg, spermatogenesis, puberty)
intercourse, orgasm, erection
Cell/tissue structure and function, including hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, sex
steroids, and gestational hormones
Reproductive system defense mechanisms and normal flora
Repair, regeneration, and changes associated with stage of life
Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis,
Management, Risks, Prognosis
Infectious, immunologic, and inflammatory disorders
infectious disorders: balanitis; epididymitis; orchitis; prostatitis; sexually transmitted
infections and exposure; chancroid (Haemophilus ducreyi); genital herpes; gonorrhea
(Neisseria gonorrhoeae); human papillomavirus infection, genital/venereal/anal
warts, condylomata acuminata; lymphogranuloma venereum (Chlamydia
trachomatis); syphilis (Treponema pallidum); trichomoniasis (Trichomonas vaginalis);
urethritis, chlamydial and nonchlamydial, nongonococcal
immunologic and inflammatory disorders: autoimmune hypogonadism
Neoplasms: malignant neoplasms, penile, prostate, testicular, breast
Metabolic and regulatory disorders, including sexual dysfunction: erectile dysfunction,
impotence; infertility, male factor; male sexual dysfunction; premature ejaculation
Traumatic and mechanical disorders: benign prostatic hyperplasia/hypertrophy; circumcision,
including complications; epididymal cyst; hydrocele; injuries, wounds, and burns to male
genitalia, including blast injuries; penile laceration, penile fracture, Peyronie disease;
phimosis; scrotal laceration; spermatocele; testicular rupture/avulsion/laceration; torsion
of testis; urethral laceration/disruption; varicocele
Congenital disorders of the male reproductive system: hypospadias; Klinefelter syndrome;
undescended testicle
Adverse effects of drugs on the male reproductive system: alcohol; androgens, testosterone;
antipsychotics, antidepressants including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; beta-
adrenergic blockers; diuretic including thiazides; drug-induced priapism (eg, trazodone);
finasteride, dutasteride; sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil; marijuana; nitric oxide reductase
Endocrine System
Normal Processes
Embryonic development, fetal maturation, and perinatal changes
Organ structure and function
hypothalamus, posterior and anterior pituitary gland
thyroid gland
parathyroid gland
adrenal cortex, adrenal medulla
pancreatic islets
ovary and testis
adipose tissue
Cell/tissue/structure and function, including hormone synthesis, secretion, action,
peptide hormones
steroid hormones, including vitamin D
thyroid hormones
catecholamine hormones
renin-angiotensin system
Repair, regeneration, and changes associated with stage of life
Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis,
Management, Risks, Prognosis
Diabetes mellitus and other disorders of the endocrine pancreas
diabetes mellitus: diabetes mellitus, type 1; diabetes mellitus, type 1.5; diabetes mellitus,
type 2; diabetes mellitus, acute complications: hyperosmolar coma, hypoglycemic shock,
ketoacidosis, including cerebral edema, associated electrolyte abnormalities; diabetes
mellitus, chronic complications: gastrointestinal/gastroparesis, neurologic/neuropathy,
ophthalmologic/retinopathy, peripheral vascular, renal/nephropathy, metabolic
hypoglycemia and islet cell disorders: hypoglycemia (secondary to insulinoma,
surreptitious insulin use, sepsis, liver failure); hyperglycemia (secondary to
glucagonoma); hyperinsulinism; islet cell
tumors/insulinoma/somatostatinoma; pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
Thyroid disorders: cyst, nodule; euthyroid sick syndrome; goiter (euthyroid-normal thyroid
function with goiter); hypothyroidism; hyperthyroidism, including thyrotoxicosis and
thyroid storm; thyroiditis, including Hashimoto; Graves disease; neoplasms (benign cysts
and nodules, thyroid cancer including papillary, follicular, medullary, and anaplastic);
thyroid deficiency from pituitary disorder; infertility due to thyroid disease; secondary
hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism
Parathyroid disorders: hyperparathyroidism; hypoparathyroidism; metabolic bone disease
Adrenal disorders: corticoadrenal insufficiency (Addison disease); adrenal insufficiency,
secondary; hypocortisolism; Cushing syndrome; hyperaldosteronism; neoplasms,
benign and malignant (adrenal neuroblastoma, pheochromocytoma, adrenal
carcinoma, adrenal adenoma, aldosteronoma, adrenal incidentaloma); delayed and
precocious puberty; hypertensive endocrine disease
Pituitary disorders: acromegaly/gigantism; diabetes insipidus; galactorrhea not associated
with childbirth; panhypopituitarism from any cause; pituitary apoplexy (eg, Sheehan
syndrome); growth hormone deficiency; short stature; SIADH (inappropriate secretion of
ADH [vasopressin]); neoplasm, benign and malignant (pituitary adenomas,
craniopharyngioma, metastatic disease); prolactinoma and hyperprolactinemia, including
infertility due to these disorders; hypogonadism, primary and secondary
Hypothalamic endocrine disorders
Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN1, MEN2)
Congenital disorders: disorders of sexual differentiation; congenital adrenal hyperplasia;
androgen insensitivity/resistance syndrome; congenital hypothyroidism
Adverse effects of drugs on the endocrine system: drug, medicinal, and biologic substance
effects; exogenous steroid suppression of adrenal glands, anabolic steroids
Multisystem Processes & Disorders
Normal Processes
Principles of nutrition
generation, expenditure, and storage of energy at the whole-body level
functions of nutrients (eg, essential, trans-fatty acids, cholesterol)
Electrolyte and water metabolism
electrolyte metabolism (calcium, potassium, phosphorus)
water metabolism
Intracellular accumulations (eg, pigments, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals,
inclusions, vacuoles, lysosomal/glycogen storage disease and structures related to
storage diseases, glycogen phosphorylase deficiency, Zellweger syndrome)
Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis,
Management, Risks, Prognosis
Infectious, immunologic, and inflammatory disorders
infectious disorders
bacterial: brucellosis (Brucella spp); leptospirosis (Leptospira interrogans); Lyme disease
(Borrelia burgdorferi); melioidosis (Burkholderia pseudomallei); miliary
(disseminated) tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis); tularemia (Francisella
tularensis); toxic shock syndrome; Q fever (Coxiella burnetii); anaplasmosis and
ehrlichiosis (Anaplasma and Ehrlichia species); rickettsiosis (Rocky Mountain
spotted fever [Rickettsia rickettsii])
viral: infectious mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus); cytomegalovirus infection; yellow
fever; human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8)
fungal: blastomycosis (Blastomyces dermatitidis); candidiasis (Candida albicans);
coccidioidomycosis (Coccidioides immitis/posadasii); histoplasmosis (Histoplasma
parasitic: schistosomiasis (Schistosoma); leishmaniasis (Leishmania spp), visceral (kala-
azar); trypanosomiasis/Chagas disease, acute and chronic (Trypanosoma)
immunologic and inflammatory disorders: acute rheumatic fever; autoimmune
arteritis/vasculitis; Behçet syndrome; Churg-Strauss syndrome; eosinophilic
granuloma, histiocytosis, Langerhans cell histiocytosis; Goodpasture syndrome;
Henoch-Schönlein purpura; Kawasaki disease; mixed connective tissue disease;
polyangiitis; polyarteritis nodosa; polyglandular autoimmune syndrome, type 1;
polymyalgia rheumatica, temporal arteritis; Raynaud disease/Raynaud syndrome;
reactive arthritis, formerly Reiter disease, including Reiter arthritis; scleroderma
(systemic sclerosis); Sjögren syndrome; systemic lupus erythematosus; Takayasu
arteritis; granulomatosis with polyangiitis (formerly Wegener granulomatosis);
familial Mediterranean fever; sarcoidosis, Lofgren syndrome
Neoplasms and related disorders
paraneoplastic syndromes: endocrine (eg, SIADH, Cushing syndrome, hypercalcemia of
malignancy [parathyroid‐related protein and paraneoplastic syndrome with
hypercalcemia]); hematologic (polycythemia, nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis);
neurologic (myasthenic syndrome, paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration, limbic
encephalitis, pure sensory neuropathy, anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis);
mucocutaneous (eg, acanthosis nigricans); musculoskeletal (eg, pulmonary
osteoarthropathy, polymyositis); other (membranous glomerulonephritis)
inherited cancer syndromes: DNA repair abnormalities (eg, Fanconi anemia); Lynch
syndrome (gastrointestinal and female reproductive)
Signs, symptoms, and ill-defined disorders: arthralgias; abdominal pain; chest pain; cough;
dizziness, light-headedness, syncope, including breath-holding spells with syncope;
dyspnea, shortness of breath; edema, anasarca; fatigue; fever of unknown origin;
hemoptysis; pain management (in a nonaddiction, nonpalliative-care setting); joint pain;
lymphedema; palpitations; pruritus; unexpected weight gain/weight loss
protein-calorie malnutrition (kwashiorkor, marasmus)
vitamin deficiencies and/or toxicities: vitamin A; vitamin B; vitamin B1, thiamine (eg,
Wernicke- Korsakoff syndrome, beriberi); vitamin B3, niacin; vitamin B6, pyridoxine;
vitamin B9, folic acid; vitamin B12, cobalamins (pernicious anemia); vitamin C
(scurvy); vitamin D (rickets); vitamin E; vitamin K
mineral deficiencies and/or toxicities
enteral/parenteral nutrition (TPN)
Toxins and environmental extremes
physical and associated disorders
temperature (eg, hypothermia, hyperthermia, heat stroke)
radiation (eg, radon, uranium mining, imaging studies)
thermal injury, burns, electrocution, lightning
decreased atmospheric pressure, high-altitude sickness
increased water pressure (nitrogen narcosis)
chemical including Gulf War illness
gases, vapors, smoke inhalation
agricultural hazards (eg, pesticides, green tobacco poisoning, anhydrous ammonia,
Agent Orange)
volatile organic solvents
metals (eg, lead)
other chemical agents (eg, ethylene glycol, carbon tetrachloride, methanol; BPA)
principles of poisoning and therapy (eg, acetylsalicylic acid [ASA], acetaminophen)
Venomous bites and stings: hymenoptera bites and stings; scorpion bites; snake bites; spider
bites; jellyfish stings
Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance disorders
fluid volume and electrolyte/ion disorders: fluid volume disorders; dehydration;
hypovolemia; volume overload; electrolyte disorders; hyponatremia, hypernatremia;
hypokalemia, hyperkalemia; hypocalcemia, hypercalcemia; hypophosphatemia,
hyperphosphatemia; hypomagnesemia
acid-base disorders: metabolic acidosis; metabolic alkalosis; respiratory acidosis;
respiratory alkalosis; mixed acid-base disturbances
child, nonaccidental trauma/inflicted head trauma/factitious disorder by proxy
intimate partner abuse, sexual, emotional, and physical including injuries (eg, rib
fractures) related to abuse
elder abuse, sexual, emotional, and physical including injuries (eg, rib fractures)
related to abuse
sexual assault
Multiple trauma (eg, prioritization, blast injury involving more than one organ system)
Shock, cardiogenic, hypovolemic, neurogenic, septic, sepsis, bacteremia, systemic
inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), refractory, multiorgan dysfunction
syndrome: meningococcemia
Genetic metabolic and developmental disorders
multifactorial: VATER syndrome, association syndromes
large genomic changes: Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome; Down syndrome; Prader-
Willi syndrome
enzymatic/metabolic: alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency; porphyria; inborn errors of
metabolism (eg, maple syrup urine disease, diseases involving urea cycle); storage
diseases (eg, Fabry disease, Tay-Sachs disease, glycogen storage disease,
structural protein disorders: amyloidosis; Ehlers-Danlos syndrome; immotile cilia
syndrome (Kartagener syndrome; primary ciliary dyskinesia); Marfan syndrome
intracellular/extracellular transport receptors: cystic fibrosis; hemochromatosis; Wilson
triplet repeat/RNA disorders: fragile X syndrome
Adverse effects of drugs on multisystem disorders: drug-induced electrolyte abnormalities
and acid base-disorders (eg, albuterol; prednisone; diuretics; alcohol; drugs inducing
polydipsia, SIADH, or diabetes insipidus)
Biostatistics, Epidemiology/Population Health, & Interpretation of the Medical
Epidemiology/population health
Measures of disease frequency: incidence/prevalence
Measures of health status: rates, crude and adjusted; reproductive rates (eg, maternal
mortality, neonatal/infant/under-5 mortality); mortality, morbidity; standardization; life
expectancy, health-adjusted life expectancy; population attributable risk (PAR),
population attributable risk percent (PAR%); risk factors
Survival analysis interpretation (eg, Kaplan-Meier curve)
Composite health status indicators, measures of population impact: years of potential life
lost; quality-adjusted life years; disability-adjusted life years; standardized mortality ratio
Population pyramids and impact of demographic changes
Disease surveillance and outbreak investigation: disease reporting; response to public
health advisory, health promotion; recognition of clusters
Communicable disease transmission: attack rate; herd immunity; reportable diseases
Points of intervention: primary, secondary; community level (eg, cigarette taxes, soda taxes,
smoke-free cities, buildings: restaurants, public buildings); school policies; access,
healthy food, transportation, clean air, safe environments
Study design, types and selection of studies (includes dependent/independent
Descriptive studies (case report [one person]/case series [more than one])
Analytical studies: observational: community surveys; cross-sectional (individuals);
ecological (populations); case control; retrospective and prospective cohort
Analytical studies: interventional: clinical trial (randomized controlled trial; double-blind;
placebo-controlled; noninferiority/equivalence trials); community intervention
Systematic reviews and meta-analysis: potential uses; estimation of effect sizes;
heterogeneity; publication bias; forest plots, funnel diagrams; risk of bias, bias risk scale
Obtaining and describing samples: matching, inclusion/exclusion criteria, selecting
appropriate controls for studies, lack of controls, concealed allocation,
randomization, stratification
Methods to handle noncompliance: loss to follow-up; intention-to-treat analysis
Qualitative analysis
Measures of association
Relative risk
Odds ratio, hazard ratio
Other measures of association: number needed to treat/harm; absolute risk (AR), absolute
risk percent (AR%); population attributable risk (PAR), population attributable risk
percent (PAR%)
Distributions of data: measures of central tendency; measures of variability; regression to
mean; normal distribution; nominal measurement
Correlation and regression, uses and interpretation: correlation coefficients;
multiple regression
Principles of testing and screening
Properties of a screening test: validity, accuracy, reliability; criteria for a screening test;
confirmatory testing; appropriateness; lead-time bias, length bias; screening vs
diagnostic tests
Sensitivity and specificity; predictive value, positive and negative
ROC curves
Probability: theory (independence, product, addition rules); decision trees; likelihood ratios
(application of Bayes theorem); posttest, pretest
Study interpretation, drawing conclusions from data
Causation: hypothesis-generating vs hypothesis-driven testing; causal criteria, temporality,
temporal sequence, dose-response relationship; reverse causality
null hypothesis, Type I error and alpha level (multiple comparisons, random
sample size and Type II error, beta, power
selection and interpretation of basic tests of statistical significance: chi-square;
confidence intervals; p-values; t-test
a priori vs. post hoc analysis: subgroup analysis; error rate; affect types
Interpretation of graphs/tables and text
Bias, confounding, and threats to validity (includes methods to address)
selection, sampling bias
information bias: recall; ascertainment, ecologic fallacy, lack of blinding; loss to follow up
confounding variables, Hawthorne effect (includes methods to address)
other threats to validity (eg, placebo effect)
Internal vs. external validity: generalizability (external validity); efficacy vs effectiveness
Statistical vs. clinical significance; clinical and surrogate outcome/end point
Clinical decision making, interpretation and use of evidence-based data and
recommendations: application of study results to patient care and practice, including
patient preferences and individualization of risk profiles; risk/benefit analysis; synthesis of
concepts with real data
Research ethics
Informed consent for research
Privacy of patient data (HIPAA)
Roles of institutional review boards (IRBs)
Intervention analysis: intervention analysis; stopping analysis; safety monitoring
Regulatory issues: drug development, phases of approval; appropriateness of placebo;
appropriateness of randomized clinical trial; components of studies; ethics; scheduling;
off-label use
Other issues related to research ethics
Social Sciences
Communication and interpersonal skills, including health literacy and numeracy, cultural
Patient interviewing, consultation, and interactions with the family (patient-
centered communication skills)
fostering the relationship (eg, expressing interest)
information gathering (eg, exploring patient's reaction to illness)
information provision (eg, providing information about working diagnosis)
making decisions (eg, eliciting patient's perspectives)
supporting emotions (eg, effective discussion with difficult patients)
enabling patient behaviors (eg, education and counseling)
Use of an interpreter or surrogate
Medical ethics and jurisprudence, include issues related to death and dying and
palliative care
Consent/informed consent to treatment, permission to treat (full disclosure, risks and
benefits, placebos, alternative therapies, conflict of interest, and vulnerable
Determination of medical decision-making capacity/informed refusal
Involuntary admission
Legal issues related to abuse (child, elder, and intimate partner)
child protective services, foster care, immunizations
legal requirements for reporting abuse or neglect/obligation to warn
Birth-related issues
Death and dying and palliative care
life support
advance directive, health care proxy, advance care planning
euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide
brain death/diagnosing brain death/diagnosing death
pronouncing death
organ donation
pain management, including ethical issues related to death and dying
information sharing, counseling families
psychosocial and spiritual counseling, fear and loneliness
Physician-patient relationship (boundaries, confidentiality including HIPAA, privacy, truth-
telling, other principles of medical ethics, eg, autonomy, justice, beneficence)
Impaired physician, including duty to report impaired physician
Negligence/malpractice, including duty to report negligence and malpractice
Physician misconduct, including duty to report physician misconduct
Cultural issues not otherwise coded
Systems-based practice (including health systems, public health, community, schools)
and patient safety (including basic concepts and terminology)
Complexity/systems thinking
Characteristics of a complex system and factors leading to complexity: how complexity
leads to error
Health care/organizational behavior and culture: environmental factors, workplace
design and process; staffing; overcommitment, space, people, time, scheduling;
standardization, reducing variance, simplification, metrics; safety culture; integration
of care across settings; overutilization of resources (imaging studies, antibiotics,
opioids); economic factors
Quality improvement
Improvement science principles
Variation and standardization: variation in process, practice; checklists, guidelines, and
clinical pathways
Specific models of quality improvement: model for improvement: plan-do-study-act
(PDSA), plan-do-check-act (PDCA)
Quality measurement
Structure, process, outcome, and balancing measures
Measurement tools: run and control charts
Development and application of system and individual quality measures: core
measures; physician quality report system (PQRS); event reporting system
Strategies to improve quality
Role of leadership
Principles of change management in quality improvement: specific strategies
Attributes of high-quality health care
High-value/cost-conscious care: overutilization of resources, including diagnostic
testing, medications
Equitable care: access
Patient-centered care
Timely care
Patient Safety
Patient safety principles
Epidemiology of medical error
Error categorization/definition: active vs latent errors; Swiss cheese model of error;
preventable vs non-preventable; near miss events/safety hazards
Causes of error
Patient factors: understanding of medication use; health literacy; economic status;
cultural factors (eg, religion); failure to make appointments; socioeconomic status
Physician factors: deficiency of knowledge; judgment errors; diagnostic errors;
fatigue, sleep deprivation; bias cognitive, availability, heuristic, anchoring,
Human factors (eg, cognitive, physical, environmental)
High reliability of organization (HRO) principles: change management and
improvement science; conceptual models of improvement
Reporting and monitoring for errors: event reporting systems
Communication with patients after adverse events (disclosure/transparency)
Specific types of error
Transitions of care errors (eg, handoff communication including shift-to-shift, transfer,
and discharge): handoffs and related communication; discontinuities; gaps; discharge;
Medication errors
Ordering, transcribing, dispensing, administration (wrong quantity, wrong route,
wrong drug)
Medication reconciliation
Mathematical error
Procedural errors
Universal protocol (time out); wrong patient; wrong site; wrong procedure
Retained foreign bodies
Injury to structures: paracentesis; bowel perforation; thoracentesis; pneumothorax;
central venous/arterial line injuries; arterial puncture and bleeding and venous
thrombosis; lumbar puncture bleeding; paralysis
Other errors: anesthesia-related errors; mathematical errors
Health care-associated infections: nosocomial infection eg, surgical site, ventilator
associated, catheter-related; handwashing procedures or inadequate number of
handwashing stations; central line-associated blood stream infections; surgical site
infections; catheter-associated urinary tract infections; ventilator-associated
Documentation errors: electronic medical record (including voice-recognition software
errors); record keeping; incorrect documentation (eg, wrong patient, wrong date,
copying and pasting, pre-labeling)
Patient identification errors
Mislabeling: transfusion errors related to mislabeling
Verification/two identifiers: lack of dual validation, including verbal verification of
lab results
Diagnostic errors: errors in diagnostic studies; misinterpretation
Monitoring errors
Cardiac monitoring/telemetry
Drug monitoring (warfarin, antibiotics)
Device-related errors
programming error
incorrect use
Strategies to reduce error
Human factors engineering
Situational awareness
Hierarchy of effective interventions: forcing function; visual cues
Error analysis tools: error/near miss analysis; failure modes and effect analysis;
morbidity and mortality review; root cause analysis
Safety behavior and culture at the individual level: hierarchy of health care, flattening
hierarchy, speak up to power; afraid to report, fear; psychological safety; closed-loop
Teamwork: principles of highly effective teams; case management; physician teams,
physician-physician communication; interprofessional/intraprofessional teams;
strategies for communication among teams, including system-provider
communication, physician-physician communication (eg, consultations),
interprofessional communication, provider-patient communication
Health care policy and economics
Health care policy
Health care disparities: race/ethnicity; numeracy/literacy; socioeconomic status
Access to care: critical access systems or hospitals
Social justice
Health care economics/Health care financing
Types of insurance: Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, self-pay
Navigating the insurance system: deductibles/co-pays; in-/out-of-network; preferred
Reimbursement issues affecting safety and quality: emergency services EMTALA;