Baccalaureate Program
Pre-licensure Student Handbook
Welcome from the Director,
Congratulations on being accepted into the nursing major at Elmhurst University. The faculty and I
are so glad you will be joining us. You will find a very supportive and collegial environment as you
learn, grow, and prepare to join us in the profession of nursing!
As a nurse you will have the opportunity to use your knowledge and compassion as you serve others.
By serving in your role of professional nurse, you will have the ability to impact the health of patients,
families, and communities. The path to professional nurse will require hard work, dedication, and
application of the concepts from the liberal arts and science studies you have just completed. Your
education is preparing you to be a leader in the health care arena, and a partner with other health care
professions in providing care and improving health. You will be prepared to apply knowledge and
ethical standards to meet the mission of Elmhurst University in readiness to serve as a socially
responsible nurse.
I encourage you to use this handbook to become acquainted with academic and professional policies
within the Bachelor of Science program. The handbook will give you information on our student
organizations, academic support, and international experiences. When policy or procedure changes
occur, the handbook will be amended, and all students will be notified. It is your responsibility to
review the handbook as a way of preparing for academic life and facilitate your successful progression
toward graduation.
The transformational process to professional nursing demands and offers so much for you and your
future. Take advantage of every opportunity to develop your sense of inquiry about the profession and
the health care system you will soon enter. The faculty and I are here to work together with you on
this exciting journey towards professional nursing practice.
Best wishes for a successful and blessed academic year.
Sincerely yours,
Diane Salvador, PhD, RN
Professor, Executive Director
Department of Nursing and Health Sciences
Table of Contents
I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 6
Baccalaureate Nursing Options ............................................................................................ 6
Mission of the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences .............................................. 6
Goals of the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences ................................................. 6
Philosophy of the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences ........................................ 6
Pre-licensure Baccalaureate Program Outcomes................................................................ 6
Program Accreditation and Regulation ................................................................................ 7
Elmhurst University Standards ............................................................................................. 7
Academic Integrity.................................................................................................................. 7
Code of Conduct ..................................................................................................................... 7
Non-Discrimination/Non-Harassment Policy........................................................................ 7
Illinois Nurse Practice Act...................................................................................................... 7
Dismissal from the Pre-licensure Baccalaureate Program for Failure to Meet
Professional Standards .................................................................................................. 7
Essential Qualifications for Nursing Students in Elmhurst University in Baccalaureate,
Nursing Master’s Entry and Master of Science in Nursing Programs ....................... 8
Elmhurst University Civility Statement ................................................................................. 9
Statement of Reasonable Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities ..................... 10
Learning Center: Academic Support .................................................................................. 10
Access and Disability Services ........................................................................................... 10
III. PRE-LICENSURE BACCALUREATE CURRICULUM................................................ 10
Curricular Standards ............................................................................................................ 10
Program Requirements ........................................................................................................ 10
Recommended Curriculum Design ..................................................................................... 11
Elective Courses ................................................................................................................... 11
IV. ADMISSION, PROGRESSION AND APPEAL POLICIES .......................................... 11
Admission Policies ............................................................................................................... 11
Department of Nursing and Health Sciences Advising ..................................................... 11
Transfer Credit ...................................................................................................................... 11
Progression ........................................................................................................................... 12
Academic Standing .............................................................................................................. 13
Withdrawal ............................................................................................................................ 13
Leave of Absence ................................................................................................................. 13
Dismissal ............................................................................................................................... 13
Reinstatement following Dismissal ..................................................................................... 13
Grievance Process for Disputed Final Grade ..................................................................... 14
Grievance/Complaint Process ............................................................................................. 14
V. ACADEMIC RULES, POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ................................................ 14
Student Information .............................................................................................................. 14
Class and Clinical Attendance ............................................................................................ 14
Accidents, Illnesses or Health Changes ............................................................................. 15
Grading Scale........................................................................................................................ 15
Final grades........................................................................................................................... 15
Written Assignments ............................................................................................................ 15
Examinations ........................................................................................................................ 16
Test Administration Policy .................................................................................................. 16
Confidentiality ....................................................................................................................... 17
Photography and Electronic Recording Devices ............................................................... 17
Appearance/Dress Code ...................................................................................................... 17
Student Expectations and Improvement Policy (SEIP) ..................................................... 17
VI. COMMUNICATION ..................................................................................................... 18
Email ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Electronic Learning Platform ............................................................................................... 18
Social Media Policy .............................................................................................................. 18
Inclement Weather Policy .................................................................................................... 18
VII. HEALTH AND CLINICAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................. 18
Preparation for Clinical Experience Clinical Performance Evaluations ........................... 18
Health Requirements for Clinical Practice.......................................................................... 19
Clinical Policies .................................................................................................................... 20
Costs ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Health Insurance ................................................................................................................... 20
CPR Certification .................................................................................................................. 20
Policy on Drug Screen and Criminal Background Check ................................................. 20
Liability Insurance................................................................................................................. 20
Clinical Transportation ......................................................................................................... 21
Latex Policy ........................................................................................................................... 21
Injury and Accidental Exposure in Clinical Experiences ................................................... 21
....................................................... 21
Faculty Committee Representation ..................................................................................... 21
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing................................................. 21
Student Organizations ......................................................................................................... 21
Study Abroad for the Traditional BSN Program .................................................................. 22
Service ................................................................................................................................... 22
APPENDICES .................................................................................................................. 23
APPENDIX A: Pre-licensure Plan of Study ........................................................................ 24
APPENDIX B: Pre-licensure Admission Requirements..................................................... 25
APPENDIX C: Accelerated BSN Program Curriculum Map & Admission Requirements
........................................................................................................................................ 26
APPENDIX D: EU-DNHS Simulation Center Agreement ................................................... 27
APPENDIX E: Appearance/Dress Code ............................................................................... 28
APPENDIX F: Student Expectations and Improvement Plan ............................................ 29
APPENDIX G: Social Media Policy ...................................................................................... 31
APPENDIX H: Health Requirements ................................................................................... 34
APPENDIX I: Checklist of Health and Clinical Requirements .......................................... 35
UNDERSTANDING DOMESTIC CURRICULAR TRAVEL (copy) ................................. 36
APPENDIX K: Safe Student Reports New Occurrence Worksheet .................................. 37
APPENDIX L: Clinical Acknowledgement .......................................................................... 39
APPENDIX M: Endorsement for Membership for Sigma Theta Tau International Honor
Society of Nursing......................................................................................................... 41
APPENDIX N: Handbook Review Policy ............................................................................ 42
APPENDIX O: Preparation for Other State Licensure ....................................................... 43
Baccalaureate Nursing Options
There are three options for Baccalaureate Nursing: The traditional Pre-licensure Bachelor of
Science in Nursing (BSN) Nursing, the Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN), and
the RN-BSN option. This Student Handbook is for the traditional Pre-licensure Baccalaureate
Nursing students and for the Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN).
Mission of the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences
The Department of Nursing and Health Sciences prepares nurses for professional practice and
leadership to meet the needs of a diverse society.
Goals of the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences
Prepare graduates for professional nursing practice in generalist and advanced
nursing roles.
Develop a foundation for graduate and doctoral study in nursing.
Philosophy of the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences
The Elmhurst University Department of Nursing and Health Sciences educates students in
baccalaureate and master’s degree programs for ethical practice and leadership in professional
nursing. To accomplish this, the faculty and students are dedicated to creating an educational
environment that focuses on:
Integrating liberal and professional education;
Using collaborative and active learning strategies among faculty and students;
Demonstrating ethical professional nursing practice with diverse populations;
Providing leadership in healthcare systems that promote safe, quality, and cost-
effective patient and family-centered care;
Engaging in values-driven nursing practice that encompasses altruism, autonomy,
human dignity, integrity, social justice; and
Developing increasingly complex nursing practice competencies.
Pre-licensure Baccalaureate Program Outcomes
1. Integrate liberal education and a systems perspective to guide nursing practice.
2. Demonstrate leadership in multidisciplinary systems.
3. Use a scholarly approach for evidence-based practice.
4. Utilize informatics and technology to facilitate safe, quality care delivery.
5. Demonstrate knowledge of policy, finance and regulatory environments as influences on
the healthcare system.
6. Demonstrate effective communication in professional practice.
7. Apply clinical prevention and population-level intervention to optimize health status.
8. Adhere to professional values and standards for ethical practice.
9. Apply critical thinking skills in decision making and clinical judgment for optimal care
outcomes in generalist nursing practice.
Program Accreditation and Regulation
The (baccalaureate degree program in nursing at Elmhurst University is accredited by the
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC
20001, 202-887-6791. The program is approved by the Illinois Board of Nursing through the Illinois
Department of Financial and Professional Regulation.
Elmhurst University Standards
The Department of Nursing and Health Sciences follows the policies printed in the Elmhurst
University Catalog and Elmhurst University Handbook. Nursing students are subject to the
responsibilities for behavior outlined in the University’s Code of Conduct and will be subject to the
disciplinary procedures and consequences for violation of its rules, including dismissal from
Elmhurst University, as outlined in the Elmhurst University Handbook.
Academic Integrity
Refer to the Elmhurst University Handbook
Code of Conduct
Refer to the Elmhurst University Handbook
Non-Discrimination/Non-Harassment Policy
Refer to the Elmhurst University Handbook
Illinois Nurse Practice Act
Elmhurst University abides by the Rules and Regulations for the operation of schools of nursing as
specified by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation.
A copy of the Illinois Nurse Practice Act is on file in the Department of Nursing and Health
Sciences and is available online at the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional
Regulation Division of Professional Regulation website.
The Department of Nursing and Health Sciences subscribes to the standards set by the Illinois
Nurse Practice Act and other published professional nursing standards. Pre-licensure
baccalaureate nursing students are accountable for all standards and policies outlined in this
Student Handbook.
Nursing students who fail to comply with these professional behavioral standards may be subject
to dismissal from the nursing program.
Dismissal from the Pre-licensure Baccalaureate Program for Failure to Meet
Professional Standards
If a student is not able to meet the Pre-licensure Baccalaureate Program’s Professional Standards
or Essential Qualifications, the nursing student may be dismissed from the program. A student
may be dismissed from the program without an opportunity to remediate the area of concern if the
student’s failure to meet the expectations of the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences and
Pre- licensure Baccalaureate Program’s Professional Standards or Essential Qualifications
jeopardizes the safety or wellbeing of the student or others, including another student, faculty
member, patient(s), or the clinical agency.
Essential Qualifications for Nursing Students in Elmhurst University in Baccalaureate,
Nursing Master’s Entry and Master of Science in Nursing Programs
Adapted with permission from: University of Washington (2014) Essential behaviors for BSN and
ABSN students.
(Retrieved from https://students.nursing.uw.edu/policies/son-memoranda/memo-27-essential-qualifications-for-bsn-and-
absn-students/ )
Standards of behavior and academic conduct for all Elmhurst University students are set forth in
the Elmhurst University Handbook. Students in the Elmhurst University Nursing Programs are also
required to satisfactorily engage in diverse, complex and specific experiences essential to the
acquisition and practice of nursing at the baccalaureate and master’s levels.
Unique combinations of cognitive, affective, psychomotor, physical, and social abilities are
required to satisfactorily perform these functions. These qualifications are essential to successful
admission to programs, progression in programs, and graduation from programs. In addition, these
functions are necessary to ensure the health and safety of patients, fellow students, faculty and
other healthcare providers.
Not all forms of inappropriate behavior that would raise serious questions concerning a student
status as a professional nurse can be listed. However, students are expected to display respect,
trust, and integrity in the classroom, clinical and social environments. Essential qualifications for
the nursing programs at Elmhurst University include, but are not limited to:
Students must be able to acquire the information presented through demonstrations and
experiences in the basic and nursing sciences.
Students must be able to observe a patient accurately, at a distance and close at hand,
and observe and appreciate non-verbal communications when performing nursing
assessment and intervention or administering medications.
Students must be capable of perceiving the signs of disease and infection as manifested
through physical examination. Such information is derived from images of the body
surfaces, palpable changes in various organs and tissues, and auditory information
(patient voice, heart tones, bowel and lung sounds).
Motor Skills
Students should have sufficient motor function so that they are able to execute
movements required to provide general care and treatment to patients in all health care
Examples include, but are not limited to, basic life support, including CPR, and to
function in an emergency situation or safely assist in moving patients.
Students must communicate effectively and sensitively with other students, faculty, staff,
patients, families, and other professionals.
Students must express his or her ideas and feelings clearly and demonstrate a
willingness and ability to give and receive feedback.
Students must be able to convey or exchange information at a level allowing
development of a health history, identify problems presented, explain alternative
solutions, and give directions during treatment and post-treatment.
Students must be able to communicate effectively in oral and written forms.
Students must be able to process and communicate information on the patient's status
with accuracy in a timely manner to members of the health care team. The appropriate
communication may also rely on the student's ability to make a correct judgment in
seeking supervision and consultation in a timely manner.
Students must be able to measure, calculate, reason, analyze, integrate and synthesize
in the context of their curriculum.
Students must be able to quickly read and comprehend extensive written material.
Students must also be able to evaluate and apply information and engage in critical
thinking in the classroom and clinical setting.
Students must possess the emotional health required for the full utilization of their
intellectual abilities, the exercise of good judgment, the prompt completion of all
responsibility’s attendant to the diagnosis and care of patients, families and populations.
Students must be able to maintain mature, sensitive, and effective relationships with
patients, students, faculty, staff and other professionals under all circumstances
including highly stressful situations.
Students must have the emotional stability to function effectively under stress and to
adapt to an environment that may change rapidly without warning and/or in
unpredictable ways.
Students must be able to experience empathy for the situations and circumstances of
others and effectively communicate that empathy.
Students must know that their values, attitudes, beliefs, emotions, and experiences
affect their perceptions and relationships with others.
Students must be able and willing to examine and change their behavior when it
interferes with productive individual or team relationships.
Students must possess skills and experience necessary for effective and harmonious
relationships in diverse academic and working environments.
Professional Conduct
Students must possess the ability to reason morally and practice nursing in an ethical
Students must be willing to learn and abide by professional standards of nursing
Students must possess attributes that include compassion, empathy, altruism, integrity,
honesty, responsibility, and tolerance.
Students must be able to engage in patient care delivery in all settings and be able to
deliver care to all patient populations including but not limited to children, adolescents,
adults, developmentally disabled persons, medically compromised patients, and vulnerable
Elmhurst University Civility Statement
In the spirit of our mission, vision, and core values, the Elmhurst University community aspires to
co-create and maintain an environment of respect, integrity, courtesy, inclusivity, and human
decency. This invites rigorous and respectful debate in which individuals are encouraged to
participate in honest and open civil discourse. Honoring a tradition of social justice, Elmhurst
University fosters a diverse, positive, and inclusive culture where members change and grow as
they encounter new people and ideas.
Statement of Reasonable Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities
A candidate or nursing student who discloses a disability and requests accommodation may be
asked to provide documentation of his or her disability for the purpose of determining appropriate
accommodations, including modification to the program. The University will provide reasonable
accommodations but is not required to make modifications that would substantially alter the nature
of requirements of the program or provide auxiliary aids that present an undue burden to the
University. To matriculate or continue in the curriculum, the candidate must be able to perform all
the essential functions either with or without accommodation.
Learning Center: Academic Support
The Learning Center is the place to go for convenient, free access to academic support for all
Elmhurst University students. Each tutoring session is designed to help students with coursework
while at the same time modeling the strategies and processes needed for individual growth.
Additionally, assistance with study groups, learning strategies, academic reading, and special test
preparation (e.g., GRE) is available. To find out more, go to elmhurst.edu/LC.
To sign up for peer tutoring and workshops, go to My Tutoring, located on the portal. Students
coming to meet with Learning Center staff are required to make an appointment in advance via
For more information, contact Ms. Karina Rivera, Academic Enrichment Coordinator,
at karina.rivera@elmhurst.edu, or Dr. Tina Kazan, Assistant Dean for Academic Success,
at tkazan@elmhurst.edu.
Access and Disability Services
Elmhurst University is committed to creating an inclusive learning environment for its diverse
student population. If you experience or anticipate any barriers to learning, please notify the
instructor as soon as possible. If you are a student with a documented disability and would like
accommodations to participate fully in this class, contact Dr. Linda Harrell, ADS Coordinator,
at disability.services@elmhurst.edu. For more information, visit elmhurst.edu/ADS. If you
previously received accommodations, please remember that they must be renewed each term.
Curricular Standards
Nursing faculty in the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences are committed to using
professional nursing standards in the development, implementation, and evaluation of curricula.
Professional standards are also used by nursing faculty to promote and evaluate student learning.
In the Pre-licensure Baccalaureate Program, these professional standards include:
The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education (AACN, 2008)
Code of Ethics for Nurses (ANA,2015)
Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition (ANA, 2015)
The pre-licensure program provides a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Nursing.
Program Requirements
The nursing sequence consists of 17 required NRS courses for a total 59 semester hours that
incorporate didactic and clinical practice.
Recommended Curriculum Design
The Pre-licensure Baccalaureate nursing plan of study is taken in a sequential manner. Courses
are offered once a year. The recommended plans of study for both the traditional BSN and the
accelerated BSN (ABSN) are found in Appendix A and Appendix C respectively.
Elective Courses
A variety of elective courses are available to meet the needs and interests of nursing majors.
Nursing majors are encouraged to elect courses in other divisions of the University or to complete
a second major or minor in a related or complementary field. (Not applicable to the ABSN program)
Admission Policies
Traditional BSN
The admission requirements for pre-licensure baccalaureate students are established by the
Department of Nursing and Health Sciences. Admission to Elmhurst University does not guarantee
admission to the nursing program. Admission decisions are made by the Baccalaureate
Admission, Progression, and Retention Committee. Review of the candidates is based on
published admission requirements. The requirements are found in Appendix B. Admission to the
upper division nursing program is competitive.
Students may enter the traditional nursing program as freshman admissions or transfer students.
Students admitted to Elmhurst University as first-year students, i.e. freshmen, are
automatically admitted to the nursing program if they meet all admission criteria.
Transfer students apply separately to the nursing program.
Pre-Nursing Majors: Candidates interested in nursing are admitted to Elmhurst University as pre-
nursing majors. Acceptance into the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences as a nursing
major is based on successful achievement of prerequisites. A complete listing of the prerequisites
is found in Appendix B. Enrollment in classes is on a space-available basis.
Transfer Students: Transfer students must meet the same admission requirements for the nursing
major (see above and Appendix B).
Accelerated BSN
The ABSN program utilizes a rolling admission process. Eligible candidates are reviewed by the
program director and admitted according to Admissions and Progression committee admissions
criteria until all available seats are filled. Review of the candidates is based on published
admission requirements. The requirements are found in Appendix C.
Department of Nursing and Health Sciences Advising
Freshmen pre-nursing students will be assigned to a Department of Nursing and Health Sciences
faculty advisor at the start of the sophomore year. Transfer pre-nursing students will be assigned
to a Department of Nursing and Health Sciences faculty advisor at admission to the University.
ABSN students will be assigned to an ABSN advisor upon admission to the program. The advisor
also serves as a mentor for professional career planning.
Transfer Credit
Refer to the current Elmhurst University Catalog.
Failure to meet the progression standards will result in dismissal from the Department of Nursing
and Health Sciences. All of the following are required to progress in the traditional pre-licensure
baccalaureate program:
Meeting the Essential Qualifications for Nursing Students in Elmhurst University in Baccalaureate
A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8
A minimum grade of “C” in all nursing theory and clinical nursing courses (78%)
A minimum exam average of 78% in all clinical courses
An evaluation of pass (P) in all clinical sections of nursing courses
Resolution of an incomplete grade (I) per Department of Nursing and Health Sciences
and Elmhurst University policy
NCLEX- RN® Preparation Policy
As part of the preparation for the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses
(NCLEX-RN®), students are required to complete standardized examinations in the four
semesters of the nursing program. The purpose of this requirement is to assist students to
become successful first-time candidates on the licensing exam. The policy promotes assessment
and possible remediation of the student’s nursing knowledge prior to NCLEX- RN® testing after
During the junior/senior fall semester, the required Elsevier HESI Specialty examinations will
be completed (seniors: Pediatrics for NRS 316, Maternal for NRS 409; juniors: Fundamentals for
NRS 309) and scores will be calculated for 10% of each of the final course grades.
During the junior/senior spring semester, the required Elsevier HESI Specialty examinations will be
completed (seniors: HESI Exit 2 for NRS 414; juniors: Med/Surg for NRS 315 and Psychology/
Mental Health for NRS 408,) and scores will be calculated for 10% of each of the final course
The Elsevier HESI Specialty exams will be completed in the following courses:
NRS 309Fundamental Specialty Exam
NRS 315Medical Surgical Specialty Exam
NRS 316--- Pediatric Specialty Exam
NRS 408--- Mental Health Specialty Exam
NRS 409Maternity Health Specialty Exam
NRS 414Exit 2 Exam
Each exam will be calculated for 10% of each of the final course grades.
The HESI score breakdown is as follows:
HESI Score
> 900
</= 549
Academic Standing
Students are expected to comply with the progression policies. In the event that a student’s
progression is in jeopardy, the student will receive written notification from the faculty.
Notification may be provided by an Academic Progress Report or other written means.
The Admission, Progression, and Retention Committee will review all pre-licensure baccalaureate
students each term to determine their academic standing. Decisions regarding dismissal and
readmission are made by the Admission, Progression, and Retention Committee. Students will be
notified in writing by the director pre-licensure program of the Committee’s decision.
The student should consult the Elmhurst University Handbook for policy and procedures, and their
nursing advisor, for course or University withdrawal.
Leave of Absence
The student should consult the Elmhurst University Handbook for policy and procedures, and their
nursing advisor if considering a leave of absence.
If a student receives a grade of D or F or withdraws (W) from a clinical or non-clinical nursing
course, the student is dismissed from the nursing program. The student should refer to the
Elmhurst University Handbook for appeal processes/procedures for Elmhurst University students.
Reinstatement following Dismissal
The student who has been dismissed from the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences has an
opportunity to apply for admission once within one calendar year after dismissal.
The student is required to meet with his/her Department of Nursing and Health Sciences Advisor.
The student will submit a letter of intent to petition for readmission. The student will submit the
necessary information to the Chair of the Baccalaureate Admission, Progression, and Retention
(APR) committee. The student may request to attend the APR committee meeting to present
his/her readmission application. No one other than the student may attend the APR committee
The Admission, Progression and Retention Committee makes readmission decision based upon
(a) the student’s clear potential for future academic success in the student’s course work; (b) a
consistent record of professionalism, ethical practice and leadership in the classroom, in the
clinical setting and in interaction with faculty, staff, and peer; (c) the individual student’s ability to
meet the professionals standards for behavior, and the academic standards outline in this
handbook; and (d) space availability.
Within 72 hours of the meeting, the chair of the APR committee will inform the student of the
APR committee’s decision regarding his/her request for readmission. The decision of the APR
committee regarding readmission is final and may not be appealed.
If a student is readmitted to the nursing program and receives another grade of D or F, or
withdraws from a clinical or non-clinical nursing course, the student is dismissed from the program
and does not have the right to petition for re-admission.
Grievance Process for Disputed Final Grade
Refer to the Elmhurst University Student Handbook.
Grievance/Complaint Process
Refer to Elmhurst University complaint policy
Student Information
It is the responsibility of the student to have accurate information on file at Elmhurst University and
in the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences. This includes legal name, mailing address, and
phone number.
Class and Clinical Attendance
Students are expected to attend all classes, campus labs, and scheduled clinical/simulation
experiences. It is a professional expectation that students will notify the faculty (and if appropriate,
preceptor) prior to any absence. Excused absences will be granted for illness, family emergencies
or University-sponsored activities at the discretion of the faculty. Students are expected to contact
faculty concerning alternative or make-up schedules. Unexcused absences, persistent absences
and/or tardiness may result in failure to meet the objectives, an unsatisfactory course evaluation
and/or dismissal from the nursing program. This behavior may be reflected in references for
employment or graduate education.
Attendance at all clinical practicum and simulation days is a course expectation. Absence(s) from
scheduled clinical experiences will require make-up clinical day(s). Make-up days will need to be
scheduled outside of regular clinical hours and will require an additional student fee. Date(s) and
cost of the make-up clinical will be announced when available.
Accidents, Illnesses or Health Changes
The student is required to provide a statement from a health-care provider for the following
Health changes that require an extended period of time away from clinical or class (such
as accidents, illness or any alteration in previous health status such as pregnancy). The
documentation must confirm the ability to meet, or offer a request for, a reasonable
limitation during the clinical experience. Some health situations may involve a withdrawal
or leave of absence.
Following a temporary health situation, the student is required to provide documentation
from their health provider that they may return to the clinical area without restriction.
The Department of Nursing and Health Sciences complies with specific agency policies
related to temporary health changes and holds responsibility for ensuring patient and
student safety in the clinical area.
Grading Scale
The following grading scale applies to all nursing courses:
70 or below
Only the final course grade is subject to rounding to the nearest whole number. A score of
77.5=78; a score of 77.49=77. Individual graded items will not be rounded.
To receive a passing grade in a clinical course, students must receive a mathematical average of
78.0% on course examinations AND a grade of “satisfactory” or “pass” in the clinical portion of the
class. Students unable to demonstrate a satisfactory clinical performance and/or a mathematical
average of 78.0% on course examinations will not pass the course. Dependent on the
performance of other course work, students earn a grade of “D” or “F”.
Final grades
Faculty grades issued to students are final. Students cannot re-do assignments, re-write papers,
re-take examinations, or do extra credit activities in an effort to improve their grades.
The student may dispute a grade by utilizing the process outlined in the Elmhurst University
Written Assignments
Written papers should follow the writing format of the Manual of the American Psychological
Association 7
edition. Students are accountable for submitting assignments on time. Criteria for
submission of assignments, including late assignments, are determined by individual course
faculty, and are included in relevant course documents. Students are responsible for notifying
faculty when exceptional circumstances pose a barrier to timely submission of assignments.
Course assignments submitted by students will be available for program development, analysis
and evaluation. An additional value of course assignments is for potential educational research. In
any use of data, students will remain anonymous and confidentiality will be protected.
Individual student work may also be used as exemplars of excellent achievement of course
Students are required to complete all course examinations as scheduled. Faculty must be notified
in advance if the student will miss or be late to an exam. Missed exams are at the discretion of the
faculty and must be taken as close to the original date missed. Faculty reserve the right to
administer an alternative exam form. It is the student’s responsibility to reschedule the exam at the
convenience of the faculty. Failure to do so will result in a grade of 0 (zero).
Test Administration Policy
Face to Face Exams
1. The duration of the testing period is established prior to the exam, with a defined start
and stop time. If the student arrives late, the student still must complete the exam by
the announced ending time.
2. Latecomers can expect to sit in alternative seating arrangements designated by faculty.
3. If a student is given an excused absence for an exam, he/she may be given an
alternative test.
4. All cell phones and digital devices including smart watches are to be OFF and placed in a
purse or backpack.
5. All purses/backpacks are to be placed away from the desks.
6. No questions during the exam about exam content will be allowed.
7. Students may write concerns about a question in a manner decided by course faculty.
Online Exams
1. The duration of the testing period is established prior to the exam, with a defined start and
stop time. If the student signs on late, the student still must complete the exam by the
announced ending time.
2. If a student is given an excused absence for an exam, the student may be given an
alternative test.
3. Quizzes and examinations in this course will be administered online using Respondus
monitor and lockdown browser. Please make arrangements in advance to assure
Respondus works on your computer.
4. Students will be allowed to have a water bottle. NO food will be allowed unless previously
discussed with faculty.
5. Cell phones, watches, and other electronic devices must be turned off and placed away
from the testing area.
6. No questions during the exam about exam content will be allowed.
7. Students may write concerns about a question in a manner decided by course faculty.
The Pre-licensure Baccalaureate Program policies and procedures regarding patient
confidentiality reflect the core concepts and requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA). Standards of nursing practice require that all information about a
patient acquired by a student must be held in strictest confidence. Only that information pertinent
to a patient’s treatment and welfare is disclosed, and then only to agency staff or faculty members
directly concerned with the patient’s care. Patient information is not to be discussed outside of the
clinical agency unless a faculty member is present, the setting is confidential and the purpose
educational. Any documents which include patient identifiers may not be removed from the
clinical site. Patient confidentiality is of such importance that students may be asked to sign a
confidentiality agreement in a clinical setting. In addition to patient confidentiality, confidential
data related to clinical outcomes in the institution where the student completes clinical courses is
treated with the same level of privacy and may not be removed from the clinical area.
Class, post-conference, lab, simulation, and seminar discussions where clinical information is
shared are also considered privileged. Respect for confidentiality related to these discussions is
another requirement of professional behavior. See Appendix D for the Confidentiality of
Information in Simulation Center.
Any student who fails to comply with confidentiality guidelines related to clients or institutions will
be reviewed by the Admission, Progression, and Retention Committee for possible dismissal.
The Pre-licensure Baccalaureate Program’s policies and procedures also reflect the core
concepts and requirements of Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) as stated in the
Elmhurst University Handbook.
Photography and Electronic Recording Devices
Students may not photograph or record classes without specific permission of the faculty.
Appearance/Dress Code
Students enrolled in the Pre-licensure Baccalaureate Program must adhere to appearance
guidelines whenever participating in activities or completing assignments which requires
interactions with clients/patients, clinical agencies, and other service providers. The Nursing
faculty reserve the right to ensure student compliance with the Appearance/Dress Code and to bar
from participation any student judged to be noncompliant with this code. Appearance/ Dress Code
is found in Appendix E.
Student Expectations and Improvement Policy (SEIP)
The Student Expectations and Improvement Plan form (Appendix F) will be used to document
student behaviors which are not in compliance with any of the Essential Qualifications or Pre-
licensure Baccalaureate Program Standards. If a faculty member determines that a student is not
adhering to these expected behaviors, the following will occur:
The faculty member will notify the student of the performance issue.
The student will be informed that subsequent behavior or skill needs to be corrected.
If behavior related to a patient or student safety issue, the Program Director will also be
If the student does not correct the behavior or skill set identified in the verbal or written
warning, or if the same behavior or skill set issue is identified by another faculty, an
improvement plan will be developed.
The Student Expectations and Improvement Plan form will be completed by the faculty
who identified the issue for the student. The form to be completed is found in Appendix
F. A signed copy of the completed form will be issued to the student and placed in the
student’s academic advisement file.
If the student fails to achieve the expectation of the improvement plan, the student will be
informed and further action will be taken by the faculty member and Admission,
Progression, and Retention Program Committee, in collaboration with the Director of the
Pre-licensure Baccalaureate Nursing Program.
The Admission, Progression, and Retention Committee will make a determination
regarding the student’s retention and progression, up to and including dismissal from the
Pre-licensure Baccalaureate Program.
Students are expected to demonstrate professional communication at all times. The student’s
Elmhurst University email account is the official means for electronic communication. Students
are expected to communicate via this account and are expected to check their email on a regular
basis. Use of text as a form of communication is at the discretion of the faculty and preceptor.
Electronic Learning Platform
Materials relevant to courses will be posted on the Blackboard. Students are responsible for
checking Blackboard regularly to keep informed of course postings.
Social Media Policy
The faculty in the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences have identified the importance of a
clear policy of Social Media for nursing students. This policy is found in Appendix G.
Inclement Weather Policy
Traditional BSN Program
In the event of cancelled classes due to inclement weather, information will be available at
Elmhurst University website or EU Emergency Closings at 630-617-3777. If a student is unable to
attend or will be late due to inclement weather, faculty, and preceptor (if it is a clinical day), must
be notified prior to the beginning of the scheduled clinical experience. Personal safety is priority in
decision making.
Preparation for Clinical Experience Clinical Performance Evaluations
Students receive an evaluation of their clinical performance by their faculty at the end of each
clinical nursing course. At mid-point of the clinical experience, the student will receive an
evaluation for formative purposes if expectations are not being met. At the close of each clinical
experience the student and faculty will review the student’s clinical experience. The student is
expected to identify their own strengths and areas of improvement. Faculty are responsible for the
determination of the student’s final grade.
Clinical experiences are graded as follows:
Meets objective independently
Meets objective with minimal supervision
Meets objective only with continual assistance
Unable to meet objective
Opportunity to meet objective unavailable - Action plan
A student who receives a 0 in any objective (during any clinical rotation) or a 1 during the senior
semesters has not shown satisfactory clinical performance and will not pass the course. The
following are examples of behaviors which may constitute an unsatisfactory clinical performance:
Demonstrates unsafe clinical performance
Unable to practice without continuous specific supervision
Falsifies clinical hours
Fails to submit required clinical logs and assignments
Lacks insight and/or adaptability related to own verbal/ nonverbal behavior
Violation of Department of Nursing and Health Sciences and/or Pre-licensure
Baccalaureate Nursing Program’s Essential Standards
A copy of each clinical evaluation tool will be placed in the student’s file. Clinical evaluations of the
student will be shared with subsequent clinical faculty. Students may request a copy of their
Health Requirements for Clinical Practice
The Department of Nursing and Health Sciences updates immunization requirements as indicated
by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and our affiliating agencies. The student will be informed
of any changes during their program.
The student must be in compliance with all health requirements for the entirety of their academic
experience. The student must have adequate physical and mental health to participate in clinical.
Whenever a student requires health accommodations, a letter from the student’s healthcare
provider will be required in order to assure that the student can participate in clinical without
limitations. A statement from the provider is required when the student is returning from a medical
absence or leave.
The health requirements must be met by students prior to the beginning of the first clinical course
in the fall of the junior year, and may be required to meet the health requirements for their senior
year. Students will be given the appropriate forms to complete. All of these services and tests can
be obtained through Student Health Services. Students unable to complete these requirements
will not be allowed to continue in the nursing program. Health requirements appear in Appendix H,
a checklist of health and clinical requirements appears in Appendix I.
The student who has an international background may be required to complete additional testing
in order to meet health requirements.
Clinical Policies
During the clinical nursing sequence, the student must assume financial responsibility for the
heath requirements and immunizations, health insurance, drug screenings, and transportation to
and from clinical agencies. The traditional BSN program student fees will cover CPR certification
held on campus and criminal background checks. The ABSN students do not pay fees therefore
must incur the cost. Students must also meet all requirements set by the clinical agencies.
Students are responsible for health requirements and immunizations, health insurance,
transportation to clinical sites and residencies, laboratory equipment and uniforms.
Health Insurance
The student must have documentation of a current private health insurance plan (copy of both
sides of the health insurance card). If health insurance information changes at any time, the
student must submit a new insurance card to the office within two weeks of the change.
The student is responsible for fees associated with the provision of health care that may
arise during academic courses or clinical experiences.
CPR Certification
Students are required to provide documentation of current certification in CPR for adults and
children prior to the junior and senior years. The approved CPR course is that offered by the
American Heart Association/CPR for the Healthcare Provider.
Policy on Drug Screen and Criminal Background Check
The Department of Nursing and Health Sciences is a drug-free environment. A positive drug
screening result is considered evidence of an actual or potential inability to practice nursing with
reasonable skill and safety. Students with a positive drug screening result will not be allowed in
the clinical setting while being investigated. Positive drug screening results will be evaluated by
the Admission, Progression, and Retention Committee may result in disciplinary action, up to and
including dismissal.
If a conviction report is received on the criminal background check, the student’s continued
progression in the nursing program will be evaluated by the Admission, Progression, and
Retention Committee. Permission to remain in the program will be based on the following criteria:
a) Severity of the offence
b) Recency of the offence
c) Relevance to the position as a direct caregiver
1. sexual abuse,
2. substance abuse or sales,
3. violence against a person,
4. abuse of a child or older person, and/or other.
Liability Insurance
At Elmhurst University, students in the clinical nursing sequence are covered by professional
liability insurance through Elmhurst University. Student fees assessed for each semester will be
used by the University to purchase such insurance. The insurance covers students during
Elmhurst University clinical hours only. It does not cover work at a healthcare facility after
scheduled clinical hours.
Clinical Transportation
The student is responsible to obtain transportation to and from clinical sites. The Nursing Student
Information & Statement of Understanding Domestic Curricular Travel form is found in Appendix J.
Latex Policy
While it is not possible to maintain a latex free environment, vinyl gloves will be provided in the
campus lab and clinical areas to decrease exposure to natural rubber latex. Any student who
believes latex sensitivity may be a problem will be asked to complete appropriate testing at the
student’s expense. Documentation of the student’s sensitivity status will be entered on the
student’s health record at that time.
Injury and Accidental Exposure in Clinical Experiences
Elmhurst University Department of Nursing and Health Sciences is participating in a national
research project sponsored by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. The title of the
study is “Descriptive Study of Safe Student Reports (SSR) of Student Nurse Practice Errors and
Near Misses in Prelicensure Nursing Programs”. The objective of the study is to obtain baseline
information from prelicensure nursing programs on the extent and types of student nurse practice
errors and near misses in order to develop methods to reduce or prevent them. Should a student
commit an error or near miss during a clinical experience, the data related to that error will be
recorded on the SSR worksheet, found in Appendix K, and submitted to the national repository,
maintaining anonymity and confidentiality.
In the event that a student is exposed to a blood-borne or other infectious agent, the student is
required to report the exposure to the nursing faculty member immediately and comply with the
clinical agency’s policies and procedures for exposure to blood-borne or other infectious agents. A
report of the exposure will also be made to the Director of the Department of Nursing and Health
Faculty Committee Representation
Student representation on the Nursing Faculty Committee is encouraged and supported by the
faculty. Two students from each of the junior and senior classes are elected annually to serve on
the Nursing Faculty Committee, which meets monthly during the academic year. Student
representatives are asked to present issues and concerns from their peers as well as transmit
information from the meetings to the members of their class.
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
The Zeta Beta chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing is located at
Elmhurst University. The society has set criteria for membership for undergraduate nursing and
can be found in Appendix M.
Student Organizations
Refer to Elmhurst University Handbook for the variety of student clubs and organizations on
campus. The Department of Nursing and Health Sciences has one nursing specific organization:
The Student Nurses Association (SNA). Any pre-nursing or nursing student is eligible to join.
Meetings are held bi-monthly with many opportunities for networking and exposure to speakers on
current topics in nursing. Students will receive notifications of meetings via email and are urged to
Study Abroad for the Traditional BSN Program
The Department of Nursing and Health Sciences supports the Elmhurst University study away
program. Each year, nursing students participate in J term and/or summer travel opportunities.
There are also semester-based study abroad opportunities for pre-nursing students. Seniors can
complete their fall semester at the University Dublin in Dublin Ireland, taking the same nursing
courses as senior nursing students on campus at Elmhurst University. Consult a Department of
Nursing and Health Sciences advisor for more information on these study plans and attend the
Study Away Fair, held in the fall term.
Through the Student Nurse Association (SNA), many service opportunities are available. Students
are urged to participate in the SNA to learn more about these activities.
APPENDIX A: Pre-licensure Plan of Study
First Year:
Second Year:
Third Year:
Fourth Year:
FYS (1
Year Seminar)(1) (Developmental)
ENG 105 (1)* Composition I (Writing
BIO 107 (1)* Human Anatomy and
Physiology I
CHM 101(1)* General Chemistry (Physical
Students may take Advanced Chemistry
(CHM 123) instead of CHM 101/CHM
103. See below for requirements
PSY 315(1)* Lifespan
BIO 221 (1)* Microbiology for
Health Professionals (Life
MTH (any university level
math) (1) **
NRS 321 (.75) Pathophysiology -
Pharmacology I
NRS 308 (1) Foundations
NRS 309 (1) Adult Health I (Experiential
NRS 300 (.75) Health Assessment
NRS 303 (.5) Conceptual Basis of
Professional Nursing Practice
NRS 403 (1) Leadership & Management in
Complex Health Systems
NRS 316 (1) Family Health: Childrearing
NRS 409 (1) Family Health: Childbearing
NRS 407 (.5) Policy/Finance/Legislation
(Social Responsibility Tag)
(EIC option) (1 credit)
(4 Credits)/16 semester hours
(4 Credits)/16 semester hours
(4 Credits)/16 semester hours
(3.5 Credits)/14 semester hours
ENG 106 (1) )* Composition II
PSY 210 (1)* Introduction to Psychological
Science (Cognitive
and Behavioral Sciences)
BIO 108 (1)* Human Anatomy and
Physiology II
CHM 103(1)* Elementary Organic and
OR Advanced Chemistry option:
CHM 123* Gen/Organic/Biochem (1.25)
(Physical Sciences)
MTH 345 or PSY 355 (1) **
Statistics (Quantitative
Reasoning Tag)
PSY 327(1)** Abnormal
(EIC) (1)
(EIC) (1)
NRS 322 (.75) Pathophysiology -
Pharmacology II
NRS 315 (1) Adult Health II
NRS 408 (1) Mental Health (Oral
Communication Tag)
NRS 410 (1) Research and Evidence-based
Practice (Information Literacy Tag)
(EIC option) (1 credit)
NRS 411(1.25) Synthesis: Adult Health III
Complex Care (Writing at 300/400 level Tag;
Senior Capstone)
NRS 412 (1.25) Synthesis: Community &
Public Health Nursing (Social and Political
Analysis/Intercultural Global and Domestic
Engagement Tag)
NRS 414 (1) Synthesis: Ethical and Legal
Practice (Inquiry into Ethics and Justice)
(EIC option) (1 credit)
(4 Credits)/16 semester hours
(4 Credits)/16 semester hours
(3.75 Credits)/15 semester hours
(+1 EIC = 4.75 Credits / 19 semester hours)
(3.5 Credits)/14 semester hours
(+1 EIC = 4.5 Credits / 19 semester hours)
8 credits (32 semester hrs)
8 credits (32 semester hrs)
7.75 credits (31 semester hrs)
(+ 1 EIC =8.75 (35 semester hrs))
7 Nursing credit hours (28 semester hrs)
(+ 1 EIC = 8 credits (32 semester hrs))
*Prerequisite courses to the NRS non-clinical and clinical sequence
**Required support course for nursing major
Microbiology (BIO 221) chemistry prerequisite options:
Students may take either CHM 101/CHM 103 or MTH121/CHM 123. MTH121/CHM 123 option requires ACT =/>23 and math placement into University Algebra (MTH 121)
NOTE: The following ECIC Requirements are NOT met by nursing prerequisites, nursing support courses, or nursing courses:
Religious Studies _________
Historical Analysis __________
Literature _________
Fine Arts _________
Computer ________
Foreign Language ________
(2 years HS or 102)
Placement tests (if needed)
Foreign Lang__________
Nursing Electives Options
Testing Taking
Semester in Ireland
Travel abroad
APPENDIX B: Pre-licensure Admission Requirements
Admission to the nursing program is competitive. Admission to the University does not guarantee admission to the
nursing program. To be admitted to the nursing program, students must be able to engage in diverse, complex, and
specific experiences essential to the acquisition and practice of essential nursing skills and functions; and have the
unique combinations of cognitive, affective, psychomotor, physical and social abilities required to satisfactorily
perform these skills and functions.
1. A completed application form. Students starting at Elmhurst University as freshmen do not have to submit an
application. They do, however, have to sign the forms described in # 2 and # 3 below and pass the Admission
Assessment (A2) exam described in # 4 below. Transfer students will submit the application by following this
2. A signed form, verifying the applicant is aware of the health requirements, functional abilities, and essential
qualifications required for admission to the nursing program.
3. Completion of the Verification of Truthfulness in Application to the Nursing Program form.
4. A passing score on the A2 nursing admission exams a 70% must be achieved on each of the 3 parts of the
exam. Only one attempt to pass the exam is allowed. For more information re: the A2, follow this link.
5. Two writing samples.
a. The first is a one-page written personal statement. This is a word-processed personal statement
answering the following questions in 250 words or less. When writing your answers, keep in mind that
nursing is more than just “helping people.” It is a science-based, professional practice discipline. For
further information on nursing as a professional practice discipline, see The Essentials of Baccalaureate
Education for Professional Nursing Practice, available at
In your personal statement, address:
In what ways is nursing a science-based, professional practice discipline?
What makes you interested in a science-based, professional nursing career?
b. The second sample will be a one paragraph written response to a selected topic that is given to the
applicant at the time of the A2 test. This will be completed, on campus, during the A2 testing time. The
topic will be given during the testing time. Both samples will be evaluated on the applicant’s ability to
compose written communication at the University level.
6. Two professor recommendations, using the Letter of Recommendation form. Each letter of recommendation
must be submitted in a sealed envelope that has been signed across the flap by the recommender. Forms are
included with the application packet. Complete the top section of the form before giving it to a recommender.
7. Copies of every University transcript from every University attended (if other than Elmhurst University),
including current transcript. To be considered for admission to the nursing program, every student must meet
the following requirements:
a. Twelve courses completed.
b. A minimum 2.8 overall cumulative grade-point average.
c. A grade of C or better in every natural science and non-science prerequisite course completed.
d. A 2.8 or greater science combined grade-point average in the first four prerequisite science courses to be
eligible for admission and maintain at least a 2.8 science combined grade-point average with the fifth
required science course to continue in the nursing major. Students may repeat one of these courses to
remove a W or improve a grade of C or lower.
e. Completion of (or enrollment in) non-science prerequisite courses. These courses are: ENG 105
(Composition 1), ENG 106 (Composition 2); PSY 210 (Intro to Psych), PSY 315 (Lifespan Development),
PSY 327 (Abnormal Psych), one university-level mathematics course, and one statistics course. Students
may repeat only one of these courses to remove a W or improve a grade less than C.
8. A copy of your registration for all courses in progress. For further information, please see the Elmhurst
University Catalog.
APPENDIX C: Accelerated BSN Program Curriculum Map & Admission Requirements
Semester 1
Semester 2
Semester 3
Semester 4
NRS 300
NRS 315
NRS 316
NRS 411
NRS 303
NRS 322
NRS 403
NRS 412
NRS 308
NRS 408
NRS 407
NRS 414
NRS 309
NRS 410
NRS 409
NRS 453
NRS 321
On campus Clinical Skills Visit
On campus Clinical Skills Visit
ABSN Admission Requirements
Admission to the ABSN program is offered twice a year: Fall and Spring semesters
To be admitted to the nursing program, students must be able to engage in diverse, complex, and specific experiences essential to the
acquisition and practice of essential nursing skills and functions; and have the unique combinations of cognitive, affective, psychomotor,
physical, and social abilities required to satisfactorily perform these skills and functions.
1. A completed application including a personal statement, resume and interview
2. A Bachelor’s degree in a non-nursing field
3. Completion of the following prerequisites: Anatomy & Physiology (with lab) 1 & 2, General Chemistry (with lab), Microbiology (with
lab), lifespan psychology, abnormal psychology, and statistics
4. A C or better in every natural science and non-science prerequisite course completed
5. A 2.8 overall GPA and a 2.8 science GPA
6. Students may repeat one science and one non-science prerequisite to remove a W or improve a grade of C or lower.
APPENDIX D: EU-DNHS Simulation Center
As a nursing student enrolled in the Nursing Program at Elmhurst University, I will be actively
participating in simulated clinical experiences (SCE’s). I understand that the content of these
simulations need to be kept confidential in order to maintain the integrity of the learning experience
for me and my fellow students. It would be unethical for me to share any information regarding
simulation scenarios with my fellow students.
I will be observing fellow students within the simulation center, and I will not discuss their
performance with anyone outside the simulation laboratory. I fully understand and acknowledge
that the unauthorized release, mishandling of confidential information or inappropriate exchange of
information related to the simulation environment is prohibited. I will exemplify the Nursing
Department’s values of integrity, ethical practice, and respect for human dignity.
Signing below acknowledges understanding of these statements and agreement to maintain the
strictest of confidentiality regarding observation and performance within the provided simulation
experiences. This authorization is valid for four (4) years from the date that it is signed.
I am hereby informed that the Elmhurst University Simulation Center at Elmhurst Memorial Hospital
utilizes digital and audio recordings. I understand that, unless authorized by me, I will not be
specifically identified, and that the recordings will be shown only for educational, research, or
administration purposes. No commercial use of the audiovisual recordings will be made without
my written permission.
I authorize faculty and administrators of the Department of Nursing & Health Sciences to publicly
show still photographs depicting me during the course of training. I understand that, unless
otherwise approved by me, I will not be specifically identified, and that the photographs will be
shown only for educational, research or administration purposes. No commercial use of the
photographs will be made without my written permission.
__________________________________________ _________________
Participant Name Date
Printed Name
Director of Elmhurst University Simulation Center
APPENDIX E: Appearance/Dress Code
General Clinical Requirements:
Students will conform to appearance and dress code policies established by Elmhurst
University Pre-licensure Baccalaureate Program as well as the facility in which they have
clinical practicum.
The student ID badge is to have the first names only.
The uniform for clinical sites will be the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences
scrub top and pants, clean shoes with non-skid soles, socks covering the ankles.
Socks are to be black, navy or white socks.
Business casual will consist of tailored pants with either the Department of
Nursing and Health Sciences polo or tailored shirt/blouse as stated in the
course syllabus.
No jeans, yoga pants, casual pants/slacks are acceptable. The optional
Department of Nursing and Health Sciences fleece jacket is not acceptable in the
clinical area, but may be worn in lab or simulation.
Only the student uniform or business casual is to be worn in clinical.
At no time during a practicum should the student display any insignia of another
institution (e.g. nametag or institution patch on a lab coat). No students should wear
an Elmhurst University/Department of Nursing and Health Sciences ID badge or
uniform when not in an assigned student practicum experience
Closed toes shoes and hosiery/socks are required.
Students are expected to be well groomed and in neat, clean attire at all times:
Clothes should fit properly so as to be professional and appropriate
Jewelry should be limited to a wedding band; one stud earring per ear
Visible tattoos are to be covered
No visible cartilage or body piercings
No perfumes; neutral scents only
Hair color and style should reflect a professional appearance. Long hair should be
off the collar and facial hair should be neatly trimmed.
Fingernails should be short, no nail polish permitted. Acrylic nails are prohibited.
General Classroom Requirements:
Student classroom attire should be the type and fit of clothing which respects the community
of peers, faculty and guest speakers. The specific classroom dress code is at the discretion of
the individual faculty in creating a professional environment.
APPENDIX F: Student Expectations and
Improvement Plan
Student Expectations and Improvement Plan (SEIP)
(Adapted with permission from University of San Diego Hahn School of Nursing)
Student: ________________________________________
Faculty: ________________________________________________
Date: __ ___________
Beginning Date of Plan: __ Ending Date of Plan: _______________________
Nature of the Problem:
Removal from clinical area by Agency
Disrespectful or unprofessional classroom or clinical behaviors as reflected in the
Professional Behaviors (Student Policies/ Student Handbook)
Deficiencies in Professional Nursing Standards (Student Policies/ Student Handbook)
Unprepared for clinical (e.g., lack of preparation, dress code violations, etc.)
Unsafe clinical practice (e.g., medication errors, inability to perform skills, practice outside
scope as a nurse or a student, patient safety violations, etc.)
Inability to communicate effectively or appropriately with patients/clients, families, or staff
Repeated Absenteeism (Class/Clinical)
Repeated Tardiness (Class/Clinical)
Repeated deficiencies in written work (class/clinical)
Lack of follow up or completion of remediation plan
Other: (please identify)
Expanded description of the problem(s):
Requirements for overcoming the problem(s): What must student do (e.g., skills lab remediation,
writing skills development, cease and desist tardiness/absenteeism/unprofessional/etc. activities, etc.
Students Comments:
Signatures: By signing below, you are stating that you understand the nature of the problem or
behavior and agree with the remediation to correct this problem
Student Date ________________
Faculty Date ____________
Lead Faculty Coordinator Date __________
Faculty notes on progress: When an Improvement Plan is instituted, the student and faculty should
meet again as needed to evaluate progress. Record faculty notes regarding meetings below:
APPENDIX G: Social Media Policy
(Adapted with permission of Purdue University School of Nursing)
The Department of Nursing and Health Sciences supports the use of social media to reach
audiences important to the University such as students, prospective students, faculty, and staff.
The participation on social media sites is guided by policy. This policy applies to nursing students
who engage in internet conversations for school-related purposes or school-related activities such
as interactions in or about clinical and didactic course activities. Distribution of sensitive and
confidential information is protected under HIPAA and FERPA whether discussed through
traditional communication channels of through social media.
General Information
Social media are defined as mechanisms for communication designed to be disseminated through
social interaction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social
media is commonly thought of as a group of Internet-based applications that are built on the
ideological and technological foundations of the web that allows the creation and exchange of user-
generated content.
While this policy may need to be modified as new technologies and social networking tools emerge,
the spirit of the policy will remain the protection of sensitive and confidential information. Social
media often spans traditional boundaries between professional and personal relationships and thus
takes additional vigilance to make sure that one is protecting personal, professional and university
As students you will want to represent the University in a fair, accurate and legal manner while
protecting the brand and reputation of the institution.
When publishing information on social media sites remain cognizant that information may be public
for anyone to see and can be traced back to you as an individual. Since social media typically
enables two- way communications with your audience, you have less control about how materials
you post will be used by others. As one person remarked, If you wouldnt put it on a flier, carve it
into cement in the quad or want it published on the front of the Wall Street Journal, dont broadcast
it via social media channels.
Protect confidential, sensitive, and proprietary information: Do not post confidential or
proprietary information about the university, staff, students, clinical facilities,
patients/clients, or others with whom one has contact in the role of nursing student.
Respect copyright and fair use. When posting, be mindful of the copyright and
intellectual property rights of others and the university. For guidance, visit the site or
seek consultation through the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences.
Do not use marks, such as logos and graphics, on personal social media sites. Do not
use name to promote a product, cause or political party or candidate.
Use of the logos and graphics for University sanctioned events must be approved
(posters, fliers, postings) by administration.
No personal phone conversations or texting are allowed at any time while in patient/client
areas or in the classroom. If the student needs to respond to an emergency text or
phone call during class, the student is asked to leave the classroom and respond as
deemed necessary.
Use of computers and electronic devices during class shall be restricted to note taking
and classroom activities. Use otherwise is distracting for not only the student
involved in the activity but those in the immediate area/vicinity.
No student shall videotape professors or fellow students for personal or social media
use without the express written permission of the faculty or fellow student. At NO
time shall patients/clients by videotaped or photographed without written permission
of other patient/client and of the facility.
Be aware of your association with online social networks. If you identify yourself as a
student, ensure your profile and related content is consistent with how you wish to
present yourself to colleagues, clients, and potential employers. Identify your views as
your own. When posting your point you should neither claim nor imply you are speaking
on the University behalf unless you are authorized to do so in writing.
HIPAA guidelines must be followed at all times. Identifiable information
concerning clients/clinical rotations must not be posted in any online forum or
Ultimately, you have sole responsibility for what you post. Be smart about protecting
yourself, others’ privacy and confidential information.
There is no such thing as a private” social media site. Search engines can turn up posts
years after the publication date. Comments can be forwarded or copied. Archival
systems save information including deleted postings. If you feel angry or passionate
about a subject, it’s wise to delay posting until you are calm and clear-headed. Think
twice before posting. If you are unsure about posting something or responding to a
comment, ask your faculty. If you are about to publish something that makes you even
the slightest bit uncertain, review the suggestions in this policy and seek guidance.
Future employers hold you to a high standard of behavior. By identifying yourself as a
student through postings and personal web pages, you are connected to your
colleagues, clinical agencies and even clients/patients. Ensure that content associated
with you is consistent with your professional goals.
Nursing students are preparing for a profession which provides services to a public
that also expects high standards of behavior.
Respect your audience.
Adhere to all applicable University privacy and confidential policies.
You are legally liable for what you post on your own site and on the sites of others.
Individual bloggers have been liable for commentary deemed to be proprietary,
copyrighted, defamatory, libelous or obscene (as defined by the courts).
Employers are increasingly conducting Web searches of job candidates before extending
offers. Be sure that what you post today will not come back to haunt you.
Monitor comments. You can set your site so that you can review and approve comments
before they appear. This allows you to respond in a timely way to comments. It also
allows you to delete spam comments and to block any individuals who repeatedly post
offensive or frivolous comments.
Don’t use ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, pornographic images, or engage
in any conduct that would not be acceptable in the professional workplace.
You are responsible for regularly reviewing the terms of this policy.
Violations of patient/client privacy with an electronic device will be subject to
HIPAA procedures/guidelines and consequences.
Students who share confidential or unprofessional information do so at the risk of
disciplinary action including failure in a course and/or dismissal from the program.
Each student is legally responsible for individual postings and may be subject to liability if
individual postings are found defamatory, harassing, or in violation of any other applicable
law. Students may also be liable if individual postings include confidential or copyrighted
information (music, videos, text, etc.)
APPENDIX H: Health Requirements
Students must have adequate physical and mental health to participate in clinical. At the discretion
of the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences Director, before a student can participate in
clinical, documentation from a healthcare provider may be required for assurance the student can
participate in clinical without restrictions. Additionally, it is the student’s responsibility to inform
clinical faculty of any change in health status during a clinical course.
The following requirements must be met by all students prior to the beginning of the first clinical
course. Students will be given the appropriate forms to complete. All of these services and tests
can be obtained through Student Health Services or your private provider. Students unable to
complete these requirements will not be allowed to continue in the undergraduate nursing
program. (See Appendix I for Checklist)
Health Record
These records, including immunization dates, will be on file in Student
Health Services.
Hepatitis B
If you have not been vaccinated, you will need to complete the following
schedule of 3 doses:
Dose Now
Dose 1 Month Later
Dose 6 Months Later
Hepatitis B Surface
Antibody (anti-
HBs) Test/Results
When? 1-2 months after the series is completed.
-If anti-HBs is positive, the person is immune. No further serologic testing
or vaccination is recommended.
-If anti-HBs is negative, the person is unprotected from Hepatitis B Virus
(HBV) infection and must receive a booster or be revaccinated with a 3-
dose series. Retest anti-HBs 1-2 months after dose #3.
Immunity Titers
Documentation of immunity for measles, mumps, rubella and varicella
zoster (measles IgG, mumps IgG, rubella IgG, and varicella zoster IgG).
Students who do not test positive for antibodies for any of these diseases
are required to obtain a booster vaccination for that disease. No re-titer
will be necessary.
Documentation should show Tdap booster vaccination within the past 10
Negative TB Test
QuantiFERON Gold blood test
Flu Vaccine
The flu vaccine is required annually on the schedule required by clinical
Additional health requirements that are specified by the clinical agency
where the student will be completing clinical.
APPENDIX I: Checklist of Health and Clinical
This form is a guideline only to be used as a checklist.
You will receive specific instructions on the process for submitting required health records when you are
admitted into the BSN program.
For questions regarding clinical requirements, please contact Cheryl in the Department of Nursing by email at
cheryl.osulliva[email protected] or call (630) 617-3503
To make an appointment in the Wellness Center, call (630) 617-3565 (Niebuhr Hall, Rm 010) or email
studenthealth@elmhurst.edu. Office hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Department of Nursing Clinical Requirements Checklist
Cost in EU Wellness Center
Immunity Titers (blood test showing proof of immunity)
1. Measles (Rubeola)
$20.00 for titer
2. Mumps
$20.00 for titer
3. Rubella (German Measles)
$20.00 for titer
4. Varicella (Chicken Pox)
$20.00 for titer
5. Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (Quantitative) blood titer) If the blood
test does not show immunity, a Hepatitis Booster must be given and a
repeat titer obtained. If the blood test continues to show no immunity, the
Hepatitis B vaccination series will need to be repeated. The titer will need to
be repeated at least 1 2 months after the series is completed. Note: You
will need to start the series prior to beginning clinical and then later show
proof of completion and immunity.
$40.00 for titer
$70.00 for each vaccine
Tuberculosis Test (Quantiferon Gold Blood Test) Annually
Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) booster within last 10 years
Influenza Vaccine (available annually, typically beginning Sept/Oct)
10 Panel Urine Drug Screen (Amphetamines, Barbiturate,
Benzodiazepine, Cocaine, Ecstasy, Marijuana, Methadone, Opiates,
Oxycodone Phencyclidine (PCP), Propoxyphene)
COVID Vaccine
Physical Health Exam
Copy (front & back) of Current CPR Card
(must be American Heart Association/CPR for Healthcare Provider)
Copy (front & back) of Health Insurance Card
Immunization Record
(must include vaccination dates for MMR & Hepatitis B)
Criminal Background Check
(fingerprinting done through Accurate Biometrics)
HIPPA/OSHA Certification Modules
Department of Nursing and Health Sciences Phone: 630-617-3345 FAX: 630-617-3237
Student Name _______________________________________ Travel Location: Various clinical agencies
Reason for Travel: Clinical component of a nursing course
Home Street Address _______________________City_____________________ State_____Zip_________
Cell Phone #__________________ Date of Birth ____/____/____
Emergency Contact_____________________________Relationship________________________
Emergency Phone # _________________________(day) ________________________________ (evening)
If my emergency contact cannot be contacted, I authorize Elmhurst University to take such emergency action as deemed
I acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating and am aware of the conditions and responsibilities of the above-mentioned
activity/event. I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury and I agree to assume that full risk of any
injuries, including death, damage or loss which I may sustain as a result of participation in such activity/event. I hereby waive,
release and relinquish any and all rights, claims, demands, causes of action, present or future, whether known, unknown,
anticipated or unanticipated I may have against Elmhurst University, its employees, agents, trustees, and officers arising from my
participation in the activity/event. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless and defend Elmhurst University and its officers,
agents, trustees, and employees from any and all claims resulting from injuries, including death, damages, and losses sustained by
me and arising out of, in connection with, or in any way associated with the activities of the activity/event that are beyond the
control of the University, its agents or employees.
I have sufficient health, accident, disability and hospitalization insurance to cover me during my activities; I further understand that
I am responsible for the costs of such insurance and for the expenses not covered by this insurance, and I recognize that Elmhurst
University does not have an obligation to provide me with such insurance. I acknowledge that all costs resulting from injury will be
borne by me and my family and not the University or clinical agency.
Name of Insurance Carrier ________________________________________
Insurance Policy # __________________________________________ Carrier Phone # _________________
I understand that the responsibilities and circumstances of any form of student involvement requires a standard of professional
decorum. Therefore, I indicate my willingness to understand and adhere to values of Elmhurst University, to conduct myself with
integrity, fairness, respect, and responsibility, and adhere to the expectations conveyed in the E-Book Student Handbook and the
Student Handbook for the Master of Science in Nursing Program. I agree that should any University official, professor, employee of
the clinical agency, or other students participating in the event/activity deem my conduct inappropriate, my future participation in
off campus events/activities is jeopardized and I will immediately cease my involvement with the said activity and be returned to
campus at my own expense.
I certify that the above information is correct and that I agree to comply with these policies in all current and
future nursing courses in which I am enrolled.
_______________________________________________ _____/_____/_____
(Student Signature) (Date)
Signed Copy to Student File
APPENDIX K: Safe Student Reports New Occurrence Worksheet
New Occurrence Worksheet
Use this worksheet to assist in gathering details of the new occurrence
prior to
entering the data on www.safestudentreports.org.
Recipient of Unsafe Occurrence
Who received injury? (select one)
o Patient
o Student
o Faculty
o Staff
Gender (select one):
o Male
o Female
o Unknown
English is predominant language (select one):
o Yes
o No
o Unknown
Status of patient/individual (select one):
o Harm
o No harm
o Death
Age (select one):
o <15
o 15-20
o 21-25
o 26-30
o 31-35
o 36-40
o 41-45
o 46-50
o 51-55
o 56+
o Unknown
Occurrence Information
Date (enter date of occurrence using the following
format): mm/dd/yyyy
Time (enter time of occurrence):
Category of occurrence (select one):
o Error [Defined as: Incident or occurrence that
the potential to place a patient at risk for
harm or
resulted in actual harm]
o Near miss [Defined as: An event or situation that
could have resulted in an accident, injury,
or illness,
but did not, whether by chance or
through timely
intervention. (Ebright et al.,
Type of occurrence (select one):
o Medication Error
o Needle stick
o Inadequate preparation for providing
patient care
o Blood/pathogen exposure
o Fall event
o Outside scope of practice
Injury to body
o Change in patient condition
o Deviation in protocols
o Equipment or medical device malfunction
Environmental safety for self, patient
o Inappropriate or inadequate communication by:
Faculty, preceptor, other student, health care
patient or visitor
o Breach of confidentiality
Occurrence description (optional: enter additional
details about the unsafe occurrence):
Location of occurrence (select one):
o Classroom
o Clinical Setting
Simulation Lab
Learning Lab
Who is completing the report (select one):
o Faculty
o Student/Faculty Dyad
o Other (preceptor, etc.)
Follow Up Action
Who is alerted (select one):
o Faculty
o School of Nursing (SON) Administration
o Patient/Family
o Unknown
Inform clinical agency (select one):
o Yes
o No
o Unknown
Agency occurrence report completed (select
o Yes
o No
o Unknown
Changes occurring as a result of occurrence
(select one):
System Changes
Policy Changes
Practice Changes
Curriculum Changes
o Nothing at Present
Follow up actions (optional: enter additional details
about any follow up action)
Student Information
Current semester or quarter number (enter number
between 1-16):
Total number of semesters or quarters in program
(enter number between 1-16):
Student age (select one):
o Unknown
Type of program (select one):
o Associate
o Diploma
o 2nd Degree BSN
Masters Non-APRN
Masters APRN
Final Remarks
Do you wish to share anything else relevant to this
report? (optional: enter any additional comments)
Ebright, P. R., Urden, L., Patterson, E., & Chalko, B. (2004). Themes surrounding novice nurse
near-miss and adverse-event situations. JONA, 34(11), 531-538.
APPENDIX L: Clinical Acknowledgement
The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health
Organization and has been the subject of national, state, and local emergency orders. It is widely
known that COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-
person contact. Since the spring of 2020, Federal, state and local health agencies and authorities
have issued evolving mandates and recommendations related to the virus.
Due to the fluid nature of public health and the healthcare system, your signature is required to
acknowledge the potential risks, opportunities and experiences you may encounter. Please initial
each item, and sign the document to participate in clinical activities.
_________ If you are exposed to COVID-19, you must adhere to current protocols and health
agency recommendations and requirements, which may include an extended quarantine. If this
happens, we will count the clinical hours completed and you will complete your rotation later than
expected. You must contact the clinical faculty and course coordinator immediately if this occurs.
This may affect your ability to complete the course, which may delay your graduation. You must
practice caution in your setting, following all protocols, and the use of protective personal
equipment is required. You agree to follow the health and safety guidelines established by
Elmhurst, and you understand that these guidelines may evolve over time. You agree you have
viewed, understand and have access to the University’s messages on the website (link).
_________ If your site experiences an increase in COVID exposure/patients and you feel
uncomfortable or at risk, you can reach out to the course coordinator and clinical faculty and
request cessation of the rotation. You may end your rotation at any time. Since clinical is part of
the course, you will not be able to complete the course without making up clinical hours. Elmhurst
University will attempt to arrange make up clinical hours, but this may delay your course
completion and potentially your ability to graduate on time.
I acknowledge that there may be disruptions to my clinical program because of future public
health recommendations related to COVID-19, and I may be required to complete my clinical
rotation using alternative clinical activities.
I acknowledge that I am entering clinical experiences that may involve exposure to COVID-19 or
post COVID-19 patients, as well as patients with other communicable diseases. Due to the
emergency nature of this virus, we do not know yet the long-term impacts of the virus and /or
By signing this agreement, I acknowledge that there are risks, known and unknown, related to
COVID-19 involved with my participation in this clinical program, and I voluntarily assume the risk
that I will be exposed to or infected by COVID-19. It is not possible for the University to ensure
prevention of the spread of COVID-19, and I acknowledge that I may be infected with COVID-19
despite or regardless of any University efforts to mitigate the risk of community spread. I
understand that infection by COVID-19 may be serious with the potential for significant negative
health effects, to me or others, including hospitalization, long-term complications or death.
I accept sole responsibility for any injury to myself that I may experience or incur related to
COVID-19 in connection with my participation in clinical programs through the University.
By signing this document, I expressly state that I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire
Agreement. I further certify that I have read and understand it, and I agree to be bound by its
______________________________________________ _______________
Student Signature Date
Print Name Signed Copy to Student File
APPENDIX M: Endorsement for Membership for Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society
of Nursing
Endorsement for
Definition: An endorsement is a letter or statement supporting an individual for membership* in the chapter. Individuals are encouraged to
submit two endorsements in order for an application to be considered by the Chapter Eligibility Committee. Nursing students should
include one letter or statement of support from a nursing faculty member. At least one of the two endorsements is to be from an active
member of Sigma Theta Tau International.
This endorsement enables the candidate to be considered for membership. The Eligibility Committee of the chapter invites your letter or
statement of endorsement supporting the following individual for membership:
is applying for membership in the Chapter
On the basis of this individual’s achievement and my knowledge of the purposes of Sigma Theta Tau International, I heartily endorse
this individual for membership in the chapter.
This candidate exhibits the following characteristics:
Potential for leadership
Superior achievement
Academic and/or professional integrity
*UNDERGRADUATE CRITERIA: Each undergraduate candidate for membership is required to meet the criteria for the undergraduate category
of membership. Undergraduate students are required to have completed ½ of the nursing curriculum, have at least a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 grading
scale, rank in the upper 35% of the graduating class, and meet the expectation of academic integrity.
*GRADUATE CRITERIA: Each graduate (master’s or doctoral) candidate for membership is required to meet the criteria for the graduate
category of membership. Graduate students are required to have completed ¼ of the required graduate curriculum, have at least a 3.5 GPA on a 4.0
grading scale or its equivalent, and meet the expectation of academic integrity.
* NURSE LEADER CRITERIA: A nurse leader is eligible for membership if the leader is a registered nurse, legally recognized to practice in
his/her country with a minimum of a baccalaureate degree or the equivalent in any field, and has demonstrated achievement in nursing.
© 2003 Sigma Theta Tau International 7/1/2003
The purposes of Sigma Theta Tau
International are:
Recognize superior achievement.
Recognize the development of leadership
Foster high professional standards.
Encourage creative work.
Strengthen commitment to the ideals and
purposes of the profession.
Signature Date
Chapter Membership
Relationship to Applicant
Comments (if desired): ____________________________________________
APPENDIX N: Handbook Review Policy
The Department of Nursing and Health Sciences Student Handbook for the Pre-licensure
Baccalaureate Program is published annually in fall. All statements and policies published in the
Handbook are in effect for the time period published on the cover of the Handbook. The
Department of Nursing and Health Sciences follows the policies printed in the Elmhurst University
Handbook. Faculty reserve the right to change statements and policies during the year the
Handbook is in effect, with the provision that students are informed in writing of any changes.
Your signature on this form indicates that you know where to access the Student Handbook Pre-
licensure Baccalaureate Program (referred to as the Student Handbook) and understand your
responsibilities with regard to policies, procedures and core information set forth in the Student
Handbook, including the following:
I understand that I am subject to the policies described in the Student Handbook and the
guidelines for policies, procedures and core information set forth in the document.
I understand that the Student Handbook policies, procedures and core information will be
needed while I am enrolled as a student in the nursing program at Elmhurst University.
I understand that these policies and procedures have been approved by the Department of
Nursing and Health Sciences Faculty Committee and will be the basis for decision making
with regard to student matters covered by the Student Handbook.
I understand that the Undergraduate Nursing Faculty at Elmhurst University reserves the right
to change any provision or requirement in the Student Handbook at any time within my term
of attendance.
I am responsible for being knowledgeable of policies, procedures, and information contained
in the Student Handbook.
I am responsible for adhering to the policies and procedures contained in the Student
I understand that the Student Handbook is available on the Elmhurst University website
_______________________________________________________ __________________________________
Student Signature Date
_______________________________________________________ Signed Copy to Student File
Student Name - Printed
APPENDIX O: Preparation for Other State Licensure
Pursuant to Federal Regulation 34 CFR 668.43 (a) (5) (v), following is a list of all states and whether Elmhurst
University Department of Nursing and Health Sciences curriculum meets educational requirements necessary for
graduates of the prelicensure programs to be eligible for licensure in that state.
American Samoa
Unable to
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
District of Columbia
Northern Mariana Islands
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Virgin Islands
West Virginia