Directive on Automated Decision-Making
May 4, 2018
New title! May the fourth be with you
Advisory Board removed in lieu of a new peer review section
Requirement to issue open code included
May 15, 2018
Definitions added
Scope statement has been narrowed and removed from
requirements into its own section
Coming into force clause rolled into effective date
June 6, 2018
New appendices for scaling requirements to level of impact
Refined scope statement
Legal authority section amended
Amended contracting language, including IP clause better
conforming to the Policy on Title to Intellectual Property Arising
Under Crown Procurement Contracts
Automated Decision System now being used as the core term
June 15, 2018
More precision to scope statement
Explainability statements for level III and IV shifted to “variables”
from “all variables” as many decisions will be guided by
respective case law
August 2, 2018
Elevated to a directive
Consequence section updated
Version sent for translation
Added new scaling requirements for Notice and Contingency
Planning, reducing burden on low impact projects
Ensured coherence with new template for Treasury Board
Application moved to the end;
Context section removed and replaced with
Authorities. Some former context section content
moved to introduction.
The Government of Canada is increasingly looking to utilise technology and automated systems
to make, or assist in making, administrative decisions to improve service delivery. It is
committed to doing so in a manner that is compatible with core administrative law principles
such as transparency, accountability, legality and procedural fairness.
1. Effective Date
1.1. This Directive takes effect on ((Approval +12 months))
1.2. All Automated Decision Systems that were in production prior to the coming into
force of this Directive, must complete an Algorithmic Impact Assessment within
three months, and comply with all applicable provisions of this Directive within a
timely manner.
2. Authorities
2.1. This Directive is issued under the authority of section 7 of the Financial
Administration Act, and under section 8.1.1 of the Policy on the Management of
Information Technology;
2.2. This Directive supports the Policy on Information Management, the Policy on
Service, the Policy on Privacy Protection, and the Policy on Government Security.
3. Definitions
3.1. Definitions to be used in the interpretation of this Directive are listed in Appendix
4. Objectives and Expected Results
4.1. The objective of this Directive is to ensure that Automated Decision Systems are
deployed in a manner that minimizes risks to Canadians and federal institutions,
and leads to more efficient, accurate, consistent, and interpretable decisions
made pursuant to Canadian law and core principles of administrative law.
4.2. The expected results of this Directive are as follows:
4.2.1. Administrative decisions using Automated Decision Systems are more
transparent and accountable;
4.2.2. An increase in the use of automated systems to make, or assist in
making, administrative decisions.
5. Scope
5.1. This Directive applies only to Automated Decision Systems that recommend or
render, in whole or in part, administrative decisions. This includes systems that:
5.1.1. Classify cases in terms of risk and priority;
5.1.2. Identify cases for human review or investigation;
5.1.3. Provide recommendations about whether an application should be
5.1.4. Render the complete administrative decision.
5.2. This Directive applies only to systems that provide external services as defined in
the Policy on Service.
6. Requirements
The institution’s Chief Information Officer, as well as the Assistant Deputy Minister, Chief Data
Officer, or equivalent are responsible for the following activities described in this section:
6.1. Algorithmic Impact Assessment
6.1.1. Complete an Algorithmic Impact Assessment, prior to the production of
any Automated Decision System.
6.1.2. Apply the relevant requirements prescribed in Appendix C as determined
by the Algorithmic Impact Assessment.
6.1.3. Ensure that the Algorithmic Impact Assessment remains up to date and
accurately reflects the functionality of the Automated Decision System.
6.1.4. Release the final results of Algorithmic Impact Assessments in an
accessible format via Government of Canada websites and services
designated by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat pursuant to the
Directive on Open Government.
6.2. Transparency
Providing Notice Before Decisions
6.2.1. Notify affected individuals that the decision rendered will be undertaken
in whole or in part by a Automated Decision System as prescribed in
Appendix C.
Providing Explanations After Decisions
6.2.2. Provide a meaningful explanation to affected individuals of how and why
the decision was made as prescribed in Appendix C.
Source Code
6.2.3. Make available to the public all of the source code used for the
Automated Decision Systems on the Open Resource Exchange.
6.2.4. In cases where it is deemed that source code should not be disclosed,
seek the approval of the Enterprise Architecture Review Board to exempt
the disclosure. In these cases, the justification as to why code was not
disclosed shall be published according to the process specified in the
Directive on Open Government.
6.2.5. Source code for systems that are classified SECRET or TOP SECRET are
exempt from section 6.2.3.
6.2.6. Ensure that all licenses required for the Automated Decision Systems are
open licenses as listed in the Open Source Software Registry.
6.2.7. Ensure that Canada maintains the right to have access to foreground
intellectual property to respond to any legal challenges.
6.3. Quality Assurance
Testing and Monitoring Outcomes
6.3.1. Before going into production, develop the appropriate processes to
ensure that training data is tested for unintended data biases and other
factors that may unfairly impact the outcomes.
6.3.2. Monitor the outcomes of Automated Decision Systems on an ongoing
basis to safeguard against unintentional outcomes and to ensure
compliance with institutional and program legislation, as well as this
Data Quality
6.3.3. Ensure that data being used by the Automated Decision System is
routinely tested to ensure that it is still relevant, accurate and up-to-date
and follow any applicable policy or guidelines with regards to data
management practices in accordance with the Policy on Information
Peer Review
6.3.4. Retain the appropriate expert to review the Automated Decision System,
as prescribed in Appendix C based on the Impact Assessment Level.
Employee Training
6.3.5. Ensure that the relevant employees are sufficiently trained in the design,
function, and implementation of the Automated Decision System to be
able to review, explain and oversee automated decision-making, as
prescribed in Appendix C.
6.3.6. Subject to requirements prescribed Appendix C, ensure that a
contingency systems and/or processes are available should the
Automated Decision System be unavailable for an extended period of
6.3.7. Conduct risk assessments throughout the development of the system
and ensure appropriate safeguards to be applied, as per the Policy on
Government Security.
6.3.8. Consult with the institution’s legal services unit, to ensure that the use of
the Automated Decision System System is compliant with applicable
legal requirements.
6.4. Recourse
6.4.1. Provide affected individuals with information regarding options that are
available to them for recourse to challenge the automated decision or
6.5. Reporting
6.5.1. Publish information on the effectiveness and efficiency of Automated
Decision Systems annually on a website or service designated by the
Treasury Board of Canada.
6.5.2. When requested, provide information on the achievement of the expected
results of the Automated Decision System and compliance with this
Directive to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.
7. Consequences
7.1. Consequences of non-compliance with this policy can include any measure
allowed by the Financial Administration Act that the Treasury Board would
determine as appropriate and acceptable in the circumstances.
7.2. For an outline of the consequences of non‑compliance, refer to the Framework
for the Management of Compliance, Appendix C: Consequences for Institutions
and Appendix D: Consequences for Individuals.
8. Roles and Responsibilities of Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Subject to the necessary delegations, the Chief Technology Officer for the Government of
Canada is responsible for:
8.1. Providing government-wide guidance on the use of Automated Decision
8.2. Developing and maintaining the Algorithmic Impact Assessment and any
supporting documentation.
8.3. Communicating and engaging government-wide and with partners in other
jurisdictions and sectors to develop common strategies, approaches, and
processes to support the responsible use of Automated Decision Systems.
8.4. Reviewing this Directive every three years after its effective date.
9. Application
9.1. This Directive applies to all institutions referenced in the Policy on the
Management of Information Technology, unless excluded by specific acts,
regulations or orders-in-council;
9.2. Agencies and Crown Corporations may enter into Specific Agreements with the
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat to adopt the requirements of this Directive
and apply them to their organization, as required.
10. References
10.1. Financial Administration Act
Access to Information Act
Privacy Act
Security of Information Act
10.2. Policy on Access to Information
Policy on Service
Policy on Government Security
Policy on Information Management
Policy on Management of Information Technology
Policy on Privacy Protection
Directive on Open Government
11. Enquiries
For information on this policy instrument, please contact the Treasury Board of Canada
Secretariat Public Enquiries.
Appendix A - Definitions
Automated Decision System
An Automated Decision System includes any information technology designed to provide a
specific recommendation to a human decision-maker on an administrative decision, and/or
designed to make an administrative decision in lieu of a human decision maker.
Administrative Decision
Any decision that is made by an authorized official of an institution as identified in section 2
pursuant to powers conferred by an Act of Parliament or an order made pursuant to a
prerogative of the Crown that affects an individual’s legal rights, privileges or interests.
Algorithmic Impact Assessment
A framework to help institutions better understand and mitigate the risks associated with
Automated Decision Systems and to provide the appropriate governance, oversight and
reporting/audit requirements that best match the type of application being designed.
Source Code
Computer program in its original programming language, human readable, before translation
into object code usually by a compiler or an interpreter. It consists of algorithms, computer
instructions and may include developer's comments.
Appendix B - Impact Assessment Levels
The decision has a little to no impact on the rights or interests of an
individual, entity or Government organization.
Erroneous decision could reasonably be expected to cause nil to
minimal harm.
The decision has a moderate impact on the rights or interests of an
individual, entity or Government organization.
Compromise could reasonably be expected to cause minimal to
moderate harm.
The decision has a high impact on the rights or interests of an
individual, entity or Government organization.
Compromise could reasonably be expected to cause moderate to
serious harm.
The decision has a very high impact on the rights or interests of an
individual, entity or Government organization.
Compromise could reasonably be expected to cause serious to
catastrophic harm.
Appendix C - Impact Level Requirements
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Peer Review
At least one of:
Qualified expert from a federal,
provincial, territorial or municipal
government institution
Qualified members of faculty of a
post-secondary institution
Qualified researchers from a relevant
non- governmental organization
Contracted third-party vendor with a
related specialization
Publishing specifications of the
Automated Decision System in a
peer-reviewed journal
At least two of:
Qualified experts
from the National
Research Council
of Canada or
Statistics Canada
members of
faculty of a
researchers from
a relevant non-
third-party vendor
with a related
specifications of
the Automated
Decision System
in a
Plain language
posted on the
program or
service website.
Plain language notification posted on
the program or service website.
If the service involves an online
application, the notice must be made
at the time of application.
Website must link to additional
information where information about
the system is provided, including:
The role that the Automated
Decision System has within the
decision process,
A description of the training data,
or a link to the anonymized
training data if this data is
publicly available, and
A description of the criteria used
for making the decision, including
relevant business rules.
tion (5.1.1
and 5.1.2)
provided upon
request based on
machine or
human review.
including the
variables used in
the decision,
provided with the
Explanation can
be human or
for Decisions
(5.1.3 and
An explanation
provided upon
request based on
machine or
human review.
This could
include a
Frequently Asked
section of a
provided upon
request based on
machine or
human review.
Meaningful explanation, including the
variables used in the decision,
provided with the decision rendered.
Explanation can be human or
machine generated.
Before going into production, develop the appropriate processes to ensure
that training data is tested for unintended data biases and other factors that
may unfairly impact the outcomes.
Ensure that data being used by the Automated Decision System is routinely
tested to ensure that it is still relevant, accurate and up-to-date.
Monitor the outcomes of Automated Decision Systems on an ongoing basis
to safeguard against unintentional outcomes and to ensure compliance with
institutional and program legislation, as well as this Standar
on the design and
functionality of
the system
on the design and
functionality of
the system of the
Training courses
must be
n on the
design and
functionality of
the system.
A means to
verify that
training has
Ensure that a contingency plans
and/or backup systems are available
should the Automated Decision
System be unavailable.
Government of Canada Enterprise
Architecture Review Board
Government of
Review Board
Requires specific
authority from
Treasury Board