Guide to SSI Policies
and Procedures
All forms can be downloaded online
Table of Contents
General Overview Page 3
Paying an Invoice or Requesting Reimbursement for Expenses Page 4
Requests for ADVANCES Page 5
Transfer of Funds to Other SSI Organizations Page 5
Deposits to Organization Accounts Page 6
Purchase Orders Page 6
Balance of Funds in your SSI Account Page 7
Contracts Page 7
Rollover Requests Page 8
Credit Card Request Page 8
Vouchers for Services Payroll Process Page 8
Procedures to Remember Page 9
Gift Cards Page 11
Travel Page 11
Meals & Catering Page 13
Contact Information Page 15
The purpose of this manual is to familiarize yourself with the responsibilities of your
organization and to understand the relationship among Student Services, Inc. (SSI), the Student
Government Association (SGA), and West Chester University (WCU). It is primarily intended as
a guide to help manage the funds of your organization.
Student Services, Inc. (SSI) of West Chester University
Student Services, Inc. of West Chester University is a non-profit organization primarily designed
to serve WCU students. The objective of SSI is to initiate, regulate, and operate the financial
matters of all co-curricular student and campus activities. Such activities include the
management of the campus store, student publications, student clubs/organizations, student
programming, intra-collegiate athletics, and the Graduate Student Association (GSA).
Student Government Association (SGA)
“The purpose of . . . SGA is to provide a representative, unified, and responsible government; to
promoste the welfare of all students; to enrich student education with practical experience in self-
government; and to ensure the rights and privileges for all.” The SGA Treasurer maintains a
record of all SGA funds. He/she is the Chairperson of the SGA Finance Committee and is a
member of the SSI Finance Committee.
All student organizations are ultimately responsible to SGA because SGA is the recognition
body for all student groups. Without SGA approval, groups cannot exist at WCU and receive the
rights and privileges afforded recognized groups.
Each organization is governed by their by-laws and ultimately responsible to SGA. Please be
sure to familiarize yourself with these by-laws. Every organization shall undergo a regular
review of their by-laws every three years. Please refer to Student Organization Policy and
Procedure Manual for further information regarding by-laws.
SGA is funded via the Student Activity Fee through budget allocations. The budget process is
explained in more detail in a later section.
Paying an Invoice or Requesting Reimbursement for Expenses
Estimated processing time: 2 to 3 Business Days
In order to pay an invoice, you must complete an SSI Payment Voucher. Blank vouchers can be
obtained at the SSI Business Office, Room 259 of Sykes. An electronic version is also available
on the SSI Business Office website
The student treasurer must complete the following information on the voucher:
A. Organization Account Number, also known as the SSI Account Number;
B. Date submitted to SSI Business Office;
C. Who the check will be made payable to, including address. We will not process any
vouchers without a student’s permanent address.
D. Check the application box for whether the check is to be mailed or whether it will be
picked up at the SSI Business Office
E. Student treasurer signature in the student treasurer area indication approval, along with
email address;
F. Signature of Faculty Advisor indication approval. Along with email address;
Note: Requests from Residence Halls and Sports Clubs may require additional signatures
beyond SSI requirements. Please discuss this with your RA, Coach, or Campus
If applicable, invoice number of individuals involved, if applicable; total dollar amount
Examples of appropriate documentation to be attached to the voucher include the vender
invoice, detailed cash register receipts, and contract, if applicable. Receipts from
restaurants must show ordering detail to ensure that no reimbursement is made for
alcoholic beverages. SSI will not honor reimbursement requests without the
necessary proof of payment. No detailed receipt, no reimbursement!
G. If supplying a credit card statement to be paid, please provide all detailed receipts of
purchases made and NOT just the credit card statement itself. SSI will not honor
payment requests without the necessary proof of payment.
H. SSI will not accept receipts 60 days after date of purchase.
Once completed and signed, the voucher must be delivered to the SSI Business Office, Room
259 of Sykes, for approval by the Executive Director of SSI. A bin for vouchers waiting
processing is situated immediately in front of you as you enter the office.
Requests for ADVANCES
Estimated processing time: 2 to 3 Business Days
In order to process an ADVANCE, you must complete an SSI Payment Voucher. All of the
procedures noted in Section I should be followed, with the following additions:
An ADVANCE is typically made payable to an individual.
Amounts requested over $350 will not be approved.*
The voucher should be labled, “ADVANCE-Receipts to follow
The initial ADVANCE request does not require documentation, but receipts must be
submitted back to the SSI Business Office within 5 days. At that time, any difference
between the amount requested and amount spent must be reconciled (tax not included). If
less money is spent than initially requested, it must be returned with the receipts. If more
money is spent, an additional voucher can be submitted for reimbursement (see
procedures above).
SSI will only allow one ADVANCE out at a time for each organization. If you need more
than one ADVANCE, make sure to turn in the receipts from the previous advance that
was taken out and we will make sure to process the new payment voucher for the second
advance needed.
Any organization that fails to settle an ADVANCE by the specifed date will lose the ability to
request ADVANCE funds in the future.
ADVANCES will not be issued during the last week of the semester. All receipts must be
turned in before the end of the semester. Any club with outstanding receipts will lose the
privilege of being able to use advances for the following semester.
*Athletic coaches can exceed the $350 advance amount
Transfer of Funds to Other SSI Organizations
A completed SSI Payment Voucher must be submitted to the SSI Business Office. All of the
procedures noted in the above should be followed with the following changes:
Check the TRANSFER box, noting the organization receiving the funds.
This will typically be left blank.
Funds can only be transferred to other SGA recognized organizations with SSI accounts.
Funds transferred to other SGA recognized organizations can be used to support
service initiatives, but cannot be used as a direct donation to any philanthropic or
community based charity.
Deposits to Organization Accounts
Any funds received by an SSI organization should be deposited at the SSI Service Center
(located on the ground floor of Sykes Union) as soon as possible. A deposit slip can be obtained
from the SSI Service Center or the SSI Business Office. Additoinally, this form is available
electronically. The student treasurer must complete the following information on the deposit slip:
A. Date of deposit;
B. Name of the depositor (typically the treasurer of the organization);
C. Telephone number for contact purposes in case of questions;
D. Organization Number, also referred to as SSI Account Number;
E. Organization Name;
F. List items for deposit, separating into checks, coins, and cash. Be sure to include a total.
All checks should be endorsed to the organization the organization number should
be wirtten on the back of the check;
G. The source of funds;
H. To receive proper credit, check the box that best identifies the course of the funds.
I. Cash Advance returns are not to be deposited at the Service Center
J. Please allow up to a week to see the deposited funds hit your account on an updated
organizational balance sheet.
Purchase Orders
Occasionally, an organization will need to place an order for merchandise which will not be
delivered until a later date, such as customized shirts or buttons. Instead of issuing a check before
the merchandise is received, most vendors will accept a purchase order from SSI. A purchase
order is essentially a promise to pay the vendor once the order has been received and is accepted
by many vendors.
Before the SSI Business Office can process a purchase order, the organization must complete
and submit a Purchase Request. This form is available in both hard copy and electronic forms
from the SSI Business Office. All items must be completed, including authorized organization
signatures, before returning the form to the SSI Business Office. Attach a copy of the vendor
order form or other pertinent information to support the request.
After approval by the Executive Director, a purchase order will be processed and faxed to the
vendor. Once the merchandise is received by the organization, the invoice should be reviewed. If
everything is satisfactory, the organization treasurer should prepare an SSI Payment Voucher
accordingly. The vendor invoice will not be paid until a voucher is submitted to the SSI
Business Office. This process is separate from the purchase order.
The following companies will not process any order without a Purchase Order:
Krapf’s Bus & Coach
Kelly’s Sports
Balance of Funds in your SSI Account
If your organization maintains an account with SSI, you are encouraged to obtain a financial
report by visiting the SSI Business Office and requesting a printout. This report is also available
in .pdf format and may be emailed to you upon request.
In order to ensure that agreements for services are legal and appropriate, the following are
policies for all officially recognized West Chester University student organizations regarding
A. For SSI/SGA funded student organization sponsoring both on campus and off campus
events and programs
a. All contracts and/or agreements with outside agencies must be approved and
signed by all executive directors of SSI faculty/staff designee.
b. Under no circumstances can a student sign a contract or agreement with an
outside agnecy.
B. For student organizations not funded by SSI/SGA sponsoring on campus events and
a. All contracts and/or agreements with outside agencies must be approved and
signed by the executive director of SSI if the amount it over $300.
b. All contracts and/or agreements with outside agencies must be approved and
signed by the student organization’s faculty/staff advisor if the amount is $300 or
c. Under no circumstances can a student sign a contract or agreement with an
outside agency.
Rollover Requests
Organizations with balance remaining at the end of fiscal year (June) must submit a request in
writing or email to have funds rolled over for the next year. It must include a reasonable
explanation as to why the funds were not used.
Credit Card Request
In order to use the SSI credit card to make purchases, organizations must fill out a Credit Card
Request Form.
The SSI Credit Card Request Form must be submitted and approved before any student is
approved to use the card.
Minimum amount to use the SSI Credit Card is $100.
Any purchase over $1,500 must be approved by the SSI Executive Director.
All purchases will be done in the SSI Business Office by a staff member. At no time can
the SSI credit card leave the Business Office.
Rental purchases and deposits will not be approved.
Vouchers for Services Payroll Process
When paying a vendor or an individual person for a service (i.e. DJ, hairdresser, fitness
instructor, guest speaker, photographer, performer, etc.), vouchers for these individuals must be
filled out with their address, date of birth, and Social Security Number (SSN) in order to process
through our payroll department.
These vouchers will not be processed according to the bi-weekly payroll schedule not the 3-
5 business day schedule.
In order for a check to be ready for individuals performing a services, the voucher must be
submitted two weeks prior to service, with the address, date of birth, and Social Security
Number (SSN) filled out.
If an individual would like to contact our Human Resources/Payroll Department regarding
their personal information, they may do so at (610) 436-3559 or E[email protected].
Procedures to Remember
SSI Payment Vouchers
o Minimum amount for an advance: $100
o Maximum amount for an advance: $350
Can receive an additional amount (if need be) after receipts from original
advance have been turned in
o Need signatures from both treasurer and advisor before turning in paperwork (if
treasurer is not present, the president may sign in their place)
o Need a form up back up or detailed receipts attached to voucher
If it is a transfer no need for back up paperwork
o Advances do not need receipts until after items have been purchased
o Make sure to write a DETAILED description of what is being purchased and
o If an advance is needed to purchase supplies such as paper, poster board, pens,
etc. the WCU Campus Store should be the first option utilized.
All SSI Organizations may utilize the benefits of being able to charge
supply items to their account in the Campus Store
There is no paperwork needed if the amount to be charged is under $100
If supplies being purchased are to exceed the $100 a payment voucher
must be filled out and approved by an advisor before purchases are
charged to an account
o When filling out a voucher please include BOTH organization’s name and
organization’s number
o Turn-around time for a check to be cut is 2-3 business days
o Please remember to check off whether the check needs to be mailed or picked up
o Vouchers made out to individuals for a gift or prizes over the amount of $25
will be processed through payroll
Please provide individuals Name, Address, SSN, DOB, and Contact
information when submitting payment voucher
Failure to provide information delays process in which an individual will
be paid
SSI processes payroll bi-weekly; therefore payroll vouchers must be
submitted by the Monday of the week of the pay date no later than 12PM.
o All scholarships awarded will be written out to West Chester University’s
Bursar’s Office
Please provide the students name and id number when submitting the
payment voucher
Blue Credit Card Request Forms
o Minimum amount is $100
o Maximum amount is $1500
o Must be filled out properly or will not be allowed to use card
o Need advisors signature before purchasing items
o Must have attached receipts of purchases along with blue form when handed in
o Exception: If using the card to purchase food, you may only use
Purchase Order Request Forms
o Used when a vender needs a PO Number before placing an order
Ex: Kelly’s Sports, Krapfs Coaches, George Krapfs,
Aramark (New Street Carting), etc.
o Please attach all order forms from venders to pink slip when turned in
o PO Number needed for Aramark
When dropping off order form please wait for a PO Number to be
provided by an employee in the office before leaving
You will need to provide Aramark with this number before they process
your order
o Once venders have received our PO Number your order will be processed
o They will then send us an invoice to be paid (if an invoice is sent to you please
forward to
Deposit Slips
o All deposits are made at the Service Center ground floor of Sykes
Across from the campus store
o Once a deposit has been made please be advised that it will not show in your
account balance for at least a week
o Form NEEDS to be filled out correctly before making a deposit at the Service
Gift Card Purchases
Gift cards will first be purchased and then reimbursed. SSI will NOT advance money for
the purchase of gift cards.
Gift card reimbursement will NOT be honored if amount exceeds $25 for a single gift
card. If multiple gift cards are purchased they are not to exceed the amount of $25 each in
order to be reimbursed.
When filling out a Payment Voucher for reimbursement, please be as detailed as possible
as to why the purchase of a gift card or gift cards was necessary.
o Examples: If the gift card is for an individual who has shown outstanding
achievment please include that individuals name in the description along with
their Student ID Number (if awarded to a student). If a gift card or gift cards were
purchased for a raffle please be as specific as possible about the event in which
was held making sure to include: name of event, date of event, and purpose of the
West Chester University and SSI both offer vans in which are to be used for travel. These should
be the first options in which any organization/athletics utilizes before using a personal vehicle or
a rental. A limited number of sedans, mini-vans, and full size vans are available at the Motor
Pool and SSI on a first-come, first-served basis for use by the faculty and staff while on official
University business. More information about WCU Motor Pool can be found on the WCUPA
When requesting a van from SSI, one must stop by the SSI Business Office to fill out a Van
Request Form. All forms must be filled out completely before turned in for approval. Once
turned in the Executive Director will either approve or deny the request. An email will be sent
with a detailed messaged whether approval has been granted or not.
WCU and SSI vehicles are not permitted on out-of-state trips in excess of 300 miles from West
Chester. Exceptions to this regulation must be approved in writing by the appropriate Vice
President or designee. It is recommended that a personal vehicle is used up to 50 miles of travel;
a University or SSI vehicle is recommended for use on trips between 50-300 miles; any travel
that exceeds 300 miles it is recommended that a rental car be purchased. The most cost effective
method should be utilized and used as a guide for payment.
Other travel options may be optional depending on the rate of travel. SSI will reimburse airfare if
the cost of the trip is the better option as opposed to traveling by van or personal vehicle.
A. The driver must:
i. Possess a valid operator’s license.
ii. Be at least 21 years old.
iii. Be employed, in a paid status, by WCU or SSI
iv. Be operating the vehicle pursuant to his (her) specific responsibilities with WCU
or SSI
i. A faculty member can drive students for a research trip or a field trip if the
research trip or field trip is part of the faculty member’s legitimate
responsibilities with West Chester University and the students are
participating as part of their formal education or organization with West
Chester University
ii. A coach can drive their athletes to an event where they are participating on
behalf of WCU
v. WCU student employees or graduate assistants on the University’s payroll can
drive a University or SSI vehicle as long as they meet all other requirements of
this policy. Students are not allowed to operate a WCU or SSI Vehicle.
vi. Passengers of WCU or SSI vehicles must be employees, students, or individuals
who are on official WCU business.
B. Charges for Vehicle Use:
i. The applicable mileage and daily or monthly charges per rate list:
i. Sedan and Minivan Rate
1. $0.38 per mile or $21.00 per day, whichever is greater
ii. Van and Truck Rate
1. $0.45 per mile or $21.00 per day, whichever is greater
iii. “Super Van” Rate
1. $0.65 per mile or $30.00 per day, whichever is greater
ii. Maintenance
i. The driver is responsible for completing a visual van inspection before
departing the parking area. Any damages of deficiencies must be reported.
ii. Please remove all of your belongings and debris upon your return or your
organization will be charged for cleaning.
iii. E-ZPass
i. Any usage will be charged to your organization or department
C. Reimbursement for Travel Costs:
i. His/Her own vehicle is being used
i. SSI will only advance money for gas and tolls for the estimated amount of
the anticipated out-of-state costs
ii. The mileage rate reimbursement is the only reimbursement the employee
or student may receive for use of a personal automobile on official travel,
except for parking and tolls. The reimbursement rate includes
depreciation, fuel, insurance, fees, licenses, oil, repairs, tires, and all
iii. An employee or student traveling as a passenger in a personal vehicle is
not entitled to mileage reimbursement
iv. SSI will not reimburse for tickets of any sort
v. SSI will only reimburse you the cost that it would be for a rental if travel
exceeds more than 300 miles
vi. Must show a detailed list of miles traveled with trip itinerary
ii. Airfare Reimbursement
i. SSI will reimburse an individual for airfare
1. Will reimburse for upgraded seat, but not upgraded section,
therefore SSI will not reimburse tickets bought for first class
2. Will reimburse up to one checked bag up to the amount of $25
anything over that amount will not be honored.
ii. SSI will fund advisor expenses
iii. If personal car is used to get to and from the airport reimbursements are as
1. Trips lasting longer than 24 hours should use long term parking or
other services such as Smart Park, Park-n-Jet, etc.
2. Same day trips may use short term parking (less than 24 hours)
Meals & Catering
1. Groups are permitted to use their allocated funds on meals but must be in accordance
with the following:
a. Meals will not be reimbursed in excess of the following per person, per meal:
(West Chester Rates)*
i. Breakfast $12.00
ii. Lunch $15.00
iii. Dinner $32.00
b. All meals expensed must be accompanied by a detailed receipt
c. Gratuity for a sit down meal may not exceed 18% of the meal
d. Gratuity for a delivered meal may not exceed 10% of the meal
e. Alcohol is not reimbursable
2. In cases where meals are bought outside of West Chester, PA you may use the following
link to see the per diem rate for the following
state and town in which meals are to be purchased.
a. SSI does not give the per diem rate
b. SSI will reimburse for meals purchased as long as there are detailed receipts
supplied at time of reimbursement
c. If amount spent goes over the town’s/state’s per diem rate SSI will only
reimburse the per diem rate listed. If amount spent is less than the per diem
rate SSI will only reimburse for the amount that was spent as long as required
receipts are supplied.
3. Groups are permitted to use their allocated funds on catered events but must be in
accordance with the following:
a. Catered events cannot exceed the following per person, per meal:
i. Breakfast $15.00
ii. Lunch $20.00
iii. Dinner $25.00
iv. Non-meals $10.00
b. Alcohol may not be served at these events.
c. Gratuity may not exceed 10% of the meal.
*Check GSA for updated rates
Contact Information
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!
Laura Sheehan, Business Office Generalist & SGA Relations
(610) 436-2357
Elise Bonagura, Payroll/HR Generalist
(610) 436-3559