ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri
Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Get started
What is ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Esri Vector Basemaps content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
What's new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Directory of map styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Frequently asked questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
System requirements
Esri Vector Basemaps system requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Set up ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Set up Esri Vector Basemaps (new user) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Set up Esri Vector Basemaps (existing user) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Troubleshooting Esri Vector Basemaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Additional resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Use Esri Vector Basemaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Customize styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Localize Esri Vector Basemap styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Terms of use
Terms of use for ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Copyright information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Get started
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
What is ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps?
Esri Vector Basemaps provides detailed maps from industry-leading data providers that you can use with your
ArcGIS and web applications. Vector tiles enable dynamic cartography and provide the flexibility to create your own
basemap style. The vector basemaps are available as tile layers that can be added to existing maps as either a
basemap or an overlay layer.
Esri Vector Basemaps provides a content solution that works with ArcGIS Enterprise. It is included (shipped
separately) with ArcGIS Data Appliance 2022 with World Standard, World Advanced, North America Standard, and
North America Advanced product options. It can also be licensed as a stand-alone option.
This feature is not included with the World Basic product option.
The Esri Vector Basemaps help includes the following topics:
Esri Vector Basemaps content
Directory of map styles
System requirements
Set up Esri Vector Basemaps
Information on how to use Esri Vector Basemaps
Methods to customize and localize Esri Vector Basemap styles
Reference information including FAQs, Troubleshooting, and Support
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Esri Vector Basemaps content
Esri Vector Basemaps is delivered on a USB flash drive loaded with two vector tile packages, styles, and style
publishing toolboxes (.tbx file).
Esri Vector Basemaps ships separately.
This version includes the following:
Installation vector tile packages that you upload to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal using ArcGIS Pro and publish as
a hosted vector tile service on your hosting server:
Esri_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_Install.vtpk—A vector tile package for customers who want to use Web
Mercator Auxiliary Sphere (WMA).
Esri_Vector_Basemap_GCS_DA2022_Install.vtpk—A vector tile package for customers who want to use
Esri Vector Basemaps in WGS84 Geographic (GCS). This .vtpk file uses the WGS84 Geographic, version 2 tiling
Map styles (for each projection) that you publish as vector tile layers to your Enterprise portal to use in your maps
and apps or customize. These styles require resources included in the VectorBasemapStyles folder for publishing.
Vector Style publishing tools for managing your vector basemap tile layers (map styles) in your Enterprise portal:
VectorStylePublisher.tbx—This toolbox is used to create vector basemap tile layers.
VectorStyleUpdater.tbx—This toolbox is used to update existing vector basemap tile layers.
Map style text files to help you with map style updates:
DA2022_WMA_StyleUpdater_template.csv—This file manages WMA styles.
DA2022_GCS_StyleUpdater_template.csv—This file manages GCS styles.
Documentation file (data_appliance_esri_vector_basemaps.pdf) that includes instructions for getting
started, setup, using Esri Vector Basemaps, and more.
Do not use the Esri_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_Install and Esri_Vector_Basemap_GCS_DA2022_Install vector tile
packages for anything other than publishing the tile layer (hosted). Once you publish the tile layer to your
Enterprise portal, do not share the .vtpk files publicly (Everyone), as distribution of these items outside of your
organization is not permitted.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
What's new
This update of ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps contains two updated vector tile packages (.vtpk files)
used to publish as hosted vector tile services in your ArcGIS Enterprise portal. One is in the Web Mercator Auxiliary
Sphere (WMA) projection and the other is in the WGS84/GCS (GCS) tiling scheme. Map styles can be published as
vector tile layers for each option.
These vector tile packages contain updated global data from a variety of sources including HERE and
OpenStreetMap, as well as local authoritative data from the Esri Community Maps Program.
There is one new map style, Outline, and 34 of the Esri Vector Basemaps vector tile layers (map styles) include
cartographic styling refinements.
Existing users of the vector basemaps in ArcGIS Data Appliance can update the hosted tile layer as well as add the
new style and update 34 of the 50 styles from version 7.2. The VectorStyleUpdater toolbox uses a template of
existing item IDs and can be run in ArcGIS Pro.
New users can publish any or all of the full set of 51 styles.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Directory of map styles
Esri Vector Basemaps includes the following 51 vector tile layers. The styles can be published in Web Mercator
Auxiliary Sphere (WMA) projection or WGS84/GCS (GCS) tiling scheme.
Layer name and
Style folder name Description
Charted Territory
The Charted Territory vector tile layer
provides a detailed basemap featuring a
geopolitical style reminiscent of a printed
atlas plate or a school classroom wall map.
This layer is designed for use with the World
Hillshade basemap.
Colored Pencil
The Colored Pencil vector tile layer is
presented in the style of hand-drawn, colored
pencil cartography.
The Community vector tile layer provides a
detailed basemap featuring strong colors to
emphasize large scale features.
Dark Gray Canvas
The Dark Gray Canvas vector tile layer
provides a detailed basemap of the world
featuring a dark neutral background style
with minimal colors, labels, and features.
Dark Gray Canvas
(Community Maps)
The Dark Gray Canvas (Community Maps)
vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap
featuring a dark neutral background style
with minimal colors, labels, and features with
select roads provided by community
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Layer name and
Style folder name Description
Dark Gray Canvas Base
The Dark Gray Canvas Base vector tile layer
provides a detailed basemap of the world
featuring a dark neutral background style
with minimal colors, labels, and features. This
layer is designed for use with the Dark Gray
Canvas Reference layer.
Dark Gray Canvas
The Dark Gray Canvas Reference vector tile
layer provides a city reference overlay of the
world designed for use over a dark neutral
background style with minimal colors, labels,
and features. This layer is designed for use
with the Dark Gray Canvas Base layer.
Dark Gray Canvas
Reference (Local
The Dark Gray Canvas Reference (Local
Language) vector tile layer provides a
detailed reference label layer. Labels are in
local languages at large scale. This layer is
designed for use with the Dark Gray Canvas
Base layer.
Human Geography Base
The Human Geography Base vector tile layer
provides a detailed vector basemap of the
world symbolizing the land with a light gray,
neutral background style.
Human Geography Dark
The Human Geography Dark Base vector tile
layer provides a simple vector basemap of
the world symbolizing the land with a very
dark gray, neutral background style.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Layer name and
Style folder name Description
Human Geography Dark
The Human Geography Dark Detail vector tile
layer provides a detailed basemap with a dark
monochromatic style and content adjusted to
support human geography information. This
layer is a detailed reference layer that
includes administrative boundaries, roads,
and highways.
Human Geography Dark
The Human Geography Dark Label vector tile
layer provides a detailed basemap with a dark
monochromatic style and content adjusted to
support human geography information. The
map includes labels for highways, major
roads, minor roads, water features, cities,
landmarks, and administrative boundaries.
Human Geography
The Human Geography Detail vector tile layer
provides a detailed basemap with a
monochromatic style and content adjusted to
support human geography information.
Human Geography Label
The Human Geography Label vector tile layer
provides a detailed vector basemap for world
labels designed to draw attention to the
thematic content.
Hybrid Reference Layer
The Hybrid Reference Layer vector tile layer
provides a detailed reference layer of the
world designed to be overlaid on imagery.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Layer name and
Style folder name Description
Hybrid Reference Layer
(Community Maps)
The Hybrid Reference Layer (Community
Maps) vector tile layer provides a detailed
reference layer of the world designed to be
overlaid on imagery with select roads
provided by community contributors.
Hybrid Reference Layer
(Local Language)
The Hybrid Reference Layer (Local Language)
vector tile layer provides a detailed reference
layer, including transportation and labels of
the world. Labels are in local languages at
large scale. This layer is designed for use with
the World Imagery basemap.
Light Gray Canvas
The Light Gray Canvas vector tile layer
provides a detailed vector basemap of the
world symbolized with a light gray, neutral
background style with minimal colors, labels,
and features that is designed to draw
attention to the thematic content.
Light Gray Canvas
(Community Maps)
The Light Gray Canvas (Community Maps)
vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap
featuring a light neutral background style
with minimal colors, labels, and features.
Select roads are provided by community
Light Gray Canvas Base
The Light Gray Canvas Base vector tile layer
provides a detailed basemap of the world
featuring a light neutral background style
with minimal colors, labels, and features. This
layer is designed for use with the Light Gray
Canvas Reference layer.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Layer name and
Style folder name Description
Light Gray Canvas
The Light Gray Canvas Reference vector tile
layer provides a detailed reference overlay of
the world featuring a light neutral
background style with minimal colors, labels,
and features. This layer is designed for use
with the Light Gray Canvas Base layer.
Light Gray Canvas
Reference (Local
The Light Gray Canvas Reference (Local
Language) vector tile layer provides a
detailed reference label layer. Labels are in
local languages at large scale. This layer is
designed for use with the Light Gray Canvas
Base layer.
The Mid-Century vector tile layer provides a
customized vector layer of the world
symbolized with a unique mid-century styled
map. It takes its inspiration from the art and
advertising of the 1950s with unique fonts.
The symbols for cities and capitals have an
atomic slant to them.
Modern Antique
The Modern Antique vector tile layer provides
a customized vector layer of the world
symbolized with a unique antique-styled map
and a modern flair—including the benefit of
multiscale mapping.
National Geographic
The National Geographic Style vector tile
layer provides a detailed basemap featuring
boundary ribbons and other map content.
This layer is designed for use with the World
Hillshade relief basemap for added context.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Layer name and
Style folder name Description
National Geographic
Style (Local Language)
The National Geographic Style (Local
Language) vector tile layer provides a
detailed basemap featuring boundary ribbons
and other map content. This layer is designed
for use with the World Hillshade relief
basemap for added context. Labels are in
local languages at large scale.
The Newspaper vector tile layer provides a
customized vector layer of the world
symbolized with a unique newspaper-styled
map. It has a black and white appearance
with select features highlighted in red. Many
of the area fills have halftone patterns
commonly found in traditional newspaper
The Nova vector tile layer provides a detailed
basemap of the world featuring a dark
background with glowing blue symbology
inspired by the splash screen. The
Nova vector tile layer emulates this color
scheme with a grid pattern across the ocean
and stripes or square stippled patterns for
land use features visible at larger scales.
The Outline vector tile layer provides a
detailed basemap of the world featuring a
simple black and white outline.
World Navigation Map
The World Navigation Map vector tile layer
provides a detailed basemap of the world
featuring a custom navigation map style.
World Navigation Map
(Community Maps)
The World Navigation Map (Community
Maps) vector tile layer provides a detailed
basemap of the world featuring a custom
navigation map style with select roads
provided by community contributors.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Layer name and
Style folder name Description
World Navigation Map
(Local Language)
The World Navigation Map (Local Language)
vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap
of the world featuring a custom navigation
map style. Labels are in local languages at
large scale.
World Navigation Map
(Dark Mode)
The World Navigation Map (Dark Mode)
vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap
featuring a dark navigation map style.
World Navigation Map
(Dark Mode -
Community Maps)
The World Navigation Map (Dark Mode -
Community Maps) vector tile layer provides a
detailed basemap featuring a dark navigation
map style with select roads provided by
community contributors.
World Navigation Map
(Dark Mode - Local
The World Navigation Map (Dark Mode -
Local language) vector tile layer provides a
detailed basemap featuring a dark navigation
map style. Labels are in local languages at
large scale.
World Ocean Reference
The World Ocean Reference vector tile layer
provides a detailed basemap featuring a
custom ocean style. This layer is designed for
use with the World Ocean Base raster layer.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Layer name and
Style folder name Description
World Street Map
The World Street Map vector tile layer
provides a detailed basemap of the world
featuring a classic Esri street map style.
World Street Map
(Community Maps)
The World Street Map (Community Maps)
vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap
of the world featuring a classic Esri street map
style with select roads provided by
community contributors.
World Street Map (Local
The World Street Map (Local Language)
vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap
of the world featuring a classic Esri street map
style. Labels are in local languages at large
World Street Map
The World Street Map (Night) vector tile layer
provides a detailed basemap of the world
featuring a custom nighttime street map
World Street Map (Night
- Community Map)
The World Street Map (Night - Community
Map) vector tile layer provides a detailed
basemap of the world featuring a custom
nighttime street map style with select roads
provided by community contributors.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Layer name and
Style folder name Description
World Street Map
(Night-Local Language)
The World Street Map (Night-Local
Language) vector tile layer provides a
detailed basemap of the world featuring a
custom nighttime street map style. Labels are
in local languages at large scale.
World Street Map (with
The World Street Map (with Relief) vector tile
layer provides a detailed basemap of the
world featuring a classic Esri street map style
designed for use with a relief map.
World StreetMap (with
Relief - Community
The World Street Map (with Relief -
Community Maps) vector tile layer provides a
detailed basemap of the world featuring a
classic Esri street map style designed for use
with a relief map. Select roads are provided
by community contributors.
World Terrain Base
The World Terrain Base vector tile layer
displays minimal map content: water and land
fill, water lines, and roads. This layer is
designed for use as a base layer with the
World Terrain Reference layer and World
Hillshade basemap.
World Terrain Reference
The World Terrain Reference vector tile layer
displays minimal map content: populated
place names, administrative areas, and water
labels with boundary lines. This layer is
designed for use as a reference overlay with
the World Terrain Base layer and the World
Hillshade basemap.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Layer name and
Style folder name Description
World Terrain Reference
(Local Language)
The World Terrain Reference (Local
Language) vector tile layer provides a
detailed reference layer of the world. Labels
are in local languages at large scale. This layer
is designed for use with the World Terrain
Base layer and the World Hillshade basemap.
World Terrain with
The World Terrain with Labels vector tile layer
provides a detailed basemap of the world
symbolized with populated places,
administrative areas, boundary lines, and
roads. The minimal features and styling are
designed to draw attention to the thematic
World Terrain with
Labels (Community
The World Terrain with Labels (Community
Maps) vector tile layer provides a detailed
basemap of the world symbolized with
populated places, administrative areas,
boundary lines, and roads. The minimal
features and styling are designed to draw
attention to the thematic content. Select
roads are provided by community
World Topographic Map
The World Topographic Map vector tile layer
provides a detailed basemap of the world
featuring a classic Esri topographic map style
designed for use with a relief map.
World Topographic Map
(Local Language)
The World Topographic Map (Local
Language) vector tile layer provides a
detailed basemap of the world featuring a
classic Esri topographic map style. Labels are
in local languages at large scale. This layer is
designed for use with the World Hillshade
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Frequently asked questions
Listed below are frequently asked questions and answers regarding ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps.
How does ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps work?
How do I set up Esri Vector Basemaps?
Where does the data come from?
Does Esri Vector Basemaps include imagery?
What services are available?
Are there any use restrictions when using Esri Vector Basemaps?
Where can I find more information about editing custom styles?
Where can I find more information about using basemaps in my Portal for ArcGIS Map Viewer Classic?
What if I need further assistance?
How does ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps work?
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps is published as a hosted vector tile service from your Enterprise portal
along with several dozen map styles that you can share, use, and customize within your organization. For more
information on vector basemaps and the differences between raster and vector tile layers, see Tile layers in the
Portal for ArcGIS help.
How do I set up Esri Vector Basemaps?
Refer to the instructional video and help documentation on the Esri Vector Basemaps Additional resources section
of the ArcGIS Data Appliance 2022 website to learn how to set up and use Esri Vector Basemaps.
Where does the data come from?
The content used with Esri Vector Basemaps is the same content you see online for Esri Vector Basemaps. The data
sources are included as part of the Credits in the map styles you publish to your portal.
Does Esri Vector Basemaps include imagery?
No. Esri Vector Basemaps does not include raster basemaps or imagery.
What services are available?
Esri Vector Basemaps only requires one service published as a hosted vector tile layer from your portal. Other maps
are included as map styles that you publish to your portal as tile layers. See Directory of map styles for the vector
tile layers included with Esri Vector Basemaps.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Are there any use restrictions when using Esri Vector Basemaps?
The data is provided by multiple third-party data vendors under license to Esri for inclusion in ArcGIS Data
Appliance for use with Esri software. Redistribution rights are granted by Esri and the data vendor for hard-copy
renditions or static, electronic map images (for example, .gif and .jpeg files) that are plotted, printed, or publicly
displayed with proper metadata and source or copyright attribution to the respective data vendor or vendors. For
copyright and attribution information, see Credits for a specific map published to your portal.
Where can I find more information about editing custom styles?
View the Working with and Customizing Esri Vector Basemaps: The Basics post on the ArcGIS Blog website for more
information about editing custom styles.
Where can I find more information about using basemaps in my Portal for ArcGIS Map Viewer Classic?
See Customize basemaps and Choose basemap in the Portal for ArcGIS help for more information about using
basemaps in your Portal for ArcGIS Map Viewer Classic.
What if I need further assistance?
For all questions, feedback, and troubleshooting, and to report issues, contact Esri Technical Support.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
System requirements
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Esri Vector Basemaps system requirements
The following software components and prerequisites are required before you deploy Esri Vector Basemaps:
ArcGIS Pro Basic, Standard, or Advanced 2.8 or later.
An ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1, 10.8, 10.8.1, or 10.9 deployment meeting the base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment
Authentication exclusions—The Linux public key infrastructure (PKI) configuration is not supported.
Before you start
Before you begin your deployment, do the following:
1. Check with your portal administrator to verify or request the following:
A Portal for ArcGIS account with the Publisher or Administrative role enabled.
A named user license enabled for ArcGIS Pro Standard or Advanced.
A minimum of 70 GB of available space per .vtpk file for your portal content directory, 35 GB of available
space for your hosting server’s jobs directory, and 35 GB of available space for your hosting server’s cache
2. Check with your ArcGIS Server administrator to verify or request the following:
A minimum of 70 GB of available disk space per .vtpk file on your ArcGIS Server.
Enough pooling time for your ArcGIS Server. Successfully publishing a large .vtpk file as a hosted vector tile
service requires more time for the web client to communicate with ArcGIS Server. Check with your ArcGIS
Server administrator to confirm that the The maximum time a client can use a service option is set to
21,600 seconds.
The following steps walk you through this process for ArcGIS Server 10.7.1, 10.8, 10.8.1, or 10.9:
Open a new browser and access ArcGIS Server Manager, for example, https://PORTALNAME/server/
manager, and sign in.
Click Site (root) > System > PublishingTools.
Click Pooling, and under Specify Service Timeouts, change the value for The maximum time a client
can use a service from 3,600 seconds (1 hour) to 21600 seconds (6 hours).
Click Save and Restart.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Sign out of ArcGIS Server Manager.
ArcGIS Data Appliance 2022: Esri Vector Basemaps is delivered on a USB flash drive loaded with vector tiles,
styles, and style publishing tools. Copy all contents of the USB flash drive to your local computer.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Set up ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Instructions for how to set up ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps depend on whether you are a new or an
existing user, as follows:
New user
Existing user
When you've completed setting up ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps, your vector basemaps will be
ready to use.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Set up Esri Vector Basemaps (new user)
For information about what's included with Esri Vector Basemaps, see Esri Vector Basemaps content.
Before you proceed, review the system requirements to confirm that you can deploy Esri Vector Basemaps on your
Once you confirm that the system requirements are met, the workflow to set up Esri Vector Basemaps is as follows:
1. Upload the package to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal
2. Publish the hosted tile layer (service)
3. Publish tile layers (map styles)
4. Share tile layers (map styles)
Esri Vector Basemaps includes two vector tile packages (.vtpk) on the flash drive. The
Esri_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_Install.vtpk file is in the Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere (WMA) projection. The
Esri_Vector_Basemap_GCS_DA2022_Install.vtpk file is in the WGS84/GCS (GCS) tiling scheme. The following
steps reflect the sharing process of the WMA vector tile package. To share the GCS package, you need to enter the
correct .vtpk file name for the input package as well as take the GCS naming into consideration when publishing
the hosted tile layer. The Esri Vector Basemaps styles in the GCS directory already take the GCS naming into account
in the metadata files.
Upload the package to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal
First, you need to copy the entire USB flash drive contents to your local computer if you have not already done so.
1. Start ArcGIS Pro, sign in to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal, and select Set As Active Portal.
You must sign in and connect to your portal before you proceed. You cannot enter your portal user name and
password when using the Share Package tool later in these instructions. The tool obtains your credentials from
ArcGIS Pro.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
2. Create a project.
3. Select the Analysis tab, and select Tools in the Geoprocessing group.
The Geoprocessing pane appears.
4. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for Share Package, and select the Share Package (Data Management
Tools) tool from the search results.
5. In the Share Package dialog box, provide the following:
a. For Input Package, provide the path to the vector tile package, for example, C:\Projects\
b. For Summary, type Esri Vector Basemap for Data Appliance 2022.
c. For Tags, type 2022, v2.
Do not change the Credits parameter value and do not check the boxes to share with Everybody or Within
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
6. Select Run.
It will take approximately 30–120 minutes to upload the package to your portal. A Share Package Uploaded
Successfully message appears in the Share Package window once the upload is complete.
7. Through your portal, confirm that the .vtpk file uploaded successfully.
a. Open a web browser and sign in to your portal.
The Esri_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_Install tile package is located in the root folder.
b. Confirm that the Size value of the tile package is 34,497 MB and Shared with indicates that the item is not
Your item should look like the following:
If the size is not 34,497 MB, delete the item and upload the Esri_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_Install tile package
again. You may want to discuss the problem with your portal administrator.
For the Esri_Vector_Basemap_GCS_DA2022_Install tile package, if the size is not 34,101 MB, delete the item and
upload it again.
See the Troubleshooting Esri Vector Basemaps topic for more information.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Publish the hosted tile layer (service)
Now you'll publish the Esri Vector Basemap hosted tile layer service from your portal.
1. Sign in to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal.
Your account must have publishing credentials.
2. In My Content, go to the item page for the vector tile package
(Esri_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_Install.vtpk) you uploaded to your portal.
3. Click Publish, change the title to Esri_Vector_Basemap_v2, and click Publish again.
For the GCS tile package (Esri_Vector_Basemap_GCS_DA2022_Install.vtpk), change the title to
It will take 30–120 minutes to create the hosted layer, depending on your system configuration.
The Esri_Vector_Basemap_v2 hosted tile layer is created.
Publish tile layers (map styles)
You'll publish your map styles next.
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The VectorStylePublisher geoprocessing toolbox can be run in ArcGIS Pro. This toolbox publishes 51 new tile layers
to your portal.
These instructions assume that the toolbox and VectorBasemapStyles folder are on your local computer.
You must have a portal account assigned to the default publisher or administrator role, or your account must be
assigned to a custom role that has privileges to create content and publish hosted tile layers.
1. Start ArcGIS Pro, sign in to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal, and select Set As Active Portal.
2. Create a project.
3. Select the View tab, select Catalog View in the Windows group, right-click Toolboxes, and select Add
4. Browse to the location on your local computer where you copied the contents of the USB flash drive, select
VectorStylePublisher.tbx, and select OK.
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The VectorStylePublisher toolbox is added to the project.
5. Double-click Toolboxes and double-click VectorStylePublisher.tbx.
6. Double-click the Vector Style Publisher script.
7. On the Vector Style Publisher dialog box, select the Parameters tab and provide the following:
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a. For Folder containing vector styles, browse to the location of the VectorBasemapStyles folder on your local
computer, for example, C:\Projects\Esri_Vector_Basemaps_2022\VectorBasemapStyles\
b. For Vector Tile Service URL, provide the URL of the Esri Vector Basemap hosted tile layer, for example,
The vector tile service URL is found in the URL section of the Esri_Vector_Basemap_v2 hosted tile layer item
page. Click the Copy button and paste the URL in the Vector Tile Service URL parameter text box.
c. For Metadata folder name, keep the default name metadata.
If you are using a portal with PKI authentication, expand PKI Authorization and provide values for the
PKI_Certificated_file_(.pfx) and PKI Private Password parameters.
If you are using a portal with Linux LDAP authentication, expand Linux LDAP and provide information for
the Sign In Username and Sign In Password parameters.
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d. Click Run.
The 51 vector tile layers (map styles) are created in your assigned ArcGIS Enterprise account. You can view the items
in My Content. Fifty-three items are listed: 51 vector tile layers, the .vtpk file, and the hosted tile layer.
Share tile layers (map styles)
The items created are private unless you check the Share vector style web layers publicly check box to make
them public.
Alternatively, you can select the map items in your portal and change the sharing settings.
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Delete protection for all items is applied upon publishing the tile layers. To change the protection setting, open the
item and click the Settings tab. Under Delete Protection, uncheck Prevent this item from being accidentally
deleted and click Save.
Once you set up Esri Vector Basemaps, you can do the following:
Use Esri Vector Basemaps
Customize styles
Localize styles
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Set up Esri Vector Basemaps (existing user)
These steps are for updating your Esri Vector Basemaps in WMA.
To use Esri Vector Basemaps in the GCS format, complete the steps using the information for GCS.
For information about what's included with Esri Vector Basemaps, see Esri Vector Basemaps content and What's
You'll use the following workflow to update Esri Vector Basemaps:
1. Upload the package to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal
2. Publish the new hosted tile layer (service)
The title of your new hosted tile layer must be different than the title of your existing hosted tile layer (for
example, the name of the new layer is Esri_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_v2).
3. Replace the existing hosted tile layer (service) with the new hosted tile layer
4. Update existing tile layers (map styles)
5. Publish new tile layers (map styles)
6. Share tile layers (map styles)
Upload the package to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal
First, you need to copy the entire USB flash drive contents to your local computer if you have not already done so.
Review the system requirements to confirm that you can deploy the Esri Vector Basemaps update.
1. Start ArcGIS Pro, sign in to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal, and select Set As Active Portal.
You must sign in and connect to your portal before you proceed. You cannot enter your portal user name and
password when using the Share Package tool later in these instructions. The tool obtains your credentials from
ArcGIS Pro.
2. Create a project.
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3. Select the Analysis tab, and select Tools in the Geoprocessing group.
The Geoprocessing pane appears.
4. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for Share Package, and select the Share Package (Data Management
Tools) tool from the search results.
5. On the Share Package dialog box, provide the following:
a. For Input Package, provide the path to the vector tile package, for example, C:\Projects\
b. For Summary, type Esri Vector Basemap for Data Appliance 2022.
c. For Tags, type 2022, v2.
Do not change the Credits parameter value and do not check the boxes to share with Everybody or Within
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6. Select Run.
It will take approximately 30–120 minutes to upload the package to your portal. A Share Package Uploaded
Successfully message appears in the Share Package window once the upload is complete.
7. Through your portal, confirm that the .vtpk file uploaded successfully.
a. Open a web browser and sign in to your portal.
The Esri_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_Install tile package is located in the root folder.
b. Under Details, confirm that the Size value of the tile package is 34,497 MB and Shared with indicates that
the item is not shared.
Your item should look like the following:
If the size is not 34,497 MB, delete the item and upload the Esri_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_Install tile package
again. You may want to discuss the problem with your portal administrator.
For the Esri_Vector_Basemap_GCS_DA2022_Install tile package, if the size is not 34,101 MB, delete the item and
upload it again.
See the Troubleshooting Esri Vector Basemaps topic for more information.
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Publish the new hosted tile layer (service)
Now you'll publish the Esri Vector Basemap hosted tile layer service from your portal.
1. Sign in to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal.
Your account must have publishing credentials.
2. In My Content, go to the item page for the vector tile package
(Esri_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_Install.vtpk) you uploaded to your portal.
3. Click Publish, change the title to Esri_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_v2, and click Publish again.
For the GCS tile package, use the Esri_Vector_Basemap_GCS_DA2022_Install.vtpk file. Change the title to
Esri_Vector_Basemap_GCS_DA2022_v2 for the hosted tile layer that gets published.
It will take 30–120 minutes to create the hosted layer, depending on your system configuration.
The Esri_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_v2 hosted tile layer is created.
Replace the existing hosted tile layer (service) with the new hosted tile layer
Next, you'll replace the 7.2 basemap hosted tile layer (service) with the 2022 hosted tile layer (service).
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1. Sign in to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal.
Your account must have publishing credentials.
2. In My Content, go to the item page for the Esri_Vector_Basemap_v2 vector tile service.
3. Click Replace Layer.
4. Click Select.
If you're using an ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1 portal, click Select layer and select the newly published
Esri_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_v2 layer.
5. For Archive the current layer as, click the edit button and change the value to
Esri_Vector_Basemap_DA72_v2 and click Save. Then, if you're using an ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 or later portal,
scroll to Replace Item information and turn it on.
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6. Click Next.
7. On the Replace Layer summary, click Replace.
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The current layer starts as DA7.2. The replacement layer is DA2022. You are archiving the DA7.2 hosted tile
layer, and the current layer (Esri_Vector_Basemap_v2) now displays the DA2022 hosted tile layer. Replacing the
tile set allows the item ID and URL paths to remain intact so maps and apps continue to work with the current
layer and display the new DA2022 basemap content.
If you're using an ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1 portal, check the Replace item information check box. Click
In a few minutes, the Success message appears.
Click Close.
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If you're using an ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 or later portal, the Success message flashes briefly at the top of the
8. To verify a successful replacement, in My Content, go to the item page for the Esri_Vector_Basemap_v2 vector
tile service.
Your item should look like the following:
The thumbnail is not replaced, but the title is Esri Vector Basemap for Data Appliance 2022 and the Details
indicate it was created from the Esri_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_Install Vector Tile Package.
Update existing tile layers (map styles)
Use the Vector Style Updater tool to update your existing layers.
1. Open the DA2022_WMA_StyleUpdater_template.csv file located in the C:\Projects\
Esri_Vector_Basemaps_2022\Toolbox folder.
a. Include the item IDs of all your existing styles in the itemid column in this table. The item ID for each style
can be obtained from the portal URL for each style. Only copy and paste the series of letters and numbers
b. Once you fill in the itemid column, save the file and rename it DA2022_WMA_StyleUpdater.csv.
2. Run the Vector Style Updater tool.
a. Start ArcGIS Pro, sign in to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal, and select Set As Active Portal.
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b. Create a project.
c. Select the View tab, select Catalog View in the Windows group, right-click Toolboxes, and select Add
d. Browse to the location on your local computer where you copied the contents of the USB flash drive, select
VectorStyleUpdater.tbx, and select OK.
The VectorStyleUpdater toolbox is added to the project.
e. Double-click Toolboxes, and double-click VectorStyleUpdater.tbx.
f. Double-click the Vector Style Updater script.
g. On the Vector Style Updater dialog box, select the Parameters tab and provide the following:
i. For CSV formatted file containing the item name and ids (.csv), browse to the location of the
DA2022_WMA_StyleUpdater.csv file on your local computer.
ii. For Folder containing vector styles, browse to the location of the WMA Updated Styles folder on your
local computer, for example, C:\Projects\Esri_Vector_Basemaps_2022\VectorBasemapStyles\
iii. For Vector Tile Service URL, provide the URL of the Esri Vector Basemap tile layer that you replaced
above, for example,
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The vector tile service URL is in the URL section of the Esri_Vector_Basemap_v2 hosted tile layer item
page. Click the Copy button and paste the URL in the Vector Tile Service URL parameter text box.
iv. For Metadata folder name, keep the default name metadata.
If you are using a portal with PKI authentication, expand PKI Authorization and provide values for the
PKI_Certificated_file_(.pfx) and PKI Private Password parameters.
If you are using a portal with Linux LDAP authentication, expand Linux LDAP and provide values for the
Sign In Username and Sign In Password parameters.
3. Click Run.
It can take up to a minute to update each existing style in your portal using the Vector Style Updater tool.
The VectorStyleUpdater toolbox displays a successful update message when complete.
The 34 vector tile layers (map styles) are updated in your assigned ArcGIS Enterprise account.
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Publish new tile layers (map styles)
Now that you've published and updated your hosted vector Tile Layer and updated the existing styles, you are
ready to publish the new map styles.
VectorStylePublisher.tbx (~54KB) is a geoprocessing toolbox that is run in ArcGIS Pro. This toolbox publishes
new private map items in your portal for one new vector tile layer and transfers the vector basemap style resource
folders and files and metadata for the map item pages from your local computer to your portal.
1. In the ArcGIS Pro project you created to update the existing styles, select the View tab, select Catalog View in
the Windows group, right-click Toolboxes, and select Add Toolbox.
2. Browse to the location on your local computer where you copied the contents of the USB flash drive, select
VectorStylePublisher.tbx, and select OK.
The VectorStylePublisher toolbox is added to the project.
3. Double-click Toolboxes, and double-click VectorStylePublisher.tbx.
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4. Double-click the Vector Style Publisher script.
5. On the Vector Style Publisher dialog box, select the Parameters tab and provide the following:
a. For Folder containing vector styles, browse to the location of the WMA New Styles folder on your local
computer, for example, C:\Projects\Esri_Vector_Basemaps_2022\VectorBasemapStyles\WMA\
b. For Vector Tile Service URL, provide the URL of the Esri Vector Basemap tile layer, for example,
The vector tile service URL is in the URL section of the Esri_Vector_Basemap_v2 hosted tile layer item page.
Click the Copy button and paste the URL in the Vector Tile Service URL parameter text box.
c. For Metadata folder name, keep the default name metadata.
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If you are using a portal with PKI authentication, expand PKI Authorization and provide values for the
PKI_Certificated_file_(.pfx) and PKI Private Password parameters.
If you are using a portal with Linux LDAP authentication, expand Linux LDAP and provide values for the
Sign In Username and Sign In Password parameters.
d. Click Run.
With the addition of the new map style, you can view all 51 tile layer items in My Content.
Share tile layers (map styles)
The items created are private unless you check the Share vector style web layers publicly check box to make
them public.
Alternatively, you can select the map items in your portal and change the sharing settings.
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Once you set up the Esri Vector Basemaps update, you can do the following:
Use Esri Vector Basemaps
Customize styles
Localize styles
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Troubleshooting Esri Vector Basemaps
Listed below are issues you may encounter when working with Esri Vector Basemaps content as well as
recommended solutions.
What if the size of the uploaded .vtpk file does not match the size of the source .vtpk file?
What if I encounter the There was an error message when I try to publish the service?
What do I do if the progress bars keep loading when I'm trying to publish my service?
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What if the size of the uploaded .vtpk file does not match the size of the source .vtpk file?
If your tile layer (hosted) service did not publish successfully, an issue may have occurred during the upload of the
vector tile package (.vtpk) to your portal. The size of the .vtpk file on disk and the size of the uploaded file on
your portal must match.
The size of the Esri_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_Install.vtpk file is 34,497 MB and the
Esri_Vector_Basemap_GCS_DA2022_Install.vtpk file is 34,101 MB.
You can check the size of the uploaded vector tile package (supporting the service) on the item details page. The
following screen capture shows the Esri_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_install vector tile package details.
If the size does not match, check the log via the server manager to see if there are any errors.
In some cases, the ArcGIS Pro Share Package geoprocessing tool may have produced a Success message, but when
you check the size of the .vtpk file on the item details page, it does not match. Here are some things that you can
try to resolve this issue:
Upload the .vtpk file again. First, delete the Esri_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_Install.vtpk or
Esri_Vector_Basemap_GCS_DA2022_Install.vtpk file from your portal. Next, upload the
Esri_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_Install.vtpk or Esri_Vector_Basemap_GCS_DA2022_Install.vtpk file
again using the ArcGIS Pro Share Package geoprocessing tool.
Verify with your portal administrator that there is at least 70 GB of disk space per .vtpk file available on your
portal. Make sure there is space on <ArcGIS portal install drive>\arcgis\arcgisportal where the
content items are stored.
Verify that you are using a supported version of ArcGIS Pro. See the system requirements for details.
Contact Esri Technical Support if you still cannot successfully upload the .vtpk file.
The following answers reflect troubleshooting of the WMA vector tile package and service. To troubleshoot the GCS
vector tile package and service, you need to take the GCS naming into consideration.
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What if I encounter the There was an error message when I try to publish the service?
Work with your system administrator to check the ArcGIS Server Manager logs.
If there is an error due to a geoprocessing service (PublishingTools) timing out or crashing, you may have skipped a
system requirements step. Confirm that you changed the value of The maximum time a client can use a service
to 21,600 seconds.
Once you have updated the geoprocessing service maximum time, do the following:
1. On your server, delete the Esri_Vector_Basemap_v2 or Esri_Vector_Basemap_GCS_v2 hosted tile layer.
2. On the ArcGIS Server machine, delete the job in the <ArcGIS_Server_Install_Path>\arcgis\
arcgisserver\directories\arcgisjobs\system\publishingtools_gpserver\<Job_ID> folder.
You can find the job ID in the log file.
3. Restart the server.
4. Verify that you have at least 70 GB of available space per .vtpk file on ArcGIS Server.
5. In your portal, publish the Esri_Vector_Basemap_v2 or Esri_Vector_Basemap_GCS_v2 tile layer again.
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What do I do if the progress bars keep loading when I'm trying to publish my service?
If the Creating Service animated bars continue to load after two hours, the browser connection to the portal may
have failed.
Sign out of the portal and sign in again to see if the thumbnail has changed to the Data Appliance 2022 icon,
because the browser connection does not affect the creation of the service.
If the thumbnail changes to the Data Appliance 2022 icon, verify that the map displays as expected.
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Additional resources
The following resources are available for Esri Vector Basemaps:
ArcGIS Data Appliance 2022: Esri Vector Basemaps help [PDF]
ArcGIS Data Appliance 2022: Esri Vector Basemaps New users video [captioned MP4] demonstrating uploading,
updating and publishing Esri Vector Basemaps to your portal
ArcGIS Data Appliance 2022: Esri Vector Basemaps Existing users video [captioned MP4] demonstrating
uploading, updating and publishing Esri Vector Basemaps to your portal
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemap Reference Document (v2) [PDF]
Tile layers, Customize basemaps, and Choose basemap in the Portal for ArcGIS help
Working with and Customizing Esri Vector Basemaps: The Basics blog post
Create a custom basemap style using the ArcGIS Vector Tile Style Editor on the ArcGIS Developer website (for
ArcGIS 10.8 or later users only)
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ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
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Use Esri Vector Basemaps
With the addition of vector tile packages (.vtpk), hosted tile layers, and tile layers in your portal, you will have a
number of items in your ArcGIS Enterprise Content window. With the correct administrative privileges, you can
create folders, groups, and categories. By creating folders and moving items into them, you can organize your
Content window to make it easier to find the items you are looking for. The following image shows some folder
name suggestions. See Manage content in the Portal for ArcGIS help for information about managing content in
ArcGIS Enterprise.
You can use Esri Vector Basemaps in your applications in the following ways:
The 51 map tile layers (styles) can be added to a map in ArcGIS Pro or to Map Viewer Classic in your Enterprise
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The tile layers (styles) can be added to an existing basemap, or they can be added as the basemap.
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Seventeen of the 51 map tile layers (styles) can be used with a raster layer—World Hillshade, World Imagery, or
World Ocean Base—as the basemap in their web map.
Charted Territory—World Hillshade
Modern Antique—World Hillshade
National Geographic Style—World Hillshade
National Geographic Style (Local Language)—World Hillshade
World Street Map (with relief)—World Hillshade
World Street Map (with relief - Community Maps)—World Hillshade
World Terrain Base—World Hillshade
World Terrain Reference—World Hillshade
World Terrain Reference (Local Language)—World Hillshade
World Terrain with Labels—World Hillshade
World Terrain with Labels (Community Maps)—World Hillshade
World Topographic Map—World Hillshade
World Topographic Map (Local Language)—World Hillshade
Hybrid Reference Layer—World Imagery
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Hybrid Reference Layer (Community Maps)—World Imagery
Hybrid Reference Layer (Local Language)—World Imagery
World Ocean Reference—World Ocean Base
If you have a tile layer (style) in your map, it can be moved to the basemap.
The Dark Gray and Light Gray Canvas Reference layers can be moved to the basemap and set as the Reference
layer over the Canvas Base layer. This is also applicable for the World Terrain Base and Reference, Hybrid
Reference, Human Geography Labels, and Human Geography Dark Labels tile layers.
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Customize styles
With ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps, you can modify and customize the map style. You can customize
the map by changing the hex color codes of map features or labels, removing feature classes, changing fonts (face,
size, and color), or making other edits. For more information, see the vector basemap blog post on the ArcGIS Blog
Customization requires changes to the map style's resources\styles\root.json file. There are two main ways to
customize your maps: add a style to the map in Map Viewer Classic or copy a root.json style from the USB flash
drive. In ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 or later, you can use the ArcGIS Vector Tile Style Editor. Then you can edit the
custom style map item to include a new thumbnail and update the item's information for your custom style.
Add a style to the map in Map Viewer Classic and rename the style
To add a style using Map Viewer Classic, complete the following steps:
1. In your Enterprise portal, open the style you want to customize in Map Viewer Classic, for example, Dark Gray
Canvas Base.
2. Click More Options , and select Copy.
A new Dark Gray Canvas Base - Copy layer is added to the top of the Contents pane.
3. Click More Options , and select Save Layer.
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4. Rename the style, for example, Custom Canvas Base, and select the portal folder where you want to save the
new style.
5. In My Content, go to the item page for the new style, and click the Download style button.
The style (root.json file) is saved to your computer.
6. Open the root.json file in a text editor such as Adobe Brackets or Notepad++, and edit and save the file.
Edits to the root.json file can be color value, line width, font size, and so on.
7. Validate the JSON using JSONLint or a similar JSON validation tool. You can also use this website to parse the
JSON into a more user-friendly format before editing.
8. On the item page for the new style, click the Update button to update the item and load the modified
root.json file from your computer to your portal.
Copy a style from the USB flash drive and rename the map style directory
To copy a root.json style from the USB flash drive, complete the following steps:
1. On your local computer, create a directory called CustomStyles at the same directory level as the GCS and
WMA directories.
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2. Copy a style from the USB flash drive and rename the map style directory; for example, copy the canvasdarkbase
directory into a new directory and change the name to customcanvasbase.
3. In the new customcanvasbase directory, open the resources\styles\root.json file (for example,
CustomStyles\customcanvasbase\resources\styles\root.json ) in a text editor such as Adobe Brackets
or Notepad++, edit the map code, and save the file.
An example of a style edit in the root.json file is changing the highways in dark gray (#2A2B2B) to red
4. In the new customcanvasbase directory, open the metadata\metadata.json file (for example, CustomStyles\
customcanvasbase\metadata\metadata.json) in a text editor such as Adobe Brackets or Notepad++, and
edit "title":, replacing "Dark Gray Canvas Base" with a new map title, for example, "Custom Dark Base",
and save the file.
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5. Validate the JSON using JSONLint or a similar JSON validation tool.
6. Perform the Publish tile layers (map styles) steps, this time pointing to the new directory containing your custom
The new style is created in your Enterprise portal under My Content. Following the naming conventions in steps
1–4 produces a new item in your portal named Custom Canvas Base.
Edit the custom style map item in your portal
On the map item page of your custom map style, you can update the summary, description, tags, and thumbnail to
better describe the new map you styled.
It is recommended that you apply Delete Protection to your custom style map item on the item's Settings tab.
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Esri Vector Tile Style Editor
In ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 or later, you can customize vector map styles through an app in the Map Viewer Classic.
Access the Style Editor from the Change Style button under any Esri vector basemap tile layer. Save the new style
to your portal.
Styling options include the Quick Edit tool, in which layers are customized across groups of features, and the Layer
Style Editor list for individual feature style controls. Colors, line weights, font faces, and sprite symbology are
examples of the style changes that can be applied to your custom map item.
Information about using the ArcGIS Vector Tile Style Editor to Create a custom basemap style is available on the
ArcGIS Developer website.
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Localize Esri Vector Basemap styles
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps supports localizing select map labels into the languages listed below.
The default map displays a primarily English global view. Localization is another form of basemap customization. As
with other customization, there are two main ways to create a style for customization: add a style to the map in
Map Viewer Classic or copy a root.json style from the USB flash drive. Review the information in the previous
section on how to Customize Esri Vector Basemap styles.
Localization changes the labels on the map for many of the small-scale features when the data supports it. Localize
the map by changing the "text-field" value of the map style's resources\styles\root.json file. Use the
corresponding codes for the language you want to display. It is also recommended that you change all "text-
font" to an Arial Unicode font to allow all glyphs to display on the map. After the localization changes are applied
to your JSON, validate the JSON using JSONLint or a similar tool, and update or upload the new localized map style
as previously detailed in this help document.
Languages and codes supported in Data Appliance 2022
The following language codes are supported in Data Appliance 2022:
Language Code
Arabic ar
Chinese (Hong Kong) zh_hk
Chinese (Simplified) zh_s
Chinese (Taiwan) zh_tw
Czech cs
Danish da
Dutch nl
Estonian en
Finnish fi
French fr
German de
Greek el
Hebrew he
Italian it
Japanese ja
Korean ko
Latvian lv
Lithuanian lt
Norwegian no
Polish pl
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Language Code
Portuguese (Brazil) pt_br
Portuguese (Portugal) pt_p
Romanian ro
Russian ru
Spanish es
Swedish sv
Thai th
Turkish tr
Ukrainian uk
Vietnamese vi
Features supported for localization
The following features can have their "text-field" values changed to support these languages. The map labels
that can be localized are primarily features displayed at small scale. At large scale, the default JSON labels the map
in English "{_name_global}" or you can change it to the local language "{_name_local}" in each country where
the map data supports it. Apply the small scale feature changes first, before any changes to large scale features.
Using a text editor, find each "id" name and change its "text-field" value accordingly.
Small scale features
The default JSON for these features is "text-field": "{_name_global}". Listed below are the 88 "id" fields in
the worldtopomap style JSON available for localization when the data supports it at primarily small scales. Other
styles may have all or fewer of these features.
For example, to display the map in Chinese (Simplified), the JSON for each of these features changes "text-
field": "{_name_global}" to "text-field": "{_name_zh_s}", for French, "text-field": "{_name_fr}",
and so on.
Water point/Sea or
Water area large scale/label/
City large scale/medium
City small scale/large
non capital
Water point/Island
Water area large scale/label/
Lake or lake intermittent
City large scale/large
City small scale/large
admin0 capital
Water point/Dam or
Water area medium scale/label/
City large scale/x large
City small scale/x large
non capital
Water point/Playa
Water area small scale/label/
City small scale/town
small non capital
City small scale/x large
admin1 capital
Water point/Canal or
Marine waterbody/label/small
City small scale/town
large non capital
City small scale/x large
admin0 capital
Water point/Stream or
Marine waterbody/label/
City small scale/small
non capital
Admin0 point/2x large
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Water point/Lake or
Marine waterbody/label/large
City small scale/medium
non capital
Water point/Bay or
Marine waterbody/label/x large
City small scale/other
Disputed label point/
Water line/label/
Marine waterbody/label/2x
City small scale/town
large other capital
Disputed label point/
Water line large scale/
City small scale/small
other capital
Water line medium
City small scale/medium
other capital
Water line small scale/
Admin1 forest or park/label/
Admin0 point/x small
Water area/label/Dam
or weir
Admin0 forest or park/label/
Admin0 point/small
x large
Water area/label/Playa Admin1 area/label/x small Admin0 point/medium
Water area/label/Canal
or ditch
Admin1 area/label/small Admin0 point/large
small point
Water area/label/Small
Admin1 area/label/medium Admin0 point/x large
Water area/label/Large
Admin1 area/label/large
City small scale/town
small admin0 capital
Oblong medium point
Water area/label/Small
lake or reservoir
Admin1 area/label/x large
City small scale/town
large admin0 capital
Oblong large
Water area/label/Large
lake or reservoir
Admin1 area/label/2x large
City small scale/small
admin0 capital
Oblong large point
Water area/label/Bay
or inlet
City large scale/town small
City small scale/medium
admin0 capital
Oblong x large
Water area/label/Small
City large scale/town large
City small scale/large
other capital
Oblong x large point
Water area/label/Large
City large scale/small
City small scale/x large
admin2 capital
Disputed label point/
Large scale features
Apply JSON changes to the small scale features first. For large scale features, the default JSON is "text-field":
"{_name_global}" and displays labels in English. If you are changing the map to the local language in each
country where the data supports it, the JSON for these features changes to "text-field": "{_name_local}".
Find and replace "{_name_global}" with "{_name_local}" throughout the JSON file. Listed below are the 47
"id" fields in the streetmap style JSON available for local language in each country where the data supports it.
Other styles may have all or fewer of these features.
For example, "text-field": "{_name_global}" becomes "text-field": "{_name_local}".
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Ferry/label/Ferry Pedestrian/label/Default
Marine park/label/Default Road/label/Pedestrian Finance/label/Default Medical/label/Default
Marine area/label/Default Road/label/Local Emergency/label/Default
Ferry/label/Rail ferry Road /label/Minor
Railroad/label/Default Road/label/Major Beach/label/Default
Point of interest/Bus
Trail or path/label/Default Road/label/Highway Golf course/label/Default
Point of interest/Rail
Road tunnel/label/
Point of interest/
Road tunnel/label/Local Cemetery/label/Default Retail/label/Default
Admin2 area/label/
Road tunnel/label/Minor Freight/label/Default Landmark/label/Default
Admin2 area/label/
Road tunnel/label/Major
Water and wastewater/
Openspace or forest/
Road tunnel/label/Highway Port/label/Default
Park or farming/label/
Road tunnel/label/Freeway
Industry/label/Default Point of interest/Park
Other features
There are other features on the map with "text-field": "{_name}" in the JSON file. These features do not
support localization; do not change their JSON code.
Changing the font
It is recommended that you change the fonts to Arial Unicode (bold or regular). Esri Vector Basemap styles can have
different default fonts. For example, the default fonts for streetmap style are Arial Bold, Arial Italic, and Arial Regular.
For the worldtopomap style, the default fonts are Noto Sans Bold, Noto Sans Italic, Noto Serif Regular, and Roboto
Condensed Light Italic. Refer to the font list in the ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemap Reference Document
(v2) PDF in the Additional resources topic for complete details. Change the fonts to "text-font" : ["Arial
Unicode MS Regular"]. Fonts that are bold by default can be changed to "text-font" : ["Arial Unicode MS
Bold"]. There is no italic font in the Arial Unicode family.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
An example of the streetmap style is shown in Chinese (Simplified).
An example of the navigation style is shown in Spanish.
Additional JSON edits for Arabic language maps
To ensure that Arabic glyphs appear correctly on the map, either set the text-spacing setting to 0 (zero) or
completely remove the "text-letter-spacing" style attribute from the root.json file. JSON styles may display
this attribute as follows:
"text-letter-spacing" : 0.05,
Or the style may have more complex syntax such as the following:
"text-letter-spacing" : { "stops" : [[4, 0.1], [8, 0.18]] }
Either change these to "text-letter-spacing" : 0, or remove the lines completely. Be sure to validate any
root.json before updating the file on your portal.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
Copyright © 1995-2021 Esri. All rights reserved.
Terms of use
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
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ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps should only be served up from ArcGIS Server and Portal for ArcGIS
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non-Esri technology.
For more information, see the Master License Agreement on the Esri website.
ArcGIS Data Appliance: Esri Vector Basemaps
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