I. General Requirements for All Professional Leagues (Additional Specific Division Standards
Listed Below):
a. Composition; Play
i. League must determine a champion each year based on seasonal play or by means
of a post-season playoff tournament.
ii. League playing rules must comply with all relevant FIFA guidelines and Laws of the
b. Markets; Stadia; and Fields
i. At least 75 percent of the league’s teams must be based in the United States.
ii. League stadiums must meet the following parameters:
1. All stadiums/arenas must have controllable ingress/egress.
2. All outdoor leagues: Playing surfaces for all teams must be at least 70 yards
by 110 yards and be FIFA-approved.
c. Financial Viability
i. As specified for each division, the league must require each team to post with the
league or, if so directed, with the Federation, an adequate performance bond or
other security to secure the performance of the teams obligations (including,
without limitation, player and staff salaries and wages, stadium lease commitments
and third party vendor obligations in addition to commitments by each team to the
league) for the current season. In the case of a single-entity league, the league must
provide, or demonstrate that it has, adequate security to ensure the performance of
the league’s obligations for the current season.
ii. Any new team principal owner must meet with Federation staff regarding the
responsibilities of owning a team prior to the team’s participation in the league. In
the case of a new league, each team principal owner in the new league and the
senior league personnel must meet with Federation staff on an individual or group
basis, as required by the Federation.
iii. The league will furnish to the Federation prompt written notice of the following
(and, in any event, within five business days of the league obtaining knowledge
1. any violation of these Standards, specifying the nature and extent thereof
and the corrective action (if any) taken or proposed to be taken with respect
2. the filing or commencement of, or any written threat or notice of intention
of any person to file or commence, any action, suit, litigation or proceeding,
whether at law or in equity or by or before any governmental authority,
against the league or one or more teams in the league that could
foreseeably result in a Material Adverse Effect.
3. any development that has resulted in, or could foreseeably result in, a
Material Adverse Effect.
4. "Material Adverse Effect" shall mean (a) a material adverse change in or
effect on the business, condition (financial or otherwise), results of
operations, assets or liabilities of the league and/or its teams, individually or
taken as a whole; (b) the ability of the league or its teams to perform any of
its obligations under these Standards; or (c) the ability of the league or its
teams to meet any of their financial obligations.
d. Media
i. League and each league team must produce an annual media guide.
ii. League must generate and disseminate weekly statistical reports and regular press
iii. League or its teams must produce a line-up card or other similar guide for each
individual game.
e. Player Health and Safety (All leagues must comply with the amendments to these standards
prior to the start of their pre-season in 2024.)
i. Coaches: (Starting in 2026, no waivers will be granted for coaches that are not
annually progressing toward meeting these requirements.)
1. Every Head and Assistant coach on every team must hold an active
confederation level (C or higher) USSF coaching license or an official
equivalency recognition by USSF of a coaching license from the appropriate
confederation (e.g., AFC, CAF, Concacaf, Conmebol, UEFA Coaching License)
from USSF.
a. Head Coaches: Head coaches and/or Interim Head Coaches must
hold an active USSF “A” coaching license (or equivalency recognition
by USSF of a coaching license from the appropriate confederation)
within two years of their appointment.
b. Assistant Coaches: Assistant coaches must hold an active USSF “B”
coaching license (or equivalency recognition by USSF of a coaching
license from the appropriate confederation) within two years of
their appointment.
c. Specialist Coaches: Specialist coaches (i.e., goalkeeping, medical,
sport science, sport psychologist) must hold active accreditation in
the respective area(s) of focus.
d. With regard to 1.a-1.c above, coaches may seek waivers for
additional time to meet their licensing requirement if they are
making annual progress towards the mandated coaching license
requirement; waivers will not otherwise be granted.
ii. Referees:
1. All games played by league teams in the United States must be refereed by
Federation-licensed or approved referees assigned pursuant to league-
specific policies set forth by the Federation, if any.
iii. League Office
1. League must have a central office that is open during regular business hours
2. League must have a full-time employee who handles the responsibilities of a
chief executive officer or commissioner.
3. League must have an active publicity/public relations program.
4. League must have an active marketing and sponsorship program.
5. League must have a director of officials or, with the Federation’s approval,
may delegate such function to the Federation.
6. League must have a professional registrar.
7. League must have a disciplinary body, or an executive group to review
allegations of misconduct as defined below related to player safety,
including those submitted by Player Safety Officers. Members of this body
must be disclosed to all teams in the league and to USSF, and there shall be
no ex parte communications to this group by the accused party. A
designated individual such as a commissioner may be responsible for
deciding disciplinary issues related to misconduct as defined below relating
to player safety, when agreed to as part of a collective bargaining
agreement with unionized players.
a. “Misconduct,” as used in these Standards, refers to mental,
emotional, sexual, or physical abuse including, but not limited to,
harassment, bullying, hazing, and retaliation for reporting potential
8. League must have an executive committee.
9. League must have a Player Safety Officer whose primary responsibilities
relate to preventing and addressing Misconduct towards players.
iv. Team Organization
1. Each team must have individuals handling responsibilities of the following
positions: general manager, director of marketing/sales, director of
communications/media relations, director of promotions/community
relations, director of game operations, head coach, assistant coach, trainer,
ticketing manager, finance director, human resources, player safety officer,
and clerical staff.
2. Each team must demonstrate its on-going commitment to the promotion of
soccer at all levels in its home market.
3. The league shall impose limitations on each team, set from time to time by
the Federation, regarding the types of players that may be listed on the
4. No owner may exercise control over more than one team in a division in
such a way that the integrity of any game or competition would be
jeopardized or appear to be jeopardized. A “single-entity” league must have
separate and distinct individuals or organizations in charge of each team’s
management and operations.
v. Transparency
1. If Misconduct is alleged against a coach, the team must notify the League
within five (5) business days when a coach correspondingly resigns, is
terminated, disciplined, a substantial change in duties is made, or his/her
contract is not renewed. The team must provide USSF with accurate reasons
for the change in employment if misconduct has been alleged.
2. Where v.1. is applicable, the League must notify USSF within five (5)
business days of being notified by the team.
3. League must prohibit the use of non-disclosure and non-disparagement
agreements that specifically act to shield information relating to allegations
of Misconduct.
4. A coach must be notified of disciplinary action against them, and the team
and/or League, as applicable, must provide a fair process for the accused
coach to dispute the allegations.
vi. Accountability
1. All league and team personnel must be checked against U.S. Soccer’s Risk
Management list, and the league and/or team must perform reasonable
diligence regarding any individual being vetted on U.S. Soccer’s Risk
Management list.
2. League and/or team, as applicable, must conduct timely investigations into
allegations of Misconduct, impose appropriate discipline, and immediately
disseminate investigation outcomes.
a. League must exercise oversight when a team investigates
allegations of Misconduct involving player safety by one of its
employees. Where an allegation involves Misconduct by a team’s
owner, executive staff, or head coach, the league must take primary
responsibility for the investigation.
b. Investigator(s) should be independent of all teams in the league and
should not have a conflict of interest.
c. If U.S. Soccer does not believe a timely investigation is being
conducted, it may request information and may consider such
factors as whether temporary measures have been imposed, and
player safety during the pending investigation. Teams may
participate in, but must not lead an investigation of themselves,
when there is an allegation of Misconduct involving player safety
3. League must require all owners, staff, and players to participate in
investigative interviews and produce relevant documents absent a trauma-
informed reason.
4. League must provide ultimate investigation conclusions and findings,
including supporting evidence, to the U.S. Soccer Officer of Participant
Safety upon completion of the investigation. USSF holds the right to ask for
additional detail in extenuating circumstances, though allowing for victim
and witness anonymity.
vii. Player Safety Training
1. The league must ensure annual training for players, coaches, league
personnel, and team personnel on league and/or team policies governing
abuse including but not limited to physical, verbal, and emotional abuse,
sexual misconduct, anti-harassment, and anti-retaliation policies.
a. The training for players must include detailed descriptions of their
rights, protections, and options and/or requirements for reporting
inappropriate conduct.
viii. Player Safety and Respect
1. League must establish a Player Safety Officer responsible for ensuring team
compliance with player safety standards regarding issues of Misconduct.
a. The Player Safety Officer must be available to receive complaints of
Misconduct, monitor team implementation of safety standards,
coordinate relevant training, address retaliation concerns, and
provide regular reports to the league.
b. The League Player Safety Officer should be in regular contact with
USSF’s Player Safety Office and must submit annual reports in a
format guided by the Federation.
c. League must indemnify or insure the League Player Safety Officer
for acts within the scope of employment to the fullest extent
permitted by law.
d. League must notify the Federation of any change in employment to
the League Player Safety Officer position.
2. Teams must identify an individual within their organization responsible for
player safety (Player Safety Officer). This individual’s direct line of reporting
must not be to any technical staff at the team, and they must have
protection from retaliation by team officials. Such individual must not be in
a position of power or authority over players. In situations where the player
safety officer has additional responsibilities within the organization, such as
player operations, they may have a dotted-line to a member of the technical
3. League must ensure coaches do not exclusively control player trades,
housing, medical decisions, or other aspects of a player’s life off the field.
4. League must adopt, at a minimum, a written anti-fraternization policy,
applying to all league employees, that prohibits intimate relationships (not
pre-existing family relationships) when a power imbalance exists. A power
imbalance may exist where one person has supervisory, evaluative, or other
authority over another. In addition, League must require teams to adopt a
written anti-fraternization policy that applies to all team employees that is
at least as stringent as the league’s policy.
ix. Player Feedback
1. League must implement a system to annually solicit and act on player
feedback. If an established players’ association exists, solicitation of
feedback can be conducted by said players’ association. The solicitation of
feedback must allow for an anonymous response. Failure to solicit this
feedback within four (4) weeks of the end of the season will result in a
$25,000 fine and sanctioning being delayed until the survey is completed.
a. League must conduct and review player surveys on an annual basis
that include questions about coaching conduct, and the League
must share a summary of anonymized results with relevant teams
and players.
b. League must provide the summarized survey results to the USSF
Player Safety Officer, identify to USSF surveys that raise issues of
Misconduct and provide a plan of action.
c. The foregoing requirement can be met by asking and sharing
anonymized, summarized results to the following set of questions
(or, upon reasonably advanced notice to the leagues, such
additional or revised questions as USSF may determine).
d. Leagues do not need to disseminate survey results with teams that
indicate how they compare to other teams.
i. Name of team (e.g., one in which you finished the season
with / will be taking the survey based on)
ii. Do coaches / staff respect the players?
iii. Do coaches / staff treat the players well?
1. Must provide an opportunity to elaborate on any
mistreatment or lack of respect from coaches / staff
iv. Does the club communicate with and educate the players
on league and club policies (e.g., prohibited conduct
policies, anti-harassment policies)?
v. Do coaches / staff follow all league and club policies?
vi. Would you recommend playing on your team to a friend of
another player?
e. League must maintain a confidential reporting line and timely
report to USSF any allegations of Misconduct.
x. Relationship with Federation
1. League must apply to become a member of the Federation and, once it has
done so, thereafter remain in good standing with the Federation. As part of
the application process, the league must pay reasonable costs the
Federation may incur for any review of the financial viability of the league
and its teams.
2. Each team in the league must be in good standing with the Federation (if
the team is based in the United States) or with the applicable national
federation (if the team is based outside of the United States), with
3. League must pay all applicable Federation fees and dues on a timely basis.
4. League must submit to the Federation an annual report setting forth, in
reasonable detail, the status of its compliance with these Standards,
including team and league financial information, steps being taken to
increase league awareness, long and short term goals for the league,
previous year attendance numbers and gate reports, and a description of
how each team in the league is demonstrating its commitment to the
promotion of soccer in its home market and the development of players at
the youth level. In addition, the league must submit a review of team
culture and coaching practices as part of its annual report. This culture
review can be fulfilled through the above questions in the player feedback
survey. The Federation reserves the right to visit team activities to observe
team culture and coaching practices.
5. League and/or its teams must release its U.S. players requested to play on
the U.S. national teams and shall actively support the U.S. national team
6. League and/or its teams must register all players with the Federation on a
timely basis.
7. Federation shall have the right to review any financial information, books
and records of the league and any of its teams, including any audits
conducted by either the league or any of its teams. Federation shall have
the right to require an independent audit at its own expense of the league
or any of its teams. In the event such an independent audit establishes
material irregularities, the cost of the audit shall be paid by the league or
team, as applicable.
8. League must have a code of conduct that is signed by all teams and players
(or in the case of unionized players, a Collective Bargaining Agreement that
includes a code of conduct that binds all players in the league).
9. League must adopt an anti-harassment policy, applicable to all league and
team staff, that includes the following elements: definition of misconduct
(sexual, verbal, and physical), prohibition of retaliation, and prohibition of
racist and discriminatory language.
10. League must adopt guidelines for responsible socialization between players
and individuals with supervisory authority, including the use of alcohol,.
11. Teams shall timely provide accurate attendance figures and gross gate
reports as requested by the Federation.
12. A team and the league shall notify the Federation if the team has payables
overdue by thirty (30) days or more for any of the team’s stadium authority,
the league or any of the team’s key vendors. A team and league shall notify
the Federation if it misses any payroll for players within three (3) business
days of missing such payroll.
13. In line with U.S. Soccer's governance structure, Pro Leagues are defined as
organization members subject to U.S. Soccer Federation bylaws and
policies, including the requirement that they enforce certain athlete safety
policies in their own membership at the club and individual participant
f. Waiver Procedures
i. League may request a temporary waiver from compliance with a Standard. Any
such request must be made in writing to the Federation and explain in detail (a) the
Standard for which a waiver is sought; (b) the reasons why a waiver is necessary;
and (c) steps being taken to ameliorate the need for the waiver in the future.
Waivers are only good for one year.
ii. Waiver requests will only be granted for good cause shown by the U.S. Soccer Board
of Directors.
g. Annual Sanctioning Process and Enforcement of these Procedures
i. The Board may approve each professional league in its discretion if a league does
not fully comply with the standards. The Board can utilize provisional sanctioning if
it believes the league has a material chance of not meeting the required standards.
ii. For failure to maintain compliance with these standards by either teams or leagues
(proportionate to the severity of the offense, and taking into account their
respective divisions), the Board can place leagues and teams on probation and levy
fines against teams and leagues by majority vote of the non-conflicted directors.
Subject to Policy 212-1, Section 1(d), the Board can rescind sanctioning of a league
by a two-thirds vote of the non-conflicted directors.
h. Amendments
i. Any existing league shall have three (3) years from the date it receives any
amendment to these Standards to come into compliance with any amendments to
these Standards unless the U.S. Soccer Board of Directors specifically informs the
league that a shorter compliance period is required to protect the viability of the
existing league.
II. Division I Men’s Outdoor League:
a. Composition; Play
i. League must have a minimum of 12 teams to apply. By year three, the league must
have a minimum of 14 teams.
ii. U.S.-based teams must participate in all representative U.S. Soccer and CONCACAF
competitions for which they are eligible.
b. Markets; Stadia; and Fields
i. U.S.-based teams must be located in at least the Eastern, Central and Pacific time
zones in the continental United States. (These three time zones are required
because the majority of the large population centers are located in these time
ii. At least 75 percent of the league’s teams must play in metropolitan markets of at
least 1,000,000 persons.
iii. League stadiums must meet the following parameters:
1. All stadiums/arenas must be enclosed.
2. All league stadiums must have a minimum seating capacity of 15,000.
iv. Not later than 180 days prior to the start of each season, each team shall have a
lease for at least one full season with its home stadium.
c. Financial Viability
i. League must demonstrate adequate financial viability to ensure continued
operation on a season-by-season basis either in the form of a performance bond or
similar instrument for each team in the amount of one million US dollars (US
$1,000,000), or readily-available league funds representing such amount. The
maximum amount of such funds for any league shall be twenty million US dollars
(US $20,000,000) and will be used to cover the costs of the teams’ operations
(including, without limitation, player and staff salaries and wages, stadium lease
commitments and third party vendor obligations in addition to commitments by
each team to the league) for a season, should that become necessary. Any team
whose performance bond is used during the season will be required to replenish it
at least 120 days prior to the next season.
ii. Each team ownership group must demonstrate the financial capacity to operate the
team for five years. As part of the process of demonstrating financial capacity, each
ownership group must provide detailed financial history (if applicable) and
projections (including a detailed budget) for the team to the Federation in a form
satisfactory to the Federation. In addition, each team must have and its governing
legal documents must designate one principal owner with a controlling interest who
owns at least 35% of the team and has authority to bind the team. Such principal
owner must have an individual net worth of at least forty million US dollars (US
$40,000,000) exclusive of the value of his/her ownership in the league or team and
his/her primary personal residence. The principal owner, together with all other
owners, must have a combined individual net worth of at least seventy million US
dollars (US $70,000,000) exclusive of the value of ownership interests in the league
or team and primary personal residences. Federation shall have the right to require
an independent audit to establish that the team meets these net worth
requirements; the cost of such audit shall be the responsibility of the team or
league. The Federation will take reasonable steps to protect from disclosure and
limit access to financial information provided under this section.
d. Media
i. League must have broadcast or cable television contract(s) that provide(s) for the
telecasting of all regular season games as well as the championship game or series.
For clarity, high-quality internet streaming of regular season games satisfies this
e. Team Organization
i. All of the required positions set forth in Section I(g) must be filled by full-time staff
year round.
ii. Each U.S.-based team must demonstrate a commitment to a player development
program. This requirement may be satisfied by supporting either an amateur or
professional reserve team competing in a USSF-sanctioned league or by the league
iii. Each U.S.-based team must maintain teams and a program to develop players at the
youth level. This requirement may be satisfied by fielding teams in a Federation
academy program.
f. League Operations
i. In addition to the required positions set forth in Section I(e) filled by full-time staff,
the league office must have full-time staff performing the functions of a chief
operations officer, a chief financial officer and a director of marketing/public
relations on a year-round basis.
III. Division I Women’s Outdoor League:
a. Composition; Play
i. League must have a minimum of eight teams to apply. By year four, the league
must have a minimum of 10 teams.
ii. U.S.-based teams must participate in all representative CONCACAF competitions for
which they are eligible.
b. Markets; Stadia; and Fields
i. In the first year, U.S.-based teams must be located in at least two different time
zones in the continental United States. By year six, U.S.-based teams must be
located in at least the Eastern, Central and Pacific time zones. (These three time
zones are required because the majority of the large population centers are located
in these time zones.)
ii. At least 75 percent of the league’s teams must play in metropolitan markets of at
least 750,000 persons.
iii. All league stadiums must have a minimum seating capacity of 5,000.
iv. Not later than 120 days prior to the start of each season, each team shall have a
lease for at least one full season with its home stadium.
c. Financial Viability
i. League must demonstrate adequate financial viability to ensure continued
operation on a season-by-season basis either in the form of a performance bond or
similar instrument for each team in the amount of one hundred thousand US dollars
(US $100,000), or readily-available league funds representing such amounts. The
funds will be used to cover the costs of the teams’ operations (including, without
limitation, player and staff salaries and wages, stadium lease commitments and
third party vendor obligations in addition to commitments by each team to the
league) for a season, should that become necessary. Any team whose performance
bond is used during the season will be required to replenish it at least 120 days prior
to the next season.
ii. Each team ownership group must demonstrate the financial capacity to operate the
team for three years. As part of the process of demonstrating financial capacity,
each ownership group must provide detailed financial history (if applicable) and
projections (including a detailed budget) for the team to the Federation in a form
satisfactory to the Federation. In addition, each team must have and its governing
legal documents must designate one principal owner with a controlling interest who
owns at least 35% of the team and has authority to bind the team. Such principal
owner must have an individual net worth of at least fifteen million US dollars
($15,000,000) exclusive of the value of his/her ownership in the league or team and
his/her primary personal residence. The principal owner, together with all other
owners, must have a combined individual net worth of at least twenty five million
US dollars (US $25,000,000) exclusive of the value of ownership interests in the
league or team and primary personal residences. Federation shall have the right to
require an independent audit to establish that the team meets these net worth
requirements; the cost of such audit shall be the responsibility of the team or
league. The Federation will take reasonable steps to protect from disclosure and
limit access to financial information provided under this section.
d. Team Organization
i. All of the required positions set forth in Section I(g) must be filled by full-time staff
e. League Operations
i. In addition to the required positions set forth in Section I(e) filled by full-time staff,
the league office must have full-time staff performing the functions of a chief
operations officer and/or a chief financial officer and a director of marketing/public
relations on a year-round basis.
IV. Division II Men’s Outdoor League:
a. Composition; Play
i. League must have a minimum of eight teams to apply. By year three, the league
must have a minimum of 10 teams. By year six, the league must have a minimum of
12 teams.
ii. U.S.-based teams must participate in all representative CONCACAF competitions for
which they are eligible.
b. Markets; Stadia; and Fields
i. In the first year, U.S.-based teams must be located in at least two different time
zones in the continental United States. By year six, U.S.-based teams must be
located in at least the Eastern, Central and Pacific time zones. (These three time
zones are required because the majority of the large population centers are located
in these time zones.)
ii. At least 75 percent of the league’s teams must play in metropolitan markets of at
least 750,000 persons.
iii. All league stadiums must have a minimum seating capacity of 5,000.
iv. Not later than 120 days prior to the start of each season, each team shall have a
lease for at least one full season with its home stadium.
c. Financial Viability
i. League must demonstrate adequate financial viability to ensure continued
operation on a season-by-season basis either in the form of a performance bond or
similar instrument for each team in the amount of seven hundred fifty thousand US
dollars (US $750,000), or readily-available league funds representing such amounts.
The maximum amount of such funds for any league shall be fifteen million US
dollars (US $15,000,000) and will be used to cover the costs of the teams’
operations (including, without limitation, player and staff salaries and wages,
stadium lease commitments and third party vendor obligations in addition to
commitments by each team to the league) for a season, should that become
necessary. If the performance bonds or similar instruments are joint and several
amongst the teams and the league, the amounts may be reduced to five hundred
thousand US dollars (US $500,000) per team with a maximum of ten million US
dollars (US $10,000,000) in aggregate. Any team whose performance bond is used
during the season will be required to replenish it at least 120 days prior to the next
ii. Each team ownership group must demonstrate the financial capacity to operate the
team for three years. As part of the process of demonstrating financial capacity,
each ownership group must provide detailed financial history (if applicable) and
projections (including a detailed budget) for the team to the Federation in a form
satisfactory to the Federation. In addition, each team must have and its governing
documents must designate one principal owner with a controlling interest who
owns at least 35% of the team and has authority to bind the team. Such principal
owner must have an individual net worth of at least twenty million US dollars (US
$20,000,000) exclusive of the value of his/her ownership in the league or team and
his/her primary personal residence. Federation shall have the right to require an
independent audit to establish that the principal owner’s net worth meets this
requirement; the cost of such audit shall be the responsibility of the team or league.
The Federation will take reasonable steps to protect from disclosure and limit access
to financial information provided under this section.
d. Team Organization
i. All of the required positions set forth in Section I(g) must be filled by full-time staff
V. Division II Women’s Outdoor League:
a. Composition; Play
i. League must have a minimum of six teams to apply. By year three, the league must
have a minimum of 8 teams.
ii. U.S.-based teams must participate in all representative CONCACAF competitions for
which they are eligible.
b. Markets; Stadia; and Fields
i. A majority of the league’s teams must play in metropolitan markets of at least
500,000 persons.
ii. All league stadiums must have a minimum seating capacity of 2,000.
iii. Not later than 120 days prior to the start of each season, each team shall have a
lease for at least one full season with its home stadium.
c. Financial Viability
i. The League must demonstrate adequate financial viability to ensure continued
operation on a season-by-season basis either in the form of a performance bond or
similar instrument for each team in the amount of fifty thousand US dollars (US
$50,000), or readily-available league funds representing such amounts. The funds
will be used to cover the costs of the teams’ operations (including, without
limitation, player and staff salaries and wages, stadium lease commitments and
third party vendor obligations in addition to commitments by each team to the
league) for a season, should that become necessary. Any team whose performance
bond is used during the season will be required to replenish it at least 120 days prior
to the next season.
ii. Each team ownership group must demonstrate the financial capacity to operate the
team for three years. As part of the process of demonstrating financial capacity,
each ownership group must provide detailed financial history (if applicable) and
projections (including a detailed budget) for the team to the Federation in a form
satisfactory to the Federation. In addition, each team must have and its governing
legal documents must designate one principal owner with a controlling interest who
owns at least 35% of the team and has authority to bind the team. Such principal
owner must have an individual net worth of at least seven million five hundred
thousand US dollars (US $7,500,000) exclusive of the value of his/her ownership in
the league or team and his/her primary personal residence. Federation shall have
the right to require an independent audit to establish that the principal owner’s net
worth meets this requirement; the cost of such audit shall be the responsibility of
the team or league. The Federation will take reasonable steps to protect from
disclosure and limit access to financial information provided under this section.
d. Team Organization
i. All of the required positions set forth in Section I(g) must be filled by full-time staff
during the season.
VI. Division III Men’s Outdoor League:
a. Composition; Play
i. League must have a minimum of 8 teams to apply.
ii. U.S.-based teams must participate in the U.S. Open Cup.
b. Stadia
i. All league stadiums must have a minimum seating capacity 1,000.
c. Financial Viability
i. League must demonstrate adequate financial viability to ensure continued
operation on a season-by-season basis either in the form of a performance bond or
similar instrument for each team in the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand
US dollars (US $250,000), or readily-available league funds representing such
amounts. The funds will be used to cover the costs of the teams’ operations
(including, without limitation, player and staff salaries and wages, stadium lease
commitments and third party vendor obligations in addition to commitments by
each team to the league) for a season, should that become necessary. Any team
whose performance bond is used during the season will be required to replenish it
at least 120 days prior to the next season.
ii. Each team ownership group must demonstrate the financial capacity to operate the
team for three years. As part of the process of demonstrating financial capacity,
each ownership group must provide detailed financial history (if applicable) and
projections (including a detailed budget) for the team to the Federation in a form
satisfactory to the Federation. In addition, each team must have and its governing
legal documents must designate one principal owner with a controlling interest who
owns at least 35% of the team and has authority to bind the team. Such principal
owner must have an individual net worth of at least ten million US dollars (US
$10,000,000) exclusive of the value of his/her ownership in the league or team and
his/her primary personal residence. Federation shall have the right to require an
independent audit to establish that the principal owner’s net worth meets this
requirement; the cost of such audit shall be the responsibility of the team or league.
The Federation will take reasonable steps to protect from disclosure and limit access
to financial information provided under this section.
VII. Division III Women’s Outdoor League:
a. Composition; Play
i. League must have a minimum of 6 teams to apply. By year three, the league must
have a minimum of 8 teams.
ii. Teams must participate in Women’s U.S. Open Cup, if applicable.
b. Stadia
i. All league stadiums must have a minimum seating capacity of 1,000.
c. Financial Viability
i. League must demonstrate adequate financial viability to ensure continued
operation on a season-by-season basis either in the form of a performance bond or
similar instrument for each team in the amount of twenty thousand US dollars (US
$20,000), or readily-available league funds representing such amounts. The funds
will be used to cover the costs of the teams’ operations (including, without
limitation, player and staff salaries and wages, stadium lease commitments and
third party vendor obligations in addition to commitments by each team to the
league) for a season, should that become necessary. Any team whose performance
bond is used during the season will be required to replenish it at least 120 days prior
to the next season.
ii. Each team ownership group must demonstrate the financial capacity to operate the
team for three years. As part of the process of demonstrating financial capacity,
each ownership group must provide detailed financial history (if applicable) and
projections (including a detailed budget) for the team to the Federation in a form
satisfactory to the Federation. In addition, each team must have and its governing
documents must designate one principal owner with a controlling interest who
owns at least 35% of the team and has authority to bind the team. Such principal
owner must have an individual net worth of at least five million US dollars (US
$5,000,000) exclusive of the value of his/her ownership in the league or team and
his/her primary personal residence. Federation shall have the right to require an
independent audit to establish that the principal owner’s net worth meets this
requirement; the cost of such audit shall be the responsibility of the team or league.
The Federation will take reasonable steps to protect from disclosure and limit access
to financial information provided under this section.
VIII. Indoor Professional League:
a. Composition; Play
i. League must have a minimum of 6 teams to apply. By year three, the league must
have a minimum of 8 teams.
b. Stadia and Fields
i. League stadiums must meet the following parameters:
1. All stadiums/arenas must be enclosed.
2. Playing surfaces for all teams must be at least 75 feet at their widest point
and 175 feet at their longest point.
ii. All league stadiums must have a minimum seating capacity of 1,000.
c. Financial Viability
i. League must demonstrate adequate financial viability to ensure continued
operation on a season-by-season basis either in the form of a performance bond or
similar instrument for each team in the amount of twenty thousand US dollars
($20,000), or readily-available league funds representing such amounts. The funds
will be used to cover the costs of the teams’ operations (including, without
limitation, player and staff salaries and wages, stadium lease commitments and
third party vendor obligations in addition to commitments by each team to the
league) for a season, should that become necessary. Any team whose performance
bond is used during the season will be required to replenish it at least 120 days prior
to the next season.
ii. Each team ownership group must demonstrate the financial capacity to operate the
team for three years. As part of the process of demonstrating financial capacity,
each ownership group must provide detailed financial history (if applicable) and
projections (including a detailed budget) for the team to the Federation in a form
satisfactory to the Federation. In addition, each team must have and its governing
legal documents must designate one principal owner with a controlling interest who
owns at least 35% of the team and has authority to bind the team. Such principal
owner must have an individual net worth of at least three million US dollars (US
$3,000,000) exclusive of the value of his/her ownership in the league or team and
his/her primary personal residence. Federation shall have the right to require an
independent audit to establish that the principal owner’s net worth meets this
requirement; the cost of such audit shall be the responsibility of the team or league.
The Federation will take reasonable steps to protect from disclosure and limit access
to financial information provided under this section.