Camp Checklist
All Items will need to be complete before the annual license can be issued
Community User: Ensure community user has access to MDH YC Portal
Personnel Administrator: Ensure PA has CJIS (FBI & MD) and CPS background checks on file
with MDH and has created an account with myDHR/myMDThink.
Application: Ensure complete application is submitted with beginning date, ending date, workers
comp information, etc.
Workers Comp: Ensure workers comp info is entered on the application or a copy of the policy
is uploaded to the MDH YC portal. If the camp is not required to have workers comp, a
Certificate of compliance should be obtained from the Maryland Workers’ Compensation
Commission and uploaded to the MDH YC Portal.
Outstanding Balance: Ensure that any outstanding balances are paid
Outstanding Violations: Ensure that outstanding violations have been addressed
Staff Documentation: Ensure the following staffing requirements are met and a copy is uploaded
to the MDH YC Portal
Health Supervisor with valid license (Physician, Certified Nurse practitioner, or
Registered Nurse)
First Aid Certified staff (2 minimum)
CPR Certified staff (2 minimum)
Medication Administration Certified staff (If applicable)
Emergency Epinephrine Administration Certified staff (If applicable)
Plans and Procedure: Ensure the following plans and procedures are in place, training is
properly documented, and a copy is uploaded to the MDH YC portal for review. Guidance
documents for writing these can be found on the MDH Most Requested Forms.
Health and Medication Admin (Signed Annually by Health Supervisor)
Emergency Procedures
Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting
Specialized Activities (If applicable)
Trip includes walking field trips (If applicable)
Transportation (If applicable)
Specialized Activity: Ensure that safety plan for specialized activity has been uploaded to the
MDH YC Portal for review (If applicable)
Health Log: Ensure the health log is in bound composition style notebook or kept in a way so
records cannot easily be falsified by altering, adding, or deleting information.
Forms: Ensure a version of the following forms are used, stored properly, and available for use
when needed. Camp can use their own version or the MDH version of these forms. Upload a
copy of the template document to the MDH YC Portal
Camper Health History
Staff Health History
Medication Administration Authorization
Documents what medication is brought to camp by the individual
Medication Administration
Documents each time the medication is actually given to the individual
Medication Final Disposition
Documents what happened to the remaining medication at the end of camp
Building Documentation: Ensure that Inspections and Forms from other agencies are uploaded
to the MDH YC Portal
Private Building
LHD form complete if onsite well and/or septic
Fire Marshal Inspection (Annually)
Use and Occupancy Approval (Note, if an older building and cannot get a
new USE and Occupancy, then letters of approval from plumber,
electrician, and zoning can be used)
Government or School Building (owned and operated for more than 170 calendar
days per year)
Building Safety Form
Permits from Other Agencies: Ensure that permits from other agencies are in good standing.
LHD Food Service Facility (FSF) Permit (If prepare food onsite)
LHD Approval for Summer Meals Program (If participate and not a licensed FSF)
LHD Pool Permit (If pool onsite)
Alternative Accreditation: Ensure that a copy of the alternative accreditation is uploaded
annually to the MDH YC Portal (If applicable)
ACA (American camping association)
BSA (Boy Scout of America)
Additional Camp Information: Complete "Additional Camp Information" in the MDH YC portal.
The contact information from this page will be available to the Public in the MDH youth camp
search. MDH Youth Camp Search (Optional)