Utah Concurrent Enrollment
2022–2023 Handbook
Revised July 2022
60 South 400 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
David R. Woolstenhulme, Ed.D.
Commissioner of Higher Education
250 East 500 South
P.O. Box 144200
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200
Sydnee Dickson, Ed.D.
State Superintendent of
Public Instruction
2022 Utah State Board of Education
250 East 500 South P. O. Box 144200 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200
District Name City
District 1 Jennie L. Earl Morgan, UT
District 2 Scott L. Hansen Liberty, UT
District 3 Matt Hymas Stansbury Park, UT
District 4 Brent Strate South Ogden, UT
District 5 Laura Belnap Bountiful, UT
District 6 Stacey Hutchings Kearns, UT
District 7 Carol Barlow Lear Salt Lake City, UT
District 8 Janet A. Cannon Holladay, UT
District 9 Cindy Davis American Fork, UT
District 10 Molly Hart Sandy, UT
District 11 Natalie Cline Bludale, UT
District 12 James Moss Jr. Midway, UT
District 13 Randy Boothe Spanish Fork, UT
District 14 Mark Huntsman Fillmore, UT
District 15 Kristan Norton St. George, UT
Sydnee Dickson State Superintendent
of Public Instruction
Cybil Child Secretary to the Board
2022 Utah System of Higher Education
60 South 400 West Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Board Member Vocation Location
Grace Acosta Member West Jordan
Stan Albrecht Member Logan
Jesselie B. Anderson Vice-Chair Salt Lake City
Julie Beck Member St. George
Stacey K. Bettridge Member Cedar City
Rich Christiansen Member Cedar City
Lisa-Michele Church Chair South Jordan
Sanchaita Datta Member Salt Lake City
Hope Eccles Member Park City
Heather Johnson Student Member St. George
Patricia Jones Member Salt Lake City
Arthur E. Newell Member Highland
Shawn Newell Member Cottonwood Heights
Steve Starks Member Salt Lake City
Scott L. Theurer Member Logan
Xitilalli Villanueva Student Member Ogden
Richard Wheeler Member Manti
Table of Contents (Content is clickable)
2022 Utah State Board of Education 5
2022 Utah System of Higher Education 6
Foreword 9
Relevant Policy 11
Eligibility 13
Special Eligibility Considerations 13
Home-Schooled Students 13
Undocumented Students 13
Student Success in CE 14
Accommodation for CE Students 14
Plan for College and Career Readiness 15
College and Career Ready Plan 15
College PCCR Resources 15
Admission and Registration 16
Parent/Guardian Permission 16
Withdrawal from a CE Course 17
Transcripts 17
Credit Hours Permitted 17
Transferability 17
Grades 17
Tuition and Fees 18
Selection of Adjunct Faculty 20
Criminal Background Checks 20
Licensure 20
Professional Development 20
Sex Education Guidelines 21
Assigning CE Grades 21
College and University Transcripts 22
High School Transcripts 22
Choice of Courses 23
Course Delivery 23
Concurrent Enrollment Master List 23
Number of Courses 23
Institution Responsibility 23
USHE Institution Designated Service Regions and Right
of FirstRefusal 24
Table: CE Contacts for Major Institutions 25
Process for Creating a Concurrent Enrollment Course 26
Curriculum Cycle 27
Course Cancellation Practices
Funding 28
Early College Process for Continuous Improvement 28
Appropriate Expenditures 28
USBE-USHE Concurrent Enrollment Data Match
Procedure 29
During the 1987 session, the Utah State Legislature passed Senate Bill 228, which authorized
concurrent enrollment (CE) as a high school acceleration program. The concurrent enrollment
program, which is funded under an annual state appropriation, makes college courses avail-
able to high school students for both high school and college credit. The high school credit
counts toward graduation and becomes part of a students high school transcript. The college
credit must count toward a certificate or degree program and is recorded on the student’s col-
lege transcript. Career and Technical Education, introductory general education courses, and
introductory-level course work for a variety of majors may be offered.
Concurrent enrollment courses are taught either at a high school or at a college site. Teachers
may be regular college faculty members or high school teachers who have been approved for
adjunct faculty status at the college. In rural areas, concurrent enrollment courses are some-
times facilitated through remote means.
Annually, over 50,000 students earn over 350,000 credit hours by participating in the concur-
rent enrollment program. The majority of the participating students take one to three courses
during their high school career.
This publication provides public and higher educators with the information needed to
assist in initiating or improving the concurrent enrollment program. It provides answers
to the questions that college and local education agency (LEA) personnel may have regarding
the concurrent enrollment program. It also illustrates best practices.
The topics addressed in this document were selected through conversations among staff in the
public and higher education system offices, LEA and college administrators, and program prac-
titioners. Each year this handbook will be revised to reflect changes in legislation, procedures
and practice.
Additional information on Utahs concurrent enrollment program can be found at:
www.utahce.org and https://www.schools.utah.gov/curr/earlycollege.
The purpose of concurrent enrollment (CE) is to provide prepared high school
students with a challenging and rigorous college-level experience. Students
in the program receive both college and high school credit. The program al-
lows students to become better prepared for the world of work or to complete
selected college courses corresponding to the first year of coursework at a
Utah public college or university. Concurrent enrollment offerings in mathe-
matics, science, social studies, language arts, fine arts, humanities, world lan-
guages, career and technical programs, and education have been offered in
high schools throughout the state.
The concurrent enrollment program was established by Utah Code 53E-10-
301 (see Additional Resource A). Both the State Board of Education and the
Utah Board of Higher Education subsequently established policies for the pro-
gram. Concurrent enrollment programs are governed by UBHE Policy R165,
Concurrent Enrollment (see Additional Resource B); State Board of Education
Rule R277-701, Early College Programs (see Additional Resource C); and relat-
ed policies.
The policies from both the State Board of Education and the Utah Board of
Higher Education reflect a similar purpose and goals for the program.
Board Rule R277-701 defines concurrent enrollment as follows:
The purpose of the concurrent enrollment program is to provide a chal-
lenging college-level and productive experience in high school and to pro-
vide transition courses that can be applied to post-secondary education.
UBHE Policy R165 mirrors the Board definition:
Concurrent enrollment provides course options to prepared high school
students that earn high school and college credit. Concurrent enrollment
allows students to complete a high school diploma while concurrently
earning credits for first- or second-year coursework at a USHE institution,
which can accelerate college completion and reduce college costs.
R165 further defines two types of concurrent enrollment:
Contractual Basis: courses and instruction offered under an annual
contract between a LEA and a USHE institution (see Additional Resource
D). Contractual basis concurrent enrollment is eligible for state funding
through the appropriation for concurrent enrollment authorized under
Utah Code §53 E-10-303.
Non-contractual Basis: college credit courses public education students
pursue on their own initiative. Such students must enter into an agree-
ment between the student, parent(s)/guardian, high school administra-
tor, and the USHE institution for the student to take the course; the course
is considered to be offered on a non-contractual basis. The student is re-
sponsible for all enrollment expenses. USHE institutions report non-con-
tractual enrollments as regular enrollments. Non-contractual basis con-
current enrollment is not eligible for state funding.
Although both the UBHE and State Board policies speak to contractual basis
concurrent enrollment in public schools, it is hoped that the best practices
of the state program will be emulated in concurrent programs with private
schools and schools in other states, both of which are ineligible for appropri-
ation funding.
Each policy document is updated as needed to reflect new legislation or
changes in the implementation of the program. This handbook provides in-
formation on all aspects of the concurrent enrollment program addressed by
the systems policies.
Local education agencies have the primary re-
sponsibility for identifying students who are
eligible to participate in CE. Students should
receive guidance so that they can efficiently
choose CE courses that avoid duplication or
excess credit hours. Responses to frequently
asked questions by students and parents are
available in FAQs section. The required USHE
CE Program Parent Permission Form is found
in Additional Resource E.
The concurrent enrollment program is intend-
ed to provide qualified students with oppor-
tunities to take courses that earn both high
school and college credit. Eligibility criteria
such as those listed below assure student suc-
cess in a concurrent course:
] Student is in grade 9, 10, 11, or 12.
] A grade point average, ACT score, or a
placement score (generally considered
to be a B average or ACT score of 22 or
higher) that predicts a student’s success
in the concurrent course.
] Parent or guardian approval to register
for a concurrent enrollment course(s)
(see Additional Resource E).
] High school and college officials ap-
proval to enroll in CE courses.
] The concurrent course(s) selected for
enrollment for the student’s Plan for
College and Career Readiness; institu-
tional prerequisites for courses have
been met.
] Appropriate placement assessments
for courses such as mathematics and
English. Students must complete
Secondary Math I, II, and III with a “C” av-
erage or better course grade in all three
classes to enroll in a CE mathematics
] Specific eligibility criteria may vary by in-
stitution and by academic departments.
(See institution CE Directors for details.)
Home-schooled students are not
eligible to enroll in CE courses. These
students may enroll part-time in the local
high school they would attend and enroll
in CE courses provided they meet the
LEA rules and requirements that apply to
full-time students who participate in CE.
Failure of a student to be enrolled in public
K-12 for the duration of the CE course can result
in tuition being charged to the student.
A home-schooled student is officially excused
from compulsory public school attendance
(R277-438; Utah Code 53G-6-204). However,
to comply with the rules governing the state
CE program, a home-schooled student
must enroll with a high school to be
counted in the Average Daily Membership
to ensure that the concurrent grade appears
on both a high school and college transcript.
These are statutory requirements.
Undocumented students who have been
admitted to a public high school may partic-
ipate in the concurrent enrollment program,
and shall pay the fees and partial tuition
applicable to all students in the program.
Undocumented students who meet four basic
requirements may qualify, upon high school
graduation, for resident (in-state) tuition rates
at Utahs public colleges and universities. To
qualify, an undocumented student must:
1. Have attended a Utah high school for
three or more years;
2. Have graduated from a Utah high
school or received the equivalent of a
Utah high school diploma;
3. Register as an entering student at an
institution of higher education; and
4. File an affidavit with the institution
of higher education stating that the
student has filed an application to
legalize his/her immigration status,
or will file an application as soon the
student is eligible to do so.
Students declare residency status as part of
the college admissions process.
Student success in CE courses exists at the in-
tersection of student agency and system sup-
ports. It is the responsibility of the LEA/USHE
institution partnership to put in place sup-
ports that will empower each high school stu-
dent to be successful in CE coursework. This
could include asset-based advising practices,
invitations to participate, corequisite CE ex-
periences, tutoring, office hours and/or study
groups. As of 2018, the elimination of discrim-
inatory prerequisites identified in USBE Board
Rule 277-701 is mandatory. In return, it is the
student’s responsibility to seek out help when
needed and to put forth their best effort to
find success in their concurrent enrollment
There are two fundamental distinctions be-
tween academic accommodations in public
education and postsecondary education:
1. A public education IEP or Section 504
plan is designed to facilitate a student’s
success in school, while postsecondary
accommodation(s) is designed to en-
sure access to postsecondary educa-
tion; and
2. Public education looks to its students
and makes an assessment of their
physical and academic needs, while
postsecondary education expects stu-
dents to declare a need and request
Enrolling in a Concurrent Enrollment (CE)
course constitutes attendance at college. As
soon as students start attending a USHE insti-
tution, they are subject to the provisions for
requesting accommodations established by
the institution they are attending. The institu-
tion, upon request of the student, will evalu-
ate the student’s request for accommodation
in accordance with its disability resource cen-
ter (DRC) processes. An IEP or Section 504 Plan
may be used as supporting documentation
for requesting an accommodation in a post-
secondary setting. There is no guarantee that
a student with an IEP or Section 504 plan will
be eligible for an accommodation at a post-
secondary institution.
Accommodations related to physical access
for CE students will vary depending on where
they receive CE instruction:
1. If instruction takes place on a high
school campus, ensuring physical ac-
cess is the responsibility of the high
2. If instruction takes place on an institu-
tion campus, the institution is respon-
sible for ensuring physical access.
To request accommodation, CE students
should contact the CE administrator at the
USHE institution in which they are enrolled.
The CE administrator will provide contact in-
formation for the campus student disabili-
ty office. The CE student is also free to work
directly with the USHE institutions disability
services office.
USHE institutions and LEAs jointly coordinate
the Plan for College and Career Readiness
(PCCR) to prospective or current high school
students in the concurrent enrollment pro-
gram. The PCCR shall include information on
general education requirements at USHE in-
stitutions and how the students can efficient-
ly choose concurrent enrollment courses to
avoid duplication or excess credit hours, as
well as how course credit transfers among
USHE institutions and to institutions outside
the state system. The PCCR process also en-
sures that students register for CE courses
that fit the personal goals of their PCCR—
formerly known as the Student Education
Occupation Plan (SEOP) for College and
Career Readiness—and creates a foundation
for a post-secondary path.
College and Career Ready Planning
Individual student planning in Utah is rec-
ognized as the PCCR process, which con-
sists of school counselors coordinating on-
going systemic activities designed to help
individual students establish personal ed-
ucation and career goals and develop fu-
ture plans. School counselors coordinate
activities that help all students plan, mon-
itor, and manage their own learning. The
PCCR is a primary strategy for recognizing
student accomplishments and strengths
and for planning, monitoring, and manag-
ing education and career development in
grades seven through 12. Students PCCRs
should reflect their interest in pursuing
CE coursework. The PCCR should assist
students or parents to efficiently choose
concurrent enrollment courses that best
fit their education and career goals.
College PCCR Resources
Students should be advised on how to
select college courses that will transfer
to the college they plan to attend, avoid
duplication or excess credit hours, and
arrange placement testing for math and
English classes. The USBE and USHE pub-
lish resources for counselors, including:
] Career and College Building Blocks—see
Additional Resources section for this il-
lustration of the components of a col-
lege certificate and associates degree.
] Concurrent Enrollment General
Education Pathway—see Additional
Resource F for an explanation of the
general education requirements for a
letter or certificate of completion in gen-
eral studies, or for an associates or bach-
elors degree.
] Concurrent Enrollment Explorato-
ry Tracks Pathway—see Additional Re-
source G for a pathway document that
recommends different CE courses, in-
cluding the appropriate college math
course, based on students’ careers per-
sonality and on interest working with
data versus ideas and with people ver-
sus things. This pathway builds upon ac-
tivities students complete in College and
Career Ready classes in middle school.
] USHE Advising Report—USHE institu-
tions may request that the system office
generate a report of students who have
taken at least 12 CE credit hours during
a given academic year from among all
USHE institutions. An institution report
returns records for students who took at
least six credits from that institution. The
report allows institutions to identify stu-
dents who, because they have complet-
ed a number of CE courses, may benefit
from academic advising by a USHE insti-
tution advisor.
Students are required to complete an
application for the institution(s) of high-
er education offering the CE course. The
counselor or CE coordinator at each high
school will have information on how stu-
dents can complete an online application
and pay the application fee.
One-Time Admissions Fee
Students may be assessed a one-time ad-
missions application fee per institution.
Payment of the admissions fee to enroll in
concurrent enrollment satisfies the gen-
eral admissions application fee require-
ment for a full-time or part-time student
at an institution. No additional admis-
sions application fee may be charged by
the institution for continuous enrollment
at that institution following high school
When CE students graduate from high
school, even though they have applied
and been admitted, they must complete
additional steps which allow institutions
to gather high school transcripts and ACT
and/or SAT scores and change student
status from high school senior to college
freshman. This process does not require
students to pay the application fee again,
as long as it is done in a timely manner.
Report Religious Service
1. A student going on a religious mis-
sion immediately after high school
graduation may apply to be admitted
as a freshman in August after gradua-
tion, then request permission to defer
enrollment for two years. Students
who don’t apply for August enrollment
and/or do not ask for a deferment will
have to reapply for admission and pay
the admission fee again.
2. Students who apply for August enroll-
ment immediately after high school
graduation and who attend several se-
mesters, then elect to go on a religious
mission, must ask the registrar for a
leave of absence. As with the defer-
ment, students granted a leave of ab-
sence may return to active enrollment
status without reapplying and without
paying the application fee again.
Students leaving on missions without ask-
ing for a deferment or leave of absence
will have to apply for readmission, and will
have to pay the application fee again.
To be allowed to register for concur-
rent enrollment courses, students must
meet the eligibility criteria listed above
in the section “Student Participation in
Concurrent Enrollment—Eligibility. A stu-
dent is required to obtain written parental
permission to register for a CE course (see
Additional Resource E).
Most institutions have online registration
for CE courses. Registration deadlines vary
by institution. Institutions provide LEAs
with all deadlines that pertain to admis-
sions and registration, and will collect all
CE course fees and partial tuition.
A student needs parental permission to reg-
ister for a CE course. Parent/guardian per-
mission is valid for one year and covers all
CE courses sponsored by any USHE institu-
tion. Permission is documented using the
Concurrent Enrollment Parent Permission
Form (see Additional Resource E). The Board
of Higher Education is required to keep this
form on file until the student graduates.
Withdrawal dates for a CE course are set by the
college or university. A student must abide by
these deadlines—no exceptions are allowed.
Withdrawal deadlines vary for each college
and university. For information on these
deadlines, go to the college concurrent web-
site or talk with a high school CE coordinator.
Dropping a class at the high school does not
withdraw a student from the college course.
To withdraw from a CE class, students must
drop the course at both the high school and
the college.
Participation in concurrent enrollment begins
a student’s college experience and a perma-
nent college transcript. In contrast to the AP
program, where college credit is granted upon
successful completion of a national examina-
tion and no record is kept on the student’s col-
lege transcript if the exam is not passed, regis-
tration for concurrent enrollment constitutes
a commitment to enter the final course grade
on the student’s permanent college record,
regardless of the results. Furthermore, credit
is earned by performance and participation
throughout the course, rather than by an exit
examination alone.
Credit Hours Permitted
Individual students will be permitted to
earn up to 30 semester hours of college
credits per year through contractual con-
current enrollment. Credits in excess of
30 must be on a non-contractual basis,
and the student is responsible for tuition
and fees.
Credits earned through the concurrent
enrollment program are transferable from
one USHE institution to another. However,
the way in which credits transfer—as
equivalent or elective credit—may vary
from one college or university to another.
Therefore, transferability should be con-
sidered when selecting courses. Students
should be encouraged to seek advice on
transferability of credit from a college ac-
ademic adviser at the institution they plan
to attend after high school graduation.
(See Additional Resource H: “Common
Questions About Transferring College
CE credits and grades will be posted on a
student’s high school transcript and count
toward the high school GPA. The final
grade posted on the high school transcript
and the college transcript must be the
All CE grades are also posted to an official
college transcript, and a college GPA is
established. This transcript becomes part
of a student’s permanent college record.
A grade of C- or lower may not be con-
sidered a passing grade at the college.
Therefore, a student may have to retake
the course. Also, low grades may not
transfer from one college or university to
] If a course is failed, it may not be re-taken
as a CE course. Board Rule and Board of
Higher Education policy state that LEAs
and institutions may not be funded for
CE courses repeated for CE credit.
] If a student withdraws from a CE class and
receives a W grade on a college tran-
script, which is neither earned credit nor
a failing grade, the student may request
approval to reenroll in the CE class. Such
requests are subject to institution and
LEA approval. The institution and LEA
shall establish a process to maximize the
student’s likelihood of success if granted
permission to repeat a CE course.
] If an instructor assigns an unofficial
withdrawal or “UW grade, which means
the instructor withdrew the student
from the CE course, the student may
not retake the course for CE credit. Even
though a “UW is neither earned credit
nor a failing grade, an instructor with-
drawal infers the student is not prepared
to be successful in the course.
] A cumulative GPA of a C- or lower may
place a student on academic probation
with the college and affect financial aid
] When a CE class serves as a prerequisite
for another college course (e.g., ENGL
1010 is a prerequisite for ENGL 2010),
the grade is good for a specific time
frame, and students may have to retake
a placement test for placement into a
higher class. In particular, math place-
ment test scores and grades in prereq-
uisite math classes are only valid for one
to two years. Students who are absent
for long periods of time may also have
to take additional classes to meet new
graduation requirements for their cho-
sen certificate or degree program.
Currently for the 2022–23 school year, col-
leges and universities are charging five dol-
lars ($5) per credit hour for each concurrent
enrollment course for which students receive
college credit. However, the law states that a
secondary student may be charged partial tui-
tion up to $30 per credit hour for each concur-
rent enrollment course for which the student
receives college credit. Even if colleges begin
charging $30 per credit hour, the following
circumstances limit the fee they can charge:
] No more than $5 per credit hour may
be charged for students who qualify for
free or reduced-price school lunch.
] No more than $10 per credit hour may
be charged if a CE course is taught by a
high school teacher.
] No more than $15 per credit hour may be
charged for CE courses taught through
video conferencing by a college faculty
Concurrent Enrollment Fees
As of the 2022/23 school year, LEAs must
pay CE fees for students who are experi-
encing socioeconomic disadvantage re-
lated to their participation in a CE course
(excluding fees for textbooks; see next
section). This includes college and univer-
sity application fees and CE tuition fees.
Those fees will be reimbursed through the
CE allocation in the subsequent school
year, provided the LEA has an accounting
of the fees that they paid.
Fee Waivers
Concurrent enrollment program costs at-
tributable only to USHE credit – institution
admissions fees and CE tuition fees -- are
not subject to fee waiver. Student costs
related to concurrent enrollment courses
required to earn secondary credit – which
may include consumables, lab fees, copy-
ing and material costs, as well as textbooks
required for the course—are subject to fee
waiver. The LEA shall be responsible for
these waivers.
Note: Fees that cover multiple costs while
including textbooks in any way should be
dealt with in their entirety through the
fee waiver process, as directed in 53G-7-
Parents or guardians of minors in the public school system have a right to request and be
given information on their students academic progress. Under the Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99), parents have a right to request and
review a student’s education records, request that the school correct records they believe are
misleading or inaccurate, and request a hearing if the school does not comply. These rights
transfer to the student when he or she —at any age—attends a postsecondary institution.
Parents and guardians can no longer request access to the education records of their children
once the children have left secondary school.
In concurrent enrollment situations, where the student is enrolled in both public education and
college, while the rights under FERPA have transferred to the student:
1. the two schools may exchange information on that student; and
2. if the student is under 18, the parents still retain the rights under FERPA at the high
school and may inspect and review any records sent by the postsecondary institution to
the high school.
Thus, for CE enrollments, parents may request the high school provide them information on
their students academic progress in the CE class.
Additionally, the postsecondary institution may disclose personally identifiable information
from the student’s education records to the parents, without the consent of the eligible stu-
dent, if the student is a dependent for tax purposes under the IRS rules.
For details see:
Identification of qualified CE instructors/ad-
junct faculty is the joint responsibility of the
participating LEA and the sponsoring insti-
tution. Final approval of adjunct faculty will
be determined by the appropriate depart-
ment at the college or university offering the
course. Selection criteria for adjunct faculty
teaching concurrent enrollment courses are
the same as those criteria applied to other ad-
junct faculty appointments in specific depart-
ments. LEA employee instructor qualifications
are defined in UBHE Policy R165 10.4:
For a career and technical education concur-
rent enrollment course:
] a degree, certificate, or industry certi-
fication in the concurrent enrollment
courses academic field; or
] qualifying experience, as determined by
the institution of higher education.
For a concurrent enrollment course other
than a career and technical education course,
if the LEA employee has:
] a masters degree or higher in the con-
current enrollment courses academic
] a masters degree or higher in any aca-
demic field and at least 18 completed
credit hours of graduate course work in
an academic field that is relevant to the
concurrent enrollment course; or
] qualifying experience, as determined by
the institution of higher education.
Mathematics CE Instructors
Effective July 1, 2016, educators who
hold an upper level math endorsement,
authorized by the State Board of Education
and appended to a license, that qualifies
the educator to teach calculus shall be
qualified to teach entry level CE mathe-
matics courses.
LEAs may appeal an institutions decision
to deny an educator adjunct status to teach
CE courses. See Additional Resources K on
page 31.
College or university faculty who are not K–12
teachers and who teach CE courses in a high
school classroom must complete a criminal
background check. The adjunct faculty em-
ployer has responsibility for determining the
need for criminal background checks consis-
tent with the law and for satisfying this re-
quirement, and shall maintain appropriate
Utah educators are expected to engage in
continuous self-assessment and professional
learning to ensure that their instructional skills
are at the highest level possible. A CE public
educator must meet licensure requirements
and have a current Utah license. A CE public
educator must also meet the college or uni-
versity requirements for adjunct faculty in the
department in which he/she will be teaching.
High school educators who hold adjunct
instructor status with a college or universi-
ty for the purpose of teaching concurrent
enrollment courses should be included as
fully as possible in the academic life of the
supervising academic department. USHE
institutions, jointly with secondary schools,
shall initiate faculty development and share
expertise in providing in-service training, in-
cluding appropriate workshop experiences,
prior to offering CE courses, on-site moni-
toring, and continuing education in the con-
tent area. Professional development may
also include curriculum design, assessment
criteria, course philosophy, and administra-
tive requirements for adjunct instructors.
Adjunct instructors should be prepared with
knowledge of federal and state laws specific
to student privacy and student records.
Site visits by department representatives are
held throughout the year. Student course
evaluations should be conducted for all CE
Utah State Law requires that all teachers,
regardless of content area, follow specif-
ic guidelines in teaching any aspect of hu-
man sexuality. For these guidelines and the
parent/guardian consent form necessary
for some course content, see Additional
Resources I and J on page 31.
CE credits and grades are posted on a stu-
dent’s high school (HS) transcript and
counted toward the high school GPA. A final
course grade is also posted on a permanent
college transcript and counts toward a col-
lege GPA. The grade or grades posted on the
high school transcript must align with the
single course grade posted on the college
transcript. There are two recommended
practices for ensuring the HS grade(s) and
college grade are the same:
1. Record term grades on the high
school transcript throughout the se-
mester or year. Each term grade re-
flects student level of performance
for that term. At end of year, calculate
a cumulative course grade, retain one
final course grade on the high school
transcript; report one course grade to
institution. HS and IHE course grade
2. Record term grades on the high school
transcript throughout the semester or
year. Each term grade reflects student
level of performance for that term. At
end of year, retain all term grades on the
high school transcript, calculate a cumu-
lative course grade to be recorded on
the college transcript.
In both models above, the final course grade
recorded by the institution on a permanent col-
lege or university transcript is the cumulative
grade across all terms. These models ensure
statutory requirement for high school and col-
lege or university grade to reflect equivalent
credit value.
Sample Cumulative Grades
for a Two-Term Course:
Percentile Grade Letter Grade
Term 1 89% B+
Term 2 77% C+
Cumulative Grade = sum of percentile grade/#
of terms = (89%+77%)/2 = 83% = B-
A third practice, rolling cumulative term
grades—assign term 1 grade based on term 1
student performance, then assign term 2 grade
as a cumulative grade between the term 1 grade
and term 2 student performance—does not en-
sure the high school cumulative grade and the
college or university course grade are the same.
Rather, it ensures the final term grade and the
college or university course grade are the same.
This practice may “inflate the course grade if, for
example, a USHE institution uses multiple term
grades on a high school transcript to calculate
a final course grade required for scholarships or
admission to specific academic programs. For
this reason, rolling cumulative term grades is
not a best practice.
All CE grades are also posted to an official
college transcript, and a college GPA is estab-
lished. This transcript becomes part of a stu-
dent’s permanent college record.
] A grade of C– or lower may not be con-
sidered a passing grade at the college.
Therefore, a student may have to retake
the course. Also, low grades may not
transfer from one college or university
to another.
] If a course is failed, it may not be retak-
en as a CE course. Board Rule and UBHE
policy state that LEAs and institutions
may not be funded for CE courses re-
peated for CE credit.
] If a student withdraws from a CE class
and receives a “W grade on a college
transcript, which is neither earned cred-
it nor a failing grade, the student may
request approval to reenroll in the CE
class. Such requests are subject to in-
stitution and LEA approval. The institu-
tion and LEA shall establish a process
to maximize the student’s likelihood of
success if granted permission to repeat
a CE course.
] A cumulative GPA of a C- or lower may
place a student on academic probation
with the college and affect financial aid
] When a CE class serves as a prerequisite
for another college course (for example,
ENGL 1010 is a prerequisite for ENGL
2010), the grade is good for a specific
time frame, and students may have to
retake a placement test for placement
into a higher class. In particular, math
placement test scores and grades in
prerequisite math classes are only valid
for one to two years. Students who are
absent for long periods of time may also
have to take additional classes to meet
new graduation requirements for their
chosen certificate or degree program.
High school transcripts should reflect high
school credit only—record the high school
name for the course (example: 02010013020
Art History CE), not the college or university
course title (ART 1010 Intro to Art); and list the
number of high school credits earned, not the
college/university semester hours earned.
] LEAs should keep course names as close
to the USBE CACTUS code name as
] Board Rules do not dictate how many
high school units equate to a col-
lege/university semester credit hour
or whether different numbers of high
school credits are awarded when the CE
course is taught for one semester or for
the full school year. These determina-
tions, based on how best to cover learn-
ing outcomes for the secondary curric-
ulum, should be made by LEAs before
offering a CE course. Conversely, USHE
institutions should not rely on the high
school transcript to award college/uni-
versity credit hours.
In instances where some students in a CE
course choose not to enroll for high school
and college/university credit, ideally the LEA
will create two sections, one using the “13” CE
CACTUS code for students pursuing both high
school and college/university credit, the oth-
er, the “00” CACTUS code for students choos-
ing secondary credit only.
Note: Regardless of how such CE/secondary
only courses are reported to USBE, LEAs will
receive CE appropriation funds ONLY for en-
rollments that match to an enrollment report-
ed by a USHE institution.
The courses chosen for concurrent enrollment should
provide introductory-level coursework in gener-
al education, career and technical education, or
pre-major courses. Concurrent enrollment program
offerings shall be limited to courses in English, math-
ematics, fine arts, humanities, science, social science,
world languages, and career and technical educa-
tion. Concurrent enrollment courses must be part
of post-secondary certificates or degree programs.
Curriculum taught in a core credit course must align
to the public education standards and objectives at
90%. Curriculum taught in an elective credit course
must align to the public education standards and ob-
jectives at 80%. Concurrent enrollment may not in-
clude high school courses that are typically offered
in grades 9 or 10. Courses selected should reflect the
strengths and resources of the respective schools and
USHE institutions and be based on student need.
The delivery system and curriculum program shall be
designed and implemented to take full advantage of
the most current educational technology.
CE courses are primarily offered face to face on high
school campuses. There are also CE courses taught
over interactive video conferencing (IVC), and a small
number are taught online.
To help ensure quality, the commonality of instruc-
tion, and the success of students, USHE institutions
may set a minimum percentage of students in a
course that must be officially enrolled as CE students
in both the high school and the sponsoring institu-
tion. Historically, the recommendation was at least
50%; some institutions may require a higher per-
centage. Career and Technical Education courses or
CE courses at smaller, rural high schools are known
The USHE and USBE jointly approve
courses that are added to a master
list. CE courses must align to the des-
ignated 11-digit CACTUS course
codes as they appear on the master
list. Approved courses and 11-digit
CACTUS codes are subject to change
each academic year. Only courses and
alignments taken from the master list
shall be reimbursed from state con-
current enrollment funds.
Variation from the approved code,
such as offering a public education
science lab with high school/college
science lecture courses, will not be
In general, concurrent enrollment
courses should be limited to a man-
ageable number to allow a focus of
energy and resources on quality in-
struction. The number of courses will
be kept small enough to assure coor-
dinated professional development ac-
tivities for participating teachers and
transferability of credit from institu-
tion to institution.
Course content, procedures, exam-
inations, teaching materials, program
monitoring, and approval to be taught
at a high school are the responsibility
of the appropriate USHE credit-grant-
ing institution.
Each USHE institution has the responsibility to offer concurrent courses to LEAs within its des-
ignated service region. The designated service areas are listed on the next page. The institution
in whose designated service region an LEA is listed is often called the LEAs local institution or
the primary institution. LEAs must contact their primary institution regarding offering all CE
courses, regardless of the delivery method. The primary USHE institution will be given the first
opportunity, also called the right of first refusal, or RFR, to provide all concurrent enrollment
courses. If the primary USHE institution chooses not to offer the concurrent course, the LEA may
choose to participate with another USHE institution to provide the course.
A primary institution must notify the LEA within 30 days if it chooses not to offer the course(s).
Another USHE institution may choose to offer the requested course(s) following the right of
first refusal (RFR) process.
While RFR decisions for most technology-delivered course RFR decisions are recorded inter-
nally by USHE institutions, RFR decisions for F2F CE courses use a “USHE Right of First Refusal”
form which details the primary institution, the USHE institution that will offer a CE course, the
reasons for the RFR request, and includes signature lines for both the USHE and LEA administra-
tors. Signed copies of the USHE RFR agreement should be kept on file by both USHE institutions
and the LEA for five years. See Additional Resource L for a copy of the “Right of First Refusal
Agreement” document that should be used.
LEAs typically seek F2F CE classes from USHE institutions other than their primary institution for
the following reasons:
1. The USHE primary institution does not offer the course.
2. The USHE primary institution does not offer the course for CE.
3. The academic department offering the course does not have the capacity to supervise
public educator adjunct instructors teaching a CE section.
LEAs typically seek IVC, hybrid, and online CE classes from USHE institutions other than their
primary institution for the following reasons:
1. The USHE institution in the geographic service area cannot provide CE services.
2. The LEA is located a significant distance from all other USHE institutions.
3. The LEAs student population is too small to schedule a CE course.
4. The LEA does not have educators qualified for adjunct faculty status at a USHE institution.
Institution CE Contact Institutions Designated Service Region
Jill Landes-Lee
Phone: 801-585-2682
Brandon Kowallis
Phone: 801-957-6342
Canyons, Granite, Jordan, Murray, Salt Lake,
Tooele (select CTE courses)
Charters: American Academy of Innovation,
American Preparatory Academy, AMES,
Beehive, City Academy, East Hollywood,
Itineris, Mana Academy, Mountain Heights
Academy, Paradigm, Providence Hall,
Real Salt Lake Academy, Roots Charter,
Spectrum Academy, Summit Academy, Utah
International Charter School, Utah Virtual
Academy, Vanguard Academy
Mike Daniels
Phone: 435-283-7320
Juab, Millard, North Sanpete, Piute, Sevier,
South Sanpete, Tintic, Wayne
Brodee Nelson
Phone: 435-865-8035
concurrentenrollme[email protected]
Beaver, Garfield, Iron
Charter: Success Academy/Cedar City
Toni Gibbons
Phone: 435-797-0834
Box Elder, Cache, Carbon, Daggett,
Duchesne, Emery, Grand, Logan, Rich, San
Juan, Tooele, Uintah,
Charters: Fast Forward, InTech, Pinnacle
Canyon, Terra Academy, Uintah River
Kevin Simmons
Phone: 435-652-7671
Kane, Washington
Charters: Success Academy/St. George, St.
George Academy, Utah Arts Academy
Spencer Childs
Phone: 801-863-8939
Alpine, Nebo, North Summit, Park City, Provo,
South Summit, Wasatch
Charters: American Leadership Academy,
Athenian eAcademy, Freedom Prep, Karl
G. Maeser Prep, Liberty Academy, Lumen
Scholar Institute, Merit College Prep,
Rockwell, Roots, UCAS, Walden
Institution CE Contact Institutions Designated Service Region
Colton Simons
Phone: 801-395-3570
Davis, Morgan, Ogden, Weber
Charters: DaVinci Academy of Science and
Arts, NUAMES, Utah Connections Academy,
Utah Military Academy, Venture Academy
High school has administrative offices in one institutions service area, but are statewide online
charter schools.
High school has administrative offices in one institutions service area, but has multiple physical
locations across the state.
1. An LEA and/or a USHE institution identify a course that is an, from both a public and higher
education perspective, appropriate concurrent enrollment course. This discussion includes
what high school course covers the same or similar content as the college course:
] If the high school course is core credit, there must be a 90% match of content covered; or
] the high school course is elective credit, there should be an 80% match.
2. The partners confirm the course meets all public and higher education requirements for CE.
] USHE institution confirms the course is highly transferrable GenEd, CTE, and/or select
gateway courses (ex. Intro to Education); assists students in earning post-secondary cer-
tificate or degrees (prereq, required, or elective); introductory level (1000 and 2000 level);
and corresponds to a HS course typically taught to 11 and 12 grade students.
] LEA confirms course contributes toward HS graduation and fits within one of the following
disciplines: English, Mathematics, Fine arts, Humanities, Social Science, World Languages,
or CTE.
3. If there is agreement the course should be proposed for CE, the USHE institution gathers
documentation on its curriculum, – course description, syllabus, learning outcomes, text-
books, assessments, lecture schedule – that illustrates the curriculum covered.
4. The LEA provides the USBE 11-digit cactus code, course title, credit type for the high school
5. Once all the details are entered online into the Concurrent Enrollment Course Submission
Proposal, the institution and LEA fill out a table that compares the public education strands
and standards to the higher education learning outcomes.
6. The USHE institution submits the completed electronic alignment proposal to the USHE
Office of the Commissioner.
7. USHE staff members review the proposal, then either send the proposal back with questions
to the institution and LEA or submit satisfactory proposals to USBE content area specialists.
8. After review, the content area specialist renders a CE alignment decision in one of the fol-
lowing ways:
] Approve the alignment proposed by the LEA and institution;
] Deny the proposed alignment;
] Defer the alignment decision to a future date; or
] Suggest and approved alignment to a different high school curriculum.
(The content area specialist also identifies any enrollment conditions.)
9. The specialist’s decision is recorded on the CE Master List (CEML).
] Specialists provide comments for denials or enrollment conditions.
] Alignments are approved for one year or until the next major USBE review of that course.
Alignments may be deferred for one year when USBE is revising the proposed curriculum
the college courses would align with.
10. A new list for the upcoming year is published in December.
A. CE course alignment proposals must be submitted annually on or before November 15
for the next school year.
B. The process described above approves a course for CE; approval of teachers as adjunct
instructors is a separate process.
Course Cancellation Practices
Both USHE institutions and LEAs will communicate, in a timely fashion, any staffing or adminis-
trative changes that could affect CE course offerings. When possible, impending cancellations
are published one year in advance on the CE Master List (November 15).
A CE course might be placed on hiatus for the following reasons:
] Low enrollment
] Revision of the curriculum
] New alignment in the standards and objectives
Courses on hiatus can move between hiatus, canceled, or active status. Courses may not
stay on hiatus longer than three years.
© 2013 iStockphoto
Concurrent enrollment funds will be allocated proportionally, based on stu-
dent credit hours successfully completed. For courses that are taught by pub-
lic school educators, 60 percent of the funds will be allocated to public educa-
tion, and 40 percent of the funds will be allocated to the Utah Board of Higher
For courses taught by college or university faculty, 60 percent of the funds
will be allocated to the Utah Board of Higher Education institutions, and 40
percent of the funds will be allocated to public education.
The USBE will not reimburse LEAs for CE courses in excess of 30 semester hours
per student per year. Each year, LEAs will submit the Concurrent Enrollment
Assurance Statement and the Annual Concurrent Enrollment Expenditure
Report. Samples of these forms may be found in Additional Resources M and
N on page 31.
LEAs are required to submit reporting and application documentation each
year as part of a cycle of continuous improvement for the students they serve.
Completion of both the reporting and application documents (administered
through Qualtrics) is mandatory in order for the LEA to receive their funding
for a particular fiscal Year. LEAs will be aided by a support FAQ updated yearly
(see Additional Resource P on page 31) along with the early college dashboard.
The reporting period will open each year in August and provide an oppor-
tunity for LEAs to demonstrate the progress that they have experienced in
growing their CE ecosystems, improving services for all students and increas-
ing access for their underrepresented student groups. LEAs will also have an
opportunity to define which strategies were effective and which weren’t to
inform their application for funds for the subsequent school year.
The application will be made available once an LEA has completed their re-
porting and will empower the LEA to set goals related to their overall pro-
gram, while also identifying goals for reducing gaps in participation for their
underrepresented student group of focus. In order to accomplish this, LEAs
are also asked to identify both assets that that student group brings and bar-
riers that they face.
Funds allocated to LEAs for concurrent enrollment cannot be used for any oth-
er programs. The use of state funds for concurrent enrollment is limited to the
1. Professional development for adjunct faculty in cooperation with the participating USHE
2. Assistance with delivery costs for distance learning programs
3. Participation costs of LEA personnel who work in CE programs
4. Student textbooks and other instructional materials
5. Fee waivers for costs or expenses related to CE for fee waiver-eligible students
6. Purchase of classroom equipment required to conduct CE courses
7. Other uses approved in writing by the USBE, consistent with the law
Distribution of the state appropriation is based on the match of enrollment data between the
USBE and USHE. The match is a two-tier process of student data and course code data.
Tier One—Student Data. USBE and USHE match a student based on:
] First name
] Last name
] Date of birth
] Gender
] District and high school
Tier Two—Course Data. Once a student is matched, USBE and USHE match a course
] USBE CACTUS code aligned to USHE course subject and number (e.g., ART 1010)
] Course must be on the current year master list (CEML)
Without an exact match of all of the above data points, funding cannot be appropriated.
] LEAs submit student data and course enrollments to USBE; USHE submits student data
and course enrollments to USHE system office.
] The system offices compare data mid-year and issue a report of records to be corrected
to both institution and LEA.
] LEAs and institutions submit student data and course enrollments to their system offices
in June with final corrections in July.
] The USBE and USHE begin the annual match process in August.
1. Make a checklist for students when they register for a CE course, reminding them to
register both at the high school and the institution.
2. Review course rosters from USHE partners for correct student name, SSID and course
3. Review rosters after drop deadlines to make sure your roster reflects any students who
have dropped the course.
4. Double-check all course codes to make sure all concurrent courses have a 13 in the
11-digit CACTUS code.
5. Find opportunities to work with information technology staff and USHE partners to im-
prove your match rate.
Name Link
Utah Code 53E-10-301
Utah System of Higher
Education Policy R165
Utah State Board of
Education R277-701
Concurrent Enrollment
resources/ (see Administrator Forms)
Concurrent Enrollment
Parent Permission Form
Concurrent Enrollment
General Education Pathway
resources/ (see CE Advising Tools)
Concurrent Enrollment
Exploratory Tracks
resources/ (see CE Advising Tools)
Common Questions About
Transferring College Credit
Rule 277-474. School
Instruction and Human
Parent/Guardian Consent
Form Human Sexuality
Concurrent Enrollment
Adjunct Instructor
Eligibility Appeal Process
resources/ (see Administrator Forms)
Right of First Refusal
Agreement for Concurrent
resources/ (see Administrator Forms)
USBE Early College
webpage: Concurrent
Early College dashboard:
Public Version
Comparison of Accelerated
Learning Programs
resources/ (see CE Advising Tools)
Early College Process for
Continuous Improvement
1. What is concurrent enrollment (CE)?
CE is a program offered between a public high school and a participating Utah System
of Higher Education (USHE) institution. Challenging, college-level courses are offered to
high school students. Credits are earned in the course toward both high school gradua-
tion and college credit.
2. What are the qualifications to participate in concurrent enrollment?
] A student must be in grades 9, 10, 11, or 12.
] A student must present indicators such as a 3.0 GPA, a B grade or better in academ-
ic classes, and good attendance, which indicates he/she is prepared for college-level
] A student must comply with special course qualifications (ACT scores, prerequisites, or
placement tests).
3. How will concurrent enrollment benefit a student?
CE allows a student to take courses and receive credit at the high school and university
or college simultaneously. This allows a student to receive college credit for a minimal
charge and also experience the academic rigor of college courses.
4. What concurrent enrollment courses should a student take?
A student should only register for CE courses that align with his/her College and Career
Ready Plan. General education classes are appropriate for all qualified students.
5. What is the difference between concurrent enrollment (CE), Advanced Place-
ment (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB)?
CE offers college credit to those students who complete the course. Students receive a
grade and credit on both their high school and college transcripts.
AP requires that a student pass the AP Exam to earn college credit. The amount of credit
awarded is dependent upon the student’s score and the college or university acceptance
requirement. A fee is charged to take the exam.
IB provides courses in a variety of subjects tied to an international curriculum. IB requires
that a student pass an IB exam to earn college credit. The amount of credit awarded is de-
pendent upon the student’s score and the college or university acceptance requirement.
A fee is charged to take the exam.
Note: USBE and USHE use the term, Early College (EC), to mean different things. USBE
uses Early College to encompass all programs where a high school student can earn
college credit—AP, IB and CE. USHE institutions use Early College for programs where
high school students pay regular tuition and fees to the institution they attend and pro-
vide their own transportation to the institution campus, as needed, to attend class. USHE
EC credit is posted to a college transcript only. Unlike CE, where an annual curriculum
alignment process determines the secondary credit awarded for college courses, stu-
dents must request that EC credit be evaluated by the high school and, if approved for
secondary credit, posted to their high school transcript.
6. How will CE affect a students high school and/or college GPA?
] CE credits and grades will be posted on a student’s high school transcript and count
toward the high school GPA.
] All CE grades are posted to an official college transcript, and a college GPA is estab-
lished. This transcript becomes part of a students permanent college record. A grade
of C- or lower may not be considered a passing grade at the college. Therefore, a stu-
dent may have to retake the course.
] Students who withdraw from a CE course receive a W grade. The W grade indicates
no credit was earned. W grades do not impact GPA; however, they may affect financial
aid eligibility.
] A cumulative GPA of a C- or lower may place a student on academic probation with the
college and affect financial aid eligibility.
7. Can students repeat a CE course at the state-subsidized rate?
Students may not repeat a CE if they earned credit, if they earned a failing grade, or if
they were administratively withdrawn from the class. Students who withdraw from a CE
class are eligible to repeat the course subject to institution and LEA approval. The insti-
tution and LEA shall establish a process to maximize the student’s likelihood of success if
granted permission to repeat a CE course.
8. Can students choose to earn pass/fail in a CE course?
Students will receive P/F for CE courses when the only grade option for the class on a
USHE campus is P/F. For all classes with a letter grade is an option, students may not elect
Money is appropriated to the USBE for concurrent enrollment based upon completed
student credit hours. Completed means that a student earned credit for the course.
Letter grades of A through D- indicate credit is earned. Letter grades of E or F and UW or
W for withdrawal indicate credit was not earned.
] Although “P” in a P/F situation indicates the student passed the class, the letter grade
provides feedback to USHE, USBE, and the student on rigor of instruction and program
integrity where the “P does not.
] Letter grades may be required for scholarship or financial aid opportunities.
] Also a letter grade is required if the course functions as a prereq for additional courses.
9. Is a home-schooled student allowed to enroll in concurrent enrollment?
No. A home-schooled student must enroll in a public high school and be counted in the
daily membership to meet the requirements of the CE.
10. Is an international student eligible to take concurrent enrollment?
An international student may participate in any academic activity in the public schools in
which he/she is enrolled. Fees may apply.
11.Is a foreign exchange student eligible to take concurrent enrollment?
Foreign exchange students are not eligible to take CE courses because they are not counted
in the average daily membership (ADM) of the high school.
12. Can students retained for a fifth year of HS to take CE courses?
Fifth year students are not eligible to participate in CE. Fifth year students do not receive
WPU funding and, therefore, do not meet the requirement for eligibility under R277-701.
13. How much will this cost?
A student may be assessed a one-time admission fee per college or university. A student
may be charged partial tuition, up to $30 per credit hour, for each concurrent enrollment
course for which the student receives college credit. Colleges or universities may charge a
concurrent enrollment student who qualifies for free or reduced-price school lunch partial
tuition of no more than $5 per credit hour for each concurrent enrollment course for which
the student receives college credit.
14.Are there deadlines for concurrent enrollment registration?
Yes. A student must be admitted and registered for CE prior to college deadlines. Failure to
do this will result in a loss of opportunity to take the course.
15. How many courses can a student enroll in?
A student is limited to a total of 30 CE credits per school year. A student will be charged
tuition at the college rate for any course placing the total over 30 credits.
16. When is the latest a student can add or drop/withdraw from a course without be-
ing penalized?
All entrance and course withdrawal dates are set by each college or university. A student
must abide by these deadlines—no exceptions allowed. For information on these dead-
lines, go to the college concurrent website or talk with a high school CE coordinator.
17.Will CE credits transfer to other institutions?
All credits are accepted by all in-state public higher education institutions. How credit trans-
fers is determined by the receiving institution’s transfer credit policies and by academic
departments. To be sure you know how your class(es) will transfer, speak to a transfer credit
advisor on campus to which you will transfer credit. If the student transfers to a private or
out-of-state institution, credit awarded will be at the discretion of the institution.
18. How would concurrent enrollment credit affect my ability to obtain a scholarship?
Numerous scholarships are based on new student entry into higher education. If a student
exceeds 60 credit hours on a college transcript, he/she may be viewed as a student of high-
er standing and not qualify for an entry scholarship to college. Talk to the college your stu-
dent is planning to attend to find out about scholarship eligibility.
19. How can a student find more information about a course?
A student should speak with a high school counselor or CE coordinator, or go to the college
concurrent website for more information.
20. New What role do LEAs and USHE institutions have regarding supporting stu-
dents in CE participation?
1. All students should be informed about the CE opportunities in their high school.
Whenever possible, both high school sand institutions should provide students and
parents with information about the CE program.
2. While certain CE courses have prerequisite conditions set by the institution, LEAs and
USHE institutions should evaluate all CE offerings to ensure there are no unnecessary
or discriminatory enrollment conditions (Board Rule 277-701 states, a middle school
or high school shall provide all course registration opportunities to each student…may
consider academic readiness but may not require prerequisites” that prevent students
from accessing CE course enrollment).
3. LEAs and USHE institutions should also work together to provide academic and student
services supports to all students enrolled in CE courses necessary for student success.
21. What if the course is too difficult?
At the first sign of difficulty, a student should communicate with the teacher, counselor
and/or CE coordinator about obtaining extra help. CE withdrawals or drops must take place
in accordance with the college deadlines, or the student will receive the grade earned.
22. What if a student does not want to attend the college where the concurrent cred-
it is being offered?
CE credit is transferable to all in-state public institutions, and to some private schools and
out-of-state institutions on a case-by-case basis. A student should check with the college
or university of his/her choice to see if elective CE credit will align with his/her degree pro-
grams. A student who wants concurrent credit transferred to another USHE institution must
initiate that process by contacting the registrars office of the college or university where
the credit was earned and request a transcript.
23. Can a student get an associate’s degree while still in high school?
Yes. A student can earn an associates degree by earning AP, CE, IB and Early College credit.
The high school counseling staff should work closely with a student to chart a sequence of
courses. This planning should begin as early as ninth grade.
24. New Can a student use concurrent courses to fulfill the requirements for the Op-
portunity Scholarship?
Yes. The requirements for this state scholarship include completion of 1 Math, 1 Science,
and 1 Language Arts CE, AP, or IB course. Ask your counselor to confirm the CE courses
you select fit one of these categories. See details at https://ushe.edu/state-scholarships-aid/
25. Can a student use concurrent enrollment courses to fulfill the NCAA requirements?
NCAA requirements change on a yearly basis. A student should work closely with his/her
high school counselor to make sure his/her CE courses are approved.
26. How does the student receive his/her final grades?
Grades are posted at the end of the course on both high school and college transcripts. To
obtain a college transcript, a student must contact the institution to request a transcript.
27. Can a private school participate in the state concurrent enrollment program by
purchasing seats from a public high school?
Funds appropriated to the USBE by the legislature for concurrent enrollment are allocated
to LEAs and USHE institutions only. Private schools are not eligible for these funds nor are
private school students. A private school cannot purchase seats from LEAs for their private
school students. Private schools can enter into a contract with USHE institutions. to provide
concurrent enrollment services to their private school students.
28. What are the higher education institutions that participate in Concurrent
Utah Tech University: https://concurrent.utahtech.edu/
Salt Lake Community College: https://www.slcc.edu/concurrentenrollment/
Southern Utah University: https://suu.edu/concurrent
Snow College: https://www.snow.edu/academics/concurrent/
University of Utah: https://us.utah.edu/ames
Utah State University: http://concurrent.usu.edu/
Utah Valley University: http://www.uvu.edu/concurrent
Weber State University: http://weber.edu/concurrent
250 East 500 South
P.O. Box 144200
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200
Sydnee Dickson, Ed.D.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction