Income Tax Booklet
Included in this Booklet are:
Form 1120N;
Schedules A, I, II, III, and IV;
Forms 7004N and PTC; and
Use Tax information.
Electronic ling and payment options are available.
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2023 Nebraska Corporation Income Tax Return
What’s New
Corporate Tax Rate Change (LB 432). For the 2023 taxable year the corporate tax rate for
Nebraska taxable income in excess of $100,000 is reduced from 7.50% to 7.25%. The corporate
rate for the rst $100,000 of Nebraska taxable income remains 5.58%.
Pass-Through Entity Tax (PTET) (LB 754). A partnership or S corporation may elect to be
subject to Nebraska income tax for tax years beginning on and after January 1, 2018. The
partners and shareholders of an electing entity will receive a refundable credit for their share
of the PTETs paid by the electing entity.
Nebraska Employer Tax Credit for Employing Convicted Felons (LB 917). Employers may
receive a nonrefundable credit for wages paid to an employee convicted of a felony. The
credit is equal to 10% of the wages paid to the employee during the taxable year. The credit
is limited to $20,000 for each eligible employee and applies to the wages paid during the
rst 12 months of employment. The employer must le an application with the Nebraska
Department of Revenue (DOR) to receive the credit.
Important Information for All Filers
Purpose. The instructions in this booklet provide guidance in completing the most common
Nebraska corporation income tax forms and schedules. This booklet is intended to be useful to
the greatest number of taxpayers. Nothing in these instructions supersedes, alters, or otherwise
changes any provisions of the Nebraska tax code, regulations, rulings, or court decisions.
We encourage the preparer of any Corporation Income Tax Return, Form 1120N, to review
applicable Nebraska law regarding any issue that may have a material effect on this return.
Nebraska law and other useful information may be found at revenue.nebraska.gov.
Income Subject to Nebraska Taxation. Nebraska income tax applies to the portion of the
corporate taxpayer’s taxable income derived from or attributable to sources within Nebraska.
A corporate taxpayer that is subject to tax in another state must apportion its income, unless
approval has been granted by the Tax Commissioner for an alternative method prior to
ling the return.
If a corporate taxpayer engaged in business in Nebraska is not subject to tax in another state,
its entire taxable income must be reported to Nebraska.
Combined Return. When a group of corporations conducts a unitary business, a single combined
return must be led reporting the income of the entire group. A unitary group engaged in
business within and without Nebraska will determine its Nebraska income using a single
factor, sales only, apportionment formula. See the Nebraska Schedule I — Apportionment
for Multistate Business instructions for additional information.
Enter All Amounts as Whole Dollars. Do not include cents on the return or schedules. Do not
change the pre-printed zeros in the cents column of the Form 1120N or schedules. Round
any amount from 50 cents to 99 cents to the next higher dollar. Round any amount less than
50 cents to the next lower dollar.
Penalties and Interest. Either or both may be imposed under the following conditions:
u Failing to le a return and pay the tax due on or before the due date;
u Failing to pay the tax due on or before the due date;
u Failing to le an amended Nebraska income tax return when required;
u Preparing or ling a fraudulent income tax return; or
u Understating income on an income tax return.
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Filing a false or fraudulent Nebraska return is subject to penalty, even if the amounts reported
are taken from your federal return. Unpaid tax is subject to interest at the statutory rate of
5% from the original due date to the date the tax is paid. See Revenue Ruling 99-22-1 for
applicable interest rates.
Reporting Changes or Corrections. If information on a Nebraska corporation income tax
return previously led is incorrect, an Amended Nebraska Corporation Income Tax Return,
Form 1120XN, must be led. When ling an amended return, remember:
u Changes made by the IRS or another state must be reported to DOR within 60 days;and
u You must attach a copy of the related federal or other state amended return and all
related schedules or other documentation to explain the changes shown on the amended
Nebraska return.
Any corporation ling an amended return with the IRS, resulting in a credit or refund, must
report the change or correction within 60 days after receiving proof that the IRS accepted the
federal return. The Nebraska amended return must include documentation showing that the
IRS accepted the changes made on the federal return.
Corporate taxpayers are required to provide DOR with a copy of every executed Federal
Form872, Consent to Extend the Time to Assess Tax; Form 872-A, Special Consent to
Extend the Time to Assess Tax; or any other federal form used to extend the time to assess
income taxes. If copies of these federal forms are not provided to DOR within 30 days after
they are executed, DOR may issue a notice of deciency determination within one year after
discovery of the extension by DOR and may limit the time period for which interest is paid
on a refund.
Nebraska Extension of Time. An extension to le may only be obtained by:
u Attaching a copy of a timely-led Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File
Certain Business Income Tax, Information, and Other Returns, Federal Form 7004,
to the Nebraska return when led;
u Attaching a schedule to the Nebraska return listing the federal conrmation number
and providing an explanation that the electronic request for automatic federal extension
was not denied; or
u Filing a Nebraska Application for Extension of Time to File Corporation, Fiduciary,
or Partnership Return, Form 7004N, on or before the due date of the return, when you
need to make a tentative Nebraska payment or when a federal extension is not being
requested. When a federal extension of time has been granted, and additional time is
necessary to le the Nebraska return, the Nebraska Form 7004N must be led on or
before the date the federal extension expires. Remember to attach proof of the federal
extension to the Form 7004N.
Failure to attach the applicable extension document may result in a late ling penalty. An
extension of time only extends the date to le the return. It does not extend the due date
to pay the tax. Any tax not paid by the original due date is subject to interest. By timely
requesting an extension of time to le your federal return using the Federal Form 7004, you
are granted an automatic Nebraska extension for the same number of months granted by the
IRS. When a federal extension of time has been granted and additional time is necessary to
le the Nebraska return, the Nebraska Form7004N must be led on or before the date the
federal extension expires. An extension of time cannot exceed a total of seven months after
the original due date of the return.
Accounting Methods. The accounting method used for federal income tax purposes must be
used for Nebraska income tax purposes. A taxpayer may not change the accounting method
used to report income in prior years, unless the change is approved by the IRS. A copy of this
approval must accompany the rst return that shows the change in the method of accounting.
Federal Return. A copy of the federal return and supporting schedules, as led with the IRS,
must be attached to this return. This includes, at a minimum, a copy of the rst ve pages,
ScheduleD, Form 4797, and other supporting schedules of the Federal Form 1120. If a
consolidated federal return is led, a copy of the consolidating schedules or workpapers for
income and expenses, cost of goods sold, and balance sheets, as well as the Afliations Schedule,
Form851, must also be attached. Provide copies of schedules and other information that
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support the numbers reported on the Nebraska return. Other voluminous information that
is part of the federal return led, but that is not directly related to the Nebraska reporting,
may be kept by the taxpayer, but must be made available upon request. A pro-forma federal
return is not acceptable. The Nebraska return is based upon the actual federal return as led
or prepared for ling.
Estimated Income Tax Payments. Estimated income tax payments must be made by every
corporation subject to taxation under the IRC, with income derived from Nebraska, if the
Nebraska income tax liability can reasonably be expected to exceed allowable credits by $400
or more. For additional information, see the 2024 Nebraska Corporation Estimated Income
Tax Payment Voucher Booklet.
Underpayment of Estimated Income Tax Penalty. A corporation may owe a penalty if the
amount of tax due, after allowable credits, is $400 or more.
If the amount of tax due is $400 or more, the corporation must complete a Corporation
Underpayment of Estimated Income Tax, Form 2220N, to calculate any applicable penalty.
A corporation may reduce or eliminate the penalty by using the annualized income or adjusted
seasonal installment method. To use one or both of these methods to calculate one or more
required installments, recalculate (and attach) the Federal Form 2220, Schedule A, “Adjusted
Seasonal Installment Method and Annualized Income Installment Method” using Nebraska
income and other Nebraska amounts. Enter the corresponding amount from the recalculated
Federal Schedule A on the appropriate lines of the Form 2220N.
Adjustment of Overpayment of Estimated Income Tax. A corporation that overpaid estimated
income tax must use the Corporation Application for Adjustment of Overpayment of Estimated
Income Tax, Form 4466N, to apply for refund of the overpayment when the overpayment is:
u At least 10% more than the expected tax liability calculated on the Form 4466N; and
u At least $500.
Form 4466N must be led by the 15th day of the third month after the end of the tax year
and before the corporation les its corporation income tax return. A Form 4466N led after
this date will not be considered. An extension of time to le the corporation income tax return
will not extend the time for ling Form 4466N.
Use Tax A corporation may be subject to use tax. A corporation owes use tax when the proper sales
tax has not been paid on purchases delivered into Nebraska. This often occurs when purchases
are made from out-of-state, mail order, or Internet sellers. Use tax is also due when items
purchased for resale are withdrawn from inventory for business or personal use.
Example 1.
The corporation purchased a computer from a seller in South Dakota over the Internet
for $1,570 plus $30 shipping and handling charges. Both charges are taxable. The
computer is shipped to the corporation in Scottsbluff, Nebraska and no tax is charged
or collected by the seller. The state tax is $88 ($1,600 X 5.5%) and the local tax is $24
($1,600 X 1.5%). The total use tax owed is $112 ($88 + $24 = $112).
Example 2.
A repair shop in Scottsbluff, Nebraska provides motor vehicle repair service. The repair
shop also owns a tow truck used for towing customers’ motor vehicles needing repair.
The shop purchases oil and oil lters tax exempt for resale using the Nebraska Resale
or Exempt Sale Certicate, Form 13. When oil and oil lters are removed from sales
tax exempt inventory and used to change the oil in the business-owned tow truck, state
and local use tax is due on the cost of the oil and oil lters.
For additional information, see the Nebraska Use Tax Information Guide.
Purpose of Form The Nebraska Corporation Income Tax Return, Form 1120N, is used to report income,
gains, losses, deductions, and credits, and to calculate the income tax liability of the
corporate taxpayer.
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Who Must File?
The Nebraska Corporation Income Tax Return, Form 1120N, must be led by every
corporation engaged in business in Nebraska, or having sources of income from Nebraska
and subject to federal corporation income tax. This includes:
uCooperative organizations. Cooperative organizations must le Form 1120N. Exempt farm
cooperatives must attach their U.S. Income Tax Return for Cooperative Associations,
Form 1120-C. Cooperatives may exclude patronage dividends, dividends on capital
stock, and nonpatronage income allocated to patrons that are allowable deductions
or exclusions for federal income tax purposes.
u Exempt organizations. All exempt organizations required to le a federal return and
pay tax at the federal corporation income tax rates on unrelated business income are
required to le the Form 1120N.
Corporations that must le a different Nebraska return:
u S corporations. Corporations that have elected to le under Subchapter S, as dened
by IRC § 1361, le a Nebraska S Corporation Income Tax Return, Form 1120-SN.
u Financial institutions. Institutions that are chartered or qualied to do business in
Nebraska, or maintain a permanent place of business in Nebraska and actively solicit
deposits from residents of Nebraska must le a Nebraska Financial Institution Tax
Return, Form1120NF.
When and Where to File
This return must be led on or before the date the related federal income tax return is due.
Use the Federal/State e-le program to e-le both federal and state tax returns. Or mail the
Form 1120N to:
Nebraska Department of Revenue
PO Box 94818
Lincoln, NE 68509-4818
How to Complete Form 1120N
Tax Period. A 2023 Form 1120N must be used to le for the calendar year 2023, or a scal
year beginning in 2023. Space is provided at the top of the return to enter the beginning and
ending dates for short-period or scal-year lers. The taxable year for Nebraska must be the
same as the taxable year used for the federal income tax return.
If a corporation changes its federal taxable year, it must also change its Nebraska taxable
year. A copy of the approval from the IRS to change accounting periods must accompany
the rst return that shows the change.
Business Classication Code. Enter the six-digit code that best describes the corporation’s
principal business activity in Nebraska. Carefully review the business classication codes
before you select one.
Principal Business Activity in Nebraska. Enter the principal business activity of the corporation
from the Business Classication Code listing.
Federal ID Number. Enter the Federal ID number assigned to the corporation by the IRS.
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Nebraska ID Number. Enter the Nebraska ID number assigned to the corporation by DOR.
Corporations that do not have a Nebraska state ID for corporate income tax should e-le
using their Nebraska income tax withholding or sales tax number. The prex (for example, 24-)
is not part of the state ID number and should not be included in the number. Corporations
that do not have an existing Nebraska state ID, should apply using DOR’s Online Nebraska
Tax Application.
Final Return. Check the “Final Return” box if the corporation will not le a Nebraska
corporate return after the 2023 tax year. This may occur when the corporation ceases to
exist due to dissolution or merger, or when the corporation will be included in a new unitary
group of corporations led under a different Nebraska ID number.
Corporation Filing Status. All taxpayers must complete this portion of the return and answer
all questions applicable to the corporation’s status.
Question A. Check “Yes” if any of the following conditions apply:
u The corporation was included in a federal consolidated return;
u The corporation owns 50% or more of another corporation; or
u The corporation is owned at least 50% by another corporation.
If none of the above conditions apply, check “No” and skip questions B, C, and D.
Question B. Check “Yes” if this return includes the income, deductions, or credits of all
corporations with common ownership.
Check “No” if one or more of the corporations with common ownership are not included
in this return.
Question C. Check “Yes” if a return led in any other state included the income, deductions,
or credits of more than one corporation.
Check “No” if the returns led in all other states included only your corporation.
Question D. Under Nebraska law, a unitary group generally encompasses all corporations
included in the federal consolidated income tax return. Therefore, only under extremely unusual
circumstances may a corporation compute its Nebraska liability using the “separate report
by a member of a controlled group of corporations” method. Documentation supporting
the separate company ling should be attached to the Nebraska return when led. This
documentation must show that the corporation is not part of a single economic unit as dened
in section .08 of Corporate Income Tax Regulation 24-058, Denitions.
Line 1 Federal Gross Sales or Receipts, Less Returns and Allowances. Enter the amount of federal
gross sales or receipts reported on Federal Form 1120, less returns and allowances. If the
corporate taxpayer is ling a combined Form 1120N, enter the amount of combined gross
receipts or sales less returns and allowances from Nebraska Schedule IV.
Line 2 Federal Taxable Income (FTI). Enter the federal taxable income. A unitary group must enter
the amount from line 30, Nebraska Schedule IV.
Line 3 Adjustments Increasing FTI. Enter the amount from line 10, Nebraska Schedule A.
The federal deduction for state income tax is not an adjustment increasing federal
State and local government bond interest and dividend income should be included on line3.
See the instructions for line 1, Nebraska Schedule A.
Line 4 Adjustments Decreasing FTI. Enter the amount from line 20, Nebraska Schedule A.
Line 5 Adjusted FTI. Enter line 2 plus line 3 minus line 4.
Line 6 Nebraska Taxable Income Before Nebraska Carryovers. If all of the income earned by the
corporation is derived from Nebraska sources, enter the amount from line 5 on line 6.
Corporate taxpayers that derive income from sources within and without Nebraska and are
taxable in another state, must enter the amount from line 3, Nebraska Schedule I, Form 1120N.
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Line 7 Nebraska Capital Loss Carryover. Enter the allowable Nebraska capital loss carryover.
For a multistate taxpayer, a Nebraska capital loss consists of the loss on property that was
used by the unitary business that did business in Nebraska, multiplied by the Nebraska
apportionment factor for the year of the loss. If the corporate taxpayer reported a capital
loss on corporate stock or other assets, the income from which was not previously treated as
income apportionable to Nebraska, the loss cannot be treated as a Nebraska loss. Capital loss
carryovers may only be deducted to the extent of capital gains in the year of the deduction.
Attach a detailed schedule that shows the computation of the capital loss carryover along
with copies of the applicable Federal Schedule D to substantiate the Federal capital (loss)/
gain. A Nebraska capital loss may only be carried forward, and only for a maximum period of
ve tax years.
Line 8 Nebraska Taxable Income After Nebraska Capital Loss Carryover. Enter line 6 minus line7.
Line 9 Nebraska Net Operating Loss Carryover. Enter the allowable Nebraska net operating loss
(NOL) carryover. The amount allowable is based on the loss previously reported to Nebraska,
and is not based on a percentage of the federal carryover. Any net operating loss can only
be carried forward. An NOL incurred in tax years beginning on and after January 1, 2014,
may be carried forward for a maximum period of 20 taxyears. Nebraska imposes limitations
on the use of a NOL carryforward after certain reorganizations and mergers, when a NOL
incurred in years after 2017 is carried forward to a year after 2020, and when a corporation
with a Nebraska NOL carryforward becomes a member of a unitary group. For additional
information, see Corporate Income Tax Regulation 24-060, Net Operating Losses and Capital
Losses. If any of the limitations apply to the NOL carryforward reported on this return,
attach a schedule showing the computation of the allowablecarryforward.
Attach a Nebraska Corporation Net Operating Loss Worksheet showing the calculation of
the amount of Nebraska net operating loss carryover. If the Nebraska NOL carryforward
was increased due to reclassifying part or all of the charitable contribution carryforward,
details of the reclassication and the NOL modication must be provided.
Line 10 Net Nebraska Taxable Income. Enter line 8 minus line 9.
Line 11 Nebraska Tax. Use the following tax rate schedule to calculate the amount of total Nebraska
tax to enter on line 11.
2023 Tax Rate Schedule
If Net Nebraska Taxable
Income from line 10 is —
Over But Not Over Tax Rate is On Excess Over
$ 0 $100,000 5.58% $ 0
$100,000 $5,580 + 7.25% $100,000
The tax rate is the rate in effect on the rst day of the corporation’s taxable year. Corporations
ling on a scal-year basis or ling a short-period return will compute the tax liability for
the entire taxable period by using the tax rate in effect on the rst day of the taxable period.
A corporation using a 52-53 week scal year beginning during the last week in December
must use the rate in effect on the following January 1st.
Insurance Companies. Check the box to indicate you are an insurance company. The tax rate
used by an insurance company is the lesser of the rates listed above, or the corporation income
tax rate imposed by the state or country where the insurance company is domiciled, provided:
u The insurance company can show the Tax Commissioner that it is domiciled in a state
other than Nebraska, or out of the country; and
u The state or country of domicile imposes on Nebraska domiciled insurance
companies a retaliatory tax against Nebraska’s corporation income tax under
Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-2734.02.
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Line 12 Premium Tax Credit. Enter the total amount of premium taxes paid (not accrued) by the
corporate taxpayer in this taxable year. These taxes include:
u Premium taxes paid to the Nebraska Department of Insurance (NDOI) under
Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 77-908 and 81-523; and
u Assessments paid to the NDOI for the Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool that are
allowed as an offset against any related premium and related retaliatory tax liability
under Neb. Rev.Stat. § 44-4233.
Premium taxes do not include amounts shown on the NDOI annual tax return as fees or the
Workers’ Compensation Court cash fund tax.
Example 3.
An insurance company made the following 2023 estimated premium tax payments and
payments with its 2022 and 2023 NDOI returns.
Tax Payment Payment Payment 2023 Premium
Year Type Date Amount Tax Credit
2022 Payment with return March 1, 2023 $3,000
Less: Fees included on the 2022 return 100 $ 2,900
2023 Estimated April 15, 2023 4,000 4,000
2023 Estimated June 15, 2023 4,000 4,000
2023 Estimated Sept. 15, 2023 4,000 4,000
2023 Payment with return March 1, 2024 4,000 0
Total $14,900
In this example, the insurance company will enter $14,900 on line 12 as a credit for premium
taxes paid.
A corporation claiming this credit must attach a copy of the NDOI annual tax return related
to any payment claimed as a credit for premium taxes paid. A schedule listing the date and
amount of payment and the payee must also be attached.
Amounts paid by an electric cooperative organized under the Joint Public Power Authority
Act, Neb. Rev. Stat. § 70-1401, as in lieu of intangible tax, may also be included on this line.
Line 13 Employer’s credit for expenses incurred for TANF (ADC) recipients. Enter the total credit
from line 2, Form TANF.
Line 14
Community Development Assistance Act Credit. The Nebraska Community Development
Assistance Act credit is allowable for contributions to approved projects of community
betterment organizations recognized by the Nebraska Department of Economic Development
(DED). Attach the 2023 Nebraska Community Development Assistance Act Credit
Computation, Form CDN, to the Form 1120N. Corporations do not need to attach a copy of
the Form 1099NTC. DOR will receive the Form 1099NTC information directly fromDED.
For more details regarding this credit, contact:
Nebraska Department of Economic Development
245 Fallbrook Blvd, Suite 002
PO Box 94666
Lincoln, Nebraska 68521
Darin Lubke
Line 15 Form 3800N Nonrefundable Credit. Enter the total nonrefundable tax credits reported on
the Nebraska Incentives Credit Computation, Form 3800N. Attach a copy of Form 3800N
and any supporting schedules.
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Line 16 Nebraska Employer Tax Credit for Employing Convicted Felons. Enter the certied credit
amount and the certicate number from the Nebraska Employer Tax Credit Application for
Employing Convicted Felons, Form ETC-A.
Line 17 Total Nonrefundable Credits. Enter the total of lines 12 through 16.
Line 18 Nebraska Tax After Nonrefundable Credits. Subtract line 17 from line 11. If line 17 is more
than line 11, enter zero. Any excess will not be allowed as an overpayment on line 31; nor
may it be used as a carryback or carryover to other taxable years.
Line 19 Form 3800N Refundable Credit. Enter the total refundable tax credits reported on Form
3800N. Attach a copy of Form 3800N and any supporting schedules.
Line 20 Tax Deposited With Form 7004N. Enter the amount of the tentative tax payment entered on
line 11 of the Form 7004N.
Line 21 2023 Estimated Income Tax Payments. Enter the total 2023 estimated income tax payments,
less any Form 4466N adjustment. Combined lers must complete and attach Nebraska
Line 22 Beginning Farmer Credit. Enter the amount of Beginning Farmer credit from the Statement of
Nebraska Tax Credit, Form 1099BFC. The Beginning Farmer credit is available to owners of
agricultural assets, when the agricultural assets are rented to qualifying beginning farmers or
livestock producers. Any claimant eligible for the credit will receive a copy of the Statement
of Nebraska Tax Credit, Form 1099BFC, from the Nebraska Department of Agriculture.
Corporations do not need to attach a copy of the Form 1099BFC. DOR will receive the
Form 1099BFC information directly from the Nebraska Department of Agriculture.
For more details regarding this credit, contact:
Nebraska Department of Agriculture
PO Box 94947
Lincoln, NE 68509-4947
Line 23 Nebraska Income Tax Withheld. Enter the amount of Nebraska withholding from
Form1099-MISC or Form 1099-NEC. Construction contractors are required to withhold
5% of any payment or payments exceeding $600 made to construction subcontractors that are
not registered on the Nebraska Department of Labor’s Contractor Registration Database. If
an amount was withheld from your corporation under this provision, a credit for the amount
withheld is claimed on line 23.
Line 24 Credit for School District Property Taxes. Enter the amount from line 1, Form PTC and
attach Form PTC.
Line 25 Credit for Community College Property Taxes. Enter the amount from line 2, Form PTC and
attach Form PTC.
Line 26 PTET Credit. Enter the name, Nebraska ID Number, and amount of pass-through entity tax
(PTET) credit received from a partnership in which you hold an ownership interest. Attach
a schedule if you received the credit from more than one partnership. Also attach a copy of
the Nebraska Schedules K-1N supporting the credit claimed.
Line 27 Total Refundable Credits and Payments. Enter the total of lines 19 through 26.
Line 28 Tax Due. Enter the result of line 18 minus line 27. If the amount is less than zero, enter zero.
Line 29 Penalty for Underpayment of Estimated Income Tax. Use Nebraska Corporation Underpayment
of Estimated Income Tax, Form 2220N, to determine if the corporation owes this penalty.
A Form 2220N must be completed if the Nebraska tax less allowable credits is greater than
$400. If the corporation is required to complete Form 2220N, enter the amount of penalty
from line 20, Form2220N.
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Line 30 Amount Due. There is an amount due when line 27 is less than the total of lines 18 and 29.
Mandates of Electronic Payment. Some entities are required to make their payments (tax,
penalty, and interest) electronically. For mandate purposes, all of the electronic payment
options identied below satisfy the mandate requirement. All entities are encouraged to make
their paymentselectronically.
Electronic Payment Options
Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW). With this payment option, you provide your
payment information within your electronically-led return. Your payment will
automatically be withdrawn from your bank account on the date you specify.
Nebraska e-pay. Nebraska e-pay is DOR’s web-based electronic payment system. You
enter your payment and bank account information, and choose a date (up to a year
in advance) to have your account debited. You will receive an email conrmation for
each payment scheduled.
ACH Credit. You (or your bank) create an electronic le in the appropriate ACH le
format. It is submitted to the Federal Reserve and instructs your bank to “credit” the
state’s bankaccount.
Nebraska Tele-pay. Nebraska Tele-pay is DOR’s phone-based electronic payment
system. Call 800-232-0057, enter your payment and bank account information, and
choose a date (up to a year in advance) to have your account debited. You will receive
a conrmation number at the end of your call.
Credit Card. Secure credit card payments can be initiated through ACI Payments,
Inc. at acipayonline.com or via phone at 800-272-9829. Eligible credit cards include
American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and VISA. A convenience fee is charged
to the card you use. This fee is paid to the credit card vendor, not the State, and will
appear on your credit card statement separately from the payment made to DOR. At
the end of your transaction, you will be given a conrmation number. Keep this number
for your records. [If you are making your credit card payment by phone, you will need
to provide the Nebraska Jurisdiction Code, which is 3700.]
Cancel a payment. To cancel a scheduled EFW payment, contact our Taxpayer
Assistance ofce at 800-742-7474 or 402-471-5729 before 4:00 pm Central Time at
least two business days prior to your scheduled payment date. You may cancel a
payment scheduled through Nebraska e-pay by logging into the e-pay program from
our website and selecting “cancel payment.” To cancel a credit card payment, contact
ACI Payments, Inc.
Check or Money Order. If you are not using one of the electronic payment options described
above, include a check or money order payable to the “Nebraska Department of Revenue.”
Checks written to DOR may be presented for payment electronically.
Line 31 Overpayment. If line 27 is greater than the sum of lines 18 and 29, enter the result of line 27
minus the total of lines 18 and 29.
Line 32 Amount Credited to 2024 Estimated Income Tax. Enter the amount of overpayment shown
on line 31 that you want credited as a tax year 2024 estimated income tax payment for
Line 33 Overpayment to be Refunded. Enter the amount of overpayment shown on line 31 that you
want refunded. The overpayment to be refunded is calculated by subtracting line 32 from line
31. DOR recommends having any refund on line 33 directly deposited to the corporation’s
bank account. See line 34 instructions below.
Line 34 Direct Deposit. To deposit the refund directly into the corporation’s checking or savings
account, enter the routing number and account number found on the bottom of the checks
used with the account. The routing number is listed rst and must be nine digits. The account
number is listed to the right of the routing number and can be up to 17 digits. Enter these
numbers in the boxes found on lines 34a and 34c, and complete line 34b, Type of Account.
The box on line 34d must be checked if the refund will go to a bank account outside the
United States. This is necessary to comply with banking rules regarding International ACH
Transactions (IATs). These refunds cannot be processed as direct deposits and instead will
be mailed.
revenue .nebraska.gov
Signature Sign and Date the Tax Return. This return must be signed by a corporate ofcer. Include
a daytime phone number and email address in case DOR needs to contact you about
Email. By entering an email address, the taxpayer acknowledges that DOR may contact
the taxpayer by email. The taxpayer accepts any risk to condentiality associated with this
method of communication. DOR will send all condential information by secure email or
the State of Nebraska’s le share system. If you do not wish to be contacted by email, write
“Opt Out” on the line labeled “email address.”
If a corporate ofcer authorizes another person to sign the return, there must be a Power of
Attorney, Form 33, on le with DOR or attached to the return.
The act of e-ling a return is your signature. By e-ling the return, taxpayers and their tax
preparers, if applicable, are declaring under penalties of perjury, that they have examined the
electronic return, and to the best of their knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete.
Paid Preparer’s Use Only. Any person who is paid for preparing a taxpayer’s return must sign
the return as preparer. Additionally, the preparer must enter their Preparer Tax Identication
Number (PTIN), their rm’s name, and Federal Employer Identication Number (EIN).
Purpose. The Nebraska Schedule A is used to adjust the corporate taxpayer’s FTI reported
on line2 of the Form 1120N. The Nebraska Schedule A must be completed by all corporate
taxpayers making any adjustments on lines 3 or 4 of Form 1120N. Any adjustments that
are summarized on Nebraska Schedule A are carried forward to lines 3 and 4, Form 1120N.
Adjustments Increasing FTI
Line 1 State and Local Government Interest and Dividend Income. Enter all state and local government
interest or dividends that are exempt from federal income tax and not issued by Nebraska
state and local government subdivisions.
Line 2 Federal Net Operating Loss Deduction. Enter the federal net operating loss allowed as a
deduction on the federal return. See line 9, Form 1120N instructions for allowable Nebraska
net operatinglosses.
Line 3 Federal Capital Loss Carryover. Enter the portion of the federal capital loss carryover
allowed as a deduction this year. See line 7, Form 1120N instructions for allowable Nebraska
Line 4 Allocable, Nonapportionable Loss. Enter the amount of any claimed allocable, nonapportionable
loss. Allocable, nonapportionable loss is a loss that is not part of the unitary business, and has
not been claimed as a loss that is part of the unitary business that is subject to apportionment
by another state with substantially the same law as Nebraska.
Attach a detailed description of the claimed amount, together with evidence that the loss is
not part of the unitary business. Also, attach an afdavit from a corporate ofcer that the
corporate taxpayer has not claimed the same loss to be a part of a unitary business subject to
apportionment in another state with substantially the same law as Nebraska on apportionability
of losses. Note that Nebraska law is unique on apportionability of losses. Therefore, it may
be extremely difcult for a corporate taxpayer to meet the above requirements.
Nebraska Schedule A Instructions
Adjustments to FTI
revenue .nebraska.gov
Line 5 Related Expenses. Enter the amount of related expenses. Related expenses include all direct
and indirect expenses attributable to the activities producing the allocable, nonapportionable
loss entered on line 4.
Line 6 Interest Expense Disallowance. Enter the interest expense calculated for the allocable,
nonapportionable loss.
To calculate the interest expense:
uDivide the taxpayer’s average investment in the activities producing the allocable,
nonapportionable loss by the taxpayer’s average total assets to obtain a ratio; and
u Multiply this ratio by the total interest deduction allowed in the computation of federal
taxable income.
Line 7 Total Allocable, Nonapportionable Loss. Enter the result of line 4 plus lines 5 and 6.
Line 8 Nebraska and Local Income, Sales, and Use Taxes Deducted on Federal Form 1065 Under
Section 164 of the IRC. Enter the amount of taxes from line 15, Schedule K-1N, Form 1065N.
Line 9 Other Increasing Adjustments. Enter any other adjustment increasing FTI not reported on
lines2 through 8. List the type of adjustment on line 9a, Schedule A, and the associated
amount on line9b. Attach a detailed explanation of the basis for each adjustment and any
Line 10 Total Adjustments Increasing FTI. Enter the result of line 1 plus lines 2, 3, 7, 8, and 9 here
and on line 3, Form 1120N.
Adjustments Decreasing FTI
Line 11 Qualied U.S. Government Interest Deduction. Enter the amount of interest and dividend
income from U.S. government obligations exempt from state taxation.
The Taxability of Interest and Dividend Income From State, Local, and U.S. Government
Obligations Information Guide, lists U.S. interest and dividend income that can be included
on line 11, Nebraska Schedule A. Interest income from repurchase agreements involving U.S.
government obligations is not deductible as U.S. government interest.
Gains or losses from the sale or other disposition of federal securities are taxable for state
income tax purposes and should not be included on line 11.
Line 12 Total Foreign Dividends. Enter the amount of total foreign dividends from line 7, Nebraska
Schedule II.
Line 13 Special Foreign Tax Credit Adjustment. Enter the amount of adjustment from line 12, Nebraska
Schedule II.
Line 14 Allocable, Nonapportionable Income. Enter the amount of any claimed allocable,
nonapportionable income. Allocable, nonapportionable income is income that is not part of
the unitary business, and has not been claimed as income that is a part of the unitary business
that is subject to apportionment by another state with substantially the same law as Nebraska
on apportionability of income. Note that Nebraska law is unique on apportionability of
income. Therefore, it may be extremely difcult for a corporate taxpayer to meet the above
Note: Entries must be made on lines 15 and 16, or the entire amount of allocable, nonapportionable
income claimed may be disallowed.
Attach a detailed description of the claimed amount, together with evidence that the income
is not part of a unitary business. Also, attach an afdavit from a corporate ofcer that the
corporate taxpayer has not claimed the same income to be a part of a unitary business subject
to apportionment in another state with substantially the same law as Nebraska.
revenue .nebraska.gov
Line 15 Related Expenses. Enter the amount of related expenses. Related expenses include all direct
and indirect expenses attributable to the activities producing the allocable, nonapportionable
income amount entered on line 14.
Line 16 Interest Expense Disallowance. Enter the interest expense calculated for the allocable,
nonapportionable income.
To calculate the interest expense:
u Divide the taxpayer's average investment in the activities producing the allocable,
nonapportionable income by the taxpayer's average total assets to obtain a ratio; and
u Multiply this ratio by the total interest deduction allowed in the computation of federal
taxable income.
Line 17 Net Allocable, Nonapportionable Income. Enter the result of line 14 minus lines 15 and 16.
Line 18 Nebraska College Savings Program. Nebraska allows a subtraction from a participant’s federal
taxable income for the amount of annual contributions made to an account established under
the Nebraska Educational Savings Plan Trust. The maximum annual exempt contribution per
return is $10,000. Contributions to other states’ 529 college savings plans cannot be deducted
on line 18.
Interest and earnings from the Nebraska College Savings Program may be deducted to the
extent that the income is included in federal taxable income. This adjustment must be taken
on line 19, Other Decreasing Adjustments.
Line 19 Other Decreasing Adjustments. Enter any other applicable adjustment not reported on
lines 11 through 18. List the type of adjustment on line 19a, Schedule A, and the associated
amount on line19b. Attach a detailed explanation of the basis for each adjustment and any
Note: This line should only be used in extremely unusual circumstances as virtually all valid
adjustments should be claimed elsewhere on Nebraska Schedule A.
The following examples are items that are not allowable adjustments decreasing federal
taxable income:
u Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI). See DOR’s General Information
Letters 24-20-1, Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income and Foreign-Derived
Intangible Income for information regarding Nebraska’s treatment of
GILTI inclusions;
uThe wage expense disallowed by the work opportunity tax credit;
u Federal income taxes or other federal taxes paid;
u The depreciation disallowed by the investment credit or other federally-required
basis reduction;
u Income earned in another state. Instead, Nebraska Schedule I, Apportionment for
Multistate Business, must be completed; and
u Income from a partnership. For additional information, see Business Entity Regulation
24-315, Sales Factor; Business Entities As Owners in a Partnership or Joint Venture.
Line 20 Total Adjustments Decreasing FTI. Enter total adjustments here and on line 4, Form 1120N.
revenue .nebraska.gov
Purpose. The Nebraska Schedule I is used to determine the amount of Nebraska source
income (Form 1120N, line 6, Nebraska taxable income before Nebraska carryovers) received
by a corporation that derives income from within and without Nebraska.
Nebraska source income is determined by apportioning the corporate income using a single,
sales only factor. Apportionment refers to the division of income between states by the use
of a formula containing one or more apportionment factors.
Sales Factor. The sales factor is a fraction. The numerator is the total sales of the corporate
taxpayer in Nebraska during the taxable year. The denominator is the total sales of the
corporate taxpayer everywhere during the taxable year. Total sales include gross sales of
real and tangible personal property, less returns and allowances, and all other items of gross
receipts, except income for the discharge of indebtedness, amounts received from hedging
transactions involving intangible assets, and net gains from marketable securities held for
investment. The sales factor on this schedule is rounded to six decimal places. It is entered
as a percentage.
When a corporate taxpayer consists of two or more corporations engaged in a unitary
business, a part of which is conducted in Nebraska, the income of the corporate taxpayer
apportioned to Nebraska is determined by applying the ratio of the corporate taxpayer’s
sales in Nebraska to the sales of the entire unitary group. The corporate taxpayer’s sales
in Nebraska should include only those sales made by members of the unitary group with
nexus in this state. Each corporate taxpayer must le one income tax return for the entire
group. The return will include all corporations in the unitary business. Any corporation that
is required, or has received permission, to use an alternative apportionment formula, may
only be included in a return with other corporations using the same apportionment formula.
For tax years beginning January 1, 2014 or after, a corporation may no longer use the costs
of performance method of apportioning sales other than sales of tangible personal property
except for a corporation operating as a communications company. For additional information,
see the Nebraska Apportionment Factor - Sales or Gross Receipts section.
A corporation using an alternative method of apportionment must attach a copy of the
Tax Commissioner’s prior written approval of the alternative method. The alternative
apportionment factor computation must be included. Enter the factor on line 2, Nebraska
Schedule I.
NOTE: Approval of an alternative method of apportionment is rare.
Intercompany sales between unitary corporations using the combined income approach are
excluded from the sales factor.
If the corporate taxpayer is a partner in a partnership or joint venture, see Business Entity
Regulation 24-315, Sales Factor; Business Entities As Owners in a Partnership or Joint Venture.
A corporate taxpayer that operates a trucking business and has income from both within
and without this state, must compute its sales factor in accordance with Business Income
Tax Regulation 24-343, Special Apportionment Rules; All Tax Years; Trucking Companies.
The method of computing the sales factor must be consistent with prior tax years and with the
corporate taxpayer’s lings in other states. If the corporation modies the basis for including
or excluding gross receipts in the sales factor used in returns for prior years, the 2023 return
must disclose the nature and extent of the modication.
If the corporation les returns with other states that are not uniform in the inclusion or
exclusion of gross receipts, the Form 1120N led with DOR must disclose the nature and
extent of the variance.
Nebraska Schedule I Instructions
Apportionment for Multistate Business
revenue .nebraska.gov
Computation of Nebraska Source Income
Line 1 Adjusted FTI. Enter the amount from line 5, Form 1120N.
Line 2 Nebraska Apportionment Factor. Enter the amount from line 15, Nebraska Schedule I,
Line 3 Taxable Income Apportioned to Nebraska. Enter in line 3 the result of line 1 multiplied by
line 2. Also enter this amount on line 6, Form 1120N.
Nebraska Apportionment Factor – Sales or Gross Receipts
Nebraska sales include all items of income received by the corporate taxpayer from Nebraska
sources. The following types of sales are from Nebraska sources:
u Sales of tangible personal property delivered in this state;
u Sales of tangible personal property shipped from Nebraska to the U.S. government;
u Gross receipts from the interest or service charges arising from the sale of tangible
personal property if the sale is attributed to Nebraska;
u Sales of other than tangible personal property –
PTo the extent a service relates to real or tangible personal property located
P To the extent a service relates to part of the buyer’s trade or business operated
P A service provided to an individual present in Nebraska at the time the service
PTo the extent an application service is used in Nebraska;
PTo the extent intangible property is used in Nebraska;
PTo the extent an intangible asset used in a treasury function is managed inNebraska;
PTo the extent a loan is secured by real or tangible personal property located
PTo the extent a loan is not secured by real or tangible personal property, if the
borrower is in this state. The location is presumed to be the borrower’s billing
PFees, charges, and net gains from credit card receivables, if the credit card holder’s
billing address is in Nebraska;
P Gross receipts from the sale, rental, or lease of real property if the real property
is located in Nebraska;
P Gross receipts from renting, leasing, or licensing tangible personal property if the
property is in Nebraska. If the property was located within and without Nebraska
during the taxable year, then the gross receipts are attributable to Nebraska in
proportion to the percentage of time the property was located in Nebraska;
PFor sales not specically addressed above, sales to an individual if the individual's
billing address is in Nebraska, and sales to a business if the business places its
order from Nebraska or the billing address of the business if the ordering place
cannot be readily determined; and
PSales made by a communications company if the income-producing activity is
performed in Nebraska based on costs of performance.
For additional information, see Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-2734.14.
Line 4 Sales or Gross Receipts Minus Returns and Allowances. Enter the gross receipts, less any
returns and allowances reported on the Federal Form 1120.
revenue .nebraska.gov
Line 5 Sales Delivered or Shipped to Purchasers in Nebraska: Shipped From Outside Nebraska.
Delivery in Nebraska is determined without regard to the F.O.B. point or other conditions
of the sale. The amount entered on this line should not include sales to the U.S. government.
Line 6 Sales Delivered or Shipped to Purchasers in Nebraska: Shipped From Within Nebraska. Delivery
in Nebraska is determined without regard to the F.O.B. point or other conditions of the sale.
The amount entered on this line should not include sales to the U.S. government.
Line 7 Sales Shipped From Nebraska to the U.S. Government. The U.S. government is the
purchaserwhen it makes direct payment to the seller. The amount on this line includes all
sales of tangible personal property to the U.S. government that are shipped from an ofce,
store, warehouse, factory, or other place of business in this state. For other sales made to
the U.S. government, use the rules for sales of other than tangible personal property. For
additional information, see Neb.Rev.Stat.§77-2734.14.
Line 8 Interest on Sales of Tangible Personal Property. In the Total column, enter all interest or
service charges received from the sale of tangible personal property.
In the Nebraska column, enter all the interest or service charges related to the sale of tangible
personal property delivered in Nebraska and from sales to the U.S. government shipped
from Nebraska.
Line 9 Interest, Dividends, and Royalties From Intangible Property. In the Total column, enter all
the interest, dividend, and royalty income from intangible property received by
In the Nebraska column, enter the amount sourced to Nebraska as determined by
Line 10 Gross Rents. In the Total column, enter the gross receipts from the rental or lease of all real
or tangible personal property.
In the Nebraska column, enter the gross receipts from the rental or lease of real or tangible
personal property located in Nebraska. If the tangible personal property rented or leased
is located or used both inside and outside this state, the Nebraska receipts are attributable
to Nebraska in proportion to the percentage of time the property was located in Nebraska.
Line 11 Net Gain on Sales of Intangible Property. In the Total column, enter the net gain on sales of
all intangible property made during the tax year.
In the Nebraska column, enter the amount of net gain from sales made to a buyer who uses
the intangible in Nebraska as determined by Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-2734.14.
NOTE: A net loss on the sale of intangible property is not included in the calculation of the
Nebraska sales factor.
Line 12 Gross Receipts From Sales of Tangible Personal and Real Property Not Included Above. In
the Total column, enter the gross receipts from sales of all tangible personal property and
real property not included above.
In the Nebraska column, enter the gross receipts from sales of real property located in
Nebraska. Also enter the gross receipts from tangible personal property delivered in this
state or delivered to the U.S. government from a location in this state.
Line 13 Other Income. In the Total column, enter any other income not reported above that was
received by the corporation.
In the Nebraska column, enter any other income not reported above that was derived from
The amounts entered on this line include, but are not limited to, net farm income (loss)
subpart F inclusions, GILTI, and the ordinary business income (loss) from partnerships. If
the corporation would be considered unitary with the partnership if the partnership was a
corporation, enter the distributive share of the partnership’s gross receipts. If the corporation
and the partnership would not be considered unitary, enter the distributive share of the income
received from the partnership. See Business Entity Regulation 24-315, Sales Factor; Business
Entities As Owners in a Partnership or Joint Venture, for additional information regarding
the apportionment of income received from a partnership. For additional information on
revenue .nebraska.gov
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subpart F inclusions and GILTI, see Revenue Ruling 24-21-1 Subpart F Income and General
Information Letter 24-20-1, Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income and Foreign-Derived
Intangible Income.
Line 14 Total Sales or Gross Receipts. In the Total column, add lines 4 and 8 through 13, and enter
the result on line 14.
In the Nebraska column, add lines 5 through 13, and enter the result on line 14.
Line 15 Nebraska Apportionment Factor. Compute the Nebraska apportionment factor by dividing
line 14, Nebraska column, by line 14, Total column; round to six decimal places and enter
as a percent.
Example 4.
Line 14 Nebraska column 107,699
Line 14 Total column 499,992
Enter 21.5401 % on line 15.
Since the seventh digit (4) is less than ve, the sixth digit (1) is not rounded up to 2.
Nebraska Schedule II Instructions
Foreign Dividend and Special Foreign Tax Credit Deduction
Purpose. The Nebraska Schedule II is used to calculate the deduction for dividends included
in federal taxable income (line 30, Federal Form 1120) from corporations whose dividends do
not qualify for the dividends received deduction under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) § 243.
In addition, an adjustment is allowed for income that is taxed by a foreign country, or one
of its political subdivisions, at a rate in excess of the maximum federal corporate tax rate.
The adjustment can be made for each foreign country or group of foreign countries. The
amount of federal taxable income from operations within a foreign taxing jurisdiction must
be reduced by the amount of taxes actually paid to the foreign jurisdiction that are not
deductible solely because the foreign tax credit was elected on the federal income tax return.
The amount of after-tax income is then divided by one minus the maximum tax rate for
corporations in the IRC. The result of this calculation is subtracted from the amount of
federal taxable income from foreign operations.
The difference is reported in the total adjustments decreasing FTI computed on Nebraska
ScheduleA, and is included as an adjustment to federal taxable income on line 4, Form 1120N.
Schedule C, Federal Form 1120, and Parts A and B of Federal Form 1118 must be attached.
Line 1 Dividends From Foreign Corporations and Certain FSCs Subject to the IRC § 245 Deduction.
Enter the total of lines 6 and 7, column (a), Schedule C, Federal Form 1120; or lines 6 and
7, column (a), Schedule A, Federal Form 1120-L.
Line 2 Special Deductions on Line 1 Amount. Enter the total of lines 6 and 7, column (c), Schedule
C, Federal Form 1120; or lines 6 and 7, column (c), Schedule A, Federal Form 1120-L.
Line 3 Net Foreign Dividends Subject to the IRC § 245 Deduction Included in Federal Taxable Income.
Enter the result of line 1 minus line 2.
Line 4 Other Dividends From Foreign Corporations. Enter the amount from line 14, Schedule C,
Federal Form 1120, or line 15, Schedule A, Federal Form 1120-L. A U.S. life insurance
company claiming a deduction for “Other corporate dividends” from line 19, Schedule A,
Federal Form 1120-L, must include a detailed description of the dividends claimed.
Line 5 Income From Controlled Foreign Corporations Under Subpart F Treated as a Foreign Dividend
Under the IRC. Enter the amount of foreign dividends from Schedule C, Federal Form1120.
This includes amounts reported on Federal Schedule C, line 16b. The amount entered on this
line may only include Subpart F inclusion income that is a foreign dividend or deemed foreign
dividend under the IRC. Attach a copy of the Federal Schedule C to support a deduction
for amounts reported on line 16b.
revenue .nebraska.gov
Most subpart F inclusions reported on Federal Schedule C, line 16c are not foreign dividends
or deemed foreign dividends under the IRC. Attach a copy of Federal Schedule C; Forms
5471; Schedules I, Form 5471. The above forms and schedules do not identify any amount
reported on line 16c as a dividend or deemed dividend. Therefore, you must also attach
documents or worksheets that identify the amount of foreign dividends or deemed foreign
dividends included in line 16c. See Revenue Ruling 24-21-1 for additional information
regarding Nebraska’s treatment of subpart F income.
Line 6 Foreign Dividend Gross-up (IRC § 78). The amount entered includes dividends reported on
line 18, Schedule C, Federal Form 1120, less the IRC § 78 amount included in the GILTI
deduction. Attach a copy of the forms and schedules supporting the amount entered. Those
forms and schedules include, but may not be limited to, Schedule C of Federal Form 1120,
Federal Form 8993, and Federal Forms 1118.
Line 7 Total Foreign Dividends. Enter the sum of lines 3 through 6 on line 7 and line 12, ScheduleA.
Line 8 FTI From Qualifying Foreign Taxing Jurisdictions. Enter the total federal taxable income that
is also taxed by a foreign jurisdiction at a rate in excess of the maximum federal corporate
tax rate. Attach a schedule detailing FTI and foreign taxes paid by country.
Line 9 Foreign Taxes. Enter the amount of foreign taxes paid on line 8 amounts for which the foreign
tax credit is taken.
Line 12 Special Foreign Tax Credit Adjustment. Subtract line 11 from line 8. If less than zero, enter
zero. Do not enter an amount greater than the amount reported on line 8.
Nebraska Schedule III Instructions
Subsidiary or Affiliated Corporations
Purpose. The Nebraska Schedule III is used to identify the members of a unitary group and
summarize the Nebraska sales or receipts for those members of the unitary group that have
nexus in this state. The Schedule III also summarizes the Nebraska payments, including
deposits made with the Form 7004N and estimated income tax payments made by the
members of the unitary group.
This schedule must be completed if the corporate taxpayer is a member of a unitary group
or if the corporate taxpayer, either individually or as a group, owns 50% or more of another
corporation, or is owned 50% or more by another corporation.
The total amount of column A must equal line 20, Form 1120N.
The total amount of column B must equal line 21, Form 1120N.
The total amount of column D must equal line 14 in the Nebraska column of Schedule I,
Form 1120N.
If additional space is required, attach a schedule using the same format as Nebraska Schedule III.
Nebraska Schedule IV Instructions
Converting Net Income to Combined Net Income
Purpose. The Nebraska Schedule IV is used to determine the combined federal taxable income
of the unitary group.
This schedule must be completed by each corporate taxpayer ling a combined Nebraska
Corporation Income Tax Return, Form 1120N. If additional space is required, attach a
schedule using the same format as Nebraska Schedule IV.
Special Foreign Tax Credit Deduction Computation
Signature of Officer Date Email Address
Title Daytime Phone Number
Preparer’s Signature Date Preparer’s PTIN
Print Firm’s Name (or yours if self-employed), Address and Zip Code EIN Daytime Phone
use only
FORM 1120N
Name Doing Business As (dba)
Legal Name
Street or Other Mailing Address
City State ZIP Code
Business Classication Code Date Business Began in Nebraska Principal Business Activity in Nebraska Federal ID Number Nebraska ID Number
Paper lers must attach a copy of the federal return and supporting schedules, as led with the IRS, to this return.
Check if: Initial Return Address Change Exempt Organization 7004 Attached
Final Return (Example, dissolved. See instr.) Name Change Cooperative Meeting IRC § 6072(d) 3800N, 775N, 312N, or 1107N Attached
Corporation Filing Status (
Answer questions A through D, as applicable.)
A. Does this corporation own at least 50% of another corporation; or is
it owned at least 50% by another corporation?
(1) YES (2) NO
If Yes, attach Federal Form 851 or a schedule of affiliated
corporations and federal IDs. Answer questions B, C, and D.
B. Is one single Nebraska return being led for the entire group?
(1) YES (2) NO
C. Are you ling as a unitary group in any other state?
(1) YES (2) NO
D. Check the method used to determine Nebraska income
(check only one):
(1) Combined report of a controlled group of corporations
(2) Separate report by a member of a controlled group
of corporations (attach supporting documentation)
(3) Alternate method (attach Nebraska Department of Revenue approval)
1 Federal gross sales or receipts, less returns and allowances ...................................................................... 1 00
2 Federal taxable income (FTI) (see instructions) ........................................................................................... 2 00
3 Adjustments increasing FTI (line 10, from attached Nebraska Schedule A) ...... 3 00
4 Adjustments decreasing FTI (line 20, from attached Nebraska Schedule A) ..... 4 00
5 Adjusted FTI (enter line 2 plus line 3 minus line 4) ...................................................................................... 5 00
6 Nebraska taxable income before Nebraska carryovers (see instructions) ................................................... 6 00
7 Nebraska capital loss carryover (see instructions – attach worksheet) ....................................................... 7 00
8 Nebraska taxable income after Nebraska capital loss carryover (line 6 minus line 7) ................................. 8 00
9 Nebraska net operating loss carryover (see instructions – attach worksheet) ............................................. 9 00
10 Net Nebraska taxable income (line 8 minus line 9) ...................................................................................... 10 00
11 Nebraska tax Check this box if you are an insurance company ............................................................ 11 00
12 Premium tax credit (see instructions – attach schedule) .................................... 12 00
13 Employer’s credit for expenses incurred for TANF (ADC) recipients (see instr.) 13 00
14 Community Development Assistance Act credit (attach Form CDN) ................. 14 00
15 Form 3800N nonrefundable credit (attach Form 3800N) ................................... 15 00
16 NE employer tax credit for employing convicted felons. Enter certicate
number from Form ETC-A ______________________ 16 00
17 Total nonrefundable credits (total of lines 12 through 16) ............................................................................. 17 00
Nebraska tax after nonrefundable credits. Subtract line 17 from line 11 (if line 17 is more than line 11, enter -0-)
18 00
19 Form 3800N refundable credit (attach Form 3800N) ......................................... 19 00
20 Tax deposited with Form 7004N ........................................................................ 20 00
21 2023 estimated income tax payments (minus any Form 4466N adjustment) .... 21 00
22 Beginning Farmer credit .................................................................................... 22 00
23 Nebraska income tax withheld (see instructions) .............................................. 23 00
24 Credit for school district property taxes (attach Form PTC) ............................... 24 00
25 Credit for community college property taxes (attach Form PTC) ...................... 25 00
26 PTET credit (attach Schedules K-1N) ....................................................................
a Name:__________ b Nebraska ID Number:_________ c Amount: $________
(Attach a schedule if the credit was received from more than one partnership.) ....... 26 00
27 Total refundable credits and payments (total of lines 19 through 26) ........................................................... 27 00
28 Tax Due (line 18 minus line 27) .................................................................................................................... 28 00
29 Penalty for underpayment of estimated income tax (see instructions) .......................................................... 29 00
30 Amount Due (when line 27 is less than the total of lines 18 and 29). If paying electronically, check here 30 00
31 Overpayment (when line 27 is greater than the total of lines 18 and 29) ..................................................... 31 00
32 Amount on line 31 to be credited to 2024 estimated income tax ................................................................. 32 00
33 Overpayment to be refunded (line 31 minus line 32). Direct deposit: Complete lines 34a, 34b, and 34c .... 33 00
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that as taxpayer or preparer, I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements,
and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is correct and complete.
Please Type or Print
Nebraska Corporation Income Tax Return
for the taxable year January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023 or other taxable year
beginning , 2023 and ending ,
34a Routing Number 34b Type of Account 1 = Checking 2 = Savings
34c Account Number (see instructions)
Check this box if this refund will go to a bank account outside the United States.
( )
( )
FORM 1120N
A and I
Name on Form 1120N Nebraska ID Number
Nebraska Schedule A Adjustments to FTI
Nebraska Schedule I Apportionment for Multistate Business
1 Adjusted FTI (line 5, Form 1120N) ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 00
2 Nebraska apportionment factor (from line 15 below) .......................................................... 2 %
3 Taxable income apportioned to Nebraska (line 1 multiplied by line 2). Enter here and on line 6, Form 1120N .................................. 3 00
Nebraska Apportionment Factor – Sales or Gross Receipts
4 Sales or gross receipts minus returns and allowances .................................................. 4 00
5 Sales delivered or shipped to purchasers in Nebraska: shipped from outside Nebraska ............................................................ 5 00
6 Sales delivered or shipped to purchasers in Nebraska: shipped from within Nebraska ............................................................... 6 00
7 Sales shipped from Nebraska to the U.S. government ................................................................................................................ 7 00
8 Interest on sales of tangible personal property .............................................................. 8 00 8 00
9 I
nterest, dividends, and royalties from intangible property
............................................... 9 00 9 00
10 Gross rents .................................................................................................................... 10 00 10 00
11 Net gain on sales of intangible property ........................................................................ 11 00 11 00
12 Gross receipts from sales of tangible personal and real
property not included above .......................................................................................... 12 00 12 00
13 Other income
a List type: ____________________ b Total Amount: $ _____________
c Nebraska Amount: $ ___________
Enter total of lines 13b in rst column. Enter total of lines 13c in
second column ............................................................................................ 13 00 13 00
14 Total sales or gross receipts ...................................................................................... 14 00 14 00
15 Nebraska apportionment factor. (Divide line 14, Nebraska column, by line 14, Total column, and round to six
decimal places). Enter as a percent here and on Schedule I, line 2 above ..................................................................... 15 %
Nebraska Schedule I —
Apportionment for Multistate Business
Nebraska Schedule A
You must use Schedule A if you make an adjustment on lines 3 or 4 of Form 1120N.
Adjustments Increasing FTI
1 State and local government interest and dividend income (see instructions) ..................................................................................... 1 00
2 Federal net operating loss deduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2 00
3 Federal capital loss carryover .............................................................................................................................................................. 3 00
4 Allocable, nonapportionable loss ............................................................ 4
5 Related expenses .................................................................................................................................. 5
6 Interest expense disallowance ............................................................................................................... 6
7 Total allocable, nonapportionable loss (add lines 4-6) (attach affidavit - see instructions) .................................................................. 7 00
8 Nebraska and local income, sales, and use taxes deducted on federal Form 1065 under section 164 of the IRC.
(from Schedules K-1N) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 8 00
9 Other increasing adjustments
a List type: _____________________________________________________________ b Amount: $ _______________
Total other increasing adjustments. Enter total of lines 8b ............................................................................................................. 9 00
10 Total adjustments increasing FTI (total of lines 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, and 9). Enter here and on line 3, Form 1120N ....................................... 10 00
Adjustments Decreasing FTI
11 Qualied U.S. government interest deduction. (attach supporting schedule) ...................................................................................... 11 0 0
12 Total foreign dividends (line 7, Nebraska Schedule II) ........................................................................................................................ 12 00
13 Special foreign tax credit adjustment (line 12, Nebraska Schedule II) ................................................................................................ 13 00
14 Allocable, nonapportionable income....................................................... 14 00
15 Related expenses .................................................................................................................................. 15 00
16 Interest expense disallowance ............................................................................................................... 16 00
17 Net allocable, nonapportionable income (line 14 minus lines 15 and 16) (attach affidavit — see instructions) .................................. 17 00
18 Nebraska College Savings Program (see instructions) ....................................................................................................................... 18 00
19 Other decreasing adjustments
a List type: _____________________________________________________________ b Amount: $ _______________
Total other decreasing adjustments. Enter total of lines 19b .......................................................................................................... 19 00
20 TOTAL adjustments decreasing FTI (total of lines 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, and 19). Enter here and on line 4, Form 1120N ....................... 20 00
8 FTI from qualifying foreign taxing jurisdictions
a Jurisdictions: _____________________________________ b Amount: $ ____________
Total FTI from qualifying foreign taxing jurisdictions. Enter total of lines 8b .......................... 8 00
9 Foreign taxes ............................................................................................................................. 9 00
10 After tax foreign income (line 8 minus line 9) ............................................................................. 10 00
11 After tax foreign income not taxed (divide line 10 result by .79; enter result here) ..................... 11 0 0
12 Special foreign tax credit adjustment (subtract line 11 from line 8. If less than 0, enter 0). Enter here and on line 13,
Schedule A, Form 1120N. ............................................................................................................................................................ 12 00
Foreign Dividend Deduction Computation
Special Foreign Tax Credit Deduction Computation
1 Dividends from foreign corporations and certain FSCs subject to the IRC § 245 deduction
(total of lines 6 and 7, column (a), Schedule C, Federal Form 1120) .......................................................................................... 1 00
2 Special deductions on line 1 amount. Enter the total of lines 6 and 7, column (c), Schedule C,
Federal Form 1120 ..................................................................................................................... 2 00
3 Net foreign dividends subject to the IRC § 245 deduction included in FTI (line 1 minus line 2) .................................................. 3 00
4 Other dividends from foreign corporations. Enter amount from line 14, Schedule C, Form 1120 ............................................... 4 00
5 Income from controlled foreign corporations under Subpart F treated as a foreign dividend under the IRC .............................. 5 00
6 Foreign dividend gross-up (IRC § 78). (see instructions) ........................................................................................................... 6 00
7 Total foreign dividends (add lines 3 through 6). Enter the result here and on line 12, Schedule A, Form 1120N. ........................ 7 00
NOTE: The Nebraska Foreign Dividend Deduction calculated on lines 1 through 6 is only for those dividends included in federal taxable income
from corporations that are not subject to the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). This includes those corporations whose dividends do not qualify for
the dividends received deduction under IRC § 243.
Note: This deduction is only to be claimed when a corporation subject to the IRC is taxed by a foreign country, or one of its political subdivisions,
at a rate in excess of the maximum federal corporate tax rate (see instructions).
Nebraska Schedule II
Foreign Dividend and Special Foreign Tax Credit Deduction
Attach Schedule C, Federal Form 1120 or Schedule A, Federal Form 1120-L and a schedule separating foreign and domestic dividends.
All lers are encouraged to e-le their return.
Mail this return and remit payment (electronically, if required) to:
Nebraska Department of Revenue, PO Box 94818, Lincoln, NE 68509-4818.
revenue.nebraska.gov, 800-742-7474 (NE and IA), 402-471-5729
FORM 1120N
Schedule II
Name on Form 1120N Nebraska ID Number
Nebraska Schedule II Foreign Dividend and Special Foreign
Tax Credit Deduction
Nebraska Schedule III — Subsidiary or Affiliated Corporations
* Complete columns (A), (B), and (C) if tax payments were made under more than one Nebraska ID number.
** Complete column (D) to summarize the numerator of the corporations ling one combined corporation income tax return.
ID Numbers
Tax Payment Information*
Apportionment Factor
Corporation Filing this Return:
Parent Corporation, if different from above:
Subsidiary/Affiliated Corporations:
Name and Address of All Corporations
Total Estimated
Income Tax
Payments, 1120N-ES
Amount Paid
with this Return
Amount of Nebraska
Sales or Receipts
Total Income Tax
from 7004N
FORM 1120N
Schedule III
1 Gross receipts or sales less returns
and allowances ...............................................
2 Cost of goods sold ..........................................
3 Gross prot (subtract line 2 from line 1) ..........
4 Dividends and inclusions ................................
5 Interest ............................................................
6 Gross rents .....................................................
7 Gross royalties ................................................
8 Capital gain net income ..................................
9 Net gain (loss) .................................................
10 Other income ..................................................
(total of lines 3 through 10) .............................
12 Compensation of officers ................................
13 Salaries and wages (less employment credit)
14 Repairs and maintenance ...............................
15 Bad debts ........................................................
16 Rents ..............................................................
17 Taxes and licenses .........................................
18 Interest ............................................................
19 Charitable contributions ..................................
20 Depreciation not claimed elsewhere on
federal return ..................................................
21 Depletion .........................................................
22 Advertising ......................................................
23 Pension, prot sharing, etc., plans ..................
24 Employee benet programs ............................
25 Energy efficient commercial buildings deduction
26 Other deductions (attach schedules) ..............
27 TOTAL DEDUCTIONS (total of lines 12
through 26) .....................................................
28 Taxable income before federal adjustments
(line 11 minus line 27) .....................................
29 Less: a Net operating loss deduction ...........
b Special deductions ..........................
c Total net operating loss and
special deductions ...........................
30 Taxable income (line 28 minus line 29c).
The amount in the “Combined Income” column
should be entered on line 2, Form 1120N. ..........
FORM 1120N
Schedule IV
Nebraska Schedule IVConverting Net Income to Combined Net Income
• If this schedule is used, read instructions and attach this schedule to Form 1120N.
Income and Deductions
Corporation FEINs (Enter FEINs as column headings.)
(Attach explanation.)
Combined Income
Name on Form 1120N Nebraska ID Number
Mail this application and remit payment (electronically, if required) to:
Nebraska Department of Revenue, PO Box 94818, Lincoln, NE 68509-4818.
revenue.nebraska.gov, 800-742-7474 (NE and IA), 402-471-5729
8-021-1968 Rev. 9-2023
Supersedes 8-021-1968 Rev. 9-2022
Application for Automatic Extension of Time
to File Nebraska Corporation, Fiduciary, or Partnership Return
Taxable year beginning , and ending ,
1 Tentative income tax liability for taxable period before any applicable credits ................... 1
2 Premium tax credit ................................................................ 2
3 Form 3800N nonrefundable credits ................................................... 3
4 Other nonrefundable credits (see instructions) .......................................... 4
5 Total nonrefundable credits (total of lines 2 through 4)..................................... 5
6 Tentative income tax liability after nonrefundable credits. Subtract line 5 from line 1 (if the line 5
amount is more than the line 1 amount, enter -0-) ........................................ 6
7 Form 3800N refundable credits ...................................................... 7
8 Estimated income tax payments ..................................................... 8
9 Other payments or refundable credits (see instructions) ................................... 9
10 Total prior payments and credits (total of lines 7 through 9)................................. 10
11 Tentative tax payment (line 6 minus line 10) ............................................ 11
Check this box if your payment is being made electronically.
If the corporation is a member of a unitary group of corporations ling a combined return, complete the following section.
Name and Address of Each Member of the Unitary Group
ID Numbers
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have been authorized to make this application, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the
statements made above are correct and complete.
Name Doing Business As (dba)
Legal Name
Street or Other Mailing Address
City State ZIP Code Federal ID Number Nebraska ID Number
Tentative Tax Payment Calculation
• Entities ling a duciary or partnership return need not complete lines 1 through 10 below. A duciary or partnership must complete line 11.
Automatic 6-Month Extension
Check one of the boxes below if ling Federal Forms 1041, 1041-QFT, 1041-N, or 1065.
Nebraska Fiduciary Income Tax Return, Form 1041N Nebraska Return of Partnership Income, Form 1065N
Automatic 7-Month Extension
Check all appropriate boxes if ling Nebraska Forms 1120N or 1120-SN.
Automatic seven-month ling extension from the Extension in addition to the federal extension up to a
original due date. maximum of seven months from the original due date.
Attach a copy of the Federal Form 7004 led with the
Internal Revenue Service.
Is the corporation organized as an exempt organization? YES NO
Is the corporation a cooperative described in IRC section 6072(d)? YES NO
Is the corporation an S corporation? YES NO
Is the corporation a foreign corporation with no US offices? YES NO
Authorized Signature Date Email Address
Title Daytime Phone Number
( )
Who May File. A corporation (C corporation and S corporation), duciary, partnership, or limited liability company
making a tentative tax payment, and/or wanting more time to le a Nebraska tax return, must le a Nebraska Application for
Extension of Time, Form 7004N. The Form 7004N must be led even if a tentative income tax payment is made electronically.
If you have led for a federal extension and are not making a tentative income tax payment to Nebraska, you do not need to
complete this application. When your Nebraska income tax return is led, you must attach a copy of the Federal Form 7004
led with the IRS, or a copy of the approved federal extension. If a federal extension of time has been granted, the ling date
for Forms 1120N, 1120-SN, and 1065N is automatically extended for the same period. If a federal extension of time has been
granted to an estate or trust, the ling date for Form 1041N is automatically extended for six months.
Corporations. When a federal extension of time has been granted and additional time is necessary to le a Nebraska
corporation income tax return, le Form 7004N on or before the date the federal extension expires. Attach a copy of the
Federal Form 7004 led with the IRS, or a copy of the approved federal extension. A maximum of a seven-month extension
beyond the original due date of the corporation income tax return is allowed for Nebraska.
Partnerships, Estates, and Trusts. Nebraska will only allow partnerships an extension of time up to the maximum
number of months provided by the IRS. Nebraska will allow estates and trusts an extension of up to six months. No additional
Nebraska extension will be granted.
When to File. Form 7004N must be led on or before the due date of the original return. Corporations may also le
Form 7004N on or before the date that a federal extension expires.
Where to File. Mail Form 7004N to the Nebraska Department of Revenue, PO Box 94818, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4818.
Line 4. Other nonrefundable credits. Enter the total of the employer's credit for expenses incurred for TANF (ADC)
recipients, CDAA credit, and Nebraska employer tax credit for employing convicted felons.
Line 9. Other payments or refundable credits. Enter the total of the Beginning Farmer credit, Nebraska income tax
withheld, Property Tax Incentive Act credits, and PTET credit. The property tax incentive act credit includes the credits for
school district property taxes and community college taxes paid. The PTET credit includes your share of the Nebraska pass-
through entity tax paid by a partnership in which you hold an ownership interest.
Amount of Payment. Payment of the amount shown on line 11 must be remitted either with this form or electronically
using one of the electronic payment options identied below.
Mandates of Electronic Payment. Some entities are required to make their payments (tax, penalty, and interest)
electronically. For mandate purposes, all of the electronic payment options listed below satisfy the mandate requirement.
All entities are encouraged to make their payments electronically.
Electronic Payment Options
Nebraska e-pay. Nebraska e-pay is the Nebraska Department of Revenue's (DOR's) web-based electronic payment
system. You enter your payment and bank account information, and choose a date (up to a year in advance) to have
your account debited. You will receive an email conrmation for each payment scheduled.
ACH Credit. You (or your bank) create an electronic le in the appropriate ACH le format. It is submitted to the
Federal Reserve and instructs your bank to “credit” the state’s bank account.
Nebraska Tele-pay. Nebraska Tele-pay is the DOR's phone-based electronic payment system. Call 800-232-0057,
enter your payment and bank account information, and choose a date (up to a year in advance) to have your account
debited. You will receive a conrmation number at the end of your call.
Credit Card (Corporations only). Secure credit card payments can be initiated through ACI Payments, Inc.
at acipayonline.com or via phone at 800-272-9829. Eligible credit cards include American Express, Discover,
MasterCard, and VISA. A convenience fee is charged to the card you use. This fee is paid to the credit card vendor,
not the state, and will appear on your credit card statement separately from the payment made to the DOR. At the end
of your transaction, you will be given a conrmation number. Keep this number for your records. [If you are making
your credit card payment by phone, you will need to provide the Nebraska Jurisdiction Code, which is 3700.]
Check or Money Order. If you are not using one of the electronic payment options described above, include a check
or money order payable to the “Nebraska Department of Revenue.” Checks written to the DOR may be presented for
payment electronically.
Corporate Unitary Group. Members of a unitary group ling a single return using the combined income approach should
only request one extension for the entire group. The name, address, Federal ID number, and Nebraska ID number of each
corporation included in the combined return must be listed on Form 7004N.
Terminating the Extension. The DOR may, at any time, terminate a C corporation’s extension of time by mailing
the taxpayer a notice of termination and allowing ten days from the date of the termination notice to le the Nebraska
corporate return.
Taxpayer Notication. The DOR will notify the applicant if this request for extension is denied. The notice will be sent
to the address entered on Form 7004N. No notice will be sent with respect to approved applications for an extension of
time to le a return.
Signatures. This application must be signed by a corporate ocer, duciary, partner, member, a person currently enrolled
to practice before the IRS, or an attorney or certied public accountant qualied to practice before the IRS. If the taxpayer
authorizes any other person to sign this application, there must be a power of attorney on le with the DOR.
Email. By entering an email address, the taxpayer acknowledges that the DOR may contact the taxpayer by email.
The taxpayer accepts any risk to condentiality associated with this method of communication. The DOR will send all
condential information by secure email or the State of Nebraska’s le share system. If you do not wish to be contacted by
email, write “Opt Out” on the line labeled “email address.”
Type of Nebraska Tax Return this Form is being Filed with
1040N 1041N 1065N 1120N 1120NF 1120-SN
Name on Tax Return Social Security Number or Nebraska ID Number
Nebraska Property Tax Credit
Use this Form with the Forms noted below to claim the property tax credits.
Enter the Part B information for each parcel from the Look-up Tool.
Part A Computation of the Credits
1 Credit for school district property taxes.
Multiply line 3a (Total Nebraska school district property taxes you paid) by 30% (.30)
Enter the result here and on line 36, Form 1040N; line 24, Form 1041N; line 24, Form 1120N; line 21,
Form 1120-SN; line 21, Form 1065N; or line 18, Form 1120NF ............................................................................. 1
2 Credit for community college property taxes.
Multiply line 3b (Total Nebraska community college property taxes you paid) by 55% (.55)
Enter the result here and on line 37, Form 1040N; line 25, Form 1041N; line 25, Form 1120N;
line 22, Form 1120-SN; line 22, Form 1065N; or line 19, Form 1120NF ................................................................ 2
Part B — School District and Community College Property Taxes Paid in 2023
3 School district and community college property taxes paid in 2023.
Tax Year
(For most this will
be 2022.)
Nebraska County Number
(Do not enter numbers
from license plates.)
Parcel ID Number
(Must include the dashes for
Lancaster County.)
Nebraska School
District Property
Taxes You Paid
Nebraska Community
College Property
Taxes You Paid
Total eligible school district and community college property taxes you paid in 2023. ................... 3a 3b
If you paid Nebraska property taxes yourself directly or through your monthly payments into escrow, use this form
to claim the property tax credit. Look up your parcel in the Nebraska Property Tax Look-up Tool (Look-up Tool)
to complete line3, multiply line 3a and 3b by .30 and .55 respectively and enter the result on lines 1 and 2 respectively.
Purpose. The Nebraska Property Tax Credit, Form PTC, is used to identify parcels and compute a tax credit for
Nebraska school district and community college property taxes (qualied property taxes) paid.
Nebraska Property Tax Look-up Tool. You can determine the amount of qualied property taxes paid on a parcel
in the 2023 calendar year, by using the Nebraska Department of Revenue’s (DOR’s) Nebraska Property Tax Look-
up Tool. DOR strongly recommends using this Look-up tool.
Qualied Property Taxes Paid. The qualied property taxes are paid on the date received by the county treasurer.
The date qualied property taxes were received is affected by the followingrules.
1. Mortgage Escrow Accounts. When your payment to a mortgage company includes an escrow for property
taxes, the date the county treasurer receives payment from the escrow account is the date the qualied
property taxes were paid;
2. Parcel Sales – Property Taxes Funded. When you fund property taxes at closing, the related qualied property
taxes were paid when received by the county treasurer. You may claim the allowable credit only for the
calendar year that the county received the money from the escrow agent;
3. Parcel Sales – Property Taxes Reimbursed. When the buyer reimburses the seller for property taxes that
were already paid, the buyer cannot take the credit on any portion of the reimbursement because the county
treasurer already received the taxes paid by the seller.
4. County Treasurer Escrow Accounts. When you make partial property tax payments that are held in escrow by
the county treasurer, qualied property taxes are paid when applied to the parcel in the records of the county
5. Tax Sale Certicate. The qualied property taxes are received by the county treasurer when collected from
the person that purchased the tax sale certicate. Persons who redeem the tax certicate are repaying a loan
to obtain a lien release. The redeemer cannot take the credit for the redemption.
The DOR obtains property tax data from each county treasurer. That data includes the amount of property taxes
received during a calendar year. The DOR will use the county treasurer receipt data, unless you can show the county
treasurer’s data is incorrect.
Limitation on Qualied Property Taxes. Qualied property taxes paid do not include property taxes levied for
bonded indebtedness, taxes levied as a result of an override of the limits on property tax levies approved byvoters,
or credits applied to the property taxes levied. The Look-up Tool automatically takes these items into account in
computing the qualied property taxes paid.
Qualied property taxes paid also do not include property taxes that were paid after September 2, 2023 and were 5
years or more delinquent at the time of payment.
Enter All Qualied Property Tax Amounts as Whole Dollars. Round any amount from 50 cents to 99 cents to
the next higher dollar. Round any amount less than 50 cents to the next lower dollar.
Records. All taxpayers must retain records for at least three years after ling the tax return claiming the credit
for qualied property taxes paid. Taxpayers using the DOR’s Look-up Tool should print or save the information
provided by the Look-up Tool.
Who Must File. Form PTC must be led by the individual, corporation, partnership, LLC, duciary, or nancial
institution that paid the tax and is claiming the credit.
When and Where to File. Form PTC must be led with the Nebraska income tax or nancial institution tax return
on which the credit is claimed.
How to Complete the Form PTC
Taxpayers claiming the credit should complete Part B before completing Part A. This form can be completed quickly
and easily using the Look-up Tool.
Part A – Computation of the Credit
Part A is used to compute the credit for qualied property taxes paid and reported in Part B.
Part B – School District and Community College Property Taxes Paid in 2023
Part B is used by individuals, C corporations, S corporations, partnerships, LLCs, nancial institutions, and duciaries
that paid qualied property taxes in 2023.
Fiscal Year and Short Year Filers. The credit may be claimed in the rst income tax year that begins in the
calendar year the qualied property taxes were paid.
Fiscal Year Filers. Taxpayer’s with a scal year beginning in 2023 and ending in 2024 may complete Part B for
qualied property taxes paid during the entire 2023 calendar year. The credit claimed in this scal year cannot
include any qualied property taxes paid in 2024.
Short Year Filers. Taxpayers with a short period beginning in 2023 and ending in 2024. If this is the rst short
year beginning in 2023, complete Part B for qualied property taxes paid during the entire 2023 calendaryear.
Taxpayers with a short period beginning and ending in 2023. If this is the rst short year beginning in 2023,
complete Part B for the qualied property taxes paid during the entire 2023 calendar year. You may have to le
an extension to be sure that the information will be available in Look-up Tool at the time you le the rst short
year return. Taxpayers ling for the second short period beginning in 2023 cannot claim the credit on the second
short periodreturn.
Information must be entered separately for each parcel for which qualied property taxes were paid in calendar year
2023. A separate entry must also be made for each property tax year for which qualied property taxes were paid in
2023. If Part B does not have enough rows to include all the parcels or years for which you paid qualied property
taxes, attach a schedule in the same format as Part B.
Example 1. Joe Pear owns two parcels in Lancaster County and paid property taxes on those parcels for the 2022 and
2023 property tax year during the 2023 calendar year. Joe owned parcel 17-12-345-678-000 for the entire 2023 calendar
year and purchased parcel 17-87-654-321-000 on July 1, 2022. The total property taxes paid were:
Joe used the Property Tax Look-up Tool to compute the qualied property taxes he paid. Joe entered in the Look-up
Tool the total property taxes he paid for the “Actual payments made by Joe Pear to Lancaster County Treasurer in
calendar year 2023.” Part B of Form PTC should be completed as follows:
Property Tax Year. Enter the property tax year for which the qualied property taxes were levied. Most taxpayers
pay their property taxes in the year after the taxes were levied. If more than one year of property taxes were paid in
the 2023 calendar year, a separate entry must be made for each property tax year. See example 1 above.
Nebraska County Number. Enter the number assigned to the county where the parcel is located. This number is
provided by the Look-up Tool or may be found on the County Parcel ID Search. This number is not the same as the
county number used for license plates. Do not enter the county number from a license plate.
Parcel ID Number. Enter the parcel ID number assigned by the county assessor to the parcel. This number may be
found on the Real Estate Tax Statement issued by the county treasurer where the parcel is located. The parcel ID
number may also be found using the Look-up Tool. Some counties use the term “property ID” rather than “parcel
ID”. Parcel ID numbers assigned by Lancaster County include dashes. The parcel ID number entered on Form PTC
for parcels located in Lancaster County must include the dashes. The parcel ID numbers for the other 92 counties
have either 9 or 10 digits and no dashes.
Qualied Property Taxes Paid. Enter in the appropriate column the amount of qualied property taxes you paid
on the parcel during the 2023 calendar year. This amount may be computed using the Look-up Tool or the taxpayer’s
records. Those records include, but are not be limited to, the Real Estate Tax Statement issued by the county treasurer
where the parcel is located.
Total School District and Community College Property Taxes Paid in 2023. On lines 3a and 3b enter the sum
of the school district and community college property taxes paid on the parcel or parcels listed in Part B.
Tax Year
Nebraska County Number
(Do not enter numbers
from license plates.)
Parcel ID Number
(Include the dashes for
Lancaster County.)
Nebraska School
District Property
Taxes You Paid
Nebraska Community
College Property
Taxes You Paid
2022 55 17-12-345-678-000 2,880 259
2023 55 17-12-345-678-000 3,050 275
2022 55 17-87-654-321-000 1,325 119
2023 55 17-87-654-321-000 2,745 247
Total eligible school district and community college property taxes you paid in 2023 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a
10,000 900
Tax Year
Parcel ID Number Total Property Taxes Paid
2022 17-12-345-678-000 $5,760
2023 17-12-345-678-000 $6,100
2022 17-87-654-321-000 $2,650
2023 17-87-654-321-000 $5,490