Revised: January 5, 2005
Section 1. Name. The official name of the Authority
shall be “Hawaii Community Development Authority”.
Section 2. Seal. The seal of the Authority shall be
in the form of a circle and shall bear the name of the
Authority and the symbol of the State of Hawaii.
Section 3. Office and Place of Meeting. The office
of the Authority shall be at 677 Ala Moana Boulevard, Room
1001, Honolulu, Hawaii, but the Authority may hold its
meetings at such places as may be designated by the
Section 1. Appointment. The Authority shall consist
of members as may be appointed pursuant to HRS 206E-3 and
shall serve in accordance with provisions of State law.
Section 2. Powers. The powers of the Authority shall
be vested in the members thereof then in office.
Section 3. Terms of Office. The members of the
Authority shall serve for such terms as provided by State
Notwithstanding the term of office as stated above,
the term of an Authority member shall expire upon the
failure of the member, without valid excuse, to attend
three consecutive meetings duly noticed to all members of
the Authority and where the Authority failed to constitute
quorum necessary to transact business. The Chairperson or
the Acting Chairperson of the Authority shall determine if
the absence of the member is excusable. The expiration of
the member’s term shall be effective immediately after the
third consecutive unattended meeting and unexcused absence.
This provision shall not apply to ex officio members of the
Section 4. Compensation. No member of the Authority
who is appointed or elected to any office thereof shall
receive any compensation thereof other than reimbursement
for necessary expenses incurred in performing such
additional duties.
Section 1. Regular Officers. Regular officers of the
Authority shall be the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and
Section 2. Appointments and Elections. The
Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary shall be
elected by the Authority from among its members.
As provided by State law, the Executive Director shall
be appointed by the Authority.
Regular elections shall be held on the first regular
or a special meeting held after July 1
of each year, and
the officers elected at each regular election shall take
office immediately following their election. Special
elections to fill vacancies shall be held at the meeting at
which the vacancy is officially declared to exist.
Section 3. Terms of Office. The terms of office of
the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary shall
be for twelve calendar months from the date of their
election to the following year or until their successors
are duly elected or in the case of an officer elected to
fill a vacancy, for the unexpired term of the officer thus
The term of office of the Executive Director shall be
at the pleasure of the Authority.
Section 4. Vacancies. Should the office of
Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary become vacant,
the Authority shall fill the vacancy by electing another
Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson or Secretary from among its
members to fill such vacancy.
Should the position of Executive Director become
vacant, the Authority may appoint an Interim Executive
Director until such vacancy is filled by a permanent
Section 5. Duties of Officers. The Chairperson shall
preside at all meetings of the Authority. At such meetings
he/she shall submit such information and recommendations to
the Authority as he/she may deem proper concerning the
policies and other affairs of the Authority.
The Chairperson, and, in the absence or incapacity of
the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall have the power
to sign all contracts, deeds, leases, and other instruments
required to be executed by the Authority upon approval by
the Authority of the project, activity, or action in
connection with which such documents are required. In the
absence, incapacity or unavailability of both the
Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, any other available
member of the Authority shall be empowered to sign all such
documents for and on behalf of the Authority. Letters of
agreements for services, as distinguished from formal
contracts, involving amounts authorized by the Authority,
may be signed by the Executive Director, or in his/her
absence the person designated by him/her. Agreements to
sell, tenancy permits, contract for utility services and
such other routine papers and forms to be executed by the
Authority in the course of execution of any Authority
projects, may be signed by the Executive Director, or any
employee of the Authority designated by the Executive
Director without prior and further authorization of the
Authority. All documents which bind the Authority to a
legal obligation shall first be approved as to form and
legality by legal counsel for the Authority.
The Vice-Chairperson shall perform the duties of the
Chairperson in the absence of incapacity of the
Chairperson. In case of resignation or incapacity of the
Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall perform such duties
as are imposed on the Chairperson until such time as the
Authority shall elect a new Chairperson.
In case of the absence or incapacity of both the
Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, the member of the
Authority who is senior in service based on the current
term of office shall perform the duties of the Chairperson.
The Secretary shall be responsible for and sign the
minutes of the meetings of the Authority. In the absence
or incapacity of the Secretary, the Chairperson shall
perform the duties of the Secretary.
The Executive Director shall serve as the chief
executive officer of the Authority, shall be directly
responsible to the Authority, and shall have control of and
responsibility for the execution of the Authority’s
policies, the administration of its affairs, and the
employment and supervision of its personnel. At each
meeting of the Authority, the Executive Director shall
furnish its members with such information and make such
recommendations as shall be necessary to effect the
purposes of the Authority and for the proper administration
of its affairs. The Executive Director shall authorize and
certify payrolls, requisitions, invoices, and other
documents essential to the proper administration of the
Section 1. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings shall
be held at the regular meeting place of the Authority on
the first Wednesday of the month excepting if such date is
a legal holiday, then the regular meeting for such date
shall be held on the day immediately following such
holiday. Any and all business of the Authority may be
transacted at such regular meetings.
Section 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings shall
be held at such times and places as the Authority may
determine, or may be called by the Chairperson at such time
and place as he may determine, and must be called by
him/her upon written request of three or more members of
the Authority filed with the Executive Director. Notice of
any special meeting must be given to each member of the
Authority at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the date
of such special meeting. At such special meeting no
business shall be considered other than as designated in
the notice.
Section 3. Change of Meeting Dates. The Authority
may hold its regular meetings on dates, times, and places
other than the stipulated dates, times, and places,
provided however, that proper notice be given of the change
of dates, times, and places.
Section 4. Executive Meetings. The Authority may
hold an executive meeting closed to the public upon
fulfillment of the requirements therefor and for reasons
prescribed by law.
Section 5. Emergency Meetings. The Authority may
convene an emergency meeting in less time than is normally
required upon finding that an imminent peril to the public
health, safety, or welfare exists. The Authority may also
convene an emergency meeting where it must take action on a
matter over which it has supervision, control, jurisdiction
or advisory power because of an unanticipated event as
provided by State law. The Authority shall adhere to all
emergency meeting requirements as prescribed by law.
Section 6. Public Notice. The Authority shall adhere
to all public notice requirements as prescribed by law.
Section 7. Quorum. The powers of the Authority shall
be vested in the members of the Authority thereof in office
from time to time. Quorum shall be determined as provided
by State law.
Section 8. Order of Business. At the regular
meetings of the Authority the following shall be the order
of business:
1. Roll Call.
2. Approval of minutes.
3. Report of the Executive Director.
4. Unfinished business.
5. New Business.
6. Adjournment.
All resolutions shall be written and shall be copied
in a journal of the proceedings of the Authority.
Section 9. Manner of Voting. The voting on all
questions coming before the Authority shall be entered upon
the minutes of such meeting.
Section 10. Testimony. Oral and written testimony
shall be accepted by the Authority from the public on any
item listed on its meeting agenda. Public testimony that
is unrelated to a matter listed on the agenda will be
declined. Written testimony should be submitted to: Hawaii
Community Development Authority, 677 Ala Moana Boulevard,
Suite 1001, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 or faxed to 587-8150.
Oral testimony shall be limited, as determined and
announced by the Chairperson, to between three (3) and five
(5) minutes per person dependent on the number of
Section 11. Parliamentary Procedure. Robert’s Rules
of Order shall apply in situations not covered by these
bylaws or applicable statutes.
These bylaws may be amended only by a majority vote of
all members to which the Authority is entitled.