Agility and innovation start with the right
banking platform
Balancing consumer
expectations for seamless
digital banking experiences
with evolving operational and
compliance requirements is
a moving target. Signature
from Fiserv provides a secure,
customer‑centric and exible
foundation to ensure your
institution is future‑ready.
Our componentized
approach and microservices
architecture enable
incremental integration
of new technology with
minimal risk.
Your growing nancial institution requires a robust,
reliable account processing platform – thats also
built for rapid growth and continuous innovation.
Signature offers a comprehensive, scalable platform
for account processing, customer relationship
management, product design and nancial
management. Highly congurable by design,
Signature enables you to customize products and
services to meet consumer needs.
A mature, stable and secure platform for traditional
and nontraditional nancial institutions
Designed for multicurrency, multi-entity
organizations to support local operations and
multiple offshore operations from a single footprint
Continuous, real-time processing for all channels
End-to-end traceability of all transactions across
Ability to launch new products quickly to maintain a
competitive advantage
Precise and timely accounting of the general ledger
to ensure regulatory compliance
Delivery as licensed on-premises or hosted
A Platform for Agile Banking
Designed for nancial institutions that view
advanced technology as a differentiator, Signature
enables agile banking – so you can minimize
traditional release and testing cycles and bring new
products and services to market quickly.
Rapidly integrate proprietary software, third-party
applications and Fiserv applications through
Deploy changes while the system is still online, with
minimal impact
Congure new products more quickly without
programming expertise
Use feature packs to deliver new capabilities without
upgrading the entire system
Key Modules
Customer Information File
Get a 360-degree view of retail and commercial clients
and their accounts, including third-party accounts.
Common File
Create nearly any nancial product quickly and
efciently without programming expertise. New
or modied designs can be tested before going
Improve funds management and enhance customer
value by automating labor intensive functions
traditionally associated with the administration and
maintenance of liability products.
Secured and Unsecured Loans
Quickly react to changing markets with ease by creating
new loan products on demand, with the ability to
process participation (syndicated and investor) loans.
EFT/ATM Card Management
Streamline management of electronic transaction
authorization and fee assessment. This fully integrated
module links Signature to self-service channels including
ATM, point-of-sale, credit card, telephone banking and
private client banking, 24/7.
General Ledger
Leverage rich nancial management functionality to
manage an integrated, multicurrency balance sheet. The
open architecture design allows integration with other
nancial systems, such as treasury and trade nance.
Advanced Architecture
The microservices architecture of Signature,
accessed through our advanced user interface,
enables you to address unique business needs by
developing your own applications or integrating
with third‑party applications. Key functional
areas include:
Our componentized approach and microservices architecture enable incremental integration of new technology with
minimal risk. This allows you to accelerate application development, improve scalability and reduce time-to-market for
new products and features.
Core banking provides capabilities for the processing
of customer and account information. Products and
business parameters required for processing are
dened and congured, including currencies, rates,
Core Banking
The user interface provides business applications with
service-oriented functions for clients and their accounts.
It includes Business Process Manager from Fiserv and
arules engine.
User Interface
A modern microservices layer provides integration
capabilities with external solutions in a exible and
efcient way. Microservices are built following the
guidelines from the Banking Industry Architecture
Network (BIAN) and Interactive Financial eXchange
(IFX), and provide a RESTful API integration layer.
Microservices are deployed in docker containers.
User Interface
Integration Layer
API Gateway
Account Processing
Lead With Signature
Choose a technology foundation that will accelerate your digital transformation. Signature is a complete, real-time
solution that delivers rapid customization, systemintegration and business process improvement to put your nancial
institution inthelead.
Our user interface offers a complete view of your business, enabling improved service. Use microservices to
provide individual operations for specic functional areas.
Fiserv, Inc.
255 Fiserv Drive
Brookeld, WI 53045
© 2020 Fiserv, Inc. or its afliates. Fiserv is a trademark of Fiserv, Inc., registered or
used in the United States and foreign countries, and may or may not be registered
in your country. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this
material are the property of their respective owners. 637700 02/21
Connect With Us
Fiserv is driving innovation in Payments,
Processing Services, Risk & Compliance,
Customer & Channel Management and
Insights & Optimization. Our solutions
help clients deliver nancial services at
the speed of life to enhance the way
people live and work today.
Visit serv.com to learn more.
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about Signature: