Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Email Address:
Web Address:
Name: Phone Number:
Title: Email Address:
Corporate Address:
Vendor Business Profile
Vendor should complete all requested information as indicated by the 'grey' boxes
Identification Information:
Vendor Name (Legal Name & d/b/a):
City, State & Zip Code:
Remit to Address:
2. Is the vendor a 1099 recipient?
City, State & Zip Code:
Contact Information:
Vendor Information:
1. Describe the type of business or service provided:
3. List the Appropriate Federal Tax Classification (Sole
Proprietor, C-Corp, S-Corp, Partnership, LLC, Other)
4. Is the vendor at least 51% owned, controlled and actively managed by a minority person?
If yes to #4, submit the State of Florida MBE/WBE Certification Number
Name of Person at SJR State College Requesting Vendor to Complete the Vendor Business
If yes to #4, list the appropriate minority classification: (African American, Hispanic, Asian American,
Native American, American Woman, Service Disabled Veteran)
5. Conflicts of Interest: List any state employee who owns, directly or indirectly, an interest of
five percent or greater in the firm or any of its branches
6. List the officers of the corporation, partners or principal members of the
firm and their titles
It is the sole responsibility of the vendor to promptly notify SJR State College with any and all changes to this application.
Certification: I certify that the information supplied herein (including all attachments) is correct to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that in doing business with the State
of Florida, my firm is in compliance with Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, conflicts of interest and that I have disclosed the name of any state employee who owns, directly or
indirectly, an interest of five percent or greater in the above firm or any of its branches.
All vendors are required to complete this form in its entirety. The vendor is required to submit a valid tax form (W-9) along with the completed Vendor Business Profile Form to
the purchasing department. Forms may be emailed to or faxed at 386-312-4167. Please call the purchasing department if you have any
questions 386-312-4200.
Name of Person Completing Form: