Spreadsheets are
holding you back
There’s a better way to plan, budget and forecast —
with less risk, less time and more accuracy.
Table of
planning: A “rough road”
plagued with potholes
Most common types of
spreadsheet errors
Three reasons
spreadsheets are holding
you back
The evolution of
spreadsheet planning: IBM
Planning Analytics
Companies large and small spend countless hours each year
developing the detailed plans, budgets, forecasts and reports
they need to drive strategic decision-making. It’s critical that the
information be timely and accurate, and that it can be easily updated
as market conditions change. However, most organizations rely on
spreadsheets to build these plans and reports – in fact – 58% of
midsize and large companies still use spreadsheets to manage their
planning and budgeting processes.
Although theyre a useful and
popular personal productivity tool, spreadsheets are poorly suited
for business planning and performance management. Errors are
common. And the broader the use of spreadsheets, the greater the
chance for a small error to be magnified, potentially exposing the
organization to significant risk.
IBM Watson Spreadsheets are holding you back 2
Spreadsheet-based planning:
A “rough road” plagued with
While spreadsheet technology has improved over the years,
serious problems persist, especially for those who rely primarily on
spreadsheets for planning and analysis. According to a 2020 study
by the Business Application Resource Center (BARC), only 8% of
Excel users experience “no significant problems” using spreadsheets
for planning.
Many businesses who use spreadsheets have exposed themselves
to serious risks of spreadsheet error. And though in some cases large
companies can absorb these risks, small and medium businesses
usually cannot. Sad to say, the list of newsworthy episodes continues
to grow. Three examples from recent years illustrate the ongoing
hazards of reliance on spreadsheets.
In early 2019, a large Canadian firm in the emerging legal cannabis
industry cited “spreadsheet error” as a cause of under-reporting
earnings. The company’s news release said “The correction was
made due to a formula error in the spreadsheet supporting the year-
to-date adjusted EBITDA loss calculation.
In the spring of 2018, a major liquor and wine retailer in the UK lost
60 percent of its market value – £500 million – in a matter of weeks,
due in part to an “arithmetic error” in a spreadsheet. The Times
of London commented, “Not for the first time, human error with
spreadsheets has led to disaster.
In May of 2018, a large number of young doctors in the UK “had job
offers rescinded following an error in the administrative process.
What happened? “A spreadsheet error was made in transferring
data from one system to another.” Besides embarrassing the
organization, the situation “caused ‘extreme anxiety’ for those who
have made life choices based upon these offers, including arranging
moves and putting deposits on new homes.
When used for modern planning processes, spreadsheets and user
errors can cast serious doubt on the integrity of strategic plans. They
make plans and reports difficult to maintain and often inhibit – rather
than facilitate – a collaborative, company-wide planning process. And
as business plans and analyses become larger and more complex, the
inadequacy of spreadsheet-based systems is only magnified.
Most common types of
spreadsheet errors
According to experts and academics who have researched
spreadsheet effectiveness, three primary types of error typically
occur in spreadsheet models.
The first is mechanical error, which arises from mistakes in keying in
data, cutting and pasting, or other simple manual operations. While
a mechanical error may at first appear minor, incorrectly entered
data can affect the integrity of an entire model. Furthermore,
planning models tend to grow in size and complexity as available
computing power increases. As the models grow, the errors created
within them increase in both volume and severity.
The second type of error is logic error, where an inappropriate
algorithm is chosen or inapt formulas are created to implement
the algorithm. The resulting flawed calculations affect not only the
individual worksheet where the error appears, but the entire model,
as well.
The third, and one of the most common types of error, is the error of
omission, where critical components are left out of a model entirely.
Errors of omission, of course, are very hard to spot. As a user labors
through multiple worksheets in a complex plan, the likelihood is
great that a critical item will simply not be inserted and its absence
will not be noticed. This type of error occurs because you can’t plan
at a granular level using spreadsheets, which means you’re forced to
combine data points.
Whether a given error is one of mechanics, logic or omission, the result
will be the same: a flawed model and inaccurate calculations, hence
an inaccurate or ineffective plan, forecast or report. While many large
corporate finance departments have adopted dedicated planning
solutions, at the department or line-of-business level, where many of
the most important daily decisions are made, the spreadsheet is still
the default planning tool.
41% of Excel users say spreadsheets cannot
handle their data volumes
IBM Watson Spreadsheets are holding you back 3
Three reasons spreadsheets
are holding you back
Aside from specific problems related to errors, spreadsheets present
other limitations and drawbacks when organizations try to use them
in performance management processes. Here are five of the most
serious issues with using the spreadsheet as a planning tool.
Failure of accuracy
Data integrity and transparency: Disconnected spreadsheets offer
little in the way of data security or an audit trail to identify when,
where or why changes were made, all of which lead to multiple
versions of the truth. Consequently, confidence in the numbers is
undermined. Poor version control can result in a consolidated plan
based upon inaccurate or incomplete data or—owing to a mismatch
of model structures—an inability to consolidate at all.
Collaboration: Successful business planning depends to a large
extent on high levels of collaboration across teams. The greater
the cross-departmental input, the greater the accuracy delivered
in the plan. Due to error frequency and deployment difficulties,
spreadsheet-based planning engenders a constrained, siloed
process that represents only a small part of the organization.
Failure of agility
Standardization: Spreadsheets, by design, are ad-hoc and
individual. Email substitutes for systematic workflow. And without
a guided, standard process, time is often wasted in “reinventing
the wheel” and waiting for others to contribute and review. It is a
laborious task for managers to check on the status of individual
contributions and ensure they are submitted in a timely manner.
The end result is a process that is limited by the pace of the
slowest participant.
Speed: The business world is moving faster all the time. And to drive
fast decision-making in this competitive environment you need to
access and analyze large volumes of data and get answers quickly.
A spreadsheet-based planning and analysis process does not allow
organizations to alter plans, reforecast, or modify budgets in real
time. Making changes in a large, complex spreadsheet requires both
an inordinate amount of time and great care. The effort required to
consolidate hundreds of spreadsheets can inhibit quick reaction to
changes in markets or the actions of competitors.
Aggregation and application maintenance: Even if individual
spreadsheets are error-free, the process of aggregating inputs from
multiple users is a major undertaking. A single person or task group
has to collect the numerous spreadsheets and consolidate them
into a single version, trying to maintain files that may be linked
together. If submitted models are not identical, the data will not
consolidate correctly.
Failure of scale
Size: When a spreadsheet’s single data file is too large, it can make
the program run very slowly. Spreadsheets are simply poor at
dealing with large data volumes and merging multiple files. Users
spend more time on data collection and verification than they do
on analysis.
Granularity: Spreadsheets have a limited number of cells, which
prevents users from including all the granular data they need. If you
cannot look at data at a precise enough level (ie you can only see
product type, but not SKU), you will not be able accurately analyze
the data and plan appropriately.
Capacity: Once you hit a certain threshold, spreadsheets can no
longer handle the amount of data and will crash. How many times
have you lost your work or had your entire system freeze because of
a spreadsheet with too many complex formulas?
IBM Watson Spreadsheets are holding you back 4
The evolution of spreadsheet
planning: IBM Planning Analytics
All these problems notwithstanding, the spreadsheet remains a
ubiquitous – and widely popular tool. Fortunately, there is a way to
overcome its limitations and leverage the capabilities of a modern
planning and analytics using your Microsoft Excel spreadsheets —
with IBM Planning Analytics.
This solution enables finance professionals, business analysts,
line-of-business managers and users on the front lines to create
more accurate and reliable budgets and plans. Users can either upload
their spreadsheets directly into Planning Analytics to get started, or
opt to use the IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel interface.
From there, explore and analyze data sourced from multidimensional
planning models including the IBM TM1 database.
Users can define, guide, optimize, automate and document the
planning process, ensuring that tasks are done on time, by the
right people. Planning users have access to a centrally managed
repository where data is shared, changes are tracked, and business
logic is protected, ensuring the “single version of the truth” that is so
essential for confident decision making.
IBM Planning Analytics enables organizations to harness the power of
collaboration with managed workflow. It provides data aggregation and
calculations, and allows users to review and analyze results and details
from thousands of data points in real time. Plus, users can store key
business logic and calculations in a secure application, where changes
are made only by designated administrators and are immediately
replicated to all participants, eliminating errors and conflicting data.
The IBM Planning Analytics for Excel interface helps organizations leverage
the existing spreadsheet skills of finance and business users.
In the BARC 2020 study, 2x the respondents
reported better quality planning results
when using a specialized software vs Excel
IBM Watson Spreadsheets are holding you back 5
The spreadsheet has been a useful personal productivity tool for
many years. But it lacks controls and auditability, and depends on
individual users to enter data accurately and generate complex
formulas and macros. These limitations make the spreadsheet
suboptimal for business planning.
That’s why the IBM approach is ideal. It enables users to explore
data, perform complex analysis and collaborate more easily
across the organization. With IBM Planning Analytics, users can
plan, budget, forecast and analyze, using familiar Excel tools and
techniques, and leveraging the software skills they already have.
Spreadsheets are and will likely remain a popular tool. They just
need a little help.
Save time and increase reporting accuracy: learn more about
IBM Planning Analytics
“Business benefits regularly achieved with
Planning Analytics (and achieved more
frequently than with Excel) include increased
transparency of planning, improved
integration of different sub-budgets and
improved integration of planning with
BARC The Planning Survey 2020, IBM Planning
Analytics Highlights Report
IBM Watson Spreadsheets are holding you back 6
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1. Ventana Research: Change in the
Office of Finance, Evaluating Barriers to
Digital Transformation, October 2019
2, 6, 7. BARC’s The Planning Survey
2020 IBM Planning Analytics Highlights
3. Patrick Hosking, Spreadsheets plus
human error can add up to disaster, The
Times, April 9, 2018
4. Matt Lamers, Cannabis giant Canopy
cites ‘spreadsheet error’ for under-
reporting adjusted EBITDA, Marijuana
Business Daily, February 21, 2019
5. Junior doctor jobs offers withdrawn
after admin blunder, National Health
Executive, May 8, 2018