Answer Yes or No to each statement.
You must stop your vehicle no less than
25 feet from a stopped school bus with its
red lights ashing except when the bus
is loading or unloading at the school on
the same side of the street as the school
or when there is a safety island or other
physical barrier between you and the bus.
You must stop your vehicle not less than
25 feet from a stopped school bus with
ashing red lights when traveling on the
same side of the roadway.
You may pass a stopped school bus with
ashing red lights at a speed not more than
10 mph when you’re traveling on the opposite
side of a divided highway.
You may pass a school bus with ashing
red lights which is parked directly in front of
a school, on the same side as the school,
to pick up or drop off students, at a speed
of not more than 10 mph.
For the rst offense, drivers who violate the
law related to passing stopped school buses
face nes not less than $100, 15 days in jail,
or 15 days of community service or both.
For a subsequent offense, drivers who
violate the law related to passing stopped
school buses face nes of not less than
$250 and 15 days in jail.
A violation of the law related to passing
stopped school buses is a 5 point penalty
for each offense.
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The 12 Months of Trafc Safety is a campaign to increase public
awareness of trafc safety issues. Different trafc safety issues will
be highlighted each month of the year. Campaign issues include:
Sponsored by:
United States Department of Transportation
New Jersey Department of Transportation
New Jersey Division of Highway Trafc Safety
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
New Jersey State Police
New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police
Insurance Council for New Jersey
AAA Clubs of New Jersey
Aggressive Driving
Bus and Train Safety
Child Passenger Safety
Drive Safely in Inclement Weather
Driver Inattention
Drowsy Driving
Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest.
Helmets & Wheels
Intersection Safety
Motorcycle Safety
Occupant Protection
Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety
School Bus Safety
Senior Safety
Truck Safety
Work Zone Safety
Young Drivers
Score yourself:
Number of “No” Answers
(1-2) Good (3-4) Fair (5-7) Poor
25 Feet
Away from
the Bus is
Closer to Safety
You might think that if you do not see school stu-
dents, driving by a stopped school bus and ignoring
its ashing red lights is okay. It is not okay.
In fact, it’s illegal. And it could turn deadly.
Nationally, over the past 32 years, 414 students
have been killed while in the process of being
picked up or dropped off by a school bus. This
translates into almost 13 deaths each year over the
last three decades.
Those motorists either did not know what ashing
red lights meant or disregarded them. These drivers
caused hundreds of deaths that could have easily
been prevented.
To prevent more deaths like these, learn the law
and obey it.
The Law – Passing Stopped School Buses (39:4-128.1)
1) On a two-lane highway, or other road not divided by some type of physical barrier, stop at least 25 feet
from a stopped school bus with ashing red lights whether or not you are traveling in the same direction as
the bus. (See Figure A)
2) Stop at least 25 feet from a stopped school bus with ashing red lights if you are on a divided highway and
on the same side of the highway as the school bus. (See Figure B)
Remain stopped until all students are safely on the bus or on the side of the highway, and until the bus’s ashing
red lights have been turned off.
3) Vehicles approaching a stopped school bus – but from the opposite side of a divided highway that is picking
up or letting off students may pass at 10 mph or less and must remain at that speed until completely past the
stopped school bus. (See Figure B)
4) Travel no faster than 10 mph by a stopped school bus that is picking up or letting off students directly at a
school (or day camp or any school-related activity) located on the same side of the highway where the school
bus is stopped.
Note: School bus drivers are required to use ashing red lights when their bus is stopped to pick up or drop off
students, and until every student is safely on the bus or clear of the bus and highway.
Fines & Points
A violation of these laws results in a $100 ne, and up to 15 days in jail or up to 15 days community service
for a rst offense. For subsequent offenses, violators can receive a $250 ne or more and up to 15 days in
jail. Five points are added to a driver’s record for each offense.
25 Feet
25 Feet
Figure A
25 Feet
Figure B
10 mph
10 mph