Mounting The Eliminator
1. Select a Weaver-style or Picatinny-style mounting base. If a two-piece
base is selected for a long action bolt rifle, the front base should be a
reversible (extension) base which will need
to be mounted with the extension directed
rearward. We recommend the use of Burris
XTB Bases (Xtreme Tactical Bases) as they
were also designed with the special mounting
considerations of the Eliminator LaserScope.
2. Read the manufacturer’s directions regarding the installation of mounts
before beginning.
3. Clean the mounting area of the rifle with a chemical that removes grease
and oil. Pay special attention to screw holes. Using the same chemical,
clean the mounts. Do not allow the cleaning chemical to come in contact
with the stock or scope lenses.
4. After installing the base(s), position the scope so it offers the proper
eye relief. To do this, shoulder the rifle as you would in the field. Position
the scope as far forward as possible while achieving a full field of view.
5. Align one of the rear slots in the Eliminator Rail with one of the slots in
the rear mount base and then install the Mount Clamps and Mount Bolt
as illustrated below. At this point just finger tighten the Hex Nut.
6. Install the front Mount Bolt through one of the slots in the front base as
shown and finger tighten the Hex Nut.
7. With both Hex Nuts slightly loosened, push the scope forward and then
firmly tighten both rear and front Hex Nuts.
Eyepiece Focusing
1. Aim the Eliminator LaserScope in a safe direction toward the sky or a
light colored wall. Glance through the scope and notice if the reticle is
sharply focused. Most users will find that no adjustment is necessary.
2. If the reticle is not in sharp focus, rotate the eyepiece focus ring until the reticle
appears in sharp focus. Double check your focus by taking quick glances
through the scope and make any fine tuning adjustments as necessary.
Sighting In
Do all shooting in a safe, authorized area. Use proper eye and hearing
protection and follow all safe shooting rules. Select the ammunition you
intend to use in the field and use it to sight in the firearm.
1. Bore sight your scope, OR place a target about two feet square at 25
yards. Fire a shot at the bullseye. Make the necessary adjustments to
the Windage and Elevation knobs. Remember, a scope with a click
adjustment value of 1/4 inch at 100 yards will require four clicks to
move the same 1/4 inch distance at 25 yards. Burris scopes have the
click value indicated on a label under one of the adjustment caps.
2. Make adjustments on the scope by turning the adjusting screws the
necessary number of clicks. NOTE: The reticle (crosshair) is centered at
the factory. This permits adjusting the reticle equally in all directions
from the center position. Three shot groups are suggested to determine
the actual point of impact.
3. After the first group is fired, adjust the scope again. This adjustment
should bring the approximate center of the group to coincide with the
bullseye. Shoot additional groups as necessary.
4. Place the target at your desired sight-in distance of either 100 or 200
yards. Make the necessary adjustments so your group coincides with
the bullseye.
5. Align the dial to read “0” without allowing the silver knob to turn.
6. After making the adjustments, replace the adjustment caps. They protect
your scope from dust and moisture.
Rear Mount
Rail (rear)
Mount Bolt
The Eliminator LaserScope is the most innovative and
effective hunting riflescope in the world. Burris combined
outstanding optics with pinpoint laser rangefinding and
precision trajectory compensation for the exact ammunition
you choose for your hunt.
In one fast sequence, the Eliminator ranges the distance to
your trophy, calculates the drop of your projectile at that
distance, and displays the exact aiming point as a single
red dot on the reticle. It eliminates most of the variables
and guesswork that often cause hunters to go home
empty handed.
The Eliminator LaserScope is in a league of its own. No
other riflescope combines this level of quality, technology,
accuracy, repeatability and effectiveness. It will greatly
increase the distance at which you can make an ethical shot.
Congratulations, and thank you for choosing the Eliminator
by Burris.
Mounting & Sighting-In
LaserScope User’s Guide
1. Battery Installation or Replacement
Unload the gun. Use a coin or screwdriver to unscrew the battery cap
crew on the top, rear of the scope, just in front of the eye piece. Install a
lithium CR2 battery. Reinstall the battery cover. NOTE: A sticker on the
underside of the battery contains basic set-up instructions.
2. LaserScope Battery Life:
Battery life is nominally rated at 5000 cycles. This will vary depending on
the quality of the battery and the temperatures at which the unit is
operated. Batteries lose a good deal of their power potential in colder
3. Start the electronics
Press the main switch button on the
left side of the scope, just behind the
Burris logo. Look through the scope. It
should show two things: the yards(Y) or
meters(M) indication illuminated along
with the battery status indicator. The
indicators will stay on for 1½ minutes.
4. Use as a conventional laser
ranging scope
Start the electronics and aim at a target. Press
either the left side button again or the Remote
Activation Switch. The scope will display the
horizontal range to your target at the top and also
display 5 illuminated dots along the lower cross
hair post. These 5 illuminated dots correspond to
aiming points on the versatile Ballistic Plex. (Unless
a Ballistic Table has been previously set.)
The range displayed is the horizontal
distance to the target. The Eliminator
LaserScope has a built-in angle sensor
and it converts the actual distance to
horizontal distance. The horizontal
distance is mostly what affects a
bullet’s trajectory so no matter what
the uphill or downhill angle, the
Eliminator automatically calculates the
distance to use for aiming point
selection. The five dots are the hold
points of a conventional Burris Ballistic Plex reticle. You can pick the
correct dot for the range and make the shot – OR go to the next section
to program your specific cartridge’s trajectory curve, which allows the
Eliminator LaserScope to provide you ONLY the holdover point, for what-
ever yardage is displayed.
If the scope fails to get an accurate range read-
ing, it will display a line of three flashing bars
Remote Transmitter:
The LaserScope comes with a Remote Transmitter to make ranging more
convenient. Position the Remote Transmitter on the fore end of a rifle as
shown below. It can also be positioned on the Objective Bell of the Laser-
Scope. The LaserScope is Remote-capable for a full 1
/2 hours every time
the Main Switch is depressed.
Remote Transmitter Battery:
Common CR2025 battery. Battery life is nominally
rated at 5000 cycles. To change, using a finger
nail or small screwdriver, pry the back over off of
the Remote. For removal, the battery must be
tilted and slid out of the holder. Reverse the
process for installation of the new battery and snap
the back over onto the Remote.
5. Set Up the Eliminator For Your Specific Cartridge
First decision - What Units do you want to work in, Yards or Meters? Y/M
Second decision - Do you want to zero at 100 or 200 Yards / Meters?
Info Needed - Drop in inches of your cartridge at 500 Yards if you zero at
100 Yards (Drop Number).
There are several ways to determine your Drop Number:
1. For factory loads this Guide shows the drop number for most of the
currently available factory ammo. See pages 4-7.
2. Factory ammo web sites sometimes provide this information.
3. The drop number may appear on the ammo box.
4. Ballistics Software Programs
5. Actual shooting at 100 yards and at 500 yards.
6. Burris
No matter what units you chose to work in (yards or meters), and no
matter what distance you intend to Zero at, the Ballistic Table is
selected based on drop at 500 Yards when zeroed at 100 Yards. Your
3 digit Ballistic Table will begin with a “1” if you intend to sight-in at 100
yards/meters or a “2” if you intend to sight-in at 200 yards/meters. This
number is followed by your Drop Number which will vary between 25 and
63. The complete Ballistic Table will be a number between 125 and 163 or
225 and 263.
yepiece Focus Ring
indage Adjustment
levation Adjustment
Battery Cover
CR2 Battery
Remote Control Receiver
ain Switch
Remote Transmitter must
be located in this area (on
either side of the Laser-
Scope) within 20 inches of
the Remote Receiver
Battery: Low -
Replace the battery
Battery: Full
Battery: Half
Carry a spare
Windage Adjustment
emote Control Receiver
Elevation Adjustment
attery Cover
Setup Button (detail below)
There are four arrows on the Setup
button on the right side of the scope.
These are used only for programming.
They have no function during normal
use of the scope.
Enter Set-Up Mode
1. Turn on the scope.
2. Then press and hold the Main Switch
button and the Forward Arrow on the
Setup button (at the same time) for six
seconds. Looking through the scope,
you will see a change in the display.
Release the two buttons when the
display changes. This is called “Setup
Mode”. First a number appears for two
seconds. That number is the firmware
version. Next the display shows the
currently selected (Y)ards or (M)eters
and Ballistic Table. On new scopes the
reading will be “Y 000” which is the
default table. If a Ballistic Table has
been previously selected, the designa-
tion for that Table is displayed.
3. With the currently selected table dis-
played you have 30 seconds to click
the Forward Arrow button to enter the
Ballistic Table select mode. The “T” (for
table select) is lit steady, the Unit (Y or
M) is flashing. Press the Up Arrow to
select Y (yards) or the Down Arrow to
select M (meters). When you have the
measurement unit you want flashing,
press and release the Forward Arrow button to select your choice.
4. The “T” is still on steady, your unit is on
and steady, your first numeric digit is
flashing, and the other two are out.
Select your Zero Distance - 0 (= default
table only), 1 (= 100 Yards/Meters), or
2 (= 200Yards/Meters). Press the Up
Arrow to increase the number or the
Down Arrow to decrease it. When your
preferred sight-in distance is displayed
(flashing), press and release the
Forward Arrow button.
5. The last two numbers (for your Drop Number or Ballistic Table) should
be flashing. Press the Up Arrow to increase the number, or the Down
Arrow to decrease it. When the Drop Number you want is displayed
(flashing), press and release the Back Arrow button to exit the Set-Up
6. You are ready to go shooting. Re-zero the gun if neccessary at your
selected sight-in distance. Then verify point of impact by actual shooting
at 500 yards. Depending on the exact ammo performance, your gun’s
barrel length, the elevation, and any extreme temperatures, you might
need to increase or decrease your Ballistic Table by a couple of digits
for exacting performance.
Your programming is stored in the scope no matter the condition of your
battery and it will still remember your programming with no battery at all.
Understanding The Ballistic Table Display:
Ballistic Table M234 means: (M)eters, 200Meter Zero, a cartridge with
34 inches of drop at 500 yard when zeroed at 100 yards.
Ballistic Table Y157 means: (Y)ards, 100Yard Zero, a cartridge with
57 inches of drop at 500 yards when zeroed at 100 yards.
Eliminator Essentials
1. The trajectory compensation feature is calibrated for use only on 12x
2. The center crosshair must be used for ranging.
3. An illuminated aiming dot will remain lit for approximately 80 seconds.
If you fail to shoot before the dot goes out, you will need to re-range
using the center crosshair.
. There can be several possible causes that result in the Eliminator’s
inability to determine the distance to a target including: Nearby obstacles
between the scope and the target such as grass, twigs, or leaves; Rain,
snow, mist or other airborne debris; Dirty objective lens; Poor target
quality for reflecting the laser back to the scope coupled with long
distances; Low battery.
5. If you have programmed the scope for a particular cartridge, and the range
to the target cannot be determined, the scope will display three horizontal
lines in the yards/meters area, and five illuminated dots that serve as a
custom’ Ballistic Plex that is accurately calibrated to your cartridge.
6. If the Eliminator ever seems to be working improperly, there is a good
chance that it needs a new battery. First, simply disconnect the existing
battery and reinstall and check for function. If this doesn’t solve the
issue, install a new battery.
Technical Notes
Fine Tuning and Altitude
Ammo makers generally state their bullet drop numbers at sea level. Very
generally, big game hunting bullets drop at 500 yards about ½ inch less
for each additional 1000 feet of elevation. So, if you going to hunt at 6,000
feet elevation and your ammo box says you should have 40 inches of drop
at 500 yards with a 100 yard zero, then you would want to select the
Ballistic Number 37 instead of 40. Our website
contains charts showing more specific altitude adjustments for each
cartridge. Other ballistics software programs can also provide you even
more precise information.
Depending on the exact ammo performance, your gun’s barrel length, the
elevation, and any extreme temperatures, you might need to increase or
decrease your Ballistic Table by a couple of digits for exacting perform-
ance. Ballistics software programs are of great benefit to get you close,
but nothing beats firing five shot groups with the actual ammo at 500
yards to provide you with the most precise information possible in order
to perfectly program your Eliminator Laserscope.
Extreme Range Shooting (Beyond 500 yards)
The factors that influence a bullet in flight at extreme range are many and
their relationships are complex.
The BC (Ballistic Coefficient) of your bullet is a factor that describes how
fast the bullet slows down. The ACTUAL BC of a bullet and the PUBLISHED
BC can be different and can affect your Ballistic Table. In developing the
simple-to-use programming, Burris leaned more towards the premium
ammunition with premium bullets. For all practical purposes, from 100 to
500 yards, the way the Eliminator Laserscope works there exists very
little bullet flight error from one bullet to another. The BC values of most
available bullets are on our website. However, going beyond 500 yards,
there can be sizable differences in actual point of impact depending on the
BC of the bullet you are using. The chart on page 8 lists the actual BC
numbers used for each Ballistic Table. To take full and
simple advantage of The Eliminator Laserscope for
shooting beyond 500 yards, one would be wise to use
a bullet that closely matches the values we represent
in the chart. Also, when the Eliminator Laserscope
gets a distance reading that is beyond the capability
of the reticle’s drop compensation, the bottom four
dots will light up signifying to you that the target is
beyond the reticle’s capability.
Operating Temperature:
to +122
to +50
Effective Range:
Deer: 50 yards to 550 yards
Reflective Target: 50 yards to
800 yards
Storage Temperature:
to +158
to +70
degrees celsius
Ranging Accuracy:
Less than 100 yards: +/-1 yard
100 - 550 yards: +/-2 yards
More than 550 yards: +/-3 yards
irmware version
efault setting
Last setting
Select or Change Meters
Select or Change Yards
Set Zero Distance (1 or 2)
Complete the Ballistic Table
with your Drop Number
“100 Zero, Drop
500 Yard Number.
Cartridge Brand Wt Bullet Adv Vel Drop” Ballistic Table
223 Rem. Win. Super-X 55 Pointed Soft Point 3240 -66.5 66
223 Rem. Hornady Tactical 60 TAP-FPD 3115 -56.5 56
223 Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 60 Nosler Partition 3160 -61.3 61
223 Rem. Rem. Rifle 62 Closed Tip Flat Base 3100 -57.9 58
223 Rem. Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 62 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 3100 -63.2 63
223 Rem. Fed. Am Eagle 62 FMJ-BT 3020 -55.7 56
223 Rem. Fusion 62 Fusion 3000 -55.6 56
223 Rem. Fed. POWER-SHOK 64 Soft Point 3050 -61.4 61
223 Rem. Win. Super-X 64 Power-Point 3020 -62.6 63
223 Rem. Rem. Match 69 MatchKing BTHP 3000 -53.5 53
223 Rem. Fed. GOLD MEDAL 69 Sierra MatchKing BTHP 2950 -59.6 60
223 Rem. Hornady Match 75 BTHP Match 2790 -58.8 59
223 Rem. Hornady Tactical 75 TAP-FPD 2790 -58.8 59
223 Rem. Rem. Match 77 MatchKing BTHP 2788 -61.4 61
223 Rem. Fed. GOLD MEDAL 77 Sierra MatchKing BTHP 2720 -64.4 64
223 WSSM Win. Supreme 55 Ballistic Silvertip 3850 -32.5 32
223 WSSM Win. Super-X 55 Pointed Soft Point 3850 -36.8 37
223 WSSM Win. Super-X 64 Power-Point 3600 -43.5 44
243 Win. Fed. V-SHOK 55 Nosler Ballistic Tip 3850 -32.4 32
243 Win. Win. Supreme 55 Ballistic Silvertip 3910 -31.2 31
243 Win. Hornady Varmint 58 V-MAX w/Moly 3750 -37.2 37
243 Win. Fed. V-SHOK 70 Nosler Ballistic Tip 3450 -40.0 40
243 Win. Hornady Custom 75 HP 3340 -44.4 44
243 Win. Rem. AccuTip 75 AccuTip-V Boat Tail 3375 -40.5 40
243 Win. Rem. Copper Solid 80 Copper Solid Tipped 3350 -43.6 44
243 Win. Rem. Power-Lokt 80 Power-Lokt HP 3350 -48.6 49
243 Win. Rem. Rifle 80 PSP 3350 -48.6 49
243 Win. Fed. POWER-SHOK 80 Soft Point 3330 -39.8 40
243 Win. Win. Super-X 80 Pointed Soft Point 3350 -48.6 49
243 Win. Hornady LM 85 InterBond 3175 -43.0 43
243 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 85 Barnes TSX 3200 -46.3 46
243 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 85 Sierra GameKing BTHP 3300 -44.0 44
243 Win. Rem. Scirocco 90 Swift Scirocco Bonded 3120 -45.2 45
243 Win. Hornady Custom 95 SST InterLock 2950 -54.1 54
243 Win. Hornady LM 95 SST Interlock 3100 -48.0 48
243 Win. Rem. AccuTip 95 AccuTip 3120 -47.2 47
243 Win. Fusion 95 Fusion 2980 -51.3 51
243 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 95 Nosler Ballistic Tip 3025 -49.7 50
243 Win. Win. Supreme 95 Ballistic Silvertip 3100 -45.4 45
243 Win. Win. Supreme 95 XP3 3100 -44.8 45
243 Win. Hornady Custom 100 BTSP InterLock 2960 -50.4 50
243 Win. Hornady LM 100 BTSP InterLock 3100 -45.1 45
243 Win. Rem. Core-Lokt 100 Core-Lokt PSP 2960 -53.6 54
243 Win. Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 100 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 2960 -52.4 52
243 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 100 Nosler Partition 2850 -56.7 57
243 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 100 Sierra GameKing BTSP 2960 -49.3 49
243 Win. Fed. POWER-SHOK 100 Soft Point 2960 -53.2 53
243 Win. Win. Super-X 100 Power-Point 2960 -53.6 54
243 WSSM Win. Supreme 55 Ballistic Silvertip 4060 -28.4 28
243 WSSM Win. Supreme 95 Ballistic Silvertip 3150 -43.6 44
243 WSSM Win. Supreme 95 XP3 3150 -43.1 43
243 WSSM Win. Super-X 100 Power-Point 3110 -47.5 48
6mm Rem. Fed. POWER-SHOK 80 Soft Point 3400 -37.6 38
6mm Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 85 Barnes TSX 3350 -41.4 41
6mm Rem. Hornady Custom 95 SST InterLock 3100 -48.0 48
6mm Rem. Hornady Custom 100 BTSP Interlock 3100 -45.1 45
6mm Rem. Hornady LM 100 BTSP InterLock 3250 -40.2 40
6mm Rem. Rem. Core-Lokt 100 Core-Lokt PSP 3100 -47.9 48
6mm Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 100 Nosler Partition 3100 -46.0 46
6mm Rem. Fed. POWER-SHOK 100 Soft Point 3100 -47.8 48
6mm Rem. Win. Super-X 100 Power-Point 3100 -47.9 48
25 WSSM Win. Supreme 85 Ballistic Silvertip 3470 -37.6 38
25 WSSM Win. Supreme 110 AccuBond CT 3100 -44.4 44
25 WSSM Win. Supreme 115 Ballistic Silvertip 3060 -44.8 45
25 WSSM Win. Super-X 120 Positive Exp. Point 2990 -53.3 53
25-06 Rem. Fed. V-SHOK 85 Nosler Ballistic Tip 3550 -35.5 35
25-06 Rem. Win. Supreme 85 Ballistic Silvertip 3470 -37.6 38
25-06 Rem. Win. Super-X 90 Positive Exp. Point 3440 -45.0 45
25-06 Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 100 Barnes TSX 3210 -41.1 41
25-06 Rem. Rem. Core-Lokt 100 Core-Lokt PSP 3230 -48.5 48
25-06 Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 100 Nosler Ballistic Tip 3220 -41.4 41
25-06 Rem. Win. Supreme 110 AccuBond CT 3100 -44.4 44
25-06 Rem. Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 115 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 3000 -50.3 50
25-06 Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 115 Nosler Partition 3030 -48.0 48
“100 Zero, Drop
500 Yard Number.
Cartridge Brand Wt Bullet Adv Vel Drop” Ballistic Table
17 Rem. Rem. AccuTip 20 AccuTip-V 4250 -35.5 36
17 Rem. Rem. Rifle 25 HP 4040 -40.0 40
17 Rem. Fireball Rem. AccuTip 20 AccuTip-V 4000 -41.5 42
17 Rem. Fireball Rem. UMC 25 UMC Jacketed HP 3850 -43.7 44
204 Ruger Rem. AccuTip 32 AccuTip-V 4225 -31.8 32
204 Ruger Win. Supreme 32 Ballistic Silvertip 4050 -36.0 36
204 Ruger Fed. V-SHOK 32 Nosler Ballistic Tip 4030 -36.2 36
204 Ruger Hornady Varmint 32 V-MAX 4225 -31.8 32
204 Ruger Win. Super-X 34 Hollow Point 4025 -46.1 46
204 Ruger Fed. V-SHOK 39 Sierra BlitzKing 3750 -34.0 34
204 Ruger Rem. AccuTip 40 AccuTip-V Boat Tail 3900 -31.5 32
204 Ruger Hornady Varmint 40 V-MAX 3900 -31.5 32
204 Ruger Hornady Varmint 45 SP 3625 -41.1 41
220 Swift Fed. V-SHOK 40 Nosler Ballistic Tip 4250 -30.1 30
220 Swift Hornady Varmint 40 V-MAX w/Moly 4200 -33.8 34
220 Swift Win. Super-X 50 Pointed Soft Point 3870 -41.6 42
220 Swift Rem. Rifle 50 PSP 3780 -51.2 51
220 Swift Hornady Varmint 50 V-MAX w/Moly 3850 -35.7 36
220 Swift Fed. V-SHOK 52 Sierra MatchKing BTHP 3830 -38.5 38
220 Swift Hornady Varmint 55 V-MAX 3680 -38.4 38
220 Swift Hornady Varmint 55 V-MAX w/Moly 3680 -38.4 38
220 Swift Hornady Custom 60 HP 3600 -39.6 40
222 Rem. Hornady Varmint 40 V-MAX 3600 -50.1 50
222 Rem. Fed. V-SHOK 40 Nosler Ballistic Tip 3450 -50.3 50
222 Rem. Hornady Varmint 50 V-MAX w/Moly 3140 -59.5 60
222 Rem. Rem. AccuTip 50 AccuTip-V Boat Tail 3140 -59.5 60
222 Rem. Fed. POWER-SHOK 50 Soft Point 3140 -63.8 64
22-250 Rem. Hornady Varmint 40 V-MAX 4150 -34.8 35
22-250 Rem. Hornady Varmint 40 V-MAX w/Moly 4150 -34.8 35
22-250 Rem. Fed. V-SHOK 43 Speer TNT Green 4000 -53.6 54
22-250 Rem. Rem. Varmint 45 Iron-Tin Core HP 4000 -49.1 49
22-250 Rem. Rem. UMC 45 UMC Jacketed HP 4000 -44.8 45
22-250 Rem. Hornady Varmint 50 V-MAX 3800 -36.9 37
22-250 Rem. Hornady Varmint 50 V-MAX w/Moly 3800 -36.9 37
22-250 Rem. Rem. AccuTip 50 AccuTip-V Boat Tail 3800 -36.9 37
22-250 Rem. Rem. UMC 50 UMC Jacketed HP 3820 -44.9 45
22-250 Rem. Win. Supreme 50 Ballistic Silvertip 3810 -37.1 37
22-250 Rem. Hornady Varmint 55 V-MAX 3680 -38.4 38
22-250 Rem. Hornady Varmint 55 V-MAX w/Moly 3680 -38.4 38
22-250 Rem. Rem. Rifle 55 PSP 3680 -48.1 48
22-250 Rem. Fed. V-SHOK 55 Sierra BlitzKing 3625 -38.0 38
22-250 Rem. Fed. V-SHOK 55 Sierra GameKing BTHP 3650 -39.7 40
22-250 Rem. Fed. POWER-SHOK 55 Soft Point 3650 -43.5 43
22-250 Rem. Win. Supreme 55 Ballistic Silvertip 3680 -37.2 37
22-250 Rem. Win. Super-X 55 Pointed Soft Point 3680 -48.1 48
22-250 Rem. Hornady Custom 60 SP 3530 -41.6 42
22-250 Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 60 Nosler Partition 3500 -48.1 48
22-250 Rem. Win. Super-X 64 Power-Point 3500 -44.1 44
223 Rem. Hornady Varmint 40 V-MAX 3800 -43.6 44
223 Rem. Hornady Varmint 40 V-MAX w/Moly 3800 -43.6 44
223 Rem. Fed. V-SHOK 40 Nosler Ballistic Tip 3700 -42.3 42
223 Rem. Rem. UMC 45 UMC Jacketed HP 3550 -61.0 61
223 Rem. Rem. AccuTip 50 AccuTip-V Boat Tail 3410 -48.4 48
223 Rem. Fed. Am Eagle 50 JHP 3325 -59.8 60
223 Rem. Fed. Am Eagle 50 JHP 3325 -59.8 60
223 Rem. Rem. UMC 50 UMC Jacketed HP 3425 -59.3 59
223 Rem. Win. Supreme 50 Ballistic Silvertip 3410 -49.0 49
223 Rem. Hornady Match 53 HP W/C 3330 -56.2 56
223 Rem. Win. Super-X 53 Hollow Point 3330 -55.0 55
223 Rem. Hornady Tactical 55 TAP-FPD 3240 -52.8 53
223 Rem. Hornady Varmint 55 V-MAX 3240 -52.8 53
223 Rem. Hornady Varmint 55 V-MAX w/Moly 3240 -52.8 53
223 Rem. Rem. AccuTip 55 AccuTip-V 3240 -52.8 53
223 Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 55 Barnes TSX 3200 -62.9 63
223 Rem. Fed. Am Eagle 55 FMJ-BT 3240 -51.2 51
223 Rem. Fed. POWER-SHOK 55 FMJ-BT 3240 -51.2 51
223 Rem. Rem. Rifle 55 Metal Case 3240 -64.8 65
223 Rem. Fed. V-SHOK 55 Nosler Ballistic Tip 3240 -51.2 51
223 Rem. Rem. Power-Lokt 55 Power-Lokt HP 3240 -62.6 63
223 Rem. Rem. Rifle 55 PSP 3240 -66.5 66
223 Rem. Fed. V-SHOK 55 Sierra GameKing BTHP 3240 -53.3 53
223 Rem. Fed. POWER-SHOK 55 Soft Point 3240 -59.2 59
223 Rem. Rem. UMC 55 UMC Metal Case 3240 -64.8 65
223 Rem. Win. Supreme 55 Ballistic Silvertip 3240 -51.1 51
“100 Zero, Drop
500 Yard Number.
Cartridge Brand Wt Bullet Adv Vel Drop” Ballistic Table
25-06 Rem. Win. Supreme 115 Ballistic Silvertip 3060 -44.8 45
25-06 Rem. Hornady Custom 117 BTSP InterLock 2990 -49.9 50
25-06 Rem. Hornady LM 117 BTSP InterLock 3110 -45.4 45
25-06 Rem. Hornady Custom 117 SST InterLock 2990 -50.0 50
25-06 Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 117 Sierra GameKing BTSP 3030 -47.1 47
25-06 Rem. Fed. POWER-SHOK 117 Speer Hot-Cor SP 3030 -50.0 50
25-06 Rem. Rem. Core-Lokt 120 Core-Lokt PSP 2990 -51.9 52
25-06 Rem. Fusion 120 Fusion 2980 -46.6 47
25-06 Rem. Win. Super-X 120 Positive Exp. Point 2990 -53.3 53
257 Roberts Hornady Custom 117 BTSP InterLock 2780 -59.5 59
257 Roberts Hornady LM 117 SST InterLock 2940 -52.1 52
257 Roberts +P Fed. VITAL-SHOK 120 Nosler Partition 2800 -58.3 58
260 Rem. Rem. AccuTip 120 AccuTip Boat Tail 2890 -49.9 50
260 Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 120 Barnes TSX 2930 -52.6 53
260 Rem. Fusion 120 Fusion 2950 -51.7 52
260 Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 120 Nosler Ballistic Tip 2950 -49.7 50
260 Rem. Rem. Core-Lokt 140 Core-Lokt PSP 2750 -58.3 58
260 Rem. Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 140 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 2750 -57.2 57
260 Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 140 Sierra GameKing BTSP 2700 -61.7 62
264 Win. Mag. Rem. Core-Lokt 140 Core-Lokt PSP 3030 -48.8 49
264 Win. Mag. Win. Super-X 140 Power-Point 3030 -48.8 49
270 Wby Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 130 Barnes TTSX 3200 -40.7 41
270 Wby Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 130 Trophy Bonded Tip 3200 -40.7 41
270 Win. Rem. Rifle 100 PSP 3320 -50.1 50
270 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 110 Barnes Tipped TSX 3400 -36.9 37
270 Win. Hornady Custom 130 GMX 3060 -44.2 44
270 Win. Hornady Custom 130 InterBond 3060 -44.2 44
270 Win. Hornady LM 130 InterBond 3215 -39.3 39
270 Win. Hornady Custom 130 SP InterLock 3060 -46.4 46
270 Win. Hornady Custom 130 SST InterLock 3060 -44.2 44
270 Win. Rem. AccuTip 130 AccuTip Boat Tail 3060 -44.7 45
270 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 130 Barnes TSX 3060 -45.1 45
270 Win. Rem. Bronze Pt 130 Bronze Point 3060 -48.4 48
270 Win. Rem. Copper Solid 130 Copper Solid Tipped 3060 -45.4 45
270 Win. Rem. Core-Lokt 130 Core-Lokt PSP 3060 -51.0 51
270 Win. Fusion 130 Fusion 3050 -47.2 47
270 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 130 Nosler Ballistic Tip 3060 -45.1 45
270 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 130 Nosler Partition 3060 -45.9 46
270 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 130 Sierra GameKing BTSP 3060 -45.1 45
270 Win. Fed. POWER-SHOK 130 Soft Point 3060 -48.6 49
270 Win. Rem. Scirocco 130 Swift Scirocco Bonded 3060 -45.3 45
270 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 130 Trophy Bonded Tip 3060 -45.1 45
270 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 130 Trophy Bonded Tip 3200 -40.7 41
270 Win. Win. Supreme 130 Ballistic Silvertip 3050 -45.6 46
270 Win. Win. Supreme 130 E-Tip 3050 -44.6 45
270 Win. Win. Super-X 130 Power-Point 3060 -48.4 48
270 Win. Win. Super-X 130 Silvertip 3060 -51.0 51
270 Win. Win. Supreme 130 XP3 3050 -45.5 46
270 Win. Hornady Custom 140 BTSP InterLock 2940 -47.7 48
270 Win. Hornady LM 140 BTSP InterLock 3100 -42.0 42
270 Win. Hornady Custom 140 SST InterLock 2940 -47.4 47
270 Win. Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 140 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 2925 -54.9 55
270 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 140 Nosler AccuBond 2950 -47.0 47
270 Win. Rem. A-Frame 140 Swift A-Frame PSP 2925 -56.6 57
270 Win. Win. Supreme 140 AccuBond CT 2950 -47.8 48
270 Win. Hornady Custom 150 SP InterLock 2840 -52.7 53
270 Win. Fusion 150 Fusion 2850 -51.4 51
270 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 150 Nosler Partition 2830 -53.4 53
270 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 150 Sierra GameKing BTSP 2830 -52.4 52
270 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 150 Trophy Bonded Tip 2830 -52.4 52
270 Win. Win. Super-X 150 Power-Point 2850 -59.8 60
270 Win. Win. Supreme 150 XP3 2950 -46.8 47
270 WSM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 110 Barnes TTSX 3500 -34.5 35
270 WSM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 130 Barnes TTSX 3280 -38.0 38
270 WSM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 130 Nosler Ballistic Tip 3300 -37.4 37
270 WSM Fed. POWER-SHOK 130 Soft Point 3250 -41.9 42
270 WSM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 130 Trophy Bonded Tip 3280 -38.0 38
270 WSM Win. Supreme 130 Ballistic Silvertip 3275 -38.4 38
270 WSM Rem. Core-Lokt 130 Core-Lokt Soft Point 3285 -42.8 43
270 WSM Win. Supreme 130 E-Tip 3275 -37.5 38
270 WSM Win. Supreme 130 XP3 3275 -38.3 38
270 WSM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 140 Nosler AccuBond 3200 -38.6 39
270 WSM Win. Supreme 140 AccuBond CT 3200 -39.3 39
270 WSM Fusion 150 Fusion 3080 -42.0 42
“100 Zero, Drop
500 Yard Number.
Cartridge Brand Wt Bullet Adv Vel Drop” Ballistic Table
270 WSM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 150 Nosler Partition 3100 -42.8 43
270 WSM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 150 Trophy Bonded Tip 3100 -42.8 43
270 WSM Win. Supreme 150 Ballistic Silvertip 3120 -41.1 41
270 WSM Win. Super-X 150 Power-Point 3150 -46.9 47
270 WSM Win. Supreme 150 XP3 3120 -40.9 41
280 Rem. Hornady Custom 139 SST 3000 -45.5 45
280 Rem. Hornady LM 139 SST Moly LM Interlock 3110 -41.7 42
280 Rem. Rem. AccuTip 140 AccuTip 3000 -45.5 45
280 Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 140 Barnes TSX 2960 -51.2 51
280 Rem. Rem. Core-Lokt 140 Core-Lokt PSP 3000 -49.7 50
280 Rem. Fusion 140 Fusion 2990 -46.2 46
280 Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 140 Nosler Ballistic Tip 2990 -46.2 46
280 Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 140 Trophy Bonded Tip 2950 -49.7 50
280 Rem. Win. Supreme 140 Ballistic Silvertip 3040 -44.1 44
280 Rem. Rem. Core-Lokt 150 Core-Lokt PSP 2890 -57.7 58
280 Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 150 Nosler Partition 2890 -50.5 51
280 Rem. Fed. POWER-SHOK 150 Soft Point 2890 -52.5 53
280 Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 160 Trophy Bonded Tip 2800 -51.8 52
284 Win. Win. Super-X 150 Power-Point 2860 -57.6 58
7mm Rem. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 110 Barnes TTSX 3500 -35.7 36
7mm Rem. Mag Hornady Custom 139 BTSP InterLock 3150 -41.5 41
7mm Rem. Mag Hornady Custom 139 GMX 3150 -40.4 40
7mm Rem. Mag Hornady Custom 139 InterBond 3150 -40.4 40
7mm Rem. Mag Hornady HM 139 InterBond HM w/Moly 3250 -37.5 37
7mm Rem. Mag Hornady HM 139 SST Moly HM InterLock 3250 -37.5 37
7mm Rem. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 140 Barnes TSX 3120 -45.2 45
7mm Rem. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 140 Nosler AccuBond 3110 -41.6 42
7mm Rem. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 140 Nosler Partition 3150 -42.4 42
7mm Rem. Mag Rem. AccuTip 140 AccuTip Boat Tail 3175 -39.7 40
7mm Rem. Mag Rem. Copper Solid 140 Copper Solid Tipped 3175 -40.2 40
7mm Rem. Mag Rem. Core-Lokt 140 Core-Lokt PSP 3175 -43.3 43
7mm Rem. Mag Rem. Core-Lokt 140 Core-Lokt PSP 2710 -63.5 64
7mm Rem. Mag Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 140 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 3175 -42.4 42
7mm Rem. Mag Win. Supreme 140 AccuBond CT 3180 -40.3 40
7mm Rem. Mag Win. Supreme 140 Ballistic Silvertip 3110 -42.5 43
7mm Rem. Mag Win. Supreme 140 E-Tip 3100 -41.7 42
7mm Rem. Mag Fusion 150 Fusion 3050 -43.0 43
7mm Rem. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 150 Nosler Ballistic Tip 3025 -44.4 44
7mm Rem. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 150 Sierra GameKing BTSP 3110 -43.2 43
7mm Rem. Mag Fed. POWER-SHOK 150 Soft Point 3110 -47.3 47
7mm Rem. Mag Rem. AccuTip 150 AccuTip Boat Tail 3110 -40.5 41
7mm Rem. Mag Rem. Core-Lokt 150 Core-Lokt PSP 3110 -48.2 48
7mm Rem. Mag Rem. Scirocco 150 Swift Scirocco Bonded 3110 -40.4 40
7mm Rem. Mag Win. Supreme 150 Ballistic Silvertip 3100 -41.8 42
7mm Rem. Mag Win. Super-X 150 Power-Point 3090 -47.2 47
7mm Rem. Mag Hornady Custom 154 InterBond 3035 -42.9 43
7mm Rem. Mag Hornady Custom 154 SP InterLock 3035 -46.2 46
7mm Rem. Mag Hornady Custom 154 SST InterLock 3035 -43.1 43
7mm Rem. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 160 Barnes TSX 2940 -46.5 47
7mm Rem. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 160 Nosler AccuBond 2900 -47.3 47
7mm Rem. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 160 Nosler Partition 2950 -47.9 48
7mm Rem. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 160 Trophy Bonded Tip 2900 -48.2 48
7mm Rem. Mag Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 160 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 2950 -50.3 50
7mm Rem. Mag Win. Supreme 160 AccuBond CT 2950 -46.5 46
7mm Rem. Mag Win. Supreme 160 XP3 2950 -46.5 46
7mm Rem. Mag Hornady Custom 162 BTSP InterLock 2940 -46.8 47
7mm Rem. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 165 Sierra GameKing BTSP 2950 -47.9 48
7mm Rem. Mag Fusion 175 Fusion 2760 -53.8 54
7mm Rem. Mag Fed. POWER-SHOK 175 Soft Point 2860 -53.0 53
7mm Rem. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 175 Trophy Bear Claw 2750 -60.0 60
7mm Rem. Mag Rem. Core-Lokt 175 Core-Lokt PSP 2860 -53.6 54
7mm Rem. Mag Win. Super-X 175 Power-Point 2860 -53.6 54
7mm Rem. SAUM Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 140 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 3175 -42.4 42
7mm Rem. SAUM Rem. Core-Lokt 150 Core-Lokt PSP 3110 -48.2 48
7mm Rem. SAUM Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 160 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 2960 -50.0 50
7mm Rem. UM Rem. Scirocco 150 Swift Scirocco Bonded 3325 -34.4 34
7mm Rem. UM Rem. A-Frame 175 Swift A-Frame PSP 3025 -44.4 44
7mm Rem.UM PL-I Rem. Core-Lokt 140 Core-Lokt PSP 3000 -48.6 49
7mm Rem.UM PL-II Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 160 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 2950 -50.4 50
7mm Rem.UM PL-III Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 140 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 3425 -35.2 35
7mm STW Fed. VITAL-SHOK 160 Nosler AccuBond 3100 -40.5 41
7mm Wby Mag Hornady Custom 154 InterBond 3200 -37.8 38
7mm Wby Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 160 Trophy Bonded Tip 3100 -41.3 41
7mm WSM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 140 Nosler Ballistic Tip 3310 -35.8 36
“100 Zero, Drop
500 Yard Number.
Cartridge Brand Wt Bullet Adv Vel Drop” Ballistic Table
7mm WSM Win. Supreme 140 AccuBond CT 3225 -38.9 39
7mm WSM Win. Supreme 140 Ballistic Silvertip 3225 -38.9 39
7mm WSM Win. Supreme 140 E-Tip 3150 -40.1 40
7mm WSM Fusion 150 Fusion 3100 -41.3 41
7mm WSM Fed. POWER-SHOK 150 Soft Point 3100 -47.8 48
7mm WSM Win. Super-X 150 Power-Point 3200 -45.0 45
7mm WSM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 160 Barnes TSX 2990 -45.4 45
7mm WSM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 160 Trophy Bonded Tip 3000 -44.1 44
7mm WSM Win. Supreme 160 AccuBond CT 3050 -42.9 43
7mm WSM Win. Supreme 160 XP3 3050 -42.9 43
7mm-08 Rem. Rem. Rifle 120 HP 3000 -52.9 53
7mm-08 Rem. Hornady LM 139 SP InterLock 3000 -49.5 49
7mm-08 Rem. Hornady Custom 139 SST InterLock 2840 -51.8 52
7mm-08 Rem. Hornady LM 139 SST InterLock 3000 -45.5 45
7mm-08 Rem. Rem. AccuTip 140 AccuTip Boat Tail 2860 -51.0 51
7mm-08 Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 140 Barnes TSX 2820 -57.2 57
7mm-08 Rem. Rem. Core-Lokt 140 Core-Lokt PSP 2860 -55.7 56
7mm-08 Rem. Fusion 140 Fusion 2850 -55.6 56
7mm-08 Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 140 Nosler Ballistic Tip 2800 -53.9 54
7mm-08 Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 140 Nosler Partition 2800 -56.0 56
7mm-08 Rem. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 140 Trophy Bonded Tip 2800 -56.0 56
7mm-08 Rem. Win. Supreme 140 Ballistic Silvertip 2770 -56.4 56
7mm-08 Rem. Win. Super-X 140 Power-Point 2800 -60.9 61
7mm-08 Rem. Fed. POWER-SHOK 150 Speer Hot-Cor SP 2650 -64.8 65
30 Rem. AR Rem. AccuTip 125 AccuTip Boat Tail 2800 -63.3 63
300 H&H Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Barnes TSX 2880 -51.0 51
300 H&H Mag Hornady Custom 180 InterBond 2870 -50.7 51
300 H&H Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Nosler Partition 2880 -57.4 57
300 H&H Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Trophy Bonded Tip 2880 -49.1 49
300 RCM Hornady Custom 150 GMX 3200 -41.6 42
300 RCM Hornady Custom 150 SST 3300 -38.3 38
300 RCM Hornady Custom 165 SST 3140 -42.0 42
300 RCM Hornady Custom 180 SST 3000 -45.6 46
300 Rem. SAUM Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 150 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 3200 -46.1 46
300 Rem. SAUM Rem. Core-Lokt 165 Core-Lokt PSP 3075 -50.1 50
300 Rem. SAUM Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 180 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 2960 -50.6 51
300 Rem. SAUM Rem. Match 190 MatchKing BTHP 2900 -47.8 48
300 Rem. UM Rem. Core-Lokt 150 Core-Lokt PSP 2815 -64.9 65
300 Rem. UM Rem. Scirocco 150 Swift Scirocco Bonded 3450 -33.7 34
300 Rem. UM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Barnes TSX 3150 -41.7 42
300 Rem. UM Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 180 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 3250 -41.3 41
300 Rem. UM Rem. Scirocco 180 Swift Scirocco Bonded 3250 -37.1 37
300 Rem. UM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Trophy Bonded Tip 3200 -38.6 39
300 Rem. UM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 200 Nosler Partition 3070 -43.1 43
300 Rem.UM Rem. A-Frame 200 Swift A-Frame PSP 3032 -48.1 48
300 Rem.UM PL-I Rem. AccuTip 150 AccuTip Boat Tail 2910 -52.0 52
300 Rem.UM PL-I Rem. Core-Lokt 150 Core-Lokt PSP 2910 -59.9 60
300 Rem.UM PL-II Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 180 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 2980 -50.2 50
300 Rem.UM PL-II Rem. Scirocco 180 Swift Scirocco Bonded 2980 -45.5 46
300 Wby. Mag. Hornady Custom 150 InterBond 3375 -36.3 36
300 Wby. Mag. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Barnes TSX 3110 -42.4 42
300 Wby. Mag. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Nosler Partition 3080 -42.7 43
300 Wby. Mag. Hornady Custom 180 SP InterLock 3120 -43.5 43
300 Wby. Mag. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Trophy Bonded Tip 3100 -41.3 41
300 Wby. Mag. Rem. Core-Lokt 180 Core-Lokt PSP 3120 -45.5 46
300 Win. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 130 Barnes TTSX 3500 -35.7 36
300 Win. Mag Hornady Custom 150 BTSP InterLock 3275 -42.3 42
300 Win. Mag Rem. Copper Solid 150 Copper Solid Tipped 3290 -39.2 39
300 Win. Mag Rem. Core-Lokt 150 Core-Lokt PSP 3290 -46.1 46
300 Win. Mag Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 150 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 3290 -44.6 45
300 Win. Mag Hornady Custom 150 GMX 3275 -39.1 39
300 Win. Mag Hornady Custom 150 InterBond 3275 -39.1 39
300 Win. Mag Hornady Custom 150 SST InterLock. 3275 -39.1 39
300 Win. Mag Fusion 150 Fusion 3200 -41.4 41
300 Win. Mag Fed. POWER-SHOK 150 Speer Hot-Cor SP 3150 -44.0 44
300 Win. Mag Win. Supreme 150 E-Tip 3260 -37.7 38
300 Win. Mag Win. Super-X 150 Power-Point 3290 -46.1 46
300 Win. Mag Win. Supreme 150 XP3 3260 -38.7 39
300 Win. Mag Hornady Custom 165 BTSP Interlock 3100 -43.8 44
300 Win. Mag Hornady Custom 165 InterBond 3100 -43.3 43
300 Win. Mag Hornady Custom 165 SST InterLock 3100 -43.3 43
300 Win. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 165 Barnes TSX 3050 -48.1 48
300 Win. Mag Fusion 165 Fusion 3080 -43.5 44
300 Win. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 165 Nosler Partition 3050 -46.4 46
“100 Zero, Drop
500 Yard Number.
Cartridge Brand Wt Bullet Adv Vel Drop” Ballistic Table
300 Win. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 165 Trophy Bonded Tip 3050 -44.7 45
300 Win. Mag Rem. AccuTip 180 AccuTip Boat Tail 2960 -47.1 47
300 Win. Mag Rem. Core-Lokt 180 Core-Lokt PSP 2960 -51.7 52
300 Win. Mag Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 180 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 2960 -50.6 51
300 Win. Mag Hornady HM 180 SP HM InterLock 3100 -44.2 44
300 Win. Mag Hornady Custom 180 SP InterLock 2960 -49.4 49
300 Win. Mag Hornady Custom 180 SST InterLock 2960 -47.1 47
300 Win. Mag Rem. Scirocco 180 Swift Scirocco Bonded 2960 -46.3 46
300 Win. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Barnes MRX-Bullet 2960 -44.9 45
300 Win. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Barnes TSX 2960 -48.4 48
300 Win. Mag Fusion 180 Fusion 2960 -46.6 47
300 Win. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Nosler AccuBond 2960 -46.6 47
300 Win. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Nosler Partition 2960 -53.2 53
300 Win. Mag Fed. POWER-SHOK 180 Speer Hot-Cor SP 2960 -48.4 48
300 Win. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Trophy Bonded Tip 2960 -46.6 47
300 Win. Mag Win. Supreme 180 AccuBond CT 2950 -46.6 47
300 Win. Mag Win. Supreme 180 Ballistic Silvertip 2950 -46.6 47
300 Win. Mag Win. Supreme 180 E-Tip 2950 -46.2 46
300 Win. Mag Win. Super-X 180 Power-Point 2960 -48.8 49
300 Win. Mag Win. Supreme 180 XP3 3000 -44.2 44
300 Win. Mag Fed. GOLD MEDAL 190 Sierra MatchKing BTHP 2900 -47.3 47
300 Win. Mag Rem. A-Frame 200 Swift A-Frame PSP 2825 -57.1 57
300 Win. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 200 Trophy Bear Claw 2700 -63.0 63
300 WSM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 130 Barnes TTSX 3500 -35.7 36
300 WSM Fusion 150 Fusion 3250 -39.7 40
300 WSM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 150 Nosler Ballistic Tip 3250 -39.0 39
300 WSM Win. Supreme 150 Ballistic Silvertip 3300 -38.0 38
300 WSM Rem. Core-Lokt 150 Core-Lokt PSP 3320 -45.1 45
300 WSM Win. Supreme 150 E-Tip 3300 -36.6 37
300 WSM Win. Super-X 150 Power-Point 3270 -46.8 47
300 WSM Win. Supreme 150 XP3 3300 -37.6 38
300 WSM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 165 Barnes TSX 3130 -45.6 46
300 WSM Fusion 165 Fusion 3100 -42.8 43
300 WSM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 165 Nosler Partition 3120 -44.4 44
300 WSM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 165 Trophy Bonded Tip 3130 -42.4 42
300 WSM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Barnes MRX-Bullet 2980 -44.1 44
300 WSM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Barnes TSX 2980 -47.5 47
300 WSM Fusion 180 Fusion 2950 -47.0 47
300 WSM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Nosler AccuBond 2960 -46.6 47
300 WSM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Nosler Partition 2980 -46.6 47
300 WSM Fed. POWER-SHOK 180 Soft Point 2980 -50.3 50
300 WSM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Trophy Bonded Tip 2960 -46.6 47
300 WSM Win. Supreme 180 AccuBond CT 3010 -44.4 44
300 WSM Rem. AccuTip 180 AccuTip Boat Tail 3010 -45.3 45
300 WSM Win. Supreme 180 Ballistic Silvertip 3010 -44.5 44
300 WSM Win. Supreme 180 E-Tip 3010 -44.0 44
300 WSM Win. Super-X 180 Power-Point 2970 -48.4 48
300 WSM Rem. Scirocco 180 Swift Scirocco Bonded 2980 -45.5 46
300 WSM Win. Supreme 180 XP3 3010 -43.9 44
30-06 Accel Rem. Rifle 55 PSP 4080 -36.9 37
30-06 M1 Hornady Match 168 A-MAX Match 2710 -58.4 58
30-06 Sprg Fed. POWER-SHOK 125 Soft Point 3140 -55.1 55
30-06 Sprg Win. Super-X 125 Pointed Soft Point 3140 -55.1 55
30-06 Sprg Rem. Rifle 125 PSP 3140 -55.1 55
30-06 Sprg Hornady Custom 150 BTSP InterLock 2910 -56.4 56
30-06 Sprg Hornady Custom 150 GMX 2910 -51.9 52
30-06 Sprg Hornady Custom 150 InterBond 2910 -51.9 52
30-06 Sprg Hornady LM 150 InterBond LM 3100 -44.6 45
30-06 Sprg Hornady Custom 150 SP InterLock 2910 -57.3 57
30-06 Sprg Hornady LM 150 SP LM InterLock 3100 -49.1 49
30-06 Sprg Hornady Custom 150 SST InterLock 2910 -51.9 52
30-06 Sprg Hornady LM 150 SST LM InterLock 3100 -44.6 45
30-06 Sprg Fed. Am Eagle 150 FMJ 2740 -60.6 61
30-06 Sprg Fed. Am Eagle 150 FMJ-BT 2910 -52.6 53
30-06 Sprg Fusion 150 Fusion 2900 -53.1 53
30-06 Sprg Fed. VITAL-SHOK 150 Nosler Ballistic Tip 2910 -50.6 51
30-06 Sprg Fed. VITAL-SHOK 150 Sierra GameKing BTSP 2910 -53.6 54
30-06 Sprg Fed. POWER-SHOK 150 Soft Point 2910 -59.4 59
30-06 Sprg Rem. AccuTip 150 AccuTip Boat Tail 2910 -52.0 52
30-06 Sprg Win. Supreme 150 Ballistic Silvertip 2900 -51.4 51
30-06 Sprg Rem. Bronze Pt 150 Bronze Point 2910 -55.2 55
30-06 Sprg Rem. Copper Solid 150 Copper Solid Tipped 2910 -52.8 53
30-06 Sprg Rem. Core-Lokt 150 Core-Lokt PSP 2910 -59.9 60
30-06 Sprg Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 150 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 2910 -58.1 58
“100 Zero, Drop
500 Yard Number.
Cartridge Brand Wt Bullet Adv Vel Drop” Ballistic Table
30-06 Sprg Win. Supreme 150 E-Tip 2900 -49.9 50
30-06 Sprg Win. Super-X 150 Power-Point 2920 -61.9 62
30-06 Sprg Win. Super-X 150 Silvertip 2910 -59.9 60
30-06 Sprg Rem. Scirocco 150 Swift Scirocco Bonded 2910 -51.0 51
30-06 Sprg Rem. UMC 150 UMC Metal Case 2910 -59.9 60
30-06 Sprg Win. Supreme 150 XP3 2925 -50.3 50
30-06 Sprg Hornady Custom 165 BTSP InterLock 2800 -55.9 56
30-06 Sprg Hornady LM 165 BTSP LM InterLock 3015 -46.8 47
30-06 Sprg Hornady Custom 165 InterBond 2800 -55.2 55
30-06 Sprg Hornady LM 165 InterBond LM 3015 -46.3 46
30-06 Sprg Hornady Custom 165 SST InterLock 2800 -55.2 55
30-06 Sprg Hornady LM 165 SST LM InterLock 3015 -46.3 46
30-06 Sprg Fed. VITAL-SHOK 165 Barnes TSX 2800 -59.6 60
30-06 Sprg Fusion 165 Fusion 2790 -55.4 55
30-06 Sprg Fed. VITAL-SHOK 165 Nosler Ballistic Tip 2800 -53.9 54
30-06 Sprg Fed. VITAL-SHOK 165 Nosler Partition 2830 -55.6 56
30-06 Sprg Fed. VITAL-SHOK 165 Sierra GameKing BTSP 2800 -57.2 57
30-06 Sprg Fed. VITAL-SHOK 165 Trophy Bonded Tip 2800 -54.9 55
30-06 Sprg Rem. AccuTip 165 AccuTip Boat Tail 2800 -55.3 55
30-06 Sprg Rem. Core-Lokt 165 Core-Lokt PSP 2800 -62.9 63
30-06 Sprg Win. Super-X 165 Pointed Soft Point 2800 -62.7 63
30-06 Sprg Fed. GOLD MEDAL 168 Sierra MatchKing BTHP 2700 -59.2 59
30-06 Sprg Win. Supreme 168 Ballistic Silvertip 2790 -54.5 54
30-06 Sprg Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 168 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 2800 -61.3 61
30-06 Sprg Hornady LM 180 BTSP LM InterLock 2880 -51.4 51
30-06 Sprg Hornady Custom 180 SP InterLock 2700 -61.6 62
30-06 Sprg Hornady Custom 180 SST InterLock 2700 -58.6 59
30-06 Sprg Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Barnes MRX-Bullet 2700 -55.8 56
30-06 Sprg Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Barnes TSX 2700 -60.4 60
30-06 Sprg Fusion 180 Fusion 2700 -58.0 58
30-06 Sprg Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Nosler AccuBond 2700 -58.0 58
30-06 Sprg Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Nosler Partition 2700 -59.2 59
30-06 Sprg Fed. POWER-SHOK 180 Soft Point 2700 -64.3 64
30-06 Sprg Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Trophy Bonded Tip 2880 -49.1 49
30-06 Sprg Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Trophy Bonded Tip 2700 -58.0 58
30-06 Sprg Win. Supreme 180 AccuBond CT 2750 -55.0 55
30-06 Sprg Rem. AccuTip 180 AccuTip Boat Tail 2725 -57.4 57
30-06 Sprg Win. Supreme 180 Ballistic Silvertip 2750 -55.1 55
30-06 Sprg Rem. Bronze Pt 180 Bronze Point 2700 -62.4 62
30-06 Sprg Rem. Core-Lokt 180 Core-Lokt PSP 2700 -64.5 64
30-06 Sprg Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 180 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 2700 -63.1 63
30-06 Sprg Win. Supreme 180 E-Tip 2750 -54.5 55
30-06 Sprg Win. Super-X 180 Power-Point 2700 -64.6 65
30-06 Sprg Win. Super-X 180 Silvertip 2700 -64.5 64
30-06 Sprg Rem. A-Frame 180 Swift A-Frame PSP 2700 -65.0 65
30-06 Sprg Rem. Scirocco 180 Swift Scirocco Bonded 2700 -57.8 58
30-06 Sprg Win. Supreme 180 XP3 2750 -54.4 54
308 Win. Hornady Tactical 110 TAP-FPD 3165 -51.1 51
308 Win. Hornady Custom 150 BTSP InterLock 2820 -60.9 61
308 Win. Hornady Custom 150 GMX 2820 -56.0 56
308 Win. Hornady Custom 150 InterBond 2820 -56.0 56
308 Win. Hornady LM 150 SP LM InterLock 3000 -53.3 53
308 Win. Hornady Custom 150 SST InterLock 2820 -56.0 56
308 Win. Hornady LM 150 SST LM InterLock 3000 -48.2 48
308 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 150 Barnes TSX 2820 -59.7 60
308 Win. Rem. Copper Solid 150 Copper Solid Tipped 2820 -57.0 57
308 Win. Rem. Core-Lokt 150 Core-Lokt PSP 2820 -64.6 65
308 Win. Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 150 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 2820 -62.7 63
308 Win. Fed. Am Eagle 150 FMJ-BT 2820 -56.1 56
308 Win. Fusion 150 Fusion 2820 -56.1 56
308 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 150 Nosler Ballistic Tip 2820 -55.0 55
308 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 150 Nosler Partition 2840 -57.3 57
308 Win. Fed. POWER-SHOK 150 Soft Point 2820 -64.9 65
308 Win. Rem. Scirocco 150 Swift Scirocco Bonded 2820 -55.0 55
308 Win. Rem. UMC 150 UMC Metal Case 2820 -64.6 65
308 Win. Win. Supreme 150 Ballistic Silvertip 2810 -55.4 55
308 Win. Win. Supreme 150 E-Tip 2810 -53.8 54
308 Win. Win. Super-X 150 Power-Point 2820 -67.3 67
308 Win. Win. Supreme 150 XP3 2825 -54.6 55
308 Win. Hornady Tactical 155 TAP-FPD 2785 -56.6 57
308 Win. Hornady Match 155 A-MAX Match 2850 -53.5 54
308 Win. Hornady Custom 165 BTSP InterLock 2700 -60.9 61
308 Win. Hornady LM 165 BTSP LM InterLock 2880 -52.2 52
308 Win. Rem. AccuTip 165 AccuTip Boat Tail 2700 -60.3 60
“100 Zero, Drop
500 Yard Number.
Cartridge Brand Wt Bullet Adv Vel Drop” Ballistic Table
308 Win. Fusion 165 Fusion 2700 -60.4 60
308 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 165 Sierra GameKing BTSP 2700 -63.0 63
308 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 165 Trophy Bonded Tip 2880 -51.0 51
308 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 165 Trophy Bonded Tip 2700 -60.4 60
308 Win. Hornady Match 168 A-MAX Match 2700 -58.9 59
308 Win. Hornady Match 168 BTHP Match 2700 -60.1 60
308 Win. Hornady Match 168 BTHP Match w/Moly 2700 -60.1 60
308 Win. Hornady Tactical 168 TAP-FPD 2700 -58.9 59
308 Win. Rem. Match 168 MatchKing BTHP 2680 -59.9 60
308 Win. Fed. GOLD MEDAL 168 Sierra MatchKing BTHP 2650 -62.1 62
308 Win. Win. Supreme 168 Ballistic Silvertip 2670 -60.5 60
308 Win. Win. Supreme 168 Sierra MatchKing BTHP 2680 -61.0 61
308 Win. Rem. Match 175 MatchKing BTHP 2609 -62.8 63
308 Win. Fed. GOLD MEDAL 175 Sierra MatchKing BTHP 2600 -62.6 63
308 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Barnes MRX 2600 -61.4 61
308 Win. Fusion 180 Fusion 2600 -62.6 63
308 Win. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Trophy Bonded Tip 2620 -61.4 61
30TC Hornady Custom 150 SST InterLock 3000 -48.2 48
30TC Hornady Custom 165 SST InterLock 2850 -53.1 53
7.62x51mm Fed. Am Eagle 168 Open Tip Match 2650 -62.1 62
325 WSM Win. Supreme 180 Ballistic Silvertip 3060 -45.0 45
325 WSM Win. Supreme 200 AccuBond CT 2950 -47.7 48
325 WSM Win. Supreme 200 XP3 2950 -46.9 47
325 WSM Win. Super-X 220 Power-Point 2840 -56.8 57
338 Fed. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Nosler AccuBond 2830 -57.8 58
338 Fed. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 185 Barnes TSX 2750 -63.9 64
338 Fed. Fusion 200 Fusion 2660 -64.1 64
338 Fed. Fed. POWER-SHOK 200 Speer Uni-Cor Soft Point 2700 -63.0 63
338 Fed. Fed. VITAL-SHOK 200 Trophy Bonded Tip 2630 -64.7 65
338 Lapua Hornady LE 250 BTHP 2900 -44.8 45
338 Lapua Mag Rem. Rifle 250 Scenar 2960 -42.6 43
338 RCM Hornady Custom 200 SST 2950 -48.4 48
338 RCM Hornady Custom 225 SST 2775 -53.7 54
338 Rem. UM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 210 Nosler Partition 3050 -47.2 47
338 Rem. UM Fed. VITAL-SHOK 225 Nosler AccuBond 3020 -42.6 43
338 Rem. UM Rem. Core-Lokt 250 Core-Lokt PSP 2860 -53.4 53
338 Rem. UM Rem. A-Frame 250 Swift A-Frame PSP 2860 -53.6 54
338 Win. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 180 Nosler AccuBond 3120 -46.0 46
338 Win. Mag Win. Supreme 200 Ballistic Silvertip 2950 -50.4 50
338 Win. Mag Win. Super-X 200 Power-Point 2960 -58.1 58
338 Win. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 210 Nosler Partition 2830 -56.7 57
338 Win. Mag Hornady HM 225 SP-RP HM InterLock 2950 -51.3 51
338 Win. Mag Hornady Custom 225 SST 2785 -56.8 57
338 Win. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 225 Barnes TSX 2800 -58.3 58
338 Win. Mag Fusion 225 Fusion 2850 -48.6 49
338 Win. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 225 Nosler AccuBond 2800 -51.8 52
338 Win. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 225 Trophy Bear Claw 2730 -63.8 64
338 Win. Mag Rem. Core-Lokt 225 Core-Lokt PSP 2780 -56.9 57
338 Win. Mag Rem. Core-Lokt Ultra 225 Core-Lokt Ultra Bond 2780 -55.8 56
338 Win. Mag Rem. A-Frame 225 Swift A-Frame PSP 2785 -63.9 64
338 Win. Mag Win. Supreme 225 AccuBond CT 2800 -51.5 51
338 Win. Mag Fed. VITAL-SHOK 250 Nosler Partition 2660 -61.5 62
338 Win. Mag Rem. Core-Lokt 250 Core-Lokt PSP 2660 -63.4 63
370 Sako Mag Fed. CAPE-SHOK 286 Barnes TSX 2550 -67.1 67
370 Sako Mag Fed. CAPE-SHOK 286 Nosler Partition 2550 -67.1 67
375 H&H Fed. VITAL-SHOK 260 Nosler AccuBond 2700 -59.2 59
375 H&H Hornady DG 270 SP-RP 2700 -66.0 66
375 H&H Hornady DG 270 SP-RP HM InterLock 2870 -55.9 56
375 Rem. UM Rem. Rifle 270 Soft Point 2900 -67.2 67
375 Rem. UM Rem. A-Frame 300 Swift A-Frame PSP 2760 -64.0 64
375 Ruger Hornady DG 270 SP-RP 2840 -57.3 57
50 BMG Hornady Match 750 A-MAX 2815 -44.0 44
Data courtesy of Exbal Ballistics
As with any electronic device, it is always a good idea to remove the battery when storing
for a long period of time. During storage or transportation, be sure that the Main Switch on
the Eliminator and the button on the Remote Transmitter are not inadvertently depressed
thereby running the battery down when not in use.
Scope Use, Service, & Care
Your Burris scope will provide a lifetime of service if given the reasonable care and treatment
it deserves. The only maintenance required is occasional cleaning of the outside of the scope
and the exterior lenses.
All moving assemblies are permanently lubricated. Use lens covers to protect the scope
from dirt, dust, lint, and moisture. The adjustment system is waterproof even without the
turret caps in place, but keep these caps tight to keep dust and dirt out of the mechanical
system. Before cleaning the lenses, brush them with a photographer’s brush or blow them
clean, ideally with “canned air”. This removes large particles which can scratch the surface
if wiped under pressure. Never disassemble your scope. Disassembly by anyone other than
our factory will void the warranty.
Burris Warranty
If your LaserScope’s optics or mechanical systems are ever found to have defects in
materials or workmanship, Burris will, at our option, repair or replace it at no charge. The
ranging system and electronics are warranted for 3 years from the date of purchase. If a
repair is needed, send the product to Burris Company, 331 East 8th Street, Greeley,
Colorado, 80631.
Shipping charges to Burris must be prepaid by the owner. Insure the shipment. Burris can’t be
responsible for your product until we receive it. There are no other warranties, either expressed
or implied, contained herein except for such that may arise under certain state laws. In that
event, said implied warranties are limited in scope and duration to the terms of this
warranty. Burris is not liable for incidental or consequential damages including but not limited
to lost profits or other economic or commercial losses. This warranty gives the owner
certain legal rights, and possibly other rights which may vary from state to state. Under the
guidelines of the Consumer Protection Agency, this is considered a limited warranty.
Burris, Eliminator, Ballistic Plex and LaserScope are trademarks of Burris Company Inc.
Patents Pending. All specifications are subject to change without notice.
© Copyright 2009 Burris Company.
Eliminator Reticle Holdover Capability based on the chosen Ballistic Table
Ballistic Muzzle BC
Table Velocity Used
3 2650 .447
2 2668 .447
61 2687 .447
0 2706 .447
59 2725 .447
8 2745 .447
57 2765 .447
6 2786 .447
5 2807 .447
54 2829 .447
3 2851 .447
52 2874 .447
1 2897 .447
50 2921 .447
9 2946 .447
48 2971 .447
47 2997 .447
6 3024 .447
45 3052 .447
4 3090 .447
43 3110 .447
2 3190 .407
41 3221 .407
0 3254 .407
39 3288 .407
8 3322 .407
7 3490 .334
36 3530 .334
5 3570 .334
34 3612 .334
3 3655 .334
32 3870 .276
31 3920 .276
30 3970 .276
29 4025 .276
28 4080 .276
7 4100 .276
6 - .276
25 - .276
Checklist before returning a scope
A significant number of scopes are returned to Burris each year that are
found to function perfectly. To avoid unnecessary delays and expenses we
encourage you to check for the following conditions.
Insufficient windage adjustment
1. Base mounting holes drilled out of alignment with center of bore
2. Barrel threaded into receiver at an angle
Insufficient elevation adjustment
1. Receiver diameter out of specification
2. Barrel threaded in at an angle
Grouping or accuracy
1. Barrel or chamber throat erosion
2. Stock warpage
3. Stock Bedding problem
4. Loose mount
5. Heavy trigger pull Solution - Consult with a gunsmith
Focus or image not clear
1. Object too close
2. Eyepiece out of focus
When returning the scope be sure to include:
1. Make yourself a note of your scope’s serial number for use when calling
to check on your in-service scope.
2. Complete name and full address.
3. A short note describing the nature of the problem as accurately as possible.
4. Ship the scope prepaid and Insured by mail, UPS, or other parcel
service. Burris can’t be responsible for your scope until we physically
receive it. Burris pays for shipping back to you.
5. Insure the shipment against loss.
Send the scope to the following address:
Burris Company, Inc.
331 E. 8th Street
Greeley, Colorado 80631
For additional information about riflescope operations, go to the
‘Burris University’ section of our website:
with 100 yard zero with 200 yard zero
500 600 700 800