Registered Master Builders Association
Residential Building Contract
RBC1 - 2018 (NEW BUILD)
This document is only for the use of the Registered Master Builders who are afliated to Registered Master
Builders Association of New Zealand Inc. This document is subject to copyright and legal proceedings will
be taken out against any person or rm infringing the copyright on this document.
Note: The forms in the DOCUMENTS PACK for Residential Building Contracts
may be used when required with this Building Contract.
Owners name:
Site address: 0800 762 328
Residential Building Contract
NOTE: This information does not form part of the building contract
For RMB’s Use Only (this To Do List does not form part of the Building Contract; however, the RMB should use
this list to check that the Building Contract has been properly entered and that important forms are used).
It is a requirement of the Building Act 2004 to provide a copy and/or draw the Owner’s attention to the “Checklist”
and the “Disclosure Information” documents (before signing this Building Contract).
Before Signing the Contract (please tick box to conrm)
Have the parties agreed the basis upon which any preliminary work is to be done (refer to Documents Pack for
an example of an “Agreement for Preliminary Work”)?
Has the Checklist (as required by Building Act regulations) been provided (refer to Documents Pack for a
Has the Disclosure Information (as required by Building Act regulations) been provided (refer to Documents
Pack for an example of a “Disclosure Information” form)?
Is nance in place?
Have the parties resolved what insurances are required, and have they contacted their insurers?
When Signing the Contract (please tick box to conrm)
Are you using the correct contract (New Build version OR Additions & Alterations version)?
Has an Expected Start Date been identied and entered (page 5)?
Has an Expected Completion Date been identied and entered (page 5)?
Have invoicing arrangements been entered (page 6)?
What payment method has been selected (page 6)?
Staged payments
Progress payments
Charge-up payments
Have Owners signed the Building Contract Agreement which includes the acknowledgment that they received
the Checklist and Disclosure Information (page 1 and 2)?
Have any Amended and Additional Clauses been recorded and inserted (page 1 and 30)?
Are agreed insurance policies in place (page 7)?
If the Owner is a Company, has a signed Guarantee of Company Directors been provided (page 31)?
Has an application for a Master Build Guarantee been completed?
Residential Building Contract
During the Contract (please tick box to conrm)
Have all variation agreements been committed to writing (refer to Documents Pack for an example of an
“Agreement for Variation to the Works” form)?
Has written notice been provided of any changes to the Expected Completion Date (refer to Documents Pack
for an example of a “Notice to Owner from Registered Master Builder of Change to Details Arising Under the
Building Contract” form)?
Has written notice been provided of any changes to the Contract Price (refer to Documents Pack for an
example of a “Notice to Owner from Registered Master Builder of Change to Details Arising Under the Building
Contract” form)?
Has an application for a Master Build Guarantee been sent in?
At Practical Completion (please tick box to conrm)
Has a Notice of Practical Completion been completed (refer Documents Pack for an example of a “Notice of
Practical Completion” form)?
If the RMB is acting as a residential property developer or a commercial on-seller, and the purchaser of the
property is to move in before CCC, have they entered into a written agreement as required by the Building Act
2004 (refer to Documents Pack for an example of an agreement form)?
Has the RMB provided the Owner with documentation setting out ongoing maintenance requirements?
Has the RMB provided the Owner with copies of any guaranties or warranties?
Has the RMB provided the Owner with copies of any insurance policies that remain applicable?
NOTE: This information does not form part of the building contract
A Master Build Guarantee is not provided automatically by engaging a RMB. A separate Guarantee
application must be completed and be signed by the RMB and the Owner. It must then be accepted and
signed by Master Build Services Limited (“MBS”) before it is valid.
NOTE: Various guarantee products are potentially available. You should familiarise yourself with the options
before choosing which best suits you. Details are set out in the Disclosure Information provided to you by your
RMB. Further information can be obtained by contacting MBS on 0800 269 119.
Your RMB is able to provide you with terms and conditions booklets for the Master Build Guarantees. The
application form is contained in these booklets. You must read these terms and conditions before applying for
a Master Build Guarantee.
Your RMB may offer you the opportunity to apply for a Master Build Guarantee on residential work with a contract
price of less than $30,000.00 (including GST).
Your RMB should offer you the opportunity to apply for a Master Build Guarantee on residential work with a contract
price of $30,000.00 or more (including GST).
NOTE: If the Owner has not been contacted by MBS within 14 days after signing a Master Build
Guarantee application they must immediately contact MBS on 0800 269 119.
If the Owner declines to apply for Master Build Guarantee cover, then they should assist the RMB to complete a
waiver form (provided in the Documents Pack for Residential Building Contracts) and return it to MBS.
Please also note the following important points:
You will void the Master Build Guarantee if you cancel this Building Contract without MBS’s written consent
(regardless of whether the RMB has breached this Building Contract and regardless of whether the RMB has
consented to the cancellation).
A Master Build Guarantee only relates to the actual dwelling. It doesn’t cover other things a builder might
provide, such as retaining walls, driveways, swimming pools, etc.
If you have a Master Build Guarantee and you discover a defect that might give rise to a claim, you must
promptly notify MBS in writing.
Various Master Build Guarantee products are available, at different prices. If you elect to take out a Master
Build Guarantee that does not have non-completion cover, you will not be able to claim for:
o remediation of defects that were or should have been discovered before Practical Completion of the
o completion cover during the building of the dwelling (please also note that this completion cover is limited
to the lesser of 20% of the Contract Price OR the maximum of the completion cover sum specied in the
Guarantee); or
o loss of deposit (please also note that loss of deposit cover is limited to the lesser of 10% of the Contract
Price OR the maximum loss of deposit cover sum specied by the Guarantee).
Residential Building Contract
(month) 20
This Agreement is made on
It is agreed as follows:
1. The RMB shall carry out the obligations imposed on the RMB by the Building Contract.
2. The Owner shall pay the RMB the Contract Price
as may be increased or decreased by way of Adjustments under the Building Contract.
3. The RMB and the Owner shall comply with the terms and conditions set out in the Building Contract.
4. The Building Contract Documents shall comprise the following documents:
a. Part 1 - This Building Contract Agreement
b. Part 2 – Building Contract Details
Important: only one of Parts 3, 4 or 5 is to be used, strike through the two options not used.
c. Part 3 – Stage Payment Schedule 0 (tick if Part 3 is used) OR
d. Part 4 – Progress Payment Schedule 0 (tick if Part 4 is used) OR
e. Part 5 – Charge-up Schedule 0 (tick if Part 5 is used)
f. Part 6 – General Clauses of Contract
g. Part 7 – Amended and Additional Clauses 0 (tick if Part 7 is used)
(NOTE: the parties must inform MBS if there are any amended or additional clauses recorded in Part 7)
h. Part 8 – Personal Guarantee of Owner Directors 0 (tick if Part 8 is used)
i. Drawings and specications 0 (tick if used)
j. Other Documents (specify) 0 (tick if used)
5. With the exception of guarantees and warranties implied and required by statute, this Building Contract shall
constitute the entire agreement between the parties. This Building Contract supersedes all prior negotiations,
representations, warranties, and Disclosure Information, except insofar as expressly incorporated into the
Building Contract.
Building (Residential Consumer Rights and Remedies) Regulations 2014
6. The Owner acknowledges that the RMB has supplied, and the Owner has received, the disclosure information
and checklist prescribed in regulation 5 of the Building (Residential Consumer Rights and Remedies)
Regulations 2014
(“the RMB”)
(“The Owner”)
Kenepuru Homes Ltd
Signed by or on behalf of the RMB:
Signed by the Owners: (if more than one Owner, each Owner must sign)
Date: Date:
NOTE: If the Owners are trustees, all trustees must sign the Building Contract.
NOTE: If the Owner is a Company, the RMB should request that at least one director sign the personal
guarantee included at Part 8.
Residential Building Contract
Denitions 13
General 14
Parties’ obligations 15
Possession of the Site 15
RMB’s warranties 15
Statutory compliance 15
Persons carrying out or supervising the Works 16
Owner’s title 16
Health and safety 16
Failure by the Owner to meet their obligations 16
Contract Price 16
Owner’s undertaking as to nance 16
Contract Deposit 16
Valuation of Adjustments 16
Margins 17
Payment Procedure 17
No set-off 18
Suspension of Works for non-payment 18
Default interest 18
Prime Cost Sums 18
Provisional Sums 18
Cost uctuations 19
Drawings and Specications 19
Building and resource consents 19
Code Compliance Certicate 19
Care of the Works 19
Materials on site 20
Sub-contractors 20
Owner’s work or materials 20
Survey pegs & Site boundaries 21
Utilities 21
Unforeseen physical conditions 21
Land subsidence and inadequate earth ll 21
Site and Works to be kept clean and tidy 22
The Works are subject to variation 22
Variations requested by the Owner 22
Variations for additional works or items reasonably required to complete the Works 22
Variations required by a territorial authority 22
Variations arising from Prime Cost Sums 23
Variations arising from Provisional Sums 23
Variations because of unprocurable materials 24
Variation because of unforeseen physical conditions 24
Variation because of land subsidence and inadequate earth ll 24
Processing of variations 24
Time for completion 24
Extension of time 24
Costs arising from delay 25
Insurance to be obtained by the RMB 25
Proof of insurance 26
Notice of Practical Completion 26
Possession by Owner 26
Defects warranty period 26
Default by the Owner 27
Default by the RMB 27
Repossession of goods or materials 27
Memorandum of mortgage 28
Costs of recovery of any amount due and payable by the Owner under the Building Contract 28
Preservation of rights following termination 28
Negotiation 28
Mediation 28
Adjudication 29
Arbitration 29
Litigation 29
Jurisdiction 29
Notices 29
Privacy 29
Residential Building Contract
Clause Numbers in this Part of the Building Contract refer to clauses in Part 6 of the Building Contract.
The Registered Master Builder (the “RMB”) is:
NOTE: Where the RMB is a company, insert full company name.
The Owner(s) full name(s) are:
NOTE: Where a trust is the contracting party, name the trust and all the trustees. Where a company is
the contracting party, name the company.
The Site is:
The location where the RMB will carry out the Works is:
Lot No. on Deposited Plan No.
The Contract Price is:
, being
$ inclusive of GST subject to Adjustments provided
for in the Building Contract.
OR the total of all charge-up Claims inclusive of GST subject to Adjustments provided for in the
Building Contract.
One option must be selected, and the other option deleted or struck through.
If an estimate has been given in relation to a charge-up contract this should not be recorded as
the Contract Price.
The Expected Start Date for the Works will be:
The Expected Completion Date for the Works will be:
Underlying Obligations
The person(s) carrying out the Works will be:
The person supervising the Works will be:
NOTE: Details previously provided in the Disclosure Information form were provided based on the RMB’s
knowledge at the date the Disclosure Information form was provided; however, they are subject to change,
and the Disclosure Information form (and its contents) do NOT form part of this Building Contract.
Kenepuru Homes Ltd
Kenepuru Homes Ltd
Contract Price & Payment
The payment method shall be (tick one):
Staged Payments;
Progress Payments;
Charge-up; or
provide their own payment method and annex details or specify them as Amended and
Additional Clauses
19 The Contract Deposit is $ inclusive of GST.
The margin to be used for valuing Adjustments, and, if applicable, for valuing appropriate items in a
Charge-up Contract is %.
Claims will be served on the Owner (tick one):
Upon Substantial Completion of a stage in the staged payment schedule, of an Other Item, or any
variation, or
Weekly, or
Monthly, or
Other (specify here)
The Owner shall pay the RMB within the period selected below (tick as applicable):
5 Working Days after Claim issued
10 Working Days after Claim issued
Other (specify)
31 The payment method shall be .
32 Receipts will be provided as follows .
39 The rate of default interest shall be %.
The Contract Works
Details of the Works, including the materials and products to be used are (tick as applicable, more than
one box if required):
as included in the drawings and/or specications (where the Works are subject to a building
consent, the details of the Works are included in the consented drawings and specications)
as included in Amended and Additional Clauses
Other (specify)
If there is a discrepancy between the Works as described in the drawings and the Works as described
in the specications, then the parties agree that precedence will be determined as below (please tick
the box to indicate which is to take precedence):
electronic payment directly into the RMB's bank account.
via email as requested,
Residential Building Contract
52 Where the Owner appoints the RMB as its agent to apply for a building consent tick this box 0.
54 Where the Owner appoints the RMB as its agent tick to for a code compliance certicate tick this box 0.
NOTE: Details previously provided in the Disclosure Information form were provided based on the RMB’s
knowledge at the date the Disclosure Information form was provided; however, they are subject to change,
and the Disclosure Information form (and its contents) do NOT form part of this Building Contract.
The details of the RMB’s Contract Works Insurance are:
Total sum Insured: $ inclusive of GST
Insurance commencement date:
Insurance expiry date:
The details of the RMB’s Public Liability insurance are:
RMB’s Insurer:
Limit of liability: $
Insurance commencement date:
Insurance expiry date:
Post Construction
The Defects warranty period shall be:
months from Practical Completion.
Contact Details for Serving Notices
The RMB’s address is:
The RMB’s address is for service is (if different from above):
Notices under this Building Contract may also be provided to the RMB by emailing them to:
138 The RMB’s contact telephone number is:
138 The Owner’s address is:
The Owner’s address for service is (if different from above):
Notices under this Building Contract may also be provided to the Owner by emailing them to:
138 The Owner’s contact telephone number is:
The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd
6th May 2019
6th May 2020
The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd
6th May 2019
6th May 2020
90 days
PO Box 13-834
Johnsonville, Wellington
0273 108 108
NOTE: Figures are GST inclusive
REQUIRED: Contract Price as at the date of the Building Contract $ incl GST
The Contract Price will be paid in staged payments, as follows:
Payable on the date the Building Contract is signed. DEPOSIT (A) = $ incl GST
NOTE: If you elect loss of deposit cover in a Master Build Guarantee, this will only cover loss of a
deposit up to a maximum of the lesser of:
• 10% of the CONTRACT PRICE; or
• the maximum sum specically allowed for in the guarantee
See denition at Part 6 of this Building Contract.
An Other Item will be payable at any stage of the Building Contract upon Substantial Completion of the Other Item.
Type: Prime Cost Sum,
Provisional Sum or Lump Sum
[Select One]
$ incl GST
$ incl GST
$ incl GST
$ incl GST
$ incl GST
$ incl GST
$ incl GST
$ incl GST
$ incl GST
$ incl GST
$ incl GST
OTHER ITEMS (B) = $ incl GST
CONTRACT DEPOSIT (A) + OTHER ITEMS (B) = Preliminary Sub-Total $ incl GST
Select One
Select One
Select One
Select One
Select One
Select One
Select One
Select One
Select One
Select One
Select One
Residential Building Contract
The RMB may include the cost of Adjustments provided for in this
Building Contract with any staged payment, including the Final Payment.
If any Adjustments have not been invoiced at Practical Completion those
Adjustments must be paid by the Owner within the period recorded in Part
2 of the Building Contract.
$ incl GST
NOTE: The individual Staged Payments are a percentage of the (C) Dwelling Cost only (and the sub-total of the
Staged Payments equals the Dwelling Cost)
Upon Substantial Completion of the following stages:
Foundations and oor structure: 10% $ incl GST
All wall framing: 15% $ incl GST
All roof framing: 5% $ incl GST
The roof and fascia: 8% $ incl GST
All exterior doors and windows: 9% $ incl GST
All exterior wall linings and/or veneers: 10% $ incl GST
All exterior decoration or coatings: 2% $ incl GST
Installation of pre-wire, pre-plumb and insulation: 6% $ incl GST
All interior linings: 5% $ incl GST
Interior doors, architraves and scotia: 3% $ incl GST
Internal stopping, completed and sanded: 3% $ incl GST
All interior decoration or coatings: 4% $ incl GST
Kitchens and bathrooms: 6% $ incl GST
Plumbing and electrical: 6% $ incl GST
Hardware and tiling: 3% $ incl GST
(D) Practical Completion (Final Payment): 5% $ incl GST
NOTE: The percentages referred to under (C) above are based upon a single-storey house, using standard
construction methods and materials, built on at stable land in an urban location.
NOTE: Upon Practical Completion, the Final Payment is payable before the Owner takes possession. Failure to
make the nal payment may invalidate any Master Build Guarantee.
The RMB may include the cost of Adjustments provided for in this Building Contract with any staged payment,
including the Final Payment. If any Adjustments have not been invoiced at Practical Completion those Adjustments
must be paid by the Owner within the period recorded in Part 2 of the Building Contract.
Check Calculation
(A) Contract Deposit $ incl GST
+ (B) Other Items, Prime Cost Sum & Provisional Sums $ incl GST
+ (C) Dwelling Cost less Final Payment $ incl GST
+ (D) Final Payment $ incl GST
= Contract Price as at the date of the Building Contract $ incl GST
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
NOTE: Figures are GST inclusive
REQUIRED: Contract Price as at the date of the Building Contract $ incl GST
The Contract Price will be paid in staged payments, as follows:
Payable on the date the Building Contract is signed. DEPOSIT (A) = $ incl GST
NOTE: If you elect loss of deposit cover in a Master Build Guarantee, this will only cover loss of a
deposit up to a maximum of the lesser of:
• 10% of the CONTRACT PRICE; or
• the maximum sum specically allowed for in the guarantee
See denition at Part 6 of this Building Contract.
Unless agreed otherwise, an Other Item will be payable at any stage of the Building Contract upon Substantial
Completion of the Other Item.
Type: Prime Cost Sum,
Provisional Sum or Lump Sum
[Select One]
$ incl GST
$ incl GST
$ incl GST
$ incl GST
$ incl GST
$ incl GST
$ incl GST
$ incl GST
$ incl GST
$ incl GST
$ incl GST
OTHER ITEMS (B) = $ incl GST
CONTRACT DEPOSIT (A) + OTHER ITEMS (B) = Preliminary Sub-Total $ incl GST
Select One
Select One
Select One
Select One
Select One
Select One
Select One
Select One
Select One
Select One
Select One
Residential Building Contract
(Identify if there is a specic nal payment that is separate to progress payments, otherwise leave blank)
Note: suggested 5%-10%
Upon Practical Completion, the following sum is payable as the Final Payment $ incl GST
Note: Upon Practical Completion, the Final Payment is payable before the Owner takes possession.
Failure to make the nal payment may invalidate any Master Build Guarantee.
The RMB may include the cost of Adjustments provided for in this Building Contract with any staged payment,
including the Final Payment. If any Adjustments have not been invoiced at Practical Completion those
Adjustments must be paid by the Owner within the period recorded in Part 2 of the Building Contract.
Check Calculation
(A) Contract Deposit $ incl GST
+ (B) Other Items, Prime Cost Sum & Provisional Sums $ incl GST
+ (C) Progress Payments $ incl GST
+ (D) Final Payment $ incl GST
= Contract Price as at the date of the Building Contract $ incl GST
Claim Periods: as recorded in Part 2 e.g. monthly
Expected number of Claims will be
The amount of each Claim will relate to work carried out during the Claim period:
Provide a brief description here how progress payment Claims will be calculated (e.g. the reasonable value of
the work during the Claim period)
The TOTAL progress payment sum will be: $ incl GST
NOTE: Figures are GST inclusive
The RMB will be paid on a charge-up basis, as follows:
(A) CONTRACT DEPOSIT (if applicable)
Payable on the date the Building Contract is signed. $ incl GST
NOTE: If you elect loss of deposit cover in a Master Build Guarantee, this will only cover loss of a
deposit up to a maximum of the lesser of:
• 10% of the CONTRACT PRICE; or
• the maximum sum specically allowed for in the guarantee
Calculating a Contract Deposit may require an estimated Contract Price and a reasonably clear scope of works
Hourly charge-out rate for work on the Works
a. Foreman $ incl GST
b. Carpenter $ incl GST
c. Labourer $ incl GST
d. Apprentice $ incl GST
e. Other (please specify) $ incl GST
f. Rate for travel - per kilometre (75 cents per kilometre if no rate specied) $ incl GST
g. Hourly charge-out rate for travel (hourly dollar rate, or percent of usual hourly
charge-out rate. 50% of usual hourly charge-out rate if no rate specied):
$ incl GST
NOTE: If additional different rates for different staff need to be shown, provide detail in Special Provisions or as
an attachment
NOTE: Margins shall also be payable (as provided in clauses 24 to 26 of Part 6 of the Building Contract) for
costs etc incurred by the RMB above and beyond the hourly rates and travel charges specied above.
NOTE: Normal rest breaks (e.g. morning tea - taken in accordance with industry standards) are included in the
hours chargeable.
Materials shall be charged to the Owner at the actual cost to the RMB plus the margin as provided in clauses 24
to 26 of Part 6 of the Building Contract.
Subcontractors, including materials supplied by Subcontractors, shall be charged to the Owner at the actual cost
to the RMB plus the margin as provided in clauses 24 to 26 of Part 6 of the Building Contract.
The RMB may include the cost of Adjustments provided for in this Building Contract with any staged payment,
including the Final Payment. If any Adjustments have not been invoiced at Practical Completion those
Adjustments must be paid by the Owner within the period recorded in Part 2 of the Building Contract.
At the completion of the Works the total amount of the CONTRACT DEPOSIT plus all Claims will be the
CONTRACT PRICE for the Building Contract.
Residential Building Contract
NOTE: Deleting or altering these clauses may result in a Master Build Guarantee application being declined
1. For the purposes of this Building Contract, unless the context requires otherwise, the capitalised use of the
following words and phrases have the following meanings:
a Adjustment: means a change to the Contract Price as provided for in this Building Contract.
b Building Contract: means the contract set out in the Building Contract Agreement; and includes the
documents listed in the Building Contract Agreement.
c Claim: means a written request or demand for payment including a Payment Claim issued under the
Construction Contracts Act 2002 or an ordinary invoice.
d Contract Price: is the amount, or method for calculating such amount, recorded in Part 2 of this Building
Contract and is subject to Adjustments.
e Defect: means a fault or aw in the workmanship or materials supplied by the RMB that consists of:
i workmanship that has not been carried out in a competent manner and with reasonable skill and care;
ii materials supplied by the RMB that are not t for purpose;
iii unauthorised use of second-hand materials;
iv any unauthorised departure from what was prescribed by the Building Contract Documents;
v in matters not specically prescribed by the Building Contract Documents:
I an unauthorised departure from manufacturers tolerances;
II if manufacturer’s tolerances are not available, current tolerance schedules published by the RMBA
will apply;
III if they are not available, then current tolerance schedules published by the Ministry of Business
Innovation and Employment will apply;
IV if they are not available, then current tolerance schedules published by Standards New Zealand will
For the avoidance of doubt, a “Defect” does not include:
i fair wear and tear after Practical Completion;
ii damage not caused by the RMB or the RMB’s agents (e.g. damage caused by the Owner);
iii defective workmanship or materials not supplied by the RMB or the RMB’s agents;
iv problems or damage resulting from the Owner’s failure to carry out normal or reasonable or prescribed
v problems or damage resulting from the Owner’s failure to follow the RMB’s reasonable instructions (e.g.
adequate ventilation for new works); or
vi further problems or damage resulting from the Owner’s failure to remediate or failure to advise the RMB
once a defect became apparent.
f Dwelling Cost: means the total of the staged payment stages or the progress payments for the works
which form the dwelling structure, being works including and inside the building envelope, except for those
works listed as Other Items E.g. Prime Cost Sums.
g Expected Completion Date: means the date, recorded in Part 2 of the Building Contract, at which the
RMB reasonably believes that Practical Completion will be achieved.
h Expected Start Date: means the date, recorded in Part 2 of the Building Contract, at which the RMB
reasonably believes that work will commence on site.
i MBS: means Master Build Services Limited.
j Other Items: means Prime Cost Sums, Provisional Sums and includes works that are not part of or inside
the building envelope. Such works include, but are not limited to:
i excavations or site works;
ii drainage and power and water connections;
iii site set up;
iv the total cost of all completed service connections;
v retaining walls and driveways decks or pergolas; and
vi landscaping.
k Owner: means the party or parties recorded as the Owner in Part 2 of this Building Contract (and may
include their authorised agents).
l Practical Completion: means when all the Works have been completed except for minor defects and
minor omissions, which do not prevent the Works from being used for their intended purpose and which
can be remedied in the defects period or at such other agreed time by the RMB without causing signicant
inconvenience to the Owner.
m RMB: means the party (which may be a company) which is recorded as the RMB in Part 2 of this Building
Contract. “RMB” and “Registered Master Builder” mean the same thing.
n RMBA: means the Registered Master Builders Association of New Zealand Incorporated.
o Substantial Completion: means when the Works (or, where the context requires, a specic part thereof) is
95% completed.
p Subcontractors: means third parties engaged by the RMB in respect of the Works; and includes sub-
trades, specialist contractors and contracted professionals and experts (but does not include carpenters or
labourers who are contracted by the RMB on substantially a full-time basis for the duration of the Works, or
the substantial portion thereof).
q The Site: means the land, as recorded in Part 2 of this Building Contract, where the Works are being
carried out.
r The Works: means the building work described in the Building Contract Documents.
s Working Day: means a day that is not:
i Saturday, Sunday, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, the Sovereign’s birthday, Labour Day, and
Waitangi Day; and
ii if Waitangi Day or Anzac Day falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, the following Monday; and
iii the day observed in the appropriate area as the anniversary of the province of which the area forms a
part; and
iv a day in the period commencing on 24 December in any year and ending with the close of 5 January in
the following year.
2. Where the context requires, words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, and words
importing the masculine, feminine, and neuter shall include all three.
3. The headings to clauses are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.
Residential Building Contract
Parties’ obligations
4. Subject to the terms of this Building Contract, the RMB will undertake the Works and the Owner will pay the
RMB the Contract Price, subject to any Adjustments under the Building Contract.
Possession of the Site
5. The Owner shall grant the RMB possession of the Site on the Expected Start Date. Except as expressly
provided to the contrary in this Building Contract, the RMB’s possession shall be exclusive.
6. Despite clause 5, the Owner is entitled to have reasonable access to inspect the Works if all of the following
conditions are met:
a it is with the RMB’s consent (which the RMB will not arbitrarily withhold);
b it is at reasonable hours and in the presence of the RMB;
c the Owner has provided the RMB with specic notice (by email or telephone) 24 hours before exercising
d the RMB is not responsible for any damage done to the Works by the Owner;
e the Owner does not interfere with the progress of the Works;
f the Owner does not exercise access with such frequency or duration so as to unduly distract the RMB (or
the RMB’s agents); and
g the Owner complies with all requirements of health and safety legislation, including all reasonable and
relevant instructions provided by the RMB (including wearing protective clothing, which the Owner may be
required to provide).
RMB’s warranties
7. The RMB warrants that Works it is responsible for will be carried out:
a in a tradesmanlike manner;
b with reasonable care and skill;
c in accordance with the drawings and specications (as amended, where applicable);
d in accordance with building consents;
e using materials that are t for purpose;
f using materials that are new (unless agreed otherwise); and
g in accordance with all laws and legal requirements.
Statutory compliance
8. The Owner and the RMB will comply with all statutes, regulations and bylaws of government, territorial and
other public authorities that may be applicable to the Works.
9. The implied warranties for building work in relation to household units under section 362I of the Building Act
2004 apply to the Works.
10. Proceedings for a breach of the implied warranties may be taken by a non-party to the Building Contract in
accordance with section 362J of the Building Act 2004.
11. In accordance with section 362K of the Building Act 2004, no provision in the Building Contract restricts or
removes the right of a person to take proceedings for a breach of any of the warranties set out in section 362I
in so far as the provision relates to a breach other than a breach that was known, or ought reasonably to have
been known, by the person to exist at the time the agreement or instrument was executed.
Persons carrying out or supervising the Works
12. The persons carrying out or supervising works are those persons recorded in Part 2 of the Building Contract.
13. If the persons designated to carry out the Works or to supervise the Works become unavailable (or it is
otherwise not reasonably practical for the RMB to secure their services), then the RMB may substitute other
suitably qualied or experienced people. The RMB shall promptly notify the Owner of such substitutions.
Owners title
14. The Owner undertakes that they have title or other legal entitlement to the land to allow the Works to be carried
Health and safety
15. The RMB will comply with health and safety legislation (including any applicable regulations) when managing
the Works. The Owner will support and cooperate with the RMB’s compliance with health and safety
Failure by the Owner to meet their obligations
16. Where the RMB incurs any additional costs resulting from a failure or delay by the Owner in complying with
their obligations under this Building Contract, the RMB shall be entitled to an Adjustment.
Contract Price
17. The Owner agrees to pay the Contract Price to the RMB in accordance with the Payment Method recorded in
Part 2 of this Building Contract. The Contract Price is subject to Adjustments under the Building Contract.
Owners undertaking as to nance
18. The Owner conrms that they have (or, prior to the Expected Start Date, will have) sufcient funds or nance to
meet their nancial obligations to the RMB (as those obligations fall due). The RMB may at any time, including
prior to the Expected Start Date, require the Owner to provide documentary proof that they have such sufcient
funds or nance, and the Owner will provide such proof within 5 Working Days.
Contract Deposit
19. Immediately upon signing this Building Contract, the Owner will pay the RMB the Contract Deposit. The RMB
shall be under no obligation to perform any steps under the Building Contract until the Contract Deposit is paid.
20. If, whether prior to the Expected Start Date or otherwise, the Owner decides not to proceed with the Works
(other than by reason of justied cancellation resulting from a breach of contract by the RMB), any Contract
Deposit paid by the Owner to the RMB is not refundable.
21. If, prior to the Expected Start Date, the Owner decides not to proceed with the Works, the RMB’s recoverable
loss will be deemed to be the greater of:
a the Contract Deposit; or
b the loss as is quantiable and provable by the RMB including, but not limited to, loss of prot.
Valuation of Adjustments
22. Except as expressly provided to the contrary in the Building Contract, Adjustments which result in an increase
to the Contract Price shall be valued as follows:
a The Owner and the RMB shall attempt to agree a price for the Adjustment; or
b If there is no agreed price for the Adjustment, the RMB shall be entitled to be paid the actual and
reasonable cost of the Adjustment, plus margin where applicable, determined at the time the Adjustment
Residential Building Contract
23. Except as expressly provided to the contrary in the Building Contract, Adjustments which result in a reduction
to the Contract Price shall be valued as follows:
a The Owner and the RMB shall attempt to agree a price for the Adjustment; or
b If there is no agreed price for the Adjustment, the Owner shall be entitled to a credit equivalent to the actual
and reasonable cost of the Adjustment determined at the date of the Building Contract.
24. Adjustments arising from substitutions in the Building Contract shall be valued at the net value of:
a Any increase to the Contract Price determined in accordance with clause 22; and
b Any reduction to the Contract determined in accordance with clause 23.
25. The RMB is entitled to add a margin to the price it charges the Owner, for the costs set out below:
a Materials, including delivery costs, where they are supplied for:
i A charge-up contract; or
ii An Adjustment where there is no agreed price;
b Subcontractors where they are engaged for:
i A charge-up contract; or
ii An Adjustment where there is no agreed price;
c The costs of hiring plant and equipment for:
i A charge-up contract; or
ii An Adjustment where there is no agreed price; or
iii Where these costs are expressly excluded from the Contract Price;
d Prime Cost Sums where the price to be paid to the RMB after the Prime Cost Sum is spent is not an agreed
e Provisional Sums where the price to be paid to the RMB after the Provisional Sum is spent is not an agreed
f Adjustments where the price to be paid to the RMB is not an agreed price.
26. The margin provided for in clause 25 shall be the rate recorded in Part 2 of the Building Contract. If no rate is
recorded, the margin shall be 15%.
27. Clauses 25 and 26 do not apply to the items listed below which are already inclusive of the RMB‘s margin.
The margin included in the items listed below is not required to be that provided for in clause 26:
a The Contract Price for a Staged Payment or Progress Payment contract;
b The hourly rates or costs specied in the Charge-up Schedule;
c Where the RMB and the Owner agree to a price for an Adjustment.
Payment Procedure
28. The RMB is entitled to submit Claims to the Owner at the intervals recorded in Part 2 of the Building Contract.
The RMB is entitled to issue invoices for such Claims. Claims may be submitted in the form of an invoice and/
or as a payment claim in accordance with Part 2 of the Construction Contracts Act 2002.
29. If the Owner wishes to dispute the amount of any payment claim, he or she must do so in accordance with Part
2 of the Construction Contracts Act 2002. Payment schedules under the Constructions Contracts Act 2002
must be served on the RMB within 5 Working Days of service of a payment claim under that Act.
30. The Claims must be paid within the period recorded in Part 2 of the Building Contract.
31. The Owner shall make payment by the method recorded in Part 2 of the Building Contract.
32. The RMB will provide the Owner with a written receipt for each payment, if requested by the Owner.
No set-off
33. The Owner shall have no entitlement of set-off, against any sums payable to the RMB under the Building
Suspension of Works for non-payment
34. Without prejudice to the RMB’s rights under the Construction Contracts Act, the RMB may suspend the Works
if the Owner fails to pay any invoiced amount in full by the due date for payment. The RMB shall provide the
Owner with ve Working Days written notice of its intention to suspend the Works under this clause.
35. The right to suspend work under clause 34 ceases when the Owner pays the amount in full. The RMB may at
any time lift the suspension, even if the amount has not been paid.
36. Where the RMB has suffered any loss or expense because of the suspension of the Works, the RMB shall be
entitled to an Adjustment.
37. The RMB is not liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Owner, or by any person claiming through the
Owner, because of the suspension of the Works.
38. The RMB is entitled to an extension of time to complete the Works where work has been suspended under
clause 34.
Default interest
39. The Owner must pay the RMB default interest compounding monthly on all amounts due but unpaid, for the
period from the expiry of the time provided for payment until actual payment. The right to default interest
is additional to any other remedy that the RMB may be entitled to. The rate of default interest is the rate
recorded in Part 2 of the Building Contract (compounding monthly). If no rate is recorded, the rate of default
interest shall be 15% (compounding monthly).
Prime Cost Sums
40. Prime Cost Sums are dened items which will be parts of the Works but at the time of entering into this
Building Contract:
a the price for that part of the materials or ttings is uncertain; or
b the materials or ttings to be used are uncertain;
c the price for that part of the Works has not been nalised between the parties; or
d the extent of that part of the Works is outside the control of the parties; or
e the extent of that part of the Works is unknown; or
f any combination of the above.
41. The Prime Cost Sums in the Contract Price are preliminary allowances. For the avoidance of doubt, Prime
Cost Sums can allow for:
a Items which allow for supply of material or ttings; or
b Items which allow for a part of Works, in which case the allowance provides for labour and related
42. When a Prime Cost Sum is spent, the provisions of clauses 88 and 89 apply.
Provisional Sums
43. Provisional Sums are dened parts of the Works where the decision to undertake that part of the Works has
not been nalised between the parties. In addition:
Residential Building Contract
a the price for that part of the Works has not been nalised between the parties; or
b the extent of that part of the Works is outside the control of the parties; or
c the extent of that part of the Works is unknown; or
d any combination of the above.
44. The Provisional Sums in the Contract Price are preliminary allowances for labour and related materials.
45. When a Provisional Sum is spent, the provisions of clauses 90 and 91 apply.
Cost uctuations
46. The Contract Price is deemed to have due regard for the prices of all materials and services and plant/
equipment hire costs at the date of the Building Contract. Any subsequent increases in prices or additions
to costs resulting in the RMB incurring additional expense shall be an Adjustment with the RMB entitled to
additional payment.
47. Any subsequent decreases in prices shall be an Adjustment with the Owner entitled to an appropriate credit.
Drawings and Specications
48. The details of the Works are contained in the documents recorded in Part 2 of the Building Contract.
49. If there is any discrepancy between the drawings and the specications, precedence will be determined based
on the election recorded in Part 2 of the Building Contract. If no election has been made, then the drawings
will take precedence.
50. Unless the context requires otherwise (and subject to clause 49):
a gured dimensions take precedence over scaled dimensions;
b large scale dimensions take precedence over small scaled dimensions; and
c amended drawings take precedence over older drawings.
51. Drawings and specications are subject to any building consent.
Building and resource consents
52. The Owner must obtain and pay for any building consent and resource consent and other necessary approvals
and inspections required for the Works, including consents and approval required after commencement of the
Works. Where it is recorded in Part 2 of the Building Contract, the Owner may appoint the RMB to act as its
agent for the purpose of this clause. It shall be the Owner’s obligation to do all things necessary to facilitate
such agency.
53. The RMB must comply with the terms and conditions of the building and resource consents and approvals as
far as such consents and approvals relate to the carrying out of the Works.
Code Compliance Certicate
54. Subject to section 362V of the Building Act 2004, the Owner must obtain and pay for any Code Compliance
Certicate for the Works. Where it is recorded in Part 2 of the Building Contract, the Owner may appoint
the RMB to act as its agent for the purpose of this clause. It shall be the Owner’s obligation to do all things
necessary to facilitate such agency.
Care of the Works
55. The RMB will be responsible for the Works while they are under the RMB’s care, from the date that the RMB
takes possession of the Site until Practical Completion. However (without limiting the effect of any insurance
or guarantee or warranties, and subject to the RMB’s obligation to use reasonable skill and care), the RMB is
not responsible for any loss or damage caused by:
a the Owner using, occupying or taking over any part of the Works;
b a defect in design other than by the RMB;
c forces of nature;
d man-made events (e.g. war, riot or civil commotion); or
e man-made or natural contamination.
Materials on site
56. The RMB retains both legal and equitable ownership in any goods or materials it has brought onto the Site until
the Owner has paid the RMB all monies due, or they are afxed to the Works.
57. The RMB may subcontract any portion of the Works but may not assign or sublet the whole of the Works
without the written consent of the Owner.
58. The RMB is responsible for:
a its Subcontractors’ work; and
b making all reasonable endeavours to ensure that its Subcontractors have appropriate insurance in place;
c making all reasonable endeavours to obtain applicable warranties, guarantees, certicates and records of
work required from its employees and its Subcontractors; and
d taking all reasonably practicable steps to ensure its employees and its Subcontractors comply with health
and safety legislation in respect of the Works.
Owners work or materials
59. The provisions of clauses 60 to 66 will apply whenever any part of the Works is undertaken by the Owner with
the consent of the RMB, or any materials forming part of the Works are supplied by the Owner with the consent
of the RMB. That consent must be written and will be at the sole discretion of the RMB.
60. The RMB may insure any Owner’s work and materials under the RMB’s insurance (doing so at the Owner’s
cost). The Owner will ask the RMB (in writing) whether it has insured the Owner’s work and materials; and if
not, the Owner must insure its own work and materials.
61. Any work undertaken by the Owner must be executed in accordance with a timetable provided to the Owner
by the RMB and must be undertaken strictly in accordance with the building consent, the drawings and
specications, the Building Act 2004 or the Building Act 1991 (whichever is applicable) and the relevant
regulations made under those Acts including the Building Code, and any directions given by the RMB. Any
occupation of the Works by the Owner for this purpose will only be temporary.
62. If the Owner fails to undertake relevant work strictly in accordance with clause 61, the RMB will be entitled to
rectify that failure (to make good any defect). Where the RMB incurs any additional costs under this clause,
such additional costs shall be an Adjustment.
63. Where the RMB consents to any specic work or materials being supplied by the Owner, and the RMB incurs
additional labour or costs from the Owner’s activity which are not provided for in the Contract Price, such
additional costs shall be an Adjustment.
64. The RMB is not liable for any loss or damage or defect or maintenance if it relates to work performed by the
Owner or the Owner’s agent (unless that agent is the RMB or the RMB’s Subcontractor who is acting under the
RMB’s control).
65. If any loss or damage arises from any materials supplied by the Owner (whether installed by the Owner or the
RMB), the Owner will be liable for that loss or damage.
Residential Building Contract
66. When the Owner is undertaking work under these clauses 59 to 65, the Owner must:
a take all practical steps to prevent harm to the RMB and its Subcontractors;
b comply with health and safety legislation; and
c make all reasonable endeavours to ensure its agents comply with health and safety legislation.
Survey pegs & Site boundaries
67. Survey pegs required by the RMB to dene Site boundaries, unless already established, must be provided by
the Owner (through a surveyor employed by the Owner). If and when required by the RMB, the Owner must
show the RMB the survey pegs, offset pegs and datum pegs (and the RMB will record the position of those
pegs). The RMB will take all reasonable steps to maintain the survey pegs. The Owner shall indemnify the
RMB for any expense, loss, action or claim arising out of the position of pegs or mistakes by the Owner as to
the correct boundaries of the Site.
68. The Owner is responsible for providing utilities (such as electricity and water), including nal connection costs
to such utilities. The RMB shall be entitled to reasonable use of such utilities for the Works. Unless expressly
provided for in the Contract Price, if the RMB incurs costs in accessing and using utilities (such as electricity
and water) then the RMB shall be entitled to an Adjustment.
69. The Owner must locate all underground utilities. The Owner shall advise the RMB of the location of such
utilities, who will record their position. The Owner shall indemnify the RMB for any expense, loss or claim
arising out of any damage to utilities or, if need be, their relocation, unless such damage has been caused by a
negligent act or omission on the part of the RMB.
70. Where reasonable endeavours have been made by the Owner to locate all underground utilities and
underground utilities are nevertheless discovered preventing reasonable progress with the Works, the parties
may agree to terminate the Building Contract. If the parties agree to terminate the Building Contract under this
clause, Subpart 4 of Part 2 of the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017, pertaining to frustrated contracts,
shall apply.
Unforeseen physical conditions
71. Unforeseen physical conditions may include articial obstructions and weather conditions at or away from
the Site. The Owner acknowledges that the RMB has not, and could not have, allowed for such unforeseen
physical conditions in the Contract Price.
72. The Owner indemnies the RMB against any claim made against the RMB by any person for damages or
expenses incurred by reason of unforeseen physical conditions.
Land subsidence and inadequate earth ll
73. The RMB is not liable for:
a any damage to the Works caused by subsidence of the whole or any part of the Site, or any damage to the
Site from any cause during the RMB’s occupation of the Site, unless such damage has been caused by a
negligent act or omission on the part of the RMB; or
b any damage, or for any additional costs of the Works, resulting from absence of information on any
foundation, defects or difculties which was not discoverable by the RMB on a reasonable inspection of the
74. The RMB is not liable for any damage or deterioration of the Works or the Site caused by or resulting from
the inadequacy or negligent application of earth ll, unless such damage or deterioration may be properly
attributable to a negligent act or omission on the part of the RMB.
75. The Owner indemnies the RMB against any claim against the RMB by any person whatsoever for damages
or expenses incurred by reason of inadequate earth ll or subsidence.
Site and Works to be kept clean and tidy
76. The RMB will keep the Site and the Works clean and tidy and regularly remove all the RMB’s rubbish and
surplus materials.
77. The RMB will leave the Site and the Works clean and tidy upon completion of the Works or upon Practical
The Works are subject to variation
78. A variation is any change to the Works including but not limited to:
a an increase or decrease in the quantity of any work, including services ancillary to any building work; or
b omission of any work; or
c change in the character or quality of any material or work; or
d requiring additional work to be done; or
e changes to the level, line position, or dimensions of any work; or
f changes to the timing or sequencing of any work.
79. Unless expressly agreed to in writing by the RMB, the Owner shall not be entitled to vary the Works in order to
have any omitted work carried out by a third party or by the Owner.
80. A variation may result in an Adjustment and the RMB may claim additional payment or provide credit for each
variation as appropriate in accordance with the Claim procedure under this Building Contract (unless agreed
otherwise). The RMB may invoice for variations separately.
Variations requested by the Owner
81. The RMB must consider the Owner’s written request that a variation be agreed and undertaken and may not
arbitrarily withhold agreement to undertaking that variation.
82. Where the RMB and the Owner agree to a variation, there shall be an Adjustment valued in accordance with
clauses 22, 23, or 24 as appropriate.
83. The Owner must not negotiate variations directly with the RMB’s Subcontractors or merchants without the
RMB’s written consent.
Variations for additional works or items reasonably required to complete the Works
84. Where RMB considers that work or materials not included in the Building Contract are reasonably required to
complete the Works then the RMB and the Owner must consult concerning the requirement for a variation.
The Owner must advise the RMB whether they wish the variation to be carried out; or whether an alternative
arrangement can be made that will avoid the need for the variation.
85. Where the RMB and the Owner agree to a variation, there shall be an Adjustment valued in accordance with
clauses 22, 23, or 24 as appropriate.
Variations required by a territorial authority
86. If a variation is required:
a by the territorial authority (e.g. as a condition of the granting or retaining a building consent); or
Residential Building Contract
b for any part of the Works to comply with the Building Code,
then the RMB and the Owner must consult concerning the requirement for the variation. The Owner must
advise the RMB whether they wish the variation to be carried out; or whether an alternative arrangement
can be made that will avoid the need for the variation.
87. Any additional costs from a variation arising as specied in clause 86 shall be an Adjustment, valued in
accordance with clauses 22, 23, or 24 as appropriate, if it is required:
a by the territorial authority due to any discrepancy, error or defect in any Building Contract Documents
supplied by the Owner;
b by the territorial authority due to the Owner’s work being non-compliant (or deemed non-compliant by the
territorial authority); or
c due to changes in the legislation (such as the Building Act 2004 or the Resource Management Act 1991).
Variations arising from Prime Cost Sums
88. Where a Prime Cost Sum is spent it shall be a variation. A Prime Cost Sum shall be spent and valued as set
out below:
a the RMB will spend the Prime Cost Sum for the purpose agreed with the Owner;
b if the nal cost of the Prime Cost Sum does not differ from the allowance in the Contract Price the Owner
shall pay the RMB that allowance;
c if the nal cost of the Prime Cost Sum differs from the allowance in the Contract Price there shall be an
Adjustment, whereby:
i if the nal cost of the Prime Cost Sum exceeds the allowance in the Contract Price the Owner shall pay
the RMB that allowance plus an additional payment comprising the difference between the nal cost of
the Prime Cost Sum and the allowance for the Prime Cost Sum, plus the RMB’s margin; or
ii if the nal cost of the Prime Cost Sum is less than the allowance in the Contract Price the Owner shall
pay the RMB that allowance less an appropriate credit for the difference between the nal cost of the
Prime Cost Sum and the allowance for the Prime Cost Sum.
d if requested by the Owner, the RMB will supply copies of all invoices and records of the cost of the Prime
Cost Sum.
89. A Prime Cost Sum item may only be omitted from the Building Contract with the written consent of the RMB.
Where a Prime Cost Sum is not spent, it shall be removed from the Contract Price.
Variations arising from Provisional Sums
90. Where a Provisional Sum is spent it shall be a variation. A Provisional Sum shall be spent and valued as set
out below:
a the RMB will spend the Provisional Sum for the purpose agreed with the Owner;
b if the nal cost of the Provisional Sum does not differ from the allowance in the Contract Price the Owner
shall pay the RMB that allowance;
c if the nal cost of the Provisional Sum differs from the allowance in the Contract Price there shall be an
Adjustment, whereby:
i if the nal cost of the Provisional Sum exceeds the allowance in the Contract Price the Owner shall pay
the RMB that allowance plus an additional payment comprising the difference between the nal cost of
the Provisional Sum and the allowance for the Provisional Sum, plus the RMB’s margin; or
ii if the nal cost of the Provisional Sum is less than the allowance in the Contract Price the Owner shall
pay the RMB that allowance less an appropriate credit for the difference between the nal cost of the
Provisional Sum and the allowance for the Provisional Sum.
d if requested by the Owner, the RMB will supply copies of all invoices and records of the cost of the
Provisional Sum.
91. Where a Provisional Sum is not spent, it shall be removed from the Contract Price.
Variations because of unprocurable materials
92. Ifanyspeciedmaterialsarenotreasonablyprocurable,theRMBmaysubstituteothermaterialsofsimilar
quality and nature. The RMB will consult the Owner before making such a substitution which shall be a
variation. Any difference in the cost of such substituted materials shall be an Adjustment valued in accordance
with clauses 22, 23, or 24 as appropriate.
Variation because of unforeseen physical conditions
93. Where there are unforeseen physical conditions as provided for in clause 71, any additional work the RMB
may reasonably decide is necessary to properly complete the Works shall be a variation. If the RMB incurs
additional cost arising from a variation under this clause, the RMB shall be entitled to an Adjustment valued in
accordance with clauses 22, 23, or 24 as appropriate.
Variation because of land subsidence and inadequate earth ll
94. Wherethereislandsubsidenceorinadequateearthllasprovidedforinclauses73and74,anyadditional
work the RMB may reasonably decide is necessary to properly complete the Works shall be a variation. Such
engineering report. If the RMB incurs additional cost arising from a variation under this clause, the RMB shall
be entitled to an Adjustment valued in accordance with clauses 22, 23, or 24 as appropriate.
Processing of variations
95. In addition to any Adjustment for variations under clauses 81 to 94, the RMB shall be entitled to an Adjustment
for the RMB’s time and expenses in assessing and pricing any variation, whether or not the variation goes
ahead. The Owner shall pay a reasonable additional fee based on the RMB’s usual hourly rate and expenses.
This clause shall also apply where the Owner requests the RMB to take any steps in preparation for a variation
which, for any reason, does not proceed.
Time for completion
96. Subject to the provisions of this Building Contract, the RMB must commence the Works on or about the
Expected Start Date shown in this Building Contract.
97. Subject to the provisions of this Building Contract, the RMB must exercise reasonable diligence in seeking to
achieve Practical Completion of the Works on or about or before the Expected Completion Date recorded in
this Building Contract.
98. Where the Building Contract does not record an Expected Completion Date, the Works shall be completed
within a reasonable time.
Extension of time
99. Without limiting the RMB’s other rights and remedies, the RMB is not liable for any delay caused by:
a variations or additional work;
b a failure or delay on the part of the Owner in complying with their obligations under this Building Contract,
including but not limited to a delay in:
i paying the contract deposit;
ii providingproofofnance;
iii providing proof of insurance;
iv obtainingsufcienttitle;
Residential Building Contract
v obtaining consents;
vi ensuring all necessary services are available at the Site; or
vii providing the RMB with access to and possession of the Site for the purpose of carrying out the Works;
c any other delays (or problems resulting in delays) in matters that the Owner is responsible for (including
problems or delays caused by other persons contracted by the Owner);
d suspensions of the works under clause 34;
e delays on the part of a consenting or territorial authority;
f inclement weather;
g unforeseen health and safety requirements;
h where, despite the RMB’s reasonable endeavours, Subcontractors are unavailable;
i where, despite the RMB’s reasonable endeavours, materials are unavailable;
j unforeseen physical conditions;
k unexpected conditions of any existing structure being built onto;
l any matter covered by the force majeure provisions of this Building Contract;
m industrial action (e.g. strikes or lockouts);
n dispute resolution procedures invoked by either party in circumstances that, in the RMB’s reasonable
opinion, make it impracticable for the RMB to proceed as otherwise planned;
o legal proceedings, relating to the Works, commenced or threatened by a third party in circumstances that,
in the RMB’s reasonable opinion, make it impracticable for the RMB to proceed as otherwise planned; or
p any other matter outside the RMB’s reasonable control.
100. Where a delay under clause 99 has occurred the RMB shall be entitled to an extension of time to complete the
Works and, acting reasonably, to amend the Expected Completion Date. The RMB shall, within a reasonable
time after the delay becomes apparent, issue a notice to the Owner setting out the amended Expected
Completion Date.
101. If the RMB is undertaking work for a third party prior to the Expected Start Date, and the RMB encounters
delay in completing that work (including delay by reason of unforeseen circumstances, or delay by reason
of circumstances outside the RMB’s control, or delay by reason of being asked to do variation or additional
work that the RMB believes that it cannot in good conscience decline), then that delay shall entitle the RMB to
amend the Expected Start Date and the Expected Completion Date. The RMB shall, within a reasonable time
after the delay becomes apparent, issue a notice to the Owner setting out the amended Expected Start Date
and the amended Expected Completion Date.
Costs arising from delay
102. Where a delay under clause 99 has occurred and the RMB has incurred additional costs from that delay, the
RMB shall be entitled to an Adjustment.
Insurance to be obtained by the RMB
103. The RMB must, from the commencement of the Works until the date of Practical Completion, keep the Works
insured under a contract works insurance policy in the joint names of the Owner, the RMB and the mortgagee
(if any). The details of the contracts works insurance shall be recorded in Part 2 of the Building Contract.
104. The RMB must maintain a public liability insurance policy indemnifying the RMB against claims in respect of
loss or damage against property, or injury, death, or illness to any person arising out of the operations of the
RMB, RMB’s Agent, or any of its Sub-contractors in connection with the execution of the Works. The policy
must be for the benet of both the RMB and the Owner and must be for an amount of not less than one million
dollars. The details of the public liability insurance shall be recorded in Part 2 of the Building Contract.
Proof of insurance
105. When a party has agreed to take out insurance it must, prior to the commencement of the Works, provide to
the other party documentation showing that the agreed insurance cover has been obtained.
Notice of Practical Completion
106. Upon Practical Completion and before possession by the Owner under clause 108, the RMB and the Owner
must sign and date a Notice of Practical Completion. The Owner shall not unreasonably refuse to sign and
date a Notice of Practical Completion prepared under this clause.
107. Where the RMB has provided the Owner with a Notice of Practical Completion and the Owner has not within
ve Working Days of receipt of that Notice of Practical Completion either signed it or provided reasons to
the RMB as to why it has not been signed, then Practical Completion shall be deemed to have occurred ve
Working Days from the day the RMB provided the Owner with the Notice of Practical Completion.
Possession by Owner
108. On Practical Completion of the Works and as soon as the Owner has paid to the RMB the Contract Price, the
Owner is entitled to immediate possession of the Site and the Works.
109. The Owner is in breach of this Building Contract if, without the prior written consent of the RMB, the Owner
takes possession of the Site or the Works prior to Practical Completion or prior to making payment in full to
the RMB. If this happens, the RMB may, by notice in writing, notify the Owner that it has two Working Days to
vacate possession of the Site and the Works.
110. If the Owner does not vacate the Site and the Works within two Working Days of notice under clause 109, the
RMB is entitled to cancel this Building Contract immediately.
NOTE: Not complying with its obligations under clauses 106 to 109 can have serious consequences for the
Owner; including:
The Owner being liable to the RMB for all sums payable under this Building Contract, plus any damages,
costs, expenses or loss of prots of the RMB;
The RMB having no further obligations to the Owner under this Building Contract; and
The Master Build Guarantee being void or being terminated by MBS.
Defects warranty period
111. The Owner must notify the RMB of any Defects in writing as soon as reasonably possible after the Defect
becomes apparent.
112. If a Defect is notied to the RMB within the period recorded in Part 2 of the Building Contract, the RMB must
remediate it within a reasonable time from notication. If no period is recorded, then it shall be 12 months from
Practical Completion.
113. These defects warranty provisions do not mitigate the Owner’s responsibility for maintenance.
114. The Owner is responsible for ensuring gradual start up and shut down of heating systems in cold weather and
for providing adequate ventilation during hot weather (to prevent excessive movement of the structure and
cracks or other damage to the internal linings and nishes of the Works). Any damage or problem resulting
from a failure to meet these requirements is the Owner’s responsibility.
115. These defect warranty provisions do not limit the provisions of section 362Q of the Building Act 2004.
Residential Building Contract
Default by the Owner
116. If the Owner fails to perform their obligations under this Building Contract or if the Owner becomes bankrupt
or goes into liquidation (other than for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction) or has a receiver or
statutory manager appointed, then the RMB, without prejudice to its other remedies, may exercise all or any of
the following remedies:
a cancel the Building Contract;
b suspend the carrying out of the Works until that default has been remedied; or
c whether the Works have been suspended or not, take action in any Court or other legal forum of competent
117. The RMB must notify the Owner in writing and give the Owner ve Working Days to remedy the default before
exercising any of the remedies under clause 116.
NOTE: Where the RMB lawfully cancels the Building Contract, any Master Build Guarantee provided will be
cancelled or rendered void.
118. Where the RMB exercises the right to suspend the Works under clause 116, that does not:
a limit the RMB’s right to cancel the Building Contract;
b enable the Owner to cancel the Building Contract; or
c result in the RMB having any liability for resulting delay.
Default by the RMB
119. Without prejudice to its other remedies, the Owner may cancel the Building Contract if the RMB commits any
of the following acts of default and the RMB has not remedied the default within ten Working Days of receiving
written notice of the default from the Owner:
a the RMB becomes bankrupt or goes into liquidation (other than for the purposes of amalgamation or
reconstruction) and the assignee or liquidator fails within ten Working Days to make arrangements
satisfactory to the Owner for the execution of the Works;
b the RMB has a receiver or a statutory manager appointed, and the receiver or statutory manager fails within
ten Working Days to make arrangements satisfactory to the Owner for the execution of the Works;
c the RMB has persistently failed to proceed with the Works with reasonable diligence, in a manner that
causes serious prejudice to the Owner; or
d the RMB has persistently, agrantly or wilfully neglected to carry out its obligations under the contract, in a
manner that causes serious prejudice to the Owner.
NOTE: Where the Owner cancels the Building Contract any Master Build Guarantee provided may also
be cancelled or rendered void, subject to the Master Build Guarantee provisions for termination. To avoid
rendering the guarantee void the Owner must adhere to the consent provisions set out in the Master Build
Guarantee (including obtaining MBS’s prior written consent to a proposed cancellation).
Repossession of goods or materials
120. If the Owner fails to make any payment by the due date under the Building Contract, the RMB is entitled to
retake possession of the goods or materials which have been brought onto the Site. The RMB has the option
to resell the goods or materials (without prejudice to its other rights and remedies).
121. The RMB must notify the Owner in writing (of the failure to make payment) and give the Owner ve Working
Days to remedy the failure before the RMB retakes possession of the goods or materials under clause 120.
122. The Owner gives the RMB irrevocable authority to enter onto the Site to recover possession of goods or
materials under clauses 120 and 121.
Memorandum of mortgage
123. If the Owner fails to pay any money payable to the RMB under this Building Contract on the due date for
payment, then on demand the Owner will straight away provide the RMB with an executed and registrable
memorandum of mortgage over the Land (for the purpose of securing all money owing from time to time by the
Owner to the RMB under the Building Contract). That mortgage will be in the form of the All Obligations form
produced by the Auckland District Law Society and approved by the Registrar General of Land under number
2011/2200 together with Memorandum number 2011/4300. The Owner also undertakes to complete any
Authority and Instruction (“A & I”) form that is necessary to register that mortgage and to instruct their solicitor
(or other relevant agent) to take whatever step is necessary to register that mortgage.
124. The Owner also acknowledges that the RMB is entitled to register a caveat or similar charge against the title to
the Land in circumstances where the RMB is entitled to demand a registrable memorandum of mortgage.
125. The RMB must notify the Owner in writing and give the Owner ve Working Days to remedy the default before
demanding a registrable memorandum of mortgage over the Land or registering a caveat over the Land.
126. The Owner appoints the RMB (and if the RMB is a Company, then every ofcer of the RMB) to be the Owner’s
attorney for the purposes of giving and executing in favour of the RMB a registrable memorandum of mortgage
over the Land (i.e. for the purposes of clause 123). The Owner acknowledges that the appointment of the
RMB as the Owner’s attorney is made for valuable consideration (i.e. the RMB entering into the Building
Contract) and is irrevocable.
127. The Owner must ensure that any existing mortgagee is aware of and does not oppose the RMB’s rights under
clauses 123 to 126.
Costs of recovery of any amount due and payable by the Owner under the Building Contract
128. The RMB is entitled to recover from the Owner, on an indemnity basis, all costs and expenses (including legal
costs on a client/solicitor basis) incurred in connection with the recovery of any amount due and payable by the
Owner under the Building Contract including, without limitation, all costs and expenses incurred:
a repossessing and/or selling any goods or materials;
b registering any memorandum of mortgage or caveat; or
c in relation to any court proceedings.
Preservation of rights following termination
129. Where the Owner or RMB exercise a right to terminate the Building Contract due to the default of the other
party, such termination is without prejudice to any other rights and remedies the terminating party may have
arising from the default.
130. A party to this Building Contract wishing to invoke these dispute resolution procedures must give written notice
to the other party to the Building Contract specifying the nature of the dispute.
131. If notice of a dispute is provided, the parties must in good faith promptly endeavour to resolve the dispute by
132. The parties will refer the dispute to mediation if they are unable to resolve it within ve Working Days (or before
that, if the circumstances involve urgency). Mediation may be:
Residential Building Contract
a a formal mediation through a professional mediator (unless agreed otherwise, using the services of a
mediator nominated by the President of the Arbitrators and Mediators Institute of New Zealand Inc); or
b an informal mediation through an agreed third party (e.g. an industry representative).
133. Nothing in these Dispute Resolution provisions limits any right the parties may have to refer a dispute to
adjudication under the Construction Contracts Act 2002.
134. If no agreement has been reached in mediation within twenty Working Days of the referral to mediation, or
within such further time as the parties may agree, then either party may refer the dispute to arbitration. The
arbitration will be by a single arbitrator and in accordance with the Arbitration Act 1996.
135. Arbitration in relation to this Building Contract is subject to section 11 of the Arbitration Act 1996 pertaining to
consumer arbitration agreements.
136. Nothing in these dispute resolution provisions limits any right the parties may have to bring a claim before the
District Court or the High Court or the Disputes Tribunal.
137. This Building Contract is to be interpreted subject to New Zealand law. Disputes arising under this Building
Contract are to be resolved in New Zealand.
Contact Details for Serving Notices
138. Every notice given under this Building Contract (including Construction Contracts Act 2002 payment claims)
will be sufciently given if served at the address for service recorded in Part 2 the Building Contract (except
when written notice has been provided of a change of address). The parties also agree that information or
notices may be provided using the parties’ email addresses recorded in this Building Contract. Further details
of the parties required by Regulation 6(2)(b) of the Building (Residential Consumer Rights and Remedies)
Regulations 2014 are recorded in Part 2 of the Building Contract.
139. The Owner consents to the RMB providing MBS and RMBA with any information about the Owner relating to
the Building Contract. That information may be stored electronically by MBS and RMBA and where applicable
is subject to the Privacy Act 1993. The Owner has the right to access and correct personal information.
140. The RMB shall have no entitlement to use any information about the Owner for promotional purposes unless
the Owner consents to such use in writing.
NOTE: Deleting or altering clauses in Part 6 of the Building Contract may result in a Master Build
Guarantee application being declined
This Building Contract is subject to the following Amended and Additional Clause(s) (please initial this page if using):
Note: Amended and Additional Clauses take precedence over General Clauses.
Clause 68 to be replaced with the following:
The Owner is responsible for providing utilities (such as electricity and water). The RMB will be entitles to
reasonable use of such utilities for the Works. The RMB shall meet all costs for the utilisation of utilities during
construction. The Owner is responsible for all costs associated with establishing their accounts with the utility
Residential Building Contract
Signed by the director(s)
Name of the director(s)
Witness Name:
Witness Signature:
Witness Occupation:
Witness Address:
Witness Name:
Witness Signature:
Witness Occupation:
Witness Address:
Note: a person contracting with a RMB as a trustee is personally liable in any event, therefore a
personal guarantee is not required. Professional trustees may seek to limit the extent of their liability to
the assets of the trust.
(when Owner is a company)
Where the Owner is a company, the directors, the Guarantor(s), of the Owner, in consideration for the RMB
entering into this Building Contract, will personally guarantee the obligations of the Owner under this Building
The Guarantor(s) signs in their personal capacity and jointly and severally personally guarantee to the RMB
the payment of all monies owed now or subsequently by the Owner to the RMB under or in connection with this
Building Contract.
ken985-044_004.docx (TEMPLATE)
Addendum to Residential Building Contract
This addendum records the amendments and additions to the General Clauses of Contract
(“the General Terms”) contained in the Residential Building Contract between Kenepuru
Homes Limited and the purchaser in respect of that property situated at Lot 3, Taupiri
Crescent, Titahi Bay, Porirua being an allotment to be subdivided from the land comprised in
Records of Title WN29D/961, WN47D/779, WN50C/289, WN43C/977 and WN47D/783
(noting that a separate record of title reference 841638 having been allocated to the said Lot)
(“the Property”). The paragraph numbering below corresponds with the clause numbering
contained within the General Terms.
Owners Title
14. Clause 14 of the General Terms is hereby deleted and replaced with the following:
“14. The parties acknowledge and agree that the Owner is the purchaser pursuant
to an agreement for sale and purchase in respect the Property whereby the
RMB is the vendor (“Land Agreement”). As at the date of this Building
Contract, settlement under the Land Agreement has not yet occurred.
14.1 This Build Contract is conditional upon settlement under the Land Agreement
being completed on the settlement date in accordance with the Land
Contract Deposit
21A. Clause 21A is hereby inserted as a new clause into the General Terms under
clause 21, as follows:
“21A. If settlement under the Land Agreement does not proceed as a result of the
Owner’s failure to provide funding evidence to the RMB which is acceptable
to the RMB (acting reasonably) pursuant to clauses 23.4 23.6 of the Land
Agreement, or due to any default by the Purchaser under the Land
Agreement, then the Contract Deposit shall be non-refundable and RMB shall
be entitled to retain the Contract Deposit in full to the intent that the Owner
shall have no right, claim or interest to the Contract Deposit.
The Works are subject to variation
80A. Clause 80A is hereby inserted as a new clause into the General Terms under
clause 80, as follows:
“80A. Subject to clause 80B below the RMB and the Owner agree that the only
variations permitted to be made by the Owner are as follows:
(a) Electrical Placement of electrical allocation is to be determined by
the Owner and electrician, at this stage the Owner can request
ken985-044_001.docx (TEMPLATE)
additional items or alterations to the electrical schedule. The
electrician will invoice the Owner directly for any additional costs.
This is to be paid by the Owner prior to possession of the home.
(b) Kitchen the Owner has an option for having a consultation with the
kitchen manufacturer to adjust the kitchen plans. The kitchen
manufacturer will invoice the Owner directly for any additional costs.
This is to be paid by the Owner prior to possession of the home.
80B. Clause 80B is hereby inserted as a new clause into the General Terms under
clause 80A, as follows:
“80B. Interior colour selection and kitchen design must be selected and confirmed
by the Owner no later than six (6) weeks prior to commencement of the
Works. If the Owner does not provide the RMB with its selections in this
respect, then the RMB shall use the default selections elected by the RMB at
its discretion. For the avoidance of doubt the Owner shall not be entitled to
make any changes to its selections following final confirmation to the RMB.
Variations requested by the Owner
81. Clauses 81 and 82 of the General Terms are hereby deleted.
Variations for additional works or items reasonably required to complete the Works
84. Clause 84 of the General Terms is hereby deleted and replaced with the following:
“84. The Owner and the RMB agree that works or materials not included in the
Build Contract may be reasonably required to complete the Works. In such a
case the RMB shall be entitled to make such variations as are required to
complete the Works without reference to the Owner provided that such
variations are minor and do not materially effect the value of the Works.”
Notice of Practical Completion
107A. Clause 107A is hereby inserted as a new clause into the General Terms under
clause 107, as follows:
“107A. The parties acknowledge and agree that notwithstanding any other provision
within this Build Contract the Final Payment shall be due and payable
immediately following Practical Completion.”
Possession by Owner
108. Clause 108 of the General Terms is hereby deleted and replaced with the following:
“108. On Practical Completion of the Works, following the Owner paying to RMB
the Contract Price in full, and subject to the Owner complying with
ken985-044_001.docx (TEMPLATE)
clause 108A below, the Owner shall be entitled to possession of the Site and
the Works.”
108A. Clause 108A is hereby inserted as a new clause into the General Terms under
clause 108, as follows:
“108A. Prior to taking possession of the Works the Owner must duly sign, date and
return to the RMB a Building Act Agreement in the form prepared by the
RMB’s solicitors and acceptable to them in all respects for the purpose of
compliance with section 362V of the Building Act 2004. For the avoidance of
doubt the Owner shall not be entitled to possession of the Site or the Works
until such agreement has been signed and returned to the RMB
notwithstanding that full payment of the Contract Price may have been
Deferred Commencement of Works - Detailed
141. Clause 141 is hereby inserted as a new clause into the General Terms as follows:
“141. Notwithstanding any other clause in this Build Contract the parties
acknowledge that the RMB has, or will be, entering into other building
contracts with other parties in relation to other allotments within the
development, and this will defer commencement of the Works. Accordingly,
the parties acknowledge that the RMB expects to commence the Works
approximately [ ] months following the date of settlement under the
Land Agreement, and the Expected Completion Date is anticipated to be
[ ] months following commencement of the Works by the RMB.”