Construction Contract
Insert Project Name
Contract No. insert
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 2
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 3
<<This page is to be deleted prior to documents being finalised for tender.>>
This proforma document provides the basis for the development of physical works contracts for NZTA’s
construct only contracts. The purpose of the proforma is to provide consistency throughout NZTA’s
- Black: Black text is mandatory and may not be changed without approval prior to issue by the NZTA
Project Manager, who will consult with the relevant NZTA staff on all changes made including the
NZTA Legal team.
- Red: Red text is used for data which requires fields to be updated or at least considered for each
contract. Text can be used as is, modified or replaced. All red text adjustments must have the NZTA
Project Manager’s approval. Red text must be converted to Black text, prior to tender document
- <<Guidance Notes>>: Blue text with yellow highlighting are guidance notes. Guidance notes must
be deleted prior to tender document release.
- If schedules are not required, the text can be deleted and replaced with “This Schedule is not used
For any questions or assistance with preparing this template contract, contact the NZTA Legal team. Please
note no changes are to be made to the black text without engagement with the NZTA Legal team (including
pre-tender and during tender negotiations).
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 4
Contract Agreement
(‘the Contractor’)
New Zealand Transport Agency, a Crown entity, established on 1
August 2008 by Section 93 of the Land Transport Management Act 2003
IT IS AGREED as follows:
1. The Contractor shall carry out the obligations imposed on the Contractor by the Contract.
2. The Principal shall pay the Contractor the sum of $_____________________________________
or such greater or less sum as shall become payable under the Contract together with goods and
services tax at the times and in the manner provided in the Contract.
3. Each party agrees to the terms and conditions as set out in the Contract.
4. The Contract comprises the following documents:
(a) This Contract Agreement;
(b) The notification of acceptance of tender or award of Contract;
(c) The following post-tender documents <<Guidance note: identify any agreed post-tender
documents to be included, for example correspondence or minutes of pre-let meetings dealing
with tender tags etc>>
(d) Schedule 2: Special Conditions of Contract Other Conditions of Contract;
(e) Schedule 1: Special Conditions of Contract Specific Conditions of Contract (Parts A and B);
(f) The General Conditions of Contract NZS3910:2023 (including other Schedules);
(g) The Drawings identified in Annexure 1 List of Drawings;
(h) The Specifications identified in Annexure 2 List of Specifications;
(i) The Schedule of Prices and the Basis of Payment;
(j) The Contractor’s tender;
(k) Notices to Tenderers: <<Guidance note: give details with dates>>
(l) The Tender Documents; and
(m) The following additional documents: <<Guidance note: Identify any additional documents to be
included for example agreed correspondence>>
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 5
5. The documents comprising the Contract shall be taken as mutually explanatory but in the case of
ambiguity or conflict, the priority of documents shall be as listed in clause 4 above, with each
document prevailing over a document lower in the list.
6. This Contract shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties. This Contract supersedes all
prior negotiations, representations, and warranties, except insofar as the same are expressly
incorporated herein.
7. The Contract may be executed in counterparts and by electronic signature, and provided that each
party has executed a counterpart, the counterparts together shall constitute a binding and enforceable
agreement between the parties. A party may transmit an electronic copy of the Contract by email (or
other electronic means) to the other party.
EXECUTED as an agreement:
SIGNED for and on behalf of the New
Zealand Transport Agency by its delegate:
Signature of Authorised Signatory
Name of Authorised Signatory
SIGNED for and on behalf of [insert]:
Signature of Director/Authorised Signatory
Signature of Director/Authorised Signatory
Name of Director/Authorised Signatory
Name of Director/Authorised Signatory
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 6
General Conditions
The General Conditions of Contract shall be those included in NZS 3910:2023 Conditions of Contract for
Building and Civil Engineering Construction and the following clauses.
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 7
Schedule 1 (Part A) Special Conditions of Contract
Specific Conditions of Contract
Contract Title:
Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024)
Contract Number:
Insert contract number
Contract For:
Insert project name
in General
Title and subject matter
Specific condition data
(Expand cells if required or add reference to further
detail provided in Schedule 2.)
The Contractor’s Representative is:
Insert name
Insert name of organisation
The Principal is:
New Zealand Transport Agency
Insert the street address
The Principal’s Representative is:
Insert name
New Zealand Transport Agency
1.2, 10.2
Separable Portions
Are there any Separable Portions in this
Select yes or no
If yes, the Separable Portions are as follows
and as further defined in the Contract.
List the Separable Portions or insert ‘Not
Target Price
The Target Price is
Not applicable
Type of Contract Price
This Contract Price is:
(select one or more to apply (i), (ii), (iii), and/or (iv))
(i) Lump sum contract governed by 2.2
(ii) Measure and value contract governed by 2.3
(iii) Cost reimbursement governed by 2.4
<<Guidance note: Discuss with NZTA Legal
before selecting this option>>
(iv) Target Price governed by 2.5
<<Guidance note: Discuss with NZTA Legal
before selecting this option>>
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 8
in General
Title and subject matter
Specific condition data
(Expand cells if required or add reference to further
detail provided in Schedule 2.)
Is this a lump sum contract in which the Schedule
of Prices is a full schedule of quantities and 2.2.4
No <<Guidance note: Discuss with NZTA Project
Manager before changing this as it will allow
Variations under 2.2.4 >>
Cost reimbursement Contract Price <<Guidance note: Discuss with NZTA Legal before making any
changes to this section 2.4 >>
Allowance(s) which are to be added to Net Cost in a cost reimbursement Contract Price or for parts of
the Contract Works which are required to be carried out on a cost-reimbursement basis:
(if percentages are shown as zero or nil, allowances for Preliminary & General are deemed to be included in Net
Allowance for Preliminary & General:
Not applicable
Allowance for Margin:
Not applicable
Indicative estimates of the Contract Price
Are indicative estimates required?
Not applicable
Target Contract Price <<Guidance note: Discuss with NZTA Legal before making any changes to this
section 2.5 >>
Where 2.5.1 applies:
The Principal’s and Contractor’s share of any
saving shall be the following percentage of saving
(as defined in 2.5.1(a)):
Not applicable
The Principal’s and Contractor’s share of any
overrun shall be the following percentage of
saving (as defined in 2.5.1(b)):
Not applicable
The Contractor’s share of any overrun shall be
capped at the following:
Not applicable
Clauses providing for Variations or adjustments to
the Contract Price that will not apply to vary or
adjust the Contract Price
Not applicable
Local authority contracts, contracts in public places, and road contracts
Is this Contract a local authority contract to which
2.6.1 applies
Is this Contract a contract in a public place to
which B1 and B2 of Appendix B apply?
Is this Contract a road contract to which Appendix
B applies?
Yes, refer to Schedule 1 (Part A) 10.3.1 for the
Evidence of Contract
Electronic format and hard copies
Is an electronic copy required?
If an electronic copy of the Contract is required, a
copy of the Contract shall be supplied without
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 9
in General
Title and subject matter
Specific condition data
(Expand cells if required or add reference to further
detail provided in Schedule 2.)
charge to the Contractor in the following electronic
Are hard copies required?
Select yes or no
If hard copies of the Contract are required, copies
of the Contract shall be provided to the Contractor
as follows:
(Select (i), (ii) and/or (iii), delete where not applicable.)
(i) An original signed set;
(ii) Insert number hard copies;
(iii) Insert number hard copies of any
additional consent documents.
Documents prepared or provided by the Contract Administrator or Principal
Copies of the documents referred to in 2.8.1 shall
be supplied without charge to the Contractor in the
following electronic format:
Documents prepared or provided by the Contractor
Copies of the documents referred to in 2.9.2 shall
be supplied without charge to each of the Contract
Administrator and Independent Certifier in the
following electronic format:
Are hard copy sets also required?
Select yes or no
If ‘yes’, how many copies?
Insert number
Contractor’s Bond
Is a Contractor’s Bond required?
No <<Guidance note: Discuss with NZTA Legal if
the estimated value of the Contract is greater
than $100m >>
If yes, the amount of the Contractor’s Bond shall
Not applicable
Principal’s Bond
Is a Principal’s Bond required?
Nominated Subcontractors
The Principal nominates the following
List Nominated Subcontractors or insert ‘Not
Design responsibilities
The Contractor is responsible for the design of
those parts of the Contract Works:
Insert As detailed in the Specifications or ‘Not
The Principal is responsible for the following parts
of the design of the Temporary Works:
Insert ‘As detailed in the Specifications or ‘None’
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 10
in General
Title and subject matter
Specific condition data
(Expand cells if required or add reference to further
detail provided in Schedule 2.)
Possession of the Site
The Contractor shall be given possession of the
For the Contract Works:
(Select one to apply, (i) or (ii))
(i) 10 Working Days after the Date of
Acceptance of Tender:
(ii) On the following date:
Select a date or insert ‘Not applicable’
For Separable Portions:
List each Separable Portion and the date for
possession or insert ‘Not applicable’
Possession of the Site is subject to compliance
with the following preconditions:
The Contractor’s and Principal’s obligations
under 8.2.5 and 8.7.5
Insert any other precondition or delete
Limits on the Contractor’s right of entry to
adjoining properties are:
Insert ‘As detailed in the Specifications or ‘None’
Separate Contractors
Separate Contractors who may be carrying out
work on the Site concurrently with the Contract
Works are:
List each Separate Contractor or insert ‘Not
Are facilities for Separate Contractors required?
Select yes or no
If yes, details of facilities required are:
Insert details or insert ‘Not applicable’
Care of the Contract Works and Site
Further risks specifically excepted are:
Management Plans
The following Management Plans are required:
(Select yes or no for each Management Plan)
Traffic management plan
If yes, requirements for the traffic
management plan are stated in:
As detailed in the Specifications
Environmental management plan
If yes, requirements for the environmental
management plan are stated in:
Select yes or no
Insert ‘As detailed in the Specifications or delete
Quality management plan
If yes, requirements for the quality
management plan are stated in:
Select yes or no
Insert ‘As detailed in the Specifications or delete
Sustainability management plan
If yes, requirements for the sustainability
management plan are stated in:
Select yes or no
Insert ‘As detailed in the Specifications or delete
Select yes or no
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 11
in General
Title and subject matter
Specific condition data
(Expand cells if required or add reference to further
detail provided in Schedule 2.)
If other(s), requirements for the other
management plan/s are:
Insert ‘As detailed in the Specifications or delete
Is the programme required to be a Comprehensive
If yes, other requirements for the Comprehensive
Programme are:
As detailed in the Specifications
The Comprehensive Programme shall use the
following software:
As detailed in the Specifications
Updates of the Comprehensive Programme shall
be provided at the following intervals:
As detailed in the Specifications
Compliance with laws and Consents
Exceptions to the Principal’s obligations to obtain
Consents for the Contract Works under 5.14.2 are:
Exceptions to the Contractor’s obligations to give
notices and obtain other Consents for Temporary
Works under 5.14.3 are:
Supply by Principal
Principal supplied items are:
Insert ‘As detailed in the Specifications or ‘Not
Completion Records
Are Completion Records to be prepared by the
The number of sets of Completion Records
required is:
As detailed in the Specifications
Are reports required, and if so, how frequently?
Yes, as detailed in the Specifications
If yes, what matters are to be covered in the
As detailed in the Specifications
If yes, in what form should the report be provided?
As detailed in the Specifications
Appointment of the Contract Administrator and Independent Certifier
The Contract Administrator is:
Insert name
The Independent Certifier is:
Insert name
Contractor’s liability limit
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 12
in General
Title and subject matter
Specific condition data
(Expand cells if required or add reference to further
detail provided in Schedule 2.)
Is this a contract to which 7.2 applies?
Subject to 7.2.2 and 7.2.3, the maximum
aggregate liability of the Contractor to the Principal
under or in connection with the Contract is:
Insert the appropriate option: (a) Contract value
$25m = insert the higher of $20m or 200% of
the Contract Price, (b) Contract value $25m
$500m = insert the higher of $50m or 100% of
the Contract Price, or (c) Contract value >
$500m = insert $500m
INSURANCES Refer to Schedule 1 (Part B Insurances)
Valuation of Variations
For Preliminary and General:
(select one to apply, (i), (ii) or (iii))
(i) The prices and rates in the Schedule of Prices
are inclusive of full allowance for Preliminary
and General (so 9.3.9(a) or 9.3.10(c) applies
to the valuation of Variations)
(ii) The prices and rates in the Schedule of Prices
are exclusive of Preliminary & General (so
9.3.10(a) or 9.3.10(b) applies to the valuation
of Variations)
(iii) Where 9.3.10(b) applies to the valuation of
Variations, the allowance for Preliminary &
General to be added in accordance with
9.3.10 is:
(if (iii) is selected, select one to apply, (A), (B), (C),
or (D))
(A) Agreed percentage:
(B) As nominated in the Schedule of Prices.
(C) As nominated in the Contractor’s tender.
(D) A reasonable percentage.
For Margin:
(select one to apply, (i), (ii) or (iii))
(i) The price and rates in the Schedule of Prices
are inclusive of full allowance for Margin (and
9.3.9(b) or 9.3.11(c) applies to the valuation of
(ii) The prices and rates in the Schedule of Prices
are exclusive of Margin (and 9.3.11(a) or
9.3.11(b) applies to the valuation of
(iii) Where 9.3.11(b) applies to the valuation of
Variations, the allowance for Margin to be
added in accordance with 9.3.11 is:
(if (iii) is selected, select one to apply, (A), (B), (C),
or (D))
(A) Agreed percentage:
(B) As nominated in the Schedule of Prices.
(C) As nominated in the Contractor’s tender.
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 13
in General
Title and subject matter
Specific condition data
(Expand cells if required or add reference to further
detail provided in Schedule 2.)
(D) A reasonable percentage.
For time related Cost, the Working Day Rate in
compensation for time-related Preliminary &
General and Margin in relation to an extension of
time to be applied in accordance with 9.3.12 is:
(select one to apply, (i), (ii), (iii), or (iv))
(i) Agreed Working Day Rate
$[ ] per Working Day
(ii) As nominated in the Schedule of Prices.
(iii) As nominated in the Contractor’s tender.
(iv) Reasonable compensation.
For processing of Variations, the percentage to be
paid in accordance with 9.3.16 is:
(select one to apply, (i), (ii), (iii), or (iv))
(i) Agreed percentage:
(ii) As nominated in the Schedule of Prices.
(iii) As nominated in the Contractor’s tender.
(iv) A reasonable Cost of processing the
Cost Fluctuations
Appendix A shall apply unless option (i) or (ii) is
selected as an alternative:
(Select one to apply, (i) or (ii))
(i) Cost fluctuations shall not be paid
(ii) Cost fluctuation shall be paid in accordance
with the method described in:
Schedule 17 <<Guidance note: Select this
option when contract includes bitumen supply or
if the contract period exceeds 12 months>>
Final Account
The Contractor shall submit the Interim Final
Account within the following period after the issue
of the Practical Completion Certificate for the
whole of the Contract Works:
(Select one to apply)
3 months; or
The following period Insert period
Winter Period
1 May through 31 August inclusive. <<Guidance
Note: Insert the appropriate Winter Period for
pavement and surfacing construction exclusion.
Align with the Construction Season.>>
Construction Season
1 September through 30 April inclusive.
<<Guidance Note: Align with the Winter
Due Date for Completion
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 14
in General
Title and subject matter
Specific condition data
(Expand cells if required or add reference to further
detail provided in Schedule 2.)
The date(s) or period(s) to be used for calculating
the Due Date for Completion are:
(select one to apply, (a), or (b))
(a) For the Contract Works:
Insert date or number of Working Days
(b) For any Separable Portions:
Insert date or number of Working Days
Extensions of time
An allowance for inclement weather:
<< Guidance Note: If an allowance for inclement
weather is to be provided for in the programme
then select this first option and the appropriate
wording for using an independent station or not.
If the programme contains no allowance for
inclement weather then select the “Nil” option
below and delete balance of text.>>
Insert number Working Days.
No extension of time will be granted for “wet
days” lost due to inclement weather in the period
Insert date to Insert date for earthworks
operations or surfacing works.
A “wet day” is a working day in which the rainfall
is Insert amount i.e. 5 mm or greater. Any of the
two immediately following days on which rainfall
is Insert amount i.e. 1 mm or greater shall also
qualify as “wet days”.
<< Guidance Note: To be used where it is
practical to use an independent station>>
This allowance is based on automatic
weather station Insert weather station
reference and physical location, records
from Insert date to Insert date.
“wet days” are determined from the
average over the Insert range year record
All rainfall shall be measured at the
specified weather station
<< Guidance note: to be used where impractical
to use an independent station due to location or
This allowance is based on the average
number of days that can be worked on Site
in conventional earthworks operations from
Insert date to Insert date, and surfacing
works from Insert date to Insert date.
The rain gauge will be located Insert
location, and constructed in accordance
with New Zealand meteorological standards
Measurement of daily rainfall will be carried
out by the Contractor. Rainfall data will be
reported to the Contract Administrator on a
weekly basis.
Nil. Full allowance for inclement weather is
included in the Due Date for Completion.
Practical Completion Certificate
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 15
in General
Title and subject matter
Specific condition data
(Expand cells if required or add reference to further
detail provided in Schedule 2.)
Prior to issue of the Practical Completion
Certificate, the Contractor shall provide:
Producer Statements:
(select one to apply, (i), (ii) or (iii))
(i) Producer Statements in the form of Schedule
6 are required;
(ii) Producer Statements as set out in the
following parts of the Contract are required:
(iii) Producer Statements are not required.
Completion Records required for Practical
Completion by 5.20:
Any warranties or guarantees required by 11.5.2
Damages for late completion
Are liquidated damages applicable?
Select yes or no
Where applicable liquidated damages shall be
applied as follows:
In respect of the Contract Works:
$Insert amount per Working Day
In respect of any Separable Portion(s):
$Insert amount per Working Day for each
Separable Portion
Bonus for early completion
Is a bonus to be payable?
If yes, the bonus for the Contract Works is:
Not applicable
If yes, bonuses for any Separable Portions
Not applicable
Defects Notification Period
The Defects Notification Period shall be 3 Months
unless otherwise stated below:
For the Contract Works:
Insert period standard 52 weeks
For any Separable Portions:
Insert period or insert ‘Not applicable’
Final Completion Certificate
Before issue of the Final Completion Certificate:
(select one to apply, (i), (ii) or (iii))
Producer Statements
(i) Producer Statements in the form of
Schedule 6 are required;
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 16
in General
Title and subject matter
Specific condition data
(Expand cells if required or add reference to further
detail provided in Schedule 2.)
(ii) Producer Statements as set out in the
following parts of the Contract are required:
(iii) Producer Statements are not required.
Completion Records required for final completion
Warranties and guarantees
(select one to apply, (i) or (ii))
(i) No warranties are required;
(ii) The Contractor shall provide warranties as
for the following items of work:
Warranties shall be provided:
(select one to apply, (i) or (ii))
(i) Before the issue of the Practical Completion
(ii) At another time:
11.5.1 / 11.5.3
(select one to apply, (i) or (ii))
(i) No guarantees are required
(ii) The Contractor shall provide guarantees in
the following form(s):
Contractor’s payment claims
Advances for Materials delivered to the Site
(select one to apply, (i) or (ii))
(i) Advances for Materials delivered to the Site
but which have yet to be incorporated in the
Contract Works shall not be made
(ii) Advances for Materials delivered to the Site
but which have yet to be incorporated in the
Contract Works shall be made, subject to
the following conditions:
(a) At the sole discretion of the Principal;
(b) Payment will be made at 80% of the value
of the Materials; and
(c) Any advances made will be recovered
progressively by deduction from progress
payments as such Materials are
incorporated into the Contract Works
Advances for Temporary Works or Plant
(select one to apply, (i) or (ii))
(i) Advances for Temporary Works or Plant
shall not be made.
(ii) Advances for Temporary Works or Plant
shall be made, subject to the following
Advances for Materials not yet on Site
(select one to apply, (i) or (ii))
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 17
in General
Title and subject matter
Specific condition data
(Expand cells if required or add reference to further
detail provided in Schedule 2.)
(i) Advances for Materials not yet on Site shall
not be made
(ii) Advances for Materials not yet on Site shall be
made, subject to the following conditions:
(a) At the sole discretion of the Principal;
(b) The Contractor first enters into an Off Site
Materials Agreement in the form attached
at Schedule 14;
(c) Payment will be made at 80% of the value
of the Materials; and
(d) Any advances made will be recovered
progressively by deduction from progress
payments as such Materials are
incorporated into the Contract Works
Retention monies
12.3.1, 12.3.2
The percentage to be retained from each progress
payment, the GST exclusive amount, and the limit
of to be retained shall be in accordance with the
(select one to apply, (i) or (ii))
(i) For the Contract Works, a total retention of:
10% on the first $200,000, and
5% on the next $800,000, and
1.75% on amounts in excess of
With a maximum total retention when
aggregated of $200,000; and
With a defects liability retention of half
the maximum total retention
(ii) The retention scale in the right hand column:
<<Guidance note: Discuss with TS
Commercial Team where the estimated value of
the Contract is greater than $20m (as the
capped retention amount will not be sufficient)>>
Bond in lieu of retention
(select one to apply, (i) or (ii))
(i) The Contractor may provide a bond in lieu of
The value of the bond shall be the total
applicable retention amount specified in 12.3.1
above, plus 10%. <<Guidance note: Discuss this
option with TS Commercial Team>>
The time within which the Contractor shall
provide the bond in lieu of retentions is:
(if (i) is selected, select one to apply, (A) or (B))
(A) Within 2 Months of the Date of
Acceptance of Tender
(B) Within the time stated
(ii) The Contractor may not provide a bond in
lieu of retentions
Goods and services tax
Taxable supply information shall be provided by:
(select one to apply, (i) or (ii))
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 18
in General
Title and subject matter
Specific condition data
(Expand cells if required or add reference to further
detail provided in Schedule 2.)
(i) The Principal
In the form of Payment Schedules provided
by the Independent Certifier containing buyer-
created taxable supply information
(ii) The Contractor
If required, the arbitrator shall be nominated by the
following Person:
The then President of the New Zealand Law
Society or his or her nominee
For the purposes of service of written notice:
(i) The Principal’s address is:
Postal address:
Click to enter text
Delivery address:
Click to enter text
Mark for the attention of:
Click to enter text
Email address:
Click to enter text
Other agreed means of electronic
communication and address detail:
Click to enter text
(ii) The Contractor’s address is:
Postal address:
Click to enter text
Delivery address:
Click to enter text
Mark for the attention of:
Click to enter text
Email address:
Click to enter text
Other agreed means of electronic
communication and address detail:
Click to enter text
(iii) The Independent Certifier’s address is:
Postal address:
Click to enter text
Delivery address:
Click to enter text
Mark for the attention of:
Click to enter text
Email address:
Click to enter text
Other agreed means of electronic
communication and address detail:
Click to enter text
(iv) The Contract Administrator’s address is:
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 19
in General
Title and subject matter
Specific condition data
(Expand cells if required or add reference to further
detail provided in Schedule 2.)
Postal address:
Click to enter text
Delivery address:
Click to enter text
Mark for the attention of:
Click to enter text
Email address:
Click to enter text
Other agreed means of electronic
Click to enter text
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 20
Schedule 1 (Part B) Special Conditions of Contract
Specific Conditions of Contract
Contract Title:
Construction Contract 3910:2023 (NZTA June 2024)
Contract Number:
Insert contract number
Contract For:
Insert project name
In General
Title and subject matter
Specific condition data
(Expand cells if required or add reference to further
detail provided in Schedule 2)
INSURANCE <<Guidance note: Refer to insurance guidance note before making any changes to the
default insurance settings>>
The party identified below shall arrange the following
insurances referred to in the following clauses
8.3 or 8.8 Construction
8.8 Existing structure(s) and contents
Not applicable
8.4 Plant
8.5 or 8.9 Public liability
8.5.2 Motor Vehicle
8.6 Professional Indemnity
Not required
The following forces of nature shall be specifically
insured under 8.3 or 8.8 as applicable:
(i) Landslip
(ii) Earthquake
(iii) Tsunami
(iv) Tornado
(v) Cyclone
(vi) Storm
(vii) Flood
(viii) Lightning strike
(ix) Volcanic activity
(x) Hydrothermal Activity
(xi) Geothermal Activity
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 21
In General
Title and subject matter
Specific condition data
(Expand cells if required or add reference to further
detail provided in Schedule 2)
8.3, 8.8
Construction insurance
(These items are required to be completed whether the Contractor or the Principal is the insuring party (see 8.1 above)
8.3.2, 8.8
The following shall have their respective interests
noted in the construction insurance policy:
Not applicable
8.3.3, 8.8
Where construction insurance is required (see 8.1
above), the amount of insurance to be effected for
the Contract Price, after acceptance of the tender or
other offer, plus the following allowances:
(i) An allowance for the Cost of demolition,
disposal and preparation for replacement
work, equal to:
(Select one to apply, (A) or (B))
(A) The amount in the right-hand column:
Insert the appropriate option: (a) Contract
value $50m = insert $7.5m, (b) Contract value
$50m - $100m = insert $12m, or (c) Contract value
$100m - $200m = insert $20m
(B) The percentage in the right-hand column
of the Contract Price adjusted as above:
(ii) An allowance for professional fees including
the Cost of clerks of works and inspectors,
equal to:
(Select one to apply, (A) or (B))
(A) The amount in the right-hand column:
Insert the appropriate option: (a) Contract
value $50m = insert $5m, (b) Contract value
$50m - $100m = insert $10m, or (c) Contract value
$100m - $200m = insert $20m
(B) The percentage in the right-hand column
of the Contract Price adjusted as above:
(iii) An allowance for items to be incorporated in
the Contract Works, the Cost of which is not
included in the Contract Price, equal to:
(Select one to apply, (A) or (B))
(A) The amount in the right-hand column:
Not applicable (to be included)
(B) The percentage in the right-hand column
of the Contract Price adjusted as above:
(iv) An allowance for an increase in the Contract
Price due to Variations, equal to:
(Select one to apply, (A) or (B))
(A) The amount in the right-hand column:
(B) The percentage in the right-hand column
of the Contract Price adjusted as above:
Up to 15%
(v) An allowance for increased construction Costs
due to inflation, equal to:
(Select one to apply, (A) or (B))
(A) The amount in the right-hand column:
Insert the appropriate option: (a) Contract
value < $50m = insert $1m, (b) Contract value >
$50m = insert $3m
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NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 22
In General
Title and subject matter
Specific condition data
(Expand cells if required or add reference to further
detail provided in Schedule 2)
(B) The percentage in the right-hand column
of the Contract Price adjusted as above:
Contractor-arranged Plant insurance
Where Plant is required to be insured (see 8.1
(Select one to apply, (i) or (ii))
(i) The Contractor shall insure the following items
of Plant on Site for the amounts stated:
(ii) The Contractor shall insure each item of Plant
on the Site having a current market value of
more than:
Contractor arranged public liability insurance
Where required (see 8.1 above), public liability
insurance shall be effected by the Contractor for an
amount not less than:
Not applicable
Such public liability insurance may include a sub-
limit for liability arising out of vibration, weakening,
or removal of support, of not less than:
Not applicable
Where required (see 8.1 above), motor vehicle third
party liability insurance shall be effected for an
amount not less than:
Not applicable
Contractor-arranged professional indemnity insurance
Where required (see 8.1 above), professional
indemnity insurance for design by the Contractor
shall be effected for an amount not less than:
For any one claim:
Not applicable
And for an amount in the aggregate of:
Not applicable
Sub limits of liability for design of parts of the
Contract Works by Subcontractors shall not be less
Not applicable
Principal-arranged construction insurance (refer also to 8.3)
In accordance with 8.7.2, the insurance policy
wording title for 8.8.1 and 8.8.2 (a), 8.8.2(b), and
8.8.2(c) is:
The Principal, the Contractor and Subcontractors
for their respective rights and interests
In accordance with 8.7.2, the extraordinary
exclusions, conditions, warranties or endorsements
to the policy for 8.8.1 and 8.8.2 (a), 8.8.2(b), and
8.8.2(c) are:
Refer to the NZTA Principal Arranged Insurance
Where the Principal is required to effect construction
insurance (see 8.1 above):
The lead insurer can be found at:
Refer to the NZTA Principal Arranged Insurance
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NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 23
In General
Title and subject matter
Specific condition data
(Expand cells if required or add reference to further
detail provided in Schedule 2)
The Nominal Deductibles are:
value <
$10m -
value >
Each loss,
except as
Wet Work
ses greater
The existing structures are:
Other structures in the vicinity are:
Contents insurance:
Principal’s option to insure public liability
Where required (see 8.1 above), the Principal shall
effect public liability insurance for an amount not
less than:
The lead insurer can be found at:
Refer to the NZTA Principal Arranged Insurance
The Nominal Deductibles are:
In accordance with 8.7.2:
The policy wording title is:
Refer to the NZTA Principal Arranged Insurance
Extraordinary exclusions, conditions, warranties,
or endorsements to the policy are:
Refer to the NZTA Principal Arranged Insurance
Such public liability insurance may include a sub-
limit of liability arising out of vibration, weakening, or
removal of support of not less than:
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NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 24
Schedule 2 Special Conditions of Contract Other
Conditions of Contract
These conditions amend and supplement the General Conditions. Clause numbers refer to NZS 3910:2023.
In addition to 1.2 Definitions, add in the following definitions:
CONSTRUCTION SEASON means the period specified in the Specific Conditions, Schedule 1 (Part
DATA BREACH means any incident involving facilities, systems, personnel, suppliers and/or
Subcontractors that:
(a) involves (or gives rise to a real risk of) unauthorised or accidental access to, or use, disclosure,
alteration, loss or destruction of, any of the Principal’s Personal Information; or
(b) prevents the Principal from accessing the Principal’s Personal Information on either a temporary
or permanent basis; or
(c) would prompt a reasonable and prudent person in the Principal’s position to notify (or consider
notifying) the incident to the Privacy Commissioner and/or one or more individuals under the NZ
Privacy Laws.
HSAW ACT means the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.
JOINT VENTURE has the meaning given to that term in 17.1.1.
KEY PERSONNEL means the Contractor’s personnel listed in Schedule 18 (if any) and any person
appointed as a replacement under 5.23.2.
LIVING WAGE RATE means the New Zealand living wage hourly rate promoted by Living Wage
Aotearoa New Zealand (or similar or equivalent nationwide living wage hourly rate) at the time the
relevant Contract Works are carried out.
OIA means the Official Information Act 1982.
PERSONAL INFORMATION has the meaning given in the Privacy Act 2020.
PRINCIPAL’S PERSONAL INFORMATION means Personal Information made available to the
Contractor by or on behalf of the Principal, or collected by the Contractor for the Principal, in
connection with this Contract.
PRIVACY LAWS means the Privacy Act 2020, and any New Zealand laws, regulations, codes of
practice and approved information sharing agreements insofar as they regulate the collection,
processing, storage, use and/or disclosure of information about individuals.
PROJECT MANAGEMENT BOARD means the project board formed by the Principal and the
Contractor for the Contract (if applicable).
STATUTORY FUNCTIONS has the meaning given to that term in 1.3.10.
WINTER PERIOD means the period specified in the Specific Conditions, Schedule 1 (Part A).
Add new 1.3.8 - 1.3.10 as follows:
1.3.8 If any one or more of the provisions contained in the Contract is invalid, illegal or unenforceable in
any respect under any applicable Act or Regulation, the validity, legality and enforceability of the
remaining provisions contained in the Contract will not in any way be affected or impaired.
1.3.9 No amendment to the Contract will be binding on the parties unless in writing and signed by an
officer or representative of each party having the authority to do so.
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1.3.10 The Contractor recognises that the Principal has certain statutory powers, functions and/or
regulatory roles, and is bound by particular statutory responsibilities (Statutory Functions). The
Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the Contract does not seek to derogate from such
Statutory Functions and, accordingly:
(a) nothing in the Contract in any way influences or restricts the exercise of the Statutory
Functions, or binds the Principal to make a particular decision in respect of any Statutory
Function exercised by it; and
(b) if there is a conflict between an obligation under the Contract, and a Statutory Function, the
applicable Statutory Function prevails to the extent of the conflict.
Delete 2.7.1 and 2.7.2 replace with the following:
2.7.1 There is no contract or other legal relationship between the Contractor and the Principal until the
Contract Agreement is executed by both parties, unless the parties agree otherwise in writing
(including under any signed and countersigned notification of acceptance of tender or letter of
Add the following to the end of 2.10.2:
provided that a change in control will not occur (and will not be an assignment of the Contract for
the purposes of this 2.10.2) as a result of the transfer, issue, redemption, buyback, cancellation,
repurchase or reorganisation of marketable securities in the Contractor or the parent company of
the Contractor where the Contractor or the parent company of the Contractor is listed on a
recognised public stock exchange or as a result of solvent internal restructuring.
Add the following to the end of 2.11:
Any waiver by a party of its rights, powers and/or remedies under this 2.11 will not operate as a
waiver of its rights, powers and/or remedies in respect of any subsequent or continuing breach of
the Contract.
Add the following at the end of 4.1.3:
The Contractor will be responsible for the acts, omissions and defaults of every Subcontractor
(notwithstanding that the Subcontractor may have been approved by the Principal or the Contract
Administrator) in relation to or in connection with the Contract Works, including their officers,
employees and agents, as if they were the acts, omissions or defaults of the Contractor (all such
acts, omissions and defaults will be deemed to be acts, omissions and defaults of the Contractor),
and the Contractor will remain primarily liable to discharge all of its obligations under the Contract.
Add a new 4.1.4 as follows:
4.1.4 Each subcontract entered into or proposed to be entered into by the Contractor will prohibit any
assignment or novation of the subcontract by the Subcontractor and will prohibit any further
subcontracting without the prior approval of the Contract Administrator.
Add new 5.1.5 - 5.1.9 as follows:
5.1.5 The Contractor warrants that, as at the date of this Contract, it has no conflict of interest in
undertaking the Contract Works or entering into the Contract, and it will use its best endeavours to
avoid situations that may lead to a conflict of interest arising while the Contract remains in force.
The Contractor must notify the Contract Administrator of any potential or actual conflicts of interest
within its own organisation or with any individual or organisation engaged by the Contractor to
complete any of the Contract Works.
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5.1.6 The Contractor must advise the Contract Administrator of the means that it intends to use to
remove or mitigate conflicts of interest notified to the Contract Administrator in accordance with
5.1.7 The Contract Administrator will issue an Instruction as to any action required to remove or mitigate
any actual or potential conflict of interest notified to the Contract Administrator in accordance with
5.1.5. Any such Instruction will not constitute a Variation.
5.1.8 It is essential that the Contractor always acts in its dealings with the Principal (including its officers,
employees, contractors and agents), the Principal’s Representative, the Contract Administrator, the
Independent Certifier, and any Advisers in a manner consistent with the highest standards of
probity. The Contractor must, if required by the Principal, comply with any probity guidelines and
principles of Principal, and must ensure that all Subcontractors do the same.
5.1.9 The Contractor must comply with the Standards of Integrity and Conduct issued by the State
Services Commission (see
property/documents/supplier-code-of-conduct.pdf) and any other relevant codes of conduct notified
by the Principal to the Contractor from time to time.
Add the following to the end of 5.8.3 “in respect of the Contract Works. The Contractor shall also provide to
the Principal, through the Contract Administrator, a copy of all information prepared or collected in
preparation for, or anticipation of, such disclosure”.
Add new 5.8.7 - 5.8.9 as follows:
5.8.7 The Contractor will implement and carry out an audit and inspection regime as required by the
Principal and/or any relevant health and safety requirements, including those set out in the
5.8.8 The Contractor warrants to the Principal that the Contractor will, so far as is reasonably practicable,
ensure that no act or omission of it, any Subcontractor and any Worker (as such term is defined in
the HSAW Act) on any part of the Site (or any other area), does or is likely to give rise to the issue
of an improvement or prohibition notice, enforcement proceedings or a prosecution under the
HSAW Act against the Principal, the Contractor, a Subcontractor and/or any other Worker.
5.8.9 The Principal (or the Contract Administrator) may, at any time during performance of the Contract
Works, conduct a compliance audit with respect to the Contractor’s compliance with its health and
safety obligations under the Contract. The Contractor must immediately comply with all requests
and requirements of the Principal (or the Contract Administrator) in relation to or in connection with
any such audit. In addition, if the Principal or the Contract Administrator is of the opinion that the
Contractor has failed to comply with any health and safety obligations under the Contract, the
Contract Administrator may advise the Contractor and Instruct the Contractor to cease or not
commence the Contract Works or part of the Contract Works until the Contractor complies. Any
such Instruction will not constitute a Variation.
Delete 5.9.3 and 5.9.4 and replace with the following:
5.9.3 Within 5 Working Days of receipt of the Contractor’s Site-specific safety plan, or revised Site-
specific safety plan, the Contract Administrator shall notify the Contractor of any comments on the
Site-specific safety plan, and the Contractor shall submit a revised Site-specific safety plan
incorporating the comments.
5.9.4 The Contractor shall not commence any part of the Contract Works on Site until a Site-specific
safety plan has been provided to the Contractor Administrator and any comments received from
the Contract Administrator have been addressed.
Delete 5.10.2 and 5.10.3 and replace with the following:
5.10.2 Within 5 Working Days of receipt of the relevant Management Plans, or revised Management
Plans, the Contract Administrator shall notify the Contractor of any comments on the relevant
Management Plan, and the Contractor shall submit a revised Management Plan incorporating the
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5.10.3 The Contractor shall not commence any part of the Contract Works on Site until a relevant
Management Plan, relating to that part of the Contract Works, has been provided to the Contractor
Administrator and any comments received from the Contract Administrator have been addressed.
Add a new 5.10.5 as follows:
5.10.5 No review, acceptance or approval by the Contract Administrator of a Management Plan or the
Site-specific safety plan, shall relieve the Contractor of any obligation or liability under the Contract.
Add a new 5.13.11 as follows:
5.13.11 Any programme required by 5.13 is intended for use as a management and reporting tool. Nothing
stated in any such programme, and no consent or approval given by the Principal or the Contract
Administrator in respect of any such programme, will relieve the Contractor of its obligation to
proceed with the Contract Works and complete the Contract Works on or by the Due Date(s) for
Completion and nor will anything in any such programme modify or vary amounts to be paid and/or
the payment terms under the Contract.
Add a new 5.22.2 as follows:
5.22.2 The Contractor shall provide information relating to the Contract and the Contract Works to the
Principal (through the Contract Administrator), as requested by the Principal from time to time. The
information will be provided within a reasonable timeframe as agreed between the Contractor and
the Principal.
Add a new 5.23 as follows:
5.23 Key Personnel
5.23.1 The Contractor acknowledges that the Principal has engaged the Contractor to undertake the
Contract Works on the basis that the Key Personnel will be involved in the completion of the
Contract Works, subject to events occurring outside the reasonable control of the Contractor (e.g.
death, sickness or resignation).
5.23.2 The Contractor must obtain the prior written approval of the Principal, or where applicable, the
Project Management Board, before replacing any of the Key Personnel. The replacement must
have at least the same or better skills, qualifications, expertise and experience as the Key
Personnel being replaced or substituted.
5.23.3 If any Key Personnel are not available to perform the role and responsibilities required of that Key
Personnel because of an act or omission of the Contractor, and the Contractor does not within a
period acceptable to the Principal, or where applicable, the Project Management Board, replace the
relevant Key Personnel in accordance with 5.23.2, the Principal reserves the right to withhold 20%
of the value of the next payment due until such time as a suitable replacement has been made and
approved by the Principal, or where applicable, the Project Management Board. The monies
withheld, shall be paid to the Contractor by payment as part of the progress payment due after the
approved replacement has been made.
Add a new 5.24 as follows:
5.24 Information and Security
5.24.1 The Principal expects the Contractor will ensure that it and its personnel (including Subcontractors)
providing the Contract Works will:
(a) consistently demonstrate the principles and behaviours set out in the Principal’s information
management and security policies, processes, procedures and supporting controls (as
advised to the Contractor from time to time);
(b) not access the Principal’s information or systems except to the extent necessary to provide
the Contract Works and for no other reason;
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(c) take all reasonable steps to prevent breaches of records storage, information technology
systems and equipment or no unlawful disposition or sharing of any data, information or
records, including:
(i) preventing unauthorised use or destruction;
(ii) preventing unauthorised persons obtaining, or attempting to obtain access to the
Contract Works or any of the Principal’s data/information;
(iii) using or attempting to use any of the Principal’s data/information for purposes not
authorised or permitted by the Contract;
(iv) taking all steps necessary to prevent the introduction, contamination and spread of
any virus or other malware into computer systems, and only use equipment, software
and parts which are free of viruses; and
(v) except with the Principal’s written permission, not introduce or use magnetic media,
flash drives or any other form of portable data storage.
(d) provide interim and final data/information sets, created in the delivery of the Contract Works
such as research, asset, customer or geo-coded data with metadata to minimum standards,
appropriately structured and described, and in formats as agreed;
(e) notify all information and security incidents and concerns to the Principal and the Contract
Administrator in a timely manner to facilitate a prompt response to help resolve issues and
prevent or minimise any potential damage to data/information and equipment; and
(f) return all material relating to physical and system access privileges immediately to the
Principal at the end of the Contract.
Add a new 5.25 as follows:
5.25 Living Wage
5.25.1 The Contractor must pay any employee or Subcontractor that performs security or cleaning
services in connection with the Contract Works (including any such services provided in respect of
the Site), a gross hourly rate (before deductions) equal to or more than the Living Wage Rate. The
Contractor shall also use reasonable endeavours to ensure that any employee or contractor
engaged by a Subcontractor that performs security or cleaning services in connection with the
Contract Works (including any such services provided in respect of the Site) is paid a gross hourly
rate (before deductions) equal to or more than the Living Wage Rate.
5.25.2 The Contractor shall maintain a complete and correct set of records relating to the Contractor’s
compliance with its obligations under 5.25.1 and will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that
each relevant Subcontractor also maintains a complete and correct set of records relating payment
by that Subcontractor as contemplated by 5.25.1.
5.25.3 The Principal (or the Contract Administrator) may, at any time during the performance of the
Contract Works, conduct a compliance audit with respect to the Contractor’s obligations (or a
relevant Subcontractor’s obligations) under 5.25.1. The Contractor must immediately comply with
(and will use reasonable endeavours to ensure each relevant Subcontractor complies with) all
request and requirements of the Principal (or the Contract Administrator) in relation to or in
connection with any such audit.
5.25.4 Any change to the Living Wage Rate from the Date of Acceptance of Tender shall be treated as a
Variation and the value will be determined in accordance with 9.3, provided that the Contractor will
not be entitled to recover any more margin than the Contractor would have received but for the
change to the Living Wage Rate.
5.25.5 The Contractor must submit to the Principal on an annual basis throughout the duration of the
Contract and on issue of the Final Completion Certificate, a signed declaration (in a form approved
by the Principal) certifying that the Contractor (or a relevant Subcontractor) does comply with and
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has at all times complied with the obligations to pay a Living Wage Rate in accordance with this
In 7.1.1(a)(ii), add the words or any person for whom the Contractor is responsible after the words “by the
In 7.2.2(a), delete the words under 5.15.1 and replace with under 5.15.2.
In 7.2.2(c), add the words (or any person for whom the Contractor is responsible) after the words by the
In 7.2.2, delete the words “The limit under 7.2.1 does not limit the Contractor’s liability: and replace with the
words The limitations and exclusions in 7.2.1 and 7.2.4 do not take into account or limit the Contractor’s
Add the following to the end of 7.2.2:
(f) for any costs or expense which the Contractor is obliged to expend in order to carry out or
complete the Contract Works in accordance with the Contract; or
(g) for the amount of any insurance proceeds recovered under an insurance policy required to
be effected and maintained in accordance with the Contract, including any proceeds that
would have been recovered, but for any failure to claims and/or breach of the relevant
insurance policy by the Contractor, or due to the failure by the Contractor to maintain the
relevant insurance policy.
Add a new 7.2.4 as follows:
7.2.4 Neither party will be liable to the other party (whether based on contract, infringement, negligence,
strict liability, tort or otherwise) for any loss of profit, anticipated profits, revenue, use, production or
down time costs, opportunity, business, contract, goodwill, or the cost of obtaining any new
financing or maintaining any existing financing nor for any indirect or consequential loss or damage
in relation to the Contract Works, provided that this 7.2.4 shall not prevent, limit or exclude liability
for any liquidated damages or damages for delay.
Add a new 8.1.7 as follows:
8.1.7 Responsibility for pursing any claim under any insurance policy shall rest with the party with whom
the fault lies. Where the Contractor is pursuing a claim, the Contractor is required to advise the
Contract Administrator of the outcome of the claim and provide the Contract Administrator with
information in relation to the claim on request, except to the extent that any such disclosure would
prejudice the Contractor’s right of indemnity under the relevant insurance policy.
In line 2 of 8.3.1, replace “5.6” with “5.7”.
In line 3 of 8.5.1, replace “5.6” with “5.7”.
Add a new 10.1.3 as follows:
10.1.3 No pavement or surfacing construction operations shall take place over the Winter Period without
the prior written approval of the Contract Administrator. Delivery of pavement and surfacing work
shall be completed in the Construction Season. No final surfacing is to be undertaken without the
prior written approval of the Contract Administrator.
Add the following to the end of the first sentence in 10.3.4:
The Contract Administrator will have regard to the matters specified at 10.3.6.
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Renumber 10.3.6(c) to 10.3.6.(d) and change the reference in the last paragraph of 10.3.6 from 10.3.6(c) to
Add a new 10.3.6(c) as follows:
(c) the extent to which there are other events or circumstances causing concurrent delay to the
Contractor, for which the Contractor will be entitled to an extension of time for only the net
effect of the concurrent delay,
Add new 10.3.9 - 10.3.13 as follows:
10.3.9 Where an extension of time agreed between the Contract Administrator and the Contractor or
Decided by the Independent Certifier necessitates surfacing and pavement construction activities
to be programmed in the Winter Period, the Contract Administrator may Instruct that the Contract
Works be suspended to avoid the completion of surfacing and pavement construction works in the
Winter Period. In such a case the Contractor shall be entitled to only the direct Preliminary &
General Costs to maintain the Site over the period of suspension. The Contract Administrator may
require that the Contractor apply a temporary holding surfacing or any other works required to
maintain the Site to an acceptable standard. No Margin shall be payable over this period
regardless of the reason for the extension of time.
10.3.10 Where no extension of time is agreed between the Contractor and Contract Administrator or
Decided by the Independent Certifier, the Contractor is responsible for applying a temporary
holding surfacing or to complete any other works that may be necessary to maintain the Site over
the Winter Period, at no additional Cost to the Principal.
10.3.11 Where there has been a delay to the Contract Works that does not entitle the Contractor to an
extension of time pursuant to 10.3.1, or if in the Contract Administrator’s opinion it is likely that the
Contractor will not achieve Practical Completion by the relevant Due Date for Completion, the
Contractor shall, at its own cost, take all steps as the Contract Administrator may Instruct to
expedite progress, including by applying additional resources, airfreighting items, working longer
hours and/or otherwise accelerating the works, so as to ensure compliance with the schedule and
programme requirements under the Contract.
10.3.12 The Contractor will be entitled to claim and the Principal will be entitled to grant an extension of
time to the relevant Due Date for Completion whether or not the qualifying extension of time ground
occurs before or after the relevant Due Date for Completion (including, for the avoidance of doubt,
in relation to the net effect of any Variation).
10.3.13 The Principal may, at its sole and absolute discretion and notwithstanding any other provision of
the Contract to the contrary, at any time and from time to time and for any reason it considers
sufficient but without being under an obligation to do so, by notice to the Contractor unilaterally
extend any Due Date(s) for Completion. For the avoidance of any doubt, any such extension will
not require the Contractor to slow down the progress of the Contract Works and the Contractor is
entitled to complete the Contract Works prior to the date of any such extended Due Date(s) for
Completion. The Principal is not entitled to exercise its right under this 10.3.13 in order to defeat
an entitlement of the Contractor under 10.3.8.
Add new 10.5.5 - 10.5.7 as follows:
10.5.5 The parties agree that the liquidated damages represent no more than a genuine pre-estimate of
the loss likely to be suffered by the Principal in the event of the Contractor failing to achieve
Practical Completion by the respective Due Date for Completion and/or the liquidated damages are
reasonable and proportionate to the Principal’s legitimate interests in the Contractor achieving
Practical Completion by the respective Due Date for Completion, and are not a penalty.
10.5.6 Without prejudice to the Principal’s rights and remedies under the Contract, delay liquidated
damages shall be the sole remedy for delay under the Contract.
10.5.7 If the Contractor’s obligation to pay liquidated damages under 10.5 is void, unenforceable, invalid
or otherwise inoperative for any reason (including because the liquidated damages are determined
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to be a penalty), then the Principal may claim general damages for the Contractor’s failure to
achieve Practical Completion by the respective Due Date for Completion.
Delete 11.2.3 and replace with the following:
11.2.3 The Principal shall be entitled to recover the Cost of the work undertaken by others under 11.2.2
from the Contractor, including all costs and expenses of assessment and supervision whether by
the Contract Administrator or otherwise, and a reasonable allowance for associated administrative
and professional costs and expenses. As soon as practicable after the completion of the work the
Contract Administrator shall notify the Contractor of the work undertaken and its Cost.
Add a new 11.2.9 as follows:
11.2.9 An additional Defects Notification Period equivalent in length to the original Defects Notification
Period shall apply to all Contract Works required to be remedied as a defect or required as a
consequence of the remedy of a defect, unless the Contract Administrator agrees otherwise in
Add the following at the end of 12.1.1:
Each payment claim shall include an editable electronic file of the claim.
Add new 12.3.8 - 12.3.9 as follows:
12.3.8 The Principal shall be entitled to use retention monies to cover any costs, expenses, losses or
damages incurred or to be incurred in connection with any default, omission or non-performance of
the Contractor, including where the Principal resumes possession of the Site or terminates the
Contract under 14.2.
12.3.9 Prior to the Principal using retention monies as provided in 12.3.8, the Principal will give the
Contractor at least ten (10) Working Days written notice setting out:
(a) the Principal’s intention to use the retention money for that purpose; and
(b) details of the default, omission or non-performance to be remedied.
Add a new 12.9 as follows:
12.9 Set-off
The Principal is entitled to set-off, deduct or withhold against and from any sums that would
otherwise be due to the Contractor amounts in respect of any genuine claims it may have against
the Contractor in relation to or in connection with the Contract or the Contract Works, including
damages for breach of contract by the Contractor, liquidated damages, omissions or defects or
under any indemnities. This right of set-off, deduction and withholding is without prejudice to any
other right of set-off, deduction or withholding provided for pursuant to the Contract or otherwise.
Add a new 14.4 as follows:
14.4 Termination for convenience
14.4.1 Notwithstanding any other provision of the Contract, the Principal may, at any time and at its
absolute and sole discretion, terminate the Contract for convenience by giving written notice of this
to the Contractor. If the Principal exercises its right under this 14.4.1 it shall not be obliged to give
the Contractor any reason or justification for doing so.
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14.4.2 In the event the Principal exercises its right to terminate for convenience under 14.4.1, the Contract
will terminate on the date given in the written notice under 14.4.1 and the Independent Certifier
shall Decide and the Principal shall pay the Contractor:
(a) the value of the Contract Works carried out at the date of termination, less the amounts
previously paid;
(b) the Cost of Materials ordered for the Contract Works which have been delivered to the
Contractor or of which the Contractor is legally obliged to accept delivery, and which the
Contractor delivers to the Principal. These Materials shall become the property of the
Principal upon delivery to the Principal;
(c) any Cost reasonably incurred by the Contractor in the expectation of completing the Contract
Works in so far as such Cost is not covered by other payments under 14.4.2(a) or (b); and
(d) the Cost of any works necessitated by the removal of the Contractor’s Plant and the carrying
out of the Contract Administrator’s Instructions for the making safe of the Contract Works.
Add a new Section 16 as follows:
16.1 Privacy
16.1.1 The Contractor must comply at all times with all NZ Privacy Laws and not do anything with the
Principal’s Personal Information likely to cause the Principal to breach any NZ Privacy Laws.
16.1.2 The Contractor must comply at all times with Privacy at Waka Kotahi the NZ Transport Agency A
Guide for Suppliers and Service Providers (
16.1.3 The Contractor must not use or disclose the Principal’s Personal Information (including to any
Subcontractors) except as strictly necessary to deliver the Contract Works and comply with the
Contract. The Contractor must ensure that any Subcontractors to whom it discloses the Principal’s
Personal Information are subject to contractual restrictions on the handling, use and disclosure of
that information no less strict than those in the Contract.
16.1.4 The Contractor must implement and maintain reasonable security safeguards to protect the
Principal’s Personal Information, including from unauthorised access or disclosure.
16.1.5 Except as agreed in writing, the Contractor must not store or process (or permit the storage or
processing of) the Principal’s Personal Information in any location outside New Zealand.
16.1.6 The Contractor must promptly return and/or irreversibly erase all the Principal’s Personal
Information (at the Principal’s option), once it is no longer required for the purposes of the delivery
of the Contract Works, and otherwise where directed by the Principal.
16.1.7 If the Contractor becomes aware of, or has reason to suspect the existence of, a Data Breach, the
Contractor must as soon as practicable notify the Principal, take all practicable steps to mitigate the
effects of the Data Breach, and co-operate with the Principal’s investigation of the Data Breach as
the Principal reasonably considers necessary to enable the Principal to meet its obligations under
the NZ Privacy Laws.
16.1.8 Unless required by law, the Contractor will not notify affected individuals or the Privacy
Commissioner of any Data Breach except with the Principal’s prior written agreement.
16.1.9 The Contractor will comply with any reasonable direction from the Principal, where the Principal
reasonably considers that this is necessary to enable the Principal to comply with a notice or
direction given to the Principal by the Privacy Commissioner.
16.1.10 The Contractor will not comment publicly, including to the media, about any Data Breach or any
breach of this Section 16, without the written consent of the Principal.
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Add a new section 17 as follows:
17.1 Joint and several
17.1.1 To the extent that the Contractor is comprised of more than one Person in joint venture,
partnership, consortium or other unincorporated grouping of two or more persons (Joint Venture):
(a) those Persons will be jointly and severally liable to the Principal for all obligations, duties and
liabilities of the Contractor under the contract;
(b) the Contractor will notify the Principal in writing as to which of those persons (if not each of
them) will have the authority to bind the Contractor and in the absence of such written
notification each such Person will be deemed to have the authority to bind the Contractor for
all purposes (which cannot be retrospectively changed by the Contractor);
(c) the Contractor must ensure that the composition or legal status of the Joint Venture is not
altered or changed in any way whatsoever without the prior written consent of the Principal;
(d) all references to “Contractor” in the Contract will be deemed to be a reference to each and
every Person comprising the Contractor, together.
Add a new section 18 as follows:
18.1 Confidentiality
18.1.1 The Contractor and the Principal will ensure that any information identified as confidential, or which
should reasonably be recognisable as confidential, acquired by it as a result (either directly or
indirectly) of its entering into the Contract will be kept confidential subject to the following
(a) information which is in the public domain or could have been legally acquired by a party had
it not entered into the Contract, will not be considered confidential;
(b) a party may disclose confidential information to its professional advisors and insurers;
(c) a party may disclose any confidential information to the extent required by law or pursuant to
the requirements of any stock exchange;
(c) disclosure by the Principal of confidential information to any ministry or other government
agency performing a monitoring, oversight, or guidance role in relation to the Principal, or at
the request of an officer of parliament, a parliamentary select committee, a royal
commission, or a minister of the Crown (including for the purposes of a parliamentary
(d) a party may disclose specific items of confidential information to a third party in accordance
with the terms of any prior written consent between the parties; and
(e) a party may disclose confidential information as reasonably necessary for the purposes of
the Contract Works provided that the party shall ensure that such recipient is required to
maintain such information as confidential on the same terms.
18.1.2 The Contractor must ensure that its Subcontractors are bound by confidentiality undertakings
equivalent to this Section 18.
18.1.3 The Contractor will not make any statements to the media or others regarding the contents of the
Contract or the execution of the Contract Works without the prior written approval of the Principal.
Media requests for information relating to the Contract Works or the Principal’s assets or its
business will be immediately referred by the Contractor to the Principal.
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18.1.4 The Contractor acknowledges that the Principal is subject to the OIA and the Contractor agrees to
cooperate fully in providing the Principal with any documents or other information that the Principal
is required to provide in accordance with a request made under the OIA, or pursuant to questions
raised in Parliament or in any select committee concerning the Contract.
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Schedule 3 Form of Contractor’s Performance Bond
This section is not used.
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Schedule 4 Form of Principal’s Bond
This section is not used.
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Schedule 5 Form of Contractor’s bond in lieu of retentions
THIS DEED is made on
(‘the Surety’)
(Address of Surety for service)
A ...............................................................of …………………………………………….. (‘the Contractor’)
has entered into an agreement with the New Zealand Transport Agency (the Principal) to carry out
and fulfil the obligations imposed on the Contractor (‘the Contract’).
B The Contractor has agreed to provide the Principal with security in the form of a bond in lieu of
retentions additional to any other bond required under the Contract.
C Words and phrases with capital initial letters that are not otherwise defined in this bond shall have the
meaning set out in the Contract.
1. THE Surety is held and bound to the Principal in the sum of $NZ .............................................................
and binds itself and its successors and assigns for the payment of that sum.
2. THE conditions of this bond are that it shall be released if and when:
(a) The Final Completion Certificate has been issued for the Contract Works in accordance with
11.3 of the General Conditions; or
(b) The Surety receives a notice from the Principal releasing the Surety from this bond.
3. EXCEPT as provided in clause 2 above, this bond shall be and remain in full force and effect.
4. THE Surety shall not be released from any liability under this bond:
(a) By any alteration in the terms of the Contract;
(b) By any alteration in the extent or nature of the Contract Works to be completed, delivered, and
having defects remedied;
(c) By any allowance of time by the Principal or by the Contract Administrator or Independent
Certifier appointed by the Principal under the Contract; or
(d) By any forbearance or waiver by the Principal or by the Contract Administrator in respect of any
of the Contractor’s obligations or in respect of any default on the part of the Contractor.
5. THIS bond shall be governed by New Zealand law.
In witness of which this deed has been executed.
SIGNED on behalf of the surety by:
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NOTE This bond shall be executed by the Surety in the manner required for execution of a deed. If the
Surety is a company, it shall execute the bond by having it signed, under the name of the company, by two
or more directors. If there is only one director, it is sufficient if the bond is signed under the name of the
company by that director, but the signature shall be witnessed by another person. The witness shall not only
sign but shall also add their occupation and address. Alternatively, companies may execute under the power
of attorney. If the Surety is a body corporate (other than a company), it shall execute in the same manner as
a company by persons in a comparable position to a company director or otherwise in accordance with
section 9 of the Property Law Act 2007. If the Surety is an individual, the party shall sign, and the signature
shall be witnessed by another person. The witness shall not only sign but must also add their occupation and
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Schedule 6 Form of Producer Statement - Construction
New Zealand Transport Agency
(Description of Contract Works)
The Contractor has contracted to the Principal to carry out and complete certain works in accordance with
a Contract titled ……………………………………………………………………. (‘the Contract’).
(Duly Authorised Agent)
a duly authorised representative of the Contractor believe on reasonable grounds that the Contractor
has carried out and completed in accordance with the Contract:
All of the Contract Works
Part only of the Contract Works as specified below
(Signature of Authorised Agent on behalf of)
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Schedule 7 Information on Contractor arranged
construction insurance
This section is not used.
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Schedule 8 Information on Contractor arranged Plant
To whom it may concern:
(Name of Insurance Company)
We confirm having effected Plant insurance for:
(The Contractor)
In respect of
(Project Title)
Policy wording title is
We advise that special terms, copy attached, have been applied to this policy
The following provisions apply:
Annual policy
Project specific policy
Policy expiry date
The insured are (GST exclusive):
All items of Plant
Sum insured
Valued schedule of construction Plant insured (copy attached)
The policy deductible (GST inclusive) is:
Policy cover terms included are:
Discretionary cancellation clause
Reinstatement provision
Void ab initio for non-payment of premium without prior notification
No settlement delay due to exercise of subrogation
We undertake that this policy will not be cancelled or amended by us within the period of insurance
without written advice to the insured party which has arranged the insurances.
The insurance issued is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy. We do not warrant that this
policy complies with the requirements of NZS 3910:2023 Conditions of contract for building and civil
engineering construction.
Insurance Company Stamp
(Or name of insurance broking company confirming cover)
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(Clause numbers refer to NZS 3910:2023 Conditions of contract for building and civil engineering
construction and are for information only)
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Schedule 9 Information on public liability insurance
<<Guidance note: Download and insert the relevant Schedule 9 from the NZTA Principal Arranged
Insurance website.>>
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Schedule 10 Information on Contractor arranged motor
vehicle insurance
To whom it may concern:
(Name of Insurance Company)
We confirm having effected motor fleet insurance for.
(The Contractor)
In respect of
(Project Title)
Policy wording title is
We advise that special terms, copy attached, have been applied to this policy
The following provisions apply:
Annual policy
Project specific policy
Policy expiry date
The limits of liability are (GST exclusive):
Section 2 - Liability
For any one occurrence arising out of the same event
The policy deductibles are:
Section 2 Liability (GST inclusive)
Plus under age penalties
Policy cover terms included are:
Section 2 Liability automatic reinstatement
Discretionary cancellation clause
Void ab initio for non-payment of premium without prior notification
No settlement delay due to exercise of subrogation
We undertake that this policy will not be cancelled or amended by us within the period of insurance
without written advice to the insured party which has arranged the insurances.
The insurance issued is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy. We do not warrant that this
policy complies with the requirements of NZS 3910:2023 Conditions of contract for building and civil
engineering construction.
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Insurance Company Stamp
(Or name of insurance broking company confirming cover)
(Clause numbers refer to NZS 3910:2023 Conditions of contract for building and civil engineering
construction and are for information only)
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Schedule 11 Information on Contractor arranged
professional indemnity insurance
This section is not used.
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Schedule 12 Information on Principal arranged
construction insurance
<<Guidance note: Download and insert the relevant Schedule 12 from the NZTA Principal Arranged
Insurance website.>>
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Schedule 13 Form of Contractor (or Subcontractor)
This section is not used.
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Schedule 14 Agreement for off-site Materials
New Zealand Transport Agency
(‘the Principal’)
(‘the Contractor’)
(‘the Subcontractor)
A By a contract dated ………and known as …… …… (‘the Contract’) made between the Principal
and the Contractor, the Contractor agreed to carry out the work and obligations imposed on the
Contractor by the Contract (‘the Contract Works’).
B The Contractor and the Subcontractor have entered into a subcontract for the performance of part
of the Contract Works and/or the supply of Materials described in Schedule A to this agreement
(‘the Materials’) and intended to be used by the Contractor and/or the Subcontractor in the Contract
C The Contractor or the Subcontractor (as nominated in Schedule C) (‘the Bailee’) proposes to store
the Materials at the premises of the Bailee (‘the Premises’) as identified in Schedule B as bailee for
the Principal, for the purpose of storage, fabrication, sub-assembly, or as otherwise required for the
Contract Works prior to being delivered to the Site for incorporation into the Contract Works.
D The Contractor has requested the Principal to authorise the Independent Certifier to certify payment
for the Materials notwithstanding that the Materials have not been delivered to the Site.
E The Principal has agreed to authorise the Independent Certifier to certify payment for the Materials,
notwithstanding that the Materials have not been delivered to Site, subject to all the provisions of
this agreement having been fulfilled.
Description of Materials inclusive of work performed on them:
The location in New Zealand at which the Materials will be stored is:
‘The Bailee’ shall be:
The Contractor
The Subcontractor
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1. The Materials to which this agreement relates are those described in Schedule A to this agreement,
all of which Materials are currently on the Premises identified in Schedule B.
2. The Premises identified in Schedule B are in the sole control of the party identified in Schedule C
and that party shall act as Bailee of the Materials until such time as the Materials are delivered to
the Site or taken possession of by the Principal.
3. The undertakings, warranties, covenants, agreements and other obligations of the Contractor or the
Subcontractor shall bind and be deemed to have been given or assumed by each of them severally
and by both of them jointly.
4. The Contractor and the Subcontractor agree that they will cause the Materials to be set apart at the
Premises and be clearly and visibly marked individually or in sets as being the property of the
Principal and their destination as being the Site. The method used to mark the Materials and the
procedures by which the mark is applied to the Materials shall be as required by the Contract or as
otherwise approved by the Principal.
5. Neither the Contractor nor the Subcontractor will permit, allow, or cause the Materials to be taken
away from the Premises, except:
(a) For the purpose of being transported to the Site and used in the Contract Works; or
(b) That the Principal may at its sole discretion take possession of the Materials for use other
than for the Contract Works, provided that:
(1) Where the Principal takes possession of any Materials under 5(b) above, and the
Contractor thereby suffers delay of the Contractor or the Subcontractor incurs
additional cost, the taking of possession shall be treated as a Variation under the
Contract, unless the taking of possession is pursuant to 14.2.1, 14.2.2 or 14.4.1 of the
Contract; and
(2) Where the Principal takes possession of any Materials under 5(b) above, and
additional work has been carried out on those Materials since being paid for by the
Principal, the Principal shall pay the Contractor for that additional work in accordance
with the Contract before taking possession of the Materials.
6. The Independent Certifier, upon being satisfied that the Materials have been set apart and marked
as required by this agreement, and upon the Contractor providing satisfactory evidence that the
requirements of clauses 13 and 22 below have been fully satisfied, shall include in any Payment
Schedule issued by the Independent Certifier under the Contract a sum representing the
reasonable value of such Materials calculated in accordance with the Contract.
7. Upon the Principal having made payment for the Materials, less any retentions or deductions
prescribed in the Contract, title to such Materials shall immediately vest in the Principal free of all
security interests, charges and encumbrances of any nature whatsoever.
8. Where the Contractor receives payment for Materials and the Subcontractor is entitled to some or
all of the Principal’s payment, the Contractor shall promptly pay the Subcontractor for such
9. Upon the request of the Subcontractor, the Independent Certifier shall advise the Subcontractor
whether the Contractor has received any payment from the Principal for such Materials.
10. The Contractor and the Subcontractor agree that the Materials will be held by the Contractor or the
Subcontractor solely as Bailee for the Principal and that a fiduciary relationship in that regard exists
between the Bailee and the Principal. The rights of the Principal under this agreement are in
addition to and not in substitution for or reduction of its rights or remedies as a bailor at law and no
provision of this agreement will be deemed to limit or restrict those rights and remedies, and such
bailment will constitute a security interest in favour of the Principal for the purpose of the Personal
Property Securities Act 1999 (‘the PPSA).
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11. The Bailee acknowledges and agrees that it grants a security interest in any Materials to the
Principal to secure payment or all amounts owing by the Contractor and the Subcontractor and to
secure performance of all obligations of the Contractor and the Subcontractor to the Principal or
Contractor (where applicable).
12. The Principal shall be entitled to (at the Contractor’s reasonable cost) register a financing statement
in respect of the Principal’s security interest on the Personal Property Securities Register (the
PPSR) listing the Principal as secured party and the Bailee as debtor in respect of such security
13. The Bailee shall promptly do all things including executing any documents and providing all
information which the Principal requires for the purposes of ensuring the Principal:
(a) Has a security interest in the Materials which is enforceable, perfected and otherwise effective
under the PPSA;
(b) Receives and maintains at all times a first ranking security interest in the Materials; and
(c) Is able to exercise its rights in connection with the security interest, including any renewal
This shall include procuring from any third party who has registered a financing statement against
the Bailee, a waiver, in a form acceptable to the Principal, of any security interest or claim which
might otherwise extend to the Materials or their proceeds.
14. The Bailee shall not discharge or amend any financing statement registered under clause 12
without the prior written consent of the Principal.
15. The Contractor and the Subcontractor shall not consent to or enter into any agreement that permits
any person to take or register a security interest in the Materials or sell, lease, dispose of, create a
security interest or encumbrance in, mortgage, or part with possession of the Materials or permit
any lien over the Materials or this agreement or assign their rights under this agreement.
16. Nothing in sections 114(1)(a), 133, and 134 of the PPSA shall apply to this agreement.
17. Any rights of the Contractor and the Subcontractor as debtors under sections 116, 120(2), 121, 125,
126, 127, 129, 131, and 148 of the PPSA shall not apply to this agreement.
18. The Bailee hereby grants to the Principal reasonable, free, and unencumbered right of access to
the Premises to:
(a) Inspect the Materials, and verify or undertake the marking and setting apart of the Materials;
(b) Take possession of the Materials for the purpose of delivery to the Site and inclusion in the
Contract Works;
(c) Remove the Materials from the Premises for the purposes of delivery to the Site and inclusion
in the Contract Works; and
(d) Take possession of the Materials for use other than for the Contract Works,
And in each case in a manner that does not cause damage to any other property at the premises.
The Bailee shall take all steps and do all things as shall be necessary to ensure that the Principal
obtains access to the premises for the purposes of this agreement.
19. The Bailee shall not, except as permitted in clause 5, remove or cause or permit the Materials to be
moved from the Premises. The Bailee shall nevertheless be responsible to the Principal for any loss
or damage thereto and for any costs of storage and handling.
20. The Bailee shall, when required to do so by the Contractor or the Principal, arrange for the
transportation of the Materials to the Site. Such transportation shall be at the costs of the Bailee in
all things including loading, unloading, and freight.
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21. Where the Materials are not insured under the construction policy provided in accordance with 8.3.1
or 8.8.1 of the Contract, the Bailee shall, at is expense:
(a) Effect a material damage insurance policy covering all of the Materials subject to this
agreement in the name of the Principal to the satisfaction of the Principal, as provided in
8.2.1 of the Contract for the full duration of the off-site storage. Such insurance may include
an exclusion for loss or damage sustained during processing;
(b) Effect a transit insurance policy for transit of all the Materials from the Premises to the Site in
the name of the Principal to the satisfaction of the Principal, as provided in 8.2.1 of the
Contract for the full duration of the off-Site storage.
22. Within 15 Working Days of the date of this agreement, the Bailee shall furnish the Principal and the
Contractor with evidence of such insurance.
23. Subject to clause 7, the Bailee represents and warrants to the Principal and to the Contractor
(where applicable) that:
(a) It has good and clear title to the Materials;
(b) It has the ability to assign and transfer the Materials to the Principal or the Contractor (where
applicable); and
(c) The Materials will be transferred to the Principal or the Contractor (where applicable) free of
any security interest.
24. The Bailee undertakes that if it charges or mortgages all or any part of its property (either real or
personal), assets, or undertaking, it will obtain written confirmation from the chargee or mortgagee
that the charge or the mortgage over such property, assets, or undertaking does not extend to the
Materials once they have been paid for by the Principal or the Contractor (as applicable).
25. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to limit, waive, or affect the Independent Certifier’s
powers under the Contract to order the removal from Site or the Premises of Materials which are
not in accordance with the Contract and the substitution by the Contractor at its own risk and
expense of proper Materials. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to limit, waive, or affect
any other powers conferred on the Independent Certifier and/or the Principal under the Contract.
26. Each party shall pay its own costs of and incidental to the negotiation, preparation, execution, and
any amendment of this agreement.
27. Words and phrases in this agreement shall have the same meanings as are ascribed to them under
the Contract except where the context or any express provision of this agreement requires
28. This agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of New Zealand
and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand.
29. The Principal agrees to pay the Subcontractor the sum of $1 if demanded in consideration for the
Subcontractor entering into this agreement.
(Authorised Signatory)
(Authorised Signatory)
(Authorised Signatory)
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Schedule 15 Practical Completion Certificate
This Practical Completion Certificate is issued under 10.4.3(a) or 10.4.4.
Contract for
New Zealand Transport Agency
(‘the Principal’)
(‘the Contractor’)
This certificate relates to:
The whole of the Contract Works referred to above;
The following Separable Portion
Receipt of the Contractor’s notice dated ……………………... and issued in accordance with 10.4.2 is
In accordance with 10.4.3 (a) or 10.4.4 (select one), the Independent Certifier certifies that the
Contract Works or Separable Portion to which this certificate relates qualify for a Practical Completion
Certificate under 10.4, notwithstanding that there may be minor omissions and/or minor defects (as listed
in the attached schedule) which satisfy the criteria in 10.4.1 (a), (b), and (c).
The Contractor is required to remedy all of the listed omissions or defects within the period stated in the
attached schedule against the relevant omission or defect, or at the latest within …………….. ……
Working Days of the date of this certificate.
Practical Completion was achieved
(insert date) at
(insert time)
Signed by the Independent Certifier
The following omissions and/or defects have been assessed as being of a minor nature satisfying the
criteria in 10.4.1(a), (b), and (c) and were identified during an inspection carried out by the Independent
Certifier on …… …… (insert date):
(list minor omissions and defects)
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Schedule 16 Final Completion Certificate
This certificate is a Final Completion Certificate issued under 11.3.1.
Contract for
New Zealand Transport Agency
(‘the Principal’)
(‘the Contractor’)
This certificate relates to:
The whole of the Contract Works referred to above;
The following Separable Portion
In accordance with 11.3.1, the Independent Certifier certifies that the Contract Works or Separable Portion
to which this certificate relates qualify for a Final Completion Certificate issued under 11.3
(insert date) at
(insert time)
Signed by the Independent Certifier
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Schedule 17 Cost fluctuations
<<The content of this schedule is based on Appendix 2 to the document Contract Price Adjustment for
Cost Fluctuation: Infrastructure Contracts. You will need to refer to that document for guidance on how to
adapt this schedule to your contract.
The content of this schedule assumes that one index is to be used, either the Waka Kotahi structures
(costs excluding bitumen) index or the Waka Kotahi construction other than structures (costs excluding
bitumen) index. Where the contract scope includes both structures and other construction then it will
probably be necessary to use both the above indexes to determine cost fluctuation payments. Appendix 3
to Contract Price Adjustment for Cost Fluctuation: Infrastructure Contracts describes how that should be
done and provides two alternative models for this Schedule 17.>>
1. The provisions of this Schedule 17 shall apply when provided for in the Specific Conditions,
Schedule 1 (Part A).
2. The amounts payable by the Principal to the Contractor under the Contract shall be adjusted up or
down by amounts calculated in accordance with the following two-part formula on a monthly basis:
C = CI + CB
C = Cost fluctuation adjustment for the month under consideration
CI = [ Value x (p / 100) (I / I’ 1) ]
CB = [ Volume x (Bit Bit’) ]
Value = Valuation of work completed during the month under consideration taken from the
Payment Schedule but without deduction for retentions and excluding the cost
fluctuation adjustment
p = The proportion of costs excluding bitumen supply (an estimate of total contract costs
excluding bitumen supply divided by an estimate of total contract costs) is fixed for the
duration of the contract and has a value of << Z% - refer Contract Price Adjustment for
Cost Fluctuation: Infrastructure Contracts for guidance on how to set the value of ‘p’ >>
I / I’ = The value of the index defined in clause 3 for the month under consideration divided by
the value of the index for the month during which tenders closed
Volume = Volume of residual bitumen binder applied during the month under consideration
(litres) taken from the Payment Schedule. Residual bitumen is the non-volatile fraction
of the bitumen binder that remains in service after evaporation. Volume is measured at
15 degrees Celsius
Bit = Value of the Waka Kotahi Bitumen cost adjustment series for the month under
consideration, published on the NZTA website
Bit’ = Value of the Waka Kotahi Bitumen cost adjustment series for the month during which
tenders closed, published on the NZTA website.
3. The index shall be << either the Waka Kotahi structures (costs excluding bitumen) index or the
Waka Kotahi construction other than structures (costs excluding bitumen) index>> as published on
the NZTA website.
4. Cost Fluctuation provisions shall be applied from the commencement of the contract period. except
that for months 1 to 12 of the contract period CI shall be deemed = $Nil.
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 56
5. Cost fluctuations are calculated on a monthly basis. For the purpose of calculating the cost
fluctuation adjustment in clause 2, any Daywork, Prime Cost Sums, Variations and other payment
items which are based on actual cost, or current prices and any advances shall be excluded from
the valuation of work completed.
6. The Contractor shall not be entitled to claim cost fluctuation adjustment for work completed after the
Due Date for Completion greater than that which would apply had the work been completed on the
Due Date for Completion.
7. The index values to be used in the calculation of the cost fluctuation in clause 2 shall be those first
published by NZTA for the appropriate quarter.
8. Where the index for the quarter has not yet been published, interim payments shall be made on the
basis of the index for the most recent quarter for which an index is available. A correction to the
interim monthly payment will be made following the publication of the applicable index and will be
processed with subsequent progress payments.
9. If at any time any of the Statistics New Zealand indexes which are inputs into the NZTA index(es)
referred to in clause 2 or later clauses are no longer published, or if the basis of any index is
materially changed, the adjustment shall thereafter be calculated by using such other input index, or
in such other manner as will fairly reflect the changes as previously measured by that index.
10. If at any time any of the inputs into the Waka Kotahi bitumen cost adjustment series referred to in
clause 2 or later clauses are no longer published, or if the basis of the Waka Kotahi bitumen cost
adjustment series is materially changed, the adjustment shall thereafter be calculated by using such
other inputs, or in such other manner as will fairly reflect the changes as previously measured by
the Waka Kotahi bitumen cost adjustment series.
11. The Principal has developed a web based tool, called “The Adjuster” that is available to Suppliers,
refer The Adjuster calculates contract price adjustments for cost fluctuation
using the bitumen volume based method.
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 57
Schedule 18 Key Personnel
<<Guidance note: Insert list of agreed Key Personnel from tender >>
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 58
Annexure 1 List of Drawings
<<Guidance note: Insert the final list of drawings>>
Contract Number and Name
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Construction Contract (3910:2023) (June 2024) - 59
Annexure 2 List of Specifications
<<Guidance note: Insert the final list of Specifications>>