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Rick Hall
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
(317) 341-0044
Paul Okeson
Garmong Construction
(317) 514-4843
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Available Construction Methods
Design-Bid-Build (Indiana Code 36-1-12)
Design-Build (Indiana Code 5-30)
Construction Manager as Constructor (Indiana Code 5-32)
Build Operate Transfer (Indiana Code 5-23)
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Design-Bid-Build Method
Highlights of the process
The governmental entity must hire an architect or engineer to
prepare detailed plans and specifications
The governmental entity may not have plans and specifications that
“unduly limit competition” which may make it difficult to pre-qualify
The governmental entity may also hire a construction manager, an
owners representative/clerk of the works or the architect/engineer
to supervise the construction
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Design-Bid-Build Method (contd.)
Highlights of the process (contd.)
The governmental entity publicly bids the construction project
and awards the construction contract to the lowest responsive
and responsible bidder
Minimum 15-day response period required, but may be longer
Payment and performance bonds and retainage are required
The timeline from the beginning of design to award of the
construction contract for a $1,000,000-10,000,000 project is
normally 4-7 months
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Design-Bid-Build Method (contd.)
Primary Positives
This method has been used most often by local and state
governmental entities and has a long history
The public bidding ensures the governmental entity is getting the
lowest bid by the bidding market on the day bids are received
The architect, engineer, construction manager or owners
representative/clerk of the works provides the governmental entity
an objective third party to review the work being performed by the
The governmental entity gets the benefit of any unused contingency
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Design-Bid-Build Method (contd.)
Primary Negatives
The governmental entity may not be able to avoid using a
problem contractor if the contractor submits the lowest
responsive bid
The governmental entity will incur the design fees earlier
Change orders are common
If there is a defect in the project, everyone is blaming everyone
else for the defect
No measurable way to incentivize good performance or punish
bad performance
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Design-Build Method
Highlights of the process
The governmental entity must hire an architect or engineer to
prepare and issue a Combined Request for Qualifications/Request
for Proposals (for projects costing $5,000,000 or less) or a Request
for Qualifications followed by a Request for Proposals (for projects
costing more than $5,000,000) in accordance with a public notice
Minimum 37-day response period (for projects costing $5,000,000 or
less) or 15-day response period required (for projects costing more
than $5,000,000), but can be longer
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Design-Build Method (contd.)
Highlights of the process (contd.)
The governmental entity creates a committee (containing a licensed architect
and engineer along with others) that scores all aspects of the responses
submitted except the sealed price proposals
The governmental entity awards the design-build contract to the respondent
that provides the best value based on the respondents score relative to its
The design-builder selected is responsible for both the design and the
construction of the project
The contract can be either a guaranteed maximum price contract or a cost
plus percentage contract
The contract may identify a contingency and how that is shared by the parties
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Design-Build Method (contd.)
Highlights of the process (contd.)
Change orders permitted in only limited situations or if there
is a change in scope
Payment and performance bonds are required in the amount
of the contract minus design service fees
No retainage required
The governmental entity may hire an owners
representative/clerk of the works to monitor performance of
the design-builder
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Design-Build Method (contd.)
Highlights of the process (contd.)
The timeline from the creation of the Combined Request for
Qualifications/Request for Proposals to approval of the design-build
contract for a $1,000,000-5,000,000 project is normally 3-5 months
The timeline from the creation of the Request for Qualifications to
approval of the design-build contract for a $5,000,000-10,000,000
project is normally 5-7 months
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Design-Build Method (contd.)
Primary Positives
The scoring process, which involves an engineer and an
architect, provides for transparency and allows for a best
value award instead of a low bid award
Limitations may be imposed on who may be an acceptable
The upfront (but not overall) professional costs incurred
by the governmental entity are significantly less
Usually few or no change orders
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Design-Build Method (contd.)
Primary Positives (contd.)
Incentives and penalties can be included in the contract
If there is a defect in the project (with certain exceptions
for latent defects such as soil defects), then the design-
builder is solely responsible for correcting the problem
at its cost
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Design-Build Method (contd.)
Primary Negatives
The timeline for the process and the preparation to be
done by the respondents may reduce the pool of
respondents depending on the size of the project
Some, or much, of the control of the governmental
entity over the design of the project may be lost
The governmental entity may lose all or a portion the
benefit of a project coming in under budget
Unclear whether there are really cost savings
The timeline for the selection of the design-builder is
very similar to the Design-Bid-Build Method
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Construction Manager as Constructor Method
Highlights of the process
The governmental entity must hire an architect or engineer to
prepare detailed plans and specifications like it would for the
Design-Bid- Build Method
The governmental entity hires the Construction Manager
using a Request for Proposals process pursuant to a public
Minimum 15-day response period required, but may be longer
The Construction Manager is selected by an evaluation
committee subject to governing body approval
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Construction Manager as Constructor Method
Highlights of the process (contd.)
Unlike the design-build method, there is no specific requirement
regarding the composition of the evaluation committee
After the Construction Manager is selected, the public bidding of
the construction contracts occurs by the Construction Manager
The construction contracts are awarded by the Construction
Manager to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for
each trade
The Construction Manager, not the governmental entity, enters
into the contracts with the contractors
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Construction Manager as Constructor Method
Highlights of the process (contd.)
The potential bidders may be pre-qualified if the pre-
qualifications are in writing and approved and published by
the governmental entity
A guaranteed maximum price may be used, but not required
Payment and performance bonds are required in the amount
of the Construction Managers contract
No retainage required
The governmental entity may also hire an owners
representative/clerk of the works or an architect/engineer to
supervise the construction on behalf of the owner
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Construction Manager as Constructor Method
Highlights of the process (contd.)
The Construction Manager may perform construction
work on the project if it is approved by the governmental
entity, the work equals less than 20% of the total value of
the project and the Construction Manager can provide
evidence to the governmental entity that it is charging
less for that work than the lowest responsive and
responsible bidder for such work
The timeline from the beginning of design to award of
the construction contracts for a $1,000,000-10,000,000
project is normally 4-7 months
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Construction Manager as Constructor Method
Primary Positives
The governmental entity maintains control of the design
of the project
The public bidding of the construction contracts ensures
the governmental entity is getting the lowest bid by the
bidding market on the day bids are received; however,
this is only economical beneficial to the governmental
entity in a cost-plus contract
The governmental entity may pre-qualify and limit the
bidders for the construction work
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Construction Manager as Constructor Method
Primary Positives (contd.)
The architect, engineer or owners representative/clerk of the
works provides the governmental entity an objective third
party to review the work being performed by the contractor
The governmental entity may get the benefit of any unused
Penalties and incentives may be included in the contract with
the Construction Manager and the contractors
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Construction Manager as Constructor Method
Primary Negatives
The governmental entity will incur the design fees earlier
The governmental entity may experience change orders
related to design issues
If there is a defect in the project, everyone is blaming
everyone for the defect
The governmental entity may lose all or a portion of the
benefit of a project coming in under budget if the
contract is a guaranteed maximum price contract
The timeline for the project is very similar to the Design-
Bid-Build Method
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Build-Operate-Transfer (“BOT”) Method
A governmental body may enter into a BOT Agreement for any public
facility for use by the governmental body.
BOT Agreement must identify which costs for which developer is
responsible and costs for which governmental body responsible.
Upon completion, developer/offeror must operate the facility for some
period of time before transferring it back to governmental entity (30 days
common, but could be much longer term).
BOT Agreement may provide for the transfer of the public facility to the
governmental body by means of a lease or an installment purchase
contract. The lease payments or installment payments may be made from
any source legally available to the governmental body for such purpose.
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Build-Operate-Transfer (“BOT”) Method (contd)
Highlights of the process
The governmental entity adopts the provisions of the BOT Statute
(I.C. 5-23)
The governmental entity may issue a request for information (RFI) to
gain information (1) on factors involved in, the feasibility of, or
potential consequences of a proposed project, (2) to assist in
preparing a request for proposals (RFP), or (3) to evaluate any aspect
of an existing BOT Agreement or associated facility
Responses to RFI confidential, unless waived by respondent
No action required to be taken after receiving responses to RFI
An RFI is not required as part of the BOT method, but may be helpful
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Build-Operate-Transfer (“BOT”) Method (contd)
Highlights of the process (contd)
The governmental entity must solicit proposals through an RFP, which must
Factors/criteria to be used in evaluating proposals
Statement concerning relative importance of price and other factors
Statement concerning whether proposals must be accompanied by a certified
check or other evidence of financial responsibility
Statement concerning whether discussions may be conducted with offerors for
the purpose of clarification to assure full understanding of and responsiveness
to the RFP
Notice of the RFP published two times, 1 week apart, with second
publication at least 7 days before proposals are due.
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Build-Operate-Transfer (“BOT”) Method (contd)
Highlights of the process (contd)
Once proposals received, discussions may be conducted with offerors for the
purpose of clarification if provided in the RFP
The governmental entity can form an evaluation committee. There are no
requirements regarding the composition of a committee
Eligible offerors must be accorded fair and equal treatment with respect to any
opportunity for discussion and revisions of proposals
The governmental body must negotiate the best and final offers of responsible
offerors who submit proposals that are determined to be reasonably
susceptible of being selected for a BOT Agreement
After best and final offers have been negotiated, the governmental body shall
either make a recommendation to the board to award the BOT Agreement to
an offeror or shall terminate the RFP process
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Build-Operate-Transfer (“BOT”) Method (contd)
Highlights of the process (contd)
Once preferred offer selected, must publish notice of public hearing (10-days in
advance), hold public hearing on the preferred offer, and award BOT
Agreement to the preferred offer.
If term of BOT Agreement is greater than 5 years, must also be approved by the
fiscal body of the political subdivision
The BOT Agreement must provide for a payment bond in an amount not less
than 100% of the cost to design and construct the facility
The BOT Agreement must provide for a performance bond in an amount not
less than 50% of the cost to design and construct the facility
No retainage required
The governmental entity may hire an owners representative/clerk of the works
to monitor performance by the selected developer.
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Build-Operate-Transfer (“BOT”) Method (contd)
Primary Positives
The governmental body has the ability to negotiate best and final
offers with potential firms, and maintains control of selecting its
preferred proposal
The governmental body holds a single contract with a developer
Through RFP process, limitations may be imposed on who may be an
acceptable respondent
The upfront (but not overall) professional costs incurred by the
governmental entity may be significantly less
Penalties and incentives may be included in the BOT Agreement
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Build-Operate-Transfer (“BOT”) Method (contd)
Primary Positives (contd)
If there is a defect in the project, the selected developer is
solely responsible for correcting the problem at its cost
Generally requires less involvement in the project by the
governmental entity, compared to traditional design-bid-build
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Build-Operate-Transfer (“BOT”) Method (contd)
Primary Negatives
The timeline for the process and the preparation to be done by the
respondents may reduce the pool of respondents depending on the
size of the project and the time allowed for responses
Some, or much, of the control of the governmental entity over the
design of the project may be lost
The governmental entity may not be able to provide satisfactory
objective information regarding why one qualified offer was selected
over the other proposals
No public bidding required, so its unclear whether there are really
cost savings from delivery method
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Build-Operate-Transfer (“BOT”) Method (contd)
Primary Negatives (contd)
The governmental entity may lose all or a portion of the benefit of a project
coming in under budget if the contract is a guaranteed maximum price contract
If developer team providing the financing,
Embedded interest rate may be at a taxable borrowing rate, rather than much lower tax-
exempt interest rate at which governmental entity can borrow
Developer financing usually has a 5-10 year term, with a balloon payment due at maturity,
which will need to be refinanced and creates interest rate risk
Need to follow statutory procedures for incurrence of debt
Might be subject to petition-remonstrance or referendum process
Potential hidden costs in the form of developer fees, developer counsel fees,
spread or mark-up on actual interest rate received from developers lender