RECORDS, 1879-1982
Processed by:
Gregory T. Yates
Archival Technical Services
Date Completed: 7/26/1995
The records contained in Record Group 97, Tennessee Department of Public Health, span the
period 1879-1982, although the bulk of the collection concentrates on the period 1950-1980.
Included in this collection are Administration files, Board of Nursing files, Bureau of Health
Resources files, Board of Basic Science Examiners files, and Reports and Minutes. The records
reflect the various activities of the department and its efforts to combat disease in Tennessee.
The records contained in this group came to the Tennessee State Library and Archives through
the State Records Center. The final disposition of these records was determined by the Records
Disposition Authorization (RDA) process. When the records arrived at the Tennessee State
Library and Archives there were approximately 175 cubic feet of materials. During processing,
this was narrowed down to 140 cubic feet of material. Records removed and destroyed during
processing were duplicate copies of materials and records relating to personnel. All material in
Record Group 97 has been microfilmed and the originals destroyed as stated in the RDA’S
relating to these records.
Within Record Group 97 there is only one restriction to access. The files for the Board of
Nursing consist of nursing students records. These records are considered confidential as stated
in TCA 10-7-504. Permission must be obtained from the Tennessee Department of Health to
research these records.
Record Group 97 is a continuation of the records relating to the Tennessee Department of Public
Health. For a look at earlier records for the department, Record Group 1, Department of Public
Health should be consulted. Also of interest is Record Group 64, Public Health, Hospital
Following is a brief history of the Tennessee Department of Public Health. The information for
this history was obtained from a book published by the Tennessee Department of Public Health
titled, Tennessee Public Health, 1877-1977
. For a more detailed listing of events concerning
the department, the book should be consulted.
1830 Tennessee State Medical Society created. This is now known as the Tennessee
Medical Association.
1832-1873 Major epidemics of cholera and yellow fever break out across state.
1875 Bill to create State Board of Health passes House, fails in Senate.
1877 Board of Health created by legislation, 3/26/77. Advisory powers only, no
1879 Funding was approved for Board of Health; $3,000 per year for Board, $6,000
per year for fighting epidemics.
1885 County Boards of Health established.
1893 Investigation of State Board authorized due to outbreak of tick fever among
cattle state-wide.
1897 Legislation enacted to reorganize membership of Board.
1907 Passage of Marr Pure Food and Drug Act.
1909 Vital statistics law enacted.
1910 Rockefeller Foundation conducts hookworm survey.
1913 Vital statistics law enacted, creation of Bureau of Vital Statistics.
1914 Laboratory service becomes regular part of Board.
1917 Admitted to U.S. Census Bureau Death Registration Area.
1919 Blount County established first full-time County Health Department.
1923 Government reorganized, State Department of Public Health formed.
Charles M. Critenden, M.D., named Commissioner.
1924 Eugene Lindsay Bishop, M.D., named Commissioner
1924-1927 Laboratory manufactured typhoid vaccine, silver nitrate ampules, and
anti-rabies vaccine, making them available to health care providers.
1925 Tuberculosis Commission created.
1927 Legislation to create Division of Tuberculosis Control enacted.
Entered into U.S. Census Bureau Birth Registration Area.
Tennessee Public Health, 1877-1977. RA 447.T2T2 1977.
1928 Reorganization of Department of Public Health. 10 divisions regrouped into
the following 5 divisions; Central Administration; Division of Vital
Statistics; Division of Sanitary Engineering; Division of Laboratories; and a new
Division of Preventable Diseases.
1929 Trachoma program begins.
1930 Tennessee Health Education Project established from the Commonwealth Fund.
1931 Crippled Children’s Program discontinued due to lack of funding. Commissioner
Bishop elected first president of American Public Health Association, Southern
1933 Dental Hygiene program terminated.
1934 Public Health Council formed.
1935 Commissioner’s position abolished, replaced with State Advisory Council.
State Health Department moved all central staff to 420 6th Avenue North. First
permanent home.
State Board of Health adopted standards of qualifications for health
officers, Public Health nurses, sanitary engineers, and others.
W. Carter Williams, M.D., named Commissioner. Placed in position of
Secretary to Advisory Council.
1936 Crippled Children’s Commission formed.
1937 Reorganization of department. Central Administration included
Commissioner, Local Health Services, Business Administration, Public Health
Nursing, Maternal and Child Health, Dental Hygiene, Health Education,
Statistical Services, Field Technical Services, Mental Hygiene, and Crippled
Children’s Service. Technical Divisions include Preventable Diseases,
Laboratories, Sanitary Engineering, and Vital Statistics.
Crippled Children’s Service becomes full administrative responsibility of
Legislation adopted to establish delayed records of births occurring before 1914.
Tennessee and North Carolina become first states to have birth control clinics
associated with health and welfare services.
1938 Special tuberculosis education kit developed for school age children.
Division of Vital Statistics obtains first Photostats. Allows for prompt
sending of birth certificates to mothers for notification and verification.
Extensive project begun for sealing of abandoned coal mines to prevent acid
water from entering surface water. All labor provided by WPA.
Tennessee Council of Health Officers organized.
1939 Legislation adopted made copies of local registrars records confidential.
Legal provision established for preparing new birth certificates for adopted and/or
legitimated children.
Enactment of Premarital Act, requiring a blood test for syphilis before
marriage license would be issued. Effective date deferred until 1941.
Legislation authorized special education program to take care of crippled
children’s education.
Medical Services Act passed by General Assembly, first such law enacted by any
state, required that all health services participated in by out of state
agencies be administered by Tennessee Department of Public Health.
Series of post-graduate dental seminars conducted state-wide. First state to
undertake such a comprehensive approach.
Program of social hygiene (VD education) underway in high schools.
1940 Creation of Division of TB Control.
Beginning of cooperative program with state Selective Service System for
seriodiagnostic tests on draftees’ blood specimens.
1941 General Assembly authorized $500,000 bond for tuberculosis hospital
Local Health Stabilization Act legally enabling the formation of District Health
Departments was adopted.
New Vital Statistics Act adopted. Replaced act of 1913. Allowed for
establishment of citizenship during war time.
Field Maneuvers area for Second Army established in Middle Tennessee.
Department of Public Health involved in sanitation, vice control, and
communicable disease control.
Regional offices established by department.
1942 First state owned TB hospital opens in Greeneville, Tennessee.
Division of Preventable Diseases begins distribution of small pox vaccine free of
Lanham Act Appropriation made federal funds available for hospital
facilities’ “for quarantine of promiscuous women infected with V.D.” First
such facility was Knoxville Isolation Hospital at County Workhouse.
Under the May Act, 26 counties in Middle Tennessee came under supervision of
FBI for repression of prostitutes.
Statewide Pneumonia Control program started.
Division of Tuberculosis Control reorganized into 3 divisions.
1943 Crippled Children’s Law amended to include visually handicapped.
Committee appointed to determine how to allocate federal funds to local health
Robert H. Hutcheson, Sr., M.D., named Commissioner.
1944 Stream Pollution Control Act adopted. Allowed for a Stream Pollution Study
Local Health Service now includes the following: Field Technical Service,
Maternal and Child Hygiene, Public Health Nursing, Dental Hygiene,
Nutrition, Crippled Children’s Service, Emergency Maternity and Infant Care.
1945 Industrial Hygiene Act created Industrial Hygiene Service. Previously, this
was done by Division of Preventable Diseases.
1947 Three cancer clinics participated in preliminary cancer studies looking toward
special statewide project.
1948 Beginning of research program in use of fluoride to arrest tooth decay.
Cancer study continues, two additional hospitals added.
West Tennessee 400 bed TB hospital opens in Memphis.
1949 Cancer Control program begins. Set up by General Assembly for early
detection of cancer.
1950 East Tennessee 180-bed Tuberculosis Hospital dedicated.
First issue of “Pierre the Pelican,” a series of 12 monthly pamphlets to be mailed
to mothers of first born children.
1951 Creation of Office of Health Education.
1953 Chestree Project, for study of nutritional needs of selected group of
children begins in Polk, Monroe and McMinn Counties.
Division of Dental Health Services established.
1956 Heart Disease Control Program begun.
1957 Accident prevention service program initiated.
New Nursing Home regulations become law. All homes given 6 months to
1958 Statistical Service publishes “Home and Farm Accidental Deaths, Tennessee,
Crippled Children Service expanded to include rheumatic fever and
congenital heart disease.
Under Tennessee Hospital Plan, revision developed with Hill-Burton funds, 24
hospitals and related medical facilities approved.
1959 Crippled Children’s Service expands to include epileptic patients.
1961 Legislature authorized new plan for allocation of state and federal funds to
local health departments based on needs within county and ability of the county to
finance minimum public health program. All counties urged to do more than
1961 Revised “Minimum Standards and Regulations for Hospitals” published. First
revision since 1951.
Office of State Medical Examiner established.
Radiological Health Service: provided personnel available on 24 hour basis to
assist with incidents involving radioactive material. Service operated air
monitoring station in Nashville as part of surveillance network of United States
Public Health Service for prompt determination of radioactive fallout from
weapons tests.
1963 Federal Water Pollution Control Act and Accelerated Public Works Act grants for
construction of sewage treatment works totaled more than $2,000,000 this year.
1964 First public health Family Planning Clinic - Williamson County Health
Tennessee Department of Public Health is one of 14 principal line departments
directly responsible to the governor. The Commissioner of Public Health, as well
as all other department commissioners, appointed by governor and serve at his
Medicare, newest service in Department of Public Health, established
regional offices in Knoxville, Jackson and Nashville.
Tennessee County Emergency Health Services plan prepared for each county.
1965 Federal-state agreement on atomic energy. Department of Public Health
Radiological Health Service now responsible for inspection and licensing of most
radiation facilities in Tennessee.
1967 Legislature created Division of Health Services Planning, Department of Public
Health, as state’s single agency for administering Tennessee
comprehensive health planning function. First year was spent developing
understanding of Comprehensive Health Planning (CHP). In December, a major
CHP conference was held in Nashville with 236 delegates, more than half were
consumers, and minorities were represented in proportion greater than their ratio
of population. In January, the Governor appointed a 37 member council, which
had four review committees; Services, Facilities, Manpower and Environmental
Health, and six supporting/implementing committees; Legislative, Financing, Plan
Development, Planning Coordination, Regional Planning, and
Brown Recluse Spider recognized as wide spread in Tennessee. Extensive
educational effort and instructions for control prepared and released
through public media.
1968 Hill-Burton funds approved for new health center buildings in Anderson, Clay,
DeKalb, Meigs and Warren Counties.
Passage of Maternal Child Health Service Act to improve health and well being
for mothers and children.
1969 By Executive Order, Tennessee divided into 8 planning regions.
Tennessee Medicaid program implemented.
1970 Legislature passed bill providing for licensing of nursing home administrators.
Board of Examiners established for this purpose.
Eugene W. Fowinkle, M.D. named Commissioner.
1971 Tuberculosis Control Act reorganized as Division of Tuberculosis Control.
Became centralized authority for management of State Chest Disease
Hospitals and Field Service Districts.
Legislation authorized establishment of Division of Health Related
Licensing Boards within Health Department. Tennessee one of first in nation to
establish centralized unit.
Several internal management improvements initiated including establishment of
Internal Audit Division, Program Planning and Research Division, and Division
of Grants Management.
Chronic Disease Renal Program established to provide dialysis and
transplant services to end-stage renal disease patients.
Multiphasic screening program made available to state employees.
1972 State Center for Health Statistics established.
Responsibility for administration of Medicaid Intermediate Care Facility
Program transferred from Department of Public Welfare to Public Health.
1973 Primary Care Act authorized Health Department, in cooperation with state’s
medical schools, to develop rural primary care center programs.
Newborn care program established.
Hemophilia program established.
1973 WIC program established.
State’s Occupational Safety and Health Act plan one of first in nation to be
approved by Federal Government for state program operation.
1974 New wastewater operator training school made possible by federal demonstration
grant opened in Murfreesboro; one of first in nation.
State Center for Health Statistics established as new division within
department; containing three program areas: Vital Records, Statistical
Services, Health Statistics Project.
1974 Bureau of Administrative Services established to provide integrated and
coordinated approach to management within department.
Department adopts mission statement, “The basic purpose of the Tennessee
Department of Public Health is to promote, to maintain, to safeguard, and to
restore the health of people living and visiting in the State of Tennessee”.
Nurse-midwifery programs established in Kingsport and Dyersburg,
1975 Chest Disease Hospitals in Chattanooga and Memphis closed. First of
network of regional chest disease clinics opened in Chattanooga and
Columbia, Tennessee.
Division of Perinatal Services established.
1976 Department assumed primary responsibility for implementation of National Safe
Drinking Act in Tennessee.
Four additional regional Chest Care Clinics opened. Chest Disease Hospital in
Nashville closed.
1977 Certification and licensure processes for health care facilities combined into one
organizational unit to improve administration.
Division of Maternal and Child Health established by combining Division of
Child Health and Development, and Perinatal Services.
Hazardous Waste Act passed by legislature; first legislation of this type in nation.
Tennessee Occupational and Safety Act program transferred to Department of
Department celebrates 100 years of public health service to Tennessee with
Centennial Conference.
1983 Name of department changed to Department of Health and Environment.
Record Group 97, Tennessee Department of Public Health, spans the period 1879-1982, although
the bulk of the collection is concentrated in the period 1950-1980. The collection consists of
Administration files, Board of Nursing files, Bureau of Health resources files, Board of Basic
Science Examiners files, and Reports and Minutes. The bulk of the collection contains mostly
administration files and Board of Nursing Files.
This collection was processed with the records left in as original order as was possible. The only
major modification made was to the correspondence in the administration files. The
correspondence was found to be filed in many different ways during the time span covered.
Parts of it were filed alphabetically by sender, parts were filed alphabetically by recipient, and
parts were filed chronologically. This system did not make since when the collection was put
together, so a combination of alphabetical and chronological arrangement was implemented.
Of interest during the 1950s in the administration files is correspondence with other states and
organizations dealing with health care delivery. Also, a major emphasis was placed on the
Indigent Care Program during the 1950s, and related correspondence can be found with almost
every county in the state. Also noted was a large amount of correspondence with the U.S.
Department of Health, Education and Welfare concerning all aspects of the program in
Tennessee. Of significance is the correspondence with the National Foundation for Infantile
Paralysis regarding polio field trials conducted from 1953-1955.
Beginning in the 1960s, an apparent trend developed toward more formal studies of health
issues. Correspondence with boards, commissions, committees, and other state departments
showed a marked increase during this period. An increase in associations and conferences across
the country also began to develop and the correspondence reflects this. Correspondence with the
Appalachian Regional Commission increased during this period as health issues in this region of
the country began to take on more significance.
During the 1970s, the trend toward the use of boards, committees, conferences, and other
agencies continued to grow. During this period, communication with the Governor’s office grew
significantly. Correspondence with the Association of State and Territorial Health Officers was
very heavy during this period. The Association met annually with all heads of Health
Departments from across the country to evaluate trends in health care delivery. Additionally,
committees of the Association would meet periodically to assess areas for the group to review.
Drug abuse became an important topic during this period and there are items relating to that topic
included. There are several files relating to the Medicaid program that give an outline of how the
program evolved over a short period of time. The issue of a national health care program came
up, and a file in this series has interesting information about what was being proposed. Files
relating to the White House Conference on Children & Youth are also included.
Another area of interest in the collection are the Board of Nursing files. These records deal with
nursing students at various schools across the state, spanning the period 1910-1957. These
records are regarded as confidential by TCA 10-7-504, but with permission obtained from the
Department of Health, they may be researched.
Under the Bureau of Health Resources are files relating to health care facility construction. All
health care facilities since the 1940s have been required to get approval from the state before a
building can be built. This is to ensure that there is an adequate supply of health care facilities
available without creating a surplus of facilities. Each file contains all documents relating to the
approval and construction of the facility.
The Board of Basic Science Examiners consists of applications to take the licensing exam. All
health care professionals were required to take this exam from 1943-1975. In 1976, the
legislature abolished this requirement.
The final series in the collection, Reports and Minutes, contains all reports found in the
collection. To aid in research, all items in this category were consolidated. Included in the
reports are some related to the University of Tennessee Hospital. These documents are included
because in the 1960s, the University of Tennessee took over the West Tennessee Chest Disease
Hospital based in Memphis.
Record Group 97, Tennessee Department of Public Health, is a very thorough collection of
documents relating to the function of the department after 1950. This collection is significant in
that it shows the different trends in public health that were either utilized or considered not only
in Tennessee but nation-wide. For further information on the departments earlier years, see
Record Group 1, Department of Public Health.
Series Number Series Title Box Number
Subseries A. Account Books 1
Subseries B. Budget Documents 2
Subseries C. County Files 3-4
Subseries D. General
1. 1848-1964 5-18
2. 1965-1969 19-35
3. 1970-1982 36-57
Subseries A. Chamberlain Memorial Hospital 58
Subseries B. Kings Daughter Hospital 59
Subseries C. Memorial Hospital, Johnson City 60-62
Subseries D. Newell and Newell 63-65
Subseries E. Miscellaneous Schools 66
Subseries F. Knoxville General
1. Graduates 67-80
2. Terminated Students 81-88
Subseries G. General 89-94
Subseries A. Department of Public Health 132-139
Subseries B. University of Tennessee Hospital 140
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series A: Account Books
1 West Tennessee Chest Disease Hospital,
General Medical Supply, Unit 9 1972-1973
2 West Tennessee Chest Disease Hospital, Equipment 1975
3 West Tennessee Chest Disease Hospital, Medicaid Log 1970-1972
4 West Tennessee Chest Disease Hospital, Medicare Log 1965-1971
5 West Tennessee Chest Disease Hospital,
General Medical Surgical, Unit 9 1972-1974
6 West Tennessee Chest Disease Hospital,
General Medical Surgical, Unit 9 1972
7 General Expense Account Book,
West Tennessee Chest Disease Hospital 1977-1978
8 Employee by Category Account Book,
EEOC Requirement ----
9 Employees Hired Account Book 1969-1979
10 Receipt Book - State Board of Public Health 1888-1892
11 Receipt Book - State Board of Public Health 1896-1899
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series B: Budget Documents
1 Budget Documents: Entire Department 1937-1938
2 Budget Documents: Entire Department 1953-1955
3 Budget Documents: Entire Department 1953-1955
4 Budget Documents: West Tennessee Chest Disease
Hospital 1968-1969
5 Budget DocumentsRequests:
West Tennessee Chest Disease Hospital 1969-1971
6 Budget DocumentsActual:
West Tennessee Chest Disease Hospital 1969-1970
7 Budget DocumentsActual:
West Tennessee Chest Disease Hospital 1970-1971
8 Budget Documents: West Tennessee Chest Disease
Hospital 1971-1972
9 Budget Documents: West Tennessee Chest Disease
Hospital 1972-1973
10 Budget Documents: West Tennessee Chest Disease
Hospital 1973-1974
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series C: County Files
1 Anderson/Campbell/Morgan/Scott.
Director of Public Health Administration 1971-1973
2 Anderson/Campbell/Morgan/Scott. Environmental 1971-1973
3 Anderson/Campbell/Morgan/Scott. Fiscal and
Administrative 1971-1973
4 Anderson/Campbell/Morgan/Scott. Local Health
Services 1967-1973
5 Anderson/Campbell/Morgan/Scott. Medicaid 1971-1973
6 Anderson/Campbell/Morgan/Scott. Medical Care
Services 1971-1973
7 Anderson/Campbell/Morgan/Scott. Personal Health
Service 1971-1973
8 Anderson/Campbell/Morgan/Scott. Personnel,
Recruitment and Training 1971-1973
9 Anderson/Campbell/Morgan/Scott. Planning
and Development 1971-1973
10 Anderson/Campbell/Morgan/Scott. Public Affairs 1971-1973
11 Bedford County. Director of Public Health
Administration 1971-1973
12 Bedford County. Environmental Health 1971-1973
13 Bedford County. Fiscal and Administrative Services 1971-1973
14 Bedford County. Local Health Services 1971-1973
15 Bedford County. Medicaid 1971-1973
16 Bedford County. Medical Health Services 1971-1973
17 Bedford County. Personal Health Services 1971-1973
18 Bedford County. Personnel Recruitment and Training 1971-1973
19 Bedford County. Public Affairs 1971-1973
20 Bledsoe/Sequatchie/Rhea. Environmental Health 1972-1973
21 Bledsoe/Sequatchie/Rhea. Local Health 1972-1973
22 Bledsoe/Sequatchie/Rhea. Medicaid 1972-1973
23 Bledsoe/Sequatchie/Rhea. Medical Care 1972-1973
24 Bledsoe/Sequatchie/Rhea. Personal Health 1972-1973
25 Bledsoe/Sequatchie/Rhea. Planning and Development 1972-1973
26 Bledsoe/Sequatchie/Rhea. Public Affairs 1972-1973
27 Blount/Monroe/Sevier. Director of Public Health
Administration 1971-1973
28 Blount/Monroe/Sevier. Environmental 1971-1973
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series C: County Files
BOX NUMBER 3 (cont'd)
29 Blount/Monroe/Sevier. Fiscal and Administrative
Services 1971-1973
30 Blount/Monroe/Sevier. Local Health Service 1971-1973
31 Blount/Monroe/Sevier. Medicaid 1971-1973
32 Blount/Monroe/Sevier. Medical Health 1971-1973
33 Blount/Monroe/Sevier. Personal Health Services 1971-1973
34 Blount/Monroe/Sevier. Personnel Recruitment and
Training 1971-1973
35 Blount/Monroe/Sevier. Planning and Development 1971-1973
36 Blount/Monroe/Sevier. Public Affairs 1971-1973
37 Carter/Unicoi/Johnson. Environmental 1971-1973
38 Carter/Unicoi/Johnson. Fiscal and Administrative
Services 1971-1973
39 Carter/Unicoi/Johnson. Local Organization 1971-1973
40 Carter/Unicoi/Johnson. Medicaid 1971-1973
41 Carter/Unicoi/Johnson. Medical Care Services 1971-1973
42 Carter/Unicoi/Johnson. Personal Health Services 1971-1973
43 Carter/Unicoi/Johnson. Personnel Recruitment and
Training 1971-1973
44 Carter/Unicoi/Johnson. Planning and Development 1971-1973
45 Carter/Unicoi/Johnson. Public Affairs 1971-1973
46 Claiborne/Union. Environmental Health 1971-1973
47 Claiborne/Union. Fiscal and Administrative Services 1971-1973
48 Claiborne/Union. Local Health Services 1971-1973
49 Claiborne/Union. Medicaid 1971-1973
50 Claiborne/Union. Medical Care Services 1971-1973
51 Claiborne/Union. Medical Health Services 1971-1973
52 Claiborne/Union. Personal Health Services 1971-1973
53 Claiborne/Union. Personnel Recruitment and Training 1971-1973
54 Claiborne/Union. Public Affairs 1971-1973
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series C: County Files
1 Hickman/Perry. Chronic Disease 1967-1968
2 Hickman/Perry. Dental 1967-1968
3 Hickman/Perry. Environmental Health 1968-1969
4 Hickman/Perry. Family Health 1968-1969
5 Hickman/Perry. General 1967-1969
6 Hickman/Perry. Local Organization 1967-1969
7 Hickman/Perry. Preventive Health 1968-1969
8 Jackson County. Auxiliary Health 1968-1969
9 Jackson County. Chronic Disease 1967-1968
10 Jackson County. Dental 1967-1968
11 Jackson County. Environmental Health 1968-1969
12 Jackson County. Family Health 1968-1969
13 Jackson County. Indigent 1967-1968
14 Jackson County. Local Organization 1967-1969
15 Jackson County. Medical Care 1968-1969
16 Jackson County. Preventive Health 1968-1969
17 Knox County. Auxiliary Health 1968-1969
18 Knox County. Cancer 1967-1968
19 Knox County. Chronic Disease 1967-1968
20 Knox County. Comprehensive Health 1968-1969
21 Knox County. Dental 1967-1968
22 Knox County. Environmental Health 1968-1969
23 Knox County. Family Health 1968-1969
24 Knox County. General 1967-1969
25 Knox County. Indigent 1967-1968
26 Knox County. Local Organization 1967-1968
27 Knox County. Medical Care 1968-1969
28 Knox County. Preventive Health 1968-1969
29 Knox County. Venereal Disease 1967-1968
30 Lauderdale County. Chronic Disease 1967-1968
31 Lauderdale County. Environmental Health 1968-1969
32 Lauderdale County. Family Health 1968-1969
33 Lauderdale County. General 1967-1968
34 Lauderdale County. Indigent 1967-1968
35 Lauderdale County. Local Organization 1967-1969
36 Lauderdale County. Medical Care 1968-1969
37 Lawrence County. Auxiliary Health 1968-1969
38 Lawrence County. Dental 1967-1968
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series C: County Files
BOX NUMBER 4 (cont'd)
39 Lawrence County. Environmental Health 1968-1969
40 Lawrence County. Family Health 1968-1969
41 Lawrence County. General 1967-1968
42 Lawrence County. Indigent 1967-1968
43 Lawrence County. Local Organizations 1967-1969
44 Lawrence County. Medical Care 1968-1969
45 Lawrence County. Preventive Health 1968-1969
46 Lewis County. Auxiliary Health 1968-1969
47 Lewis County. Chronic Disease 1967-1968
48 Lewis County. Dental 1967-1968
49 Lewis County. Environmental Health 1968-1969
50 Lewis County. Family Health 1968-1969
51 Lewis County. General 1967-1969
52 Lewis County. Indigent Care 1967-1969
53 Lewis County. Local Organizations 1967-1969
54 Lewis County. Medical Organizations 1968-1969
55 Lewis County. Preventive Health 1968-1969
56 Lincoln/Moore County. Auxiliary Health 1968-1969
57 Lincoln/Moore County. Chronic Disease 1967-1968
58 Lincoln/Moore County. Dental 1967-1968
59 Lincoln/Moore County. Environmental Health 1968-1969
60 Lincoln/Moore County. Family Health 1968-1969
61 Lincoln/Moore County. General 1967-1969
62 Lincoln/Moore County. Local Organizations 1967-1969
63 Lincoln/Moore County. Preventive Health 1968-1969
64 Madison County. Auxiliary Health 1968-1969
65 Madison County. Environmental Health 1968-1969
66 Madison County. Family Health 1968-1969
67 Madison County. Indigent 1967-1968
68 Madison County. Medical Care 1968-1969
69 Madison County. Preventive Health 1968-1969
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-1: General, 1848-1964
1 Committees: Advisory Committee on Personnel
and Policies 1943-1945
2 Committees: Committee for Reorganization of the
Department 1951-1953
3 Committees: Records Committee 1953-1955
4 Committees: Records Committee 1957-1959
5 Contracts and Agreements 1941-1943
6 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Accounts 1951-1953
7 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Accounts 1953-1955
8 Correspondence-Departmental: Adjutant General 1953-1955
9 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Agriculture 1953-1955
10 Correspondence-Departmental: Attorney General 1948-1953
11 Correspondence-Departmental: Attorney General 1953-1955
12 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Budget 1951-1955
13 Correspondence-Departmental: Commissioner 1879-1904
14 Correspondence-Departmental: Commissioner 1919-1930
15 Correspondence-Departmental: Comptroller of
the Treasury 1951-1953
16 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Correction 1952
17 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept of Finance &
Administration 1959-1960
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-1: General, 1848-1964
1 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Finance &
Administration 1961
2 Correspondence-Departmental: Governor's Office 1953-1955
3 Correspondence-Departmental: HP Hopkins 1954-1955
4 Correspondence-Departmental: Old Age and
Survivors Insurance 1959-1961
5 Correspondence-Departmental: Office of State
Property Administrator 1951-1953
6 Correspondence-Departmental: Office of State
Property Administrator 1959-1961
7 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Personnel 1938-1943
8 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Personnel 1950-June,1952
9 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Personnel July-Dec.,1952
10 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Personnel Jan.-June,1953
11 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Personnel July-Dec.,1953
12 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Personnel Jan.-June,1954
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-1: General, 1848-1964
1 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Personnel July-Dec., 1954
2 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Personnel Jan.-June, 1955
3 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Personnel 1958-1959
4 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Personnel Jan.-June, 1960
5 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Personnel July-Dec., 1960
6 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Personnel Jan.-June, 1961
7 Correspondence-Departmental: Planning Commission 1959-1961
8 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Purchasing 1951-1961
9 Correspondence-Departmental: State Retirement Board 1949-1951
10 Correspondence-Departmental: State Retirement
Board 1952-June, 1953
11 Correspondence-Departmental: State Retirement
Board July, 1953-1955
12 Correspondence-Departmental: State Retirement Board 1959-1961
13 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Revenue 1959-1961
14 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of Safety 1951-1953
15 Correspondence-Departmental: Carl L. Sebelius 1951-1953
16 Correspondence-Departmental: Dept. of State 1951-1961
17 Correspondence-Departmental: State Treasurer 1951-1961
18 Correspondence-Departmental: George Wilson 1954
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-1: General, 1848-1964
1 Correspondence: General, A 1954-1957
2 Correspondence: Air Pollution 1955-1957
3 Correspondence: State of Alabama, Various Agencies 1955
4 Correspondence: American Association of
Registration Executives 1952
5 Correspondence: American Cancer Society 1951-1953
6 Correspondence: The American Legion,
Child Welfare Committee 1952
7 Correspondence: Associated Transport 1952
8 Correspondence: General, B 1953-1955
9 Correspondence: British Columbia, Dept. of Health
and Welfare 1954
10 Correspondence: The Brookings Institute 1950-1952
11 Correspondence: General, C 1951-1955
12 Correspondence: Certified Blood Donor Service 1951-1955
13 Correspondence: State of Colorado, Dept. of Health 1953-1954
14 Correspondence: Columbia University 1954-1955
15 Correspondence: Commercial Solvents Corporation 1951-1955
16 Correspondence: Committee for Public Understanding
of Epilepsy 1952
17 Correspondence: The Commonwealth Fund 1951-1953
18 Correspondence: State of Connecticut,
Various Agencies 1953-1955
19 Correspondence: Ralph C. Coxhead Corporation 1952-1953
20 Correspondence: Crippled Children's Commission 1949-1957
21 Correspondence: Crippled Children's Service,
Cerebral Palsy 1955-1957
22 Correspondence: Crippled Children's Service,
Chattanooga 1955-1957
23 Correspondence: Crippled Children's Service, Contracts 1955-1957
24 Correspondence: Crippled Children's Service,
East Tennessee 1951-1953
25 Correspondence: Crippled Children's Service,
Johnson City 1955-1957
26 Correspondence: Crippled Children's Service,
Knoxville 1955-1957
27 Correspondence: Crippled Children's Service,
Middle Tennessee 1955-1957
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-1: General, 1848-1964
BOX NUMBER 8 (cont'd)
28 Correspondence: Crippled Children's Service,
West Tennessee 1951-1953
29 Correspondence: Crippled Children's Service,
West Tennessee 1954-1957
30 Correspondence: General, D 1952-1957
31 Correspondence: The Delaval Separator Company 1956
32 Correspondence: Dental Bacteriology 1955-1957
33 Correspondence: District of Columbia 1953-1954
34 Correspondence: General, E 1954-1956
35 Correspondence: East Tennessee State Teachers College 1961-1963
36 Correspondence: Evans-Hailey Company 1956
37 Correspondence: Films, Purchase of 1956-1959
38 Correspondence: Funding for Crippled Children's
Services 1943-1944
39 Correspondence: General, G 1952
40 Correspondence: Gale, Smith and Company, Inc. 1957
41 Correspondence: State of Georgia, Dept. of Public Health 1956
42 Correspondence: Gordon Armstrong Company 1946-1949
43 Correspondence: Gordon Armstrong Company 1950-1957
44 Correspondence: General, H 1955-1956
45 Correspondence: Harvard University, School of
Public Health 1952-1957
46 Correspondence: State of Hawaii, Dept. of Health 1952
47 Correspondence: Heart Program 1955-1957
48 Correspondence: Helen Hay Whitney Foundation 1955-1956
49 Correspondence: Hubbard Hospital 1952-1953
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-1: General, 1848-1964
1 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program, General 1950-1952
2 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program, General 1953-June, 1955
3 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program, General July, 1955-1957
4 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Anderson County 1953-1957
5 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Bedford County 1953-1957
6 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Benton County 1954-1957
7 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Bledsoe County 1953-1957
8 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Blount County 1953-1957
9 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Bradley County 1954-1957
10 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Campbell County 1953-1957
11 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Cannon County 1953-1957
12 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Carroll County 1953-1957
13 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Carter County 1953-1957
14 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Cheatham County 1953-1957
15 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Chester County 1954-1957
16 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Claiborne County 1953-1957
17 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Clay County 1953-1957
18 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Cocke County 1954-1957
19 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Coffee County 1954-1957
20 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Crockett County 1953-1957
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-1: General, 1848-1964
BOX NUMBER 9 (cont'd)
21 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Cumberland County 1953-1957
22 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Davidson County 1953-1957
23 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Decatur County 1953-1957
24 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
DeKalb County 1953-1957
25 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Dickson County 1953-1957
26 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Dyer County 1954-1957
27 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Fayette County 1953-1957
28 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Fentress County 1953-1957
29 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Franklin County 1953-1957
30 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Gibson County 1953-1957
31 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Giles County 1953-1957
32 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Grainger County 1953-1957
33 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Greene County 1953-1957
34 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Grundy County 1953-1957
35 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Hamblen County 1954-1957
36 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Hamilton County 1953-1957
37 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Hancock County 1954-1957
38 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Hardeman County 1953-1957
39 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Hardin County 1954-1957
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-1: General, 1848-1964
BOX NUMBER 9 (cont'd)
40 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Hawkins County 1953-1957
41 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Haywood County 1954-1957
42 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Henderson County 1954-1957
43 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Henry County 1954-1957
44 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Hickman County 1954-1957
45 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Houston County 1953-1957
46 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Humphreys County 1953-1957
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-1: General, 1848-1964
1 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Jackson County 1954-1957
2 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Jefferson County 1954-1957
3 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Johnson County 1953-1957
4 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Knox County 1953-1957
5 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Lake County 1953-1957
6 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Lauderdale County 1953-1957
7 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Lawrence County 1954-1955
8 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Lewis County 1953-1955
9 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Lincoln County 1953-1955
10 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Loudon County 1953-1955
11 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Macon County 1953-1955
12 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Madison County 1953-1955
13 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Marion County 1953-1955
14 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Marshall County 1953-1955
15 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Maury County 1953-1955
16 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
McMinn County 1953-1955
17 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
McNairy County 1953-1955
18 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Meigs County 1954-1955
19 Correspondence: Indigent Care Program,
Monroe County 1954-1955
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-1: General, 1848-1964
1 Correspondence: National Advisory Committee
to the Selective Service 1951-1953
2 Correspondence: National Foundation for
Infantile Paralysis 1951-June, 1953
3 Correspondence: National Foundation for
Infantile Paralysis July-Dec., 1953
4 Correspondence: National Foundation for
Infantile Paralysis Jan.-June, 1954
5 Correspondence: National Foundation for
Infantile Paralysis July-Dec., 1954
6 Correspondence: National Foundation for
Infantile Paralysis Jan.-Sept., 1955
7 Correspondence: National Foundation for
Infantile Paralysis, Polio Vaccine Field Trials Nov.-Dec., 1953
8 Correspondence: National Foundation for
Infantile Paralysis, Polio Vaccine Field Trials Jan.-Apr., 1954
9 Correspondence: National Foundation for
Infantile Paralysis, Polio Vaccine Field Trials May-June, 1954
10 Correspondence: National Foundation for
Infantile Paralysis, Polio Vaccine Field Trials July-Dec., 1954
11 Correspondence: National Foundation for
Infantile Paralysis, Polio Vaccine Field Trials Jan.-May, 1955
12 Correspondence: National League for Nursing, Inc. 1953
13 Correspondence: National Organization for
Public Health Nursing 1951-1953
14 Correspondence: State of North Carolina,
Board of Health 1952-1953
15 Correspondence: Peabody College for Teachers 1951-June, 1953
16 Correspondence: Peabody College for Teachers July, 1953-1955
17 Correspondence: Portland Cement Association 1951-1954
18 Correspondence: Rockefeller Foundation 1951-1953
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-1: General, 1848-1964
1 Correspondence: General, S 1951-1954
2 Correspondence: Southern Medical Association 1951-1953
3 Correspondence: Speech and Hearing: Chattanooga 1951-1953
4 Correspondence: Speech and Hearing: Dental 1953-1955
5 Correspondence: Speech and Hearing: Ear, Nose
and Throat 1952-1953
6 Correspondence: Speech and Hearing: Jackson 1951-1953
7 Correspondence: Speech and Hearing: Johnson City 1951-1954
8 Correspondence: Speech and Hearing: Knoxville 1951-1953
9 Correspondence: Speech and Hearing: Memphis 1951-1953
10 Correspondence: Speech and Hearing: Nashville 1953-1955
11 Correspondence: Speech and Hearing: State and
Territorial Health Officers
12 Correspondence: Stream Sanitation: Ohio Valley
Compact 1953-1955
13 Correspondence: Sylvana Chemical Corporation 1951-1954
14 Correspondence: General, T 1951-1954
15 Correspondence: Tennessee Academy of Preventive
Medicine and Public Health 1951-1952
16 Correspondence: Tennessee Hospital Association 1953-1955
17 Correspondence: Tennessee Medical Association 1953-1955
18 Correspondence: Tennessee Medical Association 1959-1961
19 Correspondence: Tennessee Medical Foundation 1953-1960
20 Correspondence: Tennessee Nurses Association 1959-1961
21 Correspondence: Tennessee Osteopathic Association 1953-1955
22 Correspondence: Tennessee Tuberculosis Association 1951-1953
23 Correspondence: Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital 1951
24 Correspondence: Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital 1952
25 Correspondence: Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital 1953
26 Correspondence: Tennessee Valley Authority,
Chestree Project 1953-1955
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-1: General, 1848-1964
1 Correspondence: State of Texas, Health Department 1951-1953
2 Correspondence: Tuberculosis Control, Learline Reaves
Sanatorium 1951-1953
3 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Crippled Children's Services 1953-1955
4 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Maternal and Child Health
Services 1953-1954
5 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, C.D.C. 1957
6 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Public Health Service,
C.D.C. Jan.-Sept., 1958
7 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Public Health Service,
C.D.C. Oct., 1958-June, 1959
8 Correspondence: United States Department of
Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service,
Fluoridation 1957-1959
9 Correspondence: United States Department of
Health, Education and Welfare, General 1953-June, 1954
10 Correspondence: United States Department of
Health, Education and Welfare, General July, 1954-June, 1955
11 Correspondence: United States Department of
Health, Education and Welfare, General July, 1957-Dec., 1958
12 Correspondence: United States Department of
Health, Education and Welfare, General Jan.-Mar., 1959
13 Correspondence: United States Department of
Health, Education and Welfare, Heart Program 1957
14 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Heart Program 1958
15 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Heart Program Jan.-June, 1959
16 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Home Accident 1957-1959
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-1: General, 1848-1964
1 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Hospital Construction 1957-1959
2 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Industrial Hygiene 1957-1959
3 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Influenza 1957-1959
4 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Interstate Carrier Water Supplies 1957-1959
5 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Maternal and Child Health
Services 1954-1955
6 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Mental Health 1957-1959
7 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Milk 1957-June, 1958
8 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Milk July-Dec., 1958
9 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Milk Jan.-June., 1959
10 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, National Institute of Health 1957-1959
11 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Poison Control 1957-1959
12 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Polio 1957-1959
13 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Program Review 1957-1959
14 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Radiation 1957-1959
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-1: General, 1848-1964
1 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Sanitary Engineering 1956-1957
2 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Sanitary Engineering Jan.-Mar., 1958
3 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Sanitary Engineering Apr.-June, 1958
4 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Sanitary Engineering July-Sept., 1958
5 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Sanitary Engineering Oct.-Dec., 1958
6 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Sanitary Engineering Jan.-Mar., 1959
7 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Sanitary Engineering Apr.-July, 1959
8 Correspondence: United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Tuberculosis 1957-1959
9 Correspondence: United States Department of Interior 1953-1955
10 Correspondence: United States Department of Labor 1953-1955
11 Correspondence: United States Treasury 1951-1955
12 Correspondence: University of British Columbia 1955
13 Correspondence: University of Missouri 1952-1955
14 Correspondence: University of North Carolina 1951-1953
15 Correspondence: University of Tennessee: Dentistry 1959-1961
16 Correspondence: University of Tennessee: General 1951-1953
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-1: General, 1848-1964
1 Correspondence: University of Tennessee 1959-1961
2 Correspondence: University of Tennessee,
School of Medicine 1959-1961
3 Correspondence: University of Tennessee,
Preventive Medicine 1959-1961
4 Correspondence: University of Wisconsin 1953
5 Correspondence: Vanderbilt University 1953-1955
6 Correspondence: Vanderbilt University,
School of Nursing 1953-1955
7 Correspondence: Vipeholm Research Project 1953-1955
8 Correspondence: General, W 1951-1955
9 Correspondence: State of Washington,
Various Departments 1953-1955
10 Correspondence: State of West Virginia,
Various Departments 1953-1954
11 Correspondence: C. Wilkinson 1951
12 Correspondence: Will Corporation of Georgia 1955
13 Correspondence: Williamson County
Child Guidance Study 1941-1943
14 Correspondence: State of Wisconsin,
Department of Health 1953-1955
15 Correspondence: World Health Agency 1953-1955
16 Correspondence: State of Wyoming,
Department of Public Health 1954
17 Correspondence: Yale University 1954-1955
18 Correspondence: ZEP Manufacturing Corporation 1954-1955
19 Financial Statements: American National Bank 1941-1943
20 Financial: Hospital Statements of Reimbursable Costs 1953-1955
21 Financial: Hospital Statements of
Reimbursable Costs 1957-June, 1958
22 Financial: Hospital Statements of
Reimbursable Costs July, 1958-July, 1959
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-1: General, 1848-1964
1 Financial: Indigent Care, Sumner County 1957-1959
2 Financial: Indigent Care, Tipton County 1957-1959
3 Financial: Indigent Care, Trousdale County 1957-1959
4 Financial: Indigent Care, Unicoi County 1957-1959
5 Financial: Indigent Care, Union County 1957-1959
6 Financial: Indigent Care, Van Buren County 1957-1959
7 Financial: Indigent Care, Warren County 1957-1959
8 Financial: Indigent Care, Washington County 1957-1959
9 Financial: Indigent Care, Weakley County 1957-1959
10 Financial: Indigent Care, White County 1957-1959
11 Financial: Indigent Care, Williamson County 1957-1959
12 Financial: Indigent Care, Wilson County 1957-1959
13 Investigation: Pneumoconiosis Study in
South Pittsburg, TN 1954
14 Notes for Lectures 1931-1933
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-1: General, 1848-1964
1 Pamphlets Distributed by Department ----
2 Pamphlets Distributed by Department ----
3 Printed Material: Washington Report 1954
4 Rules and Regulations: Barber Shops 1903
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-2: General, 1965-1969
1 Committees: Crippled Children's Service Advisory
Committee 1969-1973
2 Committees: Committee on the Employment of the
Handicapped 1967-1973
3 Committees: Employees Health Services Committee 1969-1971
4 Committees: Fiscal Review Committee 1967-1969
5 Committees: Fiscal Review Committee 1969-June, 1971
6 Committees: Fiscal Review Committee July, 1971-June, 1973
7 Committees: Governor's Advisory Commission
on Consumer Protection 1969
8 Committees: Governor's Science Advisory Committee 1969
9 Committees: Inter Agency Advisory Council Meeting 1969
10 Committees: Inter Agency Industrial Committee 1966
11 Committees: Interdepartmental Committee on
Mental Retardation 1967-1969
12 Committees: Interdepartmental Committee on
Mental Retardation 1969-1971
13 Committees: Legislative Council Committee 1965-1970
14 Committees: Technical Policy Committee for
Children's Services 1966
15 Correspondence: Departmental.
Adjutant General 1965-1971
16 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Agriculture 1968-1971
17 Correspondence: Departmental.
Air Pollution Control Board 1967-1970
18 Correspondence: Departmental.
Attorney General 1965-1971
19 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Claims 1967-1969
20 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board on Emergency Medical Services 1969
21 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Examiners for Professional Sanitariums 1969
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-2: General, 1965-1969
1 Correspondence: Departmental.
Hospital Licensing Board 1969-1971
2 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Medical Examiners 1969-1973
3 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Medical Laboratory Licensing Act 1969-1971
4. Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Nursing 1969-1973
5. Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Osteopathic Examiners 1969-1973
6 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Registration in Podiatry 1969-1971
7 Correspondence: Departmental.
Stream Pollution Control Board 1966-1967
8 Correspondence: Departmental.
Stream Pollution Control Board 1969
9 Correspondence: Departmental.
State Chest Disease Hospitals, Board of Trustees 1967-1969
10 Correspondence: Departmental.
Dr. George M. Cameron 1965
11 Correspondence: Departmental.
Comptroller of the Treasury 1965
12 Correspondence: Departmental.
Comptroller of the Treasury 1966
13 Correspondence: Departmental.
Comptroller of the Treasury 1967
14 Correspondence: Departmental.
Comptroller of the Treasury 1968
15 Correspondence: Departmental.
Comptroller of the Treasury 1969
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-2: General, 1965-1969
1 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Conservation 1965-June, 1967
2 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Conservation July, 1967-June, 1969
3 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Conservation July, 1969-1971
4 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Correction 1965-1971
5 Correspondence: Departmental.
Division of Geology 1969-1971
6 Correspondence: Departmental.
East Tennessee Regional Office 1965-1967
7 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Education 1965-June, 1967
8 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Education July, 1967-June, 1969
9 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Education July, 1969-June, 1971
10 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Employment Security 1965-1967
11 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Employment Security 1969-1971
12 Correspondence: Departmental.
Dr. W.B. Farris 1965
13 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Finance and Administration 1965
14 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Finance and Administration Jan.-June, 1966
15 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Finance and Administration July-Dec., 1966
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-2: General, 1965-1969
1 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Finance and Administration Jan.-June, 1967
2 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Finance and Administration July-Dec., 1967
3 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Finance and Administration Jan.-Mar., 1968
4 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Finance and Administration Apr.-June, 1968
5 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Finance and Administration July-Sept., 1968
6 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Finance and Administration Oct.-Dec., 1968
7 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Finance and Administration Jan.-Mar., 1969
8 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Finance and Administration,
West Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital 1965-1967
9 Correspondence: Departmental. Julian R. Fleming 1968
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-2: General, 1965-1969
1 Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor Frank Clement 1965-1966
2 Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor Buford Ellington 1966-1967
3 Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor Buford Ellington 1968
4 Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor Buford Ellington 1969
5. Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor Buford Ellington Jan.-June, 1970
6. Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor Buford Ellington July, 1970-1971
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-2: General, 1965-1969
1 Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor's Office: Staff
Division for Industrial Development 1965-1969
2 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Highways and Public Works 1965-1969
3 Correspondence: Departmental. H.P. Hopkins 1968
4 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Insurance and Banking 1966-1969
5 Correspondence: Departmental. S. Leary Jones 1967
6 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Labor 1965-1969
7 Correspondence: Departmental.
Robert Lashlee 1965-1966
8 Correspondence: Departmental.
Library and Archives 1965-1966
9 Correspondence: Departmental. W.B. Lipes 1964-1970
10 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Mental Health 1965-June, 1967
11 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Mental Health July, 1967-1969
12 Correspondence: Departmental.
Office of Local Government 1966-1971
13 Correspondence: Departmental.
Office of Urban and Federal Affairs 1967-1969
14 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Personnel 1965-1966
15 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Personnel 1967
16 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Personnel Jan.-Apr., 1968
17 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Personnel May-June, 1968
18 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Personnel July-Dec., 1968
19 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Personnel Jan.-Mar., 1969
20 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Personnel Apr.-June, 1969
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-2: General, 1965-1969
1 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Personnel, Training 1968-1969
2 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Personnel,
West Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital 1963-1970
3 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Personnel,
West Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital, Chaplains 1967-1970
4 Correspondence: Departmental.
Psychiatric Hospital and Institute 1969-1971
5 Correspondence: Departmental.
Planning Commission 1965-June, 1967
6 Correspondence: Departmental.
Planning Commission July, 1967-1969
7 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Public Welfare 1965-June, 1967
8 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Public Welfare July, 1967-1969
9 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Safety 1965-1969
10 Correspondence: Departmental.
Dept. of Standards and Purchases 1965-1969
11 Correspondence: Departmental.
Secretary of State 1965-June, 1967
12 Correspondence: Departmental.
Secretary of State July, 1967-1969
13 Correspondence: Departmental.
Tennessee State Industries 1969-1971
14. Correspondence: Departmental.
State Treasurer 1965-1969
15. Correspondence: Departmental.
West Tennessee Regional Office 1965-1966
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-2: General, 1965-1969
1 Correspondence: General, Ab-Al 1965-1973
2 Correspondence: General. "Am" General 1965-1971
3 Correspondence: General. American Cancer Society 1967-1969
4 Correspondence: General. American Dental
Association 1967-1969
5 Correspondence: General. American National
Red Cross 1969
6 Correspondence: General. American Medical
Association 1967-1969
7 Correspondence: General. American Public Health
Association 1967-1969
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-2: General, 1965-1969
1 Correspondence: General.
Appalachian Regional Commission 1965
2 Correspondence: General.
Appalachian Regional Commission Jan.-June, 1966
3 Correspondence: General.
Appalachian Regional Commission July-Dec., 1966
4 Correspondence: General.
Appalachian Regional Commission Jan.-June, 1967
5 Correspondence: General.
Appalachian Regional Commission July, 1967-June, 1968
6 Correspondence: General.
The Association of State and Territorial
Health Officers 1969-1970
7 Correspondence: General, An-Ay 1965-1972
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-2: General, 1965-1969
1 Correspondence: General.
State of Arkansas, Health Department 1967-1969
2 Correspondence: General, Ba-Bi 1964-1972
3 Correspondence: General.
Bi-Regional Conference of State Dental Directors 1965-1966
4 Correspondence: General, Bl-By 1966-1973
5 Correspondence: General.
Bristol Meyers Project 1965-1967
6 Correspondence: General, Ca-Ch 1965-1972
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-2: General, 1965-1969
1 Correspondence: General.
State of California, Department of Health 1965-1967
2 Correspondence: General, Ci-Cz 1965-1973
3 Correspondence: General.
Crippled Children's Service, Advisory Committee 1965-1967
4 Correspondence: General.
Crippled Children's Service, Chattanooga 1965-1967
5 Correspondence: General.
Crippled Children's Service, Contracts 1965-1967
6 Correspondence: General.
Crippled Children's Service, Johnson City 1965-1967
7 Correspondence: General.
Crippled Children's Service, Knoxville 1965-1967
8 Correspondence: General.
Crippled Children's Service, Middle Tennessee 1965-1967
9 Correspondence: General.
Crippled Children's Service, West Tennessee 1965-1967
10 Correspondence: General, D 1965-1973
11 Correspondence: General.
Dental Advisory Committee 1965-1967
12 Correspondence: General, E 1965-1973
13 Correspondence: General, F 1965-1973
14 Correspondence: General.
State of Florida, Health Department 1965-1967
15 Correspondence: General, G 1965-1972
16 Correspondence: General.
State of Georgia, Board of Health 1965-1967
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-2: General, 1965-1969
1 Correspondence: General, Ha-Hi 1965-1973
2 Correspondence: General. Health Careers 1967-1969
3 Correspondence: General, Hi-Hy 1965-1973
4 Correspondence: General, I 1966-1972
5 Correspondence: General, J 1966-1973
6 Correspondence: General, K 1964-1973
7 Correspondence: General, L 1966-1973
8 Correspondence: General. Legislature 1965-1967
9 Correspondence: General, M 1965-1973
10 Correspondence: General.
Middle Tennessee Society of Pharmacists 1970
11 Correspondence: General, N 1966-1972
12 Correspondence: General, O 1966-1972
13 Correspondence: General, P 1967-1972
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-2: General, 1965-1969
1 Correspondence: General. Pesticide Study 1969-1970
2 Correspondence: General.
Provident Insurance 1965-1967
3 Correspondence: General.
Public Health Council 1965-1969
4 Correspondence: General, Q 1965
5 Correspondence: General, R 1965-1973
6 Correspondence: General.
Residents and Interns, West Tennessee Tuberculosis
Hospital 1965-1970
7 Correspondence: General, Sa-Sl 1965-1973
8 Correspondence: General, Sm-Sz 1965-1973
9 Correspondence: General.
Southern Interstate Nuclear Board 1965-1967
10 Correspondence: General.
Southern Medical Association 1965-1967
11 Correspondence: General.
Southern Missionary College 1965-1967
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-2: General, 1965-1969
1 Correspondence: General.
Speech and Hearing Centers, Bill Wilkerson Center 1965-1967
2 Correspondence: General.
Speech and Hearing Centers, Chattanooga 1965-1967
3 Correspondence: General.
Speech and Hearing Centers, Memphis 1963-1965
4 Correspondence: General.
Speech and Hearing Centers, West Tennessee 1965-1967
5 Correspondence: General.
Speech and Hearing Service, Chattanooga 1965-1967
6 Correspondence: General.
Speech and Hearing Service, Jackson 1965-1967
7 Correspondence: General.
Speech and Hearing Service, Johnson City 1965-1967
8 Correspondence: General.
Speech and Hearing Service, Knoxville 1965-1967
9 Correspondence: General.
State and Territorial Health Officers 1965-1967
10 Correspondence: General.
State Health Planning Council 1969-1971
11 Correspondence: General.
State Task Force for Model Cities 1968-1970
12 Correspondence: General, T 1965-1973
13 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Academy of General Practice 1969
14 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Association for Retarded Children
and Adults, Inc. 1969
15 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Association of Sanitariums 1969-1970
16 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Association of Soil and Water
Conservation Districts 1969
17 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Congress of Parents and Teachers 1965-1969
18 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Conservation League 1969-1971
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-2: General, 1965-1969
BOX NUMBER 32 (cont'd)
19 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee County Services Association 1969-1973
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-2: General, 1965-1969
1 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Dental Association 1965-June, 1967
2 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Dental Association July, 1967-1969
3 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Hearing Aid Society 1969-1973
4 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Heart Association 1965-June, 1967
5 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Heart Association July, 1967-1969
6 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Hospital Association 1965-June, 1967
7 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Hospital Association July, 1967-1969
8 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Hospital Service Association 1964-1965
9 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Hospital Service Association 1966
10 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Hospital Service Association 1967
11 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Hospital Service Association Jan.-June, 1968
12 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Hospital Service Association July-Dec., 1968
13 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Hospital Service Association 1969
14 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee League of Nursing 1965-1969
15 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Manufacturers Association 1969-1973
16 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Medical Association 1963-1967
17 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Nurses Association 1967-1969
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-2: General, 1965-1969
BOX NUMBER 33 (cont'd)
18 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Nursing Home Association 1969-1971
19 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Selective Service 1969
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-2: General, 1965-1969
1 Correspondence: General.
Tennessee Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease
Association, Inc. 1965-1970
2 Correspondence: General, Th-Tu 1966-1973
3 Correspondence: General, U-V 1966-1973
4 Correspondence: General, W 1966-1973
5 Correspondence: General, Y 1967-1973
6 Correspondence: General, Z 1967-1972
7 Forms: Department of Personnel, P-34 1963-June, 1967
8 Forms: Department of Personnel, P-34 July, 1967-1969
9 Policies 1942-1960
10 Policies 1961-1964
11 Policies 1965-1972
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-2: General, 1965-1969
1 Printed Material: Air/Water Pollution Report 1969
2 Printed Material: Regulations Governing the
Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of
Organized Camps in Tennessee ----
3 Printed Material: Solid Waste Regulations 1969
4 Printed Material: Standards and Regulations
for Nursing Homes 1964-1970
5 Stream Pollution Control Board 1964-1966
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Abortions 1980
2 Accounting Procedures 1970-1971
3 Administrative Services 1974-1977
4 Affirmative Action 1979-1981
5 Air Pollution Control 1974-1982
6 Center for Health Statistics 1974-1979
7 Certification and Licensure 1974
8 Child Abuse 1975-1977
9 Child Health and Developmental Services 1975-1976
10 Chronic Disease and Rehabilitation 1973-1974
11 Chronic Disease Prevention 1978-1979
12 Clinical Dental Program 1974-1975
13 Committees: Ad-Hoc Committee of
Nursing Field Staff 1975
14 Committees: Ad-Hoc Committee on
Salaries and Longevity 1971
15 Committees: Advisory Committee for Health
Statistics 1972-1973
16 Committees: Advisory Committee on Newborn
Infants 1974-1976
17 Committees: Budget Committee 1973-1974
18 Committees: Centennial Planning Committee 1976
19 Committees: Committee on Child Development 1971-1973
20 Committees: Committee on Classification of
Local Health Departments Clerical Staff 1971-1972
21 Committees: Comprehensive Health Planning 1973-1974
22 Committees: Dental Advisory Committee 1971-1973
23 Committees: Drinking Water Disinfection
Ad-Hoc Advisory Committee 1977
24 Committees: Drug Quality Assurance Committee 1974
25 Committees: Education Committee 1973-1974
26 Committees: Employee Communications Committee 1972-1982
27 Committees: Federal Occupational Safety and
Health Act Committee 1971-1973
28 Committees: Fiscal Review Committee 1971-1980
29 Committees: Fiscal Year Study Committee 1981
30 Committees: Governor's Study on Cost Control 1971
31 Committees: Governor's Task Force on Paperwork 1978-1980
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
BOX NUMBER 36 (cont'd)
32 Committees: Healing Arts Board 1974
33 Committees: Health Facilities Commission 1973
34 Committees: Health Services Administration Search
Committee 1980
35 Committees: Health Statistics Task Force 1971-1972
36 Committees: Hemophilia Advisory Committee 1971-1973
37 Committees: Influenza Action Committee 1976
38 Committees: Inter-Agency Advisory Council for
Governor's Committee on Employment of the
Handicapped 1970
39 Committees: Inter-Agency Committee on Early
Child Development 1970-1971
40 Committees: Interdepartmental Committee on
Child Development 1970-1973
41 Committees: Interdepartmental Committee on Human
Resources 1975
42 Committees: Joint Finance, Ways and Means Committee 1976
43 Committees: Legislative Council Committee 1969-1975
44 Committees: Management Assessment Study Committee 1982
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Committees: Masters in Public Administration
Advisory Council 1974-1978
2 Committees: Medicaid Policy Review Committee 1970
3 Committees: Medical-Legal Committee 1970
4 Committees: Medicare Advisory Board 1970
5 Committees: Nursing Home Committee of United
Tennessee Veterans 1980
6 Committees: Ozone Attainment Committee 1977
7 Committees: Pharmacy and Therapeutic 1977
8 Committees: Policy Review Committee 1973-1978
9 Committees: Preventive Health Search Committee 1979
10 Committees: Price Commission 1971-1972
11 Committees: Records Committee 1974-1975
12 Committees: Renal Disease Advisory Committee 1971
13 Committees: Solid Waste Advisory Committee 1971
14 Committees: Special Advisory task Force for Medicaid 1977
15 Committees: Task Force on Better Living Conditions
and Cultural Aspects 1970
16 Committees: Task Force on Economic Opportunity 1970
17 Committees: Task Force on Mental Health Certification 1970-1972
18 Committees: Tennessee Cancer Society Community
Services Committee 1971
19 Committees: Tennessee Health Planning Council 1977
20 Committees: Tennessee Public Health Association
Resolutions Committee 1970-1974
21 Committees: Training Committee 1974-1978
22 Committees: Training Committee 1979-1982
23 Conferences: Governor's Conference on Health
Manpower 1973
24 Conferences: Health Officers Meeting 1976
25 Conferences: Miscellaneous Agendum 1975
26 Conferences: Orientation to Planning Programming
Budgeting System 1970
27 Conferences: Principals of Public Health Law and
Legal Tools for Effective Health Administration 1969
28 Conferences: Upper Cumberland Regional Office 1974
29 Construction Grants and Loans 1981-1982
30 Contract: Henry N. Doyle 1971
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
BOX NUMBER 37 (cont'd)
31 Contract: Medicaid Claims 1969-1976
32 Contract: Middle Tennessee State University 1974
33 Correspondence: Departmental.
Aeronautics Commission 1971-1972
34 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Agriculture 1975-1980
35 Correspondence: Departmental.
Air Pollution Control Board Jan.-June, 1971
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Correspondence: Departmental.
Air Pollution Control Board 1971-1980
2 Correspondence: Departmental.
Arts Commission 1972
3 Correspondence: Departmental.
Attorney General 1974-1982
4 Correspondence: Departmental.
James C. Ault 1978
5 Correspondence: Departmental.
Edith Balwin 1978
6 Correspondence: Departmental.
William T. Binkley 1974
7 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Accountancy 1971-1973
8 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Advisors for Tuberculosis Control 1971-1973
9 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Basic Science Examiners 1970-1973
10 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Chiropractic Examiners 1971-1974
11 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Cosmetology 1974
12 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Dentistry 1969-1973
13 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Dispensing Opticians 1971-1973
14 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Healing Arts 1970-1973
15 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Law Examiners 1972
16 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Nursing 1979
17 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Nursing Home Examiners 1970-1973
18 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Optometry 1971-1973
19 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Pharmacy 1971-1977
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
BOX NUMBER 38 (cont'd)
20 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Podiatry 1971-1973
21 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Professional Sanitariums 1971-1973
22 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Psychology 1971-1973
23 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Reclamation Review 1972-1973
24 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Trustees, State Chest Disease Hospitals Jan.-June, 1970
25 Correspondence: Departmental
Board of Trustees, State Chest Disease Hospitals July-Dec., 1970
26 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Trustees, State Chest Disease Hospitals Jan.-June, 1971
27 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners 1971-1973
28 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Water Quality Control 1970-1972
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Water Quality Control Oct., 1971
2 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Water Quality Control May, 1972
3 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Water Quality Control June-Dec., 1972
4 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Water Quality Control 1973
5 Correspondence: Departmental.
Board of Water Quality Control 1974-1980
6 Correspondence: Departmental.
Michael T. Bruner 1976
7 Correspondence: Departmental.
Bureau of Administrative Services 1978-1982
8 Correspondence: Departmental.
Bureau of Environmental Health Services 1975-1979
9 Correspondence: Departmental.
Bureau of Health Services Administration 1978-1979
10 Correspondence: Departmental.
Bureau of Medicaid Administration and Coordination 1976-1980
11 Correspondence: Departmental.
Bureau of Medical Care Services 1974-1976
12 Correspondence: Departmental.
Bureau of Preventive and Medical Services 1977-1979
13 Correspondence: Departmental.
Bureau of Regional and Local Health 1977-1979
14 Correspondence: Departmental.
James E. Bycott 1976
15 Correspondence: Departmental.
Chest Disease Hospital Policy Regarding Meals 1974
16 Correspondence: Departmental.
Donald T. Chunn 1974
17 Correspondence: Departmental.
James L. Church 1970-1976
18 Correspondence: Departmental.
Civil Service Commission 1980
19 Correspondence: Departmental.
Commission for Human Development 1976
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
BOX NUMBER 39 (cont'd)
20 Correspondence: Departmental.
Commission on Aging 1970-1976
21 Correspondence: Departmental.
Commissioner's Fund 1971
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Correspondence: Departmental.
Comptroller of the Treasury 1971-1980
2 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Conservation 1977-1980
3 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Correction 1976-1979
4 Correspondence: Departmental.
Joe A. Covington 1979
5 Correspondence: Departmental.
Floyd Dennis 1970
6 Correspondence: Departmental.
Ralph K. Disser 1977
7 Correspondence: Departmental.
Division of Regional Development 1971
8 Correspondence: Departmental.
Division of Veterans Affairs 1971
9 Correspondence: Departmental.
Division of Water Resources 1971-1972
10 Correspondence: Departmental.
East Tennessee Chest Disease Hospital 1973-1977
11 Correspondence: Departmental.
East Tennessee Regional Office 1976-1980
12 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Economic and Community Development 1973-1980
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
BOX NUMBER 40 (cont'd)
13 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Education 1974-1980
14 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Employment Security 1975-1980
15 Correspondence: Departmental.
Energy Office 1974-1978
16 Correspondence: Departmental.
Environmental Sanitation 1979-1981
17 Correspondence: Departmental.
Wayne Everett 1977
18 Correspondence: Departmental.
W.B. Farris 1970
19 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Finance and Administration 1970
20 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Finance and Administration 1971
21 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Finance and Administration 1973-June, 1979
22 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Finance and Administration July, 1979-1981
23 Correspondence: Departmental.
Financial Management 1978-1979
24 Correspondence: Departmental.
First Tennessee Regional Office 1974-1980
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Correspondence: Departmental.
Dr. Eugene Fowinkle 1970-1974
2 Correspondence: Departmental.
Dr. Eugene Fowinkle 1975-1979
3 Correspondence: Departmental.
Dr. Eugene Fowinkle 1980-1982
4 Correspondence: Departmental.
Hazel Fowler 1978
5 Correspondence: Departmental.
Luther D. Fredrickson 1978
6 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of General Services 1974-1982
7 Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor's Office, Cost Control Study 1971-1973
8 Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor's Office 1971
9 Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor's Office 1972
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor's Office 1973
2 Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor's Office 1974-1976
3 Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor's Office 1977-1981
4 Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor's Office, Newsletters 1971-1973
5 Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor's Office, Reports July-Nov., 1971
6 Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor's Office, Reports Dec., 1971-Jan., 1972
7 Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor's Office, Reports Feb.-June, 1972
8 Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor's Office, Reports July-Sept., 1972
9 Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor's Office, Reports Oct.-Dec., 1972
10 Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor's Office, Reports Jan.-Mar., 1973
11 Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor's Office, Reports Apr.-June, 1973
12 Correspondence: Departmental.
Governor's Office, Jack Strickland 1976
13 Correspondence: Departmental.
Bernie Guyer 1974
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Correspondence: Departmental.
Gene Hartsook 1976
2 Correspondence: Departmental.
Health Facilities Commission 1977-1982
3 Correspondence: Departmental.
Health Planning Authority
4 Correspondence: Departmental.
Health Resources 1978
5 Correspondence: Departmental.
Alan R. Hinman 1976
6 Correspondence: Departmental.
Historical Commission 1971
7 Correspondence: Departmental.
Hospital Licensing Board 1971-1974
8 Correspondence: Departmental.
Sara Jane Huff 1977
9 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Human Services 1975-1980
10 Correspondence: Departmental.
Dr. R.H. Hutcheson 1974
11 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Insurance 1974-1980
12 Correspondence: Departmental.
Buddy Johnson 1976
13 Correspondence: Departmental.
Frank L. Jones 1976
14 Correspondence: Departmental.
S. Leary Jones 1974
15 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Labor 1974-1978
16 Correspondence: Departmental.
Laboratory Licensing Service 1971-1973
17 Correspondence: Departmental.
Law Enforcement Planning Agency 1973
18 Correspondence: Departmental.
Licensing Board for the Healing Arts 1974
19 Correspondence: Departmental.
D. Elmo Lunn 1978-1980
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
BOX NUMBER 43 (cont'd)
20 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Mental Health 1974-1980
21 Correspondence: Departmental.
Middle Tennessee Chest Disease Hospital 1974-1975
22 Correspondence: Departmental.
Military Department 1970-1980
23 Correspondence: Departmental.
Dr. G. Doty Murphy 1970
24 Correspondence: Departmental.
Northwest Regional Office 1980-1982
25 Correspondence: Departmental.
Office of Chief Medical Examiner 1978
26 Correspondence: Departmental.
Office of Child Development 1975
27 Correspondence: Departmental.
Office of Civil Defense 1970-1980
28 Correspondence: Departmental.
Office of General Counsel 1977-1982
29 Correspondence: Departmental.
Office of Legal Services, General Assembly
of Tennessee 1978
30 Correspondence: Departmental.
Office of Urban and Federal Affairs 1970
31 Correspondence: Departmental.
Office of Urban and Federal Affairs 1971
32 Correspondence: Departmental.
Office of Urban and Federal Affairs 1974-1979
33 Correspondence: Departmental.
Oil and Gas Board 1973
34 Correspondence: Departmental.
Jeannie Oliver 1978
35 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Personnel 1972-1978
36 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Personnel 1979
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Personnel Jan.-June, 1980
2 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Personnel July-Dec., 1980
3 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Personnel 1981-1982
4 Correspondence: Departmental.
Personnel, Recruitment and Training 1978-1979
5 Correspondence: Departmental.
Vernon Pinkley 1977
6 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Public Welfare 1974-1976
7 Correspondence: Departmental.
Public Service Commission 1977-1980
8 Correspondence: Departmental.
Records Management 1980-1982
9 Correspondence: Departmental.
Regulatory Boards 1971-1973
10 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Revenue 1975-1976
11 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Safety 1976-1979
12 Correspondence: Departmental.
Joan W. Saucier 1976-1977
13 Correspondence: Departmental.
Wayne Scharber 1974
14 Correspondence: Departmental.
E. Conrad Shackleford 1974-1979
15 Correspondence: Departmental.
Charles Smith 1978
16 Correspondence: Departmental.
Southeast Regional Office 1975-1982
17 Correspondence: Departmental.
Southwest Regional Office 1978-1981
18 Correspondence: Departmental.
Wendell Spurgeon 1978
19 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of State 1974-1980
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
BOX NUMBER 44 (cont'd)
20 Correspondence: Departmental.
State Building Commission 1977
21 Correspondence: Departmental.
State Library and Archives 1974
22 Correspondence: Departmental.
State Museum 1971
23 Correspondence: Departmental.
State Planning Office 1975-1980
24 Correspondence: Departmental.
Stream Pollution Control Board Jan.-June, 1970
25 Correspondence: Departmental.
Stream Pollution Control Board July-Dec., 1970
26 Correspondence: Departmental.
Stream Pollution Control Board 1971
27 Correspondence: Departmental.
M. Sam Sudman 1976
28 Correspondence: Departmental.
Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy 1973
29 Correspondence: Departmental.
Tennessee Preparatory School 1970-1972
30 Correspondence: Departmental.
Tennessee Prison for Women 1976
31 Correspondence: Departmental.
Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency 1976-1978
32 Correspondence: Departmental.
Linda Tidwell 1981-1982
33 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Tourist Development 1976-1978
34 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Transportation 1973-1980
35 Correspondence: Departmental.
Treasurer 1974-1979
36 Correspondence: Departmental.
Upper Cumberland Regional Office 1978-1982
37 Correspondence: Departmental.
Department of Veterans Affairs 1975-1976
38 Correspondence: Departmental.
Arthur J. Viehman 1976
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
BOX NUMBER 44 (cont'd)
39 Correspondence: Departmental.
Water and Wastewater Operators Certification Board 1971-1973
40 Correspondence: Departmental.
Water Quality Control Division 1976
41 Correspondence: Departmental.
George C. Watson 1970
42 Correspondence: Departmental.
Pat Webb 1978-1979
43 Correspondence: Departmental.
West Tennessee Chest Disease Hospital 1970-1975
44 Correspondence: Departmental.
Ray D. Wilson 1976-1980
45 Correspondence: Departmental.
Robert H. Wolle 1977-1980
46 Correspondence: Departmental.
James E. Word 1970-1979
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Correspondence: General, A 1974-1980
2 Correspondence: American Academy of
Health Administration 1974-1977
3 Correspondence: American Association of
Public Health Physicians 1971-1974
4 Correspondence: American College of
Preventive Medicine 1975-1980
5 Correspondence: American Public Health Association 1974-1979
6 Correspondence: Association of State and
Territorial Health Officers
7 Correspondence: Association of State and
Territorial Health Officers, Conference Nov., 1971
8 Correspondence: Association of State and
Territorial Health Officers
9 Correspondence: Association of State and
Territorial Health Officers, Conference Dec., 1972
10 Correspondence: Association of State and
Territorial Health Officers 1973
11 Correspondence: Association of State and
Territorial Health Officers 1974-1975
12 Correspondence: Association of State and
Territorial Health Officers 1976-1977
13 Correspondence: Association of State and
Territorial Health Officers Jan.-June, 1978
14 Correspondence: Association of State and
Territorial Health Officers July-Dec., 1978
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Correspondence: Association of State and
Territorial Health Officers 1979
2 Correspondence: Association of State and
Territorial Health Officers, Health Reporting System
Project 1972
3 Correspondence: Association of State and
Territorial Health Officers, Health Reporting System
Project 1973-1975
4 Correspondence: Association of State and Territorial
Health Officers, National Public Health Reporting System 1977-1979
5 Correspondence: General, Ba-Be 1974-1980
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Correspondence: General, Bi-By 1974-1980
2 Correspondence: Bristol Memorial Hospital 1973-1974
3 Correspondence: Budget Request 1977
4 Correspondence: General, C 1974-1980
5 Correspondence: Center for Disease Control 1974-1982
6 Correspondence: Conference of State and Provincial
Health Authorities of North America 1976
7 Correspondence: General, D 1974-1980
8 Correspondence: Dayton Mining Company 1978-1980
9 Correspondence: General, E 1974-1980
10 Correspondence: Environmental Protection Agency 1974-1980
11 Correspondence: General, F 1974-1980
12 Correspondence: Farrell Mining Company 1974
13 Correspondence: General, G 1974-1980
14 Correspondence: Gallatin Nursing Home Study of Cost 1977
15 Correspondence: General, H 1974-1980
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Correspondence: Department of Health, Education
and Welfare 1973-1977
2 Correspondence: Department of Health, Education
and Welfare 1978
3 Correspondence: Department of Health, Education
and Welfare 1979-1981
4 Correspondence: Health Insurance Association of
America 1974
5 Correspondence: Hospital Advisory Committee 1974
6 Correspondence: General, I 1974-1980
7 Correspondence: Insurance 1981
8 Correspondence: General, J 1974-1980
9 Correspondence: General, K 1974-1980
10 Correspondence: General, L 1974-1980
11 Correspondence: General, M 1974-1980
12 Correspondence: Medicaid 1977-1979
13 Correspondence: Medicaid Jan.-June, 1980
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Correspondence: Medicaid July-Sept., 1980
2 Correspondence: Minimum Standards for
Rental Housing 1974-1978
3 Correspondence: General, N 1974-1980
4 Correspondence: General, O 1974-1980
5 Correspondence: General, P 1974-1980
6 Correspondence: Preventive Medical Criteria
for PSRO Review Programs 1974
7 Correspondence: Primary Care Brochure 1974
8 Correspondence: Public Health Council 1970-1979
9 Correspondence: General, Q 1974-1980
10 Correspondence: General, R 1974-1980
11 Correspondence: General, S 1974-1980
12 Correspondence: Social Group on Aging 1977
13 Correspondence: State and Provincial Health Authorities
of North America 1970
14 Correspondence: State Council for Family Planning
Services 1972-1979
15 Correspondence: State Health Planning Council 1974
16 Correspondence: General, T 1974-1980
17 Correspondence: Task Force on Mercury 1971-1973
18 Correspondence: Task Force on Toxic Metal Pollution 1971
19 Correspondence: Task Force on Tuberculosis 1971
20 Correspondence: Tennessee Academy of Opthamology 1972
21 Correspondence: Tennessee Association of
Conservation Districts 1971-1973
22 Correspondence: Tennessee Association of
Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons, Inc. 1970-1975
23 Correspondence: Tennessee Association of Public
Health Secretaries 1976
24 Correspondence: Tennessee Cancer Society 1971
25 Correspondence: Tennessee Chiropractic Association 1972-1973
26 Correspondence: Tennessee City Managers Association 1971
27 Correspondence: Tennessee Council for Farm and
Home Safety 1970-1972
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Correspondence: Tennessee Easter Seal Society 1972
2 Correspondence: Tennessee Environmental Council 1970-1972
3 Correspondence: Tennessee Environmental Health
Association 1971
4 Correspondence: Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation 1970-1972
5 Correspondence: Tennessee Federation for Medical Care 1973
6 Correspondence: Tennessee Forestry Association 1972
7 Correspondence: Tennessee Foundation for Medical Care 1973-1974
8 Correspondence: Tennessee Funeral Directors and
Embalmers Association 1971
9 Correspondence: Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company 1972-1973
10 Correspondence: Tennessee Health Care Association 1975-1980
11 Correspondence: Tennessee Health Planning Authority 1979-1982
12 Correspondence: Tennessee Hospital Financial
Management Association 1972
13 Correspondence: Tennessee Hospital Association 1974-1980
14 Correspondence: Tennessee Medical Association 1974-1980
15 Correspondence: Tennessee Medical Loan Program 1976
16 Correspondence: Tennessee Municipal League 1970-1971
17 Correspondence: Tennessee Nursing Home Association 1975
18 Correspondence: Tennessee Optometric Association 1973
19 Correspondence: Tennessee Pharmaceutical Association 1970-1973
20 Correspondence: Tennessee Public Health Association 1971-1980
21 Correspondence: Tennessee Public Works Association 1970-1973
22 Correspondence: Tennessee Radiological Association 1973
23 Correspondence: Tennessee Republican Party 1971-1972
24 Correspondence: Tennessee Scenic Rivers Association 1971-1972
25 Correspondence: Tennessee Society of Pathologists 1970-1972
26 Correspondence: Tennessee Society of Professional
Engineers 1970-1971
27 Correspondence: Tennessee Veterinary Medical
Association 1970-1971
28 Correspondence: Tennessee Water and Wastewater
Association 1970-1972
29 Correspondence: General, U 1974-1980
30 Correspondence: General, V 1974-1980
31 Correspondence: Vinyl Chloride Rules 1974
32 Correspondence: General, W 1974-1980
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
BOX NUMBER 50 (cont'd)
33 Correspondence: General, Y 1974-1980
34 Correspondence: General, Z 1974-1978
35 Cosmetology File 1974-1975
36 Crippled Children's Services 1981-1982
37 Cytology Program 1975-1976
38 Data Processing Needs 1973
39 Deferred Income Plan 1973
40 Dental Health 1974-1975
41 Departmental Hearings 1970
42 Discussion, P.L. 93-461 1976
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Drug Abuse 1971-1972
2 Drug Abuse, Pamphlets and Newspaper Articles 1969-1970
3 Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment
Program 1978-1979
4 EDS Federal 1976-1977
5 Emergency Employment Act 1971
6 Emergency Medical Services 1973-1980
7 Employee Grievance Procedures 1972-1973
8 Employee Health Services 1971-1977
9 Employee Suggestion Program 1974
10 Energy 1973-1975
11 Environmental Health Services 1971-1982
12 Environmental Sanitation 1978-1979
13 E.P.S.D. and T. Screening1975
14 Equal Employment Opportunity 1978-1979
15 Fair Labor Standards Act 1967-1974
16 Family Health Services 1974-1975
17 Family Planning Services 1969-1982
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Fee For Service Study 1977-1979
2 Financial Management 1979-1982
3 Fire Safety 1979
4 Fiscal and Administrative Services 1973-1975
5 Food Services 1972-1973
6 Genetics 1982
7 Georgia Tennessee Regional Office 1970
8 Grants Accounting 1980-1981
9 Grants Administration 1970-1975
10 Gubernatorial Questionnaire 1970
11 Health Care Facilities 1974-1980
12 Health Education 1974
13 Health, Education and Welfare Agency Report 1969-1970
14 Health Hazard Appraisal 1978-1982
15 Health Officers 1979-1980
16 Health Related Boards 1973-1979
17 Health Resources 1974-1975
18 Health Services Administration 1980-1982
19 Highway Department Automobile Study 1972-1973
20 Hill-Burton Study 1971-1973
21 Home Health Care 1974-1979
22 Hospitals and Nursing Homes 1973-1974
23 Human Subjects Review Board 1981
24 Immunizations 1978-1979
25 Inpatient Health Facilities 1976
26 Intermediate Care Facilities 1972-1977
27 Internal Audit 1978-1980
28 Inventory 1974-1975
29 Jellico Hospital 1971-1972
30 Job Opportunities 1975
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Lab Licensing 1976
2 Laboratory Services 1974-1979
3 Lawsuit, State of Tennessee vs. Charles Pfizer, et al 1971-1972
4 Legal Service 1971-1974
5 Legal Study 1971
6 Legislation 1971-1973
7 Legislation 1974-1976
8 Liability Insurance 1971-1976
9 List: Federal Assignees 1975
10 Local Health Services 1970-1977
11 Masters in Public Administration Program 1979-1981
12 Maternal and Child Health 1975-1982
13 Medicaid 1970-1974
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Medicaid 1975
2 Medicaid 1976-1977
3 Medicaid Payment System 1974-1980
4 Medicaid Provider Numbers 1975-1977
5 Medical and Rehabilitative Services 1975
6 Medical Loan Scholarship Program 1977-1978
7 Medically Needy 1973-1974
8 Memphis/Shelby County Boarding Homes 1981
9 Memorandum of Understanding, Tennessee Foundation
for Medical Care and Department of Public Health 1977-1978
10 Merit System 1970-1974
11 Milbank Commission 1975
12 Mission Statement, Tennessee Department of Public
Health 1981
13 National Council on Health Planning and Development 1975
14 National Health Insurance 1977-1978
15 National Public Health Standards Group ----
16 Newsletter, The Communicator ----
17 Newsletter, State Health Planning Council 1970
18 Newsletter, The TPH County Spy 1969
19 Notice of Complaint, Longwa Tipple No. 2:
Morgan County 1979
20 Notice of Hearing, Monterey Life Systems, Inc. 1978
21 Notice of Violation, William H. Grant, M.D. 1974
22 Nurse Midwifery 1975
23 Nurse Practitioner Act 1980
24 Nursing Services 1975-1976
25 Nutrition Services 1974-1981
26 OB Pediatrics Seminar 1975
27 Occupancy Codes 1974
28 Occupational and Radiological Health 1974
29 Occupational Safety and Health Program 1972-1975
30 Office of Planning and Development 1969-1973
31 Organizational Chart, Department of Public Health 1967-1973
32 Pap Smears 1974
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Personal Health Services 1974-1977
2 Personnel 1969-1977
3 Personnel, Resumes ----
4 Petition: The Medical Group 1978
5 Petition: Lucie Willis 1978
6 Pharmacy 1980-1981
7 Policy and Procedures 1970-1974
8 Policy Planning 1973-1978
9 Preconstruction Review 1979
10 Preventive Health Counseling 1981
11 Preventive Health Services 1975-1977
12 Primary Health Care 1973-1982
13 Printed Material: Annual Report of Hospitals and
Related Facilities in Tennessee 1976
14 Printed Material: Eligibility Criterion of Recipients
of Services from Specific Programs Administered by
the Tennessee Department of Public Health ----
15 Printed Material: Emergency Medical Services 1979
16 Printed Material: Forensic Sciences in Tennessee 1979
17 Printed Material: Induced Abortions Reported in
Tennessee 1976-1977
18 Printed Material: Inventory of Programs and
Expenditures of State and Territorial Health Agencies 1977
19 Printed Material: Preventive Health for Adolescents 1977
20 Printed Material: Services Guide, Tennessee Department
of Public Health, Division of Laboratory Services ----
21 Printed Material: Statutory Requirements for Local
Health Departments ----
22 Printed Material: Tennessee Report 1971-1973
23 Professional Standards Review Organization 1974
24 Programs, Departmental ----
25 Program Needs Perspective 1970
26 Program To Improve Outcome of Pregnancy 1981
27 Projects: Winfield Dunn Historical Project 1975
28 Project 500, Medicaid 1978
29 Property and Supplies 1974-1975
30 Proposal: Michigan's Proposed New Public Health Code 1976
31 Proposal: UT-TDPH Health Administration Program 1975
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
BOX NUMBER 55 (cont'd)
32 Public Health Nursing 1977-1979
33 Public Relations: Tuberculosis and Venereal Disease 1969-1975
34 Quality Assurance 1978-1979
35 Questionnaire 1975
36 Radiological Health 1980-1982
37 Records Management 1979
38 Regionalization 1975-1980
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Request for Proposal: Medicaid Paid Claims
and Eligibility Data Collections Project 1979
2 Sue Rogers 1976-1977
3 Sanitation and Solid Waste Management 1974
4 Secretarial Support Services Study 1978
5 Section 504, Rehabilitation of the Handicapped 1978
6 Seminars: Jim Word 1981
7 Social Security Amendments: H.R. 1 1972
8 Solid Waste Management 1979-1981
9 Space 1974
10 Special Letters 1980-1982
11 Speech and Hearing 1980-1982
12 Speech: Governor Winfield Dunn 1974
13 Speech: "The State Health Policy and the Poor" ----
14 Speech: Commissioner Eugene Fowinkle 1973-1978
15 Speech: Jim Word 1975-1977
16 Staff Services ----
17 Supplemental Security Income 1974
18 Supplies and Requisitions 1978-1982
19 Systems and Procedures 1974-1982
20 Telephone 1981-1982
21 Tennessee Air Pollution Control Division 1970
22 Tennessee Emergency Medical Services Study 1969-1973
23 Title XX 1975-1976
24 Training 1974-1975
25 Travel Expense Claim Forms 1969-1974
26 Travel Regulations 1967-1974
27 Tuberculosis and Chest Disease Control 1973-1981
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number I: Administration
Sub Series D-3: General, 1970-1982
1 Tuberculosis Division 1969-1972
2 Tuberculosis Division 1973-1974
3 Union: Grievance Board of Review 1973-1976
4 Union: Middle and West Tennessee Chest
Disease Hospitals 1971-1973
5 University of Cincinnati: Non-Resident MS Program
in Health Planning/Administration 1975
6 University of Tennessee Pharmacy 1972-1973
7 Utilization Review 1978
8 Valley Psychiatric Hospital 1972
9 Vanderbilt 1974-1976
10 Vanderbilt 1977-1980
11 Vital Records 1973-1974
12 Vouchers 1975
13 Water Quality Control 1974-1982
14 White House Conference on Children and Youth 1969-1972
15 WIC Program 1980-1981
16 WIC Program vs. Cupboard Market 1979
17 Word Processing 1979
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series A: Chamberlain Memorial Hospital
1 Correspondence 1928-1932
1 Student Records 1918-1931
Margaret Richards, 1
Lula Whitley, 2
Margaret Bowling, 3
Gladys Edwina Mingis, 4
Patsy P. Russell, 5
Margaret Swan, 6
Helen Richards, 7
Edith Pauline Nance, 8
Nora Kelly, 9
Kate Kenmer, 10
Maxine Manning, 11
Jane Dyal, 12
Bernice Mae Brown, 13
Lucille Awings, 14
Inda Kesterson, 15
Mildred Taylor, 16
Sallie Dyal, 17
Lennis Weaver, 18
Lena Florence Kries, 19
Allene Josephine
Shadowen, 20
Robbie Lou Powell, 21
Thelma Jackson, 22
Margurite Taylor, 23
Ella Mae Fritts, 24
Eryestine Burnett, 25
Myrtle Elliot Molynux, 26
Elizabeth Jolly, 27
Lucille Hicks, 28
Dorothy Fleming, 29
Lela Gresham, 30
Lucille Hightower, 31
Grace Crumbliss, 32
Uela Powell, 33
Mildred Qualls, 34
Katherine Smith, 35
Edith Winters, 36
Sallie Mitchell, 37
Lillian Wilhoit, 38
Flora Pierce, 39
Mabel Brown, 40
Viola Mary Richards, 41
Opal Aileen Jones, 42
Bernice Williams, 43
Thelma Chapman, 44
Idella Mae Rollins, 45
Fannie Lee Nipper, 46
Alta Fern Bell, 47
Christian Ruff, 48
Allene Dodd, 49
Ruby Blair Hart, 50
Leona Miller, 51
Mary Jane Hamby
Ethel Dodd
Lela Cluck
Rosella Meeks
Mable Brown
Lucille Hightower
Lela Greshan
Margurite Taylor
Thelma Jackson
Lenice Weaver
Mildred Taylor
Jane Dyal
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series A: Chamberlain Memorial Hospital
BOX NUMBER 58 (cont'd)
2 Student Records 1921
Maud Venable, 1
Metta Leola Huffine, 2
Anna Pearle Herron, 3
Bertha Phillips, 4
Ora Mae Ford, 5
Florence Stout, 6
Beulah York, 7
Ruby Edwards, 8
Josephine McNabb, 9
Ruby Ford, 10
Novella Ford, 11
Pearl Williams, 12
Mary Robinson, 13
Bena Ford, 14
Vesta Hodges, 15
Georgia Oliver, 16
Mae Estes, 17
Jennie Beckett, 18
Pearl Hart, 19
Ruth Shipley, 29
Sala C. Mitchell, 30
Bessie Hill, 32
Edith Florence Hyder, 33
Reba Gertrude Barney, 36
Myrtle Leona Jones, 37
Hattie Harrell, 38
Pauline Osbourne, 39
Lora Sparks, 40
Ethel Alvalyn Jarvin, 41
Ruth Edna Pearce, 42
Gladys Lee Warren, 43
Eula Rice, 44
Mildred Qualls Johnson,
Annie Mae Beaver, 46
Julia York, 47
Juanita Alley Stone, 48
State of Tennessee
Department of State
Tennessee State Library and Archives
403 Seventh Avenue North
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0312
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series A: Chamberlain Memorial Hospital
BOX NUMBER 58 (cont'd)
3. Student Records 1942-1945
Willie Ellen Early
Ina Bone
Evelyn Early
Edith Butler
Nina Cliff
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series B: Kings Daughter Hospital
1 Isabell Adams 1934-1937
2 Marion Christine Allen 1942-1943
3 Mary Louise Aydelette 1938-1941
4 Alice Baker 1934-1937
5 Clara Eleanora Bass 1937-1940
6 Hazel Baxter 1932-1934
7 Janet Bellifant 1940
8 Francis Benton 1940-1943
9 Madeline Britton 1940-1943
10 Ailene Brown 1938-1941
11 Priscilla Brown 1931-1934
12 Mary Allene Burch 1935-1938
13 Laura Jane Byler 1939-1942
14 Lutie Mary Cannady 1926-1929
15 Dorothy Mae Carlton 1942-1943
16 Ann Evelyne Cheatham 1941-1944
17 Mary Catherine Cheatham
18 Sarah Compton 1928-1931
19 Ira Conner 1932-1935
20 Helen Crabtree 1941-1944
21 Myrtle Tom Cross 1924-1927
22 Lillian Raby Crum 1955-1957
23 Elizabeth Davis 1939-1942
24 Mary Mills Derryberry 1928-1931
25 Katie Dial 1934-1937
26 Frances Dickson 1938-1941
27 Charlotte Dodson 1939-1942
28 Elva Louise Dodson 1935-1938
29 Sara Dotson 1940-1943
30 Annie Lela Dunnavant 1941-1942
31 Evelyn Durham 1940-1943
32 Martha Cleo Dye 1931-1934
33 Rubye Dye 1939-1942
34 Ellen Easthand 1931-1934
35 Winnie Lorene Fitzgerald 1925-1929
36 Virginia Flanigan 1933-1936
37 Linda Fox 1930-1933
38 Ruth Williard Fox 1929-1932
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series B: Kings Daughter Hospital
BOX NUMBER 59 (Cont'd)
39 Mary Frye 1932-1935
40 Tinie Mai Galbraith 1926-1929
41 Marie Girdley 1939-1942
42 Marie Graves 1937-1940
43 Inez Harbison 1925-1928
44 Mary Lou Harmond 1931-1934
45 Ruby Mai Harris 1929-1932
46 Helen Jackson 1941-1945
47 Desda Jewell 1933-1936
48 Ethel Monnell Johnson 1929-1932
49 Mary Frances Kerr 1943
50 Martha Josephine Kisller 1926-1929
51 Hattie Pauline Langley 1933-1936
52 Mary Justine Marchand 1942
53 Annie Brown McCaskill 1929-1932
54 Janey Allen McCaskill 1936-1939
55 Iris McClain 1934-1937
56 Flora Moore 1929-1932
57 Betty Morton 1942-1945
58 Laura Christine Neelley 1936-1939
59 Lucile H. Nichols 1935-1938
60 Willie Grace Orr 1931-1934
61 Louise Osborn 1938-1941
62 Lurleen Parker 1938-1941
63 Ivy Pickard 1928-1931
64 Allie Mae Pickens 1930-1933
65 Freddie B. Pigg 1929-1932
66 Annie Moore Pogue 1929-1932
67 Wilma Estelle Potts 1943
68 Mary Jane Robinette 1943-1945
69 Florine Runions 1941-1944
70 Lillian Pearl Russell 1924-1927
71 Hazel Arrie Sanders 1927-1930
72 Ora Sanders 1927-1930
73 Josephine Shelby 1932-1935
74 Ruth Sigmon 1938-1941
75 Bessie Irene Simmons 1928-1931
76 Mary Simpson 1942-1945
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series B: Kings Daughter Hospital
BOX NUMBER 59 (cont'd)
77 Mary Bess Smith 1940-1943
78 Viola Spiess 1933-1936
79 Mary Willison Staley 1943-1945
80 Jimmie Ruth Stepp 1936-1939
81 Ophelia Stepp 1931-1934
82 Frankie Adella Stewart 1942-1945
83 Nora Mae Thomas 1941-1945
84 Beatrice Underwood 1937-1942
85 Dorothy Mannie Underwood 1943-1945
86 Clara Ellen Wells 1935-1938
87 Therya Wicker 1936-1939
88 Kathleen Wickers 1932-1935
89 Elizabeth Wiltshire 1941
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series C: Memorial Hospital, Johnson City
1 Class of 1937 1934-1937
Helen Estelle Deyton
Pauline Gabble
Bertha Inez Harrison
Frances Ruby McGee
Anna R. Murray
Eza Irene Reed
Jenny Winegar
2 Class of 1938 and 1939 1935-1939
Anna Louise Anderson
Thelma Baird
Beatrice Phillips
Mary Rambo
Helen Vance
Eddie Wilson
Helen Worley
3 Class of 1940 1937-1940
Lucille Allison
Claudia Connally
Lena Belle Garland
Elva Johnson
Beuena McQueen
Hazel Ramsey
Rena Rush
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series C: Memorial Hospital, Johnson City
BOX NUMBER 60 (cont'd)
4 Class of 1941 1938-1941
Marie Bowman
Carrie Virginia Boyer
Azalee Carlton
Nelle DePew
Amy Dugger
Mabel Hawkins
Lucy Haynes Jones
Louise Masters
Pansy Phillips
Edna Cain White
Georgia Francis Wilson
5 Class of 1942 1939-1942
Ann May Riddle
Mary Emma Slagle
Dorothy Jayne Wilcox
Leah Mozelle Williams
6 Class of 1943 1940-1943
Ruth Harris
Dorothy Mae Hensley
Marjorie Meredith
Elaine Van Buren
Ruby Jean Warren
Liena Young
7 Class of August, 1944 1941-1944
Sarah Frances Cress
Ella Rebecca Crowe
Mattie Opal Leonard
Marjorie Lowe
Mary Katherine McKee
Sadie Marie Tipton
Zureta Elizabeth White
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series C: Memorial Hospital, Johnson City
BOX NUMBER 60 (cont'd)
8 Class of November, 1944 1941-1944
Patsy Ruth Brandom
Hazel Rhea Forbes
Margaret Louise Fox
Margie Irene Houck
9 Class of March, 1945 1942-1945
Charlotte Elizabeth Bowman
Mary Elizabeth Clark
Martha Ruth Garvin
Glenda Elizabeth Overton
10 Class of September, 1945 1942-1945
Anna Elizabeth Bowman
Evelyn Lucille Braswell
Anna Hawkins
Flora Hawkins
Elsia Irene Hicks
Esther Louise Pierce
Lina Jane Proffitt
11 Class of 1946 1943-1946
Natalie Adkins
Shirley Mae Briggs
Marjorie Juanita Brumit
Elsie Irene Hicks
Nola Blankenship Johnson
Dosjia Zala Letterman
Doris Virginia Ramsey
Doris Juanita Riddle
Juanita Wheelock
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series C: Memorial Hospital, Johnson City
BOX NUMBER 60 (cont'd)
12 Class of June, 1947 1944-1947
Elizabeth Aeberle
Lillie Mae Anderson
Thelma Biggerstaff
Hester Belle Cole
Lois Hurst
Mary Evelyn Jones
Jayne Eleanor Pippin
Grace Lucille Rainbolt
13 Class of October, 1947 1944-1947
Mary Jane Bailey
Helen (Casey) Baskin
Marjorie (Buchanan) Cowan
Geneva Franklin
Jessie Mae Nolan
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series C: Memorial Hospital, Johnson City
1 Class of March, 1948 1945-1948
Edna Lee Francis
Evelyn Virginia Gamblin
Louise Elizabeth (Bradley) Gilbert
Mary Louise Greene
Rachel (Bailey) McKinney
2 Class of August, 1948 1945-1948
Susie Edwards
Betsy Knisley
Betty McKamey
Thelma Odle
Emma Grace Russell
3 Class of 1949 1946-1949
Mabel Lorene Compton
Virginia (Williams) Gandy
Christine Lamons
Mary McKee
Jacqueline Faye Reagan
4 Class of June, 1950 1947-1950
Frances Dooley
Mary Jane Gray
Mildred Eudene Salmon
5 Class of December, 1950 1947-1950
Eloise (Garland) Lawson
Frances (Shipley) Ray
Joan Wright
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series C: Memorial Hospital, Johnson City
BOX NUMBER 61 (cont'd)
6 Class of 1951 1948-1951
Patty Ruth Brown
Delores Ann Dempsey
Jean George
Violet Mashburn
Delores Anne Perry
7 Class of 1952 1949-1952
Betty Ann Deyton
Gussie Irick
Mary Evelyn Ledford
Marilyn Maupin
Martha Elizabeth Neas
Wanda Ware Parks
Janie Pearman
Sarah Robinson
Ileen Simpson
Emma Ruth Wagner
8 Class of 1953, B-L 1950-1953
Della Mae Brewer
Peggy Joyce Church
Louis Faye Erwin
Hazel Lee Evans
Opal Rebecca Holbrook
Mildred Lilly
9 Class of 1953, O-W 1950-1953
Betty Joyce Onks
Elaine Peterson
Joyce Roberts
Betty Taylor
Bobbie Geraldine Troutman
Norris Wilson
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series C: Memorial Hospital, Johnson City
BOX NUMBER 61 (cont'd)
10 Class of 1954, A-E 1951-1954
Betty Joe Axom
Ann Carroll Davis
Mildred Ann Cole
Genevieve Clarice Cox
Wanda Sue Cress
Doris Janett Edwards
Lillie Judith Edwards
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series C: Memorial Hospital, Johnson City
1 Class of 1954, G-Z 1951-1954
Margaret Louise (Hinkle) Goodin
Betty Jean Hensley
Patricia Ruth Hilt
Audra Jean Johnson
Mary Elizabeth (Street) Jones
Barbara Jean Lewis
Caroline Luther
Virginia May Payne
Mabel Elizabeth Proffitt
Frances Sue Shell
Barbara Ann Smith
Jo Ann Tickel
Celia Sue Young
Thula Elizabeth Young
Marga Zimmerman
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series C: Memorial Hospital, Johnson City
BOX NUMBER 62 (cont'd)
2 Class of 1955, B-Ha 1952-1955
Della Ruth Barrett
Elwanda June Barrett
Georgiana Barrett
Norma Jean Bennett
Norma Agnes Bishop
Peggy Jo Bradley
Peggy Anne Chappell
Wilma Jeweleen Clemons
Elizabeth Hall
Angaline J. Hamilton
3 Class of 1955, Ho-W 1952-1955
Geraldine D. Hodge
Hazel Virginia Huff
Joan Luther
Miriam Kathryn Metzger
Gladys Trilla Smith
Evelyn E. Warren
Mary Anne Williams
4 Class of 1956 1953-1956
Edna Mae Berry
Helen Anne (Lamb) Calvert
Edna Jane Coffey
Doris Jane (Hensley) Dugger
Gail Elizabeth Gibson
Dara Ford (Luntsford) Gouge
Helen Darlene Harmon
Norma Louise Harris
Emily Kathryne Knicely
Freda Lynn (Watson) Riley
Wilma Jackie Shell
Dianne Shipley Stanton
Martha Louise Stork
Betty Jean Willard
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series C: Memorial Hospital, Johnson City
BOX NUMBER 62 (cont'd)
5 Class of 1957 1954-1957
Mary Joyce Bruce
Ola Maxine (Elliott) Estep
Jo Ann (France) Fox
Shirley Ann (Pugh) Gibson
Glenda Lee Hardin
Betty Gay (Hoyle) Huddleston
Marilyn Claudine Mashburn
Nancy Ellen Marlowe
Iris Ruth McKinney
Joan Carolyn Mottern
Mildred Joyce Phillips
Mary Lou Simmons
Wanda Jeanette Smith
Shirley Little Trent
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series D: Newell and Newell
1 Peggy Aakins 1925-1927
2 Irma Gretchen Allen 1941-1944
3 Alma Lee Angel 1940-1943
4 Dortha Jean Angel 1946-1948
5 Natalie Eloise Arms 1937-1939
6 Gladys Marie Andes 1940
7 Geraldine Austell 1941
8 Thelma Aycock 1930
9 Grettie Bales 1941-1942
10 Mary Lou Barker 1947-1948
11 Audrey Mae Barnes 1938-1941
12 Margery Barnes 1940
13 Bertha Beck 1927
14 Velma Bennette 1924
15 Betty Sue Biggs 1942-1944
16 Billie Biggs 1940-1944
17 Virgil Biles 1924-1926
18 Grace Louise Bishop 1936
19 Frances Jewel Black 1946
20 Auline Blackstock 1941
21 Verna Lois Blalock 1946
22 Maxie Blalock 1946-1948
23 Macie Bostic 1930
24 Jean (Graham) Boyd 1945-1946
25 Carrie Lee Boyles 1939-1941
26 Berith Anne Bradford 1943-1945
27 Betty Lois Bradford 1947-1948
28 Violet Branan 1927
29 Doreen Brewer 1941-1943
30 Lois Jean Britz 1939-1941
31 Geneva Madgaline Brixen
32 Georgia Bronwood 1931
33 Alise E. Brown 1928
34 Dorothy Brown 1937
35 Ila Brown 1936-1939
36 Emma Salina Brown 1937
37 Florence Katrina Brown 1936-1939
38 Eva F. Bryant 1939-1942
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series D: Newell and Newell
BOX NUMBER 63 (cont'd)
39 Jerome Inez Bryant 1931
40 Laura Bunfill 1926
41 Billie Burnette 1931
42 Ezra Elizabeth Calhoun 1924-1925
43 Nonnie Grace Callaham 1938
44 Dolly Campbell 1938-1940
45 Willie Cargile 1939-1941
46 Mildred Carroll 1931
47 Grace Elizabeth Carson 1923
48 Essie Carter 1935-1938
49 Pauline Caylor 1941-1943
50 Thelma Chadwick 1929
51 Willie Eloise Chadwick 1930
52 Opal Chapman 1931
53 Vivian Audrey Chapman 1946-1948
54 Addie Claudia Clendenon 1924
55 Sarah J. Conner 1926
56 Glenice Maxine Cook 1941-1943
57 Mary Elizabeth Cowart 1939
58 Gertrude Croom 1931
59 Eunice Cuzzart 1946-1948
60 Edythe Davis 1930
61 Louise Davis 1924-1926
62 Mary Louise Day 1939-1941
63 Doris DeLoach 1940
64 Frances DeLoach 1930
65 Elizabeth Kathleen Dixon 1945
66 Mary Dobson 1925-1926
67 Nell Nelson Doughty 1924-1925
68 Lela Sue Downey 1938-1939
69 Margaret Lorraine Downey 1937-1939
70 Allen Duke 1946-1948
71 Hazel Ethyl Duncan 1935-1938
72 Maysie Dunn 1925-1926
73 Mary Louise Dye 1936-1938
74 Grace East 1923-1924
75 Helen Kay Egar 1944-1946
76 Virginia Fetzer 1941
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series D: Newell and Newell
BOX NUMBER 63 (cont'd)
77 Mamie Mae Fields 1924-1926
78 Martha W. Fletcher 1941-1943
79 Ruth Folsom 1929
80 Eva Forester 1927
81 Virginia Frazer 1937-1939
82 Anna Belle (Carter) Gardner 1947
83 Leila Lorene Garrison 1946-1949
84 June Gattis 1945-1948
85 Ella Ruth Gay 1946-1947
86 Dorcas Janet Genter 1932
87 Eva Mae Geren 1938-1941
88 Nanna Lee Gillis 1929
89 Anna Belle Glenn 1937-1939
90 Hazel Godbey 1930
91 Hazel Goins 1931
92 Evelyn Gray 1926-1927
93 Annie Grimsley 1938-1941
94 Juanita Irene Hall 1941
95 Amy H. Henderson 1938-1939
96 Alma Henson 1931
97 Winnie Davis Hicks 1938-1940
98 Exie Faye Hicks 1945-1946
99 Ruth Louise Hildebrant 1931
100 Jessie Beatrice Hill 1946-1948
101 Flora Hill 1937
102 Sarah Frances Hixon 1946-1948
103 Gladys Louise Hixon 1945-1948
104 Julia Holoway 1923-1925
105 Rowena Hopkins 1931
106 Mary Virginia (Woodall) Howe 1945-1946
107 Kathryn Huff 1937-1940
108 Grace Hunziker 1923-1925
109 Viola Hurd 1946-1948
110 Bessie Bobbie Lee Ireland
111 Gladys Louise James 1941
112 Sallye Maude Jenkins 1941-1942
113 Frances Jones 1930
114 Katie Mae Kennamer 1924
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series D: Newell and Newell
BOX NUMBER 63 (cont'd)
115 Ramona Renee Kile 1946-1948
116 Margaret Louise Koch 1937-1939
117 Helen Langston 1931
118 Jewell Lucille Lankford 1941-1944
119 Sarah Larence 1929
120 Betty Lasley 1947-1948
121 Elizabeth Leath 1927
122 Lillie Lemons 1941-1943
123 Jackie Imogene Light 1946-1948
124 Georgia Liner 1930
125 Lillian Locke 1925-1927
126 Ora Lowe 1931
127 Mainell Lyons 1939-1941
128 Mary Jo Manning 1946-1948
129 Lois Mansfield 1942
130 Frances Martin 1945-1949
131 Carolyn Mathenson 1929
132 Ruth Marie May 1938-1940
133 Geneva Marie McCrain 1930
134 Katherine McCullough 1926
135 Virginia Louise McDonald 1944-1946
136 Betty Hodge McIsaac 1942
137 Maxie M. McNabb 1929
138 Martha Inez Meers 1930
139 Daisy Merriman 1931
140 Wilma Merriman 1924
141 Reba Miller 1920
142 Ruby Miller 1936
143 Grace Moore 1929
144 Viola Moore 1946-1949
145 Hattie Moreland 1931
146 Neva Lorena Morgan 1940-1943
147 Sue Morris 1943-1947
148 Elsie Lois Morrison 1942-1943
149 Lou Ellen Mullins 1931
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series D: Newell and Newell
1 Nettie Nance 1942-1944
2 Jessie Noles 1939-1941
3 Frances Pauline Norris 1946-1948
4 Willie Mae Orton 1929
5 Kathryn Pappas 1943-1945
6 Thelma Patten 1937-1939
7 Alice Imogene Paul 1946-1949
8 Nancy Lou Paul 1936-1938
9 Annie Lee Payne 1929-1931
10 Alma Perkins 1936-1939
11 Jeanette Pippin 1945-1948
12 Dorothy Lorine Potter 1943-1946
13 Katherine Christine (Milsap) Preyer 1940-1943
14 Clara Price 1925-1926
15 Zorra Virginia Prince 1931
16 Joyce Lanier Purser 1946-1948
17 Maricia Ruth Randolph 1931
18 Frances Evelyn Ransom 1941-1944
19 Ruth Reagan 1930
20 Kathryn Reed 1938
21 Juanita Reeves 1946-1948
22 Bulah Renfroe 1931
23 Lorraine Richards 1940-1942
24 Aften Delorese Richey 1938-1941
25 Grace Evelyn Richmond 1940-1942
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series D: Newell and Newell
BOX NUMBER 64 (cont'd)
26 Sara Virginia Robberson 1938
27 Viola Roberts 1931
28 Eunice Rogers ----
29 Mildred Kathleen Rose 1938-1940
30 Ruby Rose 1931
31 Alice Marie Rushing 1942-1944
32 Mary Elizabeth Rushing 1939-1941
33 Susan Elizabeth Saine 1947
34 Thelma Sasser 1931
35 Thelma F. Saterfield 1942-1944
36 Dixie Irene Schudder 1924-1925
37 Lois Odelle Scruggs 1941-1943
38 Lydia Frances Sells 1931-1932
39 Helen Shadrick 1930
40 Mary Ann Shook 1941
41 Katherine Simpson 1931
42 Velma Pruitt Slay 1938
43 Dollie Smith 1930
44 Elizabeth Jean Smith 1940-1943
45 Mary Pauline Smith 1942
46 Sarah Ann Smith 1923
47 Etolyea Snow 1938-1939
48 Mattie Glenn Snow 1938-1944
49 Wilma Dean Standefer 1942-1945
50 Kathleen Starr 1931
51 Vickey Swaim 1936-1940
52 Clara Lee Sweatt 1941
53 Ella Lucile Tatum 1924-1926
54 Edith R. Terry 1929-1932
55 Mary Elizabeth Tidwell 1947-1948
56 Laurie Tipton 1931
57 Serena Bell Toliver 1929
58 Sara Vernon Traffenstedt 1938-1940
59 Alvin Tucker 1936-1939
60 Marguerite Tucker 1942
61 Mildred Aldena Tumlin 1941-1942
62 Nayla Rose Underwood 1946-1948
63 Frances Vining 1930
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series D: Newell and Newell
BOX NUMBER 64 (cont'd)
64 Eilen Walker 1931
65 Mary Rose Wallis 1946
66 Magnolia Watson 1940-1942
67 Wilma Watts 1941
68 Mary Helen Welch 1941
69 Juanita Whitmire 1938-1940
70 Mary Louise Wiggins 1931
71 Bonnie Wilson 1936
72 Estelle Wilson 1942-1944
73 Margaret Wilson 1923-1925
74 Gloria Sue Wolfe 1941-1943
75 Inez Wood 1929
76 Lucy Wade Woodall 1943-1946
77 Frances E. Woods 1940-1943
78 Gladys Wright 1924-1933
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series D: Newell and Newell
1 Monthly Attendance Records 1925-1931
2 Time and Grade Records 1914-1926
3 Time and Grade Records 1925-1927
4 Time and Grade Records 1927-1934
5 Time and Grade Records 1933-1935
6 Time and Grade Records 1937-1949
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series E: Miscellaneous Schools
1 Appalachian Hospital, Johnson City, Tennessee 1924-1936
2 Howard Henderson Hospital, Knoxville, Tennessee 1927-1942
3 Howard Henderson Hospital, Knoxville, Tennessee 1927
4 Howard Henderson Hospital, Knoxville, Tennessee 1927-1928
5 Howard Henderson Hospital, Knoxville, Tennessee 1928-1932
6 Howard Henderson Hospital, Knoxville, Tennessee 1932-1934
7 Howard Henderson Hospital, Knoxville, Tennessee 1933-1934
8 Howard Henderson Hospital, Attendance Records,
Knoxville, Tennessee 1935-1938
9 West Ellis Hospital, Chattanooga, Tennessee 1910-1930
10 Woman's and Baptist Hospital, Nashville, Tennessee 1916-1930
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
1 File Number 0, Vera Hackler 1915-1918
2 File Number 00, Mrs. Edith Mehl 1912-1915
3 File Number 000, Geneva Hamblin 1915-1918
4 File Number 1, Esther Dobson 1902-1905
5 File Number 2, Parley Leinhart 1902-1905
6 File Number 3, Ada Christine Lawhon 1902-1905
7 File Number 4, Lois Durkee 1902-1905
8 File Number 5, Mary Trigg Jackson 1902-1905
9 File Number 6, Jocelyn Snowdon 1902-1905
10 File Number 7, Sophia T. Cowan 1902-1905
11 File Number 8, Maude Emory Holloway 1902-1905
12 File Number 9, Ethel Frost 1903-1906
13 File Number 10, Eliza Sharp 1903-1906
14 File Number 11, Myrtle Bess Edwards 1903-1907
15 File Number 12, Agnes C. Haynes 1904-1907
16 File Number 13, Lillian (Burgin) Johnson 1904-1907
17 File Number 14, Margaret Burgin 1904-1907
18 File Number 15, Lula Jefferies 1905-1908
19 File Number 16, Callie Saffell 1905-1908
20 File Number 17, Mary Lee Pendergrass 1905-1908
21 File Number 18, Louise Bullenger 1905-1908
22 File Number 19, Almeda (Pierce) Harrison 1906-1909
23 File Number 20, Volina Lee 1906-1909
24 File Number 21, Emily Sowers 1906-1909
25 File Number 22, Georgia W. Loy 1907-1910
26 File Number 23, Ethel Croyle 1907-1911
27 File Number 24, Minnie Paxton Queen 1907-1910
28 File Number 25, Elizabeth Greenlee 1907-1910
29 File Number 26, Mary Frank Irwin 1909-1912
30 File Number 27, Myrtle Irah Wrinkle 1909-1912
31 File Number 28, Bertha Roop 1909-1912
32 File Number 29, Pearl Frost 1909-1912
33 File Number 30, Hattie Burgin 1909-1912
34 File Number 31, Amanda Grindstaff 1909-1912
35 File Number 32, Annie R. Gleason 1910-1913
36 File Number 33, M. Agnes Meek 1910-1913
37 File Number 34, Ellen McArter 1910-1913
38 File Number 35, Mary Bella Garrison 1910-1913
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
BOX NUMBER 67 (cont'd)
39 File Number 36, Hartley Butt 1911-1914
40 File Number 37, Margaret McCall 1910-1911
41 File Number 38, Rose Burgin 1910-1913
42 File Number 39, Dora Lennie McLean 1911-1914
43 File Number 40, Ethel Palmer 1912-1915
44 File Number 41, Neva Mary Hammer 1912-1915
45 File Number 42, Cora Bishop Keyes 1911-1915
46 File Number 43, Alice M. Dillo 1913-1916
47 File Number 44, Josephine Murr 1912-1915
48 File Number 45, Eleanor Bankston 1912-1915
49 File Number 46, Lois Johnson 1912-1915
50 File Number 47, Florence Phillips 1912-1915
51 File Number 48, Sadie Culbert 1912-1915
52 File Number 49, Maude Sizemore 1912-1915
53 File Number 50, Esther Mosteller 1913-1916
54 File Number 51, Della Gobble 1913-1916
55 File Number 52, Bertha Allison 1913-1916
56 File Number 53, Ethel Mackey 1913-1916
57 File Number 54, Eula Clark 1913-1916
58 File Number 55, Mattie Purciful 1913-1916
59 File Number 56, Cynthia Maude Merritt 1913-1916
60 File Number 57, Louise Jesson 1914-1917
61 File Number 58, Floried Thompson 1913-1916
62 File Number 59, Mary Shackleford 1913-1916
63 File Number 60, Katherine McCabe 1913-1916
64 File Number 61, Alice Decker 1913-1916
65 File Number 62, Lutie Mildred Rhodes 1913-1916
66 File Number 63, Lennis H. Ault 1915-1918
67 File Number 64, Bertha Jane Gourley 1915-1918
68 File Number 65, Ella Mae Eversole 1915-1918
69 File Number 66, Bess M. Herring 1915-1918
70 File Number 67, Julia Wray 1915-1918
71 File Number 68, Dixie Sisk 1915-1918
72 File Number 69, Carrie Estella Palmer 1915-1918
73 File Number 70, Montez Wayne 1915-1918
74 File Number 71, Mary Love McCloud 1914-1917
75 File Number 72, Lina Lee Boyer 1914-1917
76 File Number 73, Mary Elizabeth Wolfe 1916-1919
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
BOX NUMBER 67 (cont'd)
77 File Number 74, Katherine Purdy (Floyd) Reynolds 1916-1919
78 File Number 75, Desma Cantrell 1915-1918
79 File Number 76, Mary Alice Humphrey 1916-1918
80 File Number 77, Edith (Phillips) Kennedy 1916-1919
81 File Number 78, Ruth (Richards) Bonham 1916-1919
82 File Number 79, Ethel (May) Mynatt 1917-1920
83 File Number 80, Pauline (Harmon) Temple 1917-1920
84 File Number 81, Elizabeth Emma (Bradshaw) Longmire 1916-1919
85 File Number 82, Ruth Bell (Duggan) Atchley 1916-1920
86 File Number 83, Tommye Britton 1917-1920
87 File Number 84, Alma (Adams) Vann 1916-1919
88 File Number 85, Lucy G. (Freels) Fulton 1916-1919
89 File Number 86, Marie Elizabeth (Parks) Harris 1916-1919
90 File Number 87, Archi Dorothy (Hobson) Rogers 1916-1919
91 File Number 88, Amanda Burgner 1916-1919
92 File Number 89, Margaret Virginia McConnell 1916-1919
93 File Number 90, Elizabeth M. Straub 1916-1919
94 File Number 91, Olie Katherine Baird 1916-1919
95 File Number 92, Ollie Davis (Burris) Kemp 1916-1919
96 File Number 93, Lillian (Williams) Norris 1917-1920
97 File Number 94, Ida (Garrett) Moore 1917-1920
98 File Number 95, Edith Floretta (Brown) Small 1917-1920
99 File Number 96, Maude Lillian Brown 1916-1919
100 File Number 97, Elizabeth Marcella McCarthy 1917-1920
101 File Number 98, Nora (Ellis) Collins 1916-1919
102 File Number 99, Emily Taylor (Southard) Stagg 1916-1919
103 File Number 100, Elsie Marie (Burgin) Lawhon 1918-1921
104 File Number 101, Cassie (Griffith) Wright 1917-1920
105 File Number 102, Emma George 1917-1920
106 File Number 103, Hazel Burgner 1917-1920
107 File Number 104, Rhoda (Hyder) Zeigle 1917-1920
108 File Number 105, Vera Juanita Goddard 1917-1920
109 File Number 106, Minnie Katherine Davis 1917-1920
110 File Number 107, Etta Mae (Pope) Pollard 1917-1920
111 File Number 108, Josephine Lois Martin 1917-1921
112 File Number 109, Anne Felknor 1918-1922
113 File Number 110, Virginia (Flaherty) Carey 1918-1922
114 File Number 111, Goldie Elliott (Rine) Price 1918-1921
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
BOX NUMBER 67 (cont'd)
115 File Number 112, Mollie Jane (Goins) Burkhart 1918-1921
116 File Number 113, Julia A. (Goins) Gibson 1918-1922
117 File Number 114, Minnie Gertrude Gamblin 1918-1922
118 File Number 115, Mary Belle (Burris) Prather 1918-1921
119 File Number 116, Stacy Pauline (Brown) Brown 1918-1921
120 File Number 117, Pearl Thomas Whitehead 1920-1923
121 File Number 118, Lucille Huff 1919-1922
122 File Number 119, Mildred Mackey 1919-1922
123 File Number 120, Mayme Edith McCarty 1919-1922
124 File Number 121, Mary Elizabeth Lane 1919-1922
125 File Number 122, Thelma Hall 1918-1922
126 File Number 123, Lilla Marie (Cooler) Adams 1920-1924
127 File Number 124, Ruby Pearl (Sammons) Clement 1920-1923
128 File Number 125, Gertrude Crittenden 1919-1923
129 File Number 126, Mary Blanch (Nottingham) Murphy 1920-1923
130 File Number 127, Lenore Ess (Sexton) Armstrong 1920-1923
131 File Number 128, Lena Belle Smalley 1920-1923
132 File Number 129, Viola (Lowery) Armstrong 1920-1923
133 File Number 130, Nellie J. Ellis 1920-1923
134 File Number 131, Hattie Augusta (Henry) Gibson 1920-1923
135 File Number 132, Mary Belle Dugger 1920-1923
136 File Number 133, Bertha Duggan 1920-1923
137 File Number 134, Ethel Emma (Rice) Caldwell 1921-1924
138 File Number 135, Bertha Catherine Gobble 1922-1925
139 File Number 136, Fanny Elizabeth Gaines 1922-1924
140 File Number 137, Helen Gordon (Allen) Wilson 1922-1925
141 File Number 138, Clara Eleanor Boring 1921-1924
142 File Number 139, Nina Lucille (Click) Phillips 1921-1924
143 File Number 140, Elizabeth Blanch Mittchell 1921-1924
144 File Number 141, Mary Ann Harkleroad 1921-1925
145 File Number 142, Edna Cox 1921-1924
146 File Number 143, Jane Keller 1921-1924
147 File Number 144, Mae June (Peterson) Williamson 1921-1924
148 File Number 145, Vella Feba Reeves 1921-1924
149 File Number 146, Elsie Lee Mason 1921-1924
150 File Number 147, Marie Dorothy Stacy 1921-1924
151 File Number 148, Cynthia Marie (Brown) Clark 1921-1924
152 File Number 149, Ruth (Mitchell) Connaster 1921-1924
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
BOX NUMBER 67 (cont'd)
153 File Number 150, Lucille Hart 1918-1924
154 File Number 151, Louise McCamey 1921-1924
155 File Number 152, Ette (Griffith) Jones 1921-1924
156 File Number 153, Lula May (Loden) Johnson 1921-1924
157 File Number 154, Madeline (Boyer) McCall 1921-1924
158 File Number 155, Lucille Ashley Johnson 1921-1924
159 File Number 156, Hattie Shepherd Shoemaker 1916-1919
160 File Number 157, Alice Mae Estes 1916-1919
161 File Number 158, Daisy Fisher Rising 1921-1923
162 File Number 159, Claudia Lucille Nicholson 1922-1925
163 File Number 160, Jewell Jenkins Harrison 1922-1925
164 File Number 162, Lennie E. Rader 1922-1925
165 File Number 163, Gladys Marie (Booth) Smith 1922-1925
166 File Number 164, Della Cathey 1922-1925
167 File Number 165, Gertrude (Ashe) Hanifin 1922-1925
168 File Number 166, Lola Beatrice (Boudreau) Monger 1922-1925
169 File Number 167, Ora Belle Hall 1922-1925
170 File Number 168, Gladys Austell Basden 1922-1925
171 File Number 246, Bettie St. John 1910-1913
172 File Number 247, Marguerita Welch 1913-1916
173 File Number 259, Annie L. Washburn 1911-1914
174 File Number 260, Lena Grimes 1914-1917
175 File Number 261, Mattie Hall 1912-1915
176 File Number 262, Mary H. Hathcock 1908-1911
177 File Number 263, Katherine Anderson 1909-1912
178 File Number 264, Sadie Stienmetz 1912-1915
179 File Number 265, Effie White 1910-1913
180 File Number 266, Catherine Brior 1907-1910
181 File Number 267, Clarisa Smith 1912-1915
182 File Number 295, Helen C. Colgan 1907-1910
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
1 File Number 161, Margaret (Nicholson) Keegan 1922-1926
2 File Number 169, Hannae Frances (Bischon) Collins 1923-1926
3 File Number 170, Rosetta Blankenship 1923-1926
4 File Number 171, Eula Mary Walker 1924-1926
5 File Number 172, Bertha J. Sloan 1923-1926
6 File Number 173, Rosa Bell Campbell 1923-1926
7 File Number 174, Pauline E. Jones 1923-1926
8 File Number 175. Loma (Reed) Arnold 1924-1926
9 File Number 176, Zella Virginia Massengill 1923-1926
10 File Number 177, Ruth (Marcum) Hawkins 1923-1926
11 File Number 178, Ethel Elizabeth (Lewis) Pack 1924-1927
12 File Number 179, Katherine Elizabeth (Sharp) Porter 1924-1927
13 File Number 180, Johnnie Newman (Burnette)
Blankenship 1924-1927
14 File Number 181, Jessie Mae (Palmer) Gibbs 1924-1927
15 File Number 182, Margaret Elizabeth Grubb 1924-1927
16 File Number 183, Ruth Patty Walker 1924-1927
17 File Number 184, Univieve Jenkins 1924-1927
18 File Number 185, Mattie Ruth (Bailey) Armstrong 1926-1927
19 File Number 186, Delia Geanette Lambert 1924-1927
20 File Number 187, Olive Grace (Nicholson) VanLeven 1924-1927
21 File Number 188, Margaret (Ison) Jackson 1925-1928
22 File Number 189, Mary Jane (Lloyd) Jennings 1925-1928
23 File Number 190, Mary Mildred (Dillion) DeLozier 1925-1928
24 File Number 191, Almyra Reams 1926-1928
25 File Number 192, Mary Elizabeth (Green) Sutliff 1925-1928
26 File Number 193, Carrie Lamb (Rothe) Hall 1925-1928
27 File Number 194, Velva Jane Long 1925-1928
28 File Number 195, Rachel Ann Bird 1926-1928
29 File Number 196, Hazel Louise Parks 1925-1928
30 File Number 198, Lucille Virginia Willis 1925-1928
31 File Number 199, Edith M. (Buckner) Knoll 1925-1928
32 File Number 200, Ressa Jenkins 1926-1929
33 File Number 201, Dorothy Mae Pyle 1926-1928
34 File Number 202, Frances Katherine (Fritts) Lewis 1926-1929
35 File Number 203, Ada Sue (Moran) Conner 1926-1928
36 File Number 204, Grace V. Blakemore 1926-1929
37 File Number 205, Lula Bell Threadgill 1927-1929
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
BOX NUMBER 68 (cont'd)
38 File Number 206, Eulalie Maples 1926-1929
39 File Number 207, Clara Short 1925-1929
40 File Number 208, Alice Berry Loflin 1915-1918
41 File Number 209, Mary (James) Wright 1926-1929
42 File Number 210, Elsie Lillian (McGill) Hammond 1926-1929
43 File Number 211, Thelma Beatrice (Russell) Jones 1926-1929
44 File Number 212, Flossie Lucille Witt 1926-1929
45 File Number 213, Prudence Thomas 1926-1929
46 File Number 214, Emma Bell (Riddle) Hays 1926-1930
47 File Number 215, Nellie Ruth Lewis 1926-1930
48 File Number 216, Willie Bell (Baker) Ford 1926-1930
49 File Number 217, Elizabeth Katherine Rogers 1927-1930
50 File Number 218, Grace Lucille (Hamley) Turner 1927-1930
51 File Number 219, Lucy Anne (Whelchel) Cobb 1927-1930
52 File Number 220, Gladys Edna Marsh 1927-1930
53 File Number 221, Pauline (Garrett) Gaylord 1927-1930
54 File Number 222, Pearl Hale Cochrane 1927-1930
55 File Number 223, Nora Gladys Farmer 1927-1930
56 File Number 224, Eunice (White) Kelley 1927-1930
57 File Number 225, Willard Agnes (Garrison) Workman 1927-1930
58 File Number 226, Iris Madge (Bailey) Layman 1927-1930
59 File Number 227, Mildred Lucille (Russell) Smith 1927-1930
60 File Number 228, Louise Adella (Fleming) Kinzer 1928-1931
61 File Number 229, Annie Laurie (Truelove) Wiggins 1927-1931
62 File Number 230, Eldora Dean (Wilson) Payne 1928-1931
63 File Number 231, Florence Elizabeth (Hawkins) Craig 1928-1931
64 File Number 232, Carrie Lee (Spencer) Price 1928-1931
65 File Number 233, Lorene (Parker) Monroe 1928-1931
66 File Number 234, Mable (Nelson) Majors 1928-1931
67 File Number 235, Elizabeth Marie Pickering 1928-1931
68 File Number 236, Lorena Jackson (Chance) Chance 1928-1931
69 File Number 237, Zora Sue (Richardson) Pickel 1928-1931
70 File Number 238, Mary Lelia (Humphreys) Greene 1928-1931
71 File Number 239, Evelyn R. Ketchersid (Smidth) 1929-1931
72 File Number 240, Norma Louise Hasket 1928-1931
73 File Number 241, Mildred Jean (Lady) Berg 1928-1931
74 File Number 242, Bonnie Gretchin (Pelfrey) Garrison 1928-1931
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
1 File Number 243, Leona June (Keeler) Anderson 1929-1932
2 File Number 244, Johnnie Mae (Woods) Gray 1929-1931
3 File Number 245, Mary Anne Denton 1929-1932
4 File Number 248, Roberta Verda Deaver 1929-1932
5 File Number 249, Ina Aliene (Phillips) Grant 1929-1932
6 File Number 250, Selma (Smith) Williams 1929-1932
7 File Number 251, Charlotte Estelle Greene 1929-1932
8 File Number 252, Selma Ruth (Mitchell) Paxton 1928-1932
9 File Number 253, Anna (Lowe) Friar 1928-1932
10 File Number 254, Mary Madeline McCurry 1929-1932
11 File Number 255, Olive Parham 1929-1932
12 File Number 256, Clara Burr Unthank 1929-1932
13 File Number 257, Reba Lee Warren 1929-1932
14 File Number 258, Lelia Catherine Jeffers 1929-1932
15 File Number 268, Reba Thelma (Ketchersid) Toff 1929-1932
16 File Number 269, Hazel Arrita (Boley) Jones 1928-1932
17 File Number 270, Elizabeth Pridemore 1929-1932
18 File Number 271, Eula Mae Stump 1929-1932
19 File Number 272, Naomi Dorothea Campbell 1929-1932
20 File Number 273, Sybil Imogene (Golding) Bell 1929-1932
21 File Number 274, Lydia Elizabeth Nicely 1929-1932
22 File Number 275, Beulah Trula Ford 1929-1932
23 File Number 276, Lillie Alma (Butcher) Wimberly 1929-1932
24 File Number 277, Lizzie Beth (Hall) Dallas 1929-1932
25 File Number 278, Clara Audrey Carmack 1930-1933
26 File Number 279, Aulene Alice Cowan 1930-1933
27 File Number 280, Sarah Hall Waller 1930-1933
28 File Number 281, Golden Williams 1930-1933
29 File Number 282, Geneva Jenkins 1930-1933
30 File Number 283, Mona Lee (Booker) Morris 1930-1933
31 File Number 284, Emma Bell McClure 1930-1933
32 File Number 285, Hettie Leona Fenner 1930-1933
33 File Number 286, Margaret Blanch Stonecipher 1930-1933
34 File Number 287, Margaret Helen Smith 1930-1933
35 File Number 288, Lina (Hayes) Padgett 1930-1933
36 File Number 289, Mary Nell Shirley 1930-1933
37 File Number 291, Ruth Maxine Tucker 1930-1933
38 File Number 292, Dorothy Elizabeth (Greene) Guthrie 1930-1933
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
BOX NUMBER 69 (cont'd)
39 File Number 293, Daisy Mae (Saxon) Smith 1930-1933
40 File Number 294, Lillian Rolen 1930-1933
41 File Number 296, Wilma Miller 1930-1934
42 File Number 297, Rosa Flannery 1931-1934
43 File Number 298, Nellie Blair (Martin) Garrant 1931-1934
44 File Number 299, Pearl Mae (Head) Ausmus 1931-1934
45 File Number 300, Geneva Trimble 1931-1934
46 File Number 301, Vega Eleanor Chambers 1931-1934
47 File Number 302, Claudia Rose Erwin 1931-1934
48 File Number 303, Lady Alice Masoner 1931-1934
49 File Number 304, Loena Irene Pritchard 1931-1934
50 File Number 305, Betty Virginia Arnold 1931-1934
51 File Number 306, Rossie Lovette (Bradley) Robinson 1930-1934
52 File Number 307, Lola Payne 1931-1934
53 File Number 308, Zora Wood 1931-1934
54 File Number 309, Anna Myrtle Wood 1931-1934
55 File Number 310, Bessie Lee (Lloyd) Cobb 1931-1934
56 File Number 311, Clara B. (Maranville) Lasher 1931-1934
57 File Number 312, Nova DeLozier 1931-1934
58 File Number 313, Maude M. Shope 1931-1934
59 File Number 314, Nellie Glee (Whitlock) Hall 1931-1934
60 File Number 315, Elizabeth Mae (Willis) Shipe 1931-1934
61 File Number 316, Ventrice Arloa Carson 1931-1934
62 File Number 317, Edna Viola (Snow) Reid 1932-1935
63 File Number 318, Mary Porter Price 1932-1935
64 File Number 319, Luvena Ruth Blazer 1932-1935
65 File Number 320, Leon Wray Coker 1932-1935
66 File Number 321, Ola Louise Hamilton 1932-1935
67 File Number 322, Nellie Kate Catron 1932-1935
68 File Number 324, Goldia Hopper 1932-1935
69 File Number 325, Elenora Torrance 1932-1935
70 File Number 326, Gladys Lura Waller 1932-1935
71 File Number 327, Hazel Marie Martin 1932-1935
72 File Number 328, Anna Lee (Patrick) Zirkle 1932-1935
73 File Number 329, Frances M. Fuller 1932-1935
74 File Number 330, Pauline Frances Skinner 1932-1935
75 File Number 331, Elizabeth Thompson Furlow 1932-1935
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
1 File Number 332, Emma McCall 1932-1935
2 File Number 333, Jaunita Eulitia Cross 1932-1935
3 File Number 334, Edna Marguerite Troutt 1932-1935
4 File Number 335, Bertha Barbara Earley 1933-1936
5 File Number 336, Ruby Miller Graves 1933-1936
6 File Number 337, Delma Margaret Mull 1933-1936
7 File Number 338, Kathleen Russell 1933-1936
8 File Number 339, Nellie Victoria Jarvis 1933-1936
9 File Number 340, Cahutta Georgia Frost 1933-1936
10 File Number 341, Martha Elizabeth Rogers 1933-1936
11 File Number 342, Mary Louise Baker 1933-1936
12 File Number 343, Maxine Imogene Beverley 1933-1936
13 File Number 344, Helen Pauline Brown 1933-1936
14 File Number 345, Mary Rachel Chandler 1933-1936
15 File Number 346, Mary Badger Hale 1933-1936
16 File Number 347, Naomi Ruth (Johnson) Swanner 1933-1936
17 File Number 348, Cassie Florence (Koger) Snodgrass 1933-1936
18 File Number 349, Mildred (Laws) Berry 1933-1936
19 File Number 350, Helen Ruth Mullens 1933-1936
20 File Number 351, Ruth Elizabeth (Reynolds) Coe 1933-1936
21 File Number 352, Mildred Aileen (Mann) Sweat 1933-1936
22 File Number 353, Miriam Harrietta Oliveros 1934-1937
23 File Number 354, Georgia Marie (Wallace) Bishop 1934-1937
24 File Number 356, Elsie Elizabeth Brown 1934-1937
25 File Number 357, Evelyn Jeanette (Ulmer) Grady 1934-1937
26 File Number 358, Reva Mae (Claxton) Hayes 1934-1937
27 File Number 359, Elizabeth Minnie McPheters 1934-1937
28 File Number 360, Marjorie Ermine (Hayes) Cutshaw 1934-1937
29 File Number 361, Dessie Kidd Brown 1934-1937
30 File Number 362, Lola Davis 1934-1937
31 File Number 363, Bernice Beymer White 1934-1937
32 File Number 364, Helen Elizabeth Taylor 1934-1937
33 File Number 365, Mary Jean Newman 1934-1937
34 File Number 366, Betty Ruth Troutt 1934-1937
35 File Number 367, Ethel Frances Smith 1934-1937
36 File Number 368, Ruth Fannon 1934-1937
37 File Number 369, Emma Frances Allen 1934-1937
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
BOX NUMBER 70 (cont'd)
38 File Number 370, Anna (Collins) McCarter 1934-1937
39 File Number 371, Grace Anne Smith 1934-1937
40 File Number 372, Ouida Emmaline Young 1935-1938
41 File Number 373, Mytrice Mildred (Weeks) Cooper 1935-1938
42 File Number 374, Marie Antoinette Schmitt 1935-1938
43 File Number 375, Helen Hodges Ledwell 1935-1938
44 File Number 376, Selena Katherine Dillingham 1935-1938
45 File Number 377, Wilonel Cornelia Rucker 1935-1938
46 File Number 378, Mayce Lavinia Giles 1935-1938
47 File Number 379, Gladys Sue Barr 1935-1938
48 File Number 380, Faye Katherine Franklin 1935-1938
49 File Number 381, Louise Margaret Guinn 1935-1938
50 File Number 382, Martha Jane Greene 1935-1938
51 File Number 383, Pauline Hoffman 1935-1938
52 File Number 384, Lillian Dorothea Payne 1935-1938
53 File Number 385, Margaret Elizabeth Booher 1935-1938
54 File Number 386, Hazel Katherine Marsee 1935-1938
55 File Number 387, Leafy Clifton Lundy 1935-1938
56 File Number 388, Velma Mount 1935-1938
57 File Number 389, Marcia Marilynn Wyman 1935-1938
58 File Number 390, Helen Montez Ray 1935-1938
59 File Number 391, Vera Clarice Graves 1935-1938
60 File Number 392, Clara Julia Baker 1935-1938
61 File Number 393, Praise Devine Long 1935-1938
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
1 File Number 394, Mary Irene Hamblin 1936-1939
2 File Number 395, Myrtle Maud Johnson 1936-1939
3 File Number 396, Helen Ann Price 1936-1939
4 File Number 397, Mary Celia Greer 1936-1939
5 File Number 398, Margaret Helen Anderson 1935-1939
6 File Number 399, Venita Mae Stewart 1936-1939
7 File Number 400, Lucille Jones 1936-1939
8 File Number 401, Margaret Agnes Johnson 1936-1939
9 File Number 402, Floye Young 1936-1939
10 File Number 403, Ruby Hardin 1936-1939
11 File Number 404, Violet Bloomer 1936-1939
12 File Number 405, Mozelle Hall 1936-1939
13 File Number 406, Rebecca Jaffee 1936-1939
14 File Number 407, Nella Dora Hamilton 1936-1939
15 File Number 408, Joyce Earnestine Bolling 1936-1939
16 File Number 409, Sarah Ruth Gaut 1936-1939
17 File Number 410, Elra Joyce Henry 1936-1939
18 File Number 411, Helen Blanch Smith 1936-1939
19 File Number 412, Stella Lynn Love 1936-1939
20 File Number 413, Grace Loretta Robberts 1936-1939
21 File Number 414, Katherine Newman 1936-1939
22 File Number 415, Anna Faye McGuire 1936-1939
23 File Number 416, Mildred Helena Wimberly 1936-1939
24 File Number 417, Sarah Ryan Moeller 1936-1939
25 File Number 418, Hazel Anderson 1936-1939
26 File Number 419, Helen Elmira Ghormley 1936-1939
27 File Number 420, Beatrice Crane 1936-1939
28 File Number 421, Sarah Margaret Rogers 1936-1939
29 File Number 422, Ruby Mae Bowman 1937-1940
30 File Number 423, Martha Alice Vanover 1937-1940
31 File Number 424, Dawn Mazie McCray 1937-1940
32 File Number 425, Thelma Kent 1937-1940
33 File Number 426, Mary C. Tate 1937-1940
34 File Number 427, Beulah Latane Heaton 1937-1940
35 File Number 428, Ollie Virginia Cox 1937-1940
36 File Number 429, Reva Margaret Juanita Biddle 1937-1940
37 File Number 430, Sarah Gladys Campbell 1937-1940
38 File Number 431, Lelia Henrietta Watson 1937-1940
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
BOX NUMBER 71 (cont'd)
39 File Number 432, Evelyn Elsie Kitts 1937-1940
40 File Number 433, Clara Francis Morrell 1937-1940
41 File Number 434, Helen Maudine Perry 1937-1940
42 File Number 435, Belle Beatrice Price 1937-1940
43 File Number 436, Margaret Eleanor Pollard 1937-1940
44 File Number 437, Thelma Loraine Dean 1937-1940
45 File Number 438, Mary Wade Hodge 1937-1940
46 File Number 439, Johnnie Ida Keeler 1937-1940
47 File Number 440, Ellen Jean Petzer 1937-1940
48 File Number 441, Mildred Evelyn White 1937-1940
49 File Number 442, Camelia Ruth Hoffman 1937-1940
50 File Number 443, Helen Hall 1937-1940
51 File Number 444, Mary Ellen Blythe 1939-1940
52 File Number 445, Hazel Dean Russell 1937-1940
53 File Number 446, Mary Ann Lambert 1937-1940
54 File Number 447, Margaret Katherine Peterson 1937-1940
55 File Number 448, Mary Ella Swaney 1937-1940
56 File Number 449, Margaret Alice Boyd 1937-1940
57 File Number 450, Lula Alma Hamblin 1938-1941
58 File Number 451, Cora Nettie Kemmer 1938-1941
59 File Number 452, Pauline Ida Drinnen 1938-1941
60 File Number 453, Vernell J. Collins 1938-1941
61 File Number 454, Ethel Inez Small 1938-1941
62 File Number 455, Merlin Lorene Cunningham 1937-1941
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
1 File Number 456, Margaret Broyles 1938-1941
2 File Number 457, Carolyn Ruth McDonald 1938-1941
3 File Number 458, Virginia Rosebud Sneed 1938-1941
4 File Number 459, Carrie Claudine Carmody 1938-1941
5 File Number 460, Ruth Marion Heiskell 1938-1941
6 File Number 461, Bernice Teen (Davis) Gibbs 1938-1941
7 File Number 462, Leona Johnnie (McMahan) Pendley 1938-1941
8 File Number 463, Mary Louise (Carter) Loy 1938-1941
9 File Number 464, Mae Reese Broyles 1938-1941
10 File Number 465, Mary Pauline (Hill) Grobman 1938-1941
11 File Number 466, Eleanor Ardenne Stephens 1938-1941
12 File Number 467, Marie Helen Kandell 1938-1941
13 File Number 468, Julia White Baker 1938-1941
14 File Number 469, Carrie Lou Sharpe 1938-1941
15 File Number 470, Gladys Opal Bryant 1938-1941
16 File Number 471, Dorothy Louise McCamy 1938-1941
17 File Number 472, Gladys Katharine (Bradley) Rucker 1938-1941
18 File Number 473, Goergia Myrtle Hurd 1938-1941
19 File Number 474, Sally Elizabeth Cottrell 1938-1941
20 File Number 475, Lillian Aideen Cole 1938-1941
21 File Number 476, Wesley Naomi Crowder 1938-1941
22 File Number 477, Nilla Rowena Cook 1938-1941
23 File Number 478, Frances Elizabeth (Huffaker) Andress 1938-1941
24 File Number 479, Elsie Louise (Cole) Lewis 1938-1941
25 File Number 480, Laura Arbutice Sands 1938-1941
26 File Number 481, Margaret Evelyn Hart 1938-1941
27 File Number 482, Rubye Jeanette Cheek 1938-1941
28 File Number 483, Margaret Christine Lester 1939-1942
29 File Number 484, Nancy Nelle Sharpe 1939-1942
30 File Number 485, Etta Mae Ross 1939-1942
31 File Number 486, Hazel Elizabeth (Cole) Kennedy 1939-1942
32 File Number 487, Ruth Minnie McBee 1939-1942
33 File Number 488, Una Hazel Claxton 1939-1942
34 File Number 489, Gertrude Blanche Hargreaves 1939-1942
35 File Number 490, Beulah Bernice Minor 1939-1942
36 File Number 491, Viola Louise Hopkins 1939-1942
37 File Number 492, Florence Pauline Hill 1939-1942
38 File Number 493, Gertrude Lucille (Wallace) Killebrew 1939-1942
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
BOX NUMBER 72 (cont'd)
39 File Number 494, Willie Hugh (Hensley) Nine 1939-1942
40 File Number 495, Lois (Hill) Everett 1939-1942
41 File Number 496, Ruth Pauline (Maples) McCoy 1939-1942
42 File Number 497, Lydia Marie (Johnson) Weems 1939-1942
43 File Number 498, Bonnie Lee (Miracle) Anderson 1939-1942
44 File Number 499, Mabel Kate (Bailey) Keys 1940-1943
45 File Number 500, Lora Nell (Dooley) Cohill 1940-1943
46 File Number 501, Anna Lyle Shultz 1940-1943
47 File Number 502, Mildred Lou Blackburn 1940-1943
48 File Number 503, Margaret Hays Lynch 1940-1943
49 File Number 504, Sadie Helen (Padgett) Wagner 1939-1943
50 File Number 505, Margaret Sue Hood 1939-1943
51 File Number 506, Vivian Marie Still 1940-1943
52 File Number 507, Lucy Leah Smith 1939-1943
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
1 File Number 508, Opal Lee Plaster 1940-1943
2 File Number 509, Evelyn Mildred Lewis 1940-1943
3 File Number 510, Eliza Baker 1940-1943
4 File Number 511, Mary Roselle (Walker) Innaurato 1940-1943
5 File Number 512, Imogene Brown 1940-1943
6 File Number 513, Adele Fern Reedy 1940-1943
7 File Number 514, Willie Louise Crowder 1940-1943
8 File Number 515, Leah June (Chambers) Cross 1940-1943
9 File Number 516, Mary Belle (Plaxco) Webster 1940-1943
10 File Number 517, Mary Emma Kemmer 1940-1943
11 File Number 518, Rachel Corneil Ragel 1940-1943
12 File Number 519, Patricia Louise Welch 1940-1943
13 File Number 520, Helen Louise Hagy 1940-1943
14 File Number 521, Martha Ann Glandis 1940-1943
15 File Number 522, Edith Christine Harmon 1941-1944
16 File Number 523, Maurene McKinney Keith 1935-1944
17 File Number 524, Ella LaVerta (Lewis) Tarvin 1941-1944
18 File Number 525, Mary Virginia (Christian) Overall 1941-1944
19 File Number 526, Nelle Effie Grills 1941-1944
20 File Number 527, Gertrude Gabriel Gard 1941-1944
21 File Number 528, Mary Olivene Christian 1941-1944
22 File Number 529, Betty Jean McConnell 1941-1944
23 File Number 530, Helen Charlotte Haggard 1941-1944
24 File Number 531, Amy Arminda (Chambers) Mikel 1941-1944
25 File Number 532, Nelda Juanita (Martin) Stanton 1941-1944
26 File Number 533, Billie Lou Mays 1940-1944
27 File Number 534, Pauline (Floyd) Rhea 1940-1944
28 File Number 535, Willie Jean Howard 1941-1944
29 File Number 536, Dorothy Armanda (Huffaker) Soward 1941-1944
30 File Number 537, Louise Anna (Rice) Phelps 1941-1944
31 File Number 538, Mary Lee Edgin 1941-1944
32 File Number 539, Ola Juanita (Newberry) Galandia 1941-1944
33 File Number 540, Nina Kerr 1941-1944
34 File Number 541, Virginia Swoope (Bennett) Murphy 1941-1944
35 File Number 542, Judson Bragg 1941-1944
36 File Number 543, Hazel Louise (Long) Childs 1941-1944
37 File Number 544, Elizabeth Ruth Smith 1941-1944
38 File Number 545, Billie Laughland Hammill 1941-1944
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
BOX NUMBER 73 (cont'd)
39 File Number 546, Dorothy Grace Hoffman 1941-1944
40 File Number 547, Lillian Fay Chatfield 1941-1944
41 File Number 548, Vear Edith Mullins 1941-1944
42 File Number 549, Vivian Opal (Peavley) Rudd 1941-1944
43 File Number 550, Naomi Ruth (Viles) Jones 1941-1944
44 File Number 551, Goldie Rae (Chittum) Welch 1941-1944
45 File Number 552, Freda (Riffe) Wallace 1941-1944
46 File Number 553, Wanda Ruth (Byrd) Morgan 1941-1944
47 File Number 554, Jane (Self) Jones 1941-1944
48 File Number 555, Cecile Velda Branson 1941-1944
49 File Number 556, Mildred Ethel (Heflin) Berry 1941-1944
50 File Number 557, Betty Ruth Mays 1941-1944
51 File Number 558, Jennie Lynn McConnell 1941-1944
52 File Number 559, Margaret Elizabeth Dix 1941-1944
53 File Number 560, Hazel Grace (Lovelace) Widby 1942-1945
54 File Number 561, Mary Maxine (Conn) Wayland 1942-1945
55 File Number 562, Lillian Louise (Walker) Presley 1942-1945
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
1 File Number 563, Frances Ollie (McConnell) Wayland 1942-1945
2 File Number 564, Gertrude Olene Bradley 1942-1945
3 File Number 565, Verda Lee Kesterson 1942-1945
4 File Number 566, Charlene White 1942-1945
5 File Number 567, Iva Grace Barry 1942-1945
6 File Number 568, Ethel Virginia Grahl 1942-1945
7 File Number 569, Louise Mae (Parsley) Metting 1942-1945
8 File Number 570, Thelma Lee (Masters) Gray 1942-1945
9 File Number 571, Norma Claire Oliveros 1942-1945
10 File Number 572, Mary Jane Stewart 1942-1945
11 File Number 573, Charlicie Dean (Solomon) Lindsey 1942-1945
12 File Number 574, Elizabeth Imogene Sullivan 1942-1945
13 File Number 575, Beatrice Lucille (Cope) Elrod 1942-1945
14 File Number 576, Lula Margaret (Greene) Bernard 1942-1945
15 File Number 577, Edith Estelle (Whitt) Mullins 1942-1945
16 File Number 578, Sarah Evelyn Womac 1942-1945
17 File Number 579, Dorothy Katheryn Davis 1942-1945
18 File Number 580, Mattie Josephine (Plaxco) Johnson 1942-1945
19 File Number 581, Elsie May Francisco 1942-1945
20 File Number 582, Maude Lucille (Chadwell) Privette 1942-1945
21 File Number 583, Gladys Adkin (Craig) Craig 1942-1945
22 File Number 584, Gladys Mae (Scarbrough) VanHook 1942-1945
23 File Number 585, Helen Alene Womack 1942-1945
24 File Number 586, Marion Bernice (Brock) Carter 1942-1945
25 File Number 587, Barbara Bernice (Baldock) Pringle 1942-1945
26 File Number 588, Mary Louise (Davis) Kunkle 1943-1946
27 File Number 589, Eloise (Williams) Haushalterhas 1942-1945
28 File Number 590, Fannie Mae (Sorrell) Nelson 1942-1945
29 File Number 591, Nell Albert Price 1943-1946
30 File Number 592, Shirley Agnes Millsaps 1943-1946
31 File Number 593, Florence Anne Doyle 1943-1946
32 File Number 594, Alva Jo Ashe 1943-1946
33 File Number 595, Fanny Elizabeth Hackworth 1943-1946
34 File Number 596, Katherine Louise (Ford) Taylor 1943-1946
35 File Number 597, Mildred Beatrice Brantley 1943-1946
36 File Number 598, Roma Murtrice (Milligan) Gray 1943-1946
37 File Number 599, Ella Bernice (Lee) Tully 1943-1946
38 File Number 600, Iris Edna (Whitt) Smith 1943-1946
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
BOX NUMBER 74 (cont'd)
39 File Number 601, Margaret Rebecca (Griffith) Reagan 1943-1946
40 File Number 602, Goldie Elizabeth (Cowan) Parker 1943-1946
41 File Number 603, Virginia Mae (Sparks) Byers 1943-1946
42 File Number 604, Charlotte Katherine Leonard 1943-1946
43 File Number 605, Katherine Virginia (Simm) McCaulley 1943-1946
44 File Number 606, Elsie Marie (Nelson) Davis 1944-1947
45 File Number 607, Helen Georgia Kerns 1944-1947
46 File Number 608, Mary Edna (Williford) Todd 1944-1947
47 File Number 609, Irene Lucenda (Barbe) Thompson 1944-1947
48 File Number 610, Jerry Carla (Maranville) Wade 1944-1947
49 File Number 611, Betty Jean (Williams) Newman 1944-1947
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
1 File Number 612, Margaret Pearl (Weems) Kerley 1944-1947
2 File Number 613, Dean (Austin) Holland 1944-1947
3 File Number 614, Dorothy Beatrice (Evans) Crosby 1944-1947
4 File Number 615, Marjorie Myma (Newberry) Kerley 1944-1947
5 File Number 616, Vivian Needa (Edwards) Brock 1944-1947
6 File Number 617, Mary Madge (Lawson) Smith 1944-1947
7 File Number 618, Imogene (Richardson) Conkin 1944-1947
8 File Number 619, Helen Jeanette Bolling 1944-1947
9 File Number 620, Helena Jewell McCoy 1944-1947
10 File Number 621, Hazelle Elizabeth (Leonard) Davis 1944-1947
11 File Number 622, Jo-Ann Gretchen (Roberts) Cobb 1944-1947
12 File Number 623, Pauline Valentine 1944-1947
13 File Number 624, Alma Reene (Allen) Webb 1944-1947
14 File Number 625, Lennie Frances (Spears) Gamble 1944-1947
15 File Number 626, Gwendolyn Howell 1944-1947
16 File Number 627, Nina Lois Cramer 1944-1947
17 File Number 628, Imogene Smith (Baker) Huff 1944-1947
18 File Number 629, Sylvia Anne Connell 1944-1947
19 File Number 630, Patsy Ruth Goins 1944-1947
20 File Number 631, Patty Rice Hodge 1944-1947
21 File Number 632, Catherine Agnes Murphy 1944-1947
22 File Number 633, Lorraiene Marion Lepper 1944-1947
23 File Number 634, Patricia Anne (Davis) McBurnette 1944-1947
24 File Number 635, Margaret Ann Price 1944-1947
25 File Number 636, Norene Elaine Smith 1944-1947
26 File Number 637, Clarice Evelyn Price 1944-1947
27 File Number 638, Betty Colleen (Smithers) Byrd 1944-1947
28 File Number 639, Agnes Louisa Kellam 1944-1947
29 File Number 640, Joyce Gloria Sullivan 1944-1947
30 File Number 641, Anna Ruth (Dye) Spears 1944-1947
31 File Number 642, Gladys Jean Price 1944-1947
32 File Number 643, Virginia Nelle Bradley 1944-1947
33 File Number 644, Anne Amelia (Reuter) Arnhart 1944-1947
34 File Number 645, Vivian Opal Thompson 1944-1947
35 File Number 646, Pauline (Greer) Shoemaker 1945-1948
36 File Number 647, Clara Mae (Edens) Fox 1944-1948
37 File Number 648, Barbara Lee Knight 1944-1948
38 File Number 649, Edna Ruth Miller 1945-1948
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
BOX NUMBER 75 (cont'd)
39 File Number 650, Geneva Katherine McGill 1945-1948
40 File Number 651, Helen Dean Simmons 1945-1948
41 File Number 652, Evelyn Kerr Mullins 1944-1947
42 File Number 653, Ilene Mae (Cooke) Caul 1945-1948
43 File Number 654, Katherine Mae (Loy) Loy 1945-1948
44 File Number 655, Elinor Louise Cowan 1944-1948
45 File Number 656, Lois Marie Duck 1945-1948
46 File Number 657, Leora Mary (Crum) Branum 1945-1948
47 File Number 658, Gladys Selene Carson 1945-1948
48 File Number 659, Ellie Ruth Stephens 1945-1948
49 File Number 660, Dottie Mae Greer 1945-1948
50 File Number 661, Alta Ruth Giles 1945-1948
51 File Number 662, Henrietta Estelle (Foust) Rhodes 1945-1948
52 File Number 663, Alma Cline Williams 1945-1948
53 File Number 664, Naewanna Fay Faulk 1945-1948
54 File Number 665, Anna Ruth Roberts 1945-1948
55 File Number 666, Cora Elizabeth (Lane) Meredith 1945-1948
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
1 File Number 667, Louisa Ruth (Daniel) Waggoner 1945-1948
2 File Number 668, Betty Lynn (Daniel) Kidwell 1945-1948
3 File Number 669, Juanita Eunice (Breeden) Daniel 1945-1948
4 File Number 670, Mary Lou King 1945-1948
5 File Number 671, Margaret Jo (Horn) Cave 1945-1948
6 File Number 672, Esther Bernice (Peake) Harvey 1944-1948
7 File Number 673, Pauline Evelyn Hubbard 1946-1949
8 File Number 674, Ruth Katheryn (Ensley) Lovingood 1946-1949
9 File Number 675, Lawanda Mae Smith 1946-1949
10 File Number 676, Roberta Margaret (Hayes) Webb 1946-1949
11 File Number 677, Imogene (Morgan) Rhyne 1946-1949
12 File Number 678, Emma Jean Hall 1946-1949
13 File Number 679, Vernelle Edney Dale 1941-1949
14 File Number 680, Barbara Ann Wichser 1946-1949
15 File Number 681, Patricia Jean Daley 1946-1949
16 File Number 682, Vivian Blanche Kegley 1946-1949
17 File Number 683, Della Idna Miller 1946-1949
18 File Number 684, Betty Jean Fleenor 1946-1949
19 File Number 685, Wanda Faye Tuck 1946-1949
20 File Number 686, Reba Ann Webb 1946-1949
21 File Number 687, Alice Claire DuBose 1948-1949
22 File Number 688, Patsy Jo LaRue 1947-1950
23 File Number 689, Winnie Fern Childress 1947-1950
24 File Number 690, Alma Beatrice Miracle 1947-1950
25 File Number 691, Carrie Hazel Miracle 1947-1950
26 File Number 692, Jean Ann Harmon 1947-1950
27 File Number 693, Lucille Clark (Lowrance) Arp 1947-1950
28 File Number 694, Dorothy Andrea Doak 1947-1950
29 File Number 695, Glennie Ruth Young 1947-1950
30 File Number 696, Dorothea Fay Beeler 1947-1950
31 File Number 697, Margaret Fay (Dougherty) Haynie 1947-1950
32 File Number 698, Mary Lynn Davis 1947-1950
33 File Number 699, Effie Henryetta Sprinkle 1946-1950
34 File Number 700, Mary Frances (Reep) Hutchinson 1947-1950
35 File Number 701, Helen Ruth (Roberts) LeFevers 1947-1950
36 File Number 702, Faye (Johnson) Maxey 1948-1951
37 File Number 703, Louise Tarwater Wilson 1948-1951
38 File Number 704, Viola Dean (Lowe) Frazier 1947-1951
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
BOX NUMBER 76 (cont'd)
39 File Number 705, Bertha Fox Henderson 1931, 1950-1951
40 File Number 706, Sarah Ruth (Sungleton) Byington 1948-1951
41 File Number 707, Helen Geraldine Garner 1948-1951
42 File Number 708, Norma Rhea Sharp 1948-1951
43 File Number 709, Joyce Ann Mayes 1948-1951
44 File Number 710, Leona Jane Barnes 1948-1951
45 File Number 711, Arlene Mae Hamett 1948-1951
46 File Number 712, Betty Rush York 1948-1951
47 File Number 713, Florence Marcelene Wiseman 1948-1951
48 File Number 714, Shirley Ruth (Householder) Trusley 1948-1951
49 File Number 715, Betty Joyce Russell 1948-1951
50 File Number 716, Melissa Lucille White 1948-1951
51 File Number 717, Juanita Joan King 1948-1951
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
1 File Number 718, Rosa Lee Tipton 1949-1952
2 File Number 719, Bonnie Louise Valentine 1949-1952
3 File Number 720, Dorothy Evelyn Schaub 1949-1952
4 File Number 721, Anna Lorene Disney 1949-1952
5 File Number 722, Alice Frances Ward 1949-1952
6 File Number 723, Georgia Mae Snyder 1949-1952
7 File Number 724, Patricia Imogene Elliott 1948-1952
8 File Number 725, Wanda Hutchison Hedrick 1949-1952
9 File Number 726, Carrie Marie Green 1949-1952
10 File Number 727, Ruby Marie Bailey 1949-1952
11 File Number 728, Alma Faye Harrison 1948-1952
12 File Number 729, Peggy Laverne (Carrier) Taylor 1948-1952
13 File Number 730, Elsie Juanita (Booker) Fogle 1942-1952
14 File Number 731, Ima Joe McKeehan 1949-1952
15 File Number 732, Gracie Allen (McDaniel) Tipton 1949-1952
16 File Number 733, Billie Ruth Russell 1949-1952
17 File Number 734, Shirley Carolyn Fields 1949-1952
18 File Number 735, Della Mae Garner 1949-1952
19 File Number 736, Vivian Faye Garrett 1949-1952
20 File Number 737, Betty Joan Griffith 1949-1952
21 File Number 738, Lena Ruth Brackin 1949-1952
22 File Number 739, Louise Frances Seiber 1949-1952
23 File Number 740, Dorothy Bulle 1951-1952
24 File Number 741, Emogene DeLoach 1949-1952
25 File Number 742, Betty Mae Johnson 1949-1952
26 File Number 743, Mildred Augusta (Bacon) Hughes 1949-1952
27 File Number 744, Ida Louise Meadows 1949-1952
28 File Number 745, Edna Mae Brown 1949-1952
29 File Number 747, Alda Lee Hall 1949-1952
30 File Number 748, Virginia Elizabeth Vance 1949-1952
31 File Number 749, Rosa Lee Potter 1949-1952
32 File Number 750, Betty Gene Reed 1949-1952
33 File Number 751, Mary Helen Hensley 1949-1952
34 File Number 752, Nancy Jo Edmonds 1949-1952
35 File Number 753, Myrtle Allen Duke 1949-1952
36 File Number 754, Mary Evelyn Kidd 1949-1952
37 File Number 755, Jessie Mae Tuck 1949-1952
38 File Number 756, Anna Louise Charles 1949-1952
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
BOX NUMBER 77 (cont'd)
39 File Number 757, Jessie Beatrice Freshour 1949-1952
40 File Number 758, Emogene Mildred Cox 1950-1953
41 File Number 759, Velma Inez Kibble 1950-1953
42 File Number 760, Betty Jean Beaty 1950-1953
43 File Number 761, Lucille LaRue 1950-1953
44 File Number 762, Vada Baker Hollingsworth 1950-1953
45 File Number 763, Cleta Lea Scharff 1950-1953
46 File Number 764, Ethel Haun 1950-1953
47 File Number 765, Beverly Jean (Ray) Bales 1950-1953
48 File Number 766, Hattie Louise Barker 1950-1953
49 File Number 767, Betty Ray Wilkerson 1950-1953
50 File Number 768, Mary Delores Young 1950-1953
51 File Number 769, Marylou Lester 1950-1953
52 File Number 770, Frances Jo Kirk 1950-1953
53 File Number 771, Ruth Marie (Faulkner) Grubb 1950-1953
54 File Number 772, Mary Vanita (Cox) Verble 1950-1953
55 File Number 773, Anna Jewell Price 1950-1953
56 File Number 774, Betty Jo Fishburne 1950-1953
57 File Number 775, Jeanne Lucy Vesser 1950-1953
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
1 File Number 776, Alta Yvonne Thomas 1950-1953
2 File Number 777, Barbara Jean (Farrar) Davis 1950-1953
3 File Number 778, Opal Weddington (Weddington)
Bundren 1950-1953
4 File Number 779, Darlene Eddie Alexander 1950-1953
5 File Number 780, Stella Anderson (Lilly) Betts 1950-1953
6 File Number 781, Rowena Elizabeth (Nichols) Witt 1950-1953
7 File Number 782, Roberta Williams Shumaker 1946-1953
8 File Number 783, Juanita (Slover) Wolfenbarger 1950-1953
9 File Number 784, Dixie Marie Lane 1950-1954
10 File Number 785, Clara Jean Bertram 1950-1954
11 File Number 786, LaWanda Lee Carter 1950-1954
12 File Number 787, Juanita Imogene Emery 1950-1954
13 File Number 788, Jewell Christine Hill 1950-1954
14 File Number 789, Dorothy Lee Lane 1950-1954
15 File Number 790, Mattie Pauline Wattenbarger 1950-1954
16 File Number 791, Hilda Joan (Pickney) Pitts 1952-1954
17 File Number 792, Lily Mae (Pennington) Hall 1950-1954
18 File Number 793, Betty Stubblefield Robinson 1950-1954
19 File Number 794, Juanita Black Walker 1950-1954
20 File Number 795, Rowena Patricia Arnold 1951-1954
21 File Number 796, Betty Jean Baker 1951-1954
22 File Number 797, Louella Ball 1951-1954
23 File Number 798, Annetia Miller Hatcher 1951-1954
24 File Number 799, Georgia Irine Hawkins 1951-1954
25 File Number 800, Margie Lou Ella King 1951-1954
26 File Number 801, Mary Rachel McCall 1951-1954
27 File Number 802, Helen Joyce McNabb 1951-1954
28 File Number 803, Bonnie Joan Reece 1951-1954
29 File Number 804, Billie Jeanette Robinson 1951-1954
30 File Number 805, Eva Mae Sparks 1951-1954
31 File Number 806, Betty June Tinch 1951-1954
32 File Number 807, June Loreta Whitehead 1951-1954
33 File Number 808, Jo Ella Tipton 1951-1954
34 File Number 809, Nina Belle Dickerson 1951-1954
35 File Number 810, Doris Phay Cooper 1951-1954
36 File Number 811, Mary Catherine Huskey 1951-1954
37 File Number 812, Ina Jo Brown 1952-1955
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
BOX NUMBER 78 (Cont'd)
38 File Number 813, Bonzella Burgess 1952-1955
39 File Number 814, Bonnie Sue Burnett 1952-1955
40 File Number 815, Mary Lillian Robinson 1952-1955
41 File Number 816, Bonnie Marie Wright 1952-1955
42 File Number 817, Barbara Ann Cornett Elliott 1949-1954
43 File Number 818, Nila Jean Aldredge 1952-1955
44 File Number 819, Una Faye Connatser 1952-1955
45 File Number 820, Mildred Maccaline Garrett 1952-1955
46 File Number 821, Betty Lou Kirby 1952-1955
47 File Number 822, Mary Elizabeth McKelvey 1952-1955
48 File Number 823, Faye Tinnel 1952-1955
49 File Number 824, Flora Harriett Watkins 1952-1955
50 File Number 825, Nelda Grace Wattenbarger 1952-1955
51 File Number 826, Betty Rae Tabor 1952-1955
52 File Number 827, Hildred Nadine Arnold 1952-1955
53 File Number 828, Loretta Mae Bales 1952-1955
54 File Number 829, Lyndon Eloise Barnard 1952-1955
55 File Number 830, Joan Clark Blackwell 1952-1955
56 File Number 831, Alma Jean Campbell 1952-1955
57 File Number 832, Margaret Joann Comes 1952-1955
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
1 File Number 833, Eulene Elizabeth Davis 1952-1955
2 File Number 834, Barbara Christine Dean 1952-1955
3 File Number 835, Betty Jo Fisher 1952-1955
4 File Number 836, Thelma Louise Fritts 1952-1955
5 File Number 837, Joan Ann Jessiman 1952-1955
6 File Number 838, Virginia Claudean Johnson 1952-1955
7 File Number 839, Peggy Lou Maynor 1952-1955
8 File Number 840, Martha Ruth McCall 1952-1955
9 File Number 841, Wyona Lynn McCarter 1952-1955
10 File Number 842, Anne Morrow Shipley 1952-1955
11 File Number 843, Nancy Sue Smith 1952-1955
12 File Number 844, Nellie Louise Smith 1952-1955
13 File Number 845, Thelma Ann Williams 1952-1955
14 File Number 846, Winifred Jo Winburn 1952-1955
15 File Number 847, Mable Perkins Cooley 1952-1955
16 File Number 848, Charlotte Kenney Carver 1949-1956
17 File Number 849, Reba Joyce Moore 1953-1956
18 File Number 850, Clara Nell Duckett 1953-1956
19 File Number 851, Ernestine Lorene Sparks 1953-1956
20 File Number 852, Elsie Pauline McCoy 1953-1956
21 File Number 853, Gena Dodd Rollins 1953-1956
22 File Number 854, Tilda Lynn Rule 1953-1956
23 File Number 855, Della Willodean Vaden 1953-1956
24 File Number 856, Norma Jean Walden 1953-1956
25 File Number 857, Jean Beatrice Bray 1952-1956
26 File Number 858, Lilly Anderson 1953-1956
27 File Number 859, Barbara Jean Dunn 1953-1956
28 File Number 860, Alice Ann Franklin 1953-1956
29 File Number 861, Gracie Freels Ford 1953-1956
30 File Number 862, Una Virginia Gilliam 1953-1956
31 File Number 863, Wanda June Guffey 1953-1956
32 File Number 864, Betty Hackworth 1953-1956
33 File Number 865, Barbara Jean (Hagler) Lewis 1953-1956
34 File Number 866, Doris Kegley 1953-1956
35 File Number 867, Ida Faye Browning Lewis 1953-1956
36 File Number 868, Barbara McKelvey 1953-1956
37 File Number 869, Nancy Napier 1953-1956
38 File Number 870, Joan Nichols 1953-1956
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
BOX NUMBER 79 (cont'd)
39 File Number 871, Mary Norton 1953-1956
40 File Number 872, Fannie Rhea Reace 1953-1956
41 File Number 873, Bitsy Joan Smith 1953-1956
42 File Number 874, Imogene Stooksbury 1953-1956
43 File Number 875, Glenda Brock Williams 1953-1956
44 File Number 876, Patricia Rose (Lawson) DeWine 1955-1956
45 File Number 877, Frances Fergusin Peltier 1955-1956
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
Consists of One Volume containing student records. Many of the names listed as being in this
volume have already been listed as having separate files.
1 Montez Wayne 1915-1918
2 Carrie Estelle Palmer ----
3 Dixie Blanche Sisk 1915-1918
4 Bessie Moore Herring ----
5 Julia Elizabeth Ray ----
6 Ella May Eversole 1915-1918
7 Lennis Hodges Ault 1915-1918
8 Bertha Jane Gourley 1915-1918
9 Desma Lillian Cantrelle 1916-1919
10 Mary Elizabeth Wolfe 1916-1919
11 Katharine Prudy Floyd 1916-1919
12 Ella Venice Boggs ----
13 Margaret McConnell 1916-1919
14 Flora Etta Myers ----
15 Vera Frances Hackler ----
16 Grace Estelle Rector 1915-1918
17 Mary Catherine Meek ----
18 Elizabeth Straub ----
19 Bonnie Gene Burgner ----
20 Amanda Leona Burgner 1917-___
21 Archie Dorothy Hobson ----
22 Martha Kennedy ----
23 Edith May Kennedy ----
24 Harriet Shephard Shoemaker ----
25 Emma May Huffmaster ----
26 Myrtle Brickey ___-1918
27 Hetty Lee O'Rourke ----
28 Emma Sylvia Southard 1916-1919
29 Lucy Gibson Freels 1916-1919
30 Alice May Estes 1916-1919
31 Ollie Baird 1916-1919
32 Mary Alice Humphreys 1916-1919
33 Olla Davis Burris 1916-1919
34 Alma Adams ----
35 Marie Elizabeth Parks 1916-1919
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
BOX NUMBER 80 (cont'd)
Consists of One Volume containing student records. Many of the names listed as being in this
volume have already been listed as having separate files.
36 Nora Ellis 1916-1919
37 Maude Lillian Brown 1916-1919
38 Emma Elizabeth Bradshaw 1916-1919
39 Lillian Irene Williams 1917-1920
40 Ida Garrett 1917-1920
41 Ruth Belle Duggan 1917-1920
42 Edith Floretta Brown ----
43 Ethel May ----
44 Mattie May ___-1918
45 Elizabeth Marcella McCarthy ----
46 Jessie Lois Martin ----
47 Maymie Pearl Nichols 1917-1919
48 Etta May Pope ___-1919
49 Lucille Jane Carmichael 1918-1919
50 Ruth Ethel Richards ----
51 Tammye Belle Britton ----
52 Pauline Lucille Harmon ----
53 Ora Ola Neubert ___-1918
54 Mae Lucille Baker ___-1918
55 Minnie Katharine Davis 1917-1920
56 Vera Juanita Goddard 1917-1920
57 Rhoda Frances Hyder 1917-1920
58 Amy Amma Wilson ___-1918
59 Hazel L. Burgner 1917-1920
60 Emma George 1917-1920
61 Cassie Oliver Griffiths 1917-1920
62 Pearl Dixon ___-1918
63 Olive Bergren ----
64 Elsie Bergren ----
65 Lula McDaniel ___-1918
66 Pauline Tinsley ___-1918
67 Grace Mullins ___-1918
68 Jennie Redmond ___-1918
69 Lucille Hart 1918-___
70 Beulah Bogart ----
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
BOX NUMBER 80 (cont'd)
Consists of One Volume containing student records. Many of the names listed as being in this
volume have already been listed as having separate files.
71 Lillard Goans ----
72 Stacy Brown 1918-1921
73 Minnie Gamblin 1918-1922
74 Goldie Elliott Ryan 1918-1921
75 Elizabeth Dance ----
76 Mollie Goins 1918-1921
77 Julia Goins ----
78 Edith Shoemaker ----
79 Emily Finger ----
80 Anne Felkner 1918-1922
81 Nancy May ----
82 Maggie Boyer ----
83 Virginia Flaherty 1918-1922
84 Carrie Lee Bingham 1919
85 Lucile Hugg 1919
86 Lily Blount 1918
87 Eva Dawson 1919
88 Anna Frances Ballou 1919
89 Melissa Gertrude Crittenden 1919-1923
90 Lina Boyer 1917-1918
91 Floreid A. Thompson ___-1917
92 Leona Jump ___-1919
93 Lynn Margaret Hoskins ___-1919
94 Rose Baird ___-1919
95 Mary Lane ___-1919
96 Estelle Virginia Parker ___-1919
97 Mayme Edith McCarty ___-1919
98 Ethel Manning Parker ___-1919
99 Thelma Benedict Hall ----
100 Nellie Nuchols ----
101 Gertrude Minnie Gamblin 1918-1922
102 Mary Belle Burris ___-1919
103 Miss Mackey ___-1919
104 Cora Bishop Keyes 1911-1914
105 Dora Lenice McLean 1912-1915
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-1: Knoxville General, Graduates.
BOX NUMBER 80 (cont'd)
Consists of One Volume containing student records. Many of the names listed as being in this
volume have already been listed as having separate files.
106 Katherine McCabe 1913-1916
107 Nellie James Ellis 1920-1923
108 Viola Lowry ___-1920
109 Margaret Alleta Marshall ___-1920
110 Mary Blanche Nottingham ___-1920
111 Lenore Ess Sexton ___-1920
112 Lean Smally ___-1920
113 Lillie Marie Cooker ___-1920
114 Mildred Pauline Davis ___-1920
115 Bertha Duggan ___-1920
116 Mary Ellis ___-1920
117 Jessie Jane Garland ___-1920
118 Hattie Augusta Henry ___-1920
119 Grace Minton ___-1920
120 Helen Geneva Rolan ___-1920
121 Pearl Sammon ___-1920
122 Pearl Thomas Whitehead ___-1920
123 Lucille Robley ___-1921
124 Mabeline Boyer ___-1921
125 Lillian Baird ___-1921
126 Clara M. Early ___-1921
127 Etta Griffith ----
128 Emma Guinn 1921
129 Mary Holbrook 1921
130 Mae Loden 1921
131 Eliza Ladson 1921
132 Kate Miller ----
133 Louise McCarry 1921
134 Ruth Ryne 1921
135 Carrie Maye 1921-1922
136 Helen Allen 1922
137 Marie Brown ----
138 Clara Boring 1921-1922
139 Edna Cox 1921
140 Mary P. Underwood 1919
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-2: Knoxville General, Terminated Students.
1 Maggie McRoberts Adams 1926-1927
2 Reable Jankins Adkins 1927
3 Mildred Joy Africa 1927
4 Reba Duff Alley 1926-1927
5 Helen Virginia Arppe 1926
6 Bonnie Beartrice Arrowood 1927-1929
7 Mae Austin 1926
8 Oma Blanche Bacon 1926
9 Pearl Bacon 1926
10 Oma Mae Banks 1928-1929
11 Clara Ernestine Beasley 1924-1925
12 Vera Veadice Beasley 1925
13 Faith Evangeline Bergner 1924-1926
14 Ida M. Berry 1925
15 Beatrice Love Bowman 1925
16 Elizabeth Boyer 1929
17 Georgia Camp Branscum 1927
18 Gladys Edith Brown 1923-1925
19 Florence Beatrice Burchett 1927
20 Ernestine Burnett 1928-1929
21 Mildred Carroll 1929-1931
22 Mary Agnes Carter 1928
23 Leo Pearl Cooper 1925
24 Adeline Lee Crumm 1926
25 Elsie Elizabeth Eley 1925
26 Helen Marie Elkins 1927
27 Myrtle Elliott 1928-1929
28 Hazel Marie Evans 1928
29 Ole Cleve Fisher 1925-1926
30 Ella Mae Fritts 1928
31 Mary Frost 1924-1925
32 Virginia Fred Gilbert 1927
33 Clara Elizabeth Grigsby 1928-1929
34 Virginia Katherine Gross 1926-1928
35 Viola Clarice Harrison 1927
36 Hermine Hartman 1925-1926
37 Lillian Moore Hartsell 1927
38 Trula Irene Hatmaker 1928
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-2: Knoxville General, Terminated Students.
BOX NUMBER 81 (cont'd)
39 Thelma Janet Henry 1924-1925
40 Lucile Hicks 1929
41 Bertha Hoffman 1925-1927
42 Gertrude Humphrey 1925
43 Iva Hutsell 1924-1925
44 Grace Renee Jenkins 1926
45 Elizabeth Jolly 1929
46 Lucy Lee Jones 1927
47 Anna Anette Kelly 1928
48 Evalyn Key 1927
49 Queen Buena Kincaid 1927
50 Oliva Pauline Lampkins 1927
51 Ruby Margaret Lane 1927
52 Margaret Hunt Lee 1927-1928
53 Darthea Violet Lindsay 1928
54 Hazel Llewwllyn 1927-1928
55 Thelma Virgil Longmire 1927-1928
56 Opal Looney 1926-1927
57 Elizabeth Maples 1925
58 Geneva Marcum 1926-1928
59 Gertrude Agnes Mason 1929
60 Clara Mae Mathes 1928
61 Emma Ruby McChristian 1927
62 Johnnie Ruth McConnell 1928
63 Beatrice Pauline McDaniel 1929
64 Helena McJenkins 1925-1927
65 Louise Rubye McNew 1927-1929
66 Eula Moore 1925-1926
67 Alma Jones Morgan 1926-1927
68 Cleo Morgan 1926
69 Essie Morgan 1926
70 Nannie Maria Mullins 1927
71 Nina Newcom 1928
72 Cecelia Agatha Nugent 1926
73 Reva Marjorie Passmore 1929
74 Carimal Patty 1925-1926
75 Alma Powell 1924-1925
76 Grace Jean Pridemore 1926-1927
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-2: Knoxville General, Terminated Students.
BOX NUMBER 81 (cont'd)
77 Marie Rambo 1925-1927
78 Daisy L. Reed 1927
79 Myrtle Robbins 1925
80 Lean Rivers Robertson 1927
81 Kathleen Robex 1925-1926
82 Anna Maurine Scott 1929-1930
83 Flora Lou Scott 1928-1929
84 Agnes M. Sharpe 1922-1925
85 Corrinne Simpson 1928
86 Leona Mable Skidmore 1926
87 Olive Joy Stalcup 1927-1928
88 Nancy Reed Steinman 1927
89 Nellie Irene Stephenson 1927
90 Ruby Maude Stonecipher 1928-1929
91 Winifried Magdalene Striekler 1924-1925
92 Carola Taylor 1928
93 Mildred Thompson 1924-1925
94 Margaret Louise Townsend 1927
95 Leota Walden 1925-1926
96 Blanche Waters 1928-1929
97 Lorena B. Wheatley 1926-1927
98 Dean Wilds 1923-1925
99 Ruby Williams 1927-1928
100 Cordelia Wilson 1927-1929
101 Katherine Elizabeth Wilson 1926
102 Mae Lee Wilson 1924-1925
103 Beatrice Witt 1926-1928
104 Lillie Mae Wood 1925
105 Nellie Mae Woodring 1927
106 Ruth Woodward 1928
107 Hazel Pearl Wright 1924-1925
108 Irene Elizabeth Wyatt 1927-1928
109 Minnie Lovin Yoakum 1925-1926
110 Madge York 1927-1928
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-2: Knoxville General, Terminated Students.
1 Correspondence: Concerning students who are
affiliated at the Knoxville General Hospital. 1929-1930
2 Bernice Elizabeth Abbley 1929-1930
3 Marjorie Abernathy 1935-1937
4 Irene Adams 1936
5 Anna Dee Atchley 1931
6 Margaret McGhee Bandy 1932
7 Lillian Banks 1935
8 Ocie Mae Barbe 1938-1939
9 Mary Ruth Barker 1935-1936
10 Mildred Barnette 1936
11 Sallie B. Barnette 1936
12 Edna Eldridge Baxter 1929-1930
13 Elizabeth Beams 1939
14 Alverta Arlene Bible 1939
15 Dorothy Bishop 1933
16 Carrie Blair 1936-1937
17 Johnnie Belle Blankenship
18 Ruby Christine Blessing 1934
19 Alice Blevins 1930
20 Donna Audrey Bradley 1936
21 Athelene Briggs 1937-1938
22 Clara Brown 1933-1934
23 Vada LaVern Brown 1932-1933
24 Adelyne Leo Brumley 1933
25 Jessie Mae Buckner 1932-1933
26 Eva Louise Bungardner 1932
27 Lilly Katherine Burnette 1933-1934
28 Mattie Lee Burnette 1935
29 Hortense Caldwell 1930
30 Sarah Frances Cannon 1931-1933
31 Audrey Sue Cantrell 1930-1931
32 Gertrude Carnford 1935
33 Frances Eloise Carroll 1933-1934
34 Edna Lou Carter 1935
35 Ina Mae Caylor 1935
36 Beulah Novella Chambers
37 Joyce Adeline Chambers 1934-1937
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-2: Knoxville General, Terminated Students.
BOX NUMBER 82 (cont'd)
38 Rena Chambers 1936
39 Ruth Irene Christopher 1936
40 Eva Clendenen 1938-1939
41 Elizabeth Click 1933
42 Sara Louise Cochran 1932
43 Myrtle Myree (Coffey) Raymond 1934-1935
44 Fannie Kate Coleman 1930
45 Helen Louise Cook 1938
46 Sylvia M. Coppenger 1932-1933
47 Eleanor Cox 1938
48 Janet Zelma Croley 1938
49 Ethel Gwendolyn Crowder 1931-1932
50 Marie Crowe 1929-1930
51 Grace Crumbliss 1930
52 Willie Velma Daugherty 1939
53 Evelyn Dayton 1937-1938
54 Christine DeLozier 1932-1934
55 Nancy Ethel Denny 1934-1935
56 Elizabeth DeSautelle 1937
57 Constance Dixon 1931-1934
58 Gladys Dobbins 1937
59 Jean Lillian Dugger 1932-1933
60 Margaret Viola Edens 1938-1939
61 Roette Elder 1935
62 Ruth A. Eller 1934-1935
63 Wilma Edith Elza 1933
64 Mildred Eubanks 1936
65 Opal Evans 1934
66 Irene Ferguson 1936
67 Dorothy B. Fleming 1929-1930
68 Mary L. Forester 1935
69 Elizabeth Fritts 1939
70 Pauline Fritts 1939
71 Helen Fugate 1938
72 Lois Leona Gage 1934
73 Lynic Mae Gentry 1929-1930
74 Edith Gibson 1937
75 Ivarine Gilliam 1939
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-2: Knoxville General, Terminated Students.
BOX NUMBER 82 (cont'd)
76 Pauline Hall 1937
77 Rhea Hance 1937-1939
78 Jewell Lanier Hancock 1937
79 Carolyn Rosalie Harris 1934
80 Lee Murrell Harris 1935
81 Willie Mabel Haworth 1933
82 Thelma Hill 1938-1939
83 Hannah Lea Holliday 1936-1938
84 Charlotte Irene Hooper 1931-1932
85 Mildred Lee Horne 1936-1937
86 Maxine Ruth Hoss 1938-1939
87 Geneva Pearle Huffstetler 1928-1930
88 Pauline Medra Jarrell 1939
89 Elsie Mae Jeffers 1930
90 Lilis Velma Johnson 1931-1933
91 Lillian Dawn Jones 1936
92 Madge Anne Jones 1936
93 Mary Allen Jones 1936
94 Elizabeth Dorcas Kash 1935
95 Jessie Irene Kelly 1931-1932
96 Sarah Elizabeth Kelley 1933
97 Ruth Eleanor Lancaster 1934-1935
98 Hazel Dorothy Landreth 1930
99 Mary Ann Leach 1938-1939
100 Faye Lett 1935-1936
101 Pauline Ruth Lett 1935-1936
102 Marie Longmire 1932-1934
103 Daphne Jeanette Lovelace 1930-1931
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-2: Knoxville General, Terminated Students.
1 Vesta Georgia Maness 1927-1930
2 Edna Maranville 1931-1933
3 Patricia Pauline Martin 1938
4 Munice Ada Massengill 1937-1938
5 Lillie Maude Mayes 1933
6 Drama Cora Mays 1934
7 Hannah Frances McCoy 1934
8 Nina Marie McSpadden 1931
9 Dorothy Mae Miller 1938
10 Georgia Lucille Miller 1939
11 Rassie Miller 1931-1932
12 Waynette June Miller 1938
13 Jessie Lee Mitchell 1935
14 Veral Mull 1939
15 Billie Bee NeSmith 1930-1931
16 Eva Nicholson 1931-1932
17 Louise Nordin 1936-1937
18 Rubye Louise Norton 1932-1934
19 Mary Louise Oberlin 1930-1933
20 Ruth Osborne 1930
21 Galdy Hazel Ottinger 1939
22 Maude Marie Overton 1934
23 Daisy Belle Palmer 1932-1934
24 Dorothy Louise Patton 1934-1936
25 Anna Lee Grace Payne 1937
26 Fay Monroe Peterson 1933-1935
27 Jane Elizabeth Peterson 1933
28 Irene Pilgreen 1929-1930
29 Helen Virginia Poffinberger 1929-1930
30 Frances Prater 1938
31 Margaret Estelle Proctor 1936-1937
32 Maisie Fisher Queen 1934-1935
33 Velma Lee Reynolds 1938
34 Agnes Luan Rhyne 1937
35 Edith Margarette Ring 1936-1937
36 Eleda Robinette 1937-1938
37 Virginia Draper Robinson 1937-1938
38 Marie Roddy 1932-1934
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-2: Knoxville General, Terminated Students.
BOX NUMBER 83 (cont'd)
39 Margaret Vance Rogers 1938-1939
40 Margaret Elizabeth Rowe 1933
41 Wilma Saunders 1938
42 Gladys Saxon 1932-1934
43 Carrie Eblen Scarbrough 1931
44 Mary Estelle Scott 1932-1933
45 Ruby Lee Seymour 1938
46 Juanita Burgner Shepard 1935
47 Ruby Joyce Shoemaker 1932-1933
48 Blanche Lucille Smith 1934
49 Helen Mildred Snyder 1934
50 Lula Mae Speers 1933
51 Nannie Kate Spencer 1934-1935
52 Mildred Stanfield 1935-1936
53 Emily Stanley 1930
54 Melita Stein 1930-1931
55 Edna Margaret Moore Stewart 1934
56 Gertrude Ellnora Summer 1930
57 Willie Lee Thompson 1937
58 Dorothy Tinsley 1936
59 Bertha Elizabeth Tobler 1933-1935
60 Carolyn Updyke 1934-1935
61 Sylvia Russell Vance 1937-1939
62 Margaret Louise Vesconti 1937-1939
63 Marion Eisabel Walker 1932
64 Maude Kensee Walker 1934
65 Helen Gayzell Wallace 1929-1930
66 Mary Katron Wallace 1936
67 Minnie Lee Weld 1935
68 Anna Cecelia Wells 1935
69 Marie Edith Wells 1937-1939
70 Ella Vida Widner 1932-1933
71 Effie Wilson 1937
72 Sarah Oretha Wininger 1934-1935
73 Minnie Alice Wolfe 1938-1939
74 Winifred Fern Wygal 1930-1932
75 Lillian Mae York 1937
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-2: Knoxville General, Terminated Students.
1 Billie Jean Adams 1946
2 Louise Adkins 1938-1940
3 Kathryn Alford 1940
4 Irene Hazell Anderson 1949
5 Garnet Ezelle Archer 1944-1946
6 Mary Mae Armstrong 1940
7 Lita Louise Ashburn 1944-1945
8 Edith Atkinson 1943
9 Anna Mae Bailey 1943
10 Helen Irene Baker 1941
11 Reva Jean Baker 1948
12 Dolly Baldwin 1948-1950
13 Mary Elizabeth Baldwin 1948
14 Betty Jo Banner 1949
15 Adelia Bean 1940
16 Mary Lou Begley 1948
17 Lola Victoria Bevins 1946
18 Dorothy Pauline Bishop 1948-1949
19 Margaret Jean Bishop 1944-1946
20 Evelyn Ruth Brewer 1945
21 Margie Bee Brown 1941
22 Opal Lee Brown 1944
23 Bernice Evelyn Brummett 1944
24 Phyllis June Burdine 1941-1942
25 Faye Juanita Burgess 1944-1945
26 Helen Ester Burton 1940-1942
27 Mildred Mae Caldwell 1949
28 Lucy Lee Cardwell 1949
29 Anita Sue Carter 1942
30 Janice West Carter 1944-1945
31 Irene Catherine Case 1941
32 Pauline Marie Casteel 1940
33 Nellie Marie Caylor 1949
34 Verna Hildred Chambers 1941
35 Ruth Leonora Chandler 1939-1941
36 Eva Mae Chapplell 1948-1949
37 Doris Bernice Christie 1945
38 Margaret Lucille Coffey 1944
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-2: Knoxville General, Terminated Students.
BOX NUMBER 84 (cont'd)
39 Audrey Marie Cox 1945-1947
40 Clara Kathleen Cox 1940-1942
41 Betty Jean Crandell 1948-1949
42 Lavernna Crase 1941
43 Ruby Arlene Crawford 1944
44 Pheobe Ann Cridlin 1940-1942
45 Zelda N. Cross 1949
46 Helen Lenore Crowe 1942
47 Bernice Viola Cunningan 1941-1942
48 Theodore Elizabeth Cushman 1942-1943
49 Clara Beth Davis 1943
50 Edith Elizabeth Dearmond 1942
51 Woodley Deck 1942-1943
52 France Lucy Dooley 1947
53 Willa Dean Dulaney 1945
54 Martha Ann Dunn 1946-1947
55 Mary Margaret Dye 1948
56 Mariola Penny Edwards 1946-1947
57 Wilmoth Azline Eidson 1940-1941
58 Virginia Caylor Elliott 1947
59 Margaret Marie Farmer 1944
60 Mary Louise Fayet 1940
61 Izetta Innis Flannary 1944
62 Mabel Pauline Fletcher 1945
63 Sarah Elizabeth Flick 1945-1946
64 Louise Ford 1946
65 Mary Lou Foster 1938-1941
66 Arlone Wanda Fox 1941
67 Thelma Jean Garrett 1949
68 Evelyn Christine Gentry 1939-1941
69 Doris Gervin 1940
70 Clara Imogene Giles 1946
71 Elma Lynn Gilliam 1947-1949
72 Draxie Elizabeth Gooch 1940-1941
73 Willie B. Green 1940
74 Mary Elizabeth Griffin 1949
75 Virginia Katherine Grigsby 1944-1945
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-2: Knoxville General, Terminated Students.
BOX NUMBER 84 (cont'd)
76 Bobbie Helena Grizzle 1949
77 Louise Adrion Grubb 1942-1943
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-2: Knoxville General, Terminated Students.
1 Zenna Haggard 1942
2 Joyce Geraldine Hall 1948-1949
3 Louise Hall 1940
4 Shirley Hamilton 1949
5 Louise Anna Hankel 1944
6 Janet Annella Hankins 1945-1946
7 Evelyn Hardin 1940
8 Natalie Bertha Harlan 1949
9 Lois Almeda Harrison 1944
10 Lena Frances Haskins 1942
11 Johnnie Faye Hawkins 1946-1947
12 Mary Jane Hawkins 1947-1948
13 Margaret Caroline Henderson 1940-1943
14 Geraldine Margaret Hill 1942
15 Mildred Iona Hilton 1946-1947
16 Odis Jennings Horton 1949
17 Nellie Hoskins 1942-1944
18 Virginia Jewell Hubbs 1942-1943
19 Kathleen Mavis Huddle 1945-1946
20 Dora Mildred Huffman 1943
21 Virginia Reed Ivens 1949
22 Hilda Sinclaire Jervis 1941
23 Nicie Virginia Jesse 1938-1940
24 Alice Frances Jewett 1947-1948
25 Anna Lee Johnson 1949
26 Effie Johnson 1949
27 Christine Boots Jones 1944
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-2: Knoxville General, Terminated Students.
BOX NUMBER 85 (cont'd)
28 Ruby Keene 1948-1949
29 Sarah Frances Kelsey 1940
30 Juanita Kilpatrick 1944-1947
31 Betty Jo King 1949
32 Edwina Page King 1943-1944
33 Mary Katherine Knox 1943
34 Alta Mae Konczak 1942
35 Dot Louise Lacey 1944-1945
36 Mary Charles Lawson 1949
37 Anna Jean Lee 1947
38 Dorothy Louise Leonard 1940
39 Mildred Elizabeth Lester 1944
40 Madge Marie Lewis 1947-1948
41 Rosa Lee Lewis 1941
42 Betty Margaret Ligette 1946-1947
43 Lois Nannie Literal 1940
44 Miriam Litoff 1942
45 Marie Locklear 1947
46 Dorothy Bell Lonas 1940
47 Goldie Fay Looney 1948-1949
48 Ollie Kate Lowe 1941-1943
49 Edna Pauline Luttrell 1940
50 Dorothy Elizabeth Massengale 1941
51 Naomi Lee Matthews 1949
52 Bertha Elizabeth McCall 1946-1947
53 Tommie Elizabeth McCamy 1944
54 Blanche McCarter 1941
55 Lou Ella McDavid 1948-1949
56 Alta McGlothin 1943-1945
57 Ruth Lokeil McGlothlin 1943-1944
58 Margaret Eversole McGraw 1943-1944
59 Beulah Blanche McGuire 1941
60 Dorothy Jean McGuire 1946-1948
61 Doloris McHone 1944
62 Betty Ann McKinney 1943-1944
63 Dorothy Idell Meredith 1942
64 Frances Lee Miller 1938-1941
65 Marie Evelyn Millner 1941-1942
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-2: Knoxville General, Terminated Students.
BOX NUMBER 85 (cont'd)
66 Virgil Irene Monday 1940
67 Geneva Inez Money 1944-1946
68 Willie Jo Moore 1946
69 Mollie Annie Mottern 1940-1941
70 Mary Elizabeth Murphy 1940
71 Hester Ann Newman 1944
72 Mary Louise Nichols 1944
73 Edith Jean Norman 1942-1943
74 Vivian Oaks 1945-1947
75 Frances Louise O'Dell 1944
76 Blanche Oxendine 1944
77 Verna Louise Parshall 1949
78 Mary Moses Parsley 1945-1946
79 Mayme Mattie Payne 1940
80 Mary Kate Pinkstone 1942
81 Willie Franklin Pinkstone 1942
82 Elizabeth Graves Pippin 1939-1941
83 Clara Anna Pitman 1942-1943
84 Ruby Lee Powell 1941-1942
85 Nina Marie Powers 1944
86 Bobbie Lee Pratt 1949
87 Myrtle Rebecca Price 1948
88 Wanda Arree Proffitt 1944
89 Melba Jean Provence 1948-1949
90 Edith Lucille Qualls 1948
91 Mary Laura Queen 1944-1945
92 Elizabeth Wilson Quillan 1941
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-2: Knoxville General, Terminated Students.
1 Burma Raines 1944
2 Mary Jo Ramsey 1942
3 Ruby Virginia Rawlings 1940
4 Sarah Grace Reagan 1940
5 Ruth Virginia Reed 1942-1943
6 Ruby Maxine Rich 1944
7 Edna Ruth Richards 1940
8 Elizabeth Lynn Richards 1941
9 Burnidean Pickett 1946-1947
10 Myrtle Geneva Riddle 1945
11 Eula YeVonne Robinson 1940
12 Florence Marie Rowland 1941
13 Harryette Lee Rupard 1947-1948
14 Ruth Lillian Russell 1944-1945
15 Lahoma Esther Sampsel 1942
16 Lou Alice Sams 1941
17 Mary Ella Sands 1946
18 Viola Cvetnich Sexton 1947-1948
19 Clara Louise Shepherd 1944
20 Katherine Iota Simms 1938-1940
21 Pauline Sloan 1942
22 Audra Marion Smith 1944-1945
23 Edna Smith 1943-1946
24 Jobyna Chrystene Smith 1941-1942
25 Arline Mavis Sowder 1940-1941
26 Hazel Violet Sparks 1941
27 Kathleen Alexandria Spence 1946-1947
28 Helen Doris Sprinkle 1939-1943
29 Gladys Mae Stansel 1949
30 Mary Frances Starnes 1949
31 Norma Constance Starnes 1940
32 Helen Jewell Stooksbury 1943-1944
33 Shirley Jean Stroud 1948-1949
34 Naomi Ruth Tillery 1938-1940
35 Mary Nelle Trotter 1944
36 Irene Julia Turner 1947
37 Fay Maggie Underwood 1949
38 Ina Hope Wachtel 1949
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-2: Knoxville General, Terminated Students.
BOX NUMBER 86 (cont'd)
39 Veda Belle Waggoner 1949
40 Gerraldine Wagner 1949
41 Lela Grace Walker 1944
42 Peggy Elizabeth (Walters) Collister 1943-1944
43 Katy Ruth Warren 1946-1947
44 Bonnie Irene Washam 1938-1940
45 Delphia Odessie Webb 1949
46 Virginia Lee Webb 1941
47 Geraldine Wells 1940
48 Wanda Imogene Whitaker 1949
49 Ann Louise Widner 1944-1945
50 Anna Maurice Wiggins 1947-1949
51 Hazel Valarie Wiggins 1948
52 Elma Wilkes 1945
53 Alice Lawson Williams 1943
54 Rena Williams 1946
55 Ruth Ray Williams 1949
56 Virginia Sue Williams 1949
57 Mary Ruth Wilson 1949
58 Ruth Wilson 1948
59 Mattie Elizabeth Wood 1940-1941
60 Mary Azalee Wright 1944-1946
61 Helen Pauline Wright 1945-1946
62 Irelene Jane Young 1944
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-2: Knoxville General, Terminated Students.
1 Barbara Jean Arnott 1955-1956
2 Barbara Marie Atkins 1952
3 Beatrice Cain Bowman 1948-1950
4 Sara Ann Boyd 1954-1956
5 Jennie Lee Bratcher 1955-1956
6 Reva Jean Breazeale 1950
7 Helen Louise Brown 1949-1952
8 Christine Hazel Bunch 1947
9 Virginia Lee Butcher 1952
10 Martha Frances Butler 1950-1952
11 Maudie June Carroll 1950
12 Dora Lee Chadwick 1952
13 Wanda Mae Clarkson 1948-1950
14 Mary Louise Cochran 1952
15 Peggy Irene Cooke 1950
16 Dolores Jean Cooper 1952-1953
17 Virginia Ailene Corum 1954-1955
18 Anna Margaret Courtney 1953-1954
19 Kathleen Brooks Cox 1951
20 Yvonne Cox 1955
21 Ruth Ledela Craig 1950
22 Jo-Ella Cravens 1952-1953
23 Shirley Doris Crowe 1954
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-2: Knoxville General, Terminated Students.
1 Jacqueline Dempsey 1954
2 Delories Helen Dockery 1952
3 Margaret Leota Duggan 1954
4 Mary Peggy English 1950
5 Margaret Fann 1950
6 Shirley Virginia Fannon 1948-1950
7 Anne Elizabeth Farrington 1949-1950
8 Wanda Faye Flannigan 1950-1951
9 Helen Maxine Fox 1953-1955
10 Eula Mae French 1954-1955
11 Barbara Joan Gibson 1951
12 Mary Magdalene Greene 1951-1952
13 Lillian Louise Gregory 1950
14 Margaret Louise Guyear 1954
15 Arbuttis Fannie Hamblin 1950-1951
16 Sibyl Mae Harrington 1952
17 Mary Ada Hatmaker 1950-1951
18 Ella Jean Henard 1950
19 Doris Marie Henry 1954
20 Mary Sue Hodge 1954-1955
21 Geneva Irene Householder 1945-1946
22 Nancy Sue Houser 1950-1951
23 Carol Lee Huggins 1952
24 Netta Pearl Ison 1954
25 Carolyn Deloris Jackson 1951
26 Anne Johnson 1952
27 Carolyn Nadine Johnson 1953-1954
28 Elizabeth Ann Johnson 1955-1956
29 Blanche Reba Jones 1951
30 Gloma Joyce King 1954-1955
31 Johnnie Jean King 1949-1950
32 Betty Jeanette Koontz 1953
33 Phyliss Jewelle Lawson 1954
34 Ruby Jean Layne 1953
35 Mary Jane Levy 1953
36 Peggy Ann Levy 1953
37 Alice Sue Littleton 1952-1953
38 Betty Rose Lowery 1952
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-2: Knoxville General, Terminated Students.
BOX NUMBER 88 (cont'd)
39 Martha Ann Luttrell 1951
40 Georgia Ruth Lyons 1953
41 Marla Joann Manning 1955
42 Anna Mae McCoy 1949-1951
43 Joyce Nelma McCurry 1950
44 Irene McKinney 1952
45 Frances Elaine Melton 1954-1955
46 Irene Nota Miller 1953-1954
47 Peggy Scott Minnick 1951-1952
48 Shelby Jean Moffitt 1955-1956
49 Vivian Janet Monroe 1954-1955
50 Jonell (Moore) Coffey 1950-1952
51 Mary Helen Nisley 1953
52 Faye Nolan 1950-1951
53 Rhoda Mary Odom 1950
54 Audrey Floress Officer 1950-1952
55 Eva Mae Ogle 1953
56 Elizabeth Normagene O'Neal 1953
57 Bobbie Ann Ownby 1952
58 Kathleen Parson 1955-1956
59 Lois Jane Perkins 1954
60 Shirley Rose Phillips 1951
61 Sarah Anne Pierce 1954-1956
62 Voncilla Pridemore 1954-1955
63 Mildred Sue Reed 1952
64 Betty Louise Renner 1952-1953
65 Evelyn Rebecca Rensler 1953
66 Barbara King Rhea 1953
67 Betty Jean Rhodes 1951-1954
68 Moncie Marie Salyer 1952-1953
69 Ora Kathleen Scarbrough 1953
70 Esther Ann Shell 1955-1956
71 Barbara Yvonne Sise 1955-1956
72 Flora Lee Smith 1954-1955
73 Nancy Elizabeth Snodderly 1954-1955
74 Nellie Mae Spence 1954-1955
75 Betty Stout 1951-1952
76 Deloris Sylvia Sweeney 1953
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series F-2: Knoxville General, Terminated Students.
BOX NUMBER 88 (cont'd)
77 Joyce Kathleen Talent 1950
78 Billie Rhea Thomas 1950-1951
79 Betty Jo Thompson 1952-1953
80 Ellen Joyce Voiles 1954
81 Emily Jo Weems 1951-1952
82 Thelma Daye Wilkerson 1951-1952
83 Barbara Allen Williams 1952
84 Dorris Ann Wilson 1950-1952
85 Katherine Louise Wilson 1954-1955
86 Myrtle Jessee Wilson 1953
87 Bettye Jean Witt 1952
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series G: General
This box consists of Applications to take the Nursing Examination.
1 Applications 1917
2 Applications 1918
3 Applications 1919
4 Applications 1920
5 Applications 1921
6 Applications 1922
7 Applications 1923
8 Applications 1924
9 Applications 1925
10 Applications 1926
11 Applications 1927
12 Applications 1928
13 Applications 1929
14 Applications 1930
15 Applications 1931
16 Applications 1932
17 Applications 1933
18 Applications 1934
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series G: General
This box consists of Exam Questions and LPN Certification material.
1 List of Candidates for Examination, Exam Questions ----
2 List of Candidates for Exam 1915
3 List of Candidates for Exam 1916
4 List of Candidates for Exam 1917
5 List of Candidates for Exam, Exam Questions 1918
6 List of Candidates for Exam, Exam Questions 1919
7 List of Candidates for Exam, Exam Questions 1920
8 List of Candidates for Exam, Exam Questions 1921
9 List of Candidates for Exam, Exam Questions 1922
10 List of Candidates for Exam 1923
11 List of Candidates for Exam, Exam Questions 1924
12 List of Candidates for Exam, Exam Questions 1925
13 List of Candidates for Exam, Exam Questions 1926
14 List of Candidates for Exam, Exam Questions 1927
15 List of Candidates for Exam, Exam Questions 1930
16 Exam Questions, Exam Scores May, 1935
17 Exam Questions, Exam Scores December, 1935
18 Exam Questions, Exam Scores May, 1936
19 Exam Questions, Exam Scores February, 1937
20 Exam Questions, Exam Scores September, 1937
21 Exam Questions, Urology ----
22 Exam Questions, Exam Scores March, 1938
23 Exam Questions, Exam Scores September, 1938
24 Exam Questions, Exam Scores March, 1939
25 Exam Questions, Exam Scores September, 1939
26 Exam Questions, Exam Scores March, 1940
27 Exam Questions, Exam Scores September, 1940
28 Exam Questions, Exam Scores March, 1941
29 Exam Questions, Exam Scores September, 1941
30 Exam Questions, Exam Scores February, 1942
31 Exam Questions, Exam Scores August, 1942
32 Exam Questions September, 1942
33 Exam Questions February, 1943
34 Exam Questions February, 1944
35 Exam Questions August, 1944
36 Exam Questions January, 1945
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series G: General
BOX NUMBER 90 (cont'd)
This box consists of Exam Questions and LPN Certification material.
37 Exam Questions August, 1945
38 Exam Questions February, 1946
39 Exam Questions May, 1946
40 Exam Scores Oct., 1961
41 Exam Scores Apr., 1965
42 Exam Scores June-July, 1965
43 Exam Scores Oct., 1965
44 Exam Scores Apr., 1966
45 Exam Scores June, 1966
46 Exam Scores Oct., 1966
47 Exam Scores Apr., 1967
48 Exam Scores July, 1967
49 Exam Scores Oct., 1967
50 Exam Booklet Apr., 1969
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series G: General
1 Accreditation 1951
2 American Nursing Home Association 1966
3 Applications, Samples ----
4 Committee on Equivalency 1966
5 Constitution of Nurse’s' Alumnae Association of the
Women's Hospital of Tennessee 1913
6 Correspondence: Mrs. Nina Mae Basham 1966
7 Correspondence: James Crews 1966
8 Correspondence: Dr. William H. Edwards, Jr. 1966
9 Correspondence: Hazel Fowler 1966
10 Correspondence: Mrs. Mildred H. Fredrickson 1966
11 Correspondence: Dr. Byron Garner 1966
12 Correspondence: Zerita Hagerman 1966
13 Correspondence: T.W. Newland 1966
14 Correspondence: Sister Rolinda 1966
15 Correspondence: Mrs. Clara Roush 1966
16 Correspondence: Mrs. Pauline Wright 1966
17 Early Development LPN Programs 1941-1952
18 Functions and Standards of Members of
State Board of Nursing 1951, 1957
19 Lists: Board Members 1956-1968
20 Loans: Nursing Students Program 1963-1966
21 LPN Inservice Training 1955-1957
22 LPN Minimum Standards 1941-1946
23 Nurses License: Virginia Helen Smith 1927
24 Office of the Board of Nursing, Action by the Board 1966
25 Office Personnel, Job Descriptions and
Qualifications ----
26 Office Procedures ----
27 Public Relations 1966
28 Printed Materials: Role of Board in Control of
Professional Practice 1958
29 Referendum Votes 1966
30 Rejection Letters: A 1972-1974
31 Rejection Letters: B 1973-1975
32 Rejection Letters: C 1972-1975
33 Rejection Letters: D 1972-1973
34 Rejection Letters: E 1971-1974
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series G: General
BOX NUMBER 91 (cont'd)
35 Rejection Letters: G 1974-1975
36 Rejection Letters: H 1974
37 Rejection Letters: J 1973
38 Rejection Letters: K 1969-1975
39 Rejection Letters: L 1973-1975
40 Rejection Letters: M 1973-1975
41 Rejection Letters: O 1974
42 Rejection Letters: P 1974-1975
43 Rejection Letters: R 1974-1975
44 Rejection Letters: S 1974
45 Rejection Letters: T 1974-1975
46 Rejection Letters: V 1973-1975
47 Rejection Letters: W 1975
48 Rejection Letters: Y 1974
49 Reports: Annual Reports, Schools of Nursing,
Samples ----
50 Reports: Annual Report to Tennessee Hospital
Association 1961-1962
51 Reports: Report to Tennessee League for Nursing 1959
52 Reports: Annual Report to Tennessee Licensing
Practical Nurses' Association 1960-1962
53 Reports: Annual Report to Tennessee Nurses
Association 1959-1962
54 Reports: Audit Report on Books and Records
of Board of Nursing 1964-1960
55 Reports: Secretary-Consultant Report to the Board 1950-1959
56 Reports: Secretary-Consultant Report to the Board 1960-1969
57 Scrapbook, 68th General Assembly 1933
58 Security Measures 1966
59 Tennessee Hospital Association and Research
Foundation, Inc. 1966
60 Tennessee League for Nursing 1966
61 Tennessee Licensed Practical Nurses Association, Inc. 1966-1967
62 Tennessee Nurses Association 1965-1968
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series G: General
1 Minutes of Board Meetings 1951-June, 1955
2 Minutes of Board Meetings July, 1955
3 Minutes of Board Meetings Jan. 8, 1956
4 Minutes of Board Meetings May 27, 1956
5 Minutes of Board Meetings Nov. 18, 1956
6 Minutes of Board Meetings Jan.-June, 1957
7 Minutes of Board Meetings July 21, 1957
8 Minutes of Board Meetings Nov.-Dec., 1957
9 Minutes of Board Meetings Jan.-Mar., 1958
10 Minutes of Board Meetings Mar. 30, 1958
11 Minutes of Board Meetings May 4, 1958
12 Minutes of Board Meetings Aug. 3, 1958
13 Minutes of Board Meetings Nov. 30, 1958
14 Minutes of Board Meetings Apr. 1, 1959
15 Minutes of Board Meetings Apr. 26, 1959
16 Minutes of Board Meetings May-Oct., 1959
17 Minutes of Board Meetings Mar. 13, 1960
18 Minutes of Board Meetings June 19, 1960
19 Minutes of Board Meetings Dec. 11, 1960
20 Minutes of Board Meetings Apr. 7-8, 1961
21 Minutes of Board Meetings Apr. 19, 1961
22 Minutes of Board Meetings May 20, 1961
23 Minutes of Board Meetings Aug. 5, 1961
24 Minutes of Board Meetings Sept. 7, 1961
25 Minutes of Board Meetings Dec. 10, 1961
26 Minutes of Board Meetings Jan. 20, 1962
27 Minutes of Board Meetings Mar. 10, 1962
28 Minutes of Board Meetings May 17, 1962
29 Minutes of Board Meetings May 26, 1962
30 Minutes of Board Meetings July 19, 1962
31 Minutes of Board Meetings Dec. 7, 1962
32 Minutes of Board Meetings Apr. 16, 1963
33 Minutes of Board Meetings June 19, 1963
34 Minutes of Board Meetings July 17, 1963
35 Minutes of Board Meetings Sept. 18, 1963
36 Minutes of Board Meetings Oct. 2, 1963
37 Minutes of Board Meetings Nov. 2,1963
38 Minutes of Board Meetings Dec., 1963
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series G: General
BOX NUMBER 92 (cont'd)
39 Minutes of Board Meetings Jan. 8, 1964
40 Minutes of Board Meetings Feb. 28, 1964
41 Minutes of Board Meetings Apr. 15, 1964
42 Minutes of Board Meetings June 30, 1964
43 Minutes of Board Meetings July 1, 1964
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series G: General
1 Minutes of Board Meetings Sept. 10, 1964
2 Minutes of Board Meetings Nov., 1964
3 Minutes of Board Meetings Jan. 13, 1965
4 Minutes of Board Meetings May 28, 1965
5 Minutes of Board Meetings June-Oct., 1965
6 Minutes of Board Meetings Nov., 1965
7 Minutes of Board Meetings Mar. 3, 1966
8 Minutes of Board Meetings July 8, 1966
9 Minutes of Board Meetings Sept. 23, 1966
10 Minutes of Board Meetings Dec. 9, 1966
11 Minutes of Board Meetings Jan. 20, 1967
12 Minutes of Board Meetings Apr. 21, 1967
13 Minutes of Board Meetings Aug. 9, 1967
14 Minutes of Board Meetings Sept. 23, 1967
15 Minutes of Board Meetings Oct. 20, 1967
16 Minutes of Board Meetings Nov. 29-30, 1967
17 Minutes of Board Meetings Mar. 14, 1968
18 Minutes of Board Meetings Apr. 18, 1964
19 Minutes of Board Meetings Oct. 25, 1968
20 Minutes of Board Meetings Apr. 18, 1969
21 Minutes of Board Meetings May, 1969
22 Minutes of Board Meetings Aug. 15, 1969
23 Minutes of Board Meetings Sept. 5, 1969
24 Minutes of Board Meetings Dec. 12, 1969
25 Minutes of Board Meetings Jan.16, 1970
26 Minutes of Board Meetings Apr. 13, 1970
27 Minutes of Board Meetings June 2, 1970
28 Minutes of Board Meetings July 17, 1970
29 Minutes of Board Meetings Oct. 2, 1970
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number II: Board of Nursing
Sub Series G: General
1 Minutes of Board Meetings Jan. 15, 1971
2 Minutes of Board Meetings Mar. 25, 1971
3 Minutes of Board Meetings Apr. 21, 1971
4 Minutes of Board Meetings Apr. 26, 1971
5 Minutes of Board Meetings Sept. 24, 1971
6 Minutes of Board Meetings Jan.20-21, 1972
7 Minutes of Board Meetings Feb. 11, 1972
8 Minutes of Board Meetings Apr. 7, 1972
9 Minutes of Board Meetings July 14, 1972
10 Minutes of Board Meetings Oct. 20, 1972
11 Minutes of Board Meetings Jan. 18-19, 1973
12 Minutes of Board Meetings Apr. 19-20, 1973
13 Minutes of Board Meetings July 20, 1973
14 Minutes of Board Meetings Oct. 19, 1973
15 Minutes of Board Meetings Jan. 18, 1974
16 Minutes of Board Meetings Apr. 19, 1974
17 Minutes of Board Meetings July 26, 1974
18 Minutes of Board Meetings Oct. 18, 1974
19 Minutes of Board Meetings Jan. 17, 1975
20 Minutes of Board Meetings Apr. 18, 1975
21 Minutes of Board Meetings July 18, 1975
22 Minutes of Board Meetings Aug. 12, 1975
23 Minutes of Board Meetings Oct. 16-17, 1975
24 Minutes of Board Meetings Jan. 9, 1976
25 Minutes of Board Meetings Jan. 15-16, 1976
26 Minutes of Board Meetings Apr. 23, 1976
27 Minutes of Board Meetings July 22, 1976
28 Minutes of Board Meetings Sept. 17, 1976
29 Minutes of Board Meetings Oct. 15, 1976
30 Minutes of Board Meetings Feb. 18, 1977
31 Minutes of Board Meetings Apr. 15, 1977
32 Minutes of Board Meetings July 14-15, 1977
33 Minutes of Board Meetings Oct. 21, 1977
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 1, Cookeville General Hospital,
Construction/Application File 1948-1952
2 Project 1, Cookeville General Hospital,
Equipment/Payment File 1950-1952
3 Project 1A, Cookeville General Hospital,
Application/Construction File 1953-1958
4 Project 1A, Cookeville General Hospital,
Equipment File 1957-1958
5 Project 2, Obion County General Hospital,
Payment File 1948-1952, 1976-1977
6 Project 2, Obion County General Hospital,
Specifications File 1949
7 Project 2, Obion County General Hospital,
Specifications File, Group 2 Equipment 1949
8 Project 2A, Obion County General Hospital,
Equipment/Payment File 1952-1955, 1976-1977
9 Project 2A, Obion County General Hospital,
Specifications File 1952
10 Project 3, Cumberland Medical Center,
Application/Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1948-1952
11 Project 3B, Cumberland Medical Center,
Specifications File 1965
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 5, Lauderdale County Hospital,
Application/Construction/Payments 1948-1953, 1976
2 Project 5, Lauderdale County Hospital,
Equipment 1949-1953
3 Project 5, Lauderdale County Hospital,
Specifications 1948
4 Project 5, Lauderdale County Hospital,
Specifications, Furniture, Equipment, Utensils 1948
5 Project 5A, Lauderdale County General Hospital,
Application/Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1952-1955
6 Project 5A, Lauderdale County General Hospital,
Specifications 1953
7 Project 6, Lincoln County Hospital, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1948-1951
8 Project 6, Lincoln County Hospital, Specifications 1949
9 Project 6, Lincoln County Hospital, Street and
Parking Lot 1950
10 Project 7, Giles County Hospital, Application/
Construction/Payment File 1947-1976
11 Project 7, Giles County Hospital, Equipment File 1951
12 Project 7, Giles County Hospital, Specifications 1949
13 Project 7A, Giles County Hospital, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1950-1978
14 Project 7A, Giles County Hospital, Specifications 1957
15 Project 7B, Giles County Hospital, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1966-1977
16 Project 7B, Giles County Hospital, Specifications 1967
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 8, Lawrence County Hospital, Application/
Construction/Payment File 1947-1953
2 Project 8, Lawrence County Hospital, Equipment File 1951
3 Project 8, Lawrence County Hospital, Specifications 1949
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 9, Jackson-Madison County Hospital,
Equipment/Payment File 1948-1953
2 Project 9, Jackson-Madison County Hospital,
Application/Construction File 1948-1952
3 Project 9, Jackson-Madison County Hospital,
Specifications File, Equipment 1948
4 Project 9, Jackson-Madison County Hospital,
Specifications File, Construction 1948
5 Project 9A, Jackson-Madison County Hospital,
Application/Construction/Payment File 1950-1954
6 Project 9A, Jackson-Madison County Hospital,
Equipment File 1953-1954
7 Project 9A, Jackson-Madison County Hospital,
Specifications File 1951
8 Project 10, Blount County Hospital, Application/
Construction File 1948-1951
9 Project 10, Blount County Hospital, Equipment/
Payment File 1949-1951
10 Project 10, Blount County Hospital, Specifications File 1948
11 Project 10A, Blount Memorial Hospital, Application/
Construction/ Equipment/Payment File 1953-1975
12 Project 10A, Blount Memorial Hospital,
Specifications File 1955
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 11, Memorial Hospital, Johnson City,
Application File 1949-1952
2 Project 11, Memorial Hospital, Johnson City,
Construction File 1949-1952
3 Project 11, Memorial Hospital, Johnson City,
Payment File 1949-1952
4 Project 11, Memorial Hospital, Johnson City,
Equipment File 1950-1951
5 Project 11A, Memorial Hospital, Johnson City,
Application File 1950-1952
6 Project 11A, Memorial Hospital, Johnson City,
Construction File 1951-1952
7 Project 11A, Memorial Hospital, Johnson City,
Equipment File 1950-1951
8 Project 11A, Memorial Hospital, Johnson City,
Payment File 1950-1952
9 Project 12, Crippled Children's Hospital, Knoxville,
Application/Construction/Equipment File 1948-1968
10 Project 12, Crippled Children's Hospital, Knoxville,
Payment File 1950-1965
11 Project 12, Crippled Children's Hospital, Knoxville,
Specifications for Case Work 1950
12 Project 12, Crippled Children’s Hospital, Knoxville,
Specifications for Kitchen Equipment 1950
13 Project 12, Crippled Children's Hospital, Knoxville,
Specifications 1949
14 Project 12, Crippled Children's Hospital, Knoxville,
Specifications for Sterilizing Equipment 1950
15 Project 13, Hardin County Hospital, Application File 1949-1976
16 Project 13, Hardin County Hospital, Construction File 1950-1954
17 Project 13, Hardin County Hospital, Equipment File 1951-1954
18 Project 13, Hardin County Hospital, Payment File 1950-1954
19 Project 13, Hardin County Hospital, Specifications 1950
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 14, Holston Valley Community Hospital,
Kingsport, Application File 1948-1953
2 Project 14, Holston Valley Community Hospital,
Kingsport, Construction File 1950-1953
3 Project 14, Holston Valley Community Hospital,
Kingsport, Equipment File 1951-1953
4 Project 14, Holston Valley Community Hospital,
Kingsport, Equipment File 1951-1952
5 Project 14, Holston Valley Community Hospital,
Kingsport, Payment File 1950-1953
6 Project 14, Holston Valley Community Hospital,
Kingsport, Specifications 1950
7 Project 14, Holston Valley Community Hospital,
Kingsport, Addendum No. 4 1950
8 Project 16, Bedford County Hospital, Application File 1949-1953
9 Project 16, Bedford County Hospital, Equipment File 1950-1953
10 Project 16, Bedford County Hospital, Construction File 1949-1953
11 Project 16, Bedford County Hospital, Payment File 1950-1953
12 Project 16, Bedford County Hospital, Stills and
Sterilizing Equipment 1950
13 Project 17, Emerald-Hodgson Hospital, Sewanee,
Application File 1947-1972
14 Project 17, Emerald-Hodgson Hospital, Sewanee,
Construction File 1950-1951
15 Project 17, Emerald-Hodgson Hospital, Sewanee,
Equipment File 1950-1951
16 Project 17, Emerald-Hodgson Hospital, Sewanee,
Payment File 1949-1951
17 Project 17, Emerald-Hodgson Hospital, Sewanee,
Specifications 1950
18 Project 18, Bristol Memorial Hospital, Application File 1947-1956
19 Project 18, Bristol Memorial Hospital, Construction File 1950-1953
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 18, Bristol Memorial Hospital, Equipment File 1950-1953
2 Project 18, Bristol Memorial Hospital, Program and
Plan Schematics ----
3 Project 18, Bristol Memorial Hospital, Payment File 1948-1954
4 Project 19, Montgomery County General Hospital,
Application File 1950-1950
5 Project 19, Montgomery County General Hospital,
Construction File 1951-1954
6 Project 19, Montgomery County General Hospital,
Equipment File 1953-1954
7 Project 19, Montgomery County General Hospital,
Payment File 1949-1955
8 Project 19, Montgomery County General Hospital,
Preliminary Program 1950
9 Project 19, Montgomery County General Hospital,
Specifications 1951
10. Project 19, Montgomery County General Hospital,
Hardware Specifications 1951
11 Project 19, Montgomery County General Hospital,
Room Finish and Equipment Schedule 1951
12 Project 19, Montgomery County General Hospital,
Dental Equipment Specifications 1952
13 Project 19, Montgomery County General Hospital,
Kitchen and Cafeteria Equipment Specifications 1952
14 Project 19, Montgomery County General Hospital,
Sterilizing Equipment Specifications 1952
15 Project 19A, Montgomery County General Hospital,
Application/Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1953-1957
16 Project 19A, Montgomery County General Hospital,
Specifications 1955
17 Project 20, Maury County Hospital & Health Center,
Equipment 1950-1951
18 Project 20, Maury County Hospital & Health Center,
Equipment Invoices 1950-1951
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 20, Maury County Hospital & Health Center,
Application/Construction File 1950-1955
2 Project 20, Maury County Hospital & Health Center,
Room Finish & Equipment Schedule 1950
3 Project 20, Maury County Hospital & Health Center,
Specification 1951
4 Project 20, Maury County Hospital & Health Center,
Payment File 1951-1955
5 Project 21, Bradley County General Hospital,
Application File 1949-1954
6 Project 21, Bradley County General Hospital,
Construction File 1950-1953
7 Project 21, Bradley County General Hospital,
Equipment File 1951-1954
8 Project 21, Bradley County General Hospital,
Payment File 1952-1954
9 Project 21, Bradley County General Hospital,
Specifications 1951
10 Project 22, Rutherford County Hospital,
Application File 1949-1953
11 Project 22, Rutherford County Hospital,
Construction File 1950-1953
12 Project 22, Rutherford County Hospital,
Equipment File 1952
13 Project 22, Rutherford County Hospital,
Payment File 1951-1953
14 Project 22, Rutherford County Hospital,
Specifications 1951
15 Project 22A, Rutherford County Hospital, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1953-1958
16 Project 22A, Rutherford County Hospital,
Specifications File 1953-1955
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 23, Coffee County General Hospital,
Application File 1950-1955
2 Project 23, Coffee County General Hospital,
Construction File 1952-1955
3 Project 23, Coffee County General Hospital,
Equipment File 1953-1954
4 Project 23, Coffee County General Hospital,
Payment File 1952-1955
5 Project 23, Coffee County General Hospital,
Specifications for X-Ray Equipment 1954
6 Project 23, Coffee County General Hospital,
Specifications 1952
7 Project 24, Henry County General Hospital,
Application File 1950-1976
8 Project 24, Henry County General Hospital,
Construction File 1952-1954
9 Project 24, Henry County General Hospital,
Equipment File 1952-1954
10 Project 24, Henry County General Hospital,
Payment File 1952-1954
11 Project 24, Henry County General Hospital,
Equipment Specifications File 1952
12 Project 24, Henry County General Hospital,
Specifications 1951
13 Project 24, Henry County General Hospital,
Program Description 1950
14 Project 25, Unicoi County Memorial Hospital,
Application File 1950-1953
15 Project 25, Unicoi County Memorial Hospital,
Construction File 1952-1953
16 Project 25, Unicoi County Memorial Hospital,
Equipment File 1952-1953
17 Project 25, Unicoi County Memorial Hospital,
Payment File 1952-1953
18 Project 25, Unicoi County Memorial Hospital,
Specifications 1950
19 Project 25, Unicoi County Memorial Hospital,
Specifications 1956
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 26, Morristown-Hamblen Hospital,
Application File 1952-1956
2 Project 26, Morristown-Hamblen Hospital,
Construction File 1954-1956
3 Project 26, Morristown-Hamblen Hospital,
Equipment File 1955-1956
4 Project 26, Morristown-Hamblen Hospital,
Payment File 1954-1959
5 Project 26, Morristown-Hamblen Hospital,
Development Program ----
6 Project 26, Morristown-Hamblen Hospital,
Specifications 1954
7 Project 27, Dyer County Hospital, Application File 1953-1957
8 Project 27, Dyer County Hospital, Construction File 1954-1959
9 Project 27, Dyer County Hospital, Equipment File 1955-1957
10 Project 27, Dyer County Hospital, Payment File 1954-1959
11 Project 27, Dyer County Hospital, Specifications 1954
12 Project 27, Dyer County Hospital, Building Program 1953
13 Project 28, E.H. Crump Memorial Hospital, Memphis,
Application File 1949-1956
14 Project 28, E.H. Crump Memorial Hospital,
Specifications 1953
15 Project 28, E.H. Crump Memorial Hospital,
Joint Brief of the City of Memphis and Shelby County
in Support of Application ----
16 Project 28, E.H. Crump Memorial Hospital, The City
of Memphis, 1949, A Study of Negro Hospital Needs 1949
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 29, Robertson County General Hospital,
Application/Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1952-1976
2 Project 29, Robertson County General Hospital,
Specifications 1954
3 Project 29, Robertson County General Hospital,
Sterilizers, Surgical Lights, Etc. 1954
4 Project 29A, Jesse Holman Jones Hospital,
Springfield, Application/Equipment/Payment File 1950-1976
5 Project 29A, Jesse Holman Jones Hospital, Springfield,
Construction File 1969-1972
6 Project 29A, Jesse Holman Jones Hospital, Springfield,
Kitchen Equipment 1954
7 Project 29A, Jesse Holman Jones Hospital, Springfield,
Dishwasher 1970
8 Project 29A, Jesse Holman Jones Hospital, Springfield,
Stage 1 Drawing Submittal 1968
9 Project 29A, Jesse Holman Jones Hospital, Springfield,
Specifications for Furnishing and Installation of Draperies
and Appurtenances 1970
10 Project 29A, Jesse Holman Jones Hospital, Springfield,
Specifications for Remodeling and New Wing Addition 1969
11 Project 30, Copper Basin General Hospital,
Application File 1952-1968
12 Project 30, Copper Basin General Hospital,
Construction File 1954-1969
13 Project 30, Copper Basin General Hospital,
Equipment File 1955-1956
14 Project 30, Copper Basin General Hospital,
Payment File 1953-1965
15 Project 30, Copper Basin General Hospital,
Specifications 1954
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 31, Scott County Hospital, Application File 1953-1976
2 Project 31, Scott County Hospital, Construction File 1954-1956
3 Project 31, Scott County Hospital, Equipment File 1955-1956
4 Project 31, Scott County Hospital, Payment File 1956
5 Project 31, Scott County Hospital, Specifications 1954
6 Project 32, Haywood County Memorial Hospital,
Application File 1953-1956
7 Project 32, Haywood County Memorial Hospital,
Construction File 1954-1956
8 Project 32, Haywood County Memorial Hospital,
Equipment File 1955-1956
9 Project 32, Haywood County Memorial Hospital,
Payment File 1954-1956
10 Project 32, Haywood County Memorial Hospital,
Specifications 1954
11 Project 33, LaFollette General Hospital, Application
File 1953-1957
12 Project 33, LaFollette General Hospital, Construction
File 1954-1957
13 Project 33, LaFollette General Hospital, Payment File 1955-1965
14 Project 33, LaFollette General Hospital, Specifications 1954
15 Project 33, LaFollette General Hospital, Equipment File 1954-1956
16 Project 34, White County General Hospital, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1956-1977
17 Project 34, White County General Hospital,
Specifications 1956
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 34A, White County Memorial Hospital,
Application/Construction/Audit/Equipment File 1966-1977
2 Project 34A, White County Memorial Hospital,
Contractual Documents 1967
3 Project 34A, White County Memorial Hospital,
Specifications 1967
4 Project 37, Charles H. Bacon Hospital, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1955-1957
5 Project 37B, Charles H. Bacon Hospital, Specifications 1969
6 Project 46, Saint Thomas Hospital, Nashville,
Application/Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1958-1975
7 Project 46, Saint Thomas Hospital, Nashville,
Specifications 1959
8 Project 101, East Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital,
Knoxville, Application File 1948-1968
9 Project 101, East Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital,
Knoxville, Construction 1948-1953
10 Project 101, East Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital,
Knoxville, Equipment File
11 Project 101, East Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital,
Knoxville, Payment File 1949-1953
12 Project 101, East Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital,
Knoxville, Specifications 1948
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 102, Tuberculosis Hospital, Chattanooga,
Application File 1948-1953
2 Project 102, Tuberculosis Hospital, Chattanooga,
Equipment File 1951
3 Project 102, Tuberculosis Hospital, Chattanooga,
Construction 1949-1953
4 Project 102, Tuberculosis Hospital, Chattanooga,
Specifications 1948
5 Project 102, Tuberculosis Hospital, Chattanooga,
Payment 1948-1953
6 Project 103, West Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital,
Memphis 1948-1968
7 Project 104, Middle Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital,
Nashville, Application File 1951-1976
8 Project 104, Middle Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital,
Nashville, Construction File 1951-1955
9 Project 104, Middle Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital,
Nashville, Equipment File
10 Project 104, Middle Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital,
Nashville, Payment File 1951-1956
11 Project 104, Middle Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital,
Nashville, Specifications for Driveways 1954
12 Project 104, Middle Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital,
Nashville, Specifications for Driveway and Street Lighting 1954
13 Project 201, Eastern State Hospital, Knoxville,
Application File 1948-1951
14 Project 201, Eastern State Hospital, Knoxville,
Construction File 1949-1951
15 Project 201, Eastern State Hospital, Knoxville,
Equipment File 1950-1951
16 Project 201, Eastern State Hospital, Knoxville,
Payment File 1949-1951
17 Project 201, Eastern State Hospital, Knoxville,
Specifications for General, Structural, Electrical,
Plumbing, Heating, Refrigeration Work, Etc.. 1948
18 Project 201, Eastern State Hospital, Knoxville,
Specifications for Kitchen and Cafeteria Equipment,
Laundry Equipment, Beauty Shop Equipment 1948
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
BOX NUMBER 108 (cont'd)
19 Project 202, Central State Hospital, Nashville 1950-1952
20 Project 202, Central State Hospital, Nashville,
Specifications 1950
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 203, Eastern State Hospital Men's Building,
Knoxville, Application File 1950-1957
2 Project 203, Eastern State Hospital Men's Building,
Knoxville, Construction File 1954-1957
3 Project 203, Eastern State Hospital Men's Building,
Knoxville, Equipment File
4 Project 203, Eastern State Hospital Men's Building,
Knoxville, Payment File 1955-1957
5 Project 203, Eastern State Hospital Men's Building,
Knoxville, General Specifications 1954
6 Project 203, Eastern State Hospital Men's Building,
Knoxville, Specifications for Food Service Equipment 1954
7 Project 302, LeBonheur Children's Hospital, Memphis,
Application File 1948-1973
8 Project 302, LeBonheur Children's Hospital, Memphis,
Construction File 1950-1953
9 Project 302, LeBonheur Children's Hospital, Memphis,
Equipment File (1) 1951-1953
10 Project 302, LeBonheur Children's Hospital, Memphis,
Equipment File (2) 1951-1953
11 Project 302, LeBonheur Children's Hospital, Memphis,
Payment File 1951-1953
12 Project 302, LeBonheur Children's Hospital, Memphis,
Specifications 1950
13 Project 302, LeBonheur Children's Hospital, Memphis,
Specifications, Group 2 Equipment ----
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
BOX NUMBER 109 (cont'd)
14 Project 302, LeBonheur Children's Hospital, Memphis,
Blue Prints 1951-1952
15 Project 303, Baroness Erlanger Hospital, Chattanooga,
Application/Construction/Equipment File 1950-1954
16 Project 303, Baroness Erlanger Hospital, Chattanooga,
Payment File 1952-1954
17 Project 303, Baroness Erlanger Hospital, Chattanooga,
General Specifications 1952
18 Project 303, Baroness Erlanger Hospital, Chattanooga,
Specifications for Heating and Ventilating 1952
19 Project 303, Baroness Erlanger Hospital, Chattanooga,
Electrical Specifications 1952
20 Project 303, Baroness Erlanger Hospital, Chattanooga,
Elevator Specifications 1952
21 Project 303, Baroness Erlanger Hospital, Chattanooga,
Plumbing Specifications 1952
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 304, St. Mary's Hospital, Knoxville,
Application File 1954-1958
2 Project 304, St. Mary's Hospital, Knoxville,
Construction File 1956-1958
3 Project 304, St. Mary's Hospital, Knoxville,
Equipment File 1957-1958
4 Project 304, St. Mary's Hospital, Knoxville,
Payment File 1957-1958
5 Project 304, St. Mary's Hospital, Knoxville,
Specifications 1956
6 Project 401, Hancock County Health Center,
Application/Construction File 1948-1954
7 Project 401, Hancock County Health Center,
Equipment File 1951-1953
8 Project 401, Hancock County Health Center,
Payment File 1948-1954
9 Project 401, Hancock County Health Center,
Specifications 1950
10 Project 402, Hamblen County Health Center,
Application File 1948-1959
11 Project 402, Hamblen County Health Center,
Specifications 1949
12 Project 403, McMinn County Health Center,
Application/Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1949-1952
13 Project 403, McMinn County Health Center,
Specifications 1950
14 Project 404, Bradley County Health Center,
Application/Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1949-1973
15 Project 404, Bradley County Health Center,
Specifications 1950
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 405, Benton County Health Center, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1950-1953
2 Project 405, Benton County Health Center,
Specifications 1951
3 Project 406, Decatur County Health Center,
Application/Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1947-1954
4 Project 406, Decatur County Health Center,
Specifications 1951
5 Project 407, Anderson County Health Center, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1950-1968
6 Project 407, Anderson County Health Center,
Specifications 1952
7 Project 408, Blount County Health Center, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1949-1953
8 Project 408, Blount County Health Center, Specifications 1951
9 Project 409, Humphreys County Health Center,
Application File 1950-1954
10 Project 409, Humphreys County Health Center,
Specifications 1952
11 Project 410, Knox County Health Center, Application/
Construction File 1950-1959
12 Project 410, Knox County Health Center, Equipment/
Payment File 1957-1966
13 Project 410, Knox County Health Center, Specifications 1957
14 Project 412, Roane County Health Center, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1953-1958
15 Project 412, Roane County Health Center, Specifications 1951
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 413, Tipton County Health Center, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1951-1956
2 Project 413, Tipton County Health Center, General
Specifications 1953
3 Project 413, Tipton County Health Center, Mechanical
Specifications 1953
4 Project 414, Washington County Health Center,
Application/Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1949-1954
5 Project 414, Washington County Health Center,
Specifications 1953
6 Project 415, Trousdale County Health Center,
Application/Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1950-1955
7 Project 415, Trousdale County Health Center,
Specifications 1953
8 Project 417, Perry County Health Center, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1950-1955
9 Project 417, Perry County Health Center, Specifications 1953
10 Project 419, Johnson County Health Center, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1950-1954
11 Project 419, Johnson County Health Center,
Specifications 1953
12 Project 420, Putnam County Health Center, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1950-1959
13 Project 420, Putnam County Health Center,
Specifications 1953
14 Project 421, Carter County Health Center, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1952-1956
15 Project 421, Carter County Health Center, Specifications 1953
16 Project 422, Dickson County Health Center, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1951-1955
17 Project 422, Dickson County Health Center,
Specifications 1953
18 Project 423, Blanche Bomer Morgan Health Unit,
Brownsville, Application/Construction/Equipment/
Payment File 1951-1955
19 Project 423, Blanche Bomer Morgan Health Unit,
Brownsville, Specifications 1953
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 425, Cocke County Health Center, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1955-1958
2 Project 425, Cocke County Health Center,
Specifications 1956
3 Project 426, Crockett County Health Center,
Application/Construction/Payment File 1955-1958
4 Project 426, Crockett County Health Center,
Equipment File 1957-1958
5 Project 426, Crockett County Health Center,
Specifications 1957
6 Project 427, Dyer County Health Center, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1955-1959
7 Project 427, Dyer County Health Center, Specifications 1956
8 Project 428, Fayette County Health Center, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1955-1958
9 Project 428, Fayette County Health Center,
Specifications 1953-1956
10 Project 429, Dr. R.S. Cowles Health Center,
Greeneville, Application/Construction/Equipment/
Payment File 1953-1958
11 Project 429, Dr. R.S. Cowles Health Center,
Greeneville, Specifications 1956
12 Project 430, Sevier County Health Center, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1955-1969
13 Project 430, Sevier County Health Center, Specifications 1956
14 Project 431, Bristol Health Center, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1955-1959
15 Project 431, Bristol Health Center, Specifications 1957
16 Project 432, City of Kingsport Health Center,
Application/Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1956-1959
17 Project 432, City of Kingsport Health Center,
"Sullivan County Health Department Biennial Report" 1954-1955
18 Project 432, City of Kingsport Health Center,
Specifications 1953-1957
19 Project 433, Cannon County Health Center, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1953-1959
20 Project 433, Cannon County Health Center,
Specifications 1957
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 438, Hawkins County Health Center,
Application/Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1956-1959
2 Project 438, Hawkins County Health Center,
Specifications 1957
3 Project 501, Tennessee State Laboratory, Nashville,
Application/Equipment/Payment File 1950-1971
4 Project 501, Tennessee State Laboratory, Nashville,
Construction 1951-1955
5 Project 501, Tennessee State Laboratory, Nashville,
Bulletins 1951
6 Project 501, Tennessee State Laboratory, Nashville,
Legal Documents, General Conditions, Wage Rates, Etc.,
Contract 1950
7 Project 501, Tennessee State Laboratory, Nashville,
Legal Documents, General Conditions, Wage Rates, Etc.,
Owner's Copy 1950
8 Project 501, Tennessee State Laboratory, Nashville,
Architectural Specifications 1950
9 Project 501, Tennessee State Laboratory, Nashville,
Mechanical Specifications
10 Project 501, Tennessee State Laboratory, Nashville,
Schedules 1950
11 Project 502, West Tennessee Regional Laboratory,
Memphis, Application/Construction/Payment File 1951-1956
12 Project 502, West Tennessee Regional Laboratory,
Memphis, Equipment File 1954-1956
13 Project 502, West Tennessee Regional Laboratory,
Memphis, Specifications 1953
14 Project 603, Uplands Cumberland Mountain Sanitarium,
Pleasant Hill, Application/Construction/Equipment/
Payment File 1953-1961
15 Project 608, St. Mary's Hospital Nursing Home,
Humboldt 1958-1972
16 Project 608, St. Mary's Hospital Nursing Home,
Humboldt, Construction File 1961-1973
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number III: Bureau of Health Resources
1 Project 608, St. Mary's Hospital Nursing Home,
Humboldt, Equipment/Payment File 1962-1972
2 Project 608, St. Mary's Hospital Nursing Home,
Humboldt, Appraisal 1972
3 Project 608, St. Mary's Hospital Nursing Home,
Humboldt, Specifications 1959-1961
4 Project 701, Les Passees Diagnostic & Treatment
Center, Memphis, Application/Construction/
Equipment/Payment File 1953-1958
5 Project 701, Les Passees Diagnostic & Treatment
Center, Memphis, Specifications 1956
6 Project 702, Bristol Memorial Hospital, Application/
Construction/Equipment/Payment File 1949-1975
7 Project 702, Bristol Memorial Hospital, Specifications 1956
8 Project 801, Bill Wilkerson Hearing & Speech Center,
Nashville, Application File 1956-1959
9 Project 801, Bill Wilkerson Hearing & Speech Center,
Nashville, Construction File 1956-1959
10 Project 801, Bill Wilkerson Hearing & Speech Center,
Nashville, Equipment/Payment File 1957-1959
11 Project 801, Bill Wilkerson Hearing & Speech Center,
Nashville, Progress Pictures 1956-1957
12 Project 801, Bill Wilkerson Hearing & Speech Center,
Nashville, General Specifications 1956
13 Project 801, Bill Wilkerson Hearing & Speech Center,
Nashville, Specifications for Certain Furnishings &
Equipment 1957
14 Project 801, Bill Wilkerson Hearing & Speech Center,
Nashville, Test Reports 1956-1957
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number IV: Board of Basic Science Examiners
1 Volume of Exam Scores 1910-1958
2 Aaby - Adwell, Jr. 1943-1975
3 Africk - Ahmad 1944-1974
4 Aikem - Alexander 1943-1975
5 Alford - Alvarez 1943-1975
6 Amador - Appling 1943-1975
7 Aquadro - Artyamsoal 1943-1974
8 Ashe - Atwood 1947-1975
9 Auer - Azar 1943-1975
10 Babai - Baird 1943-1975
11 Bakane - Bannister 1943-1976
12 Barnett - Barwick 1943-1976
13 Barag - Barnes 1943-1976
14 Bashinsky - Bays 1943-1973
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number IV: Board of Basic Science Examiners
1 Beach - Bekemeyer 1943-1975
2 Belknap - Belz 1943-1975
3 Bendel - Bertins 1943-1973
4 Besemann - Bhat 1943-1976
5 Bibb - Bjelland 1943-1975
6 Black - Blythe 1943-1975
7 Boals - Bon Tempo 1943-1975
8 Booher - Bors 1943-1975
9 Boskind - Bozzi 1943-1975
10 Brabson - Branyon 1943-1975
11 Braren - Briuks 1943-1975
12 Broadhurst - Brower 1943-1974
13 Brown 1943-1973
14 Browne - Bryson 1943-1975
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number IV: Board of Basic Science Examiners
1 Buchanan - Buss 1943-1975
2 Butler - Bzik 1943-1975
3 Cabbabe - Calvo 1943-1975
4 Camacho - Cantril 1943-1974
5 Capati - Carpenter 1944-1975
6 Carr - Carver 1943-1975
7 Casalmir - Cazort 1943-1974
8 Cebula - Chandler 1943-1974
9 Chang - Cheezem 1943-1974
10 Cheij - Churchwell 1943-1975
11 Ciaramelli - Clyde 1942-1975
12 Coale - Cohen 1943-1975
13 Cohn - Colwell 1943-1975
14 Comas - Coors 1943-1975
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number IV: Board of Basic Science Examiners
1 Copas, Jr. - Cozma 1943-1975
2 Dabbs - Davila 1943-1975
3 Davis, Jr. - Day 1943-1975
4 Deal - Delaux, Jr. 1943-1975
5 Demby - DeZayas 1943-1975
6 Diament - Dizon 1943-1975
7 Doak - Doss 1943-1975
8 Dossett, Jr. - Dozier 1943-1975
9 Drake - Dreyer 1944-1975
10 Duarte - Dunkerley, Jr. 1945-1975
11 Eachus - Edwards 1943-1975
12 Effron - Elkus 1943-1974
13 Ellington - El-Yousef 1943-1974
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number IV: Board of Basic Science Examiners
1 Embry - Ettman 1943-1975
2 Eubanks - Ezell 1944-1975
3 Fick - Fisher, Jr. 1943-1975
4 Fisk - Fogleman 1943-1975
5 Gaba - Gantt 1944-1975
6 Garbarini, Jr. - Gaylord 1943-1975
7 Gear - Ghosh 1943-1975
8 Gialde - Gilson 1943-1975
9 Ginn - Gluck 1943-1975
10 Goad - Gopal 1943-1975
11 Gorden - Goyne 1944-1974
12 Grabeel - Graybill 1943-1975
13 Greear, Jr. - Gresham 1943-1975
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number IV: Board of Basic Science Examiners
1 Grier, Jr. - Grizzard 1943-1973
2 Groark - Grymes 1943-1975
3 Gubin - Gyurik 1943-1975
4 Haas - Hall 1943-1975
5 Halle - Hanson 1944-1975
6 Happer - Harrington 1943-1975
7 Harris - Harwood 1943-1975
8 Haselton - Hawthorne 1943-1975
9 Hay - Hazrati 1943-1975
10 Hea, Jr. - Hemphill 1943-1975
11 Henard - Henthorne 1943-1975
12 Hepler - Heywood 1944-1975
13 Hiatt, Jr. - Hixson 1943-1976
14 Hnilica - Holifield 1943-1975
15 Hollabaugh - Holton 1943-1974
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number IV: Board of Basic Science Examiners
1 Homer - Horton 1943-1975
2 Hoskins - Hsueh 1943-1975
3 Huang - Hundley 1943-1975
4 Huneycutt, Jr. - Hynes 1943-1975
5 Ibanez - Izadi 1943-1975
6 Jabbour - Janzen 1943-1974
7 Jarboe - Johns 1943-1975
8 Johnson 1943-1975
9 Johnston - Jones 1943-1975
10 Jordan - Justis, Jr. 1943-1974
11 Kabbani - Kanzaki 1943-1974
12 Kaplan - Kaylan 1945-1975
13 Kean - Kendrick 1943-1973
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number IV: Board of Basic Science Examiners
1 Kennedy - Khouri 1943-1975
2 Kibble - Kimsey 1943-1974
3 Kincaid, Jr. - Kini 1943-1975
4 Kinlaw - Klow 1943-1974
5 Knapp III - Koznek 1943-1975
6 Kraeft - Kyle, Jr. 1943-1975
7 Labiche, Jr. - Langston, Jr. 1943-1976
8 Lankford - Lazaroll 1943-1976
9 Lea - Lemon 1943-1975
10 Lennard - L'Hommedieu 1944-1975
11 Liakos - Lineberger 1943-1975
12 Lingeman - Llorens 1943-1975
13 Lobb - Longino, Jr. 1943-1975
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number IV: Board of Basic Science Examiners
1 Loomis - Lozzie 1943-1975
2 Luayon - Lyons 1943-1975
3 Mabe - Mahoney 1944-1975
4 Mailman - Manzano 1943-1975
5 Marable - Marshall, Jr. 1943-1975
6 Martelino - Marzoni 1943-1975
7 Mashburn - Matzelle 1943-1975
8 Mauer - Mays 1943-1975
9 McAdoo - McClure 1944-1976
10 McCollum - McCutchen, Jr. 1944-1973
11 McDaniel - McIver 1943-1976
12 McKaskle, Jr. - McVay, Jr. 1943-1975
13 Mead, Jr. - Melvin 1943-1975
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number IV: Board of Basic Science Examiners
1 Mencer - Meyers 1943-1976
2 Miale, Jr. - Millen 1943-1975
3 Miller 1943-1975
4 Millican - Mizell 1943-1975
5 Moak - Mooney 1943-1975
6 Moore, Jr. - Moorman, Jr.1943-1976
7 Moran - Morris 1947-1974
8 Morrison - Moyers 1943-1974
9 Mudaliar - Myrick 1943-1975
10 Nachman - Neiman 1943-1975
11 Nelms, Jr. - Ney 1943-1974
12 Nichol - Nissenbaum 1943-1974
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number IV: Board of Basic Science Examiners
1 Noah - Nussbaumer 1944-1974
2 Oakes, Jr. - O'Donnell 1943-1975
3 Oels - Olson 1944-1976
4 Omainsky - Oswald 1943-1975
5 Otis - Ozment, Jr. 1945-1974
6 Pace, Jr. - Panzer 1943-1975
7 Paplanus - Pary 1943-1975
8 Pascal, Jr. - Payne 1943-1975
9 Peace - Pelzer 1945-1975
10 Pemberton - Person 1947-1975
11 Peterkin - Phythyon 1943-1975
12 Pian, Jr. - Plunk 1943-1975
13 Po - P'Pool, Jr. 1943-1975
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number IV: Board of Basic Science Examiners
1 Prabhakar - Pyun 1943-1975
2 Quadeer - Quivers, Sr. 1943-1975
3 Rabb - Ramsey 1944-1975
4 Ranck - Rayson 1943-1975
5 Rea - Reitz 1943-1975
6 Rembert - Rhyne, III 1943-1975
7 Ribeiro - Riviere 1943-1975
8 Roach - Robertson 1943-1975
9 Robey - Roelofs 1943-1975
10 Rogers - Roper 1943-1975
11 Rosack - Rozema 1943-1975
12 Rubach - Rytel 1943-1975
13 Saavedra - Salyer, Jr. 1945-1975
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number IV: Board of Basic Science Examiners
1 Samad - Sanyal 1943-1976
2 Sapala - Scarvey III 1943-1975
3 Schachner - Schlichter, Jr.
4 Schmid - Schwink 1943-1975
5 Scobey, II - Scruggs, III 1944-1975
6 Seabaugh - Sgalitzer 1943-1976
7 Shack - Shaw 1943-1976
8 Shea - Sheu 1944-1975
9 Shiao - Shute 1943-1975
10 Sibold - Sims 1944-1975
11 Sinats - Skudlarick 1945-1976
12 Slagle - Slutsky 1947-1975
13 Small - Smith, Eugene Baxter 1943-1975
14 Smith, Jr., Floyd Arnold - Smith, Peter Stephen 1943-1975
15 Smith, Jr., Ralph Arnold - Snyder 1943-1976
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number IV: Board of Basic Science Examiners
1 Sobel - Southworth 1943-1975
2 Spaccarelli - Spyker 1943-1976
3 Staab - St. Clair 1943-1974
4 Stead - St. Hill 1943-1975
5 Stickle - Styles 1943-1975
6 Suatuni, Jr. - Sutton 1943-1975
7 Suvillaga - Szymczak 1944-1976
8 Tabatabai - Tarwater 1943-1975
9 Tate - Taylor, Jr. 1943-1975
10 Teabeaut II - Thitathan 1943-1975
11 Thoma - Thuss, Jr. 1943-1975
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number IV: Board of Basic Science Examiners
1 Ticaric - Tozer 1943-1975
2 Trace, Jr. - Tseng 1943-1975
3 Tuan - Tyson, Jr. 1944-1975
4 Ufford - Uzmann 1946-1974
5 Vaccaro, Jr. - Vaught 1943-1975
6 Veciana - Vunk 1943-1975
7 Wachtel - Waldroup 1943-1974
8 Walker 1943-1976
9 Walkup, Jr. - Warren 1943-1975
10 Wascom, Jr. - Wayne 1944-1975
11 Weakley - Wehs 1943-1975
12 Weidner, Jr. - Werssowetz, II 1944-1975
13 Wesberry - Whetstone 1943-1975
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number IV: Board of Basic Science Examiners
1 Whigham, Jr. - Whitworth
2 Wicker - Willett 1943-1975
3 Williams 1943-1975
4 Williamson - Wills 1943-1975
5 Wilson - Witztum 1943-1975
6 Woerner - Wortis 1943-1975
7 Wray - Wyse 1943-1975
8 Yalaz - Yusk 1943-1975
9 Zabetakis - Zussman 1943-1975
10 Correspondence: General 1976-1977
11 Correspondence : Tennessee Licensing Board
for Healing Arts 1973-1975
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number V: Reports and Minutes
Sub Series A: Department of Public Health
1 Exam Score Cards, Abel - Young;
Old R.N. Score Exam, Amorette - Watson 1915-1930
2 Exam Scores, Failures, Anderson - Young 1917-1952
3 Program Cards, Hospitals:
Angel Brothers Hospital - The Crook Sanatorium, Inc. 1924-1934
4 Program Cards, Hospitals:
Davidson County Tuberculosis Hospital - Helen Mae
Lennon Hospital 1924-1934
5 Program Cards, Hospitals:
Madison Rural Sanitarium - Newell & Newell 1924-1934
6 Program Cards, Hospitals:
Physicians & Surgeons Hospital School of Nursing -
West-Ellis Private Hospital 1924-1934
7 Program Cards, Hospitals. Closed Schools:
Appalachian Hospital - Woolford-Johnson Hospital 1892-1957
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number V: Reports and Minutes
Sub Series A: Department of Public Health
1 Nursing Cards: Absher - Austin 1912-1956
2 Nursing Cards: Bacon - Byrd 1904-1956
3 Nursing Cards: Caldwell - Cutshaw 1907-1956
4 Nursing Cards: Dale - Dye 1902-1955
5 Nursing Cards: Early - Eversele 1904-1956
6 Nursing Cards: Fannon - Furlow 1903-1955
7 Nursing Cards: Gaines - Guthrie 1907-1956
8 Nursing Cards: Hackler - Hyder 1902-1956
9 Nursing Cards: Innaurato - Jones 1902-1955
10 Nursing Cards: Kandell - Kunkle 1911-1956
11 Nursing Cards: Lady - Lundy 1902-1956
12 Nursing Cards: Mackey - Mynatt 1902-1956
13 Nursing Cards: Napier - Overall 1912-1956
14 Nursing Cards: Pack - Queen 1905-1956
15 Nursing Cards: Rader - Russell 1909-1956
16 Nursing Cards: Saffell - Swofford 1902-1956
17 Nursing Cards: Tabor - Unthank 1905-1955
18 Nursing Cards: Vaden - Ziegler 1902-1956
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number V: Reports and Minutes
Sub Series A: Department of Public Health
1 A County Health Plan ----
2 Administrative Manual, Division of Vital Statistics 1944
3 Ad-hoc Committee on Health Education 1973-1974
4 Allocation of Funds 1949, 1968
5 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting 1964
6 American Public Health Association 1965
7 American Public Health Association 1969, 1975
8 Annual Report 1943-1945
9 Annual Report 1949-1950
10 Annual Report 1957-1958
11 Annual Report 1958-1959
12 Annual Report 1967-1968
13 Annual Report 1968-1969
14 Annual Report 1969-1970
15 Attorney General Opinions, County Health Work 1925-1962
16 Attorney General Opinions, Sanitary Engineering 1919-1971
17 Attorney General Opinions, General 1925-1973
18 Biennial Report 1943-1945
19 Biological Classification of Deaths 1921-1927
20 Board of Health Reports and Minutes 1893-1897
21 Budget Reports 1936-1937
22 Carter County Survey 1915
23 Certified Copies of Reports 1953-1955
24 Chester County Survey 1915
25 Chestree Nutrition Study 1958
26 Communicable Disease Report
27 Community Responsibility for Public Health 1921
28 County Information Book 1932
29 County Organization in County Health Work ----
30 County Savings 1974
31 Data Retrieval Project 1974
32 Development District Program Summary 1972
33 Expenditures for Full Tie County Health Organizations 1921-1931
34 Family Planning Conference 1968
35 Governor’s Office 1972
36 High Homicide Rate in Tennessee for Past Year 1937
37 History of Division of Laboratories 1897-1964
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number V: Reports and Minutes
Sub Series A: Department of Public Health
BOX NUMBER 134 (cont'd)
38 History of Public Health Nursing in Tennessee 1910-1960
39 Home Nursing Care Program 1933-1966
40 Hookworm Disease ----
41 Immunization Summary 1976
42 Institute on Malaria Control 1936
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number V: Reports and Minutes
Sub Series A: Department of Public Health
1 Malaria ----
2 Mental Health Research Program 1935
3 Merit Salary Adjustments 1971-1972
4 Millbank Memorial Fund Commission 1971-1973
5 Millbank Memorial Fund Commission 1974
6 Millbank Memorial Fund Commission Jan.-June, 1975
7 Millbank Memorial Fund Commission July-Dec., 1975
8 Millbank Memorial Fund Commission 1976-1977
9 Milk as a Food ----
10 Minutes, Board of Trustees,
Chest Disease Hospitals Jan., 1967-July, 1968
11 Minutes, Board of Trustees,
Chest Disease Hospitals Oct., 1968-Apr., 1970
12 Minutes, Board of Trustees,
Chest Disease Hospitals July, 1970-Oct., 1971
13 Minutes, Board of Trustees,
State Tuberculosis Hospitals June, 1951-April, 1963
14 Minutes, Board of Trustees,
State Tuberculosis Hospitals Sept., 1963-Oct., 1966
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number V: Reports and Minutes
Sub Series A: Department of Public Health
1 Minutes, Field Technical Staff Meetings 1969-1971
2 Minutes, Dr. Lucius High Meeting 1975
3 Minutes, Policy Staff Meetings 1972-1975
4 Minutes, Index to Public Health Council Minutes ----
5 Minutes, Public Health Council Jan., 1933-May, 1942
6 Minutes, Public Health Council Nov., 1942-May, 1947
7 Minutes, Public Health Council Nov., 1947-June, 1958
8 Minutes, Public Health Council Nov., 1958-Apr., 1968
9 Minutes, Public Health Council 1969-1971
10 Minutes, Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital
Commission Jan., 1926-May, 1930
11 Minutes, Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital
Commission Mar., 1941-Oct., 1954
12 Morbidity Graphs/Charts 1930-1931
13 National Health Forum 1968
14 Problems in West Tennessee ----
15 Publications: Bi-Weekly News Letter 1932-1934
16 Publications: Bulletin of the North Carolina
Board of Health 1902
17 Publications: Memphis and Shelby County Health
Department Annual Report 1972
18 Publications: Policies, State Department of Health 1934
19 Publications: Primary Health Care in the State of Tennessee 1974
20 Publications: Public Health Laws of the State of Tennessee 1948
21 Publications: State System of Public Health 1911
22 Publications: Tennessee Public Health Quarterly Bulletin 1955
23 Publications: Training for Public Health Personnel ----
24 Publications: Update 1976
25 Public Health Survey 1925
26 Reduction in Diarrhea and Enteritis 1922
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number V: Reports and Minutes
Sub Series A: Department of Public Health
1 Reference File, Public Health Council 1932-1933
2 Reference File, Public Health Council 1934-1936
3 Reference File, Public Health Council 1944
4 Reference File, Public Health Council 1947-June, 1949
5 Reference File, Public Health Council July, 1949-June, 1951
6 Reference File, Public Health Council July, 1951-June, 1953
7 Reference File, Public Health Council July, 1953-June, 1955
8 Reference File, Public Health Council July, 1955-June, 1957
9 Reference File, Public Health Council July, 1957-June, 1959
10 Report of Survey Findings - Conducted by
the U.S. Department of Health, Education and
Welfare 1958
11 Report of the Secretary and Executive Officer of
the State Board of Health 1919
12 Report of the Secretary and Executive Officer to
the State Board of Health 1921
13 Reports to Public Health Council 1922-1923
14 Reports to Public Health Council 1937-1938
15 Reports to Public Health Council 1943-1945
16 Reports to Public Health Council 1945-1949
17 Reports to Public Health Council 1950-1953
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number V: Reports and Minutes
Sub Series A: Department of Public Health
1 Reports to Public Health Council July, 1953-June, 1955
2 Reports to Public Health Council July, 1955-June, 1957
3 Reports to Public Health Council July, 1957-June, 1959
4 Reports to Public Health Council Sept., 1959-Sept., 1963
5 Reports to Public Health Council 1967-1969
6 Reports to Public Health Council 1969-1970
7 Reports to Public Health Council 1972-1975
8 Research File, Dept. of Public Health History 1977
9 Review of Activities of Tennessee Department of
Public Health 1939-1944
10 The Rural Health Nurse 1920
11 Rural Health Work in Tennessee 1918
12 Rural Sanitation in Tennessee ----
13 Sanitary Condition of the Several State Institutions
of Tennessee 1904
14 Sanitation Applied to the Rural Home ----
15 Sanitation - “Barney Boggs” Series 1921
16 Smallpox Cases 1900-1908
17 Smallpox Epidemic 1939
18 Soil Pollution, A Public Health Problem of Today ----
19 Sumner County Soil Pollution ----
20 Sumner County Survey ----
21 Trachoma ----
22 United States Department of Health, Education and
Welfare, Children’s Bureau. Statistical Reports 1953-1955
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number V: Reports and Minutes
Sub Series A: Department of Public Health
1 United States Department of Health, Education and
Welfare, Public Health Service. Annual Plan 1953-June, 1954
2 United States Department of Health, Education and
Welfare, Public Health Service. Annual Plan July, 1954-1955
3 Urban Policy Institute 1969, 1975
4 Vanderbilt University Post-Graduate Program 1936
5 The Venereal Disease Control Study 1956
6 Water Filtration Plant School 1930
7 Williamson County Tuberculosis Study 1953
8 Williamson County Typhoid Fever Study 1927-1932
9 Wilson County Survey ----
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number V: Reports and Minutes
Sub Series B: University of Tennessee Hospital
1 American Hospital Association 1958-1966
2 Approval to Employ Doctors 1963-1964
3 Bids 1976
4 Blanket Orders: Food 1976-1977
5 Blanket Orders: Laboratory 1976-1977
6 Blanket Orders: Maintenance 1976-1977
7 Blanket Orders: Monthly 1976-1977
8 Blue Cross, Correspondence 1973-1975
9 Blue Cross, Information Request 1976
10 Blue Cross, Items of Interest 1976
11 Blue Cross, Rate Increase 1974
12 Bonds: Employees 1964
13 Bonds: Revenue 1976
14 Builders Risk Insurance File 1970
15 Ray Burns Correspondence 1977
16 Cancer Clinic, Collection Report 1976-1977
17 Cancer Clinic, Correspondence 1976-1977
18 Cancer Clinic, General Ledger Report 1976-1977
19 Cancer Clinic, Meetings 1976
20 Cancer Clinic, Utilities 1977
21 Capital Expenditure Program 1977-1980
22 Cash Flow Projections 1976
23 Constitution of the Tennessee State Tuberculosis
Hospitals 1959
24 Contracts 1970-1976
25 Cost Figures 1960
26 Cost Finding 1965
27 Cost Per Major Operation 1957, 1965
28 Cost Procedure 1957-1958
29 Cost Study 1974
30 Debt Service 1976
31 Dental Procedure 1976
32 East Tennessee Chest Disease Hospital Monthly
Reports 1966-1974
33 Equipment Listing and Purchases 1970-1976
34 Estimated Expenditures and Revenue 1975-1976
35 Financial Data Base Program 1976
RG #97: Tennessee Department of Public Health
Series Number V: Reports and Minutes
Sub Series B: University of Tennessee Hospital
BOX NUMBER 140 (cont'd)
36 Financial Processing Schedule 1977
37 Financial Statement Comments 1976
38 Fire Safety and Internal Disaster Plan 1962-1966
39 Hospital Accountant 1970
40 Hospital Charges, Amendments to FDA Regulations 1966
41 Hospital Correspondence 1976
42 Hospital Floor Plan ----
43 Inventory 1975
44 Legislation: Cost Recovery 1947-1965
45 Medicare Reimbursement Bulletins 1975
46 Memorandum 1963
47 Memphis Reimbursement Plan 1975-1976
48 Memphis Hospital Service
49 Operating Statement to Cancer Clinic 1976
50 Operations Report, Chest Disease Hospital 1971-1972
51 Payroll Correspondence 1963-1964
52 Personnel Classification Questionnaire,
Junior Accountant ----
53 Personnel Information 1964
54 Procedures for Completion and Submittal of Forms
Relating to Maintenance of Staffing Pattern. 1959
55 Raw Food Cost Reports 1969-1975
56 Research Drugs 1962-1965
57 Tennessee Hospital Association 1958-1960
58 Tuberculosis Hospital Cost Reports 1955-1960
59 West Tennessee Chest Disease Hospital, Audit Report 1952-1954
60 West Tennessee Chest Disease Hospital, Audit Report 1954-1956
61 West Tennessee Chest Disease Hospital, Comments
and Suggestions Concerning Accounting Procedures,
Internal Control, and Related Matters. 1970
62 West Tennessee Chest Disease Hospital, Cost Reports 1953-1974
63 Hospital Statement of Reimbursable Cost Calculation
of Reimbursement Settlement for the Year Ended
June 30, 1967, Together With Auditors’ Report. 1967
64 Program, 25th Anniversary, West Tennessee Chest
Disease Hospital. 1973