Breen Holdings had an existing
agreement with Toshiba for their
multifunction devices (MFDs).
They were looking to upgrade one
of their MFDs and, in discussions,
their Account Manager suggested
that they also consider switching
their phone services to Toshiba,
with the aim of reducing costs.
Customer: Breen Holdings
Country: AUS
Industry: Environmental
Breen Holdings is a property development,
land rehabilitation and waste management
company based in Sydney.
They operate from two main locations,
including their head office on Pitt Street
and their landfill site at Kurnell. They also
have a site office at Shearwater Landing,
Greenhills Beach.
They operate with between 25 and 40
staff, dependant on workload throughout
the year.
Breen Holdings had an existing agreement with Toshiba for
their multifunction devices (MFDs). They were looking to
upgrade one of their MFDs and, in discussions, their Account
Manager suggested that they also consider switching their
phone services to Toshiba, with the aim of reducing costs.
Toshiba were able to provide solutions encompassing a full
range of technology, from MFDs, printers and laptops to
phone systems, point of sale systems, digital signage,
document management and software solutions. By
incorporating Toshiba products and services on a single
agreement, clients can obtain a more competitive rate and
have just one point of contact for service and support.
The phone system that Breen Holdings was using at the time
was outdated and had a high cost attached. The service
package offered by Toshiba would bring signicant savings, as
well as an upgrade in technology.
“We did explore other service providers but no-one was able
to match Toshiba’s pricing. Combining that with our existing
relationship and the excellent service we have received in the
past, it was a simple choice to move our phone service to
Toshiba,” said Nancye Fleming from Breen Holdings.
“We did explore other
service providers but no-one
was able to match Toshiba’s
pricing. Combining that with
our existing relationship and
the excellent service we have
received in the past, it was a
simple choice to move our
phone service to Toshiba,”
- Nancye Fleming, Breen Holdings
Breen Holdings had their new phone service put into place in
December 2015, with the lines at their Kurnell site transferred
during January and February 2016.
The installation was expedited as Breen Holding’s previous
phone service provider was unwilling to cooperate on the
original timeframe for transfer. This left the company facing
the prospect of having no phone line for a number of days.
“The Toshiba team were exceptional and acted immediately
to transfer our line and ensure we had no loss of connection.
The fact that they were willing and able to move so quickly is
a testament to their commitment to customer service,” said
Toshiba provided all service and support required to ensure
Breen Holdings could get straight to business using the new
phone system at their head ofce.
“The transition at our head ofce was very smooth, we had
no issues and the Toshiba technical staff were excellent. Their
team did all of the leg work for us, showed us how to use the
technology and provided everything to make it seamless for
us to hit the ground running,” said Nancye.
The Kurnell site proved to be a slightly more complex change
“At our Kurnell site, the main line and fax line were a simple
switch. Our multiple internal lines, including the all important
eftpos line, took more time and care. Those lines were
operating on a much older system and it was critical to work
out the functionality of each individual line, which was a
process. The Toshiba technicians worked through it with
patience and professionalism”, continued Nancye.
Through Toshiba’s solution, Breen Holdings have been able
to reduce expenditure relating to their phone service by 22
percent, including phone line costs, the new hardware and
service and support.
“A 69% reduction in their monthly phone bill has meant that
the upgrade in technology and ongoing service and support
from Toshiba has cost nothing extra. In fact, they are now
spending considerably less on their phone service,” said
Toshiba Account Manager, Shane Nye.
The upgrade in technology has also provided new efciencies
in day to day operations at Breen Holdings.
“Another fantastic outcome of our new phone system is that
we are now directly linked to our Kurnell site and can make
direct call transfers. We no longer have to dial out, it is just a
simple case of pressing their extension and we are
connected. We are also able to transfer all incoming calls
over to Kurnell, as required, which is fantastic for our small
dynamic team, as our ofce can be unmanned at times,” said
Combining services with one provider allows for streamlined
billing and support.
“Our multifunction devices cover our complete range of
needs at three of our sites, from scanning and photocopying,
through to document editing and faxing. Having both our
phones and MFDs through the one provider makes service
and support a breeze. We love that Toshiba are always very
responsive. Whenever we need something, they are quick to
reply on the end of the phone or over email,” said Nancye.
“A 69% reduction in their
monthly phone bill has meant
that the upgrade in technology
and ongoing service and
support from Toshiba has cost
nothing extra. In fact, they are
now spending considerably less
on their phone service,”
- Shane Nye, Toshiba Account Manager
[This Class 1 laser product complies with IEC60825-1]. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. All company and/or product names are
trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers in their markets and/or countries. All rights reserved. We are constantly
making efforts to deliver the latest status of data to our partners. Specifications for some models may c
hange in the time between the production and the
release of this documentation. Productivity and paper specifications are related to paper size of A4 and a paper weight of 80 g/m2 if not otherwise
mentioned. Copyright ©2016 TOSHIBA TEC.
Breen Holdings
Level 9, 92 Pitt Street
Sydney, NSW 2000
(02) 9235 0400
(02) 9235 0411
Toshiba (Australia) Pty Limited
Bldg C, 12-24 Talavera Road
North Ryde, NSW 2113
(02) 9887 6000
(02) 9815 6274
The agreement with Breen Holdings was the rst
Toshiba managed service contract to include telephony
and proved to be a great success.
Breen holdings are satised with the business
relationship they have with Toshiba and are condent
that Toshiba will be a strong partner in the long term.
Their agreement allows for review and optimisation of
their services on an ongoing basis.
“We have always found Toshiba to be an outstanding
provider. We have an excellent account manager looking
after us and have condence in their team of
professionals and the technology they provide,”
concluded Nancye.