Citation: Brody MB, Tuite C and Evers KA. What’s the Worm? Breast Calcications in a Patient from Cameroon.
Austin J Clin Case Rep. 2016; 3(6): 1108.
Austin J Clin Case Rep - Volume 3 Issue 6 - 2016
ISSN : 2381-912X |
Brody et al. © All rights are reserved
Austin Journal of Clinical Case Reports
Open Access
Determining the signicance of calcications seen on mammogram can be
a vexing problem for radiologists. Identifying benign morphologies can avoid
unnecessary work-ups and procedures. We describe breast calcications
typical for larial infection seen on screening mammogram in a patient who is a
native of Cameroon. Filariasis is the most common parasitic infection affecting
the breast, and is transmitted by insect vectors. It is most prevalent in parts of
Africa, Asia, and India. In general, breast calcications due to larial infection
in Westernized countries are seen in asymptomatic patients from endemic
areas, and are the result of treated, chronic, or “burned out” infection. The
epidemiologic, mammographic, and clinical and features of larial infection are
Keywords: Filariasis; Breast calcications; Mammogram
Case Presentation
A 68 year old female was referred by her primary care physician
for routine screening mammography on our mobile mammography
unit. e patient is a native of West Africa. She reported that her prior
mammograms were performed in Cameroon and were not obtainable
for comparison. At the time of screening, she was asymptomatic.
She denied a family history of breast cancer, or a personal history of
hormone use, prior breast procedures, or reduction surgery. Routine
mammographic views show calcications bilaterally. In the lower
inner le breast (Figure 1a), there are thick linear calcications with
lucent centers. In the subareolar right breast (Figures 1b & 1c), there
are thick linear calcications arranged in a serpiginous conguration.
In the upper inner right breast and central outer le breast (Figures
1d &1e), there are ne linear calcications arranged in a coiled
conguration. In the upper outer right breast, there are more tightly
grouped thick linear calcications, for which the patient was called
back for additional imaging. On magnication imaging (Figure 2),
this group is comprised of monomorphic thick linear calcications,
representing fragments of similar-appearing calcications in other
areas of the breasts.
Based on the characteristic appearance of the breast calcications,
and appropriate epidemiologic history, the patient was given a BI-
RADS Category 2 assessment and advised to return in one year for
routine screening. e ndings were reported by telephone to the
referring Nurse Practitioner.
Breast calcications seen on this patient’s mammogram are
consistent with lariasis infection.
Filariasis is the most common parasitic infection aecting
the breast [1], occurring mainly in sub-Saharan Africa; Southeast
Asia; the Indian subcontinent; several Pacic islands; Northern
Australia [2]; areas of Central and South America; and small areas of
Caribbean, especially Haiti [3]. It is caused by roundworms that infect
Case Report
What’s the Worm? Breast Calcications in a Patient from
Brody MB*, Tuite C and Evers KA
Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Fox Chase Cancer
Center, USA
*Corresponding author: Marion B Brody, Department
of Diagnostic Imaging, Fox Chase Cancer Center,
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Received: November 08, 2016; Accepted: December
28, 2016; Published: December 30, 2016
the lymphatics and subcutaneous tissues. e majority of larial
lymphatic infections are caused by the W. Bancroi species [3],
which is transmitted to humans by mosquito vectors. Similar breast
calcications may also be seen from cutaneous infection with Loa, a
nematode endemic to west and central Africa [4,5]. Co-infection with
more than one helminthic species is not uncommon.
Filarial disease starts with a bite from an infected mosquito,
which introduces larvae into the patient’s bloodstream. e larvae
migrate to local lymphatic vessels, where they mature into adult
worms over a period of almost a year. At this time, the adult worms
mate, producing microlaria, which migrates through lymphatic’s
into the bloodstream. In most geographic areas, the concentration of
circulating microlaria is highest in the evening [3]. If a mosquito bites
the infected individual during this time, it will ingest the organisms
and then may infect other humans. e circulating microlarias do
not mature into adult worms; additional adult worms may only be
introduced into a human host through subsequent bites by infected
mosquitoes. Adult worms survive in the human lymphatics for ve
years or more.
Most individuals infected with larial organisms are
asymptomatic. However, the worms may incite a brisk inammatory
reaction. When the inammation occurs around lymphatic vessels,
it causes brosis, and over a period of time, lymphatic obstruction.
is obstruction leads to the clinical syndrome of elephantiasis -
swelling and skin thickening of the extremities. An elephantiasis-type
presentation, however, is uncommon in the breast.
Acute symptomatic larial infections involving the breast are
unusual, and occur almost exclusively in endemic regions. ey
may present as rm, non-tender or painful subcutaneous breast
nodules [6-9], with overlying skin hyperemia, peau d’orange, and/
or nipple discharge [8]. On mammography, the nodules appear as
dense ovoid masses [1], and may be associated with calcications
[1,9,10]. In this setting, the ndings may appear alarming and prompt
recommendation for biopsy. Rarely, ultrasound of the nodules show
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rhythmic movements of the organisms in dilated cystic lymphatics, a
nding described as “larial dance” [1,9].
Most breast calcications from larial infection, like those
seen in our patient, are the result of treated, chronic, or “burned
out” infection. eir presence is attributed to calcication of the
dead parasites in perilymphatic so tissue [1,2,5,9]. Although they
are rarely encountered in Western countries, they are not unusual
in other parts of the world. For example, Adeniji-Sofoluwe et al.
[9] found them present in 7.4% of mammograms in Nigeria. As
noted, their morphology does not readily conform to the BI-RADS
lexicon. ey have been described as serpiginous [1,2,5-7]; tortuous
and ring-like [9]; wormlike [1,2,5]; meandering [5]; vermiform [4];
lamentous [5,6]; and tubular with lucent centers [7]. ey have
also been described as “continuous or beaded ne calcications” and
coiled, “hair-like whorls of calcications” [9]. Several authors have
described them as typically bilateral, while one author notes them to
be bilateral in only 12% of cases [4,5,9]. e calcications may be seen
in any area of the breast, including the subareolar region, but they
most are most commonly found in the lower inner and upper outer
quadrants [9,11]. Adeniji-Sofoluwe [9] reports that they occur more
oen in the le breast. In cases where only small fragments of the
calcied worm are present, the ndings may raise concern for breast
malignancy and result in additional imaging, biopsy, and/or surgery.
Calcications due to chronic larial infection tend to remain stable
on follow up examinations [1,2,5].
In asymptomatic immigrants with larial calcications on
mammogram, a CBC to exclude peripheral eosinophilia is sucient
to rule out active infection. In rare instances in which acute or active
infection is suspected, assays for Circulating Filarial Antigen (CFA)
and examination of peripheral blood smears for microlaria may help
conrm the diagnosis. Polymerase chain reaction assays have been
used as research tools but are not commercially available [3].
In our case, the patient reported no palpable abnormalities, skin
changes or nipple discharge in either breast at the time of screening
or prior. e patient’s peripheral eosinophil level was normal. Most
of the calcications have the typical whirled, lucent-centered, or
serpiginous, morphology described in other reports; however, some
of the calcications are located in the upper inner quadrant, an area of
the breast less commonly involved. As is sometimes the case, a group
of calcications in the upper outer right breast comprised of only
fragments of worms prompted additional imaging.
In summary, when characteristic calcications are seen on
mammograms in women from endemic areas, the diagnosis of larial
infection can be made. Knowledge of these unusual imaging ndings
may prevent unnecessary additional imaging or biopsy, especially
when the patient is asymptomatic.
Figure 1: Screening mammogram of a 68 year old female from Cameroon shows calcications characteristic of larial infection. In the lower inner left breast,
a left MLO view (a) shows thick linear calcications with lucent centers. In the subareaolar right breast, right CC (b) and right MLO (c) views show thick linear
calcications arranged in a serpiginous conguration. In the upper inner right breast and central outer left breast, right (d) and left (e) MLO views show ne linear
calcications arranged in a coiled conguration.
Figure 2: Magnication ML view of the upper outer right breast show a group
of monomorphic thick linear calcications, resembling fragments of similar-
appearing forms in other areas of the breasts.
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Citation: Brody MB, Tuite C and Evers KA. What’s the Worm? Breast Calcications in a Patient from Cameroon.
Austin J Clin Case Rep. 2016; 3(6): 1108.
Austin J Clin Case Rep - Volume 3 Issue 6 - 2016
ISSN : 2381-912X |
Brody et al. © All rights are reserved