The Impact of Brand Equity on Customer Acquisition,
Retention, and Profit Margin
Florian Stahl*
Mark Heitmann**
Donald R. Lehmann***
Scott A. Neslin****
March 10, 2011
This is a working paper. Please do not cite without the authors explicit permission.
* Florian Stahl is Assistant Professor of Marketing at the University of Zurich, Plattenstrasse 14,
8032 Zurich, Switzerland. E-mail: [email protected].
** Mark Heitmann is Professor of Marketing at the Christian-Albrechts-University at Kiel,
Westring 425, 24118 Kiel, Germany. E-mail: heitm[email protected]).
** Donald R. Lehmann is the George E. Warren Professor of Business at the Columbia Graduate
School of Business, 3022 Broadway, New York, NY 10027, USA. E-mail: [email protected]
*** Scott A. Neslin is the Albert Wesley Frey Professor of Marketing at the Amos Tuck School
of Business Administration, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA. E-mail:
We thank Peter Leeflang, Jacob Goldenberg, Gilles Laurent, Natalie Mizik, Marc Fischer and the
participants in the Tuck Marketing Seminar Series for their valuable comments and helpful
Reprinted by permission of the Marketing Science Institute.
The Impact of Brand Equity on Customer Acquisition,
Retention, and Profit Margin
This paper presents an empirical examination of the relationship between brand equity
and customer acquisition, retention, and profit margin, the key components of customer lifetime
value (CLV), as well as the role of marketing in this relationship. We examine a unique database
from the U.S. automobile market, comprised of 10 years of survey-based brand equity measures
as well as acquisition rates, retention rates, and customer profitability. We hypothesize and find
that brand equity is significantly associated with the components of CLV in expected and
meaningful ways. For example, customer knowledge or familiarity with the brand is positively
related to all three components of CLV. More surprisingly, however differentiation is a double-
edged sword; while it is associated with higher customer profitability, it is also associated with
lower acquisition and retention rates, suggesting that highly differentiated brands address targeted
segments whose members exhibit changing preferences. We also find that marketing, especially
advertising and market presence, exert both direct and indirect impacts on CLV through brand
equity. Simulations show that changes in marketing, or exogenous changes in brand equity, can
exert important impacts on CLV. Overall, the findings suggest the “soft” and “hard” sides of
marketing need to be managed in a coordinated fashion. We discuss these and other implications
for researchers and practitioners.
The development and application of marketing metrics has been both a major focus of
academic work (e.g., Srivastava et al. 1998; Lehmann and Reibstein 2006; Srinivasan and
Hanssens 2009) and a key issue for practitioners, having been a top priority of the Marketing
Science Institute for the last decade. Previous research has demonstrated the importance of two
key marketing assets: brand equity and customer lifetime value (CLV). This paper attempts to
demonstrate how these two constructs are related; more precisely, how brand equity drives the
key components of CLV: acquisition, retention, and profit margin.
Leone et al. (2006) emphasize that while many different methods have been proposed for
measuring brand equity, they share the premise that “The power of a brand lies in the minds of
consumers.“ (p. 126). Numerous commercial measures exist including Milward-Brown’s
BrandZ, Research International’s Equity Engine, IPSOS’s Equity*Builder and Young and
Rubicam’s Brand Asset Valuator (BAV), the measure we use in this paper.
While brand equity is rooted in the hearts and minds of consumers, CLV is manifested in
the dollar value of customer purchases. CLV is concerned with retention rates, acquisition rates,
profit margins, and ultimately, the net present value of the long-term profit contribution of the
customer (Farris et al. 2006). CLV is a financial measure that has immediate application as a
metric for assessing customer prospecting, as an objective to be managed, and as a method for
valuing the firm (Blattberg, Kim, and Neslin 2008; Gupta, Lehmann, and Stuart 2004).
As pointed out by Leone et al. (2006), Peppers and Rogers (2004, p. 301), and Rust,
Zeithaml, and Lemon (2000, p. 55), brand equity is logically a precursor of CLV. If brand
managers win the hearts and minds of the customer, customer managers have an easier time
retaining and acquiring customers. This perspective is supported by the classic theory of
reasoned action (Engel, Blackwell, and Miniard 1995, pp. 387-389), which posits that consumer
attitudes are a precursor to consumer actions. Quantifying this link between brand equity and
CLV provides several benefits, including: (1) providing a broader base for valuing the
“qualitative“ brand manager’s plans for advertising and positioning the brand, and (2) adding
diagnostic value to the dollar values that comprise CLV. Keller and Lehmann (2006) identify the
link between brand equity and CLV as a key area for future research.
While the brand equity to CLV link is crucial, it does not operate in a vacuum. Marketing
actions – advertising, pricing, promotions, product innovations, market presence – drive both
constructs. Researchers including Ailawadi, Lehmann, and Neslin (2003) and Srinivasan, Park
and Chang (2005) show how marketing actions are associated with brand equity. Others such as
Venkatesan and Kumar (2004) show how marketing actions are associated with CLV (see also
the review by Blattberg, Malthouse, and Neslin 2009).
In summary, previous work has suggested and in some cases measured pair-wise
relationships between marketing, brand equity, and CLV. However, work is needed that unifies
these constructs. One important step in this direction is the work of Rust, Lemon, and Zeithaml
(2004). They measure “return on marketing” by showing specific examples of the relationship
between marketing and customer product ratings, and how these ratings determine CLV. We
build on their work by (1) allowing marketing to influence CLV not only through brand equity
but directly as well, (2) examining the impact of brand equity on profit margins in addition to the
acquisition and retention components of CLV, and (3) using a widely used measure of brand
equity (the Brand Asset Evaluator) and examining a particular industry over an extended period
of time – one decade. Accordingly, the purposes of our paper are to:
Determine the impact of brand equity on the components of CLV – customer
acquisition, customer retention and profit margin;
Measure the impact of marketing on brand equity and the components of CLV;
Determine whether brand equity impacts the components of CLV, even after
accounting for the impact of marketing activity;
Demonstrate an easy-to-implement method for quantifying these relationships with
the type of data that is available in real-world applications.
In summary, our goal is to quantify the strategic relationship between brand management
(brand equity) and customer management (the components of CLV), and to demonstrate the role
that marketing activities play in this relationship.
Brand Equity
Brand equity can be assessed at the customer mind-set (e.g. Aaker 1996, Keller 2008),
product-market (e.g., Park and Srinivisan 1994), or financial market level (e.g., Mahajan, Rao,
and Srivastava 1994). These approaches have different strengths and weaknesses (Ailawadi,
Lehmann, and Neslin 2003). While financial market measures quantify current and future brand
potential, they often rely on subjective judgements or volatile measures to estimate future value
(Simon and Sullivan 1993). Product-market measures are more closely related to marketing
activity but don’t capture future potential (e.g., Kamakura and Russel 1993; Swait et al. 1993).
More importantly, both approaches suffer from their limited diagnostic value for improving
brand value. Customer mind-set metrics, on the other hand, identify brand strengths and
weaknesses (Keller 1993). While this provides insights for strengthening brand equity, it
provides little information about brand performance in terms of market share or profitability. By
linking brand equity to the components of CLV we bridge this gap.
We focus on customer-based brand equity defined as ”the differential effect of brand
knowledge or customer response to the marketing of the brand”. It “occurs when the customer is
familiar with the band and holds some favourable strong, and unique associations in memory”.
(Keller, 1993, P.2). Not surprisingly, there are several mind-set measures of brand equity.
Commercial measures such as Young & Roubicam's (Y&R) Brand Asset Valuator (BAV),
Milward Brown's BrandZ or Research International's Equity Engine measure four to five major
facets of brand perceptions. Similarly, academic researchers have proposed five to six key
aspects that capture brand image beyond an overall attitude/halo component (Keller and
Lehmann 2003; Lehmann, Keller and Farley 2008). Of the commercial measures, BAV is
probably the best known and is “the world’s largest database of consumer-derived information
on brands (Keller, 2008, P. 393) as well as the first brand equity model discussed by Kotler and
Keller (2009, P. 243). It also served as a basis for Aaker’s (1996) 10 measures of brand equity.
Y&R has measured brand associations for two decades and currently covers over 20,000 brands
in over 40 countries. Four "pillars" – Knowledge, Relevance, Differentiation, and Esteem – have
emerged from these observations as most diagnostic for metrics such as customer attraction,
price elasticity and loyalty. Knowledge appears in Keller’s definition and emerged as a key
component in Lehmann, Keller and Farley (2008), while Relevance, Esteem, and Differentiation
are the “favorable, strong, and unique” associations in Keller’s definition. This paper examines
how these four “pillars” relate to customer acquisition, retention, and profit margin.
Numerous studies have shown the link of marketing activities such as advertising to
brand equity (e.g., Ailawadi, Lehmann, and Neslin 2003). In addition, Aaker and Jacobson
(1994, 2001) found a positive link between perceived brand quality and attitude and stock prices.
The link between brands and stock price is also demonstrated in Kerin and Sethuraman (1998),
Mizik and Jacobson (2008) and Madden, Fehle, and Fournier (2006). Scholars have also focused
on the impact of brand equity on customer loyalty and tolerance of corporate misconduct (e.g.,
Chaudhuri and Holbrook 2001; Aaker, Fournier and Brasel 2004) as well as willingness to pay
(Swait et al. 1993). Furthermore, even simple mind-set metrics, such as brand recall, have been
shown to explain demand over and above marketing activity (Srinivsan, Vanhuele and Pauwels
2010). These findings, as well as work by Leone et al. (2006), Rust, Zeithaml, and Lemon
(2000), and Peppers and Rogers (2004), provide empirical support for the notion that brand
equity should link to hard measures of customer behavior such as the components of CLV.
Customer Lifetime Value
Farris et al. (2006, p. 143) define CLV as “The present value of the future cash flows
attributed to the customer relationship.” As Farris et al. (2006) note, CLV is essentially the Net
Present Value calculation used for capital budgeting in corporate finance. However, the unit of
analysis for CLV is the customer, not the “project“.
CLV is used as a metric for deciding whether a group of customers is worth acquiring
(Blattberg, Kim, and Neslin 2008), as a means to value the firm (Gupta, Lehmann, and Stuart
2004), and as an objective to be managed dynamically (e.g., Kahn, Lewis, and Singh 2009;
Blattberg, Kim, and Neslin 2008, Chapter 28). A substantial portion of this research has focused
on assessing the financial value of customers (Hogan et al. 2002; Hogan, Lemon, and Libai
2003) and on its determinants such as marketing actions (Rust, Lemon, and Zeithaml 2004;
Venkatesan and Kumar 2004).
There are two main methods of calculating CLV (Dwyer 1989; Berger and Nasr 1998;
Blattberg, Kim, and Neslin 2008): (1) the simple retention model, and (2) the Markov migration
model. The simple retention model assumes that the customer is acquired, retained with a certain
probability each year, and at some point ceases to be a customer. Once the customer “churns”,
the possibility of the customer returning to the company is not considered except as a “new”
acquisition. The migration model explicitly addresses this possibility. A customer may
temporarily defect, that is, skip purchasing for a period or two and then resume purchasing. For
example, a McDonalds customer may visit the establishment in week 1, skip weeks 2 and 3, and
return in week 4. The same can occur for a durable product, e.g., a Ford owner may switch to a
Toyota, but then, after a few years, come back and buy a Ford. Whereas the retention model is
driven by retention rates and profit margin, the migration model is governed by retention rates,
profit margin, and (re)acquisition rates. The data we have from the automobile industry include
acquisition as well as retention measures. This allows us to exploit the strengths of the Markov
migration model so we compute CLV using this approach.
The literature review suggests the simple framework depicted in Figure 1. The
framework is essentially a value chain similar to those discussed by Keller and Lehmann (2003),
Gupta and Lehmann (2005), and Reibstein and Lehmann (2006). It proposes that marketing
actions influence both brand equity and the components of CLV, and that brand equity has a
direct impact on the components of CLV even after controlling for marketing actions. We next
discuss the hypotheses related to this framework.
--- Figure 1 ---
As mentioned earlier, the behavioral concept at work here is the theory of reasoned
action, which posits a trail from customer cognitions (captured by brand equity) to affect, to
intentions, to behavior (captured by CLV components). This process exists over and above
marketing activities that might be aimed directly at increasing CLV. Therefore, our first
hypothesis is:
H1: Brand equity impacts CLV, even after controlling for the direct effect of
marketing activities.
H1 is fundamental but nontrivial to demonstrate. It is quite possible that the attitude to
behavior link is lost amid the “noise” created by marketing efforts aimed directly at customer
acquisition, customer retention, and customer profit margin. Alternatively, the effect of
marketing on CLV may simply be direct, rather than mediated by brand equity.
A second premise of Figure 1 is that marketing activities can be used to increase both
brand equity and CLV. Here these “activities” are operationalized as the elements of the
marketing mix (i.e. advertising, product innovation, price, price promotion, and distribution).
Previous work has not examined the impact of the elements of the marketing mix on the
components of brand equity and CLV in the same setting. While one may consider these only as
control variables, one role of this paper is to assess their effects in an integrated context. We
therefore state the following (obvious) hypotheses:
H2A: Marketing activities impact brand equity.
H2B: Marketing activities directly impact customer acquisition, customer
retention, and customer profit margin.
In addition, we have a number of specific hypotheses about which aspects of brand equity
impact the three components of CLV. Here we focus on the four components of brand equity in
the current BAV model:
Knowledge: The extent to which customers are familiar with the brand.
Relevance: The extent to which customers find the brand to be relevant to their needs.
Esteem: The regard customers have for the brand’s quality, leadership, and reliability.
Differentiation: The extent to which the brand is seen as different, unique, or distinct.
How each of these is hypothesized to relate to the components of CLV – acquisition, retention,
and profit – is summarized in Table 1.
Knowledge: Knowledge/familiarity with a brand is the first element in hierarchy of
effects models such as Howard and Sheth (1969). Knowledge plays an important role in
mitigating perceived risk (Alba and Hutchinson 1987). Customers should be more apt to switch
to a brand if they are familiar with it because there is less risk that the product will not meet their
needs. Similarly, well known brands do not have to pay customers a “risk premium” in the form
of lower prices. Therefore, knowledge (familiarity) with a brand should have a positive effect on
both acquisition and profit margin. In terms of retention, current customers have adapted to a
product and hence learned to value its attributes (Carpenter and Nakomoto 1989). They also will
be more confident in their judgment of the product, leading to it being more appealing when
considering the mean and variance of alternatives in future choice decisions.
--- Table 1 ---
Relevance: Consistent with most mind-set models of brand equity, BAV includes a
measure of need fulfillment, captured by relevance. Products can provide utility through
functional, experiential or symbolic benefits (see Park, Jaworski, and MacInnis 1986). While the
importance of these benefits differs across individual consumers and change over time (Keller
1993), brands that fulfill the core needs of customers are likely to be considered for purchase
(Punj and Brookes 2002) and consequently produce higher acquisition and retention rates as well
as increased willingness to pay and hence higher margins. One might argue that relevance is a
low bar, as companies in a given industry tend to converge and address similar needs (D'Aveni
1995). This suggests the effect of relevance may be weak. However, addressing customer needs
is basic to the marketing concept (Kotler and Keller 2009, p. 19). We therefore advance the
following hypothesis:
Esteem: Going a step beyond relevance, higher esteem means that the quality and
reliability of the brand are judged favorably. Evaluative judgments such as esteem are seldom
formed with regard to benefits of little subjective importance (Ajzen and Fishbein 1980). Put
differently, brand respect and deference will be related to favorable appraisals of important
attributes (see MacKenzie 1986). Hence, brands, which satisfy important consumption goals,
should be able to achieve higher acquisition and retention rates and command price premiums.
Taken together, this discussion suggests the following (fairly obvious) hypothesis:
H3: Brands with higher knowledge, relevance and esteem have higher
customer acquisition and retention rates, and command larger profit
Differentiation: Differentiation has long been the mantra of marketing, and hence one
might expect it to also be positively associated with all the components of CLV (e.g., Day and
Wensley 1988). Economic theory dictates that less differentiated products face more
competition, which ultimately drives down prices. Thus, more differentiated products should
have higher margins. However, distinctiveness, a key component of differentiation, has no
positive customer benefit per se. Psychologists find that individuals tend to rate distinct stimuli
lower because they are harder to process and evaluate (Winkielman et al. 2006). The limited
sales of failures such as the Pontiac Aztec and the Ford Edsel (and of successes such as Porsche
911) suggest highly distinctive cars appeal to relatively small segments. Recent field studies of
the German automobile market confirm this by showing that aesthetically distinct vehicles turn
over slower than less distinct automobiles (Landwehr, Labroo and Herrmann 2009). In addition,
in mature markets differentiated brands tend to be highly targeted, which limits their customer
base and leads to lower acquisition rates.
Differentiated brands also may be less able to hold onto their customers because of
variety seeking or changes in customer preference due to changes in family status, social
environment and cultural norms. Furthermore, distinct products have been linked to self image
portrayal, need for uniqueness and variety seeking (Ratner and Kahn 2002, Levav and Ariely
2000). A Porsche, for example, is clearly a very differentiated and unique sports car. However, it
addresses transient needs and its customers may make different choices on their next purchase
after they have had their sports car “fix” or their circumstances change, e.g., they begin raising a
family. We therefore hypothesize differentiation is a double-edged sword, positively associated
with profit margins but negatively with customer acquisition and retention:
H4: Brands with higher differentiation will be associated with lower
acquisition and retention rates, but higher profit margins.
In addition to these main effects, we also examine interactions among the BAV
To link customer based brand equity to the components of CLV in a practical yet long-
term, strategic way, we focus on a single, major industry – the U.S. automotive industry.
Specifically, we focus on data for 39 major brands between 1999 and 2008 (comprising more
than 97% of all automobile sales in the US market). The automotive industry is of great
economic importance. Cars are high involvement products in terms of interest, symbolic value,
hedonic value and risk (Lapersonne, Laurent, and Le Goff 1995). Thus, one would expect
potential buyers to carefully collect and analyze product information, so the long-run dynamics
of acquisition and retention become managerially more meaningful (Srinivasan and Ratchford
1991). Furthermore, switching behavior is easily observed since most customers trade in used
cars when purchasing a new one. We compiled data on brand equity, customer acquisition,
retention, and profit margin, and marketing variables from several sources, as detailed below.
Customer-Based Brand Equity
Of the several models that have been developed to measure brand equity at the customer
mind set level, Young & Rubicam’s Brand Asset Valuator (BAV) is among the most visible
(Mizik and Jacobson 2008). BAV is an extensive research program on global branding and has
been called one of the most ambitious efforts to measure brand equity across products (Keller
2008; Aaker 1996). In the U.S. Young & Rubicam collects annual data from a sample of more
than 6,000 designed to the U.S. population over 18 years of age (Agres and Dubitsky 1996).
Table 2 contains the perceptual metrics used to derive the components that comprise BAV:
“differentiation,” “relevance,” “esteem,” and “knowledge”. Items belonging to each component
were averaged to calculate a formative index. We rescaled items that were on different scales to a
1 to 100 scale to make them comparable.
--- Table 2 ---
One strength of BAV is its widespread use both in the business world and by academic
researchers (Aaker 2004, Chapter 10), who related it to stock price movements and firm
valuation (e.g., Mizik and Jacobson 2008). Furthermore, BAV is one of the very few measures
available over a ten-year period for all the relevant brands of a major industry. One weakness of
the data is that the number of “sub-scales” differs from one to seven across the pillars, and some
sub-scales use simple yes-no responses when interval scales might have been more powerful.
More broadly, our specific results are limited to the dimensions of BAV as well as the product
category studied, automobiles in the U.S. The results therefore should be taken strictly as
“hypotheses” of what would happen in other situations.
Customer Acquisition and Customer Retention
The customer purchase data used in our study to measure acquisition and retention were
provided by the Power Information Network (PIN) and consist of trade-in and purchase data on
39 different automobile brands in the U.S. between 1999 and 2008. These data cover about 40%
of transactions and are considered representative for the U.S. and have been successfully applied
in previous research on automotive choice (Bucklin, Siddarth and Risso 2008; Jie, Lili and
Schroeder 2009).
For example, esteem consists of personal regard, leadership, high quality, and reliability. While regard is measured
on a seven-point scale, the others are measured using yes-no responses. We rescale regard to a scale from 1 to 100
and derive the brand equity component esteem by averaging all four items. We refrain from using z-scores to
calculate composite measures (see Mizik and Jacobson 2008) because we wanted to be able to quantify the impact
of changes in brand equity on CLV using simulation (see below).
The migration CLV model requires switching probabilities conditional on which brand
customers previously purchased, i.e., the percentage of customers who bought the focal brand in
period t among customers who owned the brand in t-1 and made a purchase in t (retention) and
the percentage of customers who bought the focal brand in period t among those who owned
another brand in t-1 and made a purchase in period t (acquisition). This differs from the
unconditional probabilities, i.e., the number of customers repurchasing the focal brand in t as a
percentage of all customers purchasing in t (retention) and the number of customers switching to
the focal brand in t as a percentage of all customers purchasing in t (acquisition). Table 3
illustrates the calculation of unconditional and conditional acquisition and retention probabilities.
Unconditional probabilities sum to one and we incorporate this in our analysis to ensure logical
consistency of our predictions. We convert predictions of the unconditional probabilities to
conditional probabilities, which are used in the migration CLV model.
--- Table 3 ---
Customer (Gross) Profit Margin
The customer (gross) profit margin of a sold car is the difference between a brand’s
average wholesale price and its variable production costs, i.e. its costs of goods sold (COGS).
Power Information Network (PIN) provided data on each brand’s price per sold car, while COGS
data are derived from annual reports. Our analysis excludes fixed costs such as advertising and
R&D and represents the marginal contribution of a sale/customer. The merits of using only
variable costs in CLV calculations are discussed by Blattberg, Kim and Neslin (2008, pp. 149-
151). Similarly, Berger and Nasr (1998) do not consider fixed costs in their seminal paper on
calculating CLV, a perspective shared by Mulhern (1999).
Marketing Activities
We use marketing mix variables that have been shown to influence customer acquisition
and retention (Pauwels et al. 2004; Slotegraaf and Pauwels 2008; Ataman, Van Heerde, and
Mela 2009; Ailawadi, Lehmann and Neslin 2003). We include each brand’s yearly ad spending
(advertising) in the U.S. (provided by TNS Media), the number of dealers in the U.S. (provided
by Automotive News), product range measured as the number of distinct models offered, the
number of new model launches introduced in a year (both provided by Wards Automobile), and
the average customer incentives (price promotions) during the year (provided by Automotive
News). Because of the high correlation between number of dealers (distribution) and product
range/brand breath (0.59)
, we combine these into a variable we called “market presence,” i.e.,
the ubiquity of the brand in the market. Since these measures are on different scales, we rescale
them to range between one and ten. Market presence is calculated as a formative index by
averaging the rescaled components.
We adjust ad spending by the consumer price index (CPI), as reported by the U.S. Bureau
of Economic Analysis. The average price of a brand’s sold cars is adjusted by the CPI for gross
domestic purchases of motor vehicles using the same source of information. The baseline price
index for all prices and budgets is 1999.
The correlation between dealers and range was the highest pairwise correlation among these five different
measures of marketing actions.
Statistical Analysis
Figure 1 suggests three equations: (1) Brand equity as a function of marketing activity,
(2) Retention and acquisition as a function of brand equity and marketing activities, and (3)
Profit as a function of brand equity and marketing activities.
Brand equity: To analyze the four brand equity measures – relevance, esteem,
differentiation, and knowledge – as a function of marketing activities, we specify four regression
equations and estimate them jointly using seemingly unrelated regression.
i 1,...,39 indexes the 39 brands, where I = 39
t 1,...,10 indexes the 10 years of data
k 1,...,4 indexes the four brand equity measures
m 1,...,5 indexes the five marketing activities defined earlier
Value of brand equity component k for brand i in period t
Fixed effect for firm i on brand equity component k
Dummy coding for brand i
The impact of marketing activity m on brand equity measure k
Value of marketing activity m for brand i in period t
Error term for brand equity component k, brand i and period t
The key coefficients are the four sets of δ‘s representing the impact of marketing on each
brand equity component. We include brand-specific fixed effects to control for cross-sectional
variance so that changes in brand equity are likely to be due to changes in marketing activity
over time rather than stable and unique characteristics of the brand. Second, we scale all
variables relative to the mean across brands for the given time period. This provides a convenient
way to account for (possibly nonlinear) trends from year to year. The model assumes that what
matters is not, for example, the level of advertising, but rather the level of advertising relative to
competition. Measuring the variables in this way means that what we specifically examine is 1)
how deviations in marketing activities from the industry average impact the four pillars of BAV
and 2) how deviations in each pillar of BAV from the industry average impact market place
behavior as measured by acquisition and retention (which drive share) as well as margin.
Customer Acquisition and Customer Retention: As discussed in the data section, we
model unconditional acquisition and retention probabilities because these have consistency
properties (summing to one) we can exploit. Define S
as the unconditional acquisition
probability (r = 1) or retention probability (r = 2) for brand i in period t. As shown in Table 3,
summing S
Unconditional probability of acquisition or retention (r) for brand i in period t
r 1, acquisition; 2 for retention.
We employ a differential effects multinomial attraction model (Cooper and Nakanishi
1988) to maintain the logical consistency of equation (2). We predict logically consistent
unconditional acquisition and retention probabilities, use them to derive absolute numbers
(Table 3), and then derive the conditional acquisition and retention probabilities needed for
calculating CLV. The differential effects multinomial attraction model is:
Attraction of brand i to acquire/retain (r) in period t
The A
’s are expressed as:
Fixed effect for brand i
Dummy coding for brand i
Fixed effect for acquisition and retention
Dummy coding for acquisition and retention
Effect of brand equity component k on acquisition/retention (r)
Value of brand equity component k of brand i in period t
Effect of marketing activity m on acquisition/retention (r)
Value of marketing activity m of brand i in period t
Error term for brand i, acquisition/retention (r) and period t
Equation (4) models attraction, and hence unconditional retention and acquisition, as
functions of brand equity and marketing. The coefficients for these variables are retention or
acquisition specific, so that brand equity measure k has a different impact on retention than on
acquisition. We also include fixed effects for brand and for retention vs. acquisition.
Taking the logarithm of equation (3), substituting in equation (4), summing over I = 39
brands and over R = 2 acquisition/retention, and multiplying both sides by 1/IR yields:
∑∑ ∑∑
== = ===
11 1 111
Following Cooper and Nakanishi (1988) we subtract equation (5) from the log of equation (3) to
form a single regression equation:
We also experimented with a model using a single composite fixed effect for acquisition/retention (r) and brand i.
This model produced substantially similar effects. We decided to report the results for the specification of equation
(5) which uses fewer degrees of freedom.
retention if 1 n,acquisitio if 0
retention if 0 n,acquisitio if 1
ofmean Geometric
Equation (6) is estimated using ordinary least squares on the stacked retention and
acquisition numbers for each brand for each time period, resulting in 39 brands × 10 time periods
× 2 (acquisition or retention) = 780 observations.
Customer Profit Margin: Figure 1 shows that profit margin per customer (π
) is a
function of marketing activities as well as brand equity. We model customer (gross) profit
margin as:
)()()( (7)
Fixed effect for brand i
Effect of brand equity component k on profit margin (p)
Value of brand equity component k of brand i in period t
Effect of marketing activity m on profit margin (p)
Value of marketing activity m of brand i in period t
Error term for brand i, profit margin (π) and period t
We include fixed effects and scale all variables relative to competition. The coefficient
represents the unit change in a brand’s profit, relative to competition, per unit change in its brand
equity component k, relative to competition. The coefficient
represents the impact of
marketing activity m on profit, again relative to competition. Note that we use data aggregated
across brands which is readily available to any firm. We consider this an adequate level of
analysis since brand equity is an inherently aggregate level construct. However, this does not
allow for inferences regarding differences across customers which may be of additional value,
e.g. for developing communication strategies for different target segments. The average effects
we estimate may also differ across brands, in particular luxury vs. non-luxury brands. We have
investigated this possibility by testing for statistical differences of the brand equity effects and
found no such indication.
CustomerLifetime Value
We calculate CLV using the Markov migration model advanced by Dwyer (1989) and
Berger and Nasr (1998). We draw directly on Pfeifer and Carraway (2000), who show how to
perform the calculation in a convenient matrix form. The migration model acknowledges that
customers are acquired, lost, and then sometimes return to the “nest” over time (see Blattberg,
Kim, and Neslin 2008, Chapter 5). In the context of the automobile market, the migration model
captures the scenario that a customer purchases a Buick in Year 1, switches to another car in
Year 4, and returns to Buick in Year 7.
The migration model starts with the “states” that characterize a customer at a particular
point in time. We define three states:
Own focal car, purchased in period t
Own focal car, purchased earlier than period t.
Own competitive car, purchased in period t or earlier.
Given these states, the following parameters are needed to calculate CLV for focal car i:
p Probability of purchasing a car in period t, i.e., the probability the customer is “in
the market” in period t.
Probability of purchasing the focal car i in period t, given the customer currently
owns the focal car and purchases a car in period t (retention).
Probability of purchasing the focal car i in period t, given the customer currently
owns a competitive car and purchases a car in period t (acquisition).
Profit margin per customer for the focal car i in period t.
The above definitions imply a “transition matrix” (Table 4) of the probabilities that customers
migrate from one state to another each period, as follows:
--- Table 4 ---
Own focal car, purchased in period t: The customer purchases a new car in period t + 1
with probability p and the probability that the purchased car will be the focal car is S*
Therefore, the probability of buying the focal car in period t + 1 is pS*
, i.e. the customer
purchased and was retained. The customer may purchase a different car with probability p(1 –
). A customer who does not purchase any car is still an owner of the focal car, and so moves
from state 1 to state 2.
Own focal car, purchased earlier than period t: The probabilities of transitioning to the
various states are the same as if the customer started in state 1. The reason we distinguish
between states 1 and 2 is the profit implications are different – unless the customer purchases the
focal car, there is no profit margin.
Own competitive car, purchased in period t or earlier: The probability the customer
purchases a car is p, but now the probability of it being the focal car is the acquisition
probability, S*
. So the probability of transitioning to state 1, owning the focal car purchased in
the period t + 1, is pS*
and the probability of remaining in state 3, owner of a competitive car
purchased in period t + 1 or earlier, is 1 – pS*
. A customer in state 3 cannot transition to state 2
because the customer owned a competitive car purchased before period t - 1.
The final ingredient needed to compute CLV is the profit margin depending on the
customer’s state. This can be captured by a 3 × 1 vector reflecting the contribution for each state:
If the customer purchases the focal car in the current period, the profit margin is
Pfeifer and Carraway (2000) show that CLV can be calculated as follows:
CLV = (I – (1+d)
R (9)
I Identity matrix (3 × 3 in our case since we have three states).
P Transition matrix defined above and in Table 4 (3 x 3).
d Discount parameter (we set this to 0.10 or 10% per year for our calculations).
The key drivers of CLV are the conditional acquisition and retention probabilities
(contained in P) and the profit margin (contained in R). The estimates of Equation (6) provide
predictions of the unconditional probabilities of acquisition and retention. As described earlier,
we use these to work backwards and obtain the conditional probabilities, (the S
’s). The
estimates of Equation (7) provide the predictions of profit contribution needed for equation (8).
We consider the probability the customer purchases any car (p) to be exogenous, i.e., we assume
that brand equity does not affect the average interpurchase time nor vice-versa. According to
______ the average interpurchase times for the years we studied were ___ ___ ___ ___ and ___
respectively, suggesting what is seen by improvements by some that cause them to speed up
purchase are offset by the decision by others to postpone purchase. We therefore use a value of p
= 0.20, meaning the customer replaces a car every five years on average, which is what we
observe in the PIN data. This parameter affects the value of CLV (a higher p means higher CLV)
but for illustrating the impact of changes in brand equity, we believe the assumption of constant
p is reasonable and will not dramatically alter the implications of our scenario calculations.
Correlations among the variables appear in Table 5. For example, differentiation is highly
correlated with margin (.63) and negatively with retention (-.43) and acquisition (-.48). This
suggests, as hypothesized, that differentiation is a double-edged sword: high differentiation
means the automobile is highly targeted and may appeal to customers in certain lifestages.
Relevance and knowledge are highly correlated with customer retention (.79 and .76) and
relevance is unsurprisingly highly correlated with customer acquisition (.69). We note high
correlations among variables that portend multicollinearity problems. For example, relevance is
highly correlated with several other variables; esteem is highly correlated with knowledge, etc.
This may inflate standard errors and render fewer significant results. However, we felt it was
important to be able to compare our results with other work that uses the BAV measures.
Therefore we did not orthogonalize the brand equity measures. To the extent we find significant
effects consistent with our hypotheses in the presence of multicollinearity, we believe that makes
our results all the stronger.
--- Table 5 ---
Determinants of Brand Equity Components
Table 6 presents estimates of equation (1) – brand equity as a function of marketing.
Advertising is positively linked to differentiation, relevance, and esteem while market presence
is positively related to relevance, esteem, and knowledge but negatively to differentiation - being
widely present is inconsistent with being “unique”. Overall, marketing clearly exerts an
important impact on the components of brand equity. In particular, the statistical significance of
the advertising and presence variables provide support for Hypothesis H2A.
--- Table 6 ---
Impact of Brand Equity on Acquisition and Retention
Table 7 presents the estimates of Equation (6), linking brand equity and marketing actions
to acquisition and retention. The brand equity components are related both to acquisition and
retention. In support of H5, differentiation is negatively related to acquisition and retention.
Knowledge is positively related to acquisition and retention, supporting H6. Esteem is positively
related to customer retention but not to acquisition, partially supporting Hypothesis H4. In partial
support of H3, relevance has a positive effect on acquisition (p < .10) but no significant impact
on retention. Overall, six out of the eight coefficients relating brand equity to acquisition and
retention are statistically significant at p < .10 (five coefficients at p < .05). Apparently,
acquiring and retaining customers requires capturing their hearts and minds (Fournier 1998).
Taken together, these findings lend support for Hypothesis H1 – “soft” customer mind-set
measures of brand equity relate to “hard” measures of acquisition and retention, the prime
ingredients of CLV, even after controlling for the impact of marketing activities.
--- Table 7 ---
As for the direct impact of marketing on acquisition and retention, there are significant
effects, supporting H2B. Advertising seems to be a crucial driver of customer acquisition as well
as customer retention. Price promotions are also significantly related to acquisition but not
retention. This is consistent with results on consumer packaged goods, where promotions tend to
increase “penetration” but have a weaker impact on “share of requirements”/loyalty (Ailawadi,
Lehmann, and Neslin 2003). Market presence increases acquisition as well as retention.
Interestingly, the number of new model launches and the average price are not significantly
related to acquisition or retention. The absence of a price effect may be due to the significant
impact of incentives, which involve price. The absence of a new products effect could be due to
the fact that most of the brands in our sample had active new product programs, and thus it was
difficult even for brands with higher than average new product development to stand out from
the crowd.
Impact on Customer Profit Margin
The estimates of Equation (7), relating brand equity and marketing to customer profit
margin, are in Table 8. Differentiation and knowledge again are the strong brand equity
measures. They both relate positively to profit, supporting Hypotheses H5 and H6. The impact of
relevance is significant at the 10% level, supporting H4. The impact of esteem has an
unexpected sign which could be due to multicollinearity but is not significant at the 10% level.
Overall, the finding that three of the four equity measures relate significantly to profit provides
support for H1.
--- Table 8 ---
Consistent with Hypothesis H2B, two marketing activities, advertising and market
presence, relate to profit margin. The negative impact of advertising is only significant at the
10% level, but is consistent with the “advertising as information” theory, which suggests that
advertising exposes consumers to more alternatives, underscores product differences, and hence
accentuates competition (Nelson 1974; Meurer and Stahl 1994). Such effects of advertising are
particularly likely in oligopolistic industries and those in which customers negotiate individual
prices (Scherer and Ross 1990; Gatignon 1984). Other studies have found similar effects of
advertising on price elasticity as well as revenues (e.g., Kanetkar et. al. 1992; Lodish et al. 1995).
Market presence, on the other hand, has a strong positive impact on profit margin.
Analysis of Indirect Effects
To further assess the role of brand equity, we conduct a series of Sobel tests to calculate
the indirect effect of each marketing variable on the components of CLV, operating through their
impact on the four brand equity components (Preacher and Hayes 2008). We obtain standard
errors for these coefficients using bootstrapping and test for the statistical significance of indirect
effects. These tests reveal that the effect of market presence on acquisition and retention operates
partially through customer based brand equity (Table 9). Specifically, 28% of the total effect of
market presence on acquisition and 29% of the effect on retention operates indirectly through the
four brand equity components. We also find evidence of a positive indirect effect of advertising
on profit margin. Thus, advertising increases margins by increasing brand equity, but decreases
margins through its direct effect noted earlier. Taken together, the two effects cancel out and lead
to a non significant total effect of advertising on margins.
--- Table 9 ---
Check for Endogeneity
The analysis of the relationships among customer acquisition, customer retention, profit
margin, marketing effort, and brand equity potentially is subject to endogeneity, in particular
simultaneity given the annual nature of our data. Customers may notice a car is popular (because
it is acquiring and retaining many customers) and adjust their brand equity perceptions.
Similarly, managers may observe the performance of their brands in terms of acquisition and
retention and adjust marketing accordingly. It is quite possible that these problems will not
materialize. For example, customers may not notice acquisition and retention rates. However,
this is an empirical question, one that we resolve by conducting endogeneity tests.
We conduct two tests for endogeneity, a Wu-Hausman F-test (Wu 1973, Hausman 1978)
and a Durbin-Wu-Hausman χ
-test (Durbin, 1954, Wu 1973, Hausman 1978).
The null
hypothesis in both tests is that endogeneity is not a problem. As a result, OLS and instrumental
variables (IV) estimates of equations such as Acquisition = f(brand equity, marketing) will both
be consistent and converge to the same estimates as sample size increases.
The choice of instruments is particularly challenging because the data are both cross-
section (brand) and time series (year). Ideally, instruments should vary by year and by brand. We
use two instruments: (1) fixed effects for each brand in the model, and (2) lagged values of
potentially endogenous variables (e.g., Differentiation
for Differentiation
, etc.; see Sudhir
2001; Vilcassim, Kadiyali and Chintagunta, 1999). For robustness, we also conducted the tests
using two-period lags (Boulding, Lee, and Staelin 1994; Neslin, Henderson, and Quelch 1985).
We test seven equations: acquisition, retention, profit margin, and the four pillar equations. In
total, we conduct 28 tests; Wu-Hausman and Durbin-Wu-Hausman, using either one-period or
two-period lags, for each of the seven equations.
We implemented these tests following Baum, Schaffer, and Stillman (2003, equations 53 and 54).
The results (Table 10) support the null hypothesis of no endogeneity. None of the 28
tests is significant at the 5% level; three are significant at the 10% level, consistent with what
would be expected due to chance.
--- Table 10 ---
We examine the impact of changes in marketing actions and brand equity on the CLV of
an acquired customer. We consider two scenarios – (1) brand equity increases via a factor
outside the control of management (e.g., a trend toward greater esteem for cars built in a
particular country) and (2) marketing action taken by management (e.g., increases in advertising
or market presence). Equations (1), (6), and (7) specify the impact of a change in brand equity or
marketing on acquisition, retention, and profit margin. The scenarios are hypothetical but
demonstrate the magnitude, and hence managerial relevance, of the link between “soft” measures
(brand equity) and “hard measures” (acquisition, retention, profits, and CLV). We use equations
(8) and (9) to calculate CLV.
We use the 2008 Cadillac as our focal car. Table 11 shows the results. The first column
represents the current state of affairs – the base case. Cadillac is predicted to have a high
retention rate, 50.15%, but a low acquisition rate, 1.31%. Note that since there are 39 brands, a
“benchmark” acquisition rate would be approximately 1/39 or 2.5%. Cadillac’s low acquisition
rate is likely due to its smaller target group. In terms of brand equity, Cadillac rates higher than
average on all components with particular strength in esteem. Cadillac introduces fewer new
products and uses fewer incentives compared to other brands. However, its advertising and
market presence are slightly above average. Cadillac charges higher prices and is able to achieve
an above average profit margin of $19,260. Using equation (9) and assuming a 5-year purchase
cycle, the predicted CLV of its customers is $28,737.
---Table 11---
In this illustration, the interpurchase time of 5 years coupled with the retention rate of
50% plays an important role in CLV. Cadillac gets $19,260 when the customer is first acquired,
so there is $28,737-$19,260 = $9,477 in NPV remaining. The value if a customer re-buys a
Cadillac five years later, assuming a 10% discount rate, is (1/(1.1))
× $19,260 = $11,959. In
another five years, Cadillac has a 50% chance of retaining that customer again, which means a
.50 × .50 = .25 chance starting from the beginning. By ten years out, the discount factor is
= .39 so the NPV of this is .39 × $19,260 = $7,426. The sum .50 × $11,959 + .25 ×
$7,426 = $7,836 is the majority of the $9,477 remaining NPV after the initial purchase. The NPV
of customers who buy a third time, etc., or defect and are then re-acquired comprise the
remaining $9,477-$7,836=$1,641 contribution to CLV. Clearly, retention and interpurchase time
play a large role in determining CLV.
Scenario 1: Increased advertising
We now assume Cadillac increases its advertising by .5 standard deviations; the net effect
(Table 6) on acquisition and retention would be positive although small (assuming that increases
in the one pillar does not cause a second order change in the other pillars). The reason is that
advertising-induced increases in differentiation tend to detract from retention and acquisition,
while the advertising-induced increases in other pillars, plus the direct impact of advertising,
tends to increase retention and acquisition (Table 7). These factors offset so the net impact is
positive but small. This result is consistent with studies showing a low advertising elasticity for
mature products (e.g., Hanssens, Parsons, and Schultz 2001). The same offsetting occurs
regarding profit contribution, yielding a slightly negative impact of -$33 per car. The net impact
on CLV is +$226, due to the slightly higher acquisition and retention rates. This scenario clearly
illustrates the offsetting direct and indirect effects of advertising, which result in only a small
positive impact of advertising on CLV.
Scenario 2: Increased market presence
In this scenario, Cadillac increases its marketing presence by .5 standard deviations, e.g.,
by increasing the number of dealers and perhaps increasing its product range. This decreases
differentiation, as the car becomes more “common” and less distinct. However, relevance,
esteem and knowledge increase as customers become more familiar with Cadillac.
The changes in brand equity result in some increase in acquisition, and a substantial
increase in retention, from 50% to 67%. Profitability also increases because knowledge has a
strong impact on profit, as does market presence directly. This is partially offset by the negative
direct impact of a decrease in differentiation, but the net result is that profit margin increases. As
a result, CLV increases from $28,736 to $32,455, a gain of $6,719, or 13%.
Market presence therefore is a key marketing “lever”. It sets in motion gains in relevance,
esteem, and knowledge that increase its draw from competitors (acquisition) and, more
substantially, its retention of current customers. In addition, net profitability per customer
increases so all three components of CLV (acquisition, retention, and profit margin) move in the
right direction. While the 13% gain in CLV is substantial, the increase has some face validity. A
doubling or tripling in CLV would seem unrealistic, but a 13% increase due to investing in more
dealers and extending the product line seems reasonable.
Scenario 3 – Exogenous change in brand equity
Brand equity sometimes changes for reasons outside the managerial actions quantified in
our model, e.g. a competitive mis-step (e.g., Toyota’s acceleration problem) or a product
placement or “viral” activity (e.g. placing the Mini-Cooper in the movie The Italian Job).
As an example, assume Cadillac increases its differentiation from 2.25 to 3, the level of
BMW. Table 7 suggests a decrease in retention rate and a smaller decrease in acquisition. Table
8 indicates an increase in profits, so that margin increases to $19,458. The net result is that CLV
increases to $29,187, an increase of $450, or 1.6% over the base case. The lower retention rate
brought about by higher differentiation is offset by the higher profit margin that comes with
higher differentiation.
The message of these illustrative scenarios is that changes in marketing actions have a
meaningful impact on brand equity, which in turn begets meaningful changes in acquisition,
retention, profit margin per customer, and ultimately, CLV and firm value. Exogenous changes
in brand equity, not directly due to managerial actions, also can have meaningful impacts on
customer acquisition, retention, profit margin, and CLV. The main point is that “soft” brand
equity measures are managerially important, not only from a “positioning” standpoint, but from a
financial standpoint as well, namely in determining the lifetime value of the brand’s customers.
This paper conducted an empirical examination of the relationship between brand equity
and the components of CLV, capitalizing on a unique database comprised of 10 years of brand
equity measures as well as the customer acquisition, retention, and profitability numbers that
generate CLV. It also examined the role of marketing actions in this context, both as a generator
of brand equity, and as a control for ensuring the apparent relationship between brand equity and
CLV is not spurious. The major findings are:
Brand equity has a predictable and meaningful impact on all components of CLV, namely
customer acquisition, retention, and profitability. Importantly, brand equity is strongly
related with retention, consistent with the notion of building brand relationships
(Fournier 1998).
This relationship stands even after controlling for a broad array of marketing activities,
which impact CLV both directly and indirectly through brand equity
The individual components of brand equity exert different effects on acquisition,
retention and profit margins. In particular, brand differentiation increases customer
profitability but decreases acquisition and retention.
These findings demonstrate the link between the “soft” measures of the customer’s
attachment to the brand and the “hard” measures that comprise CLV. This means that the battle
for the hearts and minds of customers is a meaningful one which has quantifiable ramifications
for customer profitability.
Not all of our specific hypotheses were supported, in that not all measures were
statistically significant. However, several were in interesting and meaningful ways, and the key
test – that brand equity adds explanatory power of CLV over and above marketing activities –
was strongly supported. Our data were tinged with multicollinearity, and our statistical models
used fixed effects. Because this much “control” can wipe out statistical relationships, the fact that
we still obtained statistically and managerially significant results is encouraging. However, the
non significant relationships should be interpreted with caution since multicollinearity could
have played a role. We have employed several robustness checks, such as redoing our analysis
with random subsamples, and found our results to be generally reliable, in particular regarding
the effect of brand equity. For marketing intstruments we have identified links where
multicollinearity could have led to non significant test statistics. In particular advertising has a
significant impact on knowledge (p < .05) in some more parsimonoues models. Despite a lock of
theory, we have also tested for potential interaction effects between the pillars of brand equity
and found that including interactions does not improve model fit in any our models (p > .10).
This suggest that parsimounous models with main effects only can adequately capture the effect
of brand equity on CLV. While the statistical relationships we measured were the impact of
brand equity on the components of CLV, we were able to aggregate these components to
calculate the impact on CLV itself. To this end, we used the Markov migration model of CLV,
which allows customers to switch in and out of a brand over time. We demonstrated using
reasonable scenarios that changes in marketing would change brand equity, which in turn would
change acquisition, retention, and profitability. We also showed that exogenous changes in brand
equity could affect CLV in meaningful ways.
While our work benefited from an exceptional database, it still begs for replication and
extension. We examined one industry (automobiles) and one set of specific measures of brand
equity (the Brand Asset Valuator); clearly the field needs to generalize beyond this. In addition,
our work is aggregate – at the product/year level. Further work is needed to examine these
relationships at the customer level to better understand the process behind the results. Note also
we have not captured the financial benefit of acquiring cohorts of new customers, which depends
on brand equity. In terms of firm decisions, this obviously should be taken into account. Finally,
the CLV calculations here are somewhat myopic. They neither capture word of mouth effects
(which are only indirectly represented by market presence and the four BAV pillars) nor the
profits from service (of major importance to dealers as well as a profit source to the manufacturer
for parts sold to dealers). We hope this paper encourages work in these and related directions.
For managers, our work suggests that it should never be “brand management versus
customer management.” The two should be managed in a coordinated fashion. The notion that
brand managers are in one corner, working with ad agencies to win hearts and minds, while the
customer/CRM managers are in another corner, designing direct marketing campaigns for
acquisition and retention, is outdated. The two need to work together, because brand equity and
CLV work together.
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Table 1: Hypotheses of the Impact of Brand Equity on Components of CLV
Acquisition Rate Retention Rate Profit Margin
Relevance + + +
Esteem + + +
Differentiation - - +
Knowledge + + +
Table 2: Four Brand Equity Components of Brand Asset Valuator Model
Components of
Brand Equity
Perceptual Metrics
Aggregate Measure
1. Uniqueness % responding “yes”
2. Distinctiveness % responding “yes”
3. Differentiation % responding “yes”
4. Innovativeness % responding “yes”
5. Dynamics % responding “yes”
1. Relevant to me Average score on 1-7 scale
1. Regard Average score on 1-7 scale
2. Leadership % responding “yes”
3. High Quality % responding “yes”
4. Reliability % responding “yes”
1. Familiarity with the brand Average score on 1-7 scale
Values for components of brand equity are calculated as a formative index of all items
Table 3: Calculation of Conditional Acquisition and Retention Probabilities
* E.g., of the 100 customers who owned Brand A in period T-1, 68 customers purchase the same Brand A in
period T, 14 switch to Brand B, 12 switch to Brand C, and 6 switch to Brand D.
Period T
Brand A B C D
T -1
A 68 14 12 6 100
B 21 60 12 7 100
C 15 18 62 5 100
D 20 17 16 47 100
124 109 102 65 400
Unconditional Retention 68/400=.17 .15 .16 .12 .59
Unconditional Acquisition 56/400=.14 .12 .10 .05 .41
Conditional Retention 68/100=.68 .60 .62 .47
Conditional Acquisition 56/300=.19 .16 .13 .06
Table 4: Transition Matrix of Migration Probabilities per Period
Period t+1
Period t State 1: Own
focal car,
purchased in
period t + 1
State 2: Own focal
car, purchased
earlier than
period t + 1
State 3: Own
competitive car,
purchased in period
t + 1 or earlier
State 1: Own focal car,
purchased in period t
1 – p p(1 – S*
State 2: Own focal car,
purchased earlier than
period t
1 – p p(1 – S*
State 3: Own competitive
car, purchased in period t
or earlier
0 1 - pS*
Table 5: Correlation Matrix of Marketing Actions, Components of Brand Equity and Customer Lifetime Value
Components of Brand Equity Marketing Activities Components of CLV
tiation Relevance Esteem Knowledge Advertising
New Model
Promotions Pricing
Components of BE
Differentiation 1.00
Relevance -.40 1.00
Esteem .22 .65 1.00
Knowledge -.22 .77 .70 1.00
Marketing Activities
Advertising -.34 .77 .41 .57 1.00
New Model Launches -.16 .37 .26 .31 .49 1.00
Price Promotions .26 -.13 .09 -.14 -.13 -.01 1.00
Pricing .67 -.20 .42 .05 -.32 -.13 .22 1.00
Market Presence -.54 .88 .41 .69 .56 .41 -.25 -.28 1.00
Components of CLV
Customer Retention -.43 .79 .52 .76 .77 .42 -.16 -.25 .78 1.00
Customer Acquisition -.48 .69 .30 .54 .79 .44 -.12 -.44 .72 .88 1.00
Profit Margin .63 -.20 .35 .06 -.28 -.10 -.10 .90 -.27 -.25 -.42
Table 6: Drivers of the Components of Brand Equity (Equation 1)*
Differentiation Relevance Esteem Knowledge
Marketing Activities
St. Coef. t value St. Coef. t value St. Coef. t value St. Coef. t value
Advertising .26
New Model Launches .02
Price Promotions
Pricing -.14
Market Presence -.41
.91 .95 .95 .95
* Note: The values of the estimated fixed effects are not included in the table.
Table 7: Impact of Brand Equity on Acquisition, and Retention (Equation 6)*
Customer Acquisition Customer Retention
Stand. Coeff. t value Stand. Coeff. t value
Components of BE
-0.06 -2.08 -0.13 -4.66
0.09 1.89 -0.02 -0.48
-0.03 -0.68 0.10 2.13
0.16 4.51 0.35 9.70
Marketing Activities
0.10 3.40 0.06 2.12
New Model Launches
0.01 0.75 -0.01 -1.03
Price Promotions
0.04 3.45 0.01 1.00
-0.04 -0.91 0.01 0.20
Market Presence
0.29 4.79 0.34 5.55
Intercept Acquisition/Retention
0.13 3.33 -0.26 -6.36
R² .95
* Note: The values of the estimated fixed effects are not shown in the table.
Table 8: Drivers of Profit Margin (Equation 7)*
Stand. Coeff. t value
Components of BE
0.36 5.97
0.17 1.73
-0.16 -1.52
0.18 2.13
Marketing Activities
-0.12 -1.74
New Model Launches
-0.01 -0.56
Price Promotions
0.01 0.34
Market Presence
0.32 2.69
* Note: The values of the estimated fixed effects are not shown in the table.
Table 9: Direct and Indirect Effects of Marketing Activities on the Components of CLV*
CLV Component with
Marketing Variables
Indirect Effects
Direct Effects
(From Tables 7 and 8)
Acquisition Stand. Coeff. t value
Stand. Coeff. t value
.02 2.02 .10 3.40
New Model Launches -.01 -.21 .01 .75
Price Promotions
.00 .26 .04 3.45
.04 1.97 -.04 -.91
Market Presence .32 4.69 .29 4.79
Advertising .02 .98 .06 2.12
New Model Launches
-.00 -.36 -.01 -1.03
Price Promotions
.01 .52 .01 1.00
Price .03 1.85 .01 .20
Market Presence
.33 4.73 .34 5.55
Profit Margin
.13 3.22 -.12 -1.74
New Model Launches -.00 -.30 -.01 -.56
Price Promotions
.00 .05 .01 .34
Market Presence
.02 .26 .32 2.69
* Note: For ease of interpretation this table reports standardized coefficients only. In the text we
report percentages of indirect to total effects, which were calculated, based on unstandardized
Table 10: Endogeneity Tests
p-values (using 1-period lags) p-values (using 2-period lags)
Customer Acquisition
.52 .38 .64 .48
Customer Retention .13 .10 .31 .18
Profit Margin .50 .36 .39 .24
Pillar Differentiation
.20 .16 .11 .07
Pillar Relevance .57 .48 .49 .38
Pillar Esteem .19 .12 .11 .08
Pillar Knowledge .11 .08 .20 .13
Table 11: Illustrations of the Impact of Changes in Marketing and Brand Equity on CLV
Scenario 1
Ad Spending
(+ .5 sd)
Scenario 2
Market Presence
(+ .5 sd)
Scenario 3
(BMW = 3)
Marking Activities
Advertising 41.24
41.24 41.24
New Model Launches -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22
Price Promotions -12,423 -12,423 -12,423 -12,423
Price 14,792 14,792 14,792 14,792
Market Presence 0.38 0.38
Brand Equity
Differentiation 2.25 2.69 1.59
Relevance 0.17 0.22 0.32 0.17
8.59 9.20 9.25 8.59
0.58 0.58 0.80 0.58
Components of CLV
Acquisition 1.31% 1.37% 1.62% 1.29%
Retention 50.15% 51.06% 66.87% 48.71%
Net Profit $18,885 $18,852 $19,925 $19,457
$28,736 $28,963 $32,455 $29,187
* For comparison purposes, the brand equity and CLV components in this column as well as the scenarios are as
predicted by our estimates of equations (1), (6), and (7) (Tables 7, 8, and 9), given the levels for marketing activities
specified above. The actual brand equity and CLV components for Cadillac in 2008 are: Differentiation = 1.79,
Relevance = 0.34, Esteem = 5.66, Knowledge = 0.48, Acquisition Rate = 0.71%, Retention Rate = 39.9%, and Profit
Margin = $21,903. The actual CLV calculated from these numbers is $31,223.
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
Marketing Actions
Advertising Innovation Price Promotions Pricing Market Presence
Customer-Based Brand Equity
Differentiation Relevance Esteem Knowledge
Components of Customer Lifetime Value
Customer Acquisition Customer Retention Profit Margin
Product-Market Revenue and Profits