The Manager
BRAC Bank Limited
Account Number
Account Name
B. Contact Information Change:
Office Phone
Mobile 1
Mobile 2
Residence Phone
E-Mail Address
Fax Number
C. Updated E-TIN (Tax Identification Number):
E-TIN of 1st Account Holder E-TIN of 2nd Account Holder
Submitted Document (Please tick): TIN certificate/Tax clearance certificate/Acknowledgement receipt of Tax Return by Tax Authority.
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A. Address Change:
Communication Address:
Residence Work Permanent email
Residence Address Permanent Address Office Address
Proof of documents (Please Specify)
D. Debit Card Request:
Debit Card
Card Type:
Visa Debit Card Platinum Debit Card (for PB Customers)
Mastercard Debit Card TARA Debit Card (Female)
TARA Business Debit Card (Female) TARA Platinum Debit Card (for TARA PB Female Customers)
BRAC Bank Staff Others __________________________________________(Please specify)
Card Name: (Max 21 Character)
Functionalities (Please tick the applicable box):
“Stop” my lost/stolen/damaged debit card Issue a new card
Activate” my stopped card Re-issue a debit card
Cancel debit card Re-Issue PIN
Reason _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Proof of documents (please specify)
E. SMS Banking:
I am interested to
Enroll De-enroll the SMS banking facility for my earlier mentioned A/C number, therefore, please take the necessary
SMS Banking Mobile Number:
Service Provider:
GP Robi Banglalink Airtel Teletalk
G. Dormant Account Activation:
I/We would like to activate the belwo mentioned dormant account:
Account Number
From now on, I/we intend to operate the account regularly. I/We appreciate the earliest arrangement for allowing me/us to operate the above
account with immediate effect.
Authorized Signature
I. Document Issue:
Kindly issue __________ copy/copies of the document(s) as indicated below:
Account Statement : From _________/________/_________ to ________/_________/__________
Bank Certificates : (Put () mark on the required type)
Account Certificate
Account Balance Certificate in BDT
Tax Certificate against interest income on Account/ DPS/ FDR
Loan Outstanding Certificate
Loan Certificate for Tax purpose
Account Balance Certificate in Foreign Currency [ BDT FC __________ Equivalent]
DPS Certificate for Tax purpose
Tax Certificate against Foreign Remittance
Foreign Currency Encashment Certificate
Sanchaypatra Issuance/ Interest Certificate
Inward Remittance Encashment Certificate
F. E-Statement Enrolment:
E-Mail Address (e-Statement will be sent to this email address)
Alternate E-Mail Address
Disable Option
H. Personal Account Closure:
Kindly make arrangements to close the below mentioned account maintained in my/our name:
Account Number
Unused cheque leaves no. ______________ to no. ______________ are attached for disposal.
ATM/ Debit Card no. ______________ and no. ______________ are attached for disposal.
Key ______________ for my/our locker facility is surrendered.
Please cancel any standing instruction on this account and pay the total balance with accrued interest (if applicable), after realization of all
applicable charges, as
Cash Pay Order (encl: application form) Other (specify) _____________________________________________________________
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K. Cheque Stop Application:
Kindly arrange to stop payment against the following cheque(s) of mentioned account:
Details of the Instrument(s)
Specific Cheque
Cheque Number:______________ Issue Date: _____/_______/_________ Amount: __________________
Range of Cheques:
Cheque Serial (From Cheque number): _____________________ to cheque number: ____________________
Active chequebook
These stop payment instructions are issued because of the cheque(s) being:
Lost Stolen Burnt
Application submission time: __________ AM/PM
L. Cheque Stop Payment Cancellation:
Kindly make arrangements to cancel the stop payment instruction I/we had previously issued for the following cheque(s) on the mentioned
Specific Cheque:
Cheque #: _________________ Dated: _____/_______/_________ Amount: ______________________________
Payee: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Range of Cheques:
From cheque #: ____________________ to cheque #: ___________________
Active chequebook
This stop payment cancellation instruction is issued on account of the cheque(s) being:
Retrieved (from loss or theft) Other (specify): __________________________________________________
I/We hereby authorize the bank to debit all applicable charges from my/our earlier mentioned transactional account.
Addressing of the certificate: (Select one from the following)
To whom it may concern To:
J. Signature Style Change:
I/We wish to change the/a signature associated with my/our above mentioned transactional account and all other associated (deposit and loan)
accounts. I/We hereby confirm that all instructions related to all my/our accounts and all cheques drawn on these accounts will bear this new
signature from now on. I/We hereby request you to honor all previous dated cheque(s), with my previous signature style.
A set of signature cards bearing the new signature are enclosed and duly attested by me/us. The new signature is also attested as below:
New Signature
(1st Account Holder)
New Signature (Joint Account Holder)
Current Signature (1st Account Holder)
Current Signature (Joint Account Holder)
N.B. All joint-account holders are required to sign regardless of mode of operations.
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Terms and Condition
Automated Teller Machines (ATM)
These terms and conditions apply to the operations and use of the automated teller machines (“ATMs” or ATM) of BRAC Bank Limited, Bangladesh (the “Bank” or “we” or “us”) by a
customer (“you”) through a BRAC Bank Card (“VISA Card” or “BRAC Bank Card”) as provided to you and replaced from time to time.
1. ELIGIBLE ACCOUNT(S), WITHDRAWALS, AND DEPOSITS: Using an ATM, you may withdraw Taka funds from your Taka current account, non-convertible current account, convertible
current account, and savings account. You cannot withdraw or deposit foreign currency to your accounts nor can you access your foreign currency accounts using an ATM.
2. WITHDRAWALS: Your account(s) will be debited with the amount of any withdrawal, transfer and/or other transaction initiated by use of the BRAC Bank Card any applicable charges
in respect thereof and in respect of the Card. You will maintain sufficient funds in your account for this purpose. You shall not be entitled to overdraw your accounts(s), unless prior
overdraft arrangements have been made with the Bank.
3. CASH/CHEQUE DEPOSITS: Cash deposited through your ATM is your sole responsibility until or unless the Bank acknowledges receipt thereof and will only be credited to your account
after verification receipt of the account amount by the Bank. Cheques Deposited through an ATM will be accepted for collection only, and the funds will not be available for withdrawal
from your account until the cheques have gone through the cheque clearing system and the proceeds collected. The Bank shall have rights of lien and set-off over your account(s) for
all amounts chargeable, deductible, and all outstanding, arising, as a result of your use of an ATM and/or for any loss or damages suffered by the Bank resulting from your use or
misuse of ATM/Card.
4. BRAC BANK CARD: The ownership of a BRAC Bank Card issued by the Bank shall be used only by the person named on the Card. You are responsible for the safekeeping of the ATM
Card and shall take all reasonable care in preventing damage to it. Your BRAC Bank Card is not transferable and cannot be pledged or charged as a security in any manner whatsoever.
Your account will charged for annual BRAC Bank Card issuance fees as well as replacement fees, in case of replacement of your ATM Card, at prevailing rates or as amended by BRAC
Bank from time to time. The Bank reserves the right to cancel or refuse to issue, reissue, renew, or replace an ATM Card without giving any reason and without prior notice to you.
5. PIN: The Personal Identification Number (“PIN”) issued to you for use with a BRAC Bank Card, and any changes in your pin that you make from time to time, are confidential and must
not be disclosed to any third party under any circumstances or by any means. BRAC Bank Limited is no way be liable for any loss or misuse of your PIN and / or the Card and you shall
be held liable for all loss and damage suffered by the Bank due to such loss or misuse of the PIN/Card.
6. LOSS: You are responsible for the safekeeping of the BRAC Bank Card, and shall exercise precaution to prevent damage, fraudulent or unauthorized use, loss or theft of ATM/card,
and disclosure of your PIN (whether voluntary or involuntary) to third parties. The theft or other loss of possession of a BRAC Bank Card or unauthorized disclosure of a PIN must be
reported to the Bank immediately and confirmed in writing as soon as possible during business hours. Notwithstanding any report, you are always responsible for all transactions
carried out with the BRAC Bank Card. If a lost BRAC Bank Card is later found in your possession, it should be returned and surrendered to the Bank immediately. Bank will charge fees
for replacement ATM Cards as applicable from time to time. Please note that you shall always be liable for any loss or unauthorized use of the Card/PIN as being the custodian of the
same as per prevailing laws of the land.
7. ACCESS TO ATM: You shall have continuous access to ATMs. However, the Bank may decline or defer access to any ATM for repairs, routine maintenance, cash replenishment, or for
any reason whatsoever if the Bank considers it unsafe or inexpedient to permit access to an ATM. These reasons also include any issues related to compliance with any statuary,
judicial, or government order or regulation.
8. RECORD OF TRANSACTION: Any receipt or statement issued by an ATM at the times of withdrawal shall be conclusive, unless verified otherwise by the Bank. Any such verification shall
likewise be final and conclusive. Any receipt or statement issued by an ATM at the time of deposit shall be conclusive ONLY when verified by the Bank either by crediting the account
or otherwise in writing.
9. WAIVERS: The Bank may set limitations on individual transaction, including daily limits on cash withdrawals from time to time and without prior notification. All services may not be
available at an ATM. The Bank reserves the right to add or remove ATMs or extend or limit the services at all times at an ATM, or to discontinue the ATM, or to discontinue the ATM
service, without notice. The Bank will not be liable for any delay or failure to provide any service or to perform any obligation hereunder where such a delay or failure is attributed
(whether directly or indirectly) to any malfunction of an ATM or an ATM Card, temporary insufficiency of funds, or any dispute with you, or to circumstances beyond its control. The Bank
will not be liable for any consequential or indirect loss or damage, costs, or expenses whatsoever arising from, or related to, the use or delay in or inability to use any ATM or any BRAC
Bank Card.
10. TERMINATION: We or you may terminate use of a BRAC Bank Card at any time, in which event you must immediately return the ATM Card to the Bank. No action, Inaction, or omission
by the Bank in connection with any ATM or ATM Card shall be deemed a waiver of its right under any of these terms and conditions.
11. INDEMNITY: You undertake to indemnify the Bank and to keep the Bank indemnified against all losses, claims, actions, proceedings, demands, damages, costs and expenses,
incurred or sustained by the Bank of whatever nature and howsoever arising out of or in connection with the issuance or authorized or unauthorized use of any ATM or ATM Card,
including but not limited to, the unauthorized use of an ATM or ATM Card; cash or cheques deposited through the ATM which upon verification are found not to be in accordance with
the accompanying slip printed by the ATM; mutilated, counterfeit, or otherwise unacceptable notes; cheques which are inchoate or not signed or authorized by you; and for any reason
funds which subsequently cannot be credited to your account.
12. NOTICE: Any notice sent to you by hand, post, registered post or couriered to the address registered with the Bank or to such other address as you may notify in writing shall be deemed
to have been duly served to you in the usual course of post.
13. CHANGE: The Bank reserves the right to add to, delete and / or vary any of these terms and conditions without prior notice. Use of the ATM Card after the date upon which any change
to these terms and conditions is to have effect will constitute acceptance, without reservation, by you of such a change. If you do not accept the change, the ATM Card must be
returned to the Bank prior to the date upon which such a change will take effect.
14. COVERNING LAW: These terms and conditions and every ATM transaction or dealing these under is governed by and construed in accordance with Bangladesh law. We and you agree
to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Bangladesh.
15. ACCEPTANCE: I have read and accepted the above terms and conditions related to the ATM services provided by BRAC Bank Ltd. and agree to be bound by all subsequent changes
or amendments to such terms and conditions.
M. Cancellation of Pay Order:
Kindly make arrangements to cancel the below mentioned and attached “Pay Order” which was issued by debiting my account and refund the
amount to the same account as the purpose was not served.
Specific Cheque:
Amount (in figure): BDT _______________ only
Amount (in words): BDT ____________________________________________________________ only
Pay Order Number: ________________ Issue Date: _____/_____/ 20______
Favouring: _________________________________________________________________
Authorization for realization of charges
I/We hereby authorize the Bank to debit all applicable charges from the source account regarding this cancellation of Pay Order Instruction.
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Terms & Conditions: e-Statement
I/WE do hereby agree as follows:
1. When I/we subscribe to e-Statement all my/our statements will be e-Statement and no paper statements shall be provided unless specifically asked for in writing and accepted by the
BRAC Bank Limited.
2. BRAC Bank Limited has the right at its sole discretion, to refuse this or any other application or stop the e-Statement service at any time without any prior notice to me /us and in that
case. I/we will receive only paper statements.
3. The Banks shall not be liable for any loss incurred or damage suffered by me/us or indirectly by reason of or in consequence of the e-Statement service.
4. In case of no dispute about the contents or any entry in the account within 15 days from the date of receipt hence, the records of the Bank shall be conclusive evidence of the
correctness of all debits and credits and balances of the account(s).
5. This e-Statement service is provided entirely at my/our sole risk and in case of disclosure of the released statement, the Bank shall not be liable to me /us for any direct, indirect,
special, incidental or consequential loss or damage which may arise in respect of this disclosure and/or delivery of this e-Statement service through the email address(s) stated.
6. By subscribing to the e-Statement service. I/we agree and understand that I/we shall not be receiving hard copy statement(s) for any and all my/our accounts with the Bank.
7. I/We understand that the e-Statement Service is free of charge; however the Bank reserves the right under its sole discretion to charge for the Service in the future after prior notifica-
tion to me/us.
8. BRAC Bank Limited does not guarantee the delivery of any email notification, nor liability for losses or damages arising from non-delivery, delayed or misdirected notifications. Factors
affecting these email notifications are solely between me/us and a Third Party that I/we designated, such as an Internet Service Provider and Phone company. BRAC Bank Limited
does not make any representations or warranties whatsoever with regard to Third Party Service Providers products or services. Likewise, BRAC Bank Limited makes no warranty of
any kind, express or implied that my/our e-Statements delivery will be uninterrupted or error free. BRAC Bank Limited does not or cannot warrant that it would operate without error,
or that e-Statement be held liable for any technical, hardware or software failure of any kind, any interruption in the availability of their service, any delay in operation or transmission,
any incomplete or garbled transmission, computer virus, loss of data or other similar loss. To the extent BRAC Bank Limited may have breached any term of this consent and
agreement. I/we agree that my/our sole remedy is to discontinue use of this service.
9. I/We hereby affirm and acknowledge that BRAC Bank Limited may change the terms and conditions of e-Statements at any time. If I/we do not wish to accept the change, I/we may
terminate and discontinue to receive e-Statements with prior notification to BRAC Bank Limited. BRAC Bank Limited can terminate the e-Statement services and can revert to printed
mailed statements for any reason at any time.
Terms & Conditions: SMS Banking
1. This Application Form must be sent directly to BRAC Bank and NOT by facsimile. The Bank will require five working days after receiving the SMS Banking application Form for activation
of the service.
2. In case of bank account, BRAC Bank will accept application forms signed by the authorized signatories of the account only.
3. For PUSH service, BRAC Bank will use Mobile Phone Service Provider’s Short Message Service (SMS) to send the financial information related to a corresponding account.
4. For PULL service the account holder upon receiving application will be able to obtain a range of financial information related to account by typing a pre-defined key letter as a message
in the Mobile Phone and then sending this message to a prescribed SMS number of Mobile Phone Service Provider. For this service, regular SMS charges of Mobile Phone Service
Provider will apply.
5. The accountholder is solely responsible for the misuse of SMS Banking services and also to maintain the confidentiality of his/her financial information by ensuring safe holding of
the mobile phone/connection assigned to SMS Banking Service provided by BRAC Bank. If the mobile phone/connection is lost, stolen or sold to another individual, the account holder
shall immediately notify the Bank by calling 16221 and cancel the SMS Banking service. BRAC Bank shall not be responsible for any distribution malfunction in SMS Banking Service
due to any failure on the part of the BRAC Bank Mobile phone service Provider.
6. The laws of Bangladesh shall govern these terms and conditions.
7. The Bank may receive and/or change any of the Terms & Conditions at any time with notice to you but does not require any consent.
To provide SMS Banking Service BRAC Bank will collect service charge from the corresponding account. BRAC Bank may revise and/or change the service charge at any point of time.
Authorize & Agree:
1. I/We have authorized the below instructions.
2. I/We both agree to the relevant Terms, Conditions and Clauses mentioned in this form and overleaf.
3. I/We hereby authorize the Bank to debit all applicable charges from my/our mentioned transactional account.
4. I/We hereby mandate the authority that in the event of my/our death(s) the Nominee shall receive /draw the amount of deposits in my/our mentioned account.
5. I/We hereby confirm that all instructions related to all my/our accounts and all cheques drawn on these accounts will bear this new signature from now on.
6. I/We declare that, the above mentioned information provided by me/us is correct.
7. If I/we can’t collect chequebook/ATM card/PIN/any banking instruments within two months, bank will have the right to destroy those without any further notification.
8. I/we furnish the Tax Identification Number (TIN) related documents and hereby declare that the information mentioned therein is authentic. I/we also indemnify that if any discrepancy
occurs or if the TIN is found to be invalid by the Tax Authority I/we will be solely responsible for the same.
9. I/We hereby agree to the above terms and conditions and authorize BRAC Bank to provide financial information relating to my/our BRAC Bank Account through Short Message Service
(SMS) of Mobile Phone Service Provider.
10. I/we hereby confirm that the information provided above is correct. I/we also agree to the Terms & Conditions of e-Statement (narrated on the back side of this page).
11. I/we acknowledge that the cheque(s) are not placed at anywhere or I/we have not handover the cheque to anyone. Bank shall not responsible in future regarding the stop payment.
Payment against the above will be stopped if the Bank has reasonable opportunity to act on this order. I/we hereby authorize the bank to debit all applicable charges from my/our
mentioned transactional account.
12. I/We hereby declare that I/We am/are aware of the Terms and Conditions relating to use of BRAC Bank card and I/we hence undertake that I/we shall abide by the said Terms and
Conditions and further covenant to hold and keep BRAC Bank Limited harmless and indemnified for all losses or damages suffered or to be suffered by BRAC Bank arising out of use
or misuse of the CARD and/or my/our failure to comply with the said Terms and Conditions.
13. I/we acknowledge that my/our previously issued stop payment instruction against the above will be cancelled if the Bank has reasonable opportunity to act on this order. I/we hereby
authorize the Bank to debit all applicable charges from my/our mentioned transactional account.
Account Holder Signature:
I/We have authorized the above instruction(s) and I/We agree to terms & conditions in this form and overleaf
1st Account Holder’s Signature
2nd Account Holder’s Signature
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Call Back Confirmation Details
Communicated with Mr/Ms. __________________________________ at ______ (Contact Number) on ___ : ___ (time) ___/___/____ (date) by
____________________________________________________ (Staff Name), PIN _____________ Sign __________________________________
Bank Use Only (Please Do Not Write Below This Line)
For Branch:
All Signs Verified
E-mail & Contact number are checked, confirmed & updated in internet Banking/Finacle
Personal and Account information matched with Bank records
Standing Instruction Cancelled Interest Paid (if applicable)
Deposit/Loan Accounts Checked Locker Facility Checked
Zero Balance Confirmed ATM/Debit Card Destroyed
Unused Cheques Destroyed Mode of Operations Checked
Account checked for Link Account Form sent to Operation
Form sent to IT for PIN Transaction ID : ___________
P.O. Receipt Attached Amount credited to source account
Physical Presence Signature
Supporting Document Contact Details
Charge Realized of BDT _______________ (including 15% Vat)
_________________ _________________ ___________________
Prepared By Checked By Authorized signature
Bank Use Only (Operations)
For Operation:
Account is activated following due process
Valid photo ID is available in Bank record & enclosed with the form
Bank Account No.
Debit Card
Credit Card
Supporting documents checked and found ok (if attached)
Hardware/Software Token Serial Number:
System Updated:
Card issued Card re-issued Card serial
_________________ _________________ ________________
Received By Implemented By Verified By
N.B. All joint-accountholders are required to sign regardless of mode of operation.
*Seal is mandatory for Business Account for cheque stop
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