sed 12/23
The close relationship between the Veterans of Foreign
Wars and the Boy Scouts of America dates back 100 years
when V FW Post 210 0 tea med upwith another civic
organization to establish Troop 1 in Everett,
Washington. That centur y-long affiliation has fostered
true patriotism, community service and strong, moral
character throughout the ensuing decades. During World
Wars I and II, Boy Scouts played a major part in helping
collect food and other items to support the troops in the
war. Since that time, scouting has continued to be a
suppor ter of the V F Wand Scouts have g row n up, joined
the military, fought in wars and subsequently become
members of the VFW. It is only fitting that we focus the
efforts of those who have been Scouts to continue
guidingVFW Posts in their support of all scouting
All scouting organizations provide a first-class youth
development and education program for use by qualified
organizations. TheVFW is an ideal organization to
incorporate the scout program into our support for youth
in our local communities. EveryVFW Post has the
opportunity to work in partnership with the Boy Scouts
or the Girl Scouts when they sponsor/charter a scouting
unit. Direct involvement in the scouting program
presentsVFW Posts with the opportunity to positively
affect the lives of the youth in our communitieswhile
developing positive youth/adult partnerships.
Through scouting (including Girl Scouts,Venturing, and
Sea Scouts),VFW Posts have the opportunity to expand
their community outreach while developing a clear
resource forveteran’s families and their children.The
Department Scouting Team’s primary objective is to
encourage local Posts to incorporate Boy Scouting, Girl
Scouting,Venturing, and Sea Scouts into theirYouth
Activities Programs. Department Scouting Chairpersons
must help Posts recognize the value of scouting by
pointing out the following advantages:
a. Scouts are often willing to do service projects
that benefit the Post directly such as flag
retirement, maintenance of Post facility and
g rounds, assistance w ith “Buddy
distribution, color guards, and participation in
Post community activities and events.
b. Working with scouts provides incentives for
veterans with young families to join and become
active members.
c. Post members can serve as mentors and provide
a positive image to a new generation of potential
service members.
d. Recognition of scouting provides Posts with
positive public visibility.
e. Scouts often join the military, become eligible
and become members of the Post.
The Department Scouting Chairman is responsible for
organizing and managing scoutingwithin their
Department. These appointments are only for the
administrative year to which you were appointed. In
addition to being a VFW member (mandated by the
National By-Laws), the Department Scouting Chairman
a. Demonstrate a history of Scouting participation
and adult leadership experience.
b. Demonstrate a history of commitment to the
VFW as indicated by successful leadership
positions held.
c. Be the Department “expert on all phases of
d. Must cooperatewith Department, District and
Post leaders, and Scouting leadership.
The Department Scouting Chairman is the Department
Scouting Team leader. They are responsible for
recruiting, organizing, training and maintaining an
effective team for the Department.This beginswith
recruiting and building of your Department team.
There is no required number of Department Souting
Team leaders; the Department Scouting Team Chairman
will need to determine the appropriate number to
effectively coveryour Department. Those selected should
demonstrate the same attributes as listed above, and
team leaders may beVFW and Auxiliary members.They
may also be members of troops/posts/packs sponsored by
VFW posts or units sponsored by other activities or at a
district or council level.
The Department Scouting Chairman should maintain
copies of all applications and approval status for all his
team members.The Chairman should publish a list of all
Department Scouting team members and make it
available to Posts throughout the Department. The
Chairman is also responsible to ensure that all new
Department Scouting team members take the BSA Youth
Protection class online and maintain a current Youth
Protection Certificate and remain current with other
certifications as required by the BSA for positions held.
The Department Scouting Chairman should coordinate
with other Department Chairmen on activities that may
affect programs in their Department.
The Department Scouting Chairman is responsible for
working with the Department Commander and
Quartermaster for a budget for the team and for scout
recognition. To be more efficient and effective, the
Department Scouting Chairman should communicate
regularlywith the Department leadership as to the status
and progress of the program. Additionally, they should
provide quarterly reports and be prepared to present the
report at their Department Council of Administration
meetings. The Department Scouting Chairman is also
charged with initiating award recommendations for the
VFW Scouters Achievement Award and processing those
recommendations through the Department Commander
toVFW National Headquarters.
Scout of the Year
Each Department may select an individualwho is an
Eagle Scout, a Girl Scout Gold Award recipient, aVenture
Summit Award recipient or a Sea Scout Quartermaster
Award recipient as the first-place Department Scout of
theYear winner and provide the application packet to the
VFW National Headquarters for recognition.
Eligible Scout of the Year applicants can be recruited
from individual units, visits to round tables or other
scouting functions in the community. It should be
remembered that theVFWis not theonlyorganization
seeking to recognize these young people. Because there
is a lot of competition from many organizations for
recognizing these Scouts, Boy Scout and Girl Scout
councils often will not be able to take active action to
distribute literature forany one organization.The VFW
Scouting Team should be in the active mode,visiting
round tables, camporees, and individual units where the
program can bepresented byaVFWScoutingTeam
The ideal process is to have each Post in the Department
select and recognize a Scout of theYear; submit the
winners to District level for judging, and forward those
winners to the Department for judging. Following the
selection of Scout of the Year by Posts, if practical, a
District-level judging should be conducted. The District
Scouting lead orYouth Activities Chairman can organize
a judging team consisting of local teachers, religious
leaders, school teachers, or utilize members of the
State/ Department ScoutingTeam. Again, the winner
should be recognized at a Post/District meeting and the
application forwarded to the Department for their
Department judging process.
The Department judging can be done by the Scouting
Team or by a board of people appointed by the Scouting
Team. Awards and presentations to thewinning Scouts
should come from the Departments. Recognition of this
winner at the Department convention is a great
opportunity for the Scout to see the VFW in action.The
Department Scouting Chairman is responsible to ensure
that this is a great moment for the Scout and theVFW.
The application for Scout of the Year can be found
enclosed and is available online on the
Boy Scouts web page.
Organize Scouting Units
Using the BSA/GSA steps to organize a unit, the
Department Scouting team should work with posts to
determine if the posts have the available resources to
organize units.The unit Chartered Organization
Representative (COR) must belong to the sponsoring post
andwork to make the unit successful. It never hurts to
engage with the newparents coming into the unit for
possible eligibility to theVFW. The Scouting team
members should work with these units to help them be
supportive of theirVFW sponsor. Scouts are an excellent
resource for flag retirements, road clean up, grounds
clean up, parades and many other areas of support to the
sponsoring post.
Communicate Scouting Objectives
The Department Scouting Chairman should participate
in the annual Department School of Instruction for new
commanders and officers and make a presentation on
the scouting team and scouting objectives. This is a great
opportunity to inform commanders and others on who to
contact for support and assistance, but more
importantly, it gives the Team the chance to promote the
program and encourage participation.
The Department Scouting Chairman is responsible for
training their team members. An excellent opportunity
would be to have scouting training the same weekend
your Department is holding their School of Instruction or
at your Department Convention. If these are not options,
someonecan arrange for a militarybase, local scout
camp, hunting club or otherarea where the team can get
together to develop a plan for your team over the next
There are lots of diverse ideas on what can be done and
the team can develop a team strategy and plan that will
work in your state.There should be an annual team
meeting to ensure the team is on track and that all team
members understand what to do and fully understand
their roles. Additionally, your scouting team members
should gather at Department Convention and winter
department meetings to follow up on progress and
Wood Badge Program
This is the highest level of advanced adult leadership
training provided by the Boy Scouts of America for adult
volunteers. TheVFW National Headquarters, as part of
its longstanding support forthe Scouting program,
prov ides scholar ships for elig ible V F W and V F W
Auxiliary members who are active in scouting to attend
the Wood Badge training course. Applications from
interested members are countersigned for approval by
the local BSA council and forwarded toVFW National
Headquarters for consideration and approval.
Scholarships are for an amount not to exceed $200,
which is in most cases sufficient to cover the course fees
incurred by the participant. A copy of theWood Badge
Scholarship application form is enclosed and available
online at
VFW Scouters Achievement Award
TheVFW National Headquarters, in cooperation with the
Boy Scouts of America, has developed aVFW Scouters
Achievement Award for those individualVFW members
who have been active and dedicatedvolunteers within
the scouting program.VFW members eligible to receive
this award must have been registered and active in the
scouting prog ram, have been a member of the VFW
Department Scouting Team for at least threeyears, have
completed the requirements for the award as outlined,
and have the recommendation of the Department
Scouting Chairman and the Department Commander.
Eligibility and applications for this award are processed
through the Department’s Scouting Chairman through
the Department Commander toVFW National.
Recognition items for recipients will be provided byVFW
National. Requirements for theVFW Scouters
Achievement Award are enclosed and found online at after logging in as aVFW member, then visiting
MyVFW, Training & Support. The information can also
be emailed to you ... please send an email to to request the requirements.
Department and District Officers
As the Department Scouting Chairman,you are an
integral part of the Department Commanders staff.You
are responsible for working with the Department
Commander and the Adjutant/Quartermaster to ensure
that any department funds allocated to Scouting
programs are budgeted and available to support the
scouting program. As mentioned earlier, you should be
prepared to report to the Commander on the status of the
scouting program at Department Council of
Administration meetings and also to ensure proper
expenditure of any Department funds for the program.
The Department Scouting Chairman should also work
with District Commanders as necessary to ensure
implementation ofthe program at all levels. In short,
they are responsible for communicating and promoting
the scouting program throughout the Department.
If you need any additional assistance or have any
questions about theVFW and Scouting, contact the
Youth Programs Coordinator at theVFW National
Headquarters, at 816.968.1155 or
Scouters are excellent candidates for Patriot’s Pen andVoice
of Democracy contests.The team should take the
opportunity to advertise these to the scouting community
and scout troops with whichyou work directly.
T he V F W Yout h Act ivit ies, Voice of Democrac y/Patr iot’s
Pen Chairman’s Manuals have information about these
programs as well as the Scout of theYear program. For
further information on theVFW Scouting Program,
Youth Programs Coordinator
VFW Programs
VFW National Headquarters
406 W. 34th Street
Kansas City, MO 64111
The close relationship between the Veterans of Foreign
Wars and the Boy Scouts of America dates back 100 years
when V FW Post 210 0 teamed up with a nother civ ic
organization to establish Troop 1 in Everett,
Washington. That centur y-long affiliation has fostered
true patriotism, community service and strong, moral
character throughout the ensuing decades. During World
Wars I and II, Boy Scouts played a major part in helping
collect food and other items to support the troops in the
war. Since that time, scouting has continued to be a
suppor ter of the VF W a nd Scouts have g row n up, joined
the military, fought in wars and subsequently become
members of the VFW. It is only fitting that we focus the
efforts of those who have been Scouts to continue
guiding VFW Posts in their support of all scouting
All scouting organizations provide a first-class youth
development and education program for use by qualified
organizations. The VFW is an ideal organization to
incorporate the scout program into our support for youth
in our local communities. Every VFW Post has the
opportunity to work in partnership with the Boy Scouts
or the Girl Scouts when they sponsor/charter a scouting
unit. Direct involvement in the scouting program
presents VFW Posts with the opportunity to positively
affect the lives of the youth in our communities while
developing positive youth/adult partnerships.
Through scouting (including Girl Scouts, Venturing, and
Sea Scouts), VFW Posts have the opportunity to expand
their community outreach while developing a clear
resource for veteran’s families and their children. The
Department Scouting Team’s primary objective is to
encourage local Posts to incorporate Boy Scouting, Girl
Scouting, Venturing, and Sea Scouts into their Youth
Activities Programs. Department Scouting Chairpersons
must help Posts recognize the value of scouting by
pointing out the following advantages:
a. Scouts are often willing to do service projects
that benefit the Post directly such as flag
retirement, maintenance of Post facility and
g rounds, assist ance with “Buddy ”
distribution, color guards, and participation in
Post community activities and events.
b. Working with scouts provides incentives for
veterans with young families to join and become
active members.
c. Post members can serve as mentors and provide
a positive image to a new generation of potential
service members.
d. Recognition of scouting provides Posts with
positive public visibility.
e. Scouts often join the military, become eligible
and become members of the Post.
The Department Scouting Chairman is responsible for
organizing and managing scouting within their
Department. These appointments are only for the
administrative year to which you were appointed. In
addition to being a VFW member (mandated by the
National By-Laws), the Department Scouting Chairman
a. Demonstrate a history of Scouting participation
and adult leadership experience.
b. Demonstrate a history of commitment to the
VFW as indicated by successful leadership
positions held.
c. Be the Department expert” on all phases of
d. Must cooperate with Department, District and
Post leaders, and Scouting leadership.
The Department Scouting Chairman is the Department
Scouting Team leader. They are responsible for
recruiting, organizing, training and maintaining an
effective team for the Department. This begins with
recruiting and building of your Department team.
There is no required number of Department Souting
Team leaders; the Department Scouting Team Chairman
will need to determine the appropriate number to
effectively cover your Department. Those selected should
demonstrate the same attributes as listed above, and
team leaders may be VFW and Auxiliary members. They
may also be members of troops/posts/packs sponsored by
VFW posts or units sponsored by other activities or at a
district or council level.
The Department Scouting Chairman should maintain
copies of all applications and approval status for all his
team members. The Chairman should publish a list of all
Department Scouting team members and make it
available to Posts throughout the Department. The
Chairman is also responsible to ensure that all new
Department Scouting team members take the BSA Youth
Protection class online and maintain a current Youth
Protection Certificate and remain current with other
certifications as required by the BSA for positions held.
The Department Scouting Chairman should coordinate
with other Department Chairmen on activities that may
affect programs in their Department.
The Department Scouting Chairman is responsible for
working with the Department Commander and
Quartermaster for a budget for the team and for scout
recognition. To be more efficient and effective, the
Department Scouting Chairman should communicate
regularlywith the Department leadership as to the status
and progress of the program. Additionally, they should
provide quarterly reports and be prepared to present the
report at their Department Council of Administration
meetings. The Department Scouting Chairman is also
charged with initiating award recommendations for the
VFW Scouters Achievement Award and processing those
recommendations through the Department Commander
toVFW National Headquarters.
Scout of the Year
Each Department may select an individualwho is an
Eagle Scout, a Girl Scout Gold Award recipient, aVenture
Summit Award recipient or a Sea Scout Quartermaster
Award recipient as the first-place Department Scout of
theYear winner and provide the application packet to the
VFW National Headquarters for recognition.
Eligible Scout of the Year applicants can be recruited
from individual units, visits to round tables or other
scouting functions in the community. It should be
remembered that theVFWis not the onlyorganization
seeking to recognize these young people. Because there
is a lot of competition from many organizations for
recognizing these Scouts, Boy Scout and Girl Scout
councils often will not be able to take active action to
distribute literature for any one organization.The VFW
Scouting Team should be in the active mode,visiting
round tables, camporees, and individual units where the
program can be presented byaVFWScoutingTeam
The ideal process is to have each Post in the Department
select and recognize a Scout of theYear; submit the
winners to District level for judging, and forward those
winners to the Department for judging. Following the
selection of Scout of the Year by Posts, if practical, a
District-level judging should be conducted. The District
Scouting lead orYouth Activities Chairman can organize
a judging team consisting of local teachers, religious
leaders, school teachers, or utilize members of the
State/ Department ScoutingTeam. Again, the winner
should be recognized at a Post/District meeting and the
application forwarded to the Department for their
Department judging process.
The Department judging can be done by the Scouting
Team or by a board of people appointed by the Scouting
Team. Awards and presentations to thewinning Scouts
should come from the Departments. Recognition of this
winner at the Department convention is a great
opportunity for the Scout to see the VFW in action.The
Department Scouting Chairman is responsible to ensure
that this is a great moment for the Scout and theVFW.
The application for Scout of the Year can be found
enclosed and is available online on the
Boy Scouts web page.
Organize Scouting Units
Using the BSA/GSA steps to organize a unit, the
Department Scouting team should work with posts to
determine if the posts have the available resources to
organize units.The unit Chartered Organization
Representative (COR) must belong to the sponsoring post
andwork to make the unit successful. It never hurts to
engage with the newparents coming into the unit for
possible eligibility to theVFW. The Scouting team
members should work with these units to help them be
supportive of theirVFW sponsor. Scouts are an excellent
resource for flag retirements, road clean up, grounds
clean up, parades and many other areas of support to the
sponsoring post.
Communicate Scouting Objectives
The Department Scouting Chairman should participate
in the annual Department School of Instruction for new
commanders and officers and make a presentation on
the scouting team and scouting objectives. This is a great
opportunity to inform commanders and others on who to
contact for support and assistance, but more
importantly, it gives the Team the chance to promote the
program and encourage participation.
The Department Scouting Chairman is responsible for
training their team members. An excellent opportunity
would be to have scouting training the same weekend
your Department is holding their School of Instruction or
at your Department Convention. If these are not options,
someonecan arrange for a militarybase, local scout
camp, hunting club or otherarea where the team can get
together to develop a plan for your team over the next
There are lots of diverse ideas on what can be done and
the team can develop a team strategy and plan that will
work in your state.There should be an annual team
meeting to ensure the team is on track and that all team
members understand what to do and fully understand
their roles. Additionally, your scouting team members
should gather at Department Convention and winter
department meetings to follow up on progress and
Wood Badge Program
This is the highest level of advanced adult leadership
training provided by the Boy Scouts of America for adult
volunteers. TheVFW National Headquarters, as part of
its longstanding support forthe Scouting program,
prov ides scholar ships for elig ible V F W and V F W
Auxiliary members who are active in scouting to attend
the Wood Badge training course. Applications from
interested members are countersigned for approval by
the local BSA council and forwarded toVFW National
Headquarters for consideration and approval.
Scholarships are for an amount not to exceed $200,
which is in most cases sufficient to cover the course fees
incurred by the participant. A copy of theWood Badge
Scholarship application form is enclosed and available
online at
VFW Scouters Achievement Award
TheVFW National Headquarters, in cooperation with the
Boy Scouts of America, has developed aVFW Scouters
Achievement Award for those individualVFW members
who have been active and dedicatedvolunteers within
the scouting program.VFW members eligible to receive
this award must have been registered and active in the
scouting prog ram, have been a member of the VFW
Department Scouting Team for at least threeyears, have
completed the requirements for the award as outlined,
and have the recommendation of the Department
Scouting Chairman and the Department Commander.
Eligibility and applications for this award are processed
through the Department’s Scouting Chairman through
the Department Commander toVFW National.
Recognition items for recipients will be provided byVFW
National. Requirements for theVFW Scouters
Achievement Award are enclosed and found online at after logging in as aVFW member, then visiting
MyVFW, Training & Support. The information can also
be emailed to you ... please send an email to to request the requirements.
Department and District Officers
As the Department Scouting Chairman,you are an
integral part of the Department Commanders staff.You
are responsible for working with the Department
Commander and the Adjutant/Quartermaster to ensure
that any department funds allocated to Scouting
programs are budgeted and available to support the
scouting program. As mentioned earlier, you should be
prepared to report to the Commander on the status of the
scouting program at Department Council of
Administration meetings and also to ensure proper
expenditure of any Department funds for the program.
The Department Scouting Chairman should also work
with District Commanders as necessary to ensure
implementation ofthe program at all levels. In short,
they are responsible for communicating and promoting
the scouting program throughout the Department.
If you need any additional assistance or have any
questions about theVFW and Scouting, contact the
Youth Programs Coordinator at theVFW National
Headquarters, at 816.968.1155 or
Scouters are excellent candidates for Patriot’s Pen andVoice
of Democracy contests.The team should take the
opportunity to advertise these to the scouting community
and scout troops with whichyou work directly.
T he V F W Yout h Act ivit ies, Voice of Democrac y/Patr iot’s
Pen Chairman’s Manuals have information about these
programs as well as the Scout of theYear program. For
further information on theVFW Scouting Program,
Youth Programs Coordinator
VFW Programs
VFW National Headquarters
406 W. 34th Street
Kansas City, MO 64111
The close relationship between the Veterans of Foreign
Wars and the Boy Scouts of America dates back 100years
when V FW Post 210 0 tea med upwith another civ ic
organization to establish Troop 1 in Everett,
Washington. That century-long affiliation has fostered
true patriotism, community service and strong, moral
character throughout the ensuing decades. During World
Wars I and II, Boy Scouts played a major part in helping
collect food and other items to support the troops in the
war. Since that time, scouting has continued to be a
suppor ter of the V F Wand Scouts have g row n up, joined
the military, fought in wars and subsequently become
members of the VFW. It is only fitting that we focus the
efforts of those who have been Scouts to continue
guidingVFW Posts in their support of all scouting
All scouting organizations provide a first-class youth
development and education program for use by qualified
organizations. TheVFW is an ideal organization to
incorporate the scout program into our support for youth
in our local communities. EveryVFW Post has the
opportunity to work in partnership with the Boy Scouts
or the Girl Scouts when they sponsor/charter a scouting
unit. Direct involvement in the scouting program
presentsVFW Posts with the opportunity to positively
affect the lives of the youth in our communitieswhile
developing positive youth/adult partnerships.
Through scouting (including Girl Scouts,Venturing, and
Sea Scouts),VFW Posts have the opportunity to expand
their community outreach while developing a clear
resource forveteran’s families and their children.The
Department Scouting Team’s primary objective is to
encourage local Posts to incorporate Boy Scouting, Girl
Scouting,Venturing, and Sea Scouts into theirYouth
Activities Programs. Department Scouting Chairpersons
must help Posts recognize the value of scouting by
pointing out the following advantages:
a. Scouts are often willingto do service projects
that benefit the Post directly such as flag
retirement, maintenance of Post facility and
g rounds, assistance w ith “Buddy
distribution, color guards, and participation in
Post community activities and events.
b. Working with scouts provides incentives for
veterans with young families to join and become
active members.
c. Post members can serve as mentors and provide
a positive image to a new generation of potential
service members.
d. Recognition of scouting provides Posts with
positive public visibility.
e. Scouts often join the military, become eligible
and become members of the Post.
The Department Scouting Chairman is responsible for
organizing and managing scoutingwithin their
Department. These appointments are only for the
administrative year to which you were appointed. In
addition to being a VFW member (mandated by the
National By-Laws), the Department Scouting Chairman
a. Demonstrate a history of Scouting participation
and adult leadership experience.
b. Demonstrate a history of commitment to the
VFW as indicated by successful leadership
positions held.
c. Be the Department “expert on all phases of
d. Must cooperatewith Department, District and
Post leaders, and Scouting leadership.
The Department Scouting Chairman is the Department
Scouting Team leader. They are responsible for
recruiting, organizing,training and maintaining an
effective team for the Department.This begins with
recruiting and building of your Department team.
There is no required number of Department Souting
Team leaders; the Department Scouting Team Chairman
will need to determine the appropriate number to
effectively coveryour Department. Those selected should
demonstrate the same attributes as listed above, and
team leaders may beVFW and Auxiliary members.They
may also be members of troops/posts/packs sponsored by
VFW posts or units sponsored by other activities or at a
district or council level.
The Department Scouting Chairman should maintain
copies of all applications and approval status for all his
team members.The Chairman should publish a list of all
Department Scouting team members and make it
available to Posts throughout the Department. The
Chairman is also responsible to ensure that all new
Department Scouting team members take the BSA Youth
Protection class online and maintain a current Youth
Protection Certificate and remain current with other
certifications as required by the BSA for positions held.
The Department Scouting Chairman should coordinate
with other Department Chairmen on activities that may
affect programs in their Department.
The Department Scouting Chairman is responsible for
working with the Department Commander and
Quartermaster for a budget for the team and for scout
recognition. To be more efficient and effective, the
Department Scouting Chairman should communicate
regularly with the Department leadership as to the status
and progress of the program. Additionally, they should
provide quarterly reports and be prepared to present the
report at their Department Council of Administration
meetings. The Department Scouting Chairman is also
charged with initiating award recommendations for the
VFW Scouters Achievement Award and processing those
recommendations through the Department Commander
to VFW National Headquarters.
Scout of the Year
Each Department may select an individual who is an
Eagle Scout, a Girl Scout Gold Award recipient, a Venture
Summit Award recipient or a Sea Scout Quartermaster
Award recipient as the first-place Department Scout of
the Year winner and provide the application packet to the
VFW National Headquarters for recognition.
Eligible Scout of the Year applicants can be recruited
from individual units, visits to round tables or other
scouting functions in the community. It should be
remembered that the VFW is not the only organization
seeking to recognize these young people. Because there
is a lot of competition from many organizations for
recognizing these Scouts, Boy Scout and Girl Scout
councils often will not be able to take active action to
distribute literature for any one organization. The VFW
Scouting Team should be in the active mode, visiting
round tables, camporees, and individual units where the
program can be presented by a VFW Scouting Team
The ideal process is to have each Post in the Department
select and recognize a Scout of the Year; submit the
winners to District level for judging, and forward those
winners to the Department for judging. Following the
selection of Scout of the Year by Posts, if practical, a
District-level judging should be conducted. The District
Scouting lead or Youth Activities Chairman can organize
a judging team consisting of local teachers, religious
leaders, school teachers, or utilize members of the
State/ Department Scouting Team. Again, the winner
should be recognized at a Post/District meeting and the
application forwarded to the Department for their
Department judging process.
The Department judging can be done by the Scouting
Team or by a board of people appointed by the Scouting
Team. Awards and presentations to the winning Scouts
should come from the Departments. Recognition of this
winner at the Department convention is a great
opportunity for the Scout to see the VFW in action. The
Department Scouting Chairman is responsible to ensure
that this is a great moment for the Scout and the VFW.
The application for Scout of the Year can be found
enclosed and is available online at on the
Boy Scouts web page.
Organize Scouting Units
Using the BSA/GSA steps to organize a unit, the
Department Scouting team should work with posts to
determine if the posts have the available resources to
organize units. The unit Chartered Organization
Representative (COR) must belong to the sponsoring post
and work to make the unit successful. It never hurts to
engage with the new parents coming into the unit for
possible eligibility to the VFW. The Scouting team
members should work with these units to help them be
supportive of their VFW sponsor. Scouts are an excellent
resource for flag retirements, road clean up, grounds
clean up, parades and many other areas of support to the
sponsoring post.
Communicate Scouting Objectives
The Department Scouting Chairman should participate
in the annual Department School of Instruction for new
commanders and officers and make a presentation on
the scouting team and scouting objectives. This is a great
opportunity to inform commanders and others on who to
contact for support and assistance, but more
importantly, it gives the Team the chance to promote the
program and encourage participation.
The Department Scouting Chairman is responsible for
training their team members. An excellent opportunity
would be to have scouting training the same weekend
your Department is holding their School of Instruction or
at your Department Convention. If these are not options,
someone can arrange for a military base, local scout
camp, hunting club or otherarea where the team can get
together to develop a plan for your team over the next
There are lots of diverse ideas on what can be done and
the team can develop a team strategy and plan that will
work in your state.There should be an annual team
meeting to ensure the team is on track and that all team
members understand what to do and fully understand
their roles. Additionally, your scouting team members
should gather at Department Convention and winter
department meetings to follow up on progress and
Wood Badge Program
This is the highest level of advanced adult leadership
training provided by the Boy Scouts of America for adult
volunteers. TheVFW National Headquarters, as part of
its longstanding support forthe Scouting program,
prov ides scholar ships for elig ible V F W and V F W
Auxiliary members who are active in scouting to attend
the Wood Badge training course. Applications from
interested members are countersigned for approval by
the local BSA council and forwarded toVFW National
Headquarters for consideration and approval.
Scholarships are for an amount not to exceed $200,
which is in most cases sufficient to cover the course fees
incurred by the participant. A copy of theWood Badge
Scholarship application form is enclosed and available
online at
VFW Scouters Achievement Award
TheVFW National Headquarters, in cooperation with the
Boy Scouts of America, has developed aVFW Scouters
Achievement Award for those individualVFW members
who have been active and dedicatedvolunteers within
the scouting program.VFW members eligible to receive
this award must have been registered and active in the
scouting prog ram, have been a member of the VFW
Department Scouting Team for at least threeyears, have
completed the requirements for the award as outlined,
and have the recommendation of the Department
Scouting Chairman and the Department Commander.
Eligibility and applications for this award are processed
through the Department’s Scouting Chairman through
the Department Commander toVFW National.
Recognition items for recipients will be provided byVFW
National. Requirements for theVFW Scouters
Achievement Award are enclosed and found online at after logging in as aVFW member, then visiting
MyVFW, Training & Support. The information can also
be emailed to you ... please send an email to to request the requirements.
Department and District Officers
As the Department Scouting Chairman,you are an
integral part of the Department Commanders staff.You
are responsible for working with the Department
Commander and the Adjutant/Quartermaster to ensure
that any department funds allocated to Scouting
programs are budgeted and available to support the
scouting program. As mentioned earlier, you should be
prepared to report to the Commander on the status of the
scouting program at Department Council of
Administration meetings and also to ensure proper
expenditure of any Department funds for the program.
The Department Scouting Chairman should also work
with District Commanders as necessary to ensure
implementation ofthe program at all levels. In short,
they are responsible for communicating and promoting
the scouting program throughout the Department.
If you need any additional assistance or have any
questions about theVFW and Scouting, contact the
Youth Programs Coordinator at theVFW National
Headquarters, at 816.968.1155 or
Scouters are excellent candidates for Patriot’s Pen andVoice
of Democracy contests.The team should take the
opportunity to advertise these to the scouting community
and scout troops with whichyou work directly.
T he V F W Yout h Act ivit ies, Voice of Democrac y/Patr iot’s
Pen Chairman’s Manuals have information about these
programs as well as the Scout of theYear program. For
further information on theVFW Scouting Program,
Youth Programs Coordinator
VFW Programs
VFW National Headquarters
406 W. 34th Street
Kansas City, MO 64111
The close relationship between the Veterans of Foreign
Wars and the Boy Scouts of America dates back 100years
when V FW Post 210 0 tea med upwith another civ ic
organization to establish Troop 1 in Everett,
Washington. That century-long affiliation has fostered
true patriotism, community service and strong, moral
character throughout the ensuing decades. During World
Wars I and II, Boy Scouts played a major part in helping
collect food and other items to support the troops in the
war. Since that time, scouting has continued to be a
suppor ter of the V F Wand Scouts have g row n up, joined
the military, fought in wars and subsequently become
members of the VFW. It is only fitting that we focus the
efforts of those who have been Scouts to continue
guidingVFW Posts in their support of all scouting
All scouting organizations provide a first-class youth
development and education program for use by qualified
organizations. TheVFW is an ideal organization to
incorporate the scout program into our support for youth
in our local communities. EveryVFW Post has the
opportunity to work in partnership with the Boy Scouts
or the Girl Scouts when they sponsor/charter a scouting
unit. Direct involvement in the scouting program
presentsVFW Posts with the opportunity to positively
affect the lives of the youth in our communitieswhile
developing positive youth/adult partnerships.
Through scouting (including Girl Scouts,Venturing, and
Sea Scouts),VFW Posts have the opportunity to expand
their community outreach while developing a clear
resource forveteran’s families and their children.The
Department Scouting Team’s primary objective is to
encourage local Posts to incorporate Boy Scouting, Girl
Scouting,Venturing, and Sea Scouts into theirYouth
Activities Programs. Department Scouting Chairpersons
must help Posts recognize the value of scouting by
pointing out the following advantages:
a. Scouts are often willingto do service projects
that benefit the Post directly such as flag
retirement, maintenance of Post facility and
g rounds, assistance w ith “Buddy
distribution, color guards, and participation in
Post community activities and events.
b. Working with scouts provides incentives for
veterans with young families to join and become
active members.
c. Post members can serve as mentors and provide
a positive image to a new generation of potential
service members.
d. Recognition of scouting provides Posts with
positive public visibility.
e. Scouts often join the military, become eligible
and become members of the Post.
The Department Scouting Chairman is responsible for
organizing and managing scoutingwithin their
Department. These appointments are only for the
administrative year to which you were appointed. In
addition to being a VFW member (mandated by the
National By-Laws), the Department Scouting Chairman
a. Demonstrate a history of Scouting participation
and adult leadership experience.
b. Demonstrate a history of commitment to the
VFW as indicated by successful leadership
positions held.
c. Be the Department “expert on all phases of
d. Must cooperatewith Department, District and
Post leaders, and Scouting leadership.
The Department Scouting Chairman is the Department
Scouting Team leader. They are responsible for
recruiting, organizing,training and maintaining an
effective team for the Department.This begins with
recruiting and building of your Department team.
There is no required number of Department Souting
Team leaders; the Department Scouting Team Chairman
will need to determine the appropriate number to
effectively coveryour Department. Those selected should
demonstrate the same attributes as listed above, and
team leaders may beVFW and Auxiliary members.They
may also be members of troops/posts/packs sponsored by
VFW posts or units sponsored by other activities or at a
district or council level.
The Department Scouting Chairman should maintain
copies of all applications and approval status for all his
team members.The Chairman should publish a list of all
Department Scouting team members and make it
available to Posts throughout the Department. The
Chairman is also responsible to ensure that all new
Department Scouting team members take the BSA Youth
Protection class online and maintain a current Youth
Protection Certificate and remain current with other
certifications as required by the BSA for positions held.
The Department Scouting Chairman should coordinate
with other Department Chairmen on activities that may
affect programs in their Department.
The Department Scouting Chairman is responsible for
working with the Department Commander and
Quartermaster for a budget for the team and for scout
recognition. To be more efficient and effective, the
Department Scouting Chairman should communicate
regularlywith the Department leadership as to the status
and progress of the program. Additionally, they should
provide quarterly reports and be prepared to present the
report at their Department Council of Administration
meetings. The Department Scouting Chairman is also
charged with initiating award recommendations for the
VFW Scouters Achievement Award and processing those
recommendations through the Department Commander
toVFW National Headquarters.
Scout of the Year
Each Department may select an individualwho is an
Eagle Scout, a Girl Scout Gold Award recipient, aVenture
Summit Award recipient or a Sea Scout Quartermaster
Award recipient as the first-place Department Scout of
theYear winner and provide the application packet to the
VFW National Headquarters for recognition.
Eligible Scout of the Year applicants can be recruited
from individual units, visits to round tables or other
scouting functions in the community. It should be
remembered that theVFWis not the onlyorganization
seeking to recognize these young people. Because there
is a lot of competition from many organizations for
recognizing these Scouts, Boy Scout and Girl Scout
councils often will not be able to take active action to
distribute literature for any one organization.The VFW
Scouting Team should be in the active mode,visiting
round tables, camporees, and individual units where the
program can be presented byaVFWScoutingTeam
The ideal process is to have each Post in the Department
select and recognize a Scout of theYear; submit the
winners to District level for judging, and forward those
winners to the Department for judging. Following the
selection of Scout of the Year by Posts, if practical, a
District-level judging should be conducted. The District
Scouting lead orYouth Activities Chairman can organize
a judging team consisting of local teachers, religious
leaders, school teachers, or utilize members of the
State/ Department ScoutingTeam. Again, the winner
should be recognized at a Post/District meeting and the
application forwarded to the Department for their
Department judging process.
The Department judging can be done by the Scouting
Team or by a board of people appointed by the Scouting
Team. Awards and presentations to thewinning Scouts
should come from the Departments. Recognition of this
winner at the Department convention is a great
opportunity for the Scout to see the VFW in action.The
Department Scouting Chairman is responsible to ensure
that this is a great moment for the Scout and theVFW.
The application for Scout of the Year can be found
enclosed and is available online on the
Boy Scouts web page.
Organize Scouting Units
Using the BSA/GSA steps to organize a unit, the
Department Scouting team should work with posts to
determine if the posts have the available resources to
organize units.The unit Chartered Organization
Representative (COR) must belong to the sponsoring post
andwork to make the unit successful. It never hurts to
engage with the newparents coming into the unit for
possible eligibility to theVFW. The Scouting team
members should work with these units to help them be
supportive of theirVFW sponsor. Scouts are an excellent
resource for flag retirements, road clean up, grounds
clean up, parades and many other areas of support to the
sponsoring post.
Communicate Scouting Objectives
The Department Scouting Chairman should participate
in the annual Department School of Instruction for new
commanders and officers and make a presentation on
the scouting team and scouting objectives. This is a great
opportunity to inform commanders and others on who to
contact for support and assistance, but more
importantly, it gives the Team the chance to promote the
program and encourage participation.
The Department Scouting Chairman is responsible for
training their team members. An excellent opportunity
would be to have scouting training the same weekend
your Department is holding their School of Instruction or
at your Department Convention. If these are not options,
someonecan arrange for a militarybase, local scout
camp, hunting
club or other area where the team can get
together to develop a plan for your team over the next
There are lots of diverse ideas on what can be done and
the team can develop a team strategy and plan that will
work in your state. There should be an annual team
meeting to ensure the team is on track and that all team
members understand what to do and fully understand
their roles. Additionally, your scouting team members
should gather at Department Convention and winter
department meetings to follow up on progress and
VFW Scouters Achievement Award
The VFW National Headquarters, in cooperation with the
Boy Scouts of America, has developed a VFW Scouters
Achievement Award for those individual VFW members
who have been active and dedicated volunteers within
the scouting program. VFW members eligible to receive
this award must have been registered and active in the
scouting program, have been a member of the VFW
Department Scouting Team for at least three years, have
completed the requirements for the award as outlined,
and have the recommendation of the Department
Scouting Chairman and the Department Commander.
Eligibility and applications for this award are processed
through the Department’s Scouting Chairman through
the Department Commander to VFW National.
Recognition items for recipients will be provided by VFW
National. Requirements for the VFW Scouters
Achievement Award are enclosed and found online at after logging in as a VFW member, then visiting
My VFW, Training & Support. The information can
also be emailed to you ... please send an email to
[email protected] to request the requirements.
Department and District Officers
As the Department Scouting Chairman, you are an
integral part of the Department Commanders staff. You
are responsible for working with the Department
Commander and the Adjutant/Quartermaster to ensure
that any department funds allocated to Scouting
programs are budgeted and available to support the
scouting prog ram. As mentioned earlier, you should be
prepared to report to the Commander on the status of the
scouting program at Department Council of
Administration meetings and also to ensure proper
expenditure of any Department funds for the program.
The Department Scouting Chairman should also work
with District Commanders as necessary to ensure
implementation of the program at all levels. In short,
they are responsible for communicating and promoting
the scouting program throughout the Department.
If you need any additional assistance or have any
questions about the VFW and Scouting, contact the
Youth Programs Coordinator at the VFW National
Headquarters, at 816.968.1155 or
Scouters are excellent candidates for Patriot’s Pen and Voice
of Democracy contests. The team should take the
opportunity to advertise these to the scouting community
and scout troops with which you work directly.
T he V F W Yout h Act iv ities, Voice of D emocrac y/ Patr iot’s
Pen Chairman’s Manuals have information about these
programs as well as the Scout of the Year program. For
further information on the VFW Scouting Program,
Youth Programs Coordinator
VFW Programs
VFW National Headquarters
406 W. 34th Street
Kansas City, MO 64111
The close relationship between the Veterans of Foreign
Wars and the Boy Scouts of America dates back 100years
when V FW Post 210 0 tea med upwith another civ ic
organization to establish Troop 1 in Everett,
Washington. That century-long affiliation has fostered
true patriotism, community service and strong, moral
character throughout the ensuing decades. During World
Wars I and II, Boy Scouts played a major part in helping
collect food and other items to support the troops in the
war. Since that time, scouting has continued to be a
suppor ter of the V F Wand Scouts have g row n up, joined
the military, fought in wars and subsequently become
members of the VFW. It is only fitting that we focus the
efforts of those who have been Scouts to continue
guidingVFW Posts in their support of all scouting
All scouting organizations provide a first-class youth
development and education program for use by qualified
organizations. TheVFW is an ideal organization to
incorporate the scout program into our support for youth
in our local communities. EveryVFW Post has the
opportunity to work in partnership with the Boy Scouts
or the Girl Scouts when they sponsor/charter a scouting
unit. Direct involvement in the scouting program
presentsVFW Posts with the opportunity to positively
affect the lives of the youth in our communitieswhile
developing positive youth/adult partnerships.
Through scouting (including Girl Scouts,Venturing, and
Sea Scouts),VFW Posts have the opportunity to expand
their community outreach while developing a clear
resource forveteran’s families and their children.The
Department Scouting Team’s primary objective is to
encourage local Posts to incorporate Boy Scouting, Girl
Scouting,Venturing, and Sea Scouts into theirYouth
Activities Programs. Department Scouting Chairpersons
must help Posts recognize the value of scouting by
pointing out the following advantages:
a. Scouts are often willingto do service projects
that benefit the Post directly such as flag
retirement, maintenance of Post facility and
g rounds, assistance w ith “Buddy
distribution, color guards, and participation in
Post community activities and events.
b. Working with scouts provides incentives for
veterans with young families to join and become
active members.
c. Post members can serve as mentors and provide
a positive image to a new generation of potential
service members.
d. Recognition of scouting provides Posts with
positive public visibility.
e. Scouts often join the military, become eligible
and become members of the Post.
The Department Scouting Chairman is responsible for
organizing and managing scoutingwithin their
Department. These appointments are only for the
administrative year to which you were appointed. In
addition to being a VFW member (mandated by the
National By-Laws), the Department Scouting Chairman
a. Demonstrate a history of Scouting participation
and adult leadership experience.
b. Demonstrate a history of commitment to the
VFW as indicated by successful leadership
positions held.
c. Be the Department “expert on all phases of
d. Must cooperatewith Department, District and
Post leaders, and Scouting leadership.
The Department Scouting Chairman is the Department
Scouting Team leader. They are responsible for
recruiting, organizing,training and maintaining an
effective team for the Department.This begins with
recruiting and building of your Department team.
There is no required number of Department Souting
Team leaders; the Department Scouting Team Chairman
will need to determine the appropriate number to
effectively coveryour Department. Those selected should
demonstrate the same attributes as listed above, and
team leaders may beVFW and Auxiliary members.They
may also be members of troops/posts/packs sponsored by
VFW posts or units sponsored by other activities or at a
district or council level.
The Department Scouting Chairman should maintain
copies of all applications and approval status for all his
team members.The Chairman should publish a list of all
Department Scouting team members and make it
available to Posts throughout the Department. The
Chairman is also responsible to ensure that all new
Department Scouting team members take the BSA Youth
Protection class online and maintain a current Youth
Protection Certificate and remain current with other
certifications as required by the BSA for positions held.
The Department Scouting Chairman should coordinate
with other Department Chairmen on activities that may
affect programs in their Department.
The Department Scouting Chairman is responsible for
working with the Department Commander and
Quartermaster for a budget for the team and for scout
recognition. To be more efficient and effective, the
Department Scouting Chairman should communicate
regularlywith the Department leadership as to the status
and progress of the program. Additionally, they should
provide quarterly reports and be prepared to present the
report at their Department Council of Administration
meetings. The Department Scouting Chairman is also
charged with initiating award recommendations for the
VFW Scouters Achievement Award and processing those
recommendations through the Department Commander
toVFW National Headquarters.
Scout of the Year
Each Department may select an individualwho is an
Eagle Scout, a Girl Scout Gold Award recipient, aVenture
Summit Award recipient or a Sea Scout Quartermaster
Award recipient as the first-place Department Scout of
theYear winner and provide the application packet to the
VFW National Headquarters for recognition.
Eligible Scout of the Year applicants can be recruited
from individual units, visits to round tables or other
scouting functions in the community. It should be
remembered that theVFWis not the onlyorganization
seeking to recognize these young people. Because there
is a lot of competition from many organizations for
recognizing these Scouts, Boy Scout and Girl Scout
councils often will not be able to take active action to
distribute literature for any one organization.The VFW
Scouting Team should be in the active mode,visiting
round tables, camporees, and individual units where the
program can be presented byaVFWScoutingTeam
The ideal process is to have each Post in the Department
select and recognize a Scout of theYear; submit the
winners to District level for judging, and forward those
winners to the Department for judging. Following the
selection of Scout of the Year by Posts, if practical, a
District-level judging should be conducted. The District
Scouting lead orYouth Activities Chairman can organize
a judging team consisting of local teachers, religious
leaders, school teachers, or utilize members of the
State/ Department ScoutingTeam. Again, the winner
should be recognized at a Post/District meeting and the
application forwarded to the Department for their
Department judging process.
The Department judging can be done by the Scouting
Team or by a board of people appointed by the Scouting
Team. Awards and presentations to thewinning Scouts
should come from the Departments. Recognition of this
winner at the Department convention is a great
opportunity for the Scout to see the VFW in action.The
Department Scouting Chairman is responsible to ensure
that this is a great moment for the Scout and theVFW.
The application for Scout of the Year can be found
enclosed and is available online on the
Boy Scouts web page.
Organize Scouting Units
Using the BSA/GSA steps to organize a unit, the
Department Scouting team should work with posts to
determine if the posts have the available resources to
organize units.The unit Chartered Organization
Representative (COR) must belong to the sponsoring post
andwork to make the unit successful. It never hurts to
engage with the newparents coming into the unit for
possible eligibility to theVFW. The Scouting team
members should work with these units to help them be
supportive of theirVFW sponsor. Scouts are an excellent
resource for flag retirements, road clean up, grounds
clean up, parades and many other areas of support to the
sponsoring post.
Communicate Scouting Objectives
The Department Scouting Chairman should participate
in the annual Department School of Instruction for new
commanders and officers and make a presentation on
the scouting team and scouting objectives. This is a great
opportunity to inform commanders and others on who to
contact for support and assistance, but more
importantly, it gives the Team the chance to promote the
program and encourage participation.
The Department Scouting Chairman is responsible for
training their team members. An excellent opportunity
would be to have scouting training the same weekend
your Department is holding their School of Instruction or
at your Department Convention. If these are not options,
someonecan arrange for a militarybase, local scout
Ofcial Entry Form
Name: First, M.I., Last
City, State, Zip
( ) _____________________ _________________________________
Home Phone Email
_____________________________ _______________________________
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) Scout Troop Number
I hereby certify that the foregoing information is accurate and if I am
the winner, I will make myself available to receive the award at a
presentation ceremony as designated by the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
_____________________________________ _______________________
Scout/Venture Signature Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
I hereby certify that the above-named Scout/Venture is an active member
of our unit or was when the award was received and the information
supplied by the candidate is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
_____________________________________ _______________________
Unit Leader's Signature Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
I hereby certify that all information on this application is correct. I
willingly submit this name for consideration as the Veterans of
Foreign Wars of the United States' Scout of the Year. If this individual
is selected as the winner, I will ensure that he/she is allowed to attend
a presentation ceremony as designed by the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
_____________________________________ _______________________
Father, Mother or Guardian Signature Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
To be eligible for the award, the candidate must:
Be the recipient of the Eagle Scout Award, Girl Scout
Gold Award, Venture Summit Award or Sea Scout
Quartermaster Award.
Be a registered, active member of a Boy or Girl Scout Troop,
Venturing Crew or Sea Scout Ship at the time the above reward was received.
Have demonstrated exemplary citizenship in school,
Scouting and community.
Prior National Scout of the Year winners are ineligible. There is no minimum age
requirement for applicants as long as all other eligibility criteria has been met. The
maximum age requirement for applicants is 18 years old. If an applicant reaches
their 18th birthday during the nomination year, they remain eligible as long as they
are still in high school at the time of the submission deadline. A Scout may enter
through only one VFW Post. A local Post can be identified by zip code at
and submitted directly to a VFW post in your community.
camp, hunting club or otherarea where the team can get
together to develop a plan for your team over the next
There are lots of diverse ideas on what can be done and
the team can develop a team strategy and plan that will
work in your state.There should be an annual team
meeting to ensure the team is on track and that all team
members understand what to do and fully understand
their roles. Additionally, your scouting team members
should gather at Department Convention and winter
department meetings to follow up on progress and
Wood Badge Program
This is the highest level of advanced adult leadership
training provided by the Boy Scouts of America for adult
volunteers. TheVFW National Headquarters, as part of
its longstanding support forthe Scouting program,
prov ides scholar ships for elig ible V F W and V F W
Auxiliary members who are active in scouting to attend
the Wood Badge training course. Applications from
interested members are countersigned for approval by
the local BSA council and forwarded toVFW National
Headquarters for consideration and approval.
Scholarships are for an amount not to exceed $200,
which is in most cases sufficient to cover the course fees
incurred by the participant. A copy of theWood Badge
Scholarship application form is enclosed and available
online at
VFW Scouters Achievement Award
TheVFW National Headquarters, in cooperation with the
Boy Scouts of America, has developed aVFW Scouters
Achievement Award for those individualVFW members
who have been active and dedicatedvolunteers within
the scouting program.VFW members eligible to receive
this award must have been registered and active in the
scouting prog ram, have been a member of the VFW
Department Scouting Team for at least threeyears, have
completed the requirements for the award as outlined,
and have the recommendation of the Department
Scouting Chairman and the Department Commander.
Eligibility and applications for this award are processed
through the Department’s Scouting Chairman through
the Department Commander toVFW National.
Recognition items for recipients will be provided byVFW
National. Requirements for theVFW Scouters
Achievement Award are enclosed and found online at after logging in as aVFW member, then visiting
MyVFW, Training & Support. The information can also
be emailed to you ... please send an email to to request the requirements.
Department and District Officers
As the Department Scouting Chairman,you are an
integral part of the Department Commanders staff.You
are responsible for working with the Department
Commander and the Adjutant/Quartermaster to ensure
that any department funds allocated to Scouting
programs are budgeted and available to support the
scouting program. As mentioned earlier, you should be
prepared to report to the Commander on the status of the
scouting program at Department Council of
Administration meetings and also to ensure proper
expenditure of any Department funds for the program.
The Department Scouting Chairman should also work
with District Commanders as necessary to ensure
implementation ofthe program at all levels. In short,
they are responsible for communicating and promoting
the scouting program throughout the Department.
If you need any additional assistance or have any
questions about theVFW and Scouting, contact the
Youth Programs Coordinator at theVFW National
Headquarters, at 816.968.1155 or
Scouters are excellent candidates for Patriot’s Pen andVoice
of Democracy contests.The team should take the
opportunity to advertise these to the scouting community
and scout troops with whichyou work directly.
T he V F W Yout h Act ivit ies, Voice of Democrac y/Patr iot’s
Pen Chairman’s Manuals have information about these
programs as well as the Scout of theYear program. For
further information on theVFW Scouting Program,
Youth Programs Coordinator
VFW Programs
VFW National Headquarters
406 W. 34th Street
Kansas City, MO 64111
Questions should be directed to 816.756.3390, ext 6155.
during normal business hours Monday through Friday or
emailed to
Deadline for entry to VFW Post is March 1.
eht ot tsoP WFV a yb dettimbus eb tsum airetirc yrtne lluf htiw etadidnac enO
nenext level of judging by April 1. The VFW Department Scouting
chchairman can provide this information.
The Department winner must be selected and submitted by their Department
(stScouting chairman to the VFW National Headquarters by May 1.
Annually, the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States recognizes
individuals who are: Eagle Scouts, Girl Scout Gold Award recipients, Venture
Summit Award recipients and/or Sea Scout Quartermasters who have risen above
their peers in exemplifying the qualities of that rank.
Revised 06/2021
Scouting Record — maximum of three pages, one side only, listing of all
Scouting participation beginning with Cub Scouts or Brownies - years of par-
ticipation, unit numbers and sponsors. Also include when Eagle, Gold, Summit
or Quartermaster Award was received and Palms. Identify leadership positions
held at all levels, participation in Scouting activities (jamborees, Order of the
Arrow conferences, etc.) and the candidates Eagle Scout, Girl Scout Gold
Award, Venture Summit
or Sea Scout Quartermaster Project.
Community Service Record a single page, one -sided resume listing partici-
pation in community and religious service organizations (excluding Scouting
and school), noting leadership positions held and any recognition received.
Letters of Recommendation Submit three letters, no more than two pages
in length from:
A scout leader.
A community member.
A teacher/faculty member (if homeschooled, a parent letter is allowed).
In addition, you may include one or two additional letters, no more than
two pages in length from local community members who have special
knowledge of the candidate's abilities/accomplishments.
Completed Entry Form submitted to a local VFW Post. Local Posts can be
identified by zip code at
The backbone of Scouting in the VFW is the VFW Scouting Team. These VFW
members are deeply involved in Scouting, most with decades of experience.
ted by their Department Commander, they are responsible for promoting
scouting in their state. They are available to encourage Posts to sponsor units,
support units and individual Scout projects. They should be the Department’s
expert” on all phases of scouting. Many Departments have multiple members of
the VFW Scouting Team, but every Department should have at least one individual
to promote the values of scouting to youth and to the VFW itself. For
more information on the VFW Scouting Team call 816.756.3390, ext 6155, or email
The following documentation should be submitted:
Photograph of the Scout — must be attached to this form. The Scout must
appear in correct, complete uniform for their current rank. Recommended
size 3" x 5".
School Participation Record a single page, one- sided resume of the
candidates school activities indicating academic achievements, offices held,
honors received and signicant participation in other activities.
revised 10/19
This award is designed to recognize VFW Scouters who serve on the VFW Department Scouting teams for a three-year period and who
accomplish the required tasks during this period. This award is not meant to be a selective or limited award, but one that is available to any
VFW Scouter on the Scouting Team who completes the requirements. It is our personal VFW award to recognize dedication and work
required by a VFW team member to assist in furthering the scouting program in the VFW. The award consists of a gold and purple square
knot which may be worn on the Scout uniform and a certificate.
It is expected that the VFW team members will work to provide the maximum impact of VFW support to the scouting program and to
achieve maximum visibility for VFW efforts.
A. Service. Be registered in a Scouting position at the District or Council level: Chartered Organizational Representative (COR),
District/Council Member-at-Large, Unit Commissioner. (Your Department Scouting Chairman can help you obtain this registration.)
(Objective: To go beyond the Post and be able to understand and influence Scouting in the VFW District and Department as well as at
the local Council level).
B. Training. While a member of the Department team: (Requirement is completion of one of the below and not all:)
1. Participate in a Chartered Organizational Representative (COR) training course.
2. Complete a BSA District staff training course
3. Attend a Wood Badge training program.
C. Tenure. (Tenure starts when you join the team.)
1. Complete a total of three years as a member on the Department Team.
D. Performance. While a member of the Department team, do five of the following:
1. Serve a minimum of two years as a Post Chartered Organizational Representative for scouting and demonstrate success with your
units in terms of growth in program.
2. Help with your VFW Post, District or Department to raise funds to support scouting in your Department.
3. Participate with a local BSA District or Council Friends of Scouting fundraising effort.
4. Serve on the staff of a Department training team to train VFW Scouters.
5. Participate as member of a BSA District or Council Membership/Relationships Committee and represent the VFW.
6. Assist in organizing or reorganizing a Scout Troop, Cub Pack or Venture Crew in a VFW unit.
7. Participate in the Scout of the Year program at Post, District or Department level.
8. Make contact with Scout Troops and Venture Crews in your area through visits, roundtables or other means and solicit their
participation in the Patriot’s Pen and Voice of Democracy programs and document the results of your efforts.
9. Recruit manpower from your VFW Post or District to support a scouting activity such as a camporee, bicyclerodeo, merit badge
day or other related event to help further VFW recognition in support of the scouting program.
10. Develop and carry out or participate in a VFW program to recognize the leaders of scouting programs in your Post, District or
11. Promote and coordinate the development of a network of VFW Department Scouting Team members to assist in the development
of scouting within the VFW.
E. Approval. Obtain the approval of the VFW Department Commander and VFW Department Scouting Chairman that you
have satisfactorily completed the requirements for this award. Documentation should be sent (for review and finalapproval) to the VFW
National Headquarters Programs Office, 406 W. 34th Street, Kansas City, MO 64111, fax 816.968.2779, email: [email protected],
phone: 816.968.1155. If approved, a VFW Community Organization Award citation and letter will be mailed back to the Department
Commander, with a copy of the letter mailed to the Awardee, Department Adjutant, and Scouting Chairman. The awardee will need to
purchase the square knot (No.613864) directly from a Boy Scouts of America Scout Shop. Please visit this web page for additional