© 2021 Indonesian Society for Science Educator 151 J.Sci.Learn.2021.4(2).151-159
Received: 21 October 2020
Revised: 22 February 2021
Published: 24 March 2021
The Effect of Inquiry-Based Collaborative Learning and Inquiry-Based
Online Collaborative Learning on Success and Permanent Learning of
Nurullah Korkman
*, Mustafa Metin
Republic Middle School, Yozgat, Turkey
Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Education, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey
*Corresponding Author. nkorkman@yahoo.com
ABSTRACT This study aims to specify the effect of inquiry-based collaborative learning and inquiry-based online collaborative
learning methods on students' success and permanent learning. In this quantitative study, a pre-test post-test non-equalized
control group model of quasi-experimental design has been used. The study's sample comprises 64 students, 32 in the
experimental and 32 in the control group, determined by the stratified sampling method. The research has taken place in four
stages. Firstly, an achievement test for chemical bonds subject has been applied as a pre-test to both experimental and control
groups. The researchers have developed the test; it consists of 33 questions. Secondly, chemical bonds have been taught to control
groups with inquiry-based collaborative learning methods and experimental groups with inquiry-based online collaborative
learning methods. The achievement test has been applied to both groups as a post-test in the third stage. The same test has been
applied as a retention test six weeks later. In the analysis of tests, dependent and independent samples t-test have been used in
p=.05 significance level. The research results show that the inquiry-based online collaborative learning method is more effective
on students' success and permanent learning than other methods.
Keywords Inquiry-based learning, Online Learning, Collaborative Learning, Inquiry-based collaborative learning, Inquiry-based
online collaborative learning, permanent learning, chemical bonds
Inquiry-based learning, one of the main science
education methods, aims to solve a problem they
encounter by doing the necessary research (Wood, 2013).
Therefore, inquiry-based learning contributes to students
developing and using higher-order thinking skills such as
search, query, criticism, correlate, and analysis (Bybee,
2000; Perry & Richardson, 2001; Hofstein & Lunetta, 2004;
Duban, 2008). Besides, it is reported in the literature that
inquiry-based learning makes a significant contribution to
students' academic success and higher-order cognitive
features such as scientific process skills and self-efficacy
(Wilder & Shuttleworth, 2005, Duban, 2008; Seyhan, 2008;
Akben, 2011; Ulu, 2011; Kocagül, 2013). Besides intending
to have students solve a daily-life problem by doing
research (Jorgenson, Cleveland & Vanosdall, 2004; Wilder
& Shuttleworth, 2005), inquiry-based learning allow
students to learn collaboratively with their peers by
engaging in learning activities with them, and it contributes
to students to develop some features like listening to the
others and being open to different opinions. In addition to
these advantages, inquiry-based learning has some
limitations, and there are some issues to regard while
implementing it.
Class management is one of the issues that must be
considered during the implementation of inquiry-based
learning (Bayram, 2015). Teachers should manage the
inquiry process well. If the management is not effective, the
teacher may not have the expected return from the
students. Moreover, if the teacher cannot prepare the
questions that s/he will use during the Inquiry, this will
cause the process to go on differently from the purpose
(Campbell, Zhang & Neilson, 2011). Furthermore,
implementing inquiry-based learning in crowded
classrooms may lead the process to get out of control and
hinder each student's participation in the process (Kocagül,
2013). Some dominant students may also prevent others
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from participating in the inquiry process, and as a result,
they may display negative behavior against the course
(Campbell, Zhang & Neilson, 2011). Therefore, the inquiry
process should be planned and managed well. In planning
and managing, the online learning method may be
beneficial (Günbatar, 2014).
Online learning is referred to in the literature as e-
learning, web-based learning, and distance learning. While
online learning is named differently, all these concepts have
a learning environment supported by a computer network
infrastructure. During instructional activities in online
learning, both student-student and student-teacher
interaction may be seen (Çalışkan, 1999; Çalışkan, 2001).
The online learning method extinguishes the physical
environment's dependence during instructional activities
and moves student-student and student-teacher interaction
into online learning environments. Thus, computer and
online environments become a part of educational-
instructional activities (De Wever, Schellens, Valcke & Van
Keer, 2006; Caspi & Blau, 2008). Wang (2008), cited in
Akgün (2012) states, thanks to computer-assisted/online
learning, students can learn new things and share their
experiences by communicating with their teachers and
peers online or offline. Online learning is widely used in
science education as it makes searching the information
more accessible and increases the chance for concrete
experiences while learning. Despite many benefits, online
learning also has some limitations.
Online learning is limited for the reliability of the
assessment and evaluation process, and it cannot reveal
some positive outcomes of face-to-face interaction. Also,
establishing an effective student-teacher interaction in
online learning takes longer than traditional learning, and
students need to motivate themselves and study regularly
(Kaya, 2002). Therefore, online learning may be used with
collaborative learning, which increases face-to-face
interaction to decrease its limitations and have a more
effective educational-instructional process.
In collaborative learning, students work in
heterogeneous groups for a common purpose and are
responsible for each other's success (Demirel, 2006).
Contributing to students' socialization, developing their
communication skills, and forming an in-group interaction
are essential characteristics of collaborative learning
(Demirel, 2006; Ünlüsoy, 2006). Besides, collaborative
learning increases student motivation and develops their
features such as discussion, debate, criticizing ideas,
respecting others' ideas, tolerating and shared decision
making by providing a social environment (Serrano & Pons
2007). Using collaborative learning leads to positive
changes in students' characteristics like success and attitude
(Yapıcı, Hevedanlı & Oral, 2009; Topsakal, 2010). Thanks
to these traits, collaborative learning is widely used in
science education and inquiry-based learning, and online
learning (Bakanlığı, 2005; Meb, & Başkanlığı, 2006).
Apart from providing students many positive changes,
using inquiry-based learning, collaborative learning, and
online learning in science education helps students have
concrete experiences. Because science education consists
of abstract concepts, concretizing these abstract concepts
are rather crucial in science education.
The chemical bond is one of the abstract subjects in
science education. Chemical bonds are among the
Chemistry course's fundamental subjects, and their great
importance in learning many scientific concepts at the high
school and university levels (Ritter, 2007). This subject
consists of abstract concepts such as atom and subatomic
particles like proton, neutron, and electron, which are
difficult to observe in the classroom environment. Also,
ionic bond, which is based on the exchange of electrons,
and covalent bond, which occurs with the everyday use of
electrons between the atoms that are prone to take an
electron, are considered as a challenging subject to
understand by both teachers and students (Şen & Yılmaz,
2013). While instructing this subject, abstract concepts like
electron exchange and electron cooperation need to be
concretized. Therefore, inquiry-based learning,
collaborative learning, and online learning may be used
while teaching chemical bonds to concretize the abstract
concepts and increase students' success.
Recently, there is a tendency to use inquiry-based
learning, collaborative learning, and online learning
together in science education because of their limitations
and advantages. That is seen in the relevant literature.
It is seen in the literature that the studies carried out
with inquiry-based learning methods analyzed the variables
like success, self-efficacy, attitude, and scientific process
skills. Gül (2011) found that inquiry-based learning affects
students' success positively. Gençtürk & Türkmen (2007),
Ulu (2011), Sağlam (2012), Atar & Atar (2012), Yazgan
(2013) and Sarı & Güven (2013) also had similar results.
Likewise, Akben (2011) investigated the effect of inquiry-
based learning on self-efficacy and concluded that inquiry-
based learning had positive impacts on students' self-
efficacy. Kocagül (2013) and Gezer (2014) found similar
effects of inquiry-based learning on self-efficacy. Some
studies examine the effect of inquiry-based learning on
students' attitudes. Duban (2008) asserts that inquiry-based
learning implemented in fifth grade positively affected their
attitudes towards science courses. Yaşar & Duban (2009),
Akben & Köseoğlu (2010), Akben (2011) and Yazgan
(2013) report similar results. In addition to these, Ulu
(2011), Akben (2011), Kocagül (2013), and Gezer (2014)
investigated the effect of inquiry-based learning on
scientific process skills, and they found positive results.
Therefore, it is possible to say that inquiry-based learning
contributes significantly to success, self-efficacy, attitude
towards the course, and scientific process skills.
The studies carried out with online learning show that
it increased students' success (Bodur, 2010; Coşkun, 2013;
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Başarmak, 2013; Sarı, 2013), and made a positive
contribution to their attitudes towards the course (Bodur,
2010; Coşkun, 2013; Yılmaz & Top, 2015). Moreover,
some studies use online learning and Inquiry-based
learning, and collaborative learning and examine learning
effects. For instance, Günbatar (2014) used online learning
and inquiry-based learning together in the study and found
that online inquiry-based learning had a statistically
significant effect on motivation and learning strategies. The
studies in which online learning was used and collaborative
learning reported that students' success increased
(Korkmaz, 2013; Esgin & Saraç, 2015), and students had
positive attitudes (Korkmaz, 2013).
It is seen in the literature that collaborative learning had
positive impacts on success (Bozkurt, Orhan, Keskin &
Mazi, 2008; Gök & Sılay, 2008; Gök & Sılay, 2009; Yapıcı,
Hevedanlı & Oral, 2009; Doğan, Uygur, Doymuş &
Karaçöp, 2010; Özdilek, Erkol, Doğan, Doymuş &
Karaçöp, 2010; Topsakal, 2010; Aksoy & Doymuş, 2011;
Aktaş, 2013; Güngör & Özkan, 2013). It also makes a
statistically significant contribution to the attitudes of
students (Yapıcı, Hevedanlı & Oral, 2009; Topsakal, 2010;
Güngör & Özkan, 2011). In addition to these, collaborative
learning had positive effects on laboratory skills (Aksoy &
Doymuş, 2011), retention (Özdilek, Erkol, Doğan,
Doymuş, & Karaçöp, 2010), and problem-solving skills and
motivation for success (Gök & Sılay, 2009). Some studies
use collaborative learning with inquiry-based learning. They
show that the sample group displayed a scientific approach
to determining environmental consciousness (Gülin, 2010),
and the reading comprehension skills of students
developed (Yılmaz & Top, 2015).
Although there exist some studies about the effect of
Inquiry-based learning (Gençtürk & Türkmen 2007; Ulu,
2011; Sağlam, 2012; Atar & Atar 2012; Yazgan, 2013; Sarı
& Güven, 2013) and Inquiry-based collaborative learning
(Gülin, 2010; Yılmaz & Top, 2015) on success, Inquiry-
based online collaborative learning studies are limited
(Chang, Sung & Lee 2003; Salovaara 2005; Abdelraheem &
Asan 2006; Linn, Lee, Tinker, Husic, & Chiu, 2006; Kollar,
Fischer, & Slotta, 2007; Mäkitalo-Siegl, Kohnle, & Fischer,
2011; Sun, Looi & Xie, 2014; Sinha, Rogat, Adams-
Wiggins & Hmelo-Silver, 2015) in the literature. Also, these
studies do not entirely reveal the effect of implementations
on success and permanent learning. They do not aim to
determine whether inquiry-based collaborative learning or
inquiry-based online collaborative learning is more
effective on success and permanent learning. This study
will compare Inquiry-based collaborative learning and
Inquiry-based online collaborative learning and reveal
which one is more effective on success and permanent
learning. Because the studies that use different methods
and compare the effectiveness of those methods are rare in
the literature, this study will substantially contribute to the
literature. Moreover, the study is different from other
studies carried out in similar subjects as it implements the
three frequently used methods in science education. This
study also presents an example for the following studies by
designing and implementing Inquiry-based online
collaborative learning. Moreover, this study will guide the
researchers who will use new learning methods in science
education together. The fact that the studies that jointly
investigate the effects on success and permanent learning
are rare shows that this study will significantly contribute
to the literature.
In this context, the problem of this study is "What are
the effects of inquiry-based collaborative learning and
inquiry-based online collaborative learning, which was
implemented in Chemical Bonds subject of Structure and
Features of Matter Unit in 7th grade, on students' success
and retention of learning?" The subproblems are: (a) Is
there a significant difference between the success of
students who used inquiry-based collaborative learning and
inquiry-based online collaborative learning? (b) Is there a
significant difference between the retention of students
who used Inquiry-based collaborative learning and inquiry-
based online collaborative learning? This study's general
aim is to determine the effect of Inquiry Inquiry-based
collaborative learning and inquiry-based online
collaborative learning on students' success and retention of
learning in Chemical Bonds subject of Structure and
Features of Matter Unit in 7th grade.
The study aims to determine the effect of Inquiry-based
collaborative learning and Inquiry-based online
collaborative learning on students' success and permanent
learning. This study employs a quantitative research
approach, and because dependent and independent
variables have been used, the experimental method has
been thought to be appropriate for the study. Using a
systematic method, experimental research is carried out to
see how an individual intervention effectively solves a
particular problem under controlled conditions (Özmen,
2014, Creswell, 2012). Therefore, this is an experimental
study because an intervention has been performed to see
the effect of Inquiry-based collaborative learning and
Inquiry-based online collaborative learning on students'
success. Besides, a quasi-experimental design has been used
because the study has been carried out in an educational
setting, and it is impossible to define the groups randomly
at schools. Quasi-experimental designs are subordinate to
true experimental designs in terms of scientific value, and
they can be preferred by paying attention to their
limitations when true experimental designs are impossible
to use (Büyüköztürk, 2011; Creswell, 2012). Because the
study aims to determine the students' level before the
intervention and the change in their success after the
intervention process, a pre-test post-test non-equalized
control group model of quasi-experimental design has been
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2.1. Population and Sample
The population of the study is comprised of 7th-grade
students of 14 secondary schools in Yozgat. The sample
has been chosen from the population by using a simple
sampling method. In a simple sampling method, each
individual or object in the population has an equal chance
to be chosen. This method is accepted as moderate-good
for the study's validity and reliability, and it is regarded as
the simplest, the easiest, and the most reliable method
(Akarsu, 2016). Firstly, a school has been randomly chosen
from the population of the study. This school has four 7th
grade classes and 128 students in them. One of these
classes was randomly assigned as an experimental group
and another as the control group. The study sample
consists of 64 students, 32 in the experimental group and
32 in the control group. There are 20 females and 12 males
in the control group and 17 males and 15 females in the
experimental group.
2.2. Implementation Process
Implementation Process of Control Group: There are
20 female and 12 male students in the control group. They
have been separated into seven heterogeneous
collaborative groups in the study's preparation phase
according to their science and technology grades by using
a stratified sampling method. The students have been
informed about the practices of collaborative learning and
inquiry-based learning. While performing the practices
during the research process, inquiry-based learning
activities have been integrated with collaborative learning
activities. Before the instructional process, the achievement
test was implemented to the control group as the pre-test.
Then, students have settled in the class with their groups.
The learning environment of the control group was shown
in Figure 1.
After having students involved in groups for
collaborative learning, inquiry-based learning activities
have been performed. The students have tried to solve six
worksheets as a group appropriate for inquiry-based
learning and are about the "Chemical Bonds" subject in the
"Structure and Features of Matter" unit. In the first and
second sheets called "salt of the meal" and "incombustible
dress," ionic bonds are thought to students. In the other
two sheets, "let's make a better one" and "find the
antidote," covalent bonds are thought. The last two sheets,
"solve the relationship" and "who is a friend to who,"
consist of students' activities to distinguish ionic and
covalent bonds.
Each of these worksheets has been given to students in
different courses. They have studied them collaboratively
with the researcher's facilitation for skills such as
communication, interaction, and exchange of ideas
between students. Group members have chosen ahead of
the group, s/he has led the in-group work distribution
during the study of sheets and ensured that each member
had had the opportunity to speak. After taking the opinions
of all the members, the group decision has been written on
the worksheets. During the activities, one of the
researchers has guided and helped students in problematic
situations and provided the study to go on its standard
After solving the worksheets, the researcher has
gathered them. This process has taken six weeks. After the
instruction of chemical bonds, the achievement test has
been implemented as a post-test to the control group. Six
weeks after the post-test, the same test has been
implemented as a retention test to see the method's effect
on permanent learning.
Implementation Process of Control Group: There are
15 female and 17 male students in the experimental group.
They have been separated into nine heterogeneous
collaborative groups in the study's preparation phase using
a stratified sampling method. Before group works, an
online learning environment has been introduced to
students, and students have practiced it. After eliminating
the troubles, preliminary preparation has been completed.
Moreover, study hours have been determined with group
members before the implementation. As the
implementation is online, a class design has not been
formed. Therefore groups and group members have not
been in the same environment. After having an agreement
on every issue, the implementation process has begun.
Firstly, an achievement test has been applied to the
experimental group as a pre-test before the
implementation. Students have then signed into the
moodle system in pre-determined hours with their
usernames and passwords given by the researcher. Students
have entered the course page of that day and accessed the
private chat rooms for their moodle system group. All the
group members have studied inquiry-based learning sheets
together. For the control groups, experimental groups have
also had six worksheets, and they studied one of them
online and collaboratively each week. The researcher has
guided and helped the groups in every phase of the
implementation. Students have tried to solve the sheets by
Figure 1 Learning environment of control group
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discussing with group members and searching on the
Internet. The Head of the groups has ensured that each
member has participated in the study and had an
opportunity to present his/her idea. The communication
between group members during the implementation has
been performed in chat rooms.
The students have been informed about the practices of
collaborative learning and inquiry-based learning. While
performing the practices during the research process,
inquiry-based learning activities have been integrated with
collaborative learning activities. Before the instructional
process, the achievement test was implemented to the
control group as the pre-test. Then, students have settled
in the class with their groups. After having students
involved in groups for collaborative learning, inquiry-based
learning activities have been performed. After taking all the
members' opinions, the group decision has been written on
the chat screen.
The group members' activities have been written on
worksheets and given to the researcher by the groups'
heads. During the implementation, heads of the groups
have led the groups, and they have tried to prevent group
members from doing different activities. They have
allowed each member to state opinions and ensure the
group work to go on in its standard procedure.
The researcher has been online during group works,
visited chat rooms, promoted and encouraged students for
group work, and motivated them for collaborative study.
Online group works have been in four sessions and taken
six-course hours. After the instructional process, the
achievement test has been implemented as a post-test to
the experimental group. Six weeks after the post-test, the
same test has been implemented as a retention test to see
the effect of inquiry-based online collaborative learning on
permanent learning.
2.3. Data Collection Tool
The researchers have prepared the chemical bonds
achievement test used in this study according to the
procedures Metin (2016) stated for the achievement test
development process.
In the first phase
the aim of the achievement test has
been determined. In this study, the test has been used
before the implementation, right after the completion of
implementation, after passing a particular time to
determine students' readiness, learning levels, and
permanent learning.
In the second phase
the test's content has been
designated. A table of specifications has been prepared by
examining the chemical bonds subject's objectives in the
7th-grade science and technology curriculum. In the table
of specifications, there have been a total of 40 questions
for the achievement test; seven questions in remembering
level, 12 questions in understanding level, 11 questions in
applying level, and six questions in analysis level.
In the third phase
40 multiple choice test items have
been analyzed by experts for validity, reliability,
comprehensibility, grammar, spelling errors, scientific
convenience of the test, and test items for the level of the
students. After the expert opinions, the final test has had
36 items.
In the fourth phase
the test has been implemented to
100 students for item analysis. In this process, true answers
were coded as "1", false and unanswered items were coded
as "0". The results have been ordered from the highest to
lowest, and 27% of the highest scores were specified as a
supergroup and 27% of the lowest ones as a subgroup.
Following criterion have been used in item analysis: the
items that have "0" or negative distinctiveness are excluded
from the test; the item is considered as very well and does
not need correction if its distinctiveness is 0.40 and higher;
the item is considered as good and does not need
correction between 0.40 and 0.30; the item can be used
without correction or by correcting between 0.30 and 0.20,
and the item should be prepared again or excluded if its
distinctiveness is lower than 0.20. For item difficulty index;
0.00-0.20 is considered as very difficult, 0.21-0.40 as
difficult, 0.41-0.60 as moderate difficult, 0.61-0.80 as easy,
and 0.81-1.00 as very easy (Metin, 2016). After the item
analysis, the 17
, 22
, and 23
items were excluded from
the test as their difficulty and distinctiveness indexes were
not acceptable.
In the last phase
the test's reliability was calculated
using Kr20 reliability co-efficient, and this value was found
to be 0.88. This result shows that the achievement test is
reliable. After the validity and reliability processes, the final
achievement test had 33 items.
2.4. Data Analysis
The data obtained using the achievement test as a pre-
test, post-test, and retention tests have been analyzed using
the SPSS program. Because the groups have been randomly
assigned before the implementation and the data collection
tool is an interval scale, a t-test has been used in data
analysis. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied to
determine whether the data had a normal distribution, and
results showed that they presented a normal distribution
(p>0,05). Levene test was used for testing the homogeneity
of variances of experimental and control groups. Because
the Levene test result was higher than 0.05, it was specified
that both groups were equal. Independent samples t-test
was used to compare the experimental and control groups
pre-test, post-test, and retention test results. Paired samples
t-test was used to analyze the pre-test post-test and post-
test retention test average point differences of each group's
test results. The level of significance was considered as
p=.05. To comment on a test result, considering only the
significance level is not sufficient. The result may be
meaningful, but its effect may below. Effect size is
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calculated in different ways in different tests, and Cohen's
d was calculated in this study. Effect size is considered as;
low between 0-0.2, moderate around 0.5, and high 0.,8, and
above. The data obtained in this study have been
interpreted by considering correlation, mean, standard
deviation, p-value, and Cohen's d.
This study compares the effect of inquiry-based
collaborative learning and inquiry-based online
collaborative learning methods on students' success and
permanent learning in chemical bonds subject. Therefore,
pre-test, post-test, and retention test results between
groups and the results of pre-test and post-test in-groups
have been compared.
The independent samples t-test applied to pre-tests of
experimental and control groups have been given in Table
1. According to the Levene test, Table 1 shows no
difference between the pre-test variances of experimental
and control groups. However, the control group's pre-test
mean is higher than the experimental group's (x̄
14.88; x̄
= 14.72). There is no statistically
significant difference between pre-test means of
experimental and control groups (t = 0.192; p> 0.05).
Therefore, it is possible to say that both groups were equal
before the implementation of Inquiry-based collaborative
learning and inquiry-based online collaborative learning.
The independent samples t-test applied to post-tests of
experimental and control groups was given in Table 2.
According to the Levene test, Table 2 shows no difference
between the post-test variances of experimental and
control groups. However, the experimental group's post-
test mean is higher than the control group's (X
22.59; X
= 20.38). There is no statistically significant
difference between post-test means of experimental and
control groups (t = 1.277; p> 0.05). Therefore, it is possible
to say that the implementation of both Inquiry-based
collaborative learning and Inquiry-based online
collaborative learning has similar effects on students'
The paired samples t-test applied to pre-tests and post-
tests of experimental and control groups has been given in
Table 3. The table shows that post-test mean of
experimental group (x̄
= 22.59; SS = 6.116) is
higher than its pre-test means (x̄
= 14.72; SS =
2.466). It has been found that the experimental group has
a significant increase in post-test (t
= 5.896; p<
0.05), and the effect size (d
= 1.79) of this increase
is at a high level. The table also shows post-test mean of
control group (x̄
= 20.38; SS = 7.691) is higher than its
pre-test means (x̄
= 14.88; SS = 3.892). It has been
found that control group has a significant increase in post-
test (t
= 4.987; p< 0.05) and the effect size (d
1.11) of this increase is in high level. Therefore, both
groups have shown a significant increase after the
implementation; however, post-test means show that
Inquiry based online collaborative learning has affected the
students' success more than Inquiry-based collaborative
Table 1 Independent samples t-test results of experimental and control groups pre-test
Pre-test Results
Experimental Group
Achievement Test
Table 2 Independent samples t-test results of experimental and control group's post-test
Post-test Results
Control Group
Experimental Group
Başarı Testi
Table 3 Paired samples t-test results of experimental and control group's pre-test and post-test
Achievement Test
Experimental Group
Control Group
Table 4 Paired samples t-test results of experimental and control group's post-test and retention test
Achievement Test
Experimental Group
Retention Test
Control Group
Retention Test
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The paired samples t-test applied to post-tests, and
retention tests of experimental and control groups have
been given in Table 4. Post-test mean of experimental
group (x̄
= 22.59; SS = 6.116) is higher than its
retention test mean (x̄
= 22.13; SS = 4.696).
However, a significant difference has not been found
= 0.896; p>0.05) between post-test and
retention test. The table also shows post-test mean of
control group (x̄
= 20.38; SS = 7.691) is higher than its
retention test mean (x̄
= 19.91; SS = 7.818). These
results show that both experimental and control groups
have decreased retention tests, but it is not significant in
statistical terms.
In recent years, there is a tendency to use several
teaching methods to bring about more meaningful and
permanent learning. Different methods are decided to be
used together by considering their limitations and
advantages. By eliminating the limitation of a method with
another's superiority, more quality instructional activities
are performed. This study aims to present the effects of
inquiry-based learning, collaborative learning, and online
learning on students' success and learning by using them
together. In this context, this study aims to determine the
effect of Inquiry-based collaborative learning and Inquiry-
based online collaborative learning on students' success
and retention of learning.
The findings show that the Inquiry-based collaborative
learning group and Inquiry-based online collaborative
learning group have homogeneous distribution. There is no
significant difference between the pre-test results. This
means both groups had similar features before the
implementation process. According to pre-tests after the
instruction of the chemical bonds subject, there has been a
significant increase in both groups' post-test results. This
shows that both inquiry-based collaborative learning and
inquiry-based online collaborative learning methods
effectively affect students' success. The literature supports
these results. For instance, Gülin (2010) found that Inquiry
based collaborative learning had positive effects on
students' learning and awareness. Moreover, Schwarzve
Gwekwerer, 2007; Sun & Looi (2013), and Sun, Looi & Xie
(2014) presented in their studies that Inquiry based
collaborative learning was effective on cognitive
development of students and understanding the scientific
concepts. Similarly, some studies show Inquiry-based
online collaborative learning has positive effects on
students' cognitive development, success, and learning
(Chang, Sung & Lee, 2003; Salovaara, 2005; Abdelraheem
& Asan, 2006; Linn, Lee, Tinker, Husic & Chiu, 2006; Sun,
Looi & Xie, 2014; Sinha, Rogat, Adams-Wiggins & Hmelo-
Silver, 2015).
Because both groups' post-test results are significantly
higher than pre-test results, it is not clear which method is
more effective. Effect sizes of groups have been analyzed,
and it has been found that both methods have had a high-
level effect on students. However, the effect size of
Inquiry-based online collaborative learning is larger than
Inquiry-based collaborative learning. Therefore, it is
possible to say that Inquiry based online collaborative
learning is more effective than inquiry-based collaborative
learning on students' success. This result may be that in
Inquiry-based online collaborative learning, students have
extra opportunity to search on the Internet, discuss and get
feedback from friends, and communicate more thanks to
the online environment. In Inquiry-based collaborative
learning, these opportunities are limited for students,
resulting in a lower effect of instruction on students. Many
studies (Moore & Kearsley, 1996; Jonassen & Kwon, 2001;
Heckman & Annabi, 2005; Wang & Woo, 2007; Birişçi,
2013;) report that online play a more active role in
providing a cognitive contribution to group works. It is also
stated that student discussions designed in online
environments enable developing common information
with different individuals' participation (Olaniran, Savage
& Sorenson, 1996; Marjanovic, 1999; McAlister,
Ravenscroft & Scanlon, 2004; Watson, 2004; Balaji &
Chakrabarti, 2010). Moreover, studies report that online
learning environments help students; learn autonomously
on the Internet or computer network, or by interacting with
an instructor, extinguish the dependency on time and place
concepts in reaching the information and learning, interact
with their peers and instructors during instructional
activities, have concrete learning experiences by providing
them all the visual and audial environments that computer
supplies (Çalışkan, 1999; Çalışkan, 2001; Salovaara 2005;
Abdelraheem & Asan 2006; Gümüş, 2007; Yücel, 2013). It
is a fact that the opportunities that online environments
provide will positively affect students' learning. For this
reason, Inquiry-based online collaborative learning will
have more effect on students than Inquiry-based
collaborative learning.
It has been found that both methods have had a high-
level effect on students. However, the effect size of
Inquiry-based online collaborative learning is larger than
Inquiry-based collaborative learning. Therefore, it is
possible to say that Inquiry based online collaborative
learning is more effective than inquiry-based collaborative
learning on students' success.
There has been a decrease in both groups' retention
tests; however, this is not significantly different in statistical
terms. Therefore, it is possible to say that both methods
have similar effects on remembering knowledge. Yalın
(2015) states that more permanent learning occurs when
students become active, and they are provided multi
learning environments and when more senses are
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