BIOL 1303: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
University of Houston-Downtown
Course Prefix, Number, and Title: BIOL 1303: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Credits/Lecture/Lab Hours: 3/3/0
Foundational Component Area: Life and Physical Sciences
Prerequisites: Credit or enrollment in BIOL 1103
Co-requisites: None
Course Description: A survey of Human Anatomy and Physiology required for students going to nursing
or similar professional programs. Emphasis will be placed on cells and tissues of the human body and its
skeletal, muscular, integumentary, nervous and sensory systems.
TCCNS Number: BIOL 2301
Demonstration of Core Objectives within the Course:
Assigned Core
Students will be
able to:
Instructional strategy or content
used to achieve the outcome
Method by which students’ mastery
of this outcome will be evaluated
Empirical &
Utilize scientific
processes to
identify questions
pertaining to
1. Homeostasis
Online: Students will analyze and
interpret case studies on various
physiological conditions of the body
pertaining to homeostasis in online
course content. They will determine
the receptors involved, role of
control center and the response of
the effectors in either negative or
positive feedback homeostatic
regulation of the cases.
Students will work on critical
thinking questions on homeostasis,
levels of human organization and
the fundamental principle of
Anatomy & Physiology “Form fits
2. Membrane Transport Mechanism
Students will find evidence of
membrane transport processes in
physiological functioning of body
systems from the textbook or
Students will post their analysis of case
studies on homeostasis on the
Discussion Board forum.
Students must give two examples of
homeostasis that they have
experienced providing complete
explanation of the process of
They will also read/comment on other
student’s postings.
Students are graded on a rubric based
on originality, accuracy and clarity of
explanation of the principle of
homeostatic mechanism.
In Class: Students will work in groups
analyzing case studies and interpreting
the factors leading to homeostatic
regulation and will prepare an oral
presentation of their analysis with
Grading is based on a rubric.
BIOL 1303: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
outside sources and explain the
mechanism in their own words.
From their evidence of transport
processes they will analyze the
structure of tissue involved and
relate that to function of the
system. Such as Respiratory
membrane in the alveoli allows
simple diffusion, capillary
endothelium allows filtration and
osmosis etc.
Students will also find evidence of
application of membrane transport
mechanism in the kitchen such as
using coffee filter, tea bags etc.
Students will work on critical
thinking questions pertaining to
membrane transport mechanisms
and maintain homeostasis.
3. Anatomical Language
Students will use anatomical
models to determine anatomical
parts of the body; cavities, organs,
directional terms and determine
the inter-relationship between the
organ systems
4. Tissues
Students will determine
microscopic structure of tissues to
determine the levels of
organization and determine
5. The Integumentary System.
Students will research on artificial
tanning, use of chemicals in beauty
products and read from internet
resources provided about the
potential myth of some popular
products and the harm that may be
attributed to use of such products.
6. Skeletal System and Joints
Both online and in class Students will
submit answers to Critical Thinking
questions as an assignment which is
graded on clarity of explanation and
accuracy of content.
Case studies will allow students to
qualitatively and quantitatively analyze
2. Membrane Transport Mechanism
Online and In class: Students will use
the discussion board forum to
post/comment on messages and write
a paper listing the evidences, with
explanation on the application of the
membrane transport processes.
Students are evaluated on a rubric
based on accuracy and clarity of
explanation of the membrane
transport processes selected
Assignments on Critical Thinking
Students are graded on clarity of
explanation and accuracy of content
3. Anatomical Language
Students work in groups to examine
anatomical language. Students will
work on Lab worksheet which includes
some problem solving questions at the
end of the lab period.
4. Tissues
Students will work individually to
determine tissue structure. They work
on worksheets and use illustrations to
understand tissue structure.
5. The Integumentary System
Online Students will post the
information from their research that
surprised them the most on Discussion
Board Forum with an explanation.
BIOL 1303: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Students will study the cause of
osteoporosis and gather
information on Bone Density and its
relevance to osteoporosis. They will
also study mechanism of action of
some of the drugs commonly
prescribed to slow down or reverse
the process
Students will study anatomical
structure of joints and the methods
used for surgery such knee
replacement to understand the
mechanism of operation of the
joints of the body.
7. Musculoskeletal System
Students will use models and
figures to determine the location of
bones, joints and muscles of the
body. They will use the anatomical
information to establish
relationship between these three
structures and evaluate their
mechanism of action.
8. Nervous System
Students build concept on function
of nervous system from gathering
information on Neurotransmitters.
They research on the use and abuse
of neurotransmitters, neurotoxicity
and substances that produce EPSP
and IPSP and relate to the function
of ion channels in regulating neural
Students study the anatomical
structure of brain and relate to the
functional properties of the
structures and analyze disorders
related to these brain structures.
Students will use anatomical
models and preserved sheep brain
to determine the anatomical parts
of the brain and infer a inter-
relationship between the
They will also read and comment on
other posted messages. Evaluation is
based on a rubric.
In Class students will discuss in class
their research and submit their paper
for grade
6. Skeletal System and Joints
Online Students will use Discussion
Board forum to post messages
pertaining to their own experience
relevant to the Skeletal system and
joints. Their posting will include
explanation on fracture repair or
casting or arthritis or any other disease
from what they learned in class.
In class students share their stories
and explanation in groups.
Assignments on Critical Thinking
Students are graded on clarity of
explanation and accuracy of content.
5. Musculoskeletal System and
6. Nervous System
Students examine anatomical parts.
They work on Lab worksheet which is
graded on their ability to locate
structures and describe relationship
between structure and function
BIOL 1303: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
anatomical parts and physiological
Empirical &
Utilize scientific
processes to
collect and
analyze data using
quantitative and
Body Temperature measurement:
Homeostatic regulation
Pulse Reading: Homeostatic
Students will form hypotheses on
testing properties of water, pH and
enzyme action on common food
Membrane Transport Processes
Students will form hypotheses and
design experiments to test
membrane transport processes
such as simple diffusion and
Students will measure their body
temperature over a period of 7 days in
the morning and at night, record their
temperature, plot it as a graph and
explain their observation.
Students will record their pulse count
4 times during the day for 7 days.
Record the time and activity they were
in when they took their pulse count
and plot it as a graph.
Grading will be based on a rubric on
organization, data representation and
clarity of explanation
Chemistry and Membrane Transport
Students will perform experiments to
test their hypotheses and write a Lab
Report which is graded on a rubric
Empirical &
Utilize scientific
processes to
communicate the
analysis and
results using
written, oral and
The Integumentary System
Students will research on different
types of cancers: Cause , prevalence
and preventive measure that can
minimize incidence of occurrence.
Articulations and Skeletal System
Students will research selected joint
disorders, analyze anatomical
changes associated with the
disorder and discuss methods of
treatment and prevention.
Nervous System
Students research on action of
Neurotransmitters and their effect
on physiologic processes of the
body and homeostatic regulation.
Students analyze neurotransmitter
action and their use as drugs,
potentially harmful toxins and
cause for various neurological
disorders and their possible cure
Students will prepare a research paper
on Skin Cancer
Assessment is based on a rubric on
organization, scientific basis and
relevance of facts, quality of writing
and explanation of preventive
Online Students will peer review paper
submitted by other students and grade
them on a rubric provided.
Articulations and Skeletal System
Online Students will prepare a
presentation as Power Point with oral
communication. They will upload a
Power Point with voice over for
assessment and peer review. The
assessment is based on a rubric, for
the quality of the presentation and
In Class Students will prepare an oral
presentation on Joint Disorders for the
class. Students participate in
discussion on the presentation.
BIOL 1303: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Musculoskeletal System
Students will work in groups to
build models of Gross and
Anatomical Muscle Structure
Students will work in groups to
determine the anatomical
structures in the Joints of the
Skeletal System
Assessment is based on a rubric
emphasizing on content, explanation
and clarity
Online and In class students write a
paper identifying functions of
neurotransmitters and analyzing their
potential effects on the body. They
research the cause of various
neurological diseases which relate to
the action or amount of
neurotransmitters produced.
Musculoskeletal System and
Students will make a class
presentation of the models. Grading is
on a rubric and the models are Peer
Collaborate in the
evaluation of the
quality of
scientific evidence
from multiple
toward the goal of
reaching a shared
Musculoskeletal System:
Students will research on the use of
Muscle building supplements and
their effect from multiple
Online and In class students will write
a paper on the research which will
include the chemical composition of
the muscle supplements, data on
effectiveness and conclusion.
They will get to see and comment on
papers submitted by others and
participate in a Discussion Board
Additional Course Outcomes:
Lecture: Students will:
Identify the important anatomical structures in each of the state organ systems.
• Demonstrate an understanding of all important physiological processes of the stated systems.
• Describe the interrelationships between anatomy and physiology in each of the organ systems listed.
• Explain the principle of homeostasis and the primary control mechanisms that operate in each of the
organ systems listed.
Students will:
utilize the scientific process to identify questions pertaining to natural phenomena,
develop hypotheses,
collect and analyze quantitative and qualitative data,
collaborate in the evaluation of the quality of scientific evidence from multiple perspectives toward
the goal of reaching a shared objective, and
communicate analyses and results using written and oral communication.
BIOL 1303: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Lab: Students will:
Knowledge of Anatomical Body Landmarks; Directional Terms; Body Planes and Sections; Different
Cavities and locating organs in cavities.
Be able to identify organs of the different systems in the human body
Knowledge of anatomical structures of the Composite Cell.
Be able to identify the various stages of animal cell division as observed under the microscope
Knowledge of the parts and function of a Compound Light Microscope. Know the difference
between Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy.
Demonstrate knowledge of the different types of Epithelial, Connective and Muscular Tissue. Be
able to identify the tissues under the microscope.
Be able to identify Bones, Bone structures and anatomical markings on the Skeleton.
Be able to identify muscles on the human torso model. Knowledge of origin, insertion and action
Be able to identify parts of the Human Brain on models, Sheep brain; Structures on Spinal Cord;
Anatomical structures on Eye and Ear Model.
Course Outline:
Sciences of Anatomy & Physiology
Biology of The Cells
Tissue Organization
Integumentary System
Bone Structure and Function
Muscle Tissue
Nervous Tissue
Brain and Cranial Nerves
Spinal Cord
Autonomic Nervous System
Anatomical terminology
Organ Systems
Cell Structure & Cell Division
Begin Tissues
Tissue Identification
Classification of Tissues (continued)
Skin (Integumentary system)
Skeletal system Axial System
Muscle Identification
Brain and Cranial Nerves
Spinal Cord and Reflex Physiology
Vision & Hearing
BIOL 1303: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Lecture: Grading/Course Content which Demonstrates Student Achievement of Core Objectives:
Course Grade A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79 D: 60-69 F: 0-59
Summary of Course Exams, Quizzes, Activities, and Final
2 Lecture Exams on campus
Comprehensive Final Exam
Online Quizzes
Project: Power Point Presentation (Uploaded online with
voice recording)
Class Participation including course track record
Lab: Grading/Course Content which Demonstrates Student Achievement of Core Objectives:
Course Grade A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79 D: 60-69 F: 0-59
Summary of Course Exams, Quizzes, Activities, and Final