Mahindra Manulife
Manufacturing Fund
(An open-ended equity scheme following manufacturing theme)
Long-term capital appreciation;
Investment in equity and equity-related
securities of companies engaged in
manufacturing theme .
is product is suitable for investors who
are seeking*
* Investors should consult their nancial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
Scheme Riskometer
Benchmark Riskometer
S&P BSE India Manufacturing TRI
(First Tier Benchmark)
Mahindra and Mahindra Financial Services Limited
Registered oce: Gateway Building, Apollo Bunder, Mumbai
Maharashtra - 400 001, India.
Manulife Investment Management (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
Registered oce: 8 Cross Street, #16-01, Manulife Tower,
Singapore 048424.
Investment Manager
Mahindra Manulife Investment Management Private Limited
Registered oce: 4
Floor, A - Wing, Mahindra Towers,
Dr. G. M. Bhosale Marg, P.K. Kurne Chowk, Mumbai - 400 018
Maharashtra, India.
Mahindra Manulife Trustee Private Limited
Registerd oce: 4
Floor, Mahindra Towers, A - Wing, P. B. Marg,
Worli, Mumbai - 400 018 Maharashtra, India.
Mutual Fund
Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund
Corporate Oce: Unit No. 204, 2
Floor, Amiti Building,
Piramal Agastya Corporate Park, LBS Road, Kamani Junction,
Kurla (W), Mumbai – 400 070.
e product labelling /risk level assigned for the Scheme during
the New Fund Oer is based on internal assessment of the Scheme’s
characteristics or model portfolio and the same may vary post New Fund
Oer when the actual investments are made.
Oer of Units of Rs. 10/- each during the New Fund Oer and
Continuous oer for Units at NAV based
New Fund Oer Opens on: May 31, 2024
New Fund Oer Closes on: June 14, 2024
Scheme reopens for continuous sale and repurchase from:
June 26, 2024
is Key Information Memorandum (KIM) sets forth the information,
which a prospective investor ought to know before investing. For further
details of the scheme/Mutual Fund, due diligence certicate by the
AMC, Key Personnel, investors’ rights & services, risk factors, penalties
& pending litigations etc. investors should, before investment, refer
to the Scheme Information Document and Statement of Additional
Information available free of cost at any of the Investor Service Centres
or distributors or from the website
e Scheme particulars have been prepared in accordance with
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations
1996, as amended till date, and led with Securities and Exchange
Board of India (SEBI). e units being oered for public subscription
have not been approved or disapproved by SEBI, nor has SEBI certied
the accuracy or adequacy of this KIM.
is KIM is dated May 15, 2024
Key Information Memorandum
cum Application Form
Investment Objective
e Scheme shall seek to generate long term capital appreciation by investing
predominantly in equity and equity related securities of companies engaged in
manufacturing theme. However, there is no assurance that the objective of the
Scheme will be achieved.
Asset Allocation Pattern of the Scheme
e Asset Allocation Pattern of the Scheme under normal circumstances would
be as under:
Instruments Indicative Allocation
(% of assets)
Risk Prole
Minimum Maximum High/Moderate/Low
Equity and Equity-related
securities of companies engaged
in manufacturing theme^
80 100 Very High
Equity and Equity related
instruments of companies other
than above*
0 20 Very High
Debt and Money Market
(including TREPS
(Tri-Party Repo) and Reverse
Repo in Government Securities)
0 20 Low to Moderate
Units issued by REITs & InvITs 0 10 Very High
^ including equity derivatives to the extent of 50% of the equity component of
the Scheme.
Investment in derivatives shall be for hedging, portfolio balancing and such other
purposes as maybe permitted from time to time under the Regulations and subject
to guidelines issued by SEBI/RBI from time to time. e Scheme may utilize the
entire available equity derivatives exposure limit as provided above, for hedging
purpose. However, the equity derivatives exposure towards non-hedging purpose
shall not exceed 20% of the net assets of the Scheme, subject to maximum
derivatives exposure as dened above (i.e. 50% of the equity component of the
Scheme). e margin money deployed on derivative positions would be included in
the Debt and Money Market Securities category.
*e Scheme may invest in Foreign Securities (including units/securities issued by
overseas mutual funds) up to 20% of the net assets of the Scheme in compliance
with clause 12.19 of the SEBI Master Circular pertaining to overseas investments
by mutual funds, as amended from time to time. e Scheme intends to invest US$
5 million in Overseas securities within six months from the date of the closure
of the New Fund Oer (NFO) of the Scheme. ereaer, the Scheme shall invest
in Foreign Securities as per the limits available to ‘Ongoing Schemes’ in terms of
clause of SEBI Master Circular. Further, SEBI vide its clause
of the SEBI Master Circular, claried that the above specied limit would be
considered as so limit(s) for the purpose of reporting only by mutual funds on
monthly basis in the format prescribed by SEBI.
Money Market instruments includes commercial papers, commercial bills, treasury
bills, Government securities having an unexpired maturity up to one year, call or
notice money, certicate of deposit, usance bills, and any other like instruments as
specied by the Reserve Bank of India from time to time.
Cash and cash equivalents with residual maturity of less than 91 days may be
treated as not creating any exposure. SEBI vide its letter dated November 3, 2021
issued to AMFI, has claried that for the purpose of clause 12.25 of SEBI Master
Circular, cash equivalent shall consist of-
a) Government Securities;
b) T-Bills; and
c) Repo on Government Securities.
e Scheme may invest in other schemes managed by the AMC or in the schemes
of any other mutual funds in conformity with the investment objective of the
Scheme and in terms of the prevailing SEBI (MF) Regulations.
Subject to the Regulations and applicable regulatory guidelines as may be issued
from time to time, the Scheme may also engage in securities lending not exceeding
20% of the net assets of the Scheme.
Further, the Scheme shall not deploy more than 5% of the Scheme’s net assets in
securities lending through a single intermediary. ese limits shall be applicable at
the time of participating in the securities lending by the Scheme.
Illustration Total Net Assets of the Scheme A on June 1 Rs. 30,00,000; On
June 2, the Scheme A wishes to lend securities worth Rs. 3,00,000. e Scheme
A may participate in the securities lending by placing orders through any 2 or
more intermediaries / brokers where the maximum order value with a single
intermediary/broker shall not exceed Rs. 1,50,000 (i.e. 5% of the net assets of the
Scheme A as on June 1).
e Scheme shall not invest in securitized debt, debt instruments having structured
obligations / credit enhancements, debt instruments having special features in
terms of clause 12.2 of SEBI Master circular, unrated debt instruments, credit
default swaps and repos in Corporate Bonds. e Scheme shall not engage into
short selling. e Scheme shall not invest in Overseas ETFs.
As per clause 12.24 of SEBI Master Circular , the cumulative gross exposure through
equity, debt, derivative positions,
repo transactions in government securities, units
issued by REITs & InvITs, Foreign Securities and such other securities/assets as may
be permitted by SEBI from time to time should not exceed 100% of the net assets
of the scheme.
Pending deployment of the funds in securities in terms of investment objective of
the Scheme, the AMC may in terms of clause 12.16 of SEBI Master Circular park
the funds of the Scheme in short term deposits of the Scheduled Commercial
Pursuant to clause 1.10.3 of the SEBI Master Circular, the Scheme may deploy
NFO proceeds in Triparty Repo on Government securities or treasury bills
(TREPS) before the closure of NFO period. However, the AMC shall not charge any
investment management and advisory fees on funds deployed in TREPS during
the NFO period.
All the investments by the Mutual Fund under the scheme shall be guided by
investment restrictions as specied in SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 from
time to time.
Rebalancing due to Short Term Defensive Consideration
Due to market conditions, the AMC may deviate the range set out in the asset
allocation. Such deviations shall normally be for a short term and defensive
considerations as per as per clause SEBI Master Circular, and the fund
manager will rebalance the portfolio within 30 calendar days from the date of
Rebalancing due to Passive Breaches
Further, as per clause 2.9 of SEBI Master Circular, in the event of deviation from
mandated asset allocation due to passive breaches (occurrence of instances
not arising out of omission and commission of the AMC), the fund manager shall
rebalance the portfolio of the Scheme within 30 Business Days. In case the portfolio
of the Scheme is not rebalanced within the period of 30 Business Days, justication
in writing, including details of eorts taken to rebalance the portfolio shall be
placed before the Investment Committee of the AMC. e Investment Committee,
if it so desires, can extend the timeline for rebalancing up to sixty (60) Business
Days from the date of completion of mandated rebalancing period. Further, in case
the portfolio is not rebalanced within the aforementioned mandated plus extended
timelines the AMC shall comply with the prescribed restrictions, the reporting and
disclosure requirements as specied in clause 2.9 SEBI Master circular.
Risk Prole of the Scheme
Mutual Fund Units involve investment risks including the possible loss of principal.
Please read the SID carefully for details on risk factors before investment.
Scheme specic Risk Factors are summarized below:
Investment in Mutual Fund Units involves investment risks such as trading volumes,
settlement risk, liquidity risk, default risk including the possible loss of principal.
e Scheme carries risks associated with investing in equity and equity related
securities, Debt and Money Market Instruments, securities lending, derivatives
and risks associated with investments in companies. e Scheme also carries
performance risk and risk associate with investment in Foreign Securities. e
Scheme also carries risks associated with investments in the units of Real Estate
Investment Trust (REIT), Infrastructure Investment Trust (InvIT) and Tri-party
Repo (TREPS) through CCIL. e risks associated with the use of derivatives are
dierent from or possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly
in securities and other traditional investments. Derivative products are leveraged
instruments and can provide disproportionate gains as well as disproportionate
losses to the investor. Investment in xed income securities are subject to risks
including but not limited to interest rate risk, re-investment risk, basis risk, spread
risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, duration risk. e scheme also carries risks associated
with segregated portfolio and ‘right to limit redemptions’.
Risk Mitigation factors/Risk Control
Risk is an inherent part of the investment function. Eective Risk Management
is critical to Fund Management for achieving nancial soundness. Investments by
the Scheme shall be made as per the investment objectives of the Scheme and
provisions of the Regulations.
e AMC has incorporated adequate safeguards to manage risk in the portfolio
construction process. e risk control process involves identifying & measuring the
risk through various Risk Measurement Tools. Further, the AMC has implemented
a robust Front Oce System (FOS) for managing risk related to investment
restrictions. e system has inbuilt feature which enables the Fund Manager
calculate various risk ratios and analyze the same.
e AMC has experienced investment professionals to help limit investment
universe to carefully selected high quality businesses. e fund manager would
also consider hedging the portfolios in case of predictable events with uncertain
e Scheme would invest in a diversied portfolio of equity and equity related
securities which would help alleviate the credit, sector/market capitalization
related concentration risk.
Risk Mitigation Measures by AMC:
Some of the risks and the corresponding risk mitigating strategies are listed below:
Risks associated with Equity investments
e Scheme shall aim to mitigate this risk by investing across
optimally large number of companies/sectors and endeavor
to keep stock-specic concentration risk low. Process in place
for regular monitoring of concentration.
Market Risk e Scheme will try to reduce the market risk by undertaking
active portfolio management as per the investment objective.
e Scheme may also use derivatives to limit this risk. e
Scheme shall aim to mitigate the unsystematic risk in the
portfolio through adequate diversication.
Liquidity Risk Liquidity Risk shall be addressed by monitoring the asset
side secondary market liquidity in conjunction with the
concentration and the prole of the liability side on timely
basis. e analysis is conducted under both normal and
stressed scenarios to capture the impact of unforeseen
redemptions along with shallow secondary market liquidity.
e portfolio construction and management shall be
executed in line with the Regulatory and internal guidelines
for liquidity risk management. Firmwide liquidity is also
monitored on timely basis along with special focus on
exposure to apparently less liquid securities in the scheme
Risks associated with Debt Securities and Money Market Securities
Market Risk /
Interest Rate
In expectation of a rising interest rate scenario, the Scheme
may increase its investment in money market securities
whereas if the interest rates are expected to fall the
allocation to debt securities with longer maturity may be
increased thereby mitigating risk to that extent.
Liquidity Risk Liquidity Risk shall be addressed by monitoring the asset
side secondary market liquidity in conjunction with the
concentration and the prole of the liability side on timely
basis. e liquidity risk will be managed and/or sought to
be addressed by creating a portfolio which has adequate
access to liquidity in the secondary market. e portfolio
construction and management shall be executed in line
with the Regulatory and internal guidelines for liquidity risk
Credit Risk In addition to external ratings by the accredited credit rating
agencies, the credit analyst will undertake independent
credit assessment that would capture the quantitative
(nancial statements) and qualitative aspects (accounting
policies, management quality, disclosure standards etc.) of
a company to assess its fundamental credit strength and
guide the investment decisions in the schemes. ere is also
a regulatory cap on exposure to each issuer to ensure a
diversied portfolio and reduced credit risk in the portfolio.
Further, there are rm wide issuer limits to keep credit risk
under control through diversication.
Reinvestment risk on intermittent cashows received by
the Scheme manifests during a falling interest rate scenario.
While the Scheme would be subjected to reinvestment risk,
it is also expected to benet from the capital appreciation
in xed income instruments driven by falling interest rates.
Reinvestment risk and interest rate risk for xed income
securities mitigate each other.
Risk associated with respect to investment in Foreign Securities
Currency Risk e Scheme subject to applicable regulations, shall have
the option to enter into forward contracts for the purposes
of hedging against the foreign exchange uctuations. e
Scheme may employ various measures (as permitted by SEBI/
RBI) including but not restricted to currency hedging (such as
currency options and forward currency exchange contracts,
currency futures, written call options and purchased put
options on currencies and currency swaps), to manage
foreign exchange movements arising out of investment in
foreign securities.
Country Risk Investment universe is carefully selected considering
geopolitical, environmental and market risk pertaining to a
particular geography.
Investment Strategy
e Scheme aims to generate capital appreciation by investing at least 80% of its
net assets in equity and equity-related securities of companies and sectors that
are involved in manufacturing activities and are likely to benet from the growth
of the manufacturing theme.
e Scheme will follow a bottom-up approach towards investing in listed companies
• Are engaged in manufacturing activity.
• May benet from government incentives to encourage manufacturing
• Are positioned to benet from export promotion of domestic industries and
import substitution through domestic manufacturing.
• May Produce goods and materials for export.
• Are establishing new manufacturing capacity or investing in new plants and
production technology.
e Scheme may also invest across market capitalization and in sectors which oer
allied services associated with the entire manufacturing lifecycle. e universe of
the Scheme may also contain companies listed in India and having manufacturing
facilities outside India.
However, the investment universe of the above referred manufacturing theme will
be limited to companies mapped to the basic Industry list published by Asia Index
Private Limited for S&P BSE India Manufacturing Index. Please refer the current
thematic-indices.pdf for the index methodology document and indicative basic
industry list published by Asia Index Private Limited.
e portfolio construction will be based on bottom-up stock picking using the
internal investment framework which will inter alia focus on four key criteria i.e.
Growth, Cash, Management and Valuation among others. e said criteria will
be guided by a combination of one or more factors like (a) growth outlook for
the business, (b) quality of balance sheet and cashows strength, (c) stability of
business model across economic cycles; (d) business moat in terms of brand power
or technological edge or any competitive advantage, (e) management track record,
(f) reasonable valuations vis a vis growth.
e Scheme may also invest a part of its corpus through permissible foreign
securities including ADRs, GDRs, overseas equity, mutual funds and such other
instruments as may be allowed under the Regulations from time to time. e
Scheme may also invest a certain portion of its corpus in debt and money
market securities. Investment in debt securities will be guided by credit quality,
liquidity, interest rates and their outlook. e investment team of the AMC will,
as a mitigation and risk control procedure, carry out rigorous credit evaluation of
the issuer company proposed to be invested in. e credit evaluation will analyse
the operating environment of the issuer, the sector analysis, business model,
management, governance practices, quality of the nancials, the past track record
as well as the future prospects of the issuer and the nancial health of the issuer.
e Scheme may also invest in the units of REITs and InvITs for diversication,
subject to conditions prescribed by SEBI from time to time.
Derivatives Strategy
e Scheme may invest in various derivative instruments which are permissible
under the applicable regulations. Derivatives will be used for the purpose of
hedging, and portfolio balancing or such other purpose as may be permitted
under the regulations and Guidelines from time to time. Such investments shall be
subject to the investment objective and strategy of the Scheme and the internal
limits if any, as laid down from time to time. ese include but are not limited
to futures (both stock and index) and options (stock and index). Derivatives are
nancial contracts of pre-determined xed duration, whose values are derived
from the value of an underlying primary nancial instrument such as interest rates,
exchange rates, commodities and equities.
Derivative products are leveraged instruments and can provide disproportionate
gains as well as disproportionate losses to the investor. Execution of such strategies
depends upon the ability of the fund manager to identify such opportunities.
Identication and execution of the strategies to be pursued by the fund manager
involve uncertainty and decision of fund manager may not always be protable. No
assurance can be given that the fund manager will be able to identify or execute
such strategies.
e risks associated with the use of derivatives are dierent from or possibly
greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other
traditional investments.
Please refer SID for detailed investment strategy.
Plans & Options
e Scheme shall oer two plans viz. Regular Plan and Direct Plan with a common
portfolio and separate NAVs.
Direct Plan is only for investors who purchase /subscribe Units in the Scheme
directly with the Fund and is not available for investors who route their investments
through a Distributor.
Each Plan oers two Options, viz., (i) Growth Option; and (ii) Income Distribution
cum Capital Withdrawal/ IDCW.
Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal/IDCW Option has (i) Payout of Income
Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal Option / IDCW Payout ; and (ii) Reinvestment
of Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal/ IDCW Reinvestment facility.
In case of aforementioned IDCW option/sub-option(s)/facilities, the amounts can
be distributed out of investors’ capital (Equalization Reserve), which is part of sale
price that represents realized gains.
e Investors should indicate the plan / option for which Subscription is made
by indicating the choice in the appropriate box provided for this purpose in the
application form. In case of valid application received without any choice of plan /
option, the following default plan / option will be considered.
Default Plan
Investors subscribing under Direct Plan of the Scheme will have to indicate “Direct
Plan” against the Scheme name in the application form. However, if distributor code
is mentioned in application form, but “Direct Planis mentioned against the Scheme
name, the distributor code will be ignored and the application will be processed
under “Direct Plan”. Further, where application is received for Regular Plan without
Distributor code or “Direct” mentioned in the ARN Column, the application will be
processed under Direct Plan.
e below table summarizes the procedures which would be adopted by the AMC
for applicability of Direct Plan / Regular Plan, while processing application form/
transaction request under dierent scenarios
AMFI Registration Number
(ARN) Code mentioned in the
application form / transaction
Plan as selected
in the application
form / transaction
Transaction shall
be processed and
Units shall be
allotted under
1 Not mentioned Not mentioned Direct Plan
2 Not mentioned Direct Direct Plan
3 Not mentioned Regular Direct Plan
4 Mentioned Direct Direct Plan
5 Direct Not mentioned Direct Plan
6 Direct Regular Direct Plan
7 Mentioned Regular Regular Plan
8 Mentioned Not mentioned Regular Plan
In case of invalid ARN code mentioned on the application form, the application
shall be processed under Direct Plan. In case of transactions received from the
stock exchange platforms in Demat mode or through any other online platforms
with invalid ARN, then the transaction shall be rejected instead of processing under
Direct Plan. If the ARN is invalid as on the date of SIP & STP registration , such
registration and future transactions thereunder shall be processed under Direct
In case the EUIN is invalid/missing, the transaction shall be processed under
Regular Plan. For such cases, the investor/distributor shall be given a period of 30
days from the date of transaction for remediation of EUIN and the investor shall
either provide a dierent EUIN linked to the ARN or switch to Direct Plan.
Note: Invalid ARN has been dened to include following situations - ARN validity
period expired, ARN cancelled /terminated, ARN suspended, ARN Holder deceased,
Nomenclature change (as required pursuant to SEBI (Investment Advisers)
Regulations, 2013) and not complied by the Mutual Fund Distributor (‘MFD’), MFD
is debarred by SEBI, ARN not present in AMFI ARN database, ARN not empanelled
with the AMC.
Default Option – Growth
Default facility under Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal Option/ IDCW
Option Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal / IDCW
Applicable NAV
Subscriptions/Purchases including Switch – ins of any amount
In respect of valid applications received upto 3.00 p.m. on a Business Day at the
Ocial Point(s) of Acceptance and where the funds for the entire amount of
subscription / purchase as per the application / switch-in request, are credited
to the bank account of the Scheme before the cut-o time i.e. available for
utilization before the cut-o time - the closing NAV of the day on which
application is received shall be applicable.
In respect of valid applications received aer 3.00 p.m. on a Business Day at the
Ocial Point(s) of Acceptance and where the funds for the entire amount of
subscription / purchase as per the application / switch-in request, are credited
to the bank account of the Scheme before the cut-o time of the next Business
Day i.e. available for utilization before the cut-o time of the next Business Day
- the closing NAV of the next Business Day shall be applicable.
Irrespective of the time of receipt of applications at the Ocial Point(s) of
Acceptance, where the funds for the entire amount of subscription/purchase as
per the application / switch-in request, are credited to the bank account of the
Scheme before the cut-o time on any subsequent Business Day i.e. available
for utilization before the cut-o time on any subsequent Business Day - the
closing NAV of such subsequent Business Day shall be applicable.
For determining the applicability of NAV for allotment of units in respect of
Subscriptions/Purchases including Switch –ins to the Scheme the following shall
be ensured:
1. Subscription/Purchase application/switch-in request is received before the
applicable cut-o time
2. Funds for the entire amount of subscription/purchase (including switch-in) as
per the application should be credited to the bank account of the Scheme
before the cut-o time and the funds are available for utilisation before the
cut-o time without availing any credit facility whether intra-day or otherwise,
by the Scheme
3. In case of ‘switch’ transactions from one scheme to another, the switch-out will
be processed on the date of receipt of transaction, if received before cut-o
time and corresponding Switch-In transaction will be processed based on the
pay out / settlement date of the respective Switch-Out Scheme
Further, it may be noted that:
Where funds are transferred/received rst and application is submitted
thereaer, the date and time of receipt of the application shall be considered
for NAV applicability
In case of investments through systematic investment routes such as
Systematic Investment Plans, Systematic Transfer Plans, etc, the units will be
allotted as per the closing NAV of the day on which the funds are available for
utilization by the Scheme irrespective of amount and installment date of the
systematic transactions.
Redemptions including Switch–Outs:
In respect of valid applications received upto 3 p.m. on a business day by the
Mutual Fund the closing NAV of the day of receipt of application, shall be
In respect of valid applications received aer 3 p.m. on a business day by the
Mutual Fund – the closing NAV of the next business day shall be applicable.
e above mentioned cut o timing shall be applicable to transactions through the
online trading platform. e Date of Acceptance will be reckoned as per the date
& time; the transaction is entered in stock exchange‘s infrastructure for which a
system generated conrmation slip will be issued to the unitholder
Minimum Application and Redemption Amount / Number of Units
Purchase Additional Purchase Repurchase
Rs. 1,000/- and in
multiples of Re. 1/-
Rs. 1,000/- and in
multiples of Re.1/-
Rs. 1,000/- or 100 units or
account balance, whichever
is lower
Note: e requirements w.r.t minimum application amount and minimum
redemption amount will not be applicable for investment(s) made in the Scheme,
pursuant to clause 6.10 of the SEBI Master Circular on Alignment of interest of
Key Employees (‘Designated Employees’) of Asset Management Companies (AMCs)
with the Unitholders of the Mutual Fund Schemes’.
Despatch of Repurchase (Redemption) Request
Within 3 working days of receipt of the redemption request at the Ocial Points of
Acceptance of Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund.
Benchmark Index
S&P BSE India Manufacturing TRI (First Tier Benchmark)
Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal (IDCW) Policy
Under the Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal/IDCW option, the Trustee
will have discretion to declare the IDCW, subject to availability of distributable
surplus calculated in accordance with the Regulations. e actual declaration of
IDCW and frequency will inter-alia, depend on availability of distributable surplus
calculated in accordance with SEBI (MF) Regulations and the decisions of the
Trustee shall be nal in this regard. ere is no assurance or guarantee to the
Unitholder as to the rate of IDCW nor that will the IDCW be paid regularly.
Name of the Fund Manager & Tenure of managing the Scheme
Mr. Renjith Sivaram Radhakrishnan,
Mr. Manish Lodha and
Mr. Pranav Nishith Patel (Dedicated Fund Manager for Overseas Investments)
Tenure: e Scheme is a new scheme and hence the same is not applicable.
Name of the Trustee Company
Mahindra Manulife Trustee Private Limited
Performance of the Scheme
is Scheme is a new scheme and does not have any performance track record.
Additional Scheme related disclosures
Portfolio Disclosures:
i. Top 10 Holdings of the Scheme: Not Applicable
ii. Sector wise Portfolio Holdings of the Scheme: Not Applicable
iii. Portfolio Turnover Ratio of the Scheme: Not Applicable
Note: is Scheme is a new scheme and hence does not have the above mentioned
For latest monthly portfolio holdings of the Scheme, investors are requested to
Expenses of the Scheme
(i) Load Structure
Entry Load: Not Applicable
Pursuant to clause 10.4.1 of the SEBI Master Circular, no entry load will be charged
by the Scheme to the investor. e upfront commission on investment made by
the investor, if any, shall be paid to the ARN Holder (AMFI registered Distributor)
directly by the investor, based on the investor’s assessment of various factors
including service rendered by the ARN Holder.
Exit Load:
An Exit Load of 0.5% is payable if Units are redeemed / switched-out upto 3
months from the date of allotment;
Nil if Units are redeemed / switched-out aer 3 months from the date of
Redemption /Switch-Out of Units would be done on First in First out Basis (FIFO).
(ii) Recurring Expenses
e AMC has estimated that upto 2.25% of daily net assets of the Scheme will be
charged to the Scheme as expenses for the rst 500 crores of the daily net assets
of the Scheme. For the actual current expenses being charged, the Investor should
refer to the website of the Fund/AMC.
e total expenses of the Scheme including Investment Management and Advisory
Fees under Regulation 52 (2) and the various sub-heads of recurring expenses
mentioned under Regulation 52 (4) shall not exceed the limits stated in Regulation
52(6) of SEBI (MF) Regulations. us, there shall be no internal sub-limits within
the expense ratio for expense heads mentioned under Regulation 52 (2) and (4)
All scheme related expenses including commission paid to distributors, by whatever
name it may be called and in whatever manner it may be paid, shall necessarily be
paid from the Scheme only within the regulatory limits and not from the books of
the AMC, its Associate, Sponsors, Trustee or any other entity through any route.
However, expenses that are very small in value but high in volume^ (^A list of such
miscellaneous expenses is provided by AMFI in consultation with SEBI) may be
paid out of AMC’s books at actuals or not exceeding 2 bps of the Scheme’s AUM,
whichever is lower.
All fees and expenses charged in a Direct Plan (in percentage terms) under various
heads including the investment and advisory fee shall not exceed the fees and
expenses charged under such heads in a Regular Plan. e TER of the Direct Plan
will be lower to the extent of the distribution expenses, commission, etc. charged to
the Regular Plan and no commission for distribution of Units will be paid/ charged
under Direct Plan
e trusteeship fees shall be subject to a maximum of 0.01% per annum of the
daily Net Assets of the schemes of the Mutual Fund. Such fee shall be paid to the
Trustee Company at monthly frequency. e Trustee Company may charge further
expenses as permitted from time to time under the Trust Deed and SEBI (MF)
GST on expenses other than the investment management and advisory fees, if any,
shall be charged to the Scheme within the maximum limit of total expense ratio
as prescribed under regulation 52 of the SEBI (MF) Regulations. GST on brokerage
and transaction cost paid for execution of trade, if any, shall be within the limit
prescribed under regulation 52 of the SEBI (MF) Regulations.
In terms of clause 10.1.16. a of SEBI Master circular, the AMC shall annually set
apart at least 0.02% on daily net assets within the maximum limit of recurring
expenses as per Regulation 52 for investor education and awareness initiatives.
e total expenses of the Scheme including the investment management and
advisory fee shall not exceed the limits stated in Regulation 52(6) which are as
(i) On the rst Rs.500 crores of the daily net assets - 2.25%;
(ii) On the next Rs.250 crores of the daily net assets – 2.00%;
(iii) On the next Rs. 1,250 crores of the daily net assets - 1.75%;
(iv) On the next Rs. 3,000 crores of the daily net assets - 1.60%;
(v) On the next Rs. 5,000 crores of the daily net assets - 1.50%;
(vi) On the next Rs. 40,000 crores of the daily net assets - TER reduction of 0.05%
for every increase of Rs. 5,000 crores of daily net assets or part thereof.
(vii) On balance of the assets – 1.05%
In addition to the limits specied in regulation 52(6), the following costs or
expenses may be charged to the Scheme as per regulation 52 (6A), namely-
(a) Brokerage and transaction cost incurred for the purpose of execution shall be
charged to the schemes upto 12 bps and 5 bps for cash market transactions
and derivatives transactions respectively. Any payment towards brokerage &
transaction costs, over and above the said 12 bps and 5 bps for cash market
transactions and derivatives transactions respectively may be charged to the
Scheme within the maximum limit of Total Expense Ratio (TER) as prescribed
under Regulation 52 of the SEBI (Mutual Finds) Regulations, 1996.
(b) Expenses not exceeding of 0.30 per cent of daily net assets, if the new inows
from retail investors of such cities as specied by SEBI/AMFI from time to time
are at least –
(i) 30 per cent of gross new inows from retail investors in the Scheme, or;
(ii) 15 per cent of the average assets under management (year to date) of the
Scheme, whichever is higher:
Provided that if inows from such retail investors of cities is less than the higher of
sub-clause (i) or sub- clause (ii), such expenses on daily net assets of the Scheme
shall be charged on proportionate basis:
Provided further that expenses charged under this clause shall be utilised for
distribution expenses incurred for bringing inows from retail investors of such
Provided further that amount incurred as expense on account of inows from
retail investors of such cities shall be credited back to the scheme in case the said
inows are redeemed within a period of one year from the date of investment;
For the purpose of this clause - inows of amount upto Rs. 2 Lacs per transaction,
by individual investors shall be considered as inow from “retail investor”.
Note: In line with AMFI communication no.35P/MEM-COR/85-a/2022-23 dated
March 2, 2023 and SEBI letter no. SEBI/H0/IMD/IMD-SEC-3/P/OW/2023/5823/1
dated February 24, 2023, the B-30 incentive structure is kept in abeyance from
March 1, 2023, till appropriate re-instatement of incentive structure by SEBI with
necessary safeguards.
(c) Additional expenses, incurred towards dierent heads mentioned under
regulations 52(2) and 52(4), not exceeding 0.05 per cent of daily net assets of
the scheme. However, such additional expenses will not be charged if exit load
is not levied/ not applicable to the Scheme.
Further, GST on investment management and advisory fees shall be charged to
the Scheme, in addition to the above expenses, as prescribed under the SEBI (MF)
e total expense ratios (TER) of the schemes of the Fund are available in
downloadable spreadsheet format on the AMC website and AMFI website. Any
change in the current expense ratios will be updated at least three working
days prior to the eective date of the change. For the total expense ratio
details of the Scheme, investors may visit
downloads#MANDATORY-DISCLOSURES available on the website of the AMC viz., and AMFI’s website viz.,
Further, any change in the base TER (i.e. TER excluding additional expenses provided
in Regulation 52 (6A) (b) and 52 (6A) (c) of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations,
1996 and Goods & Services Tax on investment and advisory fees) in comparison
to previous base TER charged to the Scheme/ Plan shall be communicated to
investors of the Scheme/ Plan through notice via email or SMS and will be uploaded
on the website
DISCLOSURES at least three working days prior to eective date of such change.
Provided that any increase or decrease in TER of the Scheme/Plan due to change in
AUM and any decrease in TER in the Scheme/Plan due to various other regulatory
requirements would not require issuance of any prior notice/communication to the
Please refer SID for detailed Annual Scheme Recurring expenses.
Transaction Charges
In accordance with clause 10.5 of the SEBI Master Circular, the AMC/ Fund shall
deduct a Transaction Charge per purchase /subscription of Rs. 10,000/- and above,
as may be received from new investors (an investor who invests for the rst time
in any mutual fund schemes) and existing investors. e distributors shall have an
option to either “Opt-in / Opt-out” from levying transaction charge based on the
type of product. erefore, the “Opt-in / Opt-out” status shall be at distributor level,
basis the product selected by the distributor.
However, investors are requested to note that, no transaction charges shall be
deducted from the investment amount for transactions/applications received
from the investor and routed through any mutual fund distributor (i.e., for
investment in Regular Plan) and the entire subscription amount will be invested
in the Scheme.
Waiver of Load for Direct Applications
Not Applicable
Tax treatment for the Investors (Unitholders)
Investors are advised to refer to the paragraph on Taxation’ in the Statement of
Additional Information and also independently refer to their tax advisor
Daily Net Asset Value (NAV) Publication
e AMC will calculate and disclose the rst NAV of the Scheme within 5 business
days from the date of allotment. Subsequently, the AMC will calculate and disclose
the NAVs on all the Business Days. e AMC shall update the NAVs on its website
( and of the Association of Mutual Funds in India
- AMFI ( before 11.00 p.m. on every Business Day. In case of
any delay, the reasons for such delay would be explained to AMFI in writing. If
the NAVs are not available before the commencement of Business Hours on the
following day due to any reason, the Mutual Fund shall issue a press release giving
reasons and explaining when the Mutual Fund would be able to publish the NAV.
Unitholders may also avail a facility of receiving latest NAVs through SMS on their
registered mobile numbers, by submitting a specic request in this regard to the
AMC / Registrar & Transfer Agent.
For Investors Grievances please contact
Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund:
Ms. Pooja Deherkar
Mahindra Manulife Investment Management Private Limited
Unit No. 204, 2nd Floor, Amiti Building,
Piramal Agastya Corporate park, LBS Road,
Kamani Junction, Kurla (West) 400070;
Phone no. – 022 – 66327900
Toll Free No. – 1800-419-6244
Email id – m
Computer Age Management Services Limited
‘C’ Block, 2nd foor, Hanudev Info Park P Ltd, Sf No 558/2,Udayampalayam Road,
Nava India, Coimbatore-641028
Unitholders’ Information
Account Statements:
On acceptance of the application for subscription, an allotment conrmation/
account statement specifying the number of units allotted by way of e-mail and/
or SMS within 5 business days from the date of receipt of transaction request
will be sent to the Unitholders registered e-mail address and/or mobile number.
Where investors / Unitholders, have provided an email address, an account
statement reecting the units allotted to the Unitholder shall be sent by email on
their registered email address. e Unitholder may request for a physical account
statement by writing / calling the AMC / ISC / RTA. e AMC shall dispatch an
account statement within 5 Business Days from the date of the receipt of request
from the Unit holder.
Consolidated Account Statement (CAS):
Consolidated account statement for each calendar month shall be issued, on
or before eenth day of succeeding month, detailing all the transactions
and holding at the end of the month including the total purchase value / cost
of investment in each scheme and transaction charges (if any) paid to the
distributor, across all schemes of all mutual funds, to all the investors in whose
folios transaction has taken place during that month.
Pursuant to clause of SEBI Master Circular , following additional
disclosure(s) shall be provided in CAS issued for the half year (ended September
/ March):
a. e amount of actual commission paid by the AMCs /Mutual Funds (MFs)
to distributors (in absolute terms) during the half-year period against the
concerned investor’s total investments in each MF Scheme. e term
‘commission’ here refers to all direct monetary payments and other payments
made in the form of gis / rewards, trips, event sponsorships etc. by the AMC /
MFs to the distributors. Further, the commission disclosed in CAS shall be gross
commission and shall not exclude costs incurred by distributors such as Goods
and Services Tax (GST) (wherever applicable, as per existing rates), operating
expenses, etc.
b. e scheme’s average total expense ratio (in percentage terms) along with
the break up between Investment and Advisory fees, Commission paid to the
distributor and Other expenses for the period for the scheme’s applicable
plan (regular or direct or both) where the concerned investor has actually
invested in.
Such half-yearly CAS shall be issued to all MF investors, excluding those investors
who do not have any holdings in MF schemes and where no commission against
their investment has been paid to distributors, during the concerned half-year
e AMC shall identify common investors across fund houses by their
permanent account number (PAN) for the purposes of sending CAS.
In the event the account has more than one registered holder, the rst named
Unitholder shall receive the CAS.
e transactions viz. purchase, redemption, switch, Payout of Income Distribution
cum Capital Withdrawal / IDCW Payout, Reinvestment of Income Distribution
cum Capital Withdrawal/ IDCW Reinvestment, systematic investment plan,
systematic withdrawal plan and systematic transfer plan, carried out by the
Unit holders shall be reected in the CAS on the basis of PAN.
e CAS shall not be received by the Unit holders for the folio(s) not updated
with PAN details. e Unit holders are therefore requested to ensure that the
folio(s) are updated with their PAN.
Pursuant to SEBI Circular no. CIR /MRD /DP /31/2014 dated November 12,
2014, Depositories shall generate and dispatch a single consolidated account
statement for investors (in whose folio the transaction has taken place during
the month) having mutual fund investments and holding demat accounts.
Based on the PANs provided by the asset management companies / mutual
funds’ registrar and transfer agents (AMCs/MF-RTAs, the Depositories shall
match their PAN database to determine the common PANs and allocate the
PANs among themselves for the purpose of sending CAS. For PANs which are
common between depositories and AMCs, the Depositories shall send the CAS.
In other cases (i.e. PANs with no demat account and only MF units holding), the
AMCs/ MF-RTAs shall continue to send the CAS to their unit holders as is being
done presently in compliance with the Regulation 36(4) of the SEBI (Mutual
Funds) Regulations.
Where statements are presently being dispatched by email either by the Mutual
Funds or by the Depositories, CAS shall be sent through email. However, where
an investor does not wish to receive CAS through email, option shall be given
to the investor to receive the CAS in physical form at the address registered in
the Depository system.
Half Yearly Consolidated Account Statement:
A consolidated account statement detailing holding across all schemes at
the end of every six months (i.e. September/ March), on or before 21
day of
succeeding month, to all such Unitholders holding units in non- demat form in
whose folios no transaction has taken place during that period shall be sent by
e half yearly consolidated account statement will be sent by e-mail to the
Unit holders whose e-mail address is registered with the Fund, unless a specic
request is made to receive the same in physical mode.
Annual Report:
e scheme wise annual report shall be hosted on the website of the AMC / Mutual
Fund ( and AMFI ( not later than
four months (or such other period as may be specied by SEBI from time to time)
from the date of closure of the relevant accounting year (i.e. 31st March each
year). Further, the physical copy of the scheme wise annual report shall be made
available to the Unitholders at the registered / corporate oce of the AMC at all
In case of Unitholders whose e-mail addresses are registered with the Fund, the AMC
shall e-mail the annual report or an abridged summary thereof to such Unitholders.
e Unitholders whose e-mail addresses are not registered with the Fund may
submit a request to the AMC / Registrar & Transfer Agent to update their email
ids or communicate their preference to continue receiving a physical copy of the
scheme wise annual report or an abridged summary thereof. Unitholders may also
request for a physical or electronic copy of the annual report / abridged summary,
by writing to the AMC at m from their registered email
ids or calling the AMC on the toll free number 1800 419 6244 or by submitting a
written request at any of the nearest investor service centers of the Fund.
Further, the AMC shall publish an advertisement in all India edition of at least two
daily newspapers, one each in English and Hindi, every year disclosing the hosting
of the scheme wise annual report on its website and on the website of AMFI. e
AMC shall provide a physical copy of the abridged summary of the annual report,
without charging any cost, on specic request received from a Unitholder
Monthly and Half-yearly Portfolio Disclosure
e AMC shall disclose portfolio of the Scheme along with ISIN as on the last day
of each month / half year on its website viz. and on
the website of AMFI viz. within 10 days from the close of each
month/ half-year respectively in a user-friendly and downloadable spreadsheet
format. In case of Unitholders whose e-mail addresses are registered, the AMC
shall send via e-mail both the monthly and half-yearly statement of the Scheme
portfolio within 10 days from the close of each month/ half-year respectively.
Further, the AMC shall publish an advertisement in all India edition of at least two
daily newspapers, one each in English and Hindi, every half year disclosing the
hosting of the half-yearly statement of the schemes’ portfolio(s) on the AMC’s
website and on the website of AMFI. e AMC shall provide a physical copy of the
statement of the Scheme portfolio, without charging any cost, on specic request
received from a Unitholder.
Half Yearly Unaudited Financial Results:
e Mutual Fund shall within one month from the close of each half year (i.e. 31st
March and 30th September), host a so copy of its unaudited nancial results
on its website e Mutual Fund shall also publish
an advertisement disclosing the hosting of such nancial results on its website,
in at least one English daily newspaper having nationwide circulation and, in a
newspaper, having wide circulation published in the language of the region where
the Head Oce of the Mutual Fund is situated. e unaudited nancial results shall
also be displayed on the website of AMFI.
Product Labelling/ Risk-o-meter
In terms of clause 17.4 of SEBI Master Circular, the product labelling /risk
level assigned for the Scheme during the New Fund Oer is based on internal
assessment of the Scheme’s characteristics and the same may vary post New Fund
Oer when the actual investments are made.
e Mutual Fund/AMC shall evaluate the Risk-o-meter of the Scheme on a monthly
basis and shall disclose the same along with portfolio disclosure of the Scheme on
its website viz. and on the website of AMFI viz. www.
am within 10 days from the close of each month. Further, any change in
Risk-o-meter shall be communicated by way of Notice-cum-Addendum and by way
of an e-mail or SMS to unitholders of the Scheme.
Further, in accordance with clause 5.16.1 of SEBI Master circular, the AMC shall
disclose risk-o-meter of the Scheme and benchmark wherever the performance of
the Scheme vis-à-vis that of the benchmark is disclosed.
Scheme Summary Document
In accordance with SEBI letter dated December 28, 2021 and AMFI emails dated
March 16, 2022 and March 25, 2022, Scheme Summary Document for all schemes
of the Fund in the requisite format (pdf, spreadsheet and machine readable format)
shall be uploaded on a monthly basis i.e. 15th of every month or within 5 working
days from the date of any change or modication in the scheme information on
the website(s) of the Fund i.e, AMFI i.e.india.
com and Registered Stock Exchanges i.e. National Stock Exchange of India Limited
and BSE Limited.
Creation of Segregated Portfolio in the Scheme
In case of a credit event at issuer level, the AMC may create a segregated portfolio
of debt and money market instruments under the Scheme in compliance with
clause 4.4 of the SEBI Master Circular.
Please refer SID for detailed procedure for creation of segregated portfolio in the
Stamp Duty
Pursuant to Notication No. S.O. 4419(E) dated December 10, 2019 and
subsequent notications issued in this regard, by Department of Revenue, Ministry
of Finance, Government of India, read with Part I of Chapter IV of Notication dated
February 21, 2019 issued by Legislative Department, Ministry of Law and Justice,
Government of India on the Finance Act, 2019:
a. a stamp duty @ 0.005% of the transaction value would be levied on all mutual
fund purchase transactions (including fresh / additional purchases, switch-in
transactions, all SIP / STP-in instalments and IDCW re-investments) at the time
of allotment of units;
Pursuant to levy of stamp duty, the number of units allotted on such purchase
transactions to the unitholders would be reduced to that extent.
b. a stamp duty @0.015% of the transaction value would be levied on transfer of
mutual fund units.
Further, it is hereby claried that stamp duty shall not be levied on redemption of
units by unitholders
Comparison of Existing Schemes
e following table shows the dierentiation of the Scheme with the existing open ended equity oriented schemes of Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund:
Scheme Name Investment Objective Asset Allocation Number of Folios
as on
April 30, 2024
AUM as on
April 30, 2024
(Rs. in crores)
Mahindra Manulife
Manufacturing Fund
e Scheme shall seek to
generate long term capital
appreciation by investing
predominantly in equity and
equity related securities
of companies engaged in
manufacturing theme. However,
there is no assurance that the
objective of the Scheme will be
Equity and Equity-related securities of companies engaged in
manufacturing theme^: 80% - 100%
Equity and Equity related instruments of companies other than
above*: 0% - 20%
Debt and Money Market Securities
(including TREPS (Tri-Party
Repo) and Reverse Repo in Government Securities): 0% - 20%
Units issued by REITs & InvITs: 0% - 10%
^including equity derivatives to the extent of 50% of the equity
component of the Scheme.
*e Scheme may invest in Foreign Securities (including units/
securities issued by overseas mutual funds) up to 20% of the
net assets of the Scheme in compliance with clause 12.19 of
the SEBI Master Circular pertaining to overseas investments
by mutual funds, as amended from time to time. e Scheme
intends to invest US$ 5 million in Overseas securities within six
months from the date of the closure of the New Fund Oer (NFO)
of the Scheme. ereaer, the Scheme shall invest in Foreign
Securities as per the limits available to ‘Ongoing Schemes’ in
terms of clause of SEBI Master Circular. Further,
SEBI vide its clause of the SEBI Master Circular,
claried that the above specied limit would be considered as
so limit(s) for the purpose of reporting only by mutual funds
on monthly basis in the format prescribed by SEBI.
#Money Market instruments includes commercial papers,
commercial bills, treasury bills, Government securities having
an unexpired maturity up to one year, call or notice money,
certicate of deposit, usance bills, and any other like instruments
as specied by the Reserve Bank of India from time to time.
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Mahindra Manulife
Flexi Cap Fund
e investment objective of the
Scheme is to generate long term
capital appreciation by investing
in a diversied portfolio of equity
and equity-related securities
across market capitalization.
However, there can be no
assurance that the investment
objective of the Scheme will be
Equity & Equity related instruments ^: 65% - 100%
Debt and Money Market Securities (including TREPS (Tri-Party
Repo), Reverse Repo): 0% - 35%
Units issued by REITs & InvITs: 0% - 10%
^ including derivative instruments to the extent of 50% of the
Net Assets of the Scheme. Investment in derivatives shall be for
hedging, portfolio balancing and such other purposes as maybe
permitted from time to time under the Regulations and subject
to guidelines issued by SEBI/RBI from time to time.
64842 1,290.91
Mahindra Manulife
ELSS Tax Saver Fund
e investment objective of the
Scheme is to generate long-term
capital appreciation through a
diversied portfolio of equity
and equity related securities. e
Scheme does not guarantee or
assure any returns.
Equity and Equity related Securities*: 80% - 100%
Debt and Money Market Securities (including TREPS and
Reverse Repo): 0% - 20%
* Equity related Securities shall mean equities, cumulative
convertible preference shares and fully convertible debentures
and bonds of companies. Investment may also be made in partly
convertible issues of debentures and bonds including those
issued on rights basis subject to the condition that, as far as
possible, the non-convertible portion of the debentures so
acquired or subscribed, shall be disinvested within a period of
12 (twelve) months.
61457 858.16
Mahindra Manulife
Small Cap Fund
e investment objective of the
Scheme is to generate long term
capital appreciation by investing
in a diversied portfolio of equity
& equity related securities of
small cap companies, However,
there can be no assurance that
the investment objective of the
Scheme will be achieved.
Equity & Equity related instruments of Small Cap Companies
- 65% - 100%
Equity & Equity related instruments of other than Small Cap
Companies - 0% - 35%
Debt and Money Market Securities (including TREPS (Tri-Party
Repo), Reverse Repo) - 0% - 35%
Units issued by REITs & InvITs - 0% - 10%
e Scheme may take exposure in equity derivative instruments
to the extent of 50% of the Equity component. Investment in
derivatives shall be for hedging, portfolio balancing and such
other purposes as maybe permitted from time to time under
the Regulations and subject to guidelines issued by SEBI/RBI
from time to time.
# Denition of Small Cap Companies: 251st company onwards
in terms of full Market Capitalization.
For the purpose of the above denition, the list of stocks
prepared by AMFI in this regard will be adopted.
192735 3,973.87
Scheme Name Investment Objective Asset Allocation Number of Folios
as on
April 30, 2024
AUM as on
April 30, 2024
(Rs. in crores)
Mahindra Manulife
Business Cycle Fund
e Scheme shall seek to
generate long term capital
appreciation by investing
predominantly in equity and
equity related securities with
a focus on identifying and
investing in business cycles
through dynamic allocation
between various sectors and
stocks at dierent stages of
business cycles in the economy.
However, there is no assurance
that the objective of the Scheme
will be realized.
Equity and Equity related instruments of companies selected
based on the business cycle theme^*80%-100%
Equity and Equity related instruments of companies other than
above: 0%-20%
Debt and Money Market Securities# (including TREPS (Tri-Party
Repo) and Reverse Repo in Government Securities): 0%-20%
Units issued by REITs & InvITs: 0%-10%
^ including derivative instruments to the extent of 50% of the
equity component of the Scheme. Investment in derivatives shall
be for hedging, portfolio balancing and such other purposes
as maybe permitted from time to time under the Regulations
and subject to guidelines issued by SEBI/RBI from time to time.
e Scheme may utilize the entire available equity derivatives
exposure limit as provided above, for hedging purpose. However,
the equity derivatives exposure towards non-hedging purpose
shall not exceed 20% of the net assets of the Scheme, subject
to maximum derivatives exposure as dened above (i.e. 50%
of the equity component of the Scheme). e margin money
deployed on derivative positions would be included in the Debt
and Money Market Securities category.
*e Scheme may invest in Foreign Securities (including
units/securities issued by overseas mutual funds with similar
investment objective or strategy / Foreign Securities having
business cycle theme) up to 20% of the net assets of the
Scheme in compliance with SEBI Circular(s) / guideline(s)
pertaining to overseas investments by mutual funds/ ETFs, as
amended from time to time. e Scheme shall invest in Foreign
Securities as per the limits available to ‘Ongoing Schemes’ in
terms of clause 12.19 of the SEBI Master Circular. Further, it is
claried that the above specied limit would be considered as
so limit(s) for the purpose of reporting only by mutual funds
on monthly basis in the format prescribed by SEBI.
#Money Market instruments includes commercial papers,
commercial bills, treasury bills, Government securities having
an unexpired maturity up to one year, call or notice money,
certicate of deposit, usance bills, and any other like instruments
as specied by the Reserve Bank of India from time to time.
32458 828.83
Mahindra Manulife
Consumption Fund
e investment objective of the
Scheme is to generate long term
capital appreciation by investing
in a portfolio of companies
that are likely to benet from
consumption led demand in
India. However, there can be no
assurance that the investment
objective of the Scheme will be
Equity and Equity Related Instruments of companies engaged
in consumption and consumption related sector^: 80%-100%
Equity and Equity Related Instruments of companies other than
companies engaged in consumption and consumption related
sector^: 0%-20%
Debt and Money Market Securities^ (including TREPS, Reverse
Repo): 0%-20%
Units issued by REITs & InvITs: 0%-10%
^ including derivative instruments to the extent of 50% of the
equity component of the Scheme. Investment in derivatives shall
be for hedging, portfolio balancing and such other purposes as
maybe permitted from time to time under the Regulations and
subject to guidelines issued by SEBI/RBI from time to time.
9224 177.62
Mahindra Manulife
Multi Cap Fund
e investment objective of the
Scheme is to provide medium to
long term capital appreciation
through appropriate
diversication and taking low
risk on business quality. e
diversied portfolio would
predominantly consist of equity
and equity related securities
including derivatives. However,
there can be no assurance that
the investment objective of the
Scheme will be achieved.
Equity and Equity related Securities^ of which : 75% - 100%
(i) Large Cap Companies*: 25% - 50%
(ii) Mid Cap Companies**: 25% - 50%
(iii) Small Cap Companies***: 25% - 50%
Debt and Money Market Securities^ (including TREPS, Reverse
Repo and units of liquid mutual fund schemes) ^: 0% - 25%
^ including derivative instruments to the extent of 50% of the
Net Assets of the Scheme. Investment in derivatives shall be for
hedging, portfolio balancing and such other purposes as maybe
permitted from time to time under the Regulations and subject
to guidelines issued by SEBI/RBI from time to time.
*Denition of Large Cap Companies: 1st 100th company in
terms of full Market Capitalization.
**Denition of Mid Cap Companies: 101st 250th company in
terms of full Market Capitalization.
***Denition of Small Cap Companies: 251st company onwards
in terms of full Market Capitalization.
For the purpose of these denition, the list of stocks prepared
by AMFI in this regard will be adopted.
184842 3,486.45
Comparison of Existing Schemes
e following table shows the dierentiation of the Scheme with the existing open ended equity oriented schemes of Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund:
Scheme Name Investment Objective Asset Allocation Number of Folios
as on
April 30, 2024
AUM as on
April 30, 2024
(Rs. in crores)
Mahindra Manulife
Large Cap Fund
e investment objective of
the Scheme is to provide long
term capital appreciation &
provide long-term growth
opportunities by investing in a
portfolio constituted of equity
& equity related securities and
derivatives predominantly in
large cap companies. However,
there can be no assurance that
the investment objective of the
Scheme will be achieved
Equity and Equity related Securities of Large cap companies^*:
Equity and Equity related Securities of other companies^: 0%
- 20%
Debt and Money Market Securities^ (including TREPS, Reverse
Repo): 0% - 20%
Units issued by REITs & InvITs: 0% - 10%
^ including derivative instruments to the extent of 50% of the
Net Assets of the Scheme. Investment in derivatives shall be for
hedging, portfolio balancing and such other purposes as maybe
permitted from time to time under the Regulations and subject
to guidelines issued by SEBI/RBI from time to time.
*Denition of Large Cap Companies: 1st 100th company
in terms of full Market Capitalization. For the purpose of this
denition, the list of stocks prepared by AMFI in this regard will
be adopted.
22629 449.39
Mahindra Manulife
Large & Mid Cap Fund
e investment objective of
the Scheme is to seek long
term capital growth through
investments in equity and equity
related securities of both large
cap and mid cap stocks. However,
there can be no assurance that
the investment objective of the
Scheme will be achieved
Equity and Equity related Securities^ of which: 80% - 100%
a) Large Cap Companies*: 35%-65%
b) Mid Cap Companies#: 35% - 65%
c) Other than Large Cap and Mid Cap Companies: 0%&
- 30%
Debt and Money Market Securities^ (including TREPS (Tri-Party
Repo), Reverse Repo): 0% - 20%
Units issued by REITs & InvITs: 0% - 10%
^ including derivative instruments to the extent of 50% of the
Net Assets of the Scheme. Investment in derivatives shall be for
hedging, portfolio balancing and such other purposes as maybe
permitted from time to time under the Regulations and subject
to guidelines issued by SEBI/RBI from time to time.
*Denition of Large Cap Companies: 1st 100th company in
terms of full Market Capitalization.
#Denition of Mid Cap Companies: 101st 250th company in
terms of full Market Capitalization.
For the purpose of this denition(s), the list of stocks prepared
by AMFI in this regard will be adopted.
92707 2,145.37
Mahindra Manulife Mid
Cap Fund
e investment objective of the
Scheme is to seek to generate
long term capital appreciation
& provide long-term growth
opportunities by investing in a
portfolio constituted of equity
& equity related securities and
derivatives predominantly in
mid cap companies. However,
there can be no assurance that
the investment objective of the
Scheme will be achieved.
Equity and Equity related Securities of Mid Cap Companies^*:
Equity and Equity related Securities of Non Mid Cap Companies^:
Debt and Money Market Securities^ (including TREPS, Reverse
Repo and units of liquid mutual fund schemes): 0% - 35%
Units issued by REITs & InvITs: 0% - 10%
^ including derivative instruments to the extent of 50% of the
Net Assets of the Scheme. Investment in derivatives shall be for
hedging, portfolio balancing and such other purposes as maybe
permitted from time to time under the Regulations and subject
to guidelines issued by SEBI/RBI from time to time.
*Denition of Mid Cap Companies: 101st – 250th company
in terms of full Market Capitalization. For the purpose of this
denition, the list of stocks prepared by AMFI in this regard will
be adopted.
124540 2,434.95
Mahindra Manulife
Focused Fund
e investment objective of
the scheme is to generate long
term capital appreciation by
investing in a concentrated
portfolio of equity & equity
related instruments of maximum
30 companies across market
capitalisation. However, there
can be no assurance that the
investment objective of the
Scheme will be achieved.
Equity and Equity related Securities$^: 65% - 100%
Debt and Money Market Securities (including TREPS (Tri-Party
Repo), Reverse Repo): 0% - 35%
Units issued by REITs & InvITs: 0% - 10%
$ Subject to overall limit of 30 stocks across market
^ including derivative instruments to the extent of 50% of the
Net Assets of the Scheme. Investment in derivatives shall be for
hedging, portfolio balancing and such other purposes as maybe
permitted from time to time under the Regulations and subject
to guidelines issued by SEBI/RBI from time to time.
39015 1,339.73
Comparison of Existing Schemes
e following table shows the dierentiation of the Scheme with the existing open ended equity oriented schemes of Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund:
KEY PARTNER / AGENT INFORMATION (Refer General Instruction 1)
ARN & ARN Name Sub Agent’s ARN /
Bank Branch Code
Employee Unique
Internal Code for
ARN Declaration - Upfront commission shall be paid directly by the investor to the AMFI registered Distributors based on the investors assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the distributor.
Consent for sharing Transaction Feed with RIA/PMRN (Applicable for investments through RIA/PMRN only): I/We hereby give my/our consent to share/provide the transaction feed / portfolio
holdings/ NAV etc. in respect of my/our investments under Direct Plan in the scheme(s) of Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund, to the above mentioned SEBI Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) or SEBI Registered Portfolio Manager (PMRN).
 I/We hereby conrm that the EUIN box has been intentionally le blank by me/us as this transaction is
executed without any interaction or advice by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of the above distributor/sub broker or notwithstanding the advice of in-appropriateness, if any, provided by the employee/
relationship manager/sales person of the distributor/sub broker.
First/ Sole Applicant/ Guardian / PoA Holder / Karta Second Applicant ird Applicant
1. EXISTING UNIT HOLDER INFORMATION 
Anyone or Survivor
If an application has more than one investor (maximum three permitted) the investors are required to specify the ‘mode of holding‘ in the initial application form as either ‘Joint’ or ‘Anyone or Survivor’. And in such an event, if the
investors fail to specify the mode of holding, then by default, the mode of holding will be treated as ‘Joint’ for all future purposes by the AMC in respect of the folio.
3. UNIT HOLDER INFORMATION (Refer General Instruction 3)
(In case of Minor, there shall be no jointholders)
Mr. Ms. M/s.
(Proof of date of birth is Mandatory in case of minor)
GENDER Male Female Other
NAME and DOB/Date of incorporation for all the Applicant(s) should be exactly as per PAN
KYC Identication No. (KIN):
Please attach PAN Card copy and KYC Proof
Refer General Instruction No 14 for PAN/PEKRN and No 16 for KYC.
*Refer General Instruction 3F.
MAILING ADDRESS OF FIRST / SOLE APPLICANT (Mandatory) (Address should be as per KYC records) (Refer General Instruction 3A)
Mobile No.
Res. Fax
Select appropriate validation code
^^Email Id
I/we wish to receive physical copy of the Annual Report or Abridged Summary thereof
(Applicable only if email id is not available)
^^ On providing email-id investors shall receive scheme wise annual report or an abridged summary thereof/ account statements/statutory and other documents by email. (Refer General Instruction 8.)
Select appropriate validation code
Description of Email & Mobile validation codes: SE - Self, SP - Spouse, DC - Dependent Children, DS - Dependent Siblings, DP - Dependent Parents, GD - Guardian,
PM - PMS, CD - Custodian, PO - POA
Overseas Address
Overseas Country
Zip Code
Mandatory for NRI/Overseas Applicants
 Unit No. 204, 2nd Floor, Amiti Building, Piramal Agastya Corporate Park, LBS Road,
Kamani Junction, Kurla (W), Mumbai – 400 070.
Date : D D M M Y Y Y Y
Received from Mr./Ms./M/s. ___________________________________________________
an application for allotment of Units of the Plan / Option (as mentioned overleaf) of Mahindra Manulife Manufacturing Fund
- along with Cheque / Demand Dra / Payment Instrument as detailed overleaf.
Please Note : All Purchases are subject to realisation of Cheques / Demand Dras / Payment Instrument.
ISC Stamp & Signature
... continued overleaf
Investors must read the Key Information Memorandum and the instructions before completing this Form.
e Application Form should be completed in English and in BLOCK LETTERS only.
Investors understand that their
principal will be at very high risk
Low to
 Long-term capital appreciation;
 Investment in equity and equity-related securities of companies engaged in manufacturing theme.
*Investors should consult their nancial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
e product labelling /risk level assigned for the Scheme during the New Fund Oer is based on internal assessment of the Scheme’s characteristics or model portfolio
and the same may vary post New Fund Oer when the actual investments are made.
(An open-ended equity scheme
following manufacturing theme.)
NAME OF GUARDIAN (in case of First / Sole Applicant is a Minor) / PoA HOLDER
Mr. Ms. M/s. Mobile No.
KYC Identication No. (KIN):
Please attach PAN Card copy and KYC Proof (Mandatory)
Relationship with Minor Please () Father Mother Court appointed Legal Guardian
It is mandatory to provide DOB of Guardian and Proof of relationship with minor
ADDITIONAL DETAILS REQUIRED (in case of non-individual Investors)
Contact Person Name Designation
Mobile No.
4. JOINT APPLICANT DETAILS, If any ( Refer General Instruction 3) ( in Case of Minor, there shall be no joint holders)
KYC Identication No. (KIN):
GENDER Male Female Other
Please attach PAN Card copy and KYC Proof (Mandatory)
Mobile No.
^^Email ID
KYC Identication No. (KIN):
GENDER Male Female Other
Please attach PAN Card copy and KYC Proof (Mandatory)
Mobile No.
^^Email ID
5. APPLICANT DETAILS (Mandatory) (Refer general instruction 3)
) one]
Sole/First Applicant
Non Individual
Resident Individual
Body Corporate
Foreign National Resident in India
NRI-Non Repatriation
On Behalf of Minor
Sole Proprietorship
Non Prot Organisation
Society / Club
Private Ltd.
Public Ltd.
Others _____________________ (Please specify)
Second Applicant
Resident Individual
Foreign National Resident in India
NRI-Repatriation NRI-Non Repatriation OCI PIO
Others____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Please specify)
Resident Individual
Foreign National Resident in India
NRI-Repatriation NRI-Non Repatriation OCI PIO
Others____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Please specify)
        We are falling under “Non-Prot Organization” [NPO] which has been constituted for
religious or charitable purposes referred to in clause (15) of section 2 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), and is registered as a trust or a society
under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860) or any similar State legislation or a Company registered under the section 8 of the Companies
Act, 2013 (18 of 2013). Ye s No (Attach documentary evidence)
If yes, please quote the NPO Registration Number provided by DARPAN portal._
(If not registered already, please register immediately and conrm with the above information. In absence of receipt of the Darpan portal registration details, MF / AMC/ RTA will be
required to register your entity on the said portal and/or report to the relevant authorities as applicable.)
Sole/First Applicant
Please select any one
Private Sector Service
Public Sector Service
Government Service
Student Professional Housewife
Others ____________________________ (Please specify)
Second Applicant
Please select any one
Private Sector Service
Public Sector Service
Government Service
Student Professional Housewife Business
Others ____________________________ (Please specify)
Please select any one
Private Sector Service
Public Sector Service
Government Service
Student Professional Housewife Business
Others ____________________________ (Please specify)
5c. Gross Annual Income / Net-worth (Rs.)
Sole/First Applicant
Please select any one
Gross Annual Income
or Net-worth
Below 1 Lakh 1 - 5 Lakhs 5 - 10 Lakhs 10 - 25 Lakhs 25 Lakhs - 1 Crore >1 Crore
(Mandatory for Non-Individuals) Rs. _____________________ as on
(Not older than 1 year)
Second Applicant
Please select any one
Gross Annual Income Below 1 Lakh 1 - 5 Lakhs 5 - 10 Lakhs 10 - 25 Lakhs 25 Lakhs - 1 Crore >1 Crore
Please select any one
Gross Annual Income Below 1 Lakh 1 - 5 Lakhs 5 - 10 Lakhs 10 - 25 Lakhs 25 Lakhs - 1 Crore >1 Crore
Scheme Name Select your plan Select your Option / Sub-option / Facility
Mahindra Manulife Manufacturing Fund
Regular Plan Direct Plan Growth IDCW Payout IDCW Reinvestment
Cheque / DD / Payment Instrument No. & Date Drawn on (Bank and Branch) Amount in Figures (Rs.)
Note: In case of above IDCW option/sub-option(s)/facilities, the amounts can be distributed out of investors’ capital (Equalization Reserve), which is part of sale price that represents realized gains. IDCW: Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal
5d. Politically Exposed Person (PEP) Status (Also applicable for authorised signatories/ Promoters/ Karta/Trustee/Whole time Directors)
Sole/First Applicant (Please select any one) I am a PEP I am Related to a PEP Not Applicable
Second Applicant (Please select any one) I am a PEP I am Related to a PEP Not Applicable
(Please select any one) I am a PEP I am Related to a PEP Not Applicable
Sole/First Applicant/Guardian Second Applicant 
Place of Birth
Country of Birth
Indian U.S. Others, please specify______ Indian U.S. Others, please specify______ Indian U.S. Others, please specify______
Tax Residence Address
Type (as per KY( records)
Residential Registered Oce Business Residential Registered Oce Business Residential Registered Oce Business
Are you a tax resident (i.e.,
an you assessed for Tax) in
any other countrv outside
Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No
If ‘YES’, please ll below for ALL countries (other than India) in which you are a Resident for tax purposes i.e., where you are a Citizen/ Resident/ Green
Card Holder /Tax Resident in the Respective countries.
Country of Tax Residency (1)
Tax ldentiication Number
OR Functional Equivalent
Identication Type
(TIN of other, Please
If TIN is not available,
please tick the reason A,B,
or C (as dened below)
1 3 1 3 1 3
Reason AAe country where the Account Holder is liable to pay tax does not issue Tax identication Numbers to its residents. Refer General Instructions 3C and 18
Reason BANo TIN required. (Select this reason Only if the authorities of the respective country of tax residence do not require the TIN to be collected).
Reason CAOthers; please state the reason thereof ____________________________________________________________________________________________
For unit holders opting to hold units in demat form, please ensure that the bank account linked with the demat account is mentioned here.
Bank Name
Account No.
(e 9 digit code appears on your cheque
next to the cheque number)
Branch Address
Branch City
Account Type (Please
Others (please specify) __________________________________
IFSC Code***
*** Refer General Instruction 5D (Mandatory for Credit via RTGS / NEFT) (11 Character code appearing on your cheque
leaf. If you do not nd this on your cheque leaf, please check for the same with your bank)
Unitholders will receive redemption/ dividend (IDCW) proceeds directly into their bank account (as furnished in Section 7) via Direct credit/ RTGS/NEFT facility unless specied otherwise in writing.
        
Payment Details) 
NOTE: Same cheque cannot be used for both lumpsum & SIP investments.
Payment Type:
Payment For :
One time Lumpsum Investment
 (Please attach ird Party Payment Declaration Form’)
Systematic Investment Plan (Attach Common SIP/TOP-UP SIP registration/upgrade cum debit mandate form)
 
*e Legal Entity Identier (LEI) is a 20-digit number used to uniquely identify parties for all payment transactions of value’ `50 crore and above undertaken by entities (non-individuals) using Reserve
Bank-run Centralised Payment Systems viz. Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) and National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT). In absence of LEI, the Fund will not be able to make payments (Redemption/
Dividend) of value ` 50 crore and above, and shall not be held responsible for any non receipt/ receipt of funds with a delay.
Scheme Name Select your plan Select your Option / Sub-option / Facility
Mahindra Manulife Manufacturing Fund
Regular Plan Direct Plan Growth IDCW Payout IDCW Reinvestment
Note: In case of above IDCW option/sub-option(s)/facilities, the amounts can be distributed out of investors’ capital (Equalization Reserve), which is part of sale price that represents realized gains. IDCW: Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal
Investment Amount
DD Charges,
if any
Net DD/ Cheque
Cheque/ DD/Fund Transfer Payment Instrument/
RTGS / NEFT Refer No /OTBM Facility^ & Date
Drawn on Bank/
Bank Account Number
^0ne Time Bank Mandate
(Refer Instruction 11)
*Demat Account details are mandatory if the investor wishes to hold the units in Demat Mode. Please ensure that the sequence of the names as mentioned in
the application form matches with that of the demat account. Investor opting to hold units in demat form, may provide a copy of the DP statement to enable
us to match the demat details as stated in the application form.
DP NAME ________________________________
Account No.
CDSL DP NAME ________________________________
Account No.
Name and Address of Nominee(s)
(Recommended else read and
the declartion below )
Date of Birth Name and Address of
PAN of
Proportion (%) in
which the units will
be shared by each
Nominee (should
aggregate to 100%)
Signature of Nominee
/ Guardian of Nominee
(Mandatory in case the Nominee is a minor)
Nominee 1
Nominee 2
Nominee 3
)] 
and understand the issues involved in nonappointment of nominee(s) and further are aware that in case of death of all the account holder(s), my /
our legal heirs would need to submit all the requisite documents issued by Court or other such competent authority, based on the value of assets
held in the mutual fund folio.
I/We am/are not prohibited from accessing capital markets under any order/ruling/judgment etc., of any regulation, including SEBI. I/We conrm that my application is in compliance with
applicable Indian and foreign laws. I / We hereby conrm and declare as follows:- I / We have read, understood and hereby agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the scheme
related documents (i.e. Scheme Information Document, Statement of Additional Information and Key Information Memorandum) and apply for allotment of Units of Mahindra Manulife
Manufacturing Fund (the Schemes) of Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund (‘the Fund’) indicated above. I/We am/are eligible Investor(s) as per the scheme related documents and am/are
authorised to make this investment as per the Constitutive documents/ authorization(s). e amount invested in the Scheme is derived through legitimate sources only and is not held or
designed for the purpose of contravention of any Act, Rules, Regulations or any statute or legislation or any other applicable laws or any Notications, Directives of the provisions of the
Income Tax Act, Anti Money Laundering Laws, Anti Corruption Laws or any other applicable laws enacted by the Government of India from time to time. I/We conrm that the funds invested
in the Scheme, legally belongs to me/us. In event “Know Your Customer” process is not completed by me/us to the satisfaction of the Fund, I/we hereby authorize the Fund, to redeem the
funds invested in the Scheme, in favour of the applicant, at the applicable NAV prevailing on the date of such redemption and undertake such other action with such funds that may be
required by the law. I / We have not received nor have been induced by any rebate or gis, directly or indirectly, in making this investment. e information given in / with this application
form is true and correct and further agree to furnish such other further/additional information as may be required by the Mahindra Manulife Investment Management Private Limited (AMC)
/ the Fund and undertake to inform the AMC / the Fund/Registrars and Transfer Agent (RTA) in writing about any change in the information furnished from time to time. at in the event,
the above information and/or any part of it is/are found to be false/ untrue/misleading, I/We will be liable for the consequences arising therefrom. I/We hereby authorize you to disclose,
share, remit in any form/manner/mode the above information and/or any part of it including the changes/updates that may be provided by me/us to the Fund, its Sponsor/s, Trustees, AMC,
its employees, agents and third party service providers, SEBI registered intermediaries for single updation/ submission, any Indian or foreign statutory, regulatory, judicial, quasi- judicial
authorities/agencies including but not limited to Financial Intelligence Unit-India (FIU-IND) etc without any intimation/advice to me/us. If the transaction is delayed or not eected at all for
reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, I/We would not hold the AMC / the Fund, their appointed service providers or representatives responsible. I/We will indemnify the Fund, AMC,
Trustee, RTA and other intermediaries in case of any dispute regarding the eligibility, validity and authorization of my/our transactions. e ARN holder (AMFI registered Distributor) has
disclosed to me/us all the commissions (in the form of trail commission or any other mode), payable to him/them for the dierent competing Schemes of various Mutual Funds from amongst
which the Scheme is being recommended to me/us. I/We hereby authorize and provide my/our consent to the AMC, its Registrar & Transfer Agent and their authorized representatives to
contact me/us through various communication modes (including phone / email / SMS) to address my/our investment related queries and/or receive communications pertaining to my/our
nancial transactions/ non-nancial transactions/ promotional/ potential investments and other communications/ materials about the mutual fund products and services oered by the
Fund, irrespective of my/our blocking preferences with the Customer Preference Registration Facility. I/We do not have any existing Micro Investments which together with the current
Micro Investment application will result in aggregate investments exceeding Rs. 50,000/- in a year (applicable to Micro Investment investors only). I / We conrm that I / We are not United
States person(s) under the laws of United States or residents(s) of Canada as dened under the applicable laws of Canada. I/WE HEREBY CONFIRM THAT I/WE HAVE NOT BEEN OFFERED/
accordance with Aadhaar Act, 2016 and regulations made thereunder, for (i) collecting, storing and usage (ii) validating/authenticating and (ii) updating my/our Aadhaar number(s) in
accordance with the Aadhaar Act, 2016 (and regulations made thereunder) and PMLA. I/We hereby provide my/our consent for sharing/disclosing of my Aadhaar number(s) including
demographic information with the asset management companies of SEBI registered mutual fund and their Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) for the purpose of updating the same in my/
our folios. FATCA Declaration: I hereby conrm that the information provided here in above is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I shall be solely
liable and responsible for the information submitted above. I also conrm that I have read and understood the FATCA & CRS Terms and Conditions below and hereby accept the same. I also
undertake to keep you informed in writing about any changes / modication to the above information in future within 30 days of the same being eective and also undertake to provide
any other additional information as may be required any intermediary or by domestic or overseas regulators / tax authorities. Applicable to NRIs only : I / We conrm that I am / we are
Non-Residents of Indian Nationality / Origin and that the funds are remitted from abroad through approved banking channels or from my / our NRE / NRO / FCNR Account. I / We conrm
that the details provided by me / us are true and correct.
First/ Sole Applicant/ Guardian / PoA Holder / Karta Second Applicant ird Applicant
Application Supported By
Blocked Amount (ASBA) Form
Please read ASBA instructions before lling the Form
is Product is Suitable for investors who are seeking*
Investors understand that their
principal will be at very high risk
Low to
 Long-term capital appreciation;
 Investment in equity and equity-related securities of companies engaged in manufacturing theme.
*Investors should consult their nancial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
e product labelling /risk level assigned for the Scheme during the New Fund Oer is based on internal assessment of the Scheme’s characteristics or model portfolio
and the same may vary post New Fund Oer when the actual investments are made.
ARN & ARN Name Sub Agent’s ARN /
Bank Branch Code
Internal Sub-Broker/
Employee Code
Employee Unique
Identication No. (EUIN)
& Code
SCSB Branch Stamp &
For Oce Use Only
Consent for sharing Transaction Feed with RIA/PMRN (Applicable for investments through RIA/PMRN only): I/We hereby give my/our consent to share/provide the transaction feed
/ portfolio holdings/ NAV etc. in respect of my/our investments under Direct Plan in the scheme(s) of Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund, to the above mentioned SEBI Registered Investment
Advisor (RIA) or SEBI Registered Portfolio Manager (PMRN).
EUIN Declaration (only where EUIN box is le blank) (Refer General Instruction 1) I/We hereby conrm that the EUIN box has been intentionally le blank by me/us as this
transaction is executed without any interaction or advice by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of the above distributor/sub broker or notwithstanding the advice of in-
appropriateness, if any, provided by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of the distributor/sub broker.
Sign Here
Sole/First Applicant/Guardian/Karta
Sign Here
Second Applicant
Sign Here
ird Applicant
(Please () any one) I am a rst time investor in Mutual Funds
I am an existing investor in Mutual Funds (Default)
In case the purchase/ subscription amount is Rs. 10,000 or more and your Distributor has opted in to receive Transaction Charges, the same are deductible as applicable from the purchase/subscription amount
and payable to the Distributor. Transaction Charges in case of investments through SIP/Micro SIP are deductible only if the total commitment of investment (i.e. amount per SIP/Micro SIP installment x No. of
installments) amounts to Rs. 10,000/- or more and shall be deducted in 3-4 installments. Units will be issued against the balance amount invested. Upfront commission shall be paid directly by the investor to
the ARN Holder (AMFI registered Distributor) based on the investors’ assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the ARN Holder.
1. Applicant’s Personal Details (in BLOCK LETTERS)
First / Sole Applicant Second Applicant / Guardian / PoA Holder ird Applicant
Applicants must ensure that the sequence of the names as mentioned in the application form matches with that of beneciary account held with the Depository Participant.
2. Details of Bank Account for Blocking of Funds
Bank Account Number Bank Name
Bank Address
Amount to be blocked
(Rs. in gures)
Amount to be blocked
(Rs. in words)
3. Sub-Plan(s) / Option(s) Amount (in Rs.) ISIN
Regular Plan - Growth
Regular Plan - IDCW Reinvestment
Regular Plan - IDCW Payout
Direct Plan - Growth
Direct Plan - IDCW Reinvestment
Direct Plan - IDCW Payout
4. Demat Account Details (Mandatory) Please (3)
DP NAME ________________________________________ DP ID
Account No.
CDSL DP NAME _______________________________________
Account No.
e investors shall receive payments of Redemption/IDCW proceeds in the Bank Account linked to the above mentioned Demat A/c.
Acknowledgment Slip (To be lled by the Applicant)
IDCW: Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal
Received from
ASBA Form Dated
Amount to be Blocked (Rs.)
(Bank & Branch)
Bank Account No.
Submission Date
Mahindra Manulife Manufacturing Fund
(An open-ended equity scheme following manufacturing theme.)
(An open-ended equity scheme
following manufacturing theme.)
New Fund Oer Opens on: May 31, 2024; New Fund Oer Closes on: June 14, 2024
Scheme reopens for continuous sale and repurchase from: June 26, 2024
Investors must read the Key Information Memorandum and the instructions before completing this Form.
e Application Form should be completed in English and in BLOCK LETTERS only.
Oer of Units of Rs. 10/- each during the New Fund Oer and Continuous oer for Units at NAV based prices
General Declaration:
I/We am/are not prohibited from accessing capital markets under any order/ruling/
judgment etc., of any Regulation, including SEBI. I/We conrm that my application is in
compliance with applicable Indian and foreign laws. I / We hereby conrm and declare
as under:-
(1) I / We have read, understood and hereby agree to comply with the terms and
conditions of the scheme related documents (i.e. Scheme Information Document,
Statement of Additional Information and Key Information Memorandum) and
apply for allotment of Units of the Mahindra Manulife Manufacturing Fund (‘the
Scheme’) of Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund (‘the Fund’) indicated above.
(2) I/We am/are eligible Investor(s) as per the scheme related documents and am/
are authorised to make this investment as per the Constitutive documents/
authorization(s). e amount invested in the Scheme is derived through legitimate
sources only and is not held or designed for the purpose of contravention of any
Act, Rules, Regulations or any statute or legislation or any other applicable laws
or any Notications, Directives of the provisions of the Income Tax Act, Anti Money
Laundering Laws, Anti Corruption Laws or any other applicable laws enacted by
the Government of India from time to time. I/We conrm that the funds invested
in the Scheme, legally belongs to me/us. In event “Know Your Customer” process
is not completed by me/us to the satisfaction of the Fund, I/we hereby authorize
the Fund, to redeem the funds invested in the Scheme, in favour of the applicant,
at the applicable NAV prevailing on the date of such redemption and undertake
such other action with such funds that may be required by the law.
(3) I / We have not received nor have been induced by any rebate or gis, directly or
indirectly, in making this investment.
(4) e information given in / with this application form is true and correct and further
agree to furnish such other further/additional information as may be required by
the Mahindra Manulife Investment Management Private Limited / the Fund and
undertake to inform the AMC / the Fund/Registrars and Transfer Agent (RTA) in
writing about any change in the information furnished from time to time.
(5) at in the event, the above information and/or any part of it is/are found to
be false/ untrue/misleading, I/We will be liable for the consequences arising
(6) I/We hereby authorize you to disclose, share, remit in any form/manner/mode the
above information and/or any part of it including the changes/updates that may
be provided by me/us to the Fund, its Sponsor/s, Trustees, AMC, its employees,
agents and third party service providers, SEBI registered intermediaries for single
updation/ submission, any Indian or foreign statutory, regulatory, judicial, quasi-
judicial authorities/agencies including but not limited to Financial Intelligence Unit-
India (FIU-IND) etc without any intimation/advice to me/us.
(7) If the transaction is delayed or not eected at all for reasons of incomplete or
incorrect information, I/We would not hold the AMC / the Fund, their appointed
service providers or representatives responsible. I/We will indemnify the Fund,
AMC, Trustee, RTA and other intermediaries in case of any dispute regarding the
eligibility, validity and authorization of my/our transactions.
(8) e ARN holder (AMFI registered Distributor) has disclosed to me/us all the
commissions (in the form of trail commission or any other mode), payable to him/
them for the dierent competing Schemes of various Mutual Funds from amongst
which the Scheme is being recommended to me/us.
(9) I/We do not have any existing Micro Investments which together with the current
Micro Investment application will result in aggregate investments exceeding
Rs. 50,000/- in a year (applicable to Micro Investment investors only).
(10) I / We conrm that I / We are not residents(s) of Canada as dened under the
applicable laws of Canada.
Applicable to NRIs only :
I / We conrm that I am / we are Non-Residents of Indian Nationality / Origin and that
the funds are remitted from abroad through approved banking channels or from my /
our NRE / NRO / FCNR Account. I / We conrm that the details provided by me / us are
true and correct.
ASBA Authorizations:
1) I/We hereby undertake that I/We am/are an ASBA applicant(s) as per the applicable
provisions of the SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Amendment)
Regulations, 2011. 2) In accordance with ASBA process provided in the SEBI (Issue of
Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Amendment) Regulations, 2011, I/We authorize
(a) the SCSB to do all acts as are necessary to make an application in the NFO of
theMahindra Manulife Manufacturing Fund, including uploading of application details,
blocking the amount to the extent mentioned above in the “Details of Bank Account
for Blocking of Funds” or unblocking of funds in the bank account maintained with the
SCSB specied in the form, transfer of funds to the nominated Mahindra Manulife Mutual
Fund Bank Account on receipt of instruction from the Registrar to the New Fund Oer
aer nalisation of allotment entitling me/us to receive Units on such transfer of funds.
(b) Registrar to the Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund to issue instructions to the SCSB
to remove the block on the funds in the bank account specied in the ASBA Form,
upon allotment and to transfer the requisite money to Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund’s
nominated Bank account. 3) In case the amount available in the bank account specied
in the ASBA Form is insucient for blocking the amount equivalent to the application
money, the SCSB shall reject the application. 4) If the DP ID, Beneciary ID or PAN
furnished by me/us in the ASBA Form is incorrect or incomplete, the application shall be
rejected and Mahindra Manulife Investment Management Private Limited (Investment
Manager to Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund), their appointed service providers and the
SCSBs representatives shall not be liable for losses, if any.
5. Declarations & Signatures
Sign Here Sign Here Sign Here
First / Sole Applicant/ Guardian / PoA Holder / Karta Second Applicant ird Applicant
Note: To be signed as per mode of operation of the Bank Account
ASBA Instructions
A. Self Certied Syndicate Bank (SCSB): SCSB is a bank which oers the facility of applying through the ASBA process.
For the complete list of SCSBs with details of controlling/designated branches please refer to websites : , and
B. Investors Demat Account details:
It is mandatory to provide Demat Account details in ASBA Application Form as the units will be credited in the Demat Account specied in ASBA Application Form.
Applicant should ensure that the Demat Accounts specied in the ASBA Application Form are active i.e. not frozen or suspended.
Applicant to note that in case the DP-ID, beneciary account no. or PAN provided in the ASBA Application Form are incorrect or do not match with the records of Depositories
(NSDL or CDSL), the applications will be rejected.
C. Bank Account details:
Applicants should provide Bank Account details from which the application amount is to be blocked along with Bank & Branch name and application amount.
Applicant should maintain sucient balance in the Bank Account in which application amount is to be blocked. In case of insucient funds in the specied Bank Account the
application is liable to be rejected.
Applicant can make application for maximum upto 5 ASBA Applications from a single Bank Account with a Bank.
It may be noted that no application will be accepted for subscription to units of schemes of Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund where such application is accompanied by ird
Party Payment other than the exceptions allowed. ‘ird-Party Payment’ means a payment made through instruments issued from a bank account other than that of bank
account of rst named applicant/investor. Please refer to point no. 7 of the General Instructions for details.
D. Please refer to point no. 20 of General Instructions.
First time investors subscribing to the Scheme through SIP-NACH / Auto Debit to complete this form compulsorily along with the Main Application Form. (Please read 'Terms & Conditions
for SIP through NACH / Auto Debit' overleaf) and general instruction 6. e Application Form should be completed in English and in BLOCK LETTERS only.
KEY PARTNER / AGENT INFORMATION (Refer General Instruction 1)
ARN & ARN Name Sub Agent’s ARN /
Bank Branch Code
Employee Unique
Identication Number (EUIN)
RIA/PMRN Name & Code Internal Code for
Sub-Agent / Employee
ARN Declaration - Upfront commission shall be paid directly by the investor to the AMFI registered Distributors based on the investors assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the distributor.
Consent for sharing Transaction Feed with RIA/PMRN (Applicable for investments through RIA/PMRN only): I/We hereby give my/our consent to share/provide the transaction feed / portfolio holdings/ NAV etc. in respect of my/our investments under
Direct Plan in the scheme(s) of Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund, to the above mentioned SEBI Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) or SEBI Registered Portfolio Manager (PMRN).
EUIN Declaration (only where EUIN box is le blank) (Refer General Instruction 1):
I/We hereby conrm that the EUIN box has been intentionally le blank by me/us as this transaction is executed without any interaction or advice by the employee/
relationship manager/sales person of the above distributor/sub broker or not with standing the advice of in-appropriateness, if any, provided by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of the distributor/sub broker.
First/ Sole Applicant/ Guardian / PoA Holder / Karta Second Applicant ird Applicant
Micro SIP
Change in Bank Account for Auto Debit (Proceed directly to ll the NACH mandate and provide a cancelled cheque)
1. Investment and SIP Details: First / Sole Investor
Folio No.(Existing Unitholder)
KYC Identication Number
Enclosed () #KYC Proof
Existing UMRN
(i) and general instruction 4 D.
In case of, Payment through single cheque, for investment in more than 1 Scheme the cheque/DD should be issued in favour of ‘Mahindra
Manulife MF Multiple Scheme’ for the total investment amount mentioned below and the cheque/DD details need to be lled only once.
New SIP Upgrade Existing SIP
1. Mahindra Manulife _____________
Cheque No.___________________
Cheque Date__________________
SIP Installment
Amount (`)
Frequency SIP Date(s)/Days for Weekly/
Monthly/ Quarterly Frequency
(Refer Instruction 1(a))
Period Top-Up for Monthly & Quarterly Frequency
(Optional) (Refer instruction 1b)
Top-Up Details
CAP Details (Optional)
Mon Tue Wed (Default) u Fri
Ensure SIP Duration is not
more than 40 years.
CAP Amount* (`)
CAP Month-Year
New SIP Upgrade Existing SIP
2. Mahindra Manulife_____________
Cheque No.___________________
Cheque Date__________________
Mon Tue Wed (Default) u Fri
Ensure SIP Duration is not
more than 40 years.
CAP Amount* (`)
CAP Month-Year
2. Demat Account Details (Optional)
NSDL DP NAME DP ID I N Beneciary Account No.
CDSL DP NAME Beneciary Account No.
e investors shall receive payments of Redemption/ IDCW proceeds in the Bank Account linked to the Demat A/c. ^Refer General instruction No 14 in the KIM for PAN/PEKRN. # Please attach KYC proof if not already KYC validated
Declaration : I/We have read and understood the contents of the Scheme Information Document and Statement of Additional Information and the terms & conditions of SIP enrolment through Auto Debit/NACH and agree
to abide by the same. I /We hereby apply for enrolment under the SIP of above mentioned Scheme - Plan(s) / Option(s) and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the same. I/We hereby declare that the particulars
given above are correct and express my willingness to make payments referred through participation in NACH/Auto Debit. I/We authorise the bank to honour the instructions as mentioned in the application form. I/We
also hereby authorise bank to debit charges towards verication of this mandate, if any. I/We agree that the AMC/Mutual Fund (including its aliates), and any of its ocers directors, personnel and employees, shall not be
held responsible for any delay/wrong debits on the part of the bank for executing the Auto Debit instruction of additional sum on a specied date from my account. If the transaction is delayed or not eected at all for
reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, I/We would not hold the user institution of this mandate form responsible. I/We undertake to keep sucient funds in the funding account on the date of execution of standing
instruction. I/We have not received nor been induced by any rebate or gis, directly or indirectly, in making this investment. e ARN holder has disclosed to me/us all the commissions(in the form of trail commission or
any other mode), payable to him/them for the dierent competing Schemes of various Mutual Funds from amongst which the Scheme is being recommended to me/us.
First/ Sole Applicant/ Guardian / PoA Holder / Karta Second Applicant ird Applicant
Please mention Scheme-Plan-Option-Sub Option
From ____/____/______
To ____/____/______
Signature of Primary Bank Account Holder Signature of Bank Account Holder Signature of Bank Account Holder
Name as in bank records Name as in bank records Name as in bank records
Date :
(Please )
Sponsor Bank Code
Utility Code
N A C H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 6 2
I/We hereby authorize:
Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund
to debit (Please )
Bank A/c No.:
with Bank
Bank Name & Branch
an amount of Rupees
In Words
Frequency :
Monthly Quarterly Half Yearly Yea rly
As & when presented Debit Type : Fixed Amount
Maximum Amount
Folio No.
1. I agree for the debit of mandate processing charges by the bank whom I am authorizing to debit my account as per latest schedule of charges of the banks. 2. is is to conrm that the declaration has been carefully read, understood & made by me/us. I am
authorising the user entity/Corporate to debit my account, based on the instructions as agreed and signed by me. I have understood that I am authorised to cancel / amend this mandate by appropriately communicating the cancellation/amendment request to the user
entity/Corporate or the bank where I have authorised debit.
IDCW: Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal
Oce use only
In Figures
One Time Bank Mandate (NACH/Direct Debit Mandate Form)
Maximum period of validity of this mandate is 40 years only.
Terms & Conditions for SIP/ Top-Up SIP
1 (a). SIP facility is oered by the Scheme subject to following terms and conditions:
Frequency available (Default day for weekly frequency: Wednesday), (Default Frequency: Monthly)
Weekly Monthly Quarterly
SIP Transaction Dates Any day of the Week (except Saturday & Sunday) Any date*
Minimum no. of
installments and
Minimum amount per
For MMKBY - 6 installments of Rs. 500/- each and in multiples of Rs. 500/- thereaer;
For MMMAP - 6 installments of Rs. 1,000/- each and in multiples of Re. 1/- thereaer;
For schemes other than MMMAP & MMKBY- 6 installments of Rs. 500/- each and in multiples of Re. 1/- thereaer.
For MMKBY - 4 installments of Rs. 1500/- each and in
multiples of Rs. 500/- thereaer; For schemes other than
MMKBY - 4 installments of Rs. 1500/- each and in multiples
of Re. 1/- thereaer.
Mode of Payment National Automated Clearing House (NACH) Facility and Direct Debit mandate through select banks with whom AMC may have an arrangement, from time to time.
* If any SIP installment due date falls on a non-Business day, then the respective transactions will be processed on the next Business day. However, in case the chosen date is not available in a particular month, the SIP will be processed on the last day of
that month. E.g., if selected date is 31st, SIP installment for the month of September will be processed on 30th September. However, if 30th September happens to be a Non-Business Day, the SIP will be processed on the immediate next Business Day.
Note: Anyone or more SIP transaction dates from the available dates can be selected by the Unit Holders under the Monthly and Quarterly frequencies. SIP amount (including Top Up) will be restricted to amount mentioned in Direct Debit / NACH
Mandate Form. Any day of the week or more day(s) can be selected by the Unit Holders under the Weekly frequency.
MMKBY: Mahindra Manulife ELSS Tax Saver Fund; MMMAP: Mahindra Manulife Asia Pacic REITs FOF;
1 (b). Top-Up SIP Specications facility available for monthly and quarterly frequencies only
Minimum Top-up installment Top Up Frequency
For schemes other than MMKBY For MMKBY For Monthly SIP For Quarterly SIP
Top up by Amount Rs. 100 and in multiples of Rs 100 thereaer Rs. 500 and in multiples of Rs 500 thereaer • Yearly • Half Yearly • Yearly
Top up by Percentage
10% and in multiples of 1% thereaer.
Rounded o to nearest next multiple of Rs. 10.
Not available • Yearly
Note: Existing investors will be required to submit a request for upgrade from SIP to Top-up SIP at least 10 calendar days prior to the next SIP date. In case of Monthly SIP, if the investor has chosen half-yearly Top-Up frequency, the SIP amount
will increase aer every 6 SIP monthly cycle dates by the amount indicated and if the investor has chosen Yearly Top-Up frequency, the SIP amount will increase aer every 12 SIP monthly cycle dates by the amount/percentage indicated. For
Quarterly SIPs, only Yearly frequency is available for Top-up and the SIP amount will increase aer every 4 SIP quarterly cycle dates by the indicated amount / percentage. If the Investor does not specify either the Top-up amount/percentage
or species both, the SIP application will be processed by default with the Minimum Top –up installment amount as per above table. e Top-up details cannot be modied once enrolled. In order to make any changes, the Investor must cancel
the existing SIP and enroll for a fresh SIP with revised Top up details.
Investors/Unitholders are also requested to note that, in case of cancellation/discontinuation of SIP enrolment, any SIP Top-Up enrolment linked with the underlying SIP (whether existing OR future Top-Ups) shall also stand cancelled.
Default options : Default day for weekly frequency – Wednesday Default Frequency – Monthly Default Date (for both monthly and quarterly frequency) – 10th Default Mode – Top-up by amount. Default Top-up frequency – Yearly.
2. For New / Existing investors if 1st SIP Installment is through NACH mandate kindly attach Blank cancelled cheque or Copy of cheque.
3. Ensure the duration in the SIP Registration as well as Debit Mandate form is not more than 40 years.
4. a. SIP Cap Amount: Investor shall have an option to freeze the SIP installment amount (including Top-ups applied at periodic intervals) by specifying a SIP Cap amount. e SIP Cap amount shall be less than or equal to the amount
mentioned by the Investor in the NACH Debit Mandate. In case the SIP Cap amount specied by the Investor is higher than the NACH Debit Mandate amount, then the amount mentioned in the NACH Debit Mandate shall be
considered for applying Top-ups and processing of SIP installments until the end of SIP tenure.
b. SIP Cap Month-Year: Investor shall have an option to freeze the SIP installment amount (including Top-ups applied at periodic intervals) from a prespecied month and year. From this prespecied month and year onwards, the
SIP Top-Ups will be discontinued and the last topped up SIP installment will remain constant until the end of SIP tenure.
Note: Investor shall have a exibility to choose either SIP Cap Amount or SIP Cap Month-Year. In case of multiple selections, SIP Cap amount will be considered as default selection.
5. e rst installment will be processed at Applicable NAV based on the timing of credit receipt of funds to the bank account of the Scheme before the cut-o time i.e. available for utilization before the cut-o time as stated in KIMs/SIDs.
ere should be a gap of at least 30 calendar days between the rst SIP installment and the second SIP installment / SIP Auto Debit “Start” date mentioned in the debit mandate form. e SIP Auto Debit shall start from the selected
“Start” date mentioned by the investor, subject to completion of successful SIP Auto Debit mandate verication and registration formalities at least 10 calendar days prior to the “Start” date specied in the debit mandate form.
6. In case of MMKBY each SIP installment will be subject to a Lock In period of three years from the date of allotment of Units.
7. In case of auto cancellation, the below given uniform timeline for treating a SIP as closed/cancelled will be adopted by the AMC
S No. SIP Frequency No. of failed debit attempts prior to cancellation of SIP
1 Weekly, Monthly 3
2 Quarterly 2
8. SIP registered for more than one day or all days of the week under the Weekly frequency OR one date or all dates of the month under the Monthly / Quarterly frequency, will be considered as separate SIP instruction for the purpose
of fullling the “Minimum no. of installments” criteria.
9. SIP in a folio of a minor will be registered only upto the date of minor attaining the majority even though the instruction may be for the period beyond that date.
10. e Load structure prevailing at the time of submission of the SIP application (whether fresh or extension) will apply for all the Installments indicated in such application.
11. AMC will ensure cancellation of auto-debit/SIP within 10 calendar days of such request submitted by the investor.
12. e facility will be automatically terminated upon receipt of intimation of death of the Unit holder.
e investors can also subscribe Units through SIP in Demat (electronic) mode for the Scheme. However the Units will be allotted based on applicable NAV of the Scheme and will be credited to investor’s Demat (Beneciary) Account on weekly
basis on realization of funds, e.g. Units will be credited to investor’s Demat (Beneciary) account every Monday (or next business day, if Monday is a non-business day) for realization status received in last week from Monday to Friday.
14. Investors will not hold Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund / Mahindra Manulife Investment Management Private Limited (MMIMPL), its Registrar and other service providers responsible, if the transaction is delayed or not aected or the
investor’s bank account is debited in advance or aer the specic SIP date.
e rst cheque should be drawn on the same bank account which is to be registered for Debit. Alternatively, the cheque may be drawn on any bank, but provide a photocopy of the cheque of the bank / branch for which Debit is registered.
16. Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund / MMIMPL, it’s Registrar and other service providers shall not be responsible and liable for any damages/ compensation for any loss, damage etc., incurred by the investor. e investor assumes the entire
risk of using this facility and takes full responsibility.
17. Top-Up SIP facility is available only through NACH debit mandate. For Upgrading ll complete information for active SIP. In case of Quarterly SIP and Percentage based Top up, only Yearly Top-up frequency is available. Percentage based
Top-up feature is not available for Mahindra Manulife ELSS Tax Saver Fund.
18. CAP Amount: Max SIP installment amount (including Top-up). In case, the SIP installment amount exceeds the maximum amount mentioned in the debit mandate, the SIP will continue with the last SIP installment amount. CAP Month-
Year: Month-Year from which SIP Top-Up will be discontinued.
Terms & Conditions - NACH / Auto Debit
1. NACH debit facility is oered at various banks. For a detailed list of banks please refer the website
2. is facility is oered only to the investors having bank accounts with above mentioned Banks. Above list is subject to modication/updation at any time in future at the sole discretion
of MMIMPL, without assigning any reason or prior notice. If any bank is removed, SIP instructions of investors for such banks via NACH will be discontinued without any prior notice.
3. By signing the NACH mandate form the investor agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of NACH facility through NPCI (
4. a. New/Existing investors who wish to enroll for SIP through NACH should ll the SIP Application Form and the Registration cum Mandate Form for NACH.
b. e Registration cum Mandate Form for NACH should be submitted at least 30 calendar days prior to next SIP cycle date.
c. Unique Mandate Registration Number (UMRN) is auto generated by NPCI during the mandate creation for the rst time. Investors, who do not have the UMRN, please leave it
blank. UMRN would be linked to the folio and maximum length is 20 characters comprising of Alpha Numeric Character allotted by NPCI.
d. Investors who already have UMRN registered under the folio can ll up the SIP Registration cum Mandate Form for NACH and should be submitted at least 10 working days
before the date of the rst debit through NACH.
5. Please provide the cancelled cheque leaf of the Bank A/c no. for which NACH facility is registered.
6. Investors need to mandatorily ll the SIP Registration Cum Mandate form for NACH for any amendment and cancellation quoting their UMRN by giving 30 calendar days prior notice
to any of the investor service centre.
7. Investor can choose to discontinue the SIP facility under folio without cancelling the UMRN.
8. IFSC is a 11 digit number given by some of the banks on the cheques. MICR is the 9-digit code that appears on your cheque next to the cheque number.
9. In case of existing investor, if application is received without existing UMRN then the last UMRN registered in the folio would be considered.
10. As per NPCI Circular, with eect from 1
April 2024, the duration of the NACH mandate can be for a maximum period of 40 years i.e. the gap between the “From” date and “To” date
mentioned in the NACH Mandate form cannot exceed 40 years.
Terms & Conditions - Auto Debit
Auto Debit: e Auto Debit Facility will be made available only with the banks with which MMIMPL or its service provider may have tie up for Auto Debit from time to time. Please contact
Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund Investor Service Centre for updated list of banks/ branches eligible for Auto Debit Facility.
1. Please read the terms of the Key Information
Memorandum/ Scheme Information Document
(SID)/ Statement of Additional Information
(Scheme Documents) carefully before investing
in the Scheme.
Upon signing and submitting the Application
Form and tendering payment it will be deemed
that the investors have accepted, agreed to
and shall comply with the terms and conditions
detailed in the Scheme Documents.
Applications complete in all respects, may be
submitted at the Ocial Points of Acceptances.
New Investors wishing to make SIP investment
will need to complete and submit both the
Application Form and the SIP Enrolment Form
(for Auto Debit / NACH as applicable). Existing
investors wishing to make SIP investment will
need to complete and submit ONLY the SIP
Enrolment Form (for Auto Debit / NACH as
applicable), mentioning their folio number in the
SIP enrolment form.
Please tick in the appropriate box for relevant
options wherever applicable. Do not overwrite.
For any correction / changes if made in the
Application Form, the Applicant(s) shall enter
the correct details pursuant to cancellation of
incorrect details and authenticate the corrected
details by counter-signing against the changes.
Investors can also subscribe to the Units of
the Regular Plan of the Scheme through the
mutual fund trading platforms viz. BSE StAR MF
of Bombay Stock Exchange Limited and Mutual
Fund Service System (MFSS) of National Stock
Exchange of India Limited. For further details,
investors are advised to contact ISCs of Mahindra
Manulife Mutual Fund or visit our website
e Application Form number / Folio number
should be written by the Investors on the reverse
of the cheques and bank dras accompanying
the Application Form. Applications incomplete in
any respect are liable to be rejected. Mahindra
Manulife Investment Management Private
Limited (MMIMPL/AMC) / Mahindra Manulife
Trustee Private Limited (MMTPL/Trustee)
have absolute discretion to reject any such
Application Forms.
Copies of the supporting documents submitted
should be accompanied by originals for
verication. In case the original of any document
is not produced for verication, Mutual Fund/
AMC reserves the right to seek attested copies
of the supporting documents.
No request for withdrawal of application will be
Investments through distributors
As per directions of Securities and Exchange
Board of India (SEBI), Investors can route their
Application Forms directly and /or through
the distributors /employees of the distributor
who hold a valid certication from the National
Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) and ARN
provided by AMFI. Further, no agents/ distributors
are entitled to sell units of mutual funds unless
the intermediary is registered with Association of
Mutual Funds in India (AMFI).
Employee Unique Identication Number (EUIN)
Every employee/ relationship manager/ sales
person of the distributor of mutual fund products
is required to quote the EUIN obtained by him/her
from AMFI in the Application Form. Investors are
requested to verify the AMFI registration details
from their Distributor. However, in exceptional
cases, where there is no interaction by the
employee/ sales person/relationship manager of
the distributor/sub broker with respect to the
transaction and EUIN box is le blank, you are
required to provide the duly signed declaration to
the eect as given in the form.
Overseas Distributors
For Overseas Distributors, the ARN Code
provided by AMFI is required to be incorporated
in the space provided. Overseas Distributors
are required to comply with the laws, rules and
regulations of jurisdictions where they carry out
their operations in the capacity of distributors.
Direct Investments
Investors applying Directly must mention “Direct”
in the ARN column. In case distributor code is
mentioned in the Application Form, but “Direct
Plan” is indicated against the Scheme name, the
distributor code will be ignored and the application
will be processed under Direct Plan. In case of valid
application received without indicating “Direct
Plan” against the Scheme/ Plan name and without
any distributor code mentioned on the form,
the application will be processed under “Direct
Investors/Unitholders already having a folio with
the Fund should ll in sections 1, 8 and 11 only.
e personal and the Bank Account details as
they feature in the existing folio would apply
to this investment and would prevail over any
conicting information, if any, furnished in this
form. In case the name of the Unit holder as
provided in this application does not correspond
with the name appearing in the existing folio,
the application form may be rejected, at the
discretion of the AMC/ Fund.
A. Name, address and contact details like
telephone, mobile and email address must
be written in full. On successful validation
of the investor’s PAN for KYC, the address
provided in the KYC form will override the
address mentioned in the Application Form.
Application Form is complete in all respect. Name, address & contact details are mentioned in full and signed by all applicants.
 Bank account details stated are complete and correct. In case investment cheque is from a dierent bank account, original cancelled cheque copy is attached.
 Permanent Account Number (PAN) for all applicants as applicable is mentioned.
 Preferred investment option i.e. whether Growth or IDCW Payout or IDCW Reinvestment is mentioned clearly.
 e cheque / demand dra should be drawn favouring the name of the scheme & crossed as Account Payee Only”, dated and duly signed.
 Application Number / Folio Number and applicant’s name and / or PAN is mentioned on the reverse of each cheque.
 Demat A/c details are lled correctly in the form. Please provide self attested Client Master list Copy (where applicable).
 Details of applicants provided matches exactly with those in the Depository.
 Not a Resident of Canada.
Accompanying Documents
Please submit the following documents with your application (where applicable). All documents should be original / true copies by a Partner / Director / Trustee /
Company Secretary / Authorised Signatory, etc.
through PoA
Minor NRI HUF Companies Societies Partnership
Trust FPI Bank
Resolution / Authorisation to invest
3 3 3 3 3 3
List of Authorised Signatories with Specimen
Signatures(s) (wherever applicable)
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Trust Deed
Bye - Laws / MOA / AOA
3 3
Partnership Deed
SEBI Registration / Designated Depository
Participant Registration Certicate
Proof of Date of birth / Guardian Name /
Guardian Relationship
Notarised Power of Attorney (wherever applicable)
3 3 3 3 3 3
Foreign Inward Remittance Certicate, in case payment is
made by DD from NRE / FCNR a/c (wherever applicable)
3 3
PAN Card copy / KYC Acknowledgement
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Demat Account Details (Client Master List Copy)
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
UBO Declaration
3 3 3 3 3 3
1 Self attestation is mandatory. 2 In case Units are applied in Electronic (Demat) mode.
Applications under a Power of Attorney
(PoA) must be accompanied by the original
Power of Attorney or a certied true copy/
duly notarized copy of the same. Authorised
ocials should sign the Application Form
under their ocial designation. A list of
specimen signatures of the authorised
ocials, duly certied / attested should also
be attached to the Application Form.
All communication and payments shall
be made by the Fund in the name of and
favouring the rst / sole applicant. In case
of applications made in joint names without
indicating the mode of holding, mode
of holding will be deemed as ‘Joint’ and
processed accordingly.
In case an investor opts to hold the Units
in demat form, the applicant(s) details
mentioned in Section 3, should be the same
as appearing in demat account held with a
Depository Participant.
Investments on Behalf of Minor:
In addition to the existing procedures, the
photocopy of supporting documents as
enumerated below shall be mandatory
submitted while opening the account on
behalf of minor:
i. Birth certicate of the minor, or
ii. School leaving certicate / Mark sheet
issued by Higher Secondary Board of
respective states, ICSE, CBSE etc., or
iii. Passport of the minor, or
iv. Any other suitable proof evidencing the
date of birth of the minor.
In case of ambiguity in Date of Birth provided
as per the application form/ updated
from KYC records vis-a-vis the document
evidencing the date of birth of the minor,
the date of birth as per such document will
be considered and captured in our records
Date of Birth / Incorporation Is Mandatory
for all the holders including the Guardian
wherever investment is done on behalf of
B. In accordance with SEBI Circular No. CIR/
MIRSD/13/2013 dated December 26,
2013, the additional details viz. Occupation
details, Gross Annual Income/ Net-worth and
Politically Exposed Person (PEP)* status
mentioned under section 5 which was
forming part of uniform KYC form will now
be captured in the Application Form of the
Fund. Also, the detail of nature of services viz.
Foreign Exchange/Gaming/ Money Lending,
etc., (applicable for rst/sole applicant) is
required to be provided as part of Client Due
Diligence (CDD) Process of the Fund.
e said details are mandatory for all
*PEP are dened as individuals who are or
have been entrusted with prominent public
functions in a foreign country, e.g., Heads of
States or of Governments, senior politicians,
senior Government / judicial military ocers,
senior executives of state owned corporations,
important political party ocials, etc.
C. Details under Foreign Account Tax
Compliance Act (FATCA) / Common
Reporting Standard (CRS) / Foreign Laws:
Tax Regulations require the Fund / AMC to
collect information about each investor’s tax
residency. In certain circumstances (including
if the Fund / AMC do not receive a valid self-
certication from the investor), the Fund /
AMC may be obliged to share the investor’s
account information with the relevant tax
authority. For any questions about tax
residency, investors are advised to contact
their respective tax advisors. Further if the
investor is a citizen or resident or green
card holder or tax resident other than India,
investor(s) shall include all such countries in
the tax resident country information eld
along with the Tax Identication Number or
any other relevant reference ID/ Number in
the prescribed forms. If there is any change
applicable Net Asset Value and subject to
applicable taxes and exit load, if any.
If an existing Unit Holder(s) subsequently
becomes a Resident of Canada, then such
Unit Holder(s) will not be able to purchase
any additional Units in any of the Schemes
of Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund.
e Mutual Fund reserves the right to
include/exclude new/existing categories of
investors to invest in the Scheme from time
to time, subject to SEBI Regulations and
other prevailing statutory Regulations, if
any. e Mutual Fund / Trustee / AMC may
redeem Units of any Unitholder in the event
it is found that the Unitholder has submitted
information either in the application or
otherwise that is false, misleading or
incomplete or Units are held by any person
in breach of the SEBI Regulations, any law
or requirements of any governmental,
statutory authority.
E. KIN is a 14 digit unique number issued
by the Central KYC Registry (CKYCR) to
individuals/Non-Individual entities who have
completed their KYC formalities through
CKYCR. ose investors who have a KIN from
CKYCR, should quote their 14 digit KIN in the
application form.
F. GST denotes “Goods & Services Tax” and
GSTIN denotes GST Identication Number.
Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund (MF) Head
Oce (HO) location which is currently in
Mumbai, Maharashtra shall be considered as
“Service recipient location” and accordingly
if the Investor is in MF HO Location State i.e.
Maharashtra, CGST (Central GST @ 9%) and
SGST (State GST @ 9%) else IGST (Integrated
GST @ 18%) shall be computed on the entry/
exit load as applicable according to features
of the schemes.
Identication of location for place of supply
of service (GST State Code) of the investor
will be based on the State Code of the
investor’s address, updated in the folio and
available at the time of processing the
4. Mode of Payment
A. Subscription Bank Account Details
An investor at the time of his/her purchase
of units must provide the details of his / her
pay-in bank account (i.e. account from which
a subscription payment is being made) in
Section 8 in the Application Form.
B. Resident Investors
(a) For Investors having a bank account
with such banks with whom the AMC
would have an arrangement from time
to time:
Payment may be made for subscription
to the Units of the Scheme either
by issuing a cheque drawn on such
banks or by giving a debit mandate to
their account with such other banks
with whom the AMC may have an
arrangement from time to time.
(b) For other Investors not covered by (a)
Payment may be made by cheque or
bank dra drawn on any bank, which
is a member of the Bankers’ Clearing
House, located at the place where the
application is submitted. No money
orders, outstation cheques and postal
orders will be accepted. Bank charges
for outstation demand dras will be
borne by the AMC and will be limited to
the bank charges stipulated by the State
Bank of India. Outstation Demand Dra
has been dened as a demand dra
issued by a bank where there is no ISC
available for Investors.
e AMC will not accept any request
for refund of demand dracharges and
applications accompanied by Non-CTS
cheques shall be liable for rejection, at
the discretion of the AMC/Fund.
in the information provided, investor(s) shall
promptly intimate the same to the Fund /
AMC within 30 days. FATCA/CRS due diligence
will be directed at each investor / Unit holder
(including joint investor/Unitholder) and
on being identied as a reportable person,
all the folios will be reported. e AMC/
Mutual Fund reserves the right to reject any
application/freeze any folio(s) held directly
or benecially for transactions in the event
the applicant/Unitholder(s) fail to furnish the
relevant information and/or documentation
in accordance with FATCA/CRS provisions
and as requested by the Fund/ AMC.
D. Who cannot invest?
e following persons/entities cannot invest
in the Scheme:
1. Any individual who is a foreign national
or any other entity that is not an Indian
resident under the Foreign Exchange
Management Act, 1999 (FEMA Act)
except where registered with SEBI as
a FPI or otherwise explicitly permitted
under FEMA Act/ by RBI/ by any other
applicable authority, or as stated in the
exception in paragraph 5 hereunder.
2. Overseas Corporate Bodies (OCBs)
3. NRIs residing in Non Compliant Countries
and Territories (NCCTs)as determined by
the Financial Action Task Force (FATF),
from time to time.
4. Residents of Canada as dened under
the applicable laws of Canada.
5. U.S. Person* (including all persons
residing in U.S., U.S. Corporations or
other entities organised under the laws
of U.S), except lump sum subscription
and switch transaction requests
received from Non-resident Indians /
Persons of Indian origin who at the
time of such investment, are physically
present in India and submit only a
physical transaction request along with
such documents / undertakings, etc. as
may be prescribed by the AMC /Mutual
Fund from time to time, and subject
to compliance with all applicable laws
and regulations prior to investing in the
Scheme, and provided that such persons
shall not be eligible to invest through
the SIP route / systematic transactions.
*e term “U.S. Person” means any person
that is a U.S. Person within the meaning
of Regulation S under the Securities
Act of 1933 of the United States or as
dened by the U.S. Commodity Futures
Trading Commission or as per such further
amended denitions, interpretations,
legislations, rules etc., as may be in force
from time to time.
e physical application form(s) for
transactions (in non-demat mode) from
such U.S. person will be accepted only
at the ocial points of acceptance
of transactions of the Fund in India.
Additionally, such transactions in
physical application form(s) will also
be accepted through Distributors of
the AMC and other platforms in India,
subject to receipt of such additional
documents/undertakings, etc., as may
be stipulated by the AMC / Trustee from
time to time.
e investor shall be responsible for
complying with all applicable laws for
such investments. e AMC/Trustee
reserves the right to put the application
form/transaction request on hold/reject
the subscription/transaction request and
redeem the units, if already allotted, as
the case may be, as and when identied
by the AMC that the same is not in
compliance with the applicable laws, the
terms and conditions stipulated by the
AMC/Trustee from time to time and/or
the documents/undertakings provided
by such investors are not satisfactory.
Such redemption will be processed at the
In the case of NRIs/PIOs/OCIs, payment
may be made either by inward remittance
through normal banking channels or
out of funds held in the NRE / FCNR in
the case of Purchases on a repatriation
basis or out of funds held in the NRE /
FCNR/ NRO account, in the case of
Purchases on a non-repatriation basis. In
case Indian rupee dras are purchased
abroad or payments from FCNR or NRE
accounts, an account debit certicate
from the Bank issuing the dra
conrming the debit and/ or foreign
inward remittance certicate (FIRC) by
Investor’s banker shall also be enclosed.
D. Payment rough Single Cheque
i. Investor can choose to make payment
through a single cheque for investing in
multiple schemes in the same folio using
single or multiple application forms by
ticking the box ‘Payment through Single
ii. Investor can make a consolidated
payment for purchases in the same folio
for minimum 2 and upto 6 schemes.
Same cheque cannot be used for both
lumpsum & SIP investments.
iii. e Cheque/ DD should be drawn for the
total amount across schemes mentioned
in section 8 and should be in favour of
“Mahindra Manulife Multiple Schemes-
A/c PAN” or “Mahindra Manulife Multiple
Schemes-A/c Investor Name” and
crossed “A/c Payee only”
iv. Investor should use separate Cheque/
DD for making Lumpsum and SIP
v. e application may be rejected in total if:
e investment details in section 8
for any one or more of the schemes
is/are incomplete
e minimum investment criteria is/
are not met for one or more of the
e total investment amount is
dierent from the cheque/ DD
vi. EXCEPTIONS: Facility for Payment
through single cheque is not available
for investments in any scheme during its
NFO period.
Payment rough Multiple cheques
i. e cheque/ DD should be drawn in
favour of “Name of the Scheme - A/c
PAN” or “Name of the Scheme - A/c
Investor Name”
Returned cheque(s) are liable not to be
presented again for collection and the
accompanying Application Form is liable
to be rejected. e Trustee reserves the
right to recover from an investor any
loss caused to the schemes on account
of dishonor of cheques/presentation
of dishonored cheques issued by the
investor for purchase of Units of the
E. Cash
In order to help enhance the reach of mutual
fund products amongst small investors, who
may not be tax payers and may not have
PAN/bank accounts, such as farmers, small
traders/businessmen/workers, SEBI has
permitted receipt of cash transactions for
fresh purchases/ additional purchases to
the extent of Rs.50,000/- per investor, per
nancial year shall be allowed subject to:
i. compliance with Prevention of Money
Laundering Act, 2002 and Rules framed
there under; the SEBI Circular(s) on Anti
Money Laundering (AML) and other
applicable Anti Money Laundering Rules,
Regulations and Guidelines; and
ii. sucient systems and procedures
in place.
However, payment towards redemptions\
IDCW etc. with respect to afore mentioned
investments shall be paid only through
banking channel.
e Fund/ AMC is currently in the process
of setting up appropriate systems and
procedures for the said purpose. Appropriate
notice shall be displayed on its website
viz., as well as
at the Investor Service Centres, once the
facility is made available to the investors.
F. Subcriptions through RTGS/ NEFT:
Subscription through RTGS/NEFT can be
done ONLY into the account(s) maintained
with such banks as specied from time to
time. Please contact the nearest ISC for
bank details.
e investor has to place a RTGS / NEFT
request with his bank from where the
funds are to be paid and submit the bank
acknowledged copy of request letter
with the application form and mention
on the application form the UTR (Unique
Transaction Reference) Number which is
generated for their request by the bank.
RTGS/NEFT request is subject to the RBI
regulations and guidelines governing the
same. e AMC/Fund shall not be liable
for any loss arising or resulting from delay
in credit of funds in the Fund/Scheme
collection account.
G. Investment on behalf of minor
Payment for investment by any mode shall
be accepted from the bank account of the
minor, parent or legal guardian of the minor
or from a joint account of the minor with
the same parent or legal guardian only as
mentioned in the application form.
A. Pay-Out Bank Account Details (For
redemption only):
An investor at the time of investment
must provide the details of the pay-out
bank account (i.e. account into which
redemption proceeds are to be paid) in
Section 7 in the Application Form. e same
is mandated to be provided under SEBI
In case pay-out bank account is dierent
from pay-in bank account mentioned under
Section 8 in the Application Form, the
investor subscribing under a new folio is
required to submit any one of following as a
documentary proof along with the Application
Form validating that pay-out bank account
pertain to the sole / rst Applicant.
(i) Cancelled original cheque leaf of the
pay-out bank account (where the
account number and rst applicant
name is printed on the face of the
cheque). Applicants should without fail
cancel the cheque and write ‘Cancelled’
on the face of it to prevent any possible
(ii) Self attested copy of the bank pass book
or a statement of bank account with
current entries not older than 3 months
having the name and address of the rst
applicant and account number;
(iii) A letter from the bank on its letterhead
certifying that the applicant maintains
an account with the bank, the bank
account information like bank account
number, bank branch, account type, the
MICR code of the branch & IFSC Code
(where available).
Note: e above documents shall be submitted
in Original. If copies are furnished, the same
must be submitted at the Ocial Point of
Acceptance (OPAs) of the Fund where they
will be veried with the original documents
to the satisfaction of the Fund. e original
documents will be returned across the counter
to the applicant aer due verication. In case
the original of any document is not produced
for verication, then the copies should be
attested by the bank manager with his / her full
signature, name, employee code, bank seal and
contact number.
Further, in exceptional cases where ird Party
Payments [as stated under Instruction 7B
below] are accepted, the investor is required
to submit any one of the documentary proofs
as stated in (i), (ii) and (iii) above for the pay-
out bank account. Investors are requested
to note that applications for new folio creation
submitted (wherein pay-out bank details is
dierent from pay-in bank details)without any
of the above mentioned documents relating to
payout bank account details will be treated as
invalid and liable to be rejected.
B. Pay- Out Bank Account Details in case of
Minor (For Redemption only)
Irrespective of the source of payment
for subscription on behalf of minor, all
redemption proceeds shall be credited only
in the veried bank account of the minor, i.e.
the account the minor may hold with the
parent/ legal guardian aer completing all
KYC formalities.
For existing folios in the name of the minors,
investors are requested to update the bank
account in the name of the minor or a joint
account of the minor with the parent or
legal guardian (wherever applicable) before
placing any redemption request.
C. Multiple Bank Account Registration:
An investor may register multiple bank
accounts (currently upto 5 for Individuals
/ HUF and upto 10 for Non-Individuals)
for receiving redemption proceeds etc. by
providing necessary documents and lling up
of Multiple Bank Accounts Registration form.
D. Indian Financial System Code (IFSC)
IFSC is a 11 digit number given by some
of the banks on the cheques. IFSC will help
to secure transfer of redemption via the
various electronic mode of transfers that are
available with the banks.
A. Regular Plan: is Plan is for investors who
wish to route their investment through any
B. Direct Plan: is Plan is for investors who
wish to invest directly without routing the
investment through any distributor.
Investors should mention the Plan for which
the subscription is made by indicating the
choice in the appropriate box provided for
this purpose in the application form.
In cases of wrong/ invalid/ incomplete ARN
codes mentioned on the application form, the
application shall be processed under Regular
Plan. e AMC shall endeavour to contact
the investor/distributor and obtain the
correct ARN code within 30 calendar days of
the receipt of the application form from the
investor/ distributor. In case, the correct code
is not received within 30 calendar days, the
AMC shall reprocess the transaction under
Direct Plan from the date of application
without any exit load.
Investors may note that in case of fresh/
additional purchases, if the name of the
Scheme on the application form/transaction
slip diers with the name on the Cheque/
Demand Dra/payment instrument/transfer
letter, then the AMC will allot units under
the Scheme mentioned on the application
form. In case of fresh/additional purchases,
if the Scheme name is not mentioned on
the application form/transaction slip, then
the units will be allotted under the Scheme
mentioned on the Cheque/Demand Dra/
payment instrument/transfer letter. e
Plan/Option that will be considered in such
cases if not specied by the customer will be
the default option of the Scheme as per the
SID. However, in case additional purchase is
under the same scheme as fresh purchase,
then the AMC reserves the right to allot
units in the option under which units were
allotted at the time of fresh purchase.
1. SIP facility is oered by the Scheme subject
to following features:
(i) Frequencies available- Weekly / Monthly
/ Quarterly
SIP Transaction Dates-
Weekly: Any day of the Week (except
Saturday & Sunday)
Monthly / Quarterly : Any date*
* If any SIP installment due date falls on
a non-Business day, then the respective
transactions will be processed on the
next Business day. However, in case the
chosen date is not available in a particular
month, the SIP will be processed on
the last day of that month. E.g., if
selected date is 31st, SIP installment
for the month of September will be
processed on 30th September. However,
if 30th September happens to be a Non
Business Day, the SIP will be processed
on the immediate next Business Day.
(ii) Minimum no. of installments
Weekly / Monthly : 6 installments of
Rs. 500/- each and in multiples of Re 1
Quarterly: 4 installments of Rs. 1500/-
each and in multiples of Re 1 thereaer;
(iii) Mode of Payment
a. Direct Debit mandate through select
banks with whom AMC may have an
arrangement, time to time.
b. National Automated Clearing House
(NACH) Facility
Note: Anyone or more SIP transaction dates
from the available dates can be selected
by the Unit Holders under the Weekly /
Monthly and Quarterly frequencies. SIP
amount (including Top Up) will be restricted
to amount mentioned in Direct Debit / NACH
Mandate Form. Any day of the week or more
day(s) can be selected by the Unit Holders
under the Weekly frequency.
Default options :
Default day for weekly frequency –
Default Frequency – Monthly
Default Date (for both monthly and quarterly
frequency) – 10th
Default Mode – Top-up by amount.
Default Top-up frequency Yearly.
2. New Investors submitting a SIP application
form along with the rst SIP Installment
cheque should ensure that First SIP Cheque
and subsequent SIP Installments should be
of the same amount.
3. Please draw cheque in the name of the
Scheme e.g. “Name of the Scheme - A/c PAN”
or “Name of the Scheme - A/c Investor Name”
and crossed “A/c Payee only”. Also write SIP
registration Form no. or folio number on
the reverse of cheque accompanying SIP
registration form.
4. e rst and the subsequent SIP installments
will be processed at the Applicable NAV
of the Scheme based on funds available
for utilization before the cut-o time, as
stated in KIMs/SIDs. ere should be a
gap of at least 30 calendar days (for SIP
registered through the physical mode)/
15 calendar days (for SIP registered through
the AMC’s online portal available on its
website i.e.
between the rst SIP installment and the
second SIP installment / SIP Auto Debit
“Start” date mentioned in the debit mandate
form. e SIP Auto Debit shall start from
the selected “Start” date mentioned by the
investor, subject to completion of successful
SIP Auto Debit mandate verication and
registration formalities at least 10 calendar
days prior to the “Start” date specied in the
debit mandate form.
5. SIP Top-up Facility
SIP Top-up Facility is a facility which provides
exibility to the investors to increase the
amount of the SIP installment by a xed
amount or by a xed percentage at pre
dened intervals during the tenure of the
SIP. e SIP Top-up Facility oered by the
Scheme is subject to the following terms and
i. SIP Top-up Facility shall be available for
monthly and quarterly SIP frequencies
ii. SIP Top-up Facility would be available
to all existing and new SIP enrolments.
Existing investors who have enrolled
for SIP are also eligible to avail Top-up
facility and will be required to submit the
request for enrolment under this facility
at least 10 calendar days prior to the
SIP date.
iii. e Top up facility shall be available for
SIP Investments only through NACH
Debit Mandate
iv. is facility is being oered through two
modes: (i) Top-up by Amount and (ii) Top-
up by Percentage. Default Mode – Top-
up by amount.
v. In case of Top-up by Amount, the top-up
installment amount shall be minimum
Rs 100 and in multiples of Rs 100
vi. In case of Top-up by Percentage, the Top-
up installment shall be a minimum 10%
of active/new SIP installment amount
and in multiples of 1% thereaer. e
SIP installment amount will be rounded
o to the nearest next multiple of
Rs 10. Percentage Top-up can be done
at annual frequency only.
vii. a. SIP Cap Amount: Investor shall
have an option to freeze the SIP
installment amount (including Top-
ups applied at periodic intervals) by
specifying a SIP Cap amount. e
SIP Cap amount shall be less than
or equal to the amount mentioned
by the Investor in the NACH Debit
Mandate. In case the SIP Cap
amount specied by the Investor
is higher than the NACH Debit
Mandate amount, then the amount
mentioned in the NACH Debit
Mandate shall be considered for
applying Top-ups and processing
of SIP installments until the end of
SIP tenure.
b. SIP Cap Month-Year: Investor shall
have an option to freeze the SIP
installment amount (including Top-
ups applied at periodic intervals)
from a prespecied month and
year. From this prespecied month
and year onwards, the SIP Top-
Ups will be discontinued and the
last topped up SIP installment will
remain constant until the end of
SIP tenure.
Note: Investor shall have a exibility to
choose either SIP Cap Amount or SIP
Cap Month-Year. In case of multiple
selections, SIP Cap amount will be
considered as default selection.
viii. Investors will be able to choose from two
frequencies for SIP Top-Up: Half Yearly
and Yearly. Default Top-up frequency –
Yea r ly.
ix. Investors who have enrolled for SIP
with Monthly Frequency will be able
to choose from two frequencies for
Top-Up: Half Yearly and Yearly. In case
the investor has chosen half-yearly
frequency, the SIP amount will increase
aer every 6 SIP monthly cycle dates by
the amount indicated and in case if the
investor has chosen Yearly frequency,
the SIP amount will increase aer every
12 SIP monthly cycle dates by the
amount / percentage, as indicated.
x. Investors who have enrolled for SIP
with Quarterly Frequency will be able
to choose only “Yearly” frequency for
Top-Up and the SIP amount will increase
aer every 4 SIP quarterly cycle dates
by the amount / percentage, as indicated.
xi. If the Investor does not specify either the
Top-up amount/percentage or species
both, the SIP application will be processed
by default with the minimum Top –up
installment amount, as applicable.
xii. In case the SIP installment amount(s)
(including Top-ups applied at periodic
intervals) exceeds the maximum amount
mentioned by the Investor in the NACH
debit mandate, the said SIP Top-up
request will stand rejected and the SIP
will continue to be processed with the
last topped up SIP instalment amount.
xiii. e Top-up details cannot be modied
once enrolled. In order to make any
changes, the Investor must cancel the
existing SIP and enroll for a fresh SIP
with revised Top up details.
xiv. All other terms & conditions applicable
for regular SIP Facility will also be
applicable to SIP Top-up Facility.
xv. SIP Top-up will be allowed in case
of Micro Investments subject to the
condition that total investments
including SIP Top-up by the investor
does not exceed 50,000/- in a rolling
12 months period or in a nancial year
i.e. April to March i.e. the limit on Micro
6. In case any cheque submitted by the
investor for SIP installment or any payment
instruction for SIP installment is dishonoured
by the Bankers for the reason of account of
investor is closed, the AMC would discontinue
the SIP immediately.
7. In case of auto cancellation, the below given
uniform timeline for treating a SIP as closed/
cancelled will be adopted by the AMC
S No. SIP Frequency No. of failed debit
attempts prior to
cancellation of SIP
1 Weekly, Monthly 3
2 Quarterly 2
8. SIP registered for more than one day or all
days of the week under the Weekly frequency
OR one date or all dates of the month under
the Monthly / Quarterly frequency, will be
considered as separate SIP instruction for
the purpose of fullling the “Minimum no.
of installments” criteria. In case the SIP
Debit day / date is not indicated or in case
of ambiguity, Wednesday shall be treated
as Default day under Weekly frequency
and 10th shall be treated as the Default
date of the month and accordingly the SIP
transaction will be processed on 10th of
each month / quarter as per the frequency
9. e Load structure prevailing at the time of
submission of the SIP application (whether
fresh or extension) will apply for all the
Installments indicated in such application.
10. AMC will ensure cancellation of auto-debit/
SIP within 10 calendar days of such request
submitted by the investor.
11. e facility will be automatically terminated
upon receipt of intimation of death of the
Unit holder.
12. e investors can also subscribe Units
through SIP in Demat (electronic) mode
for the Scheme. However the Units will be
allotted based on applicable NAV of the
Scheme and will be credited to investor’s
Demat (Beneciary) Account on weekly
basis on realization of funds, e.g. Units will
be credited to investor’s Demat (Beneciary)
account every Monday (or next business
day, if Monday is a non-business day) for
realization status received in last week from
Monday to Friday.
Note: is facility is not available in case of
units oered under the Income Distribution
cum Capital Withdrawal / IDCW Option(s)
of less than monthly frequency
13. Existing investors can avail SIP facility
by submitting only SIP Registration cum
mandate form for NACH / Auto Debit.
14. Investors will not hold Mahindra Manulife
Mutual Fund / MMIMPL, it’s Registrar and
other service providers responsible, if the
transaction is delayed or not aected or the
investor’s bank account is debited in advance
or aer the specic SIP date.
15. e rst cheque should be drawn on the
same bank account which is to be registered
for Debit. Alternatively, the cheque may be
drawn on any bank, but provide a photocopy
of the cheque of the bank / branch for which
Debit is registered.
16. Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund / MMIMPL,
it’s Registrar and other service providers
shall not be responsible and liable for
any damages/ compensation for any loss,
damage etc., incurred by the investor. e
investor assumes the entire risk of using this
facility and takes full responsibility.
A. e AMC / Fund shall not accept applications
for subscriptions of units accompanied with
ird Party Payments except in cases as
enumerated in para 8B below.
“ird Party Payment” means payment
made through an instrument issued from
a bank account other than that of the rst
named applicant/ investor mentioned in
the Application Form. In case of payment
instruments issued from a joint bank
account, the rst named applicant/ investor
must be one of the joint holders of the
bank account from which the payment
instrument is issued to consider the
payment as a non- ird Party Payment.
B. As referred to in para 7A above, following
are the exceptional cases where third
party payments will be accepted subject
to submission of requisite documentation/
(i) Payment by an Employer on behalf
of employees under Systematic
Investment Plans (SIP) or lump sum /
one-time subscription, through Payroll
deductions or deductions out of expense
(ii) Custodian on behalf of an FPI or a Client.
(iii) Payment by the AMC to an empanelled
Distributor on account of commission/
incentive etc. in the form of the Mutual
Fund units of the schemes managed by
the AMC through SIP or lump sum/ one-
time subscription.
(iv) Payment by a Corporate to its Agent/
Distributor/ Dealer (similar arrangement
with Principal agent relationship), on
account of commission or incentive
payable for sale of its goods/services,
in the form of the Mutual Fund Units
through SIP or lump sum / onetime
C. For investments through third party
payments, Investors must accompany the
‘ird Party Payment Declaration Form’
(available at any of our ISCs or on our
website along
with the Application Form for subscription of
Investors may note that Primary holder’s own email
address and mobile number should be provided for
speed and ease of communication in a convenient
and cost-eective manner, and to help prevent
fraudulent transactions. If the AMC / RTA nds that
the email address / mobile number provided is not
of the actual investor or seems to be incorrect, the
AMC / RTA may choose not to capture / update the
email address / mobile number.
Further, the email address provided by the
investor will be registered in our records and will
be treated as their consent to receive, Allotment
conrmations, Consolidated Account Statement/
Account Statement, annual report/ abridged
summary and any statutory / other information
as permitted via electronic mode /email. ese
documents shall be sent physically in case the
Unit holder opts/request for the same.
Should the Unit holder experience any diculty in
accessing the electronically delivered documents,
the Unit holder shall promptly intimate the Mutual
Fund about the same to enable the Mutual Fund
to make the delivery through alternate means.
It is deemed that the Unit holder is aware of
all security risks including possible third party
interception of the documents and contents of
the documents becoming known to third parties.
e AMC/Trustee reserve the right to send any
communication in physical mode.
Description of Email & Mobile validation codes:
Family Code Family Description
SE Self
SP Spouse
DC Dependent Children
DS Dependent Siblings
DP Dependent Parents
GD Guardian
CD Custodian
A. Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)/
National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)
e AMC provides the facility of ‘Real Time
Gross Settlement (RTGS)’ and ‘National
Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)’ oered
by Reserve Bank of India (RBI), which aims
to provide credit of redemption and IDCW
proceeds (if any) directly into the bank account
of the Unit holder maintained with the banks
(participating in the RTGS/ NEFT System).
NEFT is electronic fund transfer modes that
operate on a deferred net settlement (DNS)
basis which settles transactions in batches.
Contrary to this, in RTGS, transactions are
processed continuously throughout the RTGS
business hours. e minimum amount to be
remitted through RTGS is Rs. 2 lakhs. ere
is no upper ceiling for RTGS transactions. No
minimum or maximum stipulation has been
xed for NEFT transactions.
Unit holders can check the list of banks
participating in the RTGS / NEFT System
from the RBI website i.e. in or
contact any of our Investor Service Centres.
However, in the event of the name of Unit
holder’s bank not appearing in the ‘List of
Banks participating in RTGS/ NEFT updated
on RBI website, from time
to time, the instructions of the Unit holder
for remittance of redemption/ IDCW (if any)
proceeds via RTGS / NEFT System will be
discontinued by Fund/ AMC without prior
notice to the Unit holder and the payouts
of redemption/ IDCW (if any) proceeds shall
be eected by sending the Unit holder(s) a
cheque / demand dra.
For more details on RTGS / NEFT or for
frequently asked questions (FAQs) on RTGS
/ NEFT, Unit holders are advised to visit the
RBI website website
B. Payment to NRI Investors:
Payment to NRI / FPI Unit holders will be
subject to the relevant laws / guidelines of
the RBI as are applicable from time to time
(also subject to deduction of tax at source as
In the case of NRIs:
i. Credited to the NRI investor’s NRO
account, where the payment for the
purchase of the Units redeemed was
made out of funds held in NRO account;
ii. Remitted abroad or at the NRI investor’s
option, credited to his NRE / FCNR / NRO
account, where the Units were purchased
on repatriation basis and the payment
for the purchase of Units redeemed
was made by inward remittance through
normal banking channels or out of funds
held in NRE / FCNR account.
In the case of FPIs, the designated branch of
the authorized dealer may allow remittance
of net sale/maturity proceeds (aer payment
of taxes) or credit the amount to the Foreign
Currency account or Non-resident Rupee
account of the FPI maintained in accordance
with the approval granted to it by the RBI.
e Fund will not be liable for any delays
or for any loss on account of any exchange
uctuations, while converting the rupee
amount in foreign exchange in the case of
transactions with NRIs / FPIs. e Fund may
make other arrangements for eecting
payment of redemption proceeds in future.
Unitholders are advised to opt for the
NEFT / RTGS, as it helps in avoiding loss of
redemption warrant in transit or fraudulent
encashment. Please update your IFSC
and MICR Code in order to get payouts via
electronic mode in to your bank account.
e AMC / Fund shall not be held liable for
any losses/ claims, etc. arising on account
of processing the direct credit or credit via
RTGS/ NEFT of redemption proceeds on the
basis of Bank Account details as provided by
the Unit holder in the Application Form.
However, if the Unit holders are not keen on
availing of any of the said facilities and prefer
receiving cheques/ demand dras, Unit
holders shall intimate the AMC/Registrar in
writing indicating their preference. e AMC/
Fund would then ensure that the payouts
are eected by sending the Unit holders a
cheque / demand dra. In case of unforeseen
circumstances, the AMC/Fund reserves the
right to issue a cheque / demand dra.
Any charges levied by the investor’s bank for
receiving payment through electronic mode
/ outstation cheques / demand dras will
be borne by the investor. e Mutual Fund /
AMC will not accept any request for refund
of such bank charges.
Please ensure to furnish the Bank Account
details under Section 7.
C. Mode of Payment for Unit holders holding
Units in Demat form
Investors will receive their redemption
proceeds directly into their bank accounts
linked to the demat accounts.
10. SMS Alerts
is facility enables the Unit holder to receive
SMS conrmations for purchase, redemption or
switch and other alerts.
Applicants under the Scheme will have an option
to hold the Units either in physical form (i.e.
account statement) or in dematerialized form.
Investors desiring to get allotment of units in
demat form must have a beneciary account with
a Depository Participant (DP) of the Depositories
i.e. National Securities Depositories Limited
(NSDL) / Central Depository Services Limited
If PAN is not mentioned by applicants, the
application is liable to be rejected. Investors
may attach a copy of the Client Master Form/
DP statement showing active demat account
details for verication. Names, mode of holding,
PAN details, etc. of the Investor will be veried
against the Depository data. e units will be
credited to the beneciary (demat) account only
aer successful verication with the depository
records and realization of payment. In case the
demat details mentioned in the application are
incomplete/incorrect or do not match with the
depository data, the application shall be treated
as invalid for processing under demat mode and
therefore may be considered for processing
in non-demat form i.e. in physical mode if the
application is otherwise valid.
For units held in demat mode, details such as
address for correspondence, pay-out bank details,
nomination etc. will be applicable as available
in the depositories’ records. For eecting any
subsequent changes to such information,
Investors should approach their DP. Holding/
transacting of units held in demat form shall be
in accordance with the procedures/ requirements
laid down by the Depositories, viz. NSDL/ CDSL
in accordance with the provisions under the
Depositories Act, 1996 and the Regulations
Signature(s) should be in English or in any Indian
In case of an application through constituted
Attorney, the Power of Attorney should be signed
by the investor and the constituted Attorney. e
Application Form should be signed in such cases
by such constituted Attorney.
Pursuant to Regulation 29A of the SEBI
Regulations and clause 17.16 of SEBI Master
Circular, the AMC provides an option to the
Unitholder to submit either the nomination
form or the declaration form for opting out of
nomination in physical or online as per the choice
of the unit holder(s).
Investors should opt for the nomination facility
to avoid hassles and inconveniences in case of
unforeseen events in future.
Where the Units are held by more than one
person jointly, the joint Unit holders may together
nominate a person(s) in whom all the rights in the
Units shall vest in the event of death of all the joint
Unit holders. By provision of this facility the AMC is
not in any way attempting to grant any rights other
than those granted by law to the nominee(s). A
nomination in respect of the Units does not create
an interest in the investments aer the death of
the Unit holder. e nominee(s) shall receive the
Units only as an agent and trustee for the legal
heirs or legatees as the case may be.
e terms and conditions for registration of
nominee(s) are as under:
It is mandatory for all Investors, except
for folios which are jointly held, to provide
Nomination details or Opt out of the
nomination by selecting the Opt out
declaration in the ‘Nomination’ section of the
form. In the absence of the said details, the
application form shall be liable for rejection.
e nomination can be made only by
individuals applying for/holding units on their
own behalf singly or jointly.
Nomination is not allowed in a folio of a
Minor unitholder.
Non-individuals including a Society, Trust,
Body Corporate, Partnership Firm, Karta of
Hindu undivided family, a Power of Attorney
holder and/or Guardian of Minor unitholder
cannot nominate.
In case a folio has joint holders, all joint
holders should sign the request for
nomination/ cancellation of nomination, even
if the mode of holding is ‘either or survivor’.
Minor(s) can be nominated and in such
cases, the name, address and signature of
the parent/ legal guardian representing such
minor nominee(s) shall be provided by the
Unit holder.
Only the following categories of Indian
Residents can be nominated: (a) individuals
(b) minors through parent/legal guardian
(c) religious and charitable trusts and (d)
Central Government, State Government, a
local authority or any person designated by
virtue of his oce. e Nominee shall not be
a trust other than a religious or charitable
trust, society, body corporate, partnership
rm, Karta of Hindu Undivided Family or a
Power of Attorney holder.
Nomination in respect of the units stands
rescinded upon the transfer of units
A Non-Resident Indian may be nominated
subject to the applicable exchange control
Multiple Nominees: Nomination can be made
in favour of multiple nominees, subject to
a maximum of three nominees. In case of
multiple nominees, the percentage of the
allocation/share should be in whole numbers
without any decimals, adding upto a total of
100%. If the total percentage of allocation
amongst multiple nominees does not add
up to 100%, the nomination request shall
be treated as invalid and rejected. In the
event of the Unit holder(s) fail to indicate
the percentage of allocation/share for each
of the nominees, the Fund/ AMC, by invoking
default option shall settle the claim equally
amongst all the nominees.
Every new nomination for a folio will
overwrite the existing nomination, if any.
Nomination will be subject to the provisions
of the respective Scheme Information
Nomination made by a unit holder shall be
applicable for units held in all the schemes
under the respective folio / account.
Death of Nominee/s: In the event of the
nominee(s) pre-deceasing the unitholder(s),
the unitholder/s is/are advised to make a
fresh nomination soon aer the demise
of the nominee. e nomination will
automatically stand cancelled in the event
of the nominee(s) pre-deceasing the
unitholder(s). In case of multiple nominations,
if any of the nominee is deceased at the time
of death claim settlement, the said nominee’s
share will be distributed equally amongst the
surviving nominees.
Transmission of units in favour of a Nominee
shall be valid discharge by the AMC/ Mutual
Fund / Trustees against the legal heir(s).
e nomination will be registered only when
the form is completed in all respects to the
satisfaction of the AMC.
In respect of folios/accounts where the
Nomination has been registered, the AMC will
not entertain any request for transmission
/ claim settlement from any person other
than the registered nominee(s), unless so
directed by any competent court.
Cancellation of nomination can be made
only by those Unit holder(s) who hold Units
on their own behalf either singly or jointly
and who made the original nomination. On
cancellation of nomination, the nomination
shall stand rescinded and the Fund/ AMC
shall not be under any obligation to transmit
the Units in favour of the nominee(s).
In case of investors opting to hold the
Units in demat form, the nomination details
provided by the investor to the depository
participant will be applicable.
SEBI has made it mandatory for all applicants
(in the case of application in joint names, each
of the applicants) to mention the permanent
account number (PAN) irrespective of the
amount of investment and PAN Card copy to
be attached along with application (except as
given below). Where the applicant is a minor,
and does not possess his / her own PAN, he
/ she shall quote the PAN of his/her natural
parent/legal guardian, as the case may be.
However, PAN is not mandatory in the case of
Central Government, State Government entities
and the ocials appointed by the courts e.g.
Ocial liquidator, Court receiver etc (under the
category of Government) for transacting in the
securities market. Also, investors residing in the
state of Sikkim are exempt from the mandatory
requirement of PAN, subject to the AMC verifying
the veracity of the claim of the investors that they
are residents of Sikkim, by collecting sucient
documentary evidence. e Fund reserves the
right to ascertain the status of such entities with
adequate supporting documents. Applications
not complying with the above requirement may
not be accepted/processed.
For further details, please refer Section
Permanent Account Number’ under Statement
of Additional Information available on our website
PAN Exempt Investments
SEBI vide its circular dated July 24, 2012 has
claried that investments in mutual funds
schemes (including investments in SIPs) of upto
Rs. 50,000 per investor per year per mutual
Fund shall be exempt from the requirement of
PAN. Accordingly, individuals (including Joint
Holders who are individuals, NRIs but not PIOs,
Minors) and Sole proprietary rms who do not
possess a PAN (“Eligible Investors”)* are exempt
from submission of PAN for investments upto
Rs.50,000/ - in a rolling 12 month period or in a
nancial year i.e. April to March. However, Eligible
Investors are required to undergo Know Your
Customer (KYC) procedure with any of the SEBI
registered KYC Registration Authorities (KRA).
Eligible Investors must quote PAN Exempt KYC
Reference Number (PEKRN) issued by the KRA
under the KYC acknowledgement letter in the
Application Form and submit a copy thereof along
with the Application Form. In case the applicant is
a minor, PAN /PEKRN details of the Guardian shall
be submitted, as applicable. Eligible Investors (i.e.
the First Holder) must not possess a PAN at the
time of submission of Application Form.
Eligible investors must hold only one PEKRN
issued by any one of the KRAs. If an application
for investment together within investments
made in a rolling 12 month period or in a nancial
year exceeds Rs.50,000/-, such an application will
be rejected.
Units allotted by way of Fresh / Additional
Purchase and Systematic Investment Plans only
will be covered in the limit of Rs.50,000. However,
any subsequent Switch transaction of these units,
whose value exceeds the limit of Rs 50,000/-
will be processed without the requirement of
PAN from the investor.e detailed procedures
/ requirements for accepting applications shall
be as specied by the AMC/Trustee from time
to time and their decision in this behalf will be
nal and binding. Furthermore, the AMC reserves
the right to seek PAN from the investor, if it is
found that the investor has made investments by
quoting his/her PAN in some other Mutual Fund,
which is serviced by CAMS as an RTA.
e detailed procedures / requirements for
accepting applications shall be as specied by
the AMC /Trustee from time to time and their
decision in this behalf will be nal and binding.
*HUFs and other categories are not eligible for
such investments.
SEBI vide its circular reference number ISD/CIR/
RR/AML/1/06 dated January 18, 2006 and other
circulars issued from time to time, mandated
that all intermediaries including mutual funds
should formulate and implement a proper policy
framework as per the guidelines on anti money
laundering measures and also to adopt a Know
Your Customer (KYC) policy.
e Investor(s) should ensure that the amount
invested in the Scheme is through legitimate
Pursuant to SEBI master circular vide ref. No.CIR/
ISD/AML/3/2010 dated December 31, 2010 on
Anti Money Laundering Standards and Guidelines
on identication of Benecial Ownership issued by
SEBI vide its circular ref. No.CIR/MIRSD/2/2013
dated January 24, 2013, investors (other than
Individuals) are required to provide details of Ultimate
Benecial Owner(s) (“UBO(s)”) and submit proof
of identity (viz. PAN with photograph or any other
acceptable proof of identity prescribed in common
KYC form) of UBO(s). Non-individual applicants/
investors are mandated to provide the details
on UBO(s)’ by lling up the declaration form for
‘Ultimate Benecial Ownership’. Providing information
about benecial ownership will be applicable to
the subscriptions received from all categories of
investors except Individuals and a Company listed on
a stock exchange or is a majority owned subsidiary
of such a Company. In case of any change in the
benecial ownership, the investor should immediately
intimate AMC/ its Registrar/KRA, as may be
applicable, about such changes. Please contact the
nearest Investor Service Centre (ISC) of Mahindra
Manulife Mutual Fund or log on to our website for the Declaration Form.
(Note: e Guidance Note/notication issued by the CBDT shall prevail in respect to interpretation of the terms specied in the form)
Details under FATCA& CRS: e Central Board of Direct Taxes has notied Rules 114F to 114H, as part of the Income- tax Rules, 1962, which Rules require Indian nancial
institutions such as the Bank to seek additional personal, tax and benecial owner information and certain certications and documentation from all our unit holders. In
relevant cases, information will have to be reported to tax authorities / appointed agencies.
Should there be any change in any information provided by you, please ensure you advise us promptly, i.e.,within 30 days.
Please note that you may receive more than one request for information if you have multiple relationships with MMIMPL or its group entities. erefore, it is important
that you respond to our request, even if you believe you have already supplied any previously requested information.
FATCA & CRS Instructions
If you have any questions about your tax residency, please contact your tax advisor. If you are a US citizen or resident or greencard holder, please include United States in
the foreign country information eld along with your US Tax Identication Number.
It is mandatory to supply a TIN or functional equivalent if the country in which you are tax resident issues such identiers. If no TIN is yet available or has not yet been
issued, please provide an explanation and attach this to the form.
In case customer has the following Indicia pertaining to a foreign country and yet declares self to be non-tax resident in the respective country, customer to provide
relevant Curing Documents as mentioned below:
FATCA & CRS Indicia observed (ticked) Documentation required for Cure of FATCA/ CRS indicia
U.S. place of birth 1. Self-certication that the account holder is neither a citizen of United States of America nor its resident for tax
2. Non-US passport or any non-US government issued document evidencing nationality or citizenship (refer list below);
3. Any one of the following documents: (1) Certied Copy of “Certicate of Loss of Nationality” OR (2) Reasonable
explanation of why the customer does not have such a certicate despite renouncing US citizenship; OR (3) Reason the
customer did not obtain U.S. citizenship at birth
Residence/mailing address in a country
other than India Telephone number in a
country other than India
(1) Self-certication that the account holder is neither a citizen of United States of America nor a tax resident of any
country other than India; AND (2) Documentary evidence (refer list below)
If no Indian telephone number is provided
(1) Self-certication that the account holder is neither a citizen of United States of America nor a tax resident of any
country other than India; AND (2) Documentary evidence (refer list below)
If Indian telephone number is provided along with a foreign country telephone number
(1) Self-certication that the account holder is neither a citizen of United States of America nor a tax resident for tax
purposes of any country other than India; OR (2) Documentary evidence (refer list below)
List of acceptable documentary evidence needed to establish the residence(s) for tax purposes:
(a) Certicate of residence issued by an authorized government body*, (b) Valid identication issued by an authorized government body* (e.g. Passport, National Identity
card, etc.)
* Government or agency thereof or a municipality of the country or territory in which the payee claims to be a resident.
sources only and does not involve and is not
designated for the purpose of any contravention
or evasion of the provisions of the Income Tax
Act, Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA),
Prevention of Corruption Act and/ or any other
applicable law in force and also any laws enacted
by the Government of India from to time or any
rules, regulations, notications or directions
issued thereunder.
To ensure appropriate identication of
the Investor(s) and with a view to monitor
transactions for the prevention of money
laundering, the Fund/AMC reserves the right to
seek information, record investor’s telephonic
calls and or obtain and retain documentation for
establishing the identity of the Investor(s), their
benecial ownership, proof of residence, source
of funds, etc. It may re-verify identity and obtain
any incomplete or additional information for this
e Fund, AMC, MMTPL and their Directors,
employees and agents shall not be liable in any
manner for any claims arising whatsoever on
account of freezing the folios/rejection of any
application / allotment of Units or mandatory
redemption of Units due to non compliance with
the provisions of PMLA, SEBI/AMFI circular(s)
and KYC policy and / or where the AMC believes
that transaction is suspicious in nature within the
purview of the PMLA and SEBI/AMFI circular(s)
and reporting the same to FIU-IND.
Units held in account statement (Non-Demat)
It is mandatory for each of the Investors
(guardian in case of minor) to (i) attach proof
of KYC Compliance viz. KYC Acknowledgement
Letter* (*for those investors who have completed
KYC formalities through SEBI registered KYC
registration authorities); and (ii) provide KYC
Identication Number (KIN) issued by the
Central KYC Registry (CKYCR) if available, for all
purchases/ switches/ registrations for Systematic
Investment Plan (SIP)/ Systematic Transfer Plan
(STP)/Flex STP/ Transfer of Income Distribution
cum Capital Withdrawal/IDCW Transfer Applicants
intending to apply for units through a Power of
Attorney (PoA) must ensure that the issuer of
the PoA and the holder of the PoA must attach
proof of KYC Compliance and / provide KIN if
available at the time of investment.
In the absence of PAN, the investor’s subscription
is liable for rejection or the limit of investment
may be restricted upto Rs 50,000 in a rolling
period of 12 months as decided by AMFI/SEBI or
at the discretion of the AMC in due course of time.
Any new investor wishing to invest in the
scheme(s) of Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund is
requested to use the “CKYC & KRA KYC Form”
to complete the KYC formalities and submit the
same at any of our investor service centres. e
“CKYC and KRA KYC Application Form” is available
on our website
Post completion of the KYC formalities using
the above referred KYC form, the investor will be
allotted a unique 14 digit KIN by CKYCR, which
can be used by the investor at the time of making
any future investments alongwith the PAN based
KYC completed through SEBI registered KYC
registration authorities (KRAs). However, the
Mutual Fund reserves the right to carry out
additional KYC / ask any additional information/
documents from the investor to meet the
requirements of its KYC Policy.
Units held in electronic (demat) form
For units held in demat form, the KYC performed
by the Depository Participant of the applicants
will be considered as KYC verication done by the
Trustee / AMC. In the event of non compliance
of KYC requirements, the Trustee/AMC reserves
the right to freeze the folio of the investor(s) and
eect mandatory redemption of unit holdings of
the investors at the applicable NAV, subject to
payment of exit load, if any. For further details,
please refer Section ‘Know Your Customer (KYC)
Compliance’ under.
Statement of Additional Information available on
our website
A. Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund extends ASBA
facility to the Investors subscribing for the
Units under this New Fund Oer (“NFO”) in
addition to its existing mode of subscriptions,
subject to the same being extended by all the
concerned intermediaries involved in the ASBA
process. For availing this facility, Investors
are requested to check with the Designated
Branches (“DBs”) of the Self Certied
Syndicate Banks (“SCSBs”). For the complete
list of SCSBs with details of controlling/
designated branches please refer to
websites :, http:// and http://www.bseindia.
Investors shall use the ASBA Application Form
bearing the stamp of the Syndicate Members and/
or the DBs of SCSB, as the case may be, for the
purpose of making an application for Subscription
of Units of Plan(s) under the Scheme. Investors
are required to submit their applications, either in
physical or electronic mode. In case of application
in physical mode, the Investor shall submit
the application at the DBs of the SCSB.In case
of application in electronic form, the Investor
shall submit the application either through the
internet banking facility available with the SCSB,
or such other electronically enabled mechanism
for blocking funds in the ASBA account held
with SCSB, and accordingly registering such
Applications. On submission of the application,
the Investors are deemed to have authorised (i)
the SCSB to do all acts as are necessary to make
the application including, blocking or unblocking
of funds in the bank account maintained with
the SCSB specied in the application, transfer
of funds to the Bank Account of the Scheme/
Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund on receipt of
instructions from the Registrar and Transfer
Agent aer the allotment is made; and (ii) the
Registrar and Transfer Agent to issue instructions
to the SCSB to remove the block on the funds
in the bank account specied in the application
(“ASBA Account”), upon rejection of the
application/ winding up of the Scheme, as the case
may be.
Applications completed in all respects, must
be submitted at the SCSBs with whom the
bank account is maintained. In case the ASBA
application form is erroneously submitted at any
of the ocial points of acceptance of the Fund,
the same shall be rejected.
e SCSB shall block amount equivalent to the
application amount mentioned in the Form, aer
verifying that sucient funds are available in
the bank account (“ASBA Account”)till the date
of allotment of Units or upon rejection of the
application/ winding up of the Scheme, as the
case may be.
No request for withdrawal of ASBA application
form will be allowed aer the closure of New
Fund Oer Period.
Investors shall correctly mention the bank
account number in the application and should
ensure that funds equal to the application
amount towards the Subscription of Units are
available in the ASBA Account before submitting
the application to the respective DBs. In case the
amount available in the ASBA Account specied
in the applications is insucient, the SCSB shall
reject the application.
Investors desiring to get allotment of units
through ASBA process must have an active
beneciary account with a Depository Participant
(DP) of the Depositories i.e. National Securities
Depositories Limited (NSDL) / Central Depository
Services Limited (CDSL). Investors may note that
if the DPID, beneciary account and the PAN
provided in the form are incomplete, incorrect or
do not match with the Depository records, the
application shall be rejected.
All grievances related to ASBA facility shall be
addressed tothe SCSB, where the application
form was submitted or to theRTA viz. Computer
Age Management Services Ltd (CAMS).
Page 1 of 6
Part A
Date of
Address Type
[for KYC
Residential Residential / Business Business Registered Office
Place of
Country of
Gross Annual
Details in INR
< 1 Lakh 1-5 Lacs
5-10 Lacs 10-25 Lacs
25 Lacs-1 Cr > 1 Cr
Net Worth in
INR in Lacs
Net Worth as
Is the entity
involved in /
providing any
of the
Foreign Exchange /
Money Changer
Gaming / Gambling /
Lottery Services [e.g.
casinos, betting
Money Laundering /
Any other
information [if
[Please specify]
Is “Entity” a tax resident of any country other than India Yes No
(If „Yes‟, please provide country/ies in which the entity is a resident for tax purpose and the associated TIN)
S No
Country of Tax Residency
Tax Payer Identification Number/
Functional Equivalent / Company Identification
Number or Global Entity Identification Number
Identification Type
[TIN or other,
please specify]
In case the Entity‟s Country of Incorporation / Tax Residence is US but Entity is not a Specified US person,
mention Entity‟s exemption code here _______________ (Refer Instructions o)
FATCA-CRS Declaration & Supplementary KYC Information
Declaration Form for Entities
Please seek appropriate advice from your tax professional on your tax residency and related FATCA & CRS
Page 2 of 6
Part B [to be filled by Financial Institutions or Direct Reporting NFFEs]
We are a
/ FFI [refer
GIIN (Global Intermediary Identification Number):
Note: If you do not have a GIIN but you are sponsored by another entity, please provide your sponsor's GIIN above
and indicate your sponsor's name below
Name of the sponsoring entity
GIIN not available [tick any one]:
Applied For
Not required to apply for specify sub-category code [refer instructions c.]
Not obtained - Non-participating FFI
Part C [Fill any one as applicable - to be filled by NFEs other than Direct Reporting NFFEs]
Is the entity is a listed
company [whose shares are
regularly traded on a
recognized stock exchange]
[refer instructions d.]
Yes (If Yes, Please specify any one Stock Exchange on which the
stock is traded regularly)
Name of the Stock Exchange _______________________________
Is the entity a „Related Entity
of a listed company [whose
shares are regularly traded
on a recognized stock
exchange] [refer instructions e.]
Yes (Please specify the name of the listed company and one stock
exchange on which stock is traded regularly)
Name of the listed company: _________________________________
Nature of Relation:
Name of the Stock Exchange: _________________________________
Is the entity an Active NFE?
Yes - Nature of business ____________________________________
Please specify sub-category of Active NFE [refer instructions g.]
If the entity a Passive NFE:
[refer instructions h.]
Yes - Nature of business ____________________________________
If Yes, fill UBO declaration in the next section
# if Passive NFE, please provide the below additional details for each of the Controlling person. (Please
attach additional sheets if necessary)
Name of UBO
n Number /
ry of
of Tax
Date of
Page 3 of 6
# Additional details to be filled by controlling persons with tax residency / permanent residency / citizenship / Green
Card in any country other than India
~ In case TIN is not available, kindly provided functional equivalent
* If UBO has more than one tax residency outside India, details to be provided in separate rows for each of the tax
residency countries
I/We acknowledge and confirm that the information provided above is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge
and belief. In case any of the above specified information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or
misrepresenting, I/We am/are aware that I/We may liable for it. I/We hereby authorize you RTA/Mahindra Manulife
Mutual Fund ('the Fund')/AMC/Other participating entities to disclose, share, rely, remit in any form, mode or manner,
all / any of the information provided by me, including all changes, updates to such information as and when provided by
me to / any of the Mutual Fund, its Sponsor, Asset Management Company, trustees, their employees / RTAs ('the
Authorized Parties') or any Indian or foreign governmental or statutory or judicial authorities / agencies including but
not limited to the Financial Intelligence Unit-India (FIU-IND), the tax / revenue authorities in India or outside India
wherever it is legally required and other investigation agencies without any obligation of advising me/us of the same.
Further, I/We authorize to share the given information to other SEBI Registered Intermediaries /or any regulated
intermediaries registered with SEBI / RBI / IRDA / PFRDA to facilitate single submission / update & for other
relevant purposes. I/We also undertake to keep you informed in writing about any changes / modification to the
above information in future within 30 days and also undertake to provide any other additional information as may
be required at your / Fund‟s end or by domestic or overseas regulators/ tax authorities. I/We authorize Fund/AMC/
RTA to provide relevant information to upstream payors to enable withholding to occur and pay out any sums from my
account or close or suspend my account(s) without any obligation of advising me of the same. We also confirm that we
have read and understood the FATCA & CRS Terms and Conditions given below and hereby accept the same
Signature with relevant seal:
FATCA & CRS Terms & Conditions
Details under FATCA & CRS: The Central Board of Direct Taxes has notified Rules 114F to 114H, as part of the Income-
tax Rules, 1962, which require Indian nancial institutions such as the Banks/other financial entities to seek additional
personal, tax and beneficial owner information and certain certifications and documentation from all our account
holders. In relevant cases, information will have to be reported to tax authorities / appointed agencies. Towards
compliance, we may also be required to provide information to any institutions such as withholding agents for the
purpose of ensuring appropriate withholding from the account or any proceeds in relation thereto.
Should there be any change in any information provided by you, please ensure you advise us promptly, i.e., within 30
days of such change.
If you have any questions about your tax residency, please contact your tax advisor. If any controlling person of the
entity is a US citizen or resident or green card holder, please include United States in the foreign country information
field along with the US Tax Identification Number. It is mandatory to supply a TIN or functional equivalent if the
country in which you are tax resident issues such identifiers. If no TIN is yet available or has not yet been issued,
please provide an explanation and attach this to the form.
Please note that you may receive more than one request for information if you have multiple relationships with MFs or
its group entities / related parties. Therefore, it is important that you respond to such request, even if you believe you have
already supplied any previously requested information.
We acknowledge the receipt of FATCA/CRS declaration form duly filled and signed from
M/s.___________________________________________________PAN____________________ on dd-mmm-yyyy
Date: Signature with Name, Emp. ID & Seal
Authorized Signatory
Authorized Signatory
Authorized Signatory
Page 4 of 6
Instructions for FATCA & CRS Declaration
a. Financial Institution / Foreign Financial Institution [FFI] Means any non-US financial institutions that is a (1)
Depository institution accepts deposits in the ordinary course of banking or similar business; (2) Custodian institution
- as a substantial portion of its business, hold financial assets for the accounts of others; (3) Investment entity
conducts a business or operates for or on behalf of a customer for any of the activities like trading in money market
instruments, foreign exchange, foreign currency, etc. or individual or collective portfolio management or investing,
administering or managing funds, money or financial assets on behalf of other persons; or an entity managed by this
type of entity; or (4) Insurance company entity issuing insurance products i.e. life insurance; (5) Holding or Treasury
company entity that is part of an expanded affiliate group that includes a depository, custodian, specified insurance
company or investment entity
b. Direct Reporting NFFE a NFFE that elects to report information about its direct or indirect substantial U.S. owners to
the IRS
c. GIIN not required category:
Governmental Entity, International Organization or Central Bank
Treaty Qualified Retirement Fund; a Broad Participation Retirement Fund; a Narrow Participation
Retirement Fund; or a Pension Fund of a Governmental Entity, International Organization or Central Bank
Non-public fund of the armed forces, an employees' state insurance fund, a gratuity fund or a provident
Entity is an Indian FI solely because it is an investment entity
Qualified credit card issuer
Investment Advisors and Investment Managers
Exempt collective investment vehicle
Trustee of an Indian Trust
FI with a local client base
Non-registering local banks
FFI with only Low-Value Accounts
Sponsored investment entity and controlled foreign corporation
Sponsored, Closely Held Investment Vehicle
Owner Documented FFI
d. Listed Company - A company is publicly traded if its stock are regularly traded on one or more established securities
markets (Established securities market means an exchange that is officially recognized and supervised by a
governmental authority in which the securities market is located and that has a meaningful annual value of shares traded on the
e. Related Entity - an entity is a “Related Entity” of another entity if one controls the other, or the two entities are under
common control (where control means direct or indirect ownership of more than 50% of the vote or value in an entity)
f. Non-financial foreign entity [NFFE] Non-US entity that is not a financial institution [including a territory NFFE].
Following NFFEs are excluded from FATCA reporting (a) Publicly traded corporation / listed companies; (b) Related
Entity of a listed company; and (c) Active NFFE
g. Active NFFE Any one of the following
Less than 50% of the NFE‟s gross income for the preceding calendar year or other appropriate reporting
period is passive income and < 50% of the assets held by NFE are assets that produce or are held for the
production of passive income
The NFE is a Governmental Entity, an International Organization, a Central Bank , or an entity wholly
owned by one or more of the foregoing;
Substantially all of the activities of the NFE consist of holding (in whole or in part) the outstanding stock of,
or providing financing and services to, one or more subsidiaries that engage in trades or businesses other
than the business of a Financial Institution, except that an entity shall not qualify for NFE status if the entity
functions (or holds itself out) as an investment fund, such as a private equity fund, venture capital fund,
leveraged buyout fund, or any investment vehicle whose purpose is to acquire or fund companies and then
hold interests in those companies as capital assets for investment purposes;
The NFE is not yet operating a business and has no prior operating history, but is investing capital into
assets with the intent to operate a business other than that of a Financial Institution, provided that the NFE
shall not qualify for this exception after the date that is 24 months after the date of the initial organization of
the NFE;
Page 5 of 6
The NFE was not a Financial Institution in the past five years, and is in the process of liquidating its assets
or is reorganizing with the intent to continue or recommence operations in a business other than that of a
Financial Institution;
The NFE primarily engages in financing and hedging transactions with, or for, Related Entities that are not
Financial Institutions, and does not provide financing or hedging services to any Entity that is not a Related
Entity, provided that the group of any such Related Entities is primarily engaged in a business other than
that of a Financial Institution;
Any NFE is a 'non for profit' organization which meets all of the following requirements:
It is established and operated in its jurisdiction of residence exclusively for religious, charitable,
scientific, artistic, cultural, athletic, or educational purposes; or it is established and operated in its
jurisdiction of residence and it is a professional organization, business league, chamber of commerce,
labour organization, agricultural or horticultural organization, civic league or an organization operated
exclusively for the promotion of social welfare;
It is exempt from income tax in India;
It has no shareholders or members who have a proprietary or beneficial interest in its income or
The applicable laws of the NFE's jurisdiction of residence or the NFE's formation documents do not
permit any income or assets of the NFE to be distributed to, or applied for the benefit of, a private
person or non-charitable Entity other than pursuant to the conduct of the NFE's charitable activities, or
as payment of reasonable compensation for services rendered, or as payment representing the fair
market value of property which the NFE has purchased; and
The applicable laws of the NFE's jurisdiction of residence or the NFE's formation documents require
that, upon the NFE's liquidation or dissolution, all of its assets be distributed to a governmental entity or
other non-profit organization, or escheat to the government of the NFE's jurisdiction of residence or any
political subdivision thereof.
h. Passive NFE - means any NFE that is not (i) an Active NFFE or listed / publicly traded entity or entity related to the
listed / publicly traded entity, or (ii) a withholding foreign partnership or withholding foreign trust pursuant to relevant
U.S. Treasury Regulations or (iii) the gross income of which is primarily attributable to investing, reinvesting, or trading
in financial assets, if the entity is managed by another entity that is a depository institution, a custodial institution, a
specified insurance company, or an investment entity - (Note: Foreign persons having controlling interest in a passive
NFE are liable to be reported for tax information compliance purposes)
i. Passive Income portion of gross income that consists of dividends, interest, rents and loyalties (other than rents and
loyalties derived in the active conduct of a trade or business conducted, at least in part, by employees of the NFFE),
income equivalent to interest / amount received from pool of insurance contracts, annuities, excess of gains over
losses from the sale or exchange of property / from transactions (including futures, forwards or similar transactions) in
any commodities but not including (i) any commodity hedging transaction, determined by treating the entity as a
controlled foreign corporation or (ii) active business gains or losses from the sale of commodities but only if
substantially all the foreign entity‟s commodities are property, excess of foreign currency gains over losses, net income
from notional principal contracts, amounts received under cash value insurance contracts, amounts earned by
insurance company in connection with its reserves for insurance and annuity contracts
j. Controlling Persons means the natural persons who exercise control over an entity. In the case of a trust, such term
means the settlor, the trustees, the protector (if any), the beneficiaries or class of beneficiaries, and any other natural
person exercising ultimate effective control over the trust, and in the case of a legal arrangement other than a trust,
such term means persons in equivalent or similar positions. The term “Controlling Persons” shall be interpreted in a
manner consistent with the Financial Action Task Force Recommendations.
k. Non-Participating FFIs [NPFFIs] an FFI other than participating FFI, a deemed-complaint FFI, or an exempt beneficial
l. Specified US Persons Any US Person other than i). A publicly traded corporation; ii). A corporation that is a member
of the same expanded affiliate group; iii). A tax exempt organization; iv). an individual retirement plan; v). the United
States or an agency or instrumentality of the United States; vi). Any state [including District of Columbia and United
States possession] or State Authorities; vii). A bank, viii). A real estate investment trust; ix). A regulated investment
company; x). an entity registered with the SEC under the Investment Company Act of 1940; xi). A common trust fund;
xii). A tax exempt trust; xiii). A registered dealer; xiv). A registered broker
m. Expanded affiliated group One or more chains of members connected through ownership (50% or more, by vote or
value) by a common parent entity if the common parent entity owns stock or other equity interests meeting the
requirements in atleast one of the other members
n. Owner documented FFI AN FFI meeting the following requirements (a) FFI is an FFI solely because it is an
investment entity; (b) FFI is not owned by or related to any FFI that is a depository institution, custodial institution, or
Page 6 of 6
specified insurance company; (c) FFI does not maintain a financial account for any non-participating FFI; (d) FFI
provides the designated withholding agent with all of the documentation and agrees to notify the withholding agent if
there is a change in the circumstances, and (e) The designated withholding agent agrees to report to the IRS (or, in
case of a reporting Model 1 IGA, to the relevant foreign government or agency thereof) all of the information described
in or (as appropriate) with respect to any US specified persons and (2) Notwithstanding the previous sentence, the
designated withholding agent is not required to report information with respect to an indirect owner of the FFI that holds
its interest through a participating FFI, a deemed-compliant FFI (other than an owner-documented FFI), an entity that is
a US person, an exempt beneficial owner, or an exempted NFE
o. Exemption Code for US persons
An organization exempt from tax under section 501(a) or any individual retirement plan as defined in
section 7701(a)(37)
The United States or any of its agencies or instrumentalities
A state, the District of Columbia, a possession of the United States, or any of their political subdivisions or
A corporation the stock of which is regularly traded on one or more established securities markets, as
described in Reg. section 1.1472-1(c)(1)(i)
A corporation that is a member of the same expanded affiliated group as a corporation described in Reg.
section 1.1472-1(c)(1)(i)
A dealer in securities, commodities, or derivative financial instruments (including notional principal
contracts, futures, forwards, and options) that is registered as such under the laws of the United States or
any state
A real estate investment trust
A regulated investment company as defined in section 851 or an entity registered at all times during the tax
year under the Investment Company Act of 1940
A common trust fund as defined in section 584(a)
A bank as defined in section 581
A broker
A trust exempt from tax under section 664 or described in section 4947(a)(1)
A tax exempt trust under a section 403(b) plan or section 457(g) plan
Not Applicable
I: Investor details:
Investor Name
PAN (Mandatory)
II: Category
Our company is a Listed Company on a recognized stock exchange in India / Subsidiary of a or Controlled
by a Listed Company [If this category is selected, no need to provide UBO details].
Name of the Stock Exchange where it is listed. _____________________________________
Security ISIN ______________________
Name of the Listed Company (applicable if the investor is subsidiary/associate): ____________________________
Unlisted Company Partnership Firm / LLP Unincorporated association / body of individuals
Public Charitable Trust Private Trust Religious Trust Trust created by a Will.
Others [please specify] ______________________________
Ultimate Beneficiary Owner (UBO) / Controlling Person(s) / Senior Managing Official details.
Does your company/entity have any individual person(s) who holds direct / indirect
controlling ownership above the prescribed threshold limit? # Yes No
If YES - We hereby declare that the following individual person holds directly / indirectly controlling ownership
in our entity above the prescribed threshold limit. Details of such individual(s) are given below.
If NO - declare that no individual person (directly / indirectly) holds controlling ownership in our entity above
the prescribed threshold limit. Details of the individual who holds the position of Senior Managing Official
(SMO) are provided below.
UBO-1 / Senior Managing
Official (SMO)
Name of the UBO /
For Foreign National,
TIN to be provided]
Country of Tax
Declaration Form of Ultimate Beneficial Ownership [UBO] /
Controlling Persons
(Mandatory for Non-individual Investors)
Number /
Equivalent ID
Identity Type
UBO / SMO Place
& Country of Birth#
Place of Birth ___________
Country of Birth _________
Place of Birth ___________
Country of Birth _________
Place of Birth ____________
Country of Birth __________
UBO / SMO Date
of Birth [dd-mmm-
yyyy] #
Related to PEP.
Not a PEP.
Related to PEP.
Not a PEP.
Related to PEP.
Not a PEP.
Address Type
Registered Office.
Registered Office.
Registered Office.
Public Service
Private Service
Public Service
Private Service
Public Service
Private Service
SMO Designation#
If not complied, please complete
KYC process independently and
then submit the proof.
Please attach the KYC
Please attach the KYC
Please attach the KYC
# Mandatory column.
** In case of Foreign Nationals, who are not KYC complied, they need to attach the ID proof in English along with the
Nationality proof, Address proof again in English. If the documentary proof is in Foreign Language, it should be translated
in English and should be attested by Indian Embassy of that country.
Note: If the given columns are not sufficient, required information in the given format can be enclosed as additional
sheet(s) duly signed by Authorized Signatory.
Participating Mutual Fund(s) / RTA may call for additional information/documentation wherever required or if the given
information is not clear / incomplete / correct and valid declaration should be submitted again with all the required
I/We acknowledge and confirm that the information provided above is true and correct to the best of my/our
knowledge and belief. In case any of the above specified information is found to be false, untrue, misleading,
or misrepresenting, I/We am/are aware that I/We may be liable for it including any penalty levied by the
statutory/legal/regulatory authority. I/We hereby confirm the above beneficial interest after perusing all
applicable shareholding pattern and MF/RTA/other registered intermediaries can make reliance on the same.
I/We hereby authorize you [RTA/Fund/AMC/Other participating entities] to disclose, share, rely, remit in any
form, mode or manner, all / any of the information provided by me, including all changes, updates to such
information as and when provided by me to any of the Mutual Fund, its Sponsor, Asset Management
Company, trustees, their employees / RTAs ('the Authorized Parties') or any Indian or foreign governmental or
statutory or judicial authorities / agencies including but not limited to the Financial Intelligence Unit-India (FIU-
IND), the tax / revenue authorities in India or outside India wherever it is legally required and other
investigation agencies without any obligation of advising me/us of the same. Further, I/We authorize to share
the given information to other SEBI Registered Intermediaries /or any regulated intermediaries registered with
SEBI / RBI / IRDA / PFRDA to facilitate single submission / update & for other relevant purposes. I/We also
undertake to keep you informed in writing about any changes / modification to the above information in future
within 30 days of such changes and undertake to provide any other additional information as may be required
at your / Fund’s end or by domestic or overseas regulators/ tax authorities.
Signature with relevant seal:
Place: ______________________
Date: __/ ___/ ____
Authorized Signatory
Authorized Signatory
Authorized Signatory
Instructions on Controlling Persons / Ultimate Beneficial Owner
As per PMLA guidelines and relevant SEBI circulars issued from time to time, non-individuals and trusts are required to
provide details of controlling persons [CP] / ultimate beneficiary owner [UBO] and submit appropriate proof of identity of
such CPs/ UBOs. The beneficial owner has been defined in the circular as the natural person or persons, who ultimately
own, control or influence a client and/or persons on whose behalf a transaction is being conducted and includes a person
who exercises ultimate effective control over a legal person or arrangement.
A. For Investors other than individuals or trusts:
(i) The identity of the natural person, who, whether acting alone or together, or through one or more juridical person,
exercises control through ownership or who ultimately has a controlling ownership interest. Controlling
ownership interest means ownership of/entitlement to:
- more than 10% of shares or capital or profits of the juridical person, where the juridical person is a company.
- more than 10% of the capital or profits of the juridical person, where the juridical person is a partnership or or
who exercises control through other means.
For the purpose of this clause, Control shall include the right to control the management or policy decision.
- more than 15% of the property or capital or profits of the juridical person, where the juridical person is an
unincorporated association or body of individuals.
(ii) In cases where there exists doubt under clause (i) above as to whether the person with the controlling ownership
interest is the beneficial owner or where no natural person exerts control through ownership interests, the identity
of the natural person exercising control over the juridical person through other means like through voting rights,
agreement, arrangements or in any other manner.
(iii) Where no natural person is identified under clauses (i) or (ii) above, the identity of the relevant natural person who
holds the position of senior managing official.
B. For Investors which is a trust:
The identity of the settler of the trust, the trustee, the protector, the beneficiaries with 10% or more interest in the trust
and any other natural person exercising ultimate effective control over the trust through a chain of control or
Provided that in case of a trust, the reporting entity shall ensure that trustees disclose their status at the time of
commencement of an account-based relationship or when carrying out transactions as specified in clause (b) of sub-
rule (1) rule 9.
C. Exemption in case of listed companies / foreign investors
The client or the owner of the controlling interest is a company listed on a stock exchange or is a majority-owned
subsidiary of such a company, there is no need for identification and verification of the identity of any shareholder or
beneficial owner of such companies and hence exempted from UBO declaration provided other requisite information is
provided. Intermediaries dealing with foreign investors’ viz., Foreign Institutional Investors, Sub Accounts and
Qualified Foreign Investors, may be guided by the clarifications issued vide SEBI circular CIR/MIRSD/11/2012 dated
September 5, 2012 and other circulars issued from time to time, for the purpose of identification of beneficial
ownership of the client.
D. KYC requirements
Beneficial Owner(s) / Senior Managing Official (SMO) is/are required to comply with the prescribed KYC process as
stipulated by SEBI from time to time with any one of the KRA & submit the same to AMC. KYC acknowledgement
proof is to be submitted for all the UBO(s) / SMO(s).
In case of Foreign Nationals, who are not KYC complied, they need to attach the ID proof in English along with the
Nationality proof, Address proof again in English. If the documentary proof is in Foreign Language, it should be
translated in English and should be attested by Indian Embassy of that country.
Sample Illustrations for ascertaining beneficial ownership:
Illustration No. 1 Company A
Company A
Individual 1 Individual2 Company Z Company Y Individual3
8% 7% 55% 25% 5%
Company Individual4 Individual5 Individual6 Individual7 Company W
25% 60% 15% 20% 20% 60%
Individual8 Individual9 Individual10 Individual11 Individual12 Individual13
50% 25% 25% 35% 35% 30%
For Applicant A, Individual 4 is considered as UBO as it holds effective ownership of 33% in Company A. Hence details of
Individual 4 must be provided with KYC proof, Shareholding pattern of Company A, Z & Y to be provided along with details
of persons of Company Y who are senior managing officials and those exercising control.
Illustration No. 2 Partner ABC
Partnership Firm ABC
Partner1 Partner 2 Partner 3 Partner 4 Partner 5
40% 25% 20% 10% 5%
For Partnership Firm ABC, Partners 1, 2, 3 and 4 are considered as UBO as each of them holds >=10% of capital. KYC
proof of these partners needs to be submitted including shareholding.
Illustration No. 3 Trustee ZYX
Trust ZYX
Beneficiary A Beneficiary B Beneficiary C Beneficiary D
50% 30% 12% 8%
For Trust ZYX, Beneficiaries A, B and C are considered as UBO as they are entitled to get benefitted for >=10% of funds
used. KYC proof for these beneficiaries needs to be submitted. Additionally, if they have nominated any person or group of
persons as Settlor of Trust / Protector of Trust, relevant information to be provided along with the proof indicated.
Investor Name
I/We hereby confirm that above stated entity / organization is falling under Non-profit
organization[NPO] which has been constituted for religious or charitable purposes referred to in
clause (15) of section 2 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), and is registered as a trust or a
society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860) or any similar State legislation or a
Company registered under the section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013).
Enclosed relevant documentary proof evidencing the above definition.
We further confirm that we have registered with DARPAN Portal of NITI Aayog as NPO and registration
details are as follows:
Registration Number of
DARPAN portal
If not, please register immediately and confirm with the above information. In absence of receipt of the
Darpan portal registration details, MF/AMC/RTA will be required to register your entity on the said portal
and/or report to the relevant authorities as applicable.
I/We hereby confirm that the above stated entity / organization is NOT falling under Non-profit
organization as defined above or in PMLA Act/Rules thereof.
I/We acknowledge and confirm that the information provided above is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.
In case any of the above specified information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I/We am/are aware
that I/We may be liable for it for any fines or consequences as required under the respective statutory requirements and authorize
you to deduct such fines/charges under intimation to me/us or collect such fines/charges in any other manner as might be
applicable. I/We hereby authorize you [RTA/Fund/AMC/Other participating entities] to disclose, share, rely, remit in any form, mode
or manner, all / any of the information provided by me, including all changes, updates to such information as and when provided by
me to any of the Mutual Fund, its Sponsor, Asset Management Company, trustees, their employees / RTAs ('the Authorized Parties')
or any Indian or foreign governmental or statutory or judicial authorities / agencies including to the Financial Intelligence Unit-India
(FIU-IND), the tax / revenue authorities in India or outside India wherever it is legally required and other investigation agencies
without any obligation of advising me/us of the same. Further, I/We authorize to share the given information to other SEBI
Registered Intermediaries or any other statutory authorities to facilitate single submission / update & for regulatory purposes. I/We
also undertake to keep you informed in writing about any changes / modification to the above information in future within 30 days
of such changes and undertake to provide any other additional information as may be required at your / Fund’s end or by domestic
or overseas regulators/ tax authorities.
Signature with relevant seal:
Place: ______________________
Date: __/ ___/ ____
Declaration Form of Non-Profit Organization (NPO)
(Mandatory for Trusts/Society)
Authorized Signatory
Authorized Signatory
Authorized Signatory
For updated list of AMC branch oces, please visit
Mumbai-HO Unit No. 204, 2
Floor, Amiti Building, Piramal Agastya
Corporate Park, LBS Road, Kamani Junction, Kurla (W),
Mumbai – 400 070
Mumbai – Borivali Shop No 16 & 17, Ground Floor, Star Trade Center, Opposite
Chamunda Cirle,Sodawala Lane, Borivali – West, Mumbai –
Mumbai - Ghatkopar ZBS 2 FLR 201, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Near Doshi Nursing
Home, Ghatkopar East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400077
Mumbai - Fort 103, Veena Chambers, 21, Dalal Street, Opp. BSE Building,
Fort, Mumbai- 400001
Mumbai - ane         
New Delhi 608-609, 6th Floor, Prakash Deep Building, Tolstoy Marg, New
Delhi - 110001
Pune 
FP No.188, Bhandarkar Road,Pune – 411004
Lucknow Shop no.4, Ground Floor, Raja ram Kumar Plaza, Hazaratganj,
Lucknow - 226001.
Ahmedabad           
Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380 009
Vadodara 342,343 & 347, 3rd Floor, Emreald One, Nr. Gujarat Kidney
Hospital, Jetalpur Bridge, Jetalpur Road, Vadodara – 390007
Kolkata 403 Kankaria Centre, 2/1 Russel Street, Kolkata 700 071
Chennai Suite 1B, 1st Floor, Riaz Garden, No.29 Kodambakkam High
Road, (Near Hotel Palm Grove) Nungambakkam, Chennai 600
Bangalore S-822, 8th Floor, South Block, Manipal Center, 47, Dickenson
Road, Bangalore-560042.
Patna 609, 6th Floor, Hari Niwas Complex, Dakbunglow Crossing,
Patna- 800 001.
Ernakulam New Door No: 66/4588, 3rd Floor, MG Square, Padma Jn, MG
Road. Ernakulam – 682035
Indore 215/215-A, 2nd Floor, D M Tower, Near Janjeerwala Sqaure,
Race Course Road,New Palasia, Indore – 452 001
Surat HG-17, International Trade Center, Majura Gate, Surat –
Jaipur 304, 3rd Floor, V- Jai City Point Building , Ahinsa Circle, Ashok
Marg C- Scheme, Jaipur – 302001
Guwahati 5E, Dihang Arcade, 5th Floor, Tarun Nagar, Near ABC Bus Stop,
G. S. Road,
Guwahati – 781005
Kanpur         
Chandigarh SCO 333-334, 1st Floor, Cabin No - 216, Sector -
35B,Chandigarh - 160022
West Bengal
Room No - 21 , 3rd Floor, Suhatta Mall, City Centre, Durgapur
Nagpur 1st Floor, Plot No 6, Fortune Business Centre, Vasant Vihar
Complex, WHC Road, Shankar Nagar, Nagpur, 440010
Hyderabad         
Domino’s Pizza, Hyderabad, Telangana-500082.
Chhattisgarh Shop No. F-12, 1st Floor Raheja Towers, Opp. Crime Branch,
Near Fafadih Chowk, Jail Road, Raipur, Chhattisgarh – 492001
Dehradun 
Dehradun - 248001
Andhra Pradesh: 40-1-68, Rao & Ratnam Complex, Near Chennupati Petrol Pump, M.G
 Flat No GF2, D NO 47-3-2/2, Vigneswara Plaza,
5th Lane, Dwarakanagar Visakhapatnam- 530 016. D No 31-13-1158, 1st Floor, 13/1
Arundelpet, Ward No. 6, Guntur - 522002. Shop No. 2, 1st Floor, NSR Complex, James
Garden, Near Flower Market, Nellore - 524001. Door No: 6-2-12, 1st Floor, Rajeswari
Nilayam, Near Vamsikrishna Hospital, Nyapathi Vari Street, T Nagar, Rajahmundry -
            
Tirupati - 517501. Bandi Subbaramaiah Complex, D. No:3/1718, Shop No: 8, Raja Reddy
Street, Kadapa - 516001. AGVR Arcade, 2
Floor, Plot No. 37(Part), Layout No. 466/79
Near: Canara Bank, Sangamesh Nagar, Anantpur – 515001. H.No. Shop Nos. 26 and 27,
Door No. 39/265A and 39/265B, Second Floor, Skanda Shopping Mall, Old Chad Talkies,
Kakinada - 533001.Door No 10-5-65, 1st Floor, Dhanwanthri Complex, Kalinga Road, Opp.
Chandramouli Departmental Store, Near Seven roads Junction, Srikakulam – 532001.
Kothagraharam,Vizianagaram - 535001 Assam: Piyali Phukan Road, K. C. Path, House No
– 1, Rehabari, Guwahati - 781008. 
Tinsukia – 786125. G.N.B.Road, Bye Lane, Prakash Cinema, Po & Dist. Bongaigaon
-783380. Amba Complex, Ground Floor, H S Road, Dibrugarh-786001. Dewal Road
            
–785001. Utaplendu Chakraborthy, Amulapathy, V.B.Road, House No.315, Nagaon
-782003. House No. 18B, 1st Floor, C/o. Lt. Satyabrata Purkayastha, Opposite to Shiv
Mandir, Ambicapatty, Silchar -788004. Kanak Tower -1st Floor Opp. IDBI Bank/ ICICI Bank
C.K. Das Road, Tezpur Sonitpur - 784001 Bihar: G-3, Ground Floor, OM Complex Near
Saket Tower, SP Verma Road, Patna - 800001. Brahman Toli, DurgasthanGola Road,
         
R-C Palace, Amber Station Road, Opp Mamta Complex, Biharsharif – 803101. C/o Sri
Vishwanath Kunj Ground Floor, Tilha Mahavir Asthan Gaya - 823001. C/C Muneshwar
Prasad,Sibaji Colony,SBI Main Branch Road,Near - Mobile Tower, Purnea-854301. C/o Rice
Education and IT Centre, Near Wireless Gali, Amla Tola,
Katihar-854105. Chattisgarh: First Floor, Plot No. 3, Block No. 1, Priyadarshini Parisar
West, Behind IDBI Bank Nehru Nagar, Bhilai - 490020. HIG, C-23 Sector - 1, Devendra
Nagar, Raipur - 492004. Shop No. B - 104, First Floor, Narayan Plaza, Link Road, Bilaspur
- 495001 Goa:
CF-8, 1st Floor, Business Point, Above Bicholim Urban Co-op Bank, Angod, Mapusa -
403507. No DU 8, Upper Ground Floor, Behind Techoclean Clinic, Suvidha Complex Near
ICICI Bank, Vasco - 403802. 1st Floor, MIG-25, Blessed Villa, Lochan Nagar, Raigarh-496001.
Bridge, Ahmedabad - 380006. Shop No-G-5, International Commerce Center, Nr. Kadiwala
             
R.C.Dutt Road, Alkapuri, Vadodara - 390007. 101, A.P. Tower, B/H, Sardhar Gunj, Next to
Nathwani Chambers, Anand - 388001.501 – 503 , Bhayani Skyline, Behind Joggers Park,
Atabhai Road, Bhavnagar – 364001 .. 207, Manek Centre, P N Marg, Jamnagar - 361001.
           
–396445.Tirthkala First Floor, Opp. BMCB Bank, New Station Road, Bhuj 370001. “Aastha
Plus”, 202-A, 2nd Floor, Sardarbag Road, Near. Alkapuri, Opp. Zansi Rani Statue, Junagadh
- 362001. Shop No - F -56, First Floor, Omkar Complex, Opp Old Colony, Near Valia Char
Rasta, GIDC, Ankleshwar -393002. 1st Floor, Subhadra Complex, Urban Bank Road,
Mehsana - 384002. 208, 2nd Floor, HEENA ARCADE, Opp. Tirupati Tower, Near G.I.D.C.
Char Rasta, Vapi - 396195. F-108, A-111, First Floor, R K Casta, Behind Patel Super
Market, Station Road, Bharuch -392001. F-142, First Floor, Ghantakarna Complex, Gunj
Bazar, Nadiad - 387001. A/177, Kailash Complex, Opp. Khedut Decor Gondal - 360311.
Shyam Sadan, First Floor, Plot No 120, Sector 1/A, Gandhidham – 370201. D-78, First
Floor, New Durga Bazar, Near Railway Crossing, Himmatnagar - 383001. Gopal Trade
Center,Shop No. 13-14, 3rd Floor, Nr. BK Mercantile Bank,Opp. Old Gunj, Palanpur -
385001. Shop No. 12, M.D. Residency, Swastik Cross Road, Surendranagar - 363001. B 1,
Floor, Mira Arcade, Library Road, Opp SBS Bank,Amreli-365601. F-10, First Wings,
         
Park, Opp Pratik Mall, Nr Hdfc Bank, Kudasan, Gandhinagar-382421. 1
Floor, Prem
Praksh TowerB/H B.N. Chambers, Ankleshwar, Mahadev Road, Godhra – 389001.Haryana:
LG3, SCO 12 Sector 16, Behind Canara Bank, Faridabad – 121002. Unit No-115, First
Floor Vipul Agora Building Sector -28, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road Chakkar Pur, Gurgaon -
122001. SCO 83-84, First Floor, Devi Lal Shopping Complex, Opp RBL Bank, G.T.Road ,
Panipat - 132103. SCO 06, Ground Floor, MR Complex, Near Sonipat Stand Delhi Road,
Rohtak-124 001. 124-B/R, Model Town, Yamuna Nagar - 135001. 12, Opp. Bank of
Baroda, Red Square Market, Hisar - 125001. Shop No.4250, Near B D Senior Secondary
School, Ambala Cantt, Ambala – 133001. M G Complex, Bhawna Marg, Beside Over Bridge,
Sirsa - 125055. 29, Avtar Colony, Behind Vishal Mega Mart, Karnal – 132001. SCO-12, 1st
Floor, Pawan Plaza, Atlas Road, Subhas Chowk, Sonepat-131001. Himachal Pradesh: I
Floor, Opp. Panchayat Bhawan Main gate, Bus stand, Shimla - 171001. 1st Floor, Above
Kangra, Dis Kangra-176001. No.328/12, Ram Nagar, 1st Floor, Above Ram Traders,
Mandi-175001. Jammu & Kashmir: JRDS Heights, Lane Opp. S&S Computers, Near RBI
Building, Sector 14, Nanak Nagar Jammu - 180004. Guru Nanak Institute NH-
1A,Udhampur – 182101.Jharkhand: 1st Floor, Plot No. HE-7 City Centre, Sector 4, Bokaro
Steel City, Bokaro- 827004. Urmila Towers, Room No: 111 (1st Floor) Bank More, Dhanbad
- 826001. Tee Kay Corporate Towers, 3rd Floor, S B Shop Area,Main Road,
Bistupur,Jamshedpur. 4, HB RoadNo: 206, 2nd Floor Shri Lok Complex, H B Road, Near
     
Town, Deoghar - 814112. Municipal Market, Annanda Chowk, Hazaribag - 825301. AT;
         
Singhbhum, Jharkhand – 833201. Karnataka: Trade Centre, 1st Floor45, Dikensen Road
(Next to Manipal Centre), Bengaluru - 560042.14-6-674/15(1), SHOP No - UG11-2,
Maximus Complex, Light House Hill Road, Mangalore- 575001. Classic Complex, Block no
104, 1st Floor, Saraf Colony, Khanapur Road, Tilakwadi, Belgaum - 590 006. 13, Ist Floor,
Akkamahadevi Samaj Complex, Church Road, P.J.Extension, Davangere - 577002. No.204
1st Floor, CH.26 7th Main, 5th Cross (Above Trishakthi Medicals), Saraswati Puram,
Mysore - 570009. 18/47/A, Govind Nilaya, Ward No 20, Sangankal Moka Road, Gandhinagar,
Bellary - 583102. No.65, 1st Floor, Kishnappa Compound, 1st Cross, Hosmane Extn,
Shimoga - 577201. Pal Complex, Ist Floor, Opp. City Bus Stop, SuperMarket, Gulbarga -
585101. Shop No A2, Basement Floor, Academy Tower, Opp. Corporation Bank, Manipal –
576104. First Floor,17/1, (272) 12th Cross Road, Wilson Garden, Bengaluru-560027.
Shop No.02 1st Floor, Shreyas Complex, near Old Bus Stand Bagalkot – 587101.
Padmasagar Complex, 1
      
No 88268, 2nd Floor, 2
Cross, M G Road, Tumkur-572101 Kerala: Building Name: -
Modayil Doorx`No. :- 39/2638 DJ, 2nd Floor, 2A, M. G. Road, Cochin – 682 016, Door
No.42/227-B, Chittoor Road, Opp. North Town Police Station, Kacheripadym, Cochin -
682018. 29/97G 2nd Floor, S A Arcade, Mavoor Road, Arayidathupalam, Calicut - 673016.
          
            
Kokkalai, Trichur - 680001. TC NO: 22/902, 1st – Floor “Blossom” Bldg., Opp. NSS
Marina Shopping Centre, Talap, Kannur - 670004. Door No.18/507(3) Anugraha, Garden
Street, College Road, Palakkad – 678 001. 1st Floor, Room No - 61(63) International
          
Bridge, Near Hotel Arcadia Regency, Alleppey - 688001. KMC XXv/88, I, 2nd Floor, Stylo
Complex, Above Canara Bank, Bank Road, Kasaragod-671121. Kadakkadan Complex, Opp
central school,Malappuram-676505. 2nd Floor, AFFAS Building, Kalpetta,
Wayanad-673121.Madhya Pradesh: 101, Shalimar Corporate Centre8-B, South Tukogunj,
Opp.Greenpark, Indore - 452001. Plot no 10, 2nd Floor, Alankar Complex, Near ICICI Bank,
MP Nagar, Zone II, Bhopal - 462011. G-6 Global Apartment, Kailash Vihar Colony, Opp.
 
Commercial Automobiles, Napier Town, Jabalpur - 482001.2nd Floor, Parasia Road, Near
Surya Lodge, Sood Complex, Above Nagpur CT Scan, Chhindwara – 480001. 1st Floor,
Gurunanak Dharmakanta, Jabalpur Road, Bargawan, Katni - 483501. Dafria & Co, No.18,
Ram Bagh, Near Scholar’s School, Ratlam - 457001. Opp. Somani Automobile, S
Bhagwanganj Sagar - 470002. 109, 1st Floor, Siddhi Vinayak Trade Center, Shahid
Dewas – 455001. 1st Floor, Shri Ram Market, Beside Hotel Pankaj, Satna-
485001Maharashtra: Rajabahdur Compound, Ground Floor, Opp Allahabad Bank, Behind
ICICI Bank, 30, Mumbai Samachar Marg, Fort, Mumbai - 400023. 501 – Tiara, CTS 617,
City Survay No 1477, Hingne Budruk, D. P Road, Behind Dinanath Mangeshkar Hospital,
Karvenagar, Pune - 411 052. 81, Gulsham Tower, 2nd Floor 81, Gulsham Tower, 2nd Floor
81, Near Panchsheel Talkies, Amaravati - 444601. 2nd Floor, Block No. D-21-D-22,
Motiwala Trade Center, Nirala Bazar, New Samarth Nagar, Opp. HDFC Bank, Aurangabad –
431001. Rustomji Infotech Services, 70, Navipeth, Opp. Old Bus Stand, Jalgaon - 425001.
2 B, 3rd Floor, Ayodhya Towers, Station Road, Kolhapur - 416001.1st Floor, “Shraddha
Niketan“, TilakWadi, Opp. Hotel City Pride,Sharanpur Road, Nasik - 422 002. Flat No 109,
1st FloorA Wing, Kalyani Tower, 126 Siddheshwar Peth, Near Pangal High School, Solapur
- 413001. 117 / A / 3 / 22, Shukrawar Peth, Sargam Apartment, Satara - 415002. Opp.
Shop. NO.2, Ground Floor, Tilak Chowk, Harbhat Road, Sangli - 416416. Shop No 6, Ground
Floor, Anand Plaza Complex, Bharat Nagar, Shivaji Putla Road, Jalna - 431203. 3, Adelade
Apartment, Christain Mohala, Behind Gulshan-E-Iran Hotel, Amardeep Talkies Road,
             
Furniture, Jamnalal Bajaj Road, Near Tower Garden, Dhule - 424001. Orchid Tower,
Gr’Floor, Gala No 06, S.V.No.301/Paiki 1/2, Nachane Munciple Aat, Arogya Mandir, Nachane
Link Road, At, Post, Tal. Ratnagiri, Dist. Ratnagiri - 415612. Pushpam, Tilakwadi, Opp. Dr.
Shrotri Hospital, Yavatmal - 445001.BSEL Tech Park, B-505, Plot no 39/5 & 39/5A,
Sector 30A, Opp. Vashi Railway Station, Vashi, Navi Mumbai – 400705. Platinum Mall,
077. Opp Mustafa décor, Behind Bangalore Bakery, Kasturba Road, Chandrapur – 442402.
Shop No.8,9 Cellar “Raj Mohammed Complex” Main Road Shri Nagar,Nanded-431605.
Opp. Raman Cycle Industries, Krishna Nagar, Wardha – 442001. 
4th Floor, Seasons Business Centre, Opp. KDMC (Kalyan Dombivli Municipal Corporation)
Shivaji Chowk, Kalyan (W) – 421 301. Meghalaya: 3rd Floor RPG Complex, Keating Road,
Shillong - 793001 Nagaland: MM Apartment, House No.436(Ground Floor), Dr. Hokeshe
Sema Road, Near Bharat Petroleum, Opp. T.K.Complex, Dimapur -797112.New Delhi: 401
to 404, 4th Floor, Kanchan Junga Building, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi 110001.
Number G-8, Ground Floor, Plot No C-9, Pearls Best Height - II, Netaji Subhash Place,
Pitampura, New Delhi – 110034
Community Centre, Janakpuri, New Delhi -110058 Odisha: Plot No- 501/1741/1846,
Premises No-203, 2nd Floor, Kharvel Nagar, Unit-3, Bhubaneswar-751001. Ground Floor,
Kalika Temple Street,Beside SBI Bazar Branch, Berhampur- 760 002. Near Indian
Overseas Bank, Cantonment Road, Mata Math, Cuttack - 753001. J B S Market Complex,
2nd Floor, Udit Nagar, Rourkela -769012. C/o Raj Tibrewal & Associates, Opp. Town High
School, Sansarak Sambalpur - 768001. B C Sen Road, Balasore - 756001. Similipada,
Near Sidhi Binayak +2 Science Collage, Angul-759122. Das & Das Complex, 1st Floor,
Bypass Road, opposite to Vishal Mega Mart, Chhapulia, Bhadrak, Odisha. PIN-756100.
Pondicherry - 605001. Punjab: Deepak Tower, SCO 154-155, 1st Floor-Sector 17,
Pulli, Pakhowal Road, Ludhiana - 141002. 3rd Floor Bearing Unit no- 313,Mukut
  
Chowk Jalandhar City – 144001.35 New Lal Bagh, Opposite Polo Ground, Patiala:
147001. 2907 GH, GT Road, Near Zila Parishad, Bhatinda - 151001. Near Archies Gallery,
Shimla Pahari Chowk, Hoshiarpur - 146001.Street No 8-9 Center, Aarya Samaj Road, Near
Ice Factory, Moga -142001. Opp Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur, Harchand Mill Road, Motia
Khan,Mandi Gobindgarh -147301. 13 - A, Ist Floor, Gurjeet Market, Dhangu Road,
Pathankot – 145001. Shop No.2, Model Town, Near Joshi Driving School, Phagwara-144401.
Rajasthan: R-7, Yudhisthir Marg, C-Scheme, Behind Ashok Nagar Police Station, Jaipur -
302001. AMC No. 423/30 Near Church, Opp T B Hospital, Jaipur Road, Ajmer - 305001.
256A, Scheme No:1, Arya Nagar, Alwar - 301001. C/o Kodwani Associtates, Shop No 211-
            
Bhawan, Triangle Part, Vallabh Nagar, Kota - 324007. 32, Ahinsapuri, Fatehpura circle,
   
Pura, Bikaner - 334001. 3, Ashok Nagar, Near Heera Vatika, Chittorgarh - 312001. C/O
Tapadia Bagichi, Sikar 332001. Sikkim: Hotel Haritage Sikkim,Ground Floor, Diesel Power
House Road (D.P.H.Road), Near Janta Bhawan, P.O & P.S.Gangtok, Dist East -737101
Tamilnadu: Ground Floor No.178/10, Kodambakkam High Road, Opp. Hotel Palmgrove,
        
R.S.Puram, Behind Venkteswara Bakery, Coimbatore – 641002. Shop No 3, 2nd Floor,
Suriya Towers 272/273 – Goodshed Street, Madurai - 625001. 197, Seshaiyer Complex,
Agraharam Street, Erode - 638001. No. 2, I Floor Vivekananda Street, New Fairlands,
Salem - 636016. 1(1), Binny Compound, II Street, Kumaran Road, Tirupur, - 641601.No. F4,
Magnem Suraksaa Apartments Tiruvananthapuram Road Tirunelveli-627 002. No 8, 1st
 DOOR NO 86, BA Complex,1st
. No.28/8, 1st Floor,
Balakrishna Colony Pachaiappa Street, Near VPV Lodge, Kumbakonam – 612001. 126 G,
V.P.Towers, Kovai Road, Basement of Axis Bank, Karur - 639002. 16A/63A, Pidamaneri
Road, Near Indoor Stadium, Dharmapuri - 636701. Survey No.25/204, Attibele Road, HCF
Post, Mathigiri, Above Time Kids School, Opposite to Kuttys Frozen Foods, Hosur - 635
          
Road, Namakkal - 637001. No 59 A/1, Railway Feeder Road (Near Railway Station)
Rajapalayam - 626117. 4B/A16, Mangal Mall Complex, Ground Floor, Mani Nagar, Tuticorin
- 628003. No.158, Rayala Tower-1, Anna salai, Chennai - 600002.III Floor, B R Complex,
          
       
kadai street, Chidambaram – 608001. IV Floor, Kalluveettil Shyras Center, 47,Court Road,
Nagercoil - 629001. Telangana: HNo.7-1-257, Upstairs S B H Mangammathota,
Road, Near Baburao Petrol Bunk, Khammam - 507001. 208, II FloorJade Arcade Paradise
Circle, Hyderabad - 500003. Hno. 2-4-641, F-7, 1st Floor, A.B.K Mall, Old Bus Depot Road,
Ramnagar, Hanamkonda, Warangal - 506001. No. 15-31-2M-1/41st Floor, 14-A, MIG
KPHB Colony, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500072. H. No.: 14-3-178/1B/A/1, Near Hanuman
Temple, Balaji Nagar, Boothpur Road, Mahabubnagar - 509001. No-6-4-80, 1st Floor,
Above Allahabad Bank, Opp. Police Auditorium, V T Road, Nalgonda-508001. 5-6-208,
Saraswathi nagar, Opposite Dr. Bharathi Rani Nursing Home, Nizamabad – 503001.
         
Mancherial – 504302. Tripura:       
Near Babuana Tea and Snacks, Tripura west - 799001. Uttarakhand: 204/121 Nari Shilp
Mandir Marg, Old Connaught Place, Dehradun - 248001. 22, Civil Lines, Ground Floor,
Hotel Krish Residency, Roorkee - 247667. Dev Bazar, Bazpur Road, Kashipur-244713.
Uttar Pradesh:              
-208001. First Floor C-10 RDC Rajnagar,Opp Kacheri Gate No.2, Ghaziabad - 201002.
No. 8, 2nd Floor, Maruti Tower Sanjay Place, Agra - 282002. 30/2, A&B, Civil Lines Station,
Besides Vishal Mega Mart, Strachey Road, Allahabad - 211001. Shop No. 5 & 6, 3rd Floor,
Plaza, Opp Eves Cinema, Hapur Road, Meerut - 250002. H 21-22, Ist Floor, Ram Ganga
            
Varanasi - 221010. Opp SBI Credit Branch, Babu Lal Kharkana Compound, Gwalior Road,
Jhansi - 284001. City Enclave, Opp. Kumar Nursing Home, Ramghat Road, Aligarh -
202001. F-62 - 63,Second Floor, Butler Plaza, Civil Lines, Bareilly- 243001 . 1st Floor,
Krishna Complex, Opp. Hathi Gate, Court Road, Saharanpur - 247001.Commercial Shop
No.GF 10 & GF 38, Ground Floor, Ansal Fortune Arcad Plot No. K-82, Sector -18, Noida –
Jamia Comlex Station Road, Basti - 272002. 9/1/51, Rishi Tola, Fatehganj, Ayodhya,
Faizabad - 224001. Durga City Centre, Nainital Road, Haldwani - 263139. Gopal katra, 1st
Floor, Fort Road, Jaunpur-222001. 159/160 Vikas Bazar Mathura - 281001. 17, Anand
Nagar Complex, Opposite Moti Lal Nehru Stadium, SAI Hostel, Jail Road, Rae Bareilly -
Near Arya Kanya School, Sitapur - 261001. 967, Civil Lines, Near Pant Stadium, Sultanpur
- 228001.First Floor, Adjacent to Saraswati Shishu Mandir School, Gaushala, Near UPPCL
Sub Station (Gandhi Park), Company Bagh Chauraha, Firozabad – 283203. F-3, Hotel
Shaurya,New Model Colony,Haridwar-249 408. Ground Floor, Canara Bank Building,
Dhundhi Katra, Mirzapur - 231001. F26/27-Kamadhenu Market, Opp. LIC Building, Ansari
– 230001. West Bengal: Plot No. 3601, Nazrul Sarani, City Centre, Durgapur - 713216.
Kankaria Centre, 2/1, Russell Street, (2nd Floor), Kolkata - 700071. Block – G 1st Floor, P
C Chatterjee Market Complex, Rambandhu Talab PO, Ushagram, Asansol - 713303. 399 G
T Road, Basement, Building Name :- Talk of the Town., Burdwan-713101. 78 , Haren
             
Kalyani - 741235. “Silver Palace”, OT Road, Inda- Kharagpur, G.P-Barakola, P.S - Kharagpur
     
-3C, “Shreeram Chambers” Kolkata -700 001. Mouza-Basudevpur, J. L. NO.126, Haldia
Municipality, Ward No 10, Durgachak, Haldia - 721602. Daxhinapan Abasan, Opp Lane of
Hotel, Kalinga, SM Pally, Malda – 732101. 1st Floor, Central Bank Building Machantala, PO
Bankura, Dist Bankura, West Bengal - 722101, 47/5/1, Raja Rammohan Roy Sarani PO.
Mallickpara, Dist. Hoogly Seerampore -712203. Mukherjee Building, Ground Floor,
Basantapur Nursing Home, Basantapur More, Ward No : 05, Post : Arambagh, Dist: hooghly,
Pinno : 712601. RBC Road, Ground Floor, Near Barasat Kalikrishna girls High
School,Barasat-700124. No.107/1, A C Road, Ground Floor, Bohorompur, Murshidabad,
-742103. Bhubandanga, Opposite Shiv, Shambhu Rice Mill, 1st Floor, Bolpur 731204.
Nipendra Narayan Road (N.N Road) Opposite Udichi Market Near – Banik Decorators PO &
Dist , Cooch Behar – 736101. Babu Para, Beside Meenaar Apartment ,Ward No VIII, Kotwali
Police Station – 735101.KH. No. 183/2G, opposite Hotel Blue Diamond, T.P. Nagar, Korba,
– 495677 . R.N Tagore Road, In front of Kotawali P.S.Krishnanagar Nadia-741101.
            
Raiganj – 733134. Police Line, Ramakrishnapally, Near Suri Bus Stand, Suri – 731101.
Apurba Market, Ground Floor, Vill Mirjapur, Opp: Basirhat College, PO: Basirhat College,
Dist: 24PGS (north), Basirhat, Pin- 743412. Anand Plaza, Shop No. 06 2nd Floor,
Sarbananda Sarkar Street, Munsifdanga, Purulia 723101. Holding No-58, 1st Floor,
Padumbasan Ward No 10, Tamluk Maniktala More, Beside HDFC Bank, Tamluk, Purba
Medinipur, Tamluk- 721636.
Investors can undertake any transaction, including purchase / redemption / switch and
avail any such online services as may be provided by the AMC from time to time through
 which is
            
Acceptance (OPA) for transactions in the Scheme(s) of Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund.
For updated list of authorised POS of MFU, please visit the website of MFUI at www.
In addition to above, Eligible Trading Members/ Depository Participants / Mutual
           
Acceptance for the transactions through NSE MFSS, NMF II and BSE StAR platform.
            
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Mahindra Manulife Investment Management Private Limited
Registered Oce: 4
Floor, A - Wing, Mahindra Towers, Dr. G. M. Bhosale Marg, P.K. Kurne Chowk, Mumbai - 400 018 Maharashtra, India.
Corporate Oce: Unit No. 204, 2nd Floor, Amiti Building, Piramal Agastya Corporate Park, LBS Road, Kamani Junction,
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