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Charting the Book of Mormon: Visual Aids for
Personal Study and Teaching
John W. Welch
J. Gregory Welch
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the Book of Mormon
FARMS Publications
Teachings of the Book of Mormon
The Geography of Book of Mormon Events: A Source
The Book of Mormon Text Reformatted according to
Parallelistic Patterns
Eldin Rickss Thorough Concordance of the LDS
Standard Works
A Guide to Publications on the Book of Mormon: A
Selected Annotated Bibliography
Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited: The Evidence
for Ancient Origins
Ancient Scrolls from the Dead Sea: Photographs and
Commentary on a Unique Collection of Scrolls
LDS Perspectives on the Dead Sea Scrolls
Images of Ancient America: Visualizing Book of
Mormon Life
Isaiah in the Book of Mormon
King Benjamins Speech: “That Ye May Learn Wisdom
Mormons, Scripture, and the Ancient World: Studies in
Honor of John L. Sorenson
Latter-day Christianity: Ten Basic Issues
Illuminating the Sermon at the Temple and Sermon on
the Mount
Scripture Study: Tools and Suggestions
Finding Biblical Hebrew and Other Ancient Literary
Forms in the Book of Mormon
Charting the Book of Mormon: Visual Aids for
Personal Study and Teaching
Pressing Forward with the Book of Mormon: The
FARMS Updates of the 1990s
King Benjamins Speech Made Simple
Insights: A Window on the Ancient World
FARMS Review of Books
Journal of Book of Mormon Studies
Reprint Series
Book of Mormon Authorship: New Light on Ancient
The Doctrine and Covenants by Themes
Offenders for a Word
Copublished with Deseret Book Company
An Ancient American Setting for the Book of Mormon
Warfare in the Book of Mormon
By Study and Also by Faith: Essays in Honor of Hugh
W. Nibley
The Sermon at the Temple and the Sermon on the
Rediscovering the Book of Mormon
Reexploring the Book of Mormon
Of All Things! Classic Quotations from Hugh Nibley
The Allegory of the Olive Tree
Temples of the Ancient World
Expressions of Faith: Testimonies from LDS Scholars
Feasting on the Word: The Literary Testimony of the
Book of Mormon
The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley
Old Testament and Related Studies
Enoch the Prophet
The World and the Prophets
Mormonism and Early Christianity
Lehi in the Desert; The World of the Jaredites; There
Were Jaredites
An Approach to the Book of Mormon
Since Cumorah
The Prophetic Book of Mormon
Approaching Zion
The Ancient State
Tinkling Cymbals and Sounding Brass
Temple and Cosmos
Brother Brigham Challenges the Saints
Published through Research Press
Pre-Columbian Contact with the Americas across the
Oceans: An Annotated Bibliography
New World Figurine Project, vol. 1
A Comprehensive Annotated Book of Mormon
Chiasmus in Antiquity (reprint)
Chiasmus Bibliography
Visual Aids for Personal Study
and Teaching
by John W. Welch and J. Gregory Welch
Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies
Provo, Utah
the Book of Mormon
Cover Design: Yvette Jones
The Foundation for Ancient Research
and Mormon Studies (FARMS)
at Brigham Young University
P.O. Box 7113
University Station
Provo, Utah 84602
© 1999 Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
07 06 05 04 03 02 6 5 4
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Welch, John W. (John Woodland)
Charting the Book of Mormon : visual aids for personal study and teaching / John W. Welch and
J. Gregory Welch.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0–934893–40–3 (pbk.: alk. paper)
1. Book of Mormon Charts, diagrams, etc. I. Welch, J. Gregory, 1979– . II. Title.
BX8627.A2W47 1999
289.3’22’0223—dc21 99–38847
With special thanks
to Jeannie,
devoted wife and mother,
caring teacher and friend
Section 1: The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon
1 Joseph Smith on the Correctness and Importance of the Book of Mormon
2 The Keystone of Our Religion
3 Joseph Smith on How the Book of Mormon Will Prove Him a True Prophet
4 Emma Smith on the Book of Mormon Translation Process, Quote 1
5 Emma Smith on the Book of Mormon Translation Process, Quote 2
6 Emma Smith on the Physical Characteristics of the Book of Mormon Plates
7 Elder B. H. Roberts on the Holy Spirit and Scholarly Evidence
8 Austin Farrer on Rational Argument and Belief
9 Events Surrounding the Translation of the Book of Mormon, 1827–1828
10 Events Surrounding the Translation of the Book of Mormon, 1829–1830
11 Church History Sites near Palmyra, New York, 1820–1831
12 Church History Sites in Western New York, 1820–1831
Section 2: The Structure of the Book of Mormon
13 Book of Mormon Plates and Records
14 Contents of the Plates of Brass
15 Sources behind the Book of Ether
16 Who Kept the Records in the Book of Mormon? (Overview)
17 Who Kept the Records in the Book of Mormon? (By Lineages)
18 Whose Words Are Found in the Book of Mormon?
19 Writings of Lehi
20 Writings of Mormon
21 Writings of Moroni
22 Number of Pages in Books of the Book of Mormon
23 Average Number of Pages Covering One Nephite Year
24 Nephite Books Compared by Length and Years Covered
25 Nephite Books Listed Chronologically
Section 3: Chronology of the Book of Mormon
26 Life Spans of Lehi’s Lineage
27 Life Spans of Mosiahs Lineage
28 Life Spans of Almas Lineage
29 Flashbacks in the Book of Mosiah
30 Flashbacks in the Book of Alma
31 Jaredite Kings
32 Nephite and Lamanite Kings
Table of Charts
33 The Nephite Judges
34 Alma as Chief Judge: Years 1–8 of the Reign of the Judges
35 Alma as High Priest: Years 9–19 of the Reign of the Judges
36 Nephihah as Chief Judge: Years 19–24 of the Reign of the Judges
37 Pahoran as Chief Judge: Years 25–39 of the Reign of the Judges
38 Helaman as Chief Judge: Years 42–53 of the Reign of the Judges
39 Nephi as Chief Judge: Years 53–62 of the Reign of the Judges
40 Nephite and Mesoamerican History
Section 4: Jesus Christ in the Book of Mormon
41 People to Whom Jesus Christ or the Angel of the Lord Appeared
42 Nephite Declaration of Faith
43 Consistent Elements in Nephite Declarations of Faith
44 Names Used for Christ by Major Book of Mormon Authors
45 Names and Concepts Associated with Christ by Major Book of Mormon Authors
46 Number of Names Used for Christ by Major Book of Mormon Authors
47 Number of Names for Christ Used Exclusively by Individual Authors
48 Samuel the Lamanites Prophecies
49 Destructions at the Death of Christ
50 Old Testament Passages Quoted by Jesus Christ in 3 Nephi
51 The Coming of Christ to the Nephites: A Pattern for His Second Coming
52 Does Christ Have a Body?
Section 5: Teachings of the Book of Mormon
53 Key Doctrinal Chapters: 1 Nephi–Omni
54 Key Doctrinal Chapters: Mosiah–Alma
55 Key Doctrinal Chapters: Helaman–Moroni
56 The Gospel in the Book of Mormon
57 Citations of the Word “Covenant”
58 Book of Mormon Covenant Language
59 Baptism of Almas People at the Waters of Mormon
60 The Speeches of Alma
61 50 Questions of Alma 5: Overview
62 50 Questions of Alma 5: Questions 1–17
63 50 Questions of Alma 5: Questions 18–29
64 50 Questions of Alma 5: Questions 30–40
65 50 Questions of Alma 5: Questions 41–50
66 The Ways of Life and Death: Overview
67 The Ways of Life and Death: The Visionary Perception of Lehi and Nephi
68 The Ways of Life and Death: Jacobs Explanation
69 The Ways of Life and Death: Benjamins Explanation
70 The Ways of Life and Death: Abinadi’s Explanation
71 The Ways of Life and Death: The Voice of the Lord to Alma the Elder
72 The Ways of Life and Death: Alma the Younger’s Explanation in Zarahemla
73 The Ways of Life and Death: Alma the Younger’s Explanation in Ammonihah
74 The Ways of Life and Death: Alma the Younger’s Explanation to Corianton
75 The Ways of Life and Death: Mormons Explanation
76 The Ways of Life and Death: A Composite View
77 Murmurings of Laman and Lemuel
78 Teachings of Korihor
79 The Ways of the Devil
Section 6: Messages of the Book of Mormon
80 Interpretation of Lehi’s Vision
81 The Allegory of the Olive Tree
82 Symbolic Elements in Zenos’s Allegory
83 Personal Applications of Olive Symbolism
84 Five Keys to Understanding Isaiah
85 King Benjamins Coronation of Mosiah
86 Three Steps in Benjamins Logic on Service
87 Overview of Benjamins Speech
88 Benjamins Themes Related to the Israelite New Year
89 Benjamins Themes Related to the Day of Atonement
90 Benjamins Themes Related to the Feast of Tabernacles
91 Benjamins Themes Related to Sabbatical and Jubilee Years
Section 7: Comparative Studies of the Book of Mormon
92 A Comparison of Lehi’s Dream and Nephi’s Vision
93 Three Biblical Archetypes Compared to Nephi’s Construction of the Ship
94 1 Nephi and the Exodus
95 Three Trees in the Book of Mormon
96 Isaiah Passages Listed by Book of Mormon Reference
97 Isaiah Passages Listed by Isaiah Reference
98 Outlines of Passages Quoting Isaiah
99 Four Stages of the Nephite Prophetic View
100 Treaty-Covenant Pattern in the Old Testament and Benjamins Speech
101 Benjamins and Mosiahs Covenant Ceremonies Compared with Old Testament Rituals
102 Elements Found in Great Farewell Addresses
103 Almas Quotation of Lehi
104 Helamans Quotation of Benjamin
105 Samuel’s Quotation of Benjamin
106 Three Accounts of Almas Conversion
107 Shared Words in the Three Accounts of Almas Conversion
108 Women in the Book of Mormon
109 Missionary Work
Section 8: Money in the Book of Mormon
110 King Mosiahs Monetary System
111 The Utility of the Gold Antion
112 The Utility of the Onti and Limnah
113 Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Grain Measurement
Section 9: Law in the Book of Mormon
114 Legal Traditions Related to Biblical Law
115 When Is It Better for One Man to Perish Than an Entire Nation?
116 Did Lehi Organize His Posterity into Seven Tribes?
117 Ancient Sealed, Doubled Documents
118 Sealed or Sealed-Up Documents
119 How Do You Say “Law” in Hebrew?
120 Jacobs Ten Woes and the Ten Commandments
121 Legal Cases and Procedures in the Book of Mormon
122 Three Diverse Opponents of the Nephites
123 Legal Charges Brought against Abinadi
124 Did Abinadi Prophesy against King Noah on Pentecost?
125 Benjamin and the Law of the King
126 The Law of Apostate Cities
127 A Comparison of Nephite Law Lists
Section 10: Word Studies of the Book of Mormon
128 Chiasmus in Leviticus 24:13–23
129 Chiasmus in Matthew 13:13–18
130 Chiasmus in Mosiah 3:18–19
131 Chiasmus in Mosiah 5:10–12
132 Chiasmus in Alma 36
133 Chiasmus in Helaman 6:7–13
134 “It Came to Pass” Occurrences in the Book of Mormon
135 Wordprints and the Book of Mormon
Section 11: War in the Book of Mormon
136 Wars in the Book of Mormon
137 Data on Wars Involving the Nephites
138 The Two Final Battles
139 Ancient Steel Weapons
140 Comparison of European and Mayan Armor
141 Number of Months Involving Nephite Military Actions
142 References to Nephite Fortifications Recorded in the Book of Mormon
143 Mesoamerican Fortified and Defensive Sites by Period
Section 12: Cycles in the Book of Mormon
144 Nephite Cycle of Righteousness: Mormons Warning for Us Today
145 Nephite Cycles: Years 1–49 of the Reign of the Judges (90–40
146 Nephite Cycles: Years 50–90 of the Reign of the Judges (39–1 B.C.)
147 Nephite Cycles: Years
A.D. 1–34
Section 13: Geography in the Book of Mormon
148 Twelve Requirements for the Land of Bountiful
149 Ten Essential Features of Book of Mormon Geography
150 Geographical Names Listed Alphabetically
151 Geographical Names Listed by Scripture Reference
152 Journeys Indicating Distances
153 Twelve Journeys between the Cities of Nephi and Zarahemla
154 Further Details in the Land of Nephi
155 From Nephi to Zarahemla: Almas Escape
156 Proposed Details around Zarahemla
157 Almas Journeys in the Land of Zarahemla
158 From Nephi to Zarahemla: The Missionary Journeys of Mosiahs Sons
159 Plausible Locations of the Final Battles
160 Plausible Locations in Mesoamerica for Book of Mormon Places
161 Mesoamerica
162 Archaeological Sites in Mesoamerica
163 Metals in the Book of Mormon
164 The Colors of the Scriptures
Section 14: The First Edition of the Book of Mormon
165 The Original Book of Mormon Title Page
166 Preface to the Book of Mormon
167 Copyright Page of the Book of Mormon
168 Testimony of the Three Witnesses
169 Testimony of the Eight Witnesses
170 Comparison of Chapter Divisions: 1830 and 1981 Editions
Section 15: Invitations of the Book of Mormon
171 Nephi’s Invitation
172 Nephi’s Testimony
173 Benjamins Plea
174 Christ’s Invitation
175 Mormons Invitation
176 Moroni’s Promise
177 Moroni’s Invitation
The Book of Mormon is full of facts, rang-
ing from eternal truths to mundane details.
This collection charts many of those facts in
clear and convenient graphs and visuals.
This newly reformatted and enhanced col-
lection of 177 visual aids aims to serve mul-
tiple purposes. Students and teachers will find
here helpful guides for personal study, as well
as masters for making handouts or projectable
classroom images.
The idea for this book first began to take
shape a decade ago. One of my responsibilities
on the board for Macmillans Encyclopedia of
Mormonism was to gather or create the five hun-
dred maps, charts, and photographs that accom-
pany its thirteen hundred articles. Personal
experiences in working with several people in
collecting and selecting those graphic images
and, similarly, in using such visuals in illustrat-
ing many subsequent publications and lectures
have convinced me of the value of charts in
communicating important gospel information.
In 1996 my research focused on Book of
Mormon visuals. Morgan A. Ashton, serving as
a BYU intern under my supervision, worked to
locate as many previously circulated Book of
Mormon charts, graphs, and maps as possible.
From his findings, certain recurring themes
were identified and composite charts were cre-
ated. In addition, many new charts were con-
ceived. All of these schematics were then
refined and shaped on the computer by my
son, Gregory Welch, who devoted the sum-
mers of 1997 and 1998 to the graphic and con-
ceptual development of this project.
A preliminary packet containing samples
of about half of these charts was distributed by
the Foundation for Ancient Research and
Mormon Studies in 1997. Feedback and addi-
tions from many people have improved this
new publication, and they are acknowledged
with much appreciation.
In order to enhance understandability, a
brief narrative explanation was then added to
each chart. Because each chart is by nature an
incomplete abstraction of much more compli-
cated data, these brief explanatory notes quickly
orient the viewer to the contents and purposes
of each chart. A fuller discussion of each topic
can be found in the bibliographic sources
given. Amy K. Bingham, Don L. Brugger, and
Eden N. Rasmussen at FARMS superbly shared
much of the load in writing or editing those
comments, as well as in designing the layout of
this book, checking sources, and finalizing the
graphic presentation of each chart.
This collection is by no means complete.
Many more charts could easily be added, and
other excellent schematics can be found in
other publications. Readers may want to make
new charts on their own, as well as add further
details to the charts created so far.
I am deeply grateful to all who have helped
transform the vision of this book into a con-
crete reality. We hope that these visuals will
open new vistas of insight for Book of
Mormon students everywhere.
John W. Welch
Provo, Utah, July 1999
The Coming Forth
of the Book of Mormon
Section 1
Charts 1–12
In one of the most famous declarations ever made about the
Book of Mormon, the Prophet Joseph Smith declares this sacred
record to be the keystone of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ
and the best guide available for drawing nearer to God. This state-
ment implies that the Book of Mormon is not only doctrinally
but also historically correct. The Book of Mormon brings people
closer to God by testifying of Jesus Christ, teaching the impor-
tance of obeying the commandments, explaining the plan of sal-
vation, and revealing many other truths conducive to personal
Introduction to the Book of Mormon, 1981 edition. See Joseph
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, comp. Joseph
Fielding Smith (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1976), 194.
Chart 1
Joseph Smith on the Correctness and
Importance of the Book of Mormon
The Coming Forth
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 1
I told the brethren that
the Book of Mormon
was the most correct of
any book on earth, and
the keystone of our reli-
gion, and a man would
get nearer to God by
abiding by its precepts,
than by any other book.
— Joseph Smith, 1841
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Just as a keystone holds an arch in place, knowing that the Book of
Mormon is true holds together the edifice of faith built on the
sturdy foundation of apostles, prophets, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
For example, one cannot fully accept the Book of Mormon with-
out also accepting the means by which it came forth—the Prophet
Joseph Smith. In this chart, the archway stones representing the
restored priesthood and living prophets are similarly reinforced by
the keystone truth, as are the stones representing the reality of
Christ’s redemptive mission. In addition, the Book of Mormon ties
together the New and Old Testaments by overtly explaining how
the law of Moses was fulfilled in Christ, and it further upholds and
complements the Bible by serving as another divinely inspired
covenantal testament of Jesus Christ.
Chart 2
The Keystone of Our Religion
The Coming Forth
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 2
The Keystone of Our Religion
The Book of Mormon
Is True
Joseph Smith Was
a Prophet
The Priesthood
Was Restored
We Have a
Christ Appeared
in America
Christ Died
in Jerusalem
and Was
Is Real
“Built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus
Christ himself being the chief corner stone (Ephesians 2:20).
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Although proof alone does not create testimonies or convince
souls that the Book of Mormon is true, circumstantial evidence
does support Joseph Smiths claim that the Book of Mormon is an
ancient record written by former inhabitants of the Americas. In
this editorial comment, Joseph Smith explained that the Book of
Mormon would stand as circumstantial evidence of the validity of
his prophetic calling. As Moses and Elijah were proved to be
prophets through miracles they performed, so will Joseph Smith
be vindicated through evidences for the authenticity of the Book
of Mormon.
Joseph Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, comp. Joseph
Fielding Smith (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1976), 267; excerpt
first printed in Times and Seasons 3 (15 Sept. 1842): 922.
Chart 3
Joseph Smith on How the Book of
Mormon Will Prove Him a True Prophet
The Coming Forth
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
We can not but think the
Lord has a hand in bringing
to pass his strange act, and
proving the Book of Mormon
true in the eyes of all the
people....It will be as it ever
has been, the world will prove
Joseph Smith a true prophet
by circumstantial evidence, in
experiments, as they did
Moses and Elijah.
Joseph Smith, 1842
Chart 3
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
In an interview conducted by her son Joseph Smith III in 1879,
Emma Smith, wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith, expressed her
faith in the restored Church of Jesus Christ, which was established
in 1830 after the Prophet had translated the Book of Mormon and
published it to the world. As a firsthand witness of the translation
process when she acted as his scribe, Emma could testify that her
husband had no notes, drafts, or books with him while he trans-
lated that ancient record. She, like the Three and Eight Witnesses
of the Book of Mormon, never wavered in her testimony of the
book’s authenticity.
Joseph Smith III, “Last Testimony of Sister Emma,Saints’ Advocate
2 (Oct. 1879): 51. For additional source information and related dis-
cussion, see John W. Welch and Tim Rathbone, “The Translation of
the Book of Mormon: Basic Historical Information (Provo, Utah:
FARMS, 1986), 14–15.
Chart 4
Emma Smith on the Book of Mormon
Translation Process, Quote 1
The Coming Forth
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 4
Q. What is the truth of Mormonism?
A. I know Mormonism to be the truth; and
believe the church to have been established
by divine direction. I have complete faith
in it. In writing for your father I frequently
wrote day after day, often sitting at the
table close by him, he sitting with his face
buried in his hat, with the stone in it, and
dictating hour after hour with nothing
between us.
Q. Had he not a book or manuscript from
which he read, or dictated to you?
A. He had neither manuscript or book to read
Q. Could he not have had, and you not know it?
A. If he had anything of the kind he could not
have concealed it from me.
— Emma Smith, 1879
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Answering a question posed by her son Joseph Smith III in 1879,
Emma Smith indicated that the Prophet Joseph Smith could not
have been the author of the Book of Mormon, for he had neither
the writing abilities nor adequate knowledge of ancient Israel. In
fact, so limited was Josephs knowledge when he translated the
plates that he feared he had found an error when he read from the
plates of Nephi that the city of Jerusalem was surrounded by a wall.
Joseph Smith III, “Last Testimony of Sister Emma,Saints’ Advocate 2
(Oct. 1879): 51; Edmund C. Briggs, “Interview with David Whitmer,
Saints Herald 31 (21 June 1884): 396–97. For additional sources
and related discussion, see John W. Welch and Tim Rathbone, The
Translation of the Book of Mormon: Basic Historical Information
(Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1986), 8–9, 15.
Chart 5
Emma Smith on the Book of Mormon
Translation Process, Quote 2
The Coming Forth
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 5
Q. Could not father have dictated the
Book of Mormon to you, Oliver
Cowdery and the others who wrote
for him, after having first written it,
or having first read it out of some
A. Joseph Smith could neither write
nor dictate a coherent and well-
worded letter; let alone dictating
a book like the Book of Mormon.
And, though I was an active
participant in the scenes that
transpired, is marvelous to
me, a marvel and a wonder, as
much so as to any one else.
— Emma Smith, 1879
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
In an 1879 interview, Emma Smith described the plates of Mormon,
which she had once felt beneath the linen cloth that covered them.
She recalled that they were pliable like thick paper but rustled with
a metallic sound when they were moved. Though Emma did not
directly see the plates, she stands as yet another witness verifying
the Book of Mormons authentic origin.
Joseph Smith III, “Last Testimony of Sister Emma,Saints’ Advocate
2 (Oct. 1879): 51. For additional source information and related dis-
cussion, see John W. Welch and Tim Rathbone, “The Translation of
the Book of Mormon: Basic Historical Information (Provo, Utah:
FARMS, 1986), 14–15.
Chart 6
Emma Smith on the Physical Characteristics
of the Book of Mormon Plates
The Coming Forth
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 6
Q. Are you sure that he had the plates
at the time you were writing for him?
A. The plates often lay on the table
without any attempt at conceal-
ment, wrapped in a small linen
table cloth, which I had given him
to fold them in. I once felt of the
plates, as they thus lay on the table,
tracing their outline and shape.
They seemed to be pliable like
thick paper, and would rustle with
a metallic sound when the edges
were moved by the thumb.
— Emma Smith, 1879
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Moroni 10:3–5
This is one of the plainest statements ever made about the roles of
the Spirit and scholarly evidence in knowing and stating the truth-
fulness of the Book of Mormon. As Elder B. H. Roberts stated,
secondary evidences can help make truth more clear and complete,
thereby creating an atmosphere in which the Holy Ghost may
more easily testify of it.
B. H. Roberts, New Witnesses for God (Salt Lake City: Deseret News
Press, 1909), 2:vi–vii, viii.
Chart 7
Elder B. H. Roberts on the Holy
Spirit and Scholarly Evidence
Key Scripture
The Coming Forth
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 7
This [the Holy Ghost] must ever be the
chief source of evidence for the truth of the
Book of Mormon. All other evidence is
secondary to this, the primary and infallible.
No arrangement of evidence, however
skillfully ordered; no argument, however
adroitly made, can ever take its place....
To be known, the truth must be stated and
the clearer and more complete the statement
is, the better opportunity will the Holy Spirit
have for testifying to the souls of men that the
work is true....
Secondary evidences in support of truth,
like secondary causes in natural phenomena,
may be of firstrate importance, and mighty
factors in the achievement of God’s purposes.
Elder B. H. Roberts, 1909
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Moroni 10:3–5
Elder Neal A. Maxwell once quoted philosopher Austin Farrer, who
stated that although rational argument—that is, reasoning based
on careful study of relevant evidence—does not necessarily create
belief, it fosters an atmosphere conducive to it. Research in scien-
tific, archaeological, and linguistic fields often elucidates ancient
texts, the Book of Mormon included. Scholars who argue in favor
of the ancient origins and character of the Book of Mormon
maintain a climate in which people may take that book seriously
as a historical record, helping them to embrace and receive it.
Quoted by Neal A. Maxwell in “Discipleship and Scholarship,
BYU Studies 32/3 (1992): 5. The statement also appears in Austin
Farrer, The Christian Apologist, in Light on C. S. Lewis, ed.
Jocelyn Gibb (New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1965).
Chart 8
Austin Farrer on Rational
Argument and Belief
Key Scripture
The Coming Forth
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 8
Though argument does not
create conviction, the lack of
it destroys belief. What seems
to be proved may not be
embraced; but what no one
shows the ability to defend is
quickly abandoned. Rational
argument does not create
belief, but it maintains a
climate in which belief may
Austin Farrer, 1965
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Joseph Smith—History 1:59–65
After Joseph Smith obtained the gold plates in September 1827,
opposition threatened to stop the work of translation. Several
attempts were made to steal the plates, and mounting persecu-
tion forced Joseph and Emma to move to Harmony, Penn-
sylvania. In early 1828 Professor Charles Anthon in New York
certified in writing that the characters copied from the plates
and Josephs translation of them were correct, but he tore up
the certificate upon hearing that an angel had told Joseph
where the plates lay buried. June 1828 saw the death of Joseph
and Emmas newborn first child. Another setback occurred
when Martin Harris lost 116 pages that Joseph had translated
from the book of Lehi and, as a result, the Lord chastened
Joseph and suspended his translation privilege for a season.
While on a business trip to Palmyra in December 1828, David
Whitmer met Oliver Cowdery, who would become Josephs
chief scribe. Although the years 1827 and 1828 presented
obstacles to the translation effort, the stage was being set for
Oliver’s arrival in Harmony in April 1829.
History of the Church, 1:18–28. For additional sources and
related discussion, see John W. Welch and Tim Rathbone, The
Translation of the Book of Mormon: Basic Historical Infor-
mation (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1986), 3–15; and John W. Welch
and Tim Rathbone, “How Long Did It Take to Translate the
Book of Mormon?” in
Reexploring the Book of Mormon, ed.
John W. Welch (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS,
1992), 1–8.
Chart 9
Events Surrounding the Translation
of the Book of Mormon, 1827–1828
Key Scripture
The Coming Forth
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 9
Events Surrounding the Translation
of the Book of Mormon, 1827–1828
1827 Sept.
1828 Jan.
Joseph obtains the plates from the angel Moroni
Joseph and Emma move to Harmony, Pennsylvania
Joseph translates some characters from the plates
Martin Harris takes sample of characters and Josephs
accompanying translation to Charles Anthon
Book of Lehi translated (April 12–June 14)
Joseph and Emmas first child is born and dies
Martin Harris loses 116 pages
Joseph travels to Manchester, New York
Interpreters and plates are taken away from Joseph
Joseph reobtains interpreters and plates
David Whitmer makes business trip to Palmyra,
where he meets Oliver Cowdery
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Joseph Smith—History 1:66–67
This chart, highlighting some of the events of 1829 and 1830,
illustrates the sacrifices of those who were instrumental in
helping bring forth the Book of Mormon in a miraculously
short period of time. Oliver Cowdery spent the two months of
April and May, 1829, in Harmony, Pennsylvania, assisting the
Prophet Joseph Smith as scribe for most of the Book of
Mormon translation. Prejudice against the Prophet made it
difficult for him to find a willing printer for the controversial
gold bible. Fortunately, Martin Harris gave much support to
this cause, mortgaging his farm to secure payment for the cost
of printing five thousand copies of the first edition of the Book
of Mormon. Despite such challenges, in March 1830 the
ancient Nephite record was published, opening the way for the
organization and growth of the restored Church of Jesus Christ.
History of the Church, 1:28–33, 71–80. For additional sources
and related discussion, see John W. Welch and Tim Rathbone,
“The Translation of the Book of Mormon: Basic Historical
Information (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1986), 16–32.
Chart 10
Events Surrounding the Translation
of the Book of Mormon, 1829–1830
Key Scripture
The Coming Forth
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Joseph receives D&C 4 in Harmony, Pennsylvania
The Lord appears to Oliver Cowdery
Joseph translates a few pages of the Book of Mormon
Martin Harris of Palmyra visits Joseph in Harmony
Oliver arrives in Harmony to meet Joseph
April 7
Book of Mormon Translated
End of June
E. B. Grandin and T. Weed decline to print Book of Mormon
Grandin agrees to print; typesetting begins
Martin Harris mortgages his farm
Printer’s manuscript is prepared through Alma 36
Printing is finished
Restored Church of Jesus Christ officially organized
Chart 10
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Events Surrounding the Translation
of the Book of Mormon, 1829–1830
1829 Jan.
1830 Jan.
This map shows historical sites connected with the Book of
Mormon, such as the Hill Cumorah, where Joseph Smith received
the gold plates from the angel Moroni; the Joseph Smith farm,
where Joseph and Emma lived for nearly a year after their mar-
riage in January 1827 and where the plates were concealed in
various places to safeguard them from ransackers; the Martin
Harris farm, which was mortgaged and later sold to cover the
expense of printing the Book of Mormon; and the Grandin print
shop, where the Book of Mormon was printed in 1830.
John W. Welch and Jeff Bird, “History of the Church, in
Daniel H. Ludlow, ed., Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 5 vols. (1992),
Chart 11
Church History Sites
near Palmyra, New York, 1820–1831
The Coming Forth
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 11
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Martin Harris Farm
Grandin Press
Book of Mormon
published (1830)
Joseph Smith Sr.
Log Cabin
Sacred Grove
Joseph Smith’s
First Vision (1820)
Joseph Smith Farm
Stafford Road
Erie Canal
Church History Sites
near Palmyra, New York, 1820–1831
0 1/2 1
Scale in Miles
Hill Cumorah
Joseph Smith
receives gold plates
This area map of New York and Pennsylvania highlights loca-
tions linked to the Book of Mormon and the establishment of
the restored church. Fleeing persecution in Manchester, New
York, in December 1827, Joseph and Emma Hale Smith settled
in Harmony, Pennsylvania, where Joseph would translate most
of the plates. In June 1829 Joseph (and probably Emma) moved
about one hundred miles to Fayette, New York, where that same
month the Three Witnesses were shown the plates (a few days
later the Eight Witnesses saw the plates in Manchester) and, in
the Peter Whitmer home, the translation was completed. It was
in the Whitmer home that the church was organized on 6 April
1830. Other church history sites in southern New York include
South Bainbridge, where Joseph and Emma were married on 18
January 1827; Seneca Lake, where several people were baptized
during the early years of the restoration; and Colesville, where
the churchs first branch was formed in October 1830.
John W. Welch and Jeff Bird, History of the Church, in Daniel H.
Ludlow, ed.,
Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 5 vols. (1992), 2:599.
Chart 12
Church History Sites
in Western New York, 1820–1831
The Coming Forth
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 12
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Church History Sites
in Western New York, 1820–1831
Lake Ontario
Erie Canal
Joseph Smith Sr. Farm
Martin Harris Farm
Hill Cumorah
Peter Whitmer Farm
Translation completed (June 1829)
Church organized (April 1830)
Joseph Smith Jr. Home
Most of the Book of
Mormon translated
(April–May 1829)
20 40 60
Scale in Miles
The Structure
of the Book of Mormon
Section 2
Charts 13–25
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Words of Mormon 1:3–11
Many ancient documents such as King Benjamins speech or the
plates of brass were quoted or abridged by the ancient authors
who compiled the books found on the small and large plates of
Nephi. The abridgments, quotations, and original writings of those
Book of Mormon historians are displayed on the left-hand and
middle columns of this chart and are then shown in relation to the
new set of plates produced by Mormon and Moroni that was
delivered to Joseph Smith by the angel Moroni. Joseph dictated the
original manuscript of the Book of Mormon from the plates of
Mormon. Copying that original manuscript, parts of which survive
today, Oliver Cowdery prepared a printer’s manuscript (owned by
the RLDS Church). The first edition of the Book of Mormon was
typeset from that printer’s manuscript.
Grant R. Hardy and Robert E. Parsons, “Book of Mormon Plates
and Records, in Daniel H. Ludlow, ed.,
Encyclopedia of
Mormonism, 5 vols. (1992), 1:196.
Chart 13
Book of Mormon Plates and Records
Key Scripture
Chart 13
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Plates of
Sealed Plates
(not translated)
The Book
of Mormon
Book of Mormon Plates and Records
Small Plates
of Nephi
Large Plates
of Nephi
1 & 2 Nephi, Jacob,
Enos, Jarom, Omni
Book of Lehi
(lost 116 pages)
of Brass
of Zeniff
of Alma
Records of Sons
of Mosiah
Epistles of
Pahoran, Moroni
of Nephi
Records of
the Jaredites
Title Page
Words of
from Mormon
of Lehi
Lehi, Mosiah, Alma,
Helaman, 3 & 4 Nephi
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
1 Nephi 5:11–14
The plates of brass contained a copy of the Law (five books of
Moses), a history of the Jews, Lehi’s genealogy, and the writings
of many prophets. Some of these records were comparable to cer-
tain books now found in the Old Testament, but others did not
find their way into the Bible. Nephi’s summary of these contents,
found in 1 Nephi 5:11–14, is graphically displayed here, along
with sample references illustrating the profound influence of
these records elsewhere in the Book of Mormon.
Expanded from the work of Paul Bankhead, student of John W.
Welch, Book of Mormon 121H, Brigham Young University, fall
Chart 14
Contents of the Plates of Brass
Key Scripture
Chart 14
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Prophecies of the Holy Prophets
coming of Christ 2 Nephi 19:1–8
scattering of Israel 2 Nephi 19:11–21
day of the Gentiles 1 Nephi 20
victory of God 1 Nephi 21
burial of Christ 1 Nephi 19:10
allegory of the olive tree Jacob 5
hymn on prayer Alma 33:4–11
crucifixion of Christ 1 Nephi 19:10
crucifixion of Christ 1 Nephi 19:10
concerning his posterity 2 Nephi 4:2
many prophecies Helaman 8:20
Five Books of Moses
creation of the world 2 Nephi 2:15
account of Adam and Eve 2 Nephi 2:18–19
law of Moses 2 Nephi 5:10
A Record of the Jews to
the Reign of Zedekiah
Contents of the Plates of Brass
Listed in 1 Nephi 5:11–14
Genealogy of
Lehi’s Fathers
1 Nephi 5:11
1 Nephi 5:14
1 Nephi 5:13
1 Nephi 5:12
Jacob 2:23
Alma 10:3
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Ether 1:1–5
What we now know as the book of Ether originated from early
Jaredite records and Ether’s writings, which Ether combined to
produce his twenty-four gold plates near the end of the Jaredite
civilization. The people of Limhi later found these plates while
searching for the city of Zarahemla, and King Mosiah translated
them around 120
B.C. Moroni later abridged the translated plates
and, together with his commentary, included them in his record,
thus producing the final form of the book of Ether. The seams
between the insertions of Moroni’s comments into the final text of
this book are clearly discernible, with the underlying text resuming
flawlessly after each interruption.
John W. Welch, “Sources behind the Book of Ether” (Provo, Utah:
FARMS, 1986).
Chart 15
Sources behind the Book of Ether
Key Scripture
Chart 15
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Sources behind the Book of Ether
Jaredite king list
records of the
brother of Jared
Jaredite royal
of Ether
Ether’s account
of the Jaredite
on secret
on faith
on faith of the
brother of Jared
on sealed
records coming
to light
on his abridg-
ment of the
book of Ether
records “brought
across the deep”
Early Jaredite Records
Ether’s Writings
Moroni’s Commentary
book of Ether
1:3; 8:9
3:17–20 1:1–6
4:1–6:1 8:18–26
Ether’s 24
gold plates
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mormon 9:30–37
Genealogical, historical, legal, and prophetic records of the
Nephites were handed down in sacred trust, usually from father to
son. Only four Nephite families kept the plates: Lehi’s posterity
mainly through Jacob, Mosiahs family, Alma and his long line of
descendants, and Mormon and his son Moroni. As anthropologist
John L. Sorenson has pointed out, the Book of Mormon is struc-
tured as a lineage history.
Chart 16
Who Kept the Records in the
Book of Mormon? (Overview)
Key Scripture
Chart 16
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Authors with books
named after them
Path of records
Who Kept the Records
in the Book of Mormon?
Amaron Chemish
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mormon 9:30–37
The four families of Nephite record keepers of the Book of Mormon
are listed chronologically here, along with their approximate dates of
birth and other important information. If a date is not found in or
tied directly to a specific verse, then the information has been de-
duced from general historical information. This list is similar to
chart 16 and can be used to document and explain the relationships
between keepers of the plates of Nephi.
John W. Welch, “Longevity of Book of Mormon People and the
Age of Man,’” Journal of Collegium Aesculapium 3 (1985): 34–45.
Chart 17
Who Kept the Records in the
Book of Mormon? (By Lineages)
Key Scripture
Chart 17
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Who Kept the Records
in the Book of Mormon?
Lineage of Lehi
Record Keeper Dates* Comments Reference
615 B.C. born in Jerusalem 1 Nephi 1:4
B.C. begins record when about 15 years old 1 Nephi 1:1
540 B.C. dies about 75 years old
Jacob 592
B.C. born son of Lehi, brother of Nephi
1 Nephi 18:7
B.C. becomes record keeper Jacob 1:1
B.C. dies about 97 years old Jacob 7:27
Enos 515
B.C. born son of Jacob Jacob 7:27
B.C. about to die Enos 1:25
B.C. dies about 98 years old
Jarom 440
B.C. born son of Enos Jarom 1:1
B.C. becomes record keeper Jarom 1:1
B.C. gives plates to Omni Jarom 1:15
B.C. dies about 85 years old
Omni 390
B.C. born son of Jarom Omni 1:1
B.C. becomes record keeper Jarom 1:15
B.C. writes 3 verses on plates in 44 years Omni 1:1–3
B.C. dies about 75 years old Omni 1:3
Amaron 350
B.C. born son of Omni Omni 1:4
B.C. becomes record keeper Omni 1:4
B.C. dies about 73 years old Omni 1:8
Chemish 330
B.C. born son of Omni, brother of Amaron Omni 1:9
B.C. becomes record keeper Omni 1:9
B.C. dies about 80 years old Omni 1:9
Abinadom 270
B.C. born son of Chemish Omni 1:10
B.C. dies about 90 years old Omni 1:10
Amaleki 210
B.C. born son of Abinadom Omni 1:12
B.C. Nephites move to Zarahemla Omni 1:13
B.C. dies about 72 years old Omni 1:30
* dates are approximate
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Benjamin and Mosiah
Benjamin 190 B.C. born son of Mosiah
Omni 1:23
140 B.C. becomes record keeper Omni 1:25
B.C. dies 69 years old Mosiah 6:5
154 B.C. born son of Benjamin Mosiah 6:4
B.C. dies about 63 years old Mosiah 29:46
Lineage of Alma
174 B.C. born a descendant of Nephi Mosiah 17:2
B.C. “young man 25 years old; Mosiah 17:2, 20
Abinadi martyred
B.C. becomes high priest over church Mosiah 23:16
in Zarahemla
B.C. dies about 83 years old Mosiah 29:47
126 B.C. born son of Alma
Mosiah 27:8
B.C. becomes record keeper Mosiah 29:42
B.C. departs out of land; Alma 45:18, 19
assumed to have been translated
97 B.C. born son of Alma
Alma 36:3
B.C. becomes high priest Alma 45:20
B.C. leads 2,000 Ammonite warriors; Alma 53:22
33 years old
B.C. dies about 40 years old Alma 62:52
Shiblon 95
B.C. born son of Alma
, brother of Alma 63:1
57 B.C. becomes record keeper Alma 63:1
B.C. dies about 42 years old Alma 63:13
76 B.C. born son of Helaman
Helaman 2:2
B.C. becomes record keeper Helaman 2:2
39 B.C. dies about 37 years old Helaman 3:37
54 B.C. born son of Helaman
Helaman 3:37
A.D. 1 departs out of land 3 Nephi 1:3
A.D. 13 dies about 67 years old
Chart 17
Chart 17
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
30 B.C. born son of Nephi
3 Nephi 1:1
A.D. 1 becomes record keeper 3 Nephi 1:1
A.D. 34 one of 12 disciples 3 Nephi 12:1
A.D. 60 dies about 90 years old
A.D. 100 all but 3 disciples have passed away 4 Nephi 1:14
A.D. 50 born son of Nephi
A.D. 90 born son of Nephi
A.D. 110 becomes record keeper for 84 years 4 Nephi 1:19
A.D. 194 dies about 104 years old 4 Nephi 1:21
A.D. 174 born son of Amos
A.D. 194 becomes record keeper 4 Nephi 1:21
A.D. 305 dies about 131 years old 4 Nephi 1:47
A.D. 190 born son of Amos, brother of Amos
A.D. 305 becomes record keeper 4 Nephi 1:48
A.D. 320 dies about 130 years old Mormon 1:5
Mormon and Moroni
A.D. 311 born Mormon 1:2
A.D. 321 told by Ammaron that at age 24 Mormon 1:2
he would become record keeper
A.D. 326 visited by Lord; leads Nephite armies Mormon 1:15
A.D. 335 becomes record keeper Mormon 2:18
A.D. 385 delivered plates to Moroni; Mormon 8:1
buried others in hill Cumorah
A.D. 401 dies about 90 years old at hands Mormon 8:3
of Lamanites
A.D. 360 born son of Mormon
Mormon 8:1
A.D. 385 becomes record keeper Mormon 8:1
A.D. 421 “soon go to rest, about 61 years old Moroni 10:34
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Omni 1:9
Although four families kept the main Nephite records (see chart
16), the words of many other authors are included in the Book of
Mormon as well. The writings or speeches of Jesus Christ, Isaiah,
Captain Moroni, and Zenos, for example, all add significantly to
the Book of Mormon, even though these authors did not actually
write upon the plates themselves. This chart adds to chart 16 some
of the additional writers or speakers who are quoted in the Book
of Mormon.
Chart 18
Whose Words Are Found
in the Book of Mormon?
Key Scripture
Chart 18
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Persons quoted
Authors with books
named after them
Path of records
Whose Words Are Found
in the Book of Mormon?
Amaron Chemish
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
2 Nephi 1:1–4:11
Although the 116 pages of translation lost by Martin Harris in
1828 contained writings from the book of Lehi, not all of Lehi’s
words are lost to us. Lehi’s prophecies, visions, and teachings were
often quoted or paraphrased by his sons Nephi and Jacob in their
own writing and preaching. S. Kent Brown, professor of ancient
scripture at Brigham Young University, suggests that this is evi-
dence that Nephi and Jacob used the personal record of Lehi as a
primary source in writing about the new land of promise, Jesus
Christ, Israel, marriage, and other important topics. This chart
indicates where in the small plates of Nephi the words of Lehi,
originally written from about 600 to 570
B.C., are found today.
S. Kent Brown, “Lehi’s Personal Record: Quest for a Missing
Source,” BYU Studies 24/1 (1984): 19–42.
Chart 19
Writings of Lehi
Key Scripture
Chart 19
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Writings of Lehi
Quoted or Paraphrased by Nephi and Jacob
1 Nephi 1:4–15 Lehi’s calling as a prophet
1 Nephi 5:17–19 prophecies regarding brass plates
1 Nephi 8:2–28 dream of the tree of life
1 Nephi 10:1–16 prophecies about Christ and Israel
2 Nephi 1:1–12 prophecies about the New World
2 Nephi 1:13–32 blessing to Laman, Lemuel, Sam,
sons of Ishmael, Nephi, Zoram
2 Nephi 2:1–30 blessing to Jacob
2 Nephi 3:1–25 blessing to Joseph
2 Nephi 4:3–7 blessing to the children of Laman
2 Nephi 4:8–9 blessing to the children of Lemuel
2 Nephi 4:11 blessing to Sam
Jacob 2:23–34 teachings about fidelity in marriage
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Words of Mormon; Helaman 12; Mormon 1:1–7:10; Moroni 7–9
Mormon, the chief abridger and editor of the full Book of
Mormon, also added comments of his own to many of the books
in that record, besides writing two books within the Book of
Mormon that also bear his name (the Words of Mormon and the
book of Mormon). As this chart demonstrates, his editorial com-
mentaries, skillfully woven into the text of the primary authors,
provide important explanations of human nature, the gathering of
Israel, the Book of Mormon in the latter days, and the Savior’s visit
to the Americas. His own writings include, among other things
(not all of which are listed on this chart), an autobiography and
important sermons or letters on good works and infant baptism.
Chart 20
Writings of Mormon
Key Scriptures
Chart 20
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Writings of Mormon
Reference Description of Text Date
W of M 1:1–2 on delivering plates to Moroni
A.D. 385
W of M 1:3–11 on abridging the plates of Nephi
A.D. 340
W of M 1:12–18 account of Benjamin
Helaman 3:13–17 on record keeping
A.D. 340
Helaman 12 on human nature
A.D. 341
3 Nephi 5:8–26 on record keeping
A.D. 341
3 Nephi 10:11–19 on searching the scriptures
A.D. 341
3 Nephi 26:8–21 on Christ’s visit to Americas
A.D. 341
3 Nephi 28:24–30:2 on Three Nephites and
A.D. 341
gathering of Israel
4 Nephi four generations of history
A.D. 342
Mormon 1:1–6:15 autobiography
A.D. 384
Mormon 6:16–7:10 lament over people and
testimony to latter-day remnant
Moroni 7 sermon on good works
A.D. 334
Moroni 8 epistle on baptism
A.D. 337
Moroni 9 farewell epistle to Moroni
A.D. 385
* dates are approximate
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mormon 8–9; Ether 12; Moroni 10
Sometime after
A.D. 385, Moroni was left alone to “write the sad
tale of the destruction of the Nephite people (Mormon 8:3). His
writings appear within the last three books of the Book of Mor-
mon. Moroni recounted the final battle at Cumorah and abridged
the record of the Jaredites. He also testified of Jesus Christ and pre-
served gospel ordinances for use in future generations. For example,
Moroni’s record of the Nephite sacrament prayers is the historical
source from which Joseph Smith received the prayers that are used
today in administering the sacrament.
Chart 21
Writings of Moroni
Key Scriptures
Chart 21
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Writings of Moroni
Mormon 8–9 concerning nonbelievers; call to repentance;
coming forth of the Book of Mormon
Ether 1:1–6 on abridging the book of Ether
Ether 1:6–3:28 early Jaredite history (Moroni frequently
relies on Ether’s texts here, although only
by memory; see Ether 5:1)
Ether 4–5 on the coming forth of sacred records
Ether 6:1–12:5 Jaredite history (Moroni again recites
history by memory; see Ether 5:1)
Ether 12:6–41 on faith and overcoming weakness
Ether 13–15 final Jaredite history (again by memory)
Moroni 1 on his inclusion of the book of Moroni
Moroni 2 on ordination of apostles
Moroni 3 on ordination of priests and teachers
Moroni 4–5 on administration of the sacrament
Moroni 6 on baptism and church membership
Moroni 10 exhortation to the Lamanites and others
Title Page contents of the Book of Mormon
Reference Description of Text
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Words of Mormon 1:9
The individual books that compose the Book of Mormon vary
significantly in length. The overall record concentrates on three
periods: the founding of the Nephite civilization (sixth century
B.C.), its flourishing (150 B.C.–A.D. 50), and its final years (fourth
Chart 22
Number of Pages in Books
of the Book of Mormon
Key Scripture
Chart 22
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Number of Pages in Books
of the Book of Mormon
1 Nephi
2 Nephi
3 Nephi
4 Nephi
100 150 200
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Words of Mormon 1:9
This chart adds a time factor to chart 22. The number of pages in
the Book of Mormon given to each year of Nephite history varies
significantly. Some shorter books cover long periods of time, and
longer books document relatively few years. For example, the book
of Jacob on the average documents a year in one-third of a page,
while the book of Alma averages about four pages per year. This
suggests that Mormon most likely abridged some records more
extensively than others or had less underlying text to work with in
certain eras. The data used for this chart is listed below.
Chart 23
Average Number of Pages
Covering One Nephite Year
Key Scripture
1 Nephi
2 Nephi
3 Nephi
4 Nephi
Total Years
Years Covered
600–588 B.C.
544–482 B.C.
481–420 B.C.
419–361 B.C.
130–91 B.C.
52–1 B.C.
A.D. 1–35
A.D. 36–321
A.D. 322–400
A.D. 401–421
of Pages
Chart 23
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Average Number of Pages Covering One Nephite Year
for Books in the Book of Mormon
1 Nephi
2 Nephi
3 Nephi
4 Nephi
1 2 4
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
3 Nephi 5:8
This chart highlights the relationship between pages written and
years recorded for individual books in the Book of Mormon. In
this divided bar graph, each band spans three columns represent-
ing, from left to right, a percentage of the total number of pages of
Nephite history a particular book includes, the name of the book
(the book of Ether excepted because it covers Jaredite, not Nephite,
history), and a percentage of the total number of years of Nephite
civilization that the book covers. For example, while 4 Nephi is
only a few pages long and represents 0.8 percent of the total num-
ber of Book of Mormon pages that record Nephite history, it is the
record of four generations of people and covers 28 percent of the
years in which the Nephite civilization existed. This chart consoli-
dates information also found in charts 22 and 23.
Richard O. Cowan, “Historians of the Book of Mormon,
Instructor, December 1962, 444 and inside back cover. See also
chart by Scott Haycock and Robert Turner, Springfield, Virginia.
Chart 24
Nephite Books Compared by
Length and Years Covered
Key Scripture
Chart 24
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Nephite Books Compared by
Length and Years Covered
Percentage of Total
Pages of Nephite History
Percentage of Total
Years of Nephite History
1 Nephi
2 Nephi
3 Nephi
4 Nephi
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Words of Mormon 1:5
The Nephites lived in the Americas from approximately 600
A.D. 385, a period of about one thousand years. Moroni survived
his people and buried the plates around
A.D. 421. Throughout their
history, the Nephites kept historical and doctrinal records. This
graph shows which centuries each Nephite book covers, presenting
Nephite chronology as a whole. Three periods of Nephite civiliza-
tion receive the greatest attention: the founding (sixth century
the flourishing (150
B.C.–A.D. 50), and the final years (fourth cen-
Chart 25
Nephite Books
Listed Chronologically
Key Scripture
Chart 25
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
600 500 400
200 3000
400 500
B.C. A.D.
1 Nephi
2 Nephi
3 Nephi
4 Nephi
600–588 B.C.
130–91 B.C.
A.D. 1–35
A.D. 322–400
Nephite Books
Listed Chronologically
A.D. 36–321
A.D. 400–421
of the Book of Mormon
Section 3
Charts 26–40
1 Nephi–Omni
This chart shows the lineage of Lehi and approximate life spans of
him and his descendants, from Nephi to Amaleki, who were re-
sponsible for keeping the historical and doctrinal records of their
people. Each bar on the chart represents an individual record
keeper’s life. Although the Book of Mormon does not give the
date of Nephi’s death, it makes good sense to assume that he was
approximately seventy-five years old when he died.
John W. Welch, “Longevity of Book of Mormon People and the
Age of Man,’” Journal of Collegium Aesculapium 3 (1985): 34–45.
Chart 26
Life Spans of Lehi’s Lineage
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 26
Life span
Life span with unknown
date of death
100 0
500 400 300 200
Life Spans of Lehi’s Lineage
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Omni–Alma 27
Mosiah and his lineage did much to bring people to Jesus Christ.
After being instructed by the Lord to lead the people of Nephi out
of the land of Nephi, Mosiah preserved their lives and brought to
the people of Zarahemla the brass plates and the Nephite records.
He also taught the people of Zarahemla the gospel and the lan-
guage of the Nephites, and he was made king over both Nephites
and Mulekites. His example of righteousness was emulated by his
son Benjamin and Benjamins son Mosiah. In addition to safe-
guarding the brass plates and the Nephite records, Benjamin and
Mosiah admonished the people to have faith in Christ and to
renew their covenants with the Lord. Mosiahs four sons, while
rebellious in their youth, were instrumental in converting thou-
sands of Lamanites to the gospel of Christ.
John W. Welch, “Longevity of Book of Mormon People and the
Age of Man,’” Journal of Collegium Aesculapium 3 (1985): 34–45.
Chart 27
Life Spans of Mosiah’s Lineage
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Life span
Life span with unknown
date of death
200 150 100 50
Life Spans of Mosiah’s Lineage
Chart 27
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 17–Mormon 1
This chart shows the lineage of Alma and approximate life spans
of him and his descendants mentioned in the Book of Mormon.
Almas conversion while listening to Abinadi (see Mosiah 18:1) and
Almas baptism at the Waters of Mormon (see Mosiah 18:14) were
important events for himself and for the Nephite civilization. Not
only were Almas descendants able to receive the blessings of the
gospel, but for over four hundred years many of them were key
prophets and principal keepers of the plates of Nephi who in turn
spread the gospel to the general population.
John W. Welch, “Longevity of Book of Mormon People and the
Age of Man,’” Journal of Collegium Aesculapium 3 (1985): 34–45.
Chart 28
Life Spans of Alma’s Lineage
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 28
Life span
Life span with unknown
date of death
0 100 200
Life Spans of Alma’s Lineage
B.C. A.D.
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 9–24
The narratives in the book of Mosiah do not always follow in strict
chronological order. The two major flashbacks, Zeniffs and Almas
accounts, illustrate that the book of Mosiah was put together by
use of historical records of several authors. These flashbacks also
attest to the historicity of the Book of Mormon, because it would
have been difficult for the Prophet Joseph Smith to dictate these
historically complex flashbacks and still keep his facts straight. In
this chart the bars represent the narrative content and flow of the
books of Omni and Mosiah over time, while the two flashback
episodes are shown in relation to their placement in the book of
Mosiah and to the time spans they cover, which predate the time
of Mosiah
Chart 29
Flashbacks in the Book of Mosiah
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
121 B.C.
250 B.C.
300 B.C.
200 B.C.
150 B.C.
279 B.C.
Flashbacks in the Book of Mosiah
Chart 29
100 B.C.
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 17–28
As in the book of Mosiah, there are two significant flashbacks in
the first part of the book of Alma. They highlight successful
episodes in the missionary work of the sons of Mosiah among the
Lamanites. The text in Alma 1–16 covers events in the land of
Zarahemla through the fourteenth year of the reign of the judges.
In Alma 17 the narrative reverts back to the first year of the judges
and then covers events in the lands of Ishmael and Nephi those
same fourteen years (see Alma 17:4). The first flashback recounts
Ammons ministry to the people of Lamoni (see Alma 17–20), and
the second records how Lamoni’s father and his household were
converted through the preaching of Aaron, resulting in the conver-
sion of thousands throughout the land (see Alma 21–23). Approxi-
mate dates are listed both by standard configuration (
B.C.) and
Nephite time (reign of the judges, or R.J.). These flashbacks are yet
another evidence of the complexity of the Book of Mormon. It is
quite remarkable how these historical accounts fit so neatly together,
all coming together again with the Lamanite attacks in the eleventh
(16:2 = 25:2) and fourteenth (16:12 = 28:2) years. In addition,
another flashback (not shown on this chart) is found in Alma 56:1
and 56:9, which returns from the thirteenth year to the twenty-
sixth to pick up the story of Helamans stripling warriors.
Chart 30
Flashbacks in the Book of Alma
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
91 B.C.
B.C.91 B.C.
78 B.C.
move to Jershon
sons of
Flashbacks in the Book of Alma
Chart 30
91 B.C.
(1 R.J.)
(11 R.J.)
78 B.C.
(21 R.J.)
(31 R.J.)
100 B.C.
81 B.C.
71 B.C.
61 B.C.
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
land of
land of
Ether 1; 7–15
This chart shows the chronology of Jaredite kings referred to in the
book of Ether, their familial ties to each other, and whether they
were righteous, unrighteous, or in captivity all of their days (in
which case their moral character went unremarked). Mosiah
attested to the ability of a king to influence his people for good or
evil. Referring specifically to King Noah, he stated, “How much
iniquity doth one wicked king cause to be committed, yea, and
what great destruction!” (Mosiah 29:17). The main column on this
chart gives the genealogy of Ether, the son of Coriantor (see Ether
11:23), which runs back to Jared (see Ether 1:6–32). This king list
contains thirty names, from the Jaredite founder down to the
prophet Ether, who was not a king but whose name is on the book
in the Book of Mormon telling the history of the Jaredites. Con-
flicts with others who asserted powers as kings are also listed.
Expanded from the work of Lee Prince, student of John W. Welch,
Book of Mormon 121H, Brigham Young University, fall 1997.
Chart 31
Jaredite Kings
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 31
Corihor, Noah,
and Cohor
reigned over the
land of Moron;
Nimrod returned
the land of Moron
to Shule (Ether 7)
and Akish
reigned over the
land of first inheri-
tance until all but
thirty were killed;
Omer was then
restored as king
over the whole land
(Ether 8)
These four fought Coriantumr for
control of the kingdom (Ether 13–14)
lived in captivity
from father to son
from brother to brother
not related by blood
of Jared
Jaredite Kings
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Omni 1:12–25; Words of Mormon 1:10–18; Mosiah 1–22;
Alma 17–22
This chart highlights prominent Nephite and Lamanite kings
from 200–77
B.C. These men are described in great detail in the
Book of Mormon, showing especially the great effect a leader can
have on his people. Mosiah
, Zeniff, and King Laman were con-
temporaries. Benjamin was beginning his reign when Noah was at
the height of his power. Limhi’s reign ended when he and his people
returned to Zarahemla near the beginning of Mosiah
’s reign.
Lamoni’s father, who may have been a descendant of King Laman,
was converted by Aaron about 82
B.C. Lamoni himself was converted
a little earlier by Ammon. Lamoni and King Anti-Nephi-Lehi were
brothers (see Alma 24:5).
Chart 32
Nephite and Lamanite Kings
Key Scriptures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
150 B.C.
200 B.C.
100 B.C.
50 B.C.
Nephite and Lamanite Kings
Chart 32
Nephites in
Land of
Nephites in
Land of
Lamanites in
Lands of Nephi
and Ishmael
dates are approximate
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
land of Nephi
taught by Aaron
in land of Nephi
land of Nephi
taught by
Ammon in
land of
Mosiah 29–3 Nephi 7:14
From about 91 A.D. 30, the Nephite civilization was gov-
erned by chief judges. Each judge’s name, known church role,
tenure, cause of termination, and relation to his predecessors are
represented on this chart. Of the thirteen Nephite judges charted,
nearly half were assassinated, indicating serious governmental
turmoil during the reign of the judges.
Chart 33
The Nephite Judges
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
The Nephite Judges
Chart 33
Judge Relation to Church Approximate Cause of
Predecessors Role Tenure Termination
no data prophet 91–83 B.C. resigned
Nephihah nominated by Alma
elder 83–67 B.C. died
son of Nephihah no data 67–53 B.C. died
son of Pahoran
no data 52 B.C. assassinated
Pacumeni son of Pahoran
no data
52–51 B.C. killed by invaders
grandson of Alma
leader 50–39 B.C. died
son of Helaman
prophet 39–30 B.C. resigned
Cezoram nominated by Nephi
no data 30–26 B.C. assassinated
no data son of Cezoram no data 26 B.C. assassinated
no data no data 26–20 B.C. assassinated
no data no data no data 20–A.D.1 no data
no data
prophet A.D. 1–30 no data
son of Lachoneus
no data A.D. 30 assassinated
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 29:42–Alma 4:20
As chief judge during the first years of the reign of the judges, Alma
the Younger addressed difficulties such as the execution of Nehor,
the revolt of Amlici, and a postwar economic slump. In the eighth
year of his term, Alma resigned from office and devoted all of his
energy to preaching the gospel to his people, “to stir them up in
remembrance of their duty, and . . . pull down, by the word of God,
all the pride and craftiness and all the contentions which were
among his people” (Alma 4:19). Although Alma resigned from the
office of chief judge, he retained the office of high priest, thereby
separating the political and religious spheres of influence. This
chart outlines the main events for years 1–8 of the reign of the
judges (91–83
Chart 34
Alma as Chief Judge
Years 1–8 of the Reign of the Judges
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 34
Alma as Chief Judge
Years 1–8 of the Reign of the Judges
Nehor is executed, but priestcrafts continue
Church members are persecuted
The church prohibits persecution
Pride and contention increase in the church
Some are excommunicated or withdraw
from the church
Church members regroup
Preachers and workers are equal
Church members prosper
Prosperity abounds
Wickedness increases outside the church
Amlici revolts and is killed by Alma
is wounded in battle
Lamanites invade again but are defeated
Postwar economic problems stimulate
religious renewal
3,500 people are converted and baptized
Pride and contention increase in the church
Alma turns the judgeship over to Nephihah
Alma 1
Alma 1
Alma 1
Alma 1
Alma 2–3
Alma 4
Alma 4
Alma 4
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 5–45
Alma the Younger served as the high priest of the church during
the first nineteen years of the reign of the judges. He served a dual
role of high priest and chief judge for the first eight years but after-
wards resigned from serving as chief judge in order to concentrate
on improving the spirituality of his people. This chart illustrates
some of the more important events that took place during years
9–19 of the reign of the judges (83–73
B.C.). Among other things,
Alma assisted in the conversion of Zeezrom, preached to the city of
Ammonihah, contended with Korihor, and led missionary activities
to Antionum. After this period of faithful labor, Alma journeyed
toward the land of Melek and was not seen again. Some supposed
that he was taken up by the Spirit and received by the Lord (see
Alma 45:19).
Chart 35
Alma as High Priest
Years 9–19 of the Reign of the Judges
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Nephihah becomes chief judge
preaches in Zarahemla and Gideon
preaches in Melek, Ammonihah, Sidom
Amulek and Zeezrom are converted
Women, children suffer death by fire in Ammonihah
Ammonihah is destroyed
Peace; no inequality exists among Nephites
Peace; the church is established
Ammonites possess the land of Jershon
Lamanites invade
Lamanite attack ends
Korihor contends with Alma
, dies in Antionum
Some Zoramites are converted and granted refuge
in Jershon, leaving apostate Zoramites angry
blesses his sons; they preach in every city
Zoramites and Lamanites invade Jershon, Manti
Zerahemnah is defeated
passes the mantle to his son Helaman
goes as if to Melek and is not seen again
Helaman and his brethren preach in every city
Chart 35
Alma as High Priest
Years 9–19 of the Reign of the Judges
Alma 4
Alma 5; 7
Alma 8; 9; 15
Alma 10; 15
Alma 14
Alma 16
Alma 16:16
Alma 16:21
Alma 27
Alma 16:12
Alma 28:3
Alma 30
Alma 30
Alma 31–35
Alma 36–43
Alma 43
Alma 43–44
Alma 45
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 4:20–50:37
Nephihah served as chief judge for sixteen years, from the ninth to
the twenty-fourth years of the reign of the judges (83–68
Although he served a long time, little is known about him. He was
largely overshadowed by the activities of Alma
, Amulek, the four
sons of Mosiah, Helaman
, Captain Moroni, and other Nephite
leaders. For a more complete listing of events during the first ten
years of his reign, see chart 35. Nephihah seems to have been a
weak ruler. He was the judge at the time of the serious troubles
with Korihor and Amalickiah, but he played little role in handling
those cases, as far as we know. Due largely to the strength of others
around him, his final years were known as the happiest times in all
of Nephite history.
Chart 36
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Nephihah as Chief Judge
Years 19–24 of the Reign of the Judges
Chart 36
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
delivers the judgment seat to Nephihah
Korihor appears before the chief judge and Alma
Helaman reestablishes the church throughout the land
Amalickiah desires to be king, rebels, and is expelled by Captain
Moroni but becomes king of the Lamanites, who attack
Nephite fortifications but are repulsed
Peace and rejoicing in the church
Extensive work on fortifications
Peace and rejoicing in the church
Prosperity and never a happier time
Captain Moroni stops the people of Morianton, who
were trying to leave for the land northward
Nephihah dies
Nephihah as Chief Judge
Years 9–24 of the Reign of the Judges
Alma 4:20
Alma 30
Alma 45
Alma 46–49
Alma 50
Alma 50
Alma 50
Alma 50
Alma 50
Alma 50:40–Helaman 1:2
War ravaged half of the very eventful fifteen years during which
Pahoran served as chief judge (67–53
B.C.). He tried, often unsuc-
cessfully, to hold the Nephite capital together. With wars dragging
on for seven years in the north and to the south, Pahoran was
unable to effectively administer justice and preserve unity among
the people. He was plagued with rebellions at home and held sev-
eral king-men in prison for the duration of the conflict. After the
war, governmental offices and church functions were reestablished
and the Nephites began to prosper. Within a short time of each
other, however, four very influential Nephite leaders, including
Pahoran, all died, leaving the Nephites very weak on leadership.
Chart 37
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Pahoran as Chief Judge
Years 25–39 of the Reign of the Judges
Chart 37
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
King-men seek to depose Pahoran as chief judge but are vanquished by
Captain Moroni
Teancum repels Lamanites attacking on the east and slays Amalickiah
Lamanites retreat to Mulek; Ammoron continues the war on the west
Helaman leads stripling warriors to Judea to assist Antipus
Teancums and Moroni’s forces unite in Bountiful, prepare to
retake Mulek
Helaman and Antipus defeat larger Lamanite armies
Moroni retakes Mulek
Nephite dissensions enable Lamanites to capture Nephite cities
Helaman retakes Antiparah without bloodshed
Ammoron, Moroni negotiate; Moroni frees Nephite prisoners
Striplings win at Cumeni and Manti
Helaman sends epistle to Moroni (56:1), who asks Pahoran for aid (59:3)
Moroni and Pahoran exchange epistles; Lamanites take Nephihah
Moroni and Pahoran join forces and retake Zarahemla from king-men
Moroni sends provisions, reinforcements to Helaman, Lehi, Teancum
Nephites retake Nephihah
Teancum is killed after slaying Ammoron; Lamanites driven out of land
Moroni fortifies border cities, yields command to Moronihah
Pahoran returns to judgment seat; Helaman and others build up church
Helaman dies
Shiblon keeps records; Moroni dies
Many Nephites migrate northward
Shiblon dies
Pahoran dies
Pahoran as Chief Judge
Years 25–39 of the Reign of the Judges
Alma 51
Alma 52
Alma 56:9
Alma 52
Alma 56
Alma 52
Alma 53
Alma 57
Alma 54–55
Alma 57–58
Alma 56–59:3
Alma 59:3–61
Alma 62
Alma 62
Alma 62
Alma 62
Alma 62
Alma 63
Alma 63
Alma 63
Helaman 1
Helaman 2:1–3:37
Helaman, the son of the Helaman who led the stripling Ammonite
warriors, served as chief judge for twelve years, from the forty-second
to the fifty-third years of the reign of the judges (50–39
B.C.). After an
assassination attempt against him in his inaugural year, his reign was
the most peaceful of any Nephite chief judge. He saw no wars, and
nine of his years were marked as times of peace. He was centrally
noted for his “justice and equity” (Helaman 3:20). Most significantly,
the forty-ninth and fiftieth years of the reign of the judges appear to
have been jubilee years. The forty-ninth year would have been the
seventh sabbatical year (a reasonable time for great celebration and
rejoicing) and the fiftieth year the jubilee itself (a time of continual
peace and great joy). The jubilee laws under the law of Moses are
found in Leviticus 25–26. The forty-ninth and fiftieth years are men-
tioned in Leviticus 25:8–10.
Chart 38
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Helaman as Chief Judge
Years 42–53 of the Reign of the Judges
Chart 38
Helaman 2:1–12
3:19, 22
Peace achieved with the Lamanites
Kishkumen killed attempting to assassinate Helaman
Gadianton flees and becomes robber leader
No contention among the Nephites, but a little pride
No contention
No contention
Much contention and many dissensions
Many migrate into the land northward
Great contention continues
Contentions eventually diminish
Peace, prosperity, very dramatic church growth
Continual rejoicing all year long
Gadianton robbers secretly infiltrate settled lands
Continual peace and great joy
Peace and sanctification
Rising pride among church members
Peace prevails despite increasing pride
dies in office
Helaman as Chief Judge
Years 42–53 of the Reign of the Judges
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Helaman 3:37–5:1
, the son of Helaman
, served as chief judge for ten years,
from the fifty-third to the sixty-second years of the reign of the
judges (39–30
B.C.). His time was disastrous for the Nephites.
Civil war, pride, wickedness, and weakness led to the loss of the
city of Zarahemla and many other lands, even half of all the
Nephites’ possessions (see Helaman 4:5–10). Like Alma the
Younger, his great-grandfather, Nephi
resigned the judgeship to
attempt to improve this situation by preaching the word of God.
Chart 39
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Nephi as Chief Judge
Years 53–62 of the Reign of the Judges
Helaman 3:37
Nephi becomes chief judge
Dissensions within the church lead to bloodshed, civil
war, and banishment of rebels, who go over to the
Dissenters stir up the Lamanites, who prepare for war
Dissenters and Lamanites attack Nephites
Zarahemla and much Nephite territory fall to the
Lamanites and dissenters
Nephites regain many cities
Nephites regain half of their original lands
Weakened by transgression and unbelief, Nephites fail to
regain more lands
Nephi resigns judgeship to preach the gospel with his
brother Lehi, first to the Nephites in the land of
Zarahemla and then to the Lamanites in Nephi
Nephi as Chief Judge
Years 53–62 of the Reign of the Judges
Chart 39
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
2 Nephi 5:33
Archaeologist John L. Sorenson has found interesting correla-
tions between Book of Mormon events and pre-Columbian
American history in Mesoamerica (central and southern Mexico
and northern Central America). As depicted in this chart (which,
like other archaeological time lines, is oriented with the most
recent date at the top), Sorenson suggests that Olmec and
Jaredite civilizations correspond historically, while the civiliza-
tion existing in the Mexican state of Chiapas in highland Guate-
mala can roughly represent the Nephite and Lamanite peoples.
In addition, the dates of Izapan influences spreading northward
correspond with the people of Nephi finding the land of Zara-
hemla and joining with the Mulekites. Because the peak Izapan
development occurred between the second century
B.C. and the
fourth century A.D., Izapans are believed to have been Nephites,
although the exact association is unclear. While the Teotihuacans
were not related to the Lamanites directly, existing probably as a
remnant group of the Jaredites, they are believed to have allied
themselves culturally and possibly militarily with the Lamanites
near the end of Nephite civilization. These chronological and geo-
graphic correlations offer secondary evidence supporting the
ancient origin of the Book of Mormon.
John L. Sorenson, An Ancient American Setting for the Book of
Mormon (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1985), 135; and John L.
Sorenson, Images of Ancient America: Visualizing Book of Mormon
Life (Provo, Utah: Research Press, 1998), 193.
Chart 40
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Nephite and Mesoamerican History
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 40
North of Isthmus South of Isthmus
of Tehuantepec of Tehuantepec
A.D. 600
A.D. 1
Book of Mormon
Land Northward Land Southward
Nephite and Mesoamerican History
Prophetic view: wars,
Wars continue among non-Nephites
Nephites exterminated
Nephites retreat north
War, turmoil spread
Widespread trade
Cults, priests flourish
Dynamic, prosperous society
Classes reappear
Classless, theocratic-led society
Great natural, social catastrophe
Class distinctions, state rule
Migrations northward
Expansion of Nephite and Lamanite
lineages and influence
Small tribes
Approximate extermination
of Jaredite lineages
Various States “Classic Maya
Teotihuacan influence declines
Maya stelae cease
Teotihuacan groups spread widely
Militarism increasing; cults abound
Peak in cultural creativity
Priests flourish
Surge in class symbols, trade
Stable socioeconomic growth
Hesitation in growth
Volcanic action
Precursors of Classic at Tikal,
Monte Alban, Cuicuilco, etc.
Izapan influences go north
Small sociopolitical chiefdoms
Approximate end of
Olmec civilization
Jesus Christ
in the Book of Mormon
Section 4
Charts 41–52
1 Nephi 1:9
We know for certain that Jesus Christ appeared personally to
prophets such as Lehi, Nephi, Jacob, Mormon, and Moroni and to
the people gathered at Bountiful after his resurrection. These per-
sonal visitations are listed in the first part of this chart. But Christ
probably appeared to additional prophets as well. The second part
of this chart lists those who recorded having seen “an angel of the
Lord” (Amulek and Samuel) or “the angel of the Lord” (Benjamin
and Alma the Younger). Because it is difficult to distinguish be-
tween “the angel of the Lord” and Jehovah in Genesis 16:7–11,
Exodus 3:2, and Judges 2:1–4, Nephites who recorded seeing “the
angel of the Lord” might have been indirectly writing about the
Lord himself. It is therefore possible that prophets such as Alma
also saw the Savior and conversed with him (see Mosiah 27:25,
And the Lord said unto me”).
John W. Welch, Ten Testimonies of Jesus Christ from the Book of
Mormon,” in Doctrines of the Book of Mormon: The 1991 Sperry
Symposium, ed. Bruce A. Van Orden and Brent L. Top (Salt Lake
City: Deseret Book, 1992), 223–42.
Chart 41
People to Whom Jesus Christ or
the Angel of the Lord Appeared
Key Scripture
Jesus Christ
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 41
Lehi 1 Nephi 1:9
2 Nephi 11:2
Jacob 2 Nephi 2:4; 11:3
Lamoni Alma 19:13
the gatherings at Bountiful 3 Nephi 11–26
the twelve Nephite disciples 3 Nephi 27:2
the brother of Jared Ether 3:14
Mormon Mormon 1:15
Moroni Ether 12:39
Benjamin Mosiah 4:1
Mosiah 27:11
Laman, Lemuel, and Sam 1 Nephi 3:29
Amulek Alma 10:7
Samuel the Lamanite Helaman 13:7
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
People to Whom Jesus Christ Appeared
People Who Saw the Angel of the Lord
Alma 33:22
All the prophets of the world, including those in the ancient
Americas, have testified “more or less” (Mosiah 13:33; Jacob 4:5)
concerning the coming and atonement of Jesus Christ. In Alma 32
the prophet Alma tells how to plant and nourish the seed of true
faith. In verses 22 and 23 he discloses what the seed is that people
should plant in their hearts and that will sprout and grow into a
tree of everlasting life. That seed is a declaration of faith. It has
seven parts, as this chart shows. One may well imagine that Alma
and his followers could have personally recited this declaration in
explaining their faith, in much the same way as members of the
church today use the Articles of Faith in stating the fundamental
elements of their faith.
Chart 42
Nephite Declaration of Faith
Key Scripture
Jesus Christ
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Nephite Declaration of Faith
1 We “believe in the Son of God,
2 that he will come to redeem his people,
3 and that he shall suffer and die
4 to atone for their sins;
5 and that he shall rise again from the dead,
6 which shall bring to pass the resurrection,
7 that all men shall stand before him,
to be judged”
Alma 33:22
Chart 42
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 43
Consistent Elements
in Nephite Declarations of Faith
Key Scriptures
Jesus Christ
Alma 33:22; 1 Nephi 11:31–33; 19:9–10; 2 Nephi 9:4–15; 25:12–13;
Mosiah 3:5–10; 15:5–9, 20; 16:10; Alma 11:39–41; Mormon 9:1–14
Alma 33:22 is not the only place in the Book of Mormon where its
seven principles of Nephite faith in Jesus Christ are revealed. Eight
other important compact doctrinal passages list many, if not all, of
these seven principles. Each of these passages is shown in the left-
hand columns of this chart. To the right, check marks indicate
which principles each passage includes. The consistency of expres-
sion found in these scriptures suggests that the seven principles in
Almas formulation may have constituted a widely taught and
adopted declaration of faith established among the Nephites.
John W. Welch, Ten Testimonies of Jesus Christ from the Book of
Mormon,” in Doctrines of the Book of Mormon: The 1991 Sperry
Symposium, ed. Bruce A. Van Orden and Brent L. Top (Salt Lake
City: Deseret Book, 1992), 223–42.
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 43
He shall judge all men
Believe in the Son of God
He will atone for their sins
He shall rise again from the dead
He will bring to pass the resurrection
He shall suffer and die
He will come to redeem his people
1 Nephi 11:31–33
1 Nephi 19:9–10
2 Nephi 9:4–15
2 Nephi 25:12–13
Mosiah 3:5–10
Mosiah 15:5–9,
20; 16:10
Alma 11:39–41
Alma 33:22
Mormon 9:1–14
Speaker Reference
Consistent Elements
in Nephite Declarations of Faith
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 3:5–27
Major Book of Mormon authors used sixty-seven different names
to refer to Jesus Christ. Of these names, many were used exclusively
by one author, while others were used almost universally. This may
be because the Lord was to them, as he is to each of us, both the
same and different: his atonement is universal, but each of us also
has a relationship with him that is entirely personal. For example,
King Benjamin is the only prophet in the Book of Mormon who
calls Jesus the “Heavenly King or the “Lord Omnipotent. This
could be in part because Benjamin himself was a king, identified
with Christ on that level, and recognized the true authority and
power of the Son of God. This table shows the names for Christ
that appear in the Book of Mormon and the frequency with which
its major authors used them. Names for Christ that are unique to
certain authors appear in boldface type. The data below show
which texts are used to represent each major author.
Lehi: 1 Nephi 1; 8; 10; 2 Nephi 1–4
: 1 Nephi 11–22; 2 Nephi 25–33
Jacob: 2 Nephi 6–10; Jacob 2–4; 6
Abinadi: Mosiah 12–16
Benjamin: Mosiah 1–6
: Alma 5; 7; 12–13; 32–33; 36–42
Amulek: Alma 9–11; 34
Samuel: Helaman 13–15
Mormon: Helaman 12; 3 Nephi 5; Mormon 1–7; Moroni 7–9
Moroni: Mormon 8–9; Ether 4–5; 12:6–41; Moroni 1–10
John W. Welch, Ten Testimonies of Jesus Christ from the Book of
Mormon,” in Doctrines of the Book of Mormon: The 1991 Sperry
Symposium, ed. Bruce A. Van Orden and Brent L. Top (Salt Lake
City: Deseret Book, 1992), 223–42.
Chart 44
Names Used for Christ
by Major Book of Mormon Authors
Key Scripture
Jesus Christ
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 44
Names Used for Christ
by Major Book of Mormon Authors
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
A Messiah 2 1
A Son of God 1
All-Powerful Creator 1
Beloved Son 1
Christ 40 12 8 12 12 8 2 43 46
Christ Jesus 1
Christ the Lord 1 1
Christ the Son 1 1 1
Creator 3 1 1 1
Eternal Father 2 2 2 1 5
Eternal God 2 1 2 1
Father 18 3 5 2 1 1 13 22
Father of Heaven and Earth 1 1 1 1 1
Father and Son
First-Fruits 1
God 41 135 87 44 57 201 29 9 76 72
God of Abr., Isaac, Jacob 1 2 1
Good Shepherd 7
Great Creator 3
Great and Eternal Head 1
Great Mediator 2
Great and True Shepherd 1
Heavenly King 1
His Son Jesus Christ 1
Chart 44
Holy Being 1
Holy Child 1
Holy Messiah 2
Holy One 1 1 1 2 1 1
Holy One of Israel 2 14 17
Holy One of Jacob 1
Jehovah 1
Jesus 4 2 9 6
Jesus Christ 4 3 3 1 1 7 17
King of Heaven 1 1
Lamb 29 1 1 1
Lamb of God 1 31 1 2
Lord 64 175 46 49 32 54 29 47 53 54
Lord God 8 38 18 6 8 1 1 1 1
Lord God Almighty 1 1 1
Lord God of Hosts
Lord God Omnipotent 2
Lord of Hosts 9 7 3
Lord Jesus 1
Lord Jesus Christ 1 3 1 3 2
Lord Omnipotent 4
Maker 2
Messiah 13 12 2 1
Mighty God 1
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 44
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mighty One of Israel 1
Mighty One of Jacob 1 1
Only Begotten of the Father 1 2 1
Only Begotten Son 2 3
Redeemer 5 12 3 3 1 2
Savior 1 4 1 1 4 1
Shepherd 2 11 1 1
Son 8 6 12 1 2 8
Son of the Eternal Father
Son of the Everlasting God 1
Son of the Most High God 1
Son of Righteousness 1
The Christ 1
The Son of God 2 5 1 2 10 8 3 3 3
The Very Christ 1 1
The Very God
True Messiah 2 1
Very God of Israel 1
References to Christ 148 565 215 119 126 339 86 74 224 247
Names used unique to author 41041330233
Different names used by author 17 38 22 11 15 20 14 15 20 21
Percent names unique to author 24 26 18 9 20 15 0 13 15 14
Jesus Christ
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
2 Nephi 10:3
The writings of major Book of Mormon authors reflect a personal-
ized understanding and testimony of Jesus Christ. This is evident
in part by the unique names that they used to describe him. This
chart highlights the names for Christ that are unique to each au-
thor. For example, Lehi is the only author who refers to Christ as
a prophet” (1 Nephi 10:4), while his son Nephi alone uses the
name “Beloved Son (2 Nephi 31:11) when quoting the words of
God the Father. It may be that Lehi’s calling as a prophet allowed
him to identify personally with Christ on that level and that
Nephi’s position as a “beloved son of Lehi helped him to readily
understand Christ’s sonship. This chart also includes a column
showing some of the major topics each author emphasizes in his
discourses. Those topics are usually consonant with the names
each author uses for Christ.
John W. Welch, Ten Testimonies of Jesus Christ from the Book of
Mormon,” in Doctrines of the Book of Mormon: The 1991 Sperry
Symposium, ed. Bruce A. Van Orden and Brent L. Top (Salt Lake
City: Deseret Book, 1992), 223–42.
Chart 45
Names and Concepts Associated with Christ
by Major Book of Mormon Authors
Key Scripture
Names and Concepts Associated with Christ
by Major Book of Mormon Authors
Author Distinctive Name(s) for Christ Topics Emphasized
Lehi A Messiah, First-Fruits, Great Mediator, mercy, redemption
Holy Messiah, Lord God Almighty, Prophet
Son of the Most High God, Son of the obedience and law,
Everlasting Father, Son of Righteousness, covenants to the
The Christ, Beloved Son, Very God of Israel, house of Israel
Mighty One of Israel
Jacob Mighty God, Maker, All-Powerful Creator, temple and priestly
Great Creator functions
Abinadi Father, Son innocent suffering,
fatherhood and
Benjamin Heavenly King, Lord Omnipotent, ceremonial and
Lord God Omnipotent royal functions,
atonement, blood
Good Shepherd, Shepherd, Christ Jesus mercy, conversion,
judgment, joy, equity
Amulek Christ the Son atonement, arms of
safety, sacrifice
Samuel Great and Eternal Head, Lord of Hosts destruction of evil
Mormon His Son Jesus Christ, Holy Child, God’s love for his
The Very God children
Moroni Holy Being, Jehovah, Jesus personal witness of
Chart 45
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Jesus Christ
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 3:5–27
This chart illustrates the penchant of Book of Mormon authors to
use multiple names for the Lord Jesus Christ. Nephi
was especially
creative in this regard, though all of these authors demonstrate an
intimate, impressive understanding of the Lord’s redemptive mission
and many divine attributes. Indeed, the Book of Mormon makes
clear that these prophets learned of Christ through the scriptures and
divine revelation. For example, King Benjamin was a dedicated stu-
dent of the scriptures, and his stirring words regarding Christs saving
mission were delivered to him by an angel (see Mosiah 3:2–4:1). The
particular names that Book of Mormon authors used as they bore
witness of the Savior are documented in chart 44.
John W. Welch, Ten Testimonies of Jesus Christ from the Book of
Mormon,” in Doctrines of the Book of Mormon: The 1991 Sperry
Symposium, ed. Bruce A. Van Orden and Brent L. Top (Salt Lake
City: Deseret Book, 1992), 223–42.
Chart 46
Number of Names Used for Christ
by Major Book of Mormon Authors
Key Scripture
Chart 46
Number of Names Used for Christ
by Major Book of Mormon Authors
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Jesus Christ
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 3:5–27
Of the sixty-seven names for Jesus Christ employed by major Book
of Mormon authors, nearly half are used exclusively by individual
authors. For example, of the thirty-eight names that Nephi
for Christ, ten were used exclusively by him; of the twenty-two
names Jacob used, four were unique to him; and so on. These fig-
ures suggest the originality and rich gospel perspectives and testi-
monies of the prophets and record keepers who contributed to
the Book of Mormon record—an aspect preserved by Mormons
abridging and Joseph Smiths translating.
John W. Welch, Ten Testimonies of Jesus Christ from the Book of
Mormon,” in
Doctrines of the Book of Mormon: The 1991 Sperry
Symposium, ed. Bruce A. Van Orden and Brent L. Top (Salt Lake
City: Deseret Book, 1992), 223–42.
Chart 47
Number of Names for Christ
Used Exclusively by Individual Authors
Key Scripture
Chart 47
Number of Names for Christ
Used Exclusively by Individual Authors
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Jesus Christ
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Helaman 14
As the time neared for Samuel the Lamanite’s prophecies to be
fulfilled, Nephi
witnessed the growing skepticism of the people
concerning the predicted earthly advent of Jesus Christ. This
skepticism led to the persecution of those who believed in Christ’s
coming by those who felt the time of his birth had already passed.
These skeptics threatened to kill the believers unless the sign of
Christ’s birth appeared before a certain date. Possibly because the
very lives of the believers depended on the fulfillment of those
prophecies, Nephi paid careful attention to documenting their
exact fulfillment. Nephi also tracked Samuel’s prophecies con-
cerning Christ’s death and their fulfillment.
Chart 48
Samuel the Lamanite’s Prophecies
Key Scripture
Chart 48
Samuel the Lamanite’s Prophecies
Concerning Christ’s Birth Reference Fulfillment
Christ will be born in 5 years Helaman 14:2 3 Nephi 1:13
No darkness for 2 days, 1 night Helaman 14:3–4 3 Nephi 1:15
A new star will arise Helaman 14:5 3 Nephi 1:21
There will be signs and wonders Helaman 14:6 3 Nephi 2:1
People will fall to the earth Helaman 14:7 3 Nephi 1:16–17
Concerning Christ’s Death Reference Fulfillment
No light for 3 days Helaman 14:20, 27 3 Nephi 8:19–23
Thunderings and lightnings Helaman 14:21 3 Nephi 8:6–7
Earth will shake, tremble, and Helaman 14:21–22 3 Nephi 8:12, 17–18
be broken up
Mountains will be laid low Helaman 14:23 3 Nephi 8:10, 13; 9:8
and valleys raised
Resurrected people will Helaman 14:25 3 Nephi 23:9–14
appear to many
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Jesus Christ
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
3 Nephi 8–9
Many wicked cities in the Americas were obliterated during the
three-day period of destruction following the death of Jesus
Christ. This chart lists the cities that were destroyed and the vari-
ous elements that destroyed them. The mediums of destruction
correspond well with what were known anciently as the four ele-
ments of the world—earth, air, fire, and water—showing that the
entire cosmos, as the ancients typically understood it, was disrupted
and beset the wicked as a result of the Savior’s death.
Shawn Rice, student of John W. Welch, Book of Mormon 121H,
Brigham Young University, fall 1997.
Chart 49
Destructions at the Death of Christ
Key Scripture
Chart 49
Destructions at the Death of Christ
Moronihah 3 Nephi 8:10; 9:5
Gilgal 3 Nephi 9:6
Gadiomnah 3 Nephi 9:8
Gadiandi 3 Nephi 9:8
Jacob 3 Nephi 9:8
Gimgimno 3 Nephi 9:8
some people 3 Nephi 8:16
were carried
away in the
Zarahemla 3 Nephi 8:8; 9:3
Jacobugath 3 Nephi 9:9
Laman 3 Nephi 9:10
Gad 3 Nephi 9:10
Josh 3 Nephi 9:10
Kishkumen 3 Nephi 9:10
Moroni 3 Nephi 8:9; 9:4
Onihah 3 Nephi 9:7
Jerusalem 3 Nephi 9:7
Mocum 3 Nephi 9:7
Element of Destruction City Destroyed Reference
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Jesus Christ
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
3 Nephi 16; 20–22; 24–25
Jesus Christ spoke of his life and atonement as fulfillments of
ancient prophecy. During his visit to the Americas, he quoted several
Old Testament passages, all of which the children of Lehi apparently
knew, to show how he fulfilled prophecy—and to explain to them
their role as children of the covenant. For example, Jesus identified
Lehi’s descendants as those who, in the last days, will go among the
Gentiles as a lion among the beasts of the forest” (Micah 5:8–9;
3 Nephi 20:16–17). In this chart the Old Testament passages quoted
by Jesus are listed in the left column, with corresponding Book of
Mormon references listed on the right-hand side.
Royal Skousen, “Textual Variants in the Isaiah Quotations in the
Book of Mormon, in Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, ed. Donald W.
Parry and John W. Welch (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1998), 369–71.
Chart 50
Old Testament Passages Quoted
by Jesus Christ in 3 Nephi
Key Scriptures
Chart 50
Old Testament Passages
Quoted by Jesus in 3 Nephi
Passage Quotation
Isaiah 52:8–10 3 Nephi 16:18–20
Micah 5:8–9 3 Nephi 20:16–17
Micah 4:12–13 3 Nephi 20:18–19
Deuteronomy 18:15–19 3 Nephi 20:23
Genesis 12:3 3 Nephi 20:25, 27
Isaiah 52:8 3 Nephi 20:23
Isaiah 52:9–10 3 Nephi 20:34–35
Isaiah 52:1–3 3 Nephi 20:36–38
Isaiah 52:6–7 3 Nephi 20:39–40
Isaiah 52:11–15 3 Nephi 20:41–45
Isaiah 52:15 3 Nephi 21:8
Isaiah 29:14 3 Nephi 21:9
Habakkuk 1:5 3 Nephi 21:9
Deuteronomy 18:19 3 Nephi 21:11 (allusion)
Micah 5:8–15 3 Nephi 21:12–18, 21
Deuteronomy 18:19 3 Nephi 21:20 (allusion)
Isaiah 52:12 3 Nephi 21:29
Isaiah 54:1–17 3 Nephi 22:1–17
Malachi 3:1–4:6 3 Nephi 24:1–25:6
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Helaman 14–3 Nephi 9
The recorded conditions that prevailed on the American continent
preceding Jesus Christ’s visitation to the Nephites and Lamanites
can be compared to the prophesied conditions of the world before
his second coming. As in the Americas two thousand years ago,
there will be increased skepticism concerning Christ’s coming,
great signs in heaven and on earth, secret combinations that
destroy society and the government, and great natural disasters
preceding the second coming of Jesus Christ. In addition, as
before, the Lord has issued warnings to the Saints in this dispensa-
tion concerning pride, hypocrisy, and other forms of wickedness—
lest church members “become as the Nephites of old” (D&C
38:39). Such warnings signal potential problems that may exist in
the church prior to the second coming. This table lists the condi-
tions that correspond to both the first and second comings of
Christ, as well as scriptural references documenting each relevant
prophecy or event.
Chart 51
The Coming of Christ to the Nephites
A Pattern for His Second Coming
Key Scripture
Jesus Christ
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 51
The Coming of Christ to the Nephites
A Pattern for His Second Coming
First Coming Events Second Coming
to the Americas
I. Signs
1. Hel. 14:2–6, 20–27; Great signs in heaven and earth D&C 29:14; 45:39–42;
3 Ne. 8:2–23 JS—M 1:33
2. Hel. 14:28–31
Purpose of signs: D&C 29:11, 14–17;
to save mankind, to leave 39:23–24; 45:16,
all without excuse 31–39, 49–50;
63:6–7; 68:9–11
3. Hel. 16:12–23;
Increased skepticism D&C 45:26;
3 Ne. 7:15–26; 8:4
concerning Christ’s coming 2 Pet. 3:3–4
II. Wickedness
4. Hel. 13:21–23; Pride is the basis of wickedness D&C 29:9; 38:39;
3 Ne. 6:11–13 64:24
5. 3 Ne. 6:17–18; 7:7
People willfully rebel D&C 64:34–36;
6. 3 Ne. 6:23; 7:14
People reject the prophets D&C 1:14; 133:71–72;
135:1–7; 136:35–36
7. 3 Ne. 6:11–14
Pride and evil in the church D&C 38:39; 41:1; 50:2–4,
6–9; 63:63; 98:19–22
III. Destruction
8. 3 Ne. 8:23–24; 10:8 Great mourning and weeping D&C 29:15; 45:53;
87:6; 112:24
9. Hel. 11:1; 3 Ne. 3:4
Wars and rumors of wars D&C 45:26, 68;
10. Hel. 10:18; 11:4
People kill one another D&C 45:26, 68;
11. Hel. 13:13–14
People saved or destroyed D&C 84:92–97;
based on whether they received 99:4; 109:39–41
or rejected the righteous
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 51
12. Hel. 10:6; 12:3 Plagues, pestilence, famine D&C 29:18–19; 43:25;
45:31; 84:96–97; 87:6;
JS—M 1:29
13. 3 Ne. 6:25–30;
Secret combinations destroy Morm. 8:34–40; Ether
7:7–9; 9:9
society and government 8:20–25; D&C 38:28;
42:64; 123:13–14
14. Hel. 14:23, 26;
Tempest, great storms, D&C 43:20–25;
3 Ne. 8:5–6; 10:14
thundering, lightnings 87:6; 88:88–91
15. 3 Ne. 8:6–19
Earthquakes and great D&C 29:13; 43:18, 25;
disturbances 45:26, 33, 48; 49:23;
16. 3 Ne. 8:20–23;
Vapor of smoke and darkness D&C 29:14; 34:9;
10:13–14 45:40–42
17. Hel. 14:21–23;
Mountains made low, D&C 49:23; 109:74
3 Ne. 8:23; 9:8
valleys become
great mountains
18. Hel. 14:24; 15:1; Cities destroyed, D&C 84:114–117
3 Ne. 8:8–14; 10:7
houses left desolate
19. 3 Ne. 8:1–18; 9:1–12 Wicked destroyed at his coming D&C 29:9; 63:34;
87:6–8; 136:33–36
IV. Righteousness
20. Hel. 3:24–30; Gospel preached D&C 1:1–14; 58:64–65;
10:14–17; 3 Ne. 2:10
to all people 112:28–30; 133:37;
JS—M 1:31
21. Hel. 6:1–5;
Lamanites become righteous D&C 49:24
3 Ne. 2:14–16
22. 3 Ne. 3:22–26;
Righteous to gather together D&C 29:7–8; 43:23–30;
4:4–16 45:43, 68–69; 49:25;
23. 3 Ne. 4:30–33
Righteous are divinely protected D&C 45:70–71; 62:6
24. Alma 1:25–28;
Righteous are persecuted D&C 99:1; 101:32–38;
3 Ne. 6:12–13 123:1–10
25. 3 Ne. 1:4–8; 8:3
Righteous look to signs of D&C 39:23–24;
Savior’s coming with faith 45:39–40, 43, 57;
68:9–11; 106:4–5;
JS—M 1:29
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 51
V. The Living Prophet
26. 3 Ne. 8:25; Receiving or rejecting living D&C 1:14, 36–38;
9:10; 10:12
prophets a matter of life or death 45:32; 133:57–71
27. Hel. 16:14;
Angels minister to prophets D&C 20:6, 10, 35;
3 Ne. 7:18 27:16; 43:25; 136:37
28. 3 Ne. 8:23–25;
The righteous are prepared for D&C 1:11–39; 21:4–6,
9:10–13; 10:12–14 Christ’s coming by 9; 84:36–38;
following the prophets 124:45–46
VI. Coming and Ministry of Christ
29. 3 Ne. 8:2–5, 24–25; Christ comes as a D&C 39:21; 61:38;
10:2; 11:1–10
thief in the night 106:4–5
30. 3 Ne. 11:8
Christ comes down D&C 5:19; 29:11;
from heaven in glory 133:42–49
31. 3 Ne. 9:13;
Only the righteous D&C 29:11; 35:21;
are preserved 45:56–57; 63:34–35,
54; Moses 7:61
32. 3 Ne. 11:1–11
Christ appears at the temple D&C 36:8; 42:36;
33. 3 Ne. 11:14–17
Christ displays the Zechariah 13:6;
wounds of his body D&C 45:51–52
34. 3 Ne. 11:8–12
Christ appears as a man D&C 130:1–2
35. Hel. 14:25; The righteous are resurrected D&C 43:18;
3 Ne. 23:9–10
at Christ’s coming 45:44–45; 63:49;
88:95–102; 133:56
36. 3 Nephi 11:9–11
Christ testifies of his D&C 133:50–51
atoning sacrifice
37. 4 Nephi 1:1–5, People become children of Christ, D&C 45:55–59
Satan has no power
38. 4 Nephi 1:7–10, 23 Righteous who are saved D&C 45:58
increase and prosper
39. 3 Nephi 10:18–19; The Lord is in their midst D&C 38:22; 45:59;
and is their lawgiver 133:25
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
3 Nephi 11:8–10, 14–15; Ether 3:9, 15–17; Doctrine and Covenants
76:23; 110:1–4; 130:22; Joseph Smith—History 1:17
Mainstream Christian doctrine teaches that God does not have a
body. The Book of Mormon, however, sheds light on this subject
by referring to the premortal, mortal, or resurrected body of Jesus
Christ more than two hundred times. This chart lists the parts of
Christ’s body referred to in the Book of Mormon, along with
applicable scriptural references.
Susan Easton Black, Finding Christ through the Book of Mormon
(Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1987), 52–56.
Chart 52
Does Christ Have a Body?
Key Scriptures
Jesus Christ
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Does Christ Have a Body?
1 Ne. 21:5; 2 Ne. 3:8;
9:44; 10:8; 13:8; Jacob
2:10, 15
2 Ne. 9:38; 18:17; 33:11;
3 Ne. 9:5, 11
1 Ne. 16:9, 25, 26, 39;
17:7, 45; 18:5; 19:7, 11;
22:2; 2 Ne. 16:8; 31:12,
14; Jacob 7:5; Enos 1:5, 10;
Omni 1:12–13; Mosiah
16:2; 24:13, 16; 26:14, 21,
28; 27:11, 15; Alma 5:16,
38, 41, 57, 60; 9:21; 13:22;
20:2; 38:7; Hel. 5:29–33,
41, 42, 46, 48; 7:18;
12:9–12, 23; 13:3; 3 Ne.
1:12; 7:15; 9:1; 10:3; 16:2,
3, 15; Morm. 3:14; Ether
3 Ne. 11:14, 15
Alma 10:2; 3 Ne. 28:12; Ether
3:4, 6, 8, 9, 19; 12:20, 21
1 Ne. 12:10, 11; Mosiah
3:11, 15, 18; 4:2; Alma
5:21, 27; 13:11; 21:9;
3 Ne. 18:11, 28–30; 20:8;
27:19; Morm. 9:6; Ether
3:6, 8–9; 13:10; Moro.
4:1; 5:2; 10:33
Mosiah 15:2, 3; Alma
7:12, 13; 3 Ne. 18:28–30;
Ether 3:8–9; Moroni 4:1
1 Ne. 11:24; 3 Ne. 11:15,
17, 19; 17:10
2 Ne. 7:5; 8:4; 15:9; 21:3
2 Ne. 7:6
1 Ne. 13:41; 2 Ne. 3:21;
9:17; 29:2; 30:9; 33:14;
Mosiah 14:7; 15:6; 3 Ne.
14:1; Ether 2:24; Moro.
7:23, 25; 10:28
2 Ne. 21:4; 30:9
2 Ne. 19:6
1 Ne. 20:14; 22:10, 11;
2 Ne. 1:15; 8:9; Jacob 6:5;
Enos 1:13; Omni 1:13;
Mosiah 1:14; 12:24; 14:1;
15:31; 16:12; Alma 5:33;
19:36; 29:10; 34:16; 3 Ne.
9:14; 16:20; 20:35; Morm.
5:11; 6:17
1 Ne. 5:14; 2 Ne. 1:5–6, 10;
3:15, 17; 5:12; 7:11; 8:16;
25:17; 28:6; 29:1; 30:6; Jacob
4:10; 6:2; Omni 1:16; Mosiah
1:2, 5, 16; 2:11; 5:9–10, 12;
14:10; 28:15; 29:25; Alma
2:28; 9:9, 22–23; 10:23;
28:12; 37:4; 45:19; 46:7,
24; Hel. 3:30; 3 Ne. 3:2;
12:1; 18:36; 29:4, 9;
4 Ne. 1:16; Morm. 6:6;
8:8, 26; Ether 2:6; 3:6;
12:4; Moro. 7:27; 9:14
Mosiah 15:9; Alma 7:12;
26:37; 34:15; 3 Ne.
2 Ne. 21:5; 30:11
2 Ne. 7:6
Chart 52
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
of the Book of Mormon
Section 5
Charts 53–79
1 Nephi–Enos
This chart features chapters of doctrinal significance from the small
plates of Nephi (which comprised 1 Nephi through Omni) along
with short descriptions of their contents. These chapters include
Lehi’s vision of the tree of life, the psalm of Nephi, and various dis-
courses on the atonement of Jesus Christ. Just as readers of the Book
of Mormon find it useful to memorize key scriptures, it is also help-
ful to become familiar with key chapters in order to remember the
overall contents of the book and to remember and to utilize its
teachings better.
Chart 53
Key Doctrinal Chapters
1 Nephi–Omni
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 53
1 Nephi 1 The calling of a prophet
1 Nephi 8 Lehi’s dream
1 Nephi 11 The condescension of God
1 Nephi 19 Prophecies of Christ
2 Nephi 2 Opposition, choice, and the
purpose of life
2 Nephi 4 Psalm of Nephi
2 Nephi 9 Salvation and the infinite atonement
2 Nephi 25 Belief in Christ
2 Nephi 28 The ways of the devil
2 Nephi 30 The millennial era
2 Nephi 31 Repentance and baptism
2 Nephi 32 The Holy Ghost
Jacob 2 Chastity and consecration
Jacob 5 The allegory of the olive tree
Enos Prayer
Key Doctrinal Chapters
1 Nephi–Omni
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 2–Alma 42
Part of the large plates of Nephi, the books of Mosiah and Alma
contain many chapters rich in doctrinal significance. As in the
small plates of Nephi, the atonement of Jesus Christ is the center
of doctrine in this material, with service, humility, covenants, and
government forming important parts of the supporting discussion.
Chart 54
Key Doctrinal Chapters
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 54
Mosiah 2 Serving and thanking God
Mosiah 3 The atonement
Mosiah 4 Giving to the poor
Mosiah 5 Covenant making
Mosiah 14 The suffering Messiah
Mosiah 18 The covenant of baptism
Mosiah 27 Conversion of Alma
Mosiah 29 Good government
Alma 5 Remaining born again
Alma 7 The atonement
Alma 12 Adam and Eve, first and second death
Alma 13 The holy order after the Son of God
Alma 17 Missionary work
Alma 32 Humility, planting the seed of faith
Alma 34 Prayer, atonement, and procrastination
Alma 37 Following the Lord’s guidance
Alma 40 Resurrection
Alma 42 Justice and mercy
Key Doctrinal Chapters
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Helaman 5–Moroni 10
Chapters of doctrinal significance in the books of Helaman,
3 Nephi, Ether, and Moroni are listed and briefly summarized in
this chart. The account in 3 Nephi 11–27 of Jesus Christ’s visita-
tion and instructions to the ancient American people is the crux of
the Book of Mormon. Those key chapters testify powerfully of the
Savior, expound his gospel, record how he established his church,
and fulfill earlier prophecy about Christ.
Chart 55
Key Doctrinal Chapters
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 55
Helaman 5 Righteousness
Helaman 12 The feebleness of mankind
Helaman 14 Prophecies of the signs of Christ’s birth
3 Nephi 11 Christ’s initial appearance
3 Nephi 12 The new law of Christ
3 Nephi 13 Prayer, single-mindedness
3 Nephi 14 Passing God’s judgment
3 Nephi 17 Blessing the sick, children, and
3 Nephi 18 The sacrament
3 Nephi 27 The church and gospel of Jesus Christ
Ether 3 Brother of Jared sees premortal Christ
Ether 12 Faith, examples of righteousness
Moroni 7 True goodness; faith, hope, and charity
Moroni 8 Salvation of children
Moroni 10 Testimony, enduring to the end
Key Doctrinal Chapters
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
2 Nephi 31; 3 Nephi 11; 27
In three major statements about the gospel of Jesus Christ, the
Book of Mormon highlights certain principles and ordinances
that a person must follow or have completed in order to come fully
unto Christ. The gospel of Christ, centered in the atonement, in-
cludes belief, repentance, baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, endur-
ing to the end, and ultimately entering the kingdom of God. The
systematic listing of these six elements in 2 Nephi 31, 3 Nephi 11,
and 3 Nephi 27 suggests that when the Nephites spoke about the
gospel, they meant particularly these six principles and ordinances.
Noel B. Reynolds, “The Gospel as Taught by Nephite Prophets,
in Reexploring the Book of Mormon, ed. John W. Welch (Salt Lake
City: Deseret Book, 1992), 257–59.
Chart 56
The Gospel in the Book of Mormon
Key Scriptures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
The Gospel
in the Book of Mormon
1. Believe in Christ
2. Repent
3. Be baptized
4. Be cleansed by the Holy Ghost
5. Endure to the end
6. Enter God’s kingdom
Found in 2 Nephi 31:2–32:6;
3 Nephi 11:23–39; 27:13–21
Chart 56
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
3 Nephi 20:26
The term covenant appears more than 150 times in the Book of
Mormon. As this chart illustrates, the covenant relationship with
God was important to the Nephites, both those living the law of
Moses in the promised new land and those living the gospel of Jesus
Christ after the old law was fulfilled. This bar graph displays the
number of times that ten Nephite authors, along with the Jaredite
prophet Ether, King Benjamins people, and Christ himself, speak of
the covenant. The number of occurrences is relatively high in two
eras, when the promise of the new land to Lehi’s posterity and the
gospel of Christ are first established in the Americas (see, for ex-
ample, 2 Nephi 1:5; 3 Nephi 20:26). Incidentally, in those eras there
is also a positive correlation between frequent covenant citations
and high levels of righteousness.
Victor L. Ludlow, “Covenant Teachings of the Book of Mormon,
Book of Mormon Lecture Series (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1994).
Chart 57
Citations of the Word “Covenant”
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Benjamin’s people
Captain Moroni
Jesus Christ
10 20 40
Citations of the Word “Covenant”
in the Book of Mormon
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 57
Mosiah 5; 18; 3 Nephi 18; Moroni 4–5
Covenant-making phrases used throughout the Book of Mormon
are similar, regardless of which group of people made the covenants.
This chart compares covenant-language phrases in four particular
settings: after King Benjamins great speech, with Alma at the Waters
of Mormon, during Christ’s administration of the sacrament, and
during Nephite sacrament administration following Christ’s visita-
tion. Most of the elements are the same or are similar throughout,
such as the willing commitment to obey God’s commandments.
Other elements may vary somewhat. For example, the phrase “God’s
people, used commonly in ancient Israel to emphasize collective
salvation, shifts to the phrase “people of [Christs] church, focusing
more on individual membership and worthiness. Covenant language
shifted slightly after Christ came to the Americas, when intimate
“fold” (shepherd) imagery was replaced by the more institutional
affiliation of covenanters with Christ’s larger church.
Chart 58
Book of Mormon
Covenant Language
Key Scriptures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 58
Book of Mormon Covenant Language
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Benjamin’s Alma’s Christ’s Nephite
covenant covenant sacrament sacrament
with his at Waters administration prayers
people of Mormon
Mosiah 5 Mosiah 18 3 Nephi 18 Moroni 4–5
witness to God 18:10 18:7, 10 4:3; 5:2
willing 5:5 18:8–9 18:10 4:3; 5:2
to obey the commandments 5:5, 8 18:10 18:10 4:3
until the end of life 5:8 18:9
become God’s people 18:8
come into God’s fold 5:14 18:8
become the people of my church 18:5 6:4
called by the name of Christ 5:8 18:11 4:3
remember Christ always 5:12 18:7, 11 4:3; 5:2
have eternal life 5:15 18:9
have Christ’s Spirit 18:10 18:7, 11 4:3; 5:2
Mosiah 18:7–10
Alma, while in hiding at the waters of Mormon, baptized about
two hundred people and formed there the Church of Christ.
Before the baptisms, Alma rehearsed to them their preparations
and desires to be baptized, their willingness to serve and take upon
themselves baptismal covenants, and the blessings promised to
them if they remained faithful. This is one of the clearest state-
ments in all of scripture about the covenants made at baptism.
The elements of this baptismal speech are listed in this chart.
Chart 59
Baptism of Alma’s People
at the Waters of Mormon
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Baptism of Alma’s People
at the Waters of Mormon
Mosiah 18:7–10
People’s Preparations They believe Alma’s words
They understand repentance and redemption
They have faith on the Lord
People’s Willingness They will bear one another’s burdens
They will mourn with those that mourn
They will comfort those in need of comfort
They will stand as witnesses of God
Baptismal Covenants They covenant to serve God
They covenant to keep God’s commandments
Results They come into the fold of God
They are called God’s people
Blessings They have Christ’s Spirit more abundantly
They are redeemed of God
They will be numbered in the first resurrection
They will have eternal life
Chart 59
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 5; 7; 12–13; 32–33; 36–42
Alma the Younger’s first recorded speech (see Mosiah 27:24–31)
was the impromptu account of his conversion to the gospel of Jesus
Christ. After his conversion, he devoted his life to preaching the
gospel to as many people as would listen. These included the righ-
teous, the wicked, the poor, the wealthy, and members of his own
family. All of his known speeches or formal statements are cited in
this chart, along with the topics and settings of those discourses.
Chart 60
The Speeches of Alma
Key Scriptures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 60
The Speeches of Alma
Reference Topics Audience Setting
Mosiah 27:24–31 Alma’s conversion those assembled to pray
for Alma
Alma 5 true conversion backsliding church members
in Zarahemla
Alma 7 atonement righteous people in Gideon
Alma 9 repentance and wicked people in Ammonihah
Alma 12–13 the plan and holy order wicked people in Ammonihah
of God
Alma 29 “O that I were an angel” unknown
Alma 32–33 humility, faith, prayer, the poor outcasts in Antionum
Alma 36–37 Alma’s conversion, his son Helaman
following the Lord
Alma 38 Alma’s conversion, his son Shiblon
wise counsel
Alma 39–42 sin, redemption, his son Corianton
justice, mercy,
resurrection, restoration
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 5
In one of Alma the Younger’s major discourses to the people of
Zarahemla, he asks the people fifty rhetorical questions. This chart
is an overview of the general issues Alma discusses in Alma 5, such
as being personally converted and imagining the judgment day.
His fifty searching questions are useful to all people who wish to
assess their own personal conversion and standing before God.
Chart 61
50 Questions of Alma 5
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
50 Questions of Alma 5
Questions General Issues
1–5 Remembering God’s Acts
for His People
6–12 Knowing the Essential Logic
of the Gospel
13–17 Being Personally Converted
18–29 Imagining the Judgment Day
30–36 Assessing One’s Spiritual
37–38 Identifying with a “Fold”
39–40 Obtaining Spiritual Knowledge
41–50 Refusing to Repent
Chart 61
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 5:6–15
This chart lists in three groups the first seventeen rhetorical ques-
tions Alma asks the people of Zarahemla in Alma 5. First, Alma
asks if they have remembered their heritage and God’s deliverance
of their ancestors. This can have personal application to Latter-day
Saints: just as the Nephites were admonished to remember God’s
deliverance of their ancestors, so should Latter-day Saints remem-
ber the sacrifices of the Prophet Joseph Smith and the pioneers—
and the Lord’s providing them the promised land of Zion. Second,
he invites people to ponder the conditions of salvation and the
need to believe the prophets of God. Third, he asks penetrating
questions about each listener’s repentance, change, faith, and hope.
Still today, most of these questions invite a clear yes or no answer.
Chart 62
50 Questions of Alma 5
Questions 1–17
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
50 Questions of Alma 5
Questions 1–17
Question Verse
Remembering God’s Acts for His People
1. Have you sufficiently retained in remembrance 6
the captivity of your fathers?
2. Have you sufficiently retained in remembrance
God’s mercy and long-suffering towards your fathers?
3. Have you sufficiently retained in remembrance
that he has delivered their souls from hell?
4. Were your fathers destroyed? 8
5. Were the bands of death broken, and the chains of hell 9
which encircled your fathers about, were they loosed?
Knowing the Essential Logic of the Gospel
6. On what conditions were your fathers saved? 10
7. On what grounds had they to hope for salvation?
8. What is the cause of your fathers being loosed from
the bands of death, yea, and also the chains of hell?
9. Did not my father Alma believe in the words 11
which were delivered by the mouth of Abinadi?
10. Was Abinadi not a holy prophet?
11. Did Abinadi not speak the words of God?
12. Did my father Alma believe them?
Being Personally Converted
13. Have you spiritually been born of God? 14
14. Have you received his image in your countenance?
15. Have you experienced this mighty change in your heart?
16. Do you exercise faith in the redemption of him who created you? 15
17. Do you look forward with an eye of faith?
Chart 62
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 5:15–24
This chart lists rhetorical questions 18–29 that Alma asks the
people of Zarahemla in Alma 5. These dozen questions concern
the state of the individual’s soul at the final judgment day. Alma
wishes to impress upon his audience that there are ultimately only
two possible outcomes at the final judgment: eternal joy or eternal
remorse. Those who are righteous will have the image of God
upon their countenances and will be found spotless and pure; oth-
ers will be stained and unfit for the presence of God. This dualistic
conception, or the doctrine of the Two Ways, is discussed in detail
in charts 66–76. The vivid belief that all people will someday stand
before God to give an accounting and to be judged is a powerful
motivator of moral behavior.
Chart 63
50 Questions of Alma 5
Questions 18–29
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
50 Questions of Alma 5
Questions 18–29
Question Verse
Imagining the Judgment Day
18. Do you view this mortal body raised in immortality, and this 15
corruption raised in incorruption, to stand before God to be judged
according to the deeds which have been done in the mortal body?
19. Can you imagine to yourself that you hear the voice of the Lord, 16
saying unto you, in that day: Come unto me you blessed, for behold
your works have been works of righteousness upon the face of the earth?
20. Or do you imagine to yourself that you can lie unto the Lord in that 17
day, and say—Lord, my works have been righteous works upon the face
of the earth—and that he will save you?
21. Or otherwise, can you imagine yourself brought before the tribunal of 18
God with your soul filled with guilt and remorse, having a remembrance
of all your guilt, yea, a perfect remembrance of all your wickedness, yea,
a remembrance that you have set at defiance the commandments of God?
22. Can you look up to God at that day with a pure heart and clean hands? 19
23. Can you look up, having the image of God engraven upon your
24. Can you think of being saved when you have yielded yourself to become 20
subject to the devil?
25. How will you feel if you shall stand before the bar of God, having your 22
garments stained with blood and all manner of filthiness?
26. What will these things testify against you?
27. Will they not testify that you are a murderer? 23
28. Will they not also testify that you are guilty of all manner of wickedness?
29. Do you suppose that such an one can have a place to sit down 24
in the kingdom of God, with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob,
and also all the holy prophets, whose garments are cleansed and are
spotless, pure and white?
Chart 63
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 5:26–46
In this next series of questions directed to the people of Zarahemla,
Alma states that experiencing a change of heart can be temporary
and that one must continually strive to be blameless before God. His
dualistic view is apparent: those who are blameless are of the fold of
God, and all others are of the fold of the devil. In this part of his
speech, he guides the spiritual progress of his listeners by directing
them in assessing their own spiritual condition, identifying with a
community that believes in Jesus Christ, and personally obtaining
spiritual knowledge.
Chart 64
50 Questions of Alma 5
Questions 30–40
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
50 Questions of Alma 5
Questions 30–40
Question Verse
Assessing One’s Spiritual Condition
30. If you have experienced a change of heart, and if you have felt to sing 26
the song of redeeming love, can you feel so now?
31. Have you walked, keeping yourself blameless before God? 27
32. Could you say, if you were called to die at this time, within yourself,
that you have been sufficiently humble?
33. Could you say that your garments have been cleansed and made white
through the blood of Christ?
34. Are you stripped of pride? 28
35. Is there one among you who is not stripped of envy? 29
36. Is there one among you that doth make a mock of his brother, or that 30
heapeth upon him persecutions?
Identifying with a “Fold”
37. If you are not the sheep of the good shepherd, of what fold are you? 39
38. The devil is your shepherd, and you are of his fold; and now who can
deny this?
Obtaining Spiritual Knowledge
39. Do you not suppose that I know of these things myself? 45
40. How do you suppose that I know of their surety? 45
Chart 64
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 5:53–59
The last ten rhetorical questions that Alma asks the people of
Zarahemla are listed in this chart. These questions concern refusing
to repent of sins. Almas phrase “trample the Holy One under your
feet” (Alma 5:53) poignantly illustrates that individuals blatantly
mock God when they know the source of salvation and yet refuse to
repent and partake of that free gift. By ending his speech with these
ten questions, Alma places the burden of repentance directly on the
shoulders of each person who seeks to live a life pleasing to God.
Chart 65
50 Questions of Alma 5
Questions 41–50
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
50 Questions of Alma 5
Questions 41–50
Questions Verse
Refusing to Repent
41. Can you withstand these sayings? 53
42. Can you lay aside these things and trample the Holy One under
your feet?
43. Can you be puffed up in the pride of your heart?
44. Will you still persist in the wearing of costly apparel and setting
your heart upon the vain things of the world, upon your riches?
45. Will you persist in supposing that you are better than another? 54
46. Will you persist in the persecution of your brethren, who humble
themselves and do walk after the holy order of God, wherewith they
have been brought into this church having been sanctified by the Holy
Spirit, and they do bring forth works which are meet for repentance?
47. Will you persist in turning your back upon the poor and the needy, 55
and in withholding your substance from them?
48. The names of the righteous shall be written in the book of life, 58
and unto them will I grant an inheritance at my right hand.
What have you to say against this?
49. What shepherd is there having many sheep doth not watch over them, 59
that the wolves enter not and devour his flock?
50. If a wolf enter his flock doth the shepherd not drive him out?
Chart 65
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
2 Nephi 9
Many prophets in the Book of Mormon discuss in great detail the
doctrine that men and women can choose to follow one of two
courses: the way of life or the way of death. Though each Book of
Mormon prophet addresses this doctrine in a unique way, all have in
common a dualistic view of reality. This view is similar to ancient
Israelite and early Christian worldviews, further supporting the
ancient origin of the Book of Mormon. Understanding this dualistic
conception of reality in the Book of Mormon is vital to our under-
standing of salvation and is the framework upon which additional
revelation in the Doctrine and Covenants is built. The revelations of
the three degrees of glory and the spirit world (see D&C 76; 138),
while not dualistic in themselves, can be seen as supplementary to
the dualistic Book of Mormon perception. The fact that the
Prophet Joseph Smith used little dualism in his own preaching
and writing, it has also been argued, is secondary evidence that he
was not the author of the Book of Mormon.
Mack C. Stirling, The Way of Life and the Way of Death in the
Book of Mormon, Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997):
Chart 66
The Ways of Life and Death
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
The Ways of Life and Death
Chart 66
Eternal Spiritual Life
Way of Life
Way of Death
Everlasting Spiritual Death
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Men and Women as
Agents Hear the
Word of God
1 Nephi 8; 11–15; 2 Nephi 31:17–32:5
Lehi and Nephi spoke clearly in terms of the ways of life and
death. These well-known, largely metaphorical discussions of the
tree of life lay insightful groundwork relevant to nearly every chap-
ter in the Book of Mormon. In the visions of the tree of life, Lehi
and Nephi saw a straight and narrow path leading to the tree of
life, the only way of life. By contrast, the mists of darkness, foun-
tain of filthy water, forbidden paths, strange roads, and great and
spacious building all represent the broad roads” of the way of
death (1 Nephi 12:17). Nephi explains further that, depending on
the way he or she chooses, a person belongs to either the church of
God or the church of the devil. This view sets the stage for the
dualistic discourse apparent elsewhere in the Book of Mormon.
Mack C. Stirling, The Way of Life and the Way of Death in the
Book of Mormon, Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997):
Chart 67
The Ways of Life and Death
The Visionary Perception of Lehi and Nephi
Key Scriptures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 67
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Men and Women in Dark and Dreary Waste
(1 Nephi 8:7–8)
Large and Spacious Field
(1 Nephi 8:9, 20)
Church of the Lamb
Straight and Narrow Path to Life
(1 Nephi 8:19–20)
Eternal Life
(2 Nephi 31:20)
Love of God
(1 Nephi 11:21–22; 2 Nephi 31:30)
Being Redeemed by Christ
(1 Nephi 11:10–21)
Kingdom of God
(1 Nephi 15:35)
Depths of Hell
(1 Nephi 12:16)
Captivity of Devil
(1 Nephi 14:4)
Cast Out of the
Kingdom of God
(1 Nephi 15:33–36)
Awful Hell Prepared
for Wicked
(1 Nephi 15:26–30)
Broad Path to Death
(1 Nephi 12:17)
Gate to Way of Life
Holy Ghost
Gate to Way of Death
Being overpowered
by temptation
Having blind eyes
and hard heart
Church of the Devil
The Ways of Life and Death
The Visionary Perception of Lehi and Nephi
(1 Nephi 8; 11–15; 2 Nephi 31:17–32:5)
2 Nephi 9
In the blessing he received from his father Lehi, Jacob was told that
“there is an opposition in all things (2 Nephi 2:11). Characteristic of
his writing style, Jacobs exposition in 2 Nephi 9 of the ways of life
and death is an extensive meditation on the desires of men and
women in mortality and how they lead to either spiritual life or
death. As this chart shows, Jacob focuses on the inward state of the
souls who choose either of these divergent paths. Jacob presents as
options only paradise and endless torment as places where a soul
may go after final judgment.
Mack C. Stirling, The Way of Life and the Way of Death in the
Book of Mormon, Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997):
Chart 68
The Ways of Life and Death
Jacob’s Explanation
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 68
33, 38
49, 52
The Ways of Life and Death
Jacob’s Explanation (2 Nephi 9)
Spiritual Death
Spiritual Life
Wicked Response in Probation
transgressing commandments
despising poor, lying, murder-
ing, committing whoredoms
being uncircumcised
of heart, dying in sins
being carnally minded
reviling against the truth
wasting days
of probation
knowing of
setting hearts on
hearkening not to
counsels of God
neither hearing
nor seeing
Righteous Response in Probation
enduring crosses and shame
of world
having faith, repenting, being
baptized, enduring
being spiritually minded
loving the truth
following the straight and
narrow course
knocking to approach
letting hearts rejoice
in righteousness
feasting on that
which perisheth not
knowledge of guilt and uncleanness
filthy still
misery and endless torment
obtained by the devil
death/lake of fire and brimstone
perfect knowledge of righteousness
clothed with purity
fulness of joy
inherit kingdom of God
life eternal
16, 46
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Men and Women
Choose in Probation
Mosiah 2–5
In Mosiah 2–5, Benjamin explains the ways of life and death to his
people and is subsequently met with an overwhelming desire of
the people to follow the way of life. Missing from his explanation
is information concerning resurrection and the spirit world.
Instead, he focuses on the “natural man, emphasizing that one
must repent and be spiritually reborn to overcome natural tenden-
cies to do evil. This chart illustrates the characteristics associated
with each path—those personal deeds and attributes that land
souls either on the left hand of God according to his justice (see
Mosiah 2:38–39; 3:26; 5:10) or on the right hand of God according
to his mercy (see Mosiah 2:39; 4:2; 5:15).
Mack C. Stirling, The Way of Life and the Way of Death in the
Book of Mormon, Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997):
Chart 69
The Ways of Life and Death
Benjamin’s Explanation
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 69
5:2, 7
The Ways of Life and Death
Benjamin’s Explanation (Mosiah 2–5)
Left Hand of God
Right Hand of God
Wicked Response in Probation
repenting not
listing to obey evil spirit
doing evil works
transgressing contrary to
that which has
been spoken
being called by some
other name
dying an enemy
to God
Righteous Response in Probation
having faith, repenting, entering
into covenant, which brings
remission of sins
being born again: a mighty
change bringing
desire to do good
becoming steadfast and
immovable in good works,
thereby retaining
remission of sins
being obedient to the end
being called by the
name of Christ
being sealed to God
as a lake of fire and brimstone
shrinking from the presence of God
endless torment; suffering wrath of God
heaven, eternal life
everlasting salvation
dwelling with God
never-ending happiness
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Fall of Adam
Natural Man in Carnal State
Mosiah 15–16
Abinadi, in Mosiah 15–16, expounds upon the ways of life and
death to King Noah and his priests. In this provocative sermon,
Abinadi warns Noah that obeying God also means following his
prophets, namely, Abinadi. Abinadi preaches that if men and
women do not listen to the voice, or mouthpiece, of the Lord, they
necessarily follow the way of death. Abinadi also speaks of partial
judgment before the resurrection, a concept not found in Almas,
Jacobs, and Benjamins speeches.
Mack C. Stirling, The Way of Life and the Way of Death in the
Book of Mormon, Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997):
Chart 70
The Ways of Life and Death
Abinadi’s Explanation
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 70
The Ways of Life and Death
Abinadi’s Explanation (Mosiah 15–16)
Dwell with God
Eternal Life
Delivered to devil
Endless Damnation
Not Redeemed;
Claimed by Justice
(15:27; 16:5)
Redeemed by Mercy,
Which Satisfies Justice
First Resurrection
Resurrection of
Endless Life
Not First Resurrection
Resurrection of
Endless Damnation
Evil Works: Hearkening Not
to the Voice of the Lord
(15:26; 16:2, 5, 12)
going according to own will
rebelling against God
persisting in carnal nature
Good Works: Hearkening to
the Words of the Prophets
(15:11, 22)
hearing the words of the prophets
believing in redemption
repenting and keeping
Seed of Christ
In Power of Devil
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Men and Women in Fallen State
Knowledge of God Given; Arm of Mercy Extended
Mosiah 26:20–28
In Mosiah 26:20–28 the voice of the Lord builds upon Abinadi’s
discourse, telling Alma the Elder that the ways of life and death
can be determined in terms of responding to the Lord’s voice.
Those who obey the word of the Lord will be found on the right
hand of God, while those who do not will dwell in everlasting fire
with the devil.
Mack C. Stirling, The Way of Life and the Way of Death in the
Book of Mormon, Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997):
Chart 71
The Ways of Life and Death
The Voice of the Lord to Alma the Elder
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 71
The Ways of Life and Death
The Voice of the Lord to Alma the Elder
(Mosiah 26:20–28)
Baptized Members,
Willing or Not to Be Redeemed
Right Hand
First Trump
Left Hand
Second Trump
Hear Voice of the Lord
Believe, Repent, Are Baptized
Know Christ, Called by
His Name
Will Not Hear Voice
of the Lord
Will Not Be Redeemed
Never Know Christ
Dwell with God
Dwell in Everlasting Fire
with the devil
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 5
Alma the Younger’s perception of the gospel was heavily influenced
by the teachings of King Benjamin, Abinadi, and his father, Alma.
His explanation of the ways of life and death to the people of Zara-
hemla (see Alma 5) echoes and expounds upon the teachings of his
predecessors, emphasizing adherence to the voice of the Good Shep-
herd as the way to sustain spiritual life. Alma the Younger also states
that “whatsoever is good cometh from God, and whatsoever is evil
cometh from the devil” (Alma 5:40). Just as humanity’s ability to
bring forth good works is an element of God’s grace, as the foregoing
quotation suggests, the very existence of life and the power granted to
humanity to proceed in the way of life are also gifts from God.
Mack C. Stirling, The Way of Life and the Way of Death in the
Book of Mormon, Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997):
Chart 72
The Ways of Life and Death
Alma the Younger’s Explanation in Zarahemla
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 72
The Ways of Life and Death
Alma the Younger’s Explanation in Zarahemla
(Alma 5)
Man Hearkens to the
Voice of the Devil
(5:37–39, 41)
Man Hearkens to the Voice
of the Good Shepherd
(5:37–39, 57)
Is Born of God (5:14)
is delivered from hell
awakes to God
soul is illuminated
chains of hell are loosed
Walks Blameless (5:27, 54)
is sanctified by the Holy Spirit
does good works
has God’s image in countenance
garments are washed white
Commits All Manner of
does evil works
is subject to devil
garments are stained
Is a Child of the Devil (5:41)
awaits everlasting destruction
is in a deep sleep
soul is in darkness
is encircled by chains of hell
Sits Down in the
Kingdom of God
has inheritance at
right hand of God
Is a Child of the
Kingdom of the Devil
is hewn down and cast out
into the fire
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Good Shepherd Calls All to
Repent and Partake of Life
Alma 12:31–37
A more detailed illustration of chart 66, this chart illustrates the
concise but thorough discourse of Alma the Younger as he explains
the ways of life and death to the people of Ammonihah (see Alma
12:31–37). Almas explanation of the first death can be applied to
three different situations: Adam and Eves transgression in the
Garden of Eden, Israel’s disobedience to the law of Moses in the
wilderness, and personal sin.
Mack C. Stirling, The Way of Life and the Way of Death in the
Book of Mormon, Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997):
Chart 73
The Ways of Life and Death
Alma the Younger’s Explanation in Ammonihah
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
The Ways of Life and Death
Alma the Younger’s Explanation in Ammonihah
(Alma 12:31–37)
Chart 73
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Men and Women in
a State to Act
Break First Commandment
(First Provocation)
Given Second Commandment
(To Repent)
Repent; Harden Not HeartRefuse to Repent; Harden Heart
(Second, or Last, Provocation)
Rest of God
Remission of Sins
Second, or Last, Death
(Everlasting Destruction)
First Death
Alma 41:3–8
Alma the Younger discussed the ways of life and death in both pub-
lic sermons and private instructions. In Alma 41 he chastises his
son Corianton, who had been on a mission to the Zoramites, for
boasting and committing sexual sins. In this chapter Alma explains
that the doctrine of restoration is inextricably tied with the doc-
trine of the Two Ways. For example, those who choose evil follow
the way of death and will unavoidably be restored to evil, “raised to
...endless misery to inherit the kingdom of the devil” (Alma 41:4).
Like Jacob, Alma focuses on the desires of the people as leading to
eternal life or death. And like Benjamin, he sermonizes on casting
off the natural man through the mercy of God. Apparently, his pri-
vate instruction to Corianton was quite convincing, for Corianton
was again called to preach and later declared the word of God to
the people of the church (see Alma 49:30).
Mack C. Stirling, The Way of Life and the Way of Death in the
Book of Mormon, Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997):
Chart 74
The Ways of Life and Death
Alma the Younger’s Explanation to Corianton
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 74
Endless Happiness in
the Kingdom of God
They Are Restored
to Evil
They Are Restored
to Good
They repent and
desire righteousness
They desire evil
all the day long
They do evil works
They do good works
Endless Misery in the
Kingdom of the Devil
The Ways of Life and Death
Alma the Younger’s Explanation to Corianton
(Alma 41:3–8)
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Men and Women
Choose or Judge
Moroni 7:5–20
Moroni included in the Book of Mormon a sermon given by his
father, Mormon, which is widely known as including Mormons dis-
cussion on faith, hope, and charity. In this sermon Mormon explains
the ways of life and death to introduce the concepts of faith, hope,
and charity (see Moroni 7:5–20). He speaks of choosing between
good and bitter fountains, which may represent Jesus Christ and the
devil as well as us as individuals once we have chosen which foun-
tain to drink from. Choosing which fountain to drink from largely
determines what we will ultimately become—a child of Christ or a
servant of the devil. For Mormon there is no middle ground.
Mack C. Stirling, The Way of Life and the Way of Death in the
Book of Mormon, Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997):
Chart 75
The Ways of Life and Death
Mormon’s Explanation
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 75
They become
children (servants)
of Christ
They receive
evil gifts
They do evil works
They receive
good gifts
They do good works
They drink from
good fountain
They drink from
bitter fountain
They become
evil people
They become
good people
They become
servants (children)
of the devil
The Ways of Life and Death
Mormon’s Explanation (Moroni 7:5–20)
Men and Women
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
2 Nephi 9; Alma 12; 40; D&C 63:17–18; 76; 88:96–103
This chart depicts the ways of life and death as discussed by Jacob
and Alma the Younger and supplemented by the Doctrine and
Covenants. The views of reality presented by the Book of Mormon
and Doctrine and Covenants work hand in hand to provide the
most complete representation of the ways of life and death. Adding
the three degrees of glory to the framework of the ways of life and
death creates a paradigm promoting optimal understanding of
reality and the final state of the soul.
Mack C. Stirling, The Way of Life and the Way of Death in the
Book of Mormon, Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997):
Chart 76
The Ways of Life and Death
A Composite View
Key Scriptures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 76
Sons of
They Accept Gospel
and Repent
from Hell
of First
of First
of Second
of Second
Outer Darkness,
or Second Death
They Refuse to Repent
(Second Provocation)
First Death
The Ways of Life and Death
A Composite View
(2 Nephi 9; Alma 12; 40; D&C 63:17–18; 76; 88:96–103)
Men and Women
Break First Commandment
Not Redeemed
More Valiant
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Men and Women
Given Second Commandment (to Repent)
1 Nephi 2:11–12
Laman and Lemuel murmured incessantly against Lehi, Nephi,
and the Lord. One major theme of their complaints was that
Nephi, their younger brother, was domineering; another was that
the requirements of the Lord, such as living in the wilderness and
obtaining the brass plates, were too difficult. This chart catalogs
those complaints and others.
Chart 77
Murmurings of Laman and Lemuel
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Murmurings of Laman and Lemuel
Target of Reference Reason for Complaint
Lehi 1 Nephi 2:11–12 commandment to leave Jerusalem
1 Nephi 3:5, 28 commandment to return for plates
of brass
1 Nephi 17:20–21, 49 hardship
Nephi 1 Nephi 16:3 Nephi explains Lehi’s vision and
condemns wickedness
1 Nephi 16:18, 20 Nephi breaks bow
1 Nephi 17:17–18 Nephi builds a ship
2 Nephi 1:26 Nephi rebukes them
2 Nephi 1:25; 5:3–4 Nephi rules over them
Lord 1 Nephi 3:31 difficulty in obtaining the plates of brass
1 Nephi 4:4 difficulty in obtaining the plates of brass
Chart 77
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 30
Korihor, an antichrist preaching at the time when Alma the
Younger was high priest over the land, convinced many Nephites
that they should not believe in Jesus Christ or his coming atone-
ment. He taught them instead various philosophies. In Korihor’s
phrases and arguments, modern readers can find parallels to
many schools of thought, such as atheism, nihilism, and rela-
tivism, which have long dominated much of secular philosophy.
This highly intelligent opponent’s tactics were persuasive, but
Alma retaliated with pure testimony and the power of God,
eliminating Korihor’s influence in the land. This chart lists each
of the doctrines taught by Korihor in Alma 30 and a modern or
standard philosophical counterpart.
Based on the research and assistance of Miriam Horwinski, teach-
ing assistant of John W. Welch, Book of Mormon 121H, Brigham
Young University, fall 1997.
Chart 78
Teachings of Korihor
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 78
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
The Teachings of Korihor
in Alma 30
Modern Korihorism Verse
Anti-Christian “there should be no Christ” 12
Negativism “bound down under a foolish and vain hope” 13
Agnosticism “no man can know of anything which is to come” 13
Empiricism “ye cannot know of things which ye do not see” 15
Psychological “it is the effect of a frenzied mind” 16
Positivism “a belief of things which are not so” 16
Sophism “every man fares in this life according to the
management of the creature” 17
Naturalism “every man prospers according to his genius” 17
Egoism “every man conquers according to his strength” 17
Relativism “whatsoever a man does is no crime” 17
Hedonism “lift up their heads in wickedness” 18
Nihilism “when a man dies, that is the end thereof” 18
Anti-Religion “priests usurp power and authority over people” 23
Skepticism “ye do not know that they are true” 24
Atheism “a being who never has been seen or known, who
never was nor ever will be” 28
2 Nephi 28:3–30
Embedded in Nephi’s prophecy in 2 Nephi 28 are many phrases
that describe the conduct of those who follow the devil. These
sins, Nephi states, will pervade much of society in the latter days.
Today they can be found well disguised as the philosophies and
tendencies listed in this chart. Such conditions are symptomatic of
society’s passive acceptance of “false and vain and foolish doc-
trines” (2 Nephi 28:9) that can lead people away from God.
Knowing how the devil works and being able to see his tactics in
operation in the ideologies of the world around us help prevent
us from being taken captive by Satan, who leads people carefully
down to hell” (2 Nephi 28:21).
Based on the research and assistance of Miriam Horwinski, teach-
ing assistant of John W. Welch, Book of Mormon 121H, Brigham
Young University, fall 1997.
Chart 79
The Ways of the Devil
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Tactic Quotation Verse
Misappropriation “built up, and not unto the Lord” 3
Exclusivism “I am the Lord’s” 3
Disputation “contend one with another” 4
Sophism “teach with their learning” 4
Cynicism “deny the Holy Ghost, which giveth utterance” 4
Secularism “deny the power of God” 5
Historicism “the Redeemer hath done his work” 5
Empowerment “he hath given his power unto men” 5
Skepticism “believe it not” 6
Naturalism “he is not a God of miracles” 6
Hedonism “eat, drink, and be merry” 7
Fatalism “tomorrow we die” 7
Cavalierism “it shall be well with us” 7
Popularism “many . . . shall say” 8
Appearances “nevertheless, fear God” 8
Rationalizing “justify in committing a little sin” 8
Criticism “take the advantage of one because of his words” 8
Entrapment “dig a pit for thy neighbor” 8
Legalism “no harm in this” 8
Permissivism “do all these things” 8
Leniency “God will beat us with a few stripes” 8
Chart 79
The Ways of the Devil
2 Nephi 28:3–30
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 79
Faddism “many . . . shall teach after this manner” 9
Sensationalism “false” 9
Egotism “vain” 9
Imprudence “foolish” 9
Arrogance “puffed up in their hearts” 9
Self-Deception “hide their counsels from the Lord” 9
Persecutionism “blood of the saints shall cry” 10
Corruptionism “they have become corrupted” 11
Oppressionism “rob the poor” 13
Ostentationism “because of their fine sanctuaries” 13
Narcissism “their fine clothing” 13
Supremism “persecute the meek and the poor in heart” 13
Elitism “stiff necks and high heads” 13
Immorality “abominations and whoredoms” 14
Distortionism “pervert the right way of the Lord” 15
Trivialism “turn aside the just for a thing of naught” 16
Meanness “revile against that which is good” 16
Dismissivism “say that it is of no worth” 16
Tantrumism “rage in the hearts of the children” 20
Emotionalism “anger against that which is good” 20
Mollifying Pacifism “others will he pacify” 21
Materialism “into carnal security” 21
Toadyism “others he flattereth” 22
Relativism “there is no hell” 22
Complacency “wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion” 24
Secularism “we need no more of the word of God” 29
Faithless Humanism “putteth his trust in man” 30
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
of the Book of Mormon
Section 6
Charts 80–91
1 Nephi 11–15
Nephi, after hearing about his father’s vision of the tree of life,
desired to see the same things his father saw and was granted this
request. Upon seeing the tree in vision, he desired to know its
interpretation. Nephi then saw the coming of the Son of God and
knew that the tree of life represented the love of God. He soon
learned the meaning of several other symbols in his father’s vision,
as this chart illustrates. The angelic ministrant also showed Nephi
episodes of world history, including periods of war, colonization,
apostasy, and wickedness. Thus in light of 1 Nephi 11–15, the
vision of the tree of life can be seen not only as a powerful illustra-
tion of God’s love shown through the atonement of Jesus Christ,
but also as an allegory of the history of the world, as the right-
hand column of the chart illustrates.
Daniel H. Ludlow, A Companion to Your Study of the Book of
Mormon (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1976), 101.
Chart 80
Interpretation of Lehi’s Vision
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Interpretation of Lehi’s Vision
Symbol Interpretation Examples Given
1 Nephi 8:7
1 Nephi 8:9, 20 1 Nephi 8:20
TREE OF LIFE Love of God The coming of the Son of God
1 Nephi 8:10; 11:25; 15:21–22 1 Nephi 11:21–22 1 Nephi 11:13–22
1 Nephi 8:11–12
FOUNTAIN/RIVER OF FILTHY WATER Hell and the depths thereof Wickedness and war
1 Nephi 8:13; 12:16 1 Nephi 12:16; 15:26–36 1 Nephi 12:13–15
ROD OF IRON The word of God The ministry of the Son of God
1 Nephi 8:19 1 Nephi 11:25; 15:23–25 1 Nephi 11:24–25
MIST OF DARKNESS Temptations of the devil Apostasy, wickedness, war, the
1 Nephi 8:23 1 Nephi 12:17 great and abominable church,
plain and precious things
removed from the scriptures
1 Nephi 12:19–23; 13:1–9, 20–29
GREAT AND SPACIOUS BUILDING Pride, wisdom, and vain Persecution of the Son of God
1 Nephi 8:26 imaginations of the world and those who followed him
1 Nephi 11:35–36; 12:18 1 Nephi 11:26–36
Chart 80
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Jacob 5
The longest allegory in scripture is Zenos’s allegory of the olive
tree. In Jacob 5:3, Zenos explains that the tame olive tree repre-
sents the house of Israel. From this interpretation, conclusions may
be drawn concerning other symbols in the allegory. For example,
the young branches taken from the olive tree most likely represent
inhabitants of the Americas, the Jews, the lost ten tribes, and a
remnant of the house of Israel; and the wild olive tree symbolizes
the Gentiles and the nations of the earth. The numbers on the top
half of this chart (1–6) represent the six main stages that Zenos
addresses in his allegory: (1) the decaying of the top, (2) the graft-
ing in of the wild tree, (3) the planting of young branches in other
parts of the vineyard, (4) the returning of the branches to the
main tree, (5) the bitter fruit burned by fire, and (6) the good fruit
being gathered and stored. On the bottom half of the chart, these
same stages are shown graphically, arranged clockwise around the
central figure of the tame tree.
Chart 81
The Allegory of the Olive Tree
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
The Allegory of the Olive Tree
Jacob 5
Chart 81
Tame Olive Tree
(House of Israel)
(New World, Jews, Lost Ten Tribes, Remnant)
Young Branches Grafted in Other Parts of Vineyard
Wild Olive Tree
Main top of tame olive tree begins to
perish (v. 6) and is burned by fire (v. 9)
Wild olive tree branches are grafted
in (v. 10) and bear good fruit (v. 17)
Young branches are grafted in other
parts of the vineyard (vv. 8, 13)
Young branches are grafted back
into the tame olive tree (v. 52)
Branches that bring forth bitter
fruit are cleared (v. 65)
Fruit is good and vineyard is
no more corrupt (v. 75)
Good Fruit
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Jacob 5
Zenoss allegory of the tame and wild olive trees, though compli-
cated, is one of great doctrinal and historical importance, in part
because it represents the past and future history of the house of
Israel. Understanding the elements in this allegory, which are
grouped together and listed on this chart, can lead to added insights
concerning God’s dealings with his covenant people. As this data
shows, the allegory is a dynamic interchange between several trees
(or parts of trees) and the master of the vineyard, his servant, and
several laborers. This chart does not interpret these symbols as they
appear in Jacob 5, but it shows that many elements are built into this
extended allegory and thus facilitates in-depth reflection on this text.
Chart 82
Symbolic Elements in Zenos’s Allegory
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
1. The Trees
a tame olive tree
young and tender branches
mother tree
main top
natural branches
root of the main tree
moisture of the root
transplanted branches
a wild olive tree
grafted branches
many other trees
good, tame, natural fruit
bad, wild, bitter fruit
equal fruit
Trees’ Doings
waxing old
decaying and perishing
cumbering the ground
overrunning the roots
bringing forth much fruit
becoming corrupt
withering away
growing faster than roots
taking strength
good overcoming evil
thriving exceedingly
2. The Actors
master of the vineyard
a few other servants
Actors’ Doings
digging about
pruning/plucking off branches
burning, casting into fire
planting branches
cutting down trees
laboring long, caring
balancing the root and top
laying up fruit
3. The Places
a vineyard
nethermost part
poorest spot
poorer than the poorest spot
good spot
Chart 82
Symbolic Elements
in Zenos’s Allegory
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Jacob 5
The tame olive tree in Jacob 5 may represent not only the house of
Israel but also each of us personally. Listed in this chart are symbolic
elements of the olive tree allegory and possible personal applications
of them. While the gathering of the house of Israel is of utmost con-
cern, personal conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ as a member
of the house of Israel may be even more important. Thus Zenos’s
allegory should be read and applied in terms of individual as well as
collective salvation.
Chart 83
Personal Applications of Olive Symbolism
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Personal Applications
of Olive Symbolism
Symbol Possible Applications
Planted in God’s vineyard Membership in God’s church
Olive trees grow slowly Spiritual growth is slow
Without care olives become wild We must remain faithful
Each tree needs particular care Lord knows us individually
Even trees in good soil go wild Use blessings properly
Branches should balance the roots Grow patiently and deeply
Olive trees like dry, rocky soil Adversity can be a blessing
Strong roots will support the stock Keep spiritual roots strong
Branches should not become lofty Avoid pride
Pruning is necessary Repent regularly
Each branch needs light to grow Keep Light of Christ in all
Prunings must not cumber the ground Completely remove evil
Grafting will preserve the stock Draw strength from others
Dunging is necessary Study, ponder, and pray
Olive oil is very valuable The worth of souls is great
Pressure is needed to extract oil Attaining purity takes work
“What could I have done more?” God does all he can for us
“It grieveth me to lose this tree” God loves his children
“Spare it a little longer” The Lord is patient with us
Chart 83
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
2 Nephi 25
To his faithful followers in the Americas, the Lord gave a com-
mandment to “search these things diligently; for great are the
words of Isaiah (3 Nephi 23:1).That commandment implies that
understanding the gospel of Jesus Christ and the words of Isaiah
go hand in hand. Unfortunately, many find the writings of Isaiah
hard to understand. Nephi may have been aware of this difficulty,
for he addresses his latter-day audience specifically in 2 Nephi 25,
giving us five keys to help facilitate comprehension of Isaiahs
words. These keys include being filled with the spirit of prophecy,
living righteously in the last days, and understanding the geogra-
phy and rhetorical tradition of the Jews.
Donald W. Parry, “Nephi’s Keys to Understanding Isaiah (2 Nephi
25:1–8), in
Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, ed. Donald W. Parry and
John W. Welch (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1998), 47–65.
Chart 84
Five Keys to Understanding Isaiah
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 84
Five Keys to Understanding Isaiah
Given in 2 Nephi 25
Understand the “manner of prophesying 25:1
among the Jews”
Do not do “works of darkness” or 25:2
“doings of abominations”
Be filled with the spirit of prophecy 25:4
Be familiar with regions around Jerusalem 25:6
Live during the days that the prophecies 25:7
of Isaiah are fulfilled
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 1–5; 1 Kings 1:34, 39; 2 Kings 11:12, 14, 17; 23:3;
2 Chronicles 6:13
The coronation of Mosiah by King Benjamin was a grand ceremo-
nial event that parallels the installation of kings in ancient Israel
and other Near Eastern countries of antiquity, suggesting that the
Nephites continued to practice Old World traditions in the Ameri-
cas. Coronations were important ritual acts in the ancient Near
East, including, among other things, anointing the new king, in-
stalling him in office with insignia, and presenting him to the
people—elements that Benjamins ceremony also contained. Old
Testament parallels to Mosiahs coronation can be found in 1 Kings
1:34, 39; 2 Kings 11:12, 14, 17; 23:3; and 2 Chronicles 6:13.
Stephen D. Ricks, “Kingship, Coronation, and Covenant in Mosiah
1–6, in King Benjamins Speech: That Ye May Learn Wisdom,ed.
John W. Welch and Stephen D. Ricks (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1998),
Chart 85
King Benjamin’s Coronation of Mosiah
Key Scriptures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
King Benjamin’s Coronation of Mosiah
Israelite Pattern Book of Mormon Parallel or Adaptation
The Sanctuary All the people gathered at the temple at Zarahemla, the site
Was the Site of chosen for Benjamin’s address to the people and for the
the Coronation consecration of his son Mosiah as king (Mosiah 1:18)
Mosiah was then presented to the people in the public
gathering at the temple (Mosiah 2:30)
The King Stood Benjamin constructed a tower from which he spoke to the
on a Royal Dais, people gathered (situated in tents) at the temple (Mosiah 2:7)
Installing in Benjamin gave Mosiah the official records of the people
Office with (the plates of brass and the plates of Nephi), the sword of
Insignia Laban, and the miraculous Liahona (Mosiah 1:15–16)
King Mosiah was known to possess “two stones” (Mosiah 28:13)
Anointing Benjamin consecrated his son Mosiah to be a ruler and a king
over his people (Mosiah 6:3)
Presentation of Mosiah is presented to the people as their king (Mosiah 2:30)
the New King
The people responded by accepting the king’s declarations
(Mosiah 4:2; 5:2–4)
Receiving a A royal name was given to the rulers over the Nephites
Throne Name (Jacob 1:10–11)
Benjamin revealed to all his people a new name at this
coronation (Mosiah 3:8)
Divine Adoption By covenant, all the people became God’s sons and daughters
of the King on his right hand (Mosiah 5:6–12)
Chart 85
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 2–5
King Benjamin, in his great discourse to the people in the land of
Zarahemla, answers the question “Why should we serve?” In his
speech recorded in Mosiah 2–5, he provides a logical yet somewhat
surprising explanation for service. Benjamin is well known for his
famous dictum on service in Mosiah 2:17. Actually, he mentions
service two other times as he develops this topic more fully. This
chart considers these three statements. They deal with service to
God, our debt to God, and knowing God. On one level, a certain
logic is embedded within each of these individual statements. On
another level, the relationship between them is also logical and
interdependent. If we serve men, then we only (merely) serve God.
This does not win us great credit, for when we serve God, he blesses
us and we are continually in his debt. Thus we have no reason to
boast. Why, then, should we serve? If we are humble in our service,
we will know God. Knowing the Master whom we serve is the
great blessing that profits us more than anything else. This, to
Benjamin, is the ultimate reason for service.
John W. Welch, “Benjamins Speech: A Masterful Oration, in King
Benjamins Speech: “That Ye May Learn Wisdom,ed. John W.
Welch and Stephen D. Ricks (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1998), 77–82.
Chart 86
Three Steps in Benjamin’s Logic
on Service
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Three Steps in Benjamin’s Logic
on Service
Chart 86
We do not serve God to get
ahead with God or man, but
to know the voice by which
we are called.
Therefore, service to God is valuable,
but not in ways people always think.
“When ye are in the service of your fellow beings
ye are only in the service of your God” (Mosiah 2:17)
“If ye should serve him with all your whole souls
yet would ye be unprofitable servants” (Mosiah 2:21)
“For how knoweth a man the master
whom he has not served?” (Mosiah 5:13)
All service is merely service
to God.
Therefore, serving fellow beings
produces no reason to boast, unless
serving God produces some reason
to boast.
But no matter how much we
serve God, we remain
unprofitable servants.
Therefore, we have no reason to
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 2–5
This chart is an outline of the chiastic nature of King Benjamins
speech to the people at the temple of Zarahemla. In it are seven
major sections separated by interruptions or intervening ceremonial
acts. The overall structure of the text follows an A–B–C–D–C'–B'–A'
pattern: the atonement of Jesus Christ is the crux, or center, of the
speech (section D), the angel’s and Benjamins testimonies of the
atonement are found on either side of it (sections C and C'), the
behavior of the people is addressed in sections B and B', and sections
A and A' address God and his relationship with the people. Further
chiasms can be found on the sentence level, indicating that this
speech was highly structured for the occasion. The evidence of chias-
mus in the Book of Mormon attests to its artistry and antiquity. For a
more detailed explanation of chiasmus, refer to charts 128–33.
John W. Welch, “Parallelism and Chiasmus in Benjamins Speech,
in King Benjamins Speech: That Ye May Learn Wisdom,ed. John W.
Welch and Stephen D. Ricks (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1998), 325–28.
Chart 87
Overview of Benjamin’s Speech
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 87
A. All are indebted to God (2:9–28)
God is the heavenly king; God has physically created and sus-
tains all people; people should serve and thank God; the hope
of exaltation after death
B. Consequences of obedience or disobedience (2:31–41)
Obedience brings victory and prosperity (compare Leviticus
26); prohibition of contention; rebellion and disobedience
bring pain and anguish; all are eternally indebted to
Heavenly Father
C. The angel’s testimony of Christ’s deeds (3:2–10)
The Lord Omnipotent will come down in power and
goodness; the sacred name of God; the suffering and
death of Jesus Christ
D. Sanctification by the atonement of Christ (3:11–27)
The only possibility of reconciliation; putting off the
natural man and becoming a saint; people will be
judged according to their works
'. Benjamin’s testimony of God’s goodness (4:4–12)
God is good, patient, long-suffering; believe in God;
God is all-powerful, loving, and glorious; call upon the
name of the Lord daily
'. Righteous behavior of the redeemed (4:13–30)
Living in peace and social order (compare Leviticus 25);
prohibition of contention; because God imparts, all must
give to those in need; avoid guilt and sin
'. The sons and daughters of God (5:6–15)
God has spiritually begotten you this day; the only head to
make you free from debt; excommunication upon breach of
obligations; covenant people know God by serving him; the
hope of exaltation after death
Overview of Benjamin’s Speech
Preparations (1:1–2:8)
Successor named and new name to
be given; people gathered but not
yet numbered; tower constructed
First Interruption (2:29–30)
Coronation proclamation
Second Interruption (2:41–3:1)
Remember, remember, the Lord
has spoken; Benjamin calls
again for attention
Third Interruption (3:27–4:4)
Thus has the Lord commanded,
amen; the people fall to the
ground and confess; atoning
blood is applied; joy and remission;
Benjamin begins to speak again
Fourth Interruption (4:30–5:6)
Remember, and perish not;
covenant response of the
people; Benjamin accepts their
Final Acts (6:1–3)
Names recorded of all who accepted
the name; Mosiah consecrated;
priests appointed; people dismissed
Supporting Elements Words of Speech
in Mosiah 1–6 in Mosiah 2–5
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 2–5
Ancient Israelites celebrated several holy days, many elements of
which have become the modern Jewish celebrations of Rosh ha-
Shanah (New Year), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), and Sukkot
(Feast of Tabernacles). These three particular celebrations took
place during the early autumn season, specifically during the sev-
enth month of the year. Because the Nephites and Mulekites origi-
nally came from Jerusalem, it is likely that they continued some of
these festival traditions in the Americas. As this chart shows, King
Benjamins speech in Mosiah 2–5 contains themes especially perti-
nent to the Israelite New Year, suggesting that this speech was
delivered near that time of the year. Benjamins proclamation of
his son Mosiah as king at this time is especially fitting, considering
that part of the ancient Israelite New Year celebration included
proclaiming or sustaining the king or high priest as an authority
figure. Each element on this chart is found both in Israelite tradi-
tion and in Benjamins speech. The similarities between Benjamins
speech and ancient Israelite celebrations are circumstantial evi-
dence attesting to the historical backgrounds and divine origins of
the Book of Mormon.
Terrence L. Szink and John W. Welch, “King Benjamins Speech in
the Context of Ancient Israelite Festivals, in
King Benjamins
Speech: That Ye May Learn Wisdom,ed. John W. Welch and
Stephen D. Ricks (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1998), 160–74, 200.
Chart 88
Benjamin’s Themes
Related to the Israelite New Year
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Benjamin’s Themes
Related to the Israelite New Year
the attributes of God
being sealed to God
covenant making
divine judgment
forsaking sin
God’s involvement in history
guilt before God
kingship of God
the long-suffering of God
the Lord Omnipotent
man’s nature and nothingness
preaching and prophecy
rebirth and resurrection
reverence and fear of God
testimony against the people
warnings against sin
Chart 88
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 2–5
The Day of Atonement is one of the most sacred holidays in
Jewish culture. In preexilic Israel it included ritual atonement in
the temple and a series of holy assemblies. Because Benjamins
speech in Mosiah 2–5 and its surrounding context emphasizes
several topics particularly significant to this day of religious cele-
bration, it is possible that Benjamin gave the speech on or near
the Day of Atonement. In fact, he refers to the atonement overtly
seven times—a number that represented spiritual perfection and
that was used in connection with rituals performed on the Day of
Atonement and during other times of purification mentioned in
the book of Leviticus. This holy day was also a time of forgiveness
for the people of Israel who confessed their sins and repented;
similarly, the people of Benjamin were spiritually reborn after
they confessed and repented of their sins. Each element in this
chart, listed alphabetically, is found both in Israelite texts and in
Benjamins speech.
Terrence L. Szink and John W. Welch, “King Benjamins Speech in
the Context of Ancient Israelite Festivals, in King Benjamins
Speech: That Ye May Learn Wisdom,ed. John W. Welch and
Stephen D. Ricks (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1998), 174–83, 201.
Chart 89
Benjamin’s Themes
Related to the Day of Atonement
Key Scripture
Chart 89
Benjamin’s Themes
Related to the Day of Atonement
balancing order and diligence
being made free from sin
belief in God
belief in the Messiah
blotting out names of transgressors
the commandments of God
confession and repentance
eternal rewards and punishments
the fall of Adam
the fallen state of humanity
foundation of the world
giving to the poor
the goodness of God
ignorant sin
indebtedness to God
inscribing names of the righteous
joy and blessings
knowing the divine name
left hand
the means of salvation
the name of God
rebellion against God
right hand
sacrifice and purifications
scapegoat, driving ass out
service to God and fellowman
suffering and works of the Messiah
unintentional sin
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 2–5
Sukkot, or the Feast of Tabernacles, as it is currently celebrated
represents the events associated with the exodus from Egypt,
although it was probably originally an agricultural celebration.
Although it is not possible to know exactly which parts of this
celebration were observed in Jerusalem during Lehi’s lifetime,
there are several significant parallels between the fully developed
celebration of Sukkot and King Benjamins speech and the events
associated with it. These elements, shared by both Israelite and
Nephite observances, include a pilgrimage to the temple, sitting in
tents, reading the law, coronating a king, and renewing the
Terrence L. Szink and John W. Welch, “King Benjamins Speech in
the Context of Ancient Israelite Festivals, in King Benjamins
Speech: That Ye May Learn Wisdom,ed. John W. Welch and
Stephen D. Ricks (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1998), 183–90, 201.
Chart 90
Benjamin’s Themes
Related to the Feast of Tabernacles
Key Scripture
Chart 90
Benjamin’s Themes
Related to the Feast of Tabernacles
becoming sons and daughters of God
earthly king
the effect of knowing God
giving thanks and praise
heavenly king
joy in the commandments
keeping the commandments
knowing God by serving God
law and order
one’s accountability after being warned
rejoicing and thanksgiving
temple assembly
thanksgiving and praise
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 2–5
In addition to scheduling his speech during the season of the fall
festival complex, King Benjamin may have also timed it to be given
at the end of a sabbatical year, which came once every seven years.
During this year, the land was not to be tilled, the yield was given
to the poor, and debtors and slaves (or servants) were released
from their obligations. Similarly, at the end of his speech Benjamin
commands his people to “till the land, which would make sense if
the people had not been working in the fields during the sabbatical
year and were preparing to resume agricultural activity. Benjamin
also tells the people to settle their debts with their neighbors.
These parallels are quite striking.
But this is not all. Textual evidence indicates that this may also
have been a jubilee year, which occurred every seventh sabbatical
year and offered a new economic beginning for the poor in the
land and spiritual renewal for all. Parts of the jubilee text, found in
Leviticus 25, and parts of Mosiah 2 and 4 essentially mirror each
other. Topics such as settling debts, succoring the poor, depending
on God, and prospering in the land, listed on this chart, are all
present in both texts. Benjamins speech was one of monumental
importance to the Nephites who still lived under the law of Moses.
No wonder Mormon chose to include this speech in its entirety.
Terrence L. Szink and John W. Welch, “King Benjamins Speech in
the Context of Ancient Israelite Festivals, in King Benjamins
Speech: That Ye May Learn Wisdom,ed. John W. Welch and
Stephen D. Ricks (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1998), 190–99, 202.
Chart 91
Benjamin’s Themes
Related to Sabbatical and Jubilee Years
Key Scripture
Chart 91
Benjamin’s Themes
Related to Sabbatical and Jubilee Years
debt recognition
peaceful living
purification and renewal
reading of the law
rendering to each his due
returning things borrowed
riches and generosity
service and servants
slaves released
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Comparative Studies
of the Book of Mormon
Section 7
Charts 92–109
1 Nephi 8; 11–14
Though Nephi and Lehi both experienced the vision of the tree of
life, they explained it and possibly perceived it somewhat differently.
They saw the same vision, for Nephi “saw the things which [his]
father saw, and the angel of the Lord did make them known unto
[him]” (1 Nephi 14:29). But Lehi’s vision is recorded as being
completely allegorical, while Nephi’s vision of the tree of life ex-
panded further into a view of the future of the world and Nephi’s
posterity, including specific historical occurrences like the birth of
Jesus Christ and the latter-day restoration of the gospel to Lehi’s
seed. On this chart the elements in these visions are compared and
contrasted. Viewing these two texts together may yield new in-
sights concerning both of these visions of the tree of life.
Chart 92
A Comparison of Lehi’s Dream
and Nephi’s Vision
Key Scripture
Comparative Studies
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 92
A Comparison of Lehi’s Dream
and Nephi’s Vision
Reference Lehi’s Dream: 1 Nephi 8 Nephi’s Vision: 1 Nephi 11–14 Reference
8:4 Dark and dreary wilderness High mountain 11:1
Man dressed in white robe Spirit speaks 11:2, 11
Man leads the way Spirit’s introductory questions 11:2
Man leaves (implied) Spirit departs 11:12
Dark and dreary waste Jerusalem 11:13
Prayer for mercy
8:9 Large and spacious field
11:7, 13–
Tree Tree 18, 20–25
Fruit desirable to make happy Love of God most desirable 11:22
Fruit sweet and white above all Virgin most beautiful and fair 11:15
Soul filled with joy Carried away in the spirit 11:19
Desire to share with family
8:14 Head of river near the tree Fountain of living waters 11:25
Call with loud voice Christ, John, apostles preach 11:24–31
Come partake of fruit
8:17–18 Laman, Lemuel do not partake People reject Christ 11:32–33
Rod of iron Rod of iron 11:25
Straight and narrow path The apostles preach 11:34
Large and spacious field Large and spacious building 11:35
Numberless concourses coming Multitudes like sand 12:1
Mist of darkness Mists of darkness 12:17
Lose their way and are lost Broad roads and are lost 12:17
Others come to tree and partake Four generations 12:10–12
River is a divider Great gulf divideth them 12:18
Great and spacious building Large and spacious building 12:18
Fine dress, mocking Pride and vain imaginations 12:18
They fell away The good are overpowered 12:19
[Break in Nephi’s recitation] War between seed 12:20–23
Other multitudes partake Gentile nations 13:3
Great and spacious building Great and abominable church 13:4–9
Restoration of Lehi’s seed through 13:10–
a great and marvelous work 14:7
Many drowned in the depths Whore upon the waters 14:11
Many are lost in strange roads Wars and chaos 14:16
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
1 Nephi 17–18; Genesis 1–2; 6–9; Exodus 24; 31; 39–40; Joshua 18
Unlike modern writers, who value originality and consider writing
to be intellectual property, writers of antiquity valued repetition.
For example, ancient Hebrew writers consistently repeated and
alluded to previous narratives, and the Nephites did the same. This
chart highlights one specific instance of this. As is shown here,
Nephi’s account of the construction of his ship closely parallels
three other narratives about beginnings: the creation, the flood,
and the construction of the biblical tabernacle. This suggests that
Nephi purposefully included allusions to these biblical texts when
recounting his own story of creation, a practice consistent with
ancient Hebraic writing.
Alan Goff, “Boats, Beginnings, and Repetitions, Journal of Book of
Mormon Studies 1/1 (1992): 67–84.
Chart 93
Three Biblical Archetypes Compared to
Nephi’s Construction of the Ship
Key Scriptures
Comparative Studies
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 93
“God saw every-
thing that he had
made, and, behold,
it was very good”
(Gen. 1:31).
“Thus the heavens
and the earth were
finished, and all the
host of them” (Gen.
“God blessed the sev-
enth day, and sancti-
fied it” (Gen. 2:3).
“God said unto
them, Be fruitful,
and multiply, and
replenish the earth”
(Gen 1:2).
The variety of species
is emphasized (Gen.
1:11–12, 20–22,
God establishes a
covenant (Gen.
“Thus did Noah;
according to all that
God commanded
him, so did he”
(Gen. 6:22; cf. 7:5).
“God blessed
Noah and his sons”
(Gen. 9:1).
“Bring forth with
thee every living
thing . . . that they
may breed abun-
dantly in the earth,
and be fruitful, and
multiply upon the
earth” (Gen. 8:17;
cf. 9:1).
Divine pattern for
building the ark
specified (Gen.
“Moses did look
upon all the work,
and, behold, they
had done it as the
Lord had command-
ed, even so had they
done it” (Ex. 39:43
“The children of
Israel did according
to all that the Lord
commanded Moses,
so did they” (Ex.
39:32; cf. 39:43;
“Moses blessed
them” (Ex. 39:43).
“The whole con-
gregation of Israel
assembled together at
Shiloh, and set up
the tabernacle of the
congregation there.
And the land was
subdued before
them” (Josh. 18:1).
“I have filled
[Bezaleel] with the
spirit of God, in wis-
dom, . . . and in all
manner of work-
manship, to devise
cunning works . . .
in gold, and in sil-
ver, and in brass”
(Ex. 31:3–4).
“The Lord said
unto Moses, Come
up to me into the
mount, and be
there. . . . And
Moses rose up, and
. . . went up into the
mount of God” (Ex.
After I had finished
the ship, according to
the word of the Lord,
my brethren beheld
that it was good”
(1 Ne. 18:4).
“I had finished the
ship, according to the
word of the Lord”
(1 Ne. 18:4).
“We were blessed in
abundance” (1 Ne.
“We did begin to till
the earth, and we
began to plant seeds”
(1 Ne. 18:24).
“We did work the
timbers of curious
workmanship. And
the Lord did show
me from time to time
after what manner I
should work the tim-
bers of the ship”
(1 Ne. 18:1; cf. 18:2).
“The voice of the
Lord came unto me,
saying: Arise, and get
thee into the moun-
tain. And it came to
pass that I arose and
went up into the
mountain, and cried
unto the Lord” (1 Ne.
17:7; cf. 17:8).
Three Biblical Archetypes
Compared to Nephi’s Construction of the Ship
and Fill
the Earth
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
1 Nephi 4:2
Lehi’s group saw themselves as reenacting the exodus of the
Israelites from Egypt. Just as God had called Moses and Joshua to
lead the children of Israel out of oppressive conditions, across a sea
and the river Jordan, and into the promised land, so he called Lehi
to lead his group out of Jerusalem, across the ocean, and to a new
land of promise. Nephi thought of Moses when he exhorted his
brothers to be “strong like unto Moses,” who had delivered his
people out of captivity (1 Nephi 4:2). As a typology, that first exo-
dus, mainly in the Old Testament book of Exodus, became a pat-
tern whose motifs may be found throughout Nephi’s story of this
second exodus. By extension, many of these themes can also be
found in accounts of other Book of Mormon groups who were
likewise delivered from captivity and fled into the wilderness. It is
a pattern that still holds today in the personal conversion of indi-
viduals who flee evil and seek the Lord.
Terrence L. Szink, “Nephi and the Exodus,” in Rediscovering the
Book of Mormon, ed. John L. Sorenson and Melvin J. Thorne (Salt
Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1991), 38–51; S. Kent Brown,
“The Exodus: Seeing It as a Test, a Testimony, and a Type, Ensign,
February 1990, 54–57; S. Kent Brown, “The Exodus Pattern in the
Book of Mormon,BYU Studies 30/3 (1990): 111–26; “Nephi and
the Exodus, Ensign, April 1987, 64–65; and Mark J. Johnson, “The
Exodus of Lehi Revisited,” in Pressing Forward with the Book of
Mormon, ed. John W. Welch and Melvin J. Thorne (Provo, Utah:
FARMS, 1999), 54–58.
Chart 94
Key Scripture
Comparative Studies
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
1 Nephi and the Exodus
Chart 94
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
1 Nephi and the Exodus
1 Nephi Exodus Motifs Common to Both Accounts
1:6 3:2 fire present at calling of Lehi and Moses
1:6; 16:16 13:21 Lord’s guidance
1:20 1:11–16 oppressive conditions
2:2 3:7–18 Lord’s command to depart
2:6–7 3:18; 15:22; 20:25 sacrifice to the Lord after three days’ journey
2:11–12; 5:2; 16:20 15:24; 16:2–3 murmuring against the Lord
2:15; 3:9; 10:16 18:7; 33:8 dwelling in tents
2:20 3:17 promise of a new land of inheritance
4:12 17:8–13 victory over enemies
7:6–7 14:12 rebellious desire to return
9:1–4 17:14 a record of the journey
11:1–14:27 19:19–31:18 instruction from God on a high mountain
15:6–16:5 19:3–25 prophet who teaches with divine instruction
16:10 7:9–21; 8:16; 14:16 miraculous objects (Liahona, rod)
16:34 Josh. 24:32 a burial
17:2–5 16:11–18 Lord’s provision of ready-to-eat food
17:4 16:35; Deut. 8:2 prolonged wandering in the wilderness
17:6 16:3; 17:1 afflictions in the wilderness
17:26; 18:8–23 14:21–22, 29; 15:19 crossing a sea
17:52 34:30 a transfiguration
17:55 14:31; 20:12 acknowledgment of the Lord’s power
18:7 18:3–4 two sons born in the wilderness
18:8 14:21 Lord’s providential wind
18:9 32:18–19 wicked revelry
18:20 32:10 death warnings from the Lord
18:23–25 Josh. 11:23 inheritance of a promised land
19:11 20:18 thunderings and lightnings at God’s presence
Comparative Studies
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Jacob 5; 1 Nephi 8; Alma 5; 32
The tree is the primary symbol in three significant sections in the
Book of Mormon, showing the development of Nephite theology:
Zenoss allegory in Jacob 5, Lehi’s dream in 1 Nephi 8, and Almas
discourses on righteousness in Alma 5 and 32. This chart compares
the three symbolic trees and the differences in their messages con-
cerning the house of Israel.
In Zenoss allegory, the tame olive tree symbolizes the house of
Israel as a whole. Groups or individuals are branches or leaves on
this tree. Collectively speaking, the Lord does all he can to save his
vineyard and will redeem the house of Israel after grafting, or
gathering, the branches of Israel together in the last days.
When Lehi was physically separated from the house of Israel, and
knowing that salvation was not to be found in Jerusalem in his
day, the focus of his view of salvation shifted. Instead of focusing
on collective salvation, he invited individual men and women to
come to a new tree and partake of the fruit of the tree of life, or
Christ’s atonement, which leads to individual salvation.
In Almas pluralistic society, salvation was portrayed even more as
a matter of individual choice. Almas allegorical tree symbolizes the
personal righteousness that grows inside each individual through
planting the seed of Christ’s atonement and God’s love in ones
Chart 95
Three Trees in the Book of Mormon
Key Scriptures
Three Trees in the Book of Mormon
Zenos’s Olive Tree
The House of Israel
Collective Salvation
Lehi’s Tree of Life
The Love of God
Alma’s Tree of
Personal Righteousness
and Testimony
Chart 95
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Comparative Studies
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
3 Nephi 23:1; Mormon 8:23
Prophets in the Book of Mormon, including the Lord himself,
repeatedly declared the importance of reading Isaiahs prophecies.
They emphasized this point by quoting extensively from Isaiah in
their own sermons and writings. This chart lists Book of Mormon
passages that quote or paraphrase the words of Isaiah, which held
great meaning for the Nephites and also apply to us today. The
main Nephite prophets who quoted Isaiah were Nephi, Jacob, and
Abinadi. Next to the Book of Mormon references in this chart are
corresponding references in the book of Isaiah.
Royal Skousen, “Textual Variants in the Isaiah Quotations in the
Book of Mormon, in Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, ed. Donald W.
Parry and John W. Welch (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1998), 369–71.
Chart 96
Isaiah Passages
Listed by Book of Mormon Reference
Key Scripture
Chart 96
Isaiah Passages
in the Book of Mormon
Listed by Book of Mormon Reference
Direct Quotations
1 Nephi 20:1–21:26 Isaiah 48:1–49:26
2 Nephi 6:6–7 Isaiah 49:22–23
2 Nephi 6:16–8:25 Isaiah 49:24–52:2
2 Nephi 9:50 Isaiah 55:1
2 Nephi 12:1–24:32 Isaiah 2:1–14:32
2 Nephi 26:18 Isaiah 29:5
2 Nephi 27:2–5 Isaiah 29:6–10
2 Nephi 27:25–35 Isaiah 29:13–24
2 Nephi 30:9 Isaiah 11:4
2 Nephi 30:11–15 Isaiah 11:5–9
Mosiah 12:21–24 Isaiah 52:7–10
Mosiah 14:1–12 Isaiah 53:1–12
Mosiah 15:6 Isaiah 53:7
Mosiah 15:29–31 Isaiah 52:8–10
3 Nephi 16:18–20 Isaiah 52:8–10
3 Nephi 20:32 Isaiah 52:8
3 Nephi 20:34–35 Isaiah 52:9–10
3 Nephi 20:36–38 Isaiah 52:1–3
3 Nephi 20:39–40 Isaiah 52:6–7
3 Nephi 20:41–45 Isaiah 52:11–15
3 Nephi 21:8 Isaiah 52:15
3 Nephi 22:1–17 Isaiah 54:1–17
1 Nephi 10:7 Isaiah 40:3
1 Nephi 13:37 Isaiah 52:7
1 Nephi 14:7 Isaiah 29:14
1 Nephi 17:36 Isaiah 45:18
1 Nephi 22:6 Isaiah 49:22–23
1 Nephi 22:8 Isaiah 29:14
1 Nephi 22:8 Isaiah 49:22–23
1 Nephi 22:10 Isaiah 52:10
1 Nephi 22:11 Isaiah 52:10
2 Nephi 6:15 Isaiah 29:6
2 Nephi 9:51 Isaiah 55:2
2 Nephi 25:17 Isaiah 11:11
2 Nephi 25:17 Isaiah 29:14
2 Nephi 26:15–16 Isaiah 29:3–4
2 Nephi 26:17 Isaiah 29:11
2 Nephi 26:25 Isaiah 55:1
2 Nephi 27:6–9 Isaiah 29:4
2 Nephi 27:15–19 Isaiah 29:11–12
2 Nephi 28:9 Isaiah 29:13
2 Nephi 28:9 Isaiah 29:15
2 Nephi 28:14 Isaiah 29:13
2 Nephi 28:16 Isaiah 29:21
2 Nephi 28:30 Isaiah 28:10
2 Nephi 28:30 Isaiah 28:13
2 Nephi 29:1 Isaiah 11:11
2 Nephi 29:1 Isaiah 29:14
2 Nephi 29:2 Isaiah 5:26
2 Nephi 29:2 Isaiah 49:22
2 Nephi 29:3 Isaiah 5:26
Mosiah 15:10 Isaiah 53:10
Mosiah 15:14 Isaiah 52:7
Mosiah 15:15–18 Isaiah 52:7
Helaman 12:16 Isaiah 51:10
Helaman 12:16 Isaiah 44:27
3 Nephi 21:29 Isaiah 52:12
Moroni 10:31 Isaiah 52:1–2
Moroni 10:31 Isaiah 54:2
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Comparative Studies
3 Nephi 23:1; Mormon 8:23
This chart organizes important Isaiah references in the Book of
Mormon according to their order of appearance in the book of
Isaiah. In 3 Nephi 23:1, Jesus Christ emphasizes the importance of
studying Iaiahs writings: A commandment I give unto you that
ye search these things diligently; for great are the words of Isaiah.
The direct quotations listed in this chart come from three parts of
Isaiah, namely, chapters 2–14, 29, and 48–55:1.
Royal Skousen, “Textual Variants in the Isaiah Quotations in the
Book of Mormon, in Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, ed. Donald W.
Parry and John W. Welch (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1998), 369–71.
Chart 97
Isaiah Passages
Listed by Isaiah Reference
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Key Scriptures
Chart 97
Isaiah Passages
in the Book of Mormon
Listed by Isaiah Reference
Direct Quotations
Isaiah 2:1–14:32 2 Nephi 12:1–24:32
Isaiah 11:4 2 Nephi 30:9
Isaiah 11:5–9 2 Nephi 30:11–15
Isaiah 29:5 2 Nephi 26:18
Isaiah 29:6–10 2 Nephi 27:2–5
Isaiah 29:13–24 2 Nephi 27:25–35
Isaiah 48:1–49:26 1 Nephi 20:1–21:26
Isaiah 49:22–23 2 Nephi 6:6–7
Isaiah 49:24–52:2 2 Nephi 6:16–8:25
Isaiah 52:1–3 3 Nephi 20:36–38
Isaiah 52:6–7 3 Nephi 20:39–40
Isaiah 52:7–10 Mosiah 12:21–24
Isaiah 52:8 3 Nephi 20:32
Isaiah 52:8–10 Mosiah 15:29–31
Isaiah 52:8–10 3 Nephi 16:18–20
Isaiah 52:9–10 3 Nephi 20:34–35
Isaiah 52:11–15 3 Nephi 20:41–45
Isaiah 52:15 3 Nephi 21:8
Isaiah 53:1–12 Mosiah 14:1–12
Isaiah 53:7 Mosiah 15:6
Isaiah 54:1–17 3 Nephi 22:1–17
Isaiah 55:1 2 Nephi 9:50
Isaiah 5:26 2 Nephi 29:2
Isaiah 5:26 2 Nephi 29:3
Isaiah 11:11 2 Nephi 25:17
Isaiah 11:11 2 Nephi 29:1
Isaiah 28:10 2 Nephi 28:30
Isaiah 28:13 2 Nephi 28:30
Isaiah 29:3–4 2 Nephi 26:15–16
Isaiah 29:4 2 Nephi 27:6–9
Isaiah 29:6 2 Nephi 6:15
Isaiah 29:11 2 Nephi 26:17
Isaiah 29:11–12 2 Nephi 27:15–19
Isaiah 29:13 2 Nephi 28:9
Isaiah 29:13 2 Nephi 28:14
Isaiah 29:14 1 Nephi 14:7
Isaiah 29:14 1 Nephi 22:8
Isaiah 29:14 2 Nephi 25:17
Isaiah 29:14 2 Nephi 29:1
Isaiah 29:15 2 Nephi 28:9
Isaiah 29:21 2 Nephi 28:16
Isaiah 40:3 1 Nephi 10:7
Isaiah 44:27 Helaman 12:16
Isaiah 45:18 1 Nephi 17:36
Isaiah 49:22 2 Nephi 29:2
Isaiah 49:22–23 1 Nephi 22:6
Isaiah 49:22–23 1 Nephi 22:8
Isaiah 51:10 Helaman 12:16
Isaiah 52:1–2 Moroni 10:31
Isaiah 52:7 1 Nephi 13:37
Isaiah 52:7 Mosiah 15:14
Isaiah 52:7 Mosiah 15:15–18
Isaiah 52:10 1 Nephi 22:10
Isaiah 52:10 1 Nephi 22:11
Isaiah 52:12 3 Nephi 21:29
Isaiah 53:10 Mosiah 15:10
Isaiah 54:2 Moroni 10:31
Isaiah 55:1 2 Nephi 26:25
Isaiah 55:2 2 Nephi 9:51
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Comparative Studies
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
2 Nephi 12–24
When Nephite prophets quoted Isaiah, they used a quoting for-
mula of sorts, usually consisting of an introduction, a quotation,
an explanation of the quotation, and a conclusion. This chart out-
lines the structures of four major scriptural passages in which
Book of Mormon prophets quote Isaiah at length. Though each
passage varies slightly from the four-part quoting formula, the
pattern is definite, helping readers to follow the thoughts of Isaiah
and to make good use of the explanations provided by Nephi,
Jacob, and Abinadi.
John Gee, “‘Choose the Things That Please Me’: On the Selection
of the Isaiah Sections in the Book of Mormon, in Isaiah in the
Book of Mormon, ed. Donald W. Parry and John W. Welch (Provo,
Utah: FARMS, 1998), 75–83.
Chart 98
Outlines of Passages Quoting Isaiah
Key Scripture
1 Nephi 19:22–24
Quotation of
Isaiah 48:1–49:26
1 Nephi 20:1–21:26
1 Nephi 22:1–31
2 Nephi 6:1–5
Quotation of
Isaiah 49:22–23
2 Nephi 6:6–7
2 Nephi 6:8–15
Quotation of
Isaiah 49:24–52:2
2 Nephi 6:16–8:25
Discourse Conclusion
2 Nephi 9:1–54
2 Nephi 11:1–8
Quotation of
Isaiah 2:1–14:32
2 Nephi 12:1–24:32
2 Nephi 25:1–27:2
Quotation of
Isaiah 29:7–11
2 Nephi 27:3–6
2 Nephi 27:7–16
Quotation of
Isaiah 29:11–12
2 Nephi 27:17–19
2 Nephi 27:20–24
Quotation of
Isaiah 29:13–24
2 Nephi 27:25–35
Discourse Conclusion
2 Nephi 28:1–30:10
Quotation of
Isaiah 11:5–9
2 Nephi 30:11–15
The End
2 Nephi 30:16–18
Question on
Isaiah 52:7–10
Mosiah 12:20–24
Question & Answer
Mosiah 12:25–32
Quotation of
Exodus 20:2–4
Mosiah 12:34–36
Explanation of
Exodus 20:2–17
Mosiah 13:25–35
Quotation of
Isaiah 53:1–12
Mosiah 14:1–12
Explanation of
Isaiah 53:1–12
Mosiah 15:1–28
Quotation of
Isaiah 52:8–10
Mosiah 15:29–31
Mosiah 16:1–15
Chart 98
Outlines of Passages Quoting Isaiah
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Key Scripture
Comparative Studies
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
1 Nephi 11–14
Understanding Isaiahs writings in the Book of Mormon is difficult
for many students of the scriptures. But becoming familiar with
the way the Nephite prophets viewed the future can help reveal the
profound insights of Isaiah. Nephi’s writings in 1 Nephi 11–14
establish four basic elements that represent to some extent Nephite
prophecy in general. These four elements, or stages of history, con-
cern the coming of Jesus Christ, his rejection and the scattering of
the Jews, the day of the Gentiles, and the restoration of Israel and
ultimate victory of good over evil. When Nephi or Jacob quotes a
section from Isaiah, it is because Isaiah is speaking about one of
these stages. For example, as this chart shows, Nephi quotes Isaiah
48 and 49 in articulating stages 2 and 3 in 1 Nephi 20–21. Viewing
the quoted Isaiah passages in this context helps readers of the
Book of Mormon to understand better the meaning and impor-
tance of Isaiahs writings.
John W. Welch, “Getting through Isaiah with the Help of the
Nephite Prophetic View, in Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, ed.
Donald W. Parry and John W. Welch (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1998),
Chart 99
Four Stages of the Nephite Prophetic View
Chart 99
Four Stages of the Nephite Prophetic View
in 1 Nephi 11–14 and 1 Nephi 19–22
Christs coming
His rejection by the
Jews and their scattering
The day of the Gentiles
The restoration of
Israel and the ultimate
victory of good over
1 Nephi 19
1 Nephi 20
(Isaiah 48)
1 Nephi 11
1 Nephi 12
1 Nephi 14
1 Nephi 22
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
1 Nephi 13
1 Nephi 21
(Isaiah 49)
Comparative Studies
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 1–6
King Benjamins speech in Mosiah 2–5 had the desired effect: the
people of Nephi were willing to make covenants with the Lord to
keep his commandments (see Mosiah 5:5–6). In his discourse,
Benjamin used the same pattern of covenant making that Moses
and Joshua employed for the children of Israel, most likely during
the Feast of Tabernacles. This chart highlights some of the simi-
larities between Benjamins pattern and Old Testament covenant-
making conventions. It is also interesting to note that Hittite treat-
ies composed in the fourteenth and thirteenth centuries
exhibit the same six characteristics listed on this chart: the pre-
amble, antecedent history, terms of the covenant, formal witness,
blessings and curses, and recital of the covenant and deposit of
the text. (In the chart the designations a and b in the scriptural ref-
erences refer to the first half of a verse and to the second half,
Stephen D. Ricks, “Kingship, Coronation, and Covenant in Mosiah
1–6, in King Benjamins Speech: That Ye May Learn Wisdom,ed.
John W. Welch and Stephen D. Ricks (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1998),
Chart 100
Treaty-Covenant Pattern in the
Old Testament and Benjamin’s Speech
Key Scripture
Chart 100
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Treaty-Covenant Pattern
in the Old Testament and
Benjamin’s Speech
Elements Exodus 19:3b–8 Exodus 20–24 Deuteronomy Joshua 24 Mosiah 1–6
19:3b 20:1 1:1–5 24:1–2a 1:1–2:9a
Antecedent 19:4 20:2 1:6–3:29 24:2b–13, 2:9b–21,
History 16b–18a 23–30
Terms of the 19:5–6 20:3–23:19 4–26 24:14, 2:22, 24b,
Covenant 18b, 23 31–41;
Formal 19:8 24:3 31:19 24:16a, 19a, 5:2–8
Witness 21–23
Blessings and 19:5 23:20–33 27:9–28:68 24:19b–20 3:24–27;
Curses 5:9–15
Recital of the
19:7 24:4–8 27:1–8; 24:25–27 2:8, 9a;
Covenant/ 31:9, 24–26 6:1–3, 6
Deposit of
the Text
Comparative Studies
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 1–6; Exodus 19:3–8; 20–24; Joshua 24; Deuteronomy 1–31
In Mosiah 1–6 and 25, Benjamin and Mosiah each direct a cere-
mony of spiritual renewal among the Nephite population. These
ceremonies are similar to many other formal covenant-making
ceremonies found in the Old Testament, beginning with the cere-
mony at Sinai (see Exodus 24) and including the ceremonies at
Shechem (see Joshua 24) and Mizpeh (see 1 Samuel 10). In each of
these, the king or religious leader of the people directs the cere-
mony, for ancient Hebrew kings were seen as mediators between
God and the people. Other similar elements include gathering an
assembly of the people by royal decree to make covenants, publicly
reading the law or basis of the covenant, establishing or expound-
ing upon a legal document, writing the speech down, and partici-
pating in cultic acts (ranging from building an altar to being bap-
tized) to physically demonstrate acceptance of the covenant made.
These similarities are further evidence of the Book of Mormons
Old Testament roots and strongly suggest that the Nephites consci-
entiously followed established laws and customs brought with
them from Jerusalem.
Todd R. Kerr, Ancient Aspects of Nephite Kingship in the Book of
Mormon, Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 1/1 (1992): 110–11.
See Stephen D. Ricks, “Treaty/Covenant Patterns in King Benja-
mins Address, BYU Studies 24 (spring 1984): 151–62.
Chart 101
Benjamin’s and Mosiah’s Covenant
Ceremonies Compared with
Old Testament Rituals
Key Scriptures
Chart 101
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Benjamin’s and Mosiah’s
Covenant Ceremonies
Compared with Old Testament Rituals
Elements Exodus 24 Joshua 24 1 Samuel 10 Mosiah 1–6 Mosiah 25
Moses Joshua Samuel Benjamin Mosiah
Assembly read in the gathered all called people the people caused that
audience of the tribes of together unto gathered all the people
the people Israel to the Lord at themselves should be
(v. 7) Shechem Mizpeh (v. 17) throughout all gathered
(v. 1) the land (2:1) together (v. 1)
Legal book of the set them a manner of the my, my
Document covenant statute and an kingdom father’s, my son’s,
(v. 7) ordinance (v. 25) and God’s
(v. 25) commandments
Public read in said unto the told the people opened his read and
Reading the hearing people (v. 22) the manner of mouth and caused to be
of the people the kingdom began to speak read (v. 5)
(v. 25) (4:4; cf. 2:9)
Writing wrote all the wrote the wrote it in words which he
words of the words in the a book (v. 25) spake should
Lord (v. 4) book of the be written
law of God (2:8)
(v. 26)
Cultic Act built an took a stone laid it up sacrifices and baptism
altar (v. 4) and set it before the ordinances (v. 17)
under an oak Lord (v. 25) according to
by the law of Moses
sanctuary of (2:3); names
the Lord recorded (6:1)
(v. 26)
Comparative Studies
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 1–6
In ancient classical and biblical farewell addresses, certain themes
appear consistently. William S. Kurz has identified twenty elements
commonly found in the final farewell addresses of famous men
shortly before their deaths. Moses’ farewell speech contains sixteen
of these elements, while the farewell speeches of the apostle Paul
and Socrates include fourteen and eleven elements, respectively.
Sixteen, and possibly nineteen, of these elements can be found in
the carefully preserved text of Benjamins farewell address, making
it perhaps the best example of this speech genre on record. This
chart lists Kurz’s twenty elements and shows where the elements
can be found in Benjamins farewell speech.
John W. Welch and Daryl R. Hague, “Benjamins Speech: A Classic
Ancient Farewell Address, in Reexploring the Book of Mormon, ed.
John W. Welch (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1992),
120–22; see also John W. Welch and Daryl R. Hague, “Benjamins
Sermon as a Traditional Ancient Farewell Address, in King Benja-
mins Speech: That Ye May Learn Wisdom,ed. John W. Welch and
Stephen D. Ricks (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1998), 105; and William S.
Kurz, “Luke 22:14–38 and Greco-Roman and Biblical Farewell
Addresses, Journal of Biblical Literature 104 (1985): 251–68.
Chart 102
Elements Found in
Great Farewell Addresses
Key Scripture
Elements Found in
Great Farewell Addresses
Biblical and Classical Speech Elements Benjamin’s Speech
(Mosiah 1–5)
1. The speaker summons his successors 1:9–10; 2:1, 9
2. He cites his own mission as an example 2:12–14, 18
3. He states that he fulfilled his duty 2:15, 27–31
4. He refers to his impending death 1:9; 2:26, 28
5. He exhorts his audience 2:9, 40–41; 5:12
6. He issues warnings and final injunctions 2:31–39;
3:12, 25; 4:14–30;
7. He blesses his audience Possibly “blessed”
in 2:41
8. Farewell gestures Possibly in 2:28
9. He names tasks for his successors 1:15, 16; 2:31; 6:3
10. He theologically reviews history 2:34–35; 3:13–15
11. The speaker reveals future events 3:1, 5–10
12. Promises are given 2:22, 31; 4:12; 5:9
13. He appoints/refers to successor 1:15–16; 2:31; 6:3
14. Rest bewail the loss of the leader Not found
15. Future degeneration addressed 3:23–27; 4:14–15
16. Sacrifices and covenant renewal 2:3; 5:1–7
17. Care is given for those left 4:14–26; 6:3
18. Consolation to inner circle 5:15
19. Didactic speech 3:16–21
20. Ars moriendi Possibly in 2:28
Chart 102
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Key Scriptures
Comparative Studies
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
1 Nephi 1:8; Alma 36:22
Book of Mormon prophets, in addition to quoting scripture from the
brass plates, quoted other Nephite prophets who had gone before
them. For example, Alma 36:22 quotes Lehi’s words found in 1 Nephi
1:8. Because Alma was the keeper of the small plates, he would have
had access to Lehi’s words. Almas verbatim quoting of these twenty-
one words has interesting implications. These two passages are sepa-
rated from each other by several hundred pages of text. Because
Joseph Smith dictated the Book of Mormon without notes, he
would, if he recognized the quotation at all, not likely have been able
to remember the original version word for word except by divine
John W. Welch, Textual Consistency, in Reexploring the Book of
Mormon, ed. John W. Welch (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and
FARMS, 1992), 21–22.
Chart 103
Alma’s Quotation of Lehi
1 Nephi 1:8
And being thus over-
come with the Spirit,
he was carried away in
a vision, even that he
saw the heavens open,
and he thought he
saw God sitting upon
his throne, surrounded
with numberless
concourses of angels,
in the attitude of
singing and praising
their God.
Alma 36:22
Yea, methought I saw,
even as our father Lehi
saw, God sitting upon
his throne, surrounded
with numberless
concourses of angels,
in the attitude of
singing and praising
their God;
yea, and my soul did
long to be there.
Chart 103
Alma’s Quotation of Lehi
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Comparative Studies
Mosiah 3:18; Helaman 5:9
Like Alma, Helaman was familiar with the prophecies of his ances-
tors. As this chart demonstrates, Helaman quoted and paraphrased
Benjamin, whose words he considered highly important, when he
encouraged his sons to remember that salvation comes only
through the atonement of Jesus Christ.
John W. Welch, Textual Consistency, in Reexploring the Book of
Mormon, ed. John W. Welch (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and
FARMS, 1992), 23.
Chart 104
Helaman’s Quotation of Benjamin
Key Scriptures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 104
Helaman’s Quotation of Benjamin
Mosiah 3:18
But men drink damna-
tion to their own souls
except they humble
themselves and be-
come as little children,
and believe that salva-
tion was, and is, and is
to come, in and
through the atoning
blood of Christ,
the Lord Omnipotent.
Helaman 5:9
O remember, remem-
ber, my sons, the
words which king
Benjamin spake unto
his people; yea,
remember that there
is no other way nor
means whereby man
can be saved, only
through the atoning
blood of Jesus Christ,
who shall come; yea,
remember that he
cometh to redeem the
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Comparative Studies
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 3:8; Helaman 14:12
Though Samuel did not explicitly state that he was quoting
Benjamin, his words in Helaman 14:12 are a precise repetition of
Benjamins key words in Mosiah 3:8. Samuel could have known
of the teachings of Benjamin through the ministry of Helamans
sons Lehi and Nephi to the Lamanites. Because Helaman stressed
that his sons should remember the words of Benjamin (see Hela-
man 5:9), it is likely that Lehi and Nephi used exact quotes of
Benjamin in their proselytizing. In Mosiah 3:8, Benjamin
revealed to his people, in connection with their covenant with
God, the name and titles of their Lord God Omnipotent. This
took place at Zarahemla. A century later, Samuel the Lamanite
stood on the walls of that same city and called the people to
repentance. His use of Benjamins covenantal language probably
struck them especially powerfully.
John W. Welch, Textual Consistency, in Reexploring the Book of
Mormon, ed. John W. Welch (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and
FARMS, 1992), 22.
Chart 105
Samuel’s Quotation of Benjamin
Key Scriptures
Mosiah 3:8
And he shall be called
Jesus Christ, the Son of
God, the Father of
heaven and earth,
the Creator of all
things from the
and his mother shall
be called Mary.
Helaman 14:12
And also that ye might
know of the coming of
Jesus Christ, the Son of
God, the Father of
heaven and of earth,
the Creator of all
things from the
and that ye might
know of the signs of
his coming, to the
intent that ye might
believe on his name.
Chart 105
Samuel’s Quotation of Benjamin
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Comparative Studies
Mosiah 27; Alma 36; 38
Almas conversion is documented in three places in the Book of
Mormon. This chart compares the rhetorical situation of each of
these accounts and shows how the context of the situation may
have in part determined the way Alma expressed his conversion
story each time he told it. For example, Almas initial account of
his conversion (see Mosiah 27:7–37) is spontaneous and detailed,
perhaps because it had just occurred and was still very vivid in
his mind. In this account, he uses direct, antithetical parallelism
to emphasize that the atonement had miraculously changed him
from one former state into a new person.
Almas account to his son Helaman (see Alma 36) is the longest and
most elaborate. This is perhaps because Alma gave this account in a
blessing to his first son. To emphasize his pivotal acceptance of Jesus
Christ as the Savior—the turning point in his life—Alma expresses
his conversion story in the form of an extended chiasm.
Almas narrative account in Alma 38, given to his second son,
Shiblon, is much shorter. Alma focuses on the mercy of Christ in
this account and counsels Shiblon not to boast in his wisdom or
strength. Though each account differs from the others, all were
appropriate for the contexts in which they were given.
Chart 106
Three Accounts of Alma’s Conversion
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Key Scriptures
Chart 106
Three Accounts of Alma’s Conversion
Mosiah 27:7–37 Alma 36:1–30 Alma 38:4–8
When about 100
B.C. about 73 B.C. about 73 B.C.
immediately after conversion 27 years after conversion 27 years after conversion
Told by Alma and Mosiah Alma Alma
Audience multitude of people Helaman Shiblon
Tone spontaneous deliberate brief
Technique antithetical parallelism chiasmus narrative
Feelings snatched, redeemed relief, exquisite joy peace to my soul
Sphere public personal, spiritual personal, moral
Length long medium long short
Angel’s Words long quote (vv. 13–16) short quote (v. 9) no quote
Causal Forces prayers of God’s people Alma’s cry for mercy God’s mercy
Called on not mentioned Jesus, the Lord
thou Son of God Jesus Christ
Unique Parts Alma’s evil deeds
detailed (vv. 8–10, 30)
affirmation of God’s
power (v. 18)
Alma heard no more
(v. 11); sons of Mosiah
hear more
angel departed (v. 17) angel face to
face (v. 7)
Alma carried before a
multitude (vv. 19, 21)
God’s declaration of
judgment on all
(vv. 25–27)
the redeemed become
God’s sons and
daughters (v. 25)
God sent angel
in mercy (v. 7)
Alma persecuted as he
preaches (v. 32)
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Key Scriptures
Comparative Studies
Mosiah 27; Alma 36; 38
The three accounts of Almas conversion recorded in the Book of
Mormon contain many shared or similar phrases, leading us to
believe that Alma had repeated his story often and in a distinctive
manner. The use of shared words in these three accounts is cir-
cumstantial evidence of the authenticity of the Book of Mormon,
since, in spite of the different settings of these accounts and the
textual layers of compilation, abridgment, and translation, Almas
unique, underlying personal voice can still be heard and identified.
Chart 107
Shared Words in the Three Accounts
of Alma’s Conversion
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 107
Shared Words in the Three
Accounts of Alma’s Conversion
Mosiah 27:7–37 Alma 36:1–30 Alma 38:4–8
destroy the church destroy the church work of destruction
angel of the Lord his holy angel his angel
voice of thunder voice of thunder voice of thunder
fell to the earth fell to the earth
arise and stand arose and stood
remember captivity remember captivity thou wast in bonds
and bondage
Lord delivered them Lord delivered thee
trust in God trust in God
trials, troubles, trials, troubles,
afflictions afflictions
lifted up at last day lifted up at last day
know not of myself know not of myself
born of the Spirit, God born of God born of God
be cast off be destroyed
not open his mouth not open my mouth
not move hands not move limbs
fast two days, nights out three days, nights out three days, nights
the Lord in mercy heart cried for mercy
limbs received strength limbs received strength
everlasting burning everlasting chains
gall of bitterness gall of bitterness most bitter pain
marvelous light marvelous light
pained no more pains no more
many to the knowledge many born of God
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Comparative Studies
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
1 Nephi 16:7; Jacob 2:31–35
Although women do not receive prominent attention in all parts of
the Book of Mormon, they are referred to more often than most
readers realize. Six are mentioned by name (Eve, Sarah, Mary,
Sariah, Isabel, Abish); others are known by title (such as Ishmael’s
daughters, King Lamoni’s wife, or Moriantons maidservant).
Many more women are recognized collectively, primarily in their
roles as wives, mothers, and daughters, but also as sisters, maids,
and widows. Women are also mentioned frequently as members of
numerous groups, multitudes, cities, or general populations. Only
two women (Isabel and the daughter of Jared) are seen explicitly in
negative roles; most others (notably the twenty-four Lamanite
daughters and the mothers of Helamans stripling warriors) are
seen as strong, righteous individuals. The totals on this chart do not
include pronoun references or metaphorical allusions to women.
Allison Welch, student of John W. Welch, Book of Mormon 121H,
Brigham Young University, fall 1997; and Donna Lee Bowen and
Camille S. Williams, “Women in the Book of Mormon, in Daniel
H. Ludlow, ed., Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 5 vols. (1992),
Chart 108
Women in the Book of Mormon
Key Scriptures
Chart 108
Women in the Book of Mormon
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mother (12)
Mothers (5)
Daughter (8)
Daughters (68)
Widow (2)
Widows (5)
Woman (5)
Women (50)
Female (5)
Wife (30)
Wives (50)
Sisters (1)
Maidservant (1)
Maid (1)
Mistress (1)
Concubines (9)
Harlot (1); Harlots (5)
Title Number Specific Women Mentioned
Known by name 6 Eve, Sarah, Mary, Sariah, Isabel, Abish
Known as wives or 12 Lehi’s, Ishmael’s, Nephi’s, Lamoni’s, Lamoni’s father’s,
queens Amalickiah’s, Coriantum’s, Akish’s, Zoram’s, Laman’s,
Lemuel’s, Sam’s
Known as daughters at least 44 Ishmael’s (5 or more), Laman’s (2 or more), Lemuel’s (2 or
more), Lehi’s (2 or more), Lamoni’s (2 or more), Jared’s,
Coriantumr’s (2 or more), Cohor’s (2 or more), Corihor’s
(2 or more), 24 Lamanite daughters
Specific Women Mentioned in the Book of Mormon
Comparative Studies
Alma 17–23
The importance of missionary work is a prominent theme in the
Book of Mormon. This chart lists and compares the work of many
of the ancient American missionaries, the people they preached to,
the degree of success they had, and the scriptural references per-
taining to their missionary labors. Reactions to the gospel message
varied, despite the quality of missionaries in the field.
Maryanne Butler, student of John W. Welch, Book of Mormon
121H, Brigham Young University, fall 1997.
Chart 109
Missionary Work
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 109
Missionary Work
Missionaries People Taught Reaction of the People References
BINADI King Noah Alma
converted Mosiah 11–17
and priests
people of Noah 204 converted Mosiah 18
people of Limhi converted/renewed Mosiah 21
people of Zarahemla 3,500 converted Alma 4–6
people of Gideon repented Alma 7
people of Melek many converted Alma 8:3–6
people of rejected message Alma 8:6–13
people of Zeezrom and others Alma 8:14–
AND AMULEK Ammonihah converted; many re- 14:29;15:12;
jected message and 16:2–3
were destroyed
land of Sidom many converted Alma 15
land of Zarahemla many converted, Alma 16
Zoramites in the poor and many Alma 31–34;
Antionum others converted 35:6–7, 14
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 109
SONS OF land of Zarahemla many converted Mosiah
OSIAH 27:32–36, 37:9
land of Ishmael many converted Alma 17–20;
(including King 21:23; 23:9
city of Jerusalem rejected message Alma 21
land of Middoni imprisoned mission- Alma 21; 23
aries; later many
King Lamoni’s converted Alma 22
father and others
(land of Nephi)
people of Shilom, many converted Alma 23:4–5,
Shemlon, Lemuel, 12–13
Zoramites in the poor and many Alma 31:6–7;
Antionum others converted 35:6–7, 14
ORIANTON Zoramites in rejected message Alma 31:7; 39
ELAMAN Lamanites at war many converted Helaman 3
with Gadianton
EPHI AND apostates many converted Helaman 5
LAMANITES wicked Zarahemla many converted Helaman 6
AMUEL wicked Zarahemla some converted Helaman 13–15
ESUS CHRIST great multitude all converted 3 Nephi 11–28
ORMON Nephites few converted Mormon 3
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Charts 1–10
in the Book of Mormon
Section 8
Charts 110–13
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 11:1–19
King Mosiahs system of weights and measures established equiva-
lencies between amounts of silver, gold, and grains. This chart
compares the precious metals with their grain equivalents, as
described in Alma 11. These measurements for the most part
increase exponentially, much like the ancient Egyptian system of
measurement (see chart 113). In King Mosiahs system, the limnah
or onti, worth “the value of ...allmeasurements (Alma 11:10),
was worth the sum of the gold senine, seon, and shum or the silver
senum, amnor, and ezrom.
Robert F. Smith, “Weights and Measures in the Time of Mosiah II”
(Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1983).
Chart 110
King Mosiah’s Monetary System
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 110
King Mosiah’s Monetary System
Alma 11:1–19
Silver Measure Gold Equivalent Grain Equivalent Math Ratio
/8 measure 1, or 2
/4 measure 2, or 2
/2 measure 4, or 2
senum senine 1 measure 8, or 2
antion 1
/2 measures 12
amnor seon 2 measures 16, or 2
ezrom shum 4 measures 32, or 2
onti limnah 7 measures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 11:19
Under King Mosiahs monetary system, the gold antion was worth
one and a half measures of silver or other commodities (see Alma
11:15, 19). It functioned as a useful commercial unit since it
allowed more measures of grain or other items to be purchased
with fewer units of precious metal, as this chart shows. Using as
few monetary units as possible in the marketplace was most likely
an advantage.
John W. Welch, “Weighing and Measuring in the Worlds of the
Book of Mormon, Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 8/2 (1999),
Chart 111
The Utility of the Gold Antion
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 111
The Utility of the Gold Antion
Computing With the Gold Antion Without With the Silver Shiblon
Half Measures Value = 1.5 the Gold Antion* Value = .5
1.5 1 weight impossible 2 weights 1 + .5
2.5 2 weights 1 + 1.5 impossible 2 weights 2 + .5
3.5 2 weights 2 + 1.5 impossible 3 weights 2 + 1 + .5
4.5 3 weights 1 + 2 + 1.5 impossible 3 weights 2 + 2 + .5
5.5 2 weights 4 + 1.5 impossible 3 weights 4 + 1 + .5
6.5 3 weights 4 + 1 + 1.5 impossible 3 weights 4 + 2 + .5
*If payment was to be in gold only
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 11:1–19
While the Nephite system of weights and measures was not based
on a decimal system, as are all modern currencies, it was more effi-
cient, for example, than the system of coinage used today in the
United States. As this chart shows, under Mosiahs system (see
Alma 11:1–19) the onti and limnah were worth seven times a
senum of silver or senine of gold. This enabled consumers in
Nephite society to use fewer weights to weigh out or purchase
more measures of grain than if they had been using the decimal
Chart 112
The Utility of the Onti and Limnah
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 112
The Utility of the Onti and Limnah
Measures Nephite Currency American Currency
Number of Weights Required Number of Coins Required
Using Senum/Senine, Amnor/Seon, Using Pennies, Nickels, Dimes
Ezrom/Shum, Onti/Limnah
11 1
2 1 2 1+1
3 2 2 +1 3 1+1+1
4 1 4 1+1+1+1
5 2 4 +1 1
6 2 4 + 2 2 5+1
7 1 3 5+1+1
8 2 7 + 1 4 5+1+1+1
9 2 7 + 2 5 5+1+1+1+1
10 3 7 + 2 + 1 1
11 2 7 + 4 2 10+1
12 3 7 + 4 + 1 3 10+1+1
13 3 7 + 4 + 2 4 10+1+1+1
14 2 7 + 7 5 10+1+1+1+1
15 3 7 + 7 + 1 2 10+5
16 3 7 + 7 + 2 3 10+5+1
17 4 7 + 7 + 2 + 1 4 10+5+1+1
18 3 7 + 7 + 4 5 10+5+1+1+1
19 4 7 + 7 + 4 + 1 6 10+5+1+1+1+1
20 4 7 + 7 + 4 + 2 2 10+10
Average 2.4 3.05
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 11:1–19
Egyptian hieroglyphs offer a parallel to King Mosiahs monetary
system. The grain measure in ancient Egypt was represented by the
eye of Horus. Each part of the eye represented a fraction of the
grain measure. There were six parts. The smallest measure was
1/64, represented by the tear duct; the next was 2/64, represented
by the eyelash; and so on. The sum of all the parts equaled 63/64,
which was considered the full measure. Mosiahs weights and
measures were similarly exponential, with the largest equaling “the
value of . . . all” (Alma 11:10) of the main lesser amounts. Although
the Nephite system is not exactly the same as the Egyptian, the
similarities corroborate the report that the Nephite kings studied
“the language of the Egyptians” (Mosiah 1:4) and drew on their
Old World backgrounds well after their arrival in the New World.
Alan H. Gardiner, Egyptian Grammar (London: Oxford University
Press, 1957), 197–99; and Richard J. Gillings, Mathematics in the
Time of the Pharoahs (New York: Dover, 1986), 210.
Chart 113
Egyptian Hieroglyphs
for Grain Measurement
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Egyptian Hieroglyphs
for Grain Measurement
Chart 113
Full Measure
Half Measure
Quarter Measure
Eighth Measure
Sixteenth Measure
Thirty-Second Measure
Sixty-Fourth Measure
*Compare Alma 11:10: “the value of them all”
Charts 1–10
in the Book of Mormon
Section 9
Charts 114–27
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
2 Nephi 25:25
This chart can be seen as a genealogy of law. As part of the brass
plates brought to the Americas by Lehi and his family, the Torah
(the five books of Moses containing the Mosaic law) governed
Lehi’s seed until Jesus Christ fulfilled the law and established his
higher law. The Jewish Mishnah and Talmud, as well as the Dead
Sea Scrolls of the Essenes, were also based on the law of Moses.
Originally, some critics faulted the Book of Mormon because it did
not depict the Nephites as following the law of Moses in a way that
perfectly cohered with the law of Moses as interpreted under rab-
binical Judaism. The Dead Sea Scrolls, however, indicate that the
Essenes also interpreted the law of Moses differently than the
Pharisees did, showing that the law of Moses was interpreted in
more than one way in antiquity and that the independent Nephite
tradition could have adhered to the law of Moses while not follow-
ing all of the laws in the same manner as did the Jews.
Chart 114
Legal Traditions
Related to Biblical Law
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Legal Traditions Related to Biblical Law
Chart 114
Teachers of Righteousness
(at Qumran)
Babylonian Captivity
Laws and
Codes in
the Torah
Book of
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
1 Nephi 4; 2 Samuel 20; 2 Kings 24
The Spirit told Nephi that the Lord had delivered Laban into
Nephi’s hands and that it was better for Laban to die than for an
entire nation to perish because of unbelief (see 1 Nephi 4:11–13).
Though this case is extremely rare, ancient Israelite law authorized
the slaying of a particular man at least two other times. This chart
compares Nephi’s situation with two similar incidents found in the
Bible: the beheading of the rebel Sheba and the execution of King
Jehoiakim. Five conditions were present in each of these instances:
The (1) recognized leader of Israel pronounced judgment upon a
(2) specifically named person (3) guilty of some form of rebellion
or disobedience that (4) would result in the destruction of at least
part of Israel (5) unless the innocent people turned the traitor over
for execution. Under these special circumstances, the law sanc-
tioned the death of one instead of requiring innocent people to
perish or be destroyed.
John W. Welch and Heidi Harkness Parker, “Better That One Man
Perish, FARMS Update, Insights (June 1998): 2.
Chart 115
When Is It Better for One Man
to Perish Than an Entire Nation?
Key Scriptures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 115
When Is It Better for One Man
to Perish Than an Entire Nation?
Five Conditions Sheba Jehoiakim Laban
2 Samuel 20 2 Kings 24 1 Nephi 4
ca. 1000
B.C. ca. 598 B.C. ca. 597 B.C.
1 Judgment issued David Nebuchadnezzar Jehovah
by the recognized (king of Israel) (king of Judah) (king of all)
leader of Israel
2 Person already rebellion treason disobedience
guilty of offense
against the leader
3 Person specifically Sheba Jehoiakim Laban
identified for death named named delivered
4 Those surrendering city of Abel the council Nephi
person are innocent innocent innocent innocent
5 People face inevi- city of Abel Jerusalem nation would
table destruction attacked threatened perish
if they refuse to by Joab
surrender person
Result Sheba Jehoiakim taken Laban
beheaded to Babylon and beheaded
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Jacob 1:13; 4 Nephi 1:36–38; Mormon 1:8; Genesis 49
Before his death, Lehi gave blessings and counsel to his posterity (see
2 Nephi 4:1–11). At this time, he may have organized them into
seven tribes: Nephites, Jacobites, Josephites, Zoramites, Lamanites,
Lemuelites, and Ishmaelites (see Jacob 1:13; 4 Nephi 1:38; Mormon
1:8). While Nephite and Lamanite governments came and went, the
tribal structure of their society endured, suggesting that Lehi’s chil-
dren considered his organization of tribes binding and constitu-
tional. The patriarch “father Lehi, as he is called by Enos, Benjamin,
Alma, Helaman, Nephi, and Mormon, parallels Jacob/Israel in many
respects, for both organized a people of God in a new land of
promise by dividing their children into groups.
John L. Sorenson, John A. Tvedtnes, and John W. Welch, “Seven
Tribes: An Aspect of Lehi’s Legacy, in Reexploring the Book of
Mormon, ed. John W. Welch (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and
FARMS, 1992), 93–95; see John W. Welch, “Lehi’s Last Will and
Testament: A Legal Approach, in Second Nephi: The Doctrinal
Structure, ed. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr. (Provo,
Utah: BYU Religious Studies Center, 1989), 68–70.
Chart 116
Did Lehi Organize His Posterity
into Seven Tribes?
Key Scriptures
Did Lehi Organize His Posterity
into Seven Tribes?
1. Nephites*
2. Jacobites
3. Josephites
4. Zoramites
5. Lamanites
6. Lemuelites
7. Ishmaelites
*Sam’s lineage was numbered by Lehi with Nephi’s
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 116
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
2 Nephi 27:7–15; Jeremiah 32:10–14
In formal Israelite legal documents, there were two parts, as docu-
mented by Jeremiah: one part that was sealed, and one part that
was open (see Jeremiah 32:10–14). Seals were placed on the closed
portion, and witnesses signed the end of the document, attesting
to its authenticity. Finally, the sealed doubled documents were
placed in containers and preserved. The pictures at the bottom of
this chart show the process by which ancient manuscripts contain-
ing one closed part and one open part were folded and sealed.
The Book of Mormon, as 2 Nephi 27:7–15 indicates, followed this
ancient process of sealing and authenticating a text. The plates of
Nephi had two parts: one open and one closed. Seals kept the
closed part secure, and as promised anciently, witnesses were pro-
vided who signed the Book of Mormon after it was translated.
Interestingly enough, the testimonies of the Three and Eight
Witnesses were originally placed at the back of the Book of
Mormon, at the end of the document, just as ancient Hebrew law
would have required. The plates were preserved in a stone container
until the Lord directed Joseph Smith to translate them.
John W. Welch, “Doubled, Sealed, Witnessed Documents: From the
Ancient World to the Book of Mormon, in Mormons, Scripture,
and the Ancient World: Studies in Honor of John L. Sorenson, ed.
Davis Bitton (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1998), 393–94, 402.
Chart 117
Ancient Sealed, Doubled Documents
Key Scriptures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 117
Ancient Sealed, Doubled Documents
Jeremiah 32:10–14 2 Nephi 27:7–15
Jeremiah took Nephi describes
the deed (scroll) the plates (book)
part sealed “that which was sealed “the things which are
according to the law sealed” (v. 8)
and custom” (v. 11)
part “which is “the words which
sealed” (v. 14) are sealed” (v. 10)
part open “and that which was “he shall deliver
open” (v. 11) the words” (v. 9)
part “which is “these words which
open” (v. 14) are not sealed” (v. 15)
seals “and sealed it” (v. 10) “the book shall
be sealed” (v. 7)
witnesses “and took the “three witnesses” (v. 12);
witnesses” (v. 10) “many witnesses” (v. 14)
preserved “put them in an earthen “kept in the book until
vessel that they may con- the own due time
tinue many days” (v. 14) of the Lord” (v. 10)
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
2 Nephi 27; Ether 3–5
Nephi, the brother of Jared, and Moroni all commented on sealed
or sealed-up portions of the Book of Mormon, the brother of
Jared’s vision, and Moroni’s abridgment of the brother of Jared’s
writings. Sealed (hatom), as used in Jeremiah 32, has various
meanings. Hatom means literally that a seal has been placed on a
document, but it also implies that the document may be “unavail-
able” or complete. Similarly, in their discussions of the sealed
portion of the Book of Mormon, Book of Mormon prophets gen-
erally used the term sealed to express that a document was literally
closed with a seal and sealed up to indicate that a document was
unavailable. Knowing these definitions can help readers follow the
accounts in 2 Nephi 27 and Ether 3–5.
John W. Welch, “Doubled, Sealed, Witnessed Documents: From the
Ancient World to the Book of Mormon, in Mormons, Scripture,
and the Ancient World: Studies in Honor of John L. Sorenson, ed.
Davis Bitton (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1998), 432–33.
Chart 118
Sealed or Sealed-Up Documents
Key Scriptures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 118
Sealed or Sealed-Up Documents
2 Nephi 27 Ether 3–4 Ether 4–5
Nephi’s conception Instructions to the Moroni’s comments
of the Nephite brother of Jared on his abridgment
record concerning his of the writings of
record the brother of Jared
Will the document be Yes. The book itself No. The record Not indicated
in a sealed format? will be “sealed” will be “sealed up”
Will the document be Yes, words that are No Yes
in two distinct parts? “not sealed” and
words that are
Will the document be Yes, three and Not indicated Yes, three, joined
supported by witnesses? a few others by the Godhead
When will the “The own due Part when Jesus When the Gentiles
document come forth? time of the Lord” comes in the flesh, repent and become
part in due time clean and have faith
What does the A revelation from Vision of the pre- Things the brother
document contain? God, from the be- mortal Christ and of Jared saw
ginning of the world “all the inhabitants
to the ending” of the earth”
Is there a curse asso- Yes Not indicated Yes
ciated with rejecting
the record?
Is the document to be Yes, after the text Not expected Yes, so it would not
sealed or sealed up has been read be destroyed
Was anything else No Two stones The interpreters
sealed up with the
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
2 Nephi 5:10; Mosiah 6:6; Alma 8:17; 30:3; 58:40; Helaman 3:20;
15:5; 1 Kings 2:3
The Hebrew language uses at least six different words that are
translated into English as the word law. Torah refers to the law,
especially the law of Moses, while mishpat signifies judgment or
standards based on the law. Huqqah and hoq are similar in mean-
ing, suggesting not only formal ordinances but also general codes
of behavior. Mitzvah denotes divine commandments in general,
and edut, while a more ambiguous term, often signifies a written
law. For example, King David counseled Solomon to keep God’s
“statutes [huqqot], and his commandments [mitzvot], and his
judgments [mishpatim], and his testimonies [edut], as it is written
in the law [torah] of Moses (1 Kings 2:3). Similarly, Nephi states
that his people observed “the judgments, and the statutes, and the
commandments of the Lord in all things, according to the law of
Moses” (2 Nephi 5:10). The striking similarities between these texts
reveal that the Hebrew-speaking Nephites and the ancient
Israelites conceived law in much the same way.
John W. Welch, “Statutes, Judgments, Ordinances, and Command-
ments, in Reexploring the Book of Mormon, ed. John W. Welch
(Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1992), 62–65.
Chart 119
How Do You Say “Law” in Hebrew?
Key Scriptures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 119
How Do You Say “Law” in Hebrew?
Hebrew Usual translation Meanings and contexts
torah law, law of Moses teachings, instructions
mishpat judgment pronouncement of a verdict,
standards of behavior
huqqah statute, ordinance custom, manner, decree, portion,
order, prescription, limit
hoq statute, ordinance the masculine form of huqqah, used
in place of huqqah (note: statute and
ordinance do not appear together in
the Book of Mormon)
mitzvah commandment frequently signifies divine
commandments, bar mitzvah =
“son of the commandment”
edut testimony, witness often a monument, stele, or book
of the law
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
2 Nephi 9
In 2 Nephi 9, Jacob pronounces a “wo or curse upon the people of
Nephi who do not keep the commandments. This chart shows that
the specific sins he denounces are similar to several of the sins
committed when the Ten Commandments are broken. The two
lists are not identical, but it is evident that they are related at several
levels. Both give ten warnings, woes, commands, or prohibitions.
The fourth commandment (addressing the Sabbath day) and the
eighth commandment (prohibiting stealing) are not on Jacobs list,
possibly because they were not a problem for Jacobs isolated audi-
ence to keep. (Note that each item in the chart is numbered
according to its order in the scriptural passage it appears in.)
John W. Welch, “Jacobs Ten Commandments, in Reexploring the
Book of Mormon, ed. John W. Welch (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book
and FARMS, 1992), 69–72.
Chart 120
Jacob’s Ten Woes
and the Ten Commandments
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 120
Jacob’s Ten Woes and the
Ten Commandments
2 Nephi 9:27, 30–38 Compare Exodus 20:3–17
1. Wo unto them who knowingly 1. Thou shalt have no other
transgress God’s commandments gods before me
2. Wo unto the rich who despise 10. Thou shalt not covet
the poor and make their
treasure their god
3. Wo unto the deaf who will 5. Honor (hear) thy father and
not hear thy mother
4. Wo unto the blind who will
not see
5. Wo unto the uncircumcised 3. Thou shalt not take the name
of heart of the Lord thy God in vain
6. Wo unto the liar 9. Thou shalt not bear false
7. Wo unto the murderer who 6. Thou shalt not kill
deliberately kills
8. Wo unto them who commit 7. Thou shalt not commit
whoredoms adultery
9. Wo unto those who worship 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee
idols any graven image
10. Wo unto all those who die and
remain in their sins
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 29:25–29
The main purpose of the Book of Mormon is, of course, religious;
but its pages also report more than a dozen important lawsuits or
legal procedures. This chart helps a person to appreciate the number
and variety of legal procedures reported in the Book of Mormon.
These accounts provide significant information about aspects of the
Nephite legal system, such as accusations, arrests, imprisonments,
executions, judges, witnesses, and rules of law. Most of these legal
cases arose during the reign of the judges, when the role of the judi-
cial system had been greatly expanded. That period in Nephite his-
tory saw great internal turmoil. Those problems teach how impor-
tant it is for a free and open society to honor, obey, and sustain the
law in order to survive, let alone thrive.
Chart 121
Legal Cases and Procedures
in the Book of Mormon
Legal Cases and Procedures
in the Book of Mormon
The Case of Sherem against Jacob Jacob 7
The Arrest of Ammon Mosiah 7:6–16
The Trial of Abinadi Mosiah 12–17
The Trial of Nehor Alma 1:1–15
The Trial of Alma and Amulek Alma 14
The Imprisonment of Aaron and Brethren Alma 21:12–14
The Trial of Korihor Alma 30
The Political Imprisonment of King-Men Alma 51:19
The Trial of Pachus’s Men and the King-Men Alma 62:9–10
The Case of Paanchi Helaman 1:1–10
The Imprisonment of Nephi and Lehi Helaman 5:21–22
Gadianton Trials of Their Defectors Helaman 6:24
The Trial of Seantum Helaman 9
The Execution of Zemnarihah 3 Nephi 4:28–33
The Trial of Captured Robbers 3 Nephi 5:4–5
Corrupt Execution of Inspired Prophets 3 Nephi 6:20–24
Complaint against the Corrupt Judges 3 Nephi 6:25–30
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 121
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Jacob 7; Alma 1; 30
The trials of three major opponents of Nephite leadership—Sherem,
Nehor, and Korihor—are documented in the Book of Mormon (see
Jacob 7; Alma 1; 30). The situations and outcomes of those trials are
compared in this chart. Although each of these men had his own
style and persuasive tactics and each case is historically unique and
distinctive, they were similar in their attempt to lead people down
various broad roads”—away from Christ and to spiritual death.
Chart 122
Three Diverse Opponents
of the Nephites
Key Scriptures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 122
Three Diverse Opponents
of the Nephites
Sherem Nehor Korihor
Date ca. 500
B.C. 91 B.C. ca. 74 B.C.
Location Land/city of Nephi Land/city of Zarahemla/Jershon/
Zarahemla Gideon/Antionum
Labeled No No Yes
Theology Theist, traditionalist Theist, universalist Atheist
Politics Reactionary, royalist Populist Radical
View on priest Should keep law Should be paid Oppress the poor
Religion Pro law of Moses Law irrelevant Opposed law of Moses
Impact of Led away hearts Many believed, Led away hearts; sin
preaching gave money and whoredoms
Nature of legal Blasphemy, false Killed Gideon; Reviled against priests
action or prophecy, falsely convicted of and God, committed
offense accused Jacob of enforcing priest- blasphemy
leading people into craft with the
apostasy sword
Arrested No Yes Yes
Status Plaintiff Defendant Defendant with
Court Divine justice One judge Several judges
Accepted Yes Unclear No
Warned Indirectly No Yes
Requested sign Yes No Yes
Sign-giver Yes, tempting God Not applicable No, better one perish
Divine sign Smitten to the earth None Struck dumb but could
but could still speak still write and walk
Judicial verdict No Yes No
Confession Sincere, complete Involuntary Incomplete
Penalty Divine justice Capital punishment Ostracism, trampled
Death Nonhuman causes Human, legal Human, extralegal
Publicity Public confession Ignominious death Result heralded
Precendent Legitimized Christiani- Gave original juris- Held that speech acts
established zation of the law of diction to chief judge were still punishable
Moses under the new reign under the law of
of judges Mosiah
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 12–17; Alma 13:20; Exodus 20:16; 22:28; Leviticus 24:16;
Deuteronomy 18:18–22
Though the charges proved unfounded, Abinadi was accused by
Noahs priests of violating Mosaic law. This chart lists (1) the four
charges brought against Abinadi, (2) the Mosaic laws on which
each accusation rested, and (3) the false evidence that Noahs
priests used to accuse him. The priests of Noah knew the law of
Moses thoroughly enough to twist it and use it against Abinadi
when he prophesied against Noah and of Jesus Christ. Although
the first three charges all failed, they were at least nominally
grounded in the law. Abinadi was finally put to death for having
reviled the king (Mosiah 17:12), which is prohibited in Exodus
22:28. Ultimately, however, these tactics worked to the priests’ own
undoing. As Alma later counseled the city of Ammonihah:
“Behold, the scriptures are laid before you; if ye will wrest [twist]
them it shall be to your own destruction (Alma 13:20).
Chart 123
Legal Charges Brought against Abinadi
Key Scriptures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 123
Legal Charges Brought against Abinadi
Charge Evidence Mosaic Law
in Question
1. Lying Abinadi said the people “Thou shalt not bear
(Mosiah 12:14) had hardened their hearts false witness”
and had committed (Exodus 20:16)
evil abominations
(Mosiah 12:1)
2. False prophecy “He pretendeth the “The prophet [who]
(Mosiah 12:14) Lord hath spoken it” shall presume to
(Mosiah 12:12) speak a word in my
name, which I have
not commanded . . . ,
shall die” (Deuter-
onomy 18:20)
3. Blasphemy Abinadi said God him- “He that blasphemeth
(Mosiah 17:7–8) self would come down the name of the
(Mosiah 7:26–28; 15:1–8) Lord, he shall surely
be put to death”
(Leviticus 24:16)
4. Reviling against Abinadi said Noah’s life “Thou shalt not revile
the king would be as a garment the gods, nor curse the
(Mosiah 17:12) in a hot furnace ruler of thy people”
(Mosiah 12:3, 10–12) (Exodus 22:28)
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 11–17
Abinadi may very well have prophesied to King Noah and his
priests on or near the day of Pentecost, as textual clues in Mosiah
11–17 suggest. Pentecost in ancient Israel was a three-day festival in
May celebrating the new wheat and bounty of spring. It was also a
time for carefully listening to and celebrating the law of Moses,
since God gave the law to Moses on Sinai at approximately this
time in the year. Abinadi’s cursing of grain and sending destruction
upon crops are a reversal of the themes celebrated at Pentecost.
Ironically, at the same time when the priests should have been ven-
erating the law, Abinadi rehearsed to them the Ten Commandments
and chastised them for not keeping it. These and other clues listed
in this chart are further evidence attesting to the Book of Mormons
roots in ancient Israel.
John W. Welch, Gordon C. Thomasson, and Robert F. Smith,
Abinadi and Pentecost, in Reexploring the Book of Mormon, ed.
John W. Welch (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1992),
Chart 124
Did Abinadi Prophesy against
King Noah on Pentecost?
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 124
Did Abinadi Prophesy against
King Noah on Pentecost?
Israelite Pentecost Abinadi
celebrating first grain harvest cursed grain
(Mosiah 12:6)
rejoicing in bounty sent hail, winds, insects (Mosiah 12:6)
fifty days after Passover specific day unknown
remembering deliverance from prophesied that the people would be
bondage in Egypt brought into bondage
(Mosiah 11:21)
celebrating the giving of the Ten recited the Ten Commandments
Commandments to Moses
(Exodus 20) given to Moses (Mosiah 13:12–24)
Moses’ face shone (Exodus 34) Abinadi’s face shone (Mosiah 13:5)
Sinai became a furnace (Exodus 19) prophesied that Noah’s life would be
like a garment in a furnace
(Mosiah 12:3)
three-day festival (Exodus 19:11) cast into prison three days (Mosiah 17:6)
stern admonitions stern admonitions
use of Psalm 50 use of ideas in Psalm 50
“Our God shall come”
(Psalm 50:3) “God . . . shall come down” (Mosiah 15:1)
“What hast thou to do to declare my “What teach ye this people?”
(Psalm 50:16) (Mosiah 12:27)
“[Thou] hast been partaker with “Why do ye commit whoredoms?”
(Psalm 50:18) (Mosiah 12:29)
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 1–5
Deuteronomy 17:15–20 presents the requirements to be king
under the law of Moses. According to this “paragraph of the king,
a righteous king must read and keep the law and fear the Lord, and
he should not be lifted up above his brethren or seek for riches.
King Benjamin addressed each of these themes in his great speech,
explaining how he had been faithful to his people and the Lord in
keeping these commandments. These parallels are especially strong
in Mosiah 2:12–14, which suggests that Benjamin had read and
followed the scriptures on the brass plates, of which Deuteronomy
was a part. This shows that Benjamins concept of kingship was
completely at home in ancient Israel and in accordance with God’s
John W. Welch, “Benjamin, the Man: His Place in Nephite History,
in King Benjamins Speech: That Ye May Learn Wisdom,ed. John W.
Welch and Stephen D. Ricks (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1998), 34.
Chart 125
Benjamin and the Law
of the King
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 125
Benjamin and the Law of the King
Deut. Mosiah
The Lord shall choose him 17:15
He shall be one of thy brethren 17:15 2:11
He shall not return the people to Egypt 17:16 3:14
He shall not multiply to himself silver and gold 17:17 2:12
He shall have a copy of the Law 17:18 1:3
He shall read the Law all his days 17:19 1:7
He shall fear the Lord 17:19 2:37–40
He shall keep all the Law 17:19 1:5; 5:5
His heart shall not be lifted up above his brethren 17:20 2:26
He shall turn not aside to the right hand or left 17:20 5:8–10
His days shall be prolonged in the kingdom 17:20 2:31
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 9–16
In Deuteronomy 13:12–18 the Lord commands the Israelites to
destroy the truly apostate cities in the land. They were to decide
whether a city was wicked according to certain conditions set forth
in the Law. As this chart illustrates, these conditions are similar to
the conditions of Ammonihah before the Lamanites destroyed it.
After this city was annihilated, it remained uninhabited for many
years but was eventually built up again. The law of Moses deemed
that the ruins of a wicked city should never be built up; but this
prohibition apparently could be revoked or could expire after a
period of time, as evidenced in the Old Testament by the author-
ized rebuilding of several cities. Ammonihah similarly remained
uninhabited for just over seven years, a ritual cleansing period, and
was then built up again. This and other evidences support the
assertions that Alma, as bearer of the brass plates, knew that
Ammonihah was an apostate city according to the law of Moses,
and that Alma reported the destruction of that city in such a way
as to show that all the legal requirements and procedures regarding
the destruction of an apostate city had been satisfied.
John W. Welch, The Destruction of Ammonihah and the Law of
Apostate Cities, in Reexploring the Book of Mormon, ed. John W.
Welch (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1992), 176–79.
Chart 126
The Law of Apostate Cities
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 126
The Law of Apostate Cities
Deuteronomy 13:12–18 Ammonihah (Alma 9–16)
certain men gone out from among you Nehorites
withdrawn the inhabitants of their city withdrew from Nephites
serve other gods turned from God
children of Belial Satan had great hold
inquire and search diligently Alma visits personally
smite all inhabitants with the sword everyone killed
destroy utterly everything destroyed
a heap forever bodies heaped up
abomination desolation of Nehors
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
2 Nephi 26:32; Mosiah 2:13; Alma 1:32; 16:18; 23:3; 30:10;
Helaman 3:14; 4:12; 6:23; 7:21; Ether 8:16; Exodus 20–23.
The law of Moses, written on the brass plates, was rigorously fol-
lowed by the Nephites, whose prophets often referred directly or
indirectly to it in recitations of various lists of crimes. More than
ten such law lists are shown on this chart. Each of these law lists is
unique. But when they are all merged into a single composite list,
it becomes clear that they collectively proscribe the list of crimes
found in Exodus 20–23 and some additional ones, such as power
mongering and confining people to dungeons. Such striking paral-
lels and clusters show the relatedness of the five books of Moses to
the most frequently condemned crimes in the Book of Mormon.
Chart 127
A Comparison of Nephite Law Lists
Key Scriptures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 127
A Comparison of Nephite Law Lists
Crimes 2 Ne. Mosiah Alma Alma Alma Alma Hel. Hel. Hel. Hel. Ether Ex.
Prohibited 26:32 2:13 1:32 16:18 23:3 30:10 3:14 4:12 6:23 7:21 8:16 20–23
Abominations X X
Adultery X X X X X X
Babblings X X
Confinement X
in dungeons
Contentions X X X
Costly apparel X X
Deceivings X X
Denying X X
Deserting X X
Envy X X X X
False witness XX
Idleness X X
Idolatry X X
Lasciviousness X X
Lying X X X X X X
Malice X X X
Mocking the X X
Murder X X X X X X X X X X X X
Taking name X X
of God in vain
Oppressing poor X X
Persecuting X X
Plunder X X X X X X X X X
Power mongering X
Pride X X X
Revilings X X
Robbing X X X X X
Seeking riches X X X X
Slavery X X
Smiting weak X X
Sorceries X X
Stealing X X X X X X X X X X
Strife X X X
Whoredoms X X X X X X
Wickedness X X X X X X X X X
Withholding X
Withholding X
Charts 1–10
Word Studies
of the Book of Mormon
Section 10
Charts 128–35
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Leviticus 24:13–23
Chiasmus is a style of writing known in antiquity and used by
many ancient and some modern writers. It consists of arranging a
series of words or ideas in one order, and then repeating it in
reverse order. In the hands of a skillful writer, this literary form
can serve several purposes. The repeating of key words in the two
halves underlines the importance of the concepts they present.
Furthermore, the main idea of the passage is emphasized by its
placement at the turning point where the second half begins. Thus
chiasms, in general, place their most important elements in the
center. Chiasmus can be found in biblical texts, as Leviticus
24:13–23 demonstrates. It is one of the clearest examples of chias-
mus in the Bible. In this case “breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth
for tooth is the central formulation. Other words important to the
structure of the chiasm are italicized.
John W. Welch, “Chiasmus in Biblical Law: An Approach to the
Structure of Legal Texts in the Hebrew Bible, in Jewish Law
Association Studies IV, ed. Bernard Jackson (Atlanta: Scholars,
1990), 5–22.
Chart 128
Chiasmus in Leviticus 24:13–23
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chiasmus in Leviticus 24:13–23
And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
Bring forth him that hath cursed without the camp; and let all that
heard him . . . stone him.
And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, saying,
Whosoever curseth his God shall bear his sin....the stranger,
as [well as] he that is born in the land. ...
And he that killeth any man shall surely be put to death.
And he that killeth a beast shall make it good; beast for
And if a man cause a
blemish in his neighbour; as he
hath done, so shall it be done to him;
Breach for breach,
eye for eye,
tooth for tooth:
as he hath caused a
blemish in a man, so shall it be
done to him again.
And he that
killeth a beast, he shall restore it:
and he that killeth a man, he shall be put to death.
Ye shall have one manner of law, as well for the stranger, as for
one of your own country. . . .
And Moses spake to the children of Israel,
that they should bring forth him that had cursed out of the camp, and
stone him with stones.
And the children of Israel did as the Lord commanded Moses.
Chart 128
Key Scripture
Word Studies
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Matthew 13:13–18
The Savior used chiasmus on occasion. In this chart Jesus Christ is
quoting Isaiah (Esaias), embedding Isaiahs chiastic structure in his
own larger discourse, which is also a chiasm. The Savior here
begins and ends with a reference to parables and includes as the
center of his chiasm the prophecy of Isaiah that many will close
their eyes and refuse to see that Jesus is the Christ.
John W. Welch, “Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon, BYU Studies
10 (autumn 1969): 69–84.
Chart 129
Chiasmus in Matthew 13:13–18
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chiasmus in Matthew 13:13–18
Therefore speak I to them in parables:
because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do
they understand.
And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith,
By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand;
and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:
For this people’s heart is waxed gross,
and their ears are dull of hearing,
and their eyes
they have closed;
lest at any time they should see
with their eyes,
and hear with their ears,
and should understand with their heart, and should be
converted, and I should heal them.
But blessed are your eyes, for they see:
and your ears, for they hear.
For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men
have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen
them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.
Hear ye therefore the parable of the sower.
Chart 129
Key Scripture
Word Studies
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 3:18–19
King Benjamins complex ceremonial speech in Mosiah 2–5 con-
tains several excellent examples of chiasmus. The overall struc-
ture of the speech is chiastic and houses smaller chiasms within
it. (For a more detailed representation of the speech of Benjamin
as a whole, see chart 87.) This chart shows only one of the chi-
asms found in Benjamins speech. Notably, the main chiasms in
Benjamins speech concern the doctrine of Jesus Christ—the
doctrine Benjamin wants to emphasize. This particular chiasm,
which comes at the midpoint of the entire speech, concerns the
crucial process of being spiritually reborn through the atonement
of Christ.
John W. Welch, “Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon, BYU Studies
10 (autumn 1969): 69–84; and John W. Welch, “Parallelism and
Chiasmus in King Benjamins Speech, in King Benjamins Speech:
“That Ye May Learn Wisdom,ed. John W. Welch and Stephen D.
Ricks (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1998), 347–54.
Chart 130
Chiasmus in Mosiah 3:18–19
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chiasmus in Mosiah 3:18–19
except they humble themselves
and become as little children, and believe that
salvation was, and is, and is to come, in and through the atoning
blood of Christ, the Lord Omnipotent.
For the natural man
is an enemy to God,
and has been from the fall of Adam,
and will be, forever and ever,
unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit,
and putteth off the natural man
and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord,
and becometh as a child,
submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to
all things
Chart 130
Key Scripture
Word Studies
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 5:10–12
King Benjamin uses chiasmus several times in his great speech in
Mosiah 2–5. In Mosiah 5:10–12 he emphasizes the central impor-
tance of taking upon oneself the name of Christ. In this conclud-
ing section of his speech, the people enter into a covenant with
God and are called the children of Christ. They receive the name
of Christ, which will never be blotted out, except by transgression.
Transgression therefore receives the focus as the center of this chi-
asm, which stands at the center of this final section of the entire
speech. Benjamins skillful use of this literary form shows that he
carefully and deliberately prepared his masterful oration.
John W. Welch, “Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon, BYU Studies
10 (autumn 1969): 69–84; and John W. Welch, “Parallelism and
Chiasmus in King Benjamins Speech, in King Benjamins Speech:
“That Ye May Learn Wisdom,ed. John W. Welch and Stephen D.
Ricks (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1998), 369–73.
Chart 131
Chiasmus in Mosiah 5:10–12
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chiasmus in Mosiah 5:10–12
And now it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall not take upon him
the name of Christ
must be called by some other name;
therefore, he findeth himself on the left hand of God.
And I would that ye should remember also, that this is the
name that I said I should give unto you
that never should be blotted out,
except it be through transgression;
therefore, take heed that ye do not transgress,
that the name be not blotted out of your hearts.
I say unto you, I would that ye should remember to retain the
name written always in your hearts,
that ye are not found on the left hand of God,
but that ye hear and know the voice by which ye shall be called,
and also,
the name by which he shall call you.
Chart 131
Key Scripture
Word Studies
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 36
In his blessing to his son Helaman, Alma uses chiasmus in recount-
ing his conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ. This chart illus-
trates the deep structure of Alma 36. Jesus Christ is the crux of the
chiasm, just as he is the center of the gospel and the only means
whereby salvation can be attained. The turning point in Almas
conversion was not the appearance of the angel or the fear of eter-
nal banishment, but calling on the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of
God. Fittingly, Alma makes this spiritual turning point the literary
focal point of this entire chapter, one of the finest examples of chi-
astic composition anywhere in world literature.
John W. Welch, A Masterpiece: Alma 36, in Rediscovering the Book
of Mormon, ed. John L. Sorenson and Melvin J. Thorne (Salt Lake
City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1991), 114–31.
Chart 132
Chiasmus in Alma 36
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chiasmus in Alma 36
My son give ear to my words (v. 1)
Keep the commandments and ye shall prosper in the land (v. 1)
Do as I have done (v. 2)
Remember the captivity of our fathers (v. 2)
They were in bondage (v. 2)
He surely did deliver them (v. 2)
Trust in God (v. 3)
Supported in trials, troubles, and afflictions (v. 3)
Lifted up at the last day (v. 3)
I know this not of myself but of God (v. 4)
Born of God (v. 5)
I sought to destroy the church (vv. 6–9)
My limbs were paralyzed (v. 10)
Fear of being in the presence of God (vv. 14–15)
Pains of a damned soul (v. 16)
Harrowed up by the memory of sins (v. 17)
I remembered Jesus Christ, a son of God (v. 17)
I cried, Jesus Christ, son of God (v. 18)
Harrowed by the memory of sins no more (v. 19)
Joy as exceeding as was the pain (v. 20)
Long to be in the presence of God (v. 22)
My limbs received strength again (v. 23)
I labored to bring souls to repentance (v. 24)
Born of God (v. 26)
Therefore my knowledge is of God (v. 26)
Supported under trials, troubles, and afflictions (v. 26)
Trust in him (v. 27)
He will deliver me (v. 27)
And raise me up at the last day (v. 28)
As God brought our fathers out of bondage and captivity (vv. 28–29)
Retain a remembrance of their captivity (v. 29)
Know as I do know (v. 30)
Keep the commandments and ye shall prosper in the land (v. 30)
This according to his word (v. 30)
Chart 132
Key Scripture
Word Studies
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Helaman 6:7–13
Yet another example of chiasmus, in this case a report of the events
in a particular Nephite year, is found in Helaman 6:7–13. Because
the report is a fine literary unit, the account was most likely origi-
nally written as a single entry in the Nephite annals that Mormon
copied verbatim into his record from the large plates of Nephi. The
sixty-fourth year of the reign of the judges was an unusual year,
one in which the Nephites and Lamanites cooperatively enjoyed eco-
nomic prosperity, peace, and free trade—an unprecedented occur-
rence. The chiastic form of the report for this year underscores its
importance. In the chart, notice that Zedekiah and Lord are paired
together at the center of the chiasm. The -yah at the end of Zede-
kiah represents the Hebrew word for “Lord”; thus the chiasm was
probably even more evident in its original language than it is today
in English.
John W. Welch, “Chiasmus in Helaman 6:7–13, in Reexploring the
Book of Mormon, ed. John W. Welch (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book,
1992), 230–32.
Chart 133
Chiasmus in Helaman 6:7–13
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chiasmus in Helaman 6:7–13
And behold, there was peace in all the land,
[Freedom of travel and trade in both lands is discussed]
And it came to pass that they became exceedingly rich, both the
Lamanites and the Nephites;
and they did have an exceeding plenty of gold, and of silver, and of
all manner of precious metals, both in the land south and in the
land north.
Now the land south
was called Lehi, and
the land north
was called Mulek,
which was after the son of Zedekiah;*
for the Lord
did bring Mulek
into the land north,
and Lehi into
the land south.
And behold, there was all manner of gold in both these lands, and
of silver, and of precious ore of every kind;
and there were also curious workmen, who did work all kinds of ore
and did refine it; and thus they did become rich.
[Economic prosperity in both lands is discussed]
And thus the sixty and fourth year did pass away in peace.
*The Hebrew word for Lord constitutes the theophoric suffix -yah, which is at the end
of the name Zedekiah.
Chart 133
Key Scripture
Word Studies
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
1 Nephi 1:4
This chart compares the frequency of the phrase “it came to pass”
and its closely related formulations in books of the Book of Mor-
mon. The number of times the phrase is used (expressed as a total
and as a percentage) and the rate of occurrence (expressed as one
occurrence every so many words) are listed for each individual
book, varying considerably. Some readers wonder why these words
occur so often in the Book of Mormon compared with the Bible.
Actually, the Hebrew word wayehi is translated in the King James
Version of the Bible as “it came to pass, but it is also translated as
“it happened, came, had come, became, arose, was, now, and so
forth. Therefore, what was an extremely common phrase in the
Bible appears to be less so because it was translated into various
phrases instead of a single one. Apparently, Joseph Smith was quite
consistent in translating it with the phrase “it came to pass” every
time. Incidentally, in much the same way, some books in the Bible
have a high frequency of “it came to pass, while others do not.
Robert F. Smith, “‘It Came to Pass’ in the Bible and the Book of
Mormon (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1984).
Chart 134
“It Came to Pass”
Occurrences in the Book of Mormon
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 134
“It Came to Pass”
Occurrences in the Book of Mormon
1 Nephi
2 Nephi
Words of Mormon
3 Nephi
4 Nephi
Instances of
“it came to pass”
in the 1830 edition
Percentage of
total “it came to
pass” phrases
Average rate of
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Helaman 3:13
Modern computers have given birth to a new science of analyzing
word patterns in documents whose authorship is disputed. By
wordprint analysis, it is now possible with a high degree of cer-
tainty to tell which suspected authors did not write a given work.
Wordprinting is based on the somewhat surprising fact that every
author that has been studied thus far subconsciously uses sixty-five
identifiable patterns, involving words such as
and, the, of, and that,
at rates that, from a statistical standpoint, differ significantly from
those of other authors. The higher the number of “rejections or
differences, the less likely it is that the tested samples were written
by the same person.
This chart shows the results of tests that were run by John L. Hilton,
comparing writings of Nephi and Alma with the words of Joseph
Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and Solomon Spaulding. In every set com-
paring the Book of Mormon texts against these three writers, at
least seven (and often many more) rejections were measured.
These results yield strong statistical evidence that the wordprints
of Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and Solomon Spaulding are not
measurable in the Book of Mormon.
John L. Hilton, “Wordprints and the Book of Mormon, in
Reexploring the Book of Mormon, ed. John W. Welch (Salt Lake
City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1992), 221–26.
Chart 135
Wordprints and the Book of Mormon
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Clearly different author
0123 456789101112131415
Nephi vs. Nephi 3 x x x
Alma vs. Alma 3 x x x
Smith vs. Smith 3 x xx
Cowdery vs. Cowdery 1 x
Spauldingvs.Spaulding 1 x
Nephi vs. Alma 9 x xx xx x x x x
Smith vs. Nephi 6 x xx x x x
Smith vs. Alma 6 xx x x xx
Cowdery vs. Nephi 6 x x xx x x
Cowdery vs. Alma 6
Spaulding vs. Nephi 5 x x x x x
Spaulding vs. Alma 6
xx x
Chart 135
Wordprints and the Book of Mormon
Number of Rejections
in the Book of Mormon
Section 11
Charts 1–10Charts 136–43
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 43–62
There are several major wars or periods of warfare documented
in the Book of Mormon. The approximate dates and locations of
these wars, along with accompanying scriptural references, are listed
in this chart. Having names and dates for these wars can help read-
ers keep all of this confusing action straight. Although the Book of
Mormon is a complex record, it is still very clear and purposeful.
John W. Welch, “Why Study Wars in the Book of Mormon?” in
Warfare in the Book of Mormon, ed. Stephen D. Ricks and William J.
Hamblin (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1990), 6–15.
Chart 136
Wars in the Book of Mormon
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 136
Wars in the Book of Mormon
Date War Location Reference
B.C. Early tribal wars Land of Nephi Jacob 1:10, 14;
B.C. Wars of King Laman’s sons City of Nephi and the Omni 1:24;
land of Zarahemla W of M 1:13–14;
Mosiah 9–10
B.C. War of Amlici Zarahemla, hill Amnihu, and Alma 2–3
river Sidon
B.C. Destruction of Ammonihah Ammonihah, west of Zarahemla Alma 16:1–11;
B.C. War of the Ammonite Zarahemla, the land of Jershon Alma 28
B.C. Zoramite war Between Antionum and Jershon Alma 43–44
B.C. First Amalickiahite war Ammonihah, Noah, the east Alma 46:1–50:11
coast near narrow neck of land
B.C. Second Amalickiahite war Throughout land of Zarahemla Alma 51–62
(seven years’ war)
B.C. Rebellion of Paanchi City of Zarahemla Hel. 1:1–13
B.C. War of Tubaloth Cities of Zarahemla and Bountiful Hel. 1:14–34
38, 35–30
B.C. War of Moronihah Land of Zarahemla Hel. 4
B.C. War of Gadianton The entire land, but centered in Hel. 6:15–11:20
and Kishkumen the land of Zarahemla
A.D. 13–22 War of Giddianhi From Zarahemla to Bountiful 3 Ne. 2:11–4:28
and Zemnarihah
A.D. 30 Rebellion of Jacob Land of Zarahemla 3 Ne. 6:14–7:14
A.D. 322, 327–28 Final Nephite wars, phase I Land of Zarahemla Morm. 1:6–2:9
and northward
A.D. 346–350 Final Nephite wars, phase II Lands of Zarahemla, Jashon, Morm. 2:16–3:1
and Shem
A.D. 361–85 Final Nephite wars, phase III The narrow neck of land and Morm. 3:4–6:15
all the land northward
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 43–62
This three-page chart is a more detailed representation of the fif-
teen Nephite wars listed in chart 136. It tracks each major war’s
approximate dates and locations, as well as its causes and results.
Though the wars are very different from each other, they share
some interesting patterns. For example, several of the wars were
caused when one group of people tried to separate from the main
group. Apparently, the Nephites were restricted in their travel, and
defection from the land was considered an act of treason and a
cause for armed intervention. Another pattern is that opponents to
the government chose to strike right after a new leader had taken
office or when the government or the church was weakened by dis-
sension. Amalickiahs wars, for instance, were initiated when dis-
senters banded together and desired a king, shortly after Alma left
and Helaman was newly in office (see Alma 45:23–46:7). Studying
the amazingly consistent complexity and sensible realism of these
war accounts brings to light the real-life issues and dynamics
behind the Nephite history told in the Book of Mormon.
John W. Welch, “Why Study Wars in the Book of Mormon?” in
Warfare in the Book of Mormon, ed. Stephen D. Ricks and William J.
Hamblin (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1990), 6–15.
Chart 137
Data on Wars
Involving the Nephites
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 137
Data on Wars Involving the Nephites
War Dates Location Causes References Results
1. Early tribal 6th–2nd Land of A popular and Jacob 1:10, 14; Nephites did
wars century Nephi fraternal hatred; Enos–Omni not thrive and
B.C. resentment; desire later left land
to destroy the of Nephi
2. Wars of King 160– City of Nephi, Lamanite fear of Mosiah 9–10; Established land
Laman’s sons 150
B.C. land of growing Nephite Omni 1:24; of Zarahemla as
Zarahemla strength; Lamanite W of M Nephite territory
belief that Nephi 1:13–14 and land of Nephi
had wronged his as Lamanite
elder brothers territory
3. War of 87
B.C./ Zarahemla, Political unrest Alma 2–3 Uneasy peace
Amlici 5th year of hill Amnihu, caused by in Zarahemla
reign of river Sidon changing the with Alma as
judges government from chief judge
R.J.) a kingship to a
4. Destruction of 81
B.C./ Ammonihah Lamanites seeking Alma 16:1–11; Virtual elimination
Ammonihah 11
R.J. revenge on the 24:1–25:14 of Nehorites as a
Nehorites for political force
causing a civil war
5. War of the 77
B.C./ Zarahemla, Lamanites attack Alma 28 Ammonites
Ammonite 15
R.J. land of in retaliation for established in
secession Jershon the Ammonite land of Jershon
6. Zoramite war 74
B.C./ Between Lamanites attack Alma 43–44 Important use of
R.J. Antionum in retaliation for innovative armor;
and Jershon the Zoramite a Zoramite
secession oath never to
attack again
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 137
War Dates Location Causes References Results
7. First 72 B.C./ Ammonihah, Political unrest Alma 46:1– Amalickiah
Amalickiah- 20
R.J. Noah, east caused by 50:11 defeated, but he
ite war seacoast near Amalickiah, who swore to return
the narrow dissented from and to kill Captain
neck of land Nephites with Moroni
political ambitions
8. Second 67–61
B.C./ Throughout Return of Alma 51–62 A very costly
Amalickiah- 25–31
R.J. land of Amalickiah, Nephite victory
ite war Zarahemla coinciding
(seven years’ with the armed
war) revolt of the
king-men and
his brother
assumption of the
Lamanite kingship
9. Rebellion of 52
B.C./ City of Dispute over Hel. 1:1–13 Paanchi executed;
Paanchi 40 R.J. Zarahemla Pahoran, son of Pahoran
Pahoran, becoming assassinated
chief judge
10. War of 51
B.C./ Cities of After the turmoil Hel. 1:14–34 The rise of
Tubaloth 41
R.J. Zarahemla of Paanchi’s Gadianton
and Bountiful rebellion, robbers
Coriantumr tried to
capture the throne
of Zarahemla
11. War of 38, 35–30 Land of Continuing Hel. 4 Half of Nephite
B.C./54, Zarahemla dissension in lands occupied by
R.J. the church dissenters; Nephi
resigns judgment
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 137
War Dates Location Causes References Results
12. War of Gadi- 26–19
B.C./ Entire land, Assassinations Hel. 6:15– The famine
anton and 66–73
R.J. but centered of chief judges 11:20 declared by
Kishkumen in the land of Cezoram and Nephi ended the
Zarahemla his son; Gadi- war as Gadianton’s
anton robbers band dissolved
attain power
13. War of
A.D. 13–22 From Zara- Gadianton 3 Ne. 2:11– Unification of
Giddianhi hemla to robbers come 4:28 the victorious
and Zem- Bountiful out of the hills Lamanites and
narihah to obtain food Nephites against
and to regain the threat of
control of the the robbers
14. Rebellion
A.D. 30 Land of Lachoneus tried 3 Ne. 6:14– Collapse of
of Jacob Zarahemla to expose corrupt 7:14 reign of judges;
judges, who in degeneration into
retaliation tried to tribal society
make Jacob king
15. Final Ne-
A.D. 322, Land of Overpopulation; Morm. 1:6– Nephites driven
phite wars, 327–28 Zarahemla infestation of 2:9 back to the
phase I and north- robbers narrow neck
ward of land
Final Ne-
A.D. 346– Lands of Continual Morm. 2:16– Nephites enter
phite wars, 350 Zarahemla, Lamanite 3:1 ten-year peace
phase II Jashon, aggressions with Lamanites
and Shem
Final Ne-
A.D. 361– Narrow neck Lamanite greed; Morm. 3:4– Eventual
phite wars, 385 of land and gross wickedness 6:15 annihilation of
phase III all the land on both sides Nephite people
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mormon 6; Ether 15
This chart compares the final battles of both the Jaredite and
Nephite civilizations, which took place near the same hill (see Ether
15:11). Moroni, the only known Nephite survivor of the battle at
Cumorah, was the narrator of the account in the book of Ether that
involves the final Jaredite battle at Ramah. He must have been
deeply impressed by the parallels between the two wars of annihila-
tion. In both cases, nations of great promise were wiped away.
Because of their wickedness, the Spirit of God ceased to strive”
with both peoples (Mormon 5:16; Ether 15:19). In this chart the
dates, places, numbers of soldiers, outcomes, and other statistics of
these battles are contrasted. Despite the consequent collapse of these
civilizations, a remnant of Lehi’s seed was preserved, fulfilling the
promises made by the Lord to Lehi, Nephi, Enos, and other righ-
teous Nephites.
Chart 138
The Two Final Battles
Key Scriptures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 138
The Two Final Battles
Jaredites Nephites
when ca. 300
B.C. 385 A.D.
where hill Ramah hill Cumorah (hill Ramah)
who Coriantumr and Shiz Nephites and Lamanites
how many 2 million or more around 230,000 Nephites
who gathered men, wives, children men, wives, children
outcome both sides destroyed Nephites destroyed
Spirit ceased to strive with ceased to strive with
prophet Ether Mormon
account Ether 13–15 Mormon 6–7
record 24 gold plates plates of Mormon
survivor Coriantumr Moroni
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
1 Nephi 4:9
This chart compares a dagger of Hittite origin found in King Tut-
ankhamens tomb with Nephi’s description of Labans sword. The
high-quality Middle Eastern sword found in the tomb compares with
the description in 1 Nephi surprisingly well. Although not related to
each other, these two swords both come from the ancient Near East
before Lehi’s departure from Jerusalem. Labans sword, which lasted
for thousands of years while the Nephite record keepers safeguarded
it and used it ceremonially and in wars from generation to genera-
tion (see Words of Mormon 1:13), was reproduced “many” times by
the Nephites as they prepared to defend themselves from the
Lamanites (see 2 Nephi 5:14).
William J. Hamblin and A. Brent Merrill, “Swords in the Book of
Mormon,” in Warfare in the Book of Mormon, ed. Stephen D. Ricks
and William J. Hamblin (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS,
1990), 334–35.
Chart 139
Ancient Steel Weapons
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Ancient Steel Weapons
Chart 139
And I beheld his
sword, and I drew it
forth from the sheath
thereof; and the hilt
thereof was of pure
gold, and the work-
manship thereof was
exceedingly fine, and I
saw that the blade
thereof was of the
most precious steel.
––1 Nephi 4:9
gold hilt
tempered iron
(steel) blade
Nephi’s Description of
the Sword of Laban
Dagger from King
Tutankhamen’s Tomb
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 43
European and Mayan warriors used similarly named pieces of
armor, such as head gear, breastplates, body gear, and gauntlets,
but the styles and materials they used were very different. The
Book of Mormon mentions breastplates, shields, armor, head-
plates, arm-shields, animal skins, thick clothing, and bucklers as
types of armor. What were they like? Mayan soldiers used thick
protective jackets made of double-thick quilted cotton that were
often worn under animal skins. Nephite breastplates were probably
also similar to Mayan breastplates, which were made of materials
such as wood, bone, shells, jade, stones, and pieces of metal. The
term head-plates in the Book of Mormon is unusual, but Mayan
records may again help to clarify: Mayan head-plates, or carved
jade plaques, were worn attached to leather or cloth headbands.
Hats that were protected with plates of stone, wood, or metal
could also be considered head-plates. Mayan shields were usually
made of reeds, cloth, or wood. Armor terminology in the Book of
Mormon interestingly reflects differences between Old World and
New World armor. The Book of Mormon uses biblical terms
when ancient Near Eastern and Mesoamerican armors are similar
but different terminology when Mesoamerican armor (e.g., head-
plate) differs significantly from Old World armor (e.g., helmet),
thus indicating the precision of the Book of Mormon accounts.
William J. Hamblin, Armor in the Book of Mormon, in Warfare
in the Book of Mormon, ed. Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin
(Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1990), 401, 413.
Chart 140
Comparison of European
and Mayan Armor
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Comparison of European
and Mayan Armor
Chart 140
Body Gear
Leg Gear
Head Gear
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 43–62
John L. Sorenson, an archaeologist who has devoted his life to the
study of ancient Mesoamerica and how it corresponds to the his-
tory of the Nephite, Lamanite, and Jaredite peoples in the Book of
Mormon, concludes that “Nephite wars were typically carried out
early in the dry season as permitted by the agricultural mainte-
nance pattern and when weather conditions were most suited for
military campaigns....The Nephite seasonality pattern for war-
fare agrees remarkably well with what we know from Mesoamerica
about seasons for fighting and for cultivation and harvest. As this
chart illustrates, November and February were the months in which
the most warfare was conducted. Other months were reserved for
cultivation and harvesting of crops, taxing, celebrating according to
the law of Moses, and so forth.
John L. Sorenson, “Seasonality of Warfare in the Book of Mormon
and in Mesoamerica, in Warfare in the Book of Mormon, ed.
Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin (Salt Lake City: Deseret
Book and FARMS, 1990), 455–57.
Chart 141
Number of Months Involving
Nephite Military Actions
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Number of Months Involving
Nephite Military Actions
Chart 141
Sept. Oct.
Dec.Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May
July Aug.
Nephite Calendar Probable Julian Equivalent
First Month 25 February–26 March
Second Month 27 March–25 April
Third Month 26 April–25 May
Fourth Month 26 May–24 June
Fifth Month 25 June–24 July
Sixth Month 25 July–23 August
Seventh Month 24 August–22 September
Eighth Month 23 September–22 October
Ninth Month 23 October–21 November
Tenth Month 22 November–21 December
Eleventh Month 27 December–25 January
Twelfth Month 26 January–24 February
Five extra days would then complete the year
Number of Nephite Military Actions
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
2 Nephi 26:2
As is shown by this graph, the Book of Mormon records that more
known fortifications were built between 75
B.C. and A.D. 15 than at
any other time in Nephite history. The building of these fortifica-
tions can be divided into four Nephite periods and one Lamanite
period: (1) the Nephites in the land of Nephi from the sixth century
B.C. to the third century B.C., (2) Zeniffs rebuilding of the wall of
Nephi in the second century B.C., (3) extensive work by Captain
Moroni and his successors from approximately 75 B.C. until at least
A.D. 15, (4) the Lamanites effort in the first century B.C., and (5) the
Nephites in the final wars before their destruction (late fourth cen-
A.D.). In the first period, the Nephites “began to fortify [the]
cities” that they claimed as an “inheritance” (Jarom 1:7), in addition
to the city of Nephi (see Jacob 7:25). In the second period, the walls
of the city of Nephi must have been prominent, for they are men-
tioned four times (see Mosiah 7:10; 9:8; 21:19; 22:6). The innovative
construction of fortifications at several sites is described in consider-
able detail during the third period (see Alma 49:2–22; 50:1–11;
53:3–7). More than ten fortified cities are mentioned specifically in
this major period, and at least five sites in the final period.
John L. Sorenson, “Fortifications in the Book of Mormon Account
Compared with Mesoamerican Fortifications, in Warfare in the
Book of Mormon, ed. Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin
(Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1990), 438–43.
Chart 142
References to Nephite Fortifications
Recorded in the Book of Mormon
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
References to Nephite Fortifications
Recorded in the Book of Mormon
Chart 142
500 400 300 200 100 0 100
300 400
Years B.C. Years A.D.
city of Nephi
city of Nephi
several “cities”
in land of Nephi
“all cities”
others near Antiparah
between the
lands of
Zarahemla and
narrow neck
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Archaeologists have now identified numerous fortified sites in Meso-
america. In the early periods, these fortifications consisted of earthen
barriers, stone walls with gates, wooden palisades, isolated guard
posts, elevated defensive sites, and moats or ditches. The peoples in
that land were once thought to be strictly peaceful, but that idea has
been proven wrong. Although the numbers in this chart are tentative
(dependent as they are on the accidents of archaeological discovery),
it is interesting to note that the number of known fortified sites
sharply increases in the period when the Nephites also experienced
their years of greatest military conflict.
John L. Sorenson, “Fortifications in the Book of Mormon Account
Compared with Mesoamerican Fortifications, in
Warfare in the
Book of Mormon, ed. Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin
(Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1990), 429, 437.
Chart 143
Mesoamerican Fortified and
Defensive Sites by Period
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 143
Mesoamerican Fortified and
Defensive Sites by Period
Period Definite Possible
Early Pre-Classic (pre-1000
B.C.) 0 1
Early Middle Pre-Classic (1000–600
B.C.) 0 2
Late Middle Pre-Classic (600–400
B.C.) 5 1
Late Pre-Classic (400–50 B.C.) 30 2
Proto-Classic (50
B.C.–A.D. 200) 26 8
Early Classic (A.D. 200–400) 14 8
Middle Classic (
A.D. 400–650) 11 13
Late Classic (A.D. 650–850) 27 11
Epi-Classic (
A.D. 850–1000) 12 10
Post-Classic (
A.D. 1000–Conquest) 177 16
Charts 1–10
in the Book of Mormon
Section 12
Charts 144–47
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 37:13
Nowhere is the cycle of righteousness more apparent in the
Book of Mormon than during the reign of the judges. The
judges governed from 91
B.C. until A.D. 31, when the chief
judge was murdered and the government overthrown. During
the reign of the judges, the Nephites constantly fluctuated in
their level of righteousness. Other factors, such as degrees of
peace, political unity, and prosperity no doubt affected their
commitment to the gospel; however, the righteousness of the
people affected the other factors in a more direct way. This
overview of the Nephite cycle of righteousness can be used to
identify general trends in the complex examples presented by the
following graphs in this section. Beginning at the top of the
chart, the scriptures in each cycle can be followed around the
circle clockwise until the final destruction recorded in Mormon
4–6, after which no repentance occurred.
Chart 144
Nephite Cycle of Righteousness
Mormon’s Warning for Us Today
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Nephite Cycle of Righteousness
Mormon’s Warning for Us Today
Chart 144
2. Blessing
and Prosperity
3. Pride
4. Wickedness
5. Destruction
and Suffering
6. Humility
and Repentance
1. Righteousness
Helaman 3:24–32
Helaman 4:15
3 Nephi 5:3
4 Nephi 1:10
Helaman 3:25, 32
Helaman 4:15
3 Nephi 6:4–9
4 Nephi 1:20
Helaman 3:33–36
Helaman 7:23–24
3 Nephi 6:10–16
4 Nephi 1:24
Helaman 3:33–36
Helaman 10:3
3 Nephi 6:15–18
4 Nephi 1:27
Helaman 4:5
Helaman 11:4
3 Nephi 7:1–8
Mormon 4:19–21
Helaman 4:15
Helaman 11:17–19
3 Nephi 10:8–10
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 1–Helaman 3
Based on information gleaned from Alma 1–Helaman 3, this chart
plots the general trends of prosperity, political unity, righteous-
ness, and peace of the Nephite people. Notable here is the relative
prosperity and contrasting wickedness of the people, as well as the
fluctuations in peace and political unity. Each trend moves some-
what idiosyncratically, which is what one would expect of authen-
tic politico-historical experience.
Chart 145
Nephite Cycles
Years 1–49 of the Reign of the Judges (90–40 B.C.)
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Nephite Cycles
Years 1–49 of the Reign of the Judges (90–40 B.C.)
Chart 145
Years of Reign of Judges
Levels of
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 49
Political Unity
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Helaman 3–16
While prosperity fluctuates between medium and high during 39
and 1
B.C., the righteousness of the people dips into major down-
ward trends. Continuous prosperity during these years shows that
the dire results of wickedness do not necessarily come immediately.
Levels of peace and political unity correlate for a decade as they
drop and then recover before political unity stabilizes at a moder-
ate level and peace soars to a twenty-year high, plummets, and
increases again.
Chart 146
Nephite Cycles
Years 50–90 of the Reign of the Judges (39–1 B.C.)
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 146
Years of Reign of Judges
Levels of
60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Political Unity
Nephite Cycles
Years 50–90 of the Reign of the Judges (39–1 B.C.)
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
3 Nephi 1–8
In this composite chart representing general trends, the first fifteen
years following the birth of Jesus Christ show a decline in all areas.
Then, with the advent of the wars with the Gadianton robbers,
righteousness and political unity increase significantly. Interestingly,
A.D. 20 and 28 prosperity, peace, and political unity increase
together while righteousness decreases. It can be argued that the low
points of prosperity and political unity are caused by the people’s
unrighteousness, as the Lord declares would happen in Alma 37:13.
Chart 147
Nephite Cycles
Years A.D. 1–34
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 147
Levels of
10 15 20 25 30 34
Political Unity
Nephite Cycles
Years A.D. 1–34
Charts 1–10
in the Book of Mormon
Section 13
Charts 148–64
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
1 Nephi 17–18
Because the Lehites exceedingly rejoiced when [they] came to the
seashore at Bountiful (1 Nephi 17:6), Bountiful must have been a
fertile area—especially for arid southern Arabia, where they are
thought to have journeyed from Jerusalem. Twelve required char-
acteristics of Bountiful, identified by Warren and Michaela Aston,
narrow the location of Bountiful to six spots along the Arabian
coast. The current-day Wadi Sayq (more specifically Khor Kharfot,
a portion of Wadi Sayq, located in Oman) is the most probable
location of Bountiful because it is the most fertile coastal location
on the Arabian Peninsula. Unless the wadi is reached by traveling
through the Arabian interior, as Lehi would have done, Wadi Sayq
remains almost completely hidden. Wadi Sayq lies “nearly east-
ward” of Nehem, Yemen (assumed to be “Nahom”; 1 Nephi 16:34;
17:1), and is the only area in which fruit grows without being cul-
tivated. It also contains the largest freshwater source on the Arabian
coast. The twelve required characteristics for the land of Bountiful
are listed in this chart.
Warren P. Aston and Michaela Knoth Aston, In the Footsteps of
Lehi: New Evidence for Lehi’s Journey across Arabia to Bountiful
(Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1994), 28–29.
Chart 148
Twelve Requirements for the
Land of Bountiful
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Twelve Requirements
for the Land of Bountiful
1. Fresh water available year-round
2. Contain “much fruit” and honey (1 Nephi 17:5, 6; 18:6)
3. Both general area (17:5, 8) and specific location where the Lehites
camped were fertile (17:6)
4. Permit reasonable access from the interior desert to the coast
5. A mountain prominent enough to justify Nephi’s reference to “the mount”
(17:7, 18:3) and close enough that he could go there to “pray oft” (18:3)
6. Cliffs from which Nephi’s brothers could have thrown him into the depths
of the sea (17:48)
7. Shoreline (17:5) suitable for the construction and launching of a ship (18:8)
8. Ore and flint for
Nephi’s tools
(17:9–11, 16)
9. Enough large timber
to build a seaworthy
ship with (18:1, 2, 6)
10. Suitable winds and
ocean currents to
take the ship out into
the ocean (18:8, 9)
11. No population
residing in the area
12. “Nearly eastward of
Nahom” (1 Nephi
Chart 148
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 22:27–33
Many different locations for the setting of the Book of Mormon in
the New World have been proposed. While none can be definitively
confirmed, some are more probable than others. Archaeologist
John Clark has outlined ten essential features that any proposed
Nephite geographical location must have in order for it to be con-
sistent with the text of the Book of Mormon. It should be noted
that while Nephites do not refer to being located near an isthmus
specifically, they do refer to a narrow neck of land that separates
the north and south areas (see Alma 22:32). Persons interested in
Book of Mormon geography who do not interpret this reference as
an isthmus have more difficulty fitting their site to the Book of
Mormon than do those who interpret the narrow neck passage as
an isthmus. The features listed in this chart are based on the Book
of Mormon text.
John Clark, review of Deciphering the Geography of the Book of
Mormon, by F. Richard Hauck, Review of Books on the Book of
Mormon 1 (1989): 67–69.
Chart 149
Ten Essential Features
of Book of Mormon Geography
Key Scripture
Ten Essential Features of
Book of Mormon Geography
1. A narrow neck (isthmus) separated the land northward from the land
southward and was flanked by an east sea and a west sea.
2. Nephite and Lamanite lands occupied at least three times as much
western coastline as eastern coastline.
3. The eastern wilderness was much wider and lower than the western
wilderness but not nearly as wide as the southern wilderness.
4. The city of Nephi was in a highland valley; Zarahemla was in a large
river basin.
5. The river Sidon flowed northward through Zarahemla.
6. The Waters of Mormon was probably a highland lake of significant
7. Zarahemla was surrounded by Nephite fortifications.
8. The city of Nephi was three weeks’ travel south from Zarahemla and
near the Waters of Mormon.
9. The city of Bountiful was north of Zarahemla and near the narrow
neck; it was about five days’ travel from Moroni and guarded the route
to the land northward.
10. Cumorah (also called Ramah) was near the eastern sea, not very far
north of Bountiful.
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 149
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 22:27–33
The first column of this three-page chart lists geographical names
or features found in the Book of Mormon, and corresponding
scriptural references appear in the second column. This list may be
helpful for a student wishing to search the Book of Mormon for
the geographical information found within it. For further informa-
tion, please refer to the source below.
John L. Sorenson, The Geography of Book of Mormon Events: A
Source Book (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1990).
Chart 150
Geographical Names
Listed Alphabetically
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Geographical Names
Listed Alphabetically
Aaron, city/cities of Alma 8:13; 50:14
Ablom Ether 9:3
Agosh Ether 14:15–16
Akish, wilderness of Ether 14:3–4, 14
Alma, valley of Mosiah 24:20, 21
Ammonihah, city of Alma 8:6–13, 16–18; chs. 9–14; 15:1, 15; 16:2–3, 9, 11; 25:2;
49:3, 10–11
Amnihu, hill Alma 2:15
Amulon, land of Mosiah 23:31; 24:1
Angola, city of Mormon 2:4
Ani-Anti Alma 21:11
Antionum, land of Alma 31:3; 43:5, 22
Antiparah, city of Alma 56:14, 31–34; 57:1–4
Antipas, mount Alma 47:7, 10
Antum, land of Mormon 1:3
Boaz, city of Mormon 4:20–21
Bountiful, city/land of Alma 22:29–33; 27:22; 50:11, 32; 51:28, 30–32; 52:9, 15,
17–18, 39; 53:3–4; 55:26; 63:5; Helaman 1:23, 28; 4:6;
5:14; 3 Nephi 3:23; 11:1
Comnor, hill Ether 14:28
Corihor, land/valley of Ether 14:27–28
Cumeni, city of Alma 56:13–14; 57:7–8, 12, 23, 31, 34
Cumorah, land/hill of Mormon 6:2–6, 11; 8:2
Desolation, city of Mormon 3:7; 4:2, 3, 8, 13, 19
Desolation, land of Alma 50:34; 63:5; 3 Nephi 3:23; Mormon 3:5; 4:1–2, 19;
Ether 7:6
Ephraim, hill Ether 7:9
Gad, city of 3 Nephi 9:10
Gadiani, city of 3 Nephi 9:8
Gadiomnah, city of 3 Nephi 9:8
Gid, city of Alma 51:26; 55:7–26
Gideon, city/land/valley of Alma 2:20–26; 6:7–8:1; 13:15; 17:1; 30:21; 61:5; 62:3–6
Gilgal, city/valley of 3 Nephi 9:6; Ether 13:27–30
Chart 150
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 150
Gimgimno, city of 3 Nephi 9:8
Helam, city/land of Mosiah 23:3–4, 19–20, 25–26, 29, 35, 37–39; 27:16
Hermounts, wilderness of Alma 2:37
Heshlon, plains of Ether 13:28
Ishmael, land of Alma 17:19–21; 20:14–15; 21:20–21; 22:4; 23:7–9; 24:5; 25:13
Jacob, city of 3 Nephi 9:8
Jacobugath, city of 3 Nephi 9:9
Jashon, city/land of Mormon 2:16–17
Jershon, land of Alma 27:22–24, 26; 28:1, 8; 30:1, 19–21; 35:6, 13–14; 43:4,
15, 18, 25
Jerusalem, city/land of Alma 21:1–4; 24:1; 3 Nephi 9:7
Jordan, city of Mormon 5:3
Josh, city of 3 Nephi 9:10
Joshua, land of Mormon 2:6
Judea, city of Alma 56:9, 15, 18, 57; 57:11
Laman, city of 3 Nephi 9:10
land northward Alma 22:32
land southward Alma 22:32
Lehi, city/land of Alma 50:15, 25–28, 36; 56:24, 26; 62:30; Helaman 6:10
Lehi-Nephi, city/land of Mosiah 7:1–4, 21; 9:1–6, 8
Lemuel, city of Alma 23:12–13
Manti, city/land of Alma 16:6–7; 17:1; 22:27; 43:22, 24–54; 56:14; 58:26–30; 59:6
Melek, land of Alma 8:3–4; 35:13; 45:18
Middoni, land of Alma 20:2–3, 4–7, 14–15, 28–30; 21:12–13, 18; 23:10
Midian, land of Alma 24:5
Minon, land of Alma 2:24
Mocum, city of 3 Nephi 9:7
Moriancumer, land of Ether 2:13
Morianton, city/land of Alma 50:25, 36; 51:26; 55:33; 59:4–5
Moriantum Moroni 9:9–10
Mormon, place/waters/forest of Mosiah 18:4–16, 30–35; 25:18; 26:15; Alma 5:3
Moron, land of Ether 7:5–6, 17; 14:6, 11
Moroni, city/land of Alma 50:13; 51:22–24; 59:5; 62:25, 32–34; 3 Nephi 8:9; 9:4
Moronihah, city of 3 Nephi 8:10, 25; 9:5
Mulek, city/land of Alma 51:26; 52:2, 16–26; 53:2, 6; Helaman 6:10
narrow neck of land Alma 22:32; 63:5
narrow pass Alma 50:34; 52:9; Mormon 2:29; 3:5
Nehor, city of Ether 7:9
Nephi, city of Mosiah 9:15; 21:1, 12; Alma 23:11; 47:20; 47:31
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Nephi, land of 2 Nephi 5:8; Omni 1:12, 27–30; Words of Mormon 1:13;
Mosiah 7:6–9; chs. 9–22; 28:1–9; 29:3; Alma 2:24; chs.
17–26; 27:1, 20; 28:8; 47:1, 20; 50:8; 53:6; 58:38;
Helaman 4:12; 5:20
Nephihah, city/land/plains of Alma 50:14; 51:24–26; 59:5–11; 62:14, 18–26, 30
Noah, city/land of Alma 49:12–15
Ogath Ether 15:10
Omner, city of Alma 51:26
Onidah Alma 47:5
Onidah, hill Alma 32:4
Onihah, city of 3 Nephi 9:7
Ramah, hill Ether 15:11
Riplah, hill Alma 43:31, 35
Ripliancum, waters of Ether 15:8
Sebus, waters of Alma 17:26, 34; 18:7; 19:20
Shem, city/land of Mormon 2:20–21
Shemlon, land of Mosiah 10:7; 11:12; 19:6; 20:1–5; 24:1; Alma 23:12
Sherrizah Moroni 9:16–17
Sherrizah, tower of Moroni 9:7
Shilom, city/land of Mosiah 7:7, 21; 9:6, 8, 14; 10:8, 20; 11:12–13; 22:8–11; 24:1;
Alma 23:12
Shim, hill Mormon 1:3; 4:23; Ether 9:3
Shimnilom, city of Alma 23:8, 12
Shurr, valley of Ether 14:28
Sidom, land of Alma 15:1, 3, 11, 13–17
Sidon, river Alma 2:15, 34; 4:4; 22:29
Siron, land of Alma 39:3
Teancum, city of Mormon 4:3–8, 14
Zarahemla, city of Alma 2:26; 5:2; 6:1–7; 7:3–5; 8:1; 31:6; 56:25; 60:1;
Helaman 1:18–33; 7:10; 13:12; 3 Nephi 8:8, 24; 9:3;
4 Nephi 1:8
Zarahemla, land of Omni 1:12–13, 24, 28; Mosiah 1:1, 18; 2:4; 7:9, 13–14;
8:1–8, 14; 9:2; 21:24–26; 22:11–13; 24:25; 25:19–23;
27:35; 29:44; Alma 2:15–25; 4:1; 5:1; 15:18; 16:1; 22:32;
27:5–20; 28:1; 35:14; 59:4; 60:30; 62:6–7; Helaman 3:31;
4:5; 5:16–19; 6:4; 7:1; 13:2; 3 Nephi 3:22–23; Mormon 1:6
Zeezrom, city of Alma 56:13–14
Zerin, mount Ether 12:30
Chart 150
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 22:27–33
This five-page chart lists, in scriptural order, the place-names that
appear in the Book of Mormon. The names of cities, as well as
geographical features or places, are all listed. There are well over a
hundred named geographical references in the Book of Mormon.
Students interested in moving geographically through the texts of
the Book of Mormon may find this chart useful. It moves from
place to place in the order in which one encounters these places
when reading straight through the book. For further information,
please refer to the source below.
John L. Sorenson, The Geography of Book of Mormon Events: A
Source Book (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1990).
Chart 151
Geographical Names
Listed by Scripture Reference
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
2 Nephi 5:8 Nephi, land of
Omni 1:12 Nephi, land of
Omni 1:12–13 Zarahemla, land of
Omni 1:24 Zarahemla, land of
Onmi 1:27–30 Nephi, land of
Omni 1:28 Zarahemla, land of
W of M 1:13 Nephi, land of
Mosiah 1:1 Zarahemla, land of
Mosiah 1:18 Zarahemla, land of
Mosiah 2:4 Zarahemla, land of
Mosiah 7:1–4 Lehi-Nephi, city and land of
Mosiah 7:6–9 Nephi, land of
Mosiah 7:7 Shilom, city and land of
Mosiah 7:9 Zarahemla, land of
Mosiah 7:13–14 Zarahemla, land of
Mosiah 7:21 Shilom, city and land of
Mosiah 7:21 Lehi-Nephi, city of
Mosiah 8:1–8 Zarahemla, land of
Mosiah 8:14 Zarahemla, land of
Mosiah 9:1–6 Lehi-Nephi, city and land of
Mosiah 9:2 Zarahemla, land of
Mosiah 9:6 Shilom, land of
Mosiah 9:8 Shilom, city and land of
Mosiah 9:8 Lehi-Nephi, city and land of
Mosiah 9:14 Shilom, land of
Mosiah 9:15 Nephi, city of
Mosiah 9–22 Nephi, land of
Mosiah 10:7 Shemlon, land of
Mosiah 10:8 Shilom, land of
Mosiah 10:20 Shilom, land of
Mosiah 11:12 Shemlon, land of
Mosiah 11:12–13 Shilom, land of
Mosiah 18:4–16 Mormon, place, waters of
Mosiah 18:30–35 Mormon, place, waters of
Mosiah 19:6 Shemlon, land of
Mosiah 20:1–5 Shemlon, land of
Mosiah 21:1 Nephi, city of
Mosiah 21:12 Nephi, city of
Mosiah 21:24–26 Zarahemla, land of
Mosiah 22:8–11 Shilom, city and land of
Mosiah 22:11–13 Zarahemla, land of
Mosiah 23:3–4 Helam, land of
Mosiah 23:19–20 Helam, land of
Mosiah 23:25–26 Helam, land and city of
Mosiah 23:29 Helam, land of
Mosiah 23:31 Amulon, land of
Mosiah 23:35 Helam, land of
Mosiah 23:37–39 Helam, land of
Mosiah 24:1 Amulon, land of
Mosiah 24:1 Shilom, land of
Mosiah 24:1 ShemIon, land of
Mosiah 24:20–21 Alma, valley of
Mosiah 24:25 Zarahemla, land of
Mosiah 25:18 Mormon, place, waters of
Mosiah 25:19–23 Zarahemla, land of
Mosiah 26:15 Mormon, place, waters of
Mosiah 27:16 Helam, land and city of
Mosiah 27:35 Zarahemla, land of
Mosiah 28:1–9 Nephi, land of
Mosiah 29:3 Nephi, land of
Chart 151
Geographical Names
Listed by Scripture Reference
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 151
Mosiah 29:44 Zarahemla, land of
Alma 2:15 Amnihu, hill
Alma 2:15 Sidon, river
Alma 2:15–25 Zarahemla, land of
Alma 2:20–26 Gideon, city, land, valley of
Alma 2:24 Nephi, land of
Alma 2:24 Minon, land of
Alma 2:26 Zarahemla, city of
Alma 2:34 Sidon, river
Alma 2:37 Hermounts, wilderness of
Alma 4:1 Zarahemla, land of
Alma 4:4 Sidon, river
Alma 5:1 Zarahemla, land of
Alma 5:2 Zarahemla, city of
Alma 5:3 Mormon, place, waters of
Alma 6:1–7 Zarahemla, city of
Alma 6:7–8:1 Gideon, city, land, valley of
Alma 7:3–5 Zarahemla, city of
Alma 8:1 Zarahemla, land and city of
Alma 8:3–4 Melek, land of
Alma 8:6–13 Ammonihah, city of
Alma 8:13 Aaron, city of
Alma 8:16–18 Ammonihah, city of
Alma 9–14 Ammonihah, city of
Alma 15:1 Ammonihah, land of
Alma 15:1 Sidom, land of
Alma 15:3 Sidom, land of
Alma 15:10–11 Sidom, land of
Alma 15:13–17 Sidom, land of
Alma 15:15 Ammonihah, land of
Alma 15:18 Zarahemla, land of
Alma 16:1 Zarahemla, land of
Alma 16:2–3 Ammonihah, city of
Alma 16:6–7 Manti, land of
Alma 16:9 Ammonihah, city of
Alma 16:11 Ammonihah, land of
Alma 17:1 Manti, land of
Alma 17:1 Gideon, city, land, valley of
Alma 17:19–21 Ishmael, land of
Alma 17:26, 34 Sebus, waters of
Alma 17–26 Nephi, land of
Alma 18:7 Sebus, waters of
Alma 19:20 Sebus, waters of
Alma 20:2–7 Middoni, land of
Alma 20:14–15 Middoni, land of
Alma 20;14–15 Ishmael, land of
Alma 20:28–30 Middoni, land of
Alma 21:1–4 Jerusalem, city and land of
Alma 21:11 Ani-Anti
Alma 21:12–13 Middoni, land of
Alma 21:18 Middoni, land of
Alma 21:20–21 Ishmael, land of
Alma 22:4 Ishmael, land of
Alma 22:27 Manti, land of
Alma 22:29 Sidon, river
Alma 22:29–33 Bountiful, land
Alma 22:32 narrow neck of land
Alma 22:32 land northward
Alma 22:32 land southward
Alma 22:32 Zarahemla, land of
Alma 23:7–9 Ishmael, land of
Alma 23:8, 12 Shimnilom, city of
Alma 23:10 Middoni, land of
Alma 23:11 Nephi, city of
Alma 23:12 Shemlon, land of
Alma 23:12 Shilom, land of
Alma 23:12–13 Lemuel, city of
Alma 24:1 Jerusalem, city and land of
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 24:5 Ishmael, land of
Alma 24:5 Midian, land of
Alma 25:2 Ammonihah, land of
Alma 25:13 Ishmael, land of
Alma 27:1 Nephi, land of
Alma 27:5–20 Zarahemla, land of
Alma 27:20 Nephi, land of
Alma 27:22 Bountiful, land of
Alma 27:22–24 Jershon, land of
Alma 27:26 Jershon, land of
Alma 28:1 Jershon, land of
Alma 28:1 Zarahemla, land of
Alma 28:8 Jershon, land of
Alma 30:1 Jershon, land of
Alma 30:19–21 Jershon, land of
Alma 30:21 Gideon, city, land, valley of
Alma 31:3 Antionum, land of
Alma 31:6 Zarahemla, city of
Alma 32:4 Onidah, hill
Alma 35:6 Jershon, land of
Alma 35:13 Melek, land of
Alma 35:13–14 Jershon, land of
Alma 35:14 Zarahemla, land of
Alma 39:3 Siron, land of
Alma 43:5, 22 Antionum, land of
Alma 43:15 Jershon, land of
Alma 43:18 Jershon, land of
Alma 43:22 Manti, land of
Alma 43:24–25 Manti, land of
Alma 43:25 Jershon, land of
Alma 43:26–54 Manti, land of
Alma 43:31, 35 Riplah, hill
Alma 45:18 Melek, land of
Alma 47:1 Nephi, land of
Alma 47:5 Onidah
Alma 47:7, 10 Antipas, mount
Alma 47:20 Nephi, city and land of
Alma 47:31 Nephi, city of
Alma 49:3 Ammonihah, city of
Alma 49:10–11 Ammonihah, city of
Alma 49:12–15 Noah, city and land of
Alma 50:8 Nephi, land of
Alma 50:11 Bountiful, land
Alma 50:13 Moroni, city of
Alma 50:14 Nephihah, city and land of
Alma 50:14 Aaron, city of
Alm a 50 :15, 25–28, 36 Lehi, city and land of
Alma 50:25, 36 Morianton, city and land of
Alma 50:32 Bountiful, land
Alma 50:34 narrow pass
Alma 50:34 Desolation, land of
Alma 51:22–24 Moroni, city and land of
Alma 51:24 Lehi, city of
Alma 51:24–26 Nephihah, city of
Alma 51:26 Gid, city of
Alma 51:26 Morianton, city and land of
Alma 51:26 Mulek, city and land of
Alma 51:26 Omner, city of
Alma 51:28 Bountiful, land
Alma 51:30–32 Bountiful, land
Alma 52:2 Mulek, city of
Alma 52:9 narrow pass
Alma 52:9 Bountiful, land
Alma 52:15 Bountiful, land
Alma 52:16–26 Mulek, city and land of
Alma 52:17–18 Bountiful, city and land
Alma 52:39 Bountiful, land
Alma 53:2 Mulek, city of
Chart 151
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 151
Alma 53:3–4 Bountiful, city and land
Alma 53:6 Nephi, land of
Alma 53:6 Mulek, city of
Alma 55:7–26 Gid, city of
Alma 55:26 Bountiful, city
Alma 55:33 Morianton, city and land of
Alma 56:9, 15, 18, 57 Judea, city of
Alma 56:13–14 Cumeni, city of
Alma 56:13–14 Zeezrom, city of
Alma 56:14 Manti, land of
Alma 56:14 Antiparah, city of
Alma 56:25 Zarahemla, city of
Alma 56:24, 26 Lehi, city and land of
Alma 56:31–34 Antiparah, city of
Alma 57:1–4 Antiparah, city of
Alma 57:7–8, 12 Cumeni, city of
Alma 57:11 Judea, city of
Alma 57:23, 31, 34 Cumeni, city of
Alma 58:26–30 Manti, land of
Alma 58:38 Nephi, land of
Alma 59:4 Zarahemla, land of
Alma 59:4–5 Morianton, city and land of
Alma 59:5 Moroni, city and land of
Alma 59:5–11 Nephihah, city and land of
Alma 59:6 Manti, land of
Alma 60:1 Zarahemla, city of
Alma 60:30 Zarahemla, land of
Alma 61:5 Gideon, land of
Alma 62:3–6 Gideon, land of
Alma 62:6–7 Zarahemla, land of
Alma 62:14 Nephihah, city and land of
Alma 62:18–26 Nephihah, city and land of
Alma 62:25 Moroni, land of
Alma 62:30 Nephihah, city and land of
Alma 62:30 Lehi, city and land of
Alma 62:32–34 Moroni, land of
Alma 63:5 narrow neck of land
Alma 63:5 Bountiful, land
Helaman 1:18–27 Zarahemla, city of
Helaman 1:23 Bountiful, city
Helaman 1:27–33 Zarahemla, city of
Helaman 1:28 Bountiful, land
Helaman 3:31 Zarahemla, land of
Helaman 4:5 Zarahemla, land of
Helaman 4:6 Bountiful, land
Helaman 4:12 Nephi, land of
Helaman 5:14 Bountiful, city of
Helaman 5:16–19 Zarahemla, land of
Helaman 5:20 Nephi, land of
Helaman 6:4 Zarahemla, land of
Helaman 6:10 Lehi, city and land of
Helaman 6:10 Mulek, land of
Helaman 7:1 Zarahemla, land of
Helaman 13:2 Zarahemla, land of
Helaman 13:12 Zarahemla, city of
3 Nephi 3:22–23 Zarahemla, land of
3 Nephi 3:23 Bountiful, land
3 Nephi 8:8 Zarahemla, city of
3 Nephi 8:9 Moroni, city of
3 Nephi 8:10, 25 Moronihah, city of
3 Nephi 8:24 Zarahemla, city of
3 Nephi 9:3 Zarahemla, city of
3 Nephi 9:4 Moroni, city of
3 Nephi 9:5 Moronihah, city of
3 Nephi 9:6 Gilgal, city and valley of
3 Nephi 9:7 Jerusalem, city and land of
3 Nephi 9:7 Mocum, city of
3 Nephi 9:7 Onihah, city of
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
3 Nephi 9:8 Gadiani, city of
3 Nephi 9:8 Gadiomnah, city of
3 Nephi 9:8 Gimgimno, city of
3 Nephi 9:8 Jacob, city of
3 Nephi 9:9 Jacobugath, city of
3 Nephi 9:10 Gad, city of
3 Nephi 9:10 Josh, city of
3 Nephi 9:10 Laman, city of
3 Nephi 11:1 Bountiful, land and city of
4 Nephi 1:8 Zarahemla, city of
Mormon 1:3 Antum, land of
Mormon 1:3 Shim, hill
Mormon 1:6 Zarahemla, land of
Mormon 2:4 Angola, city of
Mormon 2:6 Joshua, land of
Mormon 2:16–17 Jashon, land and city of
Mormon 2:20–21 Shem, city and land of
Mormon 2:29 narrow pass
Mormon 3:5 narrow pass
Mormon 3:7 Desolation, city of
Mormon 4:2–3 Desolation, city and land of
Mormon 4:3–8, 14 Teancum, city of
Mormon 4:8 Desolation, city of
Mormon 4:13 Desolation, city of
Mormon 4:19 Desolation, city and land of
Mormon 4:20–21 Boaz, city of
Mormon 4:23 Shim, hill
Mormon 5:3 Jordan, city of
Mormon 6:2–6 Cumorah, land and hill of
Mormon 6:11 Cumorah, land and hill of
Mormon 8:2 Cumorah, land and hill of
Ether 2:13 Moriancumer, land of
Ether 7:5–6 Moron, land of
Ether 7:9 Ephraim, hill
Ether 7:9 Nehor, city of
Ether 7:17 Moron, land of
Ether 9:3 Ablom
Ether 9:3 Shim, hill
Ether 12:30 Zerin, mount
Ether 13:27–30 Gilgal, city and valley of
Ether 13:28 Heshlon, plains of
Ether 14:3–4, 14 Akish, wilderness of
Ether 14:6 Moron, land of
Ether 14:11 Moron, land of
Ether 14:15–16 Agosh
Ether 14:27–28 Corihor, land and valley of
Ether 14:28 Comnor, hill
Ether 14:28 Shurr, valley of
Ether 15:8 Ripliancum, waters of
Ether 15:10 Ogath
Ether 15:11 Ramah, hill
Moroni 9:7 Sherrizah, tower of
Moroni 9:9–10 Moriantum
Moroni 9:16–17 Sherrizah
Chart 151
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 7; 9; 18; 22; 24
Many accounts of journeys are found in the Book of Mormon, and
approximate distances can be determined from the details in those
accounts. For example, Almas group traveled approximately twenty-
one days from the waters of Mormon (near the city of Nephi) to
Zarahemla (see Mosiah 23:3; 24:25). Since the group consisted of
men, women, children, and flocks, the journey was probably a rela-
tively slow one. Basing his calculations on the rates of travel for
Mormon pioneers and Guatemalan pig herders, John L. Sorenson
concludes that Almas group most likely traveled about eleven
miles a day. If we take into account the twists and turns of the
wilderness through which they traveled, the journey was probably
around 250 miles (180 miles if they traveled in a straight line, as
shown on the map). The distances for the other five journeys listed
on this map were determined in a similar fashion, although con-
siderable time must be allowed in Ammons case for the groups
losing its way in the wilderness (see Mosiah 7:4).
John L. Sorenson, An Ancient American Setting for the Book of
Mormon (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1985), 8–12.
Chart 152
Journeys Indicating Distances
Key Scriptures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 152
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Omni 1; Mosiah 7–8; 24; Alma 17; 27; Helaman 5–6
This chart lists the twelve recorded journeys between the cities of
Nephi and Zarahemla, as well as other pertinent information, such
as the dates, purposes, and leaders of the expeditions. The purpose
of many of these journeys was to seek safety in another part of the
land. Other journeys along this route were made for missionary
purposes. Apparently this journey became a common one, and the
road became a main thoroughfare, as merchants in 29
back and forth to sell their wares (see Helaman 6:8).
Chart 153
Twelve Journeys between the Cities
of Nephi and Zarahemla
Key Scriptures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 153
Twelve Journeys between the
Cities of Nephi and Zarahemla
Leader Reference Approximate Length Direc- Purpose Size of Group
Date of Journey tion of Journey
Omni 1:12 200 B.C. N flee all who would
Lamanites hearken to the
word of the Lord
“stiffnecked Omni 1:28 195
B.C. S reclaim their large number
man” inheritance
Zeniff? Omni 1:28 194
B.C. N regroup 50 people
Zeniff Omni 1:29 193
B.C. S try again to considerable
reclaim their number
Limhi Mosiah 8:7–8 121
B.C. many N seeking 40 people
days deliverance
from bondage
Ammon Mosiah 7:1–5 121
B.C. 40 S inquire of their 16 people
days brethren
Alma Mosiah 24 145– 21 N escape from 205 people
the Elder 121
B.C. days bondage with animals
sons of Alma 17 91
B.C. many S missionary 4 people
Mosiah days work
sons of Alma 27:14 77
B.C. N flee attackers many Anti-
Mosiah Nephi-Lehies
Lehi and Helaman 5:16 30
B.C. S missionary 2 people
Nephi work
Lehi and Helaman 6:7 29
B.C. N return home many people
merchants Helaman 6:8 29
B.C. all to get gain
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 7–22
This map shows activities in and around the land of Nephi. The
city of Nephi was settled by Nephi and his followers when they fled
inland many days from the land of their first inheritance around
B.C. (see 2 Nephi 5:7). In the second century B.C., the land and
city of Nephi (now called the land or city of Lehi-Nephi) was the
location of the events reported in Mosiah 7–22. A group of sixteen
men, led by Ammon, arrived from Zarahemla, camping at a hill
north of the land of Shilom (see Mosiah 7:5). They were taken to
King Limhi in the city of Lehi-Nephi, which was then in subjuga-
tion to the Lamanite king. Soon Limhi and his people escaped by
skirting the land of Shilom (see Mosiah 22:8), not following what
would have been the normal path down the valley to Shilom.
Earlier, Zeniff had sent spies down to the land of Shemlon, but the
Lamanites slipped around to the north side of the land of Shilom
and put Zeniffs colony at a distinct disadvantage, which they over-
came by trusting in the Lord (see Mosiah 10:8–9, 19–20). This
map identifies the Valley of Guatemala as the center of the land of
Nephi, which works well in many respects, although any such
identification still remains tentative.
John L. Sorenson, An Ancient American Setting for the Book of
Mormon (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1985), 167–75.
Chart 154
Further Details in the Land of Nephi
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 154
Route of Ammon
(Mosiah 7:5)
Usual Route Nephi to Shilom
Unusual Lamanite Attack
Route (Mosiah 10:8)
Limhi’s Escape
(Mosiah 22:6–11)
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mosiah 23–24
The flight of Alma and his people, the pursuit of Noahs army, and
the flight of Limhi’s people are illustrated on this map, which shows a
possible location of Helam in relation to the other places mentioned
in the Book of Mormon. When Alma was expelled from the court of
Noah for pleading with the king to let Abinadi go unpunished (see
Mosiah 17:2–3), Alma and his followers went to the waters of Mor-
mon (see Mosiah 18:7–8). From there they traveled eight days to a
place of pure water” that they named the land of Helam (Mosiah
23:3–4, 19), eventually escaping to Zarahemla through an area they
called the valley of Alma (see Mosiah 24:20, 25). Limhi’s party appar-
ently went in the same general direction, from the land of Nephi,
bending their course, perhaps through the region near the land of
Helam, toward Zarahemla (see Mosiah 22:11).
John L. Sorenson, An Ancient American Setting for the Book of
Mormon (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1985), 180–82.
Chart 155
From Nephi to Zarahemla:
Alma’s Escape
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 155
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 2
The Nephite war with the Amlicites is graphically illustrated on
this map. The Amlicites journeyed southwest near the city of
Amnihu and met the Nephites at the Hill Amnihu, across the river
Sidon, where they were defeated (see Alma 2:15–18). They retreated
past Gideon to the land of Minon and there regrouped and joined
forces with the Lamanites, on the road to the land of Nephi, before
marching toward Zarahemla (see Alma 2:20, 24). The Nephites,
alerted of this attack, cut short their pursuit and returned to pro-
tect the city of Zarahemla (see Alma 2:25–26). They met the
Amlicites and Lamanites at the ford of the river Sidon and again
defeated them after a bloody battle (see Alma 2:27–34). The
Nephites pursued the invaders out of the land into the wilderness
of Hermounts (see Alma 2:35–38).
The city of Zarahemla, the hub of Nephite government and com-
merce, is shown here against the topography of the Upper Grijalva
Valley. The ancient ruins that correspond best with Zarahemla,
called Santa Rosa, are now underwater and cannot be studied in
depth; however, what we do know about Santa Rosa is enough to
see similarities between it and the city of Zarahemla. Interestingly,
Santa Rosa had a dual linguistic and social history, showing that
two distinct groups of people most likely lived there. This corre-
sponds with the people of Nephi and the people of Zarahemla
under the leadership of Mosiah. Although Santa Rosa cannot be
confirmed as Zarahemla, it is an interesting possibility.
John L. Sorenson, An Ancient American Setting for the Book of
Mormon (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1985), 148–61.
Chart 156
Proposed Details around Zarahemla
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 156
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 5–16
This map charts out a possible understanding of the travels of Alma
the Younger reported in Alma 5–16. He began in Zarahemla by call-
ing the people to repentance in a powerful speech (see Alma 5). The
capital city of Zarahemla was located on the river Sidon in the cen-
ter of the land of Zarahemla. Alma traveled eastward to the city of
Gideon (see Alma 6:7), where he preached about the atonement of
the coming Christ (see Alma 7). He next had success in the land of
Melek, on the west of the river Sidon, on the west by the borders of
the wilderness (see Alma 8:3), and then traveled three days north to
the city of Ammonihah (see Alma 8:6). Rejected, he left Ammonihah
but was told to return to that city. There he converted Amulek and
his household, preached a major sermon on the holy order of God
(see Alma 12–13), yet continued to meet with considerable resistance
and imprisonment by the wicked. He and Amulek were eventually
delivered from prison, and Ammonihah was destroyed. The city of
Noah, not far from Ammonihah (see Alma 49:14–15), may have been
on the way to Sidom, where Alma baptized Zeezrom and many oth-
ers (see Alma 15:1), before returning to Zarahemla.
This map superimposes the travels of Alma on an area in southern
Mexico. John Sorenson has proposed geographical locations from
Nephite times that may correlate with Almas journeys. The main
purpose of this map, however, is to give only a general idea of the
directions and stops in some of Almas journeys.
John L. Sorenson, An Ancient American Setting for the Book of
Mormon (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1985),
Chart 157
Alma’s Journeys in the Land of Zarahemla
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 157
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 17–28
During their mission to the Lamanites, Ammon and his brethren
journeyed south from Zarahemla to the land of Nephi. Ammon
went to the land of Ishmael (see Alma 17:19), where he taught the
gospel to King Lamoni and his people. Aaron and his group went
to Ani-Anti and down to Middoni (see Alma 21:11–12), where
they were cast into prison. Alma and Lamoni later met them in
Middoni and delivered them from prison. Later, the people of
Ammon journeyed north from Lehi-Nephi to Jershon (see Alma
This map places the land of Nephi in highland Guatemala. The
place where Ammon and the others separated may be what is now
known as Los Encuentros, an ancient meeting point of paths run-
ning in four directions (and a highway junction today). The
ancient American city of Jerusalem was likely located near some
body of water, for Jerusalem was submerged at the time of Christ’s
crucifixion. Though not proven as of yet, the correlations between
certain archaeological ruins and Lamanite cities make this general
depiction attractive.
John L. Sorenson, An Ancient American Setting for the Book of
Mormon (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1985), 221–27.
Chart 158
From Nephi to Zarahemla:
The Missionary Journeys of Mosiah’s Sons
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 158
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Mormon 2–6; Ether 9–15
Though evidence from the Book of Mormon is not conclusive,
final battles of the Nephites and the Jaredites probably took place
not far north of the narrow neck of land. As shown, the Nephites
marched from Angola, through David, and eventually came to the
city of Joshua (see Mormon 2:4–6). Nephite defense lines lay in
Joshua for fourteen years; finally they collapsed, and Nephites
retreated across the narrow neck of land, fleeing to various sites
(see Mormon 2:16). The hill Ramah/Cumorah, upon which both
the Jaredites and Nephites fought their last battles (see Ether 15:11;
Mormon 6:4–6), is shown here on the northwestern edge of the
Tuxtla Mountains in Mexico, about ninety miles from a narrow
pass (see Mormon 3:5). Other Jaredite locations, including Omer’s
flight to Ramah (see Ether 9:3), are also shown here. Again, these
locations are plausible, but not definite.
John L. Sorenson, An Ancient American Setting for the Book of
Mormon (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1985), 335–43.
Chart 159
Plausible Locations of
the Final Battles
Key Scriptures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 159
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 22:27–33
Many accounts of significant lands and cities are given in the Book
of Mormon. The main passage mentions the land of Nephi bor-
dering on the seas, a narrow strip of wilderness, the land of
Zarahemla, and the headwaters of the river Sidon (see Alma
22:27). The land of first inheritance to the west (see Alma 22:28),
the land Bountiful to the north, and the land Desolation farther
north (see Alma 22:29) are also mentioned. The “land northward”
and the “land southward” were divided from each other by a nar-
row neck of land, whose width was a day and a halfs journey for
a Nephite” (see Alma 22:32). Mulek’s party first arrived in the land
north (see Helaman 6:10) and then moved south into the land of
Zarahemla (see Omni 1:16). This map plausibly positions these
and other Book of Mormon locations in the general
Mesoamerican arena.
John L. Sorenson, An Ancient American Setting for the Book of
Mormon (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1985), 35–37.
Chart 160
Plausible Locations in Mesoamerica
for Book of Mormon Places
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 160
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 22:27–33
Archaeological evidence has placed ancient American peoples such
as the Olmecs, Teotihuacans, Zapotecs, Mayans, and Chiapas in vari-
ous general locations in Mesoamerica. The Olmecs are thought to
have been contemporaries with the Jaredites, while the Chiapas may
possibly have been associated with some of the Nephite peoples.
Teotihuacan and Zapotec cultures are seen by John L. Sorenson as
survivors or splinter groups of the Jaredite civilization. The Teoti-
huacans are thought to have been in the land northward where some
Nephites resettled about 50
B.C. (see Helaman 3:11), and others in
that region may have allied themselves culturally and possibly mili-
tarily with the Lamanites near the end of Nephite times.
John L. Sorenson, An Ancient American Setting for the Book of
Mormon (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1985), inside
front cover.
Chart 161
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 161
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Alma 22:27–33
Shown here are various archaeological sites in Mesoamerica that may
correspond to Book of Mormon places. Tres Zapotes is close to
where the final Jaredite and Nephite battles are believed to have been
fought. Mirador and Ammonihah/Angola correlate culturally and
chronologically, as do Santa Rosa and Zarahemla. Kaminaljuyu, near
Guatemala city, was occupied at the time of the ancient city of Nephi.
Though definitive answers about Book of Mormon locations cannot
be directly confirmed, some correlations are vivid and significant.
John L. Sorenson, An Ancient American Setting for the Book of
Mormon (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1985), inside
back cover.
Chart 162
Archaeological Sites
in Mesoamerica
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 162
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Ether 10:23
Many Book of Mormon texts mention various metals. This chart
lists the types of metal that the Nephites, Lamanites, and/or
Jaredites knew from their scriptures or found in the Americas.
These references are grouped according to the use of the metal in
each case. Brass (especially in connection with the plates of brass)
is mentioned most often in religious contexts, while gold and silver
(often mentioned together) were used largely in commerce or for
Andrew Holdaway, student of John W. Welch, Book of Mormon
121H, Brigham Young University, fall 1997. See also John L.
Sorenson, “Metals and Metallurgy Relating to the Book of
Mormon Text” (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1992).
Chart 163
Metals in the Book of Mormon
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 163
Metals in the Book of Mormon
Use General Weapons Religious Currency or Ornamentation
Reference Artifacts Property or Riches
Gold 1 Nephi 18:25; 2 Nephi 12:20; 1 Nephi 2:4, 11; 1 Nephi 13:7–8;
and 2 Nephi 5:15; Helaman 6:31 3:16, 22, 24; Mosiah 11:8–9,
Silver 12:7; 23:17; Jarom 1:8; Mosiah 11; Alma 1:29;
Jacob 1:16; 2:12; 2:12; 4:19; 11:3; 17:14; 31:24, 28;
Helaman 6:11; 19:15; 22:12; Alma Helaman 7:21;
3 Nephi 24:3; 4:6; 11:3–19; 13:28; 3 Nephi
Ether 10:23 15:16; Helaman 27:32; Ether 10:12
6:9; 12:2; 3 Nephi
6:2; 4 Nephi 1:46;
Ether 9:17
Gold 2 Nephi 23:12 1 Nephi 4:9 Mosiah 8:9; 28:11 Mosiah 11:11;
Alma 31:28;
Ether 10:7
Silver Alma 11:22
Iron 2 Nephi 5:15; Jarom 1:8 1 Nephi 8:19–20, Mosiah 11:3 1 Nephi 20:4;
20:34; 3 Nephi 24, 30; 11:25; Mosiah 11:8
20:19; Ether 13:5; 15:23
Brass 3 Nephi 20:19; Jarom 1:8; 1 Nephi 3:3, 12, Mosiah 11:3 1 Nephi 20:4;
Ether 10:23 Mosiah 8:10 24; 4:16, 24, 38; Mosiah 11:8, 10
5:10, 14, 18–19;
13:23; 16:10;
19:21–22; 22:1, 30;
2 Nephi 4:2, 15;
5:12, 15; Omni
1:14; Mosiah 1:3,
16; 10:16; 28:11,
20; Alma 37:3;
3 Nephi 1:2;
Steel 2 Nephi 5:15 1 Nephi 4:9;
16:18; Ether
7:9; Jarom 1:8
Copper 1 Nephi 18:25; Jarom 1:8; Mosiah 11:3
2 Nephi 5:15; Mosiah 8:10
Ether 10:23
Ziff Mosiah 11:3 Mosiah 11:8
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 164
1 Nephi 8:11
This chart compares the number of times a particular color is
referred to in each of the standard works. References to particular
colors are most similar between the Old Testament and the Book
of Mormon, indirectly tying the Book of Mormon in yet another
way to the physical world and culture of the Old Testament. The
use of specific colors during ceremonies and rituals under the law
of Moses could be one reason for this positive correlation.
Work of a student of John W. Welch, Book of Mormon 121H,
Brigham Young University, fall 1997.
The Colors of the Scriptures
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 164
The Colors of the Scriptures
Color OT NT BM D&C PGP Total Notes or Variant Endings
Black 15 3 2 1 1 22
Black- 6 2 2 4 1 15 -ening, -er, -est, -ish, -ness, -ed
Brown 4 4 All refer to conflict between Jacob
and Laban
Red 46 6 13 3 68
Red- 7 7 -dish (Levitical), -ness
Scarlet 46 6 52 Mostly with reference to cloth,
Scarlets 2 2 Used with reference to cloth
Crimson 5 5
Yellow 4 4 Mostly Levitical
Green 37 4 1 1 43 Often linked with vegetation
Green- 3 3 -ish (Levitical), -ness
Blue 49 49 Mostly used with reference to cloth,
priesthood, temple
Blue- 1 1 -ness (medical, a bruise)
Purple 39 9 48 Mostly cloth, priesthood, temple,
kings; once the sea
Gray/Grey 6 1 7
Gray/Grey- 4 4 -headed, -hound
White 40 26 24 12 2 104
White- 2 2 4 1 1 10 -ed, -ness, -er
Gold 336 25 55 6 4 426 As a metal
Gold- 48 13 2 1 64 -en
Silver 264 18 47 4 2 335
Copper 1 8 1 10
Brass 107 6 37 4 2 156
Iron 83 7 15 3 1 109
Amber 3 1 4 D&C 11:2 reads “in color like
Emerald(s) 4 2 6
Rubies 6 6
Sapphire(s) 11 1 1 13
Blood 282 93 135 39 10 559 As in “moon became as blood”
(Revelation 6:12)
Bloody 15 1 1 17
Charts 1–10
The First Edition
of the Book of Mormon
Section 14
Charts 165–70
First Edition
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 165
This photocopy of the title page of the original 1830 edition of the
Book of Mormon gives modern readers an idea of how the book
first appeared when it was published in Palmyra, New York. The
first title page differs from the title page of the current (1981) edi-
tion, the most obvious difference being that Joseph Smith is listed
as the author and proprietor” of the Book of Mormon. As the
copyright page explains (see chart 167), he named himself the
author and proprietor” consistent with federal law only to secure
a copyright for the Book of Mormon, thus making illegal any
alteration of text by those who do not hold the copyright.
Joseph Smith Jr., title page of the Book of Mormon, 1830 edition
(Palmyra, N.Y.: E. B. Grandin, 1830); and Miriam A. Smith and
John W. Welch, “Joseph Smith: Author and Proprietor, in
Reexploring the Book of Mormon, ed. John W. Welch (Salt Lake
City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1992), 154–57.
The Original Book of Mormon
Title Page
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 165
First Edition
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 166
Written by the Prophet Joseph Smith, the preface to the 1830 edi-
tion of the Book of Mormon is not included in the current edi-
tion, for the preface already served its purpose. At the time he
wrote it, Joseph needed to explain the 116 lost manuscript pages
and why the book of Lehi was not retranslated. This preface also
served to dissuade enemies of the Book of Mormon from their evil
designs. Most important, the preface contains Joseph Smiths per-
sonal attestation that he translated the book “by the gift and power
of God.
Joseph Smith Jr., preface to the Book of Mormon, 1830 edition
(Palmyra, N.Y.: E. B. Grandin, 1830).
Preface to the Book of Mormon
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 166
First Edition
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 167
This chart shows the copyright page of the 1830 edition of the
Book of Mormon. It is of historical interest and is not included in
the 1981 edition. As this photocopy shows, the copyright was
secured on 11 June 1829. The copyright application used the lan-
guage of the title page as the book’s description. At the bottom of
this page, the text of the federal copyright statute appears, author-
izing authors and proprietors” to secure copyrights for books. To
protect the integrity of this sacred scripture, the Prophet Joseph
Smith took all available steps to ensure its safety.
Joseph Smith Jr., copyright page of the Book of Mormon, 1830
edition (Palmyra, N.Y.: E. B. Grandin, 1830).
Copyright Page of the Book of Mormon
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 167
First Edition
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 168
The Testimony of Three Witnesses in the 1830 edition of the Book
of Mormon was originally included at the end of the book, as a
final seal of its veracity. These witnesses—Oliver Cowdery, David
Whitmer, and Martin Harris—testified that they had heard God’s
voice declare that the book had been translated by the gift and
power of God, and also that they had seen the engravings on the
plates, shown to them by an angel of God. Ancient documents
often needed the signatures of witnesses in order to be considered
authentic or legally binding. By providing the testimonies of wit-
nesses and including them at the end of the Book of Mormon,
Joseph Smith was following not only the ancient pattern called for
by Nephi, but also the guidance and inspiration of the Lord.
Joseph Smith Jr., appendix to the Book of Mormon, 1830 edition
(Palmyra, N.Y.: E. B. Grandin, 1830).
Testimony of the Three Witnesses
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 168
First Edition
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 169
This chart is a photocopy of the first printed Testimony of the Eight
Witnesses. The punctuation and spelling are slightly different from
that of the 1981 edition, although the words themselves remain un-
changed. As was true for the Testimony of Three Witnesses, these
names were included at the end of the Book of Mormon to place
this seal of testimony upon the published record. The Eight Wit-
nesses were shown the plates by Joseph Smith. They handled the
plates and saw the engravings. Despite hardships and difficulties,
the Book of Mormon witnesses remained true to their testimonies
of this book throughout their lives.
Joseph Smith Jr., appendix to the Book of Mormon, 1830 edition
(Palmyra, N.Y.: E. B. Grandin, 1830).
Testimony of the Eight Witnesses
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 169
First Edition
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 170
The differences in the chapter divisions between the first edition of
the Book of Mormon and the 1981 edition are listed in this four-
page chart. Chapters in the 1830 edition were longer, in part be-
cause the Book of Mormon was printed in narrative rather than
verse form—what we would expect from a historical record. The
text was first arranged into its present verses in the 1879 edition to
facilitate the location of particular passages. Modern readers may
be interested to see how the sections of the Book of Mormon were
divided in the 1830 edition, which are divided along broad con-
ceptual lines. For example, all of Jacobs speech in Jacob 2–3 and
all of Almas blessing to his son Corianton in Alma 39–42 were
single chapters.
Comparison of Chapter Divisions:
1830 and 1981 Editions
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 170
Comparison of Chapter Divisions
1830 and 1981 Editions
1830 Edition 1981 Edition
Chapters Pages Chapters Pages
I 5–16 1–5 1–11
II 16–21 6–9 11–17
III 21–35 10–14 17–30
IV 35–38 15 30–33
V 38–52 16:1–19:21 33–46
VI 52–56 19:22–21:26 46–50
VII 56–59 22 50–53
I 59–66 1–2 53–60
II 66–68 3 60–62
III 68–71 4 62–65
IV 71–73 5 65–67
V 74–78 6–8 67–72
VI 78–83 9 72–77
VII 83–85 10 78–80
VIII 86–91 11–15 80–86
IX 91–99 16–22 86–93
X 99–102 23–24 94–96
XI 102–112 25–27 96–106
XII 112–118 28–30 106–112
XIII 118–120 31 112–115
XIV 120–121 32 115–116
XV 121–122 33 116–117
I 123–124 1 117–119
II 124–129 2–3 119–123
III 129–139 4–5 123–132
IV 139–140 6 132–133
V 140–143 7 133–135
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 170
1830 Edition 1981 Edition
Chapters Pages Chapters Pages
I 143–145 1 136–138
I 146–147 1 138–140
I 148–151 1 140–143
I 151–153 1 143–145
I 153–162 1–3 145–154
II 162–165 4 154–157
III 166–167 5 157–159
IV 167–168 6 159
V 168–173 7–8 159–164
VI 173–177 9–10 164–167
VII 177–184 11:1–13:24 167–173
VIII 184–189 13:25–16:15 173–179
IX 190–201 17–21 179–189
X 201–202 22 189–190
XI 202–215 23–27 190–202
XII 215–216 28:1–19 202–203
XIII 217–221 28:20–29:47 203–207
I 221–230 1–3 207–215
II 230–232 4 215–217
III 232–238 5 217–223
IV 238–239 6 223
V 239–242 7 223–226
VI 242–245 8 226–228
VII 245–248 9 228–231
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 170
1830 Edition 1981 Edition
Chapters Pages Chapters Pages
VIII 248–254 10–11 231–237
IX 254–259 12:1–13:9 237–242
X 259–266 13:10–15:19 242–248
XI 266–268 16 248–250
XII 269–282 17–20 250–261
XIII 282–289 21–22 261–266
XIV 289–299 23–26 266–275
XV 299–304 27–29 275–280
XVI 304–323 30–35 280–297
XVII 323–330 36–37 297–304
XVIII 330–332 38 304–305
XIX 332–340 39–42 305–313
XX 340–347 43–44 313–320
XXI 348–362 45–49 320–332
XXII 362–366 50 333–336
XXIII 366–370 51 336–339
XXIV 370–377 52–53 339–344
XXV 377–381 54–55 344–348
XXVI 382–393 56–58 348–357
XXVII 393–398 59–60 357–361
XXVIII 398–400 61 361–362
XXIX 400–405 62 363–366
XXX 405–407 63 366–368
I 407–411 1–2 368–372
II 412–426 3–6 372–384
III 426–436 7–10 384–392
IV 436–441 11–12 392–397
V 441–451 13–16 397–406
I 452–456 1–2 406–410
II 457–465 3–5 410–417
III 465–470 6–7 417–422
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
1830 Edition 1981 Edition
Chapters Pages Chapters Pages
IV 470–476 8–10 422–427
V 476–483 11–13:24 427–434
VI 483–485 13:25–14:27 434–435
VII 485–488 15–16 435–440
VIII 488–493 17–18 440–444
IX 493–500 19:1–21:21 444–452
X 501–503 21:22–23:13 452–454
XI 503–505 23:14–26:5 454–457
XII 506–508 26:6–27:22 457–460
XIII 509–513 27:23–29:9 460–464
XIV 513–514 30 464
I 514–518 1 465–468
I 518–524 1–3 469–474
II 524–528 4–5 474–478
III 529–531 6–7 478–481
IV 531–538 8–9 481–487
I 538–547 1–4 487–496
II 547–548 5 496
III 548–555 6–8 496–502
IV 555–562 9–11 502–508
V 562–566 12 508–512
VI 566–573 13–15 512–518
I 574 1 518
II 574 2 518–519
III 575 3 519
IV 575 4 519
V 575–576 5 519–520
VI 576 6 520
VII 577–580 7 521–525
VIII 581–583 8 525–527
IX 583–585 9 527–529
X 585–588 10 529–531
Chart 170
Charts 1–10
Section 15
Charts 171–77
of the Book of Mormon
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
2 Nephi 26:33; 33:10; Mosiah 4:10; 3 Nephi 27:20; Moroni 7:13;
10:4, 32
The Book of Mormon is a very inviting book. The following charts
present only a few of the verses in the Book of Mormon that invite
all people everywhere to come unto Christ (see 2 Nephi 26:33), to
believe in him and his words (see 2 Nephi 33:10), to forsake sin
and be forgiven by the Lord Omnipotent (see Mosiah 4:10), to
become sanctified and spotless before God (see 3 Nephi 27:20), to
do good and to love God and serve him (see Moroni 7:13), to ask
God for a witness of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon (see
Moroni 10:4), and to become perfected in him (see Moroni 10:32).
These heartfelt invitations, universally extended by Nephi, Benjamin,
Mormon, Moroni, and Jesus Christ himself, consistently greet all
people with open arms, inviting them to come and partake of the
fulness of God’s joy. Through invitations such as these, readers
everywhere feel included in God’s saving love. They accept these
invitations in faith by forsaking their sins, being baptized, and
going forth to do good under the Lord’s inspired direction.
Charts 171–175
Key Scriptures
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 171
[The Lord] doeth nothing save it be
plain unto the children of men; and
he inviteth them all to come unto
him and partake of his goodness;
and he denieth none that come
unto him, black and white, bond
and free, male and female; and he
remembereth the heathen; and all
are alike unto God, both Jew and
—2 Nephi 26:33
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Hearken unto these words and
believe in Christ; and if ye believe
not in these words believe in Christ.
And if ye shall believe in Christ ye
will believe in these words, for they
are the words of Christ.
—2 Nephi 33:10
Chart 172
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 173
Believe in God; believe that he is, and
that he created all things, both in heaven
and in earth; believe that he has all
wisdom, and all power, both in heaven
and in earth; believe that man doth not
comprehend all the things which the
Lord can comprehend. And again, be-
lieve that ye must repent of your sins
and forsake them, and humble your-
selves before God; and ask in sincerity
of heart that he would forgive you; and
now, if you believe all these things see
that ye do them.
Mosiah 4:9–10
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Repent, all ye ends of the earth,
and come unto me and be bap-
tized in my name, that ye may
be sanctified by the reception of
the Holy Ghost, that ye may
stand spotless before me at the
last day.
—3 Nephi 27:20
Chart 174
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 175
Behold, that which is of God
inviteth and enticeth to do
good continually; wherefore,
every thing which inviteth and
enticeth to do good, and to love
God, and to serve him, is
inspired of God.
—Moroni 7:13
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Moroni 10:4
Moroni was the last to write on the plates of Mormon. He sealed
the record with his testimony and called upon God as his primary
witness of the truth of the records he was sealing up. He exhorted
his brethren, the Lamanites (see Moroni 10:1–23). He admonished
readers to ponder the words of the Book of Mormon in their hearts
(see Moroni 10:3) and then to ask God with real intent, having
faith in Christ, “if these things are not true. He testified that God
will manifest the truth of the Book of Mormon by the power of
the Holy Ghost and that “by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may
know the truth of all things” (see Moroni 10:4–5).
Chart 176
Moroni’s Promise
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 176
And when ye shall receive these
things, I would exhort you that ye
would ask God, the Eternal Father,
in the name of Christ, if these things
are not true; and if ye shall ask with
a sincere heart, with real intent,
having faith in Christ, he will mani-
fest the truth of it unto you, by the
power of the Holy Ghost.
—Moroni 10:4
Key Scripture
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Moroni 10:32
Moroni concluded his record by addressing all the ends of the
earth (see Moroni 10:24–34). He invited all to come unto Christ,
to lay hold upon every good gift, to avoid all ungodliness, and to
love God. Thus, through the grace of God, all may become “per-
fected, or complete, in Christ. The structure of this passage shows
that becoming perfected in Christ calls for a double emphasis on
shunning evil, together with a double measure of the grace of God.
Chart 177
Moroni’s Invitation
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Chart 177
Come unto Christ,
and be perfected in him,
and deny yourselves of all ungodliness;
and if ye shall deny yourselves of all
and love God with all your might,
mind and strength,
then is his grace sufficient for you,
that by his grace
ye may be perfect
in Christ
—Moroni 10:32
Scripture Index
Book of Mormon
1 Nephi
1–Enos, chart 53
1–Omni, chart 26
1:4, charts 134–35
1:8, chart 103
1:9, chart 41
2:11–12, chart 77
4, chart 115
4:2, chart 94
4:9, chart 139
5:11–14, chart 14
8, charts 67, 92, 95
8:11, chart 164
11–14, charts 92, 99
11–15, charts 67, 80
11:31–33, chart 43
16:7, chart 108
17–18, charts 93, 148
19:9–10, chart 43
2 Nephi
1:1–4:11, chart 19
5:10, chart 119
5:33, chart 40
9, charts 66, 68, 76, 120
9:4–15, chart 43
10:3, chart 45
12–24, chart 98
25, chart 84
25:12–13, chart 43
25:25, chart 114
26:2, chart 142
26:32, chart 127
26:33, chart 171
27, chart 118
27:7–15, chart 117
28:3–30, chart 79
31, chart 56
31:17–32:5, chart 67
33:10, chart 172
1:13, chart 116
2:31–35, chart 108
5, charts 81–83, 95
7, chart 122
1, chart 153
1–Alma 27, chart 27
1:9, chart 18
1:12–25, chart 32
Words of Mormon
1, chart 20
1:3–11, chart 13
1:5, chart 25
1:9, charts 22–23
1:10–18, chart 32
1–5, charts 85, 125
1–6, charts 100–102
1–22, chart 32
2–5, charts 69, 86–91
2–Alma 42, chart 54
2:13, chart 127
3:5–10, chart 43
3:5–27, charts 44, 46–47
3:8, chart 105
3:18, chart 104
3:18–19, chart 130
4:10, chart 173
5, chart 58
5:10–12, chart 131
6:6, chart 119
7, chart 152
7–8, chart 153
7–22, chart 154
9, chart 152
9–24, chart 29
11–17, chart 124
12–17, chart 123
15–16, chart 70
15:5–9, 20, chart 43
16:10, chart 43
17–Mormon 1, chart 28
18, charts 58, 152
18:7–10, chart 59
22, chart 152
23–24, chart 155
24, charts 152–53
26:20–28, chart 71
27, charts 106–7
29–3 Nephi 7:14, chart 33
29:25–29, chart 121
29:42–Alma 4:20, chart 34
1, chart 122
1–Helaman 3, chart 145
1:32, chart 127
2, chart 156
4:20–50:37, chart 36
5, charts 60, 61, 72, 95
5–16, chart 157
5–45, chart 35
5:6–15, chart 62
5:15–24, chart 63
5:26–46, chart 64
5:53–59, chart 65
7, chart 60
8:17, chart 119
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
9–16, chart 126
11:1–19, charts 110, 112–13
11:19, chart 111
11:39–41, chart 43
12, chart 76
12–13, chart 60
12:31–37, chart 73
13:20, chart 123
16:18, chart 127
17, chart 153
17–22, chart 32
17–23, chart 109
17–28, charts 30, 158
22:27–33, charts 149–51,
23:3, chart 127
27, chart 153
30, charts 78, 122
30:3, chart 119
30:10, chart 127
32, chart 95
32–33, chart 60
33:22, charts 42–43
36, charts 106–7, 132
36:22, chart 103
37:13, chart 144
38, charts 106–7
36–42, chart 60
40, chart 76
41:3–8, chart 74
43, chart 140
43–62, charts 136–37, 141
50:40–Helaman 1:2, chart 37
58:40, chart 119
2:1–3:37, chart 38
3–16, chart 146
3:13, chart 135
3:14, chart 127
3:20, chart 119
3:37–5:1, chart 39
4:12, chart 127
5–6, chart 153
5–Moroni 10, chart 55
5:1, chart 39
5:9, chart 104
6:7–13, chart 133
6:23, chart 127
7:21, chart 127
12, chart 20
14, chart 48
14–3 Nephi 9, chart 51
14:12, chart 105
15:5, chart 119
3 Nephi
1–8, chart 147
5:8, chart 24
8–9, chart 49
11, chart 56
11:8–10, 14–15, chart 52
16, chart 50
18, chart 58
20–22, chart 50
20:26, chart 57
23:1, charts 96–97
24–25, chart 50
27, chart 56
27:20, chart 174
4 Nephi
1:36–38, chart 116
1:1–7:10, chart 20
1:8, chart 116
2–6, chart 159
6, chart 138
8–9, chart 21
8:23, chart 97
9:1–14, chart 43
9:30–37, charts 16–17
1, chart 31
1:1–5, chart 15
3–5, chart 118
3:9, 15–17, chart 52
7–15, chart 31
8:16, chart 127
9–15, chart 159
10:23, chart 163
12, chart 21
15, chart 138
4–5, chart 58
7–9, chart 20
7:5–20, chart 75
7:13, chart 175
10, chart 21
10:3–5, charts 7–8
10:4, chart 176
10:32, chart 177
Doctrine and Covenants
63:17–18, chart 76
76, chart 76
76:23, chart 52
88:96–103, chart 76
110:1–4, chart 52
130:22, chart 52
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith—History
1:17, chart 52
1:59–65, chart 9
1:66–67, chart 10
1–2, chart 93
6–9, chart 93
49, chart 116
19:3–8, chart 101
20–23, chart 127
20–24, chart 101
20:16, chart 123
22:28, chart 123
24, chart 93
31, chart 93
39–40, chart 93
24:13–23, chart 128
24:16, chart 123
1–31, chart 101
18:18–22, chart 123
18, chart 93
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
24, chart 101
2 Samuel
20, chart 115
1 Kings
1:34, 39, chart 85
2:3, chart 119
2 Kings
11:12, 14, 17, chart 85
23:3, chart 85
24, chart 115
2 Chronicles
6:13, chart 85
32:10–14, chart 117
13:13–18, chart 129
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Abinadi, 70, 123–24
Alma, flashbacks in book of, 30
Alma 5, fifty questions of, 61–65
and doctrine of Two Ways, 71
escape of, 155
flashback to, 29
life spans of descendants of, 28
as chief judge, 34–35
conversion of, 106–7
and doctrine of Two Ways, 72–74
fifty questions posed by, 61–65
as high priest, 35
missionary journeys of, 157
quoting Lehi, 103
speeches of, 60
and tree of righteousness, 95
Amlicites, war of, with Nephites, 156
Ammon, flashback of, 30
angel of the Lord, 41
angel Moroni, 9, 11
Anthon, Charles, 9
antion, 111
apostate cities, law of, 126
apostles and prophets, as foundation of LDS
religion, 2
archetypes, biblical, 93
armor, European compared to Mayan, 140
Aston, Warren and Michaela, 148
baptism, at waters of Mormon, 59
belief, fostered by rational argument, 8
See also Benjamins speech
coronation of Mosiah
by, 85
covenant ceremonies of, 101
and doctrine of Two Ways, 69
and law of the king, 125
quoted by Helaman, 104
quoted by Samuel the Lamanite, 105
on service, 86
Benjamins speech
as ancient farewell address, 102
chiasmus in, 130–31
overview of, 87
themes of, related to Israelite holy days, 88–90
themes of, related to sabbatical and jubilee
years, 91
treaty-covenant pattern in, 100
Bible, chiasmus in, 128–29.
See also chiasmus
Book of Mormon
average number of pages covering one
Nephite year in, 23–24
books of, listed chronologically, 25
chapter divisions of, 170
chiasmus in, 130–33
chronology of, 26–40
colors in, 164
coming forth of, 1–12
comparative studies of, 92–109
copyright page of, 167
correctness of, 1
covenant language of, 58
cycles in, 144–47
doctrines of, 53–55
as evidence that Joseph Smith was a prophet, 3
faith in, fostered by rational argument, 8
first edition of, 165–70
geographical names in, 150–51
geography of, 148–64
gospel in, 56
historical sites related to coming forth of, 11–12
Holy Ghost as witness of truth of, 7
invitations of, 171–77
Isaiah passages in, 96–98
“it came to pass in, 134–35
Subject Index
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
journeys in, 152–53, 157–58
as keystone of LDS religion, 1–2
law in, 114–27
lawsuits in, 121
lengths of books of, 22, 24
as lineage history, 16–17
longevity of people of, 26–28
lost 116 pages of, 9, 19
messages of, 80–91
metals in, 163
missionary work in, 109
money in, 110–13
persons quoted in, 18
plates and records of, 13
preface to, 166
printing of, 10
record keepers of, 16–17
scholarly evidence of, as secondary, 7
setting of, compared to Mesoamerica, 160
structure of, 13–25.
See also structure, of
Book of Mormon
teachings of, 53–79. See also teachings, of
Book of Mormon
title page of, 165
translation of, 4–5, 9–10
trees in, 95
Two Ways evident in, 66
war in, 136–43
women in, 108
word studies of, 128–35
Bountiful, land of, 148
brother of Jared, 15
chapter divisions, of Book of Mormon, 170
chiasmus, 128–33
chief judge
as, 34–35
Helaman as, 38
as, 39
Nephihah as, 36
overview of rulers serving as, 33
Pahoran as, 37
of books of Book of Mormon, 25
flashbacks, 29–30
of judges, 33–39
of kings, 31
life spans of lineages, 26–28
of Nephite and Mesoamerican history, 40
Clark, John (archaeologist), 149
Colesville, New York, 12
colors, in scripture, 164
comparative studies, of Book of Mormon
Almas conversion, 106–7
biblical archetypes, 93
covenant ceremonies, 101
exodus, 94
farewell addresses, 102
Isaiah passages, 96–98
missionary work, 109
Nephite prophetic view, 99
quotations, 103–5
treaty-covenant pattern, 100
tree of life vision, 92
trees, 95
women, 108
conversion, personal, 62, 64
copyright page, of Book of Mormon, 167
covenant, 57
covenant language, of Book of Mormon, 58
Cowdery, Oliver, 5, 9–10, 168
See Hill Cumorah; hill Ramah/Cumorah
currency, Nephite, 110–12
cycles of righteousness, Nephite, 144–47
declaration of faith, Nephite, 42–43
devil, ways of, 79
distances, indicated by journeys, 152
doctrines, of Book of Mormon, 53–55
documents, doubled and sealed, 117–18
dualism. See Two Ways
Egyptian hieroglyphs, 113
Eight Witnesses, 169
Ether, writings of, 15
exodus, Lehite and Israelite, compared, 94
faith, encouraged by research, 8
farewell addresses, 102
Farrer, Austin, 8
Fayette, New York, 12
fifty questions, of Alma 5, 61–65
flashbacks, 29–30
fortifications, 142–43
geographical names, of Book of Mormon, 150–51
geography, of Book of Mormon
colors, 164
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
compared to Mesoamerica, 160–63
essential features of, 148–49
final battles of Nephites and Jaredites, 159
geographical names, 150–51
journeys, 152–53
land of Nephi, 154
metals, 163
Zarahemla, 155–58
gold plates, 6, 12
gospel, in Book of Mormon, 56
grain measurement, Egyptian hieroglyphs for, 113
Grandin, E. B., 10–11
Harmony, Pennsylvania, 10, 12
Harris, Martin
loses 116 pages, 9, 19
mortgages farm, 11
as one of Three Witnesses, 168
role of, in translation of Book of Mormon,
Helaman, 38, 104
high priest, Alma
as, 35
Hill Cumorah (near Palmyra, New York), 11
hill Ramah/Cumorah (scene of final Jaredite
battle), 138, 159
Hilton, John L. (statistician), 135
historical sites, related to Book of Mormon, 11–12
history, Nephite and Mesoamerican, compared, 40
Holy Ghost, 7
invitations, of Book of Mormon, 171–75
five keys to understanding, 84
quotations of, in Book of Mormon, 96–98
understanding of, helped by Nephite
prophetic view, 99
“it came to pass, use of phrase, 134
Izapans, compared to Nephites, 40
Jacob, 19, 68, 120
Jaredite plates, twenty-four, 15
in book of Ether, 15
compared to Olmecs, 40
final battle of, 138, 159
kings of, 31
Jehoiakim, 115
Jesus Christ
appearances of, 41
body of, 52
as chief cornerstone, 2
death of, 49
names and concepts associated with, 45
names used for, 44, 46–47
prophecies about, by Samuel the Lamanite, 48
Old Testament quoted by, 50
role of, in Nephite declaration of faith, 42
second coming of, 51
visitation of, to Americas, 51
Jews, 14
journeys, 152–53, 158
judges, reign of, 33–39, 145–46
judgment day, 63
keys, to understanding Isaiah, 84
keystone, Book of Mormon as, of LDS religion, 1–2
kings, in Book of Mormon, 31–32
Korihor, 78, 122
Kurz, William S., 102
Laban, 115, 139
Laman, 77
Lamanites, kings of, 32
Lamoni, people of, 30
Abinadi, legal charges against, 123–24
of apostate cities, 126
biblical, 114
documents, doubled and sealed, 117–18
Hebrew words for, 119
Israelite, on death of one, 115
Jacobs ten woes, 120
of the king, 125
lawsuits, 121
lists, Nephite, 127
trials of three diverse opponents, 122
tribes, 116
Law (Pentateuch), 14
lawsuits, 121
legal traditions, related to biblical law, 114
See also tree of life
and doctrine of Two Ways, 67
exodus of, 94
genealogy of, given on plates of brass, 14
life spans of descendants of, 26
posterity of, organized into tribes, 116
quoted by Alma, 103
writings of, 19
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Lehi, Book of, 9, 19
Lemuel, 77
life and death, ways of. See Two Ways
life spans, of Book of Mormon people, 26–28
Limhi, people of, 155
limnah, 112
lineage, of Jaredite kings, 31
lineage history, Book of Mormon as, 16–17
longevity, of Book of Mormon people, 26–28
lost 116 pages, of Book of Mormon. See Lehi,
Book of
Manchester, New York, 11–12
Mesoamerica, 40, 143, 160–62
metals, 163
missionary work, 109
money, 110–13
Mormon, 20, 75
Moroni, 15, 21, 176
Mosiah, flashbacks in book of, 29
, life spans of descendants of, 27
coronation of, 85
covenant ceremonies of, 101
monetary system of, 110–12
sons of, 158
as translator of twenty-four Jaredite plates, 15
Nehor, 122
city of, 153
land of, 154
See also plates of Nephi; tree of life
account of building ship, 93
and doctrine of Two Ways, 67
and killing of Laban, 115
summary of plates of brass written by, 14
quoting Lehi, 19
on ways of the devil, 79
, as chief judge, 39
Nephihah, as chief judge, 36
compared to Izapans, 40
currency of, 110–12
cycles of righteousness of, 144–47
final battle of, 138, 159
fortifications of, 142
judges, 33–39
kings, 32
lands of, destroyed at Christs death, 49
prophetic view, 99
three opponents of, 122
visit of Jesus Christ to, 51
wars of, 137, 141, 156
Old Testament, 50, 101, 164
olive tree, allegory of, 81–83, 95
Olmecs, compared to Jaredites, 40
onti, 112
original manuscript, of Book of Mormon, 13
Pahoran, as chief judge, 37
Palmyra, New York, 9, 11
Pentecost, Abinadi prophesies on, 124
plates of brass, 13–14
plates of Nephi
large, 13, 54
small, 13, 19, 53
printer’s manuscript, of Book of Mormon, 13
prophetic view, Nephite, 99
prophets and apostles, as foundation of LDS
religion, 2
rational argument, fosters belief, 8
record keepers, of Book of Mormon, 16–17
repentance, 65
research, fosters belief, 8
Roberts, B. H., 7
Samuel the Lamanite, 48, 105
sealing, of documents, 117–18
second coming, of Jesus Christ, 51
service, King Benjamins teachings on, 86
Sheba, 115
Sherem, 122
Smith, Emma, 4–6
Smith, Joseph
on correctness of Book of Mormon, 1
proved a true prophet by Book of Mormon, 3
received gold plates, 11
and translation of Book of Mormon, 9–10
as translator of Book of Mormon, 4–5
Sorenson, John L. (archaeologist), 40, 141, 152
South Bainbridge, New York, 12
structure, of Book of Mormon
books, listed chronologically, 25
coverage, extent of, 22–24
Ether, book of, 15
Charting the Book of Mormon, © 1999 Welch, Welch, FARMS
Lehi, writings of, 19
Mormon, writings of, 20
Moroni, writings of, 21
persons quoted, 18
plates and records, 13
plates of brass, 14
record keepers, 16–17
sword of Laban, 139
teachings, of Book of Mormon
from Alma, 60–65, 72–74
on baptism, 59
on covenant, 57–58
on devil, ways of, 79
on doctrine, 53–55
on gospel, 56
Korihor, as anti-Christ, 78
Laman and Lemuel, murmuring of, 77
on life and death, ways of, 66–76
Teotihuacans, as possible remnant of Jaredites, 40
Three Witnesses, 168
title page, of Book of Mormon, 165
translation, of Book of Mormon, 4–5, 9–10
treaty-covenant pattern, 100
tree of life
and doctrine of Two Ways, 67
and individual salvation, 95
Lehi’s dream compared to Nephi’s vision, 92
Nephi’s interpretation of, 80
tree of righteousness, 95
tribes, Lehi’s posterity organized in, 116
Two Ways
Abinadi’s explanation of, 70
s explanation of, 71
s explanation of, 72–74
Benjamins explanation of, 69
Jacobs explanation of, 68
Lehi’s and Nephi’s explanations of, 67
Mormons explanation of, 75
overview of, 66, 76
armor, 140
final battles of Nephites and Jaredites, 138
fortifications, 142–43
involving Nephites, 137
periods of, 136
seasonality of, 141
weapons, 139
waters of Mormon, baptism at, 59
weapons, 139
Whitmer, David, 9, 168
woes, of Jacob, 120
women, in Book of Mormon, 108
word studies
chiasmus, 128–33
“it came to pass, 134
wordprint analysis, 135
Zarahemla, city of, 153, 156
Zeniff, flashback to, 29
Zenos, and allegory of olive tree, 81–83, 95