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Blackboard’s Inline Grading for Blackboard Assignments
(Excerpted from Blackboard Online Help)
When you create an assignment, a column is added automatically to the Grade Center. An
assignment that has been submitted, but not graded, is indicated with an exclamation markthe
needs grading icon.
You can access assignments that have been submitted by students and need grading from the:
Needs Grading page
Full Grade Center
Depending on your grading style, you can access and grade one assignment attempt, view all the
submissions for one assignment, or view all the assignments with submissions that need grading.
Inline Grading means you can open a submitted assignment, mark it up, add comments, and
annotate the document – all within Blackboard. You no longer have to download the document
and open it in Microsoft Word to mark it up.
Inline Assignment Grading and New Box View
The Blackboard Assignment tool has an online document viewer and annotation feature that uses
a third party technology licensed by Blackboard, formerly known as Crocodoc. Crocodoc was
acquired by Box in Fall 2017 and Blackboard has been updated to the new Box View.
Student file submissions are stored in University of Hartford’s Blackboard Learn instance as
always. No personally identifiable data about students is sent to Box. Blackboard Learn retrieves
a document ID from Box and assigns it to the document. That mapping of Document ID to user,
course, assignment, and attempt is tracked locally in Learn. None of that data is available to Box.
All that is transmitted to Box is the file for conversion. The converted file is stored in the Box
service, as are any annotations made on the converted file.
The New Box view offers a few improvements over Crocodoc, including improved rendering
and expanded support of new file types. The New Box view provides a simple and convenient
way to annotate student submissions. Prior student work that had been graded and annotated
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within Crocodoc has been migrated to the New Box view and instructors and students will be
able to continue to view those documents.
Screen Comparison: Crocodoc (left) vs. new Box View (right)
How to Access Submitted Assignments from the Grade Center
The Grade Center shows all gradable items. The number of items may influence how you
organize your time for grading tasks. You may also find it beneficial to view a student's
previously graded assignments while grading.
To grade a single assignment attempt:
1. Go to the Grade Center.
2. Locate the cell for a student's assignment
containing an exclamation mark.
3. Access the cell's contextual menu and select
4. The Grade Assignment page appears.
To grade all submissions for an
1. Access the assignment column's contextual menu.
2. Select Grade Attempts.
3. The Grade Assignment page appears.
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About the Grade Assignment Page
You access the Grade Assignment page from the Needs Grading page or the Full Grade
Center. You can navigate among users and attempts, view rubrics, grade anonymously, and
view information about an assignment.
Assignment submissions created with the content editor are not compatible with inline grading.
Submissions of this type show in the window, but annotation is not available.
Annotations in New Box View
Reviewing and Grading Tools
A. Draw directly on the document
B. Review and comment directly in the document.
C. Print the document.
D. Download the document.
E. Grade the submission from the inline grading sidebar. From here you can view the
assignment details, the grading rubric and each attempt. You can type an overall grade
and grades for each attempt as well as provide feedback to your students without leaving
the page.
F. On the action bar, you can:
Click Hide User Names to grade attempts anonymously. Click Show User Names
to display user information.
Click Jump to and select another attempt to view or grade.
Navigate among available attempts.
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How to Use the Annotation Tools
Drawing Tool
Click the Pencil icon in the viewer toolbar, then press down and draw on the document. Click
Done when finished.
Comment Tool
Click on the Comment button in the viewer toolbar, then click anywhere within the document to
place the comment. Type your comment into the box, then click submit.
Adding Comments to the Document in the New Box View
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To delete the comment, click on the chat bubble within the document again, then click the
trashcan icon to remove it. Then click Delete.
Inline Grading Panel
The inline grading sidebar gives you all of the tools you need to grade the assignment inline.
The Inline Panel The Inline Panel Expanded (F)
A. Expand assignment details to show the information from the assignment content item.
B. Collapse or expand the grading sidebar for more screen real estate.
C. Select additional attempts from a drop-down list. Click the attempt to load the submission
in the inline viewer and update the sidebar with the appropriate attempt-related data.
D. Type a grade for the attempt.
E. Download the originally submitted file. If more than one file was submitted for the
attempt, all files are available here.
F. Expand the Inline Panel to view the rubric and comments fields.
o Use the grading rubric associated with the assignment.
o Add private notes, not visible to the student as feedback.
o Type feedback the student can see and attach files. You can expand the feedback
field to take advantage of the full content editor features.
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Supported Formats
PDF, PPT, PPTX, DOC, and DOCX are the best formats
for students to submit and are also supported by the
SafeAssign tool.
New Box View only supports annotations on these file
formats: AI, BMP, DCM, EPS, GIF, PNG, PS, PSD,
The converted document is displayed in the New Box
viewer on the Grade Assignment page. Formatting and
embedded images of the original document are preserved
in the conversion.
The viewer is supported on current versions of Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Internet Explorer.
No plug-in or other application is necessary, though some users have reported issues in Safari or
Internet Explorer. If you are experiencing issues, try switching browsers.
Users may experience a delay in the processing of their file (usually a few seconds). Depending
on their browser, the viewer pane may or may not refresh automatically. If it does not, use your
browser’s refresh button to refresh the screen.
If a student has uploaded a file that is not in a format supported by the inline viewer, you are
prompted to download the file in question. You will not see the inline viewer.
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Getting Help with Technology at the University of Hartford
Faculty Center for Learning Development (FCLD)
FCLD provides consulting and instructional support to faculty and staff who are using
technology in teaching and learning. The FCLD Faculty Lab in Mortensen 203a is available for
faculty support and use and is equipped with instructional technology- related equipment
including: PCs, Macs, scanners, and projectors as well as support staff. Faculty and Staff
needing support with Blackboard or other instructional technologies, should contact FCLD.
Phone: (860) 768-4661 Email: [email protected]
Student Blackboard Support
The following is student support for Blackboard only. All other support technical support issues
need to be addressed to the Office of Technology Services (below).
Phone: (860) 768-4636 Email: [email protected]
FAQ/Submit a Ticket:
Office of Technology Services (OTS) Help Desk
For general computer and Internet/network support questions (not directly related to the
classroom but rather passwords, Internet/email problems, Banner/Self-Service, campus
Phone: (860) 768-4357 (on campus) or (844) 292-3213 (off campus)
Email: [email protected] Website:
Media Technology Services (MTS)
Faculty should contact MTS for assistance scheduling or implementing classroom technology (2-
Way interactive video classrooms, Smart Podiums, laptops, etc.), for setting up WebEx
accounts, or for scheduling and instruction for a wide variety of media equipment and resources
like LCD data projectors, CD/cassette players, TVs and VCRs, digital video, and more.
Phone: (860) 768-4643 (Main) or (860) 768-4662 (Tech Line)