Cotswold District Council
Safety Advisory Group (SAG) Terms of Reference
April 2023
1. Introduction
1.1 The Safety Advisory Group brings together competent professionals to provide best practice
guidelines to event organisers and provide a cohesive response to any issues that may be raised;
so that events in the Cotswold District are as safe as possible and minimise the potential for
negative impacts on the wider Cotswold Community.
1.2 To achieve this SAG will, as appropriate:
advise event organisers in order to ensure high standards of health and safety
promote the principles of proportionate risk management and good practice in safety and
welfare planning in order to balance all reasonable matters of safety
promote a consistent and coordinated, multi-agency, approach to event planning and
advise the local authority and/or event organiser in respect of the formulation of appropriate
contingency and emergency arrangements
advise the event organisers in respect of relevant legislation and guidance
encourage arrangements to minimise disruption to local communities
consider the implications of significant incidents relevant to the venues, the events, and the
surrounding areas and facilities
receive reports relevant to debriefs, visits and/or inspections of the venues or events
promote clarity of roles and responsibilities relevant to the events
consider the protection of vulnerable adults and children from harm
consider and advise on the Public Health impacts of events.
1.3 The SAG has an advisory role and cannot make decisions. However, members of the group are
expected to convey best practice to event organisers that is in line with appropriate legislation,
guidance and wider organisational policy objectives.
1.4 The SAG will operate in accordance with these Terms of Reference. Agendas and supporting
documentation will be distributed electronically to members of the SAG before the meeting and
after, as required. Meetings will be held predominantly online and will be recorded within
Microsoft Teams. Action notes of the meeting will be taken and distributed to SAG members and
event organisers so that points raised can be followed up.
2. Frequency of meetings
2.1 The SAG will be diarised depending on the nature and frequency of events taking place in
Cotswold District that require attendance at a SAG. Event organisers that have attended a SAG
will be required to share any learning following their event, a debrief will be organised if a
significant incident occured.
2.2 Significant events such as the Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) will require their own SAG and
2.3 It is the policy of the SAG that if a core members believes that an event should come before it,
then a meeting will be arranged with the event organiser. Broadly, events that are likely to need
to be presented to SAG are:
Events of an unusual nature
Events with significant numbers of attendees
Events with a significant or unusual level of risk
New venues
Events or venues where there has been previous issues or incidents
2.4 Sub groups of the SAG may be set up to deal with any specialist matters. These sub groups may
be asked to report into the SAG to ensure a consistent approach.
3. Release of SAG minutes and confidential information
3.1 The action notes collated during SAG meetings or their sub groups will be held by the Council as
a public record and be subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection
Act 1998. The meetings will be recorded and held by the Council, but not publically available.
3.2 All SAG members are to be made aware that some information disclosed in SAG meetings may
be confidential or commercial information of a sensitive nature, which should remain between
SAG members and the event organisers and not be disclosed to any other parties unless agreed.
In the unlikely event that it is deemed in the public interest to share such information legal
advice will be take prior to disclosure.
4. Role of the Chairperson
4.1 The Chairperson will generally be the Business Manager for Risk, Emergency Planning & Business
Continuity Manager or their nominated deputy.
4.2 The role of the chairperson will be to ensure that:
All actions from the meetings are recorded
all members are informed of the dates and events coming before SAG
all views of invited members are taken into account when scrutinising the event
event organisers are given sufficient time to outline their plans before, during and after the
Event Management Plans are submitted to members in a timely manner when received from
the event organiser
members are advised when information may be of a confidential or sensitive nature where
discretion is to be exercised about its disclosure.
5. Core SAG members and roles
5.1 Local Authority Representatives: These should include officers with the competency to advise
on matters such as licensing, food safety and environmental health, emergency planning,
highways/traffic and health and safety and any other officers as required to discharge their
duties as appropriate. Other representatives may also be required to provide legal or media and
communications support as appropriate.
5.2 Police: Police representatives attend with regard to matters such as public order and public
safety, incident response planning, community policing, enforcement and any other duty as
5.3 Fire and Rescue Service: Fire and Rescue representatives attend with regard to matter such as
public safety, incident response planning, provision of advice on matters relating to fire safety,
enforcement and any other duty as appropriate.
5.4 Ambulance Service representatives attend with regard to matters such as incident response,
medical provision advice and guidance, scrutiny of a private medical company’s medical plans
and any other duty as appropriate.
5.5 Event Organisers An event organiser is responsible for all health, safety and welfare related
matters for those affected by the event including visitors to the event, staff or volunteers working
at the event, contractors and others such as the local community. These responsibilities include;
Documented arrangements necessary to safeguard visitors (normally documented in an
Event Management Plan)
Arrangements for identifying and controlling risks associated with the event including the
build up and break down phases of the event. This would normally be a documented risk
assessment and safety systems/methods of work.
Fire safety arrangements
Traffic planning and management
Crowd safety and security management (including Counter Terrorism)
Emergency and Contingency arrangements (in discussion with the emergency services)
Communication arrangements
Medical and first aid provision
Lost vulnerable adults and children
Insurance, licencing and certification provision
6. Other invited members of the SAG
6.1 In addition to the core membership as stated above, the SAG may invite other members to
attend or set up sub groups. This can include services who may need to be informed of such
events so as to be able to discharge their functions and provide their expertise. This list can
include, but is not limited to:
Public Health
Building Control
Environment Agency.
7. Limitations
7.1 SAGs have no bespoke powers of enforcement however, individual organisations represented on
the group do.
7.2 The SAG is not an enforcement body and whether or not an individual agency determines to use
its own powers of enforcement is a decision for that agency and not the SAG. Where an agency
does consider the need to use their own powers, it is appropriate that this be discussed with
other core members of the SAG. This will ensure that one agencys use of powers does not cause
unforeseen additional challenges to other members.
7.3 If an event organiser refuses to engage with the SAG or does not act on the advice given, the SAG
will remain as supportive as possible and will take reasonable steps to maintain a positive
relationship whilst acting in the best interest of public safety.
7.4 It is recognised however than should an event organiser continue to proceed with the event and
act against the advice of the SAG then enforcement action may need to be taken to ensure public
7.5 Individual members of the SAG must recognise the limitations and competencies of themselves
and their particular agency, and must act within these competencies
8. Review
8.1 These Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually or as necessary to ensure they remain
appropriate, fit for purpose and in line with current guidance and best practice.