(a) Court Reporting; Reporting. "Court reporting," or
"reporting," means the act of making a verbatim record of the
spoken word, whether by the use of written symbols, stenomask
equipment or electronic devices, in any proceeding pending in any
of the courts of this state, including all discovery proceedings
conducted in connection therewith, and all proceedings required
by statute to be reported by a certified or official court
reporter. It does not mean either the act of taking witness
statements not intended for use in court as substantive evidence,
or the act of electronic recording and transcription of
proceedings as provided for in Florida Rule of Judicial
Administration 2.070(g)(3).
(b) Certified Court Reporter. A "Certified Court Reporter"
is a person who has satisfied the requirements established by the
Florida Court Reporter Certification Board and received a
certificate attesting to that fact, and is entitled to use the
designation "CCR" only in connection with the reporting
methodology by which those requirements were satisfied (i.e.,
"CCR-Stenographic," "CCR-Stenomask," "CCR-Electronic").
(c) Board. "Board" means the Florida Court Reporter
Certification Board.
(d) Court. "Court" means any county, circuit or appellate
court of this state.
13.020 PURPOSE
These rules are intended to ensure proficiency in the
practice of court reporting, a profession which plays a critical
role in the judicial system of this state, by establishing a
minimum acceptable level of competence for those engaged in that
13.030 SCOPE
These rules apply to all persons engaging in the practice of
court reporting.
(a) Board Composition. The Florida Court Reporter
Certification Board is hereby created, to supervise the
examination, certification, and conduct of persons engaged in
court reporting. The board shall be under the supervisory
authority of the Florida Supreme Court. It shall be composed of
11 persons, appointed by the chief justice as follows:
(1) two members of The Florida Bar engaged in the practice
of law in the courts of this state;
(2) either 1 county or 1 circuit judge;
(3) one district court of appeal judge;
(4) one trial court administrator; and
(5) six court reporters, at least 3 of whom shall be
shorthand reporters, at least 1 of whom shall be a stenomask
reporter, and at least 1 of whom shall be an electronic reporter.
(b) Staff. Such staff as may be necessary to permit the
board to carry out its duties shall be provided by the Office of
the State Courts Administrator.
(c) Officers; Quorum. Annually, the board shall elect 1 of
its members to serve as chair, and 1 to serve as vice-chair. A
majority of the board shall constitute a quorum.
(d) Vacancies. Any vacancy on the board shall be filled
according to subdivision (a). A person appointed to fill a
vacancy shall serve for the remainder of the term of the member
being replaced.
(e) Terms. The initial terms of board members shall be as
(1) one year: the court-administrator member, and 2 court-
reporter members;
(2) two years: 1 judicial member, 1 Florida-Bar member, and
2 court-reporter members;
(3) three years: 1 judicial member, 1 Florida-Bar member,
and 2 court-reporter members.
Following the initial terms, all terms shall be 3 years, and all
court-reporter members shall be Certified Court Reporters. Board
members shall be eligible for reappointment. However, no person
shall serve more than 2 consecutive terms.
(f) Duties. The duties of the board shall include the
(1) The board shall be responsible for the testing,
certification, regulation, discipline, suspension, and
decertification of court reporters.
(2) The board shall have the authority to adopt rules
governing its operating procedures.
(3) The board may make recommendations to the Florida
Supreme Court regarding the amendment of these rules.
(g) Fees. The board shall have authority to recommend to
the Florida Supreme Court such fees as the board may deem
necessary to permit it to carry out its duties, including, but
not limited to, application fees, examination fees, and
certification renewal fees. All such fees shall be paid within
the time specified by the board, shall be made payable to the
State of Florida, and shall be non-refundable.
(h) Records. The board shall maintain records and minutes
of its meetings and all other official actions. It shall also
maintain a record of all continuing education credits earned by
Certified Court Reporters, and a registry containing the names,
addresses, dates of certification, methods of reporting, and
identification numbers of all Certified Court Reporters.
(i) Expenses. Members of the board shall serve without
compensation. However, they shall be reimbursed for all
reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties,
in compliance with all rules and statutes governing such
All applicants seeking certification shall apply on a form
approved by the board and pay the fee established by the board.
All applicants for certification must establish to the
board's satisfaction that they are at least 18 years of age; that
they have either graduated from high school or earned a general
equivalency diploma; that they are of good moral character; and
that they have read, and are familiar with, Florida rules of
court bearing on the practice of court reporting. In addition,
all applicants must either take and pass an examination
prescribed by the board, or satisfy the board that they qualify
for waiver of the examination requirement pursuant to rule
13.080(a) or (b).
The board, or such entity or entities to which it may
delegate such authority, shall develop and administer an
examination to all applicants seeking Certified Court Reporter
certification, to ensure that such applicants possess a
satisfactory level of proficiency in making a verbatim record of
judicial, and related, proceedings. The examination shall be
administered not less than twice each year, at such times and
places as may be designated.
Upon the presentation of proof satisfactory to the board,
the examination requirement shall be waived for the following
(a) anyone holding a current certificate which, in the
opinion of the board, is similar to the Certified Court Reporter
certificate and has been conferred by another state or the
District of Columbia, provided that the examination requirements
are substantially similar to those of this state;
(b) anyone holding a current Registered Professional
Reporter Certificate issued after testing by the National Court
Reporters Association, a current Certified Verbatim Reporter
Certificate issued after testing by the National Stenomask
Verbatim Reporters Association, or a current certificate issued
after testing by any organization which, in the opinion of the
board, reflects a similar level of proficiency.
Upon satisfactory completion of the specified prerequisites,
the board shall issue to an applicant a certificate as a
Certified Court Reporter, which shall include an identification
number and shall specify the reporting methodology by which
certification was accomplished (i.e., stenographic, stenomask, or
electronic). Once issued, the certificate shall remain valid
unless suspended or revoked by the board.
(a) Annual Renewal Fee. Each Certified Court Reporter shall
pay an annual certificate renewal fee, in an amount set by the
board. A certificate shall be suspended automatically upon
nonpayment, but shall be reinstated upon application to the
board, accompanied by payment, made within 60 days of the date of
suspension. Upon expiration of the 60-day grace period, any
request for reinstatement must be made pursuant to rule 13.190.
(b) Notification. The board shall notify all Certified
Court Reporters in writing of the expiration date of their
certificate at least 90 days before such date. Notice shall be
by regular United States mail, directed to the last mailing
address on file with the board.
(a) Requirement. Each Certified Court Reporter shall earn
at least 30 continuing education credits every 3 calendar years.
Application for approval of the preceding years' continuing
education credits shall be made in writing, on a form to be
furnished by the board, when the annual certificate renewal fee
is paid.
(b) Approved Programs. The board shall maintain a list of
approved continuing education programs. Approval of any
educational program or activity not listed shall be subject to
the board's discretion.
The following conduct is prohibited, and may lead to
disciplinary action:
(a) accepting employment knowing that a conflict of interest
exists, or continuing employment after becoming aware of the
existence of a conflict of interest;
(b) partiality toward, or prejudice against, any participant
in any matter which is the subject of employment;
(c) giving or receiving gifts in any manner connected with
any employment;
(d) failing to disclose to the appropriate party any present
or past business, financial, professional, family, or social
relationship which might reasonably create an appearance of
partiality in any matter which is the subject of employment;
(e) failing to take steps necessary to ensure the
confidentiality of information classified as such, and entrusted
to one's possession in connection with any employment;
(f) accepting, or failing to resign from, employment
believed to be beyond one's level of knowledge, skill, or
(g) failing timely to deliver transcripts;
(h) failing to prepare an accurate transcript;
(i) failing promptly to notify all other parties when a
party orders one's work product, provided that the work product
is of such a nature that it might have been ordered by any party;
(j) failing to offer the same services to all parties to the
same proceeding;
(k) disseminating misleading or deceptive information
regarding one's qualifications;
(l) violating any duty imposed by statute, rule, or order of
(m) engaging in conduct proscribed by rule 13.130.
A certificate issued pursuant to these rules may be
suspended or revoked for any of the following reasons:
(a) conviction of a felony, or of a misdemeanor involving
moral turpitude, dishonesty, or false statement;
(b) fraud, dishonesty, or corruption which is related to the
functions and duties of a Certified Court Reporter;
(c) continued false or deceptive advertising after receipt
of a cease and desist notice from the board;
(d) alcohol or drug abuse which interferes, or poses a
serious threat of interference, with the performance of the
duties of a Certified Court Reporter;
(e) physical incapacity or mental instability which
interferes, or poses a serious threat of interference, with the
performance of the duties of a Certified Court Reporter;
(f) gross incompetence, or unprofessional or unethical
(g) willful, substantial, or repeated violation of any duty
imposed by statute, rule, or order of court;
(h) fraud or misrepresentation in obtaining or renewing
(i) noncompliance with continuing education requirements;
(j) nonpayment of renewal fees.
(a) Initiation. Disciplinary proceedings may be initiated
either by a sworn complaint asserting a violation of these rules,
or by the board, on its own motion.
(b) Probable Cause; Notification. If a majority of the
board finds probable cause to believe that a violation of these
rules has occurred, it shall send written notice thereof,
identifying the rule or rules alleged to have been violated, to
the Certified Court Reporter by certified United States mail
directed to the last mailing address on file with the board.
(c) Response. Within 30 days of the issuance of a finding
of probable cause, the Certified Court Reporter shall file a
written response with the board. If the Certified Court Reporter
does not respond, the violations identified in the finding of
probable cause shall be deemed admitted.
(d) Board Review. Within 60 days after the filing of the
written response to the finding of probable cause or within 60
days following the expiration of the time within which to file a
response if none is filed, the board shall review the complaint,
the finding of probable cause, the response (if any), and any
other pertinent materials, and decide whether to (i) dismiss the
proceeding; (ii) issue a proposed disposition; or (iii) set a
hearing. The board shall promptly send written notice of its
decision to the Certified Court Reporter, by certified United
States mail.
(e) No Hearing Demanded. A proposed disposition issued
pursuant to subdivision (d)(ii) shall become final unless the
Certified Court Reporter demands a hearing within 30 days of the
date on which it was issued.
(f) Timing of Hearing. Absent good cause, no hearing shall
take place less than 30 days, or more than 90 days, from the date
of notice pursuant to subdivision (d)(iii) or of the Certified
Court Reporter's demand pursuant to subdivision (e).
(g) Identity of Complainant. Upon written request filed
with the board after a hearing has been set, the board shall
promptly reveal to the Certified Court Reporter the identity of
the complaining party.
(h) Legal Representation. The Certified Court Reporter may
be represented by an attorney at any stage of the proceeding.
The Certified Court Reporter shall be responsible for all of his
or her costs and expenses, including attorney fees.
(a) Pre-hearing Discovery. Pre-hearing discovery shall not
be permitted unless expressly authorized by the board, in
response to a written request.
(b) Rules of Evidence. Strict rules of evidence shall not
apply. The board may, in its discretion, consider any evidence
presented, including affidavits, giving such evidence the weight
it deems appropriate.
(c) Hearings to be Reported. The board shall ensure that
all hearings are reported.
(d) Hearing Procedure. At the hearing, both the board and
the Certified Court Reporter shall be afforded the opportunity to
introduce documents and other relevant evidence, and to elicit
sworn testimony.
(e) Board Deliberations. Following the presentation of
evidence, the board shall deliberate regarding its decision.
Such deliberations shall take place in private.
(f) Finality of Decision; Rehearing. Unless the Certified
Court Reporter files a request for rehearing within 30 days of
the date of the decision, the decision shall become final without
further action. If a timely request for rehearing is filed, the
decision shall not become final until the request has been
disposed of by written decision, a copy of which shall be sent to
the Certified Court Reporter by certified United States mail.
(a) Burden of Proof. If the board finds that there is clear
and convincing evidence that the Certified Court Reporter has
violated one or more of these rules, it shall impose such
discipline as it may deem appropriate, consistent with these
(b) Vote Required; Notification. All decisions of the board
shall be by majority vote, in writing and, if adverse to the
Certified Court Reporter, shall contain factual findings
supporting the decision. A copy of the decision shall be sent to
the Certified Court Reporter by certified United States mail.
(c) Sanctions. Discipline may consist of one or more of the
(1) a private reprimand;
(2) a public reprimand;
(3) the imposition of costs and expenses incurred by the
board in connection with the proceeding, including investigative
(4) restitution;
(5) requiring that specified continuing education courses be
(6) requiring that one or more parts of the Certified Court
Reporter certification examination be successfully taken, or
(7) limiting the scope of practice;
(8) requiring that work be supervised;
(9) suspension of certification for a period not to exceed 1
(10) revocation of certification.
When a disciplinary proceeding is either dismissed or
results in a private reprimand, all records of the proceeding
shall remain confidential; otherwise, all such records shall
become public when the board's decision becomes final.
Within 30 days of a final adverse disciplinary disposition
after a hearing, the Certified Court Reporter may seek review by
filing a written request, addressing the merits, with the clerk
of the Supreme Court of Florida. Review shall be by the chief
justice, or by such other person or persons as may be designated
by the chief justice, who may take such action as is deemed
appropriate, which action shall not be subject to further review.
A Certified Court Reporter whose certificate has been
suspended or revoked may apply in writing for reinstatement.
Such request shall explain why the applicant believes that he or
she should be reinstated, and shall be accompanied by a renewal
fee in an amount set by the board. Whether to grant or to deny
such a request shall rest in the sole and absolute discretion of
the board. The board may impose such conditions upon
reinstatement as it deems appropriate.