By and Between
(Overlake Hospital Medical Center Local Unit)
(May 1, 2021 - April 30, 2024)
ARTICLE 1 - RECOGNITION ............................................................................... 1
Bargaining Unit ................................................................................. 1
New Positions .................................................................................... 1
ARTICLE 2 - MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................... 1
3.2 Dues Deduction .................................................................................. 3
3.3 Bargaining Unit Roster ...................................................................... 3
3.4 Contract. ............................................................................................. 3
ARTICLE 4 - ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATIVES........................................... 4
4.2 Local Unit Representatives..................................;ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท .............. 4
4.3 Bulletin Boards ................................................................................... 5
4.4 Meeting Rooms .................................................................................. 5
ARTICLE 5 - DEFINITIONS .................................................................................. 6
Resident Nurse ................................................................................... 6
Staff Nurse ......................................................................................... 6
Charge Nurse ...................................................................................... 6
Full-Time Nurse ................................................................................. 7
Part-time Nurse .................................................................................. 7
5.7 ProbationaryNurse ................................................................, ............8
5.8 Float Nurse......................................................................................... 9
MonthandYear ............................................................................. 10
Preceptor .......................................................................................... 10
Certification ..................................................................................... 10
Base Rate .......................................................................................... 11
Regular Rate .................................................................................... 11
Specialty Coordinator ...................................................................... 11
ARTICLE 6 - EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES ...................................................... 11
6.1 Equal Opportunity ............................................................................
6.3 Discipline and Discharge ................................................................. 12
6.4 ยท Personnel File ................................................................................... 12
6.5 Parking .............................................................................................. 12
LADDERS ................................................................................................... 13
Performance Evaluation ...................................................................13
Advanced Clinical Ladder ................................................................13
Clinical Ladder Application Review ............................................... 14
Advanced Clinical Ladder Payment ................................................ 14
ARTICLE 8 - PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE ...................................................... 14
Safety ............................................................................................... 14
Staffing ............................................................................................. 14
Additional Temporary Hours ........................................................... 16
8.5.1 Float Pool Premium ............................................................ 16
8.6 In-service Education ......................................................................... 17
8.7 Educational and Professional Leave ................................................ 17
Job Related Study ............................................................................ 18
ARTICLE 9 - SENIORITY ................................................................................... 18
Seniority Definition ......................................................................... 18
9.1.1 Seniority "Freeze & Bridge" .............................................. 18
Reallocation ..................................................................................... 18
9.2.l Units Not Reallocated ........................................................ 19
Reallocated Units ............................................................... 19
Nurse Reallocation Considerations ................................... 19
Reallocation Bids & Absent Nurses ...................................... 19
Seniority .................................................... 19
Schedule Changes ..................................... 20
Reallocation Bid Response ................................................ 20
Reallocation & A Displaced Nurse ................................... 20
Reallocation Appeals......................................................... 20
Layoff. ............................................................................................. 21
LayoffNotices ................................................................. 21
Layoffs & Functional Areas .............................................. 21
Layoff & Comparable Position .......................................... 22
Benefits at Time ofLayoff. ................................................ 22
Recall ............................................................................................... 23
Recall Procedure ................................................................ 23
Temporary Work While on Layoff .................................... 23
Per Diem Work While on Layoff ....................................... 23
Benefits Upon Recall .......................................................... 24
9.5 Termination ...................................................................................... 24
Layoff Status Extension ..................................................... 24
9.6 Roster ............................................................................................... 24
9.7 Low Census ...................................................................................... 24
9.7.1 Low Census Notification .........................................., ........ 26
Low Census ........................................................................ 26
Benefits/Benefits Use During Low Census ........................ 26
Job Openings .................................................................................... 26
ARTICLE 10 - HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME ....................................... 27
WorkDay ...................................................................................... 27
Work Period...................................................................................... 27
Other Work Schedules ..................................................................... 27
Schedule Posting ............................................................................. 28
Overtime .......................................................................................... 28
OvertimeApproval .......................................................................28
Meal/Rest Periods ............................................................................ 29
10.8.1 Weekend Premium ............................................................. 30
10.10 Shift Rotation ................................................................................... 30
Recognition for Past Experience ...................................................... 32
11.2.1 Short-Term Break in Service .............................................. 32
Overscale Condition ......................................................................... 32
Wage and Benefit Minimums .......................................................... 32
ARTICLE 12 - OTHER COMPENSATION ......................................................... 33
12.1 Shift Differential .............................................................................. 33
Callback Pay .................................................................................... 33
Holiday Callback Pay ........................................................ 34
Charge Nurse/Specialty Coordinator Pay ........................................ 34
Preceptor Premium ........................................................................... 34
Certification Pay .............................................................................. 34
Full-Time & Part-Time Nurses .......................................... 34
Per Diem Nurses ................................................................ 35
Work in Advance of Shift ............................................................... 35
Work on Day Off ............................................................................ 35
Temporary Assignment ................................................................... 35
Change in Classification ................................................................. 35
Bonus Shifts ...................................................................................... 35
ARTICLE 13 - PAID TIME OFF ......................................................................... 36
Paid Time Off Program ................................................................... 36
Rate of Accrual ................................................................................ 36
Maximum Accumulation ................................................................. 38
Paid Time Off Pay Rate ................................................................... 38
13.7 Use of PTO onHolidays ................................................................... 38
13.8 Cash Alternative ..............................; .............................................. 39
13.8.1 Financial Hardship .............................................................39
Shared Leave Program .................................................................... 39
13.9.1 Criteria for Donating PTO Hours ......................................... 39
13.9.2 Criteria for Receiving PTO Hours ..............................
......... 39
Payment on Terminatio
n ....................................................................... 40
ARTICLE 14 - EXTENDED ILLNESS BANK ........................................................ 40
14.1 Extended Illness Bank ..................................................................... 40
14.2.2 Work Related Illness/Injury .............................................. 41
Rate of Accrual ................................................................................ 41
Absence Due to Illness Notification ............................................... 42
Use ofEIB for Other Family Members ........................................... 42
EIB Partial Cashout ......................................................................... 42
ARTICLE 15 - MEDICAL AND INSURANCE BENEFITS .............................. 43
Health Tests ..................................................................................... 44
Other Insurance ................................................................................ 44
Retirement Plan ............................................................................... 44
,ARTICLE 16 - LEAVES OF ABSENCE ............................................................. 44
Leave Information ............................................................................ 44
In General ......................................................................................... 45
Health and Family Leave ................................................................. 45
Family & Medical Leave ................................................... 45
Other Health and Maternity Leave .................................... 47
Military Leave ................................................................................. 48
Leave Without Pay .......................................................................... 48
Leave With Pay ............................................................................... 48
Return From Leave ....................................................................... 48
Jury Duty ...................................................................................... 48
Personal Leave .............................................................................. 49
Bereavement Leave .............................................................................. 49
Sabbatical ....................................................................................... 49
Domestic Violence Leave ............................................................. 50
ARTICLE 17 - COMMITTEES ......................................................................... 50
Conference Committee ................................................................. 50
17.1.1 Non-Voting Participants ....................................................... 50
Nurse Practice Committee ............................................................. 50
Committee Compensation ................................................................... 51
ARTICLE 18 - GRIEVANC.E PROCEDURE ......................................................... 51
18.1 Grievance Defined ........................................................................ 51
Step 1. Nurse and Director/Manager ............................................ 51
Step 2. Nurse, Local Unit Chairperson and Director .................... 52
Step 3. Vice President and Association Representative ................52
Step 4. Arbitration ....................................................................... 52
.......................................................................................................... 53
18.3 ..........................................................................................................53
ARTICLE 19 - UNINTERRUPTED PATIENT CARE ........................................... 53
19.1 ..........................................................................................................53
ARTICLE 20 - GENERAL PROVISIONS ............................................................... 54
Separability .......................................................................................... 54
Amendments .................................................................................... 54
Past Practices .................................................................................... 54
Complete Understanding .................................................................. 54
Acquisition ....................................................................................... 55
21 -
DURATION ................................................................................
21.1 Duration and Renewal ......................................................................55
APPENDIXA .........................................................................................................59
APPENDIX B ....................................................................................................... 63
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ....................................................... 65
LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING ...................................................................... 68
LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING ....................................................................... 69
SIDELETTER ....................................................................................................... 71
This Agreement is made and entered into by and between Overlake Hospital
Medical Center (hereinafter referred to as the "Hospital") and the Washington State
Nurses Association (hereinafter referred to as the "Association"). The purpose of this
Agreement is to set forth the understanding reached between the parties with respect
to wages, hours of work and conditions of employment.
Bargaining Unit
The Hospital recognizes the Association as the sole and exclusive bargaining
representative for, and this Agreement shall cover all full-time, part-time and per diem
registered nurses employed by the Hospital as Resident Nurse or Staff Nurse in its
Hospital Departments. The bargaining unit excludes, and this Agreement does not
cover, supervisory and administrative/management positions and all other employees.
New Positions
New job classifications established during the term of this Agreement shall be
covered by this Agreement unless they are bona fide supervisory or
administrative/management positions. The Association shall be notified of any new
classifications established by the Hospital.
The Association recognizes that the Hospital has the obligation of
serving the public with the highest quality of medical care, efficiently and
economically, and/or meeting medical emergencies. The Association further
recognizes the right of the Hospital to operate and manage the Hospital including but
not limited to the right to require standards of performance and to maintain order and
efficiency; to direct nurses and to determine job assignments and working schedules;
to determine the materials and equipment to be used; to implement improved
operational methods and procedures; to determine staffing requirements; to determine
the kind and location of facilities; to determine whether the whole or any part of the
operation shall continue to operate; to select and hire nurses; to promote and transfer
nurses; to discipline, demote or discharge nurses for just cause; to lay off nurses for
lack of work; to recall nurses; to require reasonable overtime work of nurses; and to
promulgate rules, regulations and personnel policies, provided that such rights shall
not be exercised so as to violate any of the specific provisions of this Agreement. The
parties recognize that the above statement of management responsibilities is for
illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as restrictive or interpreted so
as to exclude those prerogatives not mentioned which are inherent to the management
function. All matters not covered by the language of this Agreement or restricted by
applicable state or federal law shall be administered by the Hospital on a unilateral
basis in accordance with such policies and procedures as it from time to time shall
Membership Option
All full-time, part-time and per diem nurses who are members of the
Association, or who agree to pay a fee for collective bargaining service, at the time of
ratification of this Agreement, and all full-time, part-time and per diem nurses who
voluntarily join the Association, or who agree to pay a fee for collective bargaining
service, during the term of this Agreement must retain that status in good standing as
a condition of continued employment. All full-time and pati-time nurses, and per
diem nurses hired after ratification, shall have thirty (30) calendar days from the date
of employment (hire) in which to give written notice by email to the Association of
their intention not to join the Association (a copy of such notice shall be furnished to
the Hospital). If the newly employed nurse fails to exercise the foregoing option
within thirty (30) calendar days, then said nurse shall be required to become and
remain a member of the Association in good standing within thirty-one (31) calendar
days of employment (hire) as a condition of continued employment. Good standing is
herein defined as the tendering of the Association dues or service fees on a timely
basis. Nurses who fail to comply with this requirement shall be discharged by the
Hospital within thitiy (30) calendar days after receipt of written notice to the Hospital
from the Association unless the nurse fulfills the membership or service fee obligation
set fotih in this Agreement within that thirty (30) day period, and such discharge shall
be deemed for just cause pursuant to this Agreement.
Dues Deduction
During the term of this Agreement, the Hospital shall deduct dues or service
fees from the pay of each member of the Association who voluntarily executes a wage
assignment authorization form. When filed with the Hospital, the authodzation form
will be honored in accordance with its terms. The amount deducted and a roster of all
nurses using payroll deduction will be promptly transmitted to the Association by
check payable to its order. Upon issuance and transmission of a check to the
Association, the Hospital's responsibility shall cease with respect to such deductions.
The Association and each nurse authorizing the assignment of wages for the payment
of Association dues hereby undertakes to indemnify and hold the Hospital harmless
from all claims, demands, suits or other forms of liability that may arise against the
Hospital for or on account of any deduction made from the wages of such nurse.
Bargaining Unit Roster
Twice a year (at approximately the end of February and the end of August) the
Hospital shall provide by electronic mail the Association and Local Unit Chairperson
(or designee) with a list of those nurses covered by this Agreement. This list will
contain each nurse's name, home address, contact phone number, employee
identification number, designated FTE status, rate of pay, cun-ent cost center, unit,
and date of hire. By the 15
of each month, the Hospital shall provide by electronic
mail the Association and Local Unit Chairperson (or designee) with a list of all nurses
covered by this Agreement hired during the previous month and all nurses moved into
positions covered by this Agreement during the previous month. The list shall contain
each nurse's name, home address, contact telephone number, employee identification
number, designated FTE status, rate of pay, current cost center, unit, and date of hire.
Additionally, the list shall identify all employees who left the bargaining unit,
resigned or were terminated during the previous month. Any nurse not wishing for
WSNA to maintain that nurse's contact telephone number may notify WSNA and
WSNA shall promptly purge that data from its OHMC records.
Upon initial employment, nurses shall be given a copy of the cmTent
Agreement. The Association will provide copies of the Agreement to the Hospital.
The Hospital and the Association shall equally share the cost of printing the
Agreement. Within three (3) weeks of receipt of the fully-executed copy of the
Agreement, the Hospital will post the Agreement on its internal "Intranet." Such
posting shall "view only" for registered nurses and no other employee access, and it
shall not be accessible for printing.
Local Unit Officer Time.
Each local unit officer shall be granted up to two (2) hours per week at their regular
rate of pay for their voluntary activity to attend Weingarten investigatory meetings
(when no other Association representative is present), or to attend other meetings at
Management's or HR's written request.
Access to Premises
Duly authorized representatives of the Association will have access at
reasonable times to those areas of the Hospital's premises which are open to the
general public and to nurses' lounges (subject to availability and with advance notice)
for the purpose of investigating grievances and contract compliance. Association
representatives may have access to nursing units or other patient areas when advance
approval (at least 24 hours) to the time and place for the access has been obtained
from the Hospital Human Resources Department or in the absence of a personnel
representative, the Vice President Patient Care Services (or appropriate
Director/Manager). The Association representative shall confine a visit to such
department or areas as approved. Access to the Hospital's premises shall be subject to
the same general rules applicable to other non-employees and shall not interfere with
nor disturb nurses or other employees in the performance of their work during
working hours and shall not interfere with or disturb patient care, visitors or the
normal operation of the Hospital.
Local Unit Representatives
The Association shall have the right to select local unit representatives from
among nurses in the unit. The Association shall provide the identities of local unit
representatives for the upcoming year to the Conference Committee in January. The
local unit representatives shall not be recognized by the Hospital until the Association
has given the Hospital written notice of the selection. Unless otherwise agreed to by
the Hospital the investigation of grievances and other Association business shall be
conducted only during nonworking times, and shall not disturb patients or visitors or
interfere with the work of nurses or other employees.
Bulletin Boards
The Hospital will furnish a bulletin board within reasonable proximity of the
cafeteria, and bulletin board space in each nursing unit for the use of the local unit.
Bulletin boards in the nursing units shall be for the exclusive use of the Association.
All materials posted on the bulletin boards must, prior to posting, be approved and
signed by a designated local unit representative and be time dated as to when they are
to be removed. Materials which may be posted include training and educational
information, professional nursing and health care related matters, meeting notices and
local unit newsletters.
Meeting Rooms
The local unit may have access to meeting rooms within the Hospital for
WSNA meetings, subject to advance request to the Hospital's Director of Human
Resources, and generally applicable reservation requirements, determination of
availability and the meeting is not contrary to the interests of the Hospital.
Contract Negotiations
Nurses on the WSNA bargaining team (not to exceed 15) shall be paid at their
regular rates of pay for all time spent in bargaining sessions not to exceed seven shifts
per nurse. For any time beyond seven shifts per nurse in joint negotiations, nurses
may donate a portion of their PTO hours to an eligible co-worker for time spent by the
co-worker participating in bargaining sessions on behalf of the WSNA in negotiations
for this Agreement and its successor, if any. Nurses donating PTO hours must retain
a minimum of eighty (80) hours of PTO following their donation. Donations will
remain confidential and will be processed in the order received in the Employer's
Human Resources Department. The amount of total donations will be limited to the
total number of hours used by team members during all joint negotiation sessions.
The WSNA team will determine how to divide the donated hours among all team
members. Donated PTO hours may be given during the period of time beginning
March 1, 2021 through thitty days following the effective date of the successor
agreement, and will be calculated on a dollar equivalent basis by the Human
Resources Depatiment. Shared leave hours that are donated pursuant to this
understanding will be paid at the receiving employee's base rate of pay.
Resident Nurse
A graduate nurse whose clinical experience after graduation from a NLN
(National League of Nursing) approved nursing program or other program approved
by the Hospital is less than six (6) months, or a registered nurse who is returning to
practice with no currentclinical experience depending upon a nurse's need for
residency training pursuant to Section 11.2, Recognition for Past Experience. A
resident nurse will be assigned a registered nurse preceptor who works on the same
shift and unit as the resident for the purpose of close direction and support during the
residency period.
Residency shall not exceed six (6) continuous months unless extended in
writing by the Hospital. A resident nurse shall not be assigned charge duty, team
leader, or precepting functions. A nurse who is accepted into a residency program
shall, at time of acceptance, be assigned an FTE which shall become effective upon
successful completion of the residency period. At least two weeks prior to the end of
residency, the nurse shall apply for a posted position on the unit equal to or greater
than assigned FTE status. The nurse shall move into his/her new position at the end
of the residency and complete a probationary period ofthitiy (30) calendar days.
A registered nurse who is responsible for the direct and indirect nursing care of
the patient.
Charge Nurse
A registered nurse who is accountable on a shift basis to maintain organization
on a unit such that nursing staff are able to provide patient care activities in
accordance with established Standards of Nursing Care. With the exception of
Preadmission, a Charge Nurse and relief Charge Nurse will be assigned for each unit,
and, where appropriate, each shift. Charge Nurse and relief Charge Nurse will also be
assigned, where appropriate, in any new Hospital units. All assigned hours in charge
will be paid at the Charge Nurse premium rate. All nurses assigned as charge or relief
charge nurse will receive training. In charge nurse assignments the Hospital will
consider the level of direct patient care along with other duties.
Full-Time Nurse
A nurse who fills a designated status position of one "full-time equivalent" (1.0
FTE) and is regularly scheduled to work eighty (80) hours in any fourteen (14) day
period and who has successfully completed the required probationary period.
Part-time Nurse
A nurse who fills a designated status position of two-tenths of a "full-
time equivalent" (.2 FTE) or more and is regularly scheduled to work at least
sixteen (16) hours per pay period, but less than eighty (80) hours per pay period, and
who has successfully completed the required probationary period. Unless otherwise
provided for herein, a part-time nurse shall be compensated in the same manner as a
full-time nurse except that wages and benefits shall be reduced in proportion to the
nurse's actual hours of work and eligibility.
The part-time nurse as defined above may elect a fixed percentage wage
differential in lieu of the following benefits per budgeted FTE status:
FTE Status
Option Benefits
Wage Differential
Less than
or more
Extended Illness Bank (EIB)
Paid Time Off(PTO)
Not Eligible for Medical, Dental, Vision, Long
Term Disability (LTD), or Term Life Insurance
Extended Illness Bank (EIB)
Paid Time Off(PTO)
Medical Insurance
Dental Insurance
Vision Insurance
Long Term Disability (LTD)
Term Life Insurance
Benefits which will be provided include: educational leave, pension
benefits, state worker's
unemployment compensation, FICA, shift differential,
callback and standby pay, longevity increases, bereavement and time and one-half
(1 and 1/2) holiday pay if worked. The nurse electing the wage differential may
schedule leave without pay as provided for in Section 16.4. This election must occur
within the first pay period of employment or within the first pay period after the
signing of this Agreement, whichever is later, or annually during a month designated
in advance by the Hospital, providing insurance enrollment is approved by the carrier.
Nurses will be given advance notice of such dates. This optional benefits election
may not be otherwise exercised. Once this benefits election is made, all Paid Time
Off (PTO) hours accrued will be cashed out and paid to the nurse at that time, and the
Extended Illness Bank (EIB) will be frozen at its current level and not available for
use until a subsequent timely election to return to normal benefits status.
Per Diem Nurse
A nurse hired to work during any period requiring a temporarily augmented
work force or in the event of an emergency or employee absenteeism. Such nurses
shall be paid at the appropriate longevity step based upon documented experience plus
a seventeen percent (17%) differential. The benefits a per diem nurse will be
provided are listed in Section 5.5.3 of this Agreement with the exception of
bereavement leave. When a per diem nurse has transferred from per diem status to
either full-time or part-time status, full-time, part-time and per diem hours shall be
combined for purposes of wage progression (including step increases), benefit level
accruals, job posting and layoff.
-- A per diem nurse hired on or before the date of ratification (including any
nurse working for Overlake before or on the date of ratification who later converts to
per diem status) must schedule the following to meet the Hospital's prescheduling
requirements to maintain per diem status:
- Three (3) shifts per four (4) week scheduling period,
-One Winter holiday (Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New
Year's Day) per year, and
-One Summer Holiday (Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day) per year.
--A per diem nurse hired after ratification must schedule the following to meet
the Hospital's prescheduling requirements to maintain per diem status:
-Three (3) shifts per four (4) week scheduling period (including one on a
weekend unless determined by management to be unnecessary),
-One Winter holiday (Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New
Year's Day) per year, and
-One Summer Holiday (Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day) per year.
Any per diem nurse who is interested in seeking full-time or part-time work is
encouraged to discuss possible opportunities with the Director/Manager.
Probationary Nurse
A nurse who has been hired by the Hospital on a full-time or part-time basis
and who has been continuously employed by the Hospital for less than ninety (90)
calendar days or 520 work hours whichever is greater (not to exceed 180 calendar
days). After successful completion of the probationary period, the nurse shall attain
regular status unless specifically advised in writing by the Hospital of an extended
probationary period. During the probationary period, a nurse may be terminated
without notice or just cause and without recourse to the grievance procedure.
Probationary nurses shall not be required to give fourteen (14) days' notice of
intention to terminate. (Benefit eligibility and use will be regulated as provided in
this Agreement.)
Float Nurse
A nurse designated as float in a designated full-time, part-time, or per diem
float position who has applied for and been accepted in the position. The float nurse
is scheduled to provide replacement for staffing vacancies caused by sick calls and
unexpected census increases. The float nurse shall have at least one year's relevant
experience and be competent to perform independently in at least three nursing units
as determined by the Hospital. In general, designated part-time or full-time status
float nurses will be scheduled prior to per diem float nurses. If the Hospital requires
additional float nurses to meet its needs, it may provide a period of orientation in a
new unit to individuals who have applied for float nurse positions, but will not be
required to pay float pool premium during the orientation period.
Temporary Nurse
A nurse hired for a specific temporary need or situation. When a temporary
position arises within the bargaining unit, the Hospital will post the temporary
position on the unit in accordance with Article 9.8. The Hospital will give
consideration to per diem nurses who want the opportunity to increase their FTE on a
temporary basis prior to hiring an external candidate for a temporary nurse position.
No temporary position shall be for more than six (6) months and no nurse shall
work as a temporary nurse for more than six (6) months in a rolling calendar year.
Temporary nurses shall be paid in accordance with the wage rates set forth in
this Agreement plus a seventeen per cent (17%) wage differential. Temporary
employees shall receive on-call (standby) pay, callback pay, shift differential, holiday
premium pay and weekend premiums. Temporary employees shall not accrue
seniority and shall not be eligible to receive benefits; except that 1) a temporary nurse
who is hired into a regular part-time position, regular full-time position or per diem
position within the unit and has completed a probationary period shall be credited
with seniority consistent for the time worked as a temporary nurse immediately
preceding hire as a regular full-time, part-time or per diem nurse; and 2) a nurse hired
as a temporary nurse from within the bargaining unit shall continue to accrue
seniority. At no point shall the number of temporary nurses exceed two per cent (2
%) of the total number of nurses employed in the bargaining unit.
Month and Year
For purposes of this Agreement and the method of computing EIB, seniority,
and other conditions of employment, except as otherwise provided for herein, a
"month" shall be defined as 173.3 paid hours of work, and a "year" shall be defined as
2080 paid hours. For purposes of computing longevity (wage) increments and PTO
progression steps, a "year" shall be defined as 1664 paid hours or twelve (12) months,
whichever comes last. Time paid for but not worked (excluding standby pay) shall be
regarded as time worked for purposes of computing wages and benefits. Time
worked which is paid on an overtime basis shall count as time worked for purposes of
computing wages and benefits not to exceed 2080 hours within any twelve (12) month
Preceptor is an experienced nurse proficient in clinical teaching and
communication skills who is assigned by the Director/Manager the responsibility for
planning, organizing and evaluating new skill development for designated nurses,
residents, new staff, and/or students. (For students this would apply only if an
instructor is not available in the Hospital.) An assigned preceptor shall work on the
same shift and unit as the preceptee. Inherent in the preceptor role is the
responsibility for specific, criteria based and goal directed education and training for a
specific orientation period to be determined by the Director/Manager. A preceptor
shall have precepting duties considered in nursing assignments.
is understood that
staff nurses in the ordinary course of their responsibilities (without preceptor
designation) will be expected to participate in the orientation process of new nurses.
Such participation typically will be limited to a summary of documentation and
charting expectations, layout of the unit, location of resources, summary of shift
responsibilities, brief tour of the unit and location of emergency equipment, and an
explanation of the nurse-patient call system. In no instance will preceptor pay be paid
to more than one preceptor for the same preceptee at the same time.
Registered nurses will be eligible to receive a nursing certification premium
under this Agreement as follows:
A list of approved certification programs will be available on the
intranet and kept in the Staffing Office. In January of each year the list
will be made available for review and discussion by Conference
Committee. New ce1iification programs may bi:: considered for addition
to the list by submitting a thorough program description, including
purpose, scope, term, prerequisites for certification, recertification fee
schedule, mailing address, and any other pertinent information to the
Staffing Office. All new certifications are subject to the Hospital
budgetary review and approval for possible funding.
The Hospital will determine if the certification in question is directly
relevant to that individual nurse's practice setting or area of
The nurse must document to the Hospital's satisfaction certification
achievement and maintenance.
Only one (1) certification premium rate can be credited per nurse,
regardless of other certifications a nurse may have.
Base Rate
The nurse's base rate of pay will be the rate on the applicable wage step in
Section 11.1, Wage Rates.
Regular Rate
The nurse's regular rate of pay will be the base rate plus all applicable
differentials and premiums for which the nurse is eligible.
Specialty Coordinator
A registered nurse assigned to a Specialty Coordinator position is accountable
for a specialty areas(s) identified by the Hospital. The Hospital shall determine the
number of Specialty Coordinator positions that are necessary and the duties to be
assigned (or discontinued) for any designated specialty areas.
Equal Opportunity
The Hospital and the Association agree that conditions of employment shall be
consistent with applicable state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination. It is
understood that this nondiscrimination commitment under law is not grievable nor
capable of arbitration under this Agreement.
Notice of Resignation
Nurses shall be required to give at least twenty-one (21) days written notice of
resignation. Failure to give notice shall result in loss of accrued fringe benefits. The
Hospital will give consideration to situations that would make such notice by the
nurse impossible.
Discipline and Discharge
No nurse will be disciplined or discharged except for just cause. The principle
of progressive corrective discipline (such as verbal and written reprimands and the
possibility of suspension without pay) will be consistently applied in that it offers the
greatest opportunity for both the nurse and the Director/Manager to attempt to work
out a satisfactory problem resolution. Progressive discipline shall not be applied
when the nature of the offense requires immediate suspension or discharge. A nurse
may request the attendance of an Association representative during any investigatory
meeting which the nurse reasonably believes may lead to disciplinary action. A copy
of all written disciplinary actions shall be given to the nurse. Nurses shall be required
to sign the written disciplinary action for the purpose of acknowledging receipt
thereof. Nurses may provide a written response to any written evaluations or
disciplinary actions to be included in the personnel file.
Personnel File
Personnel records will be maintained for each nurse. Information contained in
the personnel record may include: employment application and supporting materials,
performance appraisals, records of payroll activity, licensure, letter of commendation
and recognition and records of disciplinary action. By appointment, nurses may
inspect their personnel records. Documentation regarding conditions at date of hire
(rate of pay, unit, shift, hours of work), reason for termination, change in status, pay
or shift and leaves of absence shall be in writing with a copy given to the nurse.
Nurses reporting to work as a result of standby status will be provided
designated parking within close proximity to the Hospital. Staff nurses will be
provided parking on campus, which shall include the employee parking garage.
Every reasonable effort will be made to continue to provide parking at no cost to
nurses. It is recognized that construction and space availability may from time to time
cause deviations from this section. All nurses shall have access to policies and
procedures regarding security and to security services as provided to all Hospital
employees. Parking security shall be a periodic agenda item for the Hospital's Safety
Committee and at Conference Committee, as requested by the Association.
7.1 Performance Evaluation
The Performance Evaluation is a standards-based performance appraisal that
the Director/Manager will utilize to assess the nurse's professional skills, productivity
and overall performance according to comprehensive and/or unit standards, whichever
is applicable. The purpose of the evaluation is to give feedback to the nurse with
respect to areas in which the nurse is meeting and/or exceeding standards-based
performance requirements and areas in which the nurse needs improvement. The
Director/Manager will assess the nurse's performance in relationship to the mandatory
established standards. All nurses will be formally evaluated utilizing the electronic
evaluation system upon completion of the probation period. Beginning in 2022,
following the evaluation conducted at the completion of the probationary period,
nurses will be evaluated annually during their first through third year of employment;
thereafter, nurses will be evaluated every other year. The Hospital will continue to
provide nurses with training that will enable them to understand and use the electronic
evaluation system.
The nurse's participation is an integral part of the evaluation process. The
nurse will be offered an opportunity to evaluate his/her performance and will be able
to receive a copy of the completed evaluation. Nurses will be required to
electronically sign the completed evaluation for the purpose of acknowledging receipt
thereof. Nurses will be given the opportunity to provide a written response to the
evaluation, which will be retained in the system together with the completed
evaluation in the nurse's personnel file. Nurses opting for peer review will be
provided a copy of the peer evaluation.
7.2 Advanced Clinical Ladder
Advanced Clinical Ladder I and II is a voluntary, special recognition appraisal
program that addresses superior professional and clinical skills, productivity and
performance of the nurse. The description of Advanced Clinical Ladder I and II is
attached as Appendix A to this Agreement.
7.3 Clinical Ladder Application Review
A designated group of registered nurses, working under the auspices of
Clinical Care Congress, will on an ongoing basis, receive and review applications for
the Advanced Clinical Ladder for the purpose of assuring that the nurse has met the
criteria listed in Appendix A of this Agreement. A nurse whose application is denied
may request a review with the application review group in order to clarify the contents
of the application. The application review group will also continue to monitor and
evaluate the Advanced Clinical Ladder tool.
7.4 Advanced Clinical Ladder Payment
A nurse whose application for Advanced Clinical Ladder I or II is approved
shall receive a lump sum payment of$ 1,500 or $2,500 respectively. Nurses may
elect to receive the payment in quarterly installments.
The Hospital will maintain a safe and healthful workplace in compliance with
Federal, State and Local laws applicable to the safety and health of its nurses. The
Association shall select a nurse to serve on the Hospital's Safety Committee, who may
use paid release time for such Committee meetings. Further, safety may be a periodic
agenda item at Conference Committee, including such possible subjects as: infectious
diseases, ergonomics, chemical hazards, security and physical safety, radiation,
reduction oflatex in the workplace, safe needle devices, back injuries and safety
Quality patient care and the safety of all patients are major shared goals
of the Hospital and nursing staff. The Hospital will comply with the requirements of
the Washington State Nurse Staffing Committee law (RCW 70.41.420), as amended.
The Association will determine how the registered nurse members of the Nurse
Staffing Committee will be selected, including three designated alternatives. The
Hospital will provide the Conference Committee with an updated Nurse Staffing
Committee membership roster by January 1 of each year and whenever changes
occur. Participation in the Nurse Staffing Committee by any nurse shall be on paid
work time at the appropriate rate of pay. Nurse staffing committee members who are
scheduled shall be relieved of all other work duties during meetings of the committee.
An Association staff representative may attend on a non-voting basis. The Association
staff representative and the local Association Chairperson shall be provided with
agendas and minutes at least five (5) days in advance of meetings. Each unit of the
Hospital will seek staff nurse input into the development and modification of their
nurse staffing plans. Staffing plans will take into consideration the patient population
being cared for, skill mix of the staff, daily census, patient length of stay, patterns of
patient placement, level of nurse training and experience, unit geography and other
appropriate factors. Staffing plans will be presented to the Hospital's Nurse Staffing
Committee, which shall review, assess, and respond to staffing concerns presented to
it. The Nurse Staffing Committee will produce the Hospital's annual nurse staffing
plan. The Hospital, being ultimately responsible for the nurse staffing plan, may
adopt the annual nurse staffing plan produced by the Committee.
the staffing plan
is not adopted by the Hospital, the chief executive officer shall provide a written
explanation of the reasons why to the Committee. Day to day staffing adjustments
based on patient care needs on the unit shall be based on the professional judgment of
appropriate nursing personnel.
Individual Staffing Concerns. A nurse questioning the level of staffing
on his or her assigned unit is encouraged to communicate their concern as soon as the
problem is identified to his or her Charge Nurse or Nurse Manager. The person in
charge of the unit who receives this communication will assess the staffing on the unit
and may adjust unit resources as appropriate and feasible.
adjustments are found to
be needed and no adjustments are possible within the unit, the person in charge will
contact their immediate supervisor on duty. The supervisor will utilize available
management resources to try to resolve the situation.
there is no mutually
satisfactory resolution to the staffing problem, the nurse may submit an ADO to the
Association and the Nurse Manager. Submitted ADOs shall be reviewed and assessed
by the Nurse Staffing Committee to determine if a response is needed.
In the event the Hospital is planning to proceed with substantial changes
to its staffing system and processes on any unit, the Hospital shall comply with the
following procedures:
The Hospital will notify the Local Unit Chair of the planned changes a
minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the planned date of implementation of the
staffing changes when possible. Such notice shall include the planned timeline for
implementation of the staffing changes.
The Director/Manager will discuss and seek input from staff at unit staff
meetings on the affected shift(s) related to the planned staffing changes. A local unit
representative will be invited to attend such meetings.
8.3 Additional Temporary Hours
Nurses desiring additional temporary hours up to full-time shall notify their
manager in writing. The Hospital will make a good faith effort to utilize full-time and
part-time nurses employed by the Hospital prior to scheduling per diem nurses or
hiring new nurses, with the exception that per diem nurses shall be given equal
priority for the three shifts required in Article 5.6.
8.4 General Orientation
The objectives of orientation shall be to familiarize new nurses with the
objectives and philosophy of the Hospital and nursing services, to orient new nurses
to the Hospital's policies and procedures, and to instruct new nurses as to their
functions and responsibilities as defined in job descriptions. Orientation will consist
of a basic comprehensive program in which the nurse will be oriented through a
combination of instructional conferences, floor and/or shift work. A WSNA
bargaining unit member shall be given thirty (30) paid minutes (nonove1iime) during
RN orientation to meet with new nurses. The content of the WSNA presentation shall
be provided to the Hospital in January each year and shall be mutually agreeable to
the WSNA and the Hospital.
8.5 Floating
While the Hospital retains the right to change a nurse's daily work assignment
on a shift-by-shift basis in order to best meet patient care needs, a nurse will not be
required to perform tasks or procedures for which the nurse has not been currently
trained. When floated, a nurse will take the same type of and ratio of patients that
ordinarily is treated on the floated nurse's unit; however, if such an assignment is not
available a nurse may be floated as a staff helper. For purposes of floating, med-surg
(ES, W4 and S5) is considered one unit and telemetry (E4, W3 and S4) is considered
one unit. Any nurse required to float shall receive adequate orientation appropriate
for the assignment. A nurse may inform the Charge Nurse of any task or procedure
for which the nurse feels inadequately trained.
8.5.1 Float Pool Premium
Any full-time or part-time nurse (no less than a designated .6 FTE status
position with hours consistently worked at that level) with regularly scheduled shifts
and hours designated to the Float Pool, shall receive a Five Dollar ($5.00) per hour
premium for all hours worked as a Float Pool nurse, in addition to the nurse's regular
8.6 In-service Education
A regular and ongoing in-service education program shall be maintained and
made available to all shifts and to all personnel with programs posted in advance. The
posting will indicate if nurse attendance is mandatory. The functions of in-service
education shall be:
to promote the safe and intelligent care of the patient;
to develop staff potential; and
to create an environment that stimulates learning, creativity, and
personal satisfaction.
Topics to be offered will be determined by discussions between nurses and the
education department. The objectives of in-service education shall be: to review the
philosophy, objectives and functions of in-service education in light of needs of
personnel, nursing department and nursing cai;e; to provide ongoing education
programs which will enhance patient care; to review current nursing care trends.
Nurses have an ongoing responsibility to the Hospital and the patients it serves to
maintain and increase their skills and knowledge by the continuing education process.
In-service education programs will be scheduled in an effort to accommodate varying
work schedules. Nurses required by the Hospital to attend in-service education during
off-duty hours will be paid at the appropriate rate of pay. (However, the Charge
Nurse or Specialty Coordinator premium shall only be paid for an in-service program
relevant to the Charge Nurse or Specialty Coordinator role, not nursing care
programs.) The Hospital will make a good faith effort to provide contact hours for
continuing education programs.
8.7 Educational and Professional Leave
Nurses may be allowed up to forty-eight (48) hours of paid
educational/professional leave, including time for online educational/professional
offerings, per fiscal year; provided, however, such leave shall be subject to budgetary
considerations, scheduling requirements of the Hospital and approval by the
appropriate nursing Director/Manager. Regarding such leave, a nurse shall upon
written request to the Hospital be granted paid educational/professional leave during
the fiscal year for clinically relevant education related to the nurse's position at
OHMC, so long as scheduling requirements of the Hospital and approval of the
Director/Manager are met, in the following amounts of paid educational/professional
leave for full-time or part-time nurses based upon a nurse's designated FTE status
with hours consistently worked at that level (or per diem nurses with that same service
level consistently worked) in the past calendar year:
FTE Status
.4-.6 FTE
.7-.8 FTE
.9-1.0 FTE
8.8 Job Related Study
Hours Education Leave
Twelve (12) Hours
Twenty-four (24) Hours
Forty (40) Hours
After one (1) year of continuous employment, permission may be granted for
leave of absence without pay for job related study, without loss of accrued benefits,
providing such leave does not jeopardize hospital service. Nurses who request to
return to work in accordance with an approved leave of absence shall be eligible to
apply as a current employee for the first available opening for which the nurse is
Seniority Definition
Seniority shall mean a nurse's continuous length of service as a full-time or part-
time registered nurse based upon bargaining unit hours paid by the Hospital (as well as
unpaid "low census hours") from most recent date of hire. (Time spent on nonpaid
leaves of absence shall not be counted.) Seniority benefits shall not apply to a nurse
until completion of the required probationary period. Upon satisfact01y completion of
this probationary period, the nurse shall be credited with seniority from most recent date
of hire.
9.1.1 Seniority "Freeze & Bridge"
Should a bargaining unit nurse transfer to a non-bargaining unit position, the
nurse's existing seniority hours shall be "frozen" at the amount accrued at that time. If
a non-bargaining unit employee transfers to a bargaining unit position, at that time
any prior seniority of the nurse shall be restored ("bridged") to its previous level.
A reallocation is a redistribution of nursing positions when deemed necessary
by the Hospital regarding its determination that there is an imbalance of core staffing
for shifts on a unit or when it merges two or more units. When the Hospital proceeds
with a reallocation, the following procedures shall be followed:
Units Not Reallocated
At the Hospital's discretion, any current open positions on units not
reallocating (positions that were open before the reallocation) will be posted for
intra-unit bidding for full-time and part-time nurses only, not to exceed seven (7)
calendar days. It is intended that such open positions will be assigned by the Hospital
within seven (7) calendar days thereafter. Once the initial vacancy is filled, the
resulting vacancy shall be available to the reallocating unit(s). Seniority shall be the
determining factor in making assignments, providing skill, competence and ability are
not overriding factors based on the Hospital opinion of mandatory established criteria
of Hospital and unit based standards.
Reallocated Units
Positions within a reallocated unit(s) will be posted for full-time and part-time
nurses only within those units(s) first and open to intra-unit staff for bidding for
full-time and part-time nurses only for a period of seven (7) calendar days. The
posting will include the total number of required full time equivalent (FTE) staff per
shift, and the total number of staff required to fill the available FTE's. It will also
include the current number ofFTE's and the current number of staff on each shift.
Nurse Reallocation Considerations
To be considered in the reallocation process, a nurse within a reallocated unit
must submit a bid during the job posting period to his/her Director/Manager on a form
developed by the Employer. The Employer may modify the form as it deems
necessary to fit the reallocation situation involved. Such form shall include: cmTent
shift, current hours worked, and all choices of shift and FTE in order of preference. A
nurse may bid for a position for which the nurse is qualified on any shift.
Reallocation Bids & Absent Nurses
The Director/Manager shall attempt to inform about the reallocation bid
process (by telephone and/or regular mail) any nurse in a reallocated unit who during
the entire time allocated for the bidding process is on vacation, absent for an extended
illness, or is on a leave of absence. Reallocation bids from these nurses must be
submitted in writing with the information requested by the Director/Manager.
Reallocation & Seniority
Seniority shall be the determining factor in making reallocation assignments,
providing skill, competence and ability are not overriding factors based on the
Hospital opinion of mandatory established criteria of Hospital and unit based
Reallocation & Schedule Changes
is understood that the Hospital has the discretion to modify days off and
weekend rotation patterns as it deems necessary, and that this may be disruptive to
nurses' personal lives. While the Hospital will make a good faith effort to minimize
such disruption, it will make its decision based on its assessment of staffing needs of
the reallocated units. If, as the result of a reallocation, days off and weekend rotation
patterns are modified, affected nurses will receive fifteen (15) days notice prior to any
such modification.
Reallocation Bid Response
A nurse will be notified of the result of his/her reallocation bid request in
writing within seven (7) calendar days of the end of the posting period. A nurse who
receives his/her first or second choice will have two (2) weeks to make the required
change. Thereafter the change will occur on a date determined by the Hospital.
Reallocation & A Displaced Nurse
A displaced nurse (nurse who does not receive his/her first or second choice, or
chooses not to submit a bid) will have the option after reallocation of accepting a
comparable [as defined in Section 9.3.l(a)] open position at that time on any unit in
the Hospital for which the Hospital deems the nurse qualified, or being laid off
pursuant to Section 9.3, Layoff.
Reallocation Appeals
A nurse who disagrees with a decision regarding reallocation staff assignments
is encouraged first to discuss those concerns with the Director/Manager. If the issue
is not resolved to the nurse's satisfaction, the nurse may request that the assignment be
reviewed by an appeals committee under this Section. The request for review must be
submitted in writing (within ten (10) week days of being informed of the decision) to
the Vice President, Patient Care Services, and the Local Unit Chairperson, and must
specifically identify the issue(s). The appeals committee will consist of the Vice
President, Patient Care Services, a representative from the Human Resources
Department, two (2) Directors/Managers, and two (2) staff nurse members of the
Conference Committee. The appeals committee will make its determination within
ten (10) week days of receipt of the request. If the nurse disagrees with the
determination of the appeals committee, the nurse may file a grievance within fifteen
(15) week days from the date that the nurse was notified of the determination.
In the event a permanent or prolonged reduction in designated positions is
determined by the Hospital to be necessary resulting in the layoff of full-time or
part-time nurses, the following procedures shall apply:
Layoff Notices
The Association shall be given notice oflayoffs no less than twenty-one (21)
calendar days prior to bargaining unit nurses affected. The Hospital shall identify the
number and full-time equivalent (FTE) status of the position(s) to be eliminated, as
well as shift(s) and unit(s). Twenty-one(21) calendar days' advance notice of layoff
shall be given to a nurse(s) who is being laid off.
Comparable Position Definition
For the purposes of this Section, a comparable position is defined as a position:
for which the Hospital determines the nurse is q1:1alified, and
with a full time equivalent (FTE) status that is equal to or has a reduction
of not more than .2 FTE as compared to the position previously held, or that
the FTE status change has no negative impact on insurance benefit eligibility.
Layoffs & Functional Areas
Within the twenty-one (21) calendar day notice period, the affected nurse may
only displace the least senior full-time or part-time nurse within the same functional
area (as identified by the Hospital) who also has a comparable position. For such
displacement to occur, the nurse must be able in the opinion of the Hospital to
perform the job in a qualified manner with an orientation period not to exceed three
weeks at full-time. (Also, if after reassignment pursuant to these layoff
provisions, a nurse has not reached a satisfactory level of performance in the opinion
of the Hospital after completing orientation to the new position, the nurse will be
subject to immediate layoff.) If there are no nurses in a comparable position with less .
seniority within the functional area, the affected nurse will be laid off.
there are affected nurses who are being laid off simultaneously within the
same functional areas, the following procedure will be followed:
The most senior of the affected nurses shall initiate the
displacement process and may displace the least senior nurse within the functional
area who has a comparable position;
The second most senior of the affected nurses may then displace
the least senior nurse in the functional area who has a comparable position;
This same process may be used until all the affected nurses have
had an opportunity to displace the least senior nurse with a comparable position.
The Hospital retains the right to temporarily reassign nurses to
alternative shifts and/or units or departments to ensure competent levels of nurses on
each shift during the transition period.
Once a nurse has displaced another nurse, no further
displacement opportunities will occur.
A nurse may waive layoff rights to displace a less senior nurse,
may be laid off and may be placed on the recall roster under Sec. 9.4.
Consideration may be given to allow laid off nurses the option of working their
regular work schedule for the twenty-one (21) day period after receiving notification
of layoff or letting them leave after receiving notification of layoff and receiving
regular pay (including preapproved education time) for that twenty-one (21) day
Layoff & Comparable Position
during the lay off process a nurse is offered a comparable position by the
Hospital, and the nurse chooses not to accept it, the nurse forfeits the right to displace
a less senior nurse.
Benefits at Time of Layoff
A nurse may have the option of cashing out accrued PTO and eligible EIB
hours (pursuant to Section 14.6 of this Agreement) on the nurse's final paycheck, or to
maintain hours on Hospital account in the event the nurse is recalled to work. A nurse
who chooses to maintain hours on Hospital account may, at any time while on recall
status, notify the Employer of his/her desire to cashout the balance of such hours, and
will generally receive payment within two (2) weeks of receipt of written request to
the Hospital's Human Resources Department.
a nurse has not cashed out such
hours, at the end of the recall period the hours will be cashed out by the Human
Resources Department. (For a nurse receiving Medical, Dental, Vision, Life
Insurance and Long Term Disability benefits, these benefits will be in effect until the
end of the month in which the nurse last works prior to layoff status. Medical, Dental
and Vision insurance benefits may be continued on a self-pay basis under the COBRA
program.) A nurse will not accrue benefits, wage longevity or seniority while on
layoff status. (See, Sec. 9.4.3, Per Diem Work While on Layoff.)
Nurses on layoff status shall be placed on a reinstatement roster for a period of
one (1) year from the date of layoff. Notification of open positions will be made by
the Hospital to laid off nurses (within the same functional area) who have remained
on the recall roster. Concurrently, the open positions will be posted intra-unit and
housewide. Nurses placed on the reinstatement roster are responsible for providing
updated address and telephone number information (including notification of contact
phone number and address while out of town (e.g., vacation, etc.) to the Human
Resources Director of the Hospital. The position will be offered to the most senior
nurse of those indicating an interest (who the Hospital determines is qualified)
pursuant to the following recall procedure:
Recall Procedure
When the Hospital determines that a position is available within a functional
area, a laid off nurse on the recall roster in that functional area will be contacted by
telephone or in writing (regular mail) and notified of the vacancy. The position may
or may not be the same FTE and/or the same shift previously held by the nurse.
A nurse may reject the position without loss of recall rights.
A nurse must respond to the Hospital's Human Resources
Department regarding his/her interest in the open position within ten (10) calendar
days of the telephone call or date listed on the notification letter. The vacant position
will be given to the most senior nurse, who the Hospital determines is qualified, who
applies within the ten (10) calendar day period for the open position. The nurse will
be expected to report to work as soon as possible, and no later than two (2) weeks
after acceptance of the position.
Temporary Work While on Layoff
A nurse on layoff may accept a temporary position at the Hospital. At the
conclusion of the temporary assignment the nurse will be returned to layoff status.
During the temporary assignment, the nurse retains recall rights.
Per Diem Work While on Layoff
A nurse on layoff who indicates a desire to perform per diem work, may do so
without forfeiting layoff recall rights. It is understood that the nurse will be treated as
an per diem nurse for wage, benefit and seniority purposes. The nurse will be
scheduled to work in the same manner as other per diem nurses. In the event of low
census the per diem nurse on layoff status will be released after other per diem nurses.
Benefits Upon Recall
Upon recall, a nurse shall resume accruing benefits, seniority and wage
longevity service. Insurance benefit eligibility will be subject to existing eligibility
plan requirements at the commencement of work after recall.
Seniority shall terminate upon cessation of the employment relationship; for
example, discharge, resignation, retirement, accepting regular status employment with
another hospital (except while on layoff status), refusal to accept a comparable job
opening offered by the Hospital while on layoff, after twelve (12) consecutive months
of layoff, or failure to comply with specified recall procedures.
Layoff Status Extension
When a laid off nurse has completed twelve (12) consecutive months oflayoff,
layoff status may be extended an additional six (6) months in lieu of termination if the
Hospital's Human Resources Department receives such a written request from the
nurse within the period of time fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the end of the
twelve (12) month layoff period. If a nurse has worked in a per diem status
throughout the recall period but has not been recalled, the nurse shall retain per diem
status but recall rights shall cease.
In the event of a layoff, a seniority roster will be available at the Human
Resources Department and in the staffing office. At that time a copy shall be sent to
the Association. The Roster will be updated quarterly and prior to any layoff.
Low Census
During temporary periods oflow census, the Hospital will determine the level
of staffing it deems necessary, and shall release staff in the following order (provided
skill, competence, ability and availability are not overriding factors based on the
Hospital's opinion of mandatory established criteria of Hospital and unit based
I. Short notice registry agency personnel;
Nurses working overtime who volunteer for low census;
Volunteers (the day off shall be counted for purposes of the rotations
Temporary employees;
Extended assignment agency/travel personnel; and
Nurses working overtime who do not volunteer.
the Hospital determines it still must "low census" staff, it shall seek to
equitably rotate low census within a Hospital unit or functional area in this order:
Per diem ["Recall nurses" after other per diem nurses];
Regular full-time and part-time nurses working extra shifts (a cancelled
shift is not counted as a low census day); and
Regular full-time and part-time nurses in rotation, provided skill,
competence, ability, and availability are not overriding factors based on
the Hospital opinion of mandatory established criteria of Hospital and
unit based standards for such per diem, regular full-time or part-time
It is understood that at any time the Hospital may elect (subject to Section 8.5,
Floating) to float staff to other units based on its assessment of need (such as patient
census, skill mix and acuity).
a nurse is placed on low census "out of turn" pursuant
to the above guidelines, the nurse shall be "skipped" for the next applicable rotation.
The current method of tracking low census rotation in a work unit
total hour rotation, last date of low census, or percentage of low census hours to
scheduled hours) shall be continued. For rotation purposes, nurses shall report their
low census hours to the Staffing Office in increments of four (4) hours. This method
shall be reviewed periodically with Conference Committee. A sign up sheet will be
available from the Nurse Staffing Office for those who wish to volunteer for low
census time off. Regularly scheduled nurses will notify the Nurse Staffing Office or
other designated scheduling authority if they wish additional hours. Regularly
scheduled nurses shall not be placed on low census if per diem nurses are working on
a unit provided skill, competence, and ability are not overriding factors in the opinion
of the Hospital based on mandatory established criteria of Hospital and unit based
Low Census Notification
As a general guide, the Hospital will seek to provide notice to nurses called off
for low census not less than one and one-half (1-1/2) hours prior to day-shift starting
time and not less than two (2) hours prior to evening and night-shift starting time.
Low Census
Nurses who report for work as scheduled (unless otherwise notified in
advance) and are released from duty by the Hospital because oflow census shall
receive a minimum of four (4) hours' work or four (4) hours' pay at the regular rate of
pay. In the event the Hospital decides to begin a nurse's shift after its scheduled start
time, such nurse shall be given the option of either being placed on low census for a
period not to exceed four (4) hours or being placed on late start standby for a period
not to exceed four (4) hours. The nurse shall not be subject to low census for the
remainder of the shift. In the event the nurse is called back into work during the late
start standby period, he or she will be paid at time and one-half (1 1/2) for all time
worked during the late start standby period. All hours worked during the late start
standby period will be paid at the appropriate rate. Nurses who are placed on low
census after working part of their shift shall be placed on low census for the entirety
of the remainder of their scheduled shift. Nurses who are called off and subsequently
are called and agree to work shall receive overtime pay for all hours worked beyond
the end of the normal shift.
Benefits/Benefits Use During Low Census
Nurses who take low census on a voluntary or mandatory basis or who are
scheduled to work but are released from duty due to low census shall continue to
receive, as applicable, medical, dental and vision insurance coverage, PTO, EIB,
seniority, step increases, and other benefits. Accrued PTO may be used during
periods of low census in an amount necessary to equal lost wages for unpaid low
census hours.
Job Openings
When a designated status job opening occurs within the bargaining unit, which
the Hospital decides to fill, designated status nurses on the Nursing Unit where the
opening has occutTed and who apply in writing to the designated Director/Manager
within the seven (7) calendar day preliminary posting period for that Nursing Unit,
will be considered prior to other applicants. The preliminary posting will include
pertinent !mown aspects of the position, including but not limited to the range ofFTE
status possibilities, shift, unit, minimum qualifications and total FTE availability.
Preliminary posting of such full-time, part-time and temporary job openings
shall be on the Nursing Unit where the opening exists for a minimum of seven (7)
calendar days. In the event that the Hospital concludes that no qualified nurses have
timely applied during the preliminary posting period in the Nursing Unit, the Hospital
may post the opening on the Hospital's Human Resources website. Such Human
Resources website postings shall be for a minimum of seven (7) calendar days and the
posting shall be updated at least every seven (7) calendar days. Nursing Unit
preliminary postings and Human Resources website postings may be concurrent if it
is unlikely that a designated status nurse from that Nursing Unit will apply. Seniority
shall be the determining factor in filling such an opening, provided skill, competence
and ability are not overriding factors based on the Hospital opinion of the mandatory
established criteria of Hospital and unit based standards and the Employer determines
that its staffing patterns and requirements are met. Also, the candidate's previous
work experience will be considered. After a decision is made, all applicants who
made a timely application will receive a response, and upon request, a written
statement of the reason for the decision within ten (10) working days of the request.
If the Hospital is unable to transfer a nurse to a vacant position due to patient care
considerations, the position may be filled on a temporary basis and the nurse will be
notified in writing as to when the transfer will be expected to occur. The Hospital
will make the transfer within sixty (60) calendar days.
The normal workday shall consist of eight (8) hours' work to be completed
within eight and one-half (8-1/2) consecutive hours.
Work Period
The normal work period shall consist of forty (40) hours of work within a
seven (7) day period or eighty (80) hours of work within a fourteen (14) day period.
Other Work Schedules
When mutually agreeable to the Hospital and the nurse, the normal workday
may vary. Such innovative work schedules may be established by the Hospital with
the prior written consent of the nurse involved, so long as the schedules do not
negatively impact other nurses and are consistent with the provisions of this
Agreement. When such written consent occurs, unless there is an emergency, the
Hospital shall give a copy to the Local Unit Chairperson(s) seven (7) calendar days
prior to implementation for the purpose of Association review. Where work
schedules other than the eight (8) hour day work schedule are utilized, the Hospital
retains the right to revert back to the eight (8) hour day schedule or the work schedule
which was in effect immediately prior to the alternative work schedule, after at least
fourteen (14) calendar days' advance notice to the nurse.
Schedule Posting
It is recognized and understood that deviations from the foregoing normal
hours of work may occur from time to time, resulting from several causes such as but
not limited to vacations, leave of absence, weekend and holiday duty, absenteeism,
employee requests, temporary shortage of personnel, low census and emergencies.
The Hospital retains the right to adjust work schedules to maintain an efficient and
orderly operation. Monthly work schedules shall be posted ten (10) calendar days
prior to the beginning of the scheduled work period. Except for emergency conditions
involving pat(ent care and low census conditions, individual scheduled hours of work
may be changed only by mutual consent.
Overtime shall be compensated for at the rate of one-and-one-half (1-1/2)
times the regular rate of pay for all time worked beyond the normal work day or
normal work period. For purposes of computing ove1iime, the nurse's regular rate of
pay shall include shift differential only if four (4) or more hours are worked on the
designated shift. Time paid for but not worked shall not count as time worked for
purposes of computing overtime pay. Excluding emergency situations, the Hospital
as a matter of policy shall not reschedule a nurse for extra work because of time off
with pay. Special high volume overtime shall be compensated for at the rate of two
(2) times the regular rate of pay for all hours worked over twelve (12) in a work day
for a nurse regularly assigned to an eight (8) hour day or a ten (10) hour day, or for all
hours worked over fourteen (14) hours in a twelve (12) hour day.
Overtime Approval
All ove1iime must be approved by the Director/ Manager or designee. The
Hospital and the Association agree that overtime should be discouraged. Overtime
shall be computed to the nearest quarter hour. There shall be no pyramiding or
duplication of overtime pay and/or other premium compensation paid at the rate of
one-and one-half (1-1/2) the regular rate which would result in compensation
' exceeding one-and-one-half (1-1/2) for the same hours worked, except as provided
elsewhere in the contract.
Meal/Rest Periods
A nurse shall receive an unpaid meal period of one-half (1/2) hour when
scheduled to work more than five (5) hours. Consistent with the Hospital's practic
over the years, nurses electing to work twelve-hour shifts shall have the choice of
working a twelve-hour that includes one or two unpaid meal period(s). Nurses
electing to work a twelve-hour shift with one unpaid meal period must waive their
right to a second unpaid meal period on a form provided by the Hospital. A nurse
required to remain on duty or in the Hospital during the meal period shall be
compensated for such time at the appropriate rate of pay. For each four (4) hours of
working time, a nurse shall be allowed one (1) paid rest period of fifteen (15) minutes.
10.7.1 Break Relief Nurses
Staffing plans will include strategies to more consistently enable nurses to take
meal periods and rest breaks as required by the Agreement, and to encourage nurses
to use their meal period and rest break opportunities. The topic of break relief shall
be discussed at every Staffing Committee meeting, including hiring status of break
relief nurses, effectiveness of relief approaches and priorities for improvement. A
break relief nurse shall serve on the Staffing Committee. Beginning within two weeks
of ratification, Overlake agrees to post and make reasonable efforts to hire twelve (12)
nurses in positions totalingl0.5 FTEs in the Float Pool who shall be assigned
primarily to providing meal period and rest breaks for all shifts. The float/ break
relief nurses shall be primarily assigned to Med Surg (4), Tele/Critical Care (4) and
Childbirth Center (4). These float/break relief nurses shall not replace or be used to
supplement the break relief nurse systems in place as of May I, 2017 in the
Emergency Department and Perioperative Services.
The Hospital will make a good faith effort to schedule all regular full and
part-time nurses for every other weekend off. In the event a nurse works two
successive weekends in a row, the second and not regularly scheduled weekend shall
be paid at the rate of time and one-half(l-1/2) the regular rate of pay. The third
regularly scheduled weekend shall be at the nurse's regular rate of pay. Vacations
must be scheduled so as not to place the Hospital in an overtime condition in order to
cover weekends. Every other weekend off cycles may be altered with at least two (2)
weeks' notice prior to the start date of the next schedule. Subject to approval, nursesยท
may request to trade weekends. The time and one-half (1-1/2) weekend premium rate
shall not apply to nurses who voluntarily agree to more frequent weekend duty or to
nurses who have agreed to trade weekend work. The weekend shall be defined for
first (day) and second (evening) shift personnel as Saturday and/or Sunday. For third
(night) shift personnel, the weekend shall be defined as Friday night and/or Saturday
night. Every reasonable effort will be made in scheduling third (night) shift personnel
to avoid a Sunday night shift being scheduled immediately following their regularly
scheduled weekend off. Every reasonable effort will be made to schedule nurses who
have worked for the Hospital for more than twenty-five (25) tenure years as an RN off
on weekends. A "tenure year" in this section means 1664 paid hours in a year or
twelve months, whichever comes last. This section shall not apply to individuals who
have agreed to alternative work schedules including regularly assigned weekend
10.8.1 Weekend Premium
A registered nurse who works on a weekend shall receive a weekend hourly
premium of four dollars and twenty-five cents ($4.25) added to the nurse's regular rate
of pay for each hour worked on the weekend prior to any overtime calculations. For
this section weekend is defined as any hours worked from the beginning of night shift
on Friday to the end of the evening shift on Sunday.
Time Off Between Shifts
In scheduling work assignments, the Hospital will make a good faith effort to provide
each nurse with at least ten (10) hours off duty between shifts. In the event a nurse is
required to work with less than ten (10) hours off duty between shifts, all time worked
on the shift following the rest period ofless than ten (10) hours will be paid at one and
one half (1 1/2) times the regular rate of pay, unless double time (two (2) times the
regular rate of pay) is required pursuant to the Agreement. This Section shall not
apply to mandatory continuing education, committee meetings, staff meetings, or time
spent on standby and callback assignments performed pursuant to Article 12.
Shift Rotation
In the event the Hospital is planning to use shift rotation, the Hospital shall
follow the procedures of Section 8.2, Staffing, for notice to the Local Unit Chair and
discussion with affected nurses. Where shift rotation is required by the Hospital a
good faith effort will be made to limit shift rotation to a fourteen (14) day period
between each rotation. More frequent shift rotation may be mutually agreed to on an
individual basis.
Wage Rates
Nurses covered by this Agreement shall be paid the following base rates of
May 10,
May 9,
May 8,
Wage increases, longevity increments and any benefits adjustments set forth in this
Agreement shall become effective at the start of the payroll period in which one year
has been completed since the date of hire or the effective date of the last completed
longevity increment, whichever is later. (See also, Section 5.9, Month and Year.)
Recognition for Past Experience
Full-time and part-time nurses hired during the term of this Agreement shall be
given full credit for continuous recent nursing experience when placed on the wage
scale in Section I1.1, Wage Rates. For purposes of this Section, "continuous recent
nursing experience" is defined as direct patient care nurse experience (e.g., acute care
hospital, clinic, nursing home, home health, hospice, etc.) as determined appropriate
in the opinion of the Hospital's Assessment Team (Hiring Director/Manager, Director
of Patient Care Services and the Nurse Recruiter). Other nursing experience may also
be credited as determined appropriate in the opinion of the Hospital's Assessment
11.2.1 Short-Term Break in Service
In the event a nurse terminates from employment at Overlake Hospital and is
rehired within one (1) year of the termination date, the nurse's employment will be
bridged, and the original hire date will be reinstated for the purpose of seniority and
applicable benefits. The nurse will return at the same wage step level and partial
tenure completed at the time of the nurse's termination. The nurse would still be
required to complete all new hire application procedures and attend Hospital
orientation, and will have a new probationary period. Decisions regarding the need
for Departmental and/or nursing orientation will be made by the Director/Manager.
11.3 Overscale Condition
Any nurse currently paid more than the base rate of pay for their longevity step
shall maintain that cents per hour over scale condition for the term of this Agreement.
Wage and Benefit Minimums
The Hospital shall be permitted to pay wages and/or benefits in excess of those
provided by this Agreement in order to compete for qualified nurses in a changing
economic environment. Should the Hospital elect to increase wages and/or benefits, it
shall give written notice to the Local Unit Chairperson(s) ten (10) calendar days prior
to implementation for the purpose of Association review. The term "wages and/or
benefits" as used in this section does not include the granting of Hospital seniority, as
defined in Section 9.1, based on a nurse's past experience.
Shift Differential
Nurses assigned to work the second (3-11 p.m.) shift shall be paid a shift
differential of two dollars and seventy-five cents ($2.75) per hour. Nurses assigned to
work the third (11 p.m. - 7 a.m.) shift shall be paid a shift differential of four dollars
and fifty cents ($4.50) per hour over the regular hourly rate of pay. Nurses shall be
paid shift differential for those hours worked on a second or third shift if four (4) or
more hours are worked on the designated shift.
Standby Pay
Nurses placed on standby status shall be compensated at the rate of four dollars
and fifty cents ($4.50) per hour for all standby hours up to fifty{50) in a pay period.
For high-volume standby in excess of fifty (50) standby hours per pay period, a nurse
shall receive a total of four dollars and seventy-five cents ($4.75) per hour for all
standby hours over fifty (50) standby hours up to and including one hundred (100)
standby hours in a pay period, and a total of five dollars and fifty cents ($5.50) per
hour for all standby hours over one hundred (100) standby hours in a pay period.
Standby duty shall not be counted as hours worked for purposes of computing
overtime or eligibility for longevity increments or fringe benefits. Nurses who are
required to be on duty at the start of or during their standby shift shall receive at least
one hour's notice except for unanticipated patient emergency cases where one hour's
notice may not be possible. In such emergency cases the nurses will be notified as
soon as possible. Under no circumstances will a nurse be required to report to work
prior to the start of their standby shift. Signal devices shall be provided to nurses on
standby for temporary use for those who request them. Nurses placed on low census
will not be required to be on standby.
Callback Pay
Any nurse called back to work from standby status shall be compensated at the
rate of time and one half (1 - 1/2) the regular rate of pay. Callback pay shall be paid
in addition to any standby pay. When called back from off the premises, the nurse
shall receive such time and one-half(l - 1/2) for a minimum of three (3) hours (which
shall include any actual time worked). Travel time to and from the Hospital shall not
be considered time worked. The minimum callback hours shall not apply when the
nurse reports for work in advance of the assigned shift or remains working at the end
of a shift or has not left the campus. Actual time worked in callback shall count as
straight-time worked for benefit accrual.
Holiday Callback Pay
Any nurse called back to work from standby status on holidays shall be
compensated at the rate of double time (2x) the regular rate of pay. Callback pay
shall be paid in addition to any standby pay. When called back from off the premises,
the nurse shall receive such double time (2x) for a minimum of three (3) hours (which
shall include any actual time worked). Travel time to and from the Hospital shall not
be considered time worked.
Charge Nurse/Specialty Coordinator Pay
Any nurse assigned as a Charge Nurse, Relief Charge Nurse or Specialty
Coordinator during hours from 7:00 a.m. through 11:00 p.m. shall be paid a premium
of two dollars and seventy-five cents ($2.75) per hour over the regular rate of pay.
Any nurse assigned as a Charge Nurse, Relief Charge Nurse or Specialty Coordinator
during hours from 11:00 p.m. through 7:00 a.m. shall be paid a premium of five
dollars ($5.00) per hour over the regular rate of pay.
Preceptor Premium
The preceptor premium shall be one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per assigned
,Certification Pay
The certification premium shall be one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per
authorized hour upon receipt of the certification. Nurses who are eligible for the
premium and education cost stipend shall provide to the Staffing Office proof of
certification and, as applicable, recertification. The Hospital shall acknowledge
receipt of such proof at the time the nurse provides it. In addition, employees shall be
eligible to receive a certification stipend (for related continuing education and
certification or recertification examination costs) according to the following criteria:
Full-Time & Part-Time Nurses
A full-time or part-time nurse must have completed the probationary period,
must have been employed for at least six (6) months, and annually shall be limited to
a maximum stipend payment of a total of three hundred and twenty-five dollars
($325) for the year (Fiscal year running from July 1 through June 30).
Per Diem Nurses
A per diem nurse must have been employed for at least six (6) months, must
meet prescheduling requirements, must work a minimum of twenty-four (24) eight (8)
hour shifts (or 192 hours) during every six (6) months, and annually shall be limited
to a maximum stipend payment of a total of one hundred and seventy-five dollars
($175) for the year (Fiscal year running from July 1 through June 30).
Work in Advance of Shift
When a nurse is required to report for work in advance of the assigned shift
and continues working during the scheduled shift, all hours worked prior to the
scheduled shift shall be paid at time and one-half (1-1/2) the regular rate of pay.
Work on Day Off
Full-time nurses called in on their day off shall be paid at the rate of
one-and-one-half(l-1/2) times the regular rate of pay for the hours worked.
Temporary Assignment
Temporary assignment to a higher paid position within the bargaining unit for
eight (8) or more consecutive hours shall be compensated at the higher rate of pay.
Change in Classification
A change in classification shall not alter a nurse's accrued seniority for
purposes of accrual of benefits or placement in the wage schedule.
Bonus Shifts
In the event that the Hospital offers a bonus or premium above that
required by the contract for work on shifts that have not been filled after the schedule
has been posted, the Hospital shall post in advance of offering the premium or bonus
the following information on the intranet: the units that are eligible for the bonus or
premium, the start and end dates of the program, the amount of the bonus or premium,
and other requirements associated with the premium or bonus.
BSN/MSN Premium
The education premium for any nurse holding a Bachelor's Degree in
Nursing (BSN) shall be one dollar ($1.00) per authorized hour. The education
premium for any nurse holding a Master's Degree in Nursing (MSN) shall be one
dollar ($1.00) per authorized hour. The nurse is responsible for providing satisfactory
proof of the educational attainment to the Hospital's Human Resources Department.
The nurse will receive the education premium beginning the first full pay period
following the submission of the document to the Human Resources Department.
Paid Time Off Program
The Paid Time Off (PTO) program provides eligible nurses with appropriate
compensation during holidays, vacation time, and periods of illness or injury for the
nurse or to care for a dependent child (including child over 18 years old with a
disability) with a health condition that requires treatment or supervision, or to care
for a spouse, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent or domestic partner of a nurse in the
event of a serious health condition or an emergency condition pursuant to the
requirements of this Article and subject to related Employer policies. The purpose is
to allow each eligible nurse to utilize PTO as the nurse determines best fits the nurse's
personal needs or desires.
Rate of Accrual
PTO hours will accrue on all hours paid (excluding standby) and low census
hours, based on the following accrual rates multiplied by the number of paid hours per
pay period, up to a maximum of 80 hours per pay period:
Accrual Rate
Max. Accrual
Max Accrual
Years of Service
Per Hour Paid
Per Pay Period
Per Year
7.0768 hrs
184 hrs (23 days)
248 hrs (31 days)
9.8464 hrs
256 hrs (32 days)
10.1536 hrs
264 hrs (33 days)
9 - 10
272 hrs (34 days)
11 or more
1.0768 hrs
288 hrs (36 days)
Under this Agreement, for PTO and EIB purposes a year is defined in Section 5.9.
Accrual of PTO begins upon the first day of employment and nurses are eligible to
use any accrued PTO in the pay period immediately following the accrual.
Paid Time Off Schedule
All PTO must be scheduled in accordance with the Hospital policies and be
approved by nursing administration. PTO schedules will be developed on an annual
Regular PTO (includes non-winter holidays): For the year's non-holiday
period, each unit manager (or their designee) shall make available on January 1 a
calendar for time off requests. Requests for time off during the following March
through February shall be placed by employees on the calendar no later than the
preceding January 31. Each unit manager shall post the non-holiday period calendar
with approved scheduled time off by February 15 of each year. If nurses make the
same PTO request, seniority (as defined in Section 9.1) will be the deciding factor.
Holiday (Thanksgiving through January 2): For the holiday time period
(Thanksgiving week through January 2), each unit manager (or their designee) shall
make available on May 1 a holiday preference list and calendar for time off requests.
Requests for time off during the following holiday time period shall be placed by
employees on the calendar and holiday preference lists shall be returned no later than
the preceding May 31. Each unit manager shall post the calendar with approved
scheduled time off by June 30 of each year. The holidays worked the prior year may
be considered by the unit manager in scheduling the current year's holiday period.
After consideration of the holidays worked the prior year's holiday period, if nurses
make the same PTO request, seniority (as defined in Section 9.1) will be the deciding
Unit managers will respond in good faith to requests made at other times
during the year, but those will be granted and scheduled only as practicable by the
unit manager in their discretion. Unit managers will deny or grant such requests
within two weeks of the request.
Scheduled time off for an employee who transfers to a different shift or unit
will be subject to the schedule for time off already determined on the shift or unit.
Requests for periods of time off longer than three (3) weeks will be granted only in
extraordinary circumstances.
Time off will not be granted, even if scheduled, if the employee does not have
sufficient time to cover the entire absence with accrued PTO; however, up to three
unpaid days may be used under Section 16.8 to cover the scheduled absence.
The Hospital shall have the right to schedule PTO in such a way as will least
interfere with patient care and workload requirements. Patient care needs will take
precedence over individual requests. Generally PTO may not be taken in increments
of less than the nurse's regular work day. Under special circumstances and only when
approved by supervision, partial days may be granted. Once time off is approved by
the Director/Manager or designee, the nurse involved shall not be asked or required to
find a replacement for the scheduled time off. In the event that a nurse requests time
off and that request is denied, the nurse may arrange with a per diem nurse to work
the shifts for which the nurse requested time off, subject to Manager/Director
approval. Additionally, once a schedule is posted, a nurse may arrange with a per
diem nurse to work a scheduled shift, subject to Manager/Director approval.
Maximum Accumulation
PTO may accumulate up to two (2) times a nurse's annual accrual rate. A
nurse will not cease to accrue PTO without receiving prior written notification from
the Hospital nor will a nurse lose accrued PTO if the Hospital was unable to schedule
the time off.
Paid Time Off Pay Rate
PTO pay shall be the amount the nurse would have earned had the nurse
worked during the period of PTO at the nurse's normal rate of pay, which includes
base rate of pay, certification premium, BSN/MSN premium, and shift differential but
excludes weekend premium, charge nurse/relief charge nurse/specialty
coordinator/team leader premiums, and all other compensation.
Work on Holidays
All full-time, part-time and per diem nurses who work on the following
holidays: New Years Day, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Independence
Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve Day, and Christmas Day shall be
paid at the rate of one-and-one-half (1-1/2) times the nurse's regular rate of pay for all
regular hours worked on the holiday. Time worked in excess of the normal work day
on one of the above designated holidays shall be paid at the double time rate of pay.
(For the purposes of this section, New Years Day shall be recognized from 3:00 p.m.
December 31 to 3:00 p.m. January 1. Further, for the night shift only, beginning with
the 2011Winter Holiday Season, Christmas Eve Day shall be recognized from 7:00
a.m. December 24 to 7:00 a.m. December 25, and Christmas Day shall be recognized
from 7:00 a.m. December 25 to 7:00 a.m. December 26.)
Use of PTO on Holidays
Eligible nurses may use PTO hours on a Holiday whether or not the Holiday is
worked. The maximum number of PTO hours which may be used will be limited to
the employee's regular scheduled shift of work on that day.
Cash Alternative
Nurses may make an irrevocable election during open enrollment of the
preceding year (December) to receive a cash payment from their PTO bank during a
specified time period during the year. A minimum often (10) hours may be requested
and a minimum of forty (40) hours must remain in the PTO bank following the
cash-out. Cash-out of PTO hours will be paid at the nurse's normal rate of pay (as
defined in Section 13.5) at that time. In the event that the minimum requirements are
not attainable at the time the cash-out is to be made, the amount of the cashout will be
adjusted to maintain the minimum requirements.
13.8.1 Financial Hardship
Nurses may apply quarterly for a cash-out of a portion of accrued PTO hours
under the criteria "Financial Hardship or Unforeseeable Emergency" as defined by the
Internal Revenue Service "Treasury Regulation Section 1.457 (b)(4)." Cash-out of
PTO hours will be paid at the normal rate of pay (as defined in Section 13.5). The
minimum PTO hours requirements for use and PTO bank balance as stated in Section
are applicable to financial hardship situations.
Shared Leave Program
Nurses may donate a portion of their PTO hours to an eligible co-worker in
times of an extraordinary need related to illness, injury, or financial hardship (as
defined in Section 13.8.1) of the co-worker or the co-worker's qualified dependent.
Criteria for Donating PTO Hours
Nurses donating PTO hours must retain a minimum of eighty (80) hours of
PTO following their donation. Donations will remain confidential and will be
processed in the order received in the Employer's Human Resources Department.
PTO hours may be donated only to the extent that they are necessary to supplement
the receiving employee's base pay under Section 13.9. Donated PTO hours will be
calculated on a dollar equivalent basis by the Human Resources Department.
Criteria for Receiving PTO Hours
Employees receiving PTO hours must be benefit eligible and must have
already exhausted all of their own PTO hours. Extended Illness Bank hours, as
established in Article 14, must also be first exhausted if the absence is due to personal
illness or injury. Shared leave hours that are donated will be paid at the receiving
employee's base rate of pay.
Payment on Termination
After completion of one (I) calendar year of employment, nurses shall be paid
upon termination of employment for all PTO hours accrued and unused; provided
however, this provision shall not apply to those nurses who terminate their
employment without giving the required twenty-one (21) day prior written notice, or
to those nurses who are discharged for cause.
Extended Illness Bank
The Extended Illness Bank (EIB) program provides all eligible nurses with
compensation for illness and/or injury, as required by this Agreement and subject to
related Employer policies.
Use ofEIB Hours and EIB Pay Rate
EIB hours are available following completion of two (2) consecutive normal
work days of absence (or after sixteen (16) consecutive work hours of absence) from
an employee's scheduled shifts due to illness and/or injury. The EIB pay rate shall be
determined in the same manner as the PTO pay rate under Section (3. 5 of this
Effective June 21, 2021, EIB hours are available following absence from one
scheduled shift due to illness and/or injury. The EIB pay rate shall be determined in
the same manner as the PTO pay rate under Section 13.5 of this Agreement.
Immediate Access to EIB
In the following specific situations, a nurse may directly access accrued EIB
hours without first completing another two (2) consecutive normal work days or
sixteen (16) consecutive work hours of the employee's scheduled shifts:
When the nurse is allowed to return to work after two (2)
consecutive normal work days or sixteen (16) consecutive work hours of absence to a
position which is less than the nurse's regular work schedule due to a medical
condition. A nurse may supplement pay with EIB hours up to the nurse's FTE status.
When the nurse returns to work following two (2) consecutive
normal work days or sixteen (16) consecutive work hours of absence due to illness or
injury and such condition worsens, therefore, not allowing the nurse to continue to
When the nurse has been hospitalized for overnight stay of at
least one (1) night a nurse may access EIB for absences on scheduled work days, or
when the nurse submits to the Director/Manager a physician's authorization for
outpatient procedures calling for preapproval of three (3) days of more recovery (day
of the procedure plus two (2) or more additional recovery days projected to be
Effective June 21 2021, in the following specific situations, a nurse may
directly access accrued EIB hours without first completing one of the employee's
scheduled shifts:
When the nurse is allowed to return to work to a position less
than the nurse's regularly scheduled shift due to a medical condition. A nurse may
supplement pay with EIB hours up to the nurse's FTE status.
When the nurse returns to work following absence from at least
one scheduled shift due to illness or injury and such condition worsens, therefore, not
allowing the nurse to continue to work.
When the nurse has been hospitalized for overnight stay of at
least one (1) night a nurse may access EIB for absences on scheduled work days, or
when the nurse submits to the Director/Manager a physician's authorization for
outpatient procedures calling for preapproval of three (3) days of more recovery (day
of the procedure plus two (2) or more additional recovery days projected to be
Work Related Illness/Injnry
A nurse may directly access EIB hours without first completing two (2)
consecutive normal work days or sixteen (16) consecutive work hours of absence
when he/she has been authorized by a physician for time loss due to a qualified work
related illness/injury. EIB hours will only be authorized to supplement lost net wages
not covered and paid through the Hospital's Self-Insured Worker's Compensation
EIB hours may not be used for follow-up care and/or appointments after a full release
to return to work has been authorized by the nurse's physician.
Rate of Accrual
EIB hours will accrue on all hours paid (excluding standby) at a rate of .02692
multiplied by the number of paid hours per pay period, up to a maximum of eighty
(80) hours per pay period. The maximum accrual per pay period is 2.1536 hours
(56 hours per year).
Accrual ofEIB hours will begin upon hire and nurses are eligible to use any accrued
EIB hours in the pay period immediately following the accrual, provided the
provisions of Article 14.2 have been met.
The maximum accumulation ofEIB hours shall be limited to six hundred (600) hours.
Absence Due to Illness Notification
Nurses working the first (day) shift shall notify the Nurse Staffing Office or
other designated scheduling authority at least two (2) hours in advance of the nurse's
scheduled shift if the nurse is unable to report for duty as scheduled. Nurses working
the second (evening) and third (night) shift shall notify the Nurse Staffing Office or
other designated scheduling authority at least three (3) hours in advance of the nurse's
scheduled shift if the nurse is unable to report for duty as scheduled. The nurse must
notify the Nurse Staffing Office or other designated scheduling authority each day of
absence if the nurse is unable to work, unless prior arrangements have been made
with supervision. Failure to comply with the above specified notification
requirements may result in loss of PTO or EIB leave for that day. Prior to payment
for PTO or EIB hours, reasonable proof of illness may be required which may, at the
request of the Hospital, include a written physician's statement. Proven abuse of time
off for PTO or EIB may be grounds for discharge.
Use of EIB for Other Family Members
In the event of a health condition of a nurse's child that requires treatment or
supervision or in the event of a serious health condition or an emergency condition of
a spouse, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent or domestic partner of a nurse, such nurse
may access EIB hours under the same provisions as stated
Section 14.2. A nurse
may access up to 32 EIB hours per calendar year for anyone functioning in the role of
a child or parent under the same provisions as stated in Section 14.2.
EIB Partial Cashout
Upon termination for other than just cause, for each year of service (as defined
for longevity (wage) increment purposes in Section 5.9) after five (5) years of service
a nurse shall receive payment at the base rate equal to one percent (1
of the nurse's
accrued but unused total bank ofEIB hours:
Years of Service
0 to 5 years
Over 5 years to 6 years
Over 6 years to 7 years
Over 7 years to 8 years
Percentage of Hours Paid
Flexible Benefits Program
Beginning the first of the month following one month of continuous
employment, all full-time and all part-time nurses designated as six tenths of a "full
time equivalent" (.6 FTE position or more and regularly scheduled to work
twenty-four (24) or more hours per week or forty-eight (48) hours or more per pay
period shall be included under and covered by the Hospital's group insurance
program. Presently this program provides medical, surgical, hospital, dental, vision,
and other insurance benefits and options (such as long term disability protection, and
the optional "125 Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Plan"). Participation in medical,
dental and any other insurance benefits programs or options shall be subject to
specific plan eligibility requirements. The Hospital shall only be required to pay an
individual nurse's minimum premium
( e.g.,
not any dependent coverage premiums or
higher premiums due to optional coverage above minimum provided by a "hospital
sponsored plan") if the nurse is participating in one of the plans the Hospital has
formally recognized as a "hospital sponsored plan." All other expenses and costs
shall be paid by an individual nurse as required by a plan or option. Effective January
1, 2018, health screenings will be required to earn a discount on the medical plan
premium (the "nonsmoker/wellness discount rate"). The screenings will provide
employees with their key health indicators to help them better manage their health,
and will only be available to the employee. The minimum premium ($0 cost) will be
based on the non-smoker/wellness discount rate. Screenings administered by,a third
party will be available annually at Overlake for convenience. Alternatively, an
employee's normal health care provider can submit the necessary documentation by
completing the
Physician Fax-Back
Form. In the event the Hospital modifies its
cun-ent plans or options,
discontinuation of the "125 (FSA) Plan"), or provides
an alternative plan(s) the Hospital will discuss the proposed plan changes with the
Association prior to implementation. The Hospital shall identify a contact person
through Human Resources who will be responsible for answering questions from
nurses regarding insurance plans.
Health Tests
All nurses shall meet health care test standards required by regulatory agency,
accreditation agency or law. '],'he Hospital shall provide such required tests at no cost
to nurses.
Other Insurance
The Hospital will provide Workers' Compensation Insurance and
Unemployment Compensation Insurance in accordance with the laws of the State of
Washington. Nurses shall be permitted to participate in accordance with plan terms in
the group term life insurance program as follows:
Full-time nurses shall be provided with coverage equal to their base
annual salary.
Part-time nurses at .6 to .9 FTE shall be provided $10,000 coverage.
Retirement Plan
The Hospital will provide a retirement plan for all eligible nurses. Retirement
benefits and eligibility requirements for participation shall be defined by the
Hospital's plan. In the event the Hospital modifies its retirement plan or provides an
alternative plan(s), the Hospital will discuss the proposed plan changes with the
Association prior to implementation. Once a year the Hospital will hold an open
meeting forum, that is separate from the Hospital's Benefits Fair and available for all
shifts to attend, to help nurses obtain information on the existing retirement plan.
Leave Information
Nurses seeking information about leave programs and their eligibility should
contact Human Resources. When contacted, Human Resources will provide
information about eligibility requirements for leaves and other benefits administered
by Overlake, including contact information for benefits vendors (examples are short-
term disability and long-term disability), and applicable state programs (examples are
worker's compensation and paid family and medical leave). Human Resources will
make every reasonable effort to provide this information to the nurse within five (5)
business days.
In General
All leaves of absence are to be requested from the Hospital in writing as far in
advance as possible, stating the reason for the leave and the amount of time requested.
A written reply to grant or deny the request shall be given by the Hospital within
thirty (30) days of receipt of the employee's written request.
Health and Family Leave
Family & Medical Leave
An eligible nurse shall be entitled to take leave of absence under the
procedures of this Section. An eligible nurse is one who has completed the
probationary period and is working in a designated status position of .6 FTE or more.
Leave may be taken for up to sixteen (16) workweeks during a
twelve (12) month period (measured forward from the date the nurse first takes family
and medical leave under this Section) to care for (1) the nurse's newborn child, newly
adopted child, or newly placed foster child; (2) the nurse's spouse, domestic partner,
child or parent with a serious health condition; or (3) the nurse's own serious health
condition that leaves the nurse unable to perform the essential functions of the job. (A
serious health condition is defined as an illness, injury, impairment or physical or
mental condition involving either inpatient care or continuing treatment by a health
care provider.) Such leave is in addition to any maternity disability (Sec. 16.3.2) leave
that may be required for the actual period of disability associated with pregnancy or
A nurse must give thirty (30) days advance notice of the need for
such leave, unless circumstances do not permit this and then notice must be as soon as
possible. Prior to approving a request for a leave for a serious health condition, the
Hospital may require certification from a health care provider of the need for and
probable duration of leave, with such certification provided to the Hospital within
fifteen (15}days of notice for such. Should it deem necessary, the Hospital may (at
its expense) obtain an opinion from a second health care provider of the Hospital's
choosing, or third health care provider chosen jointly by the nurse and the Hospital
should there be a continuing disagreement on the need for such leave.
If leave under this Section is required for planned medical
treatment, the nurse must make a reasonable effort to schedule treatment so as not to
unduly disrupt Hospital operations. Approved leave may be granted for up to the
sixteen (16) weeks, as needed, or may when medically necessary be used on an
intermittent basis or on a reduced workweek schedule. In such instances, however,
and subject to Section 16.3(B), the nurse must provide additional medical certification
from a qualified health care provider that establishes that such accommodation is
medically necessary, and the period of time for which this is required. The Hospital
may transfer the nurse temporarily to an available alternative position with equivalent
pay and benefits.
a nurse takes leave to care for the nurse's newborn child, newly
adopted child, or newly placed foster child, the nurse may elect to use available
accrued paid time off (PTO) hours hile on family and medical leave (unless the
nurse is receiving paid insurance benefits under Section 16.2.1(E), and in such case
the Hospital will require the nurse to use accrued PTO hours; however, a nurse may
maintain a balance of forty (40) hours for use only after return to regular position).
the nurse takes leave to care for him or herself or a sick child with a serious illness,
the nurse may use accrued and unused paid time off (PTO) and extended illness bank
(EIB) hours while on family and medical leave (unless the nurse is receiving paid
insurance benefits under Section 16.3.l(E), and in such case the Hospital will require
the nurse to use accrued PTO and EIB hours; however, a nurse may maintain a
balance of forty (40) hours for use only after return to regular position).
For the duration of an approved leave under this Section for a
nurse who has been employed for at least twelve (12) months and during the previous
twelve (12) month period worked at least 1250 hours for the Hospital, the Hospital
will continue the nurse's existing health insurance (medical, dental and vision) for up
to twelve (12) weeks under the same conditions as would have been provided to the
nurse if the nurse were not on such leave.
such a nurse does not return to work
from such leave, the nurse must reimburse the Hospital for all premiums paid for the
nurse during such leave unless the reason for not returning is not within the nurse's
control; e.g., permanent disability, layoff, etc.) Seniority shall not be lost while on
such leave, but neither seniority nor other benefits shall accrue (e.g., PTO/EIB) during
the unpaid portion of such leave. While a nurse is on family and medical leave, the
Hospital may require the nurse to report to the nurse's Director/Manager on a periodic
basis (no) more than monthly), regarding the nurse's status and intention to return to
work. In the event a reallocation or layoff occurs while a nurse is on a leave, the
nurse's position will be treated as if the nurse were working.
the nurse's absence from work for health reasons does not
exceed twelve (12) weeks or the period of time in which the nurse is in a paid status
(i.e., PTO, EIB) whichever is greater, the nurse shall return to work on the same unit,
shift and former full-time or part-time status. Time in a paid status may not be added
to time in an unpaid status for the purpose of extending this return to work
commitment. In the event the Hospital is required to fill the position following the
first twelve (12) weeks of the nurse's leave due to business necessity, the nurse will be
notified and given the opportunity to return to work. If the nurse elects not to return
to work at that time, at the completion of the scheduled leave the nurse will be offered
the first available position for which the nurse is qualified in the Hospital opinion of
skill, competence and ability in relationship to mandatory established criteria of
Hospital and unit based standards.
Other Health and Maternity Leave
When a nurse does not fall under the coverage of Section 16.3. I, Family &
Medical Leave, upon completion of the probationary period, a leave without pay for
up to six (6) months without loss of accrued benefits for health disability reasons shall
be granted upon the recommendation of a physician. However, a nurse who is
disabled due to pregnancy shall be granted such leave for the term of her disability
and upon completion of such disability shall be entitled to return to the position
vacated, unless business necessity required the position to be filled or eliminated, in
which case the nurse's position will be treated as if the nurse were working. A nurse
on a leave of absence for any other health disability reason often (10) weeks or less
shall be entitled to return to the position the nurse vacated, unless business necessity
required the position to be filled or eliminated, in which case the nurse's position will
be treated as if the nurse were working. Leave for health disability reasons exceeding
the time limits set fotih above, but not exceeding six (6) calendar months, entitles the
nurse to the first available position for which the nurse is qualified.
Family and Medical Leave Related to the Active Duty Service of a
Family Member
To the extent required by applicable law, an eligible nurse is entitled to up to
twelve (12) weeks of unpaid leave during any 12-month period because of any
qualifying exigency as defined by the Department of Labor arising out of the fact that
the spouse, domestic partner, son, daughter or parent of the nurse is on active duty in
the Armed Forces in support of a contingency operation.
Family and Medical Leave to Care for an Injured Service Member
To the extent required by applicable law, an eligible nurse is entitled to twenty-
six (26) weeks of unpaid leave in a 12-month period to care for a spouse, domestic
partner, son, daughter, parent or next of kin (nearest blood relative) with a serious
injury or illness when the injury or illness is incmTed by an active duty member of the
military while in the line of duty. A covered service member is a member of the
Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, who is
undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or therapy, is otherwise in outpatient
status, or is otherwise on the temporary disability retired list for a serious injury or
Military Leave
Leave required in order for a nurse to maintain status in military reserve of the
United States shall be granted without pay, without loss of benefits accrued to the date
such leave commences, and shall not be considered part of the nurse's earned annual
leave time.
Military Spouse Leave
To the extent required by applicable law, up to fifteen (15) business days of
leave will be granted to a qualified nurse (nurse who averages 20 or more hours of
work per work) whose spouse or domestic partner is on leave from deployment or
before and up to deployment during a period of military conflict. This may include
any combination of leave without pay, accrued but unused PTO, or EIB, at the nurse's
discretion. The nurse must provide the Hospital with notice of the nurse's intention to
take leave within five (5) business days of receiving official notice that the nurse's
spouse or domestic partner will be on leave or of an impending call to active duty.
Leave Without Pay
Nurses on leave without pay for twelve (12) months or less shall not accrue nor
lose seniority during the leave of absence for purposes of longevity increments or
fringe benefits.
Leave With Pay
Leave with pay shall not affect a nurse's compensation, accrued hours, benefits
or status with the Hospital.
Return From Leave
Nurses who return to work on a timely basis in accordance with an approved
leave of absence shall be entitled to the first available opening for which the nurse is
qualified in the Hospital opinion of the mandatory established standards.
Jury Duty
All full-time and part-time nurses who are required to serve on jury duty or
who are called to be a witness on behalf of the Hospital in any judicial proceeding,
shall be compensated by the Hospital for the difference between their jury
duty/witness fee pay and their regular rate of pay. Nurses subpoenaed for other
proceedings will be given unpaid release time.
Personal Leave
Annually, upon request, full-time and part-time nurses shall be granted
personal leave without pay (in the nurse's shift increment) for up to 24 hours for time
off from regularly scheduled shifts as personal leave; provided in the opinion of the
Hospital such leave does not jeopardize service at the Hospital.
Bereavement Leave
Leave with pay (in the nurse's shift increment) for up to twenty-four (24) hours
shall be granted for time off from regularly scheduled shifts because of a death in the
nurse's immediate family. Immediate family shall be defined as a family member of
the employee or their spouse, as follows: spouse, state-registered domestic patiner,
child, stepchild, father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, mother-in-law, father-in-law,
grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, stepsister, stepbrother, sister-in-law, brother-
in-law, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law. Additional bereavement leave without pay
may be granted for up to two (2) calendar weeks for time off from regularly scheduled
shifts. Nurses may utilize PTO for this additional unpaid bereavement leave if PTO
is available. If the nurse has no PTO time available, the additional bereavement leave
will be unpaid. Nurses will ale1i their supervisor within two (2) weeks of the family
member's death that they will use bereavement leave, and before taking the leave
unless there are extenuating circumstances.
Upon completion of five (5) calendar years of continuous employment in a
designated status position of .6 FTE or more, a registered nurse may request
participation in this Agreement's sabbatical program. A sabbatical shall be without
pay and loss of seniority or accrued benefit levels and will not exceed four (4)
calendar months. The request must be submitted in writing during the month of
January for that calendar year to the Director/Manager. The Hospital will determine
whether to grant the sabbatical based upon its assessment of staffing needs, the
employee role in a Nursing Unit, replacement cost considerations, and budget limits.
Seniority shall also be considered ifthere is a timing conflict between two requests
that would otherwise be granted. During the sabbatical or upon conclusion of the
sabbatical, upon written notice to the Hospital the nurse will be eligible for the first
open position for which the nurse is qualified in the Hospital opinion of skill,
competence, and ability in relation to the mandatory established criteria of Hospital
and unit based standards. [Sabbatical cannot be combined with other leave programs;
however, a nurse may use accrued PTO during an approved sabbatical.]
Domestic Violence Leave
To the extent required by applicable law, if a nurse is a victim of domestic
violence, sexual assault or stalking, the nurse may take a reasonable leave from work,
intermittent leave or leave on a reduced leave schedule to seek related legal or law
enforcement assistance or seek treatment by a healthcare provider, mental health
counseling or social services assistance. A nurse who is a family member of a victim
of domestic violence may also take reasonable leave to help such family member
obtain similar treatment or help. For purposes of this section, "family member"
includes a nurse's child, spouse, domestic partner, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent,
or a person whom the nurse is dating.
Conference Committee
The Hospital, together with designated local unit representatives, shall
establish, a Conference Committee for the purpose of review, discussion and
interpretation of contract issues. From time to time, the Hospital may identify major
program initiatives that call for speed and flexibility in planning and implementation.
The Committee wilf function as a vehicle for the Hospital and nursing staff working
in a collaborative and advisory capacity, to identify and/or react to contract related
problems and to promote positive change in an expeditious manner by both
intervention in selected issues and through recommendations made to Nursing
Administration. The Committee shall be established on a permanent basis and meet
not less than quarterly but more often should either party require a meeting.
Committee composition shall be as follows: one (1) representative from the Human
Resources Department, two (2) representatives from Nursing Administration, one of
whom shall be at not less than a Director/Manager level, the local unit chairperson(s)
and two (2) representatives of the nursing staff.
17.1.1 Non-Voting Participants
A representative from Clinical Care Congress and a WSNA Staff
Representative may attend Conference Committee meetings as a non-voting
Nurse Practice Committee
The Nurse Practice Committee shall be inactive as long as nursing practice
issues are being addressed by other Hospital standing committees. Should the above
indicated condition change, the Nurse Practice Committee will be reinstituted and in
such an event its purpose shall be to discuss and improve nursing practices at the
Hospital. The Committee shall develop specific objectives to be reviewed by the
Hospital Administration. The Committee shall be entirely composed of staff nurses
plus one (1) representative from Nursing Administration. The members of the
committee (excluding the Nursing Administration representative) will be elected by
staff nurses. The Committee will be representative of all clinical areas and shifts.
Organizational aspects of the Committee shall be determined by the committee. Each
Committee member shall be given release or compensatory time at the straight time
rate for the time spent attending committee meetings. This committee shall be
advisory and will not discuss matters subject to collective bargaining or the
Association's contract. Nurses shall have the responsibility for instituting the Nursing
Practice Committee.
Committee Compensation
Participation on Committees is voluntary. Nurses shall, however, be
compensated at the regular rate of pay or be given paid release time for all time spent
on Hospital established committees when they are members of the committee and are
required to attend committee meetings.
18.1 Grievance Defined
A grievance is defined as an alleged breach of the terms and conditions of the
Agreement. It is the desire of the parties to this Agreement that grievances be
adjusted at the lowest possible level.
a grievance arises, it shall be informally
submitted to the Director/Manager.
the grievance cannot be resolved, it shall be
subject to the following grievance procedure.
Time limits set forth in the following steps may only be extended by mutual written
consent of the parties hereto.
Nurse and Director/Manager.
Nurses shall first attempt to resolve the grievance by presenting the
grievance in writing on a completed grievance form to their
Director/Manager within fifteen (15) week days from the date the nurse
was or should have been aware that the grievance existed. The
Director/Manager shall be given ten (10) week days to meet with the
grievant and the Grievance Officer (or designee) at Step 1 to try to
resolve the problem. The Director/Manager shall have ten (10) week
days from the meeting to issue the Step 1 Response Letter.
Step 2. Nurse, Local Unit Chairperson and Director.
Iยฃthe matter is not resolved to the nurse's satisfaction at Step I, the nurse
shall present the grievance at Step 2 to the director of the respective area
(or designee) within ten (10) week days of the Director's/Manager's
Step I Response Letter. A conference between the nurse, and the Local
Unit Chairperson (or designee), the Director (or designee), and the
Director of Human Resources (or designee) shall be held within ten (10)
weekdays of the filing of the Step 2 grievance. The Director (or
designee) shall issue a written reply (Step 2 Response Letter) within ten
(10) week days following the Step 2 meeting.
Step 3.
Vice President and Association Representative.
the matter is not resolved at Step 2 to the nurse's satisfaction, the
grievance shall be referred in writing to Step 3 within ten (10) week
days of the Step 2 Response Letter to the Vice President, Patient Care
Services. The Vice President of Patient Care Services and/or Vice
President of Human Resources or designees will meet within ten (I 0)
week days of receipt of the Step 3 grievance with the Association
representative, and the grievant. The Vice President of Patient Care
Services and/or Vice President of Human Resources or designee, shall
issue a written reply (Step 3 Response Letter) within ten (10) week days
following the Step 3 meeting.
Step 4.
the grievance is not settled on the basis of the foregoing procedures,
and if the grievant and the Association have complied with the specific
time limitations specified in Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 herein and other
requirements of this Article, the Association may submit the issue in
writing to arbitration within ten (10) week days following the receipt of
the Vice President of Patient Care Services' and/or Vice President of
Human Resources' or Designee's written reply at Step 3 (Step 3
Response Letter).
the Hospital and the Association fail to agree on an
arbitrator, a list of eleven (11) arbitrators shall be requested from the
American Arbitration Association, for the Pacific Northwest. The
parties shall thereupon alternate in striking a name from the panel until
one name remains. The person whose name remains shall be the
arbitratqr. The arbitrator's decision shall be final and binding on all
parties. The arbitrator shall have no authority to add to, subtract from,
or othe1wise change or modify the provisions of this Agreement but
shall be authorized only to interpret existing provisions of this
Agreement as they may apply to the specific facts of the issue in
dispute. Any dispute as to procedure shall be heard and decided by the
arbitrator in a separate proceeding prior to any hearing on the merits.
Any dismissal of a grievance by the arbitrator, whether on the merits or
on procedural grounds, shall bar any further arbitration. Each party
shall bear one-half (1/2) of the fee of the arbitrator and any other
expense jointly incurred incident to the arbitration hearing, including
court reporter fees. All other expenses shall be borne by the party
incurring them, and neither party shall be responsible for the expenses
of the witnesses called by the other party.
The Association may initiate a grievance if the grievance involves a group of
nurses and if the grievance is submitted in writing on a completed grievance form
within fifteen (15) week days from the date the nurses were or should have been
aware that the grievance existed. Such a grievance shall be filed at the appropriateยท
This grievance procedure shall terminate on the expiration date of this
Agreement unless the Agreement is extended by the mutual written consent of the
parties. Grievances arising during the term of the Agreement shall proceed to
resolution regardless of the expiration date. Grievances arising after the expiration
date of this Agreement shall be null and void, and shall not be subject to this
grievance procedure.
It is recognized that the Hospital is engaged in a public service requiring
continuous operation and it is agreed that recognition of such obligation of continuous
service is imposed upon both the nurse and the Association. During the term of this
Agreement, neither the Association nor its members, agents, representatives,
employees or persons acting in concert with them shall incite, encourage or
participate in any strike, sympathy strike, picketing, sit in, walkout, slowdown,
sick-out, hand billing or other work stoppage or disruption of any nature whatsoever.
In the event of any such action or a threat thereof, the Association and its officers will
do everything within their power to end or avert same. Any nurse participating in
such action will be subject to immediate dismissal.
This Agreement shall be subject to all present and future applicable federal and
state laws, executive orders of the President of the United States or Governor of the
State of Washington, and rules and regulations of governmental authority. Should
any provision or provisions become unlawful by virtue of the above or by declaration
of any court of competent jurisdiction, such action shall not invalidate the entire
Agreement. Any provisions ofthis Agreement not declared invalid shall remain in
full force and effect for the term of the Agreement. If any provision is held invalid,
the Hospital and Association shall enter into immediate negotiations for the purpose,
and solely for the purpose, of arriving at a mutually and satisfactory replacement for
such provision.
Any change or amendments to this Agreement shall be in writing and duly
executed by the parties hereto.
Past Practices
Any and all agreements, written and verbal, previously entered into between
the parties hereto are mutually cancelled and superseded by this Agreement. Unless
specifically provided herein to the contrary, past practices shall not be binding on the
Hospital. To the extent practical, the Hospital will communicate any changes in past
practices to the nursing staff in advance of the change.
Complete Understanding
The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this
Agreement all had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and
proposals with respect to any subject or matter not removed by law from the area of
collective bargaining, and that the understandings and agreement arrived at by the
parties after the exercise of that right and opportunity are set forth in this Agreement.
Therefore, the Hospital and the Association, for the term of this Agreement, each
voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives the right, and each agrees that the other shall not
be obligated to bargain collectively with respect to any subject or matter not
specifically referred to or covered in this Agreement. The parties further agree,
however, that this Agreement may be amended by the mutual consent of the parties in
writing at any time during its term.
In the event of an acquisition by another entity, the Hospital and the
Association will make a good faith effort to have timely communications in an effort
to address staff concerns and minimize the potential adverse impacts on staff. In
particular, the parties will use good faith efforts to adhere to the following guidelines:
The Hospital will inform nurses of a potential acquisition at least ninety (90)
calendar days in advance of the acquisition.
Upon request by the Association, the Hospital and the Association shall meet
to negotiate the effects of an acquisition that will impact the future of employees.
The Hospital will inform the potential acquiring entity of the existence of this
Agreement and encourage the new employer following an acquisition to consider
hiring all current employees and maintaining similar conditions of employment in the
interest of preserving a high-quality workforce.
21.1 Duration and Renewal
This Agreement is effective at 12:01 a.m. on May 1, 2021 and shall continue in
full force and effect through and including 12:00 midnight, April 30, 2024 and shall
continue in full force from year to year thereafter unless notice of desire to amend the
Agreement is served by either party upon the other at least ninety (90) calendar days
prior to the date of expiration. If notice to amend is given, negotiations shall
commence within thirty (30) calendar days following the date of the notice, and this
Agreement shall remain in effect until tile terms of a new or amended Agreement are
agreed upon; provided, however, that if a notice to amend is timely given, either patiy
may at any time thereafter notify the other in writing of its desire to terminate this
Agreement as of the date stated in such notice to terminate, which date shall be
subsequent to April 30 of the year in which such notice to amend is timely given and
at least sixty (60) calendar days subsequent to the giving of such notice to terminate.
WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on
or about this 27
day of Apr il 2020.
!'0'ichael Marsh
Pf e's ident and Chief Executive Officer
Gemma Aranda, RN
- "'
Chief Human Resources Officer/ Chief
Compliance Officer
1. ltโ€ข
Brandy Sia e, MHA, BSN, RN, NE-BC,
CMSRN, irector, Medica l S ur g ical
Nursing Services & Cli nical Education
Chris B irchem, RN
Director, Human Resources
'-'-'Y11usey Lind, , S , CMSRN,7-l[p-l(
Manager of Clinica Education & Nursing
Professional Development
NICU Manager
- 1( / l
Pauline Whitney-Hille, RN
h โ€ขโ€ขm;,; ,:;::;:.-1
L, a Morten, MBA
J )._i) I J.,:);?-'I
Melissa Ramirez, MSN, RNC-NI
The ACLI nurse uses the nursing process in providing and coordinating care which is
focused on assisting the patient and/or family to improve and/or maintain health. The
ACLI nurse works with increasing independence to set standards for the delivery of
quality patient care, assess the health needs of patients, using specialized knowledge
and skills and anticipate the outcome of nursing interventions,
Nurses applying for ACLI must meet the following criteria. lf criteria are met,
credentialing will be for a period ofone (I) year.
Experience/FIB Status
Minimum of twenty-four (24) months experience in an acute care
2. Employed at OHMC for a minimum of twelve (12) months.
Minimum of six (6) months in current position at OHMC.
4. Fill a regularly scheduled position of at least .4 FTE or if in a per diem
position, work an equivalent of a
FTE position.
Clinical Perfonnance.
Annual clinical evaluation must meet individual standards in all
Peer review to include:
peer of nurse's choice,
charge nurse, relief charge nurse, shift administrator or clinical
clinical evaluation done by the above does not have to meet standards in
all categories.
in relation to the description of advanced level of practice.
A nurse making initial application for ACLI must submit four (4)
written performance study summaries occurring within one (1) year
prior to submission of the ACLI application, which verify the advanced
level of practice noted in the Description of the ACLI Nurse.
Thereafter, while any subsequent application must also be submitted
with four (4) written performance study summaries occurring within one
year, two (2) must be from the current six (6) month period at time
of application, and two (2) must be from the six (6) month period prior
to that. (A nurse is not required to participate in the ACL program for
consecutive years.) These studies can be situations involving
patient/family, personnel and unit or Hospital issues that are indicative
of the nurse's advanced level of practice in the unit. Nurses who do not
deliver direct patient care, such as Charge Nurses, may describe unit
related issues which influence patient care as examples of advanced
Leadership/Continuing Education.
l, Attendance at seventy-five percent (75%) of unit staff meetings and/or
unit proceedings in the previous twelve (12) months unless excused by
the DirectorManager.
Attendance at fifty percent (50%) of Clinical Care Congress Quarterly
meetings in the previous twelve (12) months period unless Staffing
needs preclude attendance.
Specialty Nursing Certification (pursuant to Section 5.12 of the
Agreement) is to be achieved within twelve (12) months; and/or twenty
(20) contact hours of continuing education in your area of practice (as
defined in Operating Guidelines for Evaluation).
Active participation in at least one hospital, unit, or Clinical Care
Congress Committee [for the last twelve (12) months]. Verification of
active participation must be provided by the committee chair or
-6 I-
The ACLU nurse assumes an increasingly autonomous role using the nursing process
and clinical expertise in providing and coordinating holistic care. This care is focused
on assisting the patient and/or family to improve and/or maintain health throughout
the health care continuum. The ACLII nurse assumes a leadership role on the unit
establishing standards and methodologies for measuring the outcome of care applying
research to clinical practice, and serving as a resource person for clinical issues in the
area of specialization.
Nurses applying for ACLU must meet the following criteria. If met, credentialing
will be for a period ofone
Experience/FTE Status.
Minimum of twelve (12) months worked as an ACLI nurse at OHMC.
2. Minimum of six (6) months in current position at OHMC.
Fill a regularly scheduled position ofat least .6 FTE.
Clinical Performance.
Annual clinical evaluation must meet individual standards in all
Peer review as described by clinical evaluation operating guidelines, to
peer of Directorl1vlanager and
charge nurse, relief charge nurse, shift administrator or clinical
Clinical evaluation done by the above does not have to meet
standards in all categories.
Each individual identified above will provide a summary of the
- 62
A nurse making initial application for ACLII must submit four (4)
written perfonnance study summaries occurring within one (1) year
prior to submission of the ACLII application, which verify the advanced
level of practice noted in the Description of the ACLU Nurse.
Thereafter, any subsequent application must also be submitted with four
(4) written performance study summaries occurring within one (1) year.
nurse is not
required to participate in the ACL program for
consecutive years.) These studies can be situations involving
patient/family personnel and unit or Hospital issues that are indicative
of the nurse's advanced level of practice in the unit. Nurses who do not
deliver direct patient care, such as Charge Nurses, may describe unit
related issues which influence patient care as examples of advanced
Leadership/Continuing Education.
Attendance at seventy-five percent (75%) of unit staff meetings and/or
unit proceedings in the previous twelve (12) months unless excused by
the Director/Manager.
Attendance at fifty percent (50%) of Clinical Care Congress Quarterly
meetings in the previous twelve (12) month period unless Staffing needs
preclude attendance.
Specialty certification (pursuant to Section 5.12 of the Agreement)
and/or thirty (30) hours of continuing education in your area of practice.
Assumes fonnal and/or informal leadership role in at least one hospital,
unit, or Clinical Care Congress Committee in the last twelve (12)
months. Verification of participation must be provided by the
committee chair or Director/Manager.
1. The ACLU nurse participates in at least one
(I) project annually which
influences the quality of care provided to a group of patients. The
ACLII nurse should be primarily responsible for identification, and
analysis of the patient care issue as well as recommending the
implementing corrective action and evaluating results. This should be
done in collaboration with and the approval of the Clinical Nurse
Specialist and/or the Director/Manager. The ACLII nurse will be
responsible for providing a brief written summary of each project.
- 63
Overlake Hospital Medical Center ("Hospital") and the Washington State
Changed Circumstances.
Should the Association or the Hospital
identify changed circumstances in organizational and staffing requirements that
deems call for adjustment of the procedures in Sections 9.2 Reallocation, 9.3 Layoff,
and 9.4 Recall, the Association or the Hospital may open such negotiations to modify
the collective bargaining agreement in these Sections through negotiations in
Conference Committee.
is understood that if such negotiations do occur, bargaining
shall be in good faith and the terms of the Agreement between the parties may not be
changed unilaterally while the Agreement is still in effect.
Functional Areas and Department/Work Units
(I) Med-Surg
Critical Care
W4, & IV Team,, S5, & Med Surg Float
TeleFloat Pool, E4, S4, W3
ED, S3, Critical Care Float Pool & Heart and Vascular
Behavioral Health Unit Behavioral Health Unit
Childbirth Center
JPS, OPS, OPR, SPU, PeriOp Care Unit, SPA & PACU
MBU, NICU, L&D, Mom Baby Care Center
- 64
Pay Practices for Coordinator.
Specialty Coordinator shall receive premium for:
regular assigned shift hours and any contiguous overtime to such
a shift; and
Director/Manager approved training or meeting attendance
directly related to coordinator duties.
Specialty Coordinator shall not receive premium for:
PTO/EIB hours,
Hospital training or meeting attendance not directly related to
coordinator duties,
no callback hours, or any other hours.
It is understood that there shall be no concurre nt s ervice in charge nurse,
relief charge nurse, team leader or specialty coordinator functions.
Byยท_= ,:_ -= = = = - - -
Date: \
- 65
This Memorandum of Understanding ("Memorandum") is entered into
OHMC Clinical Care Congress ("Clinical Care Congress").
is to be interpreted as a
part of the current collective bargaining agreement between the Hospital and the
Association for the life of the Agreement, and
replaces the Memorandum of
Understanding (February 7, 1995) on this topic.
Clinical Care Congress Executive Committee. An employee representing
the Association will become a nonvoting member of the Clinical Care Congress
Executive Committee.
Conference Committee.
member of the Executive Committee of Clinical Care Congress who
is also a WSNA bargaining unit member at the Hospital will attend
Conference Committee between the Hospital and the Association under
as a nonvoting member.
During the term of the existing collective bargaining agreement
currently in effect between the Association and the Hospital, the
Hospital agrees that an Association staff representative may attend
meetings of the Conference Committee.
Recognition, Retention and Recruitment Committee.
Hospital employee representing the Association will become a
nonvoting member of the Clinical Care Congress Recognition,
Retention and Recruitment Committee ("Recognition, Retention and
Recruitment Committee").
any member of the Recognition, Retention and Recruitment
Committee, including the employee representing the Association,
believes that a current topic of discussion may involve wages, hours or
working conditions in a way that should not be discussed by the
Recognition, Retention and Recruitment Committee, but instead should
be discussed in Conference Committee, then that member may refer the
matter to Conference Committee.
- 66
such a refen-al occurs, the next regularly scheduled meeting of
Conference Committee shall have as one of its agenda items whether the
referred topic is appropriate for discussion at the Recognition, Retention
and Recruitment Committee. Where requested by either party, a special
meeting of Conference Committee will be convened to address the
referral. When a referral is made to either a regular or special meeting
of Conference Committee then discussion on the topic shall cease at the
Recognition, Retention and Recruitment Committee as to final decision
or implementation on the topic in question until the concerns have been
addressed at Conference Committee. Disagreement on Recognition,
Retention and Recruitment Committee topics between the Association
and the Hospital shall be resolved pursuant to Section 7 of this
Unit Based Staffing Committees.
describing the topics discussed. A copy of those minutes will be
forwarded to Conference Committee and the Recognition, Retention and
Recruitment Committee no later than ten (10) days after a Unit Based
Staffing Committee has met and prior to their next meeting.
Association has a concern about a UBSC topic in the minutes, the topic
will be discussed at the next regularly scheduled meeting of Conference
Committee. Where requested by either party, a special meeting of
Conference Committee will be convened to discuss the topic. When the
Association has expressed a concern about a UBSC topic, then
discussion on the topic shall cease at the U BSC involved until the
concerns have been addressed at Conference Committee. Disagreement
on UBSC topics between the Association and the Hospital shall be
resolved pursuant to Section 7 of this Memorandum.
The Hospital will recommend to the Executive Committee of Clinical
Care Congress that each depattmental unit at the Hospital should have a
UBSC, with participation from each shift. The basic goals and
procedures for UBSC's shall be forwarded to all such groups.
Ongoing Discussion.
The parties believe that by committing to open and timely
communication when questions arise or issues arise and by working cooperatively to
solve problems, we can significantly enhance the quality of work life for nursing staff
at OHMC.
the event the Recognition, Retention and Recruitment Committee is
referring a significant number of topics to the Conference Committee for review, or
the Conference Committee is expressing concern about a significant
number of topics being discussed at the UBSC level, then the parties agree to a special
meeting to discuss strategies and whether additional education may be necessary.
Future Questions.
In the future, prior to filing any unfair labor practice
charges against the Hospital related to Clinica l Care Congress in any way, the
Association agrees that it will request a special meeting with the Hospital to discuss
the Association's concerns. The Hospital will respond to the Associatio n's request for
a meeting in a timely manner.
Disagreement Resolution.
Jn the event that the Hospital or the Association
disagrees after Conference Committee discussions under Section 3.c. or Section 4.a.
of this Memorandum as to whether a Recognition, Retention and Recruitment
Committee topic or UBSC topic is appropriate (because it involves wages, hours or
working conditions in a way that should not be before such Committee, but instead
must go through Conference Committee) , then either the Hospital or the Association
may refer the matter to special "bench" arbitration under this Section by serving
written notice on the other party. The Hospital and Association shall then promptly
select one (1) arbitrator from a previously agreed upon panel of five (5) mutually
agreeable arbitrators. [The first arbitrator to be selected from the panel shall be the
first listed alphabetica lly who is ava ila ble for the "bench" hearing within two (2)
weeks.] Each party shall bear its own costs, but the fee of the arbitrator shall be
shared equally. The hearing shall be held on the Hospital c ampus if possible, it shall
be no longer than one (
day, and the arbitrator shall be required to issue a decision at
the conclusion of the hearing (confirmed in writing). The arbitrator shall determine
whether the topic at issue can be discussed at the Human Resources Committee or
UBSC level in the manner proposed, or how the topic should be treated by the pa11ies
in the future.
- day ufjuly _,
- - - -
This Letter of Understanding ("Letter") is entered into by and between
Overlake Hospital Medical Center (the "Hospital" or "OHMC") and the Washington
State Nurses Association (the "Association" or "WSNA") regarding Paid Time Off
Schedule Section 13.3 of the current Collective Bargaining Agreement between the
Hospital and the Association. The Hospital and the Assoc iation agree that:
Nurses will not be obliged to seek standby (call) coverage.
By D:Z-:-
Date: 7
- โ€ข I
Overlake Hospital Medical Center (the "Hospital") and the Washington State Nurses
Association (the "Association").
The Hospital and the Association agree that during the term of this Agreement:
Nurses who (i) are in a designated FTE status position at the level of .8 FTE or
greater, (ii) have been continuously employed in a designated FTE status position at
the level of .8 FTE or greater for the entire calendar year, and (iii) work at least 1856
hours in the calendar year as measured from the start of the calendar year, shall:(a)
have the opportunity to attend professional conferences approved
the Hospital and
shall receive reimbursement consistent with Hospital policy of their actual expenses
up to $2000. Expense reimbursement pursuant to this Letter of Understanding shall
occur only when the nurse earns at least 4 CEU credits per day. The intent of this
opportunity is not to replace conference opportunities that have been offered
historically and nurses attending conferences shall be expected to share information
learned. The conference opportunity provided by this section must be used within 12
months of the close of the calendar year in which the opportunity is awarded.
Solely for the purpose of interpreting this letter of understanding, work hours
include paid meeting time, paid education time, voluntmy low census hours and
mandatory low census hours.
1C 1
Overlake Hospital Medical Center ("Hospital") and the Washington State
Nurses Assoc iat io n (" Assoc iation") agree that applicants o r nurs es in certain
bargainin g
po sit ions or c irc umstances may be required to sign loan repayme nt
agreements for certain voluntaiy prog rams. At thi s time, there are only five (5) such
agreements, and th e subjects they relate to are: moving relocation, agency "buyout",
critical ca re internship, perioperative internship, and new graduate nurse residency
program. (These form agreements are attached to this Side Letter. Should the
Hospital wish to pursu e other subjects for such loan repayment agreements , it shall
notify the Association, forward a draft agreement for review, and the parties shall
meet and negotiate
good faith. Without mutual agreement between the Hospital
and the Assoc iati on, no new form agreeme nts shall be implemented.
is understoo d
by the part
i es,
however, that the critical care form agreement may also be used fo r
Labor & Delivery, Special Care, Nursery/NICU, and Emergency Department
By ยท
Date: -- -
- 72 -
Date of Hire:
Social Security #:
Department: _
("Nurse") wish to document the New Graduate Residency Program loan understandings between
them. Nurse wishes for Overlakc Hospital to fund a New Graduate Nurse Residency program
including tuition expenses, precepting and training; and Overlake Hospital has need for nurses with
such qualifications. Therefore, this New Graduate Nurse Residency Program Loan Agreement
("Agreement") is in consideration of the mutual understandings noted below:
Description of New Graduate Nurse Residency Program Loan Understanding:
Nurse has applied for and been accepted into Ovcrlake Hospital's New Graduate Nurse Residency
Program. Upon satisfactory completion of the program, Nurse shall owe Overlake Hospital $2,000.
New Graduate Nurse Residency Program Loan Repayment and Service Understandings:
Overlake Hospital shall forgive repayment of this loan if Nurse works for Overlake Hospital as a
Registered Nurse for a minimum of two (2) years at a minimum FTE ofa 0.8 for the first year. [This
two (2) year period will be calculated from the date Nurse begins working at Overlake Hospital as a
Staff RN ("start date"), and shall be extended to reflect any leaves of absence that may occur during
this time period.]
Should Nurse resign from the Staff RN position within two (2) years of the start date, Nurse
understands and agrees that Nurse will be required to repay to Overlake Hospital the loan of $2,000 at
a prorated rate. [For example, resignation after six
months would require repayment of75% of
the loan ($1,500).] Should Nurse quit the residency program before completion, Nurse shall
also repay the full loan amount. (Nurse is responsible for any personal tax payment and record filing
that may be required.)
No payback will be due under the following circumstances:
Military callback;
Injury or illness that prevents the employee from working in the assigned position; or
Termination of employment by Overlake Hospital before the end of ninety (90) calendar days or
520 work hours whichever is greater (not to exceed 180 calendar days) following the end of the
Nurse agrees to the above terms
this New Graduate Residency Program Loan
Agreement, and voluntarily accepts its service and repayment requirements.
Spousal Consent:
Nurse's Spouse Date
- 73 -
--------- RN
Social Security#:.
Date of Hire:
Overtake Hospital Medical Center ("Ovcrlakc Hospital") and
RN ("Nurse"), wish to document the preemployment agency loan understandings between them.
Nurse has nursing qualifications required
Overlake Hospital, but also has unique and special
agency payment requirements regarding "buyout" obligations. 'lherefore, this Preemployment
Agency Loan Agreement ("Agreement") is in consideration of the mutual understandings noted
Description of Preemployment Agency Loan Agreement:
Overlake Hospital has offered Nurse a FTE shift position as an RN in
Unit/Department. Subject to this Agreement,
Overlake Hospital
make a special loan to Nurse by paying directly to
("Agency") Thousand Dollars
to "buyout" Agency's employment contract with Nurse.
Loan Repayment and Service Understandings:
Overlake Hospital shall forgive payment of this loan if Nurse works for Overlake Hospital as a
Registered Nurse for a minimum ofone
year at a minimum of a FTE, pursuant to the
following preemployment agency loan repayment conditions. [This one (1) year time period shall be
calculated from the date Nurse begins working as an employee ofOverlake Hospital ("start date"),
and shall be extended to reflect any leaves of absence that may occur during this time period.]
Should Nurse resign within one (I) year ofNurse's start date, Nurse understands and agrees that
Nurse will be required to repay to Overlake Hospital the Agency buyout loan of$ _
Thousand Dollars ($
a prorated rate. For example, termination after six
would require repayment of 50% of the Agency buyout loan Thousand Dollars
ยท (Nurse is responsible for any personal tax payment and record filing that may be
Nurse agrees to the above terms of this Preemployment Agency Loan Agreement, and
voluntarily accepts its service and repayment requirements.
Spousal Consent:
Nurse's Spouse
- 74 -
Social Security#;
Date of Hire:
Overlake Hospital Medical Center ("Ovcrlakc Hospital") and
RN ("Nurse"), wish to document the preemployment moving loan understandings between them.
Nurse has nursing qualifications required by Overlake Hospital, but also
has unique and special
short-tenn financial needs regarding family moving expenses. Therefore, this Preemployment
Moving Loan Agreement ("Agreement") is in consideration of the mutual understandings noted
Description of Preemployment Understanding and Moving Loan:
Overtake Hospital has offered Nurse a
-- shift
position as an RN in the _
Unit/Department. Subject to this Agreement, Overlake Hospital will
make a special loan to Nurse
of_ -
Thousand Dollars($
family moving expenses (actual receipts to be submitted).
for preemployment
Loan Repayment and Service Understandings:
Overlake Hospital shall forgive repayment of this loan if Nurse works for Overlake Hospital as a
Registered Nurse for a minimum of one
(1) year at a minimum ofa FTE, pursuant to the
following preemployment moving loan repayment conditions. [This one
(1) year time period will be
calculated from the date Nurse begins working at Overlake Hospital ("start date"), and shall be
extended to reflect any leaves of absence that may occur during this time period.]
Should Nurse resign within one (1) year of Nurse's start date, Nurse understands and agrees that
Nurse will be required to repay to Overlake Hospital the preemployment fan1ily moving loan of
months would require repayment of50% of the preemployment moving loan
- Thousand
($ยท -- ].
(Nurse is responsible for any personal tax payment and record filing that may
be required.)
Nurse agrees to the above terms of this Preemployment Moving Loan Agreement and
voluntarily accept its service and repayment requirements.
Spousal Consent:
Nurse's Spouse
- 75 -
Social Security#:
Date of Hire:
Overlake Hospital Medical Center ("Overlake Hospital") and
RN ("Nurse") wish to document the Pcrioperative residency/internship tuition loan understandings
between them. Nurse wishes for Overlake Hospital to fund Perioperative residency/internship tuition
expenses, and Overlake Hospital has need for nurses with such qualifications. Therefore, this
Perioperative Residency/Internship Tuition Loan Agreement ("Agreement") is in consideration of the
mutual understandings noted below:
Description Perioperative Residency/Internship Tuition Loan Understanding:
Nurse has applied for and been accepted into Overlakc Hospital's Perioperative residency/internship
program. Upon satisfactory completion of the program, Nurse shall owe Ovcrlake Hospital $2,000.
Perioperative Tuition Loan Repayment and Service Understandings:
Overlake Hospital shall forgive repayment of this loan
Nurse works for Overlake Hospital as a
Registered Nurse in Perioperalive Services for a minimum ofone
year at a minimum of a _
[This one
year period will be calculated from the date Nurse begins working at Overlake
Hospital in Perioperative Services after satisfactory completion of the residency/internship ("start
date"), and shall be extended to reflect any leaves of absence that may occur during this time period.]
Should Nurse resign from the Perioperative Services position within one
year of the start date,
Nurse understands and agrees that Nurse will be required to repay to Overlake Hospital the loan of
$2,000 at a prorated rate. [For example, termination after six (6) months would require repayment of
50% of the loan ($1,000).] Should Nurse quit the residency/internship program before completion,
Nurse shall also repay the loan based on the percentage of the progran1 completed. (Nurse is
responsible for any personal tax payment and record filing that may be required.) However, a nurse
who has not received an adequate residency program shall not be required to pay back any of the loan
if the nurse resigns prior to one (1) year.
Nurse agrees to the above terms of this Perioperative Residency/Internship Tuition Loan
Agreement, and voluntarily accepts its service and repayment requirements.
Spousal Consent:
Nurse's Spouse
- 76 -
Date of Hire:
Ovcrlakc Hospital Medical Center ("Overlake Hospital") and
RN ("Nurse") wish to document the Critical Care residency/internship tuition loan understandings
between them. Nurse wishes for Overlake Hospital to fund Critical Care residency/internship tuition
expenses; and Overlake Hospital has need for nurses with such qualifications. Therefore, this Critical
Care Residency/Internship Tuition Loan Agreement ("Agreement") is
in consideration of the mutual
understandings noted below:
Description of Critical Care Residency/Internship Tuition Loan Understanding:
Nurse has applied for and been accepted into Overlake Hospital's Critical Care residency/internship
program. Upon satisfactory completion of the program, Nurse shall owe Overlake Hospital $1,000.
Critical Care Loan Repayment and Service Understandings:
Overlake Hospital shall forgive repayment of this loan ifNursc works for Overlake Hospital as a
Registered Nurse in Critical Care for a minimum of one (1) year at a minimum of a FTE.
[This one (1) year period will be calculated from the date Nurse begins working at Overtake Hospital
in Critical Care after satisfactory completion of the residency/internship ("start date"), and shall be
extended to reflect any leaves of absence that may occur during this time period.]
Should Nurse resign from the Critical Care position within one
year of the start date, Nurse
understands and agrees that Nurse
be required to repay to Overlake Hospital the loan of$1,000 at
a prorated rate. [For example, termination after six
months would require repayment of 50% of
the loan ($500).] Should Nurse quit tl1e residency/internship program before completion, Nurse shall
also repay the loan based on the percentage of the program completed. However, a nurse who has not
received an adequate residency program shall not be required to pay back any of the loan if the nurse
resigns prior to one
year. (Nurse is responsible for any personal tax payment and record filing that
may be required.)
Nurse agrees to the above terms of this Critical Care Residency/Internship Tuition Loan
Agreement, and voluntarily accepts its service and repayment requiremenls.
Spousal Consent:
Nurse's Spouse Date
- 77 -
Re: Job Openings/Internships
This Letter of Understanding is entered into
and between Overlake Hospital
Medical Center (the "Hospital") and the Washington State Nurses Association (the
is to be interpreted as a part of the collective bargaining agreement
between the Hospital and the Association for the term of the current Agreement.
In any given fiscal year, the Hospital will offer the same number of internships in
Specialty areas as the number residencies offered in specialty areas. For example, if
six residencies in specialty areas are offered, six internships will be offered.
The Hospital will maintain language in its specialty RN job postings stating that
graduation from an Overtake internship program meets the experience qualification
for open nurse positions.
The Hospital will maintain language in its specialty job postings stating that currently
employed RNs may apply
they wish to be considered for future internships in
designated specialty areas.
The applications submitted by currently employed RNs will be held for consideration
until the next available formal internship program in the designated specialty area.
The Hospital will announce all internship programs on the Human Resources website
section entitled "for RNs only."
- 78 -
Date: -
tC ::J..--'7