Workbook to Accompany
Text by Joyce Meyer
Workbook by Daniel G. Hiers, Ph.D.
Student’s Name:
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Copyright 2005
Daniel G. Hiers, Ph.D.
Printed in the United States of America
All rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form or by any means – for
example, electronic, photocopy, recording -
without the prior written permission of the
author. The only exception is brief quotations in
printed reviews.
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Part 1: The Importance of the Mind
Introduction 5
1. The Mind is the Battlefield 7
2. A Vital Necessity 11
3. Don’t Give Up! 13
4. Little by Little 15
5. Be Positive 17
6. Mind-Binding Spirits 21
7. Think About What You’re Thinking About 23
Part 2: Conditions of the Mind
Introduction 27
8. When Is My Mind Normal? 29
9. A Wandering, Wondering Mind 31
10. A Confused Mind 33
11. A Doubtful and Unbelieving Mind 37
12. An Anxious and Worried Mind 41
13. A Judgmental, Critical and Suspicious Mind 45
14. A Passive Mind 49
15. The Mind of Christ 53
Part 3: Wilderness Mentalities
Introduction 59
16. My future is determined by my past and my present. 61
17. I don’t want the responsibility. 63
18. I can’t take it if things are too hard! 67
19. I can’t help it – I want it now! 69
20. Don’t make me wait – I want it now! 71
21. It’s not my fault! 73
22. My life is so miserable. 75
23. I don’t deserve God’s blessings. 77
24. Why shouldn’t I be jealous? 81
25. I’m doing it my way. 83
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Part 1: Introduction
1. According to Proverbs 23:7a, why are our thoughts so important? _______________
2. The _____________________ is the leader or forerunner of all actions.
3. Describe the two opposing mindsets located within Romans 8:5.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
4. Our ________________________ are a direct result of our thoughts.
5. Many people’s problems are rooted in ___________________________ patterns that
actually produce the problems they experience in their lives.
6. ________________________ offers wrong thinking to everyone, but we do not have
to accept his offer.
7. How should we respond to Satan’s offers?
a) Ephesians 4:27: ____________________________________________________
b) James 4:7b: _______________________________________________________
8. What happens when we take a stand against the devil? ________________________
__________________________________________________________ (James 4:7c)
9. We must know the ______________________________ well enough to be able to
compare what is in our mind with what is in the mind of God.
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Part 1: Introduction
10. According to Psalm 119:11, why is it so important to know the Word of God? _____
11. Read 2 Corinthians 10:5, and explain the measures we should take toward any
thought that attempts to exalt itself above the Word of God.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
12. The mind is the _______________________________________.
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 1
1. Our warfare is not with other human beings, but with the devil and his demons.
Describe the different rankings of those demons, and the evil supernatural empire in
which they operate. (Ephesians 6:12)
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
d) __________________________________________________________________
2. List six facts found within John 8:44 regarding the devil.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
d) __________________________________________________________________
e) __________________________________________________________________
f) __________________________________________________________________
3. One of the devil’s strong points is ________________________________.
4. Through careful strategy and cunning deceit, Satan attempts to set up _____________
__________________________ in our mind.
5. Give a definition for “stronghold.” ________________________________________
6. What did the Apostle Paul record regarding our weapons of warfare in 2 Corinthians
a) __________________________________________________________________
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 1
b) __________________________________________________________________
7. How are we to win the victory over the lies of Satan?
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
8. Name three spiritual weapons available to us as Christians.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
9. ____________________ defeats the devil quicker than any other battle plan.
10. How would you define prayer? ___________________________________________
11. With what should we fill our prayers? ______________________________________
12. What benefit is there in “abiding” (continuing) in God’s Word? _________________
(John 8:32)
13. There is no reason for Christians to remain in bondage, because Jesus stands ready to
fulfill His promises. Discover within Luke 4:18 some of these promises.
a) __________________________________________________________ (vs. 18b)
b) __________________________________________________________ (vs. 18c)
c) __________________________________________________________ (vs. 18d)
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 1
d) __________________________________________________________ (vs. 18e)
14. 1 Corinthians 10:13 promises us that God will not allow us to be ________________
beyond what we can bear, but with every temptation He will also provide the way of
15. Satan knows well that if he can control our __________________________, he can
control our _________________________.
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 1
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 2
1. We cannot have a ________________________ life and a _____________________
2. _______________________________ thinking is a vital necessity to a successful
Christian life.
3. What encouragement do we receive from Zechariah 4:6b, as we tear down the
strongholds Satan has built in our minds? __________________________________
4. One of the best aids to freedom is asking God for a lot of ______________________.
5. In the following passages, how did the psalmist declare his dependence on the Lord
for help?
a) Psalm 33:20: ______________________________________________________
b) Psalm 124:8: ______________________________________________________
6. To overcome our situations, we need determination in the ______________________
7. Discover within John 14:16 another title for the Holy Spirit. ____________________
8. A vital necessity is something that is so important that one simply cannot live without
it. Give some examples of a vital necessity. (Thought question – answers may vary.)
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
d) __________________________________________________________________
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 2
9. In Matthew 12:33, how did Jesus illustrate the necessity of choosing our thoughts
a) __________________________________________________________ (vs. 33a)
b) __________________________________________________________ (vs. 33b)
10. Jesus said that a tree is known by its __________________________. (Matt. 12:33c)
11. We can look at a person’s _____________________________ and know what kind
of thinking is prevalent in his life.
12. How is the principle from the previous question illustrated in Matthew 7:18?
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 3
1. No matter how bad the condition of your life and your mind, don’t _______________
2. As you regain the territory the devil has stolen from you, what encouragement do you
receive from Galatians 6:9? _____________________________________________
3. Discover within Isaiah 43 the promises God made to those facing difficult situations.
a) __________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________ (vs. 2a)
b) __________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________ (vs. 2b)
4. According to Habakkuk 3:19, how do we develop hind’s feet [A hind is an animal
that can climb mountains swiftly]? ________________________________________
5. The way God helps us make spiritual progress is by being with us to
________________________________ and _____________________________ us
to “keep on keeping on” in rough times.
6. To think wrong thoughts requires no effort, while right thinking is a ______________
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 3
7. How did Moses challenge the Israelites to make right choices in Deuteronomy 30:19?
8. Our thoughts become our ____________________________.
9. What affirming statement did Jesus make in Matthew 12:34b, confirming the fact that
“our thoughts become our words?” ________________________________________
10. God is the best computer programmer around, and we must ____________________
as He reprograms our minds.
11. Why did it take the Israelites forty years to complete an eleven-day journey to the
border of Canaan? _____________________________________________________
12. Describe a “wilderness mentality.” ________________________________________
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 4
1. The renewing of your mind will take place _______________ by _______________,
so don’t be discouraged if the process seems slow.
2. Give a reason why God may allow a slow renewal process. ____________________
3. What reason did God give the Israelites for a “little by little” conquest of the
Promised Land? _______________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ (Deut. 7:22b)
4. What must precede liberation? ____________________________________________
5. Discover within 1 Peter 5:10 four things God will do for us “after you have suffered a
a) c)
b) d)
6. Why do we need to suffer a little while? ___________________________________
7. We should not receive _______________________________ when we have setbacks
or a bad day.
8. Satan knows that his control over us is finished once we have learned to
_______________________ right thoughts and ____________________ wrong ones.
9. How will the devil attempt to stop us? ______________________________________
10. When condemnation comes, we should use our _______________________ weapon.
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 4
11. What does Romans 8:1 say regarding condemnation? _________________________
12. Why does the devil always try to discourage us? _____________________________
13. What did the psalmist record about hope in Psalm 42:5b? ______________________
14. Give three steps we can follow when discouragement or condemnation tries to
overtake us.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
15. What vital ingredient is necessary as God takes His time about bringing us our full
deliverance? __________________________________________________________
16. Discover within James 1:4 the reason we should develop patience in our lives. _____
17. How do the following passages affirm that God is working in us, no matter how we
feel or how the situation may look?
a) Philippians 1:6: ____________________________________________________
b) Philippians 2:13: ___________________________________________________
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 5
1. __________________________________ thoughts are always full of faith and hope.
2. Some people are afraid to __________________________, because they have been
hurt so much in life.
3. What happens when a person refuses to hope, or believe that anything good will ever
happen to them? ______________________________________________________
4. Discover the message of hope given by Jesus to the centurion in Matthew 8:13. ____
5. How can we practice being positive in situations that are not so good? ____________
6. What assurance does Scripture give that God orchestrates every event in life to
accomplish both our temporal and eternal benefit? ___________________________
__________________________________________________________ (Rom. 8:28)
7. The pathway to freedom from negativism begins when we face the problem without
making ________________________________ for it.
8. Using 2 Corinthians 5:17 show why negativism has no part in the Christian’s life.
9. As a _________ _______________________, we don’t have to allow the old things
that happened to us to keep affecting our new life in Christ.
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 5
10. What measure should we take, once we’ve faced the truth regarding our negativism?
11. Locate within John 16:8 three things of which the Holy Spirit convicts the world
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
12. What does the author mean by the phrase “everything must be balanced?”
13. How did the Jews in Berea demonstrate a “ready mind?” _______________________
_______________________________________________________ (Acts 17:11b-c)
14. The Bible teaches that we are to have a “ready mind.” What does that mean? ______
15. It is important to be positive and believe for many things, but beyond them all, we
must believe in __________________________________.
16. According to Romans 4:18, for what did Abraham hope? ______________________
17. Locate within Romans 4:19 two reasons why Abraham could have had negative
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 5
18. Describe the actions of the hopeful Abraham. (Romans 4:20)
a) __________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ (vs. 20a)
b) __________________________________________________________ (vs. 20b)
c) __________________________________________________________ (vs. 20c)
19. Abraham was very ___________________________ about a very negative situation.
20. Hebrews 6:19 tells us that hope is the _____________________________ of the soul.
21. ________________________ is the force that keeps us steady in a time of trial.
22. Discover within Isaiah 30:18 four reasons why “the Lord will wait” on the Israelites.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
d) __________________________________________________________________
23. How would the Israelites be rewarded for waiting (hoping) on the Lord? __________
__________________________________________________________ (Isa. 30:18f)
24. What are “evil forebodings?” _____________________________________________
25. Discover the cause and remedy for “evil forebodings” within Proverbs 15:15.
a) Cause: ____________________________________________________________
b) Remedy: __________________________________________________________
26. What is required of those who want to “enjoy life and see good days?” ____________
(1 Pet. 3:10b)
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 5
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 6
1. What happens when “mind-binding spirits” begin to trouble our minds? __________
2. How should we handle the feelings produced by “mind-binding spirits?” _________
____________________________________________________________ (Phil. 4:6)
3. Describe the result of following the advice in the previous question. _____________
____________________________________________________________ (Phil. 4:7)
4. In most instances, the deliverance God brings is progressive, and comes about by
_______________________________ and _____________________________ the
Word of God.
5. What did His Word have power to do in Psalm 107:20?
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
6. As Christians, we need to learn to _____________________________ to believe.
7. What happens when we decide to believe God? ______________________________
8. How does the Holy Spirit assist those who decide to believe and rely on God? _____
__________________________________________________________ (Rom. 8:26)
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 6
9. The mind wants to understand everything:
a) _______________________________ c) _______________________________
b) _______________________________
10. It frequently happens that a believer knows something in his ___________________,
but his mind wars against it.
11. Briefly explain in your own words what James 1:2-8 teaches us. _________________
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 7
1. On what did the “blessed man” of Psalm 1 spend his time thinking?
a) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 2a)
b) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 2b)
2. How did the psalmist of Psalm 119:15 spend his time? ________________________
3. Discover within Psalm 1:3 the results of meditating on the Word of God.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
d) __________________________________________________________________
4. Read Mark 4:24 and, in your own words, explain what Jesus is saying. ___________
5. The amount of thought and study we devote to the Word will determine the amount
of ________________________ and __________________________________ that
will come back to us.
6. Give the meaning of the Greek word dunamis.
a) _______________________________ b) _______________________________
7. What happens when a Christian does not delve into the Word of God? ____________
8. Give several definitions for the word meditate.
a) __________________________________________________________________
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 7
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
d) __________________________________________________________________
e) __________________________________________________________________
9. According to Joshua 1:8, how do we make our “way prosperous” and “have good
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
10. If the devil can control our thoughts, he can control our ________________________
11. Briefly explain, in your own words, what the Apostle Paul is saying in Ephesians 2:3.
12. How did David respond to his feelings of depression and gloom in Psalm 143:5-6?
a) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 5a)
b) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 5b)
c) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 5c)
d) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 6a)
e) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 6b)
13. We should never forget that our ____________________ plays an important role in
our victory.
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 7
14. What two things are necessary to have victory in our lives?
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
15. Discover within Romans 12:2 the prerequisite to seeing “the good and acceptable and
perfect will of God” proven out in our lives. ________________________________
16. List the things the Apostle Paul told the Philippians to “think on” in Philippians 4:8.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
d) __________________________________________________________________
e) __________________________________________________________________
f) __________________________________________________________________
g) __________________________________________________________________
h) __________________________________________________________________
17. Our thoughts affect our _________________________ and ____________________.
18. Satan usually deceives people into thinking that their misery is caused by their
circumstances, instead of their _______________________________.
19. If we “think about what we are thinking about,” we can locate some of our
_________________________________ and be on our way to freedom very quickly.
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 7
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Part 2: Introduction
1. Our minds are not born again with the New Birth experience. They have to be
2. Using 1 Corinthians 2:16 as a standard, what should be the condition of our minds?
3. What is the first step to recovery? _________________________________________
4. How should we respond to Satan’s fight against the renewal of our mind?
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
5. There are many things that can influence the condition of the mind, but the child of
God has the privilege of _________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________ (1 Pet. 5:7)
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Part 2: Introduction
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 8
1. For what did the Apostle Paul pray in Ephesians 1:17-18? ______________________
2. According to the Word of God, the ________________ and the _________________
work together.
3. Briefly explain, in your own words, what the Apostle Paul is teaching in 1
Corinthians 2:11. ______________________________________________________
4. How does the “mind-spirit principle” function? ______________________________
5. Why is it vitally necessary for our minds to be enlightened concerning what is going
on in our spirits? ______________________________________________________
6. The mind should not be filled with ______________________, ________________,
__________________________, _________________, and the like.
7. A normal mind should be:
a) _______________________________ c) _______________________________
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 8
b) _______________________________
8. What happens if our mind is too busy? _____________________________________
9. Discover within 1 Kings 19:11-12 three spectacular events that God used to illustrate
His method of communication to Elijah.
a) _______________________________ c) _______________________________
b) _______________________________
10. How did God finally speak to Elijah? ______________________________________
(vs. 12c)
11. It is vital that we learn to keep ourselves in a condition conducive to _____________
12. What does God do for us when we keep our minds on Him? ____________________
_________________________________________________________ (Isaiah 26:3a)
13. Our mind must be maintained in a _________________________ condition in order
to aid our spirit.
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 9
1. An inability to concentrate indicates __________________________ attack from the
2. Why do most people have minds that wander? ______________________________
3. An inability to concentrate can be the result of:
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
d) __________________________________________________________________
4. Often the real problem behind a lack of comprehension is a lack of attention caused
by a ________________________________ mind.
5. Give a possible meaning for the phrase “keep thy foot,” found in Ecclesiastes 5:1.
6. Define the word “wander.”
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
d) __________________________________________________________________
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 9
7. The devil knows that a person cannot ______________________________ himself to
complete a project, if he cannot ______________________________ his mind and
keep it on what he is doing.
8. What can we do if we haven’t yet learned to discipline our mind, to keep it on what is
being said in church? __________________________________________________
9. Give two definitions for the word “wonder.”
a) Noun form: ________________________________________________________
b) Verb form: ________________________________________________________
10. Wondering leaves a person in _______________________________, and indecision
causes _________________________________.
11. Name three things that prevent an individual from receiving from God, by faith, the
answer to his prayer or need.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
12. Discover within Mark 11:23-24 two requirements for an answered prayer.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 10
1. What does James 1:8 say about the man with two minds? ______________________
2. Discover within Matthew 16:8 what led to the disciples’ confusion. ______________
3. Give two definitions for the word “reason.”
a) Noun form: ________________________________________________________
b) Verb form: ________________________________________________________
4. Why does reasoning cause confusion? _____________________________________
5. How can reasoning keep us from doing the will of God? _______________________
6. Discover within 1 Corinthians 2:14 two reasons why the natural man (our carnal
mind) does not understand the things of the Spirit of God.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 10
7. What has happened when we refuse to obey God’s Word? _____________________
8. What command are we given in James 1:22? ________________________________
9. When God speaks, through His Word or in our inner man, we are not to
__________________________, _____________________, or _________________
ourselves if what He has said is logical.
10. When God speaks, we are to ________________________________, not rationalize.
11. According to Proverbs 3:5, what should we do instead of depending on human
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
12. Give one reason why reasoning can be so dangerous. _________________________
13. The human mind likes:
a) _______________________________ c) _______________________________
b) _______________________________
14. Read Romans 9:1, and explain how the Apostle Paul knew he was doing the right
thing. _______________________________________________________________
15. There are times when God leaves huge question marks as tools in our lives to stretch
our ______________________________.
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 10
16. What happens when human beings give up reasoning and simply trust God? _______
17. Reasoning is one of the “busy activities” in which the mind engages that prevents
______________________________ and _________________________ knowledge.
18. What was the Apostle Paul’s approach to knowledge and reasoning? _____________
___________________________________________________________ (1 Cor. 2:2)
19. Sometimes we can find out so much it makes us _____________________________.
20. We can become ____________________________ to wrong mental activities, just as
someone else can get addicted to drugs.
21. Beware that when the mind is filled with reasoning, it is not ____________________.
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 10
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 11
1. What is the difference between doubt and unbelief? __________________________
2. Who was Jesus speaking to when He said, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
(Matthew 14:31) ________________________________
3. Whose unbelief astonished and amazed Jesus in Mark 6:6? ____________________
4. To whom was Elijah speaking when he said, “How long will you falter between two
opinions?” (1 Kings 18:21)
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________ is not something God puts in us.
6. According to Romans 12:3, what does God give every man? ___________________
7. Read Romans 4:18-21 and list the things that enabled Abraham to “hope in faith that
he would become the father of many nations.”
a) __________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ (vs. 20a)
b) __________________________________________________________ (vs. 20b)
c) __________________________________________________________ (vs. 20c)
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 11
d) __________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________ (vs. 21)
8. ____________________________ is disregarding the voice of the Lord, or whatever
God is speaking to us personally, not just transgressing the Ten Commandments.
9. When God calls, He gives _______________________, _____________________,
and __________________________ to do the job.
10. Read Matthew 14:24-32. What was required for Peter to walk on water? __________
11. Discover within verse 30 the mistake Peter made, as he was walking on the water.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
12. When did the storm cease? ______________________________________________
______________________________________________________________ (vs. 31)
13. The storms the devil brings into our life to _______________________________ us
often cease as soon as we ___________________ and crawl back into a place of
safety and security.
14. What is required when we ask God for something? ___________________________
__________________________________________________________ (James 1:6a)
15. Discover within Matthew 21:21 what the disciples would be able to do if they had
faith and did not doubt.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
16. Doubt is a _______________________.
17. Since we can choose our thoughts, when doubt comes we should learn to recognize it
and keep on _______________________________________.
18. Why weren’t the disciples able to cast the demon out of the boy? ________________
________________________________________________________ (Matt. 17:20a)
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 11
19. Discover within Hebrews 4:11 the reason an entire generation of Israelites, including
Moses, died in the wilderness. ___________________________________________
20. Unbelief will keep us in __________________________ __________________, but
Jesus has provided a permanent place of rest, one that can be inhabited only through
living by faith.
21. It is impossible to have ________________ and _____________________, and live
in unbelief.
22. According to Romans 1:17, how are we to learn to live? _______________________
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 11
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 12
1. __________________________ and _____________________ are both attacks on
the mind intended to distract us from serving the Lord.
2. Some people have such a problem with worry that it might be said that they are
__________________________ to worrying.
3. It is absolutely impossible to worry and live in __________________________ at the
same time.
4. Peace is not something that can be put on a person; it is a _____________________
of the Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5:22)
5. What do the following passages say regarding feelings of worry and anxiety?
a) Psalm 37:8b: ______________________________________________________
b) Matthew 6:25a: ____________________________________________________
c) Philippians 4:6a: ___________________________________________________
d) 1 Peter 5:7a: ______________________________________________________
6. Give several definitions for the word “worry.”
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
d) __________________________________________________________________
7. Why does the devil attempt to keep the mental arena busy with the wrong kinds of
thinking? ____________________________________________________________
8. ____________________ is intended to be of such a high quality that we enjoy it
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 12
9. Discover within John 10:10 the objective of each of the following.
a) Satan: ____________________________________________________________
b) Jesus: ____________________________________________________________
10. Briefly explain the thought being taught in Matthew 6:25. _____________________
11. What point was Jesus making when He illustrated a bird’s worry-free life in Matthew
6:26? _______________________________________________________________
12. Discover the point Jesus made regarding worry in Matthew 6:27. ________________
13. Give a brief summary of Matthew 6:28-30. _________________________________
14. Summarize Matthew 6:31 into a command regarding worry. ___________________
15. What comforting statement did Jesus make regarding our needs in Matthew 6:32b?
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 12
16. God naturally takes care of His children, but what condition does He require to honor
the desires of our hearts? ________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ (Matt. 6:33a)
17. We must learn to seek God’s _________________ and not His _________________.
18. Discover within Matthew 6:34 the reasons we should not worry about tomorrow.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
19. We must counter the devil’s attacks with the same weapon Jesus used: ____________
20. Locate within Hebrews 4:12 three words to describe the Word of God.
a) _______________________________ c) _______________________________
b) _______________________________
21. Discover within this same passage the capabilities of the Word of God.
a) __________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ (vs. 12c)
b) __________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ (vs. 12d)
22. Briefly explain the teaching of 1 Peter 5:6 as it relates to worry. _________________
23. What three things did the people (Judah) come to realize in 2 Chronicles 20:12?
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 12
c) __________________________________________________________________
24. Jesus did not come to remove all _____________________________ from our lives,
but rather to give a different approach to the storms of life.
25. What did Jesus mean by “take My yoke upon you and learn of Me.” (Matthew 11:29)
26. Discover within Hebrews 13 two guidelines for Christian living.
a) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 5a)
b) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 5b)
27. Locate within this passage in Hebrews two things that God will never do.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
28. According to Psalm 37:3, what happens when we “trust in the Lord and do good”?
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 13
1. Much torment cones to people’s lives because of judgmental ___________________,
______________________, and ____________________________.
2. How can thoughts become a tool the devil uses to keep a person lonely? __________
3. What did Jesus teach regarding a judgmental attitude? ________________________
___________________________________________________________ (Matt. 7:1)
4. Define the verb judge.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
5. Describe the following personalities.
a) Jovial personality: __________________________________________________
b) Melancholy personality: ______________________________________________
6. Judgment and criticism are fruit of a deeper problem called ____________________.
7. Discover within Romans 12:3 the warning issued by the Apostle Paul. ___________
8. How are we to respond to the weakness we observe in others? (Galatians 6:1-2)
a) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 1b)
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 13
b) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 1c)
c) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 2a)
9. We must have a _____________ _________________ of pride and be very careful
of judging others, or of being critical of them.
10. Briefly explain the point the Apostle Paul made regarding passing judgment in
Romans 14:4. _________________________________________________________
11. Discover within Matthew 7:1-2 the reasons we should not judge.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
12. Why does the devil try to keep us busy mentally judging the faults of others? ______
13. Briefly explain in your own words what Jesus is teaching in Matthew 7:3-5. _______
14. Give a possible application for Matthew 7:6, as it would relate to the subject of
judging others. ________________________________________________________
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 13
15. According to Ephesians 4:32, what standard should we follow when we observe the
weaknesses of others.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
d) __________________________________________________________________
16. Why did the Apostle Paul say the man who judges is without excuse and self-
condemning? _________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________ (Romans 2:1c)
17. A judgmental mind is an offshoot of a _________________________ mind.
18. Why should we keep and guard our hearts with all vigilance? ___________________
__________________________________________________________ (Prov. 4:23)
19. All the things that God tries to teach us are for our own ____________________ and
20. How should we counter a suspicious mind? _________________________________
__________________________________________________________ (1 Cor. 13:7)
21. ______________________ and ______________________ bring joy to life and help
relationships grow to their maximum potential.
22. _________________________ cripples an entire relationship and usually destroys it.
23. Briefly explain what we learn of Jesus’ relationship with His disciples in John 2:23-
25. _________________________________________________________________
24. We must trust God completely and man ____________________________________.
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 13
25. Suspicion comes out of the unrenewed mind; _______________________________
comes out of the renewed spirit.
26. Our thoughts are silent words that only we and the Lord hear, but those words affect
a) _______________________________ c) _______________________________
b) _______________________________ d) _______________________________
27. The things we think on often come out of our _______________________________.
28. According to Proverbs 16:23, what does the heart of the wise do for him?
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
29. How did Solomon describe “pleasant words” in Proverbs 16:24?
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
30. Judgment, criticism, and suspicion never bring _____________________.
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 14
1. _____________________________ is the opposite of activity.
2. Define the word “passivity.” _____________________________________________
3. The devil knows that inactivity, failure to exercise the will, will spell the believer’s
ultimate __________________________.
4. Why does Satan try to persuade us to become inactive? _______________________
5. What can Satan do with empty space in the mind? ____________________________
6. How do we “stand against the wiles of the devil?” ___________________________
____________________________________________________________ (Eph. 6:1)
7. One way to keep __________________________ thoughts out of our mind is to keep
our mind full of __________________________ thoughts.
8. Read the story of the “unclean spirit” in Luke 11:24-26, and explain what happened
when he returned and found his old home empty. ____________________________
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 14
9. When a believer is inactive in any area in which he has capability or talent, that
particular area begins to _________________ or become ______________________
10. The first step to overcoming passivity in actions is to overcome passivity in the
11. There is a dynamic principle shown throughout God’s Word, and no person will
ever walk in victory unless he understands and operates in it. What is that principle?
12. Discover within Romans 12:2 two things that must occur in order for a person to walk
in victory.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
13. We will not change our _________________________ until we change our thoughts.
14. Give a brief summary of Ephesians 4:22 and 24.
a) Verse 22: _________________________________________________________
b) Verse 24: _________________________________________________________
15. Discover within Ephesians 4:23 how to make the transition from improper actions to
proper actions. ________________________________________________________
16. The mind is often an area where people play around with ______________________
17. Read Matthew 5:27-28, and briefly explain what this passage means to you.
(Answers will vary.)____________________________________________________
18. What should we do if we are going to experience victory in our lives? ____________
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 14
19. If we desire victory over our problems, we must have _________________________
and not just wishbone.
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 14
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 15
1. Discover within 1 Corinthians 2:16 the reason it is possible to improve our thinking.
2. Locate within Ezekiel 36:26 two things given by God that enable us to choose right
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
3. According to Ezekiel 36:27, what does the Spirit enable us to do? ________________
4. List six things we can do in order to flow in the mind of Christ.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
d) __________________________________________________________________
e) __________________________________________________________________
f) __________________________________________________________________
5. If a person is thinking according to the mind of Christ, what will his thought be? ____
6. What is required for “two to walk together?” ________________________________
___________________________________________________________ (Amos 3:3)
7. God wants to lift us up, and the devil wants to _______________________ us down.
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 15
8. How does the devil try to press us down? ___________________________________
9. Psalm 143:3-10 gives a description of depression and how to overcome it.
Summarize each of these verses.
a) Verse 3: __________________________________________________________
b) Verse 4: __________________________________________________________
c) Verse 5: __________________________________________________________
d) Verse 6: __________________________________________________________
e) Verse 7: __________________________________________________________
f) Verse 8: __________________________________________________________
g) Verse 9: __________________________________________________________
h) Verse 10:__________________________________________________________
10. The thoughts of a person functioning in the mind of Christ should be on ___________
and on all His mighty _______________________.
11. What do the following psalms say about meditating on God and His works?
a) Psalm 63:6: _______________________________________________________
b) Psalm 77:12: ______________________________________________________
12. Discover within Psalm 143:5 three things David did to keep his thoughts positive.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
13. What conclusion can we draw from John 16:7 regarding our relationship to God? ___
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 15
14. Although “we know and believe the love God cherishes for us,” what must we do to
fully experience that love? _______________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ (1 John 4:16)
15. List the things from Romans 8:35 that cannot separate us from the “love of Christ.”
a) e)
b) f)
c) g)
16. God’s love should become so real to us that even in hard times, we are comforted by
the conscious knowing that He loves us and that we no longer have to live in
17. Discover within 1 John 4:18 the reason there is “no fear in love.” _______________
18. Believers operating out of the mind of Christ are not going to think how terrible they
are, because they will have ______________________________________ thoughts,
meditating regularly on who they are “in Christ.”
19. Why is it a waste of time to live under guilt and condemnation? (2 Corinthians 5:21)
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
20. Describe the ministry gift of exhortation, spoken of in Romans 12:8. _____________
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 15
21. ________________________ and _______________________ are containers or
weapons for carrying creative or destructive power.
22. A person flowing in the mind of Christ will find his thoughts filled with ___________
and ____________________________________.
23. Discover within Psalm 100:4 how the people of the Lord may actually “flow in the
mind of Christ,” and bring Him worship.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
24. According to Hebrews 13:15, when do we offer thanksgiving? __________________
25. When we refuse to give thanks, we give up our ______________________ to Satan.
26. How can we be a blessing to the Lord? ____________________________________
27. Read Ephesians 5:18-20, and discover how we can stay filled with the Holy Spirit.
a) Verse 19: _________________________________________________________
b) Verse 20: _________________________________________________________
28. God’s Word is His thoughts, written down on paper for our _________________ and
29. Why was Jesus chastising the unbelievers in John 5:38?
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 15
30. What conclusion can we draw from Joshua 1:8 regarding the Word of God? _______
31. Read Proverbs 4:20-22, and discover the result of meditating on the words of God.
a) Verse 22a: ________________________________________________________
b) Verse 22b: ________________________________________________________
32. What does Mark 4:22 say about the hidden treasures and powerful life-giving secrets
in the Word of God?
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
33. The ____________________________ to do the Word comes from the practice of
meditating on it.
34. How are we to receive the Word of God? ___________________________________
_________________________________________________________ (James 1:21b)
35. The instrument we are given to draw from the “ocean full of life” is diligent
___________________ and _____________________________ of the Word of God.
36. Discover within Romans 8:6 the result of the following mindsets.
a) Carnally minded: ___________________________________________________
b) Spiritually minded: __________________________________________________
37. The Holy Spirit is quick to remind us if our mind is beginning to take us in the wrong
direction. Then the ___________________________ becomes ours.
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 15
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Part 3: Introduction
1. How long should it have taken the nation of Israel to make the journey to the
Promised Land? ______________________________________________ (Deut. 1:2)
2. The Children of Israel spent forty years in the wilderness making an eleven day trip,
because they had a ____________________________________ mentality.
3. What happens when we suffer from a “wilderness mentality?” __________________
4. What did God tell the Israelites in Deuteronomy 1:6? _________________________
5. A wilderness mentality is a _________________________ mindset.
6. Colossians 3:2 teaches us to ________________ our minds and _________________
them on things above.
7. Some people __________________ in a wilderness, while others ______________ a
8. Describe the two types of people mentioned in the previous question.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
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Battlefield of the Mind Part 3: Introduction
9. We should be ___________________________ the trip on the way to the Promised
Land (heaven), and not dying in the wilderness.
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 16
“My future is determined by my past and my present.”
1. Why did the Israelites have no positive vision in their lives? ____________________
2. Why do some Christians go nowhere in their Christian lives? ___________________
3. Discover within Proverbs 29:18 the result of having no vision. __________________
4. Our _____________________ is not determined by our past or our present.
5. We should develop a new mindset, believing that the things which are impossible
with men are __________________________ with God (Luke 18:27).
6. What must we have to accurately judge things? ______________________________
7. List the Spirit-imparted qualifications found in Isaiah 11:2 that will enable Christ to
rule justly.
a) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 2b)
b) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 2c)
c) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 2d)
8. List the negative statements made by the Israelites in Numbers 14:2-3.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 16
d) __________________________________________________________________
e) __________________________________________________________________
9. Briefly explain what the Israelites wished for in Numbers 20:3. _________________
10. Bad ______________________________ are the fruit of bad thoughts.
11. Discover within Numbers 21:5 the statements made by the Children of Israel that
indicate a tremendous lack of gratitude.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
12. Read Genesis 13:7-11, and discover what caused Abram and Lot to separate. _______
13. Why did Abraham allow his nephew Lot to choose which valley he wanted first? ___
14. How did God bless Abraham in Genesis 13:15? ______________________________
15. Abraham had a good attitude about his situation, and as a result the devil could not
keep the _______________________________ of God from him.
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 17
“Someone do it for me. I don’t want to take the responsibility.”
1. Responsibility is often defined as our response to God’s _______________________.
2. How did Terah respond when God placed before him the opportunity to go to
Canaan? _____________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ (Gen. 11:31)
3. Read Exodus 32:30-32, and briefly explain in your own words why Moses had to
intercede for the Israelites. ______________________________________________
4. A ___________________ mindset was one of the things that kept the Israelites in the
wilderness for forty years.
5. Give a brief summary of Proverbs 6:6-11. __________________________________
6. Who supervises the ant, making sure his work gets done? ______________________
_______________________________________________________________ (vs. 7)
7. What could Jesus have meant by the statement, “For many are called, but few are
chosen” (Matt. 20:16)? __________________________________________________
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 17
8. Briefly explain, in your own words, the responsibility assumed by Joshua when he
replaced Moses. _______________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ (Joshua 1:2)
9. You and I will never have the privilege of standing and ministering under God’s
anointing, if we are not willing to take our __________________________ seriously.
10. Why do people often procrastinate, when given the opportunity to take on new
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
11. What happens when we are not afraid of taking on responsibility? _______________
12. Why should we be responsible and take care of everything God gives us? _________
_________________________________________________________ (Matt. 25:13)
13. Read Matthew 25:14-30 and briefly explain what each servant did with the talent(s)
given to them by their Master.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
14. The Bible clearly shows us that it is God’s will for us to bear good _______________
(John 15:16)
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 17
15. Always remember that if God gives us whatever we ask Him for, there is a
________________________________ that goes along with the blessing.
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 17
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 18
“Please make everything easy; I can’t take it if things are too hard!”
1. Name one of the most commonly expressed excuses from people in prayer lines. ___
2. The enemy tries to inject this phrase into people’s minds to get them to ___________
3. Deuteronomy 30:11 teaches that God’s commandments are not too ______________
or too far away.
4. Why are the Lord’s commands not too difficult for us? ________________________
5. If everything in life were easy, we would not even need the _____________________
of the Holy Spirit to help us.
6. How long will the Holy Spirit remain with us? _______________________________
__________________________________________________________ (John 14:16)
7. Briefly explain in your own words the meaning of 1 Corinthians 10:13. ___________
8. _______________________ is the power of God coming to us at no cost to us, to do
through us what we cannot do by ourselves.
9. Why did God lead the Children of Israel by way of the land of the Philistines? _____
___________________________________________________________ (Ex. 13:17)
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 18
10. Satan knows that if he can defeat us in our mind, he can defeat us in our
11. What did the Apostle Paul encourage the Galatians not to do? __________________
____________________________________________________________ (Gal. 6:9)
12. Read Luke 4:1-13, and briefly explain how Jesus handled His forty days in the
wilderness. ___________________________________________________________
13. How can we handle things the way Christ did? ______________________________
14. Discover within 1 Peter 4:1 what we can do in preparation for suffering “in the flesh.”
15. Going into battle with wrong thinking is like going to the front lines in a war without
a _____________________________.
16. If we are whiners and complainers, we should get a new mindset that says, “_______
(Phil 4:13)
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 19
“I can’t help it; I’m just addicted to
grumbling, faultfinding and complaining.”
1. Until we learn to glorify God by our _________________________ during hard
times, we won’t be delivered.
2. Briefly explain, in your own words, the meaning of 1 Peter 2:19. ________________
3. Discover within 1 Peter 2:21 the reasons Jesus suffered for us. __________________
4. What do the following passages teach us regarding our responsibilities as Christians?
a) 2 Cor. 3:2: ________________________________________________________
b) Phil. 2:15: ________________________________________________________
5. List the types of attitudes and behavior found in Ephesians 4:2 that a Christian should
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
d) __________________________________________________________________
e) __________________________________________________________________
6. Many people in the world are trying to find God, and what we _________________
them is much more important than what we ______________________ them.
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 19
7. Discover within Psalm 105:17-18 three things that Joseph had to endure.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
8. What happened to Joseph in the following passages?
a) Genesis 39:14: _____________________________________________________
b) Genesis 39:20: _____________________________________________________
9. Joseph never complained, and because he had a proper ________________________
in suffering, God eventually delivered and promoted him.
10. Read 1 Corinthians 10:9-11. What happened to the Israelites as a result of their
grumbling, faultfinding and complaining?
a) Verse 9: __________________________________________________________
b) Verse 10: _________________________________________________________
11. Discover within verse 11 two reasons why those events were recorded for us.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
12. What are we doing when we give our minds and mouths over to grumbling,
faultfinding and complaining? ___________________________________________
13. How were the Philippians to conduct themselves in Philippians 2:14? _____________
14. Discover within Philippians 4:6 how to pray in every circumstance. ______________
15. _____________________________ is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a
good attitude while waiting.
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 20
“Don’t make me wait for anything; I deserve everything immediately.”
1. ___________________________________ is the fruit of pride.
2. According to James 5:7a, how long are we to be patient? ______________________
3. What does the farmer patiently wait on in James 5:7?
a) _______________________________ b) _______________________________
4. We need to learn to ____________________________ where we are, while we are
on our way to where we are going.
5. Why does pride prevent patient waiting? ___________________________________
6. Discover within Romans 12:3 how a person should rate himself. ________________
7. A _________________________ person will not display an impatient attitude.
8. Another way Satan uses our mind to lead us into impatient behavior is through
thinking that is ___________________________ rather than realistic.
9. Discover within John 16:33 the realistic statement made by Jesus regarding life. ____
10. Locate in Colossians 3:12 the different kinds of behavior we should be displaying.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 20
c) __________________________________________________________________
d) __________________________________________________________________
e) __________________________________________________________________
11. James said we were to count it all __________________ when we encounter trials or
fall into various temptations. (James 1:2)
12. What happened as the Children of Israel journeyed from Mount Hor? _____________
__________________________________________________________ (Num. 21:4)
13. What happens when we fail to cooperate with the Holy Spirit as He develops the fruit
of patience in our lives? ________________________________________________
14. Hebrews 10:36 tells us that without __________________ and __________________
we will not receive the promises of God.
15. Discover within Hebrews 6:12 two things that are necessary to inherit the promises.
a) _______________________________ b) _______________________________
16. The ________________________ man runs in the strength of his own flesh, and tries
to make things happen in his own timing.
17. A _______________________ man waits patiently, and actually has a reverential
fear of moving in the strength of his own flesh.
18. A ____________________________ line is not always the shortest distance to a goal.
19. Proverbs 16:25 teaches that there is a way that seems right (straight or shortest) to
man, but the end of it is the way to ________________________________________.
20. According to 1 Peter 5:6, we must ___________________________ ourselves under
the mighty hand of God.
21. What happens as we wait on God, and refuse to move in fleshly zeal? ____________
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 21
“My behavior may be wrong, but it’s not my fault.”
1. What is one of the major causes of wilderness living? _________________________
2. Name the two individuals who were unwilling to take responsibility for their actions
in Genesis 3:12-13.
a) _______________________________ b) _______________________________
3. Read Genesis 16:1-6, and briefly explain how the characters in this story blamed each
other for what went wrong. ______________________________________________
4. Locate within Numbers 21:5 the two individuals who received the blame for the
“wilderness conditions.”
a) _______________________________ b) _______________________________
5. __________ and ______________ are two of the most deceptive words that Satan
ever plants in our minds.
6. List the negative statements made by the Israelite scouts regarding the land of Canaan
in Numbers 13:28.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 21
7. One of the reasons our problems defeat us is because we think they are ___________
than God.
8. For what was King David asking when he recorded Psalm 51? __________________
9. What did David mean when he said that God desires “truth in the inner being” (vs.
6)? _________________________________________________________________
10. God is quick to forgive us if we truly repent, but we cannot truly repent if we will not
_____________ and _______________________ the truth about what we have done.
11. You and I are made right with God after sinning only by the blood of Jesus, and not
by our ____________________________.
12. Discover within 1 John 1:9 the requirement for God’s forgiveness. ______________
13. _____________________ is one of the most powerful weapons against the kingdom
of darkness.
14. What does John 1:5 say regarding the Light (truth)?
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
15. Why does the Holy Spirit bring things into the light? _________________________
16. Jesus said it was truth that would set us __________________________. (John 8:32)
17. Discover within John 16:13 one of the major facets of the Holy Spirit’s ministry. ___
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 22
“My life is so miserable; I feel sorry for
myself because my life is so wretched!”
1. How did the Israelites respond to the inconveniences they encountered? __________
__________________________________________________________ (Num. 14:1)
2. We cannot entertain demons of _________________________ and also walk in the
power of God.
3. How does Satan use self-pity to keep us in bondage? __________________________
4. Discover within 1 Thessalonians 5:11 two things we should be doing as Christians.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
5. Describe the true gift of compassion. ______________________________________
6. Why is self-pity perverted and idolatry? ____________________________________
7. Romans 5:5 says that the __________________ of God has been shed abroad in our
hearts by the Holy Ghost.
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 22
8. For what purpose has the “love of God” been placed in our hearts? ______________
9. How should we respond to the needs and concerns of others? ___________________
____________________________________________________________ (Phil. 2:4)
10. __________________________ is a major trap, and one of Satan’s favorite tools to
keep us in the wilderness.
11. How were the people instructed to deal with their negative past in Isaiah 43:18?
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
12. Discover within Isaiah 43:19 two things that God said He would do for the Israelites.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
13. God will not deliver you by your own __________________________, but by His.
14. Only ___________________________ can change people.
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 23
“I don’t deserve God’s blessings because I am not worthy.”
1. Discover within Joshua 5:2 the order given by God to Joshua. ___________________
2. Why did God order that all Israelite males be circumcised? _____________________
_________________________________________________________ (Joshua 5:9a)
3. Define the word reproach.
a) ______________________________ c) ______________________________
b) ______________________________
4. What point can we draw from the phrase “roll away the reproach of Egypt”? _______
5. God wants to give us __________, and Satan wants to give us __________________
6. God’s rolling away the reproach from us means that each of us must receive for
ourselves the ______________________________ He is offering for all our past sins.
7. Any person we know who is walking in victory is also walking in _______________
8. We don’t deserve God’s blessings, but we receive them anyway because we are
_____________________________________ with Christ. (Rom. 8:17)
9. Give a definition for the word heir. _______________________________________
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 23
10. Discover within Galatians 4:7 three things the Apostle Paul taught the Galatians
regarding their position in God’s royal family.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
11. Describe the servant or laborer mindset. ____________________________________
12. Locate within Numbers 13:33 the statement made by the Israelites which reveals a
negative opinion of themselves. __________________________________________
13. Fear of ______________________ and ___________________________ keep many
people in the wilderness.
14. How could the new generation of Israelites have the reproach of Egypt on them? ____
15. God does not reward the perfect who have no flaws and never make any mistakes, but
those who put their ____________________ and ______________________ in Him.
16. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that without faith it is impossible to ______________________
17. Good works will not please God, if they are done to __________________ His favor.
18. Discover within Hebrews 11:6 two things that we must believe to come near to God.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
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Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 23
19. Locate within Ephesians 1:4 the things God wants us to be.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
d) __________________________________________________________________
20. Briefly explain, in your own words, the point James was making in James 1:5. _____
21. If we desire to have a victorious, powerful, positive life – we cannot be __________
_____________________________ about ourselves.
22. Don’t look only at how far you have to go, but how far you have ________________.
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 23
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 24
“Why shouldn’t I be jealous and envious,
when everybody else is better off than I am?”
1. Briefly explain, in your own words, why Peter became concerned with John’s future
in John 21:21. ________________________________________________________
2. How did Jesus respond to Peter’s concern? __________________________________
(John 21:22)
3. Minding other people’s _________________________ will keep us in the wilderness.
4. ____________________, ____________ and mentally ________________________
ourselves and our circumstances with others is a wilderness mentality.
5. Envy will cause a person to behave in a way that is _______________________ and
________________________ - even animalistic at times.
6. What did Solomon record about envy in Proverbs 14:30? ______________________
7. Discover within Genesis 37:3 the effect of envy on the brothers of Joseph. ________
8. Give a brief definition for each of the following words.
a) Envy: ____________________________________________________________
b) Jealousy: __________________________________________________________
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 24
9. What happens when we are not secure concerning our own worth and value as a
unique individual? _____________________________________________________
10. What happened as a result of comparison and competition among the disciples of
Jesus? _______________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ (Luke 22:24)
11. How did Jesus correct the disciples’ foolish notion regarding greatness in
Luke 22:26?
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
12. According to the world’s system, the best place to be is ______________________ of
everyone else.
13. What standard did the Apostle Paul establish regarding competition in Galatians
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
14. God arranges events quite often in a way that we would not choose, because He
knows what we ______________________.
15. God loves us enough not to bless us beyond our capacity to handle the blessing
properly and to continue giving Him ____________________.
16. Jealousy, envy and comparing oneself with others is __________________________
17. Discover the new mindset we should follow in 3 John 2. ______________________
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 25
“I’m going to do it my way, or not at all.”
1. The Israelites displayed much _______________________ and _________________
during their years in the wilderness.
2. Read Psalm 78:5-8, and list the things God wanted from the Israelites.
a) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 7a)
b) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 7b)
c) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 7c)
3. How did the psalmist describe the early generation of Israelites?
a) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 8a)
b) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 8b)
c) ___________________________________________________________ (vs. 8c)
4. The Lord demands that we learn to give up our own way, and be ________________
and ___________________________ in His hands.
5. _________________________________ living demands prompt, exact obedience to
the Lord.
6. Why wasn’t Saul able to maintain his God-given position as king? _______________
7. Discover within 1 Samuel 13:9 what King Saul did, rather than wait as directed by
Samuel the priest. _____________________________________________________
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 25
8. Read 1 Samuel 15:1-22 and briefly explain what Saul did that was contrary to God’s
commands. __________________________________________________________
9. What essential truth did Samuel teach Saul in verse 22? ________________________
10. Without ____________________________________, there is no proper respect or
11. After investigating life and recording his analysis, what conclusion did King Solomon
reach in the twelfth chapter of Ecclesiastes?
a) __________________________________________________________ (vs. 13b)
b) __________________________________________________________ (vs. 13c)
12. What two reasons did Solomon give for fearing God and keeping His
a) __________________________________________________________ (vs. 13d)
b) __________________________________________________________ (vs. 14a)
13. The whole purpose of man’s creation is that he ______________________________
and ________________________ God by obeying Him.
14. Our _____________________ to obey or not obey not only affects us, but multitudes
of others.
15. How did the Apostle Paul contrast the effects of disobedience and obedience in
Romans 5:19?
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time
Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 25
16. Our lives might be in better shape now if someone in our past had _______________
17. A life of disobedience is the fruit of ________________________________ thinking.
18. Why should we examine our thoughts in light of the Word of God? (Isa. 55:8)
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
19. The ______________________ is the battlefield where we will either win or lose the
war that Satan has launched.
Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time