Produced by the Minnesota Environmental Partnership mepartnership.org
Sulfide Mining Fact Sheet
What is sulfide mining?
“Sulfide mining” refers to mining metals that are found in sulfide-bearing rock. Mining
metals in sulfide ores can be done in two ways: in underground mines where the ore
deposits are very deep, and in open-pit mines when the deposits are relatively shallow.
Once the metals have been separated from other rock, the mining operator must find ways
to dispose of the substantial waste rock.
Sulfide mining is different from traditional iron ore mines and taconite mining (sometimes
referred to as ferrous mining). Sulfide mines have never been operated safely no mine of
this type has been known to have operated and closed without polluting local lakes, rivers,
or groundwater.
PolyMet NorthMet is the first sulfide mining project to be proposed in Minnesota.
Metals Minnesota has also proposed a mine near the Boundary Waters Wilderness, but this
mine is not yet close to the permitting process.
According to a non-partisan poll produced by the Minnesota Environmental Partnership in
2017, 72% of Minnesotans are concerned about runoff from mines threatening to pollute the
Boundary Waters and Lake Superior.
PolyMet NorthMet Mine
About the Project:
The proposed PolyMet NorthMet open pit copper-nickel mine would be Minnesota’s first
non-ferrous mine. The mine would be located near Virginia, MN in a water-rich
environment. This mine would be dug in wetlands, peatlands, and the headwaters of the St.
Louis River, the largest tributary to Lake Superior. PolyMet would be situated in Ojibwe
Ceded Territory, and would be upstream of drinking water for the Fond du Lac Reservation
and the City of Duluth.
The mine would include three new open pits, permanent and temporary waste rock heaps,
and a permanent tailings waste dump containing highly toxic waste.
Environmental, Health, and Financial Concerns:
PolyMet would use wet storage for mine waste. In the wake of the Mount Polley
disaster, experts suggest only utilizing dry storage to prevent mine waste spills.
PolyMet’s project proposes to reuse a 40 year old dam from taconite mining, and
store sulfide mining waste on top of taconite mining waste.
Produced by the Minnesota Environmental Partnership mepartnership.org
Sulfide Mining Fact Sheet
According to PolyMet’s own Environmental Impact Statement, ongoing water
treatment would be required for the site for 500 years. The treatment would likely
need to be continued beyond the next 500 years, but PolyMet’s modeling doesn’t
project that far.
Despite a petition from the Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians, a health
impacts assessment was not included in the Environmental Impacts Assessment or in
the record for the permitting of the project so far.
Possible negative health impacts include:
o Increased mercury contamination of fish and wildlife, and therefore greater
risk of mercury contamination in people, especially infants.
o Pollution of municipal drinking water and wells
o Increased risk of cancer for on-site PolyMet workers.
Clean up in case of a spill of mine waste often falls to taxpayers. PolyMet’s financial
assurance package (the funding they have put aside in case of a need to clean up
mine waste). State officials have estimated that PolyMet would need to put up a
financial assurance package of over $1 billion, but in the Permit to Mine proposed a
package of $75 million for the first two years of construction, rising to $544 million
per year once the mine were to open.
Land Exchange:
PolyMet’s proposed mine site includes 6,650 acres of Superior National Forest Land.
PolyMet has the mineral rights beneath this land, but the U.S. Forest Service maintained
surface rights. PolyMet petitioned for a land exchange. In return for the 6,650 acres of
Superior National Forest Land, PolyMet proposed exchanging 6,690 acres of non-federal
lands at the rate of $550 per acre. On January 9, 2017 the U.S. Forest Service issued a Record
of Decision to transfer the property.
When the Record of Decision was announced, four
separate lawsuits were brought against the decision.
The exchange undervalued the land, as it only considered the use of the land for timber, not
for the much more economically valuable mineral lands.
In July of 2017 Congressman Nolan introduced H.R. 3115: Superior National Forest Land
Exchange act of 2017. The bill would bypass questions of legality and force the U.S. Forest
Service to complete the land exchange. The bill passed the U.S. House of Representatives on
November 28, 2017.
A companion bill has not yet been introduced in the U.S. Senate.
Produced by the Minnesota Environmental Partnership mepartnership.org
Sulfide Mining Fact Sheet
Twin Metals Mineral Leases
Twin Metals Minnesota held the mineral leases to mine copper and nickel near the
Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. In December of 2016, the Forest Service and
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) denied the renewal of Twin Metals’ mineral lease, and
moved to segregate the lands from the mineral leasing process for two years while the
Forest Service and BLM conducted an environmental analysis.
The Forest Service and BLM opened a comment period in 2017 to gather input from
Minnesotans about what should be included in the environmental study. There were three
listening sessions, with over 4,000 participants.
2017 MINER Act and Trump Administration Reversal of Mineral Withdrawal:
The Twin Metals Mineral Leases is primarily within federal jurisdiction. As with PolyMet,
Minnesota congressmen have introduced federal legislation that would impact the Twin
Metals mine.
Rep. Emmer introduced H.R. 3905: The MINER Act on October 2, 2017, and was passed in
the House on November 30, 2017.
This proposal reinstates the expired Twin Metals
mineral leases, prohibits federal agencies from withdrawing mineral leases unless approved
by Congress, and exempts MN from the process to establish national monuments in the
On Friday, December 22, a legal opinion was published by the U.S. Department of Interior
concluding that the BLM had “erred in concluding they had the power to grant or deny the
Twin Metals mineral leases.”
This means that the BLM and the Forest Service will need to
reconsider the decision to withdraw the mineral leases, not that they are automatically
granted to Twin Metals.
Produced by the Minnesota Environmental Partnership mepartnership.org
Sulfide Mining Fact Sheet
Sulfide Mining and Minnesota’s Wild Rice Sulfate Standard
Impact of Mining on Sulfate Levels in Minnesota
The type of pollution that comes from sulfide mining is particularly dangerous to wild rice.
Our state grain is extremely sensitive and more vulnerable to pollution and habitat loss than
other species. Protecting wild rice is an environmental justice issue, as it has great
significance as a sacred food for the Ojibwe people, and the ability to harvest wild rice is an
essential treaty right.
Among the substances released by copper-nickel sulfide mining are: mercury air emissions,
sulfate discharges, copper, nickel, manganese, iron, aluminum, and arsenic, as well as
solvents and processing wastes.
Two discharges in particular are detrimental to the
health of wild rice beds: Sulfate and Mercury. It is because of these discharges that
Minnesota initially passed a Wild Rice Sulfate Standard.
Science Behind Minnesota’s Wild Rice Sulfate Standard
John Moyle spent years studying the impacts of sulfate on wild rice, and found that
wild rice will not grow in waters with a sulfate content greater than 10 parts per
High sulfate levels are capable of destroying wild rice beds. A recent study from the
MN DNR and MPCA confirmed these results.
Sulfate in waters is converted into sulfide by bacteria which is poisonous to almost
all living organisms. Wild rice is particularly sensitive to sulfide, and is one of the first
species to be impacted negatively.
Sulfate increases mercury methylation in sediment, which leads to accumulation of
mercury in fish and wildlife.
When humans ingest that fish and wildlife, it can lead to accumulation of mercury in
our blood streams. This is particularly dangerous for infants and children. In
Northeast Minnesota, 1 in 10 infants are already born with unhealthy levels of
mercury in their bodies.
Limiting sulfate discharges in water therefore both protects wild rice and prevents
further mercury methylization and accumulation of mercury in wildlife and
Produced by the Minnesota Environmental Partnership mepartnership.org
Sulfide Mining Fact Sheet
Source Citations
“Minnesota regional copper-nickel study 1976-1979.” Minnesota Environmental Quality Board. Aug. 31, 1979.
Letter from Thomas Tidwell, Chief of Forest Service to Neil Kornze, Director of Bureau of Land Management,
U.S. Forest Serv. File Code 2670 (Dec. 14, 2016)
MN Department of Natural Resources Website, Accessed January 4, 2018.
Minnesota Environmental Partnership; Public Opinion Strategies; Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz &
Associates. “Minnesota Voters’ Environmental Priorities in 2017: Results of a Statewide Voter Survey
Conducted Feb 1-5, 2017.” Available here: https://www.mepartnership.org/wp-
Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel. “Report on Mount Polley Tailings Storage
Facility Breach.” Province of British Columbia. 2015.
NorthMet Project Dam Safety Permit Application: Flotation Tailings Basin, prepared for PolyMet Mining, Inc.,
Barr Engineering Company, (May 2017)
Final Environmental Impact Statement, NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange, Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Forest Service. (Nov. 2015)
Onello et. Al. “Sulfide Mining and Human Health in Minnesota.” Minnesota Medicine. November/December
2016 Issue. Accessible here: https://org2.salsalabs.com/o/6606/images/MMAJournalSulfideMiningHealth.pdf
Kraker, Dan. “State: Over $1 billion likely needed in PolyMet ‘financial assurance.’” Minnesota Public Radio.
Dec. 20, 2017. https://www.mprnews.org/story/2017/12/20/state-over-1b-likely-needed-in-polymet-
U.S. Forest Service. “Record of Decision Cover Letter: Northmet Land Exchange.” January 9, 2017.
Marcotty, Josephine. “Suit claims swap with PolyMet grossly undervalued public land.” Star Tribune. January
31, 2017. http://www.startribune.com/suit-claims-swap-with-polymet-grossly-undervalued-public-
Congressional Summary: H.R. 3115. Accessed: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-
Superior National Forest: Minnesota. “Application for Withdrawal.” A notice by the Forest Service on
1/13/2017. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2017/01/13/2017-00506/superior-national-
Congressional Summary: H.R. 3905. Accessed: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-
Kraker, Dan. “Feds reverse course, keep Minnesota copper mine plan alive.” Minnesota Public Radio News.
Friday, December 22 2017. https://www.mprnews.org/story/2017/12/22/twin-metals-mn-copper-mine-
Final Environmental Impact Statement, NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange, Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Forest Service. (Nov. 2015)
Moyle, John. “Review of the Relationship of Wild Rice to Sulfate Concentration of Waters.” Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources. March 16, 1975
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. “Analysis of the Wild Rice Sulfate Standard Study: Draft for Scientific
Peer Review.” June 9, 2014. https://www.pca.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/wq-s6-42z.pdf
Pastor et. Al. “Effects of sulfate and sulfide on the life cycle of Zizania palustris in hydroponic and mesocosm
experiments.” Ecological Adaptations, 27(1), 2017.
Myrbo et al. “Increase in nutrients, mercury, and methylmercury as a consequence of elevated sulfate
reduction to sulfide in experimental wetland mesocosms.” American Geophysical Union. 2017.
Marcotty, Josephine. “High levels of mercury found in North Shore babies.” Star Tribune. February 2, 2012.
Myrbo et al. “Increase in nutrients, mercury, and methylmercury as a consequence of elevated sulfate
reduction to sulfide in experimental wetland mesocosms.” American Geophysical Union. 2017.