Travel Insurance
Policy Document
Personal Travel
Customer Helplines
You will need to have your policy number available whenever you contact any helpline.
You will find this on your Policy Schedule.
Customer Helpline for claims
0330 102 6416
Customer Helpline for amendments or general information
0330 102 6417
Medical Assistance Helpline
020 8763 3196
Or from abroad + 44 208 763 3196
Legal Advice
01455 254 170
Legal Expenses
020 8652 1313
European Health Insurance Card application line
0300 330 1350
Important telephone numbers
Details of each section of cover can be found
from page 26 onwards.
It is important that you carry this document
together with your Policy Schedule each time
you travel. You will need to provide these
documents as evidence of insurance if you
need the services of a hospital or our assistance
provider. You will also need to quote your
policy number when you contact the Medical
Assistance Helpline.
If you have any queries about your cover, you
can call the Customer Helpline on 0330 102
6417 and tell them your policy number.
We want you to get the most from your policy
and to do this you should:
Read your Policy Booklet and make sure you
are covered for the sort of losses/incidents
you think might happen
Make sure you have declared any
pre-existing medical conditions
Make sure that you understand the General
Conditions and General Exclusions which
apply to your policy because if you do not
meet these conditions it may affect any
claim you make.
If your circumstances change, or you need to
change your cover, just let us know on 0330
102 6417.
Need medical help abroad? Call
us first on +44 (0) 208 763 3196
Medical Assistance – +44 (0) 208 763 3196
from abroad, or 0208 763 3196 from the UK
For emergencies: if you are taken by
ambulance to hospital following an emergency
call, you or a travelling companion should call
us as soon as possible once you have been
admitted to hospital.
For non-emergencies: if you need a GP, or
need to go to A&E or a clinic, Call Us First,
before you try to locate help, so we can guide
you to the safest and most appropriate source
of treatment.
If you are unfortunate enough to need medical
help whilst abroad please Call Us First on
(+44) 208 763 3196.
Our highly experienced multi-lingual team are
available to talk 24 hours a day, to advise you
or your travelling companion of what steps to
take. Their aim will always be to establish the
best treatment available to you in the country
you are visiting.
Your policy booklet includes everything you need to make full use of the
services and benefits of Barclays Travel Insurance. Please read this Policy
Booklet carefully together with the Policy Schedule to make sure that you
have the cover that you need. You may not be covered by all sections and
your Policy Schedule will detail the cover and limits applicable.
Welcome to Barclays Travel Insurance
Our first steps will always be to…
Confirm that you’re in a place of safety;
Establish the best local treatment available
to you; and
Consider your health and best interests;
Make sure that the necessary medical fees
are guaranteed.
Important note: it may affect your claim if you,
your travelling companion or a doctor/nurse
does not contact us on the number above. We
do not cover any costs over £500 where prior
agreement regarding treatment has not been
obtained from the Medical Assistance provider.
Our highly experienced multi-lingual team
of in-house doctors, nurses and experienced
case managers will advise you, your travelling
companion, and/or your treating doctor, of
what steps to take.
We understand how important it is to have
someone who…
You can contact at any time of the day or
You can trust has the medical expertise to
guide you to the right course of treatment
Has an in-depth understanding of how and
when to transfer sick and injured patients
back home
Will speak to you in a language you can
Our team is focused on trying to take some
of the worry out of what can be an incredibly
stressful situation so we’ll keep your key
contacts updated on your progress for you
and if need be, we’ll fly a doctor or nurse out,
with specialist repatriation equipment, to
accompany you home.
We actively monitor the capabilities of medical
facilities throughout the world and use
this knowledge to determine whether you
need to be transferred to a different facility.
Once we are satisfied that you are getting
the appropriate treatment, we will agree a
treatment plan with your treating doctor and
you. If you cannot be discharged in time to
continue your trip as planned, we will make
arrangements to bring you home at the
appropriate time.
1 Important telephone numbers
2 Welcome to Barclays Travel Insurance
5 Helpful advice
7 Definitions
11 About our insurance services
12 Important information about your policy
14 General conditions and medical declaration
17 Leisure and sports activities
19 Period of insurance
20 How to make a claim
24 Summary of cover - limits and excesses
26 Section 1: Medical Emergency and Repatriation Expenses
29 Section 2: Cancellation/Cutting Short Your Trip
32 Section 3: Travel Delay/Missed Departure
34 Section 4: Loss of Important Documents
35 Section 5: Mugging Benefit
36 Section 6: Hijack
37 Section 7: Personal Baggage
39 Section 8: Delayed Baggage
40 Section 9: Personal Money
41 Section 10: Personal Accident
42 Section 11: Personal Liability
43 Section 12: Legal Advice and Expenses
46 Section 13: Independent Traveller Cover
50 Section 14: Winter Sports
53 Section 15: Golf Cover
55 Section 16: Wedding Cover
56 Section 17: Business Cover
59 General exclusions
61 Complaints procedure
62 Data Protection Act and using your information
Finding your way through
your policy booklet
The ‘Know Before You Go’
travellers’ checklist
We are working
with the Foreign
& Commonwealth
Office (FCO) to do all
that we can to help British travellers stay safe
on holidays overseas. Follow these 7 simple
travel tips before you go and you can go away
knowing you’re well prepared
1. Check the Foreign & Commonwealth
Office (FCO) Travel Advice website for
essential travel advice and tips plus up to
date information about different countries.
2. Get travel insurance and check cover
where appropriate.
3. Check what vaccinations you need at
least 6 weeks before you go and consider
whether you need to take extra health
4. Get a good guidebook and get to know
your destination. Find out about local laws
and customs.
5. Ensure you have a valid passport that is in
good condition and the necessary visas.
6. Make copies of your passport (including
any visa pages), insurance policy plus
24-hour emergency number and ticket
details. Leave these copies, your itinerary
and contact details with family and friends.
7. Take enough money for your trip and
some back-up funds e.g. travellers
cheques, sterling or US dollars.
For more travel advice, visit the
Know Before You Go website at
Reciprocal healthcare agreement
If you are travelling to countries in the
European Union (except for the UK), Iceland,
Lichtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, we
strongly recommend that you take a valid
European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
You can apply for an EHIC card free of charge
by calling 0300 330 1350 or online at www.
This will entitle you to free healthcare
arrangements under a reciprocal agreement
between these countries. You should take
reasonable steps to use these arrangements
where possible. Use of your EHIC will result in
waiver of the policy excess under section 1:
Medical Emergency and Repatriation Expenses.
Please note that an EHIC is not a substitute for
travel insurance.
If you require medical treatment in Australia
or New Zealand you must enrol with a local
Medicare office. You do not need to enrol on
arrival but you should do this after the first
occasion you receive treatment. In-patient and
out-patient treatment at a public hospital is
then available free of charge.
The following tips will help make sure that should anything happen, you
are as well prepared as possible. These tips are for guidance and advice
only. They do not form part of your policy.
Helpful advice
Details of how to enrol and the free treatment
available can be found online at
Air passengers - Know Your
Did you know the European Union (EU)
has strengthened your rights to ensure air
passengers are treated fairly? You may be
entitled to compensation. Make sure you know
what to expect as a minimum from your airline
in the event of one of the following:
1. Denied Boarding – Have you been denied
boarding because the airline did not have
enough seats on the flight?
2. Cancelled Flight – Has your flight been
3. Long Delays – Has your flight been delayed
for two hours or more?
4. Baggage – Has your checked-in baggage
been damaged, delayed or lost?
5. Injury and Death by Accident(s) – Have you
been injured during your flight?
6. Package Holidays – Did you get what you
booked? To make sure you are not left out of
pocket visit
air/ rules/rights/index_en.htm for full details
of your entitlements.
What to do first
If you experience any of the problems listed
you should immediately ask the representative
of the airline operating your flight to deal with
your problem.
What to do next
If the operating airline does not fulfil their
obligations contact the Europe Direct free
phone on 00800 67891011 or e-mail mail@ for details of how to
progress your claim.
To call off your trip.
A sudden, unexpected, specific, violent,
external, visible event which occurs at a single
identifiable time and place.
Associated Condition
A medical condition that has a higher likelihood
of occurring if you have a particular existing
medical condition than if you did not have that
existing medical condition.
Any associated conditions will be shown on
your policy schedule if you decline to cover
your medical condition(s) or they are excluded
from cover. If you do not disclose your medical
condition (s) you will not be covered for any
conditions associated with your existing
medical condition (s), which would have been
advised to you had you declared these as
Business Money
Bank notes, currency notes and coins in current
use and travellers and other cheques, which are
the property of your employer.
Business Samples
A small amount of fabric or other commodity,
owned by you or for which you are
responsible, which is to be given or shown to
a prospective client.
Cigna Insurance Services (Europe) Limited.
An associate in the same employment as you in
the UK, whose absence from work necessitates
your stay in or return to the UK.
Costs and Expenses
Under Section 12 – Legal Advice and Expenses
a) Legal costs – All reasonable and necessary
costs incurred by the representative.
b) Opponents’ costs – Costs incurred by
opponents in civil cases.
Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Austria, Azores,
Balearic Islands, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canary Islands,
Channel Islands, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Faroe
Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar,
Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Isle of Man,
Israel, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya,
Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Macedonia, Madeira, Malta, Mediterranean
Islands not otherwise specified, Moldova,
Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Republic of Ireland, Romania, Russia
(European), San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria,
Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom
and the Vatican City.
The amount you pay when you make a
claim. This applies to each incident for each
insured person.
You, your spouse, your civil partner (as defined
in Section 1 of the Civil Partnership Act 2004)
or the person (whether or not of the same sex)
The words or meanings have the following meanings wherever they
appear in this policy booklet:
with whom you are permanently cohabiting in
a marriage like relationship together with your
children, step-children, adopted children, foster
children and grandchildren who are under the
age of 16 or under the age of 23 and in full
time education at the start of the insurance
Geographical Limit
The geographical limits specified on the Policy
Golf Equipment
Golf clubs, golf balls, golf bag, golf trolley,
golf shoes and essential clothes which you
own or hire.
The unlawful seizure or wrongful exercise
of control of the aircraft or ship (or the crew
thereof) in which you are travelling as a fare
paying passenger.
Your usual permanent place of residence in
the UK.
Independent Travel
A trip where you have booked your
accommodation and travel separately and
not as part of a package.
Insurance Period
The period during which you have cover
under your policy. This is shown on your
Policy Schedule.
Insured Couple
Under the Wedding Cover section this means
the two individuals who are insured under this
policy and are due to be married during the
period of the trip.
Insured Person/You/Your
Any person named on your Policy Schedule.
Cigna Europe Insurance Company S.A.-N.V.
Medical Practitioner
A registered practising member of the medical
profession who is not related to you or any
person with whom you are travelling.
The pre-arranged combination of at least two
of the following components when sold or
offered for sale at an inclusive price and when
the service covers a period of more than 24
hours or includes overnight accommodation:
a) transport
b) accommodation
c) other tourist services not ancillary to
transport or accommodation (such as car
hire or airport parking) and accounting for a
significant proportion of the package.
As more fully described under The Package
Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tour
Regulations 1992.
Pair or Set
Two or more items of baggage (Including
valuables) which are complementary or used or
worn together.
Permanent Total Disability
A condition which is of a permanent and
irreversible nature which is shown by medical
evidence to be likely to continue for the
remainder of your life and as certified by
a registered medical practitioner, to the
reasonable satisfaction of our Chief Medical
Officer, and which prevents you from
engaging in any work or occupation for
remuneration or profit.
Personal Baggage
Each of your suitcases (or containers of a
similar nature) and their contents, articles
you are wearing or carrying which are owned
by any of your family, or for which they are
legally responsible, including keys (excluding
keys to a hire vehicle).
Personal Money
Cash, cheques, banker’s drafts, electronic cash,
pre-payment cards, postal and money orders,
current postage stamps, phone cards, coupons
or vouchers which have a monetary value.
Pre-booked accommodation
Accommodation where you have arranged to
stay prior to the departure of your trip.
Pre-Existing Medical Condition
Anything which at the start of the insurance
period you would answer yes to in the medical
conditions declarations on page 14.
Public Transport
Train, tram, bus, coach, ferry service or airline
flight operating to a published timetable.
Being made unemployed (provided
employment has been on a continuous
basis with the same employer for at least 24
months; and you qualify for payment under
current UK redundancy payment legislation;
and at the time of booking the trip or
purchasing this policy, whichever is the later,
there was no reason to believe anyone would
be made redundant) of you or any person
who are travelling or have arranged to travel
Mother, father, sister, brother, wife, husband,
civil partner, daughter, son, grandparent,
grandchild, parent-in-law, son-in-law,
daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-
law, step parent, step child, step sister, step
brother, foster child, legal guardian, common
law partner (defined as living together at
the same address and including same sex
relationships) or fiancé/fiancée.
The lawyer or other suitably qualified person
who has been appointed by us to act for you
in accordance with the terms of Section 12 –
Legal Advice and Expenses.
Ski Pack
Ski school fees, lift passes and hired ski
Terrorist Action
The actual or threatened use of force or
violence against persons or property, or
commission of an act dangerous to human
life or property, or commission of an act
that interferes with or disrupts an electronic
or communications system, undertaken
by any person or group, whether or not
acting on behalf of or in connection with any
organisation, government, power, authority
or military force, when any of the following
a) The apparent intent or effect is to intimidate
or coerce a government or business, or to
disrupt any segment of the economy;
b) The apparent intent or effect is to cause
alarm, fright, fear of danger or apprehension
of public safety in one or more distinct
segments of the general public, or to
intimidate or coerce one or more such
c) The reasonably apparent intent or effect is
to further political, ideological, religious or
cultural objectives, or to express support for
(or opposition to) a philosophy, ideology,
religion or culture.
The period of time (as defined under trip
duration) spent away from your home on pre-
booked business or leisure travel. A trip starts
upon leaving your home.
Trip Duration
For Annual Multi-Trip cover - the maximum
trip duration of up to 31 days unless you
have paid an additional premium to extend
this as shown on your schedule (Travel
and Travel Plus cover) or 21 days (Travel
Essentials cover). Trips within the UK
are covered when you have pre-booked
accommodation for a minimum of 2 nights.
The option to extend your trip duration is
only available to customers aged 65 and
under who have selected Travel or Travel
Plus cover.
For Single Trip cover - the trip duration
shown on your Policy Schedule.
Each trip under Anual Multi-Trip cover is
considered to be a separate insurance, with the
terms, definitions, exclusions and conditions
contained in this policy
England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Cameras, photographic equipment,
camcorders, DVD players, video, telephone
telecommunications equipment, radios,
cassette players, CD players, audio
equipment, computers, computer games
machine, MP3 players, electronic personal
organisers, binoculars, telescopes, mobile
telephones, antiques, jewellery, watches, furs,
precious or semi-precious stones, articles
made of or containing gold, silver or other
precious metals, films, tapes, cassettes,
cartridges, discs or compact discs, tablets,
smart phones and sat navs.
Wedding Attire
Dress, suit, shirt, shoes, hat, tie bought
specifically for the occasion, and makeup, hair
styling and flowers paid for or bought for the
Cigna who administer the insurance on behalf
of the insurer.
Winter Sports Equipment
Skis (including bindings), snow boards
(including bindings), boots, ski poles, ice skates,
and essential protective clothing including
helmets which you own or hire.
The Insurer:
Your policy is underwritten by Cigna Europe
Insurance Company S.A.-N.V., UK Branch,
Chancery House, St Nicholas Way, Sutton,
Surrey SM1 1JB. Registered in Belgium with
limited liability (Brussels trade register no.
0474624562), Avenue de Cortenbergh 52,
1000 Brussels, Belgium.
Statutory status
Cigna Insurance Services (Europe) Limited
is authorised and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority Financial Services register
no 310671 Cigna Europe Insurance Company
S.A.-N.V. is supervised in Belgium by the
National Bank of Belgium and the Financial
Services and Markets Authority, and subject
to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct
Financial Services Register
You can check the above details on the
Financial Services Register by visiting the FCA
website or by calling
them on 0800 111 6768 or 0300 500 8082.
What will happen if you complain?
We hope that you are happy with the service
we provide. However, if you are unhappy with
it we would like to hear from you, please see
the Complaints Procedure which sets out
details of who you should contact.
If we cannot resolve your complaint you may
be entitled to refer your complaint to the
Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). Further
information about FOS can be obtained from
their website
uk or write to Financial Ombudsman Service,
Exchange Tower, Harbour Exchange Square,
London, E14 9SR or telephone 0800 0234
567/0300 123 9123 or email
Following the complaints procedure does not
affect your right to take legal action. Details of
our complaints procedures can be obtained by
calling 0330 100 7701.
Financial Services Compensation
Cigna Europe Insurance Company S.A.-N.V. is
covered by the Financial Services Compensation
Scheme. This provides compensation in case
any of its members go out of business or into
liquidation and are unable to meet any valid
claims under its policies. Further information
can be obtained from the Financial Services
Compensation Scheme ( or
by contacting the FSCS at 10th Floor, Beaufort
House, 15 St Botolph Street, London EC3A 7QU
or by calling 0800 678 1100 or 020 7741 4100.
About our insurance services
Your travel insurance policy is arranged by Barclays Insurance Services
Company Limited through Cigna Insurance Services (Europe) Limited and
underwritten by Cigna Europe Insurance Company S.A.-N.V.
Remember, no policy covers everything. We do
not cover certain things such as:
Pre-existing medical conditions (unless
terms are agreed in writing by us)
Children and infants for independent travel
under a family or single parent family policy
Losses not insured under this policy e.g.
the cost of obtaining a Police report, loss of
earnings due to being unable to return to
work following injury or illness happening
while on a trip or the cost of replacing locks
in the event that keys are lost while on a trip.
The things which are not covered by your
policy are stated:
In the General Exclusions on pages 58 and
Under ‘What is not covered’ in each section
of cover.
Please remember that only those sections you
have chosen apply to you. Please refer to your
Policy Schedule and read it in conjunction with
your Policy Booklet.
Your policy is only available to persons
resident in the UK
Your policy is only valid on trips commencing
from and returning to the UK (we do not
cover any trip where you have already
left the UK at the time of purchasing this
insurance, except where you renew an
existing annual multi trip policy which falls
due for renewal during the trip)
Your policy automatically extends to provide
cover if you are unable to return home by
the end of the insurance period due to the
death, injury or illness of you or a public
transport delay
There are age limits which apply depending
on the type of policy you take and the
destination you travel to
Single parent family cover applies to you,
plus all your unmarried dependent children
Infants 2 years of age and under at the time
of travel are covered free of charge
The maximum age for Winter Sports cover is
65 years.
The insurance contract
Your policy is a legal contract between you
and us. The two parts – your Policy Booklet
and your Policy Schedule – make one legal
document and you must read them together.
In return for having accepted your premium we
will provide insurance in accordance with the
operative sections of your policy as referred to
on your Policy Schedule.
Our part of the contract:
We provide the cover set out in your Policy
Booklet. Your Policy Schedule shows which
sections of your Policy Booklet you chose,
the limits which apply and the total premium.
This cover will only apply for people named
on your Policy Schedule during the insurance
period shown on your Policy Schedule and
within the geographical limits shown on your
Policy Schedule.
Your part of the contract:
You must pay the premium for each insurance
period. You can pay the premium with a debit
or credit card or alternatively on an annual
direct debit. If you choose to pay by annual
direct debit and you fail to pay when due, we
will treat this as you cancelling the policy.
Choice of Law
It is possible to choose the law applicable to a
contract of insurance in the United Kingdom.
We have chosen Scottish law to apply if you
live in Scotland and English law if you live
elsewhere in the United Kingdom.
Important information about your policy
Use of Language
All communication between you and us will be
in English.
Your Cancellation Rights
Please tell us immediately if your policy
does not meet your requirements. If you
cancel within 14 days of the receipt of your
documentation and you have not made a trip
or a claim we will give you a full refund.
Following this 14 day period, you continue to
have the right to cancel your policy at any time
by contacting us, but no refund of premium will
be available.
Please note once your policy has been
cancelled your cover will end and you will not
be able to make a claim.
Future underwriter changes
Your Barclays Travel Insurance is arranged by
Barclays Insurance Services Company Limited
through Cigna Insurance Services (Europe)
Limited and underwritten by Cigna Europe
Insurance Company S.A.-N.V. If you have
selected any additional cover options, these
may be provided by different insurers. At some
time in the future Barclays Insurance Services
Company Limited may enter into an agreement
with a new provider for all or part of your
policy, in which case this new provider will offer
you travel insurance to replace your current
policy. If this is the case, Barclays Insurance
Services Company Limited will write to you to
confirm the details of the new provider and
give you details of any changes to the Terms
and Conditions of your policy. You hereby
authorise Barclays Insurance Services Company
Limited to transfer any personal data to a
new provider, including health or other data
defined as ‘sensitive personal data’ under the
Data Protection Act, and consent to the new
provider being able to offer cover to you. If at
any time you wish to withdraw your agreement
to this, please let us know by calling 0330 102
The contract between you and us is based
on mutual trust and we believe that our
policyholders are honest.
However, if anyone named on your Policy
Schedule or anyone acting for you:
Provides false information or documentation
or withholds important information to obtain
cover under your policy for which you do not
qualify, or cover at a reduced premium, then:
Your policy may be void
We may be entitled to recover from you the
amount of any claim already paid under your
We will not return any premium paid
We will inform the Police and criminal
proceedings may follow.
In the event that anyone named on your Policy
Schedule or anyone acting for you:
1. Makes a claim under your policy knowing
this to be false or fraudulently exaggerated
in any respect or to any degree; or
2. Makes a statement in support of a claim
knowing the statement to be false in any
respect; or
3. Submits a document in support of a claim
knowing the document to be forged,
amended or false in any respect; or
4. Makes a claim in respect of any loss or
damage caused by your/their wilful act,
knowledge or connivance; or
5. Acts in any other manner in order to gain a
financial advantage to which you would not
otherwise be entitled;
then we:
Will not pay any part of the claim
Will at our option cancel your policy
Will not return any premium paid
Will inform the Police and criminal
proceedings may follow.
You must declare all medical
To make sure your policy fully covers you for
your trip, it is important you tell us about any
medical condition affecting the health of the
people travelling. We will assess the condition
and confirm whether your policy can be
extended to cover claims for that particular
Please call the Customer Helpline on 0330 102
6417 if you answer ‘Yes’ to any one of the
following questions;
1. Have you or anyone to be covered under
this insurance, during the last year;
a. stayed in hospital; had surgery; or seen a
specialist or consultant?
b. been prescribed medication for the
treatment of blood pressure and or
c. been diagnosed with, or prescribed
medication for the treatment of epilepsy
or fits?
d. been diagnosed with, or prescribed
medication for the treatment of a kidney
or bladder disorder?
e. been prescribed medication for the
treatment of a breathing condition like
Asthma or Pneumonia?
2. Have you or anyone to be covered under
this insurance, EVER;
General conditions and medical declaration
a. had a heart attack or a heart related
condition, including Angina?
b. been diagnosed with, or treated for
any malignant condition or any type of
c. had any cerebrovascular problems,
including stroke, transient ischaemic
attack or brain haemorrhage?
3. Are you or anyone to be covered under
this insurance, suffering symptoms;
under investigation for any undiagnosed
condition; awaiting tests, test results or
changes to treatment?
If we extend the cover under your policy to
include any pre-existing medical conditions,
this will be shown on your policy schedule.
This will confirm the new terms under which
cover is provided and must be produced
should you make a claim, so please keep it in
a safe place.
We reserve the right not to extend the cover
under your policy.
For a relative, colleague, travelling companion
or a friend or relative with whom you had
arranged to stay who is not insured but
whose health may affect the trip
If, at the time of taking out your policy or
booking a trip, whichever was the later, your
relative, colleague, travelling companion or a
friend or relative with whom you had arranged
to stay had a medical condition for which he
or she:
was receiving treatment at hospital
(other than where they go to hospital
for check-ups for a stable condition, at
regular intervals which have been arranged
was waiting for a hospital consultation,
investigations or treatment (other than
where they go to hospital for check-ups for
a stable condition, at regular intervals which
have been arranged beforehand)
had been given a terminal prognosis, or
been told that their condition is likely to get
worse in the next 12 months.
We will not pay for any claim you (or any
Insured Person) make, that has anything to
do with the medical condition of that relative,
colleague or travel companion.
Changes in health:
After you have taken out this policy, you must
tell us if your health changes. We will then
decide if we can provide you with cover on your
existing terms. We may ask you to pay an extra
premium, add special conditions to the policy
or exclude cover for your medical conditions.
Single Trip Cover - If we cannot provide cover
for the change in your health after you have
taken out this policy and before you travel, or
if you do not want to pay the extra premium,
you can call us and make a cancellation claim
or you can cancel your policy and we will send
you a pro-rata refund.
Multi Trip Cover - If we cannot provide cover
for the change in your health after you have
taken out this policy, or if you do not want to
pay the extra premium, you can call us and
make a cancellation claim if you have booked
and paid for a trip(s) that you have not yet
made. In addition, you can cancel your policy
and we will provide you with a pro rata refund.
If you do not contact us this may affect any
future claim under the Medical Emergency and
Repatriation Expenses section and may result
in us declining your claim.
You must prevent loss, theft or damage:
All persons named on your Policy Schedule
must take all reasonable steps to prevent loss,
theft or damage to everything covered under
your policy.
Failure to take reasonable steps to prevent loss,
theft or damage will result in a deduction from
any claim payment, or may result in your claim
being declined in full.
Changes in circumstances:
You must tell us as soon as reasonably
possible if:
Your address has changed
You or any person named on your Policy
Schedule are no longer a resident in the UK
You require any additional cover to be added
to your policy
Your trip destination changes and is outside
the geographical limits covered by your
You wish to add another traveller to your
There are any changes in your health.
We may re-assess your cover and premiums
when we are told about changes in your
circumstances, such as your health. If you
do not tell us about a change in your
circumstances, the wrong terms may be
quoted, a claim might be rejected or payment
could be reduced. In some circumstances your
policy might be invalid.
Beach cricket, football and volleyball
Boogie Boarding
Cycling (no racing)
Fell Walking
Hiking / Trekking under 4,000m
Ice Skating
Manual Work at ground level involving no
Marathon Running
Mountain Biking on recognised routes
Rollerblading or skating
Sailing (within territorial waters)*
SCUBA Diving (down to 30m accompanied
by a qualified diver or instructor)
Table Tennis
Ten Pin Bowling
Water Polo
Windsurfing (within territorial waters)*
The following activities are covered under this
policy if professionally organised and supervised
plus you wear appropriate safety equipment
and take appropriate safety precautions
Banana Boating
Black Water Rafting
Bungee Jumping
Canoeing / Kayaking - no white water
Clay Pigeon Shooting*
Flotilla Sailing (with professional leader)
Go Karting*
Hiking / Trekking between 4,000m and
Horse Riding (no jumping)*
Hot Air Ballooning
Indoor Rock Climbing (with belays)
Jet Biking*
Jet Skiing*
Paint Balling
Parascending over water
Pony Trekking*
River Tubing (no white water)
Safari (game watching)
Segway Riding (organised tours only)*
Shooting (not Big Game)*
Sleigh riding as a passenger
Swimming with Dolphins
Leisure and sports activities
All of the following activities are covered by your policy if you do them
during your trip. For all Leisure and Sports Activities, participation in
competition is excluded, unless agreed by us.
Tug of war
Water Skiing (no jumping)
White Water Rafting
Ziplining / Zipwiring
* No Personal Liability cover.
The following activities are NOT Covered
under this policy
Base Jumping
Big Game Hunting
BMX Stunt Riding
Caving / Pot Holing
Cycle Racing
Dune Buggying
Flying except as a fare paying passenger
Free / High Diving
Hang Gliding
Horse Jumping / Hunting
Judo / Karate / Martial Arts
Kite Surfing
Micro Lighting
Motor Cycling unless on machines of less
than 125cc and where you have held a
motorcycle licence for at least 3 years and
are conviction free and are wearing a helmet
Organised Team Sports
Parascending over land
Professional / Semi Professional Sports
Quad Biking
Rock Climbing
Sailing outside territorial waters
Sand Buggying
Scuba Diving below 30m
Shark Diving
Street Hockey
Tomb Stoning
Track Days using motorised vehicles
Water Ski Jumping
Winter Sports
Winter Sports (other than curling or ice
skating) are excluded unless an additional
premium has been paid and accepted. Winter
Sports cover is only available to persons aged
65 years and under purchasing Travel or Travel
Plus cover. Where Winter Sports cover has
been purchased you are covered for up to 24
days on an Annual Multi-Trip policy or for the
dates stated on your Single Trip winter sports
The following activities are covered:
On piste skiing or snowboarding on piste
Off-piste skiing or snowboarding where
accompanied by a qualified guide or
Cross country skiing on recognised routes
and with a guide
Ski racing arranged by ski schools for their
Examples of Winter Sports activities not
covered are:
• Bobsleighing
• Heli Skiing
• Ice Hockey
• Luging
• Use of Skeletons
• Ski Acrobatics
• Ski Jumping.
Please telephone the Barclays Customer
Helpline on 0330 102 6417 if you are unsure as
to whether your intended activity is covered by
your policy.
Single Trip Cover
The maximum duration of any one trip on
Travel or Travel Plus cover is 60 days
Winter Sports or Golf Cover can be included
for the trip duration provided the appropriate
additional premium has been paid
The maximum duration of any one trip on
Travel Essentials cover is 32 days
Winter Sports and Golf Cover cannot be
purchased with Travel Essentials cover.
Cancellation cover under this policy begins
from the date that the Policy Document and
Policy Schedule are issued and ends at the
beginning of your trip.
Cover under all other sections applies for
the duration of your trip as shown in the
Policy Schedule.
Annual Multi-Trip Cover
The maximum duration of any one trip
on Travel and Travel Plus cover is 31 days
unless you have paid an additional premium
to extend this as shown on your schedule.
There is absolutely no cover offered by the
policy whatsoever for trips which are longer
than 31 days per trip or the duration shown
on your schedule. The option to extend your
trip duration is only available to customers
aged 65 and under who have selected Travel
or Travel Plus cover. If you require cover for a
trip in excess of 31 days please contact us
Winter Sports cover up to a maximum of 24
days in total can be included provided the
appropriate additional premium has been
The maximum duration of any one trip on
Travel Essentials cover is 21 days. There
is absolutely no cover offered by the policy
whatsoever for trips which are longer than
21 days per trip.
Winter Sports and Golf Cover cannot be
purchased with Travel Essentials cover
Annual Multi-Trip cover is not valid for trips
taken within the UK, except when you have
pre-booked accommodation for a minimum
of 2 nights
Your unmarried dependent children are
only covered when travelling with an adult
covered under your policy.
Renewing your Policy
We may automatically renew your policy
after 12 months, for a further 12 months,
using the payment details you have provided
us with unless you tell us not to. If your card
details change your card provider may supply
us with updated details which we will use at
subsequent renewals. In any event we will
write to you around 28 days in advance of
your renewal date to offer our renewal terms.
If you do not wish to renew please call our
Customer Services team on 0330 102 5942
at least 7 days prior to your renewal date.
If there has been any changes to your
medical condition in the last twelve months,
please contact us on 0330 102 5942 before
renewing your policy.
Automatic Extension of the Period
of Insurance
Your policy automatically extends to provide
cover if you are unable to return home by
the end of the insurance period due to the
death, injury or illness of you or a public
transport delay.
Period of insurance
How to make a claim for any of
the following:
For all claims follow these simple steps:
1. Check your Policy Schedule to see whether
you have the appropriate cover
2. Find the relevant section listed below
and ensure that you have all the claims
evidence we require. All claims evidence
must be supplied at your own expense in
its original form
3. Contact:
Barclays Travel insurance Claims
PO Box 500
1 Drake Circus
Telephone: 0330 102 6416
Please remember to keep copies of all
correspondence you send to us for your future
Section 1: Medical Emergency and
Repatriation Expenses Section 2: Cutting
Short Your Trip
To make a claim under these sections of your
policy you or anyone on your behalf must
contact the Medical Assistance Helpline as
soon as possible on 020 8763 3196 or from
abroad +44 208 763 3196, but within 48
hours, to authorise any expenses. To make a
claim under these sections of your policy you
must provide us with:
Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other
evidence of your trip; and
Hospital, doctor, dentist, pharmacist
receipts and all receipts for additional
expenses; and
Copy of your European Health Insurance
Card (EHIC), where appropriate.
Section 2: Cancellation/Cutting Short Your Trip
To make a claim under this section of your
policy you must provide us with:
Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other
evidence of your trip; and
Tour Operator’s cancellation invoice or
unused flight tickets; or
Written confirmation that no refund is
available in respect of privately booked
accommodation and evidence of payment
for that accommodation; and
Confirmation from a medical practitioner
that you or your travelling companion are
not fit to travel; or
Confirmation from the Clerk of the Courts
office that you are required for Jury Service;
Confirmation from your employer/
your partner’s employer/your travelling
companion’s employer of redundancy and
period of employment or leave cancelled; or
Confirmation from a relevant authority that
you have been instructed to stay at/return
home; or
A copy of a death certificate, where
Section 3: Travel Delay/Missed Departure
To make a claim under this section of your
policy you must provide us with:
Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other
evidence of your trip; and
Confirmation from the carrier of the reason
and duration of your delay; or
Confirmation from a garage/motoring
organisation that breakdown assistance was
provided; or
How to make a claim
Confirmation of the delay to public transport
from the company involved; or
Confirmation from the Police (if involved) of
the circumstances giving rise to the claim.
Section 4: Loss of Important Documents
To make a claim under this section of your
policy you must provide us with:
Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other
evidence of your trip; and
Original Police report, obtained within
24 hours of the incident or as soon as
reasonably possible after that; and
Original receipts for obtaining temporary
Section 5: Mugging Benefit
To make a claim under this section of your
policy you must provide us with:
Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other
evidence of your trip; and
Original Police report of the mugging; and
Details of the length of your stay in hospital.
Section 6: Hijack
To make a claim under this section of your
policy you must provide us with:
Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other
evidence of your trip; and
Produce written evidence confirming your
involvement in the incident.
Section 7: Personal Baggage
To make a claim under this section of your
policy you must provide us with:
Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other
evidence of your trip; and
Original Police report, obtained within
24 hours of the incident or as soon as
reasonably possible after that; or
Courier’s report/Property Irregularity
Report (PIR) from the carrier (this must be
obtained immediately you are aware of an
incident); and
Proof of purchase (e.g. original receipts,
valuations issued prior to the loss, cash
withdrawal slips and credit/debit card
statements etc.); and
• Written estimate for the cost of repair
or written confirmation that the item
is damaged beyond repair, where
appropriate; and
Household Contents Insurance policy
details (please note this will NOT affect
your Household Insurance premium or No
Claims Discount).
Section 8: Delayed Baggage
To make a claim under this section of your
policy you must provide us with:
Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other
evidence of your trip; and
Courier’s report/Property Irregularity
Report (PIR) from the carrier (this must be
obtained immediately you are aware of
an incident).
Section 9: Personal Money
To make a claim under this section of your
policy you must provide us with:
Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other
evidence of your trip; and
Original Police report, obtained within
24 hours of the incident or as soon as
reasonably possible after that; and
Proof of the amount of your loss (e.g. cash
withdrawal slips and credit/debit card
statements etc.).
Section 10: Personal Accident
To make a claim under this section of your
policy you must provide us with:
Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other
evidence of your trip; and
Detailed medical report from your
consultant; or
A copy of a death certificate, where
Section 11: Personal Liability
To make a claim under this section of your
policy you must provide us with:
Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other
evidence of your trip; and
Any claim form, summons, or other legal
document as soon as you receive them; and
Any reasonable information or help we
need to deal with the case and your claim.
Please note you must not negotiate, pay,
settle, admit or deny any claim without our
written agreement.
Section 12: Legal Advice and Expenses
To make a claim under this section of your
policy you must telephone the Legal Advice or
Legal Expenses telephone numbers listed on
page 1.
Section 13: Independent Traveller Cover
To make a claim under this section of your
policy you must provide us with:
Booking confirmation together with a
cancellation invoice from your travel agent,
Tour Operator or provider of transport/
In the case of claims for cutting short your
trip, written details from your travel agent,
Tour Operator or provider of transport/
accommodation of the separate costs of
transport, accommodation and other pre-
paid costs or charges that made up the total
cost of the trip
Your unused travel tickets
Written confirmation from your public
transport operator (or their handling agents)
of the cancellation, number of hours delay
or denied boarding and the reason for these
together with confirmation of your check in
times and details of any alternative transport
Written confirmation from the company
providing the accommodation (or their
administrators), the local police or relevant
authority that you could not use your
accommodation and the reason for this
Receipts or bills for any transport,
accommodation or other costs, charges or
expenses claimed for
Written confirmation from the provider
of transport/accommodation that
compensation, assistance or reimbursement
of any costs, charges and expenses incurred
by you will not be provided and the reason
for this.
Section 14: Winter Sports
To make a claim under this section of your
policy you must provide us with:
Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other
evidence of your trip; and
Original Police report, obtained within
24 hours of the incident or as soon as
reasonably possible after that; or
Courier’s report/Property Irregularity Report
(PIR) from the carrier (this must be obtained
immediately you are aware of an incident);
Proof of purchase (e.g. original receipts,
valuations issued prior to the loss, cash
withdrawal slips and credit/debit card
statements etc.); and
Written estimate for the cost of repair
or written confirmation that the item is
damaged beyond repair, where appropriate;
Household Contents Insurance policy
details (please note this will NOT affect your
Household Insurance premium or No Claims
Discount); and
A report from the resort manager or Tour
Operator confirming piste closure, where
applicable; and
Details of the length of your stay in hospital,
where applicable.
Section 15: Golf Cover
To make a claim under this section of your
policy you must provide us with:
Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other
evidence of your trip; and
Original Police report, obtained within
24 hours of the incident or as soon as
reasonably possible after that; and
Courier’s report/Property Irregularity Report
(PIR) from the carrier (this must be obtained
immediately you are aware of an incident);
Proof of purchase (e.g. original receipts,
valuations issued prior to the loss, cash
withdrawal slips and credit/debit card
statements etc.); and
Written estimate for the cost of repair
or written confirmation that the item is
damaged beyond repair, where appropriate;
Household Contents Insurance policy
details (please note this will NOT affect your
Household Insurance premium or No Claims
Section 16: Wedding Cover
To make a claim under this section of your
policy you must provide us with:
Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other
evidence of your trip; and
Original Police report, obtained within
24 hours of the incident or as soon as
reasonably possible after that; and
Courier’s report/Property Irregularity Report
(PIR) from the carrier (this must be obtained
immediately you are aware of an incident);
Proof of purchase (e.g. original receipts,
valuations issued prior to the loss, cash
withdrawal slips and credit/debit card
statements etc.); and
Written estimate for the cost of repair
or written confirmation that the item is
damaged beyond repair, where appropriate;
Household Contents Insurance policy
details (please note this will NOT affect your
Household Insurance premium or No Claims
Section 17: Business Cover
To make a claim under this section of your
policy you must provide us with:
Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other
evidence of your trip; and
Original Police report, obtained within
24 hours of the incident or as soon as
reasonably possible after that; or
Courier’s report/Property Irregularity Report
(PIR) from the carrier (this must be obtained
immediately you are aware of an incident);
Proof of purchase (e.g. original receipts,
valuations issued prior to the loss, cash
withdrawal slips and credit/debit card
statements etc.); and
Written estimate for the cost of repair
or written confirmation that the item is
damaged beyond repair, where appropriate;
Details of the length of your stay in hospital,
where applicable.
Further to the claims evidence listed, you may
be asked to provide additional information to
substantiate your claim.
Summary of cover - limits and excesses
Please use the table below as a summary only. The full details of your
insurance cover are set out in your Policy Schedule.
Section Limit Excess Limit Excess Limit Excess
Medical Emergency and
Repatriation Expenses
£10,000,000 £50 £5,000,000 £100 £1,000,000 £150
Short Your Trip
£5,000 £50 £2,500 £100 £500 £150
Travel Delay
£250 Nil £200 Nil £120 Nil
Missed Departure
£1,000 Nil £500 Nil £500 Nil
Loss of Important
£600 £50 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Mugging Benefit
£1,000 Nil £1,000 Nil n/a n/a
£1,000 Nil £1,000 Nil n/a n/a
Personal Baggage
£1,500 £50 £1,250 £100 £500 £150
Delayed Baggage
£200 Nil £100 Nil £100 Nil
Personal Money
£500 £50 £400 £100 £250 £150
Personal Accident
£25,000 Nil £15,000 Nil n/a n/a
Personal Liability
£2,000,000 £50 £2,000,000 £100 £1,000,000 £150
Legal Advice
and Expenses
£25,000 £250* £15,000 £250* £10,000 £250*
Independent Traveller
Cancellation/Cutting Short
Your Trip
£5,000 £50 £2,500 £100 n/a n/a
Substitute Accommodation £5,000 £50 £2,500 £100 n/a n/a
Replacement Flight £1,500 Nil £1,500 Nil n/a n/a
Enforced Stay £1,500 Nil £1,500 Nil n/a n/a
Travel Plus Travel Travel Essentials
* £250 compulsory excess applies to this section of your policy for legal expenses only.
Travel Plus Travel Travel Essentials
Winter Sports (Optional)
Ski Equipment £500 £50 £500 £100 n/a n/a
Ski Pack £400 Nil £400 Nil n/a n/a
Piste Closure £300 Nil £300 Nil n/a n/a
Golf Cover (Optional)
Golf Equipment £1,000 £50 £1,000 £100 n/a n/a
Golf Equipment Hire £400 £50 £400 £100 n/a n/a
Green Fees £200 Nil £200 Nil n/a n/a
Wedding Cover (Optional)
Wedding Rings £600 £50 £600 £100 n/a n/a
Wedding Gifts £1,000 £50 £1,000 £100 n/a n/a
Wedding Attire £1,000 £50 £1,000 £100 n/a n/a
Wedding Photographs £750 £50 £750 £100 n/a n/a
Business Cover (Optional)
Business Equipment £1,000 £50 £1,000 £100 n/a n/a
Business Equipment Delay £500 Nil £500 Nil n/a n/a
Business Equipment Hire £500 £50 £500 £100 n/a n/a
Business Money £1,000 £50 £1,000 £100 n/a n/a
Replacement Staff £1,000 £50 £1,000 £100 n/a n/a
What is covered
1. Reasonable and necessary medical and
hospital expenses, including the cost of the
rescue service to take you to hospital; and
2. Returning you to the UK provided this is
authorised by us or the Medical Assistance
Helpline; and
3. Reasonable travel and room only
accommodation expenses for a travelling
companion or resident in the UK to stay
with you and travel home with you if this is
authorised by us or the Medical Assistance
Helpline; and
4. Funeral expenses abroad or the cost of
transporting your body or ashes to your home.
For travel to the United States of America
reasonable and necessary medical and hospital
expenses means costs that are incurred for
approved, eligible medical services or supplies.
We will only cover costs of private care up to
150% of the published medical rates for the
same or similar treatment as payable by the
state under US Medicare.
If you are taken to hospital in an emergency,
you or a travelling companion should call the
Emergency Assistance Helpline as soon as
possible once you have been admitted to hospital.
We will pay you up to the amount shown on
your Policy Schedule:
If you go into hospital or require any medical
assistance; and/or
If you have to return home early or extend
your trip; or
For reasonable and necessary funeral
expenses abroad; or
For transporting your body or ashes back to
your home.
If you require emergency dental treatment for
the immediate relief of pain we will pay you
up to:
Travel Plus cover £500
Travel cover £200
Travel Essentials cover Nil
As a benefit for every complete 24 hour
period you are in hospital or confined to your
trip accommodation we will pay you
Travel Plus cover £50 per day up to a
maximum of £1,000
Travel cover £20 per day up to a maximum
of £200
Travel Essentials cover £10 per day up to a
maximum of £100
Your Cover
Section 1 - Medical Emergency and
Repatriation Expenses
This section of your policy explains the cover we provide for medical
emergency and repatriation expenses whilst on your trip.
Towards meal expenses for the nominated
person who stays/travels with you we will
pay you up to £10, if you have selected
Travel Plus cover, for each 24 hour period.
If you are injured or become ill during your trip,
our Medical Assistance Helpline may arrange:
to move you from one hospital to another;
and /or
for you to return to the UK at any time.
They will do this if they and the treating doctor
think that it is safe for you to be moved or
returned to the UK. If you choose not to, our
liability will end on the date it was deemed safe
for you to be moved or returned to the UK.
Please note we may instruct you to return
home if our medical advisers and the medical
practitioner treating you decide that you are fit
to travel.
What is not covered
The excess shown on your Policy Schedule
unless you have used your EHIC card to
contribute towards the cost of treatment
Any costs arising from your pregnancy or
childbirth if the expected date of delivery is
less than 12 weeks (16 weeks for a multiple
birth) after the end of the trip
The cost of any medication or drugs which at
the start of your trip you know you will need
The cost of any treatment or surgery
(including exploratory tests) which is not
directly related to the illness or injury for
which you went into a hospital or clinic
The cost of any treatment or surgery
(including exploratory tests) which is as a
result of your participation in a winter sports
activity (unless you have paid the additional
Winter Sports premium and this is shown on
your Policy Schedule)
Any extra costs as a result of you arranging
single or private room accommodation at
a hospital, clinic or nursing home, except
where this is necessary for your treatment
and approved by the Medical Assistance
Helpline in advance
Any provision of dentures, false limbs,
hearing aids, contact or corneal lenses or
prescription spectacles
Any in-patient, hospital, clinic or repatriation
expenses in excess of £500 which have
not been reported to and authorised by the
Medical Assistance Helpline in advance
The cost of any treatment, surgery
(including exploratory tests), cosmetic or
elective surgery which, in the opinion of
the medical practitioner treating you or the
Medical Assistance Helpline can reasonably
be delayed until you return home
Any taxi fare, other than those for your
travel to and from hospital, relating to your
admission, discharge or attendance for out-
patient treatment or appointments; or for
the collection of medication prescribed for
you by the hospital forming part of this claim
Any costs incurred by you to visit another
person in hospital
Any food, drinks, toiletries and faxes
The cost of any phone calls, other than:
calls to the Medical Assistance Helpline
telling them about the problem and for
which you can provide a receipt or other
evidence to show the cost of the call and
the number dialled; or
costs incurred by you when you receive
calls on your mobile phone from our
Medical Assistance Helpline for which
you are able to provide receipts or other
reasonable evidence to show the cost of
the calls
Any expenses that arise after we have
instructed you to return home if our medical
advisers and the medical practitioner
treating you decide you are fit to travel
Any expenses that arise after 12 months of
Any cost where you do not comply with the
treatment agreed by the treating doctor and
the Medical Assistance Helpline
Any costs which are covered under a
reciprocal health agreement between the
government of the UK and the country
where you were treated including costs
covered by the European Health Insurance
Card (EHIC)
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
What is covered
1. Your share of unused non-refundable pre-
booked travel and accommodation expenses
which you have paid or are contracted to
pay; and
2. Your share of unused non-refundable pre-
booked excursions which you have paid or
are contracted to pay; and
3. Reasonable additional travel and
accommodation expenses which you incur
returning to the UK which on medical advice
is necessary and unavoidable as a result of
bullet point 1 below.
Please note if you are cutting short your
trip payments will be calculated on a pro-
rata basis taking into consideration unused
accommodation and excursions.
We will pay you up to the amount shown on
your Policy Schedule for your share of the cost
of your trip as a result of:
The death, injury or illness, as certified by a
medical practitioner, of you, your relative or
colleague or travelling companion or a friend
or relative with whom you had arranged to
stay; or
Your attendance at a court of law as a
witness (except as an expert witness) or for
Jury Service where postponement of the Jury
Service has been denied by the Clerk of the
Courts Office; or
You or your travelling companion is a
member of the Armed Forces, Police,
Ambulance, Fire or Nursing Service and
authorised leave is cancelled due to an
unexpected emergency or a posting
overseas at the time of your trip; or
You or your travelling companion are
instructed to stay at home (within 14 days
of your departure date) or return home by
a relevant authority due to severe damage
to your home or place of business in the
UK caused by serious fire, explosion, storm,
flood, subsidence or burglary; or
The Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO)
advising against all but essential travel or all
travel to your destination; or
Your redundancy or that of your travelling
companion or your spouse (including a civil
partner or co-habitee) notified to you after
the purchase of this policy or after the date
the trip was booked, whichever is the later; or
Your cancellation of the trip as a result
of a travel delay under Section 3 - Travel
Delay/Missed Departure where the delay
is in excess of 24 hours from the first
international departure time specified in your
official itinerary.
Section 2 - Cancellation/Cutting Short
Your Trip
This section of your policy explains the cover we provide if you cancel or
cut short your trip.
If you find it necessary to cancel your trip you
must do so immediately by notifying the travel
agent, tour operator or provider of transport/
accommodation. Our liability will be restricted
to the cancellation charges that apply on the
date you first knew it was necessary to cancel
your trip.
What is not covered
The excess shown on your Policy Schedule
Any costs arising from your pregnancy or
childbirth if the expected date of delivery is
less than 12 weeks (16 weeks for a multiple
birth) after the end of the trip
Any claim as a result of your decision to
cancel/cut short your trip for reasons other
than those listed within this section
Any additional expenses resulting from you
not cancelling or cutting short your trip as
soon as reasonably possible
Any claim as a result of your failure to have
the required passport or visa
Any claim as a result of the failure in provision
of any service connected with your trip
including error, omission, financial failure, or
default of, or by the provider of, any service,
travel agent, Tour Operator or organiser
through whom you booked the trip
Any claim as a result of death or illness of
any pet or animals with exception of guide
Any claim as a result of your disinclination to
travel or personal or financial circumstances
(other than you being made redundant)
Any loss in respect of Air Passenger Duty
(this can be reclaimed by you through your
travel agent or airline) or credit card charges
Any claim if at the time of taking out your
policy or booking a trip, whichever was
the later, your relative, colleague, travelling
companion or a friend or relative with whom
you had arranged to stay had a medical
condition for which he or she:
was receiving treatment at hospital (other
than where they go to hospital for check-
ups for a stable condition, at regular
intervals which have been arranged
was waiting for a hospital consultation,
investigations or treatment (other than
where they go to hospital for check-ups
for a stable condition, at regular intervals
which have been arranged beforehand)
had been given a terminal prognosis, or
been told that their condition is likely to
get worse in the next 12 months.
Any claim as a result of your late arrival at
the airport, port or station after check-in or
booking-in time
Any claim as a result of the operation of law
or any unlawful or criminal proceedings of
anyone on whom the trip depends, other than
attendance as a witness at a Court of Law
Any claim as a result of strike, industrial
action, delays or disruptions if the situation
exists, or is publicly declared on or before
the date your Policy Schedule is issued or
on or before the date you booked your trip,
whichever is later
Any additional travel and accommodation
expenses incurred that are not considered
necessary or authorised by the Medical
Assistance Helpline in advance
Any loss of enjoyment of the trip however
Any claim as a result of your participation in
a winter sports activity (unless you have paid
the additional Winter Sports premium and
this is shown on your Policy Schedule)
Any unused or refundable portion of your
original travel ticket where repatriation has
been made
Any claim as a result of your failure to have a
pre-paid return ticket to the UK at the start
of your trip unless otherwise agreed by us in
Any claim for management fees,
maintenance costs or exchange fees
associated with timeshares, holiday property
bonds or similar arrangements
Any claim for promotional vouchers or
reward points, without monetary value such
as Air Miles or Avios Points.
Any claim as a result of you being on a
hospital waiting list and you accept an
appointment that causes you to cancel or
curtail your trip.
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
Please note you cannot claim under both this
section and Section 3 - Travel Delay/Missed
Departure for the same event or series of
The benefit provided under 1 below is
intended to provide compensation if you are
delayed at your point of departure and is only
applicable if you have travelled there and
checked-in. If you have not travelled to your
departure point you will not be covered even if
you have checked-in online.
What is covered
1. A delay resulting in you departing at least 12
hours after your original scheduled departure
time; and
2. Abandonment of your trip following a
24 hour delay at your first international
departure point in the UK; and
3. Arriving too late (as shown on your ticket)
to board your booked transport at your last
departure point from the UK or your last
departure point for your return to the UK as
a result of:
a) Public transport services failing to get
you to your departure point due to
strike, industrial action, adverse weather
conditions, mechanical failure or direct
involvement in an accident; or
b) The private motor vehicle in which you
are travelling being directly involved in an
accident or breaking down.
As a benefit for the first complete 12 hours
of your delay, we will pay you:
Travel Plus cover £30
Travel cover £20
Travel Essentials cover £15
As a benefit for every complete 12 hour
delay after that, then we will pay you:
Travel Plus cover £20 up to a maximum of
Travel cover £10 up to a maximum of £200
Travel Essentials cover £10 up to a
maximum of £120
As a result of point 2 above we will pay you up
to the amount shown on your Policy Schedule
to refund your share of the cost of your trip
(under Section 2 - Cancellation/Cutting Short
Your Trip); or
As a result of point 3 above we will pay for
your reasonable and necessary extra travel and
accommodation expenses (room only) to allow
you to get to your trip destination or to return
home up to:
Travel Plus cover £1,000
Travel cover £500
Travel Essentials cover £500
Please note for residents of Northern Ireland
cover will also be provided for the cost of a
flight or sea vessel journey interconnecting
with the last flight or sea vessel journey from
the international departure point from or to
mainland UK or other European terminal.
Section 3 - Travel Delay/Missed
This section of your policy explains the cover we provide for travel delay or
missed departure whilst on your trip.
What is not covered
Any trips within the UK (except for trips to
the Channel Islands)
Any claim unless you have written
confirmation from the carrier or their
handling agents detailing the reason for the
delay, the scheduled departure time and the
actual departure time
Any additional expenses incurred as a
result of a delay to your original scheduled
departure time
Any claim where the carrier or their handling
agents provide alternative transport which
departs within 12 hours of the original
scheduled departure time
Any claim as a result of the airline over
booking your flight
Any claim as a result of strike or industrial
action, delays or disruptions arising from
weather conditions which had started or
were publicly declared on or before the date
your Policy Schedule is issued or on or before
the date you booked your trip, whichever is
Any claim as a result of your failure to check-
in at your departure point by the time shown
on your travel itinerary except in those
circumstances outlined in point 3
Any claim as a result of heavy traffic, road
closures or an accident that you are not
directly involved in
Any claim as a result of your failure to allow
sufficient time for the public transport to
arrive on schedule and deliver you to your
departure point
Any claim as a result of your private motor
vehicle in which you are travelling not having
been properly serviced and maintained, in
the event of vehicle breakdown
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
Please note that you cannot claim under both
part 3 of this section and part D Enforced Stay
of section 13: Independent Traveller Cover.
What is covered
1. Loss or theft of your passport; and
2. Loss or theft of your driving licence; and
3. Loss or theft of your travel documents.
We will pay you up to £600 for:
A temporary travel permit whilst on your
trip; and
A replacement passport when you are back
in the UK; and
The replacement or restoration of your
driving licence and travel documents listed
above; and
Your reasonable travel and accommodation
expenses in obtaining replacement
documents whilst on your trip.
What is not covered
The excess shown on your Policy Schedule
Any claim for the loss or theft of items
that are not kept on your person or not
deposited in a safe or safety deposit box, or
similar locked fixed receptacle in your trip
Any claim for items packed in suitcases
or other similar personal baggage or in
containers, which are out of sight and
out of personal control where you are
not in a position to prevent unauthorised
interference with your property
Any claim for the loss of your passport not
reported to the Police and the Consular
Representative of the relevant issuing
country within 24 hours of discovery or as
soon as reasonably possible after that and a
written report is not obtained from them
Any claim for the loss of your driving licence
or travel documents not reported to the
Police within 24 hours of discovery or as
soon as reasonably possible after that and a
written report is not obtained from them
Any claim for loss or damage arising from
confiscation or detention by Customs or
other officials
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
Section 4 - Loss of Important Documents
This section only applies to Travel Plus cover.
This section of your policy explains the cover we provide for lost or stolen
important documents whilst on your trip.
What is covered
1. Your hospital admittance as a result of
As a benefit for every complete 24 hour period
you are in hospital we will pay you £50 up to
What is not covered
Any claim if you do not obtain a Police
report of the mugging and confirmation
of your injuries and period of in-patient
treatment from the hospital
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
Section 5 - Mugging Benefit
This section only applies to Travel and Travel Plus cover.
This section of your policy explains the cover we provide if you are
hospitalised as a result of a mugging whilst on your trip.
What is covered
We will pay a benefit of £50 per full 24 hours
up to £1,000 for the duration of the hijack.
Special Conditions relating to claims
You must produce independent evidence in
writing to support your claim.
What is not covered
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
Section 6 - Hijack
This section only applies to Travel and Travel Plus cover.
This section of your policy explains the cover we provide if the aircraft or
ship that you are on is hijacked whilst on your trip.
What is covered
We will pay you up to the amounts shown in
your Policy Schedule for the accidental loss of,
theft of or damage to your personal baggage.
The amount payable will be the value at
today’s prices less a deduction for wear,
tear and depreciation or we may at our
discretion replace, reinstate or repair the lost
or damaged baggage.
Claims will be considered on a new for old
basis provided the item is less than 2 years old
at the date of the incident and you are able to
provide the original purchase receipt.
All other items will be subject to a suitable
deduction for wear and tear and depreciation
or we may at our option replace, reinstate or
repair the lost, stolen or damaged personal
Please note we may not pay your claim if you
are unable to provide any original receipts,
proofs of purchase or insurance valuations
(issued before the loss, theft or damage). You
must retain all damaged items for inspection,
if required.
What is not covered
The excess shown on your Policy Schedule
Any claim for one article, pair or set of
articles which are complementary or used or
worn together over
Travel Plus cover £300
Travel cover £250
Travel Essentials cover £150
Any claim for valuables totalling over
Travel Plus cover £500
Travel cover £250
Travel Essentials cover £250
Any loss or theft of your personal baggage
or valuables that you do not report to the
Police within 24 hours of discovery or as
soon as reasonably possible after that and
for which you do not get a written report
from them
• Any loss or theft of or damage to your
personal baggage whilst in the custody of
an airline or other carrier unless you report
it immediately on discovery to the carrier
and get a written report. In the case of an
airline you will need a Property Irregularity
Report (PIR)
Any winter sports equipment (this is
covered under the Winter Sports section,
if the appropriate additional premium has
been paid)
Section 7 - Personal Baggage
This section only applies if you have chosen to include this cover and this
is shown on your Policy Schedule.
This section of your policy explains the cover we provide for your personal
baggage whilst on your trip.
Any golf equipment (this is covered under
the Golf Cover section, if the appropriate
additional premium has been paid)
Any loss or theft of or damage to fragile
articles, contact or corneal lenses, bicycles or
business goods or samples
Any loss or theft of or damage to sports
equipment whilst in use
Any loss of or damage to your personal
baggage or valuables caused by normal
wear and tear, gradual deterioration or
mechanical or electrical breakdown, decay,
moth, vermin, atmospheric or climatic
Any loss or theft of your personal baggage
or valuables left out of sight and out of
personal control in public places where you
are not in a position to prevent unauthorised
interference with your property e.g. station,
airport, restaurant, beach, etc.
Any loss of valuables packed in a suitcase or
similar container (other than normal hand
luggage) unless they are they are at all
times attended by you
Any loss of valuables unless they are at
all times attended by you, or left in hotel
security, safety deposit box, safe or similar
locked fixed receptacle.
Any loss or theft of your personal baggage
from an unattended vehicle unless between
the hours of 09:00 and 21:00 and locked in
the boot, covered luggage area or locked
glove compartment and following physical
evidence of forcible entry and reported to
the Police within 24 hours of discovery or as
soon as reasonably possible after that and a
written report is obtained from them
Any loss of or damage to your valuables
(other than wedding rings) while you are
Any loss or theft of your personal baggage
left in the custody of a person who does
not have official responsibility for the
safekeeping of the property
Any delayed baggage claim without a proof
of purchase
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
What is covered
If your personal baggage is mislaid on your
outward journey for more than 12 hours from
the time you arrive at your trip destination.
We will pay you up to:
Travel Plus cover £200
Travel cover £100
Travel Essentials cover £100
In order for you to purchase essential toiletries,
medication and clothing.
If we pay your claim under this section we will
deduct the amount from the final settlement
of any claim you make under Section 7 -
Personal Baggage, if your personal baggage is
found to be permanently lost.
What is not covered
Any delay to your personal baggage
whilst in the custody of an airline or other
carrier unless you report it immediately on
discovery to the carrier and get a written
report. In the case of an airline you will need
a Property Irregularity Report (PIR)
Any delayed baggage claim without a proof
of purchase
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
Section 8 - Delayed Baggage
This section of your policy explains the cover we provide if your personal
baggage is delayed whilst on your trip.
What is covered
1. Loss or theft of your personal money
We will pay you up to the amount shown on
your Policy Schedule to:
Reimburse your personal money
We agree to provide the cover in this section
as long as:
You have taken reasonable care in
protecting your personal money and
documents against loss, theft or damage;
• You have notified the Police within
24 hours of discovery or as soon as
reasonably possible after that and
obtained a written report from them and
enclose this with your claim form.
What is not covered
The excess shown on your Policy Schedule
Any claim for cash over the value of:
Travel Plus cover £300
Travel cover £200
Travel Essentials cover £100
In respect of children under the age of 16
years £50 for cash
Any loss or theft of your personal money
that is not on your person or not deposited
in a safe or safety deposit box, or similar
locked fixed receptacle in your trip
Any personal money packed in a suitcase
or other similar personal baggage or in
containers which are out of sight and
out of personal control where you are
not in a position to prevent unauthorised
interference with your property
Any loss or damage arising from
confiscation or detention by Customs or
other officials
Any depreciation in value, currency changes
or shortage caused by any error or omission
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
Section 9 - Personal Money
This section only applies if you have chosen to include this cover and this
is shown on your Policy Schedule.
This section of your policy explains the cover we provide for your personal
money whilst on your trip.
What is covered
1. Permanent total disablement as a result of
an accident; or
2. Permanent loss of or loss of use of one or
more limbs as a result of an accident; or
3. Permanent and complete loss of all sight in
one or both eyes as a result of an accident;
4. Death as a result of an accident.
We will pay you the amount shown on your
Policy Schedule (limited to £2,500 if you are
under the age of 16 years or over the age of
64 years at the time of the accident) if you
Permanent total disablement as a result of
an accident; or
Permanent loss of or loss of use of one or
more limbs as a result of an accident; or
Permanent and complete loss of all sight in
one or both eyes as a result of an accident.
We will pay your legal personal
representative(s) £10,000 (Travel Plus cover)
or £5,000 (Travel cover) (limited to £2,500 if
you are under the age of 16 years or over the
age of 64 years at the time of the accident)
for your:
Death as a result of an accident.
Please note the maximum amount of all
benefits we will pay under this section for
one or more accidents sustained by you
shall not exceed the amount shown on your
Policy Schedule.
What is not covered
Any claim which does not occur within 12
months of the accident
Any claim as a result of a business trip
within the UK unless you are travelling as a
fare paying passenger on public transport
Any claim for sickness, disease, nervous
shock or naturally occurring condition or
degenerative process.
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
Section 10 - Personal Accident
This section only applies if you have selected Travel and Travel Plus cover.
This section of your policy explains the cover we provide for a personal
accident whilst on your trip.
What is covered
1. Injury, illness, death or disease to another
person that you cause; and
2. Loss of or damage to another person’s
property that you cause.
We will pay you up to the amount shown on
your Policy Schedule for:
Legal costs and expenses you become
legally liable to pay as compensation for any
incident or series of incidents; and
Your costs and expenses that we have
agreed in writing.
Please note our total liability under this section
for any one incident or series of incidents shall
not exceed the amount shown on your Policy
You must send us any claim form, summons
or other legal documents as soon as you
receive them. You must also give us any
information and help we need to deal with
the case and your claim. You must not
negotiate, pay, settle, admit or deny any claim
without our written agreement.
What is not covered
The excess shown on your Policy Schedule
Any claim as a result of a business trip
within the UK unless you are travelling as a
fare paying passenger on public transport
Any claim arising directly or indirectly for any
liability for injury, illness, death or disease
to another person or loss of or damage to
another person’s property:
a) Where cover is provided under any other
b) Which is suffered by anyone who is under
a contract of service with you or any
member of your family and is caused by
the work you employ them to do.
c) Which is caused by any deliberate,
unlawful, malicious or wilful act or
omission by you.
d) Which is made against you by a relative.
e) Which is caused by your ownership, care,
custody or control of any animal.
f) Which falls on you by agreement and
would not have done if such agreement
did not exist.
g) Which is caused by your employment,
profession or business or that of any
member of your family.
h) Which is subject to any criminal
i) Which is due to your ownership,
possession or use of vehicles, aircraft,
watercraft, firearms or explosive devices.
j) Which is caused by your ownership or
occupation of land or buildings (other
than occupation only of any temporary
residence, with the exception of time-
k) Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
Section 11 - Personal Liability
This section of your policy explains the cover we provide for personal
liability whilst on your trip.
What is covered
1. Reasonable and necessary costs and
expenses to claim against a third party who
causes the death of or injury to you; and
2. Confidential free legal advice over the
phone on any personal legal problem, if the
incident occurs in or under the laws of the
member countries of the European Union,
the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, Norway
and Switzerland on telephone number
01455 254170.
We will pay you up to the amount shown on
your Policy Schedule for:
Reasonable and necessary costs and
We agree to provide the cover in this section
as long as:
Any legal proceedings will be dealt with by
the court or other body which we agree to in
the territorial limit; and
For civil claims it is always more likely than
not that you will recover damages (or other
legal remedy which we have agreed to) or
make a successful defence.
What is not covered
The excess shown on your Policy Schedule
Any claim as a result of death or injury which
develops gradually or is not caused by an
Defending your legal rights (however
defending a counterclaim is covered)
Any claim reported to us more than 180
days after you should have known about the
insured incident
Any fines, penalties, compensation or
damages which you are ordered to pay by a
court or other authority
Any claim as a result of an incident
intentionally brought about by you
Any claim as a result of your alleged
dishonesty or alleged violent behaviour
Any costs and expenses that are incurred
where we agree a contingency fee
arrangement with the representative
Any claim as a result of you driving a motor
vehicle for which you do not have valid motor
Any claim against Barclays Insurance Services
Company Limited, us, the insurer or our
Any cost and expenses incurred before our
written acceptance of the claim
Any claim as a result of written or verbal
remarks which damage your reputation
Any application for Judicial Review
Any legal action that you take which we or
the representative have not agreed to or
where you do anything that hinders us or
the representative
Any claim against a relative
Any claim where the General conditions
applying to Section 12 - Legal Advice and
Expenses have not been followed
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
Section 12 - Legal Advice and Expenses
This section of your policy explains the cover we provide for legal advice
and expenses whilst on your trip.
General conditions applying to Section 12 -
Legal Advice and Expenses:
1. You must:
a) Take reasonable steps to keep any
amount we have to pay as low as
possible; and
b) Send everything we ask for in writing; and
c) Give us full details in writing of any claim
as soon as possible and give us any
information we need.
2. a) We can take over and conduct in your
name any claim or legal proceedings at
any time; and
b) We can negotiate any claim on your
behalf; and
c) You are free to choose a representative
(by sending us a suitably qualified
person’s name and address) if:
i) We agree to start court proceedings
and it becomes necessary for a lawyer
to represent your interests in those
proceedings; or
ii) There is a conflict of interest.
We will consider your choice of
representative and will approve your
choice if you can satisfy us that your
nominated representative has the
appropriate skills and experience to
handle your claim. If we cannot agree
with your choice of representative we will
explain why and you may choose another
suitably qualified person. If we and you
cannot reach agreement then General
Condition 7 will apply
d) In all circumstances except those in
2 c) above, we are free to choose a
e) Any representative will be appointed by
us to represent you according to our
standard terms of appointment. The
representative must co-operate fully with
us at all times
f) We will have direct contact with the
g) You must co-operate fully with us and
the representative and must keep us up
to date with the progress of the claim
h) You must give the representative any
instructions that we require.
3. a) You must tell us if anyone offers to settle
a claim
b) If you do not accept a reasonable offer
to settle a claim, we may refuse to pay
further costs and expenses
c) We may decide to pay you the amount of
damages that you are claiming, or which
is being claimed against you, instead of
starting or continuing legal proceedings.
4. a) You must tell the representative to have
costs and expenses taxed, assessed or
audited, if we ask for this
b) You must take every step to recover
costs and expenses that we have to pay,
and must pay us any costs and expenses
that are recovered.
5. If the representative refuses to continue
acting for you with good reason or if you
dismiss the representative without good
reason, the cover we provide will end at
once, unless we agree to appoint another
6. If you settle a claim or withdraw it without
our agreement, or do not give suitable
instructions to a representative, the cover
we provide will end at once and we will be
entitled to reclaim any costs and expenses
we have paid.
7. If we and you disagree about the choice
of representative, or about the handling of
a claim, we and you can choose another
suitably qualified person to decide the
matter. We must both agree to the choice
of this person in writing. Failing this, we will
ask the president of a relevant national law
society to choose a suitably qualified person.
All costs of resolving the disagreement must
be paid by the party whose argument is
8. We may, at our discretion, require you to
obtain, at your expense, an opinion from
a lawyer or other suitably qualified person
chosen by you and us, as to the merits of a
claim or proceedings. If the chosen person’s
opinion indicates that it is more likely than
not that you will recover damages (or obtain
any other legal remedy that we have agreed
to) or make a successful defence, we will
pay the cost of obtaining the opinion.
9. We will not pay any claim covered under
any other policy, or any claim that would
have been covered by any other policy if this
policy did not exist.
10. All Acts of Parliament mentioned in your
policy include equivalent laws in Scotland,
Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the
Channel Islands as the case may be.
A. Cancellation/Cutting Short
Your Trip section is extended
to include the following cover.
What is covered
a) if you were not able to travel and use your
booked accommodation; or
b) if the trip was cut short before completion
as a result of
i) the Travel Advice Unit of the Foreign
& Commonwealth Office (FCO) or the
World Health Organisation (WHO) or
similar body issuing a directive:
1. prohibiting all travel or all but essential
travel to; or
2. recommending evacuation from the
country or specific area or event to
which you were travelling providing
such directive came into force after
you purchased this insurance or
booked the trip (whichever is the
later), or in the case of cutting short
your trip after you had left the UK to
commence the trip
ii) the insolvency of your scheduled airline
iii) the insolvency of the providers of your
iv) fire, flood, earthquake, explosion
hurricane, tsunami, landslide, avalanche,
volcanic eruption or storm making your
accommodation uninhabitable
v) an outbreak of food poisoning
or an infectious disease at your
accommodation resulting in its closure
during your trip
vi) strike leading to the cancellation of your
international transport from the UK
vii) the Channel Tunnel being closed for 24
hours from the date and time of your
scheduled departure as shown on your
viii) an airport or port you were due to travel
from or through being closed for 24
hours from the date and time of your
scheduled departure as shown on your
ix) air space being closed for 24 hours from
the date and time of your scheduled
departure, as shown on your ticket/
Section 13 - Independent Traveller Cover
This section is only available on Travel and Travel Plus Cover.
This section only applies if you are an independent traveller and have booked
your accommodation and travel separately and not as part of a package.
Please note: You may claim only under Part A or B of this Section for the
same event but not both.
We will pay you for any irrecoverable unused
travel and accommodation costs (including
unused kennel or cattery fees) and other pre-
paid charges including airport parking, car hire,
excursions up to
Travel Plus cover £5,000
Travel cover £2,500
and up to a maximum of £250 in respect of
green fees where the appropriate Golf Cover
premium has been paid which you have paid
or are contracted to pay together with any
reasonable additional travel expenses incurred.
What is not covered
The excess shown on your Policy Schedule
Any costs incurred by you which are
recoverable from the transport operator
or for which you receive or are expected
to receive compensation, damages,
refund of tickets, meals, refreshments,
accommodation, transfers, communication
facilities or other assistance
Any costs incurred by you which are
recoverable from the company providing the
accommodation or for which you receive
or are expected to receive compensation or
Any accommodation costs, charges and
expenses where the transport operator
has offered reasonable alternative travel
Any costs which you would have expected
to pay during your trip
Any claims arising directly or indirectly
from circumstances known to you prior
to the date this insurance is purchased
by you or the time of booking any trip
(whichever is the later) which could
reasonably have been expected to give rise
to cancellation or cutting short the trip
Claims arising directly or indirectly from
strike or industrial action existing or declared
publicly by the date this insurance is
purchased by you
Scheduled flights not booked in the UK
Scheduled flights not booked through
a bonded travel agent or direct with a
scheduled airline
The financial failure of
o Any scheduled airline which is insolvent
at the date this insurance is purchased
by you or at the time of booking any trip
(whichever is the earlier)
o Any scheduled airline which is bonded
or insured elsewhere (even if the bond is
insufficient to meet the claims)
o Any travel agent, tour organiser, booking
agent or consolidator with whom you
have booked a scheduled flight
Costs which you can recover from
elsewhere. For example, payments
recoverable from your credit or debit card
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
B. Substitute Accommodation
What is covered
If you need to move to alternative
accommodation on arrival or at any other time
during the trip because you cannot use your
booked accommodation as a result of the
following events:
1. insolvency of the providers of your
2. fire, flood, earthquake, explosion
hurricane, tsunami, landslide, avalanche,
volcanic eruption or storm making your
accommodation uninhabitable.
3. an outbreak of food poisoning or an
infectious disease.
We will pay you for reasonable additional
accommodation and transport costs
incurred, up to the standard of your original
booking up to
Travel Plus cover £5,000
Travel cover £2,500
Special conditions
1. You must obtain written confirmation from
the company providing the service or the
local Police that you could not use your
accommodation and the reason for this.
What is not covered
The excess shown on your Policy Schedule
Any costs incurred by you which are
recoverable from the transport operator
or for which you receive or are expected
to receive compensation, damages,
refund of tickets, meals, refreshments,
accommodation, transfers, communication
facilities or other assistance
Any costs incurred by you which are
recoverable from the company providing the
accommodation or for which you receive
or are expected to receive compensation or
Any accommodation costs, charges and
expenses where the transport operator
has offered reasonable alternative travel
Any costs which you would have expected
to pay during your trip
Any claims arising directly or indirectly from
circumstances known to you prior to the
date this insurance is purchased by you or
the time of booking any trip (whichever
is the later) which could reasonably have
been expected to give rise to cancellation or
cutting short the trip
Claims arising directly or indirectly from
strike or industrial action existing or declared
publicly by the date this insurance is
purchased by you
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
C. Replacement Flight
What is covered
In the event of insolvency of your scheduled
airline after departure, we will pay up to
£1,500 for;
a) additional pro rata costs incurred by
you in replacing that part of the flight
arrangements to a similar standard to that
originally booked; or
b) the cost of return flights to the UK to a
similar standard to that originally booked, if
abandonment of the trip is unavoidable.
What is not covered
Scheduled flights not booked in the UK.
Scheduled flights not booked through
a bonded travel agent or direct with a
scheduled airline.
The financial failure of
o Any scheduled airline which is insolvent
at the date this insurance is purchased
by you or at the time of booking any trip
(whichever is the earlier).
o Any scheduled airline which is bonded
or insured elsewhere (even if the bond is
insufficient to meet the claims).
o Any travel agent, tour organiser, booking
agent or consolidator with whom you
have booked a scheduled flight.
Costs which you can recover from
elsewhere. For example, payments
recoverable from your credit or debit card
D. Enforced Stay
What is covered
If you are unable to return home to the UK on
your scheduled return date due to;
a) the airspace being closed; or
b) the airport or port that you are scheduled
to travel from or through is closed (and
you purchased your ticket before it was
announced the airport/port was closed); or
c) the Channel Tunnel is closed (and you
purchased your ticket before it was
announced the tunnel was closed),
we will pay you
i) £100 for every complete 24 hour period
that you are unable to return home, up to a
maximum of £1,500;
ii) Up to £1,000 for any necessary and
reasonable additional travel expenses
where after a period of 24 hours or more,
you unavoidably have to make immediate
alternative arrangements to return home
and your travel provider cannot provide
alternative travel arrangements.
We will also pay up to £200 for emergency
replenishment of prescription medication
that you require to prevent a deterioration
or exacerbation of a pre-existing medical
condition, in the event that your existing
supplies run out after the date that you were
scheduled to return home.
What is not covered
In respect to part (b) only, the refunded
amount of any unused return travel costs
recoverable from your originally booked
travel provider or any other source.
The cost of prescription medication where
you have not declared a pre-existing medical
condition(s) or declined to accept the terms
of our medical pre-screening which apply to
your pre-existing medical condition(s).
The cost of prescription medicine where you
have not taken sufficient supplies with you
to last the period of your trip.
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
Please note that you cannot claim under both
part D Enforced Stay of this section and part 3
of section 3: Travel Delay/Missed Departure.
Cover is provided under this section (up to
a maximum of 24 days in total during the
insurance period if you have Annual Multi-Trip
insurance or for the trip duration if you have
Single Trip insurance).
What is covered
1. Loss or theft of or damage to your winter
sports equipment; and
2. Your hire of winter sports equipment if
required as a result of point 1 above; and
3. Your hire of winter sports equipment if
required as a result of the misdirection
or delay on your outward journey of your
winter sports equipment for more than 2
hours; and
4. Reimbursement of any unused ski pack,
ski hire or tuition fees as a result of your
accident or sickness; and
5. Loss or theft of your ski pass; and
6. The closure of all pistes in your resort, if you
are unable to ski for a continuous period in
excess of 12 hours as a result of:
• Lack of snowfall
• Excessive snowfall
• Bad weather.
We will pay you up to £500 (£100 if winter
sports equipment is hired) to:
Replace, reinstate or repair your winter
sports equipment.
We will pay you £20 per day (up to a
maximum of £300) for:
Your hire of winter sports equipment in
relation to points 2 and 3.
We will pay you up to £200 per 7 day period
(up to a maximum of £400) to:
Reimburse you the proportionate value of
any unused ski pack in relation to points 4
and 5.
We will pay you £30 per day (up to a
maximum of £300):
As a benefit in relation to point 6; or
Towards transportation costs to travel to an
alternative site in relation to point 6.
Claims will be considered on a new for old
basis for items owned by you provided the
item is less than 2 years old at the date of
the incident and you are able to provide the
original purchase receipt. All other items will
be subject to a suitable deduction for wear
and tear and depreciation or we may at our
option replace, reinstate or repair the lost,
stolen or damaged winter sports equipment.
Section 14 - Winter Sports
This section only applies if you have chosen to include this cover and this
is shown on your Policy Schedule.
This section is only available on Travel and Travel Plus cover.
This section of your policy explains the cover we provide for winter sports
whilst on your trip.
Please note we may not pay your claim if you
are unable to provide any original receipts,
proofs of purchase or insurance valuations
(issued before the loss, theft or damage). You
must retain all damaged items for inspection,
if required.
What is not covered
The excess shown on your Policy Schedule
under point 1
Any claim as a result of participation
in off-piste skiing whereby you are not
accompanied by a qualified ski, snow board
instructor or mountain guide who holds the
appropriate liability insurance
Any claim as a result of participation in
winter sports activities when avalanche
warnings are current
Any claim as a result of participation in
winter sports activities undertaken in the
Northern Hemisphere outside the period
from 15th December to 15th April or in the
Southern Hemisphere outside the period 1st
October to 31st May in relation to point 6
Any loss or theft of or damage to your
winter sports equipment whilst in use
Any loss of or damage to your winter sports
equipment arising from confiscation or
detention by Customs or other officials
Any loss of or damage to your winter sports
equipment caused by normal wear and
tear, gradual deterioration or mechanical or
electrical breakdown, decay, moth, vermin,
atmospheric or climatic conditions
Any loss or theft of or damage to your
winter sports equipment whilst in the
custody of an airline or other carrier unless
you report it immediately on discovery to
the carrier and get a written report. In the
case of an airline you will need a Property
Irregularity Report (PIR)
Any loss or theft of your winter sports
equipment or ski pass that you do not
report to the Police within 24 hours of
discovery or as soon as reasonably possible
after that and for which you do not get a
written report from them
Any loss or theft of your winter sports
equipment or ski pass left out of sight and
out of personal control in public places
where you are not in a position to prevent
unauthorised interference with your
property e.g. station, airport, restaurant
etc unless your skis or snowboard has
been chained to something that cannot
be moved and is immobilised by a security
Any loss or theft of your winter sports
equipment or ski pass from an unattended
vehicle unless between the hours of 09:00
and 21:00 whereby your winter sports
equipment was secured within a purpose
built and locked container fastened to
the exterior of the vehicle or locked in
the boot, covered luggage area or locked
glove compartment and following physical
evidence of forcible entry and reported to
the Police within 24 hours of discovery or as
soon as reasonably possible after that and a
written report is obtained from them
Any loss or theft of your winter sports
equipment or ski pass left in the custody
of a person who does not have official
responsibility for the safekeeping of the
Any claim that is not confirmed as medically
necessary by the Medical Assistance
Helpline and where a medical certificate
has not been obtained from the attending
medical practitioner confirming that you are
unable to ski and unable to use the ski pack
Any claim as a result of piste closure which
is not substantiated by a report from the
resort management or your Tour Operator
Any claim as a result of piste closure
which was known to you on or before the
date your Policy Schedule is issued or on
or before the date you booked your trip,
whichever is earlier
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
What is covered
1. Loss or theft of or damage to your golf
equipment; and
2. The cost of hiring golf equipment; and
3. The loss of pre-booked and non-refundable
green fees.
We will pay you up to £1,000 to:
Replace, reinstate or repair your golf
equipment which is lost, stolen or damaged.
You must retain all damaged items for
inspection, if required.
We will pay you up to £50 per day (up to a
maximum of £400) to:
Cover the cost of hiring golf equipment in
the event your golf equipment is lost, stolen
or delayed on your outward journey for over
2 hours from the time you arrived at your
trip destination.
You must keep all receipts for the hire of
golf equipment and enclose them with your
claim form.
We will pay you up to £40 per day (up to a
maximum of £200) for:
The loss of pre-booked and non-refundable
green fees if the pre-booked course at your
trip destination becomes unplayable due to
adverse weather conditions.
Claims will be considered on a new for old
basis provided the item is less than 2 years old
at the date of the incident and you are able to
provide the original purchase receipt. All other
items will be subject to a suitable deduction
for wear and tear and depreciation or we may
at our option replace, reinstate or repair the
lost, stolen or damaged golf equipment. Please
note we may not pay your claim if you are
unable to provide any original receipts, proofs
of purchase or insurance valuations (issued
before the loss, theft or damage).
What is not covered
The excess shown on your Policy Schedule
Any claim over £300 for any one article or
Any claim as a result of your disinclination to
Any loss or theft of or damage to your golf
equipment whilst in use
Any loss or theft of your golf equipment that
you do not report to the Police within 24
hours of discovery or as soon as reasonably
possible after that and for which you do not
get a written report from them
• Any loss or theft of or damage to your
golf equipment whilst in the custody of an
airline or other carrier unless you report
it immediately on discovery to the carrier
and get a written report. In the case of an
airline you will need a Property Irregularity
Report (PIR)
Section 15 - Golf Cover
This section only applies if you have chosen to include this cover and this
is shown on your Policy Schedule.
This cover is only available on Travel and Travel Plus cover.
This section of your policy explains the cover we provide for golf trips.
Any loss of or damage to your golf
equipment caused by normal wear and
tear, gradual deterioration or mechanical or
electrical breakdown, decay, moth, vermin,
atmospheric or climatic conditions
• Any loss or theft of your golf equipment
left out of sight and out of personal
control in public places where you are
not in a position to prevent unauthorised
interference with your property e.g.
station, airport, clubhouse etc
Any loss or theft of your golf equipment
from an unattended vehicle unless between
the hours of 09:00 and 21:00 and locked
in the boot or covered luggage area and
following physical evidence of forcible
entry and reported to the Police within 24
hours of discovery or as soon as reasonably
possible after that and a written report is
obtained from them
Any loss or theft of your golf equipment
left in the custody of a person who does
not have official responsibility for the
safekeeping of the property
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
The following section of cover will not apply to
trips within the United Kingdom.
Important Note
All conditions and exclusions included within
the Personal Baggage section also apply to
this section.
What is covered
1. The cost of repair if economical, or
otherwise the cost of a replacement
wedding ring as new, less deductions for
wear, tear or depreciation, if your wedding
ring is lost, damaged or stolen during the
period of the trip up to a maximum of £600
in respect of each insured person.
2. The cost of repair if economical, or
otherwise the cost of replacement wedding
gifts as new, less deductions for wear,
tear or depreciation, if your wedding gifts
taken or acquired during your trip are lost,
damaged or stolen during the period of the
trip up to a maximum of £1,000 in respect
of each insured couple.
3. The cost of repair if economical, the hire
if available or otherwise the cost of similar
replacement wedding attire as new, less
deductions for wear, tear or depreciation,
if your wedding attire that is to be worn
specifically by you on your wedding day is
lost, damaged or stolen during the period
of the trip up to a maximum of £1,000 in
respect of each insured couple.
4. Reasonable additional costs you incur
to reprint the photographs or retake the
photographs or video recordings, if the
professional photographer who was pre-
booked to take the photographs or video
recordings on your wedding day, is unable
to fulfil such obligations due to illness, injury
or unavoidable and unforeseen transport
problems or if the photographs or video
recordings of the wedding day taken
by a professional photographer are lost,
damaged or stolen during the period of the
trip up to a maximum of £750 in respect of
each insured couple.
What is not covered
Anything specifically excluded under Section
7 - Personal Baggage
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
Section 16 - Wedding Cover
This section only applies if you have chosen to include this cover and this
is shown on your Policy Schedule.
This cover is only available on Travel and Travel Plus cover.
This section of your policy explains the cover we provide for weddings.
A. Business Equipment
What is covered
In addition to the cover provided under Section
7 - Personal Baggage:
1. accidental loss of, theft of or damage to
business equipment and business samples
2. emergency courier expenses necessarily
incurred in replacing business equipment or
business samples essential to your intended
business itinerary.
We will pay you up to £1,000 to
replace, repair or reinstate your business
We will pay up to £500 to
replace, repair or reinstate your business
We will pay up to £150
for emergency courier expenses
The amount payable will be the value at
today’s prices less a deduction for wear,
tear and depreciation or we may at our
discretion replace, reinstate or repair the lost
or damaged items.
The maximum we will pay for any one article,
pair or set of articles is £500.
3. Receipts for items lost, stolen or damaged
must be retained as these will help you to
substantiate your claim.
What is not covered
The excess shown on your Policy Schedule
Anything specifically excluded under Section
7 - Personal Baggage
Business equipment or business samples
left unattended at any time (including in the
custody of a carrier) unless deposited in a
hotel safe, safety deposit box, left in your
locked accommodation or in the locked boot
or covered luggage area of a motor vehicle
in which you are travelling and evidence of
forcible and violent entry to the vehicle is
Loss or damage due to delay, confiscation
or detention by customs or other authority.
Wear and tear, depreciation, deterioration or
loss or damage by atmospheric or climatic
conditions, by moth, by vermin, by any
process of cleaning, repairing or restoring
mechanical or electrical breakdown
Loss of, theft of or damage to films, tapes,
cassettes, cartridges or discs other than
for their value as unused materials unless
purchased pre-recorded when we will pay
up to the maker’s latest list price
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
Section 17 - Business Cover
This section only applies if you have chosen to include this cover and this
is shown on your Policy Schedule.
This cover is only available on Travel and Travel Plus policies with Annual
Multi-Trip cover and is limited to 5 business trips per period of insurance.
B. Business Equipment Delay
What is covered
In addition to Section 8 - Delayed Baggage:
We will pay you up to £500 for the cost
of buying essential items if your business
equipment or business samples are misplaced
by your carrier for more than 12 hours during
the outward part of your business trip.
You must keep all receipts for essential
purchases made and any amount paid will be
deducted from the final claim settlement under
this section if the items are permanently lost.
What is not covered
Any delay to your personal baggage
whilst in the custody of an airline or other
carrier unless you report it immediately on
discovery to the carrier and get a written
report. In the case of an airline you will need
a Property Irregularity Report (PIR)
Any delayed baggage claim without a proof
of purchase
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
C. Business Equipment Hire
What is covered
Emergency hire of replacement business
equipment if your business equipment or
business samples are:
a) accidentally lost, stolen or damaged
b) misplaced by your carrier for more than
12 hours during the outward part of your
business trip.
We will pay you up to £500 for emergency
equipment hire
What is not covered
The excess shown on your Policy Schedule
Anything specifically excluded under Section
7 - Personal Baggage
Business equipment or business samples
left unattended at any time (including in the
custody of a carrier) unless deposited in a
hotel safe, safety deposit box, left in your
locked accommodation or in the locked boot
or covered luggage area of a motor vehicle
in which you are travelling and evidence of
forcible and violent entry to the vehicle is
Loss or damage due to delay, confiscation
or detention by customs or other authority
Wear and tear, depreciation, deterioration or
loss or damage by atmospheric or climatic
conditions, by moth, by vermin, by any
process of cleaning, repairing or restoring
mechanical or electrical breakdown
Loss of, theft of or damage to films, tapes,
cassettes, cartridges or discs other than
for their value as unused materials unless
purchased pre-recorded when we will pay
up to the maker’s latest list price
Any delay to your personal baggage
whilst in the custody of an airline or other
carrier unless you report it immediately on
discovery to the carrier and get a written
report. In the case of an airline you will need
a Property Irregularity Report (PIR)
Any delayed baggage claim without a proof
of purchase
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
D. Business Money
What is covered
1. Accidental loss, theft or damage to business
We will pay you up to £1,000 to:
Reimburse your business money.
The maximum we will pay in respect of cash
is £500.
We agree to provide the cover in this section
as long as:
You have taken reasonable care in
protecting your personal money and
documents against loss, theft or damage;
• You have notified the Police within
24 hours of discovery or as soon as
reasonably possible after that and
obtained a written report from them and
enclose this with your claim form.
What is not covered
The excess shown on your Policy Schedule
Loss, theft of or damage to business money
unattended at any time (including in a
vehicle or in the custody of carriers) unless
deposited in a hotel safe, safety deposit box
or left in your locked accommodation
Loss, theft of or damage to travellers’
cheques if you have not complied with
the issuer’s conditions or where the issuer
provides a replacement service
Loss or damage due to delay, confiscation
or detention by customs or other authority
Loss or damage due to depreciation in
value, variations in exchange rates or
shortages due to error or omission
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
E. Replacement Staff
What is covered
1. Reasonable additional accommodation and
travelling expenses incurred in arranging for
a colleague or business associate to take
your place on a pre-arranged business trip in
the event that:
a) you die.
b) you are unable to make the business trip
due to you being hospitalised or totally
disabled as confirmed in writing by a
medical practitioner.
c) your close relative or close business
associate in the United Kingdom dies, is
seriously injured or falls seriously ill.
We will pay up to £1,000:
For reasonable additional accommodation
and travelling expenses.
Special Conditions relating to claims
1. All losses must be supported by a report
from a medical practitioner.
2. Receipts for costs being claimed must
be retained as these will help you to
substantiate your claim.
What is not covered
Additional costs under b) above if you were
totally disabled, hospitalised or you were on
a waiting list to go into hospital at the time
of arranging the business trip
Additional costs under b) and c) above if
you were aware of circumstances at the
time of arranging the business trip which
could reasonably have been expected to
give rise to cancellation of the business trip
Any loss or damage arising out of you
engaging in manual work
Interruption of your business or any other
non-insured loss
Anything specifically excluded under the
General Exclusions section.
1. Any pre-existing medical condition that
exists either at the time your policy starts
or at the time of booking your trip (unless
terms were agreed in writing by us) or any
associated condition.
2. Your failure to obtain any recommended
vaccines, inoculations or medications prior
to your trip.
3. You travelling against the advice of a
medical practitioner or for the purpose of
having medical treatment on the trip.
4. You or your travelling companion having
received a terminal prognosis, unless in
respect of cancellation under Section 2 -
Cancellation/Cutting Short Your Trip the
terminal prognosis was received after the
date of booking the trip.
5. War, terrorist action (except under Section
1 - Medical Emergency and Repatriation
Expenses, Section 10 - Personal Accident
and Section 13 - Independent Traveller
Cover), invasion, act of foreign enemy,
hostilities (whether or not war has been
declared), civil war, rebellion, military or
usurped power, riot or civil commotion,
or if you have deliberately put yourself in
6. Any travel undertaken against Foreign &
Commonwealth Office (FCO) advice or
where it is deemed unsafe for you to travel.
If you are unsure please contact them on
0845 850 2829 or
7. Ionising radiations or contamination by
radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or
any nuclear waste from the combustion
of nuclear fuel, or the radioactive toxic
explosive or other hazardous properties of
any explosive nuclear machinery or parts.
8. Pressure waves caused by aircraft and
other aerial devices travelling at sonic or
supersonic speeds.
9. Confiscation or destruction of property
by any Customs, Government or other
Authority of any country.
10. Engaging in leisure and sports activities
which are not accepted in writing by us
11. Wilfully self-inflicted injury or illness or
solvent abuse.
12. The misuse of alcohol including alcohol
withdrawal or you being under the
influence of drugs (except those prescribed
by your registered medical practitioner, but
not when prescribed for the treatment of
drug addiction).
13. Your suicide or attempted suicide or
putting yourself at risk unless you are
attempting to save a human life.
14. Any dishonest, malicious or criminal act
committed by you or any person with
whom you are in collusion, or insurance
arranged in circumstances where a claim
might reasonably be anticipated.
15. You electing to travel on a trip which
exceeds your permitted trip duration.
General exclusions
Your policy does not cover you for any claim directly or indirectly resulting
from any of the following:
16. Claims, other than under Section 1 -
Medical Emergency and Repatriation
Expenses, Section 10 - Personal Accident
and Section 13 - Independent Traveller
Cover for any actual or anticipated failure
of any computer or electronic device,
or component or system or embedded
programming or software (whether or not
belonging to you or in your possession).
17. Psychiatric disorders, depression, anxiety,
stress or phobias.
18. Your participation in winter sports unless
the appropriate additional premium has
been paid and is shown on your Policy
19. Any losses that are not directly associated
with the incident that caused you to claim
for example, loss of earnings due to being
unable to return to work following injury or
illness happening while on a trip or the cost
of replacing locks in the event that keys are
lost while on a trip.
20. Any amount recoverable from any other
21. Any trip where you have already left the UK
at the time of purchasing this insurance,
except where you renew an existing annual
multi-trip policy which falls due for renewal
during the trip.
22. Claims where there is another insurance
policy covering the same risk.
23. Your own unlawful action or any criminal
proceedings against you.
24. You drinking too much alcohol where
it is reasonably foreseeable that such
consumption could result in a serious
impairment of your faculties and/or
judgement resulting in a claim. We do
not expect you to avoid alcohol on your
trip but we will not cover any claim arising
because you have drunk so much alcohol
that your judgement is seriously affected
and you need to make a claim as a result.
25. Any claim arising from the unauthorised
use of a swimming pool outside the
specified times of opening.
26. Any claim arising from you climbing on top
of, or jumping from a vehicle; or jumping
from a building or balcony; or climbing
or moving from any external part of any
building to another (apart from stairs)
regardless of the height, unless your life is
in danger or you are attempting to save
human life.
27. Any claim where you are not wearing a
helmet whilst on a motorcycle.
28. Any claim where you are not wearing a
seatbelt when travelling in a motor vehicle,
where a seatbelt is available.
29. Any claims where you were not fit to
undertake your trip when booking your trip
or purchasing this policy whichever is the
You have the right to expect the best possible
service and support. If we have not delivered
the service that you expected or you are
concerned with the service provided, we would
like the opportunity to put things right. If you
feel we have fallen short of our standards,
please contact the Customer Relations Team.
Post: Customer Relations Department
Barclays Travel Insurance
1 Drake Circus
Plymouth, PL1 1QH
Telephone: 0330 100 7701. For your
protection calls may be recorded and may be
E.mail: customerrelations.plymouth@
What to do if you are still not satisfied.
If you are still not satisfied then you may be
able to refer your complaint to the Financial
Ombudsman Service. You must approach
the Financial Ombudsman Service within
six months of our final response to your
complaint. We will remind you of the time
limits in the final response.
Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower,
Harbour Exchange Square,
E14 9SR
Telephone 0800 0 234 567, free for people
phoning from a “fixed line” (for example, a
landline at home) or 0300 123 9 123, free for
mobile-phone users who pay a monthly charge
for calls to numbers starting 01 or 02.
We must accept the Ombudsman’s final
decision, but you are not bound by it and may
take further action if you wish.
Your rights as a customer to take legal action
remain unaffected by the existence or use
of our complaints procedure. However the
Financial Ombudsman Service may not
adjudicate on any cases where litigation has
Complaints procedure
Please make sure that you read and understand
this Data Protection notice as it explains to you
what we will do with the information that you
give us. If you apply for our products and/or
services it is highly likely that we will need both
personal and sensitive data about yourself and
anyone else who is covered by the application
form in order to administer the insurance policy
and any claims which may arise. You should
show this notice to any other person covered
under your insurance policy. If your application
includes other individuals we will assume that
they have given their consent to you for you to
give their information to us.
By “your information” we mean personal
(including information you provide us which
may include sensitive personal data such as
health and conviction details) and financial
information we obtain from you or from third
parties, such as, joint account holders, credit
reference agencies (who may use the Electoral
Register or other public or private databases
to check your information), fraud prevention
agencies or other organisations when you
apply for an account or any other product or
service or which you or they give to us at any
other time.
If you provide personal and financial
information relating to others (e.g. family
members or travelling companions) for
the purpose of taking out this policy or
administering your policy or handling a claim,
you confirm that you have their consent or are
entitled to provide this information to us.
People who provide a service to us or are
acting as our agents, on the understanding
that they will keep the information
Data Protection Act and using your
The Data Controllers
The Data Controllers will be Cigna Insurance
Services (Europe) Limited, Barclays Bank UK
PLC and Barclays Insurance Services Company
Protection of your personal data
We, Barclays Bank UK PLC and other members of
the Barclays Group will collect, use, share and store
your information for research and analysis, and to
develop and improve our services to
you and other customers, and to protect our
interests. We will also use your information to
manage your policy(ies), provide our services,
to prevent and detect fraud, money laundering and
other crime, and to meet our obligations to any
regulatory authorities.
We, Barclays Bank UK PLC and other members of
the Barclays Group will use your information
to inform you by letter, telephone, text (or similar
messages), digital television, e-mail and other
electronic methods, about products and services
(including those of others) which may be of
interest to you. You may tell us if you do not wish
to receive marketing communications from us,
Barclays Bank UK PLC and other
members of the Barclays Group by writing
to us or by visiting your local branch and providing
your full name, address and account details and
the types of communication
that you no longer wish to receive (e.g. mail,
telephone or email).
We, Barclays Bank UK PLC and other members
of the Barclays Group may give information about
you and how you use your products and services
to the following:
Anyone to whom we transfer or may
transfer our rights and duties under this
We may also give out information about
you if we have a duty to do so or if the law
allows us to do so.
Otherwise we will keep information about you
If we transfer your information to a service
provider or agent in another country, we will
ensure that the same levels of protection
are applied as we are required to apply to
information held in the UK, and that they
use your information only for the purpose of
providing the service to us.
Inaccurate data
If you believe that we are holding inaccurate
information about you, please contact the
team responsible for administering your policy
and they will be happy to correct any errors.
Telephone calls
Please note that for our mutual protection
telephone calls to FirstAssist may be monitored
and/or recorded.
Fraud prevention, detection & claims history
In order to prevent and detect fraud we may at
any time:
Share information about you with other
organisations and public bodies including
the Police;
Check and/or file your details with fraud
prevention agencies and databases, and if
you give us false or inaccurate information
and we suspect fraud, we will record this.
We and other organisations may also search
these agencies and databases to;
o Help make decisions about the provision
and administration of insurance,
credit and related services for you and
members of your household;
o Trace debtors or beneficiaries, recover
debt, prevent fraud and to manage your
accounts or insurance policies;
o Check your identity to prevent money
laundering, unless you furnish us with
other satisfactory proof of identity
o Undertake credit searches and additional
fraud searches.
We can supply on request further details of the
databases we access or contribute to.
Accessing your personal data
You can ask for a copy of the information held
about you by contacting us, a fee may be
charged for this service.
The Data Protection Team
Radbroke Hall
WA16 9EU
Or for information held by FirstAssist contact:
Customer Services
PO Box 500
1 Drake Circus
Tel. 0845 026 7199.
We, Barclays Bank UK PLC and other members
of the Barclays Group will also share your
information with insurers, and their agents, on an
ongoing basis and in the normal course of
servicing and administering your insurance.
For more details on accessing information held
about you by Barclays Bank UK PLC, write to:
You can get this in Braille, large print or audio by calling
0800 400 100* (via Text Relay if appropriate) or by ordering
online from
*Call monitoring and charges information
Calls may be recorded for security and training purposes. Calls to 03 telephone numbers cost no more than calls
to geographic numbers (01 or 02) from both landlines and mobiles & calls to 0800 telephone numbers, from
landlines and mobiles, are free.
Barclays Insurance Services Company Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Financial Services Register no 312078).
Registered in England. Registered No: 973765. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.
Cigna Insurance Services (Europe) Limited is registered in England & Wales No.4617110. Registered Office: Chancery House, St Nicholas Way, Sutton,
Surrey. SM1 1JB. Cigna Insurance Services (Europe) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority Financial Services register
no 310671
Cigna Europe Insurance Company S.A.-N.V., UK Branch, Chancery House, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 1JB. Registered in Belgium with limited
liability (Brussels trade register no. 0474624562), Avenue de Cortenbergh 52, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. Subject to the prudential supervision of the
National Bank of Belgium, Boulevard de Berlaimont 14, 1000 Brussels (Belgium) and to the supervision of the Financial Services and Markets Authority
(FSMA), rue du Congrès 12-14, 1000 Brussels (Belgium), in the field of consumer protection and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct
Authority. Details of the extent of our regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority are available on request.
BTRVPD (09-15)