General Norms …………………………………………………………………………… 5
Required Records; Parishes, Other Institutions; Format; Acid Free Paper;
Computer Reproductions; Repair of Old Registers; Safe Storage;
Reporting Loss or Destruction .…….………………………………………… 5
Nature of Information; Access to Registers; Authorized Personnel;
Genealogical Research ……………………………………………………… 5
Type of Data; Timeliness; Place of Entry; Chronological Order; Specific
Columns; Index; Excess Data; “Sacramental Records” File; Printing/Ink;
Style for Names and Dates; Confidential Data; Sacramental Minister ..….. 6
Definition; Church Use Only; Authorized Source of Records; Authorized
Requests; Procedure of Requests; Format; Authentication; Required Data;
Missing Record ………………………………..…………………………….. 7
Changes to Entries
Caution about Changes; Style for Minor Changes; Style for Major Changes;
Authorization for Insubstantial Changes; Authorization for Substantial
Changes; Permitted Changes; Non-Permitted Changes; Data on Certificates
After Changes ………………………………………………………….……. 9
Baptismal Register ………………………………………………………………………… 10
Basic Process; Source of Data; Recipients from More than One Parish;
Baptism Outside Parish Church; Emergency Baptism; Conditional Baptism;
RCIA Celebration of Baptism of an Adult; Reception into Full Communion
of Baptized Adult; Bringing a Baptized Child into the Church; Unmarried
Parents; Children of Unknown Parentage; Adoption: Baptism Celebrated
After Adoption; Adoption: Baptism Celebrated Before Adoption; Number
of Godparents; Christian Witness; Proxy Godparent; Ascription to Proper
Church Sui Iuris; Registers for Ritual Use …………………………………... 10
Changes to Entries
Most Changes Occur in the Baptismal Register; Changes to Original Data;
Additions to “Notations” Column; Defection from the Church; Style for
Notations ……………………………………………………………………… 15
Confirmation Register ………………………………………………………………… 16
Basic Process; Emergency Confirmation; Source of Data; Large Group of
Recipients; Multiple Ministers; Recipients from More Than One Parish;
Baptismal Certificate; Baptismal Data; Notification of Church of Baptism …. 16
Marriage Register ………………………………………………………………………... 18
Basic Process; Source of Data; Marriage Outside Parish Church;
Convalidation; Sanation; RCIA Catechumens and Candidates; Notation of
Dispensations, Annulments; Notification of Church of Baptism ……………. 18
Premarital Files
Contents; Location; Filing; Retention; Transmission of File ………………… 19
Death Register ……………………………………………………………………………. 20
Basic Process; Source of Data; Cremation; Notification of Church of
Baptism ……………………………………………………………………….. 20
Canons on Sacramental Records in General …………………………………………… 21
Canons Regarding Baptismal Records …………………………………………………. 22
Canons Regarding Confirmation Records ……………………………………………... 23
Canons Regarding Marriage Records ………………………………………………….. 23
Canon Regarding Death Records ……………………………………………………….. 23
Each parish is required to maintain records of baptisms, confirmations,
marriages and deaths.
Records of first Communions are optional.
Other Institutions
Generally only parishes are to maintain sacramental records and
registers. Non-parochial institutions must obtain the express approval of
the Chancellor to maintain sacramental records and registers.
Special registers using handwritten entries, which are available from
private vendors, are required. A parish may retain separate Baptismal,
Confirmation, Marriage, and Death Registers or combined registers,
depending on the needs of the parish.
Acid Free Paper
The pages of the registers should be made of acid-free paper.
Sacramental records may be duplicated on secure computers with no
public access, and historical copies may be maintained electronically in
a non-public format only. But a complete handwritten record must be
maintained in the registers, and the registers themselves are never to be
destroyed or discarded. The handwritten registers are considered the
only authentic copy of sacramental records.
Repair of
Old Registers
As registers become worn, they are to be rebound professionally. If a
register is beyond repair, the records may be transferred to a new
register. The original is to be retained in as safe a condition as possible.
Safe Storage
The sacramental registers are to be stored in a locked place, preferably
one which is fire-proof or fire-resistant. They may be removed only by
authorized personnel and only for legitimate purposes. The registers
may never be taken off the parish premises except for microfilming or
electronic storage by the Archdiocese.
Reporting Loss
Or Destruction
The loss or destruction of any sacramental register should be reported
immediately to the Office of the Chancellor.
Nature of
Care must be taken to protect people’s privacy. Although sacramental
registers contain information about public events and other facts readily
known to any interested party, they also contain information which is
very personal and confidential.
Even when a priest serves as pastor of more than one parish, separate registers are to be maintained for each
parish. For security and convenience, however, the registers may all be stored at one of the parishes.
If a chapel or pastoral center operates under the authority of the local pastor, the official sacramental records
are to be kept in the parish registers. The chapel or pastoral center may keep duplicate but unofficial records.
Access to
The sacramental registers belong to the individual parish. They are
maintained for the good of the Christian faithful; but they are private
documents, not public ones. No one other than the pastor or his delegate
can claim a right to direct access to the registers or to any versions or
copies of them in any format.
The pastor is always and ultimately responsible for the care and
confidentiality of the sacramental registers themselves as well as any
reproductions. He may designate other persons to make entries in the
registers and to prepare certificates. These may be employees or
volunteers, but their number should be small. These designated persons
must be known well to the pastor, must be capable of careful work and
protecting confidentiality, and must be adequately trained to work with
the registers. Their work with the registers is not to exceed their
mandate from the pastor.
Sacramental registers should never be made available to genealogical
researchers. The pastor or other regularly designated person may
research information as requested and as time permits and make the
information available on separate paper. Care must be taken not to
disclose confidential information.
Type of Data
Only that data required by canon law and otherwise necessary for the
complete and accurate maintenance of sacramental records is to be
entered in the sacramental registers.
Entries should be made as soon possible after the event to be recorded.
Place of Entry
As a general rule, the proper parish for the recording of sacraments and
deaths is the parish in whose territory the sacraments or rites of
Christian burial were celebrated. For exceptions, see the individual
register sections below.
Entries should be made in chronological order. If the chronological
order cannot be kept in some particular case, a small note should be
made in the proper chronological location in the register, cross-
referencing the actual entry; e.g., “See JONES, page 37”.
Specific Columns
Each page of the register has several columns, and each column is
titled. It is important to enter the data in the proper columns. At least the
Baptismal Register will have a column titled “Remarks”, “Notations”,
or something similar. There are many references to this column
throughout this handbook.
For the sake of convenience this column will be referred to as the “Notations” column throughout the
Every entry is to be listed in the register’s index, according to the
person’s last name.
Excess Data
If there is inadequate space for all the data to be entered, the excess data
may be entered elsewhere on the same page or even on a different page
of the register. Clear cross-referencing is essential; e.g., “See SMITH,
bottom of page”.
Records” File
Discursive material should not be written in sacramental registers. Such
material or related documents (e.g., civil records, correspondence)
should be retained securely in a file in the parish archives. However,
discretion must be exercised in deciding which material to place in this
file; not everything has to be retained. This file should be marked
Sacramental Records, and the words “See Sacramental Records File”
should be printed in the “Notations” column of the sacramental register.
Neat printing is preferred to script. Entries should be made in fade-
proof, waterproof ink.
Style for Names
and Dates
The last name of the entry’s subject should be printed in upper case;
e.g., “JONES”. Printing the name of the month is preferred to using the
month’s number; e.g. “Aug” rather than “8”.
Confidential Data
Data which is confidential and which is not to be included on
certificates is to be so marked when entered in the register; e.g.,
“Confidential – do not include on certificate”. However, the provisions
of can. 535, §2 are to be observed.
The actual minister of a sacrament does not need to sign the register if
the person making the entry personally witnessed the event or has
available a document (e.g., Sacristy Record of Baptism) signed by the
minister which certifies the conferral of the sacrament. In these cases
the name of the minister is printed in the register.
A certificate is an official document certifying that a particular
individual has received a sacrament. It is an exact duplicate of non-
confidential data already entered in a sacramental register.
Church Use Only
Certificates of sacraments are intended primarily for internal church
use, not for civil purposes.
Source of
Only the parish or other location holding the original sacramental
record may issue a certificate.
Only the actual register, rather than a
microfilm or electronic reproduction, should be used in preparing
Since certain data is entered in the sacramental registers based purely on the word of someone else (e.g., the
date of birth of a person being baptized), the certificate is simply repeating that data but not certifying it as true.
When a parish closes or merges, formal arrangements are made for the transfer and retention of its
sacramental registers. Contact the Office of the Chancellor as to where these are to be maintained.
certificates. In preparing a certificate, any microfilm or electronic copy
of the record must be compared with the register so as to assure that the
copy corresponds identically to the original.
Any member of the Christian faithful has a right to obtain a certificate
of a sacrament he or she has received and which was recorded in a
sacramental register. But only that person, the parents of a minor,
someone with legal guardianship of another, a bona fide pastoral
minister at another Catholic parish, and a diocesan tribunal official have
this right. When the parents of a child are separated or divorced, both
parents, regardless of legal custody, are presumed to have the right to a
Procedure for
Requests for certificates should be submitted in writing, although
telephone requests from a Catholic parish or agency are acceptable. The
written requests and a log of telephone requests should be kept on file
for one year. No information from sacramental registers should be
provided by telephone or other electronic means except to another
Catholic parish or other Catholic agency. Even then care for the privacy
of persons is to be exercised.
Certificates should have an official appearance and should be issued in
a consistent format. Parishes may obtain blank certificates from
commercial vendors or may have them printed locally. All certificates
must bear the name and address of the parish.
Certificates must be typed, printed by computer or hand-printed in ink.
They are to be signed by the pastor or his delegate and impressed with
the parish seal. Photostatic and facsimile copies of certificates are not
considered authentic documents.
Required Data
Certificates are to include all data contained in the sacramental register,
except that which is marked confidential or which is extraneous to the
person’s canonical status. Data in the “Notations” column are to be
included. If there is no data in the “Notations” column, the words “No
Notations” should be printed on the certificate.
Missing Record
Sometimes when a certificate is requested, the record in question cannot
be found. If there is any possibility that the sacrament may have been
conferred in some other parish, the inquirer should be encouraged to
check the sacramental records of that other parish or parishes or consult
the Archdiocesan Archives. If such a search is unwarranted or fails,
canons 876 and 1573 can be applied. Only that data which can be
vouched for with certainty should be entered in the register, even
though this may leave an incomplete entry. The name of the witness or
witnesses, the date of his or her testimony and the words “Based on the
testimony of _______” should be printed in the “Notations” column of
the register.
Caution about
Once entered into a sacramental register, data is considered official and
permanent. It may not be modified except under special conditions as
detailed below. Original data is never to be scratched out, erased,
“whited out” or otherwise destroyed, obliterated or rendered illegible.
Style for Minor
Minor changes (e.g., correcting a misspelling) may be made directly to
the original entry. Such changes are to be made by drawing a straight,
simple line thorough the word, number or letter to be changed and
printing the change immediately above or below it.
Style for Major
Major changes (e.g., to record an adoption after baptism) may require
that a new entry be created. In these cases, the original entry is to be
preserved without change; a new entry, with all the data from the
original entry reproduced (except the relevant change or changes), is to
be made in the same register as close to the original entry as possible;
both entries, as well as listings in the index, are to be cross-referenced;
Do Not Issue Certificate from This Record” is to be printed carefully
across the face of the original entry without obliterating any information.
Authorization for
An insubstantial error (e.g., misspelling) may be corrected upon request
of those persons who have a right to a certificate, as mentioned in the
CERTIFICATES section above.
Authorization for
More significant errors and other changes require authentic supporting
documentation. Such documentation will ordinarily consist of an
original, “raised seal” certificate from a civil or ecclesiastical office,
court, agency, etc. The issuing agency, date of the certificate and any
protocol number should be printed in the “Notations” column of the
register. When an error involves data pertaining directly to the
celebration of a sacrament or rite of Christian burial (e.g., date, identity
of godparent) such that no external verifying documentation exists, the
written or oral testimony of a reputable witness will suffice.
Permitted Changes
Some permitted changes: • correct name
• correct date
• correct spelling
• new legal name
• adoptive parent(s)
Some non-permitted changes: • new godparents or sponsors
• non-adoptive stepparents
• customary name or nickname
Data on
After Changes
Once specific data has been changed in the sacramental register, the
original data is not transcribed onto certificates; e.g., the natural
parents’ names after adoption.
The names of godparents or sponsors are not to be changed because they have died or because the parents or
sacramental recipients feel they are no longer suitable. In such situations parents or recipients can ask someone
else to serve in this role without making a change in the permanent record or on certificates.
Basic Process
For baptism celebrated under normal circumstances, the following
information is to be entered in the Baptismal Register (can. 877 §1):
1. the Christian name(s) of the child as designated by the
parent(s)/adoptive parents; or the legal name of the adult
(always use the maiden name of a woman);
2. the name of the father (first, middle if any, and surname) and
the name of the mother (first, middle if any, and maiden name);
or names of adoptive parents;
3. the date and place of birth;
4. the name(s) of the sponsor(s);
5. the place and date of the baptism; and
6. the name of the minister performing the baptism.
Source of Data
Ordinarily, the data used to create a record of baptism (as required by
can. 877 §1) originates on a “Sacristy Record of Baptism”, a small form
from a preprinted pad sold by commercial vendors. A birth certificate
is required in order to verify information.
The Sacristy Record is
filled out by someone in the parish office at the time the baptism is
scheduled, by a member of the baptism preparation team during the
catechetical program, or by the minister of baptism at the time of the
actual baptism. Before the data is transferred to the Baptismal Register,
a parent, guardian or adult candidate should verify the data written on
the Sacristy Record (usually at the time of baptism), and the minister
must sign the Sacristy Record verifying that the sacrament was
conferred. There should be a clear procedure in place for assuring that
the data is transferred from the Sacristy Record to the Baptismal
Register as quickly as possible.
Recipients from
More than One
When persons from more than one parish are baptized or received into
full communion with the Catholic Church at a single ceremony, the
record for all the persons is to be retained at the parish where the rites
are celebrated. Home parishes may keep an unofficial duplicate record.
Baptism Outside
Parish Church
When baptism is conferred solemnly (that is, with a cleric celebrating
the full rite of baptism) in a chapel, hospital or home (cans. 877 §1 and
878), the minister is to see to it that the requisite data is transmitted in
writing to the territorial parish in which the chapel, hospital or home is
located for recording in the Baptismal Register.
When a Catholic baptism is conferred in an emergency situation, that is,
in a non-parish facility such as a hospital or jail, ceremonies may be
If a birth certificate cannot be presented for inspection, an entry in the “Notations” column must be made
describing the source of the date and place of birth information; e.g., “DOB, POB stated by parents (or name of
witness)” or “DOB, POB as shown in Canadian passport #xxxxxxxxx”.
supplied at a later date. The baptism itself is to be recorded properly in
the territorial parish of the hospital, jailor other facility. If the
ceremonies are supplied at a later date (cf. 1973 Rite of Baptism for
Children #31.3), a notation should be made in the margin of the
baptismal entry of the territorial parish indicating the date and place the
ceremonies were supplied.
After the conferral of the emergency baptism, the minister of baptism
completes a Certificate of Emergency Baptism and gives it to the one
who is baptized or, in the case of an infant or child, to the parents. The
one baptized or the parents of the one baptized can then present this
Certificate to the pastor of the parish in which he/she is a member so
that the baptism can be noted in the baptismal register of that parish.
The baptism itself will be recorded in the territorial parish where the
baptism occurred. The Certificate will inform the baptized person’s
pastor that the baptism occurred and was recorded in the territorial
parish where the baptism occurred. In this way, should the one
receiving baptism (or the parents) forget where the baptism is recorded,
the parish in which he or she was registered or was a member can
supply this information.
The entry in the baptismal register of the territorial parish in which the
emergency baptism occurred is the official entry for this sacrament.
Certificates of baptism are to be issued only from this register.
Thus, all emergency baptisms in any facility conducted by any Catholic
cleric or any lay minister, Catholic or non-Catholic, are to be recorded
in the territorial parish in which they have occurred; but in order that
these records may be located at a future time, the home parish of the
person receiving baptism also should record the receipt of baptism,
indicating when and where it occurred.
When conditional baptism is conferred, “Baptized conditionally” is to
be written in the “Notations” column. Otherwise the entry is the same
as for any other baptism. The sacramental minister is reminded to
observe the provisions of canon 869 in making any decision to
administer baptism conditionally.
RCIA Celebration of
Baptism of an Adult
For baptism celebrated for a non-baptized adult (RCIA), the following
information is to be entered in the Baptismal Register (can. 877 §1):
1. the given and/or Christian name(s) of the person (always use the
maiden name of a woman);
2. the name of the father (first, middle if any, and surname) and the
name of the mother (first, middle if any, and maiden name);
3. the date and place of birth;
4. the name of the sponsor(s);
5. the date and place of the baptism;
6. the name of the minister performing the baptism; and
7. marginal notations of reception of Eucharist and confirmation
and of marital status (either current valid marriage or the
convalidation of the current marriage). Any declaration of
invalidity (including where granted and protocol number) should
be noted.
Reception into
Full Communion of
Baptized Adult
When persons are received into full communion with the Catholic
Church, after having been baptized previously in another Christian
communion (that practices valid baptism), an entry must be made in the
Baptismal Register as well as in the Confirmation Register.
For the “full reception into the Church” celebrated for a baptized adult,
the following information is to be entered in the Baptismal Register:
1. the given and/or Christian name(s) of the person (always use the
maiden name of a woman);
2. the name of the father (first, middle if any, and surname) and the
name of the mother (first, middle if any, and maiden name);
3. the date and place of birth;
4. the name of the sponsor;
5. the date and place of the Rite of Reception are noted in the space
provided for Baptism;
6. marginal notations giving the date and place of the original
baptism, reception of Eucharist and confirmation, and marital
status (either current valid marriage or the convalidation of the
current marriage). Any declaration of invalidity (including where
granted and protocol number) should be noted.
Bringing a
Baptized Child
into the Church
For already baptized children who are being received into the Church
before age 7 (can. 852 §1), the following information is to be entered in
the Baptismal Register
1. the Christian name(s) of the child as designated by the parent(s);
2. the name of the father (first, middle if any, and surname) and the
name of the mother (first, middle if any, and maiden name);
3. the date and place of birth;
4. the name(s) of the sponsor(s) now selected by the parents;
5. the date and place ceremonies are supplied to effect formal
reception into the Church are noted in the spaces provided for
6. data concerning the original baptism should be entered in the
“Notations” column, especially the date and place (church and
It is important that the provisions of can. 877 §2 concerning unmarried
parents be followed. It is unjust to enter unauthorized names of parents
in the Baptismal Register.
The reception of confirmation also needs to be recorded in the Confirmation Register.
This procedure is to be followed also when the child is being received along with the parents into full
communion with the Catholic Church.
Children of
For a child whose parentage cannot be known (can. 870) or is unknown
(can. 877 §2), the following information is to be entered in the
Baptismal Register:
1. the Christian name(s) of the child as designated by the mother or
2. the name of the mother (first, middle if any, and maiden), if
publicly known or requested by her before two witnesses;
3. the name of the natural father (first, middle if any, and surname)
only if paternity is established by a legal document or he makes a
declaration before the pastor and two witnesses; otherwise leave
4. the date and place of birth, if known, or of being found or placed
under guardianship;
5. the name(s) of the sponsor(s) selected by the parent or guardian;
6. the date and place of the baptism; and
7. the name of the minister performing the baptism.
Baptism Celebrated
After Adoption
For children baptized after adoption, no reference to the adoption or the
natural parents is to be made in the Baptismal Register. Any such data
which has been recorded is to be treated as confidential and is not to be
included on any certificate.
The following information shall be entered in the Baptismal Register:
1. the Christian name(s) of the child as designated by the adoptive
2. the name(s) of the adoptive parent(s);
3. the date and place of birth;
4. the names of the sponsor(s) selected by the adoptive parent(s);
5. the date and place of the baptism;
6. the name of the minister performing the baptism.
Baptismal certificates issued by the parish for adopted children will be
no different from other baptismal certificates. No mention of the fact of
adoption shall be made on the baptismal certificate.
Baptism Celebrated
Before Adoption
For children baptized before adoption, the following information shall
be added in the Baptismal Register after adoption is finalized
(can. 877 §3):
1. parentheses ( ) shall be placed around the names of the natural
2. the name(s) of the adoptive parent(s) shall be added;
3. the child’s former surname shall also be parenthesized and the
new surname added; and
4. notation shall be made that the child was legally adopted.
Baptismal certificates issued by the parish for these individuals should
give the name(s) of the adoptive parent(s), the child’s new legal
surname, the date and place of birth, the date and place of baptism, and
the name of the minister who administered the sacrament. The name(s)
of the natural parents and the sponsor(s) shall not be given, and no
mention of the fact of adoption shall be made on the baptismal
To avoid confusion an entirely new entry can be made, and in the index
cross-reference should be made to the old entry, with the following
1. the new legal Christian name(s) of the child as designated by the
adoptive parents;
2. the names of the adoptive parents;
3. the date and place of birth;
4. the date and place of the baptism;
5. the name of the minister performing the baptism.
Any certificate for this person should be issued from the record created
after the adoption. No certificate should ever be issued from the record
created before adoption.
Number of
No more than two names may be entered in the “Godparents” or
“Sponsors” column. Canon 873 stipulates that if there are two sponsors,
then one must be male and the other female.
Christian Witness
Canon 874 §2 allows for a baptized non-Catholic to serve as a
“Christian witness along with a Catholic sponsor. In such a case, the
words “Christian Witness” should be placed after the witness’s name in
the Register.
Note that the Ecumenical Directory (#98.b) allows a baptized Eastern
Orthodox person to serve as a sponsor, rather than as a Christian
witness, provided there is a second sponsor who is Catholic.
When a godparent or sponsor appoints a proxy to participate in the rite
of baptism, both names should be entered in the register, with “Proxy”
written after that person’s name.
Ascription to
Proper Church
Sui Iuris
Ascription to an Eastern Church sui iuris in union with Rome (e.g.,
Byzantine, Maronite) is normally determined by the ritual Church of the
father, not by the rite of the minister or parish of baptism, unless the
person is 14 years of age or older, in which case the individual can
choose his or her Church sui iuris of ascription. Thus when a Latin
minister baptizes someone who by law is ascribed to an Eastern Catholic
Church, a notation should be made in the “Notations” column.
Registers for
Ritual Use
A register used as part of the Church’s ritual (e.g., Book of the Elect)
should be completely distinct from the regular sacramental registers.
For assistance in this regard, and preferably before scheduling the baptism, the case should be referred to the
Office of the Vicar for Canonical Services or to the Tribunal to clarify issues of jurisdiction and ascription. If by
chance an Eastern Church minister should celebrate baptism in a Latin church, care should be taken to identify
clearly the Church ascription of the baptized person.
The data from the ritual register should be transferred to the Baptismal
and Confirmation Registers as soon as possible after the conferral of
sacraments or the reception into full communion.
Most Changes
Occur in the
Baptismal Register
The baptismal record is the primary sacramental record for Catholics. It
serves as a log for all the significant, public developments in one’s
relationship with the Church. As a result, most changes to entries in the
sacramental registers will be made in the Baptismal Register.
Changes to
Original Data
Some of these changes are actual modifications of the original data
entered for baptism, for example, change of name or change of parent.
Directions for making such changes can be found in the GENERAL
NORMS section of this handbook.
Additions to
Some of the changes are additions to the “Notations” column. For
example, when a Catholic is confirmed, married or ordained, the
churches where these sacraments are celebrated should notify the
church of baptism, so the new sacraments can be noted in the Baptismal
Also, when a marriage is declared invalid by an ecclesiastical
tribunal or when an individual is returned to the lay state, the tribunal or
diocesan curia will notify the church of baptism, so that a notation can
be made in the person's baptismal record (can. 1685). Notification
documents should include a "turn around" document to verify that
notations have been recorded.
Defection from
the Church
A parish occasionally will receive a notification from an individual or a
church indicating that the person is no longer a Catholic and even
asking that his or her name be removed from Catholic Church records.
While it is appropriate to remove the person’s name from the parish
membership roles, no changes are to be made to the sacramental
records. From 27 November 1983 through 8 April 2010, canon law
provided for “formal defection” from the Church. If proper notification
is received from competent Church authority, an entry is made in the
“Notations” column of the Baptismal Register: “Formal defection from
Catholic Church, [date]”.
Questions about handling this matter should
be directed to the Office of the Vicar for Canonical Services.
Style for
The notations mentioned in the two preceding paragraphs should be
made neatly and succinctly in the "Notations" column. Names, dates,
places and protocol numbers are usually the only information needed.
These notations are not confidential and should ordinarily be included
on certificates.
All documentation pertaining to a person’s formal defection from the Church is to be preserved in the parish
“Sacramental Records” file mentioned in the GENERAL NORMS section above.
Basic Process
For confirmation celebrated under normal circumstances, the following
information is to be entered in the Confirmation Register (can. 895):
1. the legal and Christian names of the child or adult (use maiden
name of a woman);
2. the name of the father (first, middle if any, and surname) and
the name of the mother (first, middle if any, and maiden name);
3. the date and place of baptism;
4. the name of the sponsor selected by the person;
5. the date and place of the confirmation;
6. the title and name of the minister performing the confirmation;
e.g., “Bishop John SMITH” or “Father Joseph JONES”.
The place of baptism should be notified of the confirmation. In the case
of a baptized person who was brought “into full communion in the
Church,” the place of reception (“Profession of Faith”) is to be notified
instead of the place of baptism.
As in the case of emergency baptism, the record of an emergency
confirmation is to be kept in the territorial parish in which the
confirmation occurred.
Source of
When a large number of persons are to be confirmed, it is essential that
someone collect the necessary information and see to it that it is
communicated accurately to the parish or parishes of the recipients for
proper recording in the Baptismal Register.
Large Group
of Recipients
When several persons are confirmed at the same ceremony by the same
minister, the date of conferral and the name of the minister may be
written only once in the register, so long as it is clear that the references
apply to all the confirmed.
If there is more than one minister at a single ceremony, the record
should show clearly which ministers confirmed which recipients.
Recipients from
More Than One
When confirmation is conferred upon persons from two or more
parishes at one ceremony, all records are made at the parish where
confirmation was celebrated with notification sent to the parish of
In order to satisfy the obligation of notifying the parish of baptism
about the conferral of confirmation, a baptismal certificate for each
candidate for confirmation should be obtained in advance of the
celebration of confirmation.
Baptismal Data
It is recommended that the place and date of baptism be noted in the
Confirmation Register. (This can be especially helpful when a person
has difficulty locating a baptismal record later in life.)
Notification of
Church of Baptism
Notification of the church of baptism about the fact of confirmation
should be made as soon as possible by the pastor of the place where the
record of confirmation is retained. This notification is to include the
name of the recipient and the date of baptism, as well as the place and
date of confirmation. The names of the minister, parents and sponsor
are not required. When a person previously baptized in another
Christian communion is received into full communion and confirmed,
the church of baptism is not notified. Notification documents should
include a "turn around" document to verify notations have been
Additional reasons for obtaining a baptismal certificate are: 1) the fact of valid baptism and Catholicity will
be established; 2) any previous reception of valid confirmation, especially in the case of Catholics baptized in
Eastern sui iuris Churches, will be uncovered; 3) any discrepancies between name and parentage provided in
the Baptismal Register and given at the time of confirmation will be discovered; 4) the identity of baptismal
godparents can be ascertained, pursuant to can. 893 §2.
Basic Process
For weddings celebrated with recognition by the Catholic Church, the
following information is to be entered into the Marriage Register (cans.
1. the legal names of the groom;
2. the name of the father (first, middle if any, and surname) and the
name of the mother (first, middle if any, and maiden name) of
the groom;
3. the legal names of the bride (always use the maiden name of a
woman, even if she was previously married);
4. the name of the father (first, middle if any, and surname) and the
name of the mother (first, middle if any, and maiden name) of
the bride;
5. the date and place of baptism of each party;
6. the date and place (actual church and town) of the wedding;
7. the names of the witnesses;
8. the title and name of the assisting minister asking for and
receiving the couple’s vows; and
9. notation of any permissions, dispensations and delegations
obtained for the valid celebration of the wedding (including
protocol number if existing).
The informational facts in the prenuptial file are the source for the
Marriage Register. The marginal notation column is for the purpose of
noting any permission or dispensation, regardless of the source for the
permission/dispensation, and other significant factors (for instance,
delegation for the assisting minister or sanation).
Source of Data
The pastor is responsible for seeing that the necessary information is
recorded in the parish where the marriage was celebrated. The
premarital file ordinarily contains all the necessary information.
However, the celebrant should be alert to any last minute changes or
corrections to the information contained in the premarital file.
Marriage Outside
Parish Church
When a marriage is celebrated in a location other than a parish church
(e.g., a chapel), the proper parish for the marriage record is the
territorial church in which that location stands. The only exception is
for a marriage celebrated with a dispensation from the Catholic form: in
that situation, the proper parish for the marriage record is the parish of
the Catholic party.
When a marriage is convalidated, the data concerning the convalidation
are to be placed in the usual columns. The date, place and assisting
minister of the original ceremony are to be noted in the “Notations”
When a marriage is sanated, the minister who submitted the petition for
sanation is responsible to see that the sanation is duly noted in the Marriage
Register of the parish where the marriage was originally recorded.
Catechumens and
Marriages of persons who are baptized or received into full communion
in the Catholic Church are not to be recorded in the Marriage Register,
unless the marriage is now being convalidated or sanated (in which
case, see above for convalidation or sanation). A notation concerning
the marriage is to be placed in the person’s baptismal record, in the
“Notations” column.
Notation of
When a dispensation is granted prior to marriage, or an annulment is
granted after marriage, the date, diocese and protocol number, along
with the type of dispensation (e.g., “Dispensation from Disparity of
Worship”) or the word “Annulment” (with the diocese granting and
protocol number), are to be noted in the “Notations” column (see
can. 1081). Any special recording directions contained in the
dispensation or annulment document are to be followed.
Notification of
Church of Baptism
When the marriage of a Catholic is celebrated, convalidated or sanated,
the pastor of the parish where the record of marriage is retained must
notify the church of baptism as soon as possible. This notification is to
include the names of the spouses and the date and place of the wedding,
convalidation or sanation; the names of the assisting minister and
witnesses are not required. Commercial vendors sell marriage
notification forms.
Each parish is required to maintain a file of the papers collected during
the period of marriage preparation. The file typically will include
prenuptial forms, questionnaires, correspondence, notes and dispensation
documents. A copy of the civil license also is retained in this file.
Ordinarily, the premarital file for each couple should be retained by the
parish where the marriage is recorded in the Marriage Register.
The file for each couple is to be kept in its own envelope or folder,
clearly marked with the parties’ names and the date of the marriage.
The files should be arranged in alphabetical or chronological order and
kept together in a locked file cabinet or safe.
The premarital files are to be retained for sixty years or until both
parties have died. Expired files are to be destroyed or otherwise
disposed of so that no one can gain access to them.
of File
If a legitimate request for the copy of the file is made by an
ecclesiastical tribunal, a photostatic copy of the file should be sent. The
original file should remain in the parish's archive. If the photocopy of
the original file is later returned, it should be destroyed.
Basic Process
For deaths when the funeral is celebrated in the parish or in the parish
boundaries, the following information is to be entered into the Death
Register (can. 1182):
1. the legal and Christian names of the deceased person;
2. the age of the deceased person;
3. the full name of the nearest living relative;
4. the residential address of the nearest living relative;
5. the date of death;
6. the date and place of interment.
Source of Data
The data needed for the Death Register is ordinarily provided by the
funeral director.
When the body has been cremated, no reference to the date or place of
cremation is made in the Death Register. However, the fact of
cremation should be noted as well as the date and place of the ashes’
Notification of
Church of Baptism
No notice of death needs to be sent to the church of baptism.
Can. 491 §1. A diocesan bishop is to take care that the acts and documents of the archives of
cathedral, collegiate, parochial, and other churches in his territory are also diligently
preserved and that inventories or catalogs are made in duplicate, one of which is to be
preserved in the archive of the church and the other in the diocesan archive.
§2. A diocesan bishop is also to take care that there is an historical archive in the diocese and
that documents having historical value are diligently protected and systematically ordered in
§3. In order to inspect or remove the acts and documents mentioned in §§1 and 2, the norms
established by the diocesan bishop are to be observed.
Can. 535 §l. Each parish is to have parochial registers, that is, those of baptisms, marriages, deaths,
and others as prescribed by the conference of bishops or the diocesan bishop. The pastor is to
see to it that these registers are accurately inscribed and carefully preserved.
§2. In the baptismal register are also to be noted confirmation and those things which pertain
to the canonical status of the Christian faithful by reason of marriage, without prejudice to the
prescript of can. 1133, of adoption, of the reception of sacred orders, of perpetual profession
made in a religious institute, and of change of rite. These notations are always to be noted on
a baptismal certificate.
§3. Each parish is to have its own seal. Documents regarding the canonical status of the
Christian faithful and all acts which can have juridic importance are to be signed by the
pastor or his delegate and sealed with the parochial seal.
§4. In each parish there is to be a storage area, or archive, in which the parochial registers are
protected along with letters of bishops and other documents which are to be preserved for
reason of necessity or advantage. The pastor is to take care that all of these things, which are
to be inspected by the diocesan bishop or his delegate at the time of visitation or at some
other opportune time, do not come into the hands of outsiders.
§5. Older parochial registers are also to be carefully protected according to the prescripts of
particular law.
Can. 876. To prove the conferral of baptism, if prejudicial to no one, the declaration of one witness
beyond all exception is sufficient or the oath of the one baptized if the person received
baptism as an adult.
Can. 894. To prove the conferral of confirmation the prescripts of can. 876 are to be observed.
Can. 1541. Unless contrary and evident arguments prove otherwise, public documents are to be
trusted concerning everything which they directly and principally affirm.
Can. 1573. The testimony of one witness cannot produce full proof unless it concerns a qualified
witness making a deposition concerning matters done ex officio, or unless the circumstances
of things and persons suggest otherwise.
Can. 296 §2 (CODE OF CANONS OF THE EASTERN CHURCHES). In the register of baptisms, a note is to
be made of the ascription of the baptized persons to a determined Church sui iuris in accord
with the norm of can. 37, of the administration of chrismation with holy myron…. These
annotations are always to be reported on the baptismal certificate.
Can. 852 §1. The prescripts of the canons on adult baptism are to be applied to all those who, no
longer infants, have attained the use of reason.
Can. 869 §2. Those baptized in a non-Catholic ecclesial community must not be baptized
conditionally unless, after an examination of the matter and the form of the words used in the
conferral of baptism and a consideration of the intention of the baptized adult and the
minister of the baptism, a serious reason exists to doubt the validity of the baptism.
Can. 870. An abandoned infant or a foundling is to be baptized unless after diligent investigation the
baptism of the infant is established.
Can. 873. There is to be only one male sponsor or one female sponsor or one of each.
Can. 874 §2. A baptized person who belongs to a non-Catholic ecclesial community is not to
participate except together with a Catholic sponsor and then only as a witness of the baptism.
Can. 877 §1. The pastor of the place where the baptism is celebrated must carefully and without
delay record in the baptismal register the names of the baptized, with mention made of the
minister, parents, sponsors, witnesses, if any, the place and date of the conferral of baptism,
and the date and place of birth.
§2. If it concerns a child born to an unmarried mother, the name of the mother must be
inserted, if her maternity is established publicly or if she seeks it willingly in writing or
before two witnesses. Moreover, the name of the father must be inscribed if a public
document or his own declaration before the pastor and two witnesses proves his paternity; in
other cases, the name of the baptized is inscribed with no mention of the name of the father or
the parents.
§3. If it concerns an adopted child, the names of those adopting are to be inscribed and, at
least if it is done in the civil records of the region, also the names of the natural parents
according to the norm of §§1 and 2, with due regard for the prescripts of the conference of
Can. 878. If the baptism was not administered by the pastor or in his presence, the minister of
baptism, whoever it is, must inform the pastor of the parish in which it was administered of
the conferral of the baptism, so that he records the baptism according to the norm of can. 877
Can. 1685. As soon as the sentence is executed, the judicial vicar must notify the local ordinary of
the place in which the marriage was celebrated. The local ordinary must take care that the
declaration of the nullity of the marriage and any possible prohibitions are noted as soon as
possible in the marriage and baptismal registers.
Can. 894. To prove the conferral of confirmation the prescripts of can. 876 are to be observed.
Can. 895. The names of those confirmed with mention made of the minister, the parents and
sponsors, and the place and date of the conferral of confirmation are to be recorded in the
confirmation register of the diocesan curia or, where the conference of bishops or the
diocesan bishop has prescribed it, in a register kept in the parish archive. The pastor must
inform the pastor of the place of baptism about the conferral of confirmation so that a
notation is made in the baptismal register according to the norm of can. 535 §2.
Can. 896. If the pastor of the place was not present, the minister either personally or through another
is to inform him as soon as possible of the conferral of confirmation.
Can. 1081. The pastor or the priest or deacon mentioned in can. 1079 §2 is to notify the local
ordinary immediately about a dispensation granted for the external forum; it is also to be
noted in the marriage register.
Can. 1121 §1. After a marriage has been celebrated, the pastor of the place of the celebration or the
person who takes his place, even if neither assisted at the marriage, is to note as soon as
possible in the marriage register the names of the spouses, the person who assisted, and the
witnesses, and the place and date of the celebration of the marriage according to the method
prescribed by the conference of bishops or the diocesan bishop.
Can. 1122 §1. The contracted marriage is to be noted also in the baptismal registers in which the
baptism of the spouses has been recorded.
Can. 1123. Whenever a marriage is either convalidated in the external forum, declared null, or
legitimately dissolved other than by death, the pastor of the place of the celebration of the
marriage must be informed so that a notation is properly made in the marriage and baptismal
Can. 1685. As soon as the sentence is executed, the judicial vicar must notify the local ordinary of
the place in which the marriage was celebrated. The local ordinary must take care that the
declaration of the nullity of the marriage and any possible prohibitions are noted as soon as
possible in the marriage and baptismal registers.
Can. 1182. When the burial has been completed, a record is to be made in the register of deaths
according to the norm of particular law.