DMFIRM #400231086 v10
and the
FISCAL YEARS 2022-2024
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 i DMFIRM #400231086 v10
DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLE, POLICIES, AND PURPOSES ................................................................... 1
ARTICLE 1 RECOGNITION .................................................................................................................. 1
ARTICLE 2 CHECK-OFF ....................................................................................................................... 1
ARTICLE 3 MANAGEMENT RIGHTS ...................................................................................................... 2
ARTICLE 4 NON-DISCRIMINATION ..................................................................................................... 2
ARTICLE 5 GRIEVANCE AND ARBITRATION PROCEDURE ..................................................................... 2
ARTICLE 6 LODGE REPRESENTATIVES ................................................................................................ 5
ARTICLE 7 VACATIONS, HOLIDAYS, DAYS OFF AND SPECIAL LEAVE .................................................... 5
ARTICLE 8 SAFETY ........................................................................................................................... 12
ARTICLE 9 HEALTH AND WELFARE .................................................................................................... 13
ARTICLE 10 OVERTIME AND HOURS OF WORK .................................................................................. 15
ARTICLE 11 COMPENSATION............................................................................................................. 20
ARTICLE 12 SECONDARY EMPLOYMENT ............................................................................................. 21
ARTICLE 13 COURT TIME .................................................................................................................. 23
ARTICLE 14 PROTECTION AGAINST LIABILITY ................................................................................... 23
ARTICLE 15 DISCIPLINE .................................................................................................................... 23
ARTICLE 16 UNIFORMS AND CLOTHING ............................................................................................ 30
ARTICLE 17 EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE PAY ....................................................................................... 30
ARTICLE 18 DISABILITY .................................................................................................................... 31
ARTICLE 19 JOINT LABOR-MANAGEMENT LIAISON COMMITTEE ......................................................... 31
ARTICLE 20 BULLETIN BOARDS AND COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................... 32
ARTICLE 21 ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE FOR LODGE REPRESENTATIVES ................................................ 32
ARTICLE 22 NO STRIKE, SECONDARY BOYCOTT OR LOCKOUT ........................................................... 33
ARTICLE 23 WORKING CONDITIONS ................................................................................................. 33
ARTICLE 24 PROMOTIONS AND TRANSFERS ...................................................................................... 35
ARTICLE 25 PROPERTY REIMBURSEMENT .......................................................................................... 36
ARTICLE 26 MEDICAL LEAVE POLICY ................................................................................................. 37
ARTICLE 27 LAYOFFS ........................................................................................................................ 43
ARTICLE 28 PERSONAL PRONOUNS ................................................................................................... 44
ARTICLE 29 PRESERVATION OF BENEFITS ......................................................................................... 44
ARTICLE 30 PRINTING OF MEMORANDUM ......................................................................................... 44
ARTICLE 31 SEVERABILITY ............................................................................................................... 44
ARTICLE 32 DURATION ..................................................................................................................... 44
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ADDENDUM A Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement ...................................................... 46
ADDENDUM B Salary Schedules – Unit I ............................................................................................. 68
ADDENDUM C Secondary Employment ............................................................................................... 72
ADDENDUM D Reasonable Suspicion For Drug Testing While Investigating Cases Of Deadly Force ......... 73
ADDENDUM E Payment For Court Appearances (Retired Police Officers) .............................................. 74
ADDENDUM F Breaking Ties For Promotions ....................................................................................... 75
ADDENDUM G Retiree Health Care Premiums ..................................................................................... 76
ADDENDUM H Recruitment and Training ............................................................................................ 77
ADDENDUM I Grievance and Arbitration and Discipline ........................................................................ 78
ADDENDUM J Civilians on Hearing Boards .......................................................................................... 79
ADDENDUM K Limited/Light Duty ....................................................................................................... 84
ADDENDUM L Patrol Incentive Program .............................................................................................. 88
ADDENDUM M Patrol Schedule........................................................................................................... 89
ADDENDUM N Mission Critical Stipend ................................................................................................ 91
ADDENDUM O Tuition Reimbursement ............................................................................................... 92
ADDENDUM P Joint Labor Management Cost Containment Committee ................................................. 93
ADDENDUM Q Defining Seniority ....................................................................................................... 94
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 1 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
It is the intent and purpose of the Baltimore City Lodge No. 3, Fraternal Order of
Police, Inc. (“Lodge”) and the Baltimore City Police Department (“Employer” or
“Department”) to promote and improve the efficiency of the operations of the City of
Baltimore and the Baltimore Police Department. In order to render the most efficient
public service to the citizens of the City, the Lodge and Employer agree that this goal can
best be achieved through an orderly, constructive and harmonious relationship between
them. The parties hereto are in further accord that effective employee relations in the
public service requires a clear statement of wages, hours and working conditions and of
the respective rights and obligations of labor and management and requires a mechanism
for the peaceful and equitable resolution of differences which may arise. For these
purposes the parties enter into this Memorandum of Understanding (“Memorandum”).
Pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Employees Relations Ordinance, Article
12 of the Baltimore City Code (1983 Replacement Volume, as amended) and the Code of
Public Local Laws of Baltimore City, Section 16-8A, the Employer recognizes Baltimore
City Lodge No. 3, Fraternal Order of Police, Inc. as the sole and exclusive representative
of Unit I, all sworn police personnel below the rank of Sergeant, with the exception of (a)
those employees determined to be confidential by the Labor Commissioner in accordance
with the Municipal Employees Relations Ordinance and (b) probationary employees.
Solely for the purposes of this Memorandum and Lodge membership and representation,
“probationary employee” means any sworn employee who has not completed entrance
level training, and this in no way modifies the probationary period as defined in Section
16-10 (e) (2) of the Code of Public Local Laws of Baltimore City or the Law Enforcement
Officers’ Bill of Rights, which remains in effect through June 30, 2022. For the purposes
of this Memorandum of Understanding, all police officers, police agents, and flight officers
in the Police Department shall be referred to as “employees or “members of the
bargaining unit.”
The Employer agrees to deduct Lodge dues from the pay of any eligible employee
whom it is certified to represent and who authorizes such deductions in writing pursuant
to the provisions of the Municipal Employees Relations Ordinance. The Employer shall
transmit all such monies withheld to the Lodge within fourteen (14) days of said
deduction. The Employer agrees to supply the Lodge or its designee with a dues
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 2 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
deduction computer printout on a quarterly basis throughout the term of this
Memorandum. Said printout shall include each individual's name, address, workplace,
annual salary, and amount deducted per pay period. Charges for deducting the cost of
Lodge-sponsored programs, if any, shall be in accordance with city-wide policies currently
in effect.
Such authorization shall be continued from year to year unless revoked in writing
by the employee, thirty (30) days prior to the anniversary date of the authorization.
The Lodge shall indemnify and save the Employer harmless from any and all
claims, grievances, actions, suits or other forms of liability or damages that arise out of
or by reason of the disposition of the funds deducted under this Article as soon as they
have been remitted by the City to the Lodge.
Pursuant to the Municipal Employees Relations Ordinance, no other employee
organization, within the meaning of Baltimore City Code, Article 12, Section 1-1(e)(1),
shall be entitled to check off dues.
Subject to the provisions of this Memorandum, the Employer shall have all of the
rights set forth in Article 12, Section 3-2 of the Baltimore City Code (1983 Replacement
Volume, as amended), Article II, Section 27 of the Baltimore City Charter (1996 Edition)
and the Code of Public Local Laws of Baltimore City, Subtitle 16, Police Department, which
provisions are incorporated herein by reference.
The provisions of this Memorandum shall be applied equally to all employees in
the bargaining unit for which the Lodge is the certified representative without
discrimination as to age, sex, marital status, race, creed, color, national origin, political
affiliation, disability as defined in the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), or sexual
A. Subject to any limitation of existing law, any grievance, defined in the Municipal
Employees Relations Ordinance Article 12, Section 1-1(g) as a dispute concerning the
application or interpretation of the terms of this Memorandum of Understanding or a
claimed violation, misrepresentation or misapplication of the rules or regulations of the
Employer affecting the terms and conditions of employment, may be settled in the
following manner:
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A grievance may be initially filed orally with the aggrieved employee's immediate
supervisor within thirty (30) calendar days from the event or when the aggrieved
employee should have reasonably known of the grievance. The designated Lodge
Representative may represent the employee in presenting the grievance. The
parties shall attempt to resolve the grievance informally. Consultation with second
level supervision is permissible provided all parties agree.
If not resolved at Step 1, the grievance shall be filed in writing with the District
Section, or Unit Commander. (The “Sections” or “Units” referred to in this
paragraph are the Police Commissioner's Staff, Divisions, and Sections, the Staff,
Sections, and Units of the Deputy Commissioners, and the Sections within the
Neighborhood Patrol Division, Criminal Investigation Division, Administrative
Bureau, Public Integrity Bureau, and Compliance Bureau). The writing shall state
generally the substance of the grievance and identify the aggrieved employee.
The parties shall meet within seven (7) days of the filing of the grievance at this
step to discuss its substance. The District or Unit Commander shall give his
decision in writing within seven (7) working days after the aforesaid meeting.
If not resolved at Step 2, the grievance may be presented to the relevant Division
Chief or Deputy Commissioner (Neighborhood Patrol Division, Criminal
Investigation Division, Administrative Bureau, Public Integrity Bureau, and
Compliance Bureau), who shall meet with the designated Lodge Representative
and the aggrieved party within ten (10) working days after the grievance has been
denied, and shall give his answer in writing within ten (10) working days of this
Special Provision - STEP 3:
Within thirty (30) days of an alleged grievance, the Lodge is authorized to present
said grievance at this step if the grievance affects a significant number of
employees in more than one (1) District, Section, or Unit. Should this provision
be used, the relevant Division Chief or Deputy Commissioner will meet with the
Lodge Representative(s) within ten (10) working days of the filing of said grievance
and will provide, in writing, an answer within fourteen (14) days following the
aforementioned meeting.
If the grievance is not resolved at Step 3, the grievance may be presented to the
Police Commissioner or designee who shall meet with the designated Lodge
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 4 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
Representative(s) within ten (10) working days of the denial and shall give his
response within fourteen (14) working days of the meeting.
a) If a grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved at Step 4, the
Lodge may, within ten (10) working days of the completion of Step 4,
initiate arbitration by written notice to the Police Commissioner and the
Labor Commissioner of the Lodge's decision to arbitrate.
b) Within five (5) working days after receipt of the notice, the parties
shall attempt to agree upon an arbitrator. If such attempts fail, within ten
(10) working days after receipt of a panel of seven (7) names obtained from
the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service upon the request of either
party, the parties shall alternately strike names from that panel until one
(1) name remains. That person shall be the arbitrator.
c) Briefs shall be filed only if the arbitrator determines they are
d) The arbitrator's decision shall be final and binding on all parties.
e) The Employer cannot present a grievance to the arbitration step.
f) The cost of any arbitration proceedings under this Memorandum
shall be equally divided between the Department and the Lodge.
g) Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays shall not be counted in
computing time limits.
B. The Lodge shall be the exclusive representative in all grievance matters, except
that an employee may represent themself as provided in Section 4-1(d) of the Municipal
Employees Relations Ordinance, and except that if a grievance has not been resolved in
Step 1, an aggrieved employee may request, upon notice in writing within five (5)
calendar days after conclusion of Step 1, that the grievance be submitted to the Personnel
Service Board in accordance with the provisions of Section 16 of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Baltimore City. If the employee makes such a request, he shall be deemed to
have waived his right to have his grievance processed through Steps 2-4 hereof. Section
4-1(d) of the Municipal Employees Relations Ordinance shall apply to any adjustment of
an employee's grievance by the Department or the Personnel Service Board pursuant to
this paragraph.
C. All grievances in writing shall be filed on a form developed jointly by both parties.
The grieving party shall retain a copy of the grievance form submitted.
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D. It is agreed that the arbitrator is not empowered to hear, reverse, remand, set
aside or in any way modify a judgment in a disciplinary proceeding. Such judgment shall
continue to be appealable only in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Law
Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights, which remains in effect through June 30, 2022, or
the Maryland Police Accountability Act of 2021 - Police Discipline and Law Enforcement
Programs and Procedures, HB 670 (“HB 670”), Section 3-106 (I) and (J).
A. The Lodge may appoint representatives in the Department as follows:
One (1) in each District of the Neighborhood Patrol Division
One (1) in the Special Operations Section or Special Services Section
One (1) in the Criminal Investigations Division
One (1) in the Public Integrity Bureau or the Compliance Bureau
One (1) in the Administrative Bureau
One (1) Employee at Large
B. A written list of Lodge Representatives shall be furnished to the Department
immediately after their designation and the Lodge shall notify the Department promptly
of any change of such representatives.
C. After appropriate notice to his Commanding Officer, a Lodge Representative shall
be granted reasonable time off during working hours with pay when he is engaged in
processing (investigating and presenting) a grievance under Article ARTICLE 55 of this
Memorandum, and where it will not interfere with the operations of the Department.
Leave, for the purposes of this Article, is defined as:
1. Vacation Leave (V Hours)
2. Holiday Leave (P Hours)
3. Scheduled Days Off (H days)
4. Compensatory Leave (C Hours)
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1. Leave requested from November 1 to December 10 for the next
calendar year. Employees requesting leave for the next calendar year from November 1
to December 10 shall designate all Vacation (V Hours), Holiday Leave (P Hours), and
accrued Compensatory Leave (C Hours) as of the request date to be taken. All leave
requests shall not be unreasonably denied. Leave requests submitted between November
1 to December 10 as part of the calendar year leave request process shall be granted on
the basis of seniority within rank. Any leave requests submitted pursuant to this Section
which have not been approved or denied as of December 20 shall be deemed approved.
All H Days connected to leave submitted and approved pursuant to this Section shall
receive the same protections from cancellation as said leave.
2. Leave requested for a calendar year in which leave selections
already have closed. Employee requests for Vacation Leave, Holiday Leave, and
accrued Compensatory Leave for a calendar year in which the bidding has already closed
shall be granted on a first come, first served basis. Such leave shall be approved or denied
by the employee’s immediate permanent ranked supervisor, or by the permanent ranked
person filling that position during such supervisor’s absence, within ten (10) days of
submission. All leave requests shall not be unreasonably denied. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, it is agreed that it is reasonable to deny leave if granting it would take the
shift below the shift constant (the shift constant in effect will be publicized to affected
employees). Any documented requests for Vacation Leave, Holiday Leave, or accrued
Compensatory Leave which have not been approved or denied within 10 days of the
submission shall be deemed approved.
3. In those instances where a senior police officer puts in for vacation leave
and subsequently withdraws same and then decides to resubmit a request for the same
leave days on or before December 10, said leave shall be granted unless another police
officer has already submitted a leave request for the same dates, regardless of the
officer’s seniority.
4. See Article 10D-10F for additional provisions governing leave bidding.
1. Employees shall be granted the same number of vacation hours as in the
past and consistent with the schedule which is set forth in the Administrative Manual. The
rate of vacation leave accrual is based upon the eligible employee's length of continuous
service and is earned at a set rate for each completed month of service.
For FY 2022 leave bidding, prior to the language in Sections B1-B3 of this Article taking effect, the
parties agreed, given the contract settlement date, to a modified schedule for FY22 leave bidding, as
provided in the parties Amendment to the MOA, executed on January 10, 2022.
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 7 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
For reference purposes, the present vacation schedule is as follows:
0 through 5 8.5 102
6 through 10 10.625 127.5
11 through 13 12.75 153
14 through 18 14.875 178.5
19 or more 17 204
Employees shall be charged 8.5 vacation hours when they take off a work day.
2. Employees’ current vacation buckets will be allowed to go into the negative
by one year’s worth of vacation hours. Employees may use such vacation consistent with
usual scheduling practices. (If an employee leaves employment during the year and uses
more vacation for the year than has been accrued, the employee will be required to
reimburse the City for such used vacation.)
a. Vacation Leave scheduled and approved prior to December 10
be cancelled only in the event of an extreme emergency declared by the Police
Commissioner or the Commissioner's designee or when otherwise directed by the
Police Commissioner.
These criteria shall also be followed for any other type of leave (P Hours or
H Days) which is obviously scheduled in conjunction with Vacation Leave.
b. Regardless of date scheduled and approved, a paid vacation leave
period (V hours, P hours, or C hours) in a block equal to the total number of hours
worked between the employee’s scheduled H days shall be cancelled only in the
event of an extreme emergency declared by the Police Commissioner or the
Commissioner's designee or when otherwise directed by the Police Commissioner.
This shall also apply to any H days taken in conjunction with the vacation period.
3. It is not the intent of Section C.2 to preclude an employee from making a
vacation period using more than 17 P hours. However, this type of vacation period would
not receive the same protection against cancellation as that described in Section C.2.
4. The Vacation Leave accumulation bank for bargaining unit employees is
1,642 hours including any previously accrued K hours through June 30, 2000.
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, under no circumstances shall any hours
be accrued beyond 1,642 hours for any reason after December 31st of any calendar year.
5. Effective January 1, 2015, vacation leave accumulation for all current
employees shall be capped at 1,063 hours. Employees who have already accrued 1,642
vacation leave hours or a number between 1,063 and 1,642 accumulated vacation leave
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 8 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
hours as of January 1, 2015 shall maintain those hours. Employees hired after January
1, 2015 may accumulate up to 383 vacation leave hours.
Employees will be provided with Holiday Leave hours equal to 13 holidays (or 14
holidays in a congressional election year), with the Holiday Leave provided to employees
at the commencement of the calendar year this will be the equivalent to 111 P hours
(or 119.5 P hours in a congressional election year).
Holiday Leave is available for use throughout the calendar year and may be
scheduled through the annual leave bidding process, if the employee chooses to do so.
If, due to Department operational needs, an employee’s Holiday Leave is cancelled by
the Department and the employee is unable to reschedule such leave during the same
calendar year, it will be paid out after the calendar year in which it was earned and
unused at the employee’s straight time rate of pay.
Holiday Leave is not subject to accrual, accumulation or payment at separation
from service. If an employee separates from service for any reason, the employee will
be required to pay back Holiday Leave used on a pro rata basis, which may be deducted
from any final leave payout and/or their final pay. For purposes of determining pro rata
repayment, a holiday shall be deemed “earned” on the day the holiday is normally
observed as designated by the General Orders and/or the Labor Commissioner. Example:
If an employee has used thirteen holidays and the employee separates on October 31,
the employee shall be required to repay three holidays (Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and
Christmas Day).
Employees who work on the actual day for Thanksgiving, Christmas and/or New
Year's shall be paid an additional four (4) hours compensation.
In the event two (2) or more employees have scheduled and approved Holiday
Leave on the same day and it becomes necessary to cancel said leave, the last requested
leave shall be the first cancelled, unless the employees agree otherwise.
1. Cancellation and Rescinded Cancellation of H Days
a. If an employee receives notice of the cancellation of their H Day,
which is not being taken in conjunction with approved leave, as provided in Section
B.1 and C.2.b of this Article, the employee shall receive four (4) hours of pay
(hereinafter “penalty pay”). The penalty shall apply even if the cancellation of the
H Day is rescinded by the Department. If the cancellation is rescinded, and the
employee is not compelled to work, the relief for the rescinded cancellation is
limited to the penalty pay.
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 9 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
b. If the employee is compelled to work on their H Day due to a
cancellation, in addition to the penalty pay, the employee shall be entitled to
reschedule the substitute day off within the same work period as the originally
scheduled H Day, subject to manpower constraints, as follows. If the employee
can reschedule the substituted day off on the same day of the week as the
cancelled H Day, he/she shall take that day off. If the employee is unable to
reschedule the substituted day off on the same day of the week within the same
work period, the employee shall have the option either of taking the substituted
day off or receiving pay for the cancelled day at his/her regular rate of pay for the
H Day that was forfeited in addition to the penalty pay discussed above.
c. In order to avoid cancellation of H Days for all employees, the
Department may cancel H Days only for certain employees or classes of
2. An employee retains the option to request a change in his or her regularly
scheduled H days within the twenty-eight (28) day work period. His or her immediate
supervisor may grant the request. In that circumstance, the above provisions of this
Section shall not apply.
3. Regardless of the foregoing Section 1, the Employer shall have the right to
designate five (5) days for each subsequent calendar year on which all H days will be
considered cancelled. For 2022, this designation will take place on or after January 21
(immediately following the close of the 2022 vacation period), and for 2023 and
thereafter, it will take place on or after December 21 (immediately following the close of
the December 20 vacation period). Employees working on such H days will be paid time
and one-half for working such days but shall have no right to take the day off. The only
exception to this provision shall be for those employees who have scheduled vacation
leave (and any H days in conjunction with that vacation) during the annual scheduling
period, who shall not have their vacation leave or H days cancelled on the days designated
in this Section 3.
An employee's scheduled days off or approved leave shall not be changed or
cancelled solely for the purpose of avoiding the payment of overtime, over the objection
of the employee. This provision shall not apply if such day is cancelled for operational
Changes or cancellation of leave as covered in Sections B, C, and D shall not apply
in cases of voluntary transfers, voluntary reassignments, promotions or disciplinary
actions. Sections B, C, and D of this Article cover involuntary transfers and involuntary
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 10 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
reassignments. In cases of promotions only, Section B.1 dealing with vacation leave
which has been scheduled and approved prior to December 10
, shall apply.
When it becomes necessary, for operational reasons, to cancel previously scheduled
and/or approved leave, the following order of priority for cancellation shall be adhered
1. C Hours – Compensatory Leave
2. P Hours - Holiday Leave
3. V Hours – Vacation Leave
4. H Day – Scheduled Day Off
An employee shall be granted four (4) consecutive work days of leave of absence
with pay for the death of a member of the employee's immediate family. The immediate
family includes: Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Spouse, registered domestic partner (as
defined by the Baltimore City Code, provided the name of the domestic partner is filed
on record with the Baltimore City Department of Personnel in advance), Child,
Grandparent, Grandchild, Mother-in-law, Father-in-law, step or half-blood relatives, or
any relative residing in the same household as the employee. These four (4) days of
leave will be granted beginning either on the day of death or the work day immediately
following the day of death, at the employee's request. In the event that funeral
arrangements are delayed because of out-of-town travel or other extenuating
circumstances, the four (4) consecutive work-day requirement shall be waived. The
employee shall also be granted four (4) consecutive work days of leave of absence with
pay in the event of a stillborn birth.
One (1) day's leave of absence will be authorized for the death of the employee's
Aunt, Uncle, or Great Grandparent
This one (1) day leave of absence must be taken
within four (4) calendar days of the date of death.
Employees in the Unit shall be eligible for leave under the Family and Medical
Leave Act (“FMLA”) for birth of an employee’s child. The employee shall be permitted to
use any accrued vacation or personal leave hours, banked days, P hours, VMI hours,
compensatory leave hours and 42.5 accrued sick leave hours up to a maximum of twelve
(12) weeks of FMLA leave. Time off granted in accordance with this provision will be
considered leave days pursuant to the Agency’s FMLA policy. This leave shall be granted
unless the Police Commissioner shall declare a public emergency requiring the
cancellation of all leave throughout the agency for a stated period of time after which the
affected employee shall be returned to paid leave as described herein.
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Within sixty (60) calendar days of an employee’s effective date of retirement, said
employee shall have the right to schedule up to sixty (60) calendar days of terminal leave,
excluding scheduled days off, using accrued and unused compensatory or vacation leave
that otherwise would be paid out at termination. Any leave time that would not be paid
out at termination is not eligible for use in this terminal leave period.
Subject to approval by the employee’s Commanding Officer, an employee with
banked vacation leave may transfer up to 17 vacation hours per calendar year to another
Unit employee (donee) who is experiencing a personal hardship, providing the following
conditions are met:
1. The donee has exhausted all of his/her accrued leave including Vacation,
Personal Leave, K hours (while applicable) and VMI hours.
2. The transfer of leave pursuant to this section is strictly a donation. Leave
may not be transferred in exchange for cash or other remuneration.
3. The donee must be experiencing a hardship for which the transfer of leave
provides relief.
4. All leave transferred pursuant to this section is an irrevocable transfer.
5. A donee may receive no more than 255 transferred hours in any one
calendar year.
6. Use of donated leave by employees on suspension or termination is not
Notwithstanding the above provisions, the Police Commissioner will exercise sole
authority as to the continuance of this section and may terminate this program upon 30
days written notice to the bargaining unit and any affected personnel.
M. Payment for Unused Leave
Upon resignation, termination of employment or retirement from the Department,
employees shall be paid in full for any accumulated vacation and personal leave at their
regular rate of pay.
N. Medical Leave Bank
The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Medical Leave Bank hereinafter referred to as
“the Bank” will continue in effect. Membership in the Bank will be voluntary for all
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 12 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
employees hired after June 25, 1997. All new employees who request membership in the
bank will be assessed 8.5 hours of medical leave for deposit in the Bank.
An employee in the bargaining unit may receive a grant from the Bank only after:
1. Filing an application with the Medical Leave Bank Committee.
2. Submitting satisfactory medical evidence of the illness or injury.
3. Submitting evidence of having exhausted all accumulated leave.
The Board of Directors of the Bank shall be composed of two (2) representatives of the
FOP appointed by the FOP President and two (2) representatives of the Employer
appointed by the Police Commissioner.
New employees must join the Bank within the first thirty (30) days after completion of
their entrance level training or lose their right to join until the next contribution period.
Employees may relinquish their membership in the Bank at any time; if they do so,
however, they will lose their contribution in the Bank and will not be allowed to join again
until the next contribution period.
All contributions will remain in force and cannot be returned even upon cancellation of
Unused medical leave days in the bank at the end of the year shall be carried over to the
next year.
On or before April 1, 2012, the Labor Commissioner will convene a labor-management
committee to establish an audit system which will keep accurate records of the number
of days in the leave bank and to otherwise monitor activities of the medical leave bank.
For a detailed description of the Bank please refer to the brochure entitled “Baltimore City
FOP Medical Leave Bank”.
A. The Employer and the Lodge will cooperate in the enforcement of safety. Any
concerns or suggestions regarding safety may be directed to the Joint Labor-Management
Liaison Committee.
B. The Employer shall replace any bullet proof vest issued to an employee in the Unit
immediately upon its mandatory replacement date as determined by the manufacturer of
the vest. Additionally, all radio batteries shall be replaced immediately upon the
expiration date as specified by the manufacturer of the battery and/or the battery is
determined to be defective by a Departmental Supervisor of any rank.
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A. The parties recognize, and agree to, the Third Health and Prescription Drug Plan
Agreement, as approved by the Board of Estimates, on June 27, 2018, which is attached
hereto in Addendum A, along with the accompanying exhibits, and which shall remain in
effect as provided therein, until a successor agreement is submitted to, and approved by,
the Board of Estimates. The parties recognize that the Third Health and Prescription Drug
Plan Agreement shall need to be amended and modified through bargaining conducted
among all participating unions during the term of this Agreement.
B. Effective January 1, 2008, the Employer reserves the right to adjust the percentage
of the retiree’s contribution for those employees who retire with less than twenty (20)
years of service on or after January 1, 2008. This provision shall not apply to any
employee who receives disability retirement benefit.
C. During the term of this Memorandum, the Department will continue in effect the
stress management program providing services related thereto at no or nominal cost for
employees and family members affected by the employees' job-related stress problems;
except that if the provider contract is put up for bids, the bid specifications will be subject
to the approval of both the Lodge and the Department prior to their submission to the
Bureau of Purchases or Board of Estimates. In the event the Lodge or the Department
is dissatisfied with the selection of the provider or the content of the specifications
promulgated by the Board of Estimates, the Lodge and the Department shall jointly
appeal to the Board of Estimates.
D. The waiver form will continue to limit the waiver disclosure of the doctor's opinion
and such facts as shall, in his professional judgment, be necessary to comport with
professional standards while protecting the patient's privacy.
E. The face value of the death benefit for active employees shall be equivalent to the
employee’s annual salary at time of death. The retiree death benefit is $7,000.00.
The Employer agrees to provide the Lodge with copies of the proposed bidding
specifications for the City's prescription drug program providers for the Lodge's review
and comment. The parties will meet and confer with a view to reaching an agreement
over a workable provision that would enable participants to obtain proprietary drugs
under the program, when expressly prescribed by the treating physician as medically
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The Employer will continue to administer the Section 125 Plan whereby the
employees’ contributions to health care, vision, and prescription programs would be
excluded from Federal and State taxes.
H. The Employer shall remit an annual payment of $650 (to be paid bi-weekly) to
each employee who, with satisfactory proof of alternative health insurance coverage
received in another plan, elects not to take any coverage under a City Health Care Plan.
If, after waiving coverage under any City Health Care Plan, the employee loses coverage
due to the death of a spouse or other person who is a source of coverage, divorce, loss
of employment or deletion of benefits (or such other qualifying event as determined by
the Employee Benefits Division), the employee may enroll in a City Health Care Plan and
consequently relinquish the waiver payment. The employee must notify the City's
Employee Benefits Division within thirty (30) days after a qualifying event occurs in order
to enroll in a City Health Care Plan. The Employer shall apportion the payment should
an employee either enter or leave a City Health Care Plan within a calendar year.
I. An employee shall be entitled to a Hospital Bill Audit Gain sharing payment of
% of an overpayment (or other billing error resulting in an overpayment to the health
care provider), up to a maximum of $500 to the employee for each incident. In order to
qualify for the Gain sharing payment, the employee must: (a) identify an overpayment of
more than $250 (in the aggregate) in a hospital bill that is presented to an employee or
his or her dependent and (b) notify the City's Employee Benefits Division of the error
within thirty (30) days after receipt of an Explanation of Benefits from the Health Plan.
Payment shall be due and made only if the error is verified and the amount overpaid
actually is recovered to the City's benefit.
J. The Employer will provide continued health care coverage at active employee rates
for benefit-eligible survivors (spouses and eligible dependents) of those employees who
were enrolled in City health care plans and were killed in the line of duty at any time prior
to or subsequent to January 1, 1995. If survivors or enrolled dependents become eligible
for Medicare, they must enroll in the City retiree health care plan for coverage.
K. Unmarried dependents shall be covered by Employer’s Prescription Drug and Vision
Care Programs until the end of the calendar year the dependents reach age 26.
L. Optical Plan
Optical plan benefits shall apply to current and future retirees, widows, and
dependents. The plan shall include an eye exam every twenty-four months and
prescription glasses, if needed.
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A. Hours of Work and Overtime for Non-Neighborhood Patrol Division
The work period for non-patrol employees shall be 28 days.
1. The work schedule for employees not assigned to the Neighborhood Patrol
Division shall be based on the total number of work days assigned in their schedule, as
created in Subsection 4 below, per calendar workweek (Sunday to Saturday) at 8.50
hours (8 hours and 30 minutes) per day. All time worked in excess of 8 hours and 30
minutes per day shall be compensated at overtime rates.
2. The workday for employees in non-patrol assignments shall consist of eight
and a half (8.5) hour tours of duty, with shift start and stop times established by the unit.
All time worked in excess of eight and a half (8.5) hours shall be compensated at overtime
3. Roll call will begin at the start of the eight and a half (8.5) hour tour of duty.
Accordingly, employees in Non-Neighborhood Patrol Division Assignments shall be
compensated for 8.50 hours each day, including a 1/2 hour paid lunch.
4. The Department shall create non-patrol schedules, setting H-days and shift
hours, within the following parameters: (i) non-patrol schedules shall not exceed 2,074
working hours per calendar year; (ii) no less than 45% of regular weekly H-Days are
weekends (consecutive Saturdays and Sundays); (iii) non-patrol employees shall have off
at least two (2) weekends in a 28-day period; (iv) no non-patrol schedule shall have more
than five consecutive workdays; and (v) the non-patrol schedule shall have no more than
one (1) standalone H-Day in a 28-day period. All other H-days must be connected to at
least one other H-Day.
While the Department is operating Patrol on the 5/2-5/3 schedule, it has the
discretion to use the same schedule for non-patrol units without regard to the parameters
set forth in Section A.Error! Reference source not found. to 4 of this Article.
B. Hours of Work and Overtime for Neighborhood Patrol Division
1. The work schedule for employees in the Neighborhood Patrol Division
assigned to patrol duties shall be four (4) or five (5) days of work depending on the
rotation of the schedule in a calendar workweek (Sunday to Saturday) at 8.50 hours (8
hours and 30 minutes) per day. All time worked in excess of 8 hours and 30 minutes per
day shall be compensated at overtime rates.
2. The work period for patrol employees shall be 28 days.
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 16 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
3. There shall be three (3) leave groups from which H days shall be
4. The eight and a half (8.5) hour tour of duty shall consist of a fifteen (15)
minute period for roll call at the beginning of the tour and a fifteen (15) minute period at
the end of the tour for administrative, training or deployment time as determined at the
discretion of the patrol shift commander.
5. The number of officers assigned to each shift shall be at the sole discretion
of the Baltimore City Police Department, through the authority of the Police
6. The Police Commissioner shall have the right to modify or change the patrol
schedule and/or the start and stop times of the shifts based on community and
departmental interests, provided that any modified schedule must remain in effect for a
period of no less than twenty-four (24) months. Any changes to the patrol schedule shall
occur on or about January 1, to coincide with the first 28-day period after the new year.
To modify the schedule, the Police Commissioner must formally announce the
modification of the patrol schedule prior to July 1. At least sixty (60) calendar days before
the July 1 announcement of a schedule change, the Police Commissioner or his/her
designee(s) shall meet and solicit feedback from the Lodge.
7. These provisions shall also apply to any non-patrol unit that follows the
Neighborhood Patrol Division schedule as defined in Subsection (1) of this Section.
C. Provisions Applicable to All Assignments
1. All days and hours of paid leave shall be treated as hours worked.
2. The Employer shall not vary or rearrange an employee's scheduled tour of
duty hours to avoid the payment of overtime when hours of overtime are previously
worked unless agreed to at the sole option of the employee.
3. Employees of the Bargaining Unit required to attend roll call preparation as
officers in charge (“OIC”) will receive compensation at their appropriate overtime rate.
4. Mandatory Overtime Assignments.
a. In the event that the Department shall find it necessary to mandate
that a Unit employee work in an overtime capacity that is not contiguous with an
employee's regularly scheduled shift, the Department shall make every effort to
solicit volunteers from within the employee's unit of assignment to work mandated
overtime assignments.
b. In the event that there are insufficient volunteers, the Department
agrees to permit a reasonable number of employees to be exempt from working
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 17 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
mandatory overtime on the basis of exigent circumstances including, but not
limited to, family illness, attendance at educational classes, approved secondary
employment, pre-paid social events, etc.
c. When drafting employees in patrol assignments to work additional
hours, after all other options have been exhausted, the following procedure shall
be followed:
(i) Consult the Shift Seniority List and select the number
of employees needed to fill shortages, beginning with the least senior
(ii) Once selected for additional hours, the employee shall
then be rotated to the bottom of the list. The next employee on the list (not
on approved leave) shall then become the first employee to be selected for
the next assignment of additional hours.
(iii) No employee shall be selected to work additional hours
at the conclusion of his or her last scheduled tour of duty before any
scheduled day off.
(iv) No employee shall be drafted to work more than four
(4) hours beyond his/her scheduled tour of duty.
(v) No employee shall be drafted on consecutive days.
(vi) Where feasible, employees of the on-duty shift will be
notified at roll call that they are being drafted to work additional hours, or,
in the case of a medical call-out at any time during the employee’s tour of
duty, notice will be provided within a reasonable period of time.
5. In the event an employee in a Neighborhood Patrol Division assignment is
drafted to work overtime in contravention of one or more of the circumstances set forth
in sections 4.c(ii)–4.c(vi) above, that employee shall be granted immunity from being
drafted in the twenty-one (21) consecutive calendar days following the date of the
infraction. It is agreed, however, that any immunity pursuant to this provision shall not
be triggered, and shall not bar overtime drafting, in connection with any extreme
emergency unrelated to drafting (
, civil disturbance). For purposes of this section,
an extreme emergency means the Police Commissioner or the Commissioner’s designee
has declared or otherwise directed that an extreme emergency exists. It is understood
that this section shall not apply in the event of cancellation of an H-Day, which is governed
by Article 7E.
6. Changes to the employee's scheduled work hours with less than forty-eight
(48) hours’ notice from the start of the originally scheduled shift shall entitle the affected
employee to the payment of two (2) additional hours compensation at the employee's
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 18 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
regular rate of pay for each shift worked with less than the required forty-eight (48)
hours’ notice.
D. Schedule Bidding
1. All officers, in Patrol and Non-Patrol, will bid on their schedule and leave
2. Bidding is based on seniority in grade. Officers currently on a permanent
midnight shift shall have preference to stay on midnight shift.
3. Seniority shall be defined as reflected in Addendum Q.
4. The Department shall determine the number of slots available in each shift
and leave group.
5. No transfers can occur during the shift bidding period (September 21 -
October 8) or during the vacation leave book period (November 1 - December 10), except
for transfers due to limited duty status, EEO issues, discipline, demotion, promotion, or
assignment from field training.
6. The Department will maintain and make available for inspection a seniority
7. Shift bidding occurs annually.
8. Time Line of Schedule and Shift Selection
a. August 1: The Department furnishes a seniority list for employees
to review.
b. September 1: The seniority list is finalized and published.
c. September 15: Available schedules are provided to employees.
d. September 21 to October 8: Shift Bid occurs.
e. October 15: Employees are notified of their schedules.
f. November 1: Leave book period begins. See Article 7B.
For FY 2022 schedule bidding, prior to the language in Section D of this Article taking effect, the
parties agreed given the contract settlement date, to a modified schedule for FY22 schedule bidding,
as provided in the parties Amendment to the MOA, executed on January 10, 2022.
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 19 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
E. Post Shift Bid Schedule Rules
1. If both employees in the same command and job assignment voluntarily
agree to switch shifts and/or leave groups, they may request the switch, which is subject
to commander approval which shall not be unreasonably withheld. A Commander must
provide a reason for denial in writing stating the justification.
2. Prior to the assignment of new officers to a shift and/or leave group, the
District Commander must give officers in the same command and job assignment the
option of filling those shift and leave positions, giving preference to those that were
involuntarily transferred from the shift and then based on seniority.
3. The Department cannot change an employee’s schedule during the year,
unless the employee is moved to a new assignment. In the case of an involuntary transfer
due to a significant imbalance which exists between shifts, due to resignations,
retirements, promotions, or illness/injury, see subparagraphs 4 and 5 below.
4. In the event a documented significant imbalance between shifts is identified
by command, due to resignations, retirements, promotions, or illness/injury, the District
Commander must first solicit volunteers within the same command and job assignment
to change shifts and leave groups. The Commander will select volunteers based on those
that were involuntarily transferred from the shift and then based on seniority and
qualifications. If a volunteer is denied the Commander must provide a written justification
for the denial.
5. In the event there are not sufficient volunteers to correct an imbalance, the
Department may involuntarily transfer employees to remedy the significant imbalance,
subject to the following restrictions:
a. Involuntary transfers must occur in inverse seniority order, i.e. least senior
employee first.
b. An employee involuntarily transferred under this section shall only be
transferred once per calendar year.
c. Employees shall be afforded a period of at least 28 calendar days between
notice of the involuntary transfer and the effective date of the transfer.
d. An employee impacted by an involuntary transfer pursuant to this
paragraph shall receive 17 hours of personal leave to be used within the
28-day notice period to prepare for the transfer.
6. The reason for the involuntary transfer shall be provided in writing.
7. District Commanders may also remedy the significant imbalance by detailing
rotating officers on 28 days details until new officers are assigned to the district.
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 20 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
F. Special Transfer Rules
If an employee is placed in a temporary non-full duty status and involuntarily
transferred to another shift and/or leave group, such as a light duty officer being
transferred to ADD, then when the employee is returned to full duty they will be re-
assigned to their original shift and leave group.
Compensation shall be as set out in the revised Addendum B Salary Schedules.
Progression within the rank of officer or flight officer shall be as set out in Addendum B.
It is agreed that the hourly rates set forth on the Salary Schedule shall govern employees’
compensation and that the annual salaries are illustrative only (based on an assumed
number of hours per year). This salary schedule supersedes all other salary scales and
longevity pay provisions set out in prior agreements.
All remuneration due to or elected by an employee shall be based on the date on
which the employee's anniversary date falls within the pay period. In the event that the
employee's anniversary date falls within the first half of the pay period, the employee
shall receive the payment for the entire pay period. If the anniversary or promotion date
falls within the second half of the pay period, the payment shall be made as of the next
succeeding pay period. The City agrees that an employee’s new salary shall be effective
as of the actual date of his/her promotion.
C. The Employer will pay all remuneration due to or elected by an employee as
provided in Paragraph B above. The parties agree that the failure to effect a pay
adjustment on time is a violation of this Memorandum, subject to the grievance procedure
herein. The City agrees to rectify the error as soon as possible.
Effective July 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021, all employees covered by this
Memorandum are entitled to pay at their scheduled rate plus a differential of $.45 per
hour if assigned to a tour where the majority of their work hours occur between 10 p.m.
and 6 a.m., or $.40 per hour if assigned to a tour where the majority of their work hours
occur between 2 p.m. and 10 p.m.
Effective January 1, 2022, all employees covered by this Memorandum are entitled
to pay at their scheduled rate plus a differential of $1.00 per hour if the employee is
assigned a tour where a majority of their work hours occurs between 2 p.m. and 6 a.m.
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 21 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
The Employer shall maintain a fund of $350,000.00 per fiscal year for a tuition
reimbursement program. Within budgetary constraints, an employee shall be granted
benefits under this Article and shall be reimbursed, providing the employee meets all
qualifications as listed in the Administrative Manual, for 50% of the tuition cost of a
maximum of 10 credits per semester, consisting of no more than 4 courses for taking a
job-related course or in a degree program that benefits the City services. To receive the
benefit the Employee must obtain a grade of an “A” (GPA 4.0), a “B” (GPA 3.0) or a “C”
(GPA 2.0). The Employee must document completion of the course with a transcript from
the education program in which he/she was enrolled. Additionally, to qualify for
reimbursement, college credits must be received by the Employee for courses taken and
successfully completed at an accredited educational institute.
The BPD will meet and confer with the FOP to develop policies and procedures for
administering tuition reimbursement.
Effective January 1, 2022, employees placed on call will be given written notice
placing them on call for a specific period of time, and employees placed on call by written
notice shall receive $20 for each shift they are on call.
A. An employee may work in approved secondary employment not to exceed thirty-
two (32) hours per week. No more than twenty (20) of those hours shall be worked in
assignments outside those administered by the Overtime Unit unless the remaining 12
hours of City Secondary are not available, in which case the employee may work up to
the 32 hour limit without restriction. The Police Commissioner may authorize other
approved secondary not subject to the twenty (20) hour limit such as hotels, hospitals,
and schools.
During a week where the employee is off five (5) or more leave days, other than
medical leave, an employee shall not work more than forty (40) hours of approved
secondary employment.
B. Employees who are required to be armed as a condition of secondary employment
outside Baltimore City and who take enforcement action related to said secondary
employment using a firearm that does not comply with General Order 0-4 shall not be
considered as acting in the line of duty as Baltimore Police Officers and, therefore, shall
not be disciplined for taking such action.
C. An employee may be armed with an authorized handgun while engaged in
secondary employment outside Baltimore City. Within Baltimore City, an employee may
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 22 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
not be armed with a sidearm other than a handgun authorized by the Department and
shall be authorized to wear the uniform while engaged in secondary employment, subject
to the conditions provided in a letter from the Police Commissioner to the President of
the Lodge dated October 27, 2021 that appears as Addendum C (Secondary Employment)
to this Memorandum.
D. Consistent with current policy governing conflict of interest and unauthorized
occupational areas, secondary employment will not be prohibited. Authorized secondary
employment will not be suspended or revoked for disciplinary reasons.
E. The Employer will, to the extent practicable, offer assignments to City secondary
employment and scheduled overtime on a rotating basis and will allocate available
opportunities equitably and fairly among employees in the unit. To that end, when
particular skills are required to perform scheduled overtime on subsidized projects, all
available employees who have those skills shall be offered the overtime. In addition,
employees who have reached the 25% overtime cap shall not be foreclosed from working
emergency and authorized, scheduled overtime when other volunteers are not available
to perform it.
F. Consistent with current policy governing conflict of interest, lawful secondary
employment outside of Baltimore City shall be allowed, as long as the following conditions
are met:
1. The employee is acting as a private citizen, and without exercising the
powers and duties of a Baltimore Police Officer;
2. The employee does not present Baltimore Police Credentials as his or her
authority to carry out the duties required of the secondary employment;
3. The employee, except when employed in accident reconstruction or arson
investigation, is not acting as a special police officer or private detective; and
4. The employee is not operating a private detective, guard and/or watchman
G. When a Unit employee has an approved and scheduled City secondary
employment assignment and reports to that assignment site on time, in uniform (if
required) and ready to work, said employee shall be paid a minimum of two (2) hours at
the employee’s regular overtime rate in the event that the scheduled City secondary
employment assignment is cancelled upon the employee’s arrival at the work site.
H. The City agrees to meet with the FOP to discuss guidelines for allowing employees
to work in establishments which serve, sell, or dispense alcoholic beverages. This
meeting shall occur within thirty (30) days of the notation of this Memorandum of
Understanding by the Board of Estimates.
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 23 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
When an employee is required to attend two (2) or more courts on the same day,
with a starting time of two (2) or more hours between each court on the employee’s H
Day or during non-regularly scheduled working hours, the employee shall receive a
minimum compensation of four (4) hours at time and one-half (1½). In other respects,
present court time policy shall continue.
Protection against liability shall be in keeping with Section 16-13 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Baltimore City.
However, legal counsel will be provided in any civil case when the plaintiff alleges
that an employee should be held liable for acts alleged to be within the scope of his
employment and/or his official capacity. In exchange for the City of Baltimore’s
agreement to provide legal counsel as provided for herein, the employee and/or
employee’s counsel shall provide documents or transcripts produced in the Court
proceedings to the office of the City Solicitor upon its request. The requirement to
produce said documents shall be limited to those cases where the City is requested to
authorize a monetary settlement or pay a judgment for monetary damages. In no event
shall the City be entitled to receive any documents in any case where a verdict is rendered
in favor of the defense. In the event the current contract for providing legal services is
terminated, the Lodge and the Department agree to make a joint recommendation to the
City Solicitor for specifications for successor counsel. Subject to the fellow-employee
exclusion provision and approval of the Board of Estimates, indemnification will also be
provided to any employee who is made a defendant in litigation arising out of acts within
the scope of their employment. The City will provide indemnification to any employee
who is made a defendant in litigation arising out of acts within the scope of their
employment that results in a monetary judgment being rendered against the employee.
A. Effective July 1, 2022, all complaints within the jurisdiction of the Maryland Police
Accountability Act of 2021 - Police Discipline and Law Enforcement Programs and
Procedures, HB 670, 2021 Md. Laws Ch. 59 (herein “HB 670”), will be adjudicated
exclusively in accordance with the procedures created by HB 670. To the extent any
misconduct complaint is not covered by HB 670 (including complaints originating after
ratification of this Agreement through June 30, 2022), the disciplinary procedures
contained in this Article will govern.
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B. Suspension
1. Emergency suspension with or without pay may be imposed by the
Department when it appears that the action is in the best interest of the public and the
law enforcement agency. Any employee arrested and charged with a criminal offense, a
serious traffic violation involving death or serious personal injury, and/or an act alleged
or committed by such employee of such a nature that, in the judgment of the appropriate
superior officer, the interest and welfare of the public, the Department, or the individual
is best served by such action, such employee shall be immediately suspended from duty
with pay.
When an employee is charged with a criminal offense, said charge(s) shall be
supported at least in part by the investigative findings of another law enforcement officer.
Any employee suspended from duty with pay shall be given a suspension hearing as soon
as reasonable following the suspension from duty, wherein a determination will be made
at that time whether or not the employee shall remain suspended with or without pay
and/or be placed on administrative duties.
Until June 30, 2022, suspension without pay may only be imposed in accordance
with this Section and only in the case of an employee charged with a felony. Effective
July 1, 2022, the foregoing sentence shall be of no further force and effect and the parties
will follow HB 670’s requirement set forth in 3-107(A)(1).
2. Any employee who is suspended without pay on the basis of pending
criminal charges and who is found not guilty, or who has the criminal charges dropped
entirely shall be immediately reinstated to pay status with all benefits, including but not
limited to health, incremental pay raises, and all lost pay from the effective date of his/her
suspension through the date of reinstatement to pay status, except in a case where the
State has an appeal pending. In felony cases, where the case has been reduced to a
misdemeanor or some less charge, the employee shall be reinstated to pay status with
all benefits pending any further administrative hearing on the matter to determine
whether or not the employee shall be returned to duty.
C. Discipline for Minor Violations
1. The Department shall provide to counsel for an accused employee a copy
of the Public Integrity Bureau (“PIB”) case book material at least 30 days before the trial
board proceeding begins, unless a shorter period is mutually agreed upon by the
Department and counsel. The PIB case book material excludes information that discloses
an investigative technique, the identity of confidential sources, and recommendations as
to charges, disposition or punishment.
2. For Minor disciplinary matters, where a one person Departmental Hearing
Board is established at the discretion of the Department, with said person being a sworn
law enforcement officer of the agency, such hearing shall be scheduled no sooner than
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 25 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
thirty (30) days from the date that counsel for the accused receives a copy of the charges
and the PIB case book material, unless a shorter period is mutually agreed upon by the
Department and Counsel.
3. No individual assigned to the Traffic Section may sit as a member of the
Traffic Accident Review Board.
4. For purposes of this Paragraph B, Minor Violations are defined as violations
in which no more than a 3-day suspension or a $150 fine may be imposed.
D. Discipline for Major Violations
1. The Department shall provide to counsel for an accused employee a copy
of the PIB case book material at least 30 days before the trial board proceeding begins,
unless a shorter period is mutually agreed upon by the Department and counsel. The PIB
case book material excludes information that discloses an investigative technique, the
identity of confidential sources, and recommendations as to charges, disposition or
2. For major disciplinary matters, where a five (5) person Departmental
Hearing Board is established, such hearing shall not be scheduled any sooner than thirty
(30) days from the date that counsel for the accused receives a copy of the charges and
the PIB case book material, unless a shorter period is mutually agreed upon by the
Department and counsel.
3. A unit employee shall have the option of a Departmental Hearing Board
conducted by a panel composed of an Administrative Law Judge (hereinafter “ALJ”); three
sworn members selected in accordance with Paragraph E; and two voting civilian
members who have been selected in accordance with the process outlined in Addendum
J to this Memorandum of Understanding. If the employee is represented by counsel, the
counsel shall, with the consent of the employee, have the option of selecting the ALJ
process. If the employee is unrepresented, the employee shall make the selection. The
ALJ will act as the Departmental Hearing Board Chairperson and make evidentiary and
legal rulings but will not be a voting member of the panel during deliberations on verdict
or sentencing. In no event shall an ALJ be appointed to a Departmental Hearing Board
without the consent of the accused employee or his/her counsel of record.
4. If the unit employee declines the option of including an ALJ on a
Departmental Hearing Board as defined in Paragraph D.3 herein, the Board will consist
of three sworn members selected in accordance with Paragraph E herein; and two voting
civilian members who have been selected in accordance with the process outlined in
Addendum J to this Memorandum of Understanding.
5. No individual assigned to the Traffic Section may sit as a member of the
Traffic Accident Review Board.
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 26 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
6. The Department agrees to choose panel members on a rotating basis from
each pool. The Department shall give the Lodge notice and opportunity to be present
when the rotation list is established, and the Lodge may designate either Lodge
Representative or designee who may observe the creation of the rotation list.
7. For purposes of this Paragraph D, Major Violations are defined as violations
in which 4-days or more suspensions/loss of leave or more than $150 fine may be
E. Composition of Departmental Hearing Boards. In cases for major discipline
violations, Hearing Boards will consist of five (5) voting members. Two (2) civilians will
participate as voting members in accordance with Addendum J. In addition, three (3)
sworn members will participate as voting members. One sworn member will be of equal
rank to the accused officer. The highest ranking sworn member will serve as the
The composition of the randomly selected three (3) sworn members will be as follows:
Police Officer One (1) Exempt Rank
One (1) Lieutenant
One (1) Police Officer (Equal Rank)
Sergeant One (1) Exempt Rank
One (1) Lieutenant
One (1) Sergeant (Equal Rank)
Lieutenant Two (2) Exempt Rank
One (1) Lieutenant (Equal Rank)
The Department agrees to choose panel members on a random basis by computer
from those management and unit members who are in the Board pools. The Department
shall give the Lodge notice and opportunity to be present when the panel is chosen and
the Lodge may designate either Lodge Representative or designee who may observe the
random selection of the panel.
The Department agrees to maintain the minimum numbers of Exempt Rank
officers in the pool at twenty (20), Lieutenants at twenty (20), Sergeants at twenty (20)
and Police Officers at twenty (20). The pool of Exempt Rank Officers shall also include
command staff, under the Deputy Commissioner rank, other than those who have been
excluded for bona fide reasons by the Commissioner or his designee.
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 27 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
On a semi-annual basis, the FOP will be provided a list of twenty-five (25) sworn
officers in each of the Board pools of “qualified candidates,” from which the FOP shall be
able to remove up to five (5) candidates from each semi-annual list for Exempt Rank,
Lieutenant Rank, Sergeant Rank, Officer Rank, to create the twenty (20) member pools.
A qualified candidate is defined as a sworn law enforcement officer who has received
training developed and conducted by the BPD. The BPD, the City, and the FOP will meet
and confer over the training program, in which the FOP will have the opportunity to
provide input with respect to the content of the training and to observe during the training
F. Upon request, PIB will expeditiously complete an investigation that it has initiated
into alleged misconduct by an employee.
G. Within ten (10) days after PIB’s report of the results of its investigation has been
confirmed, the Department shall advise the affected employee of its finding, i.e., whether
sustained, not sustained, unfounded or exonerated. If the investigatory report is to be
referred to the Civilian Review Board (CRB), the Department may advise the employee
that the result is subject to revision. It is understood that where an investigation of a
charge encompasses multiple charges growing out of the same incident, advisement
concerning the outcome may be deferred pending completion of the entire investigation.
H. Until June 30, 2022, if an accident is found to have been non-preventable, all
records of the accident shall be expunged from the employee's file. If an employee
requests expungement of a formal complaint or other material from any file of the
employee pursuant to the Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights, the complaint and/or
material shall be expunged within sixty (60) days of the request. The Department agrees
promptly to give the employee written notice that the records have been expunged
pursuant to his or her request.
Effective July 1, 2022, the prior paragraph shall be of no further force and effect,
and the parties shall follow HB 670’s requirement that records relating to administrative
or criminal investigations of misconduct shall not be expunged or destroyed (HB 670, §
I. Until June 30, 2022, no Departmental Hearing, except a Suspension Hearing, shall
be held on any charges that relate to conduct which is also the subject of a criminal
proceeding, until such time as criminal charges are disposed of prior to any appeal, except
an appeal de novo to a Maryland Circuit Court.
Effective July 1, 2022, the prior paragraph shall be of no further force and effect,
and the parties shall follow HB 670’s requirement that an officer can be compelled to
submit to interrogation and that the interrogation is not admissible or discoverable in a
criminal proceeding.
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 28 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
J. Pending PIB investigations into off-duty, non-criminal misconduct shall not bar
consideration for promotion. If an employee under investigation for any other reason is
passed over for promotion solely because of a pending investigation and is then cleared,
the Police Commissioner will consider the individual for promotion to the next available
vacancy and will make application to the Civil Service Commission for a waiver if
necessary to make promotion from an expired list. The decision of the Police
Commissioner and the City's Personnel Director is final and not subject to the grievance
K. The parties will follow the Maryland Public Information Act, General Prov. Title 4
(as repealed and reenacted with amendments by 2021 Md. Laws Ch. 62, the Maryland
Police Accountability Act of 2021 - Search Warrants and Inspection of Records Relating
to Police Misconduct (“SB 178”)) . Records relating to administrative or criminal
investigation of misconduct shall not be withheld as “personnel records,” subject to
exceptions enumerated in the General Provisions Article of SB 178.
L. Should the Department require an employee to forfeit vacation as punishment for
a sustained offense or violation, the employee shall have the option to be suspended for
the same period or to pay an equivalent fine. It is understood that the Department's
policy is to give a priority to vacation forfeiture over mandatory fines or suspensions.
M. The Department shall make every effort to impose suspensions without pay so as
to avoid the cessation of Employer health care benefits due to non-payment of required
Employer/Employee contributions.
In the event that the Department shall levy a suspension without pay of sufficient
duration to require the employee to pay for continuance of his/her Employer’s sponsored
health benefits, the Department agrees to pay its proportionate share of the cost of health
benefits on behalf of the suspended employee for the pay period(s) so affected.
N. A traffic safety review board shall conduct a hearing to determine if a departmental
accident is preventable or non-preventable. If the Board determines the accident to be
preventable, it shall recommend disciplinary punishment in accordance with the
Department's traffic accident disciplinary matrix.
O. Until June 30, 2022, the Department agrees to establish a protocol for advising
employees that three (3) years have elapsed since a finding by the Department or a
Hearing Board that a formal complaint was either not sustained, exonerated, unfounded,
or a Hearing Board acquitted the accused employee, dismissed the action, or made a
finding of not guilty, and that the employee may request expungement of such matter
from any file containing the record of the formal complaint.
Effective July 1, 2022, the prior paragraph shall be of no further force and effect,
and the parties shall follow HB 670’s requirement that records relating to administrative
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 29 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
or criminal investigations of misconduct shall not be expunged or destroyed (HB 670, §
P. The Department agrees that employees should not be disciplined and shall not be
terminated from employment solely on the basis of being placed on the “witness do not
call list” by the office of the State’s Attorney for Baltimore City.
Q. Until June 30, 2022, the Department agrees to expunge any allegation in an
employee’s file three years after a finding of “un-sustained, exonerated, unfounded or
when a hearing board acquitted the law enforcement officer, dismissed the action, or
made a finding of not guilty.” The Police Commissioner shall convene a committee with
an equal number of representatives from the Department and the Lodge to discuss the
implementation of this policy and related issues.
Effective July 1, 2022, the prior paragraph will be of no further force and effect,
and the parties will follow HB 670’s requirement that records relating to administrative or
criminal investigations of misconduct shall not be expunged or destroyed (HB 670, § 3-
R. When an employee is required to make a statement in reference to a complaint
being investigated by the Department, the employee shall be given a copy of any prior
statement or report which that employee wrote/authored relating to the complaint being
S. The Department agrees to provide counsel with a calendar of Trial Board Hearings
on a regular basis (
monthly) so that counsel has sufficient advance notice of trial
board hearings. An accused employee who is not represented shall be given reasonable
advance notice of his/her hearing.
T. When an employee is required to give a statement pertaining to a complaint of
misconduct by the employee, the Department shall provide the employee with a notice
of internal investigation that includes notice of: (a) the employee’s right to legal counsel;
(b) the date and location (if applicable) of the incident; (c) the nature of the conduct for
which the employee is being questioned, including a brief description sufficient to provide
a reasonable employee with notice of the allegations against him or her; and (d) the
nature of the allegations (
, excessive force in making an arrest; the circumstances
involved in the discharge of his/her weapon including the date and location; unlawful
arrest; etc.). The Department may question the employee (as part of the statement)
regarding any matter relating to the misconduct in question regardless of whether it is
specified in the document(s) provided.
U. Upon the conclusion of a Departmental Hearing, if the officer is found guilty of any
administrative charge, the officer will be informed of the Board’s recommended
disciplinary action to the Commissioner.
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 30 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
V. The parties will form a joint labor-management committee as soon as
administratively feasible following ratification of the MOUs to discuss the provisions of
LEOBR that should be part of the disciplinary process which will govern complaints not
covered by HB 670 and to address any legislative changes to HB 670. If the parties are
unable to agree on such a process, the procedures in effect through June 30, 2022, as
modified above, shall remain in effect, and the parties will engage a mutually agreed
mediator to assist the parties in a non-binding capacity with resolution of any remaining
issues, with the costs of such mediator shared equally.
A. The Department agrees to consider suggestions from the Lodge regarding the
selection of replacement coats. New coats shall be issued in keeping with established
replacement standards.
B. An annual clothing allowance shall be paid, on a quarterly basis, to employees
assigned to plainclothes positions designated by Policy 1805. Effective March 21, 2017,
the clothing allowance shall be $500.
C. The department shall provide up to four boxes of practice ammunition for use by
employees at firing ranges operated by the BPD in each fiscal year as a part of their
annual uniform and equipment allotment. The Quartermaster will issue a paid slip upon
request by an employee. Upon presentation of the paid slip to the District Range Officer,
the appropriate box of practice ammunition will be provided for use at the BPD range.
No practice ammunition is authorized for use outside the BPD firing range where
In addition, the Department will issue each employee an approved departmental
flashlight. Such light will be considered a part of the employee’s standard issued
equipment. Replacements will be issued thereafter consistent with Departmental Policy.
The type of flashlight available shall be determined by the Department, and may change
from time to time as determined by the Police Commissioner.
Effective January 1, 2022, the current Education Incentive Differential (EID) rates
from the pre-existing salary schedules shall be eliminated and, in their place, the following
Educational Incentive Pay program will be applied. The salary schedules contained in
Addendum B reflect the new Educational Incentive pay allowances.
Upon successful completion of field training and promotion to the rank of Police
Officer, an officer who has received or obtains one of the degrees set forth below from
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 31 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
an accredited college or university shall receive an annual incentive allowance added to
their hourly rate, as follows:
$1,500 for associate’s degree ($0.723/hour)
$3,000 for bachelor’s degree ($1.446/hour)
$4,500 for master’s degree and above ($2.169/hour)
Educational incentives are not cumulative, but rather the employee will be entitled
to the highest incentive based on the degree(s) obtained.
In the event an employee obtains a new or higher degree during employment, the
employee will submit to the Department proof of degree attainment. Upon verification
and approval by the Department, within thirty (30) days of submission, the employee’s
pay will be adjusted effective on the first day of the pay period following the date of
submission by the employee.
Any current employee with an EID classification will be adjusted to the non-EID
rate, but will receive the annual incentive allowance as part of their hourly rate, spread
over twenty-six (26) pay periods. The hourly rate will be calculated by dividing the annual
educational incentive by 2,074 hours.
Educational incentive pay will be included in the regular rate for overtime purposes.
In addition, it will be counted as part of the employee’s annual salary for pension
purposes, consistent with the prevailing Fire & Police Employees Retirement System
regulations, and reflected on the salary schedules.
The Department and Counsel for the Lodge shall meet and confer for the purpose
of adding additional qualified psychologists and psychiatrists to those the Department
uses to evaluate if an employee is fit for duty. No psychologist or psychiatrist shall be
appointed to the panel without the Department's concurrence.
There shall be established within the Department a Joint Labor-Management
Liaison Committee consisting of up to four (4) representatives of the Department
appointed by the Police Commissioner and up to two (2) representatives from Unit I and
up to two (2) representatives from Unit II.
The Committee shall meet not less than quarterly except upon the majority
consent of the Committee. It shall consider, evaluate, and, if in agreement, shall make
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 32 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
recommendations to and/or advise the Police Commissioner and/or his designee with
respect to specific matters bearing upon the economy, efficiency, or other improvement
in Departmental operations and/or upon the welfare of its employees whether or not such
matters are negotiable. Lodge Representatives shall be deemed to be in duty status
while attending such meetings.
A. The Department agrees to provide reasonable bulletin board space labeled with
the FOP logo and name within each District and Division for the purpose of allowing the
Lodge to inform its membership of Lodge business and activities. The Lodge President
and/or Lodge Secretary shall sign all such notices. No scurrilous or defamatory material
shall be posted. The Department shall remove any materials posted in violation of this
Section. The space so designated shall be maintained in an orderly manner, to include
periodic removal of outdated material.
B. The Department will permit the Lodge to use the Departmental mail system for
non-bulk communication to select members of the bargaining unit. All mail must be
directed by name and assignment and will not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the
membership of the Lodge at any one (1) mailing.
C. The Department shall permit a designated representative of the Lodge to address
recruit classes for two (2) consecutive class periods of not less than forty-five (45)
minutes each. During the term of this Memorandum, a representative of the Lodge,
designated by the President, will be allowed one-half of an hour to address each in-
service training group. Upon prior notification to the Lodge President, the Police
Commissioner reserves the right to revoke this arrangement.
A. During the term of this Memorandum, the President of Baltimore City Lodge No.
3, Fraternal Order of Police, Inc., and two (2) members of Baltimore City Lodge No. 3 as
designated by the President, shall be granted a full-time leave of absence from their
duties for the Police Department, mandated in-service training excepted, but shall remain
on the payroll of the Police Department for the purpose of performing full-time duties on
behalf of the Lodge. During such leave, the President and two designated members shall
continue to accumulate seniority and shall receive all benefits as if they were fully on duty
including, but not limited to, pension accruals and fringe benefits.
B. A paid leave bank of 300 days per year shall be created for employees of the Lodge
to use to attend scheduled conferences, seminars, Board and Committee meetings and
conventions. The bank may be used interchangeably with Unit II. Each use shall be
requested in advance by the President of the Lodge (or his designee) in writing, specifying
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 33 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
the person or persons using such leave, the hours requested, and the purpose for the
leave. The request shall be granted, subject to the needs of the Department. Each Unit
employee permitted to be absent pursuant to this provision shall be responsible for giving
his supervisor advance notice of absence from work for Lodge business.
C. The President of the Lodge and two (2) persons designated by him shall be
permitted to visit Police Districts, Units, and other work locations in connection with
grievance matters. Visits shall be preceded by reasonable notice.
D. The Department shall permit use of its Police Districts and other designated work
locations for the purpose of conducting election voting, which shall be conducted without
interference with regular business operations.
E. The Department shall provide the Lodge with a roster of all new sworn employees
and their addresses.
A. The Lodge agrees that during the term of this Memorandum it shall not engage
in, initiate, sponsor, support, or direct a strike or secondary boycott or directly or indirectly
picket the Employer or any of its property in furtherance of a strike. The Employer agrees
that there shall be no lockout during the term of this Memorandum.
B. If the Lodge shall violate any of the provisions hereof:
1. Its designation as exclusive representative may be revoked by the
2. It may be ineligible to participate in elections or to be certified as exclusive
representative for a period of two (2) years thereafter; and
3. The Department may refrain from making payroll deductions for such
organization's dues for a period of two (2) years thereafter.
C. Nothing in this Memorandum shall deprive the Employer of remedies available to
it under applicable law in the event of a strike.
Special vacation requests that deviate from current policy shall be considered.
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 34 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
1. Employees shall not be assigned to perform painting or maintenance of
buildings and grounds, except upon mutual agreement.
If a bargaining unit employee is directed temporarily to assume the responsibilities
and privileges of a higher rank or if designated and fulfilling the duties of Field Training
Officer he or she shall receive additional compensation. If so designated as acting out-
of-title at the start of the employee’s tour of duty, the employee shall be paid out-of-title
for the entire day unless the employee fails to complete the tour of duty for circumstances
beyond the control of the Department. No two employees may work out-of-title in the
same position. The out-of-title compensation shall be $14.00 per day. Field Training
Officer compensation shall be $40.00 per day. Effective January 1, 2022, Field Training
Officer compensation shall be increased to $50.00 per day.
If an employee has reimbursed the Department and the lost property is
subsequently recovered without damage, the Department will refund the reimbursement.
Employees in the unit may wear military-style black leather boots that retain a
shine, except when the Class A uniform is worn on formal occasions.
The title “Detective” shall be restored to employees in the Applicant Investigation
Units of the Recruitment Division.
1. In the event that an employee is detailed to another position, that
employee's vacated position will not be permanently filled by another employee. Upon
the expiration of the detail, the detailed employee will be returned to his/her former
2. Any employee who is involuntarily detailed outside of his/her assignment
for more than thirty (30) days shall have the opportunity to challenge the detail to the
Deputy Commissioner of his/her corresponding bureau.
Employees in the bargaining unit who are engaged in any assignment that requires
the employee to wear summer Departmental uniform, i.e. short sleeve shirt, who display
any visible body art, except for body art that shall be located on the employee’s face,
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 35 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
shall be supplied at the Department’s sole expense with a sufficient number of long sleeve
tropical shirts and/or cosmetic make-up to cover the displayed body art. Employees who
must wear the long sleeve tropical shirts as described herein shall NOT be required to
wear a neck tie while wearing the long sleeve tropical shirt.
H. The FOP shall be afforded the opportunity to provide meaningful input to the
process of evaluating boundaries for possible current post, sector and district
1. There will be at least sixty (60) days’ notice in advance of written
examinations for promotions. All relevant study materials for promotional examinations
shall be made available to employees at least sixty (60) days prior to the written
2. When a funded vacancy involving promotion occurs in the bargaining unit,
the Commissioner shall have forty-five (45) calendar days following the date of the
vacancy to fill the position.
1. The Department agrees to post notice for a period of five (5) consecutive
days on appropriate bulletin boards and Departmental E-mail systems of all vacancies
that it intends to fill by permanent transfer to any position other than patrol and the
Commissioner’s Office. Assignments within any Bureau, Division, Section or Unit will
continue to rest with Command. Notice of the posting will be given at roll call. Employees
may submit written requests for consideration of the posted vacancy. Every employee
who is eligible for consideration will be interviewed by the appropriate Command. When
the vacancy is filled, applicants shall be notified as to whether they received the position.
Requests which were submitted and interviews conducted shall remain active for sixty
(60) days for any vacancies which may arise. The Department shall also consider new
requests for consideration which may be filed for subsequent vacancies. The current
system to accept District-to-District transfer will continue, but requests will have a one
(1) year life and therefore must be renewed on a yearly basis. Seniority, meaning length
of service in rank, shall be considered. The foregoing shall not apply to transfers of
persons determined by the Police Medical Director to be permanently unable to perform
all the duties of a Police Officer, Police Agent, Flight Officer, Sergeant, or Lieutenant due
to disabling conditions but who are capable of performing the essential functions of a full
duty administrative position as determined by the Police Medical Director. Any employee
selected in accordance with the procedure as set forth herein to fill a posted vacancy shall
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 36 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
be permanently assigned to that vacancy immediately upon his/her selection and may
not be detailed to that vacancy.
An involuntary transfer occurs when the Department permanently transfers an
employee (as distinguished from a detail) to another assignment and the employee
objects to the transfer. Such transfers must be made for legitimate business or
operational reasons, including but not limited to staffing needs and performance, and if
done so, shall be sufficient reason for the transfer. Employees who wish to contest such
a transfer may file a grievance under Article 5. Should such a grievance go to arbitration,
the Employer shall be required to articulate the legitimate business or operational reason
for the transfer.
A. If an employee's contact lens(es) is lost or damaged as a direct consequence of
the performance of law enforcement duties, he or she will receive a voucher for a
replacement lens(es) at a provider arranged for by the Department which can replace the
lost or damaged lens(es). This replacement will be available only once per employee
during each year(s) of this Memorandum.
B. The Department's Property Reimbursement Schedule shall be revised to provide
as follows:
Maximum Amount
Sunglasses 33.50
Hearing Aid 150.00
Watchband/Watch chain 15.00
Shirt 18.00
Jacket 95.00
Suit (Trousers & Jacket) 140.00
Raincoat 55.00
Topcoat 100.00
Pager 50.00
Cellular Telephone 100.00
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 37 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
A. Effective June 25, 1997, new employees of the Police Department shall accrue
medical leave at the rate of eight and one half (8.5) hours for each month of completed
service. Employees must be in pay status at any time during the payroll period in which
their anniversary date occurs in order to accrue medical leave. Accrued medical leave
may be used for non-line-of-duty illnesses or injuries. Employees hired after June 25,
1997, shall be included in the same medical leave program and policy for line-of-duty
illnesses or injuries as those employees hired prior to June 25, 1997.
Employees who accrue medical leave at the rate of eight and one half (8.5) hours
for each month of completed service shall be permitted to utilize any accrued medical
leave in accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act. Employees hired before June
25, 1997, shall continue to use medical leave on an as needed basis.
B. In the event that an employee shall suffer a line-of-duty injury or illness, said
employee shall remain in paid status without being charged medical leave until such time
as a decision is made by the Department’s designee as to whether or not the injury or
illness shall be classified as line-of-duty or non-line-of-duty. The employee shall be paid
an amount equal to sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66 2/3) of his/her regular pay which
may be excluded from federal adjusted gross income and therefore is not subject to either
federal or state income tax (standard Workers Compensation benefit). In addition, the
Employer shall provide a supplement to the standard Worker's Compensation benefit so
that the gross pay of the employee is equal to eighty-five percent (85%) of the
employee’s regular gross pay. If it is determined that the injury is non-line-of-duty and
the employee has been paid for days in excess of his accrued leave days, he shall repay
or be docked for such pay. An employee may repay any amount owed by using medical
leave, vacation leave or P leave hours or by having his pay docked; provided, however,
that in no instance shall the Department dock an employee more than 25% of any
A. Any employee who is unable to report to work because of medical leave must
contact his or her Unit of assignment not later than one (1) hour prior to the scheduled
tour of duty unless exigent circumstances exist.
B. An employee on medical leave will be required to notify his or her Unit of
assignment no less often than weekly for Medical Leave usage spanning more than one
week, and whenever the employee’s expected return to work date changes.
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 38 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
C. When an employee is home and on medical leave, the employee must notify his
or her Unit of assignment when leaving home and upon return. An employee is to remain
at home, except to go to a medical facility, pharmacy, polling place, place of worship, or
retail outlet which sells primarily food, or in the event of exigent circumstances.
Employees may not leave home for any other reason, except with the approval of their
personal physician, their Commanding Officer/designee or the Administrative Duties
Division/Medical Section. The basis for the preceding is to allow employees who are
unable to work because of illness or injury to leave their home for personal needs which
are basic. Abuse of this procedure constitutes a violation of this Policy and is subject to
disciplinary action. In the event an employee receives approval from the Medical Director
for unrestricted medical leave at home, the notification of his or her Unit of assignment
when leaving and returning home shall be waived. There shall be no home visits between
the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
A. An employee shall submit a Medical Leave Certification for all absences of three
(3) or more consecutive days upon the earlier of their return to work or the fifth (5
consecutive calendar day of absence.
B. Medical Leave Certification must contain the following information:
1. Date and time of treatment;
2. Address, phone number, office email address, and medical specialty of
health care provider;
3. Date and signature of health care provider;
4. Medical facts to support the absence, such as a statement that the
employee is absent due to a personal injury or illness; and
5. Expected date of return to duty.
C. To the extent such Medical Leave also qualifies as leave under the Maryland
Healthy Working Families Act, the Certification also will contain verification that the leave
was used for qualifying circumstances under that law.
D. In the case of Medical Leave usage that also may qualify as Family and Medical
Leave (FMLA), an FMLA medical certification, if submitted within the time frame above,
will qualify as Medical Leave Certification. The employee, however, has the option to
submit a separate FMLA medical certification within the time frame required under the
, 15 calendar days), in which case a timely Medical Leave Certification in
accordance with this policy is still required.
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 39 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
E. All medical certifications (Medical Leave and FMLA) will be submitted to the
Department Administrative Duties Division/Medical Section or its designee. Medical
certifications may be submitted electronically or in hard copy to meet the submission
deadline above; provided, however, that the original hard copy must be submitted no
later than the date on which the employee returns to work, or earlier upon request of the
Department, provided the employee is medically able to comply with this request (and, if
not, as soon as practicable when medically able).
F. Any employee who is on medical leave shall not be required to report to any
medical facility for the purpose of determining that employee’s fitness for duty between
the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. This provision shall not apply to employees in the
medical abuse program.
A. Any employee who in a twelve (12) month period utilizes a total of eight (8)
uncertified medical days, or who reports on medical leave on four (4) separate uncertified
occasions, or who utilizes fifteen (15) or more medical days regardless of certification,
may be placed in the Medical Leave Abuse Control Program, hereafter known as the
Program,” by his or her Commanding Officer after consultation with the Administrative
Duties Division/Medical Section.
Nothing in this Policy shall be construed to prevent the Police Commissioner from
taking formal disciplinary action for violation of the policies of the Department. First
consideration, however, should be given to the application of the Program.
B. An uncertified medical day or occasion is the use of medical leave, regardless of
duration, for which no doctor's certificate (as outlined in Part II, Section B) is submitted
to the employee's immediate supervisor.
C. In addition, an employee who uses medical leave in a manner described below
may be placed in the Program:
1. Uncertified usage before or after regular days off (three (3) occasions);
2. Uncertified usage on any specific tour of duty in the case of those
employees who rotate shifts (three (3) occasions);
3. Uncertified usage on a specific day of the week (three (3) occasions); or
4. Usage of medical leave after being denied other leave (two (2) occasions).
D. Commanding Officers will retain the discretionary authority to exempt employees
meeting the above criteria, based on mitigating factors. Command will consult the
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 40 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
Administrative Duties Division/Medical Section prior to placing any employee in the
E. Both the Department and the Lodge recognize that by its very nature police work
carries with it the risk of severe injury. For this reason, any employee who sustains a
significant injury in the performance of his or her duties during the twelve (12) month
period will be exempted for that period in all cases where his or her medical record would
not otherwise justify inclusion in the Program.
1. The exemption stated above will expire upon the earlier of:
a. The passage of twelve (12) months from the date of injury; or
b. The employee reaching maximum benefit of medical treatment for
this injury as determined by his or her treating physician and/or the Medical
2. The Medical Director shall make the determination in these matters.
F. An employee shall remain in the Medical Leave Abuse Control Program for one (1)
year from the date of being so designated. Continued absenteeism for medical reasons
may subject the employee to an extension in the Program and/or may constitute just
cause for disciplinary action.
G. Upon placement or extension in the Program, the employee shall be notified in
writing by his or her Commanding Officer within five (5) working days. This written
notification shall also include the date the employee is scheduled to return to normal
H. An employee placed in the Program may appeal through the established grievance
procedure. For the purposes of this Program, in Step 4 of the grievance procedure, the
Deputy Commissioner of the Administrative Bureau shall be the Police Commissioner's
I. When an employee who has been placed in the Program is home on medical leave,
the employee must notify his or her Unit of assignment when leaving home and upon
return. An employee is to remain at home except to go to a medical facility, pharmacy,
polling place, place of worship, or retail outlet which sells primarily food, or in the event
of exigent circumstances. Employees may not leave home for any other reason, except
with the approval of their Commanding Officer/designee. Should the employee be
refused permission to leave home and should the employee feel that there is a medical
necessity for this request, said employee may appeal the denial to the Medical Director.
J. Any employee who utilizes less than eight (8) medical days and less than four (4)
separate occasions during the one (1) year period as designated will automatically return
to normal status.
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 41 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
Commanding Officers will retain the discretionary authority to return an employee
to normal status who exceeds the above guidelines in a case where he or she suffers a
clear-cut, bona fide, line-of-duty injury during the time frame in question.
K. The Lodge shall be notified on a quarterly basis of all bargaining unit employees
placed into the Medical Leave Abuse Control Program as well as those who have
completed the Program and are returning to regular status.
L. An employee who has been placed in the Medical Leave Abuse Control Program
shall be subject to the following sanctions:
1. The employee shall be required to obtain a doctor's certificate for all
subsequent uses of medical leave, regardless of duration, while in the Program. This
certificate must be submitted within two (2) working days after the employee returns to
2. Notwithstanding other provisions of this Memorandum, secondary
employment privileges and participation in other overtime details shall be suspended
while the employee is in the Program.
3. No overtime compensation shall be awarded to the employee for the
purpose of obtaining medical certification.
A. An employee accused of violating the provisions of the Medical Leave Abuse
Control Program is entitled to a hearing before any action may be taken as a result of
this Section. After a determination has been made that an employee has violated any of
the provisions of the Program, he or she shall in addition to loss of wages for the day(s)
not worked be disciplined in accordance with the following procedures:
1. One (1) day's suspension without pay for the first violation.
2. Suspension without pay for three (3) days and forfeiture of secondary
employment opportunities for an additional twelve (12) months for the second violation.
3. Trial Board with a view toward termination for the third violation.
B. This provision shall not apply to absences preceding an employee's placement in
the Medical Leave Abuse Control Program.
A. The Department will provide the following incentives for non-use of medical leave:
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 42 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
1. Effective July 1, 2002, and continuing thereafter, employees shall earn 25.5
hours of paid leave for each six (6) months when medical leave is not used during each
of the periods from July 1 to December 31 and January 1 to June 30. Any employee who
completes an entire fiscal year without medical leave shall receive 17 additional paid leave
2. This accumulated paid leave will be converted to Vacation Leave the
following fiscal year to be used any time during that fiscal year.
3. The above incentive program shall apply only to those employees who
worked in a full duty status, with the exception of those employees who have not reached
maximum benefit of medical treatment for line-of-duty injuries and are in a restricted
duty status. The incentive program shall apply to those employees who are in a restricted
status and performing the essential functions of a full-duty position.
4. Any employee who was otherwise qualified to receive the benefits of this
Section, and who suffered an injury while performing his/her official duties may appeal
to the Medical Director for restoration of those benefits for a period of one year from the
date that employee returns to work from his/her line of duty injury. Final determination
in these matters shall rest with the Medical Director.
A. Effective July 1, 1991, employees will not accrue Vacation Leave in any month
during which they were carried on sick leave for the entire period. Similarly, any
employee who remains on line-of-duty medical (“A” Time) for a period of six (6) months
will cease to accrue Vacation Leave during subsequent months in which he or she is on
medical (“A” Time) for the entire month. In case of severe line-of-duty injuries and upon
written request, the six (6) month provision shall be waived only upon recommendation
of the Medical Director.
B. If an employee and/or the City successfully recovers monies for salary paid while
on medical leave as a result of third-party litigation, those days of medical leave repaid
to the City or Department shall be removed from the employee's medical leave totals.
This would apply to line-of-duty and non-line-of-duty injury cases.
In the event that such removal of medical leave days (a) would qualify the
employee for the benefits of Part V of this Article and/or (b) would not have resulted in
the non-accrual of Vacation Leave in Section A above, the employee shall receive all
incentive days for non-use of medical leave and Vacation Leave days to which he or she
would otherwise have been entitled under this Article.
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 43 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
The Department shall give each affected employee not less than thirty (30) days'
advance notice that he or she will be laid off. The Notice shall advise the employee of the
expected period of layoff, if known, and that the employee's rights in the circumstances
may be found in the Memorandum of Understanding and applicable provisions of the Civil
Service Regulations. The Department agrees to furnish a copy of each Notice to the
Lodge and to meet with Lodge Representatives promptly to resolve any questions arising
under this Memorandum.
There shall be no layoff in any rank so long as unfilled, funded positions are
budgeted and charged to the Department in that rank and approved for fill by the City
Finance Department. Recruits and probationary officers shall be laid off before any other
employee in the bargaining unit. The next order of layoff will be those employees rated
“unsatisfactory” or “needs improvement” on their last three (3) consecutive ratings.
Thereafter, employees shall be laid off in seniority order, the least senior employee being
laid off first; except that if the Department determines that operational reasons require
retention of an employee of the unit having an essential skill, such as a helicopter pilot
or a specialty requiring a state license or certification (other than MPTC), he or she may
be retained. Seniority means total length of Departmental Service. In the event two (2)
employees of the unit have equal seniority, the tie shall be broken on the basis of their
last written performance evaluation.
No employee may be hired to perform the duties normally performed by a
bargaining unit employee while he or she is in layoff status, except to meet operational
needs of the Department for employees having an essential skill, as defined in Paragraph
B, or in accordance with the “bumping” provisions of the Department's Memorandum of
Understanding with Unit II.
Laid-off bargaining unit employees shall enjoy the right to be reinstated within
eighteen (18) months from the effective date of the layoff to any vacant position for
which they are qualified. Reinstatement shall be in reverse order of layoff or reduction
in rank (i.e., by seniority). When the Department offers reinstatement to a laid-off
employee, it shall give him or her notice by registered mail, return receipt requested, and
afford the affected employee reasonable time, not to exceed twenty (20) days, within
which to accept reinstatement.
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 44 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
While on layoff, an employee shall be entitled to maintain eligibility for COBRA
benefits by paying the costs in accordance with the provisions of COBRA legislation.
In all instances in this Memorandum in which the masculine form of the third
person pronoun is used, such pronoun shall refer to both male and female employees.
All benefits presently enjoyed by employees covered by this Memorandum of
Understanding which are not specifically provided for or abridged in this Memorandum,
such as but not limited to holidays, uniforms, equipment, etc., are hereby included and
protected by this Memorandum.
This Memorandum of Understanding shall be printed by the Lodge. The
Department shall reimburse the Lodge for fifty percent (50%) of the cost of such printing.
If any term or provision of this Memorandum is, at any time during the life of this
Memorandum, determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be in conflict with any
applicable law, constitution, statute, or ordinance, such term or provision shall continue
in effect only to the extent permitted by law. If any term or provision is so held to be
invalid or unenforceable (or if the parties agree that it is), such invalidity or
unenforceability shall not affect or impair any other term or provision of this
This Memorandum of Understanding shall become effective July 1, 2021, and
remain in full force and effect until June 30, 2024. It shall automatically be renewed from
year to year thereafter, unless either party shall give to the other party written notice of
a desire to terminate, modify or amend this Memorandum of Understanding. Such notice
shall be given to the other party in writing by certified mail no later than January 1
the year involved.
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 45 DMFIRM #400231086 v9
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals this_____
day of ___________________, 2022 by their officers and agents duly authorized.
Michael Mancuso
Michael S. Harrison
Jessica Scott
Eric Melancon
Deborah F. Moore-Carter
Paul Hayes
James Shea
Scott Lawrence
Robert Cenname
Christopher Nunn
Sheree Briscoe
Lisa Riha
Shallah Graham
Herbert R. Weiner
Justin Conroy
Michael Davey
Quinton Herbert Kieran Dowdy
Veronica Jones
Yvette Brown
Lisa Walden, Chief Solicitor Clerk Date
Page 45 of Memorandum of Understanding (FY 2022-2024) by and between the Baltimore
City Police Department and Baltimore City Lodge No. 3, FOP, Inc., Unit I.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 819DEC66-2DD4-4F56-A46B-A975003519F0
By Celeste.Amato at 12:12:46 PM, 1/20/2022
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 46 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Third Health And Prescription Drug Plan Agreement
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Salary Schedules – Unit I
Salary Schedules – Unit I
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Salary Schedules – Unit I
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Salary Schedules – Unit I
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FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 72 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
Secondary Employment
Michael Mancuso, President October 27, 2021
Fraternal Order of Police
Baltimore City Lodge #3
3920 Buena Vista Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
RE: Secondary Employment
Dear President Mancuso:
This letter will affirm our agreement in principle, to allow members of the bargaining unit to
engage in secondary employment in uniform and armed with the issued service weapon within
the limits of Baltimore City. The Police Commissioner shall exercise sole authority to determine
whether, in all circumstances, each individual employment in which the uniform is to be worn
should be permitted, based upon, but not limited to, the type of work, the suitability of the
employer, and the number of scheduled hours the members will devote to the employment, in
compliance with department policy and other operational considerations. A member may work in
approved secondary employment not to exceed thirty-two (32) hours per week. No more than
twenty (20) of those hours shall be worked in assignments outside those administered by the
Overtime Unit unless the remaining 12 hours of City Secondary are not available, in which case
the member may work up to the 32 hour limit. The Police Commissioner may authorize other
approved secondary not subject to the twenty (20) hour limit such as hotels, hospitals, and
During a week where the member is off five (5) or more leave days, other than medical leave, a
member shall not work more than forty (40) hours of approved secondary employment.
The Police Commissioner reserves the right to revoke permission previously granted at any time.
The decision of the Police Commissioner in these matters shall be final and not subject to
grievance procedures set forth in any collective bargaining agreements.
The guidelines set forth in General Order (GO Q-2) shall govern the terms of this policy, based
on recommendations of a committee comprised of my designees and members of the FOP, Lodge
Accepted for the Fraternal Order of Police: Sincerely,
_________________________________ Michael S. Harrison
Michael Mancuso, President Commissioner
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 73 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
Reasonable Suspicion For Drug Testing
While Investigating Cases Of Deadly Force
Michael Mancuso, President October 27, 2021
Fraternal Order of Police
Baltimore City Lodge #3
3920 Buena Vista Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
RE: Reasonable Suspicion for Drug Testing While Investigating Cases
of Deadly Force
Dear President Mancuso:
In the event that a member of the bargaining unit shall be investigated for an on-duty
use of deadly force, (including but not limited to discharging of a firearm), the member shall not
be required to submit to drug screening and/or alcohol testing unless there is reasonable suspicion
to believe the member acted under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Changes to this
standard are reserved to the Police Commissioner and may be changed at his discretion.
Michael S. Harrison
Accepted for the Fraternal Order of Police:
Michael Mancuso, President
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 74 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
Payment For Court Appearances
(Retired Police Officers)
Michael Mancuso, President October 27, 2021
Fraternal Order of Police
Baltimore City Lodge #3
3920 Buena Vista Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
RE: Payment for Court Appearances (Retired Police Officers)
Dear President Mancuso:
When a retired member of the bargaining unit is summoned by a court, within one (1) year from
the member's retirement date, to appear and give testimony in a matter arising within the scope
of his employment while the retiree was an active Baltimore Police Officer, such retiree shall be
paid a flat rate of $50 as compensation for all time spent. The retiree may be required to present
proof of attendance satisfactory to the Agency prior to payment.
Michael S. Harrison
Accepted for the Fraternal Order of Police:
Michael Mancuso, President
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 75 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
Breaking Ties For Promotions
Michael Mancuso, President October 27, 2021
Fraternal Order of Police
Baltimore City Lodge #3
3920 Buena Vista Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
RE: Breaking Ties for Promotions
Dear President Mancuso:
This will affirm our agreement that the Department will support an FOP’s initiative to change the
current system of breaking ties for promotions to a system where ties are resolved in favor of the
candidate with the greatest seniority.
Michael S. Harrison
Accepted for the Fraternal Order of Police:
Michael Mancuso, President
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 76 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
Retiree Health Care Premiums
October 27, 2021
Michael Mancuso, President
Fraternal Order of Police
Baltimore City Lodge #3
3920 Buena Vista Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
RE: Retiree Health Care Premiums
Dear President Mancuso:
The Employer shall continue to assume 50% of the current retirees’ Blue Cross/Blue
Shield premiums, and it shall continue to assume 50% of the premiums for all members
of the bargaining unit who retire after twenty (20) or more years of credited service, or
upon disability retirement from the Fire and Police Retirement System.
Deborah F. Moore-Carter
Labor Commissioner
Accepted for the Fraternal Order of Police:
Michael Mancuso, President
cc: Michael S. Harrison
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 77 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
Recruitment and Training
October 27, 2021
Michael Mancuso, President
Fraternal Order of Police
Baltimore City Lodge #3
3920 Buena Vista Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
Dear President Mancuso:
This side-letter will affirm our agreement that the Department will throughout the
term of this FY 2022-2024 MOU earmark specific funds for the purposes of training and
recruiting. More specifically, agency funds totaling $400,000 will be utilized for providing
training to bargaining unit members. In addition, agency funds totaling $150,000 will be
utilized for recruitment.
Please accept this Side Letter as compliance with our understanding.
Michael S. Harrison
cc: Deborah F. Moore-Carter
ACCEPTED for Fraternal Order of Police:
Michael Mancuso, President / Date
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 78 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
Grievance and Arbitration and Discipline
October 27, 2021
Michael Mancuso, President
Fraternal Order of Police
Baltimore City Lodge #3
3920 Buena Vista Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
Dear President Mancuso:
This letter will confirm the agreement reached by the City and the FOP regarding two provisions
in the new MOU:
1. Article 5 Grievance and Arbitration: It is agreed that should an employee or the Lodge desire to
file a grievance, it must be filed beginning at Step 1 and continuing if necessary through the remaining
Steps and only then to arbitration. The only exception to this requirement that all grievance steps are
mandatory shall be in cases of a group or class grievance which may be instituted at Step 3 or where
the parties mutually agree to skip one or more steps in the grievance process.
2. Article 15B The parties have agreed to interpret this section to mean that if an employee
suspended without pay pursuant to Article 15B, they will be entitled to reinstitution to pay status with
all benefits, and lost pay back to the date on which pay was stopped, effective when the employee is
returned to full duty status.
Please accept this Side Letter as compliance with our understanding.
Deborah F. Moore-Carter
Labor Commissioner
cc: Michael S. Harrison ACCEPTED for Fraternal Order of Police:
Quinton M. Herbert
Yvette Brown ________________________________
Michael Mancuso, President / Date
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 79 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
Civilians on Hearing Boards
Michael Mancuso, President October 27, 2021
Fraternal Order of Police
Baltimore City Lodge #3
3920 Buena Vista Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
RE: Civilians on Hearing Boards
Dear President Mancuso:
Subject to Article 15.A and 15.V, this letter will memorialize the parties’ agreement to add two
(2) civilians to the Departmental Administrative Hearing Boards (“Boards”) under the following
1. Application. Civilians who wish to serve on Boards will be selected from volunteers
who have completed an online or paper application that will be developed jointly
among the Baltimore Police Department (“BPD”), Baltimore City (“City”) and FOP,
and which will be available on the BPD’s and City’s website. The application will
require applicants to provide the information necessary to determine whether they
meet the minimum age, residency, objectivity and criminal history qualifications
stated below, and state that all candidates selected to serve as Civilian Board
Members will be required to successfully complete the MPTC and Civilian Board
Member Training Program.
2. Selection. The City, BPD and the FOP will jointly select candidates to serve as
Civilian Members of Boards. The selection of a Civilian Board Member will be by
majority vote, with the City, BPD, and the FOP each having one vote.
3. Qualifications. Candidates will be selected to serve as Civilian Board Members
upon meeting the eligibility requirements outlined below. Prior to being able to
serve as a Civilian Board Member, a selected candidate will be required to
successfully complete the training identified below.
4. Eligibility. In order to be eligible to be selected as a candidate to serve as a
Civilian Board Member, a candidate must meet the following qualifications:
Civilians on Hearing Boards
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 80 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
(a) 21 years of age.
(b) Baltimore City resident.
(c) Never convicted or otherwise found guilty of a felony offense.
(d) Not convicted or otherwise found guilty of a misdemeanor for which a
sentence for one (1) year or more could have been imposed, within the ten
(10) years preceding the appointment date.
(e) Not arrested for a felony or misdemeanor, as set forth in paragraphs (c) and
(d) above, where charges remain pending as of the appointment date.
(f) Not a party (or the spouse, parent, sibling, or child of a party) to any legal
action filed against the BPD, or a member of the BPD in the member’s official
capacity, within ten (10) years preceding the appointment date. Filing a
notice of claim under the Local Government Torts Claims Act will constitute
being a party to a legal action.
(g) Not a current or former BPD sworn law enforcement officer.
(h) Affirm that he/she can be fair and impartial and has no bias in favor of or
against police.
(i) Not a current or former voting or non-voting member of the Baltimore City
Civilian Review Board.
5. Training. In order for a selected candidate to serve as a Civilian Board Member, a
candidate must complete the following training:
(a) Candidates must complete the training administered by the Maryland Police
Training and Standards Commission on matters relating to police procedures
in accordance with HB670, Pub. Safety Art., Section 3-106(C) and/or the Law
Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights, Pub. Safety Art. Title 3, to the extent the
latter is in effect during the term of the contract.
(b) Candidates must complete the Civilian Board Member Training Program
developed and conducted by the BPD. Within 90 days of execution of this
agreement, the BPD, the City, and the FOP will meet and confer over the
training program for Civilian Board Members, in which the FOP will have the
opportunity to provide input with respect to the content of the training and to
Civilians on Hearing Boards
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 81 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
observe during the training sessions. Such training will be approximately
eight (8) hours in total.
(c) Candidates must participate in the BPD Ride-Along Program. Each candidate
must participate in a minimum of five (5) ride-alongs in at least three (3)
separate districts, to include one (1) ride along during A Shift and three (3)
ride-alongs during C shift. Each ride-along will be a minimum of four (4)
hours in duration. A Field Training Officer must be present for such ride-
alongs. In addition, if an incident involving an officer occurs during a ride-
along which subsequently goes before a Board, the civilian present during
the ride-along may not serve as a Civilian Board Member on that Board.
6. General Provisions
(a) Service on Boards
i. Composition of Board. A Board will consist of five (5) voting board
members. The two (2) Civilian Board Members will participate as
voting members. The three (3) sworn members will participate as
voting members and will be selected in accordance with the
Memorandum of Understanding. The highest ranking law
enforcement member of the Board shall be the chairperson.
ii. Civilian Board Members will be randomly selected for each Board,
subject to their availability. If no Civilian Board Member(s) is eligible
and available for a hearing, the hearing will proceed without one or
both Civilian Board Member(s).
iii. If a Civilian is serving on a Board for a hearing that requires more
than one (1) day, and the Civilian is unavailable for the subsequent
hearing day(s), the hearing will be postponed for a reasonable period
until the Civilian Board Member is available.
iv. In the event the Board proceeds with only one Civilian Board Member
due to unavailability, the Board will proceed to adjudicate the matter
with four (4) members. In the event the four members are unable to
render a majority determination, the Board will be reconstituted and
rehear the matter.
v. When selected to serve, Civilian Board Members will be required to
complete the Department’s Objectivity Statement. Any Civilian Board
Civilians on Hearing Boards
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 82 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
Member who indicates that he/she has a conflict or states that he/she
cannot be objective will be removed from the Board and replaced with
another randomly selected Civilian Board Member.
(b) Stipends. Civilians serving on Boards will receive a $500 stipend for
completing the training requirements outlined above, to be payable by the
BPD after the civilian’s participation in his/her first Board hearing. Civilian
Board Members also will receive a stipend of no less than $100 per hearing
day paid by the BPD.
(c) Term and Removal. Civilian Board Members shall be selected to serve for
a term of three (3) years and may serve up to two (2) consecutive terms.
A Civilian Board Member shall be removed from service during his/her term
only if the individual engages in activity that would have precluded him/her
from service had it occurred prior to selection; provided, however, that if the
circumstances giving rise to removal are resolved such that the individual
remains eligible to serve, he/she may be reinstated for the balance of the term.
In addition, if the Police Commissioner determines that the Civilian Board
Member is unwilling or unable to perform the duties and responsibilities of a
Board member, he/she may be removed at any time with the FOP’s
No determination of a Board that includes a Civilian Board Member, who it is
later discovered was not eligible to participate on the Board, will be invalidated
on that basis.
Civilians on Hearing Boards
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7. Grandfather Clause. No Civilian Board Member will participate in a Board for any
accused officer who was administratively charged by the BPD prior to December 19,
Michael S. Harrison
Accepted for the Fraternal Order of Police:
Michael Mancuso, President
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 84 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
Limited/Light Duty
Michael Mancuso, President October 27, 2021
Fraternal Order of Police
Baltimore City Lodge #3
3920 Buena Vista Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
RE: Limited/Light Duty
Dear President Mancuso:
This letter will memorialize the parties’ agreement to replace the Medical Leave Letter dated
March 21, 2005, with the following:
1. Limited Duty
(a) Maximum Limited/Light Duty Periods. Limited/light duty work is temporary
and intended to provide employees with a period of time in which to recover
and return to full-duty status. As such, limited/light duty shall not be
permanent and shall be limited in duration in accordance with the following.
Exhaustion of the maximum period of limited/light duty will result in the
employee’s separation from service, consistent with paragraphs 3 and 4,
unless he/she has retired from service or has accepted transfer to a civilian
(i) Line of Duty Injury or Illness. Any employee who sustains an injury
or illness in the line of duty and who ceases to perform the full duties
of a police officer will have a maximum of twenty-four (24) months
from the date of onset of the injury or illness to complete the
appropriate procedure and/or treatment to return to full-duty status.
(ii) Non-Line of Duty Injury or Illness. Any employee who sustains a non-
line of duty injury or illness and who ceases to perform the full duties
of a police officer will have a maximum of twelve (12) months from
the date of onset of the injury or illness to complete the appropriate
procedure and/or treatment to return to full-duty status.
The above periods will be extended through the date of an F&P determination
on the employee’s application for disability pension, if such determination has
not been rendered within the maximum limited/light duty period stated above,
Limited/Light Duty
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 85 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
provided that any delay in the hearing date for such determination has not
been caused by the employee.
(b) The maximum periods above will be cumulative unless the employee has
returned to work for a period of eighteen (18) continuous months without
use of limited/light duty or medical leave for the same injury or illness. Any
recurrence of the need for limited/light duty or medical leave for the same
injury or illness, if less than eighteen (18) months from any prior usage, will
be treated as a continuation of the maximum periods stated above.
(c) If the need for limited/light duty or medical leave is a result of a new injury,
the provisions in (i) and (ii) would apply.
2. Return to Full Duty Status
(a) Should the Department receive written certification from an employee’s
physician that the employee is (i) qualified to return to full duty status, or (ii)
will be qualified for full duty within a reasonable period of time, the
Department’s Medical Director or his/her designee shall review the written
certification. Upon review, if the Department’s Medical Director or his/her
designee agrees with the employee’s physician certification, the employee
will be returned to full duty.
(b) If the Department’s Medical Director or his/her designee disagrees with the
certification, a conference will be conducted by Department’s Medical
Director or his/her designee with the sworn employee and the sworn
employee’s physician in an attempt to resolve the difference of medical
opinions. If the conference fails to produce an agreement regarding the
employee’s status, the employee will have thirty (30) days to schedule an
examination by a qualified independent physician selected by the sworn
employee with the concurrence of the Department’s Medical Director or
his/her designee. Once the independent physician is selected as described
herein, the Department’s Medical Director or his/her designee shall refer the
sworn employee to that physician for an evaluation of the sworn employee’s
qualification to return to full-duty status.
(c) Upon receipt of the results of the independent physician’s examination, the
Department’s Medical Director or his/her designee shall make the final
determination regarding the employee’s qualification to return to full duty.
Limited/Light Duty
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3. Permanent Medical Disqualification
(a) Retirement. Any employee who has been determined to be permanently
medically unqualified to return to a full-duty status by the Department’s
Medical Director or the employee’s treating health care provider, regardless
whether the employee has exhausted the maximum periods for limited/light
duty described in paragraph 1, will retire from service if eligible for any form
of pension (
, normal service retirement, line of duty or non-line of duty
disability retirement, or job removal). Such retirement shall occur as soon as
the employee is eligible for such pension, if applicable.
(i) In the case of a disability pension, the employee must file a
completed application for a pension, including all required supporting
records, within ninety (90) calendar days from the date of notification
of the determination of permanent medical disqualification. Failure to
file the required application will result in the employee being
separated from the Department immediately due to that employee’s
inability to perform the requirements of a full-duty police officer.
(ii) Any employee who timely files a completed disability pension benefit
application and who does not withdraw his/her application, shall not
be separated from the Department until such time as a decision has
been rendered on the employee’s application for a disability pension.
If awarded a disability pension, the employee will retire.
(iii) If the employee is denied a disability pension, the employee shall
have a maximum of twelve (12) months in the case of line-of-duty, or
six (6) months in the case of non-line of duty, to recover and return
to full duty. If the employee does not return to full duty within the
above-stated periods, the employee will be separated from service in
the following manner: (1) if eligible, retire with a normal service
retirement; (2) if eligible, retire by job removal pursuant to the
Baltimore City Fire and Police Employees’ Retirement System, Article
22, § 34(j-1)(1)(C); or (3) separate from service upon exhaustion of
the maximum limited/light duty period. Employees who are
permanently unable to perform their duties and who are denied a
disability pension by the Department’s medical director shall be
separated on the last calendar day of the month preceding the month
in which the employee first is eligible to retire.
Limited/Light Duty
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 87 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
(b) Reassignment. In lieu of retirement or separation from service, at any time
after an employee has been determined to be permanently medically
unqualified to return to a full-duty status by the Department’s Medical
Director or the employee’s treating health care provider, the employee may
seek a reassignment to a civilian position for which he/she is qualified. Such
position/reassignment may be outside the bargaining unit, and will be subject
to the terms and conditions of any applicable bargaining agreement. If the
employee accepts the reassignment, the employee’s personnel classification
will be changed consistent with the new position.
Michael S. Harrison
Accepted for the Fraternal Order of Police:
Michael Mancuso, President
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 88 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
Patrol Incentive Program
Michael Mancuso, President October 27, 2021
Fraternal Order of Police
Baltimore City Lodge #3
3920 Buena Vista Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
Dear President Mancuso:
The parties agree to work cooperatively to develop a Patrol Incentive Pilot Program during the
term of the MOU through a Joint Labor Management Committee. The features of the program
will include:
An annual lump sum incentive payment for Sector Patrol members of $2,000 per
The program will commence on July 1, 2021 and continue for three fiscal years,
sunsetting on June 30, 2024. At that time, the parties may assess whether the
program is working and may agree to continue the program.
The incentive payments shall not be considered earnings or income for purposes
of pension calculations.
To the greatest extent allowable by law, the incentive payments will be excluded
from all premium pay calculations under the MOU or otherwise.
The Committee determined eligibility criteria for the incentive payment, provided
that, to be eligible, a member must be actively working in Sector Patrol during the
one-year period, including the first and last days of the one-year period, to which
the incentive payment pertains.
The Committee will be convened by the Labor Commissioner and President of the Lodge, or their
respective designees, within 30 calendar days following the BOE notation date.
Michael S. Harrison
Accepted for the Fraternal Order of Police:
Michael Mancuso, President
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 89 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
Patrol Schedule
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2021-2024 90 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 91 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
Mission Critical Stipend
October 27, 2021
Michael Mancuso, President
Fraternal Order of Police
Baltimore City Lodge #3
3920 Buena Vista Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
Dear President Mancuso:
Effective upon ratification or as soon as administratively feasible thereafter, and retroactive to
September 1, 2021, all bargaining unit employees shall receive a mission critical stipend through
December 31, 2021. Public-facing officers will receive a biweekly stipend of $250 biweekly. Non-
public facing officers will receive a biweekly stipend of $100.
Please accept this Sideletter as compliance with our understanding.
Deborah F. Moore-Carter
Labor Commissioner
cc: Michael S. Harrison ACCEPTED for Fraternal Order of Police:
Quinton M. Herbert
Yvette Brown ________________________________
Michael Mancuso, President
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 92 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
Tuition Reimbursement
October 27, 2021
Michael Mancuso, President
Fraternal Order of Police
Baltimore City Lodge #3
3920 Buena Vista Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
Dear President Mancuso:
The parties will create a joint labor-management committee to review the impact of the HB 670
tuition reimbursement provisions. Any decision by the committee will not diminish the level of
benefit provided for in the current Article 11E.
Michael S. Harrison
Accepted for the Fraternal Order of Police:
Michael Mancuso, President
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 93 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
Joint Labor Management Cost Containment Committee
October 27, 2021
Michael Mancuso, President
Fraternal Order of Police
Baltimore City Lodge #3
3920 Buena Vista Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
Dear President Mancuso:
During the course of these negotiations, the parties engaged in meaningful and productive
discussions regarding opportunities to operate the Department in an efficient manner and to
ensure that Department resources are deployed in the most productive and cost-effective ways.
The parties desire to continue these discussions and, therefore, will form a Joint Labor-
Management Cost Containment Committee to serve as the vehicle for ongoing and regular
meetings. Each party will appoint an equal number of members to the committee which will meet
at mutually agreed times and places during the term of the MOUs.
Michael S. Harrison
Accepted for the Fraternal Order of Police:
Michael Mancuso, President
FOP Unit I Fiscal Years 2022-2024 94 DMFIRM #400231086 v10
Defining Seniority
October 27, 2021
Michael Mancuso, President
Fraternal Order of Police
Baltimore City Lodge #3
3920 Buena Vista Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
Dear President Mancuso:
This Sideletter represents the parties’ agreement about the definition of seniority for the purposes
of schedule bidding:
Police Officers: Seniority will be based on length of service within rank. The lowest
sequence number will determine seniority ties for settling ties for service length within rank.
Sergeants: Seniority will be based on length of service within rank. The promotional list
results will determine the senior sergeant for settling ties for service length within rank.
Lieutenants: Seniority will be based on length of service within rank. The promotional list
results will determine the senior lieutenant for settling ties for service length within rank.
Demotion: If a member of the bargaining unit is demoted, their length of service within rank
is based on when they first obtained the rank.
Michael S. Harrison
Accepted for the Fraternal Order of Police:
Michael Mancuso, President