UC Irvine Law Review UC Irvine Law Review
Volume 12 Issue 1 Article 7
Solving the Pandemic Vaccine Product Liability Problem Solving the Pandemic Vaccine Product Liability Problem
Sam F. Halabi
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Sam F. Halabi,
Solving the Pandemic Vaccine Product Liability Problem
, 12 U.C. IRVINE L. REV. 111 (2021).
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Solving the Pandemic Vaccine Product
Liability Problem
Sam F. Halabi*
The global rollout of COVID-19 vaccines is underway, and with it the inevitable
occurrence of severe side effects that accompany, rarely, even the safest and most effective
vaccines. Governments have invested billions of dollars in supporting research, development,
logistics, and supply chains, as well as supporting the creation of networks of healthcare
providers to deliver vaccines to recipients all over the world. The European Commission and
several international organizations have established the COVAX Facility to pool resources
in promising vaccine candidates and to subsidize their procurement by low- and middle-income
countries. Yet up-front investment in vaccine development and delivery solves only half the
problem with respect to vaccine access. Risks of legal liabilities, particularly product liability
for severe side effects, will serve as an important, if not decisive, factor in how vaccine
manufacturers participate in the response with Emergency Use Authorized and
recently-licensed COVID-19 vaccines. If manufacturers do not receive sufficient assurance
against legal liability, especially product liability, they will not ship vaccines. There is limited
experience with developing coronavirus vaccines, and severe side effects following immunization
are inevitable, as evidenced from Phase III trials and strongly suggested by early
administration of Emergency Use Authorized vaccines. Therefore, there is a critical need to
balance the risk calculations of manufacturers with justice for immunization recipients who
become seriously ill or die in order to contribute to herd immunity in the community. This
Article outlines the components of a global no-fault liability, indemnification, and
compensation system that includes leveraging current no-fault systems in thirty-nine countries,
a World Health Organization insurance mechanism, and a combination of insurance and
compensation fund construction based on claims-processing precedents from the Deepwater
* Senior Scholar and Visiting Professor, ONeill Institute for National and Global Health Law,
Georgetown University; Professor, Colorado School of Public Health and Senior Associate
Vice-President for Health Policy and Ethics, Colorado State University; JD Harvard, MPhil Oxford, BS
Kansas State University. This Article was supported by the C. Boyden Gray Center for the Study of the
Administrative State at George Mason University. The author thanks organizers of the University of
Iowa Faculty Workshop Series and extends special thanks to the following for significant comments
on earlier drafts: Ann Laquer Estin, Tom Gallanis, Roger Klein, Erika Lietzan, César Rosado Marzán,
Tony Mills, Todd Pettys, Anya Prince, Ana Santos Rutschman, Sean Sullivan, Cristina Tilley, Andrew
Torrance, Dan Troy, Adam White, Richard Williams, and Patti Zettler. The author thanks Audrey
Honert, Tim Richard, and Shuwen Xu for superb research assistance.
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112 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
Horizon Oil Spill and Boeing 737 Max crashesboth of which had tens of thousands of
claims originating from dozens of countries and processed in at least six languages. The
proposed system will be essential for vaccine manufacturer response and to address vaccine
hesitancy and injury in populations across the globe.
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Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 114
I. COVID-19 Vaccines and Product Liability ................................................... 119
A. The Uniqueness of Vaccines as Regulated Medical Products ........... 119
1. Premarket Review ............................................................................. 119
2. Tort Liability as a Regulatory Mechanism ..................................... 121
B. Product Liability and COVID-19 Vaccines ......................................... 123
1. Real and Unknown Risks ................................................................. 123
a. New Vaccine Technologies ...................................................... 123
b. Side Effects Following Phase III and EUA COVID-19
Vaccines ....................................................................................... 125
c. H1N1 ........................................................................................... 126
d. Dengue ......................................................................................... 129
2. Perceived and Falsely Attributed Risks ......................................... 132
C. Informed Consent and Product Labeling ............................................ 134
II. Global Pandemic Response Depends on Fairness to Those Suffering
Severe Side Effects Following Immunization and Legal Assurance to
Manufacturers ..................................................................................................... 137
A. The Structure of the COVAX Facility .................................................. 138
B. Liability and Compensation for Vaccine Injury Pose Barriers to
both Manufacturer and Government Participation in COVAX ...... 145
C. Principles of Fairness and Justice Require Compensation for
Those Suffering from Severe Adverse Events Following
Immunization with COVID-19 Vaccines ............................................ 146
III. Solving the COVID-19 Vaccine Product Liability Problem ...................... 148
A. No-Fault Compensation for Vaccine Injury ........................................ 148
1. No-Fault Compensation Systems for Public Health
Emergencies ....................................................................................... 148
2. Adapting No-Fault Compensation Systems for Routine
Immunizations ................................................................................... 151
a. Funding ........................................................................................ 151
b. Eligibility ...................................................................................... 152
c. Administration ............................................................................ 153
d. Limits on Compensation ........................................................... 153
B. Expanding Small-Scale Insurance Plans ............................................... 154
C. Centralized Mass Claims Administration ............................................. 156
1. Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill .......................................................... 156
2. Boeing 737 Max Crash Compensation System ............................ 159
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 161
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114 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
The worlds greatest mass vaccination campaign is underway.
Since the first
COVID-19 vaccines were authorized in the United Kingdom, approximately
hundreds of millions of doses have been administered, with billions more planned.
Vaccines are the most important public health intervention to prevent the spread
of infectious disease, and, as a result, the whole world is racing to deploy a safe and
effective vaccine against COVID-19.
As of August 15, 2021, there are 179 vaccine
candidates in pre-clinical and clinical development, thirty-three of which are in
Phase III trials.
As of February 27, 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) had granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Moderna/NIHs,
Pfizer/BioNTechs, and Johnson & Johnsons vaccines.
Pfizer/BioNTech’s was
given full licensure on August 23, 2021. The United Kingdoms Medicines and
Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has approved those vaccines plus
AstraZenecas candidate for full licensure.
Additional vaccine candidates from
1. German Lopez, The Covid-19 Vaccines 2 Big Challenges, VOX (Dec. 14, 2020, 8:00 AM),
-persuasion [ https://perma.cc/Q2XJ-XYSY] (“This is going to be the largest mass vaccination
campaign that the US has ever attempted.”).
2. Tom Randall, Cedric Sam, Andre Tartar, Paul Murray & Christopher Cannon, More than 4.13
Billion Shots Given: Covid-19 Tracker,
BLOOMBERG, https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-
vaccine-tracker-global-distribution/ [http://web.archive.org/web/20210802000047/https://www.
bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-vaccine-tracker-global-distribution/] (Aug 1, 2021, 2:53 PM).
3. Press Release, World Health Org., More than 150 Countries Engaged in COVID-19 Vaccine
Global Access Facility ( July 15, 2020), https://www.who.int/news-room/detail/15-07-2020-more-
than-150-countries-engaged-in-covid-19-vaccine-global-access-facility [https://perma.cc/F6FM-
8TDK ]. See generally Sam F. Halabi & Saad B. Omer, Evidence, Strategies, and Challenges for Assuring
Vaccine Availability, Efficacy, and Safety, in G
EBOLA 223 (Sam F. Halabi, Lawrence O. Gostin & Jeffrey S. Crowley eds., 2016).
4. Trefis Team, What to Expect as Modernas COVID-19 Vaccine Moves to Phase 3 Trials,
ORBES ( July 29, 2020, 9:30 AM), https://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2020/07/29/
what-to-expect-as-modernas-covid-19-vaccine-moves-to-phase-3-trials/?sh=7c049f761e96 [https://
perma.cc/CT5M-GZ9F ] (“These trials will determine if the vaccine protects against Covid-19 and
whether it will be cleared for use in the general public. Patients who recover from Covid-19 generate
antibodies that help to prevent re-infection and per interim data from its phase 1 trials that involved 45
people, Moderna said that the people inoculated with the vaccine generated antibodies that were 4x
compared to people whod recovered from Covid. The phase 3 trial will help to validate this at a larger
scale and is expected to enroll 30,000 participants in the U.S.”); Carl Zimmer, Jonathan Corum
& Sui-Lee Wee, Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker, N.Y.
TIMES, https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/
2020/science/coronavirus-vaccine-tracker.html [https://perma.cc/PNS7-AXUK] (Aug. 2, 2021).
5. Press Release, Pfizer, Pfizer and BioNTech to Submit Emergency Use Authorization
Request Today to the U.S. FDA for Covid-19 Vaccine, (Nov. 20, 2020, 6:45AM), https:/
-authorization [https://perma.cc/XLT4-F87R]; Press Release, Moderna, Moderna Announces
Primary Efficacy Analysis in Phase 3 COVE Study for Its COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate and Filing
Today with U.S. FDA for Emergency Use Authorization (Nov. 30, 2020), https://
investors.modernatx.com/node/10421/pdf [https://perma.cc/65AC-RCPY ].
6. Michael Mezher, MHRA Authorizes Pfizer-BioNTech COVID Vaccines as FDA, EMA Set
more Conservative Timeline, R
EGUL. AFFS. PROS. SOCY (Dec. 2, 2020), https://www.raps.org/news-
and-articles/news-articles/2020/12/mhra-authorizes-pfizer-biontech-covid-vaccine-as-f [ http://web.
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Novavax and others are entering regulatory review for EUA. The World Health
Organization has granted emergency use listing to those vaccines in addition to
Sinopharm and Sinovac vaccines.
Wealthy governments have already invested billions of dollars in the effort to
bring more vaccine candidates to licensure, or at least EUA.
Many countries are
attempting to secure access to vaccines by offering funding to scale-up
manufacturing and assisting with clinical trials.
The Global Alliance for Vaccines
and Immunizations (GAVI), an international vaccine procurement consortium
aiding low-income countries, is pursuing a similar strategy for securing equitable
access to COVID-19 vaccines.
The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness
Innovations (CEPI), an international financing partnership, has supported at least
ten candidates, including Modernas.
Instead of waiting until after vaccines are
approved and then bidding for them, GAVI, CEPI, the World Health Organization
(WHO), and the European Commission, as well as a number of global health
charities, have developed the COVAX Facility, an international organization
aimed at procuring vaccine doses for all its participating governments, including
subsidies for the purchase of vaccines by low- and middle-income countries.
Governments have entered into bilateral arrangements to lay claim to early
production. For example, AstraZeneca has received payments from the United
Kingdom (U.K.), the United States, and the Serum Institute of India, and in return
has promised delivery of 100 million doses, delivery of 300 million doses, and
mhra-authorizes-pfizer-biontech-covid-vaccine-as-f]; Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine,
U.S. FOOD & DRUG ADMIN., https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/
coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine [http://web.archive.org/web/
2019-covid-19/pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine] (last visited July 23, 2021).
Status of COVID-19 Vaccines within WHO EUL/PQ evaluation process, World Health
Org. (Sept. 29, 2021), https://extranet.who.int/pqweb/sites/default/files/documents/Status_
COVID_VAX_29Sept2021_0.pdf [https://perma.cc/73YJ-2VDW].
8. See generally Matthew Herper, AstraZeneca Lays Out Plan for Producing 2 Billion Doses of
Covid-19 Vaccine, if It Works, STAT ( June 4, 2020), https://www.statnews.com/2020/06/04/
astrazeneca-lays-out-plan-for-producing-2-billion-doses-of-covid-19-vaccine-if-it-works/ [https://
perma.cc/98K4-X8JL ].
9. Id.
10. Press Release, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, Gavi Launches Innovative Financing Mechanism
for Access to COVID-19 Vaccines ( June 4, 2020), https://www.gavi.org/news/media-room/gavi-
launches-innovative-financing-mechanism-access-covid-19-vaccines [https://perma.cc/ZY9T-9FNB].
11. Press Release, World Health Org., COVAX Announces Additional Deals to Access
Promising COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates; Plans Global Rollout Starting Q1 2021 (Dec. 18, 2020)
[hereinafter WHO, COVAX Announces Additional Deals], https://www.who.int/news/item/18-12-
-rollout-starting-q1-2021 [https://perma.cc/M6FM-KPXX ].
12. Id.; Press Release, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, Up to 100 Million COVID-19 Vaccine Doses
to Be Made Available for Low- and Middle-Income Countries as Early as 2021
(Aug. 7, 2020),
-income-countries-2021 [ https://perma.cc/Q4CH-RFMA ].
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116 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
assistance in producing 1 billion doses, respectively.
However, there are far fewer
details on what happens after the doses arrive.
While ex ante investment in the development of vaccines, manufacturing
capacity, and related material like vials and syringes is critical, so too is the ex post
consideration of what happens should emergency-authorized or fully licensed
vaccines cause significant side effects. Most of the leading COVID-19 vaccine
candidates are based on technologies unlicensed anywhere in the world, and the
potential for sizable product liability claims is significant.
On December 8, 2020,
the first day of the U.K. vaccination campaign, two severe allergic reactions caused
the U.K. government to require monitoring patients for fifteen minutes after each
In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) has detected twenty-one anaphylactic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines out
of nearly 1.9 million doses administered, a rate of approximately 11.1 severe reaction
13. Herper, supra note 8.
14. Eileen Drage OReilly, The Coming Clash Over the First Coronavirus Vaccines, AXIOS
(Apr. 30, 2020), https://www.axios.com/coronavirus-vaccine-supplies-availability-16264fa9-ccd5-
4705-abd5-6d208e864ba9.html [ https://perma.cc/V7ZD-2Q6H] (“There will not be enough vaccines
to meet initial demand, experts say. Thats left nations racing to secure future supplies and international
organizations scrambling to make sure there is equitable access to any vaccines for the novel
coronavirus. . . . The COVID-19 vaccine race is underway, with at least 92 in development and more
expected. Theyre based on different approaches that have different manufacturing processes. There
are a limited number of facilities that are large enough for massive scale-ups and/or are flexible enough
to switch to a different type of vaccine than they were originally intended to produce. Over the next
several months, theres expected to be a winnowingof these potential vaccines as data from initial
trials are collected, but it will take time before its known which vaccine(s) are best, according to a group
of experts at a press briefing hosted by the nonprofit ONE on Thursday. Having a global dialogue
now on how vaccines should be scaled up and distributed is key, experts say.); Costas Paris & Jared
S. Hopkins, Pfizer Sets Up Its Biggest Ever Vaccination Distribution Campaign, W
ALL ST. J. (Oct. 21,
2020, 6:13 AM), https://www.wsj.com/articles/pfizer-sets-up-its-biggest-ever-vaccination-
distribution-campaign-11603272614 [ https://perma.cc/DJF5-TC5Q] (“[T]he biggest complications
in distribution likely would come closer to the final point of delivery rather than the first stages of
shipping.”); Jared S. Hopkins, Covid-19 Vaccines to Be Stored Secretly Under Tight Security, W
ST. J. (Oct. 21, 2020, 3:48 PM), https://www.wsj.com/articles/covid-19-vaccines-to-be-stored-
secretly-under-tight-security-11603278002?mod=hp_lead_pos4 [https://perma.cc/6ULY-S4BC]
(detailing the complications of vaccine theft and possible precautions that will be taken to hopefully
protect the COVID-19 vaccine from theft).
15. John Parkinson, FDA Fast Tracks 2 COVID-19 Vaccines, C
2020), https://www.contagionlive.com/view/fda-fast-tracks-2-covid19-vaccines [https://perma.cc/
A4KW-NXM8 ].
16. Joanna Sugden, Rollout of Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine Slows in U.K. Due to
Allergic-Reaction Monitoring, W
ALL ST. J. (Dec. 14, 2020, 12 46 PM), https://www.wsj.com/articles/
67990 [https://perma.cc/VHU5-VMPK ].
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cases per million.
AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines have been
associated with rare blood-clotting disorders.
Although the United States has granted immunity to COVID-19 vaccine
manufacturers pursuant to its Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act
(PREP Act),
and manufacturers are securing protection from future product
liability claimswhere possible on a bilateral basis, there remains no comprehensive
plan for the potentially massive claims related to product liability.
For one or more vaccines likely to be distributed worldwide, there is inevitable
risk of serious adverse events. For the H1N1 pandemic vaccine, the only vaccine
distributed pursuant to a declared pandemic, serious adverse events following
immunization varied widely. Among those reported in the United States through its
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, the H1N1 pandemic vaccine produced
a serious adverse event rate of 2.45 per 100,000.
In the Peoples Republic of China,
the National Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) Surveillance System
reported that a
total of 6552 of the 8067 adverse events there (81.2%; rate, 73.1 per 1
million doses) were verified as vaccine reactions; 1083 of the 8067 (13.4%;
rate, 12.1 per 1 million doses) were rare and more serious (vs. common,
minor events), most of which (1050) were allergic reactions. Eleven cases
of the GuillainBarré syndrome were reported, for a rate of 0.1 per 1
million doses.
17. Tom Shimabukuro, Allergic Reactions Including Anaphylaxis After Receipt of the First Dose
of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine United States, December 1423, 2020, 70 MORBIDITY
MORTALITY WKLY. REP. 46, 4651 ( 2021), https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/pdfs/
mm7002e1-H.pdf [ https://perma.cc/W6GN-GWYM ].
20of%20evidence.pdf [https://perma.cc/X3AC-3KBE]; Press Release, U.S. FDA, FDA and CDC Lift
Recommended Pause on Johnson & Johnson ( Janssen) COVID-19 Vaccine Use Following Thorough
Safety Review (Apr. 23, 2021), https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-and-cdc-
lift-recommended-pause-johnson-johnson-janssen-covid-19-vaccine-use-following-thorough [https://
perma.cc/F892-N537 ].
19. 42 U.S.C. § 247d-6d.
20. Ludwig Burger & Pushkala Aripaka, AstraZeneca to be Exempt from Coronavirus Vaccine
Liability Claims in Most Countries, REUTERS ( July 30, 2020, 6:19 AM), https://www.reuters.com/
-liability-claims-in-most-countries-idUSKCN24V2EN [https://perma.cc/5L9F-QP3F].
21. Barbara H. Bardenheier, Susan K. Duderstadt, Renata J.M. Engler & Michael M. McNeil,
Adverse Events Following Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent and Seasonal Influenza
Vaccinations During the 2009-2010 Season in the Active Component U.S. Military and Civilians Aged
17-44 Years Reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, 34 V
ACCINE 4406, 4408 (2016).
22. Xiao-Feng Liang, Da-Wei Liu, Wen-Di Wu, Bao-Ping Zhu, Hua-Qing Wang, Hui-Ming
Luo, Ling-Sheng Cao, Jing-Shan Zheng, Da-Peng Yin, Lei Cao, Bing-Bing Wu, Hong-Hong Bao,
Di-Sha Xu, Wei-Zhong Yang & Yu Wang, Safety of Influenza A (H1N1) Vaccine in Postmarketing
Surveillance in China, 364 N. E
NG. J. MED. 638, 638 (2011).
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118 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
Compensation costs similarly varied.
One specific H1N1 pandemic vaccine
that contained an adjuvant was associated with an increased risk of narcolepsy,
resulting in significant compensation claims in Northern European countries.
Solving the vaccine injury problem is crucial not only for populations injured
by serious adverse events following immunization but also for the companies that
may not participate in the response at all if not given sufficient assurances of
immunity or indemnity and for governments with populations that may be
disadvantaged because their internal legal systems do not allow the immunities or
indemnities to be arranged through bilateral contracts (i.e., there must be a
legislative measure undertaken). This Article outlines the components of a global
system, leveraging currently existing no-fault vaccine injury compensation systems
in thirty-nine countries, private-sector insurance alternatives based on a proposed
program at the WHO, and a centralized mass claims system based on models for
compensation from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and the Boeing 737 Max
airplane crashes, both of which involved hundreds or thousands of claimants from
dozens of countries.
Part I of this Article analyzes the legal landscape for vaccine regulation
including premarketing review by regulatory agencies and postmarketing regulation
through product liability claims. Part I also uses specific aspects of COVID-19
vaccine technology and recent mass vaccination episodes to contextualize the scale
of potential liability as well as the potentially significant lifelong costs imposed on
those suffering rare but serious side effects after immunization. Part II introduces
and details the COVAX Facility, an international partnership that aims to procure
vaccine doses for low- and lower-middle-income countries unable to afford them.
However, the COVAX Facility has not addressed the COVID-19 vaccine product
liability problem, which is likely to thwart the vaccine’s effectiveness. Part III
provides a three-part plan for no-fault vaccine injury compensation based on
leveraging existing, national no-fault systems; small-scale insurance regimes; and
mass claims models based on human-caused disasters.
23. Id.
24. Ian Sample, Ministers Lose Fight to Stop Payouts Over Swine Flu Jab Narcolepsy Cases,
GUARDIAN (Feb. 9, 2017, 5:56 AM), https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/feb/09/ministers-
lose-fight-to-stop-payouts-in-swine-flu-jab-narcolepsy-cases [https://perma.cc/D3MP-5PGF ]; Rory
Carroll, Swine Flu Vaccine Case Settled but Hopes for Legal Precedent Dashed, G
UARDIAN (Nov. 19,
2020, 08:35 AM), https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/nov/20/swine-flu-vaccine-case-
settled-but-hopes-for-legal-precedent-dashed [ https://perma.cc/4Z9Y-FQA3 ].
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A. The Uniqueness of Vaccines as Regulated Medical Products
1. Premarket Review
Legally and medically, vaccines are sui generis. Despite their immense value in
terms of lives saved and resources preservedbetween 1980 and 2018, the WHO
estimates vaccines have saved 150 to 200 million lives and avoided $586 billion in
costs of illnessthey are medicines given to otherwise healthy people to prevent
Like all medicines, vaccines carry risks of side effects, from the minor and
common (like soreness at the injection site) to the severe and rare, such as allergic
reactions and Guillain-Barré syndrome (a condition in which the bodys immune
system attacks peripheral nerves), that may result in disability or death.
The potential for vaccines to cause harm in otherwise healthy people is the
reason that most countries and international organizations look to scientific review
agencies to verify the soundness of animal and human testing data, quality control
of manufacturing facilities, and clarity of product information provided with the
immunization. The U.S. FDA and the European Medicines Agency are two of the
most important of these review agencies, and they provide services not only for the
populations under their territorial authority but also for international organizations
that procure vaccines for countries without the ability to undertake their own
regulatory review.
The FDAs Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research is responsible for
regulating vaccines in the United States, and its approval facilitates the use of
25. Samantha Vanderslott, Bernadeta Dadonaite & Max Roser, Vaccination, OUR WORLD IN
DATA n.3 (2015) (UNICEF (1996) and Hinman, A. R. (1998) estimate that in the absence of a vaccine
the world would have seen 5 million deaths due to smallpox every year in the mid-1990s. Assuming
that the estimate for the mid-1990s provides a midpoint estimate for the period since 1980 and therefore
multiplying the 5 million per year estimate by the number of years between 1980 and 2016 means that
since the eradication of the disease 190 million peoples lives were saved. UNICEF (1996) Vaccines
bring 7 diseases under control.). See generally Sachiko Ozawa, Samantha Clark, Allison Portnoy, Simrun
Grewal, Logan Brenzel & Damian G. Walker, Return on Investment From Childhood Immunization in
Low- and Middle-Income Countries, 2011-20, 35 HEALTH AFFS. 199 (2016); Anya E.R. Prince, Prevention
for Those Who Can Pay: Insurance Reimbursement of Genetic-Based Preventative Interventions in the Liminal
State Between Health and Disease, 2
J.L. & BIOSCIENCES 365, 369 (2015) (Public health literature
references prevention by typeprimary, secondary, and tertiary. Primary prevention occurs before a
disease manifests through symptoms or biological changes. A common example is vaccination to
protect against certain infectious childhood diseases. Whereas primary prevention reduces both
incidence and prevalence of a condition because it blocks an individual from getting a disease, secondary
prevention occurs after biological changes have arisen in an individual but reduces disease severity by
preventing progression or mortality.).
26. Sam F. Halabi & Saad B. Omer, A Global Vaccine Injury Compensation System, 317 JAMA
471, 471 (2017); Richard A.C. Hughes & David R. Cornblath, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, 366 L
1653, 1653 (2005).
27. See generally Sam Halabi & John Monahan, Regulatory Capacity in Low- and Middle-Income
Countries: Lessons from the H1N1 Influenza Pandemic, in F
GLOBALIZED MARKETS 63 (Sam Halabi ed., 2015).
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120 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
vaccines in countries that lack regulatory capacity.
The vaccine clinical
development processincluding that of COVID-19 vaccinesfollows the same
general pathway as for drugs and other biologics.
As researchers identify and isolate the relevant pathogen, they seek to
understand, to the greatest extent possible, the biological mechanism or
mechanisms that lead to disease.
While some candidate vaccines occur naturally
(like that for smallpox), most candidates are developed using empirical
approaches: historically, serial propagation of a pathogen through media that
diminishes pathogenicity, or that is killed or dissected after cultivation and used in
relatively large doses, with adjuvants or in multiple doses to prompt an immune
More recent techniques like reverse vaccinologystart from genomic
sequences and, by computer simulation, predict those antigens that are most likely
to be vaccine candidates.
Vaccine candidates are then tested in animals after
developing models for immunogenicity and safety.
After animal testing, the vaccine sponsor applies for Investigational New Drug
(IND) status from the U.S. FDA, which authorizes the sponsor to undertake clinical
trials on humans for safety and efficacy and, ultimately, to build the evidentiary case
for licensure.
The first of these trials (Phase I) is designed to assess the safety,
immunogenicity, and dose-response of the vaccine in, typically, 20100 healthy
The IND describes the vaccine, its method of manufacture and quality
control tests for release, information about the vaccines safety and ability to prompt
a protective immune response in animal testing, and the proposed clinical
studies protocol.
In Phase II, the sample size is increased to several hundred healthy volunteers,
and investigators focus on safety as well as immunogenicity. In Phase II(b)
proof-of-conceptstudies, dose-ranges and vaccine components are confirmed
28. Vaccine Development 101, U.S. FDA, https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/
development-approval-process-cber/vaccine-development-101 [https://perma.cc/HUD8-DBS9 ]
(Dec. 14, 2020).
29. See 42 U.S.C. § 262 (outlining the regulation of biological products).
30. See generally P
31. Nicola P. Klein, Joan Bartlett, Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, Bruce Fireman & Roger Baxter, Waning
Protection After Fifth Dose of Acellular Pertussis Vaccine in Children, 367 N.
ENG. J. MED. 1012, 1013
(2012); Bo Ma, Li-Fang He, Yi-Li Zhang, Min Chen, Li-Li Wang, Hong-Wei Yang, Ting Yan,
Meng-Xiang Sun & Cong-Yi Zheng, Characteristics and Viral Propagation Properties of a New Human
Diploid Cell Line, Walvax-2, and Its Suitability as a Candidate Cell Substrate for Vaccine Production, 11
32. Rino Rappuoli, Reverse Vaccinology, a Genome-Based Approach to Vaccine Development, 19
VACCINE 2688, 2689 (2001).
33. Vaccine Development 101, supra note 28.
34. 21 C.F.R. § 312.23 (2020).
35. Vaccine Development 101, supra note 28.
36. U.S.
drugs/types-applications/investigational-new-drug-ind-application [ https://perma.cc/L9TJ-RQ6Y ]
(Feb. 24, 2021).
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before moving to much larger Phase III studies.
Phase III vaccine trials enroll up
to thousands or tens of thousands of human subjects in order to detect rare adverse
In 1998, for example, a rotavirus vaccine was licensed for use in the United
States after Phase III trials on approximately 10,000 infants showed safety and
efficacy. However, when administered to a larger population, physicians and
researchers observed an association between the vaccine and bowel obstruction,
resulting in the withdrawal of the vaccine.
If larger Phase III studies confirm safety
and efficacy, the vaccine is approved for marketing after the FDAs review of
study data.
Safety evaluations are essential during each phase of the clinic trials and
continue after the approval of the vaccine. It is especially important to develop a
systematic approach to classifying side effects to be able to assess causality when a
side effect is observed in the clinical trial.
Until a vaccine is given to the general
population, not all potential adverse reactions can be anticipated.
Thus, many
vaccines undergo Phase IV: postmarketing surveillance and strict safety reporting
standards during and after clinical trials.
A key criterion during Phase IV studies is
to determine if there was a reasonable possibility that the drug (or biologic) caused
[an adverse] event and whether the event (or pattern of events) [was] unexpected.
Vaccine approval also requires adequate product labeling to allow health-care
providers to understand the vaccines proper use (including its potential benefits
and risks), to communicate with patients and parents, and to safely deliver the
vaccine to the public.
A products package insert, also known as the label,is a
critical element of the evaluation of a vaccination.
2. Tort Liability as a Regulatory Mechanism
Under the laws of most countries, regulatory review of medical products does
not generally preclude the liability for manufacturers of those products for injuries
37. See Bernd Schmidt, Proof of Principle Studies, 68 EPILEPSY RES. 49, 49 (2006).
38. Vaccine Development 101, supra note 28.
39. Brian R. Murphy, David M. Morens, Lone Simonsen, Robert M. Chanock, John R. La
Montagne & Albert Z. Kapikian, Reappraisal of the Association of Intussusception with the Licensed Live
Rotavirus Vaccine Challenges Initial Conclusions, 187 J.
INFECTIOUS DISEASES 1301, 1301 (2003).
40. Vaccine Development 101, supra note 28.
41. Jeffrey N. Roberts & Marion F. Gruber, Regulatory Considerations in the Clinical Development
of Vaccines Indicated for Use During Pregnancy, 33 V
ACCINE 966, 969 (2015); see Alberto E. Tozzi,
Edwin J. Asturias, Madhava Ram Balakrishnan, Neal A. Halsey, Barbara Law & Patrick L.F. Zuber,
Assessment of Causality of Individual Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI): A WHO Tool for
Global Use, 31 V
ACCINE 5041, 5041 (2013) (detailing a study commissioned to review the WHOs
Adverse Event Following Immunization (AEFI) causality assessment methodology and aid-memoire,
and to develop a standardized and user friendly tool to assist health care personnel in the process and
interpretation of data on induvial, and to assess the causality after AEFIs).
42. See generally Tozzi et al., supra note 41; Vaccine Development 101, supra note 28.
43. Vaccine Development 101, supra note 28.
44. Roberts & Gruber, supra note 41, at 969.
45. Vaccine Development 101, supra note 28.
46. 21 C.F.R. § 201.56.57 (2020).
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122 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
attributable to them. In EU member states, laws generally place liability for vaccine
side effects on pharmaceutical companies.
Over the course of the H1N1
pandemic, it was discovered that legal liabilities across the world, by default,
remained with manufacturers for the pandemic vaccines side effects, a matter that
resulted in significant delays as countries, the WHO, and manufacturers negotiated
over indemnity provisions.
Within the United States, vaccine side effects were (before 1986) generally
susceptible to state law claims made under principles of strict liability as well as tort
regimes specific to unavoidably unsafe products, which require only that
producers of medicines and vaccines properly prepare and market them and supply
sufficient warnings about their use.
The general idea for maintaining the possibility
of liability for side effects is that it supplies an incentive for manufacturers to
continually invest in the safety of their products and that, between an uninjured (and
presumptively compensated) manufacturer and an injured vaccine recipient, the law
should favor making the injured person whole.
After the adoption of the National
Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, vaccine side effects are now almost entirely
routed to a no-fault compensation system administered through the U.S. Court of
Federal Claims.
Worldwide, the law of product liability generally imposes three kinds of
obligations on vaccine manufacturers: to ensure that they manufacture vaccines
consistently with current good manufacturing practices (cGMPs); that they design
their vaccines so severe side effects are minimized to the greatest extent possible
without compromising their cost and utility; and that they properly label vaccines,
including the risks and benefits of administration.
In U.S. legal nomenclature,
these obligations are generally understood to give vaccine recipients the right to
receive vaccines free from manufacturing defects, design defects, and labeling
47. Francesco Guarascio, Limited Legal Protection for COVID Vaccine Makers Hampers EU
Deals, R
EUTERS (Aug. 26, 2020, 1:01 AM), https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-
[https://perma.cc/AE4Y-TDC3 ].
48. Sam F. Halabi, Obstacles to pH1N1 Vaccine Availability: The Complex Contracting
Relationship Between Vaccine Manufacturers, the World Health Organization, Donor and Beneficiary
Governments, in T
(Michael A. Stoto & Melissa A. Higdon eds., 2015).
49. RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS §§ 402, 402A cmt. k (AM. L. INST. 1965).
50. Bruesewitz v. Wyeth, 562 U.S. 223, 250 (2011) (Sotomayor, J. dissenting).
51. Vaccine Claims/Office of Special Masters, U.S.
CT. FED. CLAIMS, https://
www.uscfc.uscourts.gov/vaccine-programoffice-special-masters [https://perma.cc/KCN7-SA43 ]
(last visited Aug. 3, 2021 ).
52. Sam Halabi & John Monahan, Sharing the Burden of Ebola Vaccine-Related Adverse Events,
24 T
UL. J. INTL & COMP. L. 131, 136 (2015); see also John C. Reitz, Doubts About Convergence: Political
Economy as an Impediment to Globalization, 12 TRANSNATL L. & CONTEMP. PROBS. 139, 140 (Since
virtually all modern legal systems in the world are modeled to a substantial degree on aspects of either
the common or the civil law or both, especially with regard to their commercial law and some of their
public law, the convergence thesis seems relevant to all countries in the world.); Bruesewitz, 562
U.S. at 250 (Sotomayor, J. dissenting).
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defects (labeling defects include failures to warnof relevant risks, benefits, and
other relevant information).
This latter right enjoyed by vaccine recipients
overlaps to some degree, although not completely, with principles of
informed consent.
This Article focuses specifically on the possibility that legal action will be taken
because of a manufacturers actions, inactions, products, services, or other activities,
leading to claims based on: (1) product liability (including perception and attribution
of injury) and (2) informed consent/product labeling.
B. Product Liability and COVID-19 Vaccines
1. Real and Unknown Risks
Even safe and effective vaccines generate adverse events among those
inoculated, ranging from (common) soreness at the injection site, fever, discomfort,
and muscle pain to (rare) anaphylaxis and other severe reactions.
For vaccines
incorporating traditional platformslike an inactivated virus (i.e., a killed virus,
commonly used for flu shots) or live-attenuated virus (i.e., a virus that has been
weakened under laboratory conditions, used for measles, mumps, and rubella
(MMR))there are decades of evidence and well-controlled postimmunization
surveillance to confirm both safety and efficacy.
The occurrence of serious side
effects, such as those that result in death, threaten life, require inpatient
hospitalization, or result in significant disability, are rare (e.g., less than one adverse
event occurs per ten million doses for tetanus toxoid vaccines, one to two adverse
events per one million doses for inactivated influenza vaccine, and none for
hepatitis A).
a. New Vaccine Technologies
Robust data sets are essential to better define risk to specific subgroups,
clearly demonstrate clinical benefit, better define and continue to evaluate as part
of an ongoing process the safety profile of the vaccine, and facilitate
KEETON ON THE LAW OF TORTS § 99, at 695 (5th ed. 1984) (student ed.).
54. Sheldon F. Kurtz, The Law of Informed Consent: From Doctor is Right to Patient Has
Rights, 50 SYRACUSE L. REV. 1243, 1245 (2001) (“Today, the right of a patient to participate to some
extent in medical decision making affecting the patient is universally dictated by the informed consent
laws of all states.).
55. Luana Raposo de Melo Moraes Aps, Marco Aurélio Floriano Piantola, Sara Araujo Pereira,
Julia Tavares de Castro, Fernanda Ayane de Oliveira Santos & Luís Carlos de Souza Ferreira, Adverse
Events of Vaccines and the Consequences of Non-Vaccination: A Critical Review, 52 R
PÚBLICA 1, 3 (2018) (The administration of these compounds may lead to adverse reactions, such as
local inflammatory reactions and, much less frequently, systemic effects, such as the exacerbation of
autoimmune diseases and allergies.).
56. See generally Stanley Plotkin, History of Vaccination, 111 PNAS 12283 (2014).
57. Halabi & Omer, supra note 26, at 471.
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124 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
communication of benefit/risk data and information that will mitigate litigation
The safety profile of vaccination with newer platforms like DNA,
non-replicating viral vector, protein subunit, and RNA vaccines, including
is less extensive than with platforms with long safety profiles like
inactivated or live-attenuated vaccines.
The use of DNA vaccines, for example,
has raised safety concerns mainly regarding the probability of stable integration of
transfected DNA into the genome of somatic or even germ cells, causing
dysregulated gene expression and mutations.
Most COVID-19 vaccine candidates, and certainly the leading ones, are
generally based on these new kinds of technologies, which are not licensed for use
in humans anywhere in the world.
AstraZenecas candidate, ChAdOx1 nCoV-19,
for example, uses a chimpanzee adenovirus (the same that causes the common cold)
to deliver a SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which then prompts an immune response
to that protein when exposure to the actual SARS-CoV-2 pathogen occurs.
Modernas and Pfizers vaccine candidates are based on messengerRNA (generally
58. Michael M. McNeil, Julianne Gee, Eric S. Weintraub, Edward A. Belongia, Grace M. Lee,
Jason M. Glanz, James D. Nordin, Nicola P. Klein, Roger Baxter, Allison L. Naleway, Lisa A. Jackson,
Saad B. Omer, Steven J. Jacobsen & Frank DeStefano, The Vaccine Safety Datalink: Successes and
Challenges Monitoring Vaccine Safety, 32 V
ACCINE 5390, 5393 (2014) (Recognizing the need for a
flexible, timely and robust system to evaluate vaccine safety and supplement information provided by
VAERS, CDC established the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) in 1990 to conduct post-marketing
vaccine safety evaluations in defined populations.).
59. Takehiro Ura, Kenji Okuda & Masaru Shimada, Developments in Viral Vector-Based
Vaccines, 2 V
ACCINES 624, 632 (2014) (Viral vector-based vaccines can be easily manufactured
alongside traditional vaccines in large manufacturing units, and their safety profiles can be
tested easily.).
60. Claudia Maria Trombetta, Elena Gianchecchi & Emanuele Montomoli, Influenza
Vaccines: Evaluation of the Safety Profile, 14 H
(2018) (Inactivated vaccines have an excellent safety profile.).
61. Jacob Glenting & Stephen Wessels, Ensuring Safety of DNA Vaccines, M
FACTORIES (Sept. 6, 2005), https://microbialcellfactories.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/
1475-2859-4-26.pdf [ https://perma.cc/CE26-63GN ] (“[I]nternational regulatory groups have recently
questioned the safety of certain existing DNA vaccine constructs.).
62. Asher Mullard, COVID-19 Vaccine Development Pipeline Gears Up, 395 LANCET 1751,
1751 (2020).
63. Pedro M. Folegatti, Katie J. Ewer, Parvinder K. Aley, Brian Angus, Stephen Becker, Sandra
Belij-Rammerstorfer, Duncan Bellamy, Sagida Bibi, Mustapha Bittaye, Elizabeth A. Clutterbuck,
Christina Dold, Saul N. Faust, Adam Finn, Amy L. Flaxman, Bassam Hallis, Paul Heath, Daniel Jenkin,
Rajeka Lazarus, Rebecca Makinson, Angela M. Minassian, Katina M. Pollock, Maheshi Ramasamy,
Hannah Robinson, Matthew Snape, Richard Tarrant, Merryn Voysey, Catherine Green, Alexander
D. Douglas, Adrian V.S. Hill, Teresa Lambe, Sarah C. Gilbert & Andrew J. Pollard, Safety and
Immunogenicity of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Vaccine Against SARS-CoV-2: A Preliminary Report of a
Phase 1/2, Single-Blind, Randomised Controlled Trial, 396 L
ANCET 467, 468, (2020); Allison Martell
& Julie Steenhuysen, Explainer: How Common Cold Viruses are Being Used in Vaccines from Russia,
China, R
EUTERS (Aug. 31, 2020, 3:09 AM), https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-
BN25R192 [ https://perma.cc/W2QZ-NSJ7 ].
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known as mRNA) that instruct human cells to produce protein antigens.
The idea
is that once a person receives those RNA instructions in an injected vaccine, their
cells express proteins. These are then displayed on cell surfaces or released into the
circulation, where the bodys natural immune system recognizes them.
regulatory review process generally vets vaccine candidates, not vaccine platforms;
thus, there is no additional scrutiny given to new technologies that raise risks of
causing dysregulated gene expression and/or mutations.
b. Side Effects Following Phase III and EUA COVID-19 Vaccines
Incidents from Phase III trials have given a reasonable basis to prepare for
severe side effects not only because the technologies are new but because the scale
of mass vaccination is unprecedented. AstraZenecas Phase III trial was paused
worldwide after two volunteers experienced inflammation of the spinal cord.
Johnson & Johnsons vaccine trial was also paused during Phase III for rare blood-
clotting events.
Two people in the U.K. had severe reactions to Pfizers vaccine
within the first week.
In the United States, there have been twenty-one cases of
anaphylaxis and at least one suspected case linking vaccine administration to
severe bleeding.
After significant doses were administered, safety signals were recorded for all
leading vaccines: AstraZenecas (marketed as Vaxzevria in the EU), Johnson
& Johnsons, and Pfizer-BioNTechs. In March 2021, with more than twenty-five
million people receiving the Vaxzevria vaccine, more than twenty countries stopped
vaccinations after reports of young patients suffering severe clotting disorders and
rare types of strokes.
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) safety committee
64. Amber Dance, Coronavirus Vaccines Get a Biotech Boost, NATURE ( July 21, 2020), https://
www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-02154-2 [https://perma.cc/W96K-U5B2 ].
65. Id.
66. J
CHALLENGES 5 (2019) (noting that regulatory agencies approve products, not platforms).
67. Rachel Arthur, AstraZeneca Resumes US COVID-19 Vaccine Trial; Expects Results Later
this Year, BIOPHARMA-REP. (Nov. 5, 2020, 10:00 AM), https://www.biopharma-reporter.com/
Article/2020/10/26/AstraZeneca-resumes-US-COVID-19-vaccine-trial [https://perma.cc/JX53-9LMK].
68. Rachel Arthur, Johnson & Johnson Pauses COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Due to an Unexplained
Illness, B
IOPHARMA-REP. (Oct. 13, 2020, 10:58 AM), https://www.biopharma-reporter.com/Article/
2020/10/13/Johnson-Johnson-pauses-COVID-19-vaccine-trial-due-to-an-unexplained-illness [https://
perma.cc/VH5X-BJJN ]; https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-and-cdc-lift-
69. Sugden, supra note 16.
70. Amy Goldstein, Laurie McGinley, Isaac Stanley-Becker & Fenit Nirappil, Biden Plans to
Release Nearly All Available Vaccine Doses to Speed Inoculations, W
ASH. POST ( Jan 8. 2021, 8:40 PM)
-to-speed-inoculations/2021/01/08/93d58c72-51db-11eb-83e3-322644d82356_story.html [https://
perma.cc/FYZ2-Q55X ].
71. Kai Kupferschmidt & Gretchen Vogel, European Countries Resume Use of AstraZenecas
COVID-19 Vaccine, Hoping Pause has Not Dented Confidence, S
CIENCE (Mar. 18, 2021), https://
hoping-pause-has-not-dented [ https://perma.cc/B4YN-X8RW ].
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126 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
did an in-depth review of sixty-two cases of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and
twenty-four cases of splanchnic vein thrombosis, eighteen of which were fatal, that
had been reported in the EU drug safety database as of March 18, 2021.
On April
7, 2021, the EMA concluded that unusual blood clots with low blood platelets
should be listed as a very rare side effect of Vaxzevria.
Several countries updated
their recommendation on the use of Vaxzevria, with fifteen countries adopting
specific recommendations to administer Vaxzevria only to certain age groups and
twelve countries recommending use of Vaxzevria based on EMA guidelines with
exceptions for those with a history or risk of thromboembolism and pregnant
Two countries discontinued the use of Vaxzervia.
In the United States, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was paused after reports
of six cases of a rare and severe type of blood clot in individuals following
administration of the vaccine.
The FDA and CDC scientific teams examined
available data of the 6.8 million doses that had been administered to assess the risk
of thrombosis.
The EMA agency has concluded a review of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine that
has reports of facial swelling for people who have received dermal fillers and is
continuing to follow reports of heart muscle inflammation after receipt of the
Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine.
c. H1N1
Assuming a severe side effect rate of 2.45 per 100,000a measure based on
the U.S. experience with pandemic H1N1 vaccineand certainly at 11.1 cases per
million, the scale of adverse events would be significant.
The WHO estimates the
delivery of two billion vaccine doses that will necessarily involve deployment of
adenovirus (AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson) and messenger RNA (Moderna
72. Press Release, Eur. Meds. Agency, AstraZenecas COVID-19 Vaccine: EMA Finds Possible
Link to Very Rare Cases of Unusual Blood Clots with Low Platelets (July 4, 2021), https://
-unusual-blood-clots-low-blood [ https://perma.cc/Z75E-VJQM ].
73. Id.
75. Id.
76. Press Release, U.S. FDA, FDA and CDC Lift Recommended Pause on Johnson & Johnson
( Janssen) COVID-19 Vaccine Use Following Thorough Safety Review (Apr. 23, 2021), https://
johnson-janssen-covid-19-vaccine-use-following-thorough [https://perma.cc/ZUK3-DY3C].
77. Id.
78. Kari Oakes, PRAC Investigates Heart Inflammation Reports with Pfizer Vaccine,
EGUL. AFFS. PROS. SOCY (May 7, 2021), https://www.raps.org/news-and-articles/news-articles/
2021/5/prac-investigates-heart-inflammation-reports-with [http://web.archive.org/web/2021050721
79. Bardenheier et al., supra note 21, at 4408.
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and Pfizer) vaccines as well as some based on conventional technologies.
same rate of severe side effectsthose suffering disability or death or with illnesses
requiring hospitalizationwould reach 50,000 to 200,000 worldwide. That number
may underestimate the prevalence and severity of side effects following COVID-19
immunizations. Over the course of the H1N1 pandemic, an adjuvanted vaccine
distributed by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) was associated with a heightened risk of
narcolepsy, a condition associated with people of Northern European descent.
Adjuvanted H1N1 vaccines were not licensed in the United States.
In the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, the negotiations over indemnification and
immunity for manufacturers caused significant delays.
When the 2009 H1N1 virus
began emerging as a potential pandemic, pharmaceutical firms began negotiating
with the WHO over conditions for the global distribution of a vaccine, which is the
most important defense against a pandemic.
From the manufacturersperspective, these negotiations occurred in the
shadow of potentially large liabilities related to their existing contractual
arrangements with governments, detailed processes for vaccine approval,
distribution and marketing, as well as more general exposure should
quickly-developed vaccines generate unexpected adverse reactions or
safety problems. . . . In many jurisdictions, manufacturers bear legal
responsibility for these adverse events, although many states change these
liabilities in cases of public health emergencies. Nevertheless,
manufacturers faced a range of legal barriers to production, donation and
discounted sale of pandemic vaccines . . . .
The negotiations had two sources of delay: first, both manufacturers and
countries had entered into agreements regarding purchasing vaccines, which
severely curtailed manufacturersability to donate vaccines as large numbers of their
production were promised to wealthy states that had paid for them; second, the
80. Helen Branswell, WHO, Partners Unveil Ambitious Plan to Deliver 2 Billion Doses of
Covid-19 Vaccine to High-risk Populations, STAT ( June 26, 2020), https://www.statnews.com/2020/
risk-populations/ [https://perma.cc/7EZJ-PA5A ].
81. D
SUPPLY AND INNOVATION 85 (1985) (A manufacturer who produces and sells a defective vaccine
that creates a risk of significant injury to the recipient is liable to any person injured by that defect.);
Narcolepsy Following 2009 Pandemrix Influenza Vaccination in Europe,
& PREVENTION, https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/history/narcolepsy-flu.html
[https://perma.cc/HG6C-2SQC ] (last visited Aug. 20, 2020 ).
82. I
(2010) (“Progress toward mass immunization was temporarily stalled when the vaccine manufacturers
demanded indemnification against claims of any adverse reactions associated with the vaccines.).
83. Sam F. Halabi, Obstacles to pH1N1 Vaccine Availability: the Complex Contracting Relationship
between Vaccine Manufacturers, WHO, Donor and Beneficiary Governments in MA Stoto and M Higdon (eds.),
Press, 2015).
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128 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
vaccine manufacturers insisted on legal protections in countries where they were
not licensed to produce or distribute a vaccine.
The U.S. experience with the 1976 H1N1 outbreak demonstrates some of
these risks.
The influenza pandemic of 1918 killed an estimated fifty million
people, so governments around the world and the WHO have invested steeply in
preparation for influenza.
In 1976, a handful of soldiers in Fort Dix, New Jersey,
were diagnosed with the virus.
The CDC hosted a press conference and, although
the virus never spread out of the base, the outbreak garnered significant media
President Ford initiated a program to vaccinate every man, woman,
and child in the United States.
Vaccine manufacturers began developing a
vaccine, but during clinical testing, three subjects died of complications for reasons
unrelated to the vaccine.
This generated negative sentiment toward the vaccine.
Then, over 400 people developed a rare neurological condition after receiving the
vaccine, which resulted in the termination of the vaccine program.
The U.S. government and pharmaceutical manufacturers agreed in advance to
an indemnification of risk for the manufacturer, which resulted in the
U.S. government being the defendant in the suits arising from the vaccine
complications. Ultimately, the United States was named as defendant in over 1,000
lawsuits and paid approximately $83 million in claims.
For comparison, the
vaccination program as a whole was estimated to cost $134 million, with $100
million for the development of the vaccine.
84. Id.; WHO Director-General, Report of the Review Committee on the Functioning of the
International Health Regulations (2005) in Relation to Pandemic (H1N1) 2009, WHO Doc. A64/10
(May 5, 2011) (Among the key difficulties was a variation in willingness to donate, concerns about
liability, complex negotiations over legal agreements, lack of procedures to bypass national regulatory
requirements and limited national and local capacities to transport, store and administer vaccines.).
85. Rebecca Kreston, The Public Health Legacy of the 1976 Swine Flu Outbreak, D
MAG. (Sept. 30, 2013, 1:30 PM), https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/the-public-health-
legacy-of-the-1976-swine-flu-outbreak [ https://perma.cc/85W6-YZPR ].
86. Brooke Killian Kim & Jessica C. Wilson, COVID-19: Tort Immunity for Vaccines and
Antivirals Lessons from the Swine Flu of 1976, DLA
PIPER (April 8, 2020), https://
antivirals/[ https://perma.cc/M4S5-GLWV ]; see generally H.R. D
OC. NO 77-115 (1977).
87. Kim et al., supra note 86.
88. President Gerald R. Ford, Remarks Announcing the National Swine Flu Immunization
Program in the White House Briefing Room (March 24, 1976) (transcript available in the Gerald
R. Ford Presidential Library & Museum); H.R. D
OC. NO 77-115 (1977); RICHARD E. NEUSTADT
67 (1978).
89. President Gerald R. Ford, supra note 88.
90. Kim et al., supra note 86.
91. Id.
92. Id.
93. Id.
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d. Dengue
The dengue virus, transmitted by the aedes aegypti mosquito in tropical regions
of the world, causes a range of symptoms, from subclinical, when people might not
know they are infected, to symptoms similar to that of a severe influenza disease,
which causes bleeding, organ impairment, and/or plasma leakage.”
estimates that there are 390 million dengue infections per year; of those, 96 million
present with some severity of the virus and around 20,000 cases result in
deathusually among children.
Dengue is present in 129 countries, and over the
last fifty years, it is believed that dengue has increased at least thirtyfold with a sharp
increase after 2000.
Since that point, it has been labeled a priority pathogen for the
development of a licensed vaccine, but as with many diseases affecting poorer
countries (seventy percent of cases occur in low-income countries in Asia), the
actual market incentive for doing so is limited.
After nearly twenty years of research and development, Sanofi Pasteur finally
produced the CYD-TDV vaccine, licensed under the name Dengvaxia, the first and
only approved vaccine to inoculate against dengue infection.
To date, Dengvaxia
has been registered in twenty
countries including the EU member states and the
United States.
There have been two subnational
immunization implementation
94. Dengue and Severe Dengue, WORLD HEALTH ORG. ( June 23, 2020), https://www.who.int/
news-room/fact-sheets/detail/dengue-and-severe-dengue [https://perma.cc/X4J6-T6U2 ].
95. Dengue Vaccine: WHO Position Paper September 2018, 36
REC. OF THE WORLD HEALTH ORG. [WHO] 457, 458 (2018) [hereinafter Dengue Vaccine: WHO
Paper], https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/274315/WER9336.pdf?ua=1 [ https://
perma.cc/Q4WF-NV42 ]; Sarah Murrell, Suh-Chin Wu & Michael Butler, Review of Dengue Virus and
the Development of a Vaccine, 29
96. See Murrell et al., supra note 95, at 240 (noting the belief that Dengue DENV is under
reported because it can present asymptomatic or misreported because symptoms are similar to other
viruses, additionally, the uptake after 2000 is believed to be sparked by geographic expansion of the
vector); Dengue and Severe Dengue, supra note 94.
97. See C
VACCINES: A PRACTICAL PLAN, 1, 24 https://www.who.int/intellectualproperty/news/en/
SubmissionBarder1.pdf [https://perma.cc/VV9G-THE5] (last visited Jan. 14, 2021) (Consultation
Draft); Dengue Vaccine: WHO Paper, supra note 95, at 476.
98. However, there are two vaccine candidates in Phase III trials at this time. Dengue
Vaccine: WHO Paper, supra note 95, at 463.
99. Some of the countries include: Mexico, the Philippines, Brazil, El Salvador, Costa Rica,
Paraguay, Guatemala, Peru, Indonesia, Thailand, and Singapore. Sanofis Dengue Vaccine Approved in
11 Countries, R
EUTERS (Oct. 3, 2016, 10:55 PM), https://www.reuters.com/article/us-sanofi-
vacccine-idUSKCN1240C5 [ https://perma.cc/3TN5-V9T7 ].
100. Dengvaxia has been approved by the FDA in the U.S. only for nine-to-sixteen-year-old
children in Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Guam. Angus Liu, After Safety
Mess, Sanofis Dengue Shot Nabs a Sharply Limited FDA Nod, F
IERCE PHARMA (May 2, 2019, 10:55
AM), https://www.fiercepharma.com/vaccines/sanofi-nabs-fda-nod-for-dengvaxia-despite-philippines
-mess-but-a-much-smaller-population [ https://perma.cc/U5CZ-FB4U]; Stephen J. Thomas & In-Kyu
Yoon, A Review of Dengvaxia®: Development to Deployment, 15 H
& IMMUNOTHERAPEUTICS 2295, 2295 (2019).
101. In a three-tiered governmental systemnational, regional, and local
governmentsubnational refers to regional and local government. Katja Rohrer, Chapter
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130 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
public health programs in Brazil and the Philippines.
The vaccine was studied
over twenty-six clinical trials that included more than 41,000 volunteers.
clinical trial participants were monitored for up to five years after the trial.
Despite the large trial enrollment and postimmunization monitoring, it
happens that for children under nine and for a subset of children who had never
before been exposed to the virus, the vaccine increases the chance of severe disease,
an occurrence that resulted in significant liabilities in the Philippines.
On average,
200,000 cases of dengue infection are reported every year in the Philippines.
aggregate direct medical cost for these infections in the country is estimated to be
over $345 million per year and causes children to lose on average 5.6 days of school
and adults to lose 9.9 days of work per episode.
Dengvaxia was licensed in the
Philippines in 2016.
After licensure, a subnational Dengvaxia immunization
program costing $67.7 million
was developed with the goal of vaccinating one
million Filipino children.
The Philippines vaccinated 830,000 children ages nine
to ten living in highly endemic regions
before it was realized or acknowledged
that there was an enhanced risk for severe illness for children who were
seronegativewithout antibodies to the virus.
Sanofi Pasteur reported the safety
issues in 2017, and the program was promptly ended.
In 2019, the Philippines
11: Strategizing for Health at Sub-national Level, in STRATEGIZING NATIONAL HEALTH IN THE 21ST
CENTURY: A HANDBOOK 1, 1 (Gerard Schmets, Dheepa Rajan & Sowmya Kadandale eds., 2016),
=35&isAllowed=y [https://perma.cc/B29Z-2U3K ].
102. Thomas & Yoon, supra note 100, at 2303, 2308.
103. Id. at 2297.
104. Stefan Flasche, Annelies Wilder-Smith, Joachim Hombach & Peter G. Smith, Estimating
the Proportion of Vaccine-Induced Hospitalized Dengue Cases Among Dengvaxia Vaccines in the
Philippines, W
ELLCOME OPEN RSCH. (Oct. 31, 2019), https://wellcomeopenresearch.org/articles/4-
165/v1 [https://perma.cc/5CA2-MHZJ ] (version 1; peer review: 2 approved).
105. Thomas & Yoon, supra note 100, at 2303, 2308.
106. Mong Palatino, The Health of Thousands of Filipino Children Could Be at Risk, Thanks to
Sanofis Dengue Vaccine, G
LOB. VOICES (Dec. 7, 2017, 5:35 GMT), https://globalvoices.org/2017/
107. $365 million per year is measured in 2012 USD. Ronald U. Mendoza, Sheena A. Valenzuela
& Manuel M. Dayrit, A Crisis of Confidence: The Case of Dengvaxia in the Philippines 1,
5 (Ateneo
Sch. of Govt., Working Paper No. 20-002, 2020).
108. Flasche et al., supra note 104, at 3.
109. Karen Lema & Matthias Balmont, Philippines to Charge Officials of Sanofi, Government Over
Dengue Vaccine, R
EUTERS (Mar. 1, 2019, 12:51 AM), https://www.reuters.com/article/us-sanofi-fr-
[https://perma.cc/959H-D2VY ].
110. Flasche et al., supra note 104, at 3.
111. The dengue seroprevalance in this population is not known, but has been estimated to be
between 80 and 85%, extrapolating from data from the trial sites in the Philippines included in the
Phase 3 trial.Id. at 3.
112. Id. at 1.
113. Id. at 3.
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permanently banned Dengvaxia.
Alleged delays by Sanofi in disclosing safety
signals following Dengvaxia campaigns have resulted in criminal indictments against
Sanofi executives, demands for repayment of the price of the Dengvaxia doses, and
additional liabilities related to ten deaths attributed to Dengvaxia administration.
For these and other reasons, governments and global leaders must plan for
liability and compensation as a component of the broader international response to
In countries with strict liability regimes for vaccines, there is a limited
obligation for a plaintiff to prove causation between the vaccination and the injury,
only that the immunization and the injury are related in place and time.
Even if a
manufacturer took due care, that is, manufactured the vaccine non-negligently,
vaccines will cause these rare severe injuries.
In most countries, a plaintiff (whether individual or governmental) is under an
obligation to prove causation between an injury and the vaccine that preceded it.
The method by which causation is established under product liability law differs in
key respects from the accepted method of establishing causation in science
and epidemiology.
114. Carol Isoux, Are Philippine Childrens Deaths Linked to Dengue Vaccine?, POST
MAG. (April 21, 2019, 2:30 AM), https://www.scmp.com/magazines/post-magazine/long-reads/
article/3006712/philippines-suspicion-dengue-vaccine-linked [ https://perma.cc/DUY9-X85F ].
115. Vince F. Nonato, Solon: Sanofi Will Be Held Liable for Misrepresenting Dengvaxia Safety,
HIL. DAILY INQUIRER (Dec. 10, 2017, 6:30 PM), http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/951181/solon-sanofi-
will-be-held-liable-for-misrepresenting-dengvaxia-safety [https://perma.cc/SHC4-B7XD ] (“The
House of Representatives Committee on Good Government and Public Accountability will hold Sanofi
Pasteur liable for allegedly misrepresenting the side effects of Dengvaxia, as the French pharmaceutical
giant only recently disclosed the risks months after the congressional inquiry had ended.). The
indictments are a good example of using respondeat superior theories when the Philippines Department
of Justice is pursuing criminal allegations against Sanofi for omissions that are in fact attributable to the
corporations, not its president or other indicted officers. See generally Mihailis E. Diamantis, Corporate
Criminal Minds, 91 NOTRE DAME L. Rev. 2049 (2016).
at 28 (Testimony [in response to the expected DTP vaccine shortage due to unstable supplies]
. . . from Squibb-Connaught indicated that [the vaccine distributors of DTP in 1984] had continued
manufacturing vaccine and would be willing to distribute it if some federal protection were provided
from [the high] liability risks.).
117. Clare Looker & Heath Kelly, No-fault Compensation Following Adverse Events Attributed
to Vaccination: A Review of International Programmes, 89 B
ORGANIZATION [WHO] 371, 375 (2011), https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/
270902/PMC3089384.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y [ https://perma.cc/B7Z4-6P3V ] (“This process
presumes causation if any injury listed in the table occurs within a specified time frame after
vaccination. . . . [P]rogrammes are based on the premise that the adverse outcome is not attributable to
a specific individual or industry but due to an unavoidable risk associated with vaccines.).
118. See id. at 371.
119. See, e.g., C
M. Philipose & Jay P. Sanford eds., 1993) (If the conditions of the petitioner are not included in the
table, they must then prove causation by a covered vaccine.).
120. D
at 8586, 155 (The difficulty of proving or disproving a causal relationship between a given vaccine
and a particular injury suggests that if causation is required, for payment of compensation, outcomes
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132 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
2. Perceived and Falsely Attributed Risks
Not only will real and unknown risks shape legal liabilities but perceived
associations will shape them as well.
In many countries, propaganda campaigns
inducing fears of sterility or of contracting HIV from vaccination inhibit use as well
as fuel suspicions that manufacturers from wealthy countries use people in
developing countries as human guinea pigs.
For example, in 2013, a subset of
religious leaders in Kenya initiated an antivaccine campaign based in part on these
kinds of accusations.
Demonstration projects with the HPV vaccine, aimed at
preventing the cause of cervical cancer in virtually all cases, in the Indian states of
Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat resulted in the preliminary (and erroneous) association
of the vaccine with seven deaths, resulting in the suspension of those vaccination
efforts, the discovery of defects in informed consent communications, and a
significant delay of expanded HPV coverage.
Reports of adverse events
prompted litigation at the Supreme Court of India as well as a ministerial review of
the informed consent protocols used by researchers.
While no panel convened
by the Supreme Court, the legislature, or the Ministry of Health and Welfare found
any evidence that the vaccines caused any injuries, those entities found defects in
informed consent procedures, and although not technically parties, GSK and Merck
were required to respond to official inquiries.
Because causation will be a key aspect of any action to recover money
damages, litigation risk is far more significant for perceived injuries or false
attribution of background events to a vaccination.
Many countries suffer from
will depend on who is required to carry the burden of proof. . . . [T]hese efforts to prove causation will
be time-consuming, expensive, and probably inconclusive.).
121. Eve Dubé, Caroline Laberge, Maryse Guay, Paul Bramadat, Réal Roy & Julie Bettinger,
Vaccine Hesitancy: An Overview, 9 H
perceptions are predictors of adult vaccination behavior.).
122. See Tara C. Smith, Vaccine Rejection and Hesitancy: A Review and Call to Action, OPEN
INFECTIOUS DISEASES, Summer 2017, at 1, 1 (“[M]ultiple studies have demonstrated concerning
patterns of decline of confidence in vaccines.).
123. Jill Olivier, Interventions with Local Faith Communities on Immunization in Development
Contexts, R
EV. FAITH & INTL AFFS., Fall 2016, at 36, 36 (Kenyan Catholic Bishops called for a boycott
of the . . . vaccine . . ., arguing that the vaccine was dangerous.).
124. R. Prasad, Opinion, A Second Chance for the HPV Vaccine, HINDU (Oct. 8, 2017, 3:33
PM), http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-opinion/a-second-chance-for-the-hpv-vaccine/
article19821936.ece [https://perma.cc/GR3W-EUAX ]; Sanjay Kumar & Declan Butler, Calls in India
for Legal Action Against US Charity, N
ATURE (Sept. 9, 2013), https://www.nature.com/news/calls-
in-india-for-legal-action-against-us-charity-1.13700 [https://perma.cc/NJB7-6AT8].
125. Kumar & Butler, supra note 124; Carolijn Terwindt, Health Rights Litigation Pushes for
Accountability in Clinical Trials in India, H
EALTH & HUM. RTS. J., Dec. 2014, at 84, 8788, https://
cdn1.sph.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/2469/2014/12/Terwindt-final1.pdf [https://
perma.cc/G5XT-TVXL ].
126. Terwindt, supra note 125, at 88.
127. See Richard Kent Zimmerman, James J. Schlesselman, Tammy A. Mieczkowski, Anne
R. Medsger & Mahlon Raymund, Physician Concerns About Vaccine Adverse Effects and Potential
Litigation, 152 A
RCHIVES PEDIATRICS & ADOLESCENT MED. 12, 12 (1998) (“Physiciansperceptions
about the risk for adverse effects and protection afforded by the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
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high background levels of morbidity and mortality, and coincidental deaths
associated with vaccine administration attributed to the vaccine may give rise to
litigation, even if rigorous analysis of objective data ultimately vindicates the
manufacturer and its product.
It is well established that there is widespread
misunderstanding in developing countries about what respiratory illnesses are, how
they are transmitted, and what their effects might be.
Background skepticism of
vaccine campaigns may increase the chance that specific events or injuries are
attributed to COVID-19 vaccines.
Moreover, COVID-19 vaccines are unlikely to
be as efficacious as the most efficacious vaccines, like the measles vaccine,
increasing the chance that someone who received an immunization and becomes ill
may conflate the two.
influence their concern about litigation and, to a lesser extent, their reported likelihood to
administer immunizations.).
128. Elaine R. Miller, Pedro L. Moro, Maria Cano & Tom Shimabukuro, Deaths Following
Vaccination: What Does the Evidence Show?, 33 V
ACCINE 3288, 3288 (2015).
129. Prisca Adhiambo Oria, Geoffrey Arunga, Emmaculate Lebo, Joshua M. Wong, Gideon
Emukule, Philip Muthoka, Nancy Otieno, David Mutonga, Robert F. Breiman & Mark A. Katz,
Assessing Parents Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Seasonal Influenza Vaccination of Children Before
and After a Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Effectiveness Study in Low-income Urban and Rural Kenya,
20102011, 13 BMC
PUB. HEALTH 391, 395 (2013), https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/
track/pdf/10.1186/1471-2458-13-391.pdf [https://perma.cc/5UTV-7XJW ] (“Of the 36
pre-vaccination focus group discussion participants, a majority said the main causes of influenza were
low temperatures and dust. A few also said smoke, contact with influenza-infected persons and allergic
reactions could cause influenza.”); Farhanah Abd Wahab, Sarimah Abdullah, Jafri Malin Abdullah,
Hasnan Jaafar, Siti Suraiya Md Noor, Wan Mohd Zahiruddin Wan Mohammad, Abdul Aziz Mohamed
Yusoff, John Tharakan, Shalini Bhaskar, Muthuraju Sangu, Mohd Shah Mahmood, Fauziah Kassim,
Md. Hanip Rafia, Mohammed Safari Mohammed Haspani, Azmi Alias, Rogelio Hernández Pando,
Updates on Knowledge, Attitude and Preventive Practices on Tuberculosis among Healthcare Workers, 23
Malay. J. Med. Sci. 25, 30 (“A preliminary study of knowledge, attitudes and practices towards TB
prevention was done in 2013 from two selected hospitals. Five family members were interviewed based
on a questionnaire of knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of TB cases among nurses (30). It was
found that only 20% of them had good knowledge. TB infection is commonly associated with lungs
was correctly answered by 80% of the family members, while 80% said it is treatable and curable.
However, 60% of them were still unaware that TB is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. All of them believed that smoking (100%) is the main risk factor for TB, apart from alcohol
and drug use (40%), other chronic diseases (20%), overcrowding and malnutrition (20%) and poverty
(20%).”); Adela Ngwewondo, Lucia Nkengazong, Lum Abienwi Ambe, Jean Thierry Ebogo, Fabrice
Medou Mba, Hamadama Oumarou Goni, Nyemb Nyunai, Marie Chantal Ngonde, Jean-Louis Essame
Oyono, Knowledge, attitudes, practices of/towards COVID 19 preventive measures and symptoms: A
cross-sectional study during the exponential rise of the outbreak in Cameroon, 14 PLOS Neglected Tropical
Diseases 9 (2020).
130. See id. at 397 (While most parents in the fully vaccinated group had no concerns about
the vaccine, half the parents in the partially and non-vaccinated groups had concerns about the vaccine;
most said they were concerned about side effects because it was a new vaccine. Few parents of partially
vaccinated children said they were concerned about side effects because they had heard of a child who
had reacted negatively to vaccination. Parents of non-vaccinated children . . . had serious doubts about
it.’” (quoting parent on non-vaccinated children in Kibera and Lwak)).
131. Malik Peiris & Gabriel M. Leung, What Can We Expect from First-generation COVID-19
Vaccines?, 396 L
ANCET 1467, 1468 (2020), https://www.thelancet.com/action/showPdf?pii=S0140-
6736%2820%2931976-0 [https://perma.cc/RYE2-XRH3 ]; Allison Aubrey, A COVID-19 Vaccine
May Be Only 50% Effective. Is That Good Enough?, NPR (Sept. 12, 2020, 7:00 AM), https://
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134 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
Similarly, vaccine-related injuries may be attributable to contamination or
infection from vaccines or syringes used improperly.
The introduction of
Johnson & Johnsons Ebola vaccine candidate into the Democratic Republic of the
Congo was complicated precisely because it required the administration of two
doses two months apart.
Nearly all current COVID-19 vaccine candidates require
two doses administered months apart.
C. Informed Consent and Product Labeling
Informed consent is an autonomous authorization by individuals of a medical
intervention or of involvement in research,which includes a decision to accept a
health-care workers administration of a vaccine.
Given the substantial interest by
both manufacturers and third-party sponsors in obtaining as much information as
possible about COVID-19 vaccine planning, implementation, and outcomes, there
is likely to be a high correlation between individuals receiving vaccinations as
patients and subjects of medical research. Informed consent is a process based on
verbal and written communication between patients and health-care workers.
effective-is-that-good-enough [ https://perma.cc/8DVT-8H3F ]. As of January 13, 2020,
AstraZenecas vaccine is seventy percent effective and requires two doses, and Pfizers vaccine is
ninety-five percent effective and requires two doses. Compare these to the MMR vaccine which is
ninety-seven percent effective and requires two doses. Aylin Woodward & Shayanne Gal, 3 Coronavirus
Vaccines So Far Seem to Prevent COVID-19. Heres How Their Efficacy Compares to Vaccines for Flu,
Measles, and More., B
US. INSIDER (Nov. 30, 2020, 2:01 PM), https://www.businessinsider.com/
[https://perma.cc/5H5U-7ZFV ].
132. World Health Org. [WHO], Vaccine Safety Basics: Learning Manual, at 75 (2013),
[https://perma.cc/AC6U-VMPU ] (outlining common immunization errors: [r]euse of disposable
syringe or needle leading to contamination of the vial, especially in multi-dose vials; [i]mproperly
sterilized syringe or needle; [c]ontaminated vaccine or diluent”).
133. Helen Branswell, Debate over Whether to Test a Second Ebola Vaccine Turns Acrimonious,
STAT ( July 17, 2019) https://www.statnews.com/2019/07/17/debate-testing-second-ebola-
vaccine/ [ https://perma.cc/N8LX-KMCJ ].
134. K. Moodley, M. Pather & L. Myer, Informed Consent and Participant Perceptions of Influenza
Vaccine Trials in South Africa,
31 J. MED. ETHICS 727, 727 (2005) (“Informed consent is fundamental
to the ethical conduct of randomised controlled trials and is a critical component of the research
process. Defined as an autonomous authorization by individuals of a medical intervention or of
involvement in research,the principle of informed consent is enshrined in all major guidelines for the
ethical conduct of biomedical research. Informed consent is a process, based on verbal and written
communication between participants and trial staff (or other individuals recruiting participants). The
main pragmatic worry about informed consent is the different ways in which the process can failfor
example, because consent is not sought or because participants may not adequately understand the
issues involved. Written trial materials are a central component of the informed consent process that is
required by most major ethical guidelines. To enhance understanding of informed consent forms and
related patient information materials, it is essential that these documents are highly readable.).
135. Elizabeth Gross Cohn, Haomiao Jia, Winifred Chapman Smith, Katherine Erwin & Elaine
L. Larson., Measuring the Process and Quality of Informed Consent for Clinical Research: Development and
Testing, 38 O
NCOLOGY NURSING F. 417, 418 (2011) (“Results also indicated that a successful consent
process must include, at a minimum, the use of various communication modes (e.g., written, verbal,
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The main pragmatic concern about informed consent in the vaccine context is the
different ways in which the process can failfor example, because consent is not
sought or because participants may not adequately understandthe factors involved
in the decision to vaccinate because of a linguistic or other barrier.
consent for licensed and EUA vaccines must include information about the disease
the vaccine is intended to prevent, the risks of contracting that disease without the
vaccine, risks and benefits of the vaccine itself, and who should and who should
not get the vaccine.
Liabilities arising from breaches of informed consent and product labeling
accuracy are related. In many situations and contexts, manufacturer liability and
provider liability will be distinct. A manufacturer will provide relevant information
about the vaccine to the public sector or other procuring entity, and unaffiliated
frontline health-care workers will translate product information to recipients.
However, vaccine manufacturers are often deeply involved in training health-care
workers or support health-care worker training in partnership with governments
and national and international organizations. Indeed, in many cases, it would be a
best practice for a manufacturer to do so, or at least to monitor point-of-contact
activity, given its interest in effective quality control. If a manufacturers product
insert for a COVID-19 vaccine limits its use to specific subgroups, but the
manufacturer simultaneously directly encourages health-care workers or supports
the training of health-care workers to emphasize the known benefits of the
vaccination in a way that deviates from the product labeling or discourages the
dissemination of key evidence gaps in the products safety profile, the manufacturer
is potentially liable for violations of the recipients informed consent.
These liability risks are even more relevant in a manufacturers assessment of
wider participation in COVID-19 programs for at least three reasons. First,
asking the participant to repeat what he or she understands), and is likely to require one-on-one
interaction with someone knowledgeable about the study, such as a consent educator.).
136. Moodley et al., supra note 134, at 727; id.; David J. Diemert, Lucas Lobato, Ashley
Styczynski, Maria Zumer, Amanda Soares & Maria Flavia Gazzinelli, A Comparison of the Quality of
Informed Consent for Clinical Trials of an Experimental Hookworm Vaccine Conducted in Developed and
Developing Countries, PL
OS NEGLD. TROPICAL DISEASES, Jan. 23, 2017, at 1, 2 (“The informed
consent process depends upon five criteria: the willingness to participate, the capacity to make a
decision, disclosure of information, comprehension, and the decision to participate.).
137. Heena Kakar, Ramandeep Singh Gambhir, Simarpreet Singh, Amarinder Kaur & Tarun
Nanda, Informed Consent: Corner Stone in Ethical Medical and Dental Practice, 3
J. F
AM. MED. & PRIMARY CARE 68, 68 (2014) (In medical terms, informed consent implies to
providing sufficient information for a patient to make an informed and rational choice, the information
includes the inherent risks and alternatives that a reasonable doctor would provide having regard to the
particular circumstances of the patient.’”).
138. D
at 87 (If a product is not sold directly to the public, but is distributed through intermediaries who can
be expected to know about the product and its risks and to be responsible for informing the ultimate
consumer on its proper use, then the manufacturer does not have a duty to warn the public (although
it does have a duty to warn the intermediaries of risks not known to them).).
139. See id.
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136 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
violations of the principle of informed consent may be serious and widespread in
an accelerated global immunization campaign, and such breaches of informed
consent may also be independent from any injury resulting from product use.
Second, the law of informed consent in many jurisdictions is ambiguous, often
forged from existing codes of medical ethics and broadly worded constitutional and
statutory protections.
Third, informed consent law is context-specific. Legal
liabilities may turn on the relative age, education, and sophistication of a recipient;
disclosures a health-care worker makes about commercial influences; and rules of
evidence that favor presumption toward the recipients or the health-care workers
For example, written communication that is not in the recipients
native tongue or is not properly translated may fail to meet the necessary standard
of informed consent. Further, written communication that does not account for
cultural, sociological, and linguistic barriers may not meet standards of sufficient
informed consent.
While evidence is sparse, there has been sufficient fieldwork
concluded by public health researchers to establish that the demand for information
by potential immunization target populations may be complex and introduce a
number of difficulties in respecting informed consent law while furthering the goal
of broader immunization efforts.
140. Anna Zagaja, Rafał Patryn, Jakub Pawlikowski & Jarosław Sak, Informed Consent in
Obligatory Vaccinations?, 24 MED. SCI. MONITOR 8506, 8507 (2018). (“Currently over 100 million
children are vaccinated each year against infectious diseases such as measles, hepatitis B, diphtheria,
tuberculosis, or polio. According to the European Commission, vaccinations prevent approximately 2.5
million deaths worldwide annually and reduce disease-specific treatment costs. . . . In the case of a
vaccination obligation . . ., individual autonomy is faced off against the state rules and regulations and
a clash between individuals rights and public safety becomes apparent. Here we consider 2 mechanisms.
The first is protecting individual autonomy (i.e., informed consent); the second is protecting the
common good of society (i.e., public health protection through obligatory vaccinations). Currently, a
lot of pressure is placed on obtaining informed consent from patients prior to invasive procedures,
including vaccinations.).
141. See, e.g., Med. & Dental Prac. Disciplinary Tribunal v. Okonkwo [2001] AHRLR 159, ¶ 72
(Nigeria) (The scope and limit of the duty of a practitioner [with respect to informed consent]
. . . cannot be considered in isolation of the right of the patient. Although, there is a dearth of local
authorities in this area of our law, there are ample provisions of our Constitution which show the basis
on which the Court should proceed in these matters.).
142. See A.O. Adejumo, Sociocultural Factors Influencing Consent for Research in Nigeria: Lessons
from Pfizer′s Trovan Clinical Trial, 11 AFR. J. PSYCH. STUD. SOC. ISSUES 229, 229, (2008).
143. See Stella Burch Elias, Regional Minorities, Immigrants, and Migrants: The Reframing of
Minority Language Rights in Europe, 28 B
ERKELEY J. INTL L. 261, 311 (2010) (emphasizing the role of
language recognition in achieving full realization of rights in the EU).
144. See Oria et al., supra note 129, at 5 (Whether or not I accept to vaccinate my child will
depend on the information I receive from those promoting the vaccine. I must be told how safe the
vaccine is, how the vaccine will benefit my child, and from where the vaccine has come. (quoting a
mother in Kibera)); Julie Leask, Annette Braunack-Mayer & Ian Kerridge, Consent and Public
Engagement in an Era of Expanded Childhood Immunization, 47
603 (2011) (For consent to be valid, patients (or their parents) must be competent to make the decision,
sufficiently informed, understand the information provided and be able to act freely and voluntarily.).
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National and global public health leaders have long known that the response
to a global viral pandemic would require a system to develop and distribute vaccines,
including a system for liability and compensation, but governments and
organizations have done relatively little in light of that knowledge.
The H1N1 pandemic was declared in April 2009, and a vaccine specific to the
pathogen was developed by September 2009.
Yet negotiations between
manufacturers, the WHO, and donating and receiving governments over liability
and indemnity delayed the distribution of vaccines until late December 2009/early
January 2010.
In October 2014, the WHO; supporting governments and their
agencies (especially the United States, the U.K., and France); and the governments
of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone convened a meeting to discuss the possibility
of deploying, on an emergency use basis, vaccine candidates against the Ebola virus
Again, the issue of liability and compensation thwarted such deployment,
and the experimental vaccine was never administered outside the clinical
trial context.
The failure to resolve the vaccine product liability problem stands in the way
of access to vaccines for the worlds most vulnerable countries. In the wake of
COVID-19, there are two general approaches to procuring vaccines: (1) bilateral
contracts with manufacturers that include assurances against product liability claims
or (2) distribution through the COVAX Facility, an international organization that
invests in vaccine candidates, requires financial commitments from procuring
governments, and ultimately will match recipient governments with manufacturers
when vaccines have been licensed or authorized pursuant to an EUA.
By mid-August 2020, the United States had secured 800 million doses of at
least six vaccines in development, with an option to purchase around one billion
The U.K. was the worlds highest per-capita buyer, with 340 million doses
145. The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: Summary Highlights, April 2009-April 2020, CTRS. FOR
DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION ( June 16, 2010), https://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/
cdcresponse.htm [https://perma.cc/7M8Y-UJY7 ].
146. Halabi, supra note 48, at 207.
147. Ana Maria Henao-Restrepo, Marie-Pierre Preziosi, David Wood, Vasee Moorthy, Marie
Paule Kieny & The WHO Ebola Research, Development Team, On a Path to Accelerate Access to Ebola
Vaccines: The WHOs Research and Development Efforts During the 20142016 Ebola Epidemic in West
Africa, 17 C
URRENT OP. VIROLOGY 138, 139 (2016).
148. Sam Halabi, Andrew Heinrich & Saad B. Omer, No-Fault Vaccine Injury
Compensation The Other Side of Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccines, 383 N
ENG. J. MED. e125(1)(2) (2020), https://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJMp2030600?article
Tools=true [ https://perma.cc/7C8V-9WJ8 ].
149. Ewen Callaway, The Unequal Scramble for Coronavirus Vaccines, 584 N
ATURE 506 (2020),
[https://perma.cc/AYX6-LDMZ ].
150. Id.
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138 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
purchased: around five doses for each citizen. The EU nationswhich are buying
vaccines as a group—and Japan have locked down hundreds of millions of doses
of vaccines for themselves.
A. The Structure of the COVAX Facility
For the vast majority of the worlds governments, bilateral procurement is out
of reach for purely financial reasons.
Even for wealthier governments, bilateral
contracts may not be a panacea. As of early January 2021, there have been a limited
number of safe and effective vaccines approved. Vaccines entering Phase III clinical
trials only succeed at about sixteen percent.
The solution to the dichotomy
between richer and poorer countries dealing with the vaccine access problem is the
COVAX Facility, an international partnership that convenes wealthy
(“self-financing) governments interested in diversifying their investments in
potentially successful vaccine candidates, manufacturers of those candidates, and
low- and lower-middle-income countries (donor countries) that may offer a
relatively modest up-front commitment but cannot afford bilateral
procurement—certainly not for candidates that may fail.
The COVAX Facility originated within a broader international collaboration
known as the ACT (Access to COVID-19 Tools) Accelerator,
an initiative led by
the World Bank, the WHO, G20, European Commission, and a consortium of
major global public health non-governmental organizations including the Bill
& Melinda Gates Foundation and other private donors to advance the goal of
fostering the development and production of diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines
to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
The ACT Accelerator, launched in April
2020, is comprised of four pillars: the Diagnostic Pillar supported by the Foundation
for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) and the Global Fund to Fight Aids,
Tuberculous, and Malaria (Global Fund); the Therapeutics Pillar supported by
151. Id.
152. Gavin Yamey, Opinion, A Coronavirus Vaccine Should Be for Everyone, Not Just Those
Who Can Afford It, STAT (Mar. 5, 2020), https://www.statnews.com/2020/03/05/coronavirus-
vaccine-affordable-for-everyone/ [ https://perma.cc/2E2L-H3T4 ] (“Without price controls, poor
countries are unlikely to be able to afford or access enough vaccines to protect their populations.);
Adam Hancock, Why Developing Countries May Be the Last to Get the Vaccine, EU
2020, 07:04 AM), https://euobserver.com/coronavirus/148470 [ https://perma.cc/GC6F-9GYG]
(“To put it bluntly, they simply cant afford most of the new vaccines being produced.).
153. Shanay Rab, Afjal, Mohd Javaid, Abid Haleem & Raju Vaishya, An Update on the Global
Vaccine Development for Coronavirus, 14 D
RSCH. & REVS. 2053, 2053 (2020), https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7582051/
pdf/main.pdf [https://perma.cc/WCS9-GA2R].
154. Seth Berkley, COVAX Explained, G
https://www.gavi.org/vaccineswork/covax-explained [https://perma.cc/SM29-JVVF ].
155. Margaret “Peggy” Hamburg, Former Comm’r, U.S. FDA, Remarks at The Scramble for
Vaccines and the COVAX Facility 3 (Aug. 11, 2020), https://csis-website-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/
s3fs-public/publication/200811_Scramble_Vaccines.pdf [ https://perma.cc/E3CK-GRP2 ]; Donor
Profiles, G
AVI, THE VACCINE ALLIANCE, https://www.gavi.org/investing-gavi/funding/donor-
profiles [ https://perma.cc/F9ZN-YTMM ] (May 28, 2021).
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Unitaid and Wellcome Trust; the Health Systems Pillar supported by the World
Bank, Global Fund, and the WHO; and the Vaccine Pillar supported by Gavi, the
Vaccine Alliance (GAVI), the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations
(CEPI), and the WHO.
The Vaccine Pillar, COVAXor the COVAX Facility,
was established
in June 2020.
It was founded to support the quick and safe development,
manufacture, and delivery of a COVID-19 vaccine worldwide.
COVAX aims to
deliver two billion doses of a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine by the end of
In order to achieve this objective, COVAX invests across a wide portfolio
of vaccine candidates using contributions from eighty-nine self-financing
governments and supporting international organizations and charities and, at the
same time, requiring financial commitments from ninety-two donor supported
governments that will receive subsidized prices for doses.
Within COVAX, CEPI leads the development and manufacturing
workstream, which supports research and development and manufacturing
expansion through direct financial investments.
GAVI is the lead organization
for vaccine procurement and as well as the COVAX Advance Market Commitment
(AMC), which helps finance low- and lower-middle-income countriesaccess to a
future COVID-19 vaccine.
156. Press Release, World Health Org., ACT-Accelerator Update: Publication of Investment Cases,
( June 26, 2020) [hereinafter ACT-Accelerator Update], https://www.who.int/news-room/detail/26-
06-2020-act-accelerator-update [https://perma.cc/J7YS-CXNJ]; Jonathan C. Carlson, Strengthening the
Property-Rights Regime for Plant Genetic Resources: The Role of the World Bank, 6 T
L. & CONTEMP. PROBS. 91, 11213 (1996) (identifying the evolving role of the World Bank from
discrete project funding to broader, structural efforts).
157. The Vaccine Pillar is also referred to as COVAX Facility or the Facility in
online sources.
158. ACT-Accelerator Update, supra note 156.
159. Id.
160. More than 150 Countries Engaged in COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Facility, supra
note 3.
161. WHO, COVAX Announces Additional Deals, supra note 11. (announcing that
CEPI-Support candidate vaccines include: Invio in United States (Phase II); Moderna in United States
(Phase III); CureVac in Germany (Phase IIB/III); Institute Pasteur/Merck/Themis in France, United
States, Austria (Phase I); AstraZeneca/University of Oxford in U.K., Northern Ireland (Phase III);
University of Hong Kong in China (Preclinical); Novavax in United States (Phase III); Clover
Biopharmaceuticals in China (Phase I); University of Queensland/CSL in Australia (Phase I)).
162. Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, Report to the Board on COVAX Facility Structure and
Governance, Agenda Item 04b ( July 30, 2020) [hereinafter Gavi Facility Structure and Governance],
Facility%20Structure%20and%20Governance_1.pdf [ https://perma.cc/SA9M-X6KE ].
163. Id. at 23; Mark Turner, Vaccine Procurement During an Influenza Pandemic and the Role of
Advance Purchase Agreements: Lessons from 2009-H1N1, 11 G
LOB. PUB. HEALTH 322, 327 (2016) (A
2009 survey by the WHO of pandemic influenza vaccine manufacturers asked whether they would be
willing to reserve 10% of real-time production for acquisition by UN agencies, 14 out of 25 were unable
to meet the request to set aside 10% of their production capacity, because they were constrained by
meeting the volume of vaccines reserved via APAs.).
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140 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
The COVAX Facility itself has no legal personalityit cannot enter into
contracts, and it is not susceptible to legal process in any of the jurisdictions where
its stakeholder organizations reside. GAVI, an international organization
incorporated under the Swiss Host State Act, is the administrator and legal
personality of COVAX.
The GAVI Board is responsible for overseeing GAVIs
role in COVAX, and its CEO, Seth Berkley, coordinates with the leaders of the
other stakeholder organizations in managing GAVIs role.
GAVIs Market
Sensitive Decision Committee is responsible for reviewing proposed agreements,
and GAVIs Audit and Finance Committee is responsible for tracking and reviewing
all COVAX funding.
GAVI is also responsible for the office of the COVAX Facility. In this role,
GAVI is responsible for negotiating agreements with self-financing countries,
tripartite agreements with multilateral development banks, and agreements with
manufacturers with volume guarantees; managing the vaccine candidate portfolio
(along with other advisors); assembling the Shareholders Counsel and Independent
Product Group; and overseeing all administrative functions.
Prior to becoming
the legal personality of COVAX, GAVI spent $1.4 million on setup activities for
As the legal personality, GAVI will seek reimbursement for
these fees through money paid into COVAX by the self-financing participants.
The self-financing participants COVAX payments are expected to cover all
operating costs, which are expected to be around seven million dollars for the
next year.
Additionally, within COVAX, GAVI is responsible for vaccine procurement
and scaling-up delivery of a vaccine for low- and lower-middle-income countries
164. Bd. of Dirs., Review of Decisions of July 30, 2020 Board Meeting, 7 ( July 30, 2020), https:/
%20Decisions.pdf [https://perma.cc/47GN-G5SG].
165. Id. at 11; Dr Seth Berkley, Gavi CEO, GAVI, THE VACCINE ALLIANCE, https://
www.gavi.org/operating-model/gavi-secretariat/seth-berkley [https://perma.cc/2FXB-LUTH ] (June
8, 2021).
166. Gavi Facility Structure and Governance, supra note 162, at 1011. (noting that the MSDC
is comprised of the Board Chair . . . the Program and Policy Committee Chair, representatives of
multilaterals, a representative of [the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation], representatives of
implementing country governments (2), representatives of donor country governments (3), a
representative of the Civil Society Organizations, and most likely representatives of
self-financing countries).
167. Id. at 1112 (noting that the Shareholders Council includes representatives from
self-financing countries as well as AMC (financed) countries. The Council provides strategic guidance
for vaccine development and vaccine allocation).
168. Id. at 14.
169. Id.
170. Id.
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through COVAX AMC.
All AMC-approved countries
are also eligible for cold
chain support to effectively and safely deliver the COVID-19 vaccine.
GAVI will
be providing support to AMC countries over the next ten years; however, current
estimations predict that COVAX will only need to be active for the next three
Therefore, the AMC program is designed to support lower- and
lower-middle-income countries for an extended period of timelong after the
shut-down of COVAX.
AMC was founded through a Stakeholder Agreement with GAVI.
of the Stakeholder group include AMC donors such as the United Nations
Childrens Fund (UNICEF), Pan American Health Organization, AMC participant
country representatives, development and regional banks involved in funding, and
private sector and philanthropic donors.
The AMC Stakeholder group will be
represented on the COVAX Shareholders Council.
The candidate vaccine portfolio is currently being run by CEPI and GAVI.
All proposed candidate vaccines are vetted by the Independent Product Group.
The Independent Product Group is comprised of five to seven experts who
continuously review data on candidate vaccines, provide a score based on
predetermined criteria in order to make recommendations, and support COVAXs
portfolio management.
High-income, self-financing governments can invest in the diverse portfolio
of candidate vaccines.
When self-financing governments join COVAX as
participating countries, a binding agreement is established to purchase a
predefined number of doses, determine an initial investment in the program
proportionate to the number of doses requested, and set dose contributions if the
country has entered into other bilateral agreements.
Self-financing governments
must also commit to numerous nonfinancial obligations such as supporting the
171. More than 150 Countries Engaged in COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Facility, supra
note 3.
172. See 172 Countries and Multiple Candidate Vaccines Engaged in COVID-19 Vaccine Global
Access Facility, infra note 195 (listing all AMC-supported countries).
173. More than 150 Countries Engaged in COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Facility, supra
note 3.
174. Gavi Facility Structure and Governance, supra note 162, at 15.
175. Id.
176. Margaret “Peggy” Hamburg, supra note 155, at 3.
177. Aurélia Nguyen, COVAX Facility Governance Explained, G
(Nov. 13, 2020), https://www.gavi.org/vaccineswork/covax-facility-governance-explained [https://
perma.cc/45PL-B6N4 ].
178. Gavi Facility Structure and Governance, supra note 162, at 11.
179. Margaret “Peggy” Hamburg, supra note 155, at 3.
180. ACT
VACCINE ALLIANCE 1–2 (2020), https://www.gavi.org/sites/default/files/document/2020/IPG
_Call-for-nominations-8jul.pdf [https://perma.cc/54BF-BVUD ].
181. Id.
182. Berkley, supra note 154.
183. Id.
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142 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
movement of a vaccine, fast-tracking licensure of a vaccine, reporting all
epidemiological and virological data, and maintaining transparency about all bilateral
vaccine agreements.
The benefit of becoming a participating country includes
access to the diverse candidate vaccine portfolio, which translates to a higher
probability of accessing a COVID-19 vaccine.
The WHO is leading the policy and allocation workstream to develop global
policy recommendations and an allocation framework including the Strategic
Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization.
The WHO SAGE will
make recommendations and advise on how a vaccine will be distributed within
a country.
COVAX is the only truly global solution to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The COVAX model for vaccine procurement with its portfolio-based investment
advertises a higher probability of a successful vaccine for self-financing countries.
For self-financing countries, COVAX is an insurance policy to enhance a countrys
probability of securing a vaccine beyond the current bilateral agreements.
Originally, the COVAX Facility had arrangements for first-wave access for
around two billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine candidates,
making COVAX one
of the largest and most diverse vaccine portfolios in the world (export controls
imposed by India during its delta variant wave and problems with J&J procurement
have reduced this initial ambitious goal).
AstraZeneca-Oxford University and
Novavax, both vaccine developers, have entered into contracts with COVAX.
Serum Institute of India, a manufacturer, has agreed to limit the price of a vaccine
produced by AstraZeneca or Novavax to three dollars per dose for low- and
lower-middle-income countries also through a COVAX agreement.
Seven of the
184. Gavi Facility Structure and Governance, supra note 162, at 4.
185. Berkley, supra note 154.
186. Gavi Facility Structure and Governance, supra note 162, at 3.
187. World Health Org. [WHO], Allocation Mechanism for COVAX Facility Vaccines, at 1, 3
(Nov. 12, 2020) [ hereinafter WHO, Allocation Mechanism].
188. More than 150 Countries Engaged in COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Facility, supra
note 3.
189. Id.
190. WHO, COVAX Announces Additional Deals, supra note 11.
191. Divya Rajagopal, WHO Reviews Nine Vaccine Candidates for COVAX Alliance,
CON. TIMES (Aug. 25, 2020, 6:40 PM), https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/healthcare/
biotech/who-reviews-nine-vaccine-candidates-for-covax-alliance/articleshow/77733032.cms [https://
perma.cc/2WSM-79XA ]. Neha Arora and Krishna N. Das, Rupam Jain, EXCLUSIVE: India unlikely
to resume sizable COVID-19 vaccine exports until October, Reuters, https://
-october-2021-05-18/ [https://perma.cc/QR2N-RF4Q].
192. Id.
193. Divya Rajagopal, Serum Institute to Price Covid-19 Vaccine at $3 per Dose for India and
Lower Middle Income Nations,
ECON. TIMES (Aug. 7, 2020, 2:41 PM), https://
667.cms?from=mdr [https://perma.cc/5YCP-Q4RH].
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nine current partnership candidate vaccines are in clinical trials.
higher-income countries have joined COVAX.
These self-financing governments
will help support the ninety-two COVAX AMC member countries, which are
considered fundedor donor supportedparticipants.
Some governments, like
France and Germany, have agreed to financially support COVAX although they
will not buy candidate vaccines through the COVAX program, rather, opting to
procure through a EU scheme.
Before 2021, the United States rejected COVAX,
declaring, we will not be constrained by multilateral organizations influenced by
the corrupt World Health Organization and China but has since decided to
contribute financially to the organization.
194. WHO, COVAX Announces Additional Deals, supra note 11.
195. Id.; G
pdf [https://perma.cc/VLK4-LXZX ] (listing the countries that have entered into commitment
agreements with COVAX and agreed to be publicly named: Albania, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda,
Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belgium, Belize,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia,
Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Estonia,
Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hungry, Iceland, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel,
Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Libya, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta,
Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, North Macedonia,
Norway, Oman, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania , Saudi Arabia,
Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, St. Kitts and Nevis, Suriname,
Sweden, Switzerland, Trinidad & Tobago, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland, Uruguay, and Venezuela).
196. Press Release, World Health Org., 172 Countries and Multiple Candidate Vaccines
Engaged in COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Facility (Aug. 24, 2020), https://www.who.int/news/
access-facility [ https://perma.cc/Q4MZ-XKGG ] (noting that the GAVI board agreed in July 2020
that the following countries will be supported by the COVAX AMC: Low income countries include
Afghanistan, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of
the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Democratic Peoples Republic of
Korea, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia,
South Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Togo, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania and
Yemen. Lower-middle income countries include Angola, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Bolivia, Cabo
Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, Comoros, Congo, Côte dIvoire, Djibouti, Egypt, El Salvador, Eswatini,
Ghana, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic,
Lesotho, Mauritania, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Nigeria,
Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, São Tomé and Principe, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka,
Sudan, Timor-Leste, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, West Bank and Gaza, Zambia
and Zimbabwe. Additional IDA-eligible countries include Dominica, Fiji, Grenada, Guyana, Kosovo,
Maldives, Marshall Islands, Samoa, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Tonga and Tuvalu).
197. Andreas Rinke, EXCLUSIVE-Germany Wont Buy Vaccines Through WHOs COVAX
Scheme - Sources, R
EUTERS (Sept. 18, 2020), https://www.reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-
2GF3JM [https://perma.cc/4JUM-42UT ].
198. Stephanie Nebehay, U.S., Staying in WHO, to Join COVID Vaccine Push for Poor Nations
- Fauci, R
EUTERS ( Jan. 21, 2021, 1:32 AM), https://www.reuters.com/world/china/us-staying-who-
join-covid-vaccine-push-poor-nations-fauci-2021-01-21/ [https://perma.cc/N6SZ-7Z79 ]; Emily
Rauhala & Yasmeen Abutaleb, U.S. Says It Wont Join WHO-linked Effort to Develop, Distribute
Coronavirus Vaccine, W
ASH. POST (Sept. 1, 2020, 2:42 PM) https://www.washingtonpost.com/
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144 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
After the creation of a safe and effective vaccine, the next hurdle COVAX will
face is prioritizing to whom the vaccine will be available in the initial low-production
The WHO Allocation Mechanism is responsible for making dose
allocation assessment in line with three goals: to set . . . overarching principles for
access to and allocation of health products for COVID-19, to set a global
framework to ensure equitable and fair access and allocation of COVID-19 health
products, and to establish fair and equitable allocation mechanisms for each
product stream.
Currently, the WHO is recommending that priority populations
such as health-care workers, adults over sixty-five, and high-risk adults with
underlying conditions receive one of the first doses of the vaccine.
participants (self-financing and funded) will initially receive doses to cover up to
twenty percent of their population through a proportional allocation scheme.
Next, all participants will receive weighted allocation beyond twenty percent of their
Weighted allocation is invoked if there is a severe supply constraint.
If such a case were to occur, a countrys requested vaccine supply would be
dispersed in accordance with a risk assessment score that evaluates the countrys
threat and vulnerability, resulting in a risk rating. A higher risk rating means
vaccine doses will be provided more quickly.
As of October 19, 2021, COVAX-facilitated vaccines had shipped 371 million
doses to 144 participants (almost all of which are recognized countries).
It is
known that those countries have agreed to indemnify AstraZeneca and Serum
Institute of India, the manufacturers, against liability for adverse events. It is not
known, however, which, if any, steps they have taken to compensate those who may
suffer adverse events among their own populations.
[https://perma.cc/3Q6X-PGAD ].
199. COVAX,
ACT-ACCELERATOR VACCINES PILLAR], https://www.gavi.org/sites/default/files/covid/COVAX-
Pillar-background.pdf [https://perma.cc/H4BS-XRDF ].
200. World Health Org. [WHO], WHO Concept for Fair Access and Equitable Allocation of
COVID-19 Health Products, at 1, 6 (2020), https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/
who-covid19-vaccine-allocation-final-working-version-9sept.pdf [ https://perma.cc/ZMZ4-M7AV ].
201. Id. at 24; See COVAX, the Act-Accelerator Vaccines Pillar, supra note 199 at 3 (noting that
[p]olicy recommendations will lay out the priority populationslisted to be considered for the first
round of vaccinations).
202. WHO, Allocation Mechanism, supra note 187.
203. Id.
204. Id. at 5.
205. COVAX Vaccine Roll-Out, G
AVI, THE VACCINE ALLIANCE, https://www.gavi.org/
covax-vaccine-roll-out [ https://perma.cc/C3RY-AMHQ ] (last visited Oct. 7, 2021 ).
206. Press Release, World Health Org., First COVID-19 COVAX Vaccine Doses Administered
in Africa (March 1, 2021) https://www.who.int/news/item/01-03-2021-first-covid-19-covax-vaccine-
doses-administered-in-africa [ https://perma.cc/T33D-JWW5].
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B. Liability and Compensation for Vaccine Injury Pose Barriers to both Manufacturer and
Government Participation in COVAX
Despite the tremendous amount of ex ante planning for equitable vaccine
access, there is no resolution at the COVAX Facility about what to do about ex post
liability for vaccine injury.
According to internal documents, GAVI has
communicated to donor supported governments that manufacturers will require
assurances that they wont face product liability claims over deaths or side effects
from their vaccines.
Thailand, for example, has entered into only a nonbinding
commitment with COVAX and has identified the liability and compensation matter
as material to its decision to participate.
Kenya, which is eligible for COVAX
AMC membership,
said it was premature to say who should carry the liability for potential
adverse effects but expected the vaccine makers to bear some of the
responsibility, according to Rashid Aman, chief administrative secretary at
the [M]inistry of [H]ealth. . . .
. . . .
This is one of the reasons why the EU has decided not to take delivery
of vaccines through COVAX even though the 27-nation bloc has pledged
money to the facility, [an EU] official said, noting that deals the EU is
separately negotiating with vaccine companies involve clauses that make
firms liable for potential compensation.
Manufacturers, for their part, have made it clear that without legal assurances,
they will not ship vaccines to any country, whether or not it participates in
[https://perma.cc/WM7V-MZL6 ] (“In addition to the pull funding design elements described above,
there are other critical design elements of manufacturer-specific volume guarantees, in the form of
contractual conditions, to be considered, which may include: Meeting minimal and/or preferred
characteristics of normative WHO standards for COVID-19 pandemic response vaccines; Regulatory
approval by a maturity level (ML)3/ML4 regulatory authority and WHO prequalification; Desirability
of vaccine profile potentially influencing size of volume guarantee (e.g. if some product presentations
are unsuitable for LICs / LMICs e.g. intravenous administration or large below-freezing cold chain
requirements); Confirmed ability to export from supplier and host government; If the supplier also
produces routine life-saving antigens, agreement that disruption of supply of other vaccines to
Gavi / LICs / LMICs will be minimized; Agreement with conditions of liability / indemnity mechanisms
being created.” (emphasis added)).
208. Maria Cheng & Lori Hinnant, Push to Bring Coronavirus Vaccines to the Poor Faces Trouble,
NEWS (Sept. 30, 2020), https://apnews.com/article/international-news-lifestyle-business-science-
virus-outbreak-6656cba6143eb097da3dc7c8b360bfa4 [https://perma.cc/M4KP-J4D5 ].
209. Id.
210. See supra note 196 and accompanying text.
211. Francesco Guarascio, Lack of Clarity on Liability Could Cause Delay with WHO
Coronavirus Vaccine Drive, I
NS. J. (Oct. 16, 2020), https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/
international/2020/10/16/586726.htm [ https://perma.cc/SV3E-ALFB ].
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146 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
AstraZeneca, for example, has stated that in its bilateral contracts, it
has been granted protection from legal claims arising from the use of its products,
as it cannot take the risk of liability for side effects.
As early as 2006, the
International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations
(IFPMA), the global industry lobbying group, stated publicly that it demanded legal
immunity for vaccine adverse events in order to participate in pandemic response.
In 2006, the IFPMA, in the wake of a potential H5N1 pandemic, stated
[I]n some countries, existing pharmacovigilance systems may fail to detect
key signals until after the vaccines have already been administered to
hundreds or thousands or millions of people. Many of the individuals
vaccinated could develop medical conditions, by chance alone and
unrelated to the vaccine, at some point following vaccination. It is
inevitable that many will expect to be compensated. This is why [IFPMA]
call(s) for a waiver of liability for the manufacturing and use of
pandemic vaccines.
During the 20092010 H1N1 pandemic, manufacturers reiterated their
concerns with potential product liability lawsuits, and negotiations regarding
manufacturer indemnification caused substantial delays.
In one instance, GSK
required indemnity from the Japanese government, which the government, in turn,
replied it could not provide without a change in its law.
Manufacturers expressed
similar concerns with respect to Ebola vaccines in 2014.
C. Principles of Fairness and Justice Require Compensation for Those Suffering from
Severe Adverse Events Following Immunization with COVID-19 Vaccines
Globally, there are three approaches to addressing vaccine injury: patients
with adverse events may bear the costs associated with their injuries; they may seek
compensation through litigation against private-sector actors (principally
manufacturers); or they may seek compensation from publicly supported systems
that draw from public-sector and private-sector contributions.
Each type of
approach is supported by an ethical rationale. The first approach is an extreme
utilitarian version of the fundamental social contract supporting immunization.
212. See Halabi et al., supra note 148, at e125(2).
213. Burger & Aripaka, supra note 20.
214. Halabi & Monahan, supra note 52, at 136.
215. Id.
216. Id.
217. See Yoko Nishikawa, Japan to Buy H1N1 Flu Vaccine from Glaxo, Novartis, R
(Oct. 6, 2009, 5:28 AM), https://www.reuters.com/article/us-flu-japan/japan-to-buy-h1n1-flu-
vaccine-from-glaxo-novartis-idUSTRE5953AJ20091006 [https://perma.cc/3VYS-T78M ] (noting that
the Japanese government submitted a bill to parliament to compensate patients who suffer side effects).
218. Ben Hirschler & Stephanie Nebehay, Drugmakers May Need Indemnity for Fast-Tracked
Ebola Vaccines, R
EUTERS (Oct. 23, 2014, 1:51 AM), https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-
ebola-vaccine-idUSKCN0IC0TZ20141023 [https://perma.cc/NA2T-3YZY ].
219. Halabi & Omer, supra note 26.
220. Id.
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From the claimants perspective, litigation is adversarial, protracted, uncertain, and
requires that an attorney agree to take the case, which may pose a considerable
obstacle for claimants with low earnings or fairly minor injuries.
It effectively
pushes the costs of herd immunity onto innocent parties.
In this utilitarian view,
the benefits of vaccination so outweigh the risks that communities accept that some
individuals will experience adverse events in return for herd immunity.
The second approach, requiring manufacturers to pay, is based on the
integrity and dignity of the individual personthose whose products cause injury
should make whole those individuals who experienced an adverse event.
Vaccine manufacturers dislike tort because of the uncertainty involved in allowing
juries to determine injury causation and damages awards. Even if catastrophically
large awards rarely occur, the threat of them weighs heavily on manufacturers and
their insurers.
These two approaches are commonly applied worldwide, yet they
destabilize the effort to promote immunization by failing fundamental tests for
fairness by (1) requiring people with few resources to pay for serious (if rare)
injuries and (2) introducing economic uncertainty.
The third approach, a no-fault compensation system for adverse events
attributed to vaccination, balances these competing principles. Under a
no-fault vaccine injury compensation system, governments compensate
individuals who are harmed by properly manufactured vaccines instead of
requiring them to use legal or other processes against manufacturers. A
no-fault system acknowledges that a community that promotes
immunization, knowing individuals will be injured, must share the burden
of the cost of injuries. This approach also acknowledges that
manufacturers are a critical part of vaccine access and that they must have
a basic level of economic certainty. It fulfills the utilitarian and
communitarian expectations of a democratic society.
Over time, no-fault vaccine injury compensation systems have become a
cornerstone of advanced public health systems, first in wealthier countries, but
221. Michelle M. Mello, Rationalizing Vaccine Injury Compensation, 22 BIOETHICS 32,
33 (2008).
222. Cristina Carmody Tilley, Tort Law Inside Out, 126 Y
ALE L.J. 1320, 139293 (2017)
(analyzing community perceptions of mandated vaccines).
223. Id.
224. Halabi & Omer, supra note 26; R
(AM. L. INST. 1998) (One engaged in the business of selling or otherwise distributing products who
sells or distributes a defective product is subject to liability for harm to persons or property caused by
the defect.); G
ANALYSIS (1970).
225. Mello, supra note 221.
226. Halabi & Omer, supra note 26; Adrien Katherine Wing, Conceptualizing Global Substantive
Justice in the Age of Obama, 13 J. G
ENDER RACE & JUST. 705, 712 (2010) (Justice issues transcend
borders. We are beyond the time when we can segregate national and international issues.).
227. Halabi & Omer, supra note 3. Cf. Gregory H. Shill, Should Law Subsidize Driving?, 95
L. REV. 498, 574 (2020) (No-fault insurance, which works a partial preemption of tort suits,
adds an additional layer of subsidy for driving via torts.).
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148 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
increasingly in low- and lower-middle-income countries such as Nepal and
The first such system was adopted in Germany in 1961 and has
expanded to thirty-nine countries as well as the Canadian province of Quebec.
So far, solutions to the vaccine product liability problem have been achieved
only by a small number of wealthy countries and a handful of middle-income
countries. Those solutions follow one of two approaches. First, the domestic law of
the procuring government provides separately for legal immunity to manufacturers
and a compensation system for those suffering side effects. Second, governments
and manufacturers agree through contract on the division of liabilities between
them, with presumptive recourse to litigation for those suffering severe vaccine side
effects. The first approach is adopted by the United States under its PREP Act,
detailed below. The second approach has been adopted by the EU, which has
offered varying levels of liability protection to AstraZeneca and Sanofi based on
price per dose of vaccine.
But the need to compensate those suffering severe side effects following
immunization is worldwide, especially through COVAX, as is the need to provide
manufacturers legal certainty regarding their participation. This Part provides
solutions for the rest of the world by combining together three
approaches: requiring existing national no-fault systems to incorporate injuries
attributable to COVID-19 vaccines distributed through COVAX, leveraging an
existing small-scale insurance regime administered by the WHO, and constructing
a system for no-fault vaccine injury compensation using mass claims models
deployed after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the
compensation systems used after the Boeing 737 mass casualty airplane
crash events.
A. No-Fault Compensation for Vaccine Injury
1. No-Fault Compensation Systems for Public Health Emergencies
Some jurisdictions, like the United States, have extended immunity against
legal claims related to the manufacturing, testing, development, distribution, and
228. Randy G. Mungwira, Christine Guillard, Adiela Saldaña, Nobuhiko Okabe, Helen
Petousis-Harris, Edinam Agbenu, Lance Rodewald & Patrick L. F. Zuber, Global Landscape Analysis
of No-fault Compensation Programmes for Vaccine Injuries: A Review and Survey of Implementing
Countries, PLOS ONE, May 21, 2020, at 5; see Josephine Gittler, Controlling Resurgent
Tuberculosis: Public Health Agencies, Public Policy, and Law, 19 J.
13940 (1994) (analyzing public health measures as part of broader social safety planning).
229. Looker & Kelly, supra note 117, at 37172.
230. Francesco Guarascio, Exclusive: AstraZeneca Gets Partial Immunity in Low-cost EU
Vaccine Deal, R
EUTERS (Sept. 24, 2020, 11:14 PM), https://www.reuters.com/article/health-
dUSL5N2GK3NE [https://perma.cc/3BSW-2AMP ].
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administration of COVID-19 vaccines.
The law provides for a publicly funded
and administered program of compensation for those suffering severe side effects.
The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act was enacted on
December 30, 2005.
The purpose of the Act is to encourage companies to
promptly release medical countermeasures during public health emergencies.
PREP Act precludes liability for defects in diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines
under both federal and state law for any loss caused by, arising out of, or resulting
fromthe application of a covered countermeasure.
PREP Act declarations
have been made for H1N1, Ebola, botulism toxin, anthrax, smallpox, and acute
radiation syndrome.
For COVID-19, a covered countermeasureis any antiviral, any other drug,
any biologic, any diagnostic, any other device, any respiratory protective device, or
any vaccine, used (a) to treat, diagnose, cure, prevent, mitigate or limit the harm
from COVID-19, or the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 or a virus mutating
therefrom, or (b) to limit the harm that COVID-19, or the transmission of
SARS-CoV-2 or a virus mutating therefrom, might otherwise cause. A covered
countermeasureis also any device used in the administration of any such product
and all components and constituent materials of any such product that has been
authorized pursuant to a declaration by the Secretary of U.S. Health and Human
231. See generally Looker & Kelly, supra note 117.
232. Notice of Amendment and Republished Declaration Under the Public Readiness and
Emergency Preparedness Act for Medical Countermeasures Against COVID-19 and Republication of
the Declaration, 85 Fed. Reg. 79190, 79191 (Dec. 9, 2020).
233. K
crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10443 [ http://web.archive.org/web/202109280050
234. Declaration Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for Medical
Countermeasures Against COVID-19, 85 Fed. Reg. 15198, 15200 (Mar. 17, 2020).
235. Ebola Virus Disease Vaccines, 79 Fed. Reg. 73314 (Dec. 10, 2014); HHS Secretarys
Declaration for Utilization of Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for Botulism
Countermeasures, 73 Fed. Reg. 61864 (Oct. 17, 2008); HHS Secretarys Declaration for Utilization of
Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for Anthrax Countermeasures, 73 Fed. Reg. 58239
(Oct. 6, 2008); HHS Secretarys Declaration for Utilization of Public Readiness and Emergency
Preparedness Act for Smallpox Countermeasures, 73 Fed. Reg. 61869 (Oct. 17, 2008); Letter from Brian
L. Strom, Kristine M. Gebbie, Robert B. Wallace & Committee on Smallpox Vaccination Program
Implementation to Dr. Julie Gerberding ( Jan. 16, 2003), in T
PROGRAM: PUBLIC HEALTH IN AN AGE OF TERRORISM 123, 123159 (Alina Baciu, Andrea Pernack
Anason, Kathleen Stratton & Brian Strom eds., 2005); HHS Secretarys Declaration for Utilization of
Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for Acute Radiation Syndrome, 73 Fed. Reg. 61866
(Oct. 17, 2008); David W. Ogden, Bruce S. Manheim Jr., Sean Hayes & Ariel Dobkin,
COVID-19: Immunity Under the PREP Act: When Does It Apply to Private Sector Efforts to Help
Combat COVID-19?, W
ILMERHALE (Mar. 30, 2020), https://www.wilmerhale.com/en/insights/
help-combat-covid19 [https://perma.cc/C3SL-ZGJ8].
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150 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
Services (HHS).
The HHS Secretary, Alex Azar, issued the initial PREP Act
declaration covering COVID-19 vaccines on March 10, 2020.
In order to qualify
for PREP Act immunity, a covered countermeasure, including a COVID-19
vaccine, must be approved by the U.S. FDA, either pursuant to conventional
licensure or under an EUA.
Manufacturers and distributors are immune from
liability regardless of the geographical area where the countermeasure was
administered or used.
As part of the same law limiting manufacturer liabilities for covered
countermeasures, the United States provides for a system of compensation for
those suffering severe side effects. The Countermeasures Injury Compensation
Program (CICP) was created by the PREP Act.
Should an individual experience
an injury as a result of the use of a covered countermeasure, he or she is allowed to
submit a claim to the Health Resource and Services Administration (an agency
within the HSS). A claimant must complete a Request for Benefits form and submit
medical evidence within a year of being administered or using the
Once a claim has been submitted, it is reviewed by medical staff
within the program to determine a causal link.
If HHS has published an injury table for the covered countermeasure, the
claimant is entitled to a presumption of causation. If not, the claimant must prove
causation through compelling evidence.
Once causation is established,
claimants are compensated.
There is no adversarial process or presentation of
further evidence to a court or special tribunal.
The CICP has received 485 claims
since it began accepting claims related to H1N1 vaccines in 2010.
Of those claims,
236. 42 U.S.C. § 247d-6d(i)(1) (2020); ROBERT P. CHARROW, U.S. DEPT OF HEALTH
HICKEY, supra note 233, at 2.
238. Ogden et al., supra note 235.
239. Notice of Declaration Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for
Medical Countermeasures Against COVID-19, 85 Fed. Reg. 15198, 15201 (Mar. 17, 2020).
240. 42 U.S.C. § 247d-6d (2020).
241. Filing for Benefits, HRSA, https://www.hrsa.gov/cicp/filing-benefits [ https://
perma.cc/4FCK-2ZFQ ] (last visited Apr. 2020 ).
242. Peter H. Meyers, Fixing the Flaws in the Federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, 63
DMIN. L. REV. 785, 835 (2011) (citing 42 U.S.C. §§ 239a(c)(2), 247d-6e(b)(4)) ([C]ompelling, reliable,
valid, medical and scientific evidence.).
243. See Robert Roos, HHS: 386 Injury Claims Filed Over H1N1 Countermeasures, CIDRAP
(Mar. 16, 2011), https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2011/03/hhs-386-injury-claims-
filed-over-h1n1-countermeasures [https://perma.cc/29LU-HWCN]; Mungwira et al., supra note 228,
at 9.
244. See HRSA, supra note 241.
245. Tom Hals, COVID-19 Era Highlights U.S. ‘Black Hole’ Compensation Fund for Pandemic
Vaccine Injuries, R
EUTERS (Aug. 21, 2020, 4:08 AM), https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-
-vaccine-injuries-idUSKBN25H1E8 [ https://perma.cc/HFC6-Z8QE].
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thirty-nine individuals have received compensation with a total $5.7 million paid.
Of the 485 claims filed with the CICP, 386 were related to the H1N1 vaccine.
The United States is the only country in the world with such an extensive
system for covering manufacturers of emergency deployed vaccines and providing
for ex post compensation.
2. Adapting No-Fault Compensation Systems for Routine Immunizations
Similar no-fault systems for routine immunization existed before COVID-19
for twenty-five countries (including the United States) and the province of Quebec
in Canada.
Fourteen additional countries have adopted such systems pursuant to
the COVID-19 pandemic. The first prong of solving the COVID-19 vaccine
product liability problem requires that countries with established no-fault systems
agree to incorporate COVID-19 vaccines into their no-fault systems if they receive
vaccines through the COVAX Facility.
All of these systems provide a schedule
of automatic compensation based on the injury without establishing fault. None of
these systems require the vaccine recipient to prove the maker of the vaccine
was negligent.
There are variations in how the programs are funded, who is eligible, who
administers the program, and what limits exist on collection for the claimant should
they be successful. Any one of the given models may be incorporated into a global
system run by the COVAX Facility, but for those countries with pre-existing
systems, the most straightforward approach is to require those countries to affirm
that COVID-19 vaccines with a table of compensable injuries generated from Phase
III trials and ongoing monitoring and experience will be incorporated into
their systems.
a. Funding
In most countries with no-fault systems, the government stands in as the
defendant, and as a result, most programs are government-funded.
246. Id.
247. See Roos, supra note 243.
CAMPAIGN 6 (2020), https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/perspectives/PEA700/
PEA761-1/RAND_PEA761-1.pdf [ https://perma.cc/9FJ2-JZ4F ] (“Although some countries have
legal processes through which vaccine-injury claims can be addressed outside traditional litigation, few
countries provide any level of immunity to entities and individuals within the supply chain that
compares with the sweeping protections available under PREP.).
249. Mungwira et al., supra note 228, at
1, 4–5.
250. See id. at 9; INST. OF MED., Liability for the Production and Sale of Vaccines, in VACCINE
SUPPLY AND INNOVATION 85, 85 (1985) (Manufacturers have complained about the costs, the
unpredictability of the law, and the unavailability and cost of insurance.).
251. Mungwira et al., supra note 228, at 8.
252. J
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152 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
current systems are funded by their governments, while eight fund themselves from
other sources, including levies on manufacturers.
For example, France, Denmark, Quebec, and Italy all use general tax revenues
to pay damage awards to injured parties.
In Sweden, Taiwan, and Norway,
manufacturers pay a premium to fund the no-fault program.
While administered
at the government level, Norways program is actually funded by a special insurance
organization called the Drug Liability Association.
Membership in this
association is mandatory for any drug producer in Norway.
Members pay for an
insurance regime that is used to fund the no-fault program.
The United States collects a $0.75 levy on each dose (so MMR, for example,
would be $2.25) of the vaccine sold, then funds the no-fault program with the
The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program trust holds approximately three
billion dollars from this levy with about $150 million being deposited every year.
b. Eligibility
With respect to eligibility, fifty-seven percent of no-fault systems compensate
injuries for those vaccines which are registered and recommended by their
respective governments.
This is the broadest category of vaccines, encompassing
any vaccine the government (through public health agencies) may recommend.
However, a minority of programs (twenty-two percent) only cover those vaccines
that are mandated or recommended through law.
The U.K. and Quebec both
only cover vaccines which are specifically listed in the legislation establishing the
no-fault program.
Eligibility provisions of national regimes would require
amendment for COVID-19 vaccines in some cases.
All no-fault programs maintain at least some threshold of injury for
Quebec allows for any serious injury, for example, while the
ANALYSIS OF PROGRAMMES 2, 10 (2011), https://munkschool.utoronto.ca/wp-
content/uploads/2012/07/Keelan-Wilson_NoFaultVaccine_CPHS_2011.pdf [ https://perma.cc/
CJ4H-2MHV ].
253. Mungwira et al., supra note 228, at 6, 10.
254. Id. at 56.
255. K
EELAN & WILSON, supra note 252, at 3.
256. Mungwira et al., supra note 228, at 6.
257. L
CLINICAL TRIALS OF DRUGS 1 (2019), http://www.laf.no/dm_documents/8366497_1_Liability_
insurance_in_connection_with_clinical_trials_of_drugs_QPgvg.PDF [ https://perma.cc/8ALU-KUYV ].
258. Id. at 12.
259. Mungwira et al., supra note 228, at 6.
260. Nora Freeman Engstrom, A Dose of Reality for Specialized Courts: Lessons from the VICP,
163 U.
PA. L. REV. 1631, 1660, 1713 (2015).
261. Mungwira et al., supra note 228, at 6.
262. Id.
263. Id.
264. See id.
265. Id. at 7.
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U.K. offers compensation if the vaccine is solely responsible for causing sixty
percent or more disability in an individual.
All current programs also require some sort of causal link to be established
between the injury and the vaccine.
Generally, no-fault systems require a
balance-of-probabilities test that, in the United States, is understood as more likely
than notor through a preponderance of the evidenceanalysis.
c. Administration
Most (sixty-five percent) of current no-fault programs are administered at the
national government level through public bureaucracies.
Few programs, such as
China and Switzerland, administer their programs at the provincial level.
Finland and Sweden both administer their no-fault programs through a private
drug insurance scheme. Swedens drug companies have private insurance to which
they pay premiums. Those premiums are then used to fund a program, with injured
parties filing claims with insurers.
d. Limits on Compensation
Systems vary with respect to those damages qualifying for compensation.
Some programs include medical costs, lost earnings, pain and suffering
compensation, emotional distress, and even loss of earning capacity.
Quebec, for
example, refers to an automobile insurance act in setting claimant compensation
and pays claimants the same as automobile accident victims.
In the U.K., compensation is set at £120,000.
This amount reflects the
lifelong support those on disability already receive from the British government,
while also attempting to ease the burden of affected families.
266. KEELAN & WILSON, supra note 252, at 10.
267. Mungwira et al., supra note 228, at 8.
268. Id.
269. Mungwira et al., supra note 228, at 5.
270. Id. at 6. In 2014, China required all thirty-one provinces to implement the compensation
programme for vaccine injuries. Administration of the programme involves all levels of
government: filing of claims and causality assessment of events is done at district or county level;
operational procedures for compensation are set at province level and general vaccine injury
compensation policies including definitions of what constitutes a vaccine injury are determined at the
central government level.Id. The programme was enacted by the central government but is actually
run by local governments. Each province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the central
Chinese government needs to formulate its specific local regulations for compensation for AEFI.
Lanfang Fei & Zhou Peng, No-Fault Compensation for Adverse Events Following Immunization: A Review
of Chinese Law and Practice, 25 M
ED. L. REV. 99, 10304 (2017).
271. KEELAN & WILSON, supra note 252, at 2, 10.
272. Mungwira et al., supra note 228, at 8.
273. Id.
274. K
EELAN & WILSON, supra note 252, at 18.
275. Id.
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154 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
B. Expanding Small-Scale Insurance Plans
While thirty-nine countries, including Nepal, the Philippines, and Vietnam,
maintain no-fault vaccine injury compensation systems that could be used for
COVID-19 vaccines, the vast majority of countries do not. The second prong of a
comprehensive solution to the vaccine injury product liability problem is the use of
small-scale insurance regimes that exist under the auspices of the WHO that may
be expanded in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The WHO maintains a small-scale insurance regime for EUA vaccines that it
procures and distributes. The plan for a no-fault insurance regime followed the
20142016 West Africa Ebola public health emergency. While there was a leading
vaccine candidaterVSV-ZEBOV, now marketed as Ervebothat had been
developed over a fifteen-year period before the outbreak, there was no system for
addressing liability and compensation if it were to be deployed on an emergency use
One of the most afflicted countries refused to accept responsibility for
product liability claims, and the manufacturer limited its participation to the
sponsorship of clinical trials organized after the peak of the epidemic had passed.
Given the uncertainty about permanent licensure, the WHO sought an
insurance product that would apply after the clinical trial stagewhere insurance is
relatively easy to obtain and inexpensiveand full licensurewhen manufacturers
are expected to assume liability for their products.
276. Ann Maria Henao-Restrepo, Marie-Pierre Preziosi, David Wood, Vasee Moorthy Marie
Paule Kieny & the WHO Ebola Research, Development Team, On a Path to Accelerate Access to Ebola
Vaccines: The WHOs Research and Development Efforts During the 20142016 Ebola Epidemic in West
Africa, C
URRENT OP. VIROLOGY, Apr. 2016, at 138, 14041, https://www.sciencedirect.com/
science/article/pii/S1879625716300384 (click “View PDF”) [https://perma.cc/22BT-TT9X ].
277. See Sam Halabi, Andrew Heinrich & Saad B. Omer, No-Fault Compensation for Vaccine
InjuryThe Other Side of Equitable Access to Covid-19 Vaccines, 383 New England Journal of Medicine
23 (2020).
278. World Health Org. [WHO], Workshop on Expanded Access to Experimental Ebola Vaccines
During Outbreaks, at 2122 (2017) [hereinafter WHO, Experimental Ebola Vaccines]
https://www.who.int/blueprint/expanded-access-ebola-vaccines.pdf [ https://perma.cc/3X8W-
4MBR ] (“The ultimate objective of this special insurance product is to facilitate emergency response
action and timely deployment of experimental vaccines in the event of infectious disease outbreaks for
which no licensed vaccine exists. While manufacturers of experimental vaccines will be required to
assume liability arising from failure to manufacture their product in accordance with current Good
Manufacturing Practices and agreed specifications, recipient countries will (as was the case during the
20142016 Ebola outbreak) as a condition for receiving experimental vaccine be required to assume
liability and indemnify WHO, donors and manufacturers for other risks arising out of the use of the
product. At the same time, WHO would obtain insurance coverage for the benefit of recipient
countries, to provide compensation to individuals who suffer from serious AEFI. The insurance would
have two levels: (i) a first level based on an annual premium, to keep the insurance open over time; and
(ii) a second level of insurance to be obtained when an outbreak occurs, with a premium based on
agreed criteria (vaccine safety profile, Gross Domestic Product of the country where the experimental
product would be used and the number of people that would receive the product). The insurance could
also include a certain coverage for manufacturers, i.e. in case an individual refuses to accept the
compensation offered under the insurance and wishes to pursue a liability claim against the
manufacturer in a court of law (or any similar forum).).
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The WHO scheme insures against serious injuries resulting from experimental
vaccines that the WHO administers on an emergency use basis.
The WHO must
declare an Emergency Use Assessment Listing for vaccines that are still
experimental or have not been completely clinically verified in emergency
Granting such an assessment listing expedites immunization response
during disease outbreaks for which no licensed vaccine currently exists. However,
risks naturally occur alongside such an assessment listing, as the vaccine is still
relatively untested and can present unknown dangers when deployed widely to all
types of people with varying health conditions.
So, the WHO provides, through
a private insurer, compensation and protection for those countries receiving and
using an experimental vaccine, as well as legal protection as an incentive to
manufacturers to donate needed immunizations.
This insurance is procured through both an annual premium and a heightened
cost in the event of an outbreak. The premium during an outbreak is based on
criteria such as the GDP of the country where the vaccine is being deployed. This
insurance compensates for immunization-caused injuries within the country in
which they occur.
While manufacturers of experimental vaccines are required to
assume liability arising from failure to manufacture their product in accordance with
current good manufacturing practices and agreed specifications, recipient countries,
as a condition for receiving the experimental vaccine, must assume liability and
indemnify the WHO, donors, and manufacturers for other risks arising out of the
use of the product in order to receive the benefits of the insurance policy.
insurance also includes contingent coverage for manufacturers, i.e. in case an
individual refuses to accept the compensation offered under the insurance and
wishes to pursue a liability claim against the manufacturer in a court of law (or any
similar forum).
The biggest limitation in this plan is its scope. The current plan only grants
coverage to countries for a specific vaccine when the WHO specifically brands the
vaccine as emergency use and then distributes it. Although the WHO has expanded
its current mechanism for COVID-19 in partnership with ESIS, Inc., a unit of
Chubb Insurance, it has also made clear that dozens of middle-income countries,
such as South Africa, Lebanon, Gabon, Iran and most Latin American states, [will]
not be offered this protection.
Yet there are large insurers who may be able to
279. Id.
280. Regulation and Prequalification: Emergency Use Listing, W
ORLD HEALTH ORG., https://
www.who.int/teams/regulation-prequalification/eul [ https://perma.cc/CD3W-DHT6 ] ( last visited
July 13, 2021).
281. WHO, Experimental Ebola Vaccines, supra note 278.
282. Id.
283. Id.
284. Id. at 21.
285. Id. at 22.
286. Francesco Guarascio, WHO to Form COVID Insurance Scheme for Vaccine Side-Effects in
Poor Nations, I
NS. J. (Oct. 29, 2020), https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/international/2020/
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156 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
scale up the WHO system for COVID-19 vaccines including Allianz Multinational,
Chubb, Swiss Re, and Zurich Multinational.
In 2011, Swiss Re opened its
subsidiary, Corporate Solutions, whose focus is on underwriting risk for medium
and large corporations.
The Corporate Solutions arm of the company offers
coverage in about 150 countries.
C. Centralized Mass Claims Administration
There are currently no-fault vaccine injury compensation programs across
twenty-five of the 217 countries currently listed by the World Bank.
twenty-five countries with compensation programs include a handful of large
countries (including the United States and China), but the 192 countries without any
form of compensation programs encompass about sixty-six percent of the human
There are currently 5.03 billion people living without a no-fault
compensation program for their vaccine injuries.
As noted above, the WHO
insurance regime is small in scale, perhaps at this point only able to cover
one-to-five million individuals.
There is, therefore, a need to provide a mechanism through the COVAX
Facility or a system of country opt-outs that satisfies manufacturer demands for
indemnity or immunity from legal claims. The models below may serve as effective
options for running a no-fault compensation system out of the COVAX Facility.
As with the no-fault systems described above, funding for a centrally administered
system could be from funds already earmarked for COVAX purposes or a $0.05 or
$0.10 levy per dose. Given the billions of doses to be administered, even a small
levy would quickly generate a pool of resources for compensation.
1. Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
On April 20, 2010, an explosion occurred on the Deepwater Horizon, an
offshore oil drilling rig owned by Transocean Ltd. [BP’s offshore drilling
10/29/588706.htm [https://perma.cc/SSB7-EQUR ]. See also covaxclaims.com [ https://
perma.cc/G8AK-8XBY ] for the specifics of the expanded WHO system.
287. See, e.g., About Us, S
WISS RE CORP. SOLS., https://corporatesolutions.swissre.com/about-
us.html [ https://perma.cc/5CM6-K23M] ( last visited July 13, 2021 ); Brian Till, How Drug Companies
Keep Medicine Out of Reach, A
TLANTIC (May 15, 2013), http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/
2013/05/how-drug-companies-keep-medicine-out-of-reach/275853/ [ https://perma.cc/CV8F-9K6S].
288. SWISS RE, 2011 BUSINESS REPORT 13 (2011), https://www.swissre.com/dam/
jcr:1651ad7b-3bff-457b-a59a-b1756611c7f9/2011_AR_business_report_en.pdf [https://perma.cc/
289. International Programs, S
WISS RE CORP. SOLS., https://corporatesolutions.swissre.com/
insurance-solutions/international-programs.html [ https://perma.cc/9W54-YGKP] (last visited July
13, 2021).
290. See Mungwira et al., supra note 228; Population, Total, W
ORLD BANK, https://
data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL [https://perma.cc/6VXG-KEE2 ] ( last visited July 13,
291. Id.
292. See id.
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contractor], which resulted in, among other things, the deaths of eleven
crewmen and the discharge of oil into the Gulf of Mexico for several
months. The Spill dwarfed the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill (which gave rise
to the Oil Pollution Act of 1990) both in terms of the amount of oil
discharged and the extent of the impact.
The resulting legal claims were massive in number and scope but were
effectively limited by claims processes required under U.S. law. Under the Oil
Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA), BP (lessor of the Deepwater Horizon drilling
platform) was designated the responsible party for the spill by the United States
Coast Guard.
Under the OPA, responsible parties must construct a claims
process against themselves for all affected by the spill. The United States negotiated
with BP to create a twenty-billion-dollar trust to finance the claims resulting from
the spill.
As a part of these negotiations, the Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF)
was established.
The GCCF was created to process claims in a neutral and efficient manner.
First, a claimants eligibility was determined through a classification analysis.
Claimants would bring their claims under five categories: removal and cleanup
costs, real or personal property damage, lost profits or earning capacity, subsistence
use of natural resources, or physical injury or death.
The GCCF only paid out
compensation to those injuries proximately caused by the oil spill.
Once a
claimant was determined eligible, a GCCF claims reviewer used a standardized
calculator to determine the claimants losses (claimants would submit
documentation wherever possible to substantiate their claims).
During Phase I of
the GCCFs operations, it paid a minimum of $1,000, even to claimants whose
damages totaled less.
The methods by which the GCCF offered compensation evolved as claimants
continued filing. One option included a one-time payment of $5,000 alongside an
agreement to release claims. This Final Paymentoption was rapid, as no damages
were calculated, and little paperwork or evidence was required to be submitted.
The GCCF received claims from claimants from all fifty states in the United
States and from forty countries.
(2012), https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/opa/legacy/2012/06/06/gccf-rpt-find-obs.pdf
[https://perma.cc/UWC3-F6MX ].
294. G
295. BDO
CONSULTING, supra note 293, at 12.
296. Id. at 12.
297. GULF COAST CLAIMS FACILITY, supra note 294, at 24.
298. Id. at 4.
299. BDO
CONSULTING, supra note 293, at 31.
300. Id. at 32.
301. Id. at 34.
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158 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
The GCCF undertook several steps . . . to meet the language needs of
claimants. These included, but were not limited to, staffing of the
GCG-operated call center with persons fluent in Spanish, Vietnamese and
French and creation of a process by which a telephone translation service
would be used for callers who spoke other languages; staffing of certain
site offices with people who were fluent in Spanish, Vietnamese, Laotian,
Khmer, French and Croatian; making all claim forms available in hardcopy
in Spanish, Vietnamese and Khmer; posting all website content in Spanish,
Vietnamese and Khmer; sending all correspondence that did not require
the inclusion of claimant specific claims information in Spanish,
Vietnamese or Khmer for all claimants who had notified the GCCF of a
preference for one of these languages; providing claimants with an
opportunity for a special appointment with a translator present; and
creating an online claims filing process, accessible through the GCCF
website, through which claimants could file claims in Spanish
and Vietnamese.
During its eighteen-month existence, the GCCF paid over six billion dollars
to more than 200 thousand individual and business claimants.
It is important to acknowledge that what was true of the GCCF will be true of
any system established through the COVAX Facility. The primary concern
regarding the GCCF was error. Upon an independent investigation of the program
by an outside party at the request of the Department of Justice, it was determined
about 10,000 claimants were either negatively affected by error or erroneously
denied compensation.
In a broader context, this represented about a five percent
error rate.
The program implemented by the GCCF was designed by policy and activated
upon a disaster. But there are themes and design elements that are applicable to a
global immunization context. The idea of a centralized claims facility for every
person injured by one vaccine would be much simpler than the current system of
relying on governments to establish their own systems and potentially resulting in
inconsistent judgments against the manufacturer or similar claimants. A centralized
system is also efficient. Instead of 192 separate systems, each independently staffed,
one program for the globe would require fewer resources.
A centralized compensation program, financed through international
donations and a relatively modest $0.05 or $0.10 per dose levy, administered by a
third party, and adjudicating claims in a standardized manner would offer rapid
compensation to those harmed as well as confidence for manufacturers.
Globalizing the system, instead of programs in a select few countries, would also
302. Id. at 33.
303. Id. at 59.
304. Id. at 67, 70.
305. Vaccine Injury Financial Assistance Programme for COVID-19 Vaccination, S
MINISTRY OF HEALTH, (Sept. 16, 2021), https://www.moh.gov.sg/covid-19/vaccination/vifap
[https://perma.cc/Z27K-CQWD ].
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enable manufacturers to distribute vaccines to countries where litigation risk is not
effectively calculable.
2. Boeing 737 Max Crash Compensation System
On October 29, 2018, Lion Air flight 610 crashed, killing every person on
board and resulting in 189 deaths.
Five months later, on March 10, 2019,
Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 crashed, killing all 157 people on board.
In both
catastrophes, the plane that crashed was a Boeing 737 Max, a new and popular
Investigations into both crashes, which followed similar stories of
crashing after failing to gain altitude after takeoff, indicated a defect in the plane
which caused the accidents.
Boeing was held liable for the deaths of 346 people,
and the Boeing Max was grounded until the defect was cured and a fix was approved
by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration.
The nationalities of the victims from
the two crashes spanned thirty-five different countries, from the United States to
Kenya to China.
International aviation accidents are governed by the Montreal Convention.
This international treaty determines which countrys courts may hear lawsuits
regarding the accident and how much the families of victims may be
Airline accidents such as the 737 Max crashes are relevant to the
construction of a compensation system for vaccine injuries in that what caused the
harm is not relevant. When a plane crashes and all lives on board are lost, there is a
presumption of a causal relationship.
306. Scott Neuman, Indonesia Report: Pilots, Ground Crew Share Blame with Boeing for Lion Air
Crash, NPR (Oct. 25, 2019, 4:41 AM), https://www.npr.org/2019/10/25/773291951/pilots-ground-
crew-share-blame-for-lion-air-737-max-crash-indonesian-report-says [https://perma.cc/DM89-JSMX ].
307. Hadra Ahmed, Norimitsu Onishi, Dionne Searcey & Hannah Beech, Ethiopian Airlines
Plane Is the 2nd Boeing Max 8 to Crash in Months, N.Y.
TIMES (Mar. 10, 2019), https://
www.nytimes.com/2019/03/10/world/africa/ethiopian-airlines-plane-crash.html [https://
perma.cc/S9V2-T3PS ].
308. Avie Schneider, Boeing 737 Max, Involved in 2 Crashes, Is Fastest-Selling Plane in
Companys History, NPR (Mar. 11, 2019, 1:55 PM), https://www.npr.org/2019/03/11/702211493/
boeing-737-max-involved-in-two-crashes-is-fastest-selling-plane-in-companys-hist [https://perma.cc/
309. Lion Air JT610 Crash: What the Preliminary Report Tells Us, BBC (Nov. 28, 2018), https:/
/www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-46373125 [ https://perma.cc/YD4L-MP2R ].
310. David Slotnick, The First Boeing 737 Max Crash Was 2 Years Ago Today. Heres the
Complete History of the Plane Thats Been Grounded Since 2 Crashes Killed 346 People 5 Months Apart,
US. INSIDER (Oct. 29, 2020, 10:55 AM), https://www.businessinsider.com/boeing-737-max-
timeline-history-full-details-2019-9 [ https://perma.cc/V25M-5JKD ].
311. Press Release, Ethiopian Airlines, Accident Bulletin Number 3 (Mar. 10, 2019), https://
-2019-at-4-59-pm [https://perma.cc/Y3HK-37P5]; see also Sinéad Baker, What We Know About the
Victims of the Lion Air Plane Crash Off Indonesia, Where There Were likely no survivors, B
(Oct. 31, 2018, 7:24 AM), https://www.businessinsider.com/lion-air-plane-crash-victims-indonesia-
2018-10?r=UK [https://perma.cc/F3XJ-D3UY ].
312. Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, ch. 3,
May 28, 1999, T.I.A.S. No. 13,038 [hereinafter Montreal Convention].
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160 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111
Under the Montreal Convention, a carrier is liable for up to 100,000 Special
Drawing Rights (a weighted basket of currencies generated by the International
Monetary Fund with implications for a broad range of international organizations
and private parties) or about $140,000. The convention applies to carriers, not
However, if compensation exceeds this amount, a claimant may
recover if they are able to prove another party is at fault and the carrier is not
responsible. This is the only element of causation open to dispute—compensation
above the limit. Even this element is relatively straightforward. In the 737 Max
context, several aviation authorities investigated the crashes to determine fault and
decided definitively that the 737 Max had a design flaw in its sensors.
Both Ethiopian Airlines and Lion Airlines paid out their initial compensations
pursuant to the Montreal Convention. The airlines compensated the victims
through their insurance carriers. Their insurers then recovered from Boeing after
the evidence clearly indicated the fault was with the design of the plane.
is insured in multiple layers, with both self-insurance then a stop-loss policy with
the British insurer Global Aerospace.
Claimants then came to Boeing to recover
the rest needed to adequately compensate them for the loss of their family members.
In September 2019, Boeing announced the creation of a fund designed to
compensate families. The fund was capitalized to around fifty million dollars, and
each passengers family was paid $144,500.
Accepting payment did not foreclose
any litigation rights for the victims.
In the Lion Air Crash (189 fatalities), 150
claims were filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois in
Chicago. Boeing recently announced they settled 171 claims out of the 189 people
on board, including 140 of those claims filed in the Northern District of Illinois.
313. How the Montreal Convention Works in Air Crashes, BAUM HEADLUND ARISTEI
& GOLDMAN, https://www.baumhedlundlaw.com/aviation-accident/montreal-convention-air-
crashes/ [ https://perma.cc/QRY5-JDQL ] (last visited July 19, 2021 ).
314. Ainur Rohmah, Ian Duncan, Michael Laris & Shibani Mahtani, Lion Air Crash
Investigators Fault Boeing 737 Maxs Flight-Control System, Regulatory Lapses and Pilot Training, W
POST (Oct. 25, 2019, 10:31 AM), https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/
air-crash/2019/10/25/e8143d06-f69c-11e9-b2d2-1f37c9d82dbb_story.html [https://perma.cc/
315. Noor Zainab Hussain, Carolyn Cohn & Suzanne Barlyn, Insurers Face Large Claims After
Second Boeing 737 MAX Crash, R
EUTERS (Mar. 11, 2019, 4:51 AM), https://www.reuters.com/article/
BN1QS1D8 [https://perma.cc/6N7V-UX2G].
316. Id.
317. David Shepardson, Boeing to Pay 737 Max Victims Families $144,500 Each, R
(Sept. 23, 2019, 11:50 AM), https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ethiopia-airplane-victims/boeing-to-
pay-737-max-crash-victims-families-144500-each-idUSKBN1W8288 [https://perma.cc/RE8G-T6BU ].
318. Id.
319. Eric M. Johnson, Boeing Settles Nearly All Lion Air 737 MAX Crash Claims; Filing,
EUTERS ( July 7, 2020, 4:29 PM), https://www.reuters.com/article/us-boeing-737max-settlement/
boeing-settles-nearly-all-lion-air-737-max-crash-claims-filing-idUSKBN24838P [https://perma.cc/
NB2A-M3T9 ].
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Boeing did not publicize payment amounts, but reports suggest approximately $1.2
million per claim.
Under the system organized by Boeing, claimants who were unable to afford
litigation either in the United States or in their home countries were able to receive
compensation. The system also managed Boeings liability and expected losses.
Tremendous strides have been made toward assuring equitable access to
COVID-19 vaccines for low- and lower-middle-income countries. But affordability
ex ante is not enough. Manufacturers will not ship vaccines to countries where
liability looms, and the populations in those countries that are unable or unwilling
to promise indemnity should not go without vaccines and, if they receive them,
should not be left to subsidize herd immunity enjoyed by the worlds uninjured.
This Article has endeavored to address the liability barrier through analysis of
existing and proposed mechanisms including current no-fault systems, the
expansion of current insurance regimes, and the establishment of a centralized
no-fault system centered at the COVAX Facility.
Doing so would address the
pandemic threat, ensure that those suffering rare adverse events are not left to
shoulder the costs associated with the massive benefits accrued by everyone else,
and set an important precedent for future global pandemic planning.
320. Id.
321. See Rahim Moloo & Alex Khachaturian, The Compliance with the Law Requirement in
International Investment Law, 34 FORDHAM INTL L.J. 1473 (2011).
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162 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW [Vol. 12:111