My person
Name Alexander Gesswein
Contact eMail: [email protected]
Website: www.advery.one
Residence Malaga, Andalusia, Spain
Year of birth 1987
Nationality German
Family status Married and 4 kids
Languages German (native), English (Read/Write: full
professional proficiency, Verbal: fluent - partly
business related)
Me „cheat sheet“
(no specific order)
Honest, loyal
and faithfull
humorous considerate but
ambitious /
think big
adaptable forward-looking
(Big Picture)
What drives me
Innovations Smart AND Good
Ad hoc Abilities
eCommerce SQL-Databases Web-Analytics
> 10 years
Fulltime Remote-
LLM-APIs 3D Printing
Highly interested in
AI/ML XR/Metaverse
Money drives
me too
too attached to
work (at times)
Professional education
07/2022 - now Feinripp Studios - Senior Techstack & Commerce
Distribution Developer – Factual Lead of
09/2021 – 03/2023 Founder narrangee – Smellable Audiobooks
11/2011 – now Self-employed Software Engineer / - Consultant
11/2014 – 10/2017 Werbeartikel Dresden – Batai & Bauernfeind GbR –
adizz.de (Collaboration since 2011) – exclusively
from homeoffice as Lead Software Engineer
09/2011 – 11/2014 IBS AG / Siemens AG (Höhr-Grenzhausen –
Germany) as Technical Consultant / Software
01/2011 – 09/2011 VARIO Software GmbH (Neuwied – Germany) as
Software Engineer
03/2010 – 01/2011 M/S VisuCom GmbH (Mühlheim-Kärlich – Germany)
as Software Engineer
06/2009 – 03/2010 VARIO Software GmbH (Neuwied – Germany) as
Software Engineer
08/2006 – 06/2009 College – Berufsbildende Schule Carl-Benz,
College – Apprenticeship as a Software
Engineer VARIO Software GmbH (Neuwied -
Knowledge and interests
Courses / Internships edX - IBM: Computer Vision and Image
Processing Fundamentals
Columbia University (ColumbiaX) Artificial
Columbia University (ColumbiaX) Machine
Datentechnik Wüst & Kuhn, Computer Engineer
Visuelle Kommunikation, Graphic Designer
Knowledge Programming languages: C#, Micropython,
Javascript, PHP, SQL, Java, Object Pascal, CSS,
HTML, C/C++, Perl, Python, SQL-WINDOWS
Technologies/Frameworks: Symfony, Vue.js,
Twig, WebGL, Smarty Template-Engine, IoT,
Firebird SQL, jQuery, SCSS, SOAP, AJAX, XML,
MySQL, MS SQL Server, ORACLE Database,
Delphi 5, Delphi 7, RAD Studio 2005, 2007,
2009, 2010, Visual Studio 2012, Selenium
Webdriver, ImageMagick, MongoDB,
3D: Blender
3D Printing FDM/FFF/SLA, 3D Modeling, Slicer,
WooCommerce ,Shopware, Shopify,
xt:Commerce 3 & 4, Gambio, xt:Modified, VC
Media, VC Shop (M/S VisuCom)
CRM/CMS: Wordpress, Joomla
ERP software (VARIO Software), CAQ (IBS
Bug-Tracking: Axosoft OnTime, osTicket,
VARIO Software TiCare, Polaris Solutions ALM
Windows driver development (Final assignment
of apprenticeship, interactive Whiteboard based
on Nintendo Wii-Remotes)
Computer networks, Computers in general
Reporting-Tools (QuickReport, List&Label)
Base knowledge Programming languages: Assembler, Visual
3D: Autodesk Maya
Video editing: DaVinci Resolve 15
Image editing: GIMP, Adobe-Photoshop,
Adobe-InDesign, Adobe-Illustrator
MS Office, Open Office
Virtualisation with VMWare and VirtualBox
Google Android, Windows Phone
Technologies/Frameworks: MongoDB,
The listed projects are just a selection of all projects I accomplished for all of my
former employers or customers
World-wide website-relaunch and transition to new technologies for
ASPECTA™ Flooring
Year 2022 – ongoing
Company Feinripp Studios
Technologies Web (PHP, Wordpress, WooCommerce, Javascript etc.)
Description The project was a world-wide website-relaunch for the
global enterprise ASPECTA™ Flooring. I owned the role
as the technical and architectural lead of the
development department. The projects scope was/is a
completely new website with extensive custom code
parts, Room-Visualizer, multilinguality, Cloudflare,
Fullfilment-Partner Portal. It’s an ongoing project with
new functionalities coming. For example a customized
Chat-Bot with extended abilities (Checkout etc.), XR-
Technologies and further usage of AI-Technologies
(Predictions and more). ASPECTA™s strategic plan after
the very successful cooperation in realizing and releasing
the website-relaunch is now to become the technological
leader in this sector by leveraging cutting-edge
Several projects mostly webbased
Year 2011 - now
Company self-employment
Technologies PHP, Symfony, Vue.js, MySQL, MariaDB, Javascript,
jQuery, ImageMagick, HTML, CSS (SCSS), AJAX, SOAP,
xt:Commerce Veyton, Gambio GX2, Shopware,
Wordpress, C# .NET etc.
Planning and implementation of various software solutions for business
process automation
Year 2011 – now
Company self-employment
Technologies C#, Firebird SQL, Selenium Webdriver, etc.
Description I implemented many software solutions with the goal to
automate as many as possible business processes. For
example solutions to synchronize all important product
details (such as stocks, prices, images) with the online
portals of their individiual suppliers. Another solution is
used as a central intelligence, control and administration
tool (CIA) for all business processes (e. g. Approval
process of print previews inclusively transfer to factory;
triggering of internal alert mails; placing orders with
suppliers etc.).
Planning and development of a Realtime Monitoring Tool of measurement
data (Quality Management)
Year 2013
Company IBS AG / Siemens AG - Germany
Technologies C#; ORACLE Database
Description The tool monitors and analyzes daily millions of recorded
measurement data through algorithms in realtime. If the
measured data shows critical development or deviation a
visual alarm will be triggered.
Planning and development of a semi-automatic installation tool for the
IBS CAQ=QSYS software
Year 2012 - 2014
Company IBS AG / Siemens AG - Germany
Technologies C#; ORACLE Database; MS SQL-Server
Description Planned as an internal installation tool for our service
engineers it has grown to such a handy and mighty tool
it’s in the meantime even used by enterprise customers
Lead developer of an ERP<>Webshop-Interface
Year 2010; 2011
Company VARIO Softwareentwicklung GmbH - Germany
Technologies PHP; Delphi 2005; Firebird SQL; MySQL; SOAP;
xt:Commerce 3, 4, Gambio, Magento
Description The interfaces for different shops are working with
SOAP-Requests and FTP-File-Transfer. The interfaces are
syncing data between the webshop systems and the
inhouse ERP-System (incoming orders, order status,
addresses, products, stocks, prices etc.).
Dynamic XML-Import - Interface
Year 2010
Company M/S VisuCom GmbH - Germany
Technologies Perl, MySQL, XML, HTML, Javascript
Description For a customers order I realized a dynamic XML-Import
interface which is capable of importing product data as
well as data for the product configurator on their
Final assignment apprenticeship: Interactive whiteboard
Year 2009
Company VARIO Softwareentwicklung GmbH - Germany
Technologies Delphi 7; Windows Driver Development; Infrared camera
(Nintendo Wii Remote); Bluetooth
Description My final assignment comprised the planning,
documentation and realization of an interactive
whiteboard. The whiteboard worked as follows. A
projector shows the PC screen on the wall and a infrared
camera (Nintendo Wii Remote) observes the area for a
bright infrared light source. If a bright light source is
spotted within the projectors image the position for the
mouse cursor will be calculated and the cursor gets
positioned. The bright infrared light source was realized
with a pen which got an infrared LED at the tip.
Planning and development of a new bug tracker software
Year 2008
Company VARIO Softwareentwicklung GmbH – Germany
Technologies Delphi 2005; Firebird SQL
Description Planning and realization of a bug tracker software.
Planing and development of a new client software for the telephone
system Asterix
Year 2007 - 2008
Company VARIO Softwareentwicklung GmbH - Germany
Technologies Delphi 7; Firebird SQL
Description Planing and realization of a new client software for the
telephone system Asterix. The client was able to show
incoming and outgoing connections as well as to take
over calls, dial numbers and a internal chat functionality.
Development and maintenance of ERP-Software
Year 2006 - 2010
Company VARIO Softwareentwicklung GmbH - Germany
Technologies Delphi 5, 7, 2005; Firebird SQL
Description The development and maintenance tasks consisted of
either planning and realization of customers
requirements as of general advancements and interfaces
like Import-Export, implementing parcel carrier
interfaces and webshop replication interface).