UIN: 130L100V03
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
1. Definitions: (meaning of technical words used in Policy
a) Age is the Age at last birthday in completed years.
b) Allocation means the creation of Units in the applicable
Investment Fund/s at the prevailing Unit Price.
c) Annualized Premium means the premium amount
payable in a year excluding the taxes, rider premiums
and underwriting extra premium on riders, if any.
d) Appointee means the person appointed by You to
receive the benefits payable under the Policy till the
Nominee is a minor as per applicable Indian Laws
e) Base Policy is the life insurance product chosen by the
Policyholder out of the various products offered by the
f) Date of Commencement of Risk is the date from which
the Life Insurance coverage under this Policy
commences and is as specified in the Policy Schedule.
g) Date of Inception of Policy is the date on which the
Policy is issued and is as specified in the Policy
h) Discontinuance means the state of a Policy that could
arise on account of Surrender of the Policy or non-
payment of the premium before the expiry of the grace
i) Discontinuance charge means a charge that can be
levied upon the Discontinuance of the Policy
j) Discontinued Policy Fund means the fund that is set
aside and is constituted by the fund value, as applicable,
of all the discontinued policies.
k) Investment Fund is a specific and separate fund
managed for the exclusive interest of all Policyholders
sharing the same Investment Fund option. The Company
offers a number of Investment Funds from time to time
earmarked for its unit linked business and each of these
Investment Funds have an asset Allocation mix of
various financial instruments.
l) Investment Fund Allocation Instruction is
Policyholders instruction for Allocation of the premiums
net of all relevant Premium Allocation Charge for
purchase of Units in the Investment Fund as specified by
m) Lapse is the status of the Policy where the premium due
is not paid before the expiry of grace period.
n) Life/Lives Insured is the person(s) named in the Policy
Schedule and whose life/lives is(are) covered under the
o) Limited Premium Payment Policy is a Policy wherein
the Premium Payment Term is limited as compared to
the Policy Term.
p) Lock-in Period is a period of five years from the Date of
Commencement of Risk.
q) Maturity Date is the date on which the Policy Term
concludes and is specified in the Policy Schedule.
r) Modal Premium is the amount payable by the
Policyholder on the due dates in a policy year as per the
mode chosen by the Policyholder.
s) Nominee is the person nominated under the Policy to
receive the benefits under the Policy in the event of death
of the Life Insured before Maturity Date as per the
provisions of Section 39 of Insurance Act, 1938 as
amended from time to time. This is applicable where the
Policyholder and Life Insured are the same.
t) Partial Withdrawal means any part of fund / partial
withdrawal that is encashed / withdrawn by the
Policyholder during the term of the Policy.
u) Policy means Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro along with the
unique Policy number issued to You as mentioned in the
“Policy Schedule
v) Policy Anniversary Date is the date which periodically
falls after every twelve months starting from the Date of
Commencement of Risk whilst the Policy is in force.
w) Policy Charges are the charges associated with the Policy
as detailed in Part E of the Policy Document.
x) Policy Document means and includes the proposal form
for insurance submitted by the Policyholder, the Policy
Schedule, the first premium receipt, any attached
endorsements or supplements provided by the Company
from time to time, the medical examiner’s report and any
other document/s called for by the Company and submitted
by the Policyholder to enable the Company to process the
y) Policy Fund Value is the value of the aggregate of the
number of outstanding Units on any day in each
Investment Fund allocated under this Policy multiplied by
their respective Unit Prices applicable as on that day.
(if a customer holds 100 units of Grow Money Plus Fund
and 50 units of Growth Opportunities Plus Fund, and
assuming the NAV of the Grow Money Plus Fund is Rs.11
and that of Growth Opportunities Plus Fund is Rs.12, the
Policy Fund Value of the customer would be calculated as
Grow Money Plus Fund :100 units x Rs.11 = Rs.1100
Growth Opportunities Plus Fund 50 units x Rs.12 = Rs.600
Policy Fund Value = Rs.1700)
z) Policy Schedule contains a brief description of the
Policy, the Policyholder and the Life Insured and forms an
integral part of the Policy.
aa) Policy Term is the number of Policy Years for which the
Policy is in-force, commencing from the Date of
Commencement of Risk and ending on the Maturity Date
and is mentioned in the Policy Schedule.
bb) Policy Year is measured from the Date of Commencement
of Risk and is a period of twelve consecutive calendar
months and includes every subsequent twelve consecutive
calendar months.
cc) Policyholder is the owner of the Policy whose name is
mentioned in the proposal form.
dd) Premium Payment Term means the number of Policy
Years for which the Policyholder is required to pay the
ee) Premium Redirection means an option which allows the
Policyholder to modify the Allocation of amount of renewal
premium to various segregated funds, under a unit linked
UIN: 130L100V03
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
policy, offered through a different investment pattern from
the option exercised at the Date of Commencement of Risk
of the Policy.
ff) “Proceeds of the Discontinued Policy means the fund
value as on the date of discontinuance plus entire income
earned after deduction of the fund management charges,
subject to a minimum guarantee of interest @ 4% p.a. or
as prescribed by IRDA of India from time to time.
gg) Regular Premium Payment Policy is a Policy wherein the
premium payment is made throughout the Policy Term.
hh) Return of Mortality Charges (RoMC) is the total amount
of Mortality charges (excluding any extra Mortality charge
& or any other applicable tax/cess levied) deducted during
the Policy Term which will be credited to the Policy at
maturity date. RoMC will be allocated to the Policy by
creating additional Units across Investment Funds.
ii) Return of Premium Allocation charges (RoPC) is the
total Premium Allocation Charges (excluding any
applicable tax/cess levied) deducted during the Policy
Term which will be credited to the Policy at maturity date.
RoPAC will be allocated to the Policy by creating additional
Units across Investment Funds.
jj) Revival means reviving the Policy after the Policyholder
has paid all due premiums.
kk) Revival Period is the time of 3 years from the date of the
first unpaid premium and is the period available to the
Policyholder to revive the Policy
ll) Segregated Fund means the funds as referred in Clause 1
Part E.
mm) Settlement Option means a facility made available to the
Policyholder to receive the Policy Fund Value on Maturity
Date in installments in accordance with the terms and
nn) Single Premium Payment Policy means linked insurance
products, where the premium payment is made by a single
payment at the inception of the Policy.
oo) Sum Assured is an assured amount used to calculate the
Death Benefit
pp) Surrender means complete withdrawal/ termination of the
entire Policy by the Policyholder.
qq) Surrender Value means an amount, if any, that becomes
payable in case of Surrender in accordance with the terms
and conditions
rr) Switch is the facility allowing the Policyholder to change
the investment pattern by moving from one Investment
Fund to other Investment Fund(s) amongst the Investment
Funds offered under the Policy.
ss) The Company /Company means Bharti AXA Life
Insurance Company Limited.
tt) Unit is a portion or a part of the underlying Investment
Fund Purchased from the Premiums paid under the Policy.
uu) Unit Price is the value per Unit of each Investment Fund
calculated in accordance with Part E.
vv) Valuation Date is the date on which the Unit Price of the
Investment Fund is determined in accordance with the
Valuation provisions of this Policy
ww) You/Your/Yours refers to the Policyholder/ Life Insured
The terms defined above shall also act as a reference guide
to the Policy Document in terms of IRDA of India Circular
No. IRDA/LIFE/CIR/GDL/034/01/2014 dated 14 January 2014'
UIN: 130L100V03
Benefits payable
1. Death Benefit
In case of death of the Life Insured during the Policy Term,
the Death Benefit will be payable to the Nominee or the
Policyholder as the case may be, subject to Policy being in
force and all due premiums till the date of death have been
The Death Benefit will be highest of:
1. Sum Assured* less Partial Withdrawals made in the
two-year period immediately preceding the date of
death of Life Insured.
2. 105% of all premiums paid as on date of death.
3. Policy Fund Value (including any Loyalty Additions) as
on the date of death of the Life Insured
Sum Assured will be as per table below:
The Death Benefit shall become payable on/from the date of
intimation of death, subject to acceptance of the claim by the
Company. The Policy shall terminate upon payment of Death
In case of the death of the Life Insured during the grace period
allowed for payment of due Premium, the death benefit shall be
payable and the Policy will be terminated.
The risk coverage will start from the Date of Commencement of
Risk for all lives, including minors
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
Age last
Sum Assured
<= 50 years
Option 1: 125% *
Single Premium
Option 2: 10 *
Single Premium
> 50 years 125% * Single
<= 46 years
Option 1: 125% *
Single Premium
Option 2: 10 *
Single Premium
> 46 years 125% * Single
<= 43 years
Option 1: 125% *
Single Premium
Option 2: 10 *
Single Premium
> 43 years 125% * Single
All All
10 * Annualized
# Annualized premium is the premium selected by the
policyholder at inception of the policy, excluding applicable
In case of the death of the Life Insured while the policy is in a
discontinuance status and the monies are a part of the
‘Discontinued Policy Fund’, the Policy Fund Value as on the
date of death shall be payable and the Policy will terminate.
In case of the death of the Life Insured during the Settlement
Period, the Higher of Policy Fund Value or 105% of total
premiums paid as on the date of death shall be payable to the
Nominee/ legal heirs and the policy will terminate.
Subject to the exclusions as mentioned in the Policy Document,
the death benefit shall be payable for death under all situations
(including death during declared or undeclared war, civil
commotion, invasion, terrorism, Naxalite Operation and
2. Maturity Benefit
On maturity, subject to the policy being in-force and depending
upon the variant chosen, the Policyholder shall be eligible for
the Maturity Benefit as follows
i. Growth Variant: Maturity Benefit payable shall be equal to
the Policy Fund Value (including Return of Mortality
Charges, Return of Premium Allocation Charges and Wealth
Boosters) as on the date of maturity.
ii. Legacy Variant: Maturity Benefit payable shall be equal to
the Policy Fund Value (including Loyalty Additions and
Wealth Boosters) as on the date of maturity.
The Policy Fund Value is calculated with the respective Unit
Prices of the relevant Investment Funds to which the premium/s
have been allocated as on their Valuation Dates, coinciding with
the Maturity Date of the Policy.
At maturity, the Policyholder may also choose to avail of the
Settlement Option.
3. Other Benefits
a) Loyalty Additions (Applicable in Legacy variant):
Subject to the Policy being in-force, and the Variant
chosen, Loyalty Additions will be credited to the Policy at
the end of each Policy Year starting from the end of tenth
Policy Year till one year before the date of maturity.
Loyalty Additions will be allocated to the Policy by
creating additional Units across Investment Funds, in the
same proportion as the investment fund allocation
instruction then in effect.
The Loyalty Additions are as follows:
Variant Policy Year
% of Policy Fund Value*
as at end of Policy Year
From end of
Policy Year 10
till one year
Growth NA 0.00
The Loyalty Additions will be payable along with the Policy Fund
Value on Maturity. In event of Paid-up Policy, Loyalty Additions
will not be credited after the Policy has attained Paid-Up status.
UIN: 130L100V03
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
b) Wealth Booster: Subject to the Policy being in-force,
Wealth Booster will be credited to the Policy at the end of
fifth policy year and at Maturity date. Wealth Booster will
be allocated to the Policy by creating additional Units
across Investment Funds, in the same proportion as the
investment fund allocation instruction then in effect.
Variant Policy Year
% of Policy Fund Value*
as at end of Policy Year
Growth &
End of 5h
Policy Year
At date of
For Growth Variant, Wealth Booster shall be calculated
as of 1.25% of Fund Value at maturity before adding
back RoMC and RoPAC units.
The Wealth Booster will be payable along with the Policy
Fund Value at Maturity. In event of Paid-up Policy,
Wealth Booster will not be credited after the Policy has
attained Paid-Up status.
c) Return of Mortality Charges (RoMC) and Return of
Premium Allocation Charge (RoPAC) (Applicable
only in Growth Variant): Subject to Policy being in force
(including revived policies), the total amount of Mortality
charges (excluding any extra Mortality charge & or any
applicable tax/cess levied) and total Premium Allocation
Charges (excluding any applicable tax/cess levied)
deducted during the Policy Term will be credited to the
Policy at maturity. RoMC and RoPAC will be allocated to
the Policy by creating additional Units across Investment
Funds, in the same proportion as the investment fund
allocation instruction then in effect.
RoMC and RoPAC shall not be credited in case of
Surrender, Discontinued or Paid-up Policy.
4. Grace Period
Grace period is the period, as mentioned below, which shall
be applicable to the Policyholder to pay all the unpaid
premiums, in case the premiums had not been paid as on
the Premium Due date.
The Policyholder gets the Grace period of:
Fifteen (15) days in case of Monthly Premium Payment
Thirty (30) days in case of Annual Premium Payment
to pay the premiums which fell due and the benefits under
the Policy remain unaltered during this period.
During the said Grace period, the policy will be inforce
Grace Period is not applicable for Single Premium Payment
5. Payment of Premium
i. You are required to pay Premiums on the due dates and
for the amount mentioned in the Policy Schedule.
ii. You are required to pay Premiums for the entire
Premium Payment Term.
iii. If Single Pay option has been chosen by You, only one
Premium is to be paid and no future Premiums are
iv. Premium Payment modes available under the Policy are
annual, half yearly, quarterly and monthly.
v. If the Policyholder discontinues the payment of
premiums, the Policy will be treated as Lapsed or Paid-
up as per the conditions under Part D section 2.
6. Riders
In case the Policyholder opts for a Rider, the outstanding
term of the Base Policy will be at least equal to 5 years. The
Policy Term of the Rider shall be less than or equal to the
Premium Payment Term of the Base Policy.
The Premium pertaining to health related or critical illness
riders shall not exceed 100% of premium under the Base
Policy, the Premiums under all other life insurance Riders
put together shall not exceed 30% of premiums under the
Base Policy and any benefit arising under each of the above
mentioned Riders shall not exceed the Sum Assured under
the Base Policy.
UIN: 130L100V03
1. Free Look Period
If Policyholder disagrees with any of the terms and
conditions of the Policy, there is an option to return the
original Policy along with a letter stating reason/s within 15
days of receipt of the Policy in case of offline Policy and
within 30 days of receipt of the Policy in case of electronic
Policy & policy sourced through distance marketing (i.e.
online sales). The Policy will accordingly be cancelled and
the Company will refund the premium amount paid by the
Policyholder excluding the Proportionate risk premium for
the period on cover and the medical expenses incurred by
the insurer and stamp duty charges.
In addition to this, the Company shall also be entitled to
repurchase the units at the price of the units on the date of
All rights under this Policy shall stand extinguished
immediately on cancellation of the Policy under the free look
If the Policy is opted through Insurance Repository (IR), the
computation of the said Free Look Period will be as stated
For existing e-Insurance Account: Computation of the said
Free Look Period will commence from the date of delivery of
the e mail confirming the credit of the Insurance Policy by
the IR.
For New e-Insurance Account: If an application for e-
Insurance Account accompanies the proposal for insurance,
the date of receipt of the ‘welcome kit’ from the IR with the
credentials to log on to the e-Insurance Account(e IA) or the
delivery date of the email confirming the grant of access to
the eIA or the delivery date of the email confirming the credit
of the Insurance policy by the IR to the eIA, whichever is
later shall be reckoned for the purpose of computation of the
free look period.
2. Discontinuance of Premium Provision
I. Discontinuance of Policy during the lock-in Period:
a) For other than single premium policies, upon expiry of
the grace period, in case of discontinuance of Policy due
to non-payment of premium, the fund value after
deducting the applicable discontinuance charges shall be
credited to the discontinued policy fund and the risk
cover and rider cover, if any, shall cease.
b) Such discontinuance charges shall not exceed the
charges, stipulated in ‘Charges’ section Discontinuance
charges of this document. All such discontinued policies
shall be provided a revival period of three years from
date of first unpaid premium. On such discontinuance,
the Company will communicate the status of the Policy,
within three months of the first unpaid premium, to the
Policyholder and provide the option to revive the Policy
within the revival period of three years.
i. In case the Policyholder opts to revive but does not
revive the Policy during the revival period, the
proceeds of the discontinued policy fund shall be paid
to the Policyholder at the end of the revival period or
lock-in period whichever is later. In respect of revival
period ending after lock-in period, the Policy will
remain in discontinuance fund till the end of revival
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
period. The Fund management charges of
discontinued fund will be applicable during this period
and no other charges will be applied.
ii. In case the Policyholder does not exercise the option
as set out above, the Policy shall continue without
any risk cover and rider cover, if any, and the policy
fund shall remain invested in the discontinuance fund.
At the end of the lock-in period, the proceeds of the
discontinuance fund shall be paid to the Policyholder
and the Policy shall terminate.
iii. However, the Policyholder has an option to surrender
the Policy anytime and proceeds of the discontinued
policy shall be payable at the end of lock-in period or
date of surrender whichever is later.
c) In case of Single premium policies, the Policyholder has
an option to surrender any time during the lock-in period.
Upon receipt of request for surrender, the fund value,
after deducting the applicable discontinuance charges,
shall be credited to the discontinued policy fund.
i. Such discontinuance charges shall not exceed the
charges stipulated in ‘Charges’ – Discontinuance
charges of this document.
ii. The Policy shall continue to be invested in the
discontinued policy fund and the proceeds from the
discontinuance fund shall be paid at the end of lock-in
period. Fund management charge can be deducted
from this fund during this period. Further, no risk
cover shall be available on such policy during the
discontinuance period.
The minimum guaranteed interest rate applicable to the
‘Discontinued Policy Fund’ shall be as per the prevailing
regulations and is currently 4% p.a. The proceeds of the
discontinued policy shall be refunded only upon
completion of the lock-in period.
Proceeds of the discontinued policies means the fund
value as on the date the policy was discontinued, after
addition of interest computed at the interest rate
stipulated as above.
II. Discontinuance of Policy after the lock-in Period:
a) For other than Single Premium Policies:
i. Upon expiry of the grace period, in case of
discontinuance of Policy due to non-payment of
premium after lock-in period, the Policy shall be
converted into a reduced paid up policy with the paid-
up sum assured i.e. original sum assured multiplied
by the total number of premiums paid to the original
number of premiums payable as per the terms and
conditions of the Policy. The Policy shall continue to
be in reduced paid-up status without rider cover, if
any. All charges as per terms and conditions of the
Policy shall be deducted during the revival period.
However, the mortality charges shall be deducted
based on the reduced paid up sum assured only.
ii. On such discontinuance, the Company will
communicate the status of the Policy, within three
months of the first unpaid premium, to the
Policyholder and provide the following options:
Policy Servicing Related Aspects
UIN: 130L100V03
1. To revive the policy within the revival period of
three years, or
2. Complete withdrawal of the Policy.
iii. In case the Policyholder opts for (1) above but does
not revive the Policy during the revival period, the
fund value shall be paid to the Policyholder at the end
of the revival period.
iv. In case the Policyholder does not exercise any option
as set out above, the Policy shall continue to be in
reduced paid up status. At the end of the revival
period the proceeds of the policy fund shall be paid to
the Policyholder and the Policy shall terminate.
v. However, the Policyholder has an option to surrender
the Policy anytime and proceeds of the policy fund
shall be payable. In case of Single Premium Policies,
the Policyholder has an option to surrender the Policy
any time. Upon receipt of request for surrender, the
fund value as on date of surrender shall be payable.
In case of Single Premium Policies, the Policyholder has an
option to surrender the Policy any time. Upon receipt of request
for surrender, the fund value as on date of surrender shall be
3. Partial Withdrawal of Fund Value
The Policyholder has the option to apply for Partial Withdrawal
of funds from the Policy Fund Value in the specified form, at any
time after the completion of the Lock-in Period, if Policy is in
force or in Reduced Paid Up.
i. The minimum partial withdrawal limit is Rs 5,000.
ii. The Policy Fund Value should be at least equal to 120% of
one Annualized Premium for Regular/Limited Premium
Payment Policy or 25% of single premium for Single
Premium Payment Policy after a Partial Withdrawal.
iii. For Policies issued on minor lives, Partial Withdrawals shall
not be allowed until the minor life Insured attains majority i.e.
on or after attainment of Age 18.
In a Policy Year, the Policyholder is entitled to make any
number of Partial Withdrawals free of charge subject to the limit
of minimum and maximum Partial Withdrawal amount as
described above.
Partial withdrawal shall not be allowed if it would result in
termination of the contract.
SWP (Systematic Withdrawal Plan): is an automated partial
withdrawal facility which can be opted by the Policyholder under
Legacy Variant. Under this facility, a pre-decided amount will be
withdrawn from the Policy Fund Value from the end of chosen
policy year and paid to Policyholder till the end of the Policy
Term. At the time of the written request to effect the SWP, the
Policyholder needs to choose the following:
a. Systematic Withdrawal amount per annum, Payout will only
be annually.
b. Policy Year from which the amount under SWP will be
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
SWP will be subject to following conditions:
a) SWP will start from 10th policy year or thereafter;
b) Maximum allowed systematic withdrawal should not be
greater than One Annualized premium.
The amount paid out to the Policyholder in each installment
will be withdrawn as Units from the Segregated Funds which
have been invested into in the same proportion. The Units
will be calculated as follows:
Systematic Withdrawal Amount chosen/ NAV
c) SWP option can be opted anytime during the Policy Term.
Once opted, the SWP options such as Systematic
withdrawal amount per annum, Policy year from which the
Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP), will be payable cannot
be changed.
d) The Policyholder may opt out of the Systematic Withdrawal
Plan option during the Policy Term by giving the Company
prior written request, in which case this option will cease to
be effective from the Policy Anniversary following the receipt
of the request. Once opted out, the Systematic Withdrawal
Plan cannot be re-chosen.
e) Minimum amount that can be withdrawn under SWP is Rs.
5,000 per installment.
f) If an installment amount to be withdrawn under SWP is less
than Rs. 5,000 such installment amount shall not be paid.
g) Fund Value after SWP installment and/or partial withdrawal
should be greater than or equal to 120% of one annualized
h) Sum Assured at all times should be at least 10 times one
annualized premium
i) For Policies issued on minor lives, SWP shall not be allowed
until the minor life Insured attains majority i.e. on or after
attainment of age 18.
Both Systematic Withdrawal Plan and Partial Withdrawal can be
availed simultaneously. SWP will follow all other the conditions
of partial withdrawals.
4. Complete Withdrawal / Surrender
a) Complete withdrawal of this Policy within Lock-in
period: Upon Your request, Policy can be completely
withdrawn during lock-in period of 5 years. On complete
withdrawal of the Policy, fund value less applicable
discontinuance charges as on the date of
discontinuance, shall be credited into the Discontinued
Policy Fund maintained by the Company at a minimum
guaranteed rate of 4% p.a. or as prescribed by IRDAI of
India from time to time. The “Proceeds of the
Discontinued Policy” shall be payable to Policyholder
immediately after completion of the lock-in period. All
benefits in this Policy shall cease on the date of complete
b) Complete withdrawal of Policy after Lock-in period:
Upon complete withdrawal of the policy after five policy
years, the Total Fund Value as on the date of complete
withdrawal, shall be payable and the Policy shall
UIN: 130L100V03
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
5. Settlement Option: The Policyholder may choose to
receive the Policy Fund Value as:
i. A lumpsum payment on the date of maturity
ii. At regular intervals chosen by the Policyholder, during
the Settlement Period as defined below
iii. A combination of the above
Settlement Period is the period not exceeding five years
commencing from the date of maturity and is an option
available to the Policyholder at maturity.
a) The Policyholder is required to apply to The Company, in
the specified form, intimating the choice at least 90 days
prior to the date of maturity. The default option in case of
non-receipt of such an application would be Option 1 as
mentioned above.
b) During the Settlement period the death benefit shall be
higher of existing Policy Fund Value or 105% of total
premiums paid as on the date of death. The mortality
charges shall be deducted accordingly.
c) In case Options 2 or 3 are chosen, the Policyholder is
required to choose a frequency of withdrawals
(monthly/quarterly/semi-annually/annually) from the
d) Depending on the frequency of withdrawals chosen, the
number of units as on the date of maturity will be divided
equally as per the frequency. The withdrawal amount will
be calculated with the respective Unit Prices of the
relevant Investment Funds to which the Annual Regular
Premiums have been allocated as on their Valuation
Dates, multiplied by the number of units.
e) The Company shall levy fund management charge and
mortality charge during the settlement period and no
other charges shall be levied.
f) At any time during the Settlement Period the policy
holder can withdraw the balance available Policy Fund
value as on that date.
g) However, the Policyholder is not entitled to opt for partial
withdrawals or Switches between Investment Funds
during this period.
The inherent risk of fluctuating markets during the
Settlement Period, in respect of Policy Fund Value, shall be
borne by Policyholder and applicable Fund Management
Charge as specified in Clause 2 C under Part E will be
If the Life Insured dies during the settlement period, then the
higher of Policy Fund Value as on the date of death or 105%
of total premiums paid shall be paid to the Nominee or the
Policyholder as the case may be and the policy shall be
6. Change in the Investment Fund Allocation (Premium
The Investment Fund Allocation as chosen by Policyholder at
the Date of Commencement of Risk of the Policy can be
modified only after the first Policy Year by submitting the
Investment Fund Allocation Instruction. Units will be created in
each of the prevalent Investment Funds for all the future
premiums as per the modified Investment Fund Allocation
The Investment Fund Allocation Instruction is subject to a
minimum allocation percentage in a chosen Investment Fund/s,
which is currently 5% of the Modal Premium. Currently, the
number of Investment Funds for Allocation is seven. The
change in the Investment Fund Allocation will be effective from
the next premium due date provided the premium is paid within
the due date.
Premium Redirection is not applicable for Single Premium
Payment Policy.
a) Creation of Units
The Units shall be created based on the Unit Price.
Units will be created in the Investment Fund/s on receipt by the
Company of the premium along with a local cheque/demand
draft payable at par at the place where the premium/application
for Switch is received on the following basis:
i. the same day’s closing Unit Price shall be applicable if
received by 3.00 p.m.
ii. the next day’s closing Unit Price shall be applicable if
received after 3.00 p.m.
In respect of premiums received with outstation
cheques/demand drafts at the place where the premium is
received, the closing Unit Price of the day on which cheques/
demand draft is realized shall be applicable.
However, Units for the first premium shall be allocated on the
day the proposal is accepted and results into a Policy by
adjustment of proposal deposit towards premium.
In case the premium is paid in advance, Units will be created
only on the due date. No interest shall be payable on premium
paid in advance.
b) Cancellation of Units
Units will be cancelled from the Investment Funds, wherein an
application (including claims, Surrender, Free-Look option,
Policy closure, Switch request, Partial Withdrawal and
Discontinuance of Premium) is received by the Company:
i. by 3.00 p.m., at the same day’s closing Unit Price shall be
ii. after 3.00 p.m., at the next day’s closing Unit Price shall be
8. Reduced Paid Up
a) In the event of Reduced Paid Up, Policy shall continue with
Reduced Paid Up Sum Assured as mentioned below till the
end of the Revival Period:
Sum Assured X Number of Premiums Paid
Total Number of Premiums Payable
b) The timing of reduced benefits under a Paid up policy
remains unaltered and all applicable charges i.e. Policy
Administration Charge, Mortality Charge and Fund
Management Charge will continue to be levied.
UIN: 130L100V03
Events Description of Benefits payable in Reduced Paid Up status
-up Death Benefit, which is the highest of:
Paid-Up Sum assured less all partial withdrawals* made during the two year period immediately
preceding the date of death of the Life Insured
Policy Fund Value(including any Loyalty Additions and Wealth Boosters already credited as on
date of Paid-up)
105% of all premiums paid as on date of death
Details of Partial withdrawals allowed are specified in Clause 3 Part D
Clause 5 Part D
Loyalty Additions
Loyalty Additions will be credited to the Policy Fund Value after the Policy becomes Paid-up
Wealth Booster
Wealth Booster will be credited to the Policy Fund Value after the Policy becomes Paid-up
Return of Mortality Charge
(RoMC) and Return of
Premium Allocation
Charge (RoPAC)
RoMC and RoPAC shall be credited to the Policy Fund Value after the Policy becomes Paid-up
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
9. Revival
a) Subject to Clause 2 under Part D (“Discontinuance of
Premium provision”), and subject to (i) Your written
application for revival is made within three(3) years from
the date of first unpaid premium; (ii) production of
Insured’s Declaration of Good Heath as per Board
approved Underwriting policy and other evidence of
insurability satisfactory to Us; (iii) payment of all overdue
premiums; the Policy may be revived Any evidence of
insurability requested at the time of revival will be based
on the prevailing Board approved underwriting policy.
b) Any revival shall only cover loss or Insured event which
occurs after the Revival Date.
c) The revival of the Policy may be on terms different from
those applicable to the Policy before it lapsed. The
revival will take effect only on it being specifically
communicated by the Company.
I. Revival of a discontinued policy during lock-in
Where the policyholder exercises the option to revive the
policy, the policy shall be revived restoring the risk cover
along with the investments made in the segregated funds
as chosen by the policyholder, out of the discontinued
fund less the applicable charges as mentioned below
and conditions as mentioned above. The Company, at
the time of revival:
a) Shall collect all due and unpaid premiums without
charging any interest or fee.
b) May levy policy administration charge and premium
allocation charge as applicable during the
discontinuance period. No other charges shall be
c) Shall add back to the fund, the discontinuance charges
deducted at the time of discontinuance of the policy.
II. Revival of a discontinued policy after lock-in period:
The policyholder can revive the policy, as mentioned
above. Where the policyholder revives the policy, the
policy shall be revived restoring the original risk cover in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the policy.
The insurer, at the time of revival:
a) Shall collect all due and unpaid premiums under base
plan without charging any interest or fee.
b) Will levy premium allocation charge as applicable.
c) No other charges shall be levied.
In case of death due to suicide within 12 months from the date of
Commencement of the Policy or from the date of Revival of the
Policy as applicable, the Nominee or beneficiary of the
Policyholder shall be entitled to the Fund Value as available on
the date of intimation of death.
Any charges recovered, other than Fund Management Charges
and guarantee charges subsequent to the date of death shall be
added back to the fund value as available on the date of
intimation of death.
The Policy will terminate on the earliest of the following:
a) On the date the Surrender Value is paid to the Policyholder.
b) Upon receipt of written intimation about the death of Life
Insured along with a supporting document to the satisfaction
of the Company and on payment of Death Benefit or
UIN: 130L100V03
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
c) If at any time after the Lock-in Period, the Fund Value falls
below at least one Annualized Premium, the Policy shall
stand terminated.
d) The Maturity Date of the Policy and on payment of Maturity
Benefit; or
e) Acceptance of Free look request by the Company.
f) On payment of Fund Value in case of Suicide.
There is no provision of loan on the Policy.
13. Policy alterations / Modifications
Only a duly authorized officer of the Company has the power to
effect changes on the Policy/Plan at the request of the
Policyholder, subject to the rules of the Company and within the
regulatory parameters.
14.Advance Premium
i. Collection of advance premium shall be allowed within the
same financial year for the premium due in that financial
year. However, where the premium due in one financial year
is being collected in advance in earlier financial year, The
Company may collect the same for a maximum period of
three months in advance of the due date of the premium.
ii. The premium so collected in advance shall only be adjusted
on the due date of the premium.
UIN: 130L100V03
A. The Company holds legal and beneficial interests in the
assets of each Investment Fund and has sole discretion
on the investment and the management of each
Investment Fund within the defined asset portfolio
Allocation as set out under Clause 1B Part E. The
Investment Funds currently offered under the Policy by
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
Investment Fund Objective
Asset Category and
Asset Allocation
Growth Opportunities Plus Fund
To provide long term capital
appreciation by investing in stocks
across all market capitalization
ranges (Large, Mid or small)
Debt: NA
Money Market Instruments:
0% - 20%
Equities: 80% - 100%
Grow Money Plus Fund
To provide long term capital
appreciation by investing across a
diversified high quality equity
Debt: NA
Money Market Instruments:
0% - 20%
Equities: 80% - 100%
Build India Fund
To provide long term capital
appreciation, through exposure to
equity investments in Infrastructure
and allied sectors, and by
diversifying investments across
various sub-sectors of the
infrastructure sector
Debt: 0% - 20%
Money Market Instruments:
0% - 20%
Equities: 80% - 100%
Save‘n’grow Money Fund
To provide steady accumulation of
income in medium to long term by
investing in high quality debt
papers and government securities
and a limited opportunity of capital
appreciation. This would be more
of a defensively managed fund
Debt: 0% - 90%
Money Market Instruments:
0% - 40%
Equities: 0% - 60%
Steady Money Fund
To provide steady accumulation of
income in medium to long term by
investing in corporate bonds and
government securities
Debt: 60% - 100%
Money Market Instruments:
0% - 40%
Equities: NA
Safe Money Fund
To provide capital protection
through investment in low-risk
money-market & short-term debt
instruments with maturity of 1 year
or lesser.
Debt: 60% - 100%
Money Market Instruments:
0% - 40%
Equities: NA
Stability Plus Money Fund
To provide long term absolute total
return through investing across a
diversified high quality debt
Debt: 55% - 100%
Money Market Instruments:
0% - 20%
Equities: 0% - 25%
Emerging Equity Fund
To provide long term capital
appreciation through investing in a
portfolio of mid cap companies
Debt: NA
Money Market Instruments:
0% - 35%
Equities: 65-100%
the Company are - Growth Opportunities Plus Fund,
Grow Money Plus Fund, Save’n’grow Money Fund,
Steady Money Fund, Safe Money Fund, Build India
Fund, Stability Plus Money Fund and Emerging Equity
B. The investment objective, risk profile and asset allocation
range for the various funds is as mentioned below:
UIN: 130L100V03
Growth Opportunities Plus Fund, Grow Money Plus Fund,
Save’n’grow Money Fund, Build India Fund, Steady Money
Fund, Safe Money Fund Stability Plus Money Fund and
Emerging Equity Fund are the names of the Investment
Funds and do not in any manner indicate the quality of the
Investment Funds, their future prospects or returns.
Investments in the Investment Funds are subject to market
and other risks and the achievement of the Objective of any
of the Investment Funds cannot be assured.
The Company may from time to time change the asset
portfolio Allocation in the existing Investment Funds with the
approval of the Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority of India (IRDAI).
The Company shall also maintain a Discontinued Policy Fund
that comprises of the fund values of all the Policies that have
been discontinued and will earn a minimum interest computed at
a rate specified by IRDAI from time to time which is currently 4%
pa. If the Company earns higher than 4% on Discontinued
Policy Fund, that will also be credited to Discontinued Policy
Fund. The Discontinued Policy Fund shall be a unit fund with the
following asset categories:
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
Discontinued Policy Fund
SFIN: ULIF02219/01/2011DDISCONTLF130
The excess income earned in the Discontinued Policy Fund over
and above the minimum guaranteed interest rate shall also be
apportioned to the Discontinued Policy Fund. The proceeds
from the Discontinued Policy Fund shall be payable only upon
completion of Lock-in Period. However, in case of death of the
Life Insured, the proceeds of the Discontinued Policy Fund shall
be payable immediately to the Nominee.
You can, through a secured login, access the value of policy
wise units held by you in the format as per Form D02 prescribed
under IRDAI Investment Regulations, 2016.
C. Investment Strategy
At inception of the Policy, the Policyholder may also choose to
allocate the premium/s in one of the Investment strategies as
per the conditions of the Product, with a maximum of two
Investment strategies being available. If the Policyholder has
opted for any one of the Investment Strategies then the
Policyholder cannot opt for the other.
The two strategies available are as follows:
Dynamic Fund Allocation:
1. This Strategy can only be chosen on inception of the Policy.
2. In case this strategy is chosen at inception, the 1st
Premium and subsequent premiums will be allocated (after
deducting Premium Allocation Charges) to Grow Money
Plus Fund.
3. During the last 5 years of the Policy Term, the funds will
automatically be allocated between Grow Money Plus Fund
and Steady Money Fund
i. Limited Pay policies: In case of Limited Pay policies,
the Company will automatically allocate the monies
between Grow Money Plus Fund and Steady Money
Fund, from the end of 5th year before Policy Maturity, in
a pre-determined manner as described below through
switching Units in the respective Fund
ii. For Regular Pay Policies: The Company will
automatically allocate/ switch Units in the Funds on each
Policy Anniversary with respect to Regular Premium
received on Policy Anniversary or date of receipt of the
Regular Premium and switch Units in the Funds on each
Policy Anniversary, in a predetermined proportion
specified in the applicable table below:
Existing Funds
Grow Money Plus
Steady Money
(PT-5) yr 80% 20%
(PT-4) yr 75% 25%
(PT-3) yr 70% 30%
(PT-2) yr 50% 50%
(PT-1) yr 0% 100%
Existing Funds
New Premium
Money Plus
Money Plus
(PT-5) yr 80% 20% 80% 20%
(PT-4) yr 75% 25% 75% 25%
(PT-3) yr 70% 30% 70% 30%
(PT-2) yr 50% 50% 50% 50%
(PT-1) yr 0% 100% 0% 100%
4. You may opt out of the Dynamic Fund Allocation option
during the Policy Term by giving the Company prior written
request, in which case this option will cease to be effective
from the Policy Anniversary following the receipt of the
request. In such instances, the existing funds shall continue
to remain in the vested funds and new Premium amounts will
be allocated basis the funds and proportion chosen at
5. Once the Policyholder has opted out, then the Policyholder
shall not be permitted to recommence the Dynamic Fund
Allocation option during the Policy Term
6. While Dynamic Fund Allocation is operational Switching in or
out of the Steady Money Fund will cause the Dynamic Fund
Allocation to cease. Dynamic Fund Allocation will continue to
be active in Reduced Paid- Up status.
UIN: 130L100V03
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
Systematic Transfer Plan (STP)
1. This Strategy can only be chosen on inception of the Policy.
2. If the Systematic Transfer Plan is opted, then the Company
will automatically allocate the Single Premium/Regular
Premium received (after deducting Premium Allocation
Charges) to purchase Units in the Safe Money Fund. On
each subsequent monthly anniversary, the Fund Value of
[1/(13 less month number in the Policy Year)] of the Units
available at the beginning of the month] shall be switched to
the Grow Money Plus Fund by cancelling Units in the Safe
Money Fund, and purchasing Units in the Grow Money Plus
Fund till the availability of Units in Safe Money Fund. For
instance: Policy month 1: 1/(13-1)= 1/12th of the Units to be
switched Policy month 2: 1/(13-2)= 1/11th of the Units to be
switched Policy month 11: 1/(13-11)= 1/2 of the Units to be
switched Policy month 12: 1/(13- 12)= balance Units to be
3. The Company will not levy any switching charges for the
operation of the Systematic Transfer Plan.
4. You shall not be permitted to make partial withdrawals from
the Safe Money Fund during the period when this option is in
5. You may opt out of the Systematic Transfer Plan during the
Policy Term by giving the Company a prior written notice, in
which case this option will cease to be effective from the
next Monthly Policy Anniversary following the receipt of the
6. While STP is operational, you are not allowed to change
your fund choice.
7. This strategy can be availed only on annual Premium
payment mode and will be active during the Premium
Payment Term chosen by you provided due Premium has
been paid. STP cannot be opted once all Premiums payable
under the Policy have been paid.
8. If due Premium is not received during the Grace Period, STP
will cease to be operational.
9. The Premiums received after the expiry of Grace Period will
be allocated entirely to the Grow Money Plus Fund unless
otherwise specified by You.
10.If you give the request for Premium redirection or to change
to monthly Premium payment mode then such request will
make STP ineffective.
11.Once STP ceases to exist, your future Premiums will
continue to be invested in the Grow Money Plus Fund
chosen at the time of opting STP unless otherwise specified
by you.
D. Investment Fund Addition
The Company may from time to time create and add new
Investment Funds with different fees/ charges with the approval
of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
(IRDAI) and consequently, new Investment Funds may be made
available to Policyholder. All provisions of the Policy will apply
to such new Investment Funds unless stated otherwise.
E. Switch amongst Investment Funds
There is an option available to the Policyholders to apply for
Switch of Investment Fund/s from one Investment Fund to
another through a Switch Application Form specified by the
Company, subject to Policy being in force. The facility of Switch
would be subject to the administrative rules of the Company,
existing at the time of Your Switch application and will be
applicable to all Premium Payment Term options. Switch of funds
will be effected at a Unit Price declared on the date Your Switch
application is received and accepted by the Company before
3.00 p.m. and on the next day’s Unit Price declared if the
application is received and accepted at the Company after 3.00
p.m. The Policyholder is entitled to make any number of
Switches in a Policy Year free of charge. The minimum
investment in any allocated fund should not be less than 5% of
the Fund Value at the time of allocation, However, there is no
minimum amount of transaction.
F. Investment Fund Closure
The Company reserves the right to close any Investment Fund at
any time by giving a three month written notice of its intention to
close an Investment Fund and from the date of such closure the
Company will cease to create or cancel Units in the said
Investment Fund (‘Closing Investment Fund’). Closure of an
Investment Fund shall be subject to prior approval of IRDAI and
will follow the guidelines issued by IRDAI from time to time. The
Company will require the Policyholder who has invested in the
Closing Investment Fund to replace it with another Investment
Fund/s (‘Replacing Investment Fund’) before the date specified
in the written notice of The Company. Upon receiving the notice
from the Policyholder, Units in the Closing Investment Fund
allocated to this Policy will be cancelled on the last Valuation
Date of the Closing Investment Fund. The Company will replace
the Closing Investment Fund with the Replacing Investment
Fund/s chosen by the Policyholder, by creating Units in the
Replacing Investment Fund/s, with proceeds from the
cancellation of Units in the Closing Investment Fund on the last
Valuation Date of the Closing Investment Fund.
If The Company has not received valid notice from the
Policyholder for modification of the Investment Fund Allocation
by the time of closure of the Investment Fund, the Company will:
Switch the funds from the Closing Investment Fund to the
‘Stability Plus Money Fund’. This switch will be free of charge.
Change the Investment Fund Allocation in such a way that
the percentage allocated to the Closing Investment Fund is
added to the percentage allocated to the ‘Stability Plus
Money Fund’.
G. Risks of investments
Investments in any of the Investment Funds are subject to the
following, amongst other risks:
The Unit Price of any Investment Fund may increase or
decrease as per the performance of the financial markets.
The past performance of these or other Investment Funds of
the Company do not indicate the future performance of these
Investment Funds.
The investment risk in investment portfolio is borne by the
UIN: 130L100V03
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
Applicable taxes on Policy Charges as per prevailing regulations
will be levied at the prevailing rates.
A. Premium Allocation Charge
The Company will levy an Allocation Charge as a
percentage of the Annualised Premium. The balance
allocation amount will be utilized to purchase Units for the
Policy in accordance with the Investment Fund Allocation
mentioned by the Policyholder.
The allocation charge is as per the tables below:
For Online Channel:
Annual Mode
Non Annual
Year 1 1.0% 6.0% 4.5%
Year 2 - 5.0% 3.0%
Year 3 - 4.0% 3.0%
Year 4 - 3.0% 2.0%
Year 5+ - 2.0% 2.0%
For Other Channels
Annual Mode
Non Annual
Year 1 3% 9.0% 7.5%
Year 2 - 7.0% 5.0%
Year 3 - 5.0% 4.0%
Year 4 - 3.0% 2.0%
Year 5 + - 2.0% 2.0%
B. Policy Administration Charge
This charge shall represent the expenses other than those
covered by the fund management expenses. This charge is
levied at the beginning of each Policy month from the unit
fund by canceling Units of an equivalent amount.
The Policy Administration Charge will be deducted by
cancellation of Units from the Policy Fund Value at the
prevailing Unit Price on the corresponding Policy Date in
each Policy Month as a percentage of Annualized Premium
for Regular and Limited Premium Payment Policy and as a
percentage of single premium for Single Premium Payment
The monthly Policy administration charge is as per the table
Policy Year Single Premium
1 - 5 0.15% 0.15%
6 - 10 Nil 0.45%
11+ Nil Nil
The Policy administration charge is subject to a maximum of
Rs 500 per month.
These charges are exclusive of applicable taxes.
C. Fund Management Charge
Fund Management Charge will be charged by adjustment of
the Unit Price on the Investment Fund/s on each Valuation
Date. This is a charge levied as a percentage of the value of
assets and shall be appropriated by adjusting the Net Asset
Value. This is a charge levied at the time of computation of
NAV, which is usually done on daily basis.
Fund Management
Charge (as a % of Fund
Growth Opportunities Plus Fund 1.35% per annum
Grow Money Plus Fund 1.35% per annum
Build India Fund 1.35% per annum
Emerging Equity Fund 1.35% per annum
Save’n’grow Money Fund 1.25% per annum
Steady Money Fund 1.00% per annum
Safe Money Fund 1.00% per annum
Stability Plus Money Fund 0.80% per annum
Discontinued Policy Fund 0.50% per annum
The above charges (except for Discontinued Policy Fund) will
not exceed the maximum cap prescribed by IRDAI which is
currently 1.35% p.a.
The fund management charges for Discontinued Policy Fund
will not exceed the maximum cap prescribed by IRDAI which is
currently 0.50% pa.
These charges are exclusive of applicable taxes.
D. Mortality Charge
This charge is levied to provide the life insurance benefit. This
charge is applied on the Sum at Risk (as defined below) and
is deducted proportionately by cancellation of Units on a
monthly basis. The annual charge per thousand of Sum at
Risk will be based on the attained Age of the policyholder,
age last birthday.
Sum at Risk is defined as the higher of excess of Sum
Assured over Policy Fund Value as on the corresponding
Policy Date in the Policy Month and zero. For Policy in paid
up status, the Sum at Risk is defined as the higher of excess
of paid up sum assured over Policy Fund Value as on the
corresponding Policy Date in the Policy Month and zero.
The rates of mortality charges are guaranteed to remain the
same during the policy term. These charges are exclusive of
This charge is applied on per 1000 Sum at Risk. Mortality
rates are as follows.
UIN: 130L100V03
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
Mortality rates* Per 1000 sum at risk per annum
Age Mortality Charge Age Mortality Charge
0 0.9150 50 4.4360
1 0.9150 51 4.9690
2 0.9150 52 5.5500
3 0.4700 53 6.1740
4 0.2710 54 6.8310
5 0.1850 55 7.5130
6 0.1520 56 8.2120
7 0.1490 57 8.9250
8 0.1670 58 9.6510
9 0.2060 59 10.3930
10 0.2650 60 11.1620
11 0.3410 61 11.9690
12 0.4290 62 12.8310
13 0.5220 63 13.7650
14 0.6140 64 14.7920
15 0.6980 65 15.9320
16 0.7700 66 17.2060
17 0.8290 67 18.6350
18 0.8740 68 20.2400
19 0.9050 69 22.0400
20 0.9240 70 24.0580
21 0.9340 71 26.3140
22 0.9370 72 28.8320
23 0.9360 73 31.6380
24 0.9330 74 34.7570
25 0.9310 75 38.2210
26 0.9310 76 42.0610
27 0.9340 77 46.3160
28 0.9420 78 51.0240
29 0.9560 79 56.2310
30 0.9770 80 61.9850
31 1.0050 81 68.3380
32 1.0420 82 75.3500
33 1.0860 83 83.0820
34 1.1400 84 91.6010
35 1.2020 85 100.9790
36 1.2750 86 111.2910
37 1.3580 87 122.6160
38 1.4530 88 135.0370
39 1.5600 89 148.6390
40 1.6800 90 163.5070
41 1.8150 91 179.7260
42 1.9690 92 197.3800
43 2.1440 93 216.5470
44 2.3450 94 237.3020
45 2.5790 95 259.7060
46 2.8510 96 283.8130
47 3.1680 97 309.6590
48 3.5360 98 337.2650
49 3.9580 99 366.6300
*There is a 3-year setback for female lives.
E. Discontinuance Charge
The Discontinuance Charge shall be levied at the time of
Surrender or on Discontinuance of Premium whichever is
The Discontinuance charge for Regular and Limited Premium
Payment Policy will be computed as follows:
Year of
of Premium/
Charges for the
policies having
premium up to Rs.
Charges for the
policies having
premium above
Rs. 50,000/-
Lower of Lower of
a) 20% of
a) 6% of
b) 20% of Fund
b) 6% of Fund
c) Rs. 3,000 c) Rs. 6,000
Lower of Lower of
a) 15% of
a) 4% of
b) 15% of Fund
b) 4% of Fund
c) Rs. 2,000 c) Rs. 5,000
Lower of Lower of
a) 10% of
a) 3% of
b) 10% of Fund
b) 3% of Fund
c) Rs. 1,500 c) Rs. 4,000
Lower of Lower of
5% of Annualized
a) 2% of
b) 5% of Fund
b) 2% of Fund
c) Rs. 1,000 c) Rs. 2,000
5 and onwards NIL NIL
UIN: 130L100V03
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
The Discontinuance charge for Single Premium Payment Policy
will be computed as follows
Year of
of Premium/
Charges for the
policies having
Single Premium
up to Rs.
Charges for the
policies having
Single Premium
above Rs.
Lower of Lower of
a) 2% of Single
a) 1% of Single
b) 2% of Fund
b) 1% of Fund
c) Rs. 3,000 c) Rs. 6,000
Lower of Lower of
1.5% of Single
a) 0.7% of Single
b) 1.5% of Fund
b) 0.7% of Fund
c) Rs. 2,000 c) Rs. 5,000
Lower of Lower of
a) 1% of Single
a) 0.5% of Single
b) 1% of Fund
b) 0.5% of Fund
c) Rs. 1,500 c) Rs. 4,000
Lower of Lower of
0.5% of Single
0.35% of Single
b) 0.5% of Fund
b) 0.35% of Fund
c) Rs. 1,000 c) Rs. 2,000
5 and onwards
F. Revision of Policy Charges
The Company may at any time revise the below mentioned
charge to the maximum limit as indicated, subject to prior
approval from Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority of India (IRDAI):
Fund Management Charge: The maximum charge shall not
exceed be the cap as prescribed by IRDAI which is currently
1.35% p.a.
3. Force Majeure
a) The Company shall value the Funds (SFIN) on each day
for which the financial markets are open. However, the
Company may value the SFIN less frequently in extreme
circumstances external to the Company i.e. in force
majeure events, where the value of the assets is too
uncertain. In such circumstances, the Company may
defer the valuation of assets for up to 30 days until the
Company is certain that the valuation of SFIN can be
b) The Company shall inform IRDAI of such deferment in
the valuation of assets. During the continuance of the
force majeure events, all requests for servicing the policy
including policy related payment shall be kept in
c) The Company shall continue to invest as per the fund
mandates submitted in Section E (1B) above. However,
the Company shall reserve its right to change the
exposure of all or any part of the Fund to Money Market
Instruments in circumstances mentioned under points (a
and b) above. The exposure to of the fund as per the
fund mandates submitted in Section E (1B) shall be
reinstated within reasonable timelines once the force
majeure situation ends.
d) Few examples of circumstances as mentioned [in point 3
(a & b) above] are:
i. When one or more stock exchanges which provide a
basis for valuation of the assets of the fund are
closed otherwise than for ordinary holidays.
ii. When, as a result of political, economic, monetary or
any circumstances which are not in the control of the
insurer, the disposal of the assets of the fund would
be detrimental to the interests of the continuing
iii. in the event of natural calamities, strikes, war, civil
unrest, riots and bandhs.
iv. in the event of any force majeure or disaster that
affects the normal functioning of the Insurer.
e) In such an event, an intimation of such force majeure
event shall be uploaded on the Company’s website for
UIN: 130L100V03
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
1. Fraud And Misstatement
Fraud, Misstatement would be dealt with in accordance with
provisions of Sec 45 of the Insurance Act 1938 as amended
from time to time. [A Leaflet c ontaining the simplified
version of the provisions of Section 45 is enclosed in
appendix IV for reference]
2. Claims
The Company would require the following primary
documents in support of a claim at the stage of claim
intimation under the Policy:
For Maturity Benefit: Claimant’s Statement, KYC
Documents and personalized cancelled cheque of the
Claimant or beneficiary, acceptable to the Company.
For Death Benefit (other than death due to
Accident/natural death): the original Policy (entire booklet),
Death Certificate of the Life Insured. Claimant’s Statement
and KYC Document of Nominee or beneficiary, acceptable
to the Company and Copy of medical records pertaining to
treatment taken by the insured such as admission notes,
discharge / death summary, test report etc. in case of
For Death Benefit (death due to Accident/Unnatural
death): First Information Report (FIR) and Post Mortem
report is required in addition to the documents required for
Death Benefit (other than death due to Accident/ natural
death) as mentioned above.
The Company is entitled to call for additional documents, if in
the opinion of the Company such additional documents are
warranted to process the claim.
Easy ways of claim intimation
i. Walk in to your nearest Bharti AXA Life Branch
ii. Call us Toll Free: 1800-102-4444*
iii. Intimate Online through Claims Portal:
iv. Have us call you*
v. E-mail us: [email protected]
vi. Submit online claim through our website
*Claims intimated through these modes will be considered as
verbal intimation. Claim will be formally registered only when
written intimation is received at branch or directly to Claims
team at Service Office
3. Misstatement of Age and Gender:
i. If the correct Age of the Life Insured is different from that
mentioned in the proposal form, the Company will assess
the eligibility of the Life Insured for the Policy in
accordance with the correct Age of the Life Insured.
ii. If on the basis of correct Age, the Life Insured is not
eligible for the Policy, the Policy shall be cancelled
immediately by refunding the premium received by the
Company under the Policy as per the provisions of
Section 45 of Insurance Act as amended from time to
iii. If the Life Insured is eligible for the Policy as per his / her
correct Age, then the Company will calculate the
applicable charges basis the correct Age of Life Insured
and will accordingly adjust the Fund Value / Coverage
Sum Assured.
4. Assignment and Nomination
Assignment: Assignment shall be in accordance with the
provisions of sec 38 of the Insurance Act 1938 as amended
from time to time.
[A Leaflet containing the simplified version of the
provisions of Section 38 is enclosed in annexure (II)
for reference]
Nomination: Nomination shall be in accordance with the
provisions of sec 39 of the Insurance Act 1938 as amended
from time to time.
[A Leaflet containing the simplified version of the
provisions of Section 39 is enclosed in annexure (III)
for reference]
5. Vesting of Ownership
In case the Life Insured is a minor, the ownership of Policy
will automatically vest on the Life Insured on attainment of
majority. In case of death of the Policyholder while the Life
Insured is a minor, surrender and any other such options
available under the policy cannot be exercised during the
period of minority of the Life Insured.
6. Incorrect information and Non-Disclosure
The Policyholder and the Life Insured under the Policy have
an obligation to disclose every fact material for assessment
of the risk in connection with issuance of the Policy.
In case of fraud, misrepresentation and suppression of
material facts the Policy contract shall be treated in
accordance with the Section 45 of the Insurance Act,1938 as
amended from time to time.
7. Taxation
The tax benefits, if any, on the Policy may be available as
per the prevailing provisions of the tax laws in India. If
required by the relevant legislations prevailing from time to
time, the Company will withhold taxes from the benefits
payable under the Policy. The Company reserves the right to
recover statutory levies including applicable taxes by way of
adjustment of the premiums paid by the Policyholder.
8. Notices
Any notice to be given to the Policyholder under the Policy
will be issued by post or electronic mail or telephone
facsimile transmission to the latest address/es/fax
number/email of the Policyholder available in the records of
the Company.
Any change in the address of the Policyholder should be
informed to the Company so as to ensure timely
communication of notices and to the correct address.
Kindly refer to Part G section 1 of the Bond for intimating
about the change in existing details.
General Terms and Conditions
UIN: 130L100V03
9. Currency and Place of Payment
All payments to or by the Company will be in Indian rupees
and shall be in accordance with the prevailing Exchange
Control regulations and other relevant laws in force in India.
10.Mode of communication
The Company and the Policyholder may exchange
communications pertaining to the Policy either through
normal correspondence or through electronic mail and the
Company shall be within its right to seek clarifications / to
carry out the mandates of the Policyholder on merits in
accordance with such communications. While accepting
requests / mandate from the Policyholder through electronic
mail, the Company may stipulate such conditions as deemed
fit to give effect to and comply with the provisions of
Information Technology Act 2000 and/ or such other
applicable laws in force from time to time.
11.Governing Laws & Jurisdiction
The terms and conditions of the Policy Document shall be
governed by and shall be subject to the laws of India. The
parties shall submit themselves to the jurisdiction of the
competent court/s of law in India in respect of all matters and
disputes which may arise out of in connection with the Policy
Document and / or relating to the Policy.
12.Term used and its meaning
If a particular term is not defined or otherwise articulated
either in the Policy Document or under the Policy, endeavor
shall be to impart the natural meaning to the said term in the
context in which it is used.
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
UIN: 130L100V03
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
1. Customer Service
You can seek clarification or assistance on the Policy from
the following:
The Advisor through whom the Policy was bought
The Customer Service Representative of The Company
at toll free no. 1800 102 4444
SMS "SERVICE" to 56677
WhatsApp us ‘Hi’ at 02248815768
Email: service@bhartiaxa.com
Mail to: Customer Service
Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company Ltd.
Spectrum tower, 3rd Floor,
Malad link road, Malad (west),
Mumbai 400064. Maharashtra’
2. Grievance Redressal Procedure
Step 1: Inform us about your grievance
In case you have any grievance, you may approach our
Grievance Redressal Cell at any of the below-mentioned
Lodge your complaint online at www.bhartiaxa.com
Call us at our toll free no. 1800 102 4444
Email us at complaints.unit@bhartiaxa.com
Write to us at:
Registered Office:
Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company Ltd.
Unit No. 1902, 19th Floor, Parinee Crescenzo
'G' Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, BKC Road,
Behind MCA Ground, Bandra East,
Mumbai - 400051, Maharashtra’
Grievance Redressal Cell:
Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company Ltd.
Spectrum tower, 3rd Floor,
Malad link road, Malad (west),
Mumbai 400064. Maharashtra’
Visit our nearest branch and meet our Grievance Officer
who will assist you to redress your grievance/ lodge your
Step 2: Tell us if you are not satisfied
In case you are not satisfied with the decision provided or if
you have not received any response post completion of 14
days, you may write to Head - Customer Service for
resolution at the above mentioned address or email
You are requested to inform us about your concern (if any)
within 8 weeks of receipt of resolution as stated above,
failing which it will be construed that the complaint is
satisfactorily resolved.
If you are not satisfied with the response or do not receive a
response from us within 14 days, you may approach the
Grievance Cell of the Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority of India (IRDA of India) on the
following contact details:
Integrated Grievance Management System (IGMS)
TOLL FREE NO: 1800 4254 732 or 155255
You can also register your complaint online at
Address for communication for complaints by paper:
General Manager
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of
Consumer Affairs Department Grievance Redressal Cell.
Sy.No.115/1, Financial District, Nanakramguda,
Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500 032
Step 3: If you are not satisfied with the resolution
provided by the Company
Where the redressal provided by the Company is not
satisfactory despite the escalation above, the customer may
represent the case to the Ombudsman for Redressal of the
grievance, if it pertains to the following:
Delay in settlement of claim
Partial or total rejection of claim
Dispute with regard to premium
Misrepresentation of policy terms and conditions
Legal construction of the policy in so far as dispute
related to claim
Grievance relating to policy servicing
Issuance of policy which is not in conformity with
proposal form
Non- issuance of your insurance document and
Any other matter resulting from the violation of provisions
of the Insurance Act, 1938 or the regulations, circulars,
guidelines or instructions issued by the IRDAI from time
to time or the terms and conditions of the policy contract,
in so far as they relate to issues mentioned hereinabove.
The complaint should be made in writing duly signed by the
complainant or through his legal heirs, Nominee(s)/legal
heirs in case of death of the Nominee(s)or Assignee, and
shall state clearly the name and address of the complainant,
the name of the branch or office of the insurer against whom
the complaint is made, the facts giving rise to the complaint,
supported by documents, the nature and extent of the loss
caused to the complainant and the relief sought from the
Insurance Ombudsman. As per provision 14(3) of the
Insurance Ombudsman Rules, 2017, the complaint to the
Ombudsman can be made, within a period of one year
provided it is not simultaneously under any litigation:
Only if the grievance has been rejected by the Grievance
Redressal Machinery of the Insurer; or
the complainant had not received any reply within a
period of one month after the Insurer received his
representation; or
the complainant is not satisfied with the reply given to
him by the insurer.
For informative purpose and for Your ready reference,
the relevant clause/s of the Insurance Act,1938 as
amended from time to time are reproduced below:
Section 41 of the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from
time to time:
1) “No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or
indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take out or
renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of
Grievance Redressal
UIN: 130L100V03
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the
whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of
the premium shown on the Policy, nor shall any person
taking out or renewing or continuing a Policy accept any
rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in
accordance with the published prospectus or tables of
the insurer:
2) Any person making default in complying with the
provisions of this section shall be liable for a penalty
which may extend to ten lakh rupees.
Section 13 of the Insurance Ombudsman Rules, 2017:
Duties and Powers of Insurance Ombudsman
1) The Ombudsman shall receive and consider complaints or
disputes relating to
a) Delay in settlement of claims, beyond the time specified
in the regulations, framed under the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority of India Act,
b) Any partial or total repudiation of claims by the Company;
c) Disputes over premium paid or payable in terms of
insurance policy;
d) Misrepresentation of policy terms and conditions at any
time in the policy document or policy contract;
e) Legal construction of insurance policies in so far as the
dispute relates to claim;
f) Policy servicing related grievances against insurers and
their agents and intermediaries;
g) Issuance of life insurance policy, general insurance
policy including health insurance policy which is not in
conformity with the proposal form submitted by the
h) Non-issuance of insurance policy after receipt of
premium in life insurance; and
i) Any other matter resulting from the violation of provisions
of the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time to
time, or the regulations, circulars, guidelines or
instructions issued by the IRDAI from time to time or the
terms and conditions of the policy contract, in so far as
they relate to issues mentioned at clauses (a) to (f).
2. The Ombudsman shall act as counsellor and mediator
relating to matters specified in sub-rule (1) provided there is
written consent of the parties to the dispute.
3. The Ombudsman shall be precluded from handling any
matter if he is an interested party or having conflict of
4. The Central Government or as the case may be, the IRDAI
may, at any time refer any complaint or dispute relating to
insurance matters specified in sub-rule (1), to the Insurance
Ombudsman and such complaint or dispute shall be
entertained by the Insurance Ombudsman and be dealt with
as if it is a complaint made under Clause provided herein
Section 14 of the Insurance Ombudsman Rules, 2017:
Manner in which complaint to be made
1) Any person who has a grievance against the Company, may
himself or through his legal heirs, nominee or assignee,
make a complaint in writing to the Insurance Ombudsman
within whose territorial jurisdiction the branch or office of the
Company complained against or the residential address
or place of residence of the complainant is located.
2) The complaint shall be in writing, duly signed by the
complainant or through his legal heirs, nominee or
assignee and shall state clearly the name and address of
the complainant, the name of the branch or office of the
Company against whom the complaint is made, the facts
giving rise to the complaint, supported by documents, the
nature and extent of the loss caused to the complainant
and the relief sought from the Insurance Ombudsman.
3) No complaint to the Insurance Ombudsman shall lie
a. the complainant makes a written representation to the
Company named in the complaint and
i. either the Company had rejected the complaint; or
ii. the complainant had not received any reply within
a period of one month after the Company received
his representation; or
iii. the complainant is not satisfied with the reply given
to him by the Company;
b. The complaint is made within one year
i. after the order of the Company rejecting the
representation is received; or
ii. after receipt of decision of the Company which is
not to the satisfaction of the complainant;
iii. after expiry of a period of one month from the date
of sending the written representation to the
Company if the Company fails to furnish reply to
the complainant.
4) The Ombudsman shall be empowered to condone the
delay in such cases as he may consider necessary, after
calling for objections of the Company against the
proposed condonation and after recording reasons for
condoning the delay and in case the delay is condoned,
the date of condonation of delay shall be deemed to be
the date of filing of the complaint, for further proceedings
under these rules.
5) No complaint before the Insurance Ombudsman shall be
maintainable on the same subject matter on which
proceedings are pending before or disposed of by any
court or consumer forum or arbitrator.
UIN: 130L100V03
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
Address & Contact Details of Ombudsman Centres
Council for Insurance Ombudsmen (Monitoring Body for Offices of Insurance Ombudsman)
3rd Floor, Jeevan Seva Annexe, S V Road, Santacruz (West), Mumbai 400054.
Tel no: 022-26106671/6889/980. Email id: [email protected].in website:www.cioins.co.in
If you have a grievance, approach the grievance cell of Insurance Company first. If complaint is not resolved/
not satisfied/not responded for 30 days then You can approach The Office of the Insurance Ombudsman
Please visit our website for details to lodge complaint with Ombudsman.
List of Ombudsman
(For the updated list You may refer to IRDAI website)
Annexure I- List of Ombudsman
(For the updated list you may refer to IRDAI website)
Office of the
Address Contact Details Areas of Jurisdiction
AHEMDABAD Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Jeevan Prakash Building, 6th Floor,
Tilak Marg, Relief Road,
Ahemdabad- 380 001
Tel: 079 - 25501201/02/05/06
Gujrat, Dadra & Nagar
Haveli, Daman & Diu
Bengaluru Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Jeewan Soudha Building, PID No.
57-27-N-19,Ground Floor, 19/19,
24th Main Road, JP Nagar, 1st
Bengaluru- 560 078
Tel.: 080 26652048/ 26652049
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
1st Floor of LIC Zonal Office
Building, Jeevan Shikha, 60-B,
Hoshangabad Road, (Opp Gayatri
Bhopal 462011
Tel.: 0755 - 2769201 / 2769202
Email: bimalokpa[email protected]
Madhya Pradesh,
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
62, Forest Park,
Tel.: 0674 - 2596461 /2596455
CHANDIGARH Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
S. C.O. No. 101, 102 & 103, 2nd
Batra Building, Sector 17 D,
Tel.: 0172- 2706196/2706468
Punjab, Haryana
(excluding Gurugram,
Faridabad, Sonepat
and Bahadurgarh),
Himachal Pradesh,
Union Territories of
Jammu & Kashmir,
Ladakh & Chandigarh
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Fatima Akhtar Court, 4th Floor, 453,
Anna Salai, Teynampet,
CHENNAI-600 018.
Tel.: 044 - 24333668 / 24335284
Email: bimalokpa[email protected]
Tamil Nadu,
Puducherry Town and
Karaikal (which are
part of Puducherry)
UIN: 130L100V03
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
Office of the
Address Contact Details Areas of Jurisdiction
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
2/2 A, Universal Insurance Bldg.,Asaf
Ali Road,
NEW DELHI-110 002.
Tel.: 011 - 23232481/23213504
Email: bimalokpa[email protected]
Delhi & following
Districts of Haryana -
Gurugram, Faridabad,
Sonepat &
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
“Jeevan Nivesh”, 5th Floor, Nr.
Paanbazar over bridge, S.S. Road
Tel.: 0361 2632204 / 2602205
Email: bimalokpa[email protected]
Meghalaya, Manipur,
Arunachal Pradesh,
Nagaland and Tripura.
HYDERABAD. Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
6-2-46, 1st floor, "Moin Court",
Lane Opp. Saleem Function Palace,
A. C. Guards, Lakdi-Ka-Pool,
HYDERABAD-500 004.
Tel.: 040- 23312122
Andhra Pradesh,
Telangana, Yanam
and part of Union
Territory of
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Jeevan Nidhi- II Bldg., Ground Floor,
Bhawani Singh Marg,
JAIPUR 302 005.
Tel.: 0141 - 2740363
Email: bimalokpa[email protected]
ERNAKULAM 10th floor, LIC building
‘Jeevan Prakash’
M G road, Ernakulam
Kochi 682011
Tel.: 0484 2358759/ 2359338
Kerala, Lakshadweep,
Mahe-a part of UT of
KOLKATA Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Hindustan Building, Annexe, 4th
Floor, 4, CR Avenue
KOLKATA- 700 072
Tel.: 033 - 22124339 / 22124340
Email: bimalokpa[email protected]
West Bengal, Sikkim,
Andaman & Nicobar
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
6th Floor, Jeevan Bhawan, Phase-II,
Nawal Kishore Road, Hazratganj,
LUCKNOW-226 001.
Tel.: 0522 - 2231330 / 2231331
Email: bimalokpa[email protected]
Districts of Uttar
Lalitpur, Jhansi,
Mahoba, Hamirpur,
Banda, Chitrakoot,
Allahabad, Mirzapur,
Fatehpur, Pratapgarh,
Jaunpur, Varanasi,
Gazipur, Jalaun,
Kanpur, Lucknow,
Unnao, Sitapur,
Lakhimpur, Bahraich,
Gonda, Faizabad,
Amethi Kaushambi,
Balrampur, Basti,
Kushinagar, Gorkhpur
, Mau, Ghazipur
Chandauli, Ballia
UIN: 130L100V03
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
Office of the
Address Contact Details
Areas of
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
3rd Floor, Jeevan Seva Annexe,S.V.
Road, Santacruz(W),
MUMBAI-400 054.
Email: bimalokpa[email protected]
Goa, Mumbai
Metropolitan Region
(excluding Navi
Mumbai & Thane).
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Bhagwan Sahai Palace, 4th Floor,
Main Road, Naya Bans, Sector-15,
Distt. Gautam Buddh Nagar
U.P- 201301
Tel.: 0120- 2514252 / 2514253
Email: bimalokpa[email protected]
State of Uttarakhand l
and the following
Districts of Uttar
Agra, Aligarh, Bagpat,
Bareilly, Bijnor,
Bulandshehar, Etah,
Kannauj, Mainpuri,
Mathura, Meerut,
Oraiyya, Pilibhit,
Etawah, Farrukhabad,
Firozbad, Gautam
Ghaziabad, Hardoi,
Shahjahanpur, Hapur,
Shamli, Rampur,
Kashganj, Sambhal,
Amroha, Hathras,
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Jeevan Darshan Bldg., 3rd Floor, C.
T.S No’s 195 to198, N.C. Kelkar
Road, Narayan Peth,
PUNE 411030.
Tel.: 020 - 41312555
Email: bimalokpa[email protected]
Area of Navi Mumbai
and Thane (excluding
Mumbai Metropolitan
PATNA Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
2nd Floor, Lalit Bhawan,
Bailey Road,
Patna - 800 001
Tel.: 0612- 2547068
Email id: bimalokp[email protected]
Bihar, Jharkhand.
UIN: 130L100V03
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
Annexure II: Section 38 - Assignment and Transfer of
Insurance Policies
Assignment or transfer of a policy should be in accordance with
Section 38 of the Insurance Act, 1938 as amended from time to
time. The extant provisions in this regard are as follows:
1. This policy may be transferred/assigned, wholly or in part,
with or without consideration.
2. An Assignment may be effected in a policy by an
endorsement upon the policy itself or by a separate
instrument under notice to the Insurer.
3. The instrument of assignment should indicate the fact of
transfer or assignment and the reasons for the assignment
or transfer, antecedents of the assignee and terms on which
assignment is made.
4. The assignment must be signed by the transferor or assignor
or duly authorized agent and attested by at least one
5. The transfer of assignment shall not be operative as against
an insurer until a notice in writing of the transfer or
assignment and either the said endorsement or instrument
itself or copy there of certified to be correct by both
transferor and transferee or their duly authorised agents
have been delivered to the insurer.
6. Fee to be paid for assignment or transfer can be specified by
the Authority through Regulations.
7. On receipt of notice with fee, the insurer should Grant a
written acknowledgement of receipt of notice. Such notice
shall be conclusive evidence against the insurer of duly
receiving the notice.
8. If the insurer maintains one or more places of business, such
notices shall be delivered only at the place where the policy
is being serviced.
9. The insurer may accept or decline to act upon any transfer
or assignment or endorsement, if it has sufficient reasons to
believe that it is
a) not bonafide or
b) not in the interest of the policyholder or
c) not in public interest or
d) is for the purpose of trading of the insurance policy.
10.Before refusing to act upon endorsement, the Insurer should
record the reasons in writing and communicate the same in
writing to Policyholder within 30 days from the date of
policyholder giving a notice of transfer or assignment.
11.In case of refusal to act upon the endorsement by the
Insurer, any person aggrieved by the refusal may prefer a
claim to IRDAI within 30 days of receipt of the refusal letter
from the Insurer.
12.The priority of claims of persons interested in an insurance
policy would depend on the date on which the notices of
assignment or transfer is delivered to the insurer; where
there are more than one instruments of transfer or
assignment, the priority will depend on dates of delivery of
such notices. Any dispute in this regard as to priority should
be referred to Authority.
13.Every assignment or transfer shall be deemed to be absolute
assignment or transfer and the assignee or transferee shall
be deemed to be absolute assignee or transferee, except
a) where assignment or transfer is subject to terms and
conditions of transfer or assignment OR
where the transfer or assignment is made upon condition
i. the proceeds under the policy shall become payable to
policyholder or nominee(s) in the event of assignee or
transferee dying before the insured OR
ii. the insured surviving the term of the policy
Such conditional assignee will not be entitled to obtain a loan
on policy or surrender the policy. This provision will prevail
notwithstanding any law or custom having force of law which
is contrary to the above position.
14.In other cases, the insurer shall, subject to terms and
conditions of assignment, recognize the transferee or
assignee named in the notice as the absolute transferee or
assignee and such person
a) shall be subject to all liabilities and equities to which the
transferor or assignor was subject to at the date of
transfer or assignment and
b) may institute any proceedings in relation to the policy
c) obtain loan under the policy or surrender the policy
without obtaining the consent of the transferor or
assignor or making him a party to the proceedings
15.Any rights and remedies of an assignee or transferee of a
life insurance policy under an assignment or transfer
effected before commencement of the Insurance Laws
(Amendment) Ordinance, 2014 shall not be affected by this
Disclaimer: This is not a comprehensive list of
amendments of Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015
and only a simplified version prepared for general
information. Policy Holders are advised to refer to
Original Ordinance Gazette Notification dated March 23 ,
2015 for comple te and accurate details.]
Annexure III: Section 39 - Nomination by policyholder
Nomination of a life insurance Policy is as below in accordance
with Section 39 of the Insurance Act, 1938 as amended from
time to time. The extant provisions in this regard are as follows:
1. The policyholder of a life insurance on his own life may
nominate a person or persons to whom money secured by
the policy shall be paid in the event of his death.
2. Where the nominee is a minor, the policyholder may appoint
any person to receive the money secured by the policy in the
event of policyholder’s death during the minority of the
nominee. The manner of appointment to be laid down by the
3. Nomination can be made at any time before the maturity of
the policy.
4. Nomination may be incorporated in the text of the policy
itself or may be endorsed on the policy communicated to the
insurer and can be registered by the insurer in the records
relating to the policy.
5. Nomination can be cancelled or changed at any time before
policy matures, by an endorsement or a further endorsement
or a will as the case may be.
UIN: 130L100V03
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
6. A notice in writing of Change or Cancellation of nomination
must be delivered to the insurer for the insurer to be liable to
such nominee. Otherwise, insurer will not be liable if a
bonafide payment is made to the person named in the text of
the policy or in the registered records of the insurer.
7. Fee to be paid to the insurer for registering change or
cancellation of a nomination can be specified by the
Authority through Regulations.
8. On receipt of notice with fee, the insurer should grant a
written acknowledgement to the policyholder of having
registered a nomination or cancellation or change thereof.
9. A transfer or assignment made in accordance with Section
38 shall automatically cancel the nomination except in case
of assignment to the insurer or other transferee or assignee
for purpose of loan or against security or its reassignment
after repayment. In such case, the nomination will not get
cancelled to the extent of insurer’s or transferee’s or
assignee’s interest in the policy. The nomination will get
revived on repayment of the loan.
10. The right of any creditor to be paid out of the proceeds of
any policy of life insurance shall not be affected by the
11. In case of nomination by policyholder whose life is insured, if
the nominees die before the policyholder, the proceeds are
payable to policyholder or his heirs or legal representatives
or holder of succession certificate.
12. In case nominee(s) survive the person whose life is insured,
the amount secured by the policy shall be paid to such
13. Where the policyholder whose life is insured nominates his
a) parents or
b) spouse or
c) children or
d) spouse and children
e) or any of them
the nominees are beneficially entitled to the amount payable by
the insurer to the policyholder unless it is proved that
policyholder could not have conferred such beneficial title on the
nominee having regard to the nature of his title.
14. If nominee(s) die after the policyholder but before his share
of the amount secured under the policy is paid, the share of
the expired nominee(s) shall be payable to the heirs or legal
representative of the nominee or holder of succession
certificate of such nominee(s).
15. The provisions of sub-section 7 and 8 (13 and 14 above)
shall apply to all life insurance policies maturing for payment
after the commencement of Insurance Laws (Amendment)
Ordinance, 2014 (i.e 26.12.2014).
16. If policyholder dies after maturity but the proceeds and
benefit of the policy has not been paid to him because of his
death, his nominee(s) shall be entitled to the proceeds and
benefit of the policy.
17. The provisions of Section 39 are not applicable to any life
insurance policy to which Section 6 of Married Women’s
Property Act, 1874 applies or has at any time applied except
where before or after Insurance Laws (Ordinance) 2014, a
nomination is made in favour of spouse or children or spouse
and children whether or not on the face of the policy it is
mentioned that it is made under Section 39. Where
nomination is intended to be made to spouse or children or
spouse and children under Section 6 of MWP Act, it should
be specifically mentioned on the policy. In such a case only,
the provisions of Section 39 will not apply.
[Disclaimer: This is not a comprehensive list of amendments
of Insurance Laws (Amendment) Ordinance,2014 and only a
simplified version prepared for general information. Policy
Holders are advised to refer to Original Ordinance Gazette
Notification dated December 26 , 2014 for c omplete and
accurate details.]
Annexure IV: Section 45 Policy shall not be called in
question on the ground of mis-statement after three years
Provisions regarding policy not being called into question in
terms of Section 45 of the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from
time to time are as follows:
1. No Policy of Life Insurance shall be called in question on any
ground whatsoever after expiry of 3 yrs from
a) the date of issuance of policy or
b) the date of commencement of risk or
c) the date of revival of policy or
d) the date of rider to the policy
whichever is later.
2. On the ground of fraud, a policy of Life Insurance may be
called in question within 3 years from
a) the date of issuance of policy or
b) the date of commencement of risk or
c) the date of revival of policy or
d) the date of rider to the policy
whichever is later.
For this, the insurer should communicate in writing to the
insured or legal representative or nominee or assignees of
insured, as applicable, mentioning the ground and materials
on which such decision is based.
3. Fraud means any of the following acts committed by insured
or by his agent, with the intent to deceive the insurer or to
induce the insurer to issue a life insurance policy:
a) The suggestion, as a fact of that which is not true and
which the insured does not believe to be true;
b) The active concealment of a fact by the insured having
knowledge or belief of the fact;
c) Any other act fitted to deceive; and
d) Any such act or omission as the law specifically declares
to be fraudulent.
UIN: 130L100V03
Policy Document-
Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro
A Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
4. Mere silence is not fraud unless, depending on
circumstances of the case, it is the duty of the insured or his
agent keeping silence to speak or silence is in itself
equivalent to speak.
5. No Insurer shall repudiate a life insurance Policy on the
ground of Fraud, if the Insured / beneficiary can prove that
the misstatement was true to the best of his knowledge and
there was no deliberate intention to suppress the fact or that
such mis-statement of or suppression of material fact are
within the knowledge of the insurer. Onus of disproving is
upon the policyholder, if alive, or beneficiaries.
6. Life insurance Policy can be called in question within 3 years
on the ground that any statement of or suppression of a fact
material to expectancy of life of the insured was incorrectly
made in the proposal or other document basis which policy
was issued or revived or rider issued. For this, the insurer
should communicate in writing to the insured or legal
representative or nominee or assignees of insured, as
applicable, mentioning the ground and materials on which
decision to repudiate the policy of life insurance is based.
7. In case repudiation is on ground of mis-statement and not on
fraud, the premium collected on policy till the date of
repudiation shall be paid to the insured or legal
representative or nominee or assignees of insured, within a
period of 90 days from the date of repudiation.
8. Fact shall not be considered material unless it has a direct
bearing on the risk undertaken by the insurer. The onus is on
insurer to show that if the insurer had been aware of the said
fact, no life insurance policy would have been issued to the
9. The insurer can call for proof of age at any time if he is
entitled to do so and no policy shall be deemed to be called
in question merely because the terms of the policy are
adjusted on subsequent proof of age of life insured. So, this
Section will not be applicable for questioning age or
adjustment based on proof of age submitted subsequently.
[Disclaimer: This is not a comprehensive list of
amendments of Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015
and only a simplified version prepared for general
information. Policy Holders are advised to refer to Original
Ordinance Gazette Notification dated March 23 , 2015 for
complete and accurate details. ]
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