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Important information:
Please complete the claim form in BLOCK CAPITALS and submit it to Us within six months of the initial Treatment date (unless this is not reasonably possible).
For all Out-Patient Treatment and if the total amount You are claiming (per Insured Person, per Medical Condition, per Period of Cover) for In-Patient or
Day-Patient Treatment is less than USD 500 You only need to complete Sections 1 and 2 and include a copy of Your receipt when You send Us Your claim
form. You can scan Your claim form and receipt and email it to [email protected] or fax it to +852 2279 7330. Please keep a copy of the
original documents in case they should be required by Us.
If the total amount You are claiming now or have claimed for Day-Patient and In-Patient (per Insured Person, per Medical Condition, per Period of Cover)
is over USD 500, please ensure Section 3 is completed by the treating Medical Practitioner. We must also see receipts, diagnostic reports and discharge
reports (if You have been a Day-Patient or In-Patient) for claims over this amount. You can scan Your claim form and receipts/diagnostic reports/discharge
reports and email them to [email protected] or fax them to +852 2279 7330. Please keep a copy of the original documents in case they
should be required by Us.
You can track the progress of Your claim online at any time in Your online secure portfolio area. Log in at using Your username and password.
If You have any questions about this form or any other aspect of Your cover, please call Us on +852 2279 7310 or email Us at [email protected].
WorldCare claim form
Section 2: Payment details
Please pay: Planholder Provider
Please choose payment type: Bank transfer
Bank transfer – please complete all details to enable bank transfer payments.*
Account/payee name:
Payment currency:
Bank name: Bank code: Branch code:
Branch address:
IBAN or account no.
Routing code:
(e.g. Swift or sort code)
Any other relevant information: (e.g. Local bank code)
Section 1: Member and Patient Information:
Planholder’s name: Plan number:
Patient’s name: Membership number:
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy): / /
Email address: Telephone number:
Reason for doctor visit/diagnosis:
– specify symptoms or medical problem e.g. abdominal pain/rash on foot/eye infection
Country where Treatment took place: Treatment date (dd/mm/yyyy): / /
Currency claim incurred in: Currency you would like your claim reimbursed in:
Total claimed amount:
Type of service: Out-Patient
Day-Patient In-Patient Dental Maternity Optical Routine check-up
Attending physician: Dentist Medical Practitioner Specialist Other Please specify:
Is this claim due to Accident/injury? Yes No
If yes, include complete medical information. Date of Accident/injury (dd/mm/yyyy): / /
Third party insurers
If some of the costs are recoverable from a third party (for example, if the Benefits You are claiming relate to a Medical Condition or injury caused by a
person or organisation, or if Yo
u have cover on another insurance policy for this claim), please provide details:
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* We endeavour to ensure that all bank charges are paid by Us; however on occasions You may incur a charge levied by Your own bank, over which
We have no control.
I have read the declaration in Section 4 on the next page
I agree to the declaration, give my authorisation and understand that any claim for Benefit is in accordance with the terms and conditions of Our Plan.
I will enclose Section 4 if authorisation has been limited by me where available.
Patient’s signature (Insured/main applicant): Date (dd/mm/yyyy):
/ /
Section 3: Medical information, Day-Patient and In-Patient claims over USD 500
(to be completed by the doctor responsible for the patient’s Treatment)
Medical Condition:
Diagnosis ICD10 code (if applicable):
Details of any underlying cause:
When did the patient first see a doctor? (dd/mm/yyyy) / /
Details of Treatment/medication:
Details of operation (if any):
Procedure code (if applicable):
Hospital details (if applicable): Treatment date (dd/mm/yyyy): / /
Admission date (dd/mm/yyyy): / / Discharge date (dd/mm/yyyy): / /
Medical Practitioner Declaration:
I declare that I am the patient’s Medical Practitioner, and that the particulars given are, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct.
Print name:
Official stamp:
Date (dd/mm/yyyy): / /
If Your Plan includes a cash Benefit: If the patient stayed in Hospital overnight without charge please include confirmation from the Hospital including the
Hospital stamp.
Direct Billing: It may be possible for Us to arrange direct settlement with the Hospital involved. Please call Our Customer Service team before Treatment
to arrange this on +852 2279 7310.
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Plans issued in Hong Kong are underwritten by AXA General Insurance Hong Kong Limited and arranged by
Now Health International (Asia Pacific) Limited.
Registered address: Units 1501-3, 15/F, AIA Tower, 183 Electric Road, North Point, Hong Kong.
Insurance Agent Registration Number: 10974559.
Section 4: Declaration and authorisation
Data Privacy
We and Your Underwriters will collect certain information about You in the course of considering Your claim. This information will be processed for the
purposes of administering claims. Your information may be passed to Underwriters, Medical Practitioners, Medical Assistance Companies and Claims
Administrators for these purposes, including those located outside the HKSAR. The same duty of confidentiality is required of any third parties to whom the
administration of Your Plan may be subcontracted, including those located outside the HKSAR. Your name and contact details will not be disclosed to other
organisations (except as stated above).
It may be necessary to obtain a medical report from Your usual Doctor/Medical Practitioner for this claim. If We need to do this, Yo u have specific rights
and they are set out below. If You wish:
1. Yo u can refuse to give Your consent – but if You do We may be unable to deal with Your claim.
2. Yo u can ask to see the report before it is sent to Us. If Yo u give Your consent, We will be able to contact Your Doctor direct for a report.
If You wish to see it, delete the word “NOT” in the declaration and We will inform the Doctor accordingly. Then the Doctor will not send it to Us until:
i) You have seen the report and approved it; or
ii) 21 days have passed since We requested the report and the Doctor has not heard from Yo u.
Important note: The sooner We receive the report, the sooner We can deal with Your claim.
3. Having seen the report, Yo u can refuse Your consent – again this may affect Our ability to deal with Your claim.
4. You may ask the Doctor to change the report if You disagree with it. If (s)he refuses, You can require him/her to attach a statement of Your views to
the report.
5. You may also ask the Doctor to let You see all reports supplied to Us within the last six months.
Important note: Y
our Doctor is entitled to charge You for supplying You with a copy of the report (to cover cost). This is not covered by Your Plan.
Your Doctor may refuse to let Yo
u see Your report if (s)he feels it will do serious harm to Your physical or mental health, or it will indicate the Doctor’s
intentions in respect of You , or it may reveal the identity of another person who has supplied information about You who is not a health professional but is
involved in Your care.
In such cases You will be entitled to see the remainder of the report. If this affects the entire report, Your Doctor must obtain Your consent before (s)he
sends it to Us.
Important note: This relates to Hong Kong law and may differ in the country in which You reside.
Now Health International group companies providing IPMI products may contact You by letter, SMS or email with details of other IPMI or related products
and services which may be of interest to You . If You do not wish this to happen please tick this box
You may opt out of future marketing by contacting Us at any time. A list of Now Health group companies, their contact details and Our Data Privacy Policy
is available at
I hereby declare that I am the patient/patient’s guardian* (if the patient is under 16 years of age) (*please cross out if not applicable).
I wish to claim Benefit and declare the information I have given is, to the best of my knowledge, true, correct and complete even if it is not in my own handwriting.
I understand it is unlawful for me to knowingly provide false, incomplete or misleading facts or information (misrepresentations) to Now Health
International for the purpose of defrauding or attempting to defraud Now Health International or the Underwriters. Penalties may include imprisonment,
fines, denial of coverage, loss of or increase in premium, loss of Benefits and legal damages.
I agree to the data protection declaration above and understand that cover is provided in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Now Health
International Plan.
I have read the statement notifying me of my rights under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and consent to Now Health International seeking medical
reports if needed from my Medical Practitioner, so Now Health International can deal with my claim for Benefit.
I do (NOT)* wish to see the medical report before it is sent to Now Health International. *Delete the word NOT if You wish to see the report.
I hereby consent to authorise any Doctor and/or Hospital who has treated or advised me to provide Now Health International with any information they
may require in connection with this claim.
When completed and signed by the patient and Medical Practitioner (when appropriate), please return this form and the accompanying invoices and
payment receipts to: Now Health International (Asia Pacific) Limited, Units 1501-3, 15/F, AIA Tower, 183 Electric Road, North Point, Hong Kong.