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1.0 Summary
Writers often claim that because they are the authors, they can reuse their work, either in full or in
excerpts, over and over again. How can republishing one’s own work be dened as plagiarism if the
author has only used his or her own words and ideas? This white paper explores the denition of self-
plagiarism, how it crosses into copyright laws and ethical issues, and the different ways an author can
avoid this increasingly controversial act of scholarly misconduct.
2.0 What is Self-Plagiarism?
Let's look at one scenario: Leslie is an assistant professor going through tenure review with signicant
pressure to publish. An article she is writing for a journal piggybacks on a recent conference presentation
that was also published by the conference sponsor. Leslie would like to integrate the writing from the
conference presentation into the article. She faces an ethical dilemma: to repurpose her own writing from
one text and use it for another, thereby increasing her number of publications for tenure, but from the
same work. Doing so, Leslie might commit what Scanlon (2007) calls “academic fraud,” a form of self-
plagiarism (pg. 57).
Self-Plagiarism is dened as a type of plagiarism in which the writer
republishes a work in its entirety or reuses portions of a previously
written text while authoring a new work. Writers often maintain
that because they are the authors, they can use the work again
as they wish; they can’t really plagiarize themselves because they
are not taking any words or ideas from someone else. But while
the discussion continues on whether self-plagiarism is possible,
the ethical issue of self-plagiarism is signicant, especially because self-plagiarism can infringe upon a
publisher’s copyright. Traditional denitions of plagiarism do not account for self-plagiarism, so writers
may be unaware of the ethics and laws involved in reusing or repurposing texts.
The American Psychological Association (2010) explains how plagiarism differs from self-plagiarism: “Whereas
plagiarism refers to the practice of claiming credit for the words, ideas, and concepts of others, self-plagiarism
refers to the practice of presenting one’s own previously published work as though it were new” (pg. 170).
As Roig (2006) suggests, self-plagiarism occurs “when authors reuse their own previously written work or
data in a ‘new’ written product without letting the reader know that this material has appeared elsewhere”
(pg. 16). Roig identies a few types of self-plagiarism:
Republishing the same paper that is published elsewhere without notifying the reader nor publisher of the journal
Publishing a signicant study as smaller studies to increase the number of publications rather than
publishing one large study
Reusing portions of a previously written (published or unpublished text)
Self-Plagiarism is dened as a type of plagiarism in
which the writer republishes a work in its entirety
or reuses portions of a previously written text while
authoring a new work.
3.0 Definitions of Plagiarism
The question of whether self-plagiarism exists or not—is it possible to plagiarize oneself?—is rooted in the
denition of plagiarism. Plagiarism is typically dened as stealing the work of another and presenting it as
if it were one’s own. The Oxford English Dictionary (2011) denes plagiarism as taking the work of another
as “literary theft.” The verb to “plagiarize” is dened as:
“To take and use as one's own (the thoughts, writings, or inventions of another person);”
“To copy (literary work or ideas) improperly or without acknowledgement; (occas.) to pass off as one's
own the thoughts or work of (another)”
According to the OED denition, in the strict sense recycling papers would not be plagiarism.
However, Merriam-Webster Dictionary (2011) denes to “plagiarize” similarly with the addition description
in the second denition below:
To steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own: use (another's production) without
crediting the source
To commit literary theft: present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source
So, in the Webster denition, recycling one’s own papers would fall under “to present as new and original
an idea or product derived from an existing source” and is, therefore, considered plagiarism. But what
is more important than the denition of plagiarism, and whether it is possible to “self-plagiarize,” is the
ethics behind self-plagiarism.
4.0 Ethical Issues of Self-Plagiarism
Publications manuals have a set standard regarding self-plagiarism. When an author publishes in a
journal, the author often signs over rights to the publisher; thus, copyright infringement is possible if an
author reuses portions of a previously published work.
Copyright law “protects original works of authorship” (www. The Chicago Manual of Style (2010) provides the
author’s responsibilities in guaranteeing authorship: “In signing a
contract with a publisher an author guarantees that the work is
original, that the author owns it, that no part of it has been previously
published, and that no other agreement to publish it or part of it is
outstanding” (pg. 142).
Authors can quote from portions of other works with proper citations, but large portions of text, even quoted
and cited can infringe on copyright and would not fall under copyright exceptions or “fair use” guidelines.
The amount of text one can borrow under “fair use” is not specied, but the Chicago Manual of Style (2010)
gives as a “rule of thumb, one should never quote more than a few contiguous paragraphs or stanzas at a
time or let the quotations, even scattered, begin to overshadow the quoter’s own material” (pg. 146).
In addition to following fair use guidelines, authors need to recognize that copyright is not merely for
published text. According to the U.S. Copyright Ofce (2010), a “work is under copyright protection the
moment it is created and xed in a tangible form that is perceptible either directly or with the aid of a
machine or device.”
…copyright infringement is possible if an author reuses
portions of a previously published work.
Biomedical journals in particular have had signicant problems with copyright due to self-plagiarism and
many have taken a stance against the practice in publication. Some have gone so far as to request the
author’s previous manuscripts to ensure that the work is original (Roig 2006).
It seems that even the American Psychological Association (APA) has taken a recent position against the
practice by addressing self-plagiarism in the 2010 sixth edition of the publication manual, a discussion,
which is absent from previous editions.
The American Psychological Association (2010) suggests the following regarding reusing one’s own text:
“When duplication of one’s own words is more extensive, citation of the duplicated words should be the
norm” and “must conform to legal notions of fair use” (pg. 16).
The APA also gives some guidelines for writing practice: “The
general view is that the core of the new document must constitute an
original contribution of knowledge, and only the amount of previously
published material necessary to understand that contribution should
be included, primarily in the discussion of theory and methodology.
When feasible, all of the author’s own words that are cited should be
located in a single paragraph or a few paragraphs, with a citation at
the end of each” (pg. 16).
5.0 Avoiding Self-Plagiarism
Roig (2006) offers writers a comprehensive list of guidelines for avoiding plagiarism, four of which deal
specically with self-plagiarism, as follows:
Guideline 10: Authors who submit a manuscript for publication containing data, reviews, conclusions,
etc., that have already been disseminated in some signicant manner (e.g., published as an article in
another journal, presented at a conference, posted on the internet) must clearly indicate to the editors
and readers the nature of the previous dissemination.
Guideline 11: Authors of complex studies should heed the advice previously put forth by Angell &
Relman (1989). If the results of a single complex study are best presented as a ‘cohesive’ single whole,
they should not be partitioned into individual papers. Furthermore, if there is any doubt as to whether
a paper submitted for publication represents fragmented data, authors should enclose other papers
(published or unpublished) that might be part of the paper under consideration (Kassirer & Angell, 1995).
Similarly, old data that has been merely augmented with additional data points and that is subsequently
presented as a new study is an equally serious ethical breach.
Guideline 12: Because some instances of plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and even some writing practices
that might otherwise be acceptable (e.g., extensive paraphrasing or quoting of key elements of a book)
can constitute copyright infringement, authors are strongly encouraged to become familiar with basic
elements of copyright law.
Guideline 13: While there are some situations where text recycling is an acceptable practice, it may not
be so in other situations. Authors are urged to adhere to the spirit of ethical writing and avoid reusing
their own previously published text, unless it is done in a manner consistent with standard scholarly
conventions (e.g., by using of quotations and proper paraphrasing) (pg. 19-25).
The American Psychological Association (2010) suggests
the following regarding reusing one’s own text: “When
duplication of one’s own words is more extensive, citation
of the duplicated words should be the norm” and “must
conform to legal notions of fair use” (pg. 16).
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iThenticate is another way to ensure originality and protect copyright for:
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6.0 Conclusion
The issue of self-plagiarism is becoming more and more prevalent, and some elds, particularly in STM
organizations, such as biomedicine, have seen a rising trend in self-plagiarism. The APA publication
manual has no discussion of self-plagiarism in its fth edition, but addresses it twice in the sixth edition,
perhaps to prevent such practices. Organizations and individual authors and researchers can take
preventative measures in their writing practices and editing processes, including the use of technology
that helps detect potential self-plagiarism before submitting their work for publication.
American Psychological Association (2010). The Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association. Sixth Edition. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
The University of Chicago Press. (2010). The Chicago Manual of Style Chicago. 16th Edition. Chicago:
The University of Chicago Press.
“Plagiarize.” (2011). Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved from
“Plagiarism, n.” (2011). OED Online (3rd. ed.). Retrieved from
“Plagiarize, v.” (2011). OED Online (3rd. ed. ). Retrieved from
Roig, Miguel. (2006). Avoiding plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and other questionable writing practices: A
guide to ethical writing. Retrieved from
Scanlon, Patrick M. (2007). Song from myself: An anatomy of self-plagairism. Plagiary: Cross-Disciplinary
Studies in Plagiarism, Fabrication, and Falsication, 57-66.
Frequently Asked Questions About Copyright. (2010). Copyright. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Copyright Ofce.
Retrived from
Authors and researchers can screen their work prior to
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