4 e Center for Hospitality Research • Cornell University
e Impact of
Social Media on
Lodging Performance
Chris K. Anderson
, Ph.D., is an associate professor at the Cornell School of Hotel Administration (cka9@
cornell.edu). Formerly on faculty at the Ivey School of Business in London, Ontario, his main research focus is
on revenue management and service pricing. He actively works with numerous industry types in the application
and development of RM, having worked with a variety hotels, airlines, rental car, and tour companies as well as
numerous consumer packaged good and financial services firms. He serves on the editorial board of the Journal of
Revenue and Pricing Management and is the regional editor for the International Journal of Revenue Management.
by Chris K. Anderson
About the Author
Cornell Hospitality Report • November 2012 • www.chr.cornell.edu 5
ocial media has been touted as having an increasingly important role in many aspects of the
hospitality industry, including guest satisfaction and process improvement. However, one of
the more intriguing aspects of social media is their potential to move markets by driving
consumers purchasing patterns and inuencing lodging performance. In the absence of a
comprehensive attempt to quantify the impact of social media upon lodging performance as measured
by bookings, occupancy, and revenue, this report uses the unique position of Cornells Center for
Hospitality Research to combine data from three CHR research partners (ReviewPro, STR, and
Travelocity), and two other data providers (comScore and TripAdvisor) in a rst attempt at determining
ROI for social-media eorts. e analysis nds the following. First, the percentage of consumers
consulting reviews at TripAdvisor prior to booking a hotel room has steadily increased over time, as
has the number of reviews they are reading prior to making their hotel choice. Second, transactional
data from Travelocity illustrate that if a hotel increases its review scores by 1 point on a 5-point scale
(e.g., from 3.3 to 4.3), the hotel can increase its price by 11.2 percent and still maintain the same
occupancy or market share. ird, to measure the impact of user reviews on hotel pricing power,
consumer demand, and revenue performance the study uses matched-sample data from ReviewPRO
and STR. By matching ReviewPROs Global Review IndexTM with STRs hotel sales and revenue data,
a regression analysis nds that a 1-percent increase in a hotels online reputation score leads up to a
0.89-percent increase in price as measured by the hotels average daily rate (ADR). Similarly this
1-percent increase in reputation also leads to an occupancy increase of up to 0.54 percent. Finally, this
1-percent reputation improvement leads up to a 1.42-percent increase in revenue per available room
Executive Summary
6 e Center for Hospitality Research • Cornell University
otel industry executives and managers have seen much anecdotal evidence that
social media inuence guests’ booking behavior—and thereby rate and occupancy.
However, so far I am aware of no comprehensive analysis of the extent to which
social media postings move markets. e cooperation of three Cornell Center for
Hospitality Research partners makes such an analysis possible, as presented in this report. ose
partners, ReviewPro, STR, and Travelocity, make data available on a non-disclosure basis for aggregate
analysis, in this case, an estimate of return on investment for social-media activities. For this report,
comScore and TripAdvisor also provided data.
e Impact of Social Media on
Lodging Performance
by Chris K. Anderson
Cornell Hospitality Report • November 2012 • www.chr.cornell.edu 7
In this CHR Report, I analyze the eect of social media
upon consumers’ purchase decisions and hotels’ top-line
performance. Using online consumer panel data from
comScore, the study illustrates the upstream impact of
TripAdvisor on online hotel reservations. In this portion of
the study, I show that the percentage of consumers consulting
reviews at TripAdvisor prior to booking a hotel room has
steadily increased over time, as has the number of reviews
they are reading prior to making their hotel choice. Using
transactional data from Travelocity, I illustrate the impact
of user reviews upon consumers’ hotel choice at the time of
purchase. Data from purchased and non-purchased hotels
illustrate that if a hotel increases its review scores by 1 point
on a 5-point scale (e.g., from 3.3 to 4.3), the hotel can increase
price by 11.2 percent and still maintain the same occupancy
or market share. Last I measure the impact of user reviews
on hotel pricing power, consumer demand, and revenue
performance using matched-sample data from ReviewPRO
and STR. By matching ReviewPROs Global Review IndexTM
with STRs hotel sales and revenue data, I estimate the impact
of hotels’ online reputation in social-media channels upon
hotel performance. I demonstrate that a 1-percent increase
in a hotels online reputation score leads up to a 0.89-percent
increase in price as measured by the hotels average daily rate
(ADR). Similarly this 1-percent increase in reputation also
leads to demand creation with up to a 0.54-percent increase
in occupancy. Finally, this 1-percent reputation improvement
leads up to a 1.42-percent increase in revenue per available
room (RevPAR).
is research is the rst to perform an assessment of the
inuence of social media upon hotel performance by illustrat-
ing the increasing role of social media in the research phase
and how this ultimately leads to hotel pricing power and
revenue generation. is is a step beyond earlier eorts that
focused more on the use of social media rather than its
impact on performance.
Similar to the early days of elec-
tronic distribution,
social media and user-generated con-
tent are of increasing importance in the eyes of hospitality
companies as consumers become more engaged across
numerous platforms during the decision process. One of
the aims of this study is to help shed light on why some
hotel companies are able to achieve price and occupancy
premiums in this new environment.
User Generated Content During Consumers
Hotel Search
TripAdvisor is by far the dominant source for online
reviews in the hospitality space, with more than 75 million
reviews generated by some 32 million users.
In terms of
the hotel choice process, as reported by Market Metrix,
the tipping point came in 2010, as shown in Exhibit 1. At
this point, the guest experience mentioned in customer re-
views became the dominant factor in hotel selection, with
51 percent of survey respondents indicating they factored
Rohit Verma and Ken McGill, “Travel Industry Benchmarking: Mar-
keting ROI, Opportunities, and Challenges in Online and Social Media
Channels for Destination and Marketing Firms,Cornell Hospitality
Report, Center for Hospitality Research, Vol. 11 No. 9 (2011).
Judy Siguaw and Bill Carroll, “Evolution in Electronic Distribution: Ef-
fects on Hotels and Intermediaries,” Cornell Hospitality Report, Cornell
Center for Hospitality, Vol. 3 No 5 (2005).
Cathy A. Enz, Linda Canina, and Mark Lomanno, Competitive Hotel
Pricing in Uncertain Times,Cornell Hospitality Report, Center for
Hospitality Research, Vol. 9 No. 10 (2010).
TripAdvisor.com, viewed October 2012.
Jonathan Barsky and Lenny Nash, “What Is More Important than
Location in Selecting a Hotel?, Hotel & Motel Management, January 13,
2010 (www.marketmetrix.com/en/default.aspx?s=research&p=MoreImp
Factors in hotel selection
Guest Experience Factors
Loyalty Program Points
Green Program
Study by Market Metrix. Hotel &
Motel Management, January 13, 2010.
reviews in the hospitality space, with more than 75 million reviews
generated by some 32 million users.4 In terms of the hotel choice
process, as reported by Market Metrix,5 the tipping point came in
2010, as shown in Exhibit 1. At this point, the guest experience
mentioned in customer re- views became the dominant factor in hotel
selection, with 51 percent of survey respondents indicating they
factored guest experience factors into their hotel selection decision.
Given TripAdvisor’s dominance in the generation of user reviews I
focused on how often consumers consult TripAd- visor prior to
booking a room using publicly available data from comScore.
8 e Center for Hospitality Research • Cornell University
guest experience factors into their hotel selection decision.
Given TripAdvisor’s dominance in the generation of user
reviews I focused on how oen consumers consult TripAd-
visor prior to booking a room using publicly available data
from comScore.
TripAdvisor Trac Prior to Brand.com
Using online consumer panel data from comScore I tracked
TripAdvisor.com utilization during consumers’ hotel re-
search phase. e comScore panel measures how consumers
behave in the digital environment, specically their internet
browsing, buying, and other activity. e rm does this by
continuously measuring the online site visits made by ap-
proximately 2 million worldwide consumers.
is comScore dataset consists of 1,720 purchase events
(hotel reservations) at InterContinental Hotels Groups
HolidayInn.com site during nine months: June, July, and
August of 2008, 2009, and 2010. is is an example of a
brands website that has come to be generically known as
Brand.com. Owing to the nature of the comScore data I have
all travel-related website visits (e.g., TripAdvisor.com, Orbitz.
com, LasVegas.com) and travel-related searches (i.e., Google,
Yahoo, and Bing) for 60 days prior to each of these reserva-
tions. us I can track the clickstream where consumers
went online prior to making a reservation at the suppliers
Brand.com website, and determine what sort of travel-relat-
ed research they performed. As one would expect; consum-
ers who make reservations online also spend a great deal of
time online researching those transactions.
I focused on TripAdvisor reviews in this study. For a
more generalized look at online behavior, please see my
CHR Report, “Search, OTAs, and Online Booking: An
Expanded Analysis of the Billboard Eect.
Exhibit 2 sum-
marizes TripAdvisor behavior of guests who book directly at
the Brand.com website. As shown, an increasing proportion
of guests over the three years are visiting TripAdvisor prior
to booking with the hotel directly. Not only is the fraction of
consumers increasing, but those consumers that do visit are
visiting more oen (that is, visits per reservation are increas-
ing) and they view more pages overall (although pages per
visit and time per visit dropped slightly). I believe the drop
in time per visit may be due to a more ecient TripAdvi-
sor experience and faster connections (and computers) or
simply the increase in consumers’ search abilities.
Exhibit 3 summarizes customer activity in terms of
when they visit TripAdvisor prior to booking their hotel at
C.K. Anderson, “Search, OTAs, and Online Booking: An Expanded
Analysis of the Billboard Eect,” Center For Hospitality Research Report,
Vol 11 No 8 (2011).
TripAdvisor visitation prior to Brand.com booking
% of Brand.com
visiting TripAdvisor
Visits per
reservation Pages per visit
Time per visit
2008 28% 3.71 6.89 4.52
2009 26% 3.78 6.19 4.27
2010 36% 4.72 5.51 3.44
Distribution of when guests visit TripAdvisor.com
Percentage of TripAdvisor Visits
Days Before Reservation
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Cornell Hospitality Report • November 2012 • www.chr.cornell.edu 9
the hotels website. A little more than one-fourth (26.5%) of
TripAdvisor visits occur in the last ve days prior to the res-
ervation, with the remaining three-quarters roughly equally
spread out over the other 55 days. is may be an indication
of how guests’ research intensies just prior to making the
purchase decision. e close proximity (to the purchase) of
consumer visitation to TripAdvisor perhaps indicates that
user reviews are some of the nal and potentially pivotal
criteria in the hotel selection process.
Point of Purchase Impact
Moving away from Brand.com, lets look at the impact
of user reviews at a dierent point of purchase, in this
case, at an online travel agency. I analyzed the impact of
user reviews at Travelocity.com upon the purchases made
through that site. e data consist of 13,341 reservations
made during July 2012 in nine major U.S. cities.
For each
of these 13 thousand-plus reservations, I have information
(as provided by a typical OTA display) for the property
purchased, as well as all other properties not purchased on
the nal page the customer looked at prior to selecting the
property in question.
Using these data we can gain insight into some of the
key attributes that drive hotel selection decisions. Speci-
cally, I estimate the probability a customer would purchase
a given hotel as a function of price, user review ratings, and
the number of user reviews. Because the outcome variable is
binary (1 or 0; 1 for purchase, 0 for non-purchase), regu-
lar linear regression cant be used to estimate the impacts
of these attributes upon the purchase decision. However,
logistic regression can be applied. Using logistic regression
I model the probability that a customer would purchase a
listed hotel given its attributes (e.g., price, star rating). e
logistic regression model given here:
Probability of Purchase | X =
Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York,
Orlando, and Phoenix.
is similar to linear regression where outcomes are mod-
eled as a function of a constant (α) and some attributes (X),
which are weighted by parameters (β) modied with the
use of Euler’s number or e, a mathematical constant equal
to about 2.71828. Please contact me if you would like a
discussion of the technical issues behind why we need such a
model. For this purpose, what is important to realize is that
the βs in logistic regression, as in regular regression, indicate
the impact of the attribute upon the outcome.
Exhibit 4 summarizes parameter estimates from a
logistic regression model of purchase decisions. To account
for the hotel’s position on the screen, I added a variable,
Position, to the independent variables. Position describes
the placement of the hotel in the list of hotels (e.g., 1st, 2nd,
or 3rd, from the top and so forth). Position takes values of
1-25 with 1 being the top position and 25 at the bottom of
the list. Owing to the dierences in prices across chain scales
I use a relative price measure. e Price variable is a hotels
price divided by the average price of all same star hotels co-
listed with the subject hotel. I also control for chain scale by
adding an indicator variable for each star level. Of particular
interest are the remaining two variables, review scores and
review volume and their impacts upon price. Using the
regression I estimate how much higher the hotel could price
if it had better review scores.
Given the nature of logistic regression, the parameter
estimates (the βs) are not as easily interpreted as in regu-
lar regression. Instead of using the parameter estimates,
we focus on the odds ratio. e odds ratio represents the
change in the odds of an option being chosen (in this case,
that is the odds of the hotel being booked) given a one-unit
change in the attribute. e odds are the probability of being
selected divided by probability of not being selected ( ).
e Position value of 0.885 demonstrates the negative
eect of being ever lower on the search results. If a hotel is
listed at spot 2 versus 1 (or 10 versus 9) its odds of being
selected decrease to 0.885 of the odds of being selected when
in position 1. at equates to an 11.5-percent decrease in its
chances for every notch it drops (all else being equal).
Parameter Estimates* Odds Ratio
-0.1218 0.885
User review score
0.133 1.142
Number of reviews
0.0025 1.002
Relative price
-1.192 0.304
*All significant at 0.001 level.
Logistic regression results: position, reviewer score, number of reviews, and relative room price
Given the nature of logistic regression, the parameter estimates (the βs)
are not as easily interpreted as in regular regression. Instead of using the
parameter estimates, we focus on the odds ratio. The odds ratio
represents the change in the odds of an option being chosen (in this case,
that is the odds of the hotel being booked) given a one-unit change in the
attribute. The odds are the probability of being P selected divided by
probability of not being selected (P divided by 1 minus P). The Position
value of 0.885 demonstrates the negative effect of being ever lower on the
search results. If a hotel is listed at spot 2 versus 1 (or 10 versus 9) its
odds of being selected decreases to 0.885 of the odds of being selected
when in position 1. That equates to an 11.5 - percent decrease in its
chances for every notch it drops (all else being equal).
10 e Center for Hospitality Research • Cornell University
e results of review scores move in the other direc-
tion. Using Travelocity’s 5-point score for user reviews, the
Review Score odds ratio means that increasing one point
increases the odds of being selected by 14.2 percent Using
the example of a hotel that goes from a review score of, say,
3.3 to one of 4.3, that property has increased its odds of be-
ing selected by 1.142 times the odds when its review score
was 3.3. A similar result is found for Number of reviews.
e 1.002 indicates that for each new review a hotel adds, it
increases its odds of being selected increase by 1.002 or 0.2
It is a little harder to interpret the odds ratio of price in
this equation because this variable is actually relative price.
Price is perhaps best understood by combining the eects
of price and review scores. Say that the average price of all
competing hotels (those with the same star rating) that ap-
pear on the list page with our hotel was $100 and our hotels
price was $100. If we were to increase our review score from
3.3 to 4.3 we could increase our price about 11.2 percent and
maintain the same probability of being selected. e posi-
tive eect of the review score change on the odds of being
chosen would oset the presumably negative odds caused by
a price increase.
Impact on Hotel Performance
Taking the analysis one step further, I analyze the eect of
social presence on overall hotel performance, again using
matched samples of performance data and online reputation
data. Performance data are monthly revenue, demand, and
supply data from STR for 2½ years (January 2010 through
June 2012) for each subject property. I also compared each
hotel with its specied list of competitors, to gain a sense of
relative performance in an eort to control for seasonality.
I have these data for 11 major markets (6 European and 5
North American cities).
I use ReviewPros Global Review Index (GRI) for the
subject hotels as well as each hotel within its STR listed com-
petitive set as a measure of online reputation. ReviewPro
aggregates hundreds of millions of social media mentions,
in over 35 languages, from Online Travel Agencies (OTAs),
review websites and social media platforms. eir GRI is
an aggregate online reputation score for an individual hotel,
group of hotels, or chain. It is based on scores given by re-
viewers on major online review sites and online travel agen-
cies (OTAs). e GRI is calculated by analyzing quantitative
scores on these sites, using a proprietary algorithm.
With this matched data set we look at the impact of GRI
on three typical industry metrics: ADR (average daily rate),
Berlin, Chicago, London, Madrid, Miami, Milan, Los Angeles, New
York, Prague, Rome, and San Francisco.
More details on the Global Review Index can be found at www.review-
occupancy, and RevPAR (revenue per available room). In all
cases, I am using an index. us the measurements are the
eect of GRI against a hotel’s pricing power as measured by
its ADR Index, which is a hotels average daily rate divided
by the average of its competitors’ ADRs; the GRI’s impact
upon demand as measured by the occupancy index, and on
overall performance as measured by GRI upon a RevPAR
index. Likewise, the GRI Index is calculated as the subject
hotels GRI divided by the average GRI of its competitive set
hotels. is GRI Index is the independent variable. Similar
to many marketing actions
(e.g., advertising and pricing)
we can anticipate decreasing marginal returns.
at is, as
the GRI score increases the additional impact upon per-
formance decreases. To incorporate decreasing marginal
returns, I use a multiplicative model of impact oen referred
to as a constant elasticity model. Using price and demand as
an example I illustrate this approach as follows.
Price elasticity of demand is dened as the percentage
change in demand for a given percentage change in price. So,
for example, if price increased by1 percent, and as a result
demand fell 2 percent, then elasticity is -2 (-2%/1%). Price
elasticity (ε) can be expressed as:
where ε is the price elasticity, P is the price, and Q is the
quantity demanded.
If we propose decreasing marginal returns, a demand
model might look like Q=aPb. If we take the natural loga-
rithm (the inverse of Euler’s number) of each side of this
equation we get a log-linear demand model of the following
lnQ = a + b·lnP
where Q and P are dened as before, and a and b are pa-
rameters to be estimated. e log-linear demand function
implies that the price elasticity of demand is constant:
Using data from over 50,000 monthly observations
from the eleven global cities, we can look at the impact of
GRI upon performance in this log linear framework where
I model the impact of ln(GRI Index) upon ln(ADR Index),
ln(Occupancy Index), and ln(RevPAR Index), using three
log linear models. Exhibit 5 summarizes the elasticities
for GRI upon these three performance metrics. e table
indicates a stronger impact of GRI upon pricing power
For an example of the diminishing marginal returns principle, see:
Joseph omas, “Linear Programming Models for Production-Adver-
tising Decisions,” Management Science, Vol. 17, No. 8 (April 1971), pp.
ε =
ε =
Cornell Hospitality Report • November 2012 • www.chr.cornell.edu 11
(ADR) than on demand (Occupancy). is indicates rms
are pricing consistent with their value proposition. Better re-
views lead to higher prices, while lower reviews force prices
lower for hotels to achieve similar occupancies under both
settings. As the impacts of GRI upon demand and pricing
power are both positive, the impact upon performance or
RevPAR is even stronger. e rst row in Exhibit 5 looks at
all chain scales together, with the subsequent rows looking
at online reputation impact by chain scale. e table entries
represent the percentage impact upon pricing, demand, and
performance given a 1-percent change in online reputation
as measured by GRI. Looking at the rst row, a 1-percent
increase in a hotel’s GRI score, say from 80 to 80.8 aligns
with a 0.96-percent increase in RevPAR. It is interesting to
compare the RevPAR elasticity across chain scales, as the
eect of online reputation is stronger for lower-end chain
scales. us, the gain from online reputation improvement is
much more profound for a midscale property (1.42%) than
for a luxury hotel (.49%). Given the vast diversity of service
levels in midscale hotels, would-be guests may experience
more uncertainty in the level of service in lower chain scales.
us, it makes sense that reviews in the form of the GRI
have a much stronger eect on lower chain scales. e im-
provement in online reputation represented by a strong GRI
reduces the level of service quality uncertainty in the eyes
of consumers. As a result those highly rated rms have in-
creased pricing power compared to those with lower ratings.
Hotel operators have suspected that the eect of social
media and user generated content on hotel performance
has been strengthening. is paper provides a numerical
conrmation and estimate of those eects. Reviews and
review sites continue to be in the forefront when consumers
are planning a hotel room purchase. Our comScore sample
indicates that the percentage of consumers consulting online
review sites prior to their purchase is increasing with time,
and the number of visits per person also has grown notice-
ably. With regard to online reviews, TripAdvisor continues
to play an increasing role in the eyes of consumers, and with
its marketing options this site has the potential to aect
hotel performance as it acts as a portal to brand sites. More
generally, OTA reviews, their quality and numbers, lead to
increased conversion rates and improved pricing power at
the OTA, as evidenced by our investigation of transactions
at Travelocity. Using logistic regression to model purchase
incidence I estimate that a 1-point increase in user review
score (on an OTAs 5-point scale) would allow a property
to increase price by 11.2 percent and maintain the same
purchase probability or market share. Last, the cumulative
impact of user reviews across all channels shows a positive
relationship with overall hotel performance. We see that
improved online reputation, as measured by ReviewPROs
GRI, results in increased pricing power and occupancy for a
hotel. e model estimates that a 1-percent increase in GRI
leads to as much as a 0.89-percent increase in ADR, and a
0.54-percent increase in occupancy. Combining these eects,
a 1-percent increase in GRI results in up to a 1.42-percent
increase in RevPAR.
As a note of caution this study has focused on the
impact of user generated content and hotel performance.
Needless to say, many factors contribute to hotel perfor-
mance that are not measured here. at said, these results
are generalizable to the extent that the factors that are not
measured are random across the rms in our samples. As I
attempted to collect a sample across a wide spectrum loca-
tions, it is reasonable to say that these results do apply to
hotels generally.
GRI elasticity
Pricing Power (ADR) Demand (Occupancy) Performance (RevPAR)
0.80 0.20 0.96
0.44 0.09 0.49
Upper Upscale
0.57 0.30 0.74
0.67 0.19 0.83
Upper MidScale
0.74 0.42 1.13
0.89 0.54 1.42
12 e Center for Hospitality Research • Cornell University
Cornell Center for Hospitality Research
Publication Index
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
2012 Reports
Vol. 12 No. 14 HR Branding How
Human Resources Can Learn from
Product and Service Branding to Improve
Attraction, Selection, and Retention, by
Derrick Kim and Michael Sturman, Ph.D.
Vol. 12 No. 13 Service Scripting and
Authenticity: Insights for the Hospitality
Industry, by Liana Victorino, Ph.D.,
Alexander Bolinger, Ph.D., and Rohit
Verma, Ph.D.
Vol. 12 No. 12 Determining Materiality in
Hotel Carbon Footprinting: What Counts
and What Does Not, by Eric Ricaurte
Vol. 12 No. 11 Earnings Announcements
in the Hospitality Industry: Do You Hear
What I Say?, Pamela Moulton, Ph.D., and
Di Wu
Vol. 12 No. 10 Optimizing Hotel Pricing:
A New Approach to Hotel Reservations,
by Peng Liu, Ph.D.
Vol. 12 No. 9 e Contagion Eect:
Understanding the Impact of Changes in
Individual and Work-unit Satisfaction on
Hospitality Industry Turnover, by Timothy
Hinkin, Ph.D., Brooks Holtom, Ph.D., and
Dong Liu, Ph.D.
Vol. 12 No. 8 Saving the Bed from
the Fed, Levon Goukasian, Ph.D., and
Qingzhong Ma, Ph.D.
Vol. 12 No. 7 e Ithaca Beer Company:
A Case Study of the Application of the
McKinsey 7-S Framework, by J. Bruce
Tracey, Ph.D., and Brendon Blood
Vol. 12 No. 6 Strategic Revenue
Management and the Role of Competitive
Price Shiing, by Cathy A. Enz, Ph.D.,
Linda Canina, Ph.D., and Breni Noone,
Vol. 12 No. 5 Emerging Marketing
Channels in Hospitality: A Global Study of
Internet-Enabled Flash Sales and Private
Sales, by Gabriele Piccoli, Ph.D., and
Chekitan Dev, Ph.D.
Vol. 12 No. 4 e Eect of Corporate
Culture and Strategic Orientation on
Financial Performance: An Analysis of
South Korean Upscale and Luxury Hotels,
by HyunJeong “Spring” Han, Ph.D., and
Rohit Verma, Ph.D.
Vol. 12 No. 3 e Role of Multi-
Restaurant Reservation Sites in Restaurant
Distribution Management, by Sheryl E.
Kimes and Katherine Kies
Vol. 12 No. 2 Compendium 2012
Vol. 12 No. 1 2011 Annual Report
2012 Tools
e Hotel Reservation Optimizer, by Peng
Vol. 3 No. 3 Restaurant Table Simulator,
Version 2012, by Gary M. ompson,
Vol. 3 No. 2 Telling Your Hotel’s
Green” Story: Developing an Eective
Communication Strategy to Convey
Environmental Values, by Daphne A.
Jameson, Ph.D., and Judi Brownell, Ph.D.
Vol. 3 No. 1 Managing a Hotels
Reputation: Join the Conversation, by
Amy Newman, Judi Brownell, Ph.D. and
Bill Carroll, Ph.D.
2012 Proceedings
Vol. 4, No. 6 Fostering Ethical Leadership:
A Shared Responsibility, by Judi Brownell,
Vol. 4 No. 5 Branding Hospitality:
Challenges, Opportunities, and Best
Practices, by Chekitan Dev, Ph.D., and
Glenn Withiam
Vol. 4 No. 4 Connecting Customer Value
to Social Media Strategies: Focus on India,
by Rohit Verma, Ph.D., Ramit Gupta, and
Jon Denison
Vol. 4 No. 3 e International Hospitality
Industry: Overcoming the Barriers to
Growth, by Jan Hack Katz and Glenn
Vol. 4 No. 2 e Intersection of
Hospitality and Healthcare: Exploring
Common Areas of Service Quality,
Human Resources, and Marketing, by
Brooke Hollis and Rohit Verma, Ph.D.
Vol. 4 No. 1 e Hospitality Industry
Confronts the Global Challenge of
Sustainability, by Eric Ricaurte
2012 Industry Perspectives
Vol. 2 No. 3 Energy University: An
Innovative Private-Sector Solution to
Energy Education, by R. Sean O’Kane and
Susan Hartman
Vol. 2 No. 2 Engaging Customers:
Building the LEGO Brand and Culture
One Brick at a Time, by Conny Kalcher
Vol. 2 No. 1 e Integrity Dividend: How
Excellent Hospitality Leadership Drives
Bottom-Line Results, by Tony Simons,
Cornell Hospitality Report
Vol. 12, No. 15 (November 2012)
© 2012 Cornell University. This report may
not be reproduced or distributed without the
express permission of the publisher.
Cornell Hospitality Report is produced for
the benet of the hospitality industry by The
Center for Hospitality Research at Cornell
Robert J. Kwortnik, Academic Director
Jennifer Macera, Associate Director
Glenn Withiam, Director of Publications
Center for Hospitality Research
Cornell University
School of Hotel Administration
489 Statler Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
Phone: 607-255-9780
Fax: 607-254-2922
Advisory Board
Niklas Andréen, Group Vice President Global Hospitality & Partner
Marketing, Travelport GDS
Scott Berman, Principal, Real Estate Business Advisory Services, Industry
Leader, Hospitality & Leisure, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Raymond Bickson, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Taj
Group of Hotels, Resorts, and Palaces
Stephen C. Brandman, Co-Owner, Thompson Hotels
Raj Chandnani, Vice President, Director of Strategy, WATG
Eric Danziger, President & CEO, Wyndham Hotel Group
Benjamin J. “Patrick” Denihan, Chief Executive Officer,
Denihan Hospitality Group
Chuck Floyd, Chief Operating Officer–North America, Hyatt
RJ Friedlander, CEO, ReviewPro
Gregg Gilman, Partner, Co-Chair, Employment Practices, Davis &
Gilbert LLP
Tim Gordon, Senior Vice President, Hotels, priceline.com
Susan Helstab, EVP Corporate Marketing,
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts
Paul Hineman, Executive Director, National Restaurant Association
Steve Hood, Senior Vice President of Research, STR
Jeffrey A. Horwitz, Chair, Lodging & Gaming Group and Head, Private
Equity Real Estate, Proskauer
Kevin J. Jacobs, Executive Vice President & Chief of Staff, Head of Real
Estate, Hilton Worldwide
Kenneth Kahn, President/Owner, LRP Publications
Keith Kefgen, Chief Executive Officer, HVS Executive Search
Kirk Kinsell, President, The Americas, InterContinental Hotels Group
Radhika Kulkarni, VP of Advanced Analytics R&D,
SAS Institute
Gerald Lawless, Executive Chairman, Jumeirah Group
Steve Levigne, Vice President, U.S. Strategy & Insights, McDonald’s
Mark V. Lomanno Executive Board Member, newBrandAnalytics
David Meltzer, Chief Commercial Officer, Sabre Hospitality Solutions
William F. Minnock III, Senior Vice President, Global Operations
Deployment and Program Management, Marriott International, Inc.
Mike Montanari, VP, Strategic Accounts, Sales - Sales Management,
Schneider Electric North America
Shane O’Flaherty, President, Global Inspections and Ratings, Forbes Travel
Brian Payea, Head of Industry Relations, TripAdvisor
Chris Proulx, CEO, eCornell & Executive Education
Cyril Ranque,
SVP, Global Market Management,
Expedia, Inc.
Umar Riaz, Senior Executive, Accenture
Carolyn D. Richmond, Partner, Hospitality Practice, Fox Rothschild LLP
Susan Robertson, CAE, EVP of ASAE (501(c)6) & President of the ASAE
Foundation (501(c)3), ASAE Foundation
Michele Sarkisian, Senior Vice President, Maritz
Janice L. Schnabel, Managing Director and Gaming Practice Leader,
Marsh’s Hospitality and Gaming Practice
Trip Schneck, Managing Partner, District Hospitality Partners
K. Vijayaraghavan, Chief Executive, Sathguru Management Consultants
(P) Ltd.
Adam Weissenberg, Vice Chairman, Global and U.S. Travel, Hospitality &
Leisure Leader, Deloitte & Touche USA LLP
Thank you to our generous Corporate Members
Senior Partners
4Hoteliers.com • Berkshire Healthcare • Center for Advanced Retail Technology • Cleverdis • Complete
Seating • Cruise Industry News • DK Shifet & Associates • ehotelier.com • EyeforTravel • The Federation of
Hotel & Restaurant Associations of India (FHRAI) • Gerencia de Hoteles & Restaurantes • Global Hospitality
Resources • Hospitality Financial and Technological Professionals • hospitalityInside.com • hospitalitynet.org •
Hospitality Technology Magazine • HotelExecutive.com • International CHRIE • International Hotel Conference
• International Society of Hospitality Consultants • iPerceptions • JDA Software Group, Inc. • J.D. Power and
Associates • The Leading Hotels of the World, Ltd. • Lodging Hospitality • Lodging Magazine • LRA Worldwide,
Inc. • Milestone Internet Marketing • MindFolio • Mindshare Technologies • PhoCusWright Inc. • PKF Hospitality
Research • Questex Hospitality Group • Resort and Recreation Magazine • The Resort Trades • RestaurantEdge.
com • Shibata Publishing Co. • UniFocus • Vantage Strategy • WIWIH.COM
Davis & Gilbert LLP
Deloitte & Touche USA LLP
Denihan Hospitality Group
eCornell & Executive Education
Expedia, Inc.
Forbes Travel Guide
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts
Fox Rothschild LLP
InterContinental Hotels Group
Jumeirah Group
LRP Publications
Marriott International, Inc.
Marsh’s Hospitality Practice
McDonald’s USA
Sabre Hospitality Solutions
Sathguru Management Consultants (P) Ltd.
Schneider Electric
Thayer Lodging Group
Thompson Hotels
Wyndham Hotel Group
ASAE Foundation
Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group
Hilton Worldwide
National Restaurant Association
Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces
The Center for Hospitality Research
Hospitality Leadership Through Learning
ASAE Foundation, Carlson
Rezidor Hotel Group, Hilton
Worldwide, National
Restaurant Association, SAS,
STR, Taj Hotels Resorts and
Davis & Gilbert LLP, Deloitte & Touche
USA LLP, Denihan Hospitality Group,
eCornell & Executive Education,
Expedia, Inc., Forbes Travel Guide,
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, Fox
Rothschild LLP, HVS, Hyatt,
InterContinental Hotels Group,
Jumeirah Group, LRP Publications,
Maritz, Marriott International, Inc.,
Marsh’s Hospitality Practice,
McDonald’s USA, newBrandAnalytics,
PricewaterhouseCoopers, Proskauer,
ReviewPro, Sabre Hospitality
Solutions, Sathguru Management
Consultants (P) Ltd., Schneider
Electric, Thayer Lodging Group,
Thompson Hotels, Travelport,
TripAdvisor, WATG, Wyndham Hotel