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Exploring Methods to Persuade Users to watch Social Problem Exploring Methods to Persuade Users to watch Social Problem
Films through the Case Study of Race-related Films Films through the Case Study of Race-related Films
Clay Troyer '22
DePauw University
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Troyer, Clay '22, "Exploring Methods to Persuade Users to watch Social Problem Films through the Case
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Exploring Methods to Persuade Users to watch Social Problem Films through the Case
Study of Race-related Films
Clay Troyer
Honor Scholar Senior Thesis, DePauw University
April 11, 2022
The present study reports on the success of persuasive techniques and recommendation engine
on persuading participants to choose a race-related movie. The study used a technical
component as well as an experimental study to see how users respond to certain persuasive
techniques. The technical component included a content-based filtering recommendation engine
to recommend lists of movies to participants based on films they already enjoy. Persuasive
techniques were then applied to those lists and results were measured and analyzed. This project
aims to explore the relationship that recommendation engines and persuasive techniques have on
users and their willingness to branch out in the content they consume. This study allowed me to
get a baseline for how users respond to certain techniques if this study were to be done on a
larger scale.
Keywords: recommendation engine, content-based filtering, persuasive technique, race-
related movie
Technical Background…………………………………………………………………………….5
Recommender Systems……………………………………………………………………5
Recommendation Engine for Thesis………………………………………………………8
Persuasive Technology..…………………………………………………………………11
Echo Chambers..…………………………………………………………………………12
The Wizard of Oz Technique ....…………………………………………………………13
Social Problem Films.. ..…………………………………………………………………14
Evolution of Idea…………………………………………………………………………………14
Evaluation ....…………………………………………………………………………………….15
Purpose of Evaluation……………………………………………………………………15
Participant Demographics..………………………………………………………………17
Study Procedure………………………………………………………………………….17
Data Analysis…………………………………………………………………………….24
Future Work……………………………………………………………………………………35
1 Introduction
Since the early 1900s, movies have had an impact on the way we live and the choices we
make. Whether it was the decrease in hunting participation after Disney’s Bambi, or the
resurgence of the KKK after Birth of a Nation our lives are influenced by what we watch, for
better or for worse (O’Toole, 2019). I have always been a movie fan and enjoyed the power of
what a movie can do. The feeling I get when the credits start to roll and I am left with a different
perspective, a new story, or even a new appreciation for what I watched, is a feeling I can only
find in the world of film. While my project was originally conceived as a social media platform
for movie viewers, utilizing a recommender algorithm to help its users, I have revised the basis
for the project over a few iterations. Throughout this paper I will explain how my idea
grew/changed and a detailed description/plan of its final evolution.
2 Technical Background
To properly grasp the purpose and concepts explained in this thesis project, I will provide
background and summary for each of the main technical components: recommender
systems/engines, persuasive technology, echo chambers, “the Wizard of Oz” technique, and
social problem films.
2.1 Recommender Systems
The first and perhaps most important technical component of my thesis project is the use of
recommender systems. In simple terms, a recommender system is an algorithm/engine that
recommends products or services to a user (Sharma, 2018). We have become accustomed to
relying on and using these systems in our daily lives, perhaps without even noticing it. Some of
the most common examples include systems such as Netflix’s for you section in which films that,
based on the user’s viewing (as well as like/dislike) history, are catered to films they might
enjoy. Other examples include the way Amazon recommends products their user’s. Amazon
will tell a user what they might like based on their purchasing history, or even based on products
that buyers of that product have bought. This is where the reasoning and logic can become a bit
more complicated. Recommender systems, while easy to explain on the surface, can range from
very basic to very complex algorithms that use multiple data points to try and provide the best
experience for their users. On the simple end of the spectrum, some recommender systems
include examples such as Netflix’s top 10 section that displays the entire user bases top 10
favorite movies or shows. This follows from the logic that if many other people like it, the user
might like it too.
A more complicated form of recommender system offers personalized recommendations
based on each specific user and their history/preferences. There are two main types of these
system: content-based filtering and collaborative filtering (Sharma, 2018). Each type uses a
different method to make recommendations to the user. Content-based filtering recommends
products similar to ones the user has liked or used in the past. For example, the item vector for a
system that recommends movies might include attributes such as genre, director and cast
members, while the item vector for a system that recommends restaurants might include
attributes such as food type, cost, and the availability of wine. The algorithm then computes the
cosine of the angle between the profile and item vectors, which is referred to as the cosine
similarity. The cosine similarity helps the algorithm determine which movies are closer to ones
the user might enjoy. The final step of content-based filtering lies in how the recommended
items are returned to the user. The two basic ways of displaying the results are top-n approach
and the rating scale approach. The top-n approach will show the top n of movies that are closest
to what the user might like, while the rating scale approach can display all movies past a certain
similarity threshold. For example, a system that uses the rating scale approach might display all
the movies that are a 90% match or higher. A major downside of these filtering methods lies in
the echo chambers that they create (Sharma, 2018). Both of these methods are limited to
recommending items that are similar to items or products that the user has already consumed.
Later in this paper, I will discuss the power of echo chambers and the larger problem they cause.
Collaborative filtering is a bit more complex than content-based filtering. The approach
is based on the principle that if person A likes the films: Inception, Interstellar, and
Predestination, while person B likes Inception, The Prestige, and Predestination then
theoretically, person A will also like The Prestige, and person B will also like Interstellar. This
filtering method uses similar behavior to decide what films the user will enjoy, and therefore
which films it should recommend. There are a few popular ways to perform this filtering in the
form of user-user and item-item (Sharma, 2018). User-user collaborative filtering creates a
similarity score for users in relation to other users. This can more easily be explained by
inspecting Figure 1 (Sharma, 2018). In Figure 1, because the bicyclist enjoyed a salad and pizza,
he also might enjoy the soda. This method of collaborative filtering uses the items the user on
the right likes and computes a similarity score for the other user based on what they like in
common (i.e., user to user). The second method, item-item filtering can be seen in Figure 2.
Item-item collaborative filtering is very similar; however, it computes the likeness score from
item to item.
Recommender systems have become an integral part of our lives, by influencing the way
we engage with entertainment, social media, shopping and more. They don’t show any sign of
going away despite some of the negative impacts, namely, echo chambers which will be
discussed in a later section. Throughout this thesis, I will explore how to encourage users to
branch out with their choices while using a recommendation engine.
2.2 Recommendation Engine for this Thesis
Figure 2. An example showing item-item collaborative filtering (Sharma, 2018).
Figure 1: An example showing user-user collaborative filtering (Sharma, 2018).
The main technical component of this creative thesis project is the recommendation system I
modified. The code, while not extensive was both enjoyable to write as well as rewarding to see
come to fruition. Using Jupyter Notebooks and Python, I followed an online tutorial to get a
background on a basic recommendation engine and slightly modified it to suit my needs. Much
of the initial work was completed during the data cleaning/processing phase as I cleaned up the
given dataset, a MovieLens dataset found on Kaggle comprised of all movies released from 1874
to 2016. This phase consisted of lots of cleaning of the data and getting it ready for the code to
process. I removed duplicates, unneeded rows and columns, specified necessary values and
corrected typographical errors in the dataset. I also had to experiment with options to determine
the most appropriate year range to use. I found that the more years of movies, the less films I
knew in the output of the code as it was recommending movies based on a much broader
selection. I ended up deciding to eliminate all short films, not rated or unrated films, and all
films that were released before 1950. This helped to narrow down the recommended results
while still allowing for a broad range for the participants to choose from.
Figure 3 shows the code for the recommendation engine after I modified it (Computer
Science, 2020). This content-based filtering engine uses the film’s description, removes English
stop words (commonly used words such as “a”, “the”, “is”, etc.) and creates a matrix using the
cosine similarities to determine which movie descriptions are similar to each other. The cosine
similarity scores are then used to sort which movies are closer in score to the given input movie.
The final method prints out n movies similar to the movie in the parameter with their
corresponding index from the dataset. The video from Computer Science (2020) initially used
other attributes (columns) such as actor, director, genre, and year to give a narrower result of
recommendations. Given that I wanted to have a race-related movie for each movie submitted
regardless of the movie submitted, I ultimately decided that the slightly broader result by just
using the description would suit my intentions better for this experiment. Additionally, the
original code from Computer Science (2020), included the CountVectorizer import. I decided to
use a different method called TfidVectorizer as it not only takes in the count of the words in a
given string but ties an importance to them as well (Saket, 2020). Given that I only used the
description attribute, I thought it important to include the importance of each word in the
# Imports
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import linear_kernel
#Loading in the Dataset
df1 = pd.read_csv("movieDBFINALCOPY.csv")
#Finding the similarity of movies based on the description
#define the TfidVectorizer object, and remove all stop words
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english')
#remove nans
df1['plot'] = df1['plot'].fillna('')
tfidf_matrix = tfidf.fit_transform(df1['plot'])
#Output the shape
#get cosine similarity
cosine_sim = linear_kernel(tfidf_matrix, tfidf_matrix)
#Reverse map of indices on the movie titles
indices = pd.Series(df1.index, index=df1['title']).drop_duplicates()
def get_recommendations(title, cosine_sim=cosine_sim):
#index of film that matches title
index = indices[title]
#get sim score of all movies with that movie
sim_scores = list(enumerate(cosine_sim[index]))
#Sort movies based on sim score
sim_scores = sorted(sim_scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse= True)
#Get top N movies from list
sim_scores = sim_scores[1:65]
#get movie indices
movie_indices =[i[0] for i in sim_scores]
#Return top ten
return df1['title'].iloc[movie_indices]
#Retreiving the results
get_recommendations("The Silence of the Lambs")
Figure 3: The code base for the recommendation engine used during this study.
2.3 Persuasive Technology
Persuasive technology, like recommender systems, is another apparent and important technical
aspect to this thesis project. Persuasive technology, according to B.J. Fogg (2003) in Persuasive
Technology: Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do, is “any interactive computing
system designed to change people’s attitudes or behaviors.” (Fogg, 2003). In other words,
persuasive technology is any technology that attempts to influence a user to voluntarily act or
think one way or another. Fogg is careful to define the difference between persuasion in this
sense and coercion, as coercion is involuntary while the purpose of these technologies and
persuasion is for the users to want to or decide to change on their own (Fogg, 2003). These
actions could include clicking a link to the website of some paying advertiser, donating money to
a charity, or even buying a certain product or service. This sort of technology influences us in
many ways. To continue with our two examples, Netflix and Amazon, we can see the use of
recommender systems in both. Netflix often displays trailers at the top of the home page that
automatically play. By placing these trailers as the first thing the user sees when using the page,
the user might be persuaded to add it to their watch list or even to watch the movie right there
and then. Netflix will also, on occasion, allow certain categories to load before the user’s,
continue watching, section. This technique forces them to scroll by a whole collection of other
options that may or may not catch their eye. Amazon positions the Amazon’s Choice tag on
certain items to help their customers pick that item over another. For example, if they are
shopping for a toaster and see two comparably priced items but one with the Amazon’s Choice
badge, the customers will likely pick that one. In this thesis project I examine how effective
some of these techniques really are, and how I can influence users to make certain choices.
2.4 Echo Chambers
Echo chambers, as mentioned in my earlier explanation of recommender systems, is a relatively
easy concept to understand, as compared to the two technical concepts presented above. An
echo chamber is a narrow-minded view that a person may or may not be conscious of in which
can be caused when the user is only fed the same type of content that they have previously been
consuming and enjoying. Let’s use Netflix and recommender systems as an example. If a user
really likes action movies and comedies, Netflix, with a content-based filtering strategy, will
keep recommending those same movies because it will keep the user engaged. While this may
not be as much of an issue in terms of films, it still takes away from the overall growth as a
movie viewer. When looking at social media, oftentimes echo chambers are created on the
explore/discover pages of the applications. If a user leans one way politically, their feed will be
filled with those leanings’ agendas, further enforcing their thoughts, and potentially polarizing
them. This becomes problematic in both examples as users are no longer thinking for
themselves, nor are they being challenged with new ideas and messages.
2.5 The Wizard of Oz Technique
As seen in the classic 1939 musical, The Wizard of Oz (Fleming, 1939), the Wizard was not a
wizard at all. In the end, he was just a person, hiding behind tricks and gimmicks to make it
seem as though the Wizard’s machinery could do things it could not really do.
The Wizard of Oz has inspired human computer interaction researchers to use tricks to
test systems that have not been fully built. The basic idea is to use manual processing to fill in
for parts of a system that are not functional or do not yet exist (Marge et al., 2016). This
technique in context to my study, refers to the way in which each participants survey was
created. I used this theory by telling each user to send me four of their favorite movies which
will then be put into my system which will then create this individualized survey with four lists
catered to them and their preferences. While my recommendation system is indeed outputting
the movies that are compiled on the list, due to time and technological constraints, the system is
not yet able to generate nicely formatted lists of movies. Instead, I manually created each list in
a photo editing software and included them in a survey for each user. The power of smoke and
mirrors ensured the users thought my system was doing all of the work.
2.6 Social Problem Films
The final background concept to present, related my thesis, involves social problem films. This
term refers to films that include a set of concerns or a problem to make social commentary on the
problem at hand. These movies are also known as “social-consciousness films” or “message
movies” (Doles, 2017). Essentially these films tackle some sort of social or societal problem
making commentary in hopes of making a change, drawing new perspectives, or simply
increasing awareness.
3 Evolution of Idea
Initially, I wanted to create a social media application that made picking more
enjoyable. However, the more I thought about it, there was no problem to solve and no story
behind that project other than code and an interesting final product. My favorite part of the
Honor Scholar program is finding a way to challenge a status quo and tell a story by doing so
and I realized I wanted my project to reflect that. My next thought, with input from my thesis
advisor, was looking at how I could influence a user to pick a certain movie given persuasive
technology (e.g., Amazon’s Choice, primer message). While this idea was better it was still
lacking a problem to be solved or a story to be told in any meaningful way. Additionally, this
version of the project didn’t address a key weakness of recommender systems as described
above: echo chambers. Despite the shortcomings with this version of the idea, this iteration
significantly influenced my thought process as I further changed the project idea into a question
asking: how can I influence a user to pick a social problem film? During my poster presentation,
I presented this idea. Students and faculty suggested to focus the question at hand even more,
i.e., focus on one social problem. So, I then refined my project by seeking to answer this
question: how can persuasive technology/recommender systems influence a user to choose a
race-related film that celebrates/honors black culture/experience? For the purpose of this paper,
we will call those films “race-related films.”
I believe this level of specificity and direction bring more meaning and importance to the
story I am telling and problem I am solving. Streaming platforms often recommend films to
their users based on movies the users have already watched/enjoyed. These systems also tend to
recommend topical movie sections during certain parts of the year; for example, during Black
History Month, Netflix and HBO Max have had black history sections containing films related to
race that celebrate black culture, i.e., race-related films. But these topical movies are not
personalized for an individual user. Thus, the user is forced to sift through those movies rather
than being presented with movies in that specific category but catered to their movie watching
preferences. For example, a user may only enjoy comedy and sport movies, so their Netflix
recommended films are populated with films from those categories. When Black History Month
comes around, they may want to watch a film from that category, but they must sort through all
those movies rather than having comedy or sport films in this category recommended to me
based on my personalized interests. This is the problem I am looking to solve. As mentioned
earlier, movies are constantly influencing the way we live, so why not update the current system
to help bring awareness, education, or perspectives to the average movie viewer?
4 Evaluation
4.1 Purpose of Evaluation
I performed a survey-based study to examine topics discussed in the previous sections. The
purpose of the study is to examine how three different persuasive techniques can persuade users
to choose one race-related film in a list of five personally recommended movies. The three
techniques (complete with one control list) are as described below:
Actors: The actor technique consists of images of three starring actors in each given film
being placed to the right of the race-related film. An example of this technique is shown
in Figure 5.
Poster: The poster technique consists of the indicated movie’s poster being placed by the
title in attempts of influencing the user to choose that movie based on the poster itself.
An example of this technique is shown in Figure 6.
Number One: In this technique, an icon that reads “#1” is placed near the title of the
movie that the system is recommending. An example of this technique is shown in Figure
To prepare for the study, I modified a version of a content-based filtering
recommendation engine that uses only the films’ descriptions to find similar movies and
recommend those to the user. The purpose of only using the description as opposed to a more
specific combination of different testing attributes was to allow for the broadening of movies
recommended to the user, in hopes of broadening their echo chamber.
For the study, I designed an online individualized survey for each participant. This
survey consisted of demographic questions, questions regarding their opinions on
recommendation engines, and finally, four lists of five movies each that act as the main
measurement for the study. Each list, as more thoroughly explained in future sections, is catered
to them based on the movies they sent is as their favorites. I hypothesized that the results of this
study would show the actors condition being the most influential persuasive technique and would
result in the most race-related films chosen, because this condition includes a visually appealing
aspect as well as giving helpful information as to who might be starring in the film.
4.2 Participant Demographics
After receiving DePauw Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval for the study, I recruited
participants who were at least 18 years in age, current DePauw University students, and capable
of completing the survey on an internet connected device.
In total, 30 participants completed the survey. The ages ranged from 18-23 with the
mean age being 20.3 years old. The participants’ gender included 16 men, 12 women, and 2
non-binary. Additionally, the study included 8 Asian students, 18 White students, 2 Hispanic or
Latinx students, 1 Black or African American student, and 1 Multiracial or Biracial student. The
class years of the participants included 6 First-years, 7 Sophomores, 7, Juniors, and 10 Seniors.
All the participants met all three conditions needed for participation.
4.3 Study Procedure
After agreeing to participate, each participant was prompted to email the researcher four of their
favorite movies that were released between 1950-2016. I took one of these four movies and
manually inputted it into the recommendation engine. After receiving the results from the
system, I compiled a list of five recommended movies from the system results. I took four films
from the top ten recommended by the system as the non-race-related films and I took the most
highly recommended race-related movie that the system output to act as the fifth movie in the
list. I repeated this step for each of the four movies that the user submitted, resulting in four lists
of five movies each. One of the movies on each of the four lists was a race-related movie that
the system recommended. Depending on the movie the participant submitted, I would have to
get more results from the engine in search for a race-related movie, even if the movie was the
most recommended for that case, it needed to still be recommended in some way. After
these four lists were generated, the three persuasive techniques described above were randomly
assigned to each list. Both the order the lists appeared in the survey as well as the order the
movies appeared on each list was randomized to account for testing fatigue and any persuasion
that certain orders in the list may have had on the user. This was the part of the study was where
the Wizard of Oz technique was employed, as the users believed that the recommendation
system was creating the entire survey for them.
When the participant submitted the four movies, they also signed up for a time to come in
and complete the study. The thirty participants were distributed over four different session
times. The smallest session had one participant and the largest session had six participants.
Each survey was administered as a Google Form in a controlled survey room with other
participants and me. The Google Form included the four lists recommended to them by the
recommendation engine.
After agreeing to the terms of the study by signing an informed consent form, the
participants began the survey. First, participants were briefed with some basic background
information as follows:
1. “What gender do you identify as?” This question was answered with one of the
following options: “Male, Female, Prefer not to say, or Other” in which they were free to
answer as they saw fit.
2. “Which of the following best describes your race/ethnicity?” This question was answered
with one of the following options: “Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or
Latinx, Native American or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, White,
Multiracial or Biracial, or Other” in which they were free to answer as they saw fit.
3. “What is your age?” This question was answered with a text box in which each
participant answered with a numerical value.
4. “What is your year in school?” This question was answered with one of the following
options: “First Year, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior.”
5. “How familiar are you with recommendation engines? (Such as Netflix, Amazon, etc.)”
This question was answered on a 5-point scale with 1 indicating “not at all familiar” and
5 indicating “very familiar.”
6. “Do you use recommendation engines often?” This question was answered on a 5-point
scale with 1 indicating “not at all” and 5 indicating “very often.”
7. “In general, what is your opinion of recommendation engines?” This question was
answered on a 5-point scale with 1 indicating “extremely negative” and 5 indicating
“extremely positive”.
Next, the participants were prompted to move on to the next section of the survey titled:
“Recommendation Engine Interaction.” This section began by prompting the participant with
the following brief message regarding the basis of this section:
“In the following section, you will complete three sets of questions, one for each of the
"favorite films" you previously submitted to the researchers. Within each set of
questions, you will see a list of 5 personally catered movies for you. Each list is
recommended by the system from each of the 4 submitted films. You will select one film
from the list of 5 as the one you "want to watch" or would pick if given the chance to
actually watch them. For each movie you chose, my recommendation system selects 5
movies that you’d also probably enjoy. With this survey, I’d like to assess how well the
recommendation system is doing overall and also how well it does in some finer-grained
recommendations. For each set of movies, you’ll see films that are presented in different
formats. The movies were chosen based on a similarity score my recommendation system
generates; the other presentation formats are created based on certain attributes of the
movies that my recommendation system thinks you might like. After finishing each list,
you will be prompted to answer some follow up questions.”
This section of the survey was split into four parts, with each part presenting a list of movies
based on one of the four films the participant submitted prior to the study. Each list contained a
question regarding the list such as the one below, which assumes that the participant submitted
“Captain America: The First Avenger” as one of the four movies they liked:
8. “Because you liked “Captain America: The First Avenger” you might also like the
following… Choose one of the following movies that you would watch.”
The possible answers to this question were shown in a drop-down list with each of the movies
shown in the image above. This example shows the Number One persuasive technique in which
Django the Bastard (Garrone, 1969) can be seen as the race-related film the system is persuading
the user to choose. Figures 4-7 give an example of what each list might look like.
Figure 4
: An example of the Number One persuasive technique being used in a recommended list.
Figure 5
: An example of the Actors persuasive technique being used in a recommended list.
6: An example of the Poster persuasive technique being used in a recommended list.
Figure 7: An example of the control group being used in a recommended list.
Following each list, the participant was prompted with some questions about their experience
while choosing the movie in that given condition. These questions were the same for each of the
four lists and are as follows:
9. “How confident were you in your choice? (i.e., how confident are you that you would
enjoy or actually watch this film?)” The question was answered on a 10-point scale, 1
being “not at all confident” and 10 being “extremely confident.”
10. “Did you feel the recommendation system did well in recommending movies for you
based on the movie you submitted?” The question was answered on a 5-point scale, 1
being “did not recommend well at all” and 5 being “recommended extremely well.”
11. “How was your overall feeling while choosing a movie with the help of this system?”
The question was answered on a 5-point scale, 1 being “very bad” and 5 being “very
The purpose of these questions was to gauge how the participant felt about the choice they
made, regardless of whether they chose the race-related movie or not. The final question of
the survey was a follow-up question that came after each of the list sections:
12. “In the previous questions, you may have noticed certain movies were flagged with one
of three conditions: the large gold #1, the movie poster, or three significant actors. Did
you notice any or none of these techniques influencing you one way or another? If so,
which ones worked better and why? If not, how come? What made you choose the
movies you chose?” The answer for these questions was a free response text box in
which the user was encouraged to give their thoughts on each of the techniques used as
well as the study in general.
Once the participant answered this question, they were debriefed and thanked for their time.
After all data was collected, 10 participants were selected through a random process to
receive a $25 Amazon gift card as compensation.
4.4 Data Analysis
A chi-square test of independence was completed to first determine a goodness-of-fit (one-
variable method) between the frequency of race-related movies chosen in each condition. This
initial test was used to determine whether there was significant independence between each
condition and the number of race-related films chosen. As shown in Figure 8 and 9, out of thirty
total films chosen in each condition (#1, actors, poster, control), the Actors condition had seven
race-related films chosen out of thirty participants, the Poster condition had seven race-related
films chosen out of thirty participants, the Control condition had three race-related films chosen
out of thirty participants, and the Number One category had ten race-related films chosen out of
thirty participants. Given a total of 27 race-related films chosen across all conditions, a uniform
distribution would predict that each condition would predict that each condition would have 6.75
race-related movies chosen. For each condition, the Actors and Poster had an equal number of
race-related films chosen, the Number One had the most and the Control had the least. While
this was not have been the predicted result (the original hypothesis suggested the Actor category
would result in the most race-related films chosen), it is not entirely unexpected as the control,
the only group without a technique, resulted in far fewer race-related films chosen than any
other. However, the chi-square test of independence showed there was no significance in the
differences between each group. The p-value for the goodness of fit test was 0.2998 which is
greater than the alpha value of 0.05, hence confirming the null hypothesis that there is no real
dependence between race-related movies chosen and each persuasive technique.
Figure 8: Bar chart displaying the total race-related films chosen for each condition.
Actors Poster #1 Control
Total RR Films 7
Column Total 7
Figure 9: Microsoft Excel table from which Figure 8 was developed.
A chi-square test of independence was also performed to determine if there was a significant
dependent relationship between different demographic groups and the number of race-related
films chosen for each condition; the demographic groups examined were gender and
race/ethnicity. Technically the results seen in figures 10, 11, and 12 involve expected
frequencies below five, the minimum needed for chi-square, however I reported the chi-square
tests to show the correct analysis approach if I were to have a larger sample size. The test for the
gender group was to see if a certain gender (male, female, or non-binary) chose race-related
movies in a certain condition more often.
Total RR Films
Number Chosen
Total Race-related Films Chosen
Actors Poster Control #1
Figure 10: Bar chart showing number of race related films chosen by each gender in each condition.
Actors Poster #1 Control
Men 3
Women 3
Non-binary 1
Figure 11: Microsoft Excel table from which Figure 10 was developed.
For each condition with the given genders, Figure 9 shows that Men and Women chose the same
in the Actors condition, Women chose the most in the Poster condition, and Men chose the most
for the control and #1 conditions. A few factors could have influenced this however, given that
there were far fewer non-binary participants than both men and women. This explains why non-
binary participants chose the least in each of the four conditions by a seemingly large amount.
The chi-square test of independence for this demographic group found there was once again no
statistically significant difference between the genders and the number of race-related films in
each condition. The p-value for this test was greater than the alpha value of 0.05 at 0.594,
confirming once again the null hypothesis that these two variables were in fact independent of
Actors Poster Control #1
Total Race-related Films Chosen By
Men Women Non-binary
each other. Due to the vastly differing number of participants from each racial/ethnic group, a
chart would not appear to give any valuable information as can be seen from Figure 12.
Actors Poster #1 Control
Asian 1
Black or African
American 0
Hispanic or Latinx 1
Multiracial or Biracial
White 5
Figure 12: Microsoft Excel table displaying the race-related films chosen in each racial/ethnic group.
The chi-square test of independence for this group was meant to see if a certain racial/ethnic
group would choose race-related films in a certain category more often in one condition, given
that the choice is regarding race-related films in the first place. This test resulted in the same
result as the previous two in being insignificant. The p-value for this test was greater than the
alpha of 0.05, at 0.695. Although this test failed to reject the null hypothesis that these two
variables are independent, there were lots of outside variables/downfalls that could contribute to
this insignificance. These shortcomings will be further discussed in the discussion section.
Additionally, a one-way repeated measures ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) test was
completed to see if any of the four conditions resulted in a more confident choice from the
participants. In other words, despite whether a race-related movie was chosen, this ANOVA was
conducted to see if one or any of the persuasive techniques used resulted in a more confident
answer. Figure 13 shows the participants’ confidence levels for each condition on a 10-point
scale. As seen in figure 13, the participants were 70% confident when choosing films in the
Actors category, 65% confident when choosing films in the Poster category, 67% confident
when choosing films in the control category, and 72% confident when choosing films in the
Number One category.
Figure 13: A bar chart displaying the average confidence level for each condition.
Figure 15 shows the result of the ANOVA test ran on the table in figure 14. The ANOVA tests
did not reveal any statistically significant difference between the four conditions (F(3,87) =
0.3898, p-value > 0.05 (alpha) at 0.761). This result confirms the null hypothesis that there is no
significance between the participants confidence and each condition. Figure 14 shows the
confidence results for each participant and each condition.
Actors Poster Control #1
Average Confidence
Persuasive Technique
Average Confidence Level Per
Participant confidence in each condition: Which condition
allowed the participants to be more confident?
Participant Actors Poster #1 Control
8 8 5 8
2 7 10 8
7 8 6 9
3 5 3 9
3 6 6 2
10 8 8 5
10 10 5 10
6 6 6 5
9 10 1 7
9 5 6 8
2 7 7 9
8 1 7 5
10 4 8 6
7 8 9 6
10 9 6 2
10 8 5 8
3 1 8 9
8 9 8 7
9 4 10 6
10 10 10 10
6 9 8 8
9 1 10 6
9 6 8 4
8 9 10 2
3 3 3 10
6 3 6 10
5 5 10 8
10 7 8 3
2 8 10 3
8 10 9 9
Figure 14: A Microsoft Excel table showing the user’s confidence level of each condition, on a scale of 10.
Count Sum Average Variance
Actors 30 21
Poster 30 19.5
Control 30 20.2
#1 30 21.6
Figure 15: A results table from a repeated measures ANOVA test on participants’ confidence in each condition.
5 Discussion
Each of the four persuasive techniques was designed with the intention of persuading each user
in choosing the race-related film for that condition. These three techniques (one being a control)
were chosen intuitively based on how I thought users might most likely choose certain movies.
The assumption that certain actors, movies titles, and a large number one were the best
techniques to use, could have very well contributed to the lack of significant difference as
perhaps the users did not respond to each of these techniques as well as I originally assumed.
The level of insignificance in each of the chi-square tests of independence as well as the
repeated measures ANOVA test, can be attributed to lots of factors. Perhaps the
recommendation engine did not accurately recommend movies well enough. Additionally, some
of the films submitted by participants were animated or children’s movies which might have a
very small correlation to the race-related film in that list, which could lead to a low chance of
being chosen, despite which persuasive technique was being used.
Visually, the results from each of the statistical tests do show some trends. For example,
in figure 9 the control was the lowest chosen category by a considerable amount. If the study
were performed again on a larger scale (i.e., addressing lots of these shortcomings and using a
larger sample size) perhaps these results would show significance and more valuable conclusions
could be made. Not only would a larger sample size allow for the chance of more significance,
but a more diverse set of participants could help as well, so that certain tests such as the chi-
square test regarding race/ethnicity, might be able to be more meaningful.
Although the quantitative data did not demonstrate significant differences, the
participants answered a qualitative question regarding each technique. These responses provide
interesting insight into what their thought process when choosing. All responses can be seen in
Figure 16.
All Participant Responses to final qualitative question
I did not really notice a different, but I ended up choosing the a few with pictures. I liked
the gold #1 sign, that kind of drew me in a little bit.
It didn't because it was not close at many times to the movies I would watch as I had
chosen some other movies of my closest choice.
The three significant actors really drew my attention to that movie - I hadn’t heard
anything about it and likely would’ve overlooked it had I not seen actors I knew I loved. #1
didn’t affect my choice at all, and the movie poster didn’t make a movie stick out all that
much more, although it did help me make the decision on whether or not I’d be interested
I only noticed the large gold number. I only noticed the other two after going back to them
when I was making sure I chose the options I wanted to. I think I didn't notice them
because I go more hard on the title or if there's a description available. I'm not one for
visuals when it comes to coding a movie or show. It's about the story and that's what I'm
signing up for. I'm also less likely to go for a movie just because there was an actor or
actress that I liked in another movie.
The reason I chose the movies that I did was because of what I have already watched. I'm
someone who is not good at watching new things unless it was recommended by
someone. I don't particularly find trailers interesting or follow any recommendations on
search engines due to a few prior not good experiences. I would have to be extremely
bored to follow those recommendations. However I am very likely to choose the ones
around the same story or characters in a sequel or something if I liked the first one.
There are obviously certain genres where I feel more confident in watching based on
recommendations, if I choose to do so. That would be animated movies or horror movies.
I think that the technique with the movie poster worked best since it gave me the best
sense of the movie's tone, whereas the option with the #1 gave me no information about
the film.
I picked the movies based on how well the titles seemed to align with the movies I'd
originally chosen -- for example, for the Spirited Away recommendation, I picked the
"Wicked Stepmother" title because there is a wicked stepmother-type character in Spirited
Away. Likewise, for the Pan's Labyrinth recommendations, I picked the movie title with the
Spanish title, knowing that Pan's Labyrinth is originally a Mexican film.
movie poster was best, the names
The number 1 sign definitely drew my attention and i debated picking that one because of
it [SIC]
Not really no, I found it a bit distracting for only one of the titles to have an image next to
it. I chose movies based on what sounded most like the suggestion that was more closely
related to the film I had already seen. I feel as though the movie poster example was the
best form of image to have next to the title but It should have it next to every option on
the board. [SIC]
I noticed those techniques and I think I was influenced by the large gold #1. I also think this
kind of technique works better because people sometimes prefer to choose movies that
most people think is good o r the movie itself is popular. I think the name triggered me to
choose the movies I chose. [SIC]
The #1 and the actors did not influence me because I was more likely to base whether I
wanted to see the movie or not off the title. However, if they were actors that I knew, then
the pictures of the actors would most likely influence my decision. The movie poster was
the one that influenced me the most, as I almost picked it because it gave me a small
insight as to what the movie might be about, but another title piqued my interest more.
The image with three significant characters I appreciated because I know most actors and
sometimes choose the movie I am going to watch because of the actors/actresses in them.
Due to this I did think about picking that movie more, but ultimately I picked the other
movie because I have seen it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Also I have seen or heard about
most of the movies I picked which I think was good considering the recommendations
were more accurate. [SIC]
I did not even notice the large gold #1, however, the two posters in the next two options
helped me not choose those movies as I figured they would not be my choice. I chose the
movies which I had heard of or had watched before as well, or if their title struck out to
I think the image with the actors worked better for me, but that was also the only movie I
recognized from the list so I don't know if the images were an actual determining factor for
me. I didn't recognize most of the movies so it was somewhat random and just based off
what I thought about the title. [SIC]
Those factors did affect my decision. Usually I would choose a movie based on both the
synopsis + the image, but because in the previous examples none of the image looked
captivating and I didn't have the synopsis, I opted for the ones with the most interesting
titles. The gold #1 did affect my decision. I typically don't care much about actors (except a
few actors that I don't like so I will avoid all movies they appeared in). [SIC]
The idea of putting #1 by 12 years a slave made it stand out to me also it was the only
movie i knew from the list
I noticed them, but I didn't put much weight in the images because I didn't want to make
my decision off of what the computer said, but rather about myself. I judged based off of
the titles, but because most of them were unfamiliar, I went with what I believed was to
be best and didn't really take the computer prompting into account. I would say the
picture of the actors influenced me the most because I wanted to see if I recognized the
actors. [SIC]
I Disregarded the actors and number one because I didn’t feel they were what I was
looking for especially the actors. I chose based on the titles and what meaning I was able
to infer from the titles
The large gold #1 made me think about my choice for a minute but not a lot of impact. The
movie poster discouraged me from choosing that movie (it looks cheesy lol). I don't really
know these actors so they didn't influence me in choosing. I think the poster works the
best since it kinda gives you a sense of what is in the movie. [SIC]
The gold number one didn’t do much (in fact I felt less like choosing it because of that)— I
feel it was unnecessary to just have one number of it’s not for a full ranking system of all
the recommended movies based on how closely they match. The poster was a good idea
too, since those tend to encapsulate important aspects of the film— I liked the poster
image better than the three actors, though that was not bad. One having an image with
the rest not having one did feel like the image movie had more credibility and background,
giving me more information about it before choosing. Overall I chose two movies I knew I
liked and two I had never heard of—just because for those, the titles sounded interesting.
1. I did notice the techniques and the movie posters did a better job at influencing me than
the other two.I think that out of the three way of influencing me the movie poster was the
best one because it gave me a sense of the content. I chose mainly off of the title of the
movie and what sounded interesting to me.
I don't think these influenced my option very much because I am not really interested in
actors as much as I am interested in the content of the movie. I also would've loved to see
like emmy award nominee or awards given to a film as something that could potentially
influence me. [SIC]
All of the movies that I chose I have previous knowledge about, so the flags did not make
much of a difference. [SIC]
The #1 symbol led me to choose that movie because it made me feel like that was the #1
recommended movie based on my pick.
I noticed the #1 sign and felt that it was a little too cliche of a descriptor and that specific
condition drew me away. The movie poster and top actors were much more helpful in
helping me decide if I'd like that movie. Those pictures gave me a better idea if I'd like the
movie, and based on those, I decided not to pick the ones with the pictures and instead
gamble that I'd like a different movie based on the name. By the last set of options, I
missed not having the visual aid/descriptor to help me pick my movie from the 5 provided.
The number, image and actor names didn't really influence my choice at all. This is since I
chose the movies simply based on the name. The flash and big name doesn't really
guarantee a movie is gonna be successful; just look at Cats. [SIC]
The large gold #1 definitely influenced me, especially since I did not recognize any of the
listed movies. Usually the movie poster would tell you more about the film, so normally I
would be intrigued. However, I did recognize another movie listed so I chose that one since
I knew what it was about. The three actors did not influence me either since I have seen
The Green Mile and I know I like it. It was strange seeing The Green Mile being
recommended for Tangled since the were different genres, but I do enjoy them both.
The additional features did not influence my decision making at all. For me, choosing
movies was based primarily on: either having heard about the movie before, or coming
across a very interesting title of the movie. [SIC]
The movie poster influenced me the most as that is usually what I look at when deciding
on a movie to watch. The gold 1 interested me the second most, as it drew me to the title
of the movie, and that title then intrigued me. Finally, the actors drew me the least as I
don't usually pay attention to which actors are in a movie when I decide what to watch.
The one with the three significant actors influenced my decision positively. It definitely
made that choice more appealing, knowing there were actors that I liked in the movie. The
one with the movie poster influenced my decision negatively. I did not like the poster, so it
made me want to watch the movie less. The other movies, I chose based on what I thought
they would be about from the name. [SIC]
The different conditions motivated me to consider the other options more closely
compared to what I intially predicted that I might enjoy. The large gold #1 didn't have a
significant impact compared to the others, which had a more appealing display related to
parts of movies that I liked (the poster and actors told me more about my interests than
the #1). The movies that I chose were based on mainly sequels or words in the titles that
were significant themes from the original movie, so I knew that even without much other
context as to what the movies were about there was at least a set of themes that I
identified with. [SIC]
Significant Actors
Figure 16: Table displaying all the users’ responses to the final question.
While these responses varied widely, they also provided interesting feedback about future work,
opinions on the persuasive techniques and even information that could be seen as reasons why
the data was not significant. For example, some of the participants said they liked the movie
poster technique, but that specific movie poster they found cheesy or uninteresting. This means
there wasn’t a flaw on the technique itself rather the specific use case. Some responses even
gave ideas for techniques that would have influenced them more such as awards won.
Despite the lack of statistical significance in the test results, intuition and participants’
qualitative responses gives hope for the success of a future study that addresses the shortcomings
of this pilot study for one reason or another. The techniques were successful in persuading
certain users and there were favorites as well, but ultimately, a new study would need to be done
to further analyze and conclude regarding the success and confirmation of the initial hypothesis.
6 Future Work
As mentioned in the discussion section, additional work based on more robust data would be
informative. It is even intuitively promising that a future study could result in a statistically
significant conclusion.
Given the nature of this technical project, the first step in improving the study, would be
in improving the recommendation engine itself. This study used a content-based filtering
approach in which the movies were recommended to the user based on what they liked in the
past (i.e., their four submitted movies). The system used the film description as its sole
similarity attribute which could result in a broader and less accurate result in the actual movies
recommended. In a future study using content-based filtering, this system would be written with
more than just one attribute to find the cosine similarity. The one attribute approach becomes an
issue, because it leaves room for many outliers. For example, if the movie Shrek uses the term
monster in its description, that keyword will likely be found in lots of horror movies which
wouldn’t be an accurate recommendation. Users found this issue apparent during the study.
Many of the questions participants had while taking the survey and, in the comments, shown in
figure 16, related to not knowing or recognizing any of the movies in the lists they received.
This initial variance was supposed to be a good thing as it would allow to break out of the echo
chamber ever so slightly, but perhaps it caused too much variance. Reeling this in by including
attributes such as actors, director, genre, and rating, could allow for a more accurate engine and
perhaps more accurate lists for the users; hence taking away the issue of not knowing or having
heard of any of the movies before.
Furthermore, using a collaborative filtering approach where users would have accounts
on a social media style platform with their preferences stored in their respective profiles, could
allow for more accurate recommendations. In this example, collaborative filtering could be a
good addition because it would allow for more data points for each user, resulting in more
accurate recommendations. In this example, one could conduct a study over the course of
months as they used this system and tracked the movies they watched, liked, and disliked,
creating a data base of information for the collaborative approach to recommend movies based
on ones that were similar to movies other users liked etc.
Both alternative approaches along with a recommendation engine testing phase where the
system itself would be experimentally tested and deemed proficient, would likely add to the
integrity of the study and more weight to the race-related films and persuasive techniques and
rather than the recommendation engines themselves.
Additional improvements to future studies could include the subject of the persuasive
techniques themselves. Rather than one or two people intuitively choosing which techniques
might be more accurate, a study could be run to determine which persuasive techniques could be
the best options to test with the recommendation engine. These other techniques could include
options such as: film descriptions, year of release, film trailers, awards won/nominations, etc.
These research-backed techniques could reduce the concern of whether the persuasive techniques
were largely helpful and allow the focus to turn on which of these techniques better persuaded
users to choose the race-related movie.
Finally, allowing for a larger and more diverse sample size paired with the automation of
the creation of each survey would allow for more accurate and meaningful results. Although the
results from the chi-square tests were insignificant, if the trend continued on a larger scale, the
theoretical calculations would be significant, and a clear dependence could be seen. The sample
size used for this project was just too small to make those claims based on the data I had. Each
survey was customized for each person, and it became time consuming to create each one.
Given the tight schedule of the honor scholar thesis dates, I could not allow for more than the
allotted participants. Ways to do this could include an automation system for randomizing lists
and orders, complete from a more expansive data base including actors’ images, movie posters,
trailers, and the information needed for whatever persuasive techniques used. While I could also
just allow for a longer timeframe, the automation would also account for any unconscious human
error made while randomly selecting and creating each survey.
With the inclusion of one or any combination of the previous future suggestions, it is
clear that another study could be run with more confidence and integrity to supplement this pilot
study and its results.
7 Acknowledgements
This material and study is based on the work done by principal investigator Clay Troyer as well
as thesis committee members Dave Berque, Steve Bogaerts, and Michael Roberts. Additionally,
thanks are to be given to each of these persons as the work and discussions found in this material
would not be possible without their advisement and leadership. The DePauw Computer Science
Department Founder’s Fund provided funding for the participant compensation, and I am
grateful to the donors who made this support possible.
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