Impacts of Building Geometry Modeling Methods
on the Simulation Results of Urban Building
Energy Models
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Urban-scale building energy modeling (UBEM)—using building modeling to understand how
a group of buildings will perform together—is attracting increasing attention in the energy
modeling field. Unlike modeling a single building, which will use detailed information,
UBEM generally uses existing building stock data consisting of high-level building
information. This study evaluated the impacts of three zoning methods and the use of floor
multipliers on the simulated energy use of 940 office and retail buildings in three climate
zones using City Building Energy Saver. The first zoning method, OneZone, creates one
thermal zone per floor using the target building’s footprint. The second zoning method,
AutoZone, splits the building’s footprint into perimeter and core zones. A novel, pixel-based
automatic zoning algorithm is developed for the AutoZone method. The third zoning method,
Prototype, uses the U.S. Department of Energy’s reference building prototype shapes. Results
show that simulated source energy use of buildings with the floor multiplier are marginally
higher by up to 2.6% than those modeling each floor explicitly, which take two to three times
longer to run. Compared with the AutoZone method, the OneZone method results in
decreased thermal loads and less equipment capacities: 15.2% smaller fan capacity, 11.1%
smaller cooling capacity, 11.0% smaller heating capacity, 16.9% less heating loads, and 7.5%
less cooling loads. Source energy use differences range from -7.6% to 5.1%. When
comparing the Prototype method with the AutoZone method, source energy use differences
range from -12.1% to 19.0%, and larger ranges of differences are found for the thermal loads
and equipment capacities. This study demonstrated that zoning methods have a significant
impact on the simulated energy use of UBEM. One recommendation resulting from this study
is to use the AutoZone method with floor multiplier to obtain accurate results while balancing
the simulation run time for UBEM.
Urban Building Energy Modeling; EnergyPlus; Geometry Representation; Zoning Method; CityBES;
Floor multiplier
1 Introduction
More than half of the worlds population (54% in 2014) lives in urban areas [1]. Today’s
cities consume more than two-thirds of the world’s primary energy and account for more than
70% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions [2]. Working toward a sustainable future,
many cities have adopted ambitious long-term GHG emissions reduction goals. For example,
San Francisco planned to reduce GHG emissions by 40% and 80% below the 1990 level by
2025 and 2050 accordingly [3]. New York City also committed to reducing GHG emissions
by 40% and 80% below 1990 level by 2030 and 2050, respectively [4]. The building sector in
the United States accounts for about 40% of the nation’s total primary energy consumption
and GHG emissions [5]. In cities, buildings can consume up to 75% of total primary energy
[6]. Retrofitting the existing building stock to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy
use is a key strategy for cities to reduce GHG emissions and mitigate climate change [7,8].
Urban Building Energy Modeling (UBEM) refers to the application of physics-based building
energy models to predict operational energy use as well as indoor and outdoor environmental
conditions for groups of buildings in urban context. UBEM tools can be used to support
urban planning, retrofit analysis of building stock, improve building operations, and design
district energy systems [9,10]. Reinhart and Davila [11] performed a comprehensive review
of UBEM case studies and pointed out that multi-zone dynamic thermal models using
simulation engines such as EnergyPlus, DOE2, TRNSYS, and IDA-ICE may be necessary for
evaluation of detailed urban design scenarios as well as urban-scale building retrofit analysis.
Having a city building dataset is a key component to creating an UBEM. There are two major
parts of a building energy model. The first part relates to the building geometry, including the
building shape, building height, number of stories, and thermal zoning. The second part
relates to the building systems and their operation conditions, such as envelope construction,
interior and exterior lighting, plug loads, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)
systems, central plant, and server hot water systems [12–14]. Many cities in the United States
have web portals that provide open city datasets for public use. For example, San Francisco’s
open data portal
provides the Geographic Information System (GIS) building geometry
information including the footprint and height of each building in the city. It also provides the
building characteristics, such as year built, number of stories, and building type. Similar
building data can be found in other U.S. cities (e.g., Chicago
and New York City
). With
UBEM, building systems and their efficiencies are often determined based on building type,
building size and year built, referring to the national or local building energy codes and
standards and survey data when available. Three-dimensional (3D) information is required
for detailed building energy models; however, it is often difficult to get such detailed 3D
geometry data. It is also difficult to get detailed thermal zoning for each building for UBEM.
Cities may have the 3D point clouds data (e.g., LIDAR data); however, it is difficult to use
directly to generate the 3D geometry of the building. Typical building geometry data
available for UBEM include the GIS-based building footprint, building height, and number of
stories for each building.
Several studies have been done to evaluate the impacts of geometry modeling methods on the
simulation results of individual buildings. Martin, et al. [15] compared the simulated cooling
demand of a 6-floor office building in Singapore using three different models when coupled
with an urban canopy model, including the shoebox model (one rectangular zone for the
whole building), the multi-floor model (one rectangular zone per floor), and the detailed
model (one core zone and four perimeter zones per floor). The mean absolute percentage
error of cooling demand between the detailed model and the shoebox model is more than
10%, while it is about 3% between the detailed model and the multi-floor model. The tropical
climate of Singapore determines that all zones require cooling almost at all times. For colder
climates, some core zones may require cooling while the perimeter zones may require heating
simultaneously, leading to the cancellation of some cooling and heating loads when using the
shoebox or the multi-floor model. This may lead to significant under-prediction of thermal
loads and equipment capacity. Further investigation is required to study the performance of
the multi-floor model in other climates.
Smith, et al. [16] described a method to automatically generate an energy model from an
architect’s basic massing model during the conceptual design stage. The basic massing model
was made of regular cubic shapes. Each cubic shape was sliced into multiple floors, and each
floor was further divided into a core zone and four perimeter zones. Dogan, et al. [17]
presented a general algorithm for a rapid model generation to automatically convert arbitrary
building massing models into multi-zone building energy models. Design tools (such as
eQuest and Bentley AECOsim) also provide some functionality to create or split buildings
into perimeter and core zones [17]. Those methods can be categorized as geometry
processing-based methods (e.g., offset the line, find the intersection, trim the line) to handle
typical geometries (e.g., rectangular and L-shape), which are normally used in the early
design stage where the building data comes from design and are of good quality. However,
buildings in a city are of different arbitrary shapes. For UBEM, the GIS-based building
footprint data normally have quality issues, containing noises in data that lead to problems in
applying the geometry processing-based methods. Therefore, new methods with more
robustness need to be developed to handle that GIS-based city building footprint data.
For high-rise buildings, the ground floor and the top floor are usually modeled explicitly,
while the middle floors are modeled as a “typical” floor with a floor multiplier.
Environmental factors such as air temperature and wind speed change with altitude, and the
urban environment imposes additional environmental factors due to shading and reflections
from surrounding buildings [18]. Ellis and Torcellini [19] used EnergyPlus to simulate and
compare the energy impacts of several environmental factors that vary with altitude for one
building. Results showed that environmental factors have a significant effect on total annual
building cooling and heating energy use. The accuracy of using floor multipliers to reduce
input data was also studied. Researchers concluded that simulating a single floor with a
multiplier can provide accurate enough results for an entire building, as long as the floor is
near the midheight of the building. Computing resources required to run these models (in
addition to UBEM) are significant and present a challenge, especially when detailed energy
models are used to evaluate the energy performance of many energy conservation measures
(ECMs). Dogan and Reinhart [20] developed a Shoeboxer algorithm to cluster similar spaces
in a neighborhood into shoebox units and simulate each unit separately. The floor area can be
further divided into a core and perimeter regions by offsetting the floor edges inwards by a
specified perimeter depth.
This study evaluates the differences between simulation results for different geometry
modeling methods in urban building energy models. The goal is to provide insight and
guidance regarding geometry modeling methods, with consideration of model accuracy as
well as computing performance. This study first introduced a novel pixel-based method to
generate core zone and perimeter zones automatically for arbitrary building footprint data.
Then, three geometry modeling methods were compared, including the one zone per floor:
the pixel-based autozoning method and the prototype building method (e.g., rectangular
shape with core and perimeter zones for office buildings). Impacts of using floor multipliers
on the simulated energy use of large office buildings were also considered.
2 Methods
Unlike modeling a single building, where a modeler can collect detailed information about
the building, UBEM are usually generated using existing building stock data. Available
building stock data typically contain high-level building geometry and characteristics
information, such as building footprint, building height, number of stories, building type (use
type), and year built. A building energy model has two main parts: the geometry and the
building systems. Buildings with similar use type, vintage (year built), and size can be
organized into archetypes, and an archetype database can be created based on local energy
codes combined with measured or surveyed data. For UBEM, the details of building systems
are typically generated based on archetypes.
There are six driving factors to energy use and occupant comfort in buildings [21], including
weather, building envelope, building systems and equipment, building operation and
maintenance, indoor comfort criteria, and occupant behavior [22, 23]. Geometry zoning is
part of the building envelope that influences building energy modeling results. One frequently
asked question related to UBEM is “How do you calibrate your urban building energy
models?” The current model calibration methods typically consider the ventilation rate,
temperature setpoint, infiltration rate, equipment power density, lighting power density,
occupant density, HVAC equipment efficiencies, window properties, and operation schedules
as the most influential and uncertain input parameters for building energy models [24–26].
The current model calibration methods focus on adjusting the efficiency values and operation
schedules of building systems rather than changing the building geometry [26–29].
Therefore, before working on the calibration of UBEM, this study explored the impacts of
different geometry generation methods.
This study examined 940 buildings located in northeast San Francisco, California, United
States. This section introduces those case study buildings, the simulation workflow, and the
development work to automate the large-scale building energy modeling and simulation for
urban applications.
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The San Francisco Property Information Map [30] shows that San Francisco has 1,080 office
buildings and 1,744 one-to-two story retail buildings smaller than 4,645 m
(50,000 ft
About one-third (940) of those office and retail buildings are located in northeast San
Francisco, which includes six districts: Downtown, Nob Hill, Financial District, North Beach,
Russian Hill, and Chinatown. In this study, those 940 buildings were modeled using different
geometry generation methods, considering shading effects from the other 7,725 surrounding
buildings in those districts (Figure 1). By integrating San Francisco public data, a building
dataset was created for the 8665 buildings in northeast San Francisco [7]. The model contains
a two-dimensional (2D) footprint, number of stories, building height, building type, and year
built information for each building. Table 1 shows a summary of the 940 selected buildings
with a total floor area of 6,648,099 m
. The 278 large office buildings have the largest floor
area (87%), while the small retail buildings have the largest number (292). Figure 2 shows the
year built distribution for the 940 buildings. Most buildings (69%) were built before the
 
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In the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) reference buildings [31], retail building types and
office building types are represented by a rectangular shape with different thermal zoning and
a variety of stories. Figure 4 shows the distribution of the footprint area to border area ratio of
the 940 buildings. The border is referred to as the smallest rectangular shape with a proper
orientation that can entirely contain the building footprint. The footprint area-to-border area
ratio ranges from 0.67 (5th percentile) to 1.0 (95th percentile) with a median of 0.97, which
indicates that most of the buildings are similar to the rectangular shape. For the calculation of
the footprint-to-border ratio, the building is first rotated according to its orientation and then
compared to the area of the footprint with the rectangular border area to compute the ratio.
 
Figure 4 shows the major components of the UBEM in this study. The available building data
at urban scale provide the basic geometry information, the building type, and the year built of
each building. The 2D GIS-based building footprint, building height, and number of stories of
each building are used by the geometry modeling methods to generate the geometry for each
building. The building systems and their efficiency levels are inferred by their building type
and year built based on the local energy code and the prototype buildings. In San Francisco,
California Title 24 [32] is used to provide default building systems and efficiency levels.
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There are two considerations when establishing building geometry for energy models. First is
the modeling of multiple floors. The simulation time of detailed building energy models
strongly depends on the number of zones and surfaces. To speed up the simulation for high-
rise buildings, three representative floors are modeled when a floor multiplier is used; the top
floor, the ground floor, and a middle floor with the floor multiplier. This approach is also used
in the DOE reference building for large offices [31]. This simplification is based on the
assumption that all middle floors are the same or similar in terms of system characteristics,
use, and internal loads.
 
The other consideration when establishing building geometry for energy models relates to the
thermal zoning of the arbitrary building footprint. There are three commonly used zoning
methods. The first method, named the OneZone method, creates one zone for each floor
based on the given polygon of the floor shape. The second method, named the AutoZone
method, automatically splits the building footprint into one or multiple core zones and
perimeter zones based on the ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G guideline [33]. The third method,
named the Prototype method, uses prototype building geometry and scales for the same floor
area, orientation, and aspect ratio as the target buildings. The office buildings (three sub-
types: small, medium, and large-sized) have a rectangular shape, and each floor includes four
perimeter zones, one core zone, and one plenum zone. The small retail building has a front
sale zone and a back storage zone, while the medium retail building has a sale zone, a storage
zone, an entry zone, and two accounting-office zones. The aspect ratio between the width and
length is adjusted to match the aspect ratio of the target building.
The simulation time of a detailed EnergyPlus model strongly depends on the number of zones
and surfaces. The OneZone method creates the least number of zones per floor, while the
AutoZone method normally creates more zones than the Prototype method. The use of the
floor multiplier reduces the number of zones significantly, especially for high-rise buildings.
The simulation results and the simulation time are evaluated in this study to determine the
geometry generation methods for UBEM, considering the model accuracy as well as the
computing performance.
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Neighborhood buildings are modeled as shading surfaces in EnergyPlus to evaluate solar
shading effects between buildings. The basic algorithms are first introduced in Chen, et al.
[7]. When the closest ground distance of the target building and a surrounding building is less
than 2.5 times of the surrounding building’s height, the surrounding building may shade the
target building and is therefore considered as a shading building of the target building. The
height multiplier (2.5) is calculated based on a sun angle of 21.8°, which covers 83% of
working hours (9 am to 5 pm) for San Francisco (longitude 37.77°N). A polygon
simplification was performed to determine an equivalent polygon with fewer vertices/points
for the shading buildings, which significantly reduce the simulation time without influencing
the simulation results. Chen, et al. [7] modeled all surfaces of the shading buildings (Figure 5
(a)) and used floor multipliers for tall buildings. In this study, EnergyPlus simulations were
significantly slowed down or even sometimes crashed when every floor of tall buildings and
all surfaces of the shading buildings were used, due to the increasing complexity of shading
calculations. To solve this problem, a shading surface pre-processing algorithm is developed
and implemented to determine the effective shading surfaces (Figure 5 (b)). The algorithm
loops through all shading surfaces and removes the surfaces that are blocked by other shading
surfaces. The simulation time for the example building in Figure 5 was reduced from 7
minutes to 2 minutes when only the effective shading surfaces were modeled.
Shared/adjacent walls are detected between two adjoining buildings based on the GIS
information. First, the model searched for and identified adjacent walls for each target wall.
In this study, two walls are adjacent when the distance between them is less than 0.5 meters.
A margin of 0.5 meters is used to address the GIS data quality issue. All the adjacent walls’
area are then added together; the target wall is determined to be a shared wall if the adjacent
area is more than 50% of the target wall’s area. Those shared walls are modeled as adiabatic
surfaces without windows [7]. For the OneZone and AutoZone methods, the detailed building
footprint is used to detect the shared walls; in Prototype method, prototype geometry (e.g.,
rectangular shape for office and retail buildings) is used. The models using the Prototype
method have same floor area as those using the OneZone or AutoZone methods; however,
they may have quite different exterior wall and window area.
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ASHRAE 90.1-2013 appendix G table G.3.1-8 [33] introduces a thermal zoning method
when the HVAC zones and systems have not yet been designed or information is not
available. The interior and perimeter spaces should be separated, and the interior spaces
should be located greater than 5 m (about 15 ft) from an exterior wall. The perimeter spaces
should be located within 5 m (15 ft) of exterior walls. A separate zone shall be provided for
each orientation. The method can be used as an alternative to creating thermal zones for
UBEM as there is usually lack of detailed thermal zoning information.
A novel pixel-based algorithm is developed to split an arbitrary polygon into multiple
perimeter and core zones, which complies with the ASHRAE 90.1 requirements. The main
idea of the algorithm is to use the discrete element method (DEM), which is normally applied
in the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation. First, a 2D space that contains the
arbitrary polygon is meshed into small grids (e.g., 20cm * 20cm) to determine the status of
each grid. There are four possible states of each grid element, including outside the polygon,
in the perimeter area (inside the polygon and close to exterior walls), in the core area (inside
the polygon and far away from exterior walls), and on the boundary of the core area. The 2D
space can be drawn as an image with different colors for different states. Each element
represents one pixel in the image, and the calculation is preformed at the pixel level. The
algorithm is named a pixel-based autozoning algorithm.
There are four steps in the pixel-based autozoning algorithm (Figure 6). Step (a): fill in the
indoor space with white pixels. Step (b): separate the perimeter space in dark gray and core
space still in white. Step (c): separate the boundary of the core space in white and inner space
in light gray. Step (d): simplify the boundary of the core space and split into thermal zones.
The pixel-based autozoning algorithm is easy to implement and can work for arbitrary
shapes. The detailed algorithm of each step is introduced next.
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For the coordinate system of the image, the horizontal X-axis represents the longitude, while
the vertical Y-axis represents the latitude (Figure 7 (a)). All pixels are set to black by default,
which is the color for pixels outside the polygon. For each line of the building polygon, the
line is first drawn as black in the image, and then swapped from black to white or from white
to black for all pixels directly below the pixels on the line. A pixel (P1) is directly below
another pixel (P2) when their X values are the same, but the Y value of P1 is smaller than that
of P2. When the polygon is closed, the indoor and outdoor spaces are split with black and
white colors (Figure 7). The black pixel represents the boundary or outdoor space, while the
white pixel represents the indoor space.
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For each white pixel, check the distances of the white pixel with all black pixels, if any
distance is less than the perimeter zone depth threshold (e.g., 5 m), change the white pixel to
dark gray color, which is the perimeter area color.
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For each white pixel, check whether the pixel is on the boundary of the core area, and change
the color of inner space into light gray.
""  &'( *   *  ! !   
Following steps (a) through (c), the remaining while pixels are on the boundary of interior
zones. Coordinates (pixel location) for the white pixels are collected, starting with any pixel
in the pool, and searing the surrounding pixels in the pool until looping back to the starting
point. A polygon is then created for all pixels in the loop. If there are pixels remaining in the
pool, start another process to create another polygon for another interior zones. Then, use the
simplify_rb ruby gem [34] to reduce the number of points in the complex polygon, making
use of an optimized Douglas-Peucker algorithm [35]. The interior polygon in Figure 6 (c)
includes 1014 pixels, which is simplified into 26 points/lines.
The final step of the algorithm is to connect the interior polygons with the original building
polygon to create thermal zones. For each interior point, first, find its closest exterior point.
The line connecting the interior point and the closest exterior point should not intersect with
any other lines in the interior or exterior polygons. When multiple interior points are close to
,.5 ,.33
,.)3 ,9.)5
the same exterior point, only the interior point that is closest to the exterior point is used.
Then, link all the interior points with their associated exterior points to split the space into
multiple zones. Figure 8 shows the autozoning results of four sample buildings.
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The prototype zoning method needs to detect the orientation and aspect ratio of the building.
To calculate the orientation and aspect ratio of the building, rotate the building from 0 to 90
degree clockwise with one-degree interval (Table 2). For every rotation, calculate the area of
the rectangular boundary that contains the building. Then find the rotation degree with the
least boundary area as the preliminary result (e.g., 57
for the building in
 ).
. Next,
search one degree above and one degree below the preliminary result (56
to 58
) with an
interval of 0.1 degrees to determine the orientation with a resolution of 0.1 degrees. For
example, the orientation and aspect ratio are 57.5° and 1.779 accordingly for the building in
Table 2.
 ""$""
 !"
#"$ * 34 :( 4( 4(-4
%&' 3-** 3-3) *-&4 *-644 *-64:
() *"!!+,! *-(6' *-&)' 3-)33 3-(44 3-((&
, -
The building systems and their efficiency values are determined based on the building type,
vintage, climate, and the local building energy code or standard (California Title 24, in this
study, for San Francisco). Table 3 shows the default configurations of HVAC systems for
each building type.
Building type HVAC system Cooling Heating Fan control Reheat
Small office
and small
Packaged single
zone rooftop air
expansion (DX)
coil, single
No reheat
office and
medium retail
variable air
volume (VAV)
for each floor
DX coil, two
VAV Hot water
Large office Central VAV for
each floor, with
a central plant
of chillers and
Chilled water
coil, chillers
VAV Hot water
. !
Weather conditions have strong impacts on the building energy performance. For this study,
two additional weather conditions were applied to all buildings to evaluate the impacts of
geometry modeling methods under different weather conditions. Those 8665 buildings (940
target buildings and 7725 surrounding buildings) were assumed to be located in Chicago,
Illinois (cold climate, ASHRAE climate zone 5A) and Miami, Florida (hot climate, ASHRAE
climate zone 1A). Besides changing the weather files, the ASHRAE standard 90.1 efficiency
requirements are applied to provide the default building systems and efficiency values based
on the climate zones. The typical meteorological year (TMY) 3 weather files from
EnergyPlus Weather Data website
for San Francisco international airport (724940), Chicago
O’Hare international airport (725300), and Miami international airport (722020) are used for
the simulation.
/ 01
All the models are created and simulated using the City Building Energy Saver (CityBES), an
open web-based data and computing platform for UBEM [7,36–38]. CityBES is built upon
Commercial Building Energy Saver (CBES) [39–41] to create energy models in EnergyPlus
[42] for each building. Chen, et al. [7] introduced the detailed generation and simulation of
urban building energy models using CityBES. First, the three zoning methods and the use of
floor multiplier are integrated into the CityBES platform so that users can select different
zoning methods and decide whether or not to use the floor multiplier on the simulation-
setting page. Then, all the EnergyPlus models are run on a CityBES server, which can run 62
simulations simultaneously using 62 cores. The server has Intel® Xeon® CPU E5-2699 v3 @
2.30 GHZ (2 processors), 256 GB memory, with 64-bit Windows 7 Operation system.
3 Results
Table 4 summarizes the simulation runs for each building type. For the small and medium
office and retail buildings, nine simulations were run for each building: the combination of
three climate zones and three zoning methods. For the large office, 18 simulations for each
building were run: the combination of three climate zones, three zoning methods, and with or
without using the floor multiplier. The total number of simulations is 10,962 for each
#0 # 3(' : : 3 1
.#0 .# 3'5 : : 3 
2#0 2# )(5 : : ) 1
** )&) : : 3 
.*.* '5 : : 3 
 
 *!*
The large office buildings have multiple floors and can use the floor multiplier in the energy
modeling. The percentage differences are calculated based on Equation 1.
Percentage Difference=
result with floor multiplier result without floormultiplier
result without floor multiplier
× 100
 *
There are two types of energy uses in the case study buildings: electricity and natural gas. For
the source energy calculation, the source energy factors used in the study are 3.14 for
electricity and 1.05 for natural gas [43]. For all cases, the differences in the annual electricity
and source energy use between the models with and without using the floor multiplier are
about ±2.5% with a median close to 0% (Figure 9 and Figure 10). For the San Francisco and
Miami cases, the differences in natural gas use range from -0.4% (5
percentile) to 3.4% (95
percentile) with a median of 0.5% (Figure 10). For the Chicago cases, the differences in
natural gas use are larger with a median value of -3.7% for the OneZone method and -4.9%
for the AutoZone method. For the Chicago Prototype zoning case, the differences in natural
gas use are significant with a median of -14.2% and many outliers greater than 30%.
In summary, the floor multipliers have less influence on the annual electricity or source
energy across the three climates; however, the influence on the annual heating gas use is
much greater, especially for the Chicago cold climate with the Prototype zoning method.
 *2!!
Autosizing is used in EnergyPlus to determine equipment capacities based on peak thermal
loads for all simulations. The equipment capacities are calculated based on the peak space
heating and cooling loads using the design day weather data, with details available in the
EnergyPlus Engineering Manual [44].
For all cases, the cooling capacity differences range from -5.5% (5
percentile) to 10.2% (95
percentile) with a median of 1.8%; the heating capacity differences vary from -3.3% (5
percentile) to 9.7% (95
percentile) with a median of 1.6%. The fan capacity differences vary
from -4.9% (5
percentile) to 12.2% (95
percentile) with a median of 2.2%.
 !4$"...5"$
 *
The simulation speed-up factor is defined in Equation 2. The simulation speed-up factor is
about 2.1 when the OneZone method is used and 3.1 when the AutoZone or Prototype
methods are used (Table 5).
SimulationSpeedUpFactor =
Simulationtime without using floor multiplier
Simulationtime using floor multiplier
Simulation time per building (minutes) Simulation
speed up factor
With floor multiplier Without floor multiplier
OneZone SF 4.6 9.5 2.1
OneZone Chicago 4.1 8.6 2.1
OneZone Miami 4.0 7.8 2.0
AutoZone SF 8.0 25.9 3.2
AutoZone Chicago 7.2 23.8 3.3
AutoZone Miami 6.5 20.8 3.2
Prototype SF 5.3 15.8 3.0
Prototype Chicago 4.9 15.3 3.1
Prototype Miami 4.5 13.5 3.0
 3414
This section compares the simulation results using the OneZone method with those using the
AutoZone method. The detailed models that did not use the floor multiplier are used for the
comparison. Of the total, 284 buildings have a width close to or less than 10 m. Those
buildings cannot be further divided into core zones and perimeter zones, including 78 small
offices, 25 medium offices, 168 small retails, and 13 large offices. Therefore, only 656
buildings are included in this comparison. The percentage differences in this section are
calculated based on Equation 3.
Percentage Difference=
result using OneZone methodresult using Autozoning method
result using Autozoning method
 *!!
Compared to the AutoZone method, the OneZone method results in 2.4% (5
percentile) to
17.4% (95
percentile) less space cooling loads with a median of 7.5% (Figure 15), and 0%
to 79.7% smaller space heating loads with a median of 19.5% (Figure 16). For core zones
without exterior walls, they typically require cooling all year round to remove the heat
generated by occupants, lights, and equipment; while the perimeter zones with exterior walls
and windows may require heating during winter and cooling during summer depending on
the climate conditions. When using the OneZone method, the cooling and heating loads from
the core and perimeter zones may be canceled out and result in less space cooling and heating
loads compared to the AutoZone method. The OneZone method should be used with caution
as it can underestimate the peak cooling and heating loads thus equipment capacities as well
as energy use.
 *2!!
The equipment capacity using the OneZone method is less than using the AutoZone method,
except the cooling capacity for some buildings. Compared to the AutoZone method for all
three climate zones, the OneZone method results in 0.1% to 22.8% less cooling capacity
(Figure 17a), 2.4% to 20.6% less heating capacity (Figure 17b), and 3.7% to 25.9% less fan
capacity (Figure 17c). Lower space heating and cooling loads using the OneZone method
leads to lower equipment capacity.
(a) Cooling capacity
(b) Heating capacity
(c) Fan capacity
 *
The space heating and cooling loads need to be removed by the HVAC systems to maintain
zone thermostat settings for occupant comfort requirements. The annual source energy is
1.2% to 6.5% less for the Chicago climate and 1.4% to 8.4% less for the Miami climate.
However, results are more complex for San Francisco due to its mild climate. Although the
OneZone method results in lower space heating and cooling loads for all building types
(Figure 18), it does not result in less source energy use for all building types due to the use of
different HVAC system types. Detailed explanations are provided in the next section.
" 5$ * !    *   !!
For the San Francisco climate, small office and small retail use packaged, single-zone rooftop
air conditioning systems, one system for each zone. Therefore, for the small office and small
retail, the OneZone method results in 3.4% to 9.2% and 1.7% to 6.6% less source energy use
compared to the AutoZone method, respectively. The large office uses a central plant to
provide chilled and hot water for air handling units on each floor. For the large offices, the
OneZone method typically results in less source energy than the AutoZone method with a
median of 1.4%. The medium office and medium retail use packaged variable air volume
(VAV) systems. For those two building types, the OneZone method results in 2.4% to 9.2%
more source energy use compared to the AutoZone method. One medium office was selected
to further investigate the unexpected trend of source energy use.
Figure 19 shows the surrounding environment and the autozoning results of the selected
medium office building. The building footprint is split into seven perimeter zones and one
core zone. Among the seven perimeter zones, two zones do not have exterior walls due to
shared walls with surrounding buildings. The rest of the five perimeter zones with exterior
walls and windows are referred to the exterior zones in the following discussion. The building
has five floors, and the third floor, one day during summer (June 24), is selected for detailed
(a) with surrounding shading surfaces (b) autozoning results with shared walls
The outdoor air temperature varies from 11.6°C to 19.2°C on June 24, Wednesday. The
thermostat setpoints are 21.11°C for heating and 23.89°C for cooling from 6:00 to 24:00 for
weekdays. Figure 20 shows the zone air temperature on June 24 for the eight zones using the
AutoZone method and the single zone using the OneZone method of the third floor. For the
OneZone method, the zone air temperature slightly drops from the cooling setpoint (23.89°C)
to 23.0°C before 6 AM (Figure 20). However, for the AutoZone method, the zone air
temperature of the exterior zones drops much faster during the night, and it is below the
heating setpoint for some zones that trigger heating during the early morning. The trend is
similar throughout the whole year due to the mild climate of San Francisco. During the
winter, air temperature of the single zone drops to 21.7°C for the OneZone method, while the
zone air temperature for the exterior zones all drop below the heating setpoint, the lowest at
 7$9 *5
The total space heating and cooling loads are very close between the two zoning methods
(Figure 21). For the OneZone method, the fan runs at full speed from 9:00 to 19:00.
However, for the AutoZone method, the exterior zones do not require HVAC service for
several hours during the morning and late afternoon. The OneZone method, therefore,
consumes more fan energy compared to the AutoZone method (Figure 22). For the central
multi-zone VAV systems, the return air from different zones is mixed before reaching the air
handling unit. Therefore, the air from the perimeter zones provides free cooling for the core
zones, while the air from the core zones provide free heating for the perimeter zones. For
example, the space heating loads shown in Figure 21(b), can be removed by the mixed air
without consuming heating energy. Compared to the single zone system, the multi-zone VAV
system uses less energy when zones have mixed heating and cooling demands. Therefore, the
AutoZone method consumes less energy for some buildings due to the lower fan energy
consumption and the benefit of mixed air to cancel out some cooling and heating loads.
,.+ ,.+$
 %5$".*
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+ *
The simulation time of one model includes creating the EnergyPlus input file, running the
EnergyPlus model, and extracting and saving the simulation results. It also includes the
autozoning time for the AutoZone method. On average, running a model takes about 5.1
minutes using the OneZone method and 11.7 minutes using the AutoZone method. Using the
OneZone method can save about half of the simulation time.
Simulation time per building (minutes) Simulation
speed up
OneZone Method AutoZone Method
5.4 12.8 2.4
Chicago 5.0 11.8 2.4
Miami 4.8 10.6 2.2
 #14
The detailed models without using the floor multiplier are used for the comparison. All the
940 buildings are included in this analysis. Compared to the AutoZone method, the
differences in the annual source energy use are -12.1% (5
percentile) to 19.0% (95
percentile) with a median of -2.1% for the Prototype method (Figure 23). Large ranges of
differences are also found for space cooling and heating loads (Figure 24), as well as
equipment capacities (Figure 25).
 #!4$
,. +$
,. +
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,. A+
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On average, running an EnergyPlus model takes about 6.3 minutes using the Prototype
zoning method and 8.8 minutes using the AutoZone method. Using the Prototype method
takes about one-third less time.
Climate zone Simulation time per building (minutes) Simulation
speed up
Zoning Method
AutoZone Method
San Francisco 6-6 &-6 3-4
Chicago 6-' 5-& 3-'
Miami 4-5 5-* 3-'
The Prototype method creates buildings with the same floor area as the target building.
However, the exterior wall area, excluding the shared adiabatic walls, is very different due to
the different shape and different shared walls (Figure 26). Significant outliners remain that
have quite a different exterior wall area using the AutoZone method compared to the
Prototype method. The algorithm to detect the shared walls for the Prototype method needs to
be improved.
 !4).$
" **
Of the 940 buildings, 359 have measured annual energy usage data from the San Francisco
Existing Commercial Building Energy Performance Ordinance, including the site energy use
intensity (EUI), source EUI, and greenhouse gas emissions. Figure 27 and Table 8 compare
the measured site EUIs with the simulated ones for San Francisco climate. The simulated
results can capture the total site energy use or overall/average site EUI (Table 8); however,
current UBEM cannot match the site EUI distributions with the measured data. The simulated
site EUIs range from 126 to 319 kWh/m
, while the measured site EUIs range from 25 to
1400 kWh/m
. The building systems and their efficiency values are determined based on the
building type and vintage, which represent the average conditions among peer groups. This
may lead to smaller ranges of site EUI distribution for simulated results compared with
measured data.
 +:$2;,
3)  -
; < 
.) 356-* &')-6
 F+ # 3(&-) &*5-4 0:-6J
F+  35*-3 &3:-3 0:-3J
KL # 35'-: &:'-* 0*-&J
KL  35:-4 &:*-: 03-:J
%L # 356-3 &':-) *-3J
%L  356-* &':-3 *-*J
4 Discussion
The current AutoZone method does not split the buildings with a width less than 10 m.
Different criteria should be used to create thermal zones for those small buildings. For
example, simply splitting the building into two zones. The AutoZone method creates
perimeter zones for shared walls, which may not be necessary (e.g., the PZ 1, PZ 3, and core
zones in Figure 19 can be combined as a single zone). The AutoZone method can handle
arbitrary building footprints, including concave shapes or curve surfaces; it cannot process
polygons with holes. As detailed 3D geometry information for the buildings is not available,
the AutoZone method only uses the 2D building footprint, number of stories, and building
height to create the 3D geometry for energy models. It cannot handle tilt walls or buildings
with multiple floor layouts.
The simulated results can capture the total energy use of the buildings. However, without
detailed calibration, they cannot match the site EUI distribution of the measured data. One
reason is the measured annual site energy use of the buildings across multiple years and the
weather file used for the simulation is the San Francisco TMY3 (which represents the
historical average rather than any actual years weather conditions). Another reason leading to
the discrepancy of results is that the simulated results have not been calibrated using city’s
publicly available building energy data. It is important to calibrate the UBEM results with the
measured data. There is an on-going effort to develop calibration methods for UBEM based
on the city’s public available annual energy use disclosure data.
5 Conclusions
This study evaluated the impacts of three geometry zoning methods on the simulated building
performance in the urban context, including the space heating and cooling loads, the
autosized equipment capacities, and the annual energy uses. It is the first study to evaluate the
impacts of building zoning on the simulated building performance at the urban scale. The
geometry modeling methods include zoning methods to create thermal zones and the usage of
floor multiplier. Simulation results show that the energy use in tall buildings is almost the
same between the cases with and without the use of the floor multiplier. This is based on the
assumptions that middle floors have the same internal heat gain and HVAC systems, while
the simulation time for using the floor multiplier is only 30% to 50% of those without using
the floor multiplier.
Compared with the AutoZone method, the OneZone method results in 15.2% less fan
capacity, 11.1% less cooling capacity, 11.0% less heating capacity, 16.9% less space heating
load, and 7.5% less space cooling load; while the source energy use difference ranges from
-7.6% to 5.1% with an average of -2.5%. The OneZone method results in lower space heating
and cooling load compared to the AutoZone method, which leads to lower energy
consumption in many cases. Using the AutoZone method, some exterior zones do not need
HVAC service for some period, leading to lower fan energy use compared to the OneZone
method. During the early morning, when the exterior zones may require heating and the core
zones require cooling, the multi-zone VAV systems mix the return air and may reduce the
cooling to the core zones and heating to the exterior zones.
Although the Prototype method uses the same floor area as the building footprint, the
different shared wall conditions and the different shapes lead to large differences in exterior
wall area and window area. Larger differences are found for the space cooling and heating
loads, the equipment capacities, and the energy use. It is therefore not a good idea to model
the building using the Prototype shape when the building footprint is available.
This study demonstrated that zoning methods have a significant impact on simulated energy
use in buildings. The commonly used Prototype method for UBEM may not be accurate
enough. Two recommendations are suggested for future UBEM studies:
Use the AutoZone method to split the core and perimeter zones to better represent the
dynamic performance of urban buildings.
Use the floor multiplier for tall buildings to significantly save the simulation time
while maintaining good accuracy compared to the detailed model for each floor as
long as the middle floors have similar internal loads, HVAC systems, and operating
The three zoning methods and the use of floor multiplier are implemented into the CityBES
platform ( for public use, which enables researchers and practitioners to
evaluate the impacts of building geometry modeling methods on the simulation results of
urban building energy models in other cities and climate zones, and to choose the appropriate
zoning method for their applications.
6 Acknowledgment
The work is funded by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory through the Laboratory
Directed Research and Development Program. This work was also supported by the Assistant
Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the U.S. Department of Energy under
Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. The City of San Francisco, Department of Environment
and Department of Technology, provided building datasets and support in the development of
the San Francisco city models for use with CityBES.
7 References
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C)D #$-$1709-#0#)*33-
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C'D # - #! "    O )*3(-
C4D -- / I9$ %$- --  / % N! )*3(-
C6D #NI?-/FQ)*3(-7+188!!!-+Q-,A)5)*3(.-
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