AppleScript Release
Introduction to AppleScript Release Notes 6
Organization of This Document 6
See Also 6
10.9 Changes 7
Enhancements 7
AppleScript 7
AppleScript Editor 7
Bug Fixes 8
Compatibility Notes 8
Accessibility 8
Developer Notes 9
Scriptable Applications 9
Scripting Additions 9
Other 9
10.8 Changes 10
Enhancements 10
AppleScript Editor 10
Bug Fixes 10
AppleScript 10
Standard Additions 11
Compatibility Notes 11
Developer Notes 11
Gatekeeper and Signing Applets 11
Sandboxing and Running Scripts 12
Sandboxing and Scriptability 12
10.7 Changes 14
Enhancements 14
Script Templates 14
AppleScriptObjC in AppleScript Editor 14
Other Enhancements 14
Bug Fixes 15
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
AppleScript 15
Standard Additions 15
AppleScript Editor 15
Compatibility Notes 15
10.6 Changes 16
Tool Reorganization 16
AppleScript Editor 16
Scripting Addition Security 17
Other Enhancements 18
AppleScript 18
Standard Additions 19
Command Line 19
Folder Actions 19
Bug Fixes 19
AppleScript 19
AppleScript Editor 20
Folder Actions 20
Compatibility Notes 20
64bit 20
Script File Formats 21
Dates and Times 21
Text 22
Apple Events 22
Developer Notes 22
64bit 22
Thread Safety 22
AppleScript Identifiers 23
Scripting Definitions (sdefs) 23
10.6.2 Changes 23
10.5 Changes 24
Unicode Support 24
Compatibility 25
Application Objects 26
Compatibility 28
Scriptability and VoiceOver 28
Scriptable Network Preferences 28
Command Line Support 29
Compatibility 29
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Other Enhancements 29
Script Editor 29
System Events 30
Image Events 30
Bug Fixes 30
AppleScript 30
Standard Additions 31
Script Editor 31
System Events 31
Others 31
Developer Notes 32
Scripting Definitions (sdefs) 32
API changes 32
Scripting Additions 33
10.4 Changes 34
Mac OS X v10.4  AppleScript 1.10 34
Special Notes 34
Developer Notes 35
New Features and Enhancements 36
Bug Fixes 39
Mac OS X v10.4.2  Standard Additions 1.10.1 42
Bug Fixes 42
Mac OS X v10.4.3  AppleScript 1.10.3 42
Developer Notes 42
Bug Fixes 43
Mac OS X v10.4.6  AppleScript 1.10.6 43
Bug Fixes 43
Mac OS X v10.4.7  AppleScript 1.10.7 44
Bug Fixes 44
10.3 Changes 45
Mac OS X v10.3  AppleScript 1.9.2 45
Special Notes 45
Developer Notes 46
New Features and Enhancements 46
Bug Fixes 49
Mac OS X v10.3.2  AppleScript 1.9.3 52
Developer Notes 52
Bug Fixes 52
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Mac OS X v10.3.5  Standard Additions 1.9.4 53
New Features and Enhancements 53
Bug Fixes 53
10.2 Changes 54
Mac OS X v10.2  AppleScript 1.9 54
Developer Notes 54
New Features and Enhancements 55
Bug Fixes 56
Mac OS X v10.2.3  AppleScript 1.9.1 57
Developer Notes 57
Bug Fixes 57
10.1 Changes 60
Mac OS X v10.1  AppleScript 1.7 60
Developer Notes 60
New Features and Enhancements 61
Bug Fixes 61
December 2001 Developer Tools Update  AppleScript 1.8 65
Developer Notes 65
New Features and Enhancements 65
Bug Fixes 66
Mac OS X v10.1.2  AppleScript 1.8.1 67
Bug Fixes 67
April 2002 Developer Tools Update  AppleScript 1.8.2 68
New Features and Enhancements 68
Bug Fixes 68
AppleScript 1.8.3 70
Bug Fixes 70
10.0 Changes 71
Mac OS X v10.0  AppleScript 1.6 71
Developer Notes 71
New Features and Enhancements 72
Bug Fixes 73
Document Revision History 74
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This document describes significant changes to AppleScript and related tools in each version of OS X.
Unless otherwise noted, AppleScript can use a script created in any older version of OS X. A script created using
a particular version of OS X may be used on any older version of OS X, provided it does not use features that
were unavailable in that version.
You should read this document if you are writing AppleScript code or if you are writing an application that
uses AppleScript.
Organization of This Document
Each article in this document covers changes in a major revision of OS X and its updates.
See Also
For introductory information on AppleScript and related technologies, see AppleScript Overview .
For reference documentation on the AppleScript language, see AppleScript Language Guide . The current
revision of the Guide incorporates information in these notes up through Mac OS X v10.5, but it may be useful
to see exactly when a feature was introduced.
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Introduction to AppleScript Release Notes
This article describes changes to AppleScript and related tools in OS X Mavericks v10.9.
Script Libraries: You can now use a script as a script library , and use the handlers and properties it defines
from any other script, making it dramatically easier to reuse code. Libraries may also use AppleScript/ObjectiveC
and define their own terminology.
use” Statements: Scripts can now explicitly declare what other code they use, such as applications or script
libraries. use statements can also import terminology for use throughout a script without explicit tell
statements, simplifying script structure.
Notifications: Scripts can now post notifications using the new display notification command in Standard
Interleaved Argument Syntax: AppleScript now supports an interleavedargument syntax for handlers which
can make positionalargument handlers easier to read: for example, on doThis:a withThat:b defines a
handler with two parameters, a and b. The interleaved syntax may be used in any script, but is especially useful
for calling ObjectiveC methods with AppleScriptObjC. In a compiled script, AppleScript will automatically
translate the old positional form with underscores (such as its doThis_withThat_(a, b)) to the interleaved
form (its doThis:a withThat:b), and the interleaved form will appear as the old positional form if opened
on an older system.
For more details on new AppleScript language features, see the AppleScript Language Guide .
AppleScript Editor
Documents in the Cloud: AppleScript Editor now supports saving script documents to iCloud; any such
documents will be automatically synchronized between all computers sharing the same iCloud account.
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
10.9 Changes
Code Signing: AppleScript Editors Export… command can now sign exported files with your Developer
Identity. This takes the place of the procedure described in the 10.8 notes under “Gatekeeper and Signing
Applets” (page 11).
Bug Fixes
The default formatting of enumerated values has changed to make them more visually distinct from properties.
osascript(1) is now a “UI element” process and can therefore display its own UI, such as using display
dialog; telling another application such as System Events is no longer necessary. [12365409]
Getting the last word of a string no longer leaks memory. [12959927]
Negating a numeric string such as "4.1" now produces the correct result. [13599507]
Compatibility Notes
Accessibility features in OS X Mavericks, including System Events’ Processes suite, no longer have a single
switch to enable or disable them systemwide (the “Enable access for assistive devices checkbox). Applications
must now be individually authorized to use Accessibility using the Security & Privacy preference pane in System
Preferences. If an unauthorized application attempts to use Accessibility, it will fail. The system will present a
dialog directing the user to the appropriate place in System Preferences; once approved, the previously denied
feature will work.
System Events attributes all uses of Accessibility features to the application calling it, so if an AppleScript applet
uses, for example, UI elements, the applet must be authorized, not System Events. System EventsUI
elements enabled property and AppleScript Utilitys GUI Scripting enabled property are still available,
but are now readonly, and will tell you if the caller is authorized to use Accessibility.
Applets that use Accessibility features will not save their properties when run. This is because of how the system
tracks which applications are authorized: applets that save their properties modify their own contents to do
so, which makes them look to the system like a different application that must be reauthorized. If you have
an applet that requires both Accessibility and persistent property values, you can specially sign it such that it
will still work without needing constant reauthorization; see for details.
10.9 Changes
Bug Fixes
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Developer Notes
Scriptable Applications
The value of the OSAScriptingDefinition Info.plist key may now be the base name of the sdef file; the
“.sdef” extension is no longer required. [12909256]
Sandboxed applications can now compile scripts that target other applications even if the target application
is not in /Applications. Your application will need an appropriate entitlement to compile and execute the
script. [13042006]
Scripting Additions
In scripts that use use scripting additions, AppleScript can optimize Apple event sending for some
scripting addition commands, automatically eliminating the doublesend described in “Scripting Addition
Security (page 17). Currently, it can perform this optimization for any scripting addition command with a
Context value of Any in its Info.plist definition: for Standard Additions, this covers ASCII character, ASCII
number, offset, random number, and round. This optimization is expected to cover more cases in the future;
for best performance, make sure that your scripting addition has the strictest context possible. For more details
on writing scripting additions and the meaning of the different context values, see Tech Note 1164, Scripting
Additions for Mac OS X .
To debug library and framework loading, define the environment variable ASDebugLibraryLoads. AppleScript
will then log whenever it loads a script library or framework:
AppleScript Editor[70986] <Notice>: AppleScript loaded library into component
0x810011: /Users/somebody/Library/Script Libraries/Map Window.scptd
AppleScript Editor[70986] <Notice>: AppleScript loaded framework for component
0x810012 OSAID(3): /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework
AppleScript Editor[70986] <Notice>: AppleScript referenced loaded framework for
component 0x820011 OSAID(1): /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework
These messages are logged to the ASL facility
10.9 Changes
Developer Notes
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This article describes changes to AppleScript and related tools in OS X Mountain Lion v10.8.
AppleScript Editor
The AppleScript Editor application in OS X 10.8 includes a number of enhancements to document handling:
Auto Save: Changes to documents are automatically saved, including changes that do not currently
Versions: Previous revisions of a document are easily retrievable using the standard version controls in
the document’s title bar.
Exporting: Available from the File menu, the Export… command saves a copy of a script or script application
for distribution. Export… is now the only way to save a script as “runonly”, reducing the risk of saving
over the editable original.
Bundle Identifier: The Bundle Contents drawer for script applications now includes a field to set the bundle
identifier. AppleScript Editor will fill in a default value, but it is recommended you customize the identifier
for any script application that is targeted for distribution. Setting the bundle identifier has always been
recommended, but previously required manual editing of the Info.plist file to do so.
Bug Fixes
Coercing a list to a string will now fail if one of the list items is not convertible. Previous versions would claim
success with only a partial result. [2300198]
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
10.8 Changes
div and mod now use standard IEEE 754 routines to compute their results. This matches other languages and
the rest of OS X. Previous versions would fudge the results to make certain “wrong” answers come out “right,
but this introduced inaccuracies and never worked in all cases. For further information on the issue, see What
Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic by David Goldberg. [2358365]
Standard Additions
time to GMT now adjusts live to DST shifts and changes to the time zone. [7676174]
open for access can now create a file with a slash in its name. [10431973]
Compatibility Notes
When sending commands to a sandboxed application, such as TextEdit in OS X Mountain Lion, parameters
that refer to files must be of an explicit filelike type and not a bare string, or the target application will not be
able to access the file. For example, file "Macintosh HD:Users:me:sample.txt", POSIX file
"/Users/me/sample.txt", or the result of choose file would all be acceptable, but the string
"/Users/me/sample.txt" would not.
Developer Notes
Gatekeeper and Signing Applets
OS X Mountain Lion includes Gatekeeper, which protects users from malicious software by applying a policy
about what downloaded software is allowed to run. Gatekeeper relies on code signing to verify applications:
a signed application is guaranteed to have been created by the signer and to have not been modified since it
was signed. By default, Gatekeeper will allow running only applications that have been signed by the Mac App
Store or an identified developer. If you write script applications (“applets”) for distribution, then this policy
applies to your applets. To sign your applets so Gatekeepers default policy will not block them:
Obtain a Developer ID certificate. For details, see “Distributing Applications Outside the Mac App Store
in App Distribution Guide .
Save a copy of your applet for distribution using the Export… command. (Note: Your applet should have
a unique bundle identifier, which you can set in the Bundle Contents drawer.)
Launch Terminal, and change the working directory to the applet bundle. (Tip: drag the applet on to
Terminal, and it will create a new terminal window with the directory set correctly.)
Mark the main script as readonly.
10.8 Changes
Compatibility Notes
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
chmod a-w ./Contents/Resources/Scripts/main.scpt
If your applet contains other scripts, also mark them as readonly.
Sign the applet using your code signing identity.
codesign -s 'My Signing Identity' .
Note: A codesigned applet must not rely on changed property values being persistent. Ordinarily,
such changes would be written back to the script file, but in a signed applet, that would invalidate
the signature and render the applet unlaunchable. Step 4 above ensures that this will not happen.
Sandboxing and Running Scripts
Sandboxing your application may require changes to how it runs scripts. The usual method in the past has
been NSAppleScript, but since scripts typically rely on sending Apple events and the default sandbox profile
does not allow sending Apple events to any other application, this often does not work correctly when in a
sandbox. Scripts run from your application will fall into one of three categories:
Self-targeted scripts. Your scripts only send events to your application and never to any other application.
Continue to use NSAppleScript as before.
Built-in scripts. Your scripts are built as part of your application, and will not change after shipping. Continue
to use NSAppleScript, but add entitlements for sending events to the target applications.
User scripts. Your scripts are supplied by the end user, and may use any other application. Use
NSUserScriptTask. The scripts must be stored in a special location (use
NSApplicationScriptsDirectory to determine where), and will run outside of your sandbox.
Sandboxing and Scriptability
Sandbox policy does not restrict receiving of Apple events, so in general, your applications scriptability code
will not be affected by sandboxing.
10.8 Changes
Developer Notes
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Note: As mentioned under Compatibility above, sandboxed applications will not be able to access
files referred to in commands using a string path. Any parameters or properties in your application
that refer to files should be declared as type file, and not type text. Apple Event Manager will
add sandbox extensions to events that have filelike parameters, but only if the parameter is of a
recognized filelike type: typeAlias, typeFileURL, cFile, and so on. Without these extensions,
the file will not be accessible from the target applications sandbox, and the command will probably
Your applications scripting definition (sdef), however, should be updated to add access groups : groups of
commands, classes, and so on that a sandboxed client can request to use with the new entitlement. For example, Mail defines a “compose” access
group that allows creation and editing of an outgoing message, but nothing else. This is safer than the old entitlement, which allows access to the
entire scripting interface. See sdef(5) for details of the markup format.
10.8 Changes
Developer Notes
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This article describes changes to AppleScript and related tools in OS X Lion v10.7.
Script Templates
AppleScript Editor now supports creating scripts from templates , a skeleton document designed for a particular
task, using the New From Template command. Several templates are included in the system; to make your
own, add an AppleScript Editor document to the folder Library/Application Support/Script
Editor/Templates. Holding down the Command key while selecting a template menu item will reveal that
template in Finder.
AppleScriptObjC in AppleScript Editor
AppleScript Editor provides a template “CocoaAppleScript Applet”, which is an AppleScriptObjCbased
application that emulates the traditional on run and on open handlers for a script application (“applet”). As
a result, you can write an applet much as you normally would, using AppleScript Editor, but with the added
ability to call any Cocoa API.
AppleScriptObjC applets must be run from AppleScript Editor using the new Run Application command, which
runs an applet by launching it as a separate process, as if it had been opened from the Finder. Run Application
is also useful for applets that have special behavior when launched as their own process, such as on idle
Other Enhancements
System Events’ Processes Suite has a new pop over class to support the new popover windows in OS X Lion.
path to has a new selector services folder, which returns the users Services folder. [6727316]
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
10.7 Changes
Bug Fixes
Performance of AppleScript applets has been improved. [3434887]
AppleScript will no longer hang looking for text item delimiters that current ignoring settings say to
ignore. [7346401]
AppleScript now has builtin knowledge of System Events, and will never ask where it is when running a script.
Standard Additions
mount volume now works correctly with passwords longer than 31 characters. [7154725]
beep now always beeps, even when used as the last command in a script. [7233358]
AppleScript Editor
Performance of saving script bundles and applets with large embedded resources has been improved. [4404257]
Save As… will copy embedded resources correctly. [7903069]
Compatibility Notes
For security reasons, AppleScript no longer supports initializerbased scripting additions. Scripting additions
must use the Info.plist scheme introduced in Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard. If you have a nowunsupported
initializerbased scripting addition, you will see a console message such as this:
OpenScripting.framework - scripting addition
"/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Potrzebie.osax" declares no loadable handlers.
For details on implementing a scripting addition, see TN1164, Scripting Additions for Mac OS X .
10.7 Changes
Bug Fixes
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This article describes changes to AppleScript and related tools in Mac OS X Snow Leopard v10.6.
Tool Reorganization
In order to streamline the /Applications folder, the /Applications/AppleScript folder has been
removed, and its contents reorganized:
Script is now named AppleScript, and is in /Applications/Utilities.
Script Menu preferences are now in AppleScript Editor’s preferences, in the General tab.
Example scripts may be accessed from AppleScript Editor’s Help menu.
Folder Actions is now in /System/Library/CoreServices; it may be accessed by
controlclicking on a folder and selecting Folder Actions Setup.
AppleScript is now in /System/Library/CoreServices and has no UI; it only exists as a
faceless application for the benefit of scripts that target it.
AppleScript Editor
AppleScript Editor has several significant enhancements:
AppleScript Editor is now more responsive while running a script, and can run several scripts simultaneously.
Previous versions would let you start running a second script, but the first one would pause until the second
one finished. It does this by running scripts on background threads. If this causes trouble, typically because a
thirdparty scripting addition has claimed to be threadsafe but isnt, you can force the script to run on the
main thread by holding the Control key and selecting the Run command, which will show as “Run in Foreground
in the menu.
Syntax coloring for scripts now has much more detail: commands, parameters, classes, properties, and
enumerated values all have their own category now, instead of sharing the “application keywords” category,
and may be formatted differently depending on whether they come from an application or a scripting addition.
This allows scripters to better determine what a term is simply by looking at the compiled script.
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
10.6 Changes
The Result and Event Log panes have been merged into a single pane with three visibility controls: Result,
Events, and Replies. Selecting “Result” shows only the script result, much like the old Result pane. Selecting
“Events” or “Replies” shows Apple events sent by the script and the values returned by the events, respectively,
along with the output from any explicit log commands, and the final result at the end. These controls are
dynamic: you may change them at any time, even while the script is running, and the appropriate bits of the
log will be hidden or shown. Hovering over an event in the log will show a tooltip with the raw Apple event
contents, including all the fourbyte codes.
There is now an option to enable a new Tell Application popup in the navigation bar: this controls the default
target of the script, effectively putting a tell block around the entire script. This is useful for exploring an
applications scriptability, since there is then no need for an explicit tell, or for testing scripts that will eventually
be run inside another application: for example, when writing a Mail rule script, you would set the default target
to Mail. This setting is saved with the script, but does not affect the scripts behavior if it is saved as an
application: the default target is still that application. You can enable this feature in AppleScript Editors “Editing
preferences. The applications in the popup are controlled by the contents of the Library window.
Scripting Addition Security
For security reasons, most scripting addition commands now return a “privilege violation” error when sent
between application processes. In order to preserve compatibility with existing scripts, AppleScript redirects
most of these commands to the current application, that is, the process running the script. If a script sends
events to a remote computer via EPPC (“Remote Apple Events”), AppleScript may redirect them to the System
Events process on the target machine. AppleScript Editors Event Log will show when this redirection happens:
you will see the event sent first to the original target process, return an error, and then sent again, often to
the current application.
Some scripting addition commands, such as display dialog, must be handled within the target process to
operate correctly, and may require authenticating as an administrator if any of the following are true:
The sender and target processes have different user or group owner ids.
The target process is “tainted” by privilege level changes. (See issetugid(2) for full details.)
The target application is not scriptable. To be considered scriptable, an application must have a terminology
dictionary or the Info.plist key NSAppleScriptEnabled set to true.
If the event can be successfully redirected to the current process, then it didn’t need to be sent to the target
process in the first place. You can eliminate the unnecessary doublesend by moving the scripting addition
command outside of the tell block, or by adding tell current application to to the command. For
example, this script makes a new folder on the desktop named with the current date, but does it in a way that
requires current date to be sent twice:
10.6 Changes
Scripting Addition Security
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
tell application "Finder"
set folderName to date string of (current date)
make new folder with properties {name:folderName}
end tell
To eliminate the double send, move the current date outside of the tell block:
set folderName to date string of (current date)
tell application "Finder"
make new folder with properties {name:folderName}
end tell
Or add an inner tell applying to the addition command:
tell application "Finder"
tell current application to set folderName to date string of (current date)
make new folder with properties {name:folderName}
end tell
Other Enhancements
When getting the text items of a string, all the values in text item delimiters are considered. Previous
versions only considered the first item in the list. [1186965]
AppleScript itself no longer depends on being run within a login session, and may be run from outside the
current users login, such as via an ssh(1) session or in a root cron(8) job. However, external code that a script
uses, such as scripting additions or applications, may still require a login session. [3192824]
The various types of ignoring behavior for text comparisons are now defined using Unicode General Categories,
not ASCII characters:
ignoring punctuation ignores category P*: for example, left and rightquotation marks are now
ignored. However, the backtick character (`) used to be ignored but is now considered, because Unicode
classifies it as a symbol, not punctuation.
10.6 Changes
Other Enhancements
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ignoring hyphens ignores category Pd: for example, em and endashes are now ignored.
ignoring whitespace ignores category Z*, plus tab (\t), return (\r), and linefeed (\n): for example,
nonbreaking spaces are now ignored.
For further details on General Categories, see the Unicode Standard, section 4.5. [4819817]
Standard Additions
If a do shell script command exits because of a signal, including a crash, do shell script will throw
an error. The error number will be the signal number plus 1000, to allow distinguishing signal errors from exit
status errors, which are always 255 or less. Formerly, the signal was ignored.
say now has several optional parameters for customizing voice parameters: speaking rate, pitch,
modulation, and volume, and asynchronous speech no longer requires the Speech status window to be
open. See the Standard Additions dictionary for more details.
Command Line
osascript now supports the log command; the output will be sent to stderr. [6260159]
Folder Actions
Folder Actions now supports attaching an Automator workflow as a folder action. Only “files added” actions
are supported; the added files will be the input to the workflow.
Bug Fixes
Performance of getting elements of text has been improved. [2206026]
The startup time of the AppleScript interpreter has been improved. [3188110].
character elements are counted the same way offset of counts them, so character counts now always
match between the two. [5578622]
In general, AppleScript in 10.5 and later will consider the class constants string and text equal. However,
this did not apply to list containment, so class of "foo" is in {string} would incorrectly return false.
It now evaluates to true. [5581947]
10.6 Changes
Bug Fixes
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
If a script uses using terms from blocks, the targets will not trigger a “Where is…” dialog when the script
is run on 10.4 and earlier systems. [5823283]
AppleScript Editor
“Undo” now works correctly across Compile commands.
Folder Actions
Folder Actions now attempts to delay calling “files added” actions on files until they are done being copied.
Previous versions called “files added actions on new files as soon as they appeared in the file system. This was
a problem for files that were being copied into place: if the file was sufficiently large or coming over a slow
server link, the file might appear several seconds before it was done being copied, and running the folder
action before it finished copying would behave badly. Folder Actions now watches if the file is changing size:
if it stays the same size for more than three seconds, it is deemed “done”, and the action is called.
Compatibility Notes
AppleScript Editor and osascript(1) run in 64bit mode by default on hardware that supports it. This can be
an issue for scripting additions: Standard Additions is fully 64bit capable, but thirdparty additions may not
be, and will refuse to load with a console message such as this:
Error loading Potrzebie.osax/Contents/MacOS/Potrzebie:
dlopen(Potrzebie.osax/Contents/MacOS/Potrzebie, 262): no suitable image found.
Did find:
Potrzebie.osax/Contents/MacOS/Potrzebie: mach-o, but wrong architecture
This only affects scripts that rely on commands in that scripting addition; otherwise the message is effectively
a warning. If a 64bit version of the addition is not available, you can work around the issue by forcing the
process running the script to run in 32bit mode, either by using the “Open in 32bit mode” option in Finders
“Get Info” panel, or by using arch(1), such as this:
arch -i386 osascript 32-bit-only.scpt
10.6 Changes
Compatibility Notes
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Script File Formats
AppleScript Editor no longer supports saving applications in the old singlefile format. All scripts saved as an
Application” will be saved as an application bundle with three supported architectures: ppc, i386, and x86_64.
Such applications can run on Mac OS X v10.3 and later. Old singlefile applications opened in AppleScript Editor
will be treated as readonly files: you must use Save As to save them, and they will be saved in the new format.
osacompile now outputs datafork scripts by default. This matches AppleScript Editor. To create a resourcefork
script compatible with classic Mac OS, use the option -r scpt:128. [6325665]
Dates and Times
Parsing of date strings now uses CFDateFormatterCreateDateFromString, which means that custom
date formats, Unicodeonly locales such as Arabic, and nonGregorian calendars are now all handled correctly.
However, it is also much more restrictive about deviating from the system date format. Previous versions would
accept anything that looked even vaguely like a date: the string could omit components, reorder others, add
or omit punctuation, and so on. In AppleScript 2.1, the string must exactly match one of the system date formats
(full, long, medium, or short; see System Preferences > International > Formats for examples), including all
punctuation and whitespace. The only difference allowed is to use either a two or fourdigit year, regardless
of what the format uses.
Some scripts used partial date specifiers as a way to get dates relative to the current date, such as date "1/31"
for January 31 of the current year, or date "15" to get the 15th of the current month. To do this in AppleScript
2.1, get a base date and then set the desired components using the properties of the date object. For example,
to get January 31 of the current year:
set d to date "1/31/2000"
set year of d to year of (current date)
d --> date "Saturday, January 31, 2009 12:00:00 AM"
Alternatively, start with current date as the base. To get the 15th of the current month:
set d to current date
set day of d to 15
set time of d to 0
d --> date "Friday, May 15, 2009 12:00:00 AM"
This technique works with all versions of AppleScript, and can be used for scripts that must run on 10.6 and
10.5 and earlier.
10.6 Changes
Compatibility Notes
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
character elements are now counted using CFStringGetRangeOfComposedCharactersAtIndex. This
mostly matches the 10.5 behavior of counting grapheme clusters, but counts a CRLF (\r\n) sequence as two
separate characters, as it did in 10.4 and earlier, not one.
word elements are now counted using kCFStringTokenizerUnitWordBoundary, which produces better
results for nonRoman languages, and matches the definition of a “word” in the rest of the system, such as
when doubleclicking in text. As noted in AppleScript Language Guide , the wordbreak rules may change
depending on user settings and system software updates, and should not be relied upon for deterministic
parsing of text.
As described in Other Enhancements” (page 18), ignoring categories now ignore relevant characters in the
entire Unicode character set, not just ASCII. The results of comparisons are more correct, but may differ from
previous versions.
Apple Events
ssh(1) sessions are now in the same security space as other processes owned by the same user, and therefore
send Apple events to each other. This means that a user can now use ssh(1) to run a script and control
applications on a remote machine if they are also logged in as the console user on that machine.
Mac OS X v10.6 no longer supports sending remote Apple events to Mac OS 9 machines.
Developer Notes
AppleScript, Standard Additions, and all AppleScriptrelated system applications such as System Events are
fully 64bit capable. Scripting addition developers should make their additions 64bitcapable as soon as
possible, otherwise they will not work on 64bit systems without extra steps by the user. (See “Compatibility
Notes (page 20).) 64bitcapable scripting additions should use the updated format for Mac OS X v10.6; see
TN1164, Scripting Additions for Mac OS X , for details.
Thread Safety
OSA and AppleScript are now threadsafe: they may be safely called on a nonmain thread or from multiple
threads without any locking in the client code. This also applies to NSAppleScript. This does not mean that
AppleScript is totally concurrent: AppleScript uses locking to ensure that any single connection (a
10.6 Changes
Developer Notes
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ComponentInstance) will only run on one thread at a time. Because of the size of the locking granularity,
trying to manipulate the same script from multiple threads at once may still be subject to race conditions, and
is not recommended.
Before using a scripting component on a background thread, developers should test the component’s
“threadsafe” bit (cmpThreadSafe in the ComponentDescriptions componentFlags.) Test the generic
component before using OSA on a background thread, and then test the specific language component before
using it on a background thread.
Scripting Additions and Thread Safety
Since a scripting addition can contain arbitrary code, a given addition command may or may not be threadsafe:
offset of is, for example, but display dialog is not. For compatibility, addition commands are presumed
to be threadunsafe, and will be executed on the main thread. Commands may be marked as threadsafe using
an expanded Info.plist definition; see TN1164, Scripting Additions for Mac OS X , for details. Coercion handlers
in scripting additions must be threadsafe; again, see TN1164 for details. Scripting addition developers should
review and, if necessary, update their additions for threadsafety.
AppleScript Identifiers
AppleScript now uses different rules for capitalizing identifiers accessed through the OSA APIs. These changes
are intended to preserve capitalization information and make it unnecessary to know internal rules of AppleScript.
When accessing a property or handler, such as by using OSAGetProperty or OSAExecuteEvent with a “call
subroutine” event, the identifier is handled caseinsensitively. Formerly, you had to lowercase the identifier
before passing it to AppleScript. When getting a property or handler name, such as by using
OSAGetPropertyNames or when a script result contains a user identifier, the identifier will be capitalized as
it was in the script, which may be mixedcase. Formerly, identifiers would always come out alllowercase.
Scripting Definitions (sdefs)
OSACopyScriptingDefinition now has a sister function OSACopyScriptingDefinitionFromURL, which
can accept either a file: or eppc: URL.
OSACopyScriptingDefinition now does a better job preserving information in hidden aete suites.
10.6.2 Changes
AppleScript Editor will now open certain malformed application dictionaries.
10.6 Changes
10.6.2 Changes
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This article describes changes to AppleScript and related tools in Mac OS X Leopard v10.5 and its updates.
Unicode Support
AppleScript is now entirely Unicodebased. Comments and text constants in scripts may contain any Unicode
characters, and all text processing is done in Unicode, so all characters are preserved correctly regardless of
the users language preferences. For example, this script works correctly in AppleScript 2.0, where it would not
have in previous versions:
set jp to ""
set ru to "Русский"
jp & " and " & ru -- returns " and Русский"
There is no longer a distinction between Unicode and nonUnicode text. There is exactly one text class, named
“text”: that is, class of "foo" returns text. It is functionally equivalent to the former Unicode text class,
so it may contain any Unicode character, and has two new features besides:
text objects have an id property, which may also be used as an address.
These allow mapping between Unicode code point values and the characters at those code points: for
example, id of "A" returns 65, and character id 65 returns "A". The id of text longer than one
code point is a list of integers, and vice versa: for example, id of "hello" returns {104, 101, 108,
108, 111}, and string id {104, 101, 108, 108, 111} returns "hello". (Because of a bug, text
id ... does not work; you must use one of string, Unicode text, or character.) These obsolete
the older ASCII character and ASCII number commands, since, unlike those, they cover the full
Unicode character range and will return the same results regardless of the user's language preferences.
character elements of text count a grapheme cluster as a single character.
Some “characters” may be composed of a series of Unicode code points, what Unicode defines as a
grapheme cluster. For example, “é” may be encoded as U+0065 (LATIN SMALL LETTER E), U+0301
(COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT). AppleScript 2.0 will count the cluster as one character, where older versions
counted the base character and combining mark separately. For a complete definition of grapheme clusters,
see UAX #29: Unicode Text Segmentation. [4192557]
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
10.5 Changes
Matching of text item delimiters now respects considering and ignoring attributes, where previous
versions ignored them. The expansion attribute is no longer supported.
The change to allUnicode necessitated a change in the read and write commands and how they deal with
text encodings. Formerly, they would write string objects using the primary encoding and Unicode text
objects as UTF16, unless instructed otherwise using an as parameter. Now that there is only one text class,
the read and write commands rely solely on the as parameter to determine the encoding: with no as
parameter, as text, or as string, they use the primary encoding; with as Unicode text, they use UTF16.
For the most reliable results when creating scripts that will run on both 2.0 and pre2.0, always specify the
encoding explicitly using as text or as Unicode text, as appropriate. [4421553]
For compatibility with pre2.0 AppleScript, string and Unicode text are still defined, but are considered
synonyms for text. For example, all three of these statements have the same effect:
someObject as text
someObject as string
someObject as Unicode text
In addition, text, string, and Unicode text will all compare as equal. For example, class of "foo"
is string is true, even though class of "foo" returns text. It is still possible for applications to distinguish
between the three different types, even though AppleScript itself does not.
Now that AppleScript preserves all characters correctly worldwide, it is also stricter about the text used in
scripts. AppleScript syntax uses several nonASCII characters, such as “ and “¬”. These characters must be
typed exactly as the AppleScript Language Guide describes. For compatibility with Asian national encodings,
“ and “ are allowed as synonyms for “«” and “»”, since the latter do not exist in some Asian encodings.
Because all text is Unicode text, scripts now always get the Unicode text behavior. This may be different from
the former string behavior for some localedependent operations, in particular word elements. To get the
same behavior with 2.0 and pre2.0, add an explicit as Unicode text coercion, for example, words of
(someText as Unicode text).
Because text item delimiters now respect considering and ignoring attributes, they now are
caseinsensitive by default. Formerly, they were always casesensitive. To get the same behavior with 2.0 and
pre2.0, add an explicit considering case statement.
10.5 Changes
Unicode Support
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Because AppleScript 2.0 scripts store all text as Unicode, any text constants count as a use of the former
Unicode text class, which will work with any version of AppleScript back to version 1.3. A script that contains
Unicodeonly characters such as Arabic or Thai will run, but will not be correctly editable using pre2.0
AppleScript: the Unicodeonly characters will be lost.
Use of the new id property requires AppleScript 2.0.
Application Objects
application objects in AppleScript have some new features designed to reduce the need for awkward or
obscure workarounds. In other words, the capabilities are not new, but they are now directly supported and
easier to use.
Is an application running?
While System Events is capable of telling you whether or not an application is running, it takes several
lines to do it. application objects now have a running property that can give you the answer directly,
without invoking System Events. For example, the following script pauses iTunes, but will not launch it if
it is not already running:
tell application "iTunes"
if it is running -- same thing as "if running" or "if running is true"
end if
end tell
running does not need to appear inside a tell block; the above script could also be written like this:
if application "iTunes" is running
tell application "iTunes" to pause
end if
Is an application frontmost?
application objects now have a frontmost property similar to running, including that the information
is available from System Events, but it tells you whether or not the application is in front. The value of
frontmost for backgroundonly applications, UI element applications such as System Events, and
applications that are not running is always false.
Get an applications version
10.5 Changes
Application Objects
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Most applications have a version property of their own, but using it requires that the application be running,
and sometimes you specifically want to avoid that. The new builtin version property will return the
application version as text without launching the application or sending it an event. There is also a
corresponding builtin name property; the value is usable as the name of an application to tell.
Target applications by signature or bundle identifier [3858040]
Doing this in older versions requires a multiline incantation using Finder. It is now possible to simply
address an application object by id, where the id is either the bundle identifier or the fourcharacter
signature code. For example, application "Mail", application id "", and
application id "emal" all refer to, and will all work as the target of a tell block, as in this
tell application id ""
get unread count of inbox
end tell
There is a corresponding id property, so you can get the necessary id to tell:
get id of application "TextEdit"
-- returns ""
-- Now we know that 'tell application id ""' will work.
This does not require that the application be running.
When running a script, if an application specified by id is not found, AppleScript will not ask where it is.
It will throw an error, which can be caught using a try block.
Scripts intended for distribution should use the id form. That way, the script will continue to work even if
the user has changed the name of the application.
In addition, there are several changes to application behavior to make them easier to deal with:
Applications launch hidden.
AppleScript has always launched applications if it needed to in order to send them a command. However,
they would always launch visibly, which could be visually disruptive. AppleScript now launches applications
hidden by default. They will not be visible unless the script explicitly says otherwise using launch or
Applications are located lazily.
10.5 Changes
Application Objects
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
When running a script, AppleScript will not attempt to locate an application until it needs to in order to
send it a command. This means that a compiled script or script application may contain references to
applications that do not exist on the user’s system, but AppleScript will not ask where the missing
applications are until it encounters a relevant tell block. Older versions of AppleScript would attempt
to locate every referenced application before running the script.
When opening a script, AppleScript will attempt to locate all the referenced applications in the entire
script, which may mean asking where one is. Pressing the Cancel button only cancels the search for that
application; the script will continue opening normally, though custom terminology for that application
will display as raw codes. In older versions, pressing Cancel would cancel opening the script.
Applications are located and relocated dynamically.
application object specifiers, including those in tell blocks, are evaluated every time the script runs.
This alleviates problems with scripts getting “stuck” to a particular copy of an application. [4356296]
Uses of the builtin application properties will fall back to sending an event to the application in older versions
of AppleScript, but the application may not handle them the same, or handle them at all. (Most applications
will handle name, version, and frontmost; id and running are uncommon.) The other new features above
require AppleScript 2.0.
Scriptability and VoiceOver
AppleScript Utility and Folder Actions Setup are now scriptable, and Script Editors scriptability has been
enhanced thanks to improvements in Cocoa Scripting. All three applications are now VoiceOveraware.
Scriptable Network Preferences
Networking preferences are now accessible via scripting using a new suite in System Events, where they were
previously only scriptable via accessibility. A script can inspect various networking settings, and can tell a
service to connect or disconnect. For example, the following script locates a PPPoE service in the current
location and tells it to connect if it exists.
tell application "System Events"
tell network preferences
tell current location
set aPPPoEService to a reference to (first service whose kind is 10)
10.5 Changes
Scriptability and VoiceOver
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
if exists aPPPoEService then
connect aPPPoEService
end if
end tell
end tell
end tell
Command Line Support
AppleScript now allows # as a commenttoendofline token, in addition to --. This means that you can make
a plain text AppleScript script into a Unix executable by beginning it with the line #!/usr/bin/osascript
and giving it execute permission. For details of osascript usage, including how to access command line
arguments from the script, see the osascript(1) man page. [2468788]
There is a commandline tool to display compiled scripts as text, /usr/bin/osadecompile. [4501123]
osascript(1) and osacompile(1) now correctly handle text scripts encoded as UTF8, in addition to UTF16
and the primary encoding. If a script is neither UTF8 nor UTF16, it is presumed to be encoded using the
primary encoding.
Compiled scripts that use # will run normally on pre2.0 systems, and if edited will display using --. Executable
text scripts using #!/usr/bin/osascript as above will not run on pre2.0 systems, since the # will be
considered a syntax error.
Other Enhancements
Script Editor
The dictionary viewer allows class definitions to show all the properties and elements they inherit from
other classes. To turn this on and off, use the “Show inherited items in dictionary viewer” setting in the
General preferences. [4950321]
Script Editor can show tabs, carriage returns, and linefeeds in text constants as an escape sequence rather
than a literal tab, carriage return, or linefeed. To turn this on and off, use the “Escape tabs and line breaks
in strings” setting in the Editing preferences. [4911918]
10.5 Changes
Command Line Support
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
When run from a script document in Script Editor, path to me will return the location of the document
file. If the document has not been saved, path to me will return the location of Script Editor. [3148582,
System Events
The disk class has server and zone properties for use with AppleShare volumes. [3554247]
The file class has a default application property, corresponding to info for's default
application property and Finder's open with setting in Get Info. [4796981]
System Events has a downloads folder property. [5255406]
System Events has a new Security Suite, which controls various settings from the Security preference pane.
The process class has a bundle identifier property. [4782866]
The process class has an architecture property, which specifies the processor architecture of that
process. [5237251]
The Property List Suite allows creating new property list files and property list items. [4728058, 5392953]
If a XML element object has a “name” or “id” attribute, it will be reflected in the element's name or id
property, respectively. XML element named ... and XML element id ... will also work. [4437103,
Image Events
Image Events supports RAW images. [4250666]
The pad command has an optional with pad color parameter. [5234464]
The save command has an optional with compression level parameter to specify the JPEG
compression level. [3614780]
Bug Fixes
The delay command uses less CPU. [3178086]
Impossible object specifiers in math expressions, such as 1 + character 2 of "9", produce an error
instead of a random result. [4029175]
10.5 Changes
Bug Fixes
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The numerical limits for repeat loops accept real numbers; they will be rounded to integers. [4215670]
Object specifiers other than application and date specifiers, in particular alias "..." and POSIX
file "...", are not evaluated at compile time, and will be left exactly as originally typed. [4444698]
AppleScript no longer limits script memory usage to 32MB. [4511477]
Counting the paragraphs of an empty string gives a result of zero. [4588706]
Raw data literals («data ...») are no longer limited to 127 bytes. [4986420]
Standard Additions
choose from list correctly sizes the dialog if given more than 2000 items. [4102349]
display dialog correctly sizes the dialog if given more than 2000 lines of text. [4314839]
display dialog correctly displays “^0”, “^1”, “^2”, and “^3” in the text. [4831383]
A script may not tell a remote application to do shell script. [4241641]
Script Editor
Script Editor accurately reports the position of errors in scripts that contain Asian characters. [3457168]
The Library window correctly handles applications with Asian names. [5080569]
System Events
disk objects distinguish between disks with identical names. [4141496]
Setting the file type and creator type properties works correctly on Intel systems. [4788442]
Setting the focused property of a UI element works. [4756520]
UI element objects have more informative names. [4886664]
The frontmost property of the process class will always be false for UI element applications such as
System Events. This means that first process whose frontmost is true will return the same
application as path to frontmost application. [4175274, 5100612]
The process class will report the correct name for an AppleScript application bundle. [4381260]
Attempting to use GUI Scripting commands when Universal Access is off will produce a more informative
error message. [4774412]
Database Events' performance has been improved. [4124666]
10.5 Changes
Bug Fixes
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Folder Actions have been rearchitected to improve their stability and performance. [3663310, 3693421,
Folder Actions Setup allows attaching a script bundle as an action. [4036743]
Image Events handles files whose name contains “/” correctly. [4275156]
Developer Notes
Scripting Definitions (sdefs)
AppleScript can now read an applications sdef directly. This means that an application with only an sdef no
longer needs to be launched to get its scripting terminology. [4569425]
There are a few changes to the sdef format itself; see the sdef(5) man page for details. In particular, sdefs now
support the use of XInclude. Applications that process sdefs should be prepared to handle them. The 10.4 sdef
format is still supported, but you should migrate when you have the opportunity.
API changes
Several Open Scripting Architecture (OSA) APIs have new replacements, mostly intended for improved handling
of Unicode script content. Except as noted, the new APIs are available in Mac OS X version 10.5 and later, and
the old APIs are still available and supported, though they do not support the new functionality. For additional
details, see the Open Scripting Architecture Reference.
OSACopySourceString, OSACopyDisplayString
These return their output as a CFAttributedStringRef, which means
they can handle styled Unicode text, where the older two cannot. If a
language component does not support OSACopySourceString or
OSACopyDisplayString directly, calls to them will be passed through
to OSAGetSource and OSADisplay, respectively.
ASCopySourceAttributes, ASSetSourceAttributes
These use a CFArray of CFDictionaries of attributes to apply to the
CFAttributedStringRef returned by OSACopySourceString and
10.5 Changes
Developer Notes
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
OSACopyScriptingDefinition is available in Mac OS X 10.4 and
later; OSAGetAppTerminology is not available in 64bit.
OSALoadFile and OSADoScriptFile now correctly handle text scripts encoded as UTF8. [4490939]
The various OSADebugger APIs, which have been marked as “not implemented” for some time, have been
completely removed. [3918369]
Scripting Additions
Scripting additions may be written using a new architecture which is both easier to write and improves
performance. See Scripting Additions for Mac OS X for details. [4236732]
The scripting addition loader will search the directory specified by the environment variable
DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH. Xcode sets this variable to the build product directory when you run your executable,
which means you can run and debug a scripting addition project directly from Xcode without first installing
the scripting addition. [5027805]
10.5 Changes
Developer Notes
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This article describes changes to AppleScript and related tools in Mac OS X v10.4 and its updates.
Mac OS X v10.4  AppleScript 1.10
AppleScript 1.10 is included with Mac OS X version 10.4 and requires Mac OS X version 10.4 or later. It contains
many new features and enhancements, and corrects problems found with AppleScript 1.9.3 and earlier versions.
AppleScript 1.10 can use scripts developed for any version of AppleScript from 1.1 through 1.9.3, any scripting
addition created for AppleScript 1.5 or later for Mac OS X, and any scriptable application for Mac OS 7.1 or
A script created with AppleScript 1.10 can be used by any version of AppleScript back to version 1.1, provided
it does not use features of AppleScript, scripting additions, or scriptable applications that are unavailable in
that version.
Special Notes
Scripts that compare AppleScript version numbers using string comparisons will need to be changed in
order to work correctly with the new AppleScript version number. A considering numeric strings
statement must be added before the string comparison so that the string “1.10” will be greater than the
string “1.9.3”.
Scripts that compare version numbers by coercing the version class to a real number and then doing
numeric comparisons will need to be changed. The coercion from version to real has been changed
to allow the second and third parts of the version number to be 0..15 instead of 0..9. As a result, the version
1.2.3 will now coerce to the real number 1.0203. Previously, it would coerce to the real number 1.23.
Scripts that compare AppleScript version numbers, and which need to run on AppleScript 1.10 as well as
earlier versions of AppleScript, should do numeric comparisons using the Gestalt version number. The
Gestalt version number can be obtained using the system attribute "ascv" command.
String concatenation now uses the richer of the two operands. If either operand is Unicode, the result will
be Unicode.
The path to me command now returns the correct result for compiled scripts, including those that are
run using the run script command.
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
10.4 Changes
Beginning in Mac OS X version 10.4, the mount volume command can no longer mount Mac OS 9 server
volumes if the server is specified using the AppleTalk server name. The TCP server name or IP address
must be used instead.
Do not use sudo(8) with the administrator privileges parameter of the do shell script
command. Due to a bug, if sudo thinks it needs a password, it will prompt for it on a nonexistent terminal
and wait forever for a response, causing the script to hang. This may break existing scripts.
The do shell script command now runs the shell script as seteuidroot, not actually root. This creates
certain differences; for instance, perl will refuse to accept -e options when seteuidroot.
The error codes returned by the do shell script command have changed.
If the with icon parameter to the display dialog command specifies an icon that doesn't exist, an
error is now reported. Previously, the error was ignored.
The return value from the list disks command is now a list of Unicode strings. Previously, it was a list
of plain strings.
Getting the count of the paragraphs or text items of an empty Unicode string now returns 1 instead
of 0.
Strings that contain only a plus or minus sign, can no longer be coerced to a number.
The implicitly encoded text types, typeText, typeCString, and typePString, are all deprecated as of
AppleScript 1.9.2, since they are incapable of representing international characters and may be reinterpreted
in unpredictable ways. Additionally, typeCString and typePString do not support the full range of
text coercions, and will be removed entirely in a future release. typeStyledText and typeIntlText,
while they have explicit encodings, are not recommended, since they are incapable of representing
Unicodeonly characters like Hungarian, Arabic, or Thai. The recommended text type is typeUnicodeText.
Developer Notes
A new Open Scripting Architecture (OSA) API has been added that lets you get the scripting dictionary of
an application as an sdef (see ASDebugging.h and sdef(5)). If the target application does not have a
true sdef but does have an 'aete' or Cocoagenerated dictionary, it will translate that, so the API will
work on any scriptable application. [3657719]
OSAError OSACopyScriptingDefinition(const FSRef *ref, SInt32 modeFlags, CFDataRef
Parameter Descriptions
ref An FSRef to the application file or bundle.
modeFlags There are no flags currently defined; pass 0.
sdef If the result is noErr, a CFDataRef containing the sdef XML, which you are responsible for releasing;
otherwise undefined.
10.4 Changes
Mac OS X v10.4  AppleScript 1.10
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
To provide an sdef in your application, put the sdef in the Resources folder of your bundle, and add the
key OSAScriptingDefinition to your Info.plist with the value of the sdef name (e.g., MyApplication.sdef).
Known Bugs and Limitations
Dynamic generation of sdefs is not supported. sdefs in singlefile applications are not supported.
A crash that occurred when calling OSAScriptError() with the kOSAErrorApp selector has been fixed.
The osascript command line tool now passes the kOSAModeCompileIntoContext mode flag when
compiling a text script. [3684436]
The osascript command line tool can now call scripts that take parameters. Any arguments following
the script will be passed as a list of strings to the direct parameter of the run handler. [3165225]
New Features and Enhancements
A new Considering/Ignoring attribute has been added that affects string comparisons. The numeric
strings attribute specifies that numeric substrings should be collated by their numeric value. For example,
“version 1.9” is less than “version 1.10”. [3614412]
A new string constant named quote has been added whose value is "\"". [3618573]
String concatenation now uses the richer of the two operands. If either operand is Unicode, the result will
be Unicode. [3375227]
The date class now has hours, minutes, and seconds properties. The hours property always uses a
24hour clock. [3516702]
The month property of the date class can now be set to an integer. [3525546]
The weekday constants can now be coerced to numbers. Sunday is 1. [3639194]
The coercion from version to real has been changed to allow the second and third parts of the version
number to be 0..15 instead of 0..9. As a result, the version 1.2.3 will now coerce to the real number 1.0203.
Previously, it would coerce to the real number 1.23. [3621631]
A tell application "AppName" statement can now use the applications short name (CFBundleName)
if the application is currently running. [3655554]
If a script application (applet) encounters an error, the Edit button in the error dialog will now open the
applet in the default script editor. The default script editor can be set using the new AppleScript Utility
application. [3084519]
10.4 Changes
Mac OS X v10.4  AppleScript 1.10
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
If an applet has a custom startup screen, the startup screen will now be displayed when the user selects
the “About appletName” menu item. Previously, the generic applet About Box was displayed. [3537429]
If a bundled applet has a custom startup screen stored in
Contents/Resources/description.rtfd/TXT.rtf, that startup screen will be displayed instead of
the startup screen stored in the bundles 'TEXT' and 'styl' resources. Note that nontext startup screens
are not currently supported. [3545405]
Bundled applets now display localized menus and dialogs. [3847125] [3933933]
The applet startup screen dialogs and error dialogs now conform to the Aqua Human Interface Guidelines.
[3545405] [3535392]
The applet About Box has been updated. [2632525]
Standard Additions
The with prompt and with title parameters to the choose application command now support
Unicode text. [3526680]
The choose application dialog now remembers the column widths. [2680232]
The choose file and choose folder commands now have a showing package contents parameter
that specifies whether packages should be treated as folders. The default is false. [3616391]
The of type parameter to the choose file command now accepts either a list of file types or a list of
type identifiers. [3226364]
The choose from list command now has a with title parameter that specifies the title of the
dialog. By default, the dialog does not have a title. [3722157]
The choose from list command now supports Unicode text. [3318667]
The choose from list command now supports long prompts and multiline prompts. [2641867]
The choose from list dialog now allows a text item to be selected by typing the first few characters
of its name. [3497349]
The choose from list dialog now supports full keyboard access. [2748218]
A new choose remote application command has been added that enables the user to choose a
running application on a remote machine or on the local machine. [2763939]
The choose URL command now supports CIFS file servers. [3444824]
A new display alert command has been added that displays a standard alert dialog that conforms to
the Aqua Human Interface Guidelines. [3580135] Note that standard alert dialogs have the following
A default button is required. The rightmost button will be the default button unless the user specifies
otherwise using the default button parameter.
10.4 Changes
Mac OS X v10.4  AppleScript 1.10
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The cancel button cannot be the same as the default button.
The display dialog command now has a cancel button parameter that specifies the name or
number of the cancel button. [3422345]
The display dialog command now has a hidden answer parameter that specifies whether editable
text should be displayed as bullets. The default is false. [1622240]
The display dialog command now has a with title parameter that specifies the title of the dialog.
By default, the dialog does not have a title. [3601825]
The default answer parameter to the display dialog command now supports Unicode text and
linefeeds. [3332444] [3316708]
The with icon parameter to the display dialog command now accepts an alias or file reference to
a .icns file. [3437405]
The display dialog dialog now supports full keyboard access. [3272416]
The display dialog dialog now uses Aqua icons for note, caution, and stop. [3437405]
The display dialog dialog now conforms to the Aqua Human Interface Guidelines. [3438825]
The do shell script command now displays the Mac OS X authentication dialog in order to obtain
administrator privileges. [3004723]
The do shell script command now has a user name parameter that specifies an administrator
account. This parameter can be used along with the password parameter and the administrator
privileges parameter in order to execute commands as an administrator without displaying an
authentication dialog. [3004723]
The info for command now has a size parameter that specifies whether the size of the item should
be returned. The default is true. [3566020]
The info for command now returns the type identifier for files. [3226360]
The info for command now returns the short name (CFBundleName) for applications. [3655608]
The info for command now returns the busy status for packages. The busy status is set to true if
the package is marked as incomplete (kExtendedFlagObjectIsBusy). [3675978]
The info for command now sets the busy status for nonbundled files to true if either the file is
marked as open (kioFlAttribFileOpenBit) or the file is marked as incomplete (kExtendedFlagObjectIsBusy).
The list disks command now supports disk names that contain Unicode characters. The return value
from the list disks command is now a list of Unicode strings. Previously, it was a list of plain strings.
A new localized string command has been added that returns a localized string for a specified key.
10.4 Changes
Mac OS X v10.4  AppleScript 1.10
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The path to command now has a folder constant for the Automator workflows folder. [3748836]
The path to me command now returns the correct result for compiled scripts, including those that are
run using the run script command. [3634573]
A new path to resource command has been added that returns an alias to the specified resource.
The say command now accepts Unicode text and numbers as the direct parameter and as the displaying
parameter. [3380562]
A new system info command has been added that returns a record containing information about the
system. [3611016]
Bug Fixes
Strings that contain only a plus or minus sign, can no longer be coerced to a number. [2604425] [3759051]
The numeric value classes, the enumerated value class (typeEnumerated), and the type value class
(typeType) can now be coerced to and from Unicode text and styled text. [3333079]
The Unit Type value classes (e.g., miles, gallons) can now be coerced to and from Unicode text. [3567987]
The version class (typeVersion) can now be coerced to Unicode text. [3333229]
Plain text (typeText) can now be coerced to styled text (typeStyledText). [3333079]
A coercion from typeFileURL to object specifier has been added. [3244564]
Coercing a file specification (typeFSS) to an object specifier now works correctly for filenames that are
longer than 31 characters. [3078972]
Coercing an alias to an object specifier would crash in certain circumstances if the alias could not be
resolved. This has been fixed. [3556365]
Distance and weight conversions are now more accurate. [3627006]
"file://localhost" as URL no longer causes a crash. [3580636]
Getting the first word of an empty Unicode string no longer causes a crash. [3619870]
Getting an arbitrary element of Unicode text using some (e.g., some word of theUnicodeText) now
produces more random results. [3479349]
Getting the count of a nonexistent element of Unicode text (e.g., count files of theUnicodeText)
now returns 0. Previously, it returned the number of characters. [3735260]
Getting the count of the paragraphs or text items of an empty Unicode string now returns 1 instead
of 0. [3978194]
10.4 Changes
Mac OS X v10.4  AppleScript 1.10
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
A problem that caused some styled text comparisons to fail when the primary language was set to Japanese
has been fixed. [3528969]
tell application "AppName" will now look for a Mac OS X application named before
looking for a Classic application named AppName. Previously, the Classic application was found first.
Long application names are no longer truncated when used in a tell statement. [2854838] [3736065]
Long application names are no longer truncated in the “Where is xxx?” dialog. [3874872]
Long volume/folder/file names no longer cause errors. [3625871]
Getting the POSIX path of a path string that is already POSIX now returns the correct results. [3405197]
Scriptable Cocoa applications that contain Resource Manager resources, but do not contain an 'aete'
resource, are now recognized as scriptable. [3553719]
If a with timeout statement specifies a timeout of more than 8947848 seconds, the timeout will be set
to 8947848 seconds. Previously, an error was reported. [3570429]
A compilation problem that caused the last character of an enhanced application URL specification to be
removed has been fixed. [3577364]
Backslash characters and Yen sign characters will now compile correctly when the primary language is set
to Japanese. [3765766]
The '¬', '÷', '≠', '≤', and '≥' characters will now compile correctly when the primary language is set
to Japanese, Korean, or Chinese. [3427926] [3758459] [3828128]
Bundled applets created using AppleScript 1.9.x always appear to be named applet” when targeted from
a remote machine. This has been fixed for bundled applets created with AppleScript 1.10 and later.
Bundled applets created using AppleScript 1.9.x erroneously display the Open in the Classic Environment
checkbox in the Finders Get Info window. This has been fixed for bundled applets created with AppleScript
1.10 and later. [3560457]
The size of the internal symbol table has been increased which enables larger scripts to be compiled.
The size of the internal runtime stack has been increased which enables larger static lists to be created.
The default formatting is now localizable. [3381966]
The References formatting category is no longer used. [3394917]
A divide by 0 within a try block within a repeat block no longer causes a hang. [3735291]
Crashes that would occur in certain circumstances after garbage collection have been fixed. [3410634]
10.4 Changes
Mac OS X v10.4  AppleScript 1.10
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Memory leaks have been fixed. [3400572] [3542919]
Several error reporting problems have been fixed. [3537493] [2361457] [3481518] [3382032] [3753807]
[3756205] [3775760]
Standard Additions
The choose application, choose from list, choose URL, and display dialog commands will
no longer present dialogs on remote machines. [3342807]
The choose application command no longer leaks memory. [3505723]
In Mac OS X version 10.3.x, the choose application dialog is not responsive to mouse clicks within
the content area when inactive. This has been fixed. [3467405]
The of type parameter to the choose file command now works correctly for packages that do not
contain a PkgInfo file (e.g., scripting additions). [3742878]
choose file of type {"MooV"} now works as expected. Previously, it allowed the user to choose
any file that QuickTime could open. [3595938]
The choose file name dialog now recognizes packages. [4003078]
The display dialog command will no longer create a dialog that is too tall for the screen when given
a very long string to display. [3464996]
The display dialog command now displays Japanese text correctly when an applet is running on a
Japaneseprimary system. [2812677]
The do shell script command now works correctly with multiple commands when the administrator
privileges parameter is specified. [3466509]
When the administrator privileges parameter is specified to the do shell script command,
the 5 minute authentication timestamp now applies only to the current script. [3004723]
The do shell script command now returns the correct error code (128) if the user cancels the
authentication dialog. [3446874]
The info for command now returns the correct file type and file creator for packages that do
not contain a PkgInfo file (e.g., scripting additions). [3153056]
read before <delimiter> as date no longer causes an error. [3383413]
The run script command no longer causes a stack overflow error if the direct parameter is not specified.
The using parameter to the say command now works correctly when Speech Recognition is turned on.
The using parameter to the say command no longer causes an error if the specified voice is not capitalized
correctly. [2361457]
10.4 Changes
Mac OS X v10.4  AppleScript 1.10
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
the clipboard as Unicode text now works correctly when the clipboard contains styled text but
no Unicode text. [3668725]
Error checking and reporting has been improved. [3523658] [3522599] [2361457] [3413730] [3446766]
Several errors in the Standard Additions dictionary have been fixed. [3512009] [3431746] [3632368]
[3608653] [3505597]
Mac OS X v10.4.2  Standard Additions 1.10.1
Standard Additions 1.10.1 is included with Mac OS X version 10.4.2 and requires Mac OS X version 10.4 or later.
It contains changes to the do shell script command. Note that only Standard Additions has changed in
this release, the AppleScript runtime has not changed and its version number remains 1.10.
Bug Fixes
Standard Additions
do shell script ... with administrator privileges now sets both the real and effective
user ids of the script to 0. This matches the behavior in Mac OS X version 10.3.x, and corrects a number of
permission troubles in Mac OS X versions 10.4.0 and 10.4.1. [4126949]
Using sudo(8) with the administrator privileges parameter of the do shell script command
will no longer cause the script to hang. In general, adding sudo to with administrator privileges
is redundant, but some scripts rely on it. [4126949]
Mac OS X v10.4.3  AppleScript 1.10.3
AppleScript 1.10.3 is included with Mac OS X version 10.4.3 and requires Mac OS X version 10.4 or later.
Developer Notes
The OSAGetPropertyNames() and OSAGetHandlerNames() APIs now return all of the properties and
handlers of a script object when the script object contains a parent property declaration. Previously they
would only return properties and handlers that were declared before the parent property. [4179456]
AppleScript 1.10.3 now respects the normal rules when trying to fetch terminology from the host application:
it loads an 'aete' resource if one is present, or sends an event if the application is marked as having
dynamic terminology. Previously, it would always send an event. This only affects scriptable applications
that run scripts in their own process. [4250843]
10.4 Changes
Mac OS X v10.4.2  Standard Additions 1.10.1
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Bug Fixes
The delay command now yields more time to other processes. [4179466]
Standard Additions
do shell script ... with administrator privileges no longer slows down when called more
than once in the same script. [4179474]
The get volume settings command now returns the correct output volume when the balance is
set to the right of center. [4242153]
The performance of the system info command has been improved. [4182950]
Mac OS X v10.4.6  AppleScript 1.10.6
AppleScript 1.10.6 is included with Mac OS X version 10.4.6 and requires Mac OS X version 10.4 or later.
Bug Fixes
Changes to property values are now preserved when a script is run from the Script menu. In previous
versions of AppleScript, the property values were only preserved if the script returned a result. [4400567]
A problem that caused the path to, path to it, and path to application "AppName" commands
to return the wrong result in certain situations has been fixed. [4400329]
A compilation problem that caused the after reference form to be converted to before on Intelbased
Macs has been fixed. [4460185]
Crashes triggered by various Dashboard widgets and applications in certain situations have been fixed.
[4400300] [4400304] [4400306] [4400309] [4400557]
A memory leak has been fixed. [4400420]
Standard Additions
A problem that could cause the choose application dialog to be invisible has been fixed. [4400378]
A problem that could cause choose remote application to be unable to find applications on remote
machines using Bonjour has been fixed. [4400386]
10.4 Changes
Mac OS X v10.4.6  AppleScript 1.10.6
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Mac OS X v10.4.7  AppleScript 1.10.7
AppleScript 1.10.7 is included with Mac OS X version 10.4.7 and requires Mac OS X version 10.4 or later.
Bug Fixes
Quitting a readonly bundled applet no longer causes an error to be reported. [4505459]
Compiled scripts containing dates now decompile and run correctly when transferred from PowerPCbased
Macs to Intelbased Macs (and viceversa). [4525261]
delay commands and on idle handlers no longer conflict. [4508927]
Concatenating an empty record no longer causes a crash. [4510216]
A crash that could occur in certain circumstances when copying large nested script objects has been fixed.
A memory leak has been fixed. [4505510]
Standard Additions
Specifying a data type of "TEXT" for a read or write command (e.g., read fileRef as "TEXT") no
longer causes an error on Intelbased Macs. [4508534]
10.4 Changes
Mac OS X v10.4.7  AppleScript 1.10.7
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This article describes changes to AppleScript and related tools in Mac OS X v10.3 and its updates.
Mac OS X v10.3  AppleScript 1.9.2
AppleScript 1.9.2 is included with Mac OS X version 10.3 and requires Mac OS X version 10.3 or later. It contains
many new features and enhancements, and corrects problems found with AppleScript 1.9.1 and earlier versions.
AppleScript 1.9.2 can use scripts developed for any version of AppleScript from 1.1 through 1.9.1, any scripting
addition created for AppleScript 1.5 or later for Mac OS X, and any scriptable application for Mac OS 7.1 or
A script created with AppleScript 1.9.2 can be used by any version of AppleScript back to version 1.1, provided
it does not use features of AppleScript, scripting additions, or scriptable applications that are unavailable in
that version.
Special Notes
The implicitly encoded text types, typeText, typeCString, and typePString, are all deprecated as of
AppleScript 1.9.2, since they are incapable of representing international characters and may be reinterpreted
in unpredictable ways. Additionally, typeCString and typePString do not support the full range of
text coercions, and will be removed entirely in a future release. typeStyledText and typeIntlText,
while they have explicit encodings, are not recommended, since they are incapable of representing
Unicodeonly characters like Hungarian, Arabic, or Thai. The recommended text type is typeUnicodeText.
The offset command now ignores case by default and honors considering and ignoring statements
with regards to case and diacriticals. See the offset section below for more information.
Resourcefork script files can no longer be created using store script. See the store script section
below for more information.
The path to me command will return a path that ends with a colon when used within a script application
that has been saved in the new bundled format.
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
10.3 Changes
Developer Notes
Four new functions have been added to the Open Scripting Architecture (OSA) API in Mac OS X version
10.3. The new functions enable applications to load, execute, and store scripts using any of the old
(data/resource fork based) or new (bundled) script formats. The new functions are OSALoadFile(),
OSALoadExecuteFile(), OSAStoreFile(), and OSADoScriptFile(). For details, see the Open
Scripting Architecture Reference.
AppleScript now sends the subject parameter in some cases where it previously failed to. This allows
applications to make the at parameter for make new optional. [3039070]
System terminology is now read into memory only when needed for compilation or decompilation. This
reduces the memory cost for applications that simply run compiled scripts. [3142099]
AppleScript now preserves international characters better when compiling Unicode source. [3157261]
New Features and Enhancements
AppleScript 1.9.2 supports a new bundled format for compiled scripts and script applications (applets)
that uses standard Mac OS X bundles. Compiled script bundles have the filename extension .scptd, while
applet bundles have the filename extension .app. [3150267] [3150248]
Scripting additions can be embedded within bundled applets by placing them in a folder named Scripting
Additions inside the bundles Contents/Resources/ folder. Note that Script Editor does not look for
embedded scripting additions when editing bundled applets. Any required scripting additions must be
properly installed in the normal locations during script development so that Script Editor can find them.
AppleScript applets now handle incoming events in a firstin, firstout manner. Prior to AppleScript 1.9.2,
applets handled incoming events in a lastin, firstout manner. [2553648]
The Idle handler return value can now be a real number. [3199911]
Real numbers can now be coerced to integers even if they have a nonzero fractional part. Rounding is
used to do the coercion. [2849518]
The month constants can now be coerced to numbers. [2396328]
The date class now has a short date string property. The format of the short date string is specified
by the International preference pane. [2396328]
Two new types were added: JPEG picture and GIF picture. [3251772]
The zone class has been removed since EPPC over AppleTalk is not supported in Mac OS X. [2967694]
10.3 Changes
Mac OS X v10.3  AppleScript 1.9.2
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
When a nonURL machine name is specified, it is now assumed to be a Rendezvous name instead of an
AppleTalk name. [3113390]
Standard Additions
The choose application dialog box now allows an application to be selected by typing the first few
characters of its name. [3064133]
The choose application dialog box now displays localized application names. [2970962]
The choose application dialog box now remembers its size and position. [3141005]
A choose color command has been added which displays the standard color picker dialog box and
returns the selected color as a list of the RGB values. The default color parameter specifies the initial
color. By default, the initial color is black. [3160380]
The choose file, choose file name, and choose folder commands now have a default
location parameter that specifies which directory should be displayed in the dialog box. [3143207]
The choose file and choose folder commands now have an invisibles parameter that specifies
whether invisible files and folders should be displayed. The default is true for choose file and false for
choose folder. [2690829]
The choose file and choose folder commands now have a multiple selections allowed
parameter that specifies whether multiple items can be selected. The default is false. [3254466]
The choose file and choose folder commands now support Unicode and styled text prompts.
[2836896] [3318664]
The choose file and choose folder dialog boxes no longer use a default prompt. The dialog box
will only contain a prompt if one has been specified using the with prompt parameter. [2519050]
The choose file name dialog box now has a new title and default prompt. [2519050]
The delay command now accepts real numbers. [2812515]
The display dialog command now supports Unicode and can now display more than 255 characters.
The do shell script command now has an as parameter that specifies the desired type of the result.
The default is to return the result as UTF8 if possible. If the as parameter is not specified and the result
is not valid UTF8, the result will be returned as typeText. [3080630] [3157877]
Two new properties were added to the file information class. The kind property returns the items
kind string. The bundle identifier property returns the items bundle identifier, if the item is a package.
[2884166] [3274781]
The info for command now returns the short version and long version for packages. [2913766]
The load script command now supports the new bundled format for compiled scripts and applets.
10.3 Changes
Mac OS X v10.3  AppleScript 1.9.2
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The offset command now ignores case by default and honors considering and ignoring statements
with regards to case and diacriticals. As a result of these changes, the offset command now behaves
the same as other AppleScript string comparisons with regards to case and diacriticals. In AppleScript 1.9.1
and earlier, the offset command always considers case and does not honor considering and ignoring
statements. Scripts that are expecting offset to always consider case will need to add a considering
case statement to maintain the previous behavior. [1068386]
The path to command now has a folder creation parameter that specifies whether the folder should
be created if it does not exist. The default is to create the folder if possible. If without folder creation
is specified, an error will be returned if the folder does not exist. [3315615]
The path to command now has the following new folder constants: applications folder, documents
folder, favorites folder, home folder, library folder, movies folder, music folder, pictures folder, public folder,
shared documents, shared documents folder, sites folder, utilities folder. [2650692]
The path to command now has a Classic domain constant that can be used with the from parameter.
The run script command now supports the new bundled format for compiled scripts and applets.
The shutdown folder constant has been renamed shutdown folder to prevent confusion with the shut
down Finder command. [2748241]
The store script command can now store into any format script file including the new bundled format
script files. In addition, store script can now create a new script file in bundled format (compiled script
or applet) or datafork format (compiled script only). When creating a new script file, the filename extension
determines which format is created. Resourcefork script files can no longer be created using store
script but existing ones can be updated. When storing a script into an existing file, the file must be a
script file; previously, the file could contain anything and an 'scpt' resource was simply added to the
file. [3177719]
The store script dialog box is now resizable and moveable. [3148202]
The store script dialog box now has a new title and default prompt. [2519050]
Command Line Tools
The osacompile tool now supports the new bundled format for compiled scripts and applets. If the -o
option is specified and the file does not already exist, osacompile uses the filename extension to determine
what type of file to create. If the filename ends with .app, a bundled applet will be created. If the filename
ends with .scpt, a bundled compiled script will be created. Otherwise, the resulting script will be placed
in the resource fork and/or data fork of the output file depending upon what other options are specified.
10.3 Changes
Mac OS X v10.3  AppleScript 1.9.2
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The osacompile tool now has a -s (stay open) option. This option is only valid when a new bundled
applet is being created. The option specifies that the applet should stay open after running. [3231791]
The osacompile tool now has a -u (use startup screen) option. This option is only valid when a new
bundled applet is being created. The option specifies that the applet should display a startup screen when
launched. [3231800]
The osascript tool now supports the new bundled format for compiled scripts and applets. [3150246]
The osascript tool now reports character range information when an error occurs. [3310364]
Bug Fixes
In AppleScript 1.9.1 and earlier, pathnames of alias objects may have problems if they contain nonASCII
characters. This has been fixed. [2765349]
Coercing miles, yards, or feet to inches now produces the correct result. Coercing cubic yards or
cubic feet to cubic inches now produces the correct result. [3251787]
Coercions from typeUnicodeText to typeText or typeStyledText now handle byteordermark
characters correctly. [3115555]
Coercions from typeStyledText to typeUnicodeText now handle coercion failures and warnings
correctly. As a result of this change, the example scripts can now be opened in Script Editor when the
primary language is set to Korean. [3309458]
An empty with timeout statement no longer causes a crash or stack overflow. [2354124]
An empty considering or ignoring statement no longer causes a crash or stack overflow. [3243780]
The statement paragraphs 2 thru -1 of "" no longer causes a crash. [3342312]
Getting the characters of a very long string no longer causes a stack overflow. [3016960]
Getting the text items of a Unicode string now works correctly. [3136465]
Getting the text items or paragraphs of an empty Unicode string now returns {""} instead of {}.
Getting the text items of a string now works correctly when the text item delimiters are set to
{}. [3146794]
The arbitrary element reference form some item wasn’t very random. This has been fixed. [3044302]
The contains and ends with operators now work correctly on strings with more than 32,767 characters.
Previously, they would always return false if they did not find a match within the first 32,767 characters
of the string. [3126655]
10.3 Changes
Mac OS X v10.3  AppleScript 1.9.2
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The containment operators now work correctly on Unicode strings when used within an ignoring
punctuation statement. Previously, they did not ignore punctuation marks correctly when doing the
string comparisons. [3328867]
The containment and comparison operators now work correctly on Unicode strings when used within an
ignoring hyphens statement. Previously, they did not ignore hyphens when doing the string
comparisons. [3329084]
The containment and comparison operators now work correctly on Unicode strings when used within an
ignoring white space statement. Previously, they did not ignore white space when doing the string
comparisons. [3330635]
The containment operators are now much faster when used on Unicode strings. [3204625]
Constant Unicode strings that are specified using the data class (i.e. «data utxt») can now be coerced
to typeUnicodeText and no longer cause a crash when used with the & operator. [3222690]
In certain circumstances, a run script command within a tell application "Finder" statement
would cause a crash in previous versions of AppleScript. This has been fixed. [3380899]
AppleScript can now compile URLs that begin with https. [3113313]
AppleScript now compiles numbers larger than 4294967295 correctly. Older versions of AppleScript compile
numbers larger than 4294967295 to their value minus 4294967296. [3247815]
Exponent math is now correct when the power is greater than 32767 and less than 65536. [3396181]
Adding a negative number to any date between 1/1/1904 0:00:00 and 1/19/1972 3:14:07 now produces
the correct result. [3160911]
Subtraction operations involving dates earlier than 1/1/1904 0:00:00 now produce the correct result.
Date arithmetic involving date object specifiers now works as expected instead of reporting an error that
says the object specifier can’t be coerced to a date. [3187787]
If an error occurs while attempting to connect to a remote machine, the actual error is now reported.
Previously, connection errors were converted into a generic message saying that the applications dictionary
could not be read. [3209734]
If a compilation error occurs near the end of a long script (more than 32,767 characters) the correct line
is now highlighted in the script editor. [3089998]
Backslashes in strings now work correctly on Japanese systems. [3390330]
If a script tells an application that is not running to quit, nothing will happen. In previous versions of
AppleScript, the application would be launched and then immediately be told to quit. [2589455]
AppleScript no longer crashes while attempting to unload an OSAX written in ObjectiveC. [3193941]
A crash that would occur in certain circumstances after garbage collection has been fixed. [3369338]
10.3 Changes
Mac OS X v10.3  AppleScript 1.9.2
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Memory leaks have been fixed. [3254901]
A couple of incorrect error messages have been fixed and a missing error message has been added.
[3020705] [3290768]
AppleScript’s default formatting has been changed. [3032595] If you have already used AppleScript on a
given machine, you will not notice this change unless you do any of the following:
choose Use Defaults from the Formatting dialog box in Script Editor
delete your AppleScript preferences
set up a new user (or log in on a user account that has never used AppleScript)
do a clean operating system install without saving or retaining user preferences
Standard Additions
The display dialog dialog box now handles the Return, Enter, and Esc keys correctly. [3044290]
The display dialog command now reports an error if the default button parameter is set to 0, a
negative number, or a number that is greater than the total number of buttons. [3051124]
The display dialog command now reports an error if a record is specified as the text to display.
do shell script with administrator privileges now distinguishes between a cancelled
authentication and a failed authentication. [3070647]
do shell script with administrator privileges no longer reports an authentication error if
the admin user has no password. [2882577]
The info for command no longer returns the folder window for packages. The visible property is
now correct for items whose name begins with a period. [2884166]
The list folder command no longer crashes when given a file instead of a folder. [3267269]
list folder without invisibles no longer lists items whose name begins with a period. [2767663]
In certain situations, the open for access command would try to create a file that already existed which
would result in a “duplicate file name” error. This has been fixed. [2827608]
The open for access command can now create a file whose name contains slashes or colons (whichever
is not the native path separator for the path style in use). [3267270]
The path to command now works correctly with the following folder constants: startup, startup
items, startup items folder. [2650692]
Scripts that use the path to frontmost application command will now get the correct path when
run from the Script menu. Previously, the command would return the path to System Events. [3084984]
10.3 Changes
Mac OS X v10.3  AppleScript 1.9.2
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The read command now works correctly when the file contains Unicode text and the before, until, or
using delimiter parameters have been specified. [3013987]
If the run script command encounters an error while compiling the script, it now reports the actual
error instead of a generic script error. [2304013]
A problem that caused the say command to hang has been fixed. [3196145]
The set volume command now sets the volume level correctly. [3268130]
the clipboard now works correctly if the as parameter is specified. Previously, the as parameter was
almost completely ignored. [3255134]
the clipboard now works correctly if the as parameter is not specified. If the clipboard contains only
one item, that item is returned. If the clipboard contains multiple items and at least one of the items is
text, the highest quality text item will be returned. Unicode text is preferred over styled text which is
preferred over plain text. If the clipboard contains multiple items but none of the items is text, the items
are returned as a record. [3334818]
Several errors in the Standard Additions dictionary have been fixed. [2696269] [3034675] [3152145]
[3292454] [3311842]
Mac OS X v10.3.2  AppleScript 1.9.3
AppleScript 1.9.3 is included with Mac OS X version 10.3.2 and requires Mac OS X version 10.3 or later.
Developer Notes
In AppleScript 1.9.2, coercing an AEDesc to Unicode text will fail if the text is a null string. This has been
fixed. [3439141]
Bug Fixes
In AppleScript 1.9.2, the with timeout statement does not return an error if the timeout expires. This
has been fixed. [3457829]
When using a Japaneseprimary system, scripts that compile correctly with AppleScript 1.9.1 may fail to
compile with AppleScript 1.9.2. This has been fixed. [3419243]
In AppleScript 1.9.2, saving a blank script with Script Editor 2.0 will result in a crash. This has been fixed.
10.3 Changes
Mac OS X v10.3.2  AppleScript 1.9.3
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
In AppleScript 1.9.2, using Xcode to open a new .applescript file that was created by Interface Builder
will result in a crash. This has been fixed. [3454301]
AppleScript Studio debugging has been improved. [3467973] Note, AppleScript Studio debugging requires
Xcode 1.1.
Standard Additions
In AppleScript 1.9.2, the mount volume command will fail if the user name is not specified and the volume
does not allow guest access. This has been fixed. [3464919]
Mac OS X v10.3.5  Standard Additions 1.9.4
Standard Additions 1.9.4 is included with Mac OS X version 10.3.5 and requires Mac OS X version 10.3 or later.
It contains improvements to the set volume command as well as a new get volume settings command.
Note that only Standard Additions has changed in this release, the AppleScript runtime has not changed and
its version number remains 1.9.3.
New Features and Enhancements
Standard Additions
A new get volume settings command has been added that returns a record containing information
about the current volume settings. [3467967]
The set volume command now has four new parameters that enable the user to set the output volume,
the input volume, the alert volume, and the mute setting (output muted). The direct parameter
is now deprecated. If the direct parameter is specified, all other parameters are ignored. [3563760]
Bug Fixes
Standard Additions
The set volume command now sets the volume level correctly. [3268130] [3479316]
10.3 Changes
Mac OS X v10.3.5  Standard Additions 1.9.4
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This article describes changes to AppleScript and related tools in Mac OS X v10.2 and its updates.
Mac OS X v10.2  AppleScript 1.9
AppleScript 1.9 is included with Mac OS X version 10.2 and requires Mac OS X version 10.2 or later. It contains
several new features and enhancements, and corrects problems found with AppleScript 1.8.3 and earlier
AppleScript 1.9 can use scripts developed for any version of AppleScript from 1.1 through 1.8.3, any scripting
addition created for AppleScript 1.5 or later for Mac OS X, and any scriptable application for Mac OS 7.1 or
A script created with AppleScript 1.9 can be used by any version of AppleScript back to version 1.1, provided
it does not use features of AppleScript, scripting additions, or scriptable applications that are unavailable in
that version.
Developer Notes
In AppleScript 1.7 and earlier, the OSASetProperty() call would fail frequently. This has been fixed.
Object references of the form <class> <string> have historically been sent to applications as by name
object specifiers. In AppleScript 1.5 through 1.8.3, if the <string> was typeUnicodeText the object
specifier would be sent as formAbsolutePosition. In AppleScript 1.9 and later, object references using
Unicode strings are always sent to applications using formName. (Note that all other scalar types, including
typeUTF8, are sent as formAbsolutePosition). [2768306]
Developers can now define application scriptability using an XML description, rather than oldstyle 'aete'
resources or Cocoa .scriptSuite and .scriptTerminology plist files. This makes it easier to write
and edit an application terminology. A new developer tool, /Developer/Tools/sdp, converts XML files
with the .sdef extension into either .r files (for Carbon applications) or .scriptSuite and
.scriptTerminology files (for Cocoa). In the future, AppleScript will read .sdef files directly, making
this conversion unnecessary. See the man pages for sdp and sdef for more information. Some sample
.sdef files are supplied in /Developer/Examples/Scripting Definitions. [2912639] [2913622]
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
10.2 Changes
New Features and Enhancements
Standard Additions
The choose URL command now displays SMB and Samba servers when the File servers pulldown menu
is selected. [2810506]
The mount volume command can now connect to any file server that is supported by the Finders Connect
To... command, including Windows (smb), Samba, and FTP servers. On some kinds of servers, the as user
name and with password parameters may not bypass the login dialog, but encoding the name and
password in the URL (e.g. smb://myname:[email protected]/sharename) will mount it
silently. [2855789]
The say command supports a new optional parameter, saving to, which specifies a file in which to save
the spoken text. If this parameter is provided, the command will be silent and will instead create an audio
file with the data of the spoken text. For best results, the file extension of this file should be .aiff, which
will make it useable with iTunes and other audio applications. [2898296]
Script Menu
The Script Menu menu extra that has been available for download from the AppleScript web page is now
included with Mac OS X. To activate the Script menu, open the AppleScript folder (in the Applications
folder of your startup disk) and doubleclick on the folder. The Script menu will appear
on the right side of the menu bar in all applications.
Like Script Runner in previous versions of Mac OS X, the Script menu lets you execute any script while
using any application. It lists all files that are present in the Scripts folder of the Library folder of both
your startup disk and your Home directory. Unlike Script Runner, the Script menu will execute both OSA
scripts (saved by Script Editor) and UNIX scripts (shell scripts, perl scripts, etc.).
Folder Actions
Folder Actions are now supported in Mac OS X. Folder Actions let you attach a script to a folder, and when
that folder is opened or closed in the Finder or files are changed in it, a handler in that script will be
In Mac OS X, Folder Actions are handled by the System Events application, not a separate Folder Actions
extension. A property in the System Events application turns Folder Actions on and off; when they are on,
System Events is added to your Login Items list and starts up when you log in. Folder Actions will not be
performed if the System Events application quits.
10.2 Changes
Mac OS X v10.2  AppleScript 1.9
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Actions are attached and removed from folders by sending commands to System Events. The same events
that work with the Folder Actions extension on Mac OS 9 will work the same with the System Events
application in Mac OS X; in addition, System Events supports an object model for managing actions on a
folder. See the System Events dictionary for the complete set of Folder Actions events and classes.
The action events that are sent to action scripts are the same as in Mac OS 9. Terminology for these events
can be found in the Standard Additions scripting addition.
There are some functional differences between Folder Actions in Mac OS X from the Mac OS 9 version. In
Mac OS X, actions are assigned to folders on a peruser basis, so different users of the same machine can
have different sets of actions. That means that actions attached to removable or shared disks will not take
effect unless that action has been assigned on your specific user account. This is a security precaution.
This also means that actions attached to folders in Mac OS 9 will not take effect in Mac OS X unless they’ve
been specifically attached for a particular user account in X.
Folder badging works differently in Mac OS X than in Mac OS 9. When an action is assigned to a folder,
no badge appears in Mac OS X; folders that have had actions attached in Mac OS 9 will have the Folder
Action badge, but will not execute their actions unless they’ve been assigned to that user.
The contextual menu that assigns, removes, and edits Folder Actions in Mac OS 9 is not present in this
version of Mac OS X. Example scripts to assign and remove Folder Actions are supplied in the
/Library/Scripts/Folder Actions directory, and can be used directly from the Script menu.
Because of changes in the Finder, many Folder Action scripts from Mac OS 9 do not work in Mac OS X.
Bug Fixes
In AppleScript 1.8.2 and later, certain errors in handlers of scripts loaded via the load script command
would cause a crash. In AppleScript 1.9 these errors produce error messages instead. [2891612]
Operations that create large AppleScript objects (such as lists with thousands of elements) may fail when
trying to display the object (for example, in the Results or Log window of Script Editor), though the
operation itself succeeds. In AppleScript 1.8.3 and earlier this usually crashes; in AppleScript 1.9 it will
signal an “out of memory” error. [2897872]
AppleScript automatically converts any result value that is returned as Unicode text in UTF8 format into
Unicode text. To convert a string value to the UTF8 format, use the coercion as «class utf8» [2936516]
10.2 Changes
Mac OS X v10.2  AppleScript 1.9
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Standard Additions
The do shell script command in Standard Additions 1.8.3 and earlier could not handle file paths that
contained accented or nonEnglish characters. This has been fixed. [2848082]
In Standard Additions 1.8.2 and later, the display dialog command does not activate the default text
field when the dialog is displayed, so the user must click in it before typing. This has been fixed. [2915953]
With Standard Additions 1.8.3 and earlier, the the clipboard command would return an erroneous
value when the text on the Clipboard did not have style information. If passed to other applications, that
erroneous value could cause those applications to crash. This has been fixed. [2811798]
Mac OS X v10.2.3  AppleScript 1.9.1
AppleScript 1.9.1 is included with Mac OS X version 10.2.3 and requires Mac OS X version 10.2 or later.
Developer Notes
A new modeFlag has been added to the OSA API:
When this modeFlag is set on a call to OSACoerceToDesc(), the resulting descriptor will be fully qualified,
that is, it will have as its outermost container (innermost 'from' object) an application descriptor. Historically
this function assumes all object specifiers are rooted at the current application, which is often incorrect.
Bug Fixes
In AppleScript 1.0 through 1.9, coercions from strings to numbers (e.g. "12" as integer) would fail if
the string contained leading or trailing white space characters (e.g. space, tab, return, linefeed). This has
been fixed. [2849044]
In AppleScript 1.7, the paragraph element of strings was improved to recognize Macstyle, UNIXstyle,
and Windowsstyle line breaks. The same changes were not, however, made to the Unicode text class.
This has been done in AppleScript 1.9.1. [3013979]
In AppleScript 1.6 through 1.9, getting a paragraph or text item of an empty Unicode string fails with
an error. In AppleScript 1.9.1 an empty string is now returned as the result. [3044226]
With AppleScript 1.7 through 1.9, some scriptediting applications cannot open their own scripting
dictionaries. This has been fixed. [2688067]
10.2 Changes
Mac OS X v10.2.3  AppleScript 1.9.1
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
In AppleScript 1.9, long scripts (from about 3,000 lines, depending on complexity) would cause an out of
memory error when being displayed. This has been fixed. [3016146]
In AppleScript 1.0 through 1.9, a long script (greater than 32,767 characters) could cause a crash when
being compiled. This has been fixed. [2800857]
In AppleScript 1.0 through 1.9, an execution error that occurred near the end of a long script (greater than
28,671 characters) could result in multiple lines being highlighted in the script editor instead of just the
line that caused the error. This has been fixed. [1342368]
In AppleScript 1.9 and earlier, comparing two strings will fail if one string contains more than 32,767
characters, even if the strings are obviously different. This has been fixed. [2655090]
In AppleScript 1.9 and earlier, the length of a long literal string (greater than 32,767 characters) is considered
to be its actual length mod 32,768. This has been fixed. [2731384]
In AppleScript 1.6 through 1.9, compiling a script might cause it to unnecessarily launch an application
referred to in a tell block of that script. This has been fixed. [2838223]
In AppleScript 1.9 and earlier, canceling out of an EPPC authentication dialog can cause compilation errors.
This has been fixed. [3006076]
In AppleScript 1.8 through 1.9, the POSIX path property of a file or alias object would return "//" for
the startup disk object. While not technically incorrect this has been disturbing to those familiar with UNIX,
and has been fixed. [3006675]
In AppleScript 1.6 through 1.9, recording a script would crash on relatively rare occasions. This has been
fixed. [3006033]
In AppleScript 1.9 and earlier, an AppleScript Studio application would crash in certain circumstances. This
has been fixed. [3024472]
A crash in AppleScript 1.6 and later that occurred when using Unicode text has been fixed in AppleScript
1.9.1. [3025031]
In AppleScript 1.0 through 1.9, the expression end of {} has caused a crash. This has been fixed. [3014615]
The expression get name of parent would crash AppleScript 1.9 and earlier in certain circumstances.
This has been fixed. [2865830]
Standard Additions
Because of changes in the Sound Manager in Mac OS X, multiple beeps produced by the beep command
in Standard Additions 1.6 through 1.9 have sounded like one long beep. This has been fixed. [2812503]
When the display dialog command is used with three buttons and an icon, the dialog box is now tall
enough to correctly display both the icon and the leftmost button. [3052663]
10.2 Changes
Mac OS X v10.2.3  AppleScript 1.9.1
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
In Standard Additions 1.6 through 1.9, the mount volume command could occasionally crash when
supplied with user name and/or password parameters. This has been fixed. [3025436]
10.2 Changes
Mac OS X v10.2.3  AppleScript 1.9.1
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This article describes changes to AppleScript and related tools in Mac OS X v10.1 and its updates.
Mac OS X v10.1  AppleScript 1.7
AppleScript 1.7 is included with Mac OS X version 10.1 and requires Mac OS X version 10.1 or later.
Developer Notes
The return value from the OSAScriptError() function historically returned an error range that was a
record of two short integers, and therefore could not accurately report errors in scripts longer than 32K.
AppleScript 1.7 returns a record of two typeLongInteger values. Existing code that gets these values
as typeLongInteger will now work correctly; applications that asked for short integers will continue to
get erroneous results on long scripts and should be revised to accommodate the new return value.
To support a wider variety of sources of script text, the compiler in AppleScript 1.7 accepts all three
prevalent styles of line endings: Macintosh style (carriage return, ASCII 13), UNIX style (linefeed, ASCII 10)
and Windows style (CRLF, ASCII 13ASCII 10). Decompiled source will continue to be Macintoshstyle.
Every event sent by AppleScript to an application or scripting addition now includes an
enumConsidsAndIgnores ('csig') attribute whose value is a typeUInt32 bit field with bits set for
every consideration or ignore currently in effect. Mask constants are defined in ASRegistry.h. This
attribute obsoletes the older enumConsiderations attribute, which is difficult to interpret, incomplete,
and is only sent with events that contain a whose clause.
The kAESave and kAEClose Apple events have been defined in the Apple Event Registry to accept a
typeAlias value in their in and saving in parameters. This is technically inaccurate as scripters may
specify files that do not exist for these parameters, and typeAlias cannot represent a file that does not
exist. The historical solution has been to supply a typeFSS value (or a cFile value which is coerced to a
typeFSS) and create the file using the file specification. In Mac OS X, however, file specifications are not
valid values in Apple events, as they cannot represent long or Unicode file names and are not necessarily
valid across processes. For AppleScript 1.7 and later, applications should get these parameters as
typeFileURL and use the sample code provided in Tech Note TN2022 to find or create the file it represents.
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
10.1 Changes
New Features and Enhancements
Program Linking: Program Linking now works between Mac OS X machines as well as between Mac OS 9
and Mac OS X machines. When targeting applications running on a Mac OS X machine, you must use
TCP/IP networking and addressing; AppleTalk is not supported. (In addition, AppleScript 1.7 now supports
encoding the login name and password into the eppc URL.) For a Mac OS X machine to respond to Program
Linking requests, Allow Remote Apple Events must be enabled in the Sharing panel of System Preferences.
SOAP and XMLRPC Support: AppleScript can now use Internet applications as targets of tell blocks. The
URL for the application reference must be a correct URL for a SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) or
XMLRPC (eXtensible Markup Language Remote Procedure Call) Web server. The syntax is:
An alternate syntax is:
but this form will be converted to the form above when the script is compiled.
File Extensions: Like most other Mac OS X functions, AppleScript now supports file extensions (as well as
the historical file types) on all the file kinds it deals with. The file types for AppleScript are:
Applets: Prior to AppleScript 1.4.3, script applications (applets) were stored in a universal format that
worked on both 680x0based and Power PCbased Macintosh models. Because that format was 680x0based,
it would not work on Mac OS X, so a Mac OS X applet format was introduced in AppleScript 1.4.3. With
improvements in Mac OS X since that time, it is now possible to produce a script application that works
on 680x0based, Power PCbased Mac OS 9, and Mac OS X configurations. Script Editor 1.7 again offers
only one choice for saving script applications. Older formats continue to work on the configurations they
were saved for.
Command Line Tools: The osacompile and osascript tools now have an include option (-i) that allows
you to specify application terminology to be used when compiling the given scripts. This frees you from
having to specify applications in tell blocks in the script itself. You can also use this to specify the static
terminology for an application with dynamic terms, so you can prevent that application from being
launched when you compile the script.
Bug Fixes
In AppleScript 1.5 through 1.6, a script’s global variables could be lost under certain rare circumstances.
If a script contains a tell block that targets a variable, and that variable specifies an application that does
not exist, the “Where is application AppName?” dialog would be presented when the script is executed.
After that point, further references to global variables in the handler that included the tell block would
fail. This has been fixed.
10.1 Changes
Mac OS X v10.1  AppleScript 1.7
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
In AppleScript 1.5 and 1.6 for Mac OS X, scripting additions behaved fundamentally differently than in
Mac OS 9: they were only installed in certain applications that were AppleScriptaware. If a scripting addition
command (such as display dialog) was sent to an application that was not AppleScriptaware, the
event would instead be executed in the application running the script (e.g. Script Editor); that means the
dialog would come up in the Script Editor layer, not the tell target application. In AppleScript 1.7 for
Mac OS X, the scripting additions mechanism has been redesigned to behave more like Mac OS 9, and
scripting addition commands sent to applications will be executed in the process space and window layer
of the target application.
AppleScript 1.5 through 1.6 often launched applications unnecessarily in order to get their terminology,
and often used the terminology of the script editing application (such as Script Debugger) instead of
application terminology. This has been fixed.
In AppleScript 1.5 through 1.6 for Mac OS X, the version property of AppleScript or an application would
be displayed as raw data rather than a string (unless the version property was explicitly converted to a
string). This has been fixed.
In AppleScript 1.5 and 1.6 for Mac OS X, certain operations with file object specifiers (e.g. file "Mac
OS" as alias) would fail, when similar operations would succeed
on AppleScript 1.3 through 1.6 for Mac OS 9. These operations now work in AppleScript 1.7 for Mac OS X.
Note that, as always, while you can pass a file object specifier as a parameter to an event, or perform
certain operations on it (like assignment and coercion), simply evaluating file "pathname" is itself an
AppleScript error.
AppleScript 1.5 and 1.6 for Mac OS X could not target Mac OS 9 control panels running in the Classic
environment. This has been fixed. Note that the Classic environment only supports a small number of
control panels from Mac OS 9 (such as the Launcher).
Accessing paragraphs of AppleScript strings did not work correctly in AppleScript 1.5 through 1.6 if the
line endings were Windowsstyle (CRLF). The result would be only the first half of the text paragraphs,
interspersed with an equal number of blank strings. This has been fixed.
Occasionally with AppleScript 1.5 and 1.6, recompiling a script would get an “end of file” error reading an
applications terminology. This has been fixed.
In AppleScript 1.6, under certain circumstances calling a handler in an applet that has not been launched
could cause a “Cannot continue” error. This has been fixed.
In AppleScript 1.6, Unicode text values stored in script properties of a saved script could not be reloaded
reliably. This has been fixed.
In AppleScript 1.6, Unicode text received from certain applications that included a Unicode byteorder
mark would behave incorrectly; the text would appear to begin with the Euro symbol, and some operations
would fail. AppleScript 1.7 handles Unicode text with byteorder marks correctly.
10.1 Changes
Mac OS X v10.1  AppleScript 1.7
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
In somewhat rare circumstances, comparing two references to the same file for equality can fail even if
both references refer to the same file. This is true in AppleScript 1.0 through 1.6 and has been fixed in
AppleScript 1.7.
In AppleScript 1.5 and 1.6, a running AppleScript applet will become nonresponsive to any events (except
commandperiod) after processing more than one incoming event. This has been fixed.
Standard Additions
All disks formatted as Enhanced Macintosh File System (HFS Plus) are able to store files with file names
greater than 32 characters and stored as Unicode text. When older software accesses such files, those
names are represented in an encoded form (with something like #28AF in the name). With AppleScript
1.6 and earlier, the results of many Standard Additions commands (like path to, info for, and list
folder), as well as creation and display of alias objects, would require and return encoded names. In
AppleScript 1.7, long and Unicode file names in aliases and for scripting additions are represented by
styled or Unicode text. Encoded file names are no longer supported.
In Mac OS X v10.0 through 10.0.4, the choose file name command in Standard Additions 1.6 would
crash if given an empty string ("") as the default file name. This has been fixed. In addition, on Mac OS X
the default file name can be a Unicode string.
The choose from list command in Scripting Additions 1.4 through 1.6 allowed the scripter to create
a situation where it would return an empty selection even if the scripter specifically disallowed that case.
(This can be done by supplying a default item that does not appear in the list). In Scripting Additions 1.7
and later, the OK button will not be enabled in such cases.
In versions of Standard Additions prior to 1.7, the choose URL command’s using editable URL
parameter was present in the Scripting Additions dictionary but was nonfunctional (URLs were always
editable regardless of the setting of the parameter). It now behaves correctly: if set to false, the user can
choose a URL only by browsing, not by editing the URL in the text box.
In Mac OS X, the info for command now returns additional record items that provide information about
the file’s extensions. The displayed name item returns the name of the item as the user sees it in the
Finder or file dialogs, and the name extension item now returns the file extension (if any) that is on the
indicated file (without the “.”, which is considered a separator, and not part of either the name or the
extension). Both of these fields (along with the name field itself) are Unicode text values.
Mac OS 9.1 and Mac OS X Public Beta introduced the concept of a package, that is, a file composed of a
folder of several files and folders, which is treated as an integral file by the Finder and other applications.
The info for command in AppleScript 1.6 and earlier treated such packaged data application files as
folders, not files, and would not return file or applicationrelated information about them. In Standard
Additions 1.7 and later, getting the information for any directory (including package folders) returns an
additional record item package folder (if this Boolean value is true, then the directory is a package),
and the file’s type and creator.
10.1 Changes
Mac OS X v10.1  AppleScript 1.7
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
In Standard Additions 1.6 and earlier, the info for scripting addition would fail if any piece of information
in the requested file or directory was unavailable. On UFS (Mac OS X) disks and mounted NFS volumes,
the file creation date is unavailable, and accessing it causes a 8850 error (in trying to convert it to Universal
Time). Starting with Standard Additions 1.7, any missing piece of information in the info for result is
provided as the value missing value without failure. In AppleScript 1.6 and earlier, magnitude
comparisons (<, ,>, )against the missing value would signal a coercion error for most types; in 1.7 and
later, these comparisons always return false without error. These two changes ensure that scripts that
use info for against UFS and NFS volumes do not fail, though they may not get correct results because
any comparison to the creation date is always false.
In Standard Additions 1.6 on both Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X, the info for command would return an
error 1401 for a nonexistent file, rather than the normal 35 returned in previous versions. In Standard
Additions 1.7, trying to get the info for a nonexistent file (or a file in a nonexistent directory or inaccessible
disk) will return the 35 error.
From AppleScript 1.1, the offset command has not worked correctly when the direct parameter is styled
text. It also has not worked correctly with the newlyintroduced Unicode text type. It now produces
correct results with both styled and Unicode text.
Standard Additions 1.5 through 1.6 changed the way that the random number seed worked in the random
number command. Older versions used the system clock as the seed value if no seed value (or a seed
value of 0) was provided; Scripting Additions 1.5 and 1.6 always use a seed value of 0 in these cases. In
Scripting Additions 1.7 the older behavior has been restored. In addition, the seed value is now taken from
the 60Hz “ticks” counter rather than the system clock, because the increased speed of new machines
makes it more likely that two consecutive random number calls may receive the same system clock time
as their seed value.
The read command in Scripting Additions 1.6 had specific problems with the using delimiters
parameter. In previous versions, read f as list using delimiters {tab} would return a list, but
in AppleScript 1.6, it returns a list of oneitem lists. In AppleScript 1.7 and later it behaves as it did prior to
version 1.6
The read command in Scripting Additions 1.6 had specific problems with the before and until
parameters if used in conjunction with the as parameter. Instead of returning a value of a given type, it
would return random data or an error. This has been fixed.
Command Line Tools
For the osacompile and osascript tools, the requirement that they be invoked with full paths (i.e.
/usr/bin/osacompile) has been eliminated. They can now be invoked with implicit paths like any
other commandline tool.
10.1 Changes
Mac OS X v10.1  AppleScript 1.7
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
In Mac OS X v10.0.0 through 10.0.4, the -l and -d options for the osalang tool did not work as
documented. In Mac OS X v10.1 and later, -l prints the subtype, manufacturer, flags, and name; and -L
also prints the description in parentheses after the name.
The osacompile and osascript tools previously had a limit of 32K of input text. This limit has been
lifted in Mac OS X v10.1.
The osacompile and osascript tools execute as background applications; they cannot involve any
user interface. If you want to call display dialog, choose from list, or other userinterface scripting
additions from a script being executed by osascript, you must enclose it in a tell block targeting a
running application (such as the Finder).
December 2001 Developer Tools Update  AppleScript 1.8
AppleScript 1.8 for Mac OS X is included with the December 2001 Developer Tools Update and requires Mac
OS X version 10.1 or later.
Developer Notes
In Mac OS X v10.1 and 10.1.1, scripting additions would have their initialization function called at application
launch time, but their termination functions would not be called when the application quit. Scripting
additions that used system resources would not get a chance to release those resources. Every scripting
addition termination function is now called when an application exits. [2811696]
New Features and Enhancements
To provide better access to Mac OS X’s underlying UNIX functionality, AppleScript 1.8 adds a new Standard
Additions command (do shell script), a new file property (POSIX path), and a new object (POSIX
Standard Additions
The new do shell script command and the scriptable Terminal allow AppleScript scripts to execute
strings of text as UNIX shell scripts. Many interesting shell commands act on files, and require POSIXstyle
file paths as input parameters. To create POSIXstyle file paths from AppleScript file objects, the property
POSIX path has been added to the file and alias classes. All file types, including file
specification and file reference, support this property. Its use is straightforward:
10.1 Changes
December 2001 Developer Tools Update  AppleScript 1.8
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The do shell script command and the scriptable Terminal allow AppleScript to execute UNIX shell
scripts and get the results as strings of text. Frequently these strings are the pathnames of files in the UNIX
format, i.e. starting at root with directory names separated by forward slashes. To convert these POSIX
paths into an AppleScript file object, you can use the new POSIX file object:
The new do shell script command takes a string as its direct parameter and executes that string in
a UNIX shell. The text can be anything from a single command with parameters to a long script. The results
of the script execution (standard out) are returned as the result of the command; if there is an error (or no
output), the error output (standard error) are returned as the error message and can be processed in an
AppleScript on error handler. Note that the environment in which a shell script is executed is a separate
process in the user’s process group, and does not have a terminal set up, so commands that require
interaction (vi, top) will not function. There is no way at present to direct any information to standard in
of a shell script. Note also that do shell script uses the sh shell, which is different than the default
tcsh shell used in the Terminal. Command paths and environment variables are different in sh; you will
need to adjust your shell scripts accordingly.
The system attribute command has been extended to provide information on the users environment
variables. These are set up at user login time and cannot be altered. If the direct parameter to system
attribute is a fourcharacter Gestalt code, it is executed as in Standard Additions 1.7; if not, it attempts to
get an environment variable by that name, returning either the value of the variable or an empty string.
(Note that system attribute now will not fail with an error; it simply returns an empty string.) If called
with no parameters, system attribute returns a list of all currentlydefined environment variables.
Bug Fixes
AppleScript 1.7 could not perform certain operations on file names or file paths that contain certain
characters (such as accented characters like é). This has been fixed. [2816363]
In AppleScript 1.7, references to the process class of the Finder on a remote machine did not work. This
has been fixed. Note that you need to be running Mac OS X v10.1 or later on the target machine, and Mac
OS X v10.1.2 or later on the machine executing the script. [2775419]
With AppleScript 1.6 and 1.7, applications that attempted to convert Unicode text to plain text would get
an error (though AppleScript itself could perform such conversions successfully). This prevented older
applications from being able to use information (such as file names) that is now supplied as Unicode text.
This has been fixed. [2816500]
Certain development environments can create scripts whose parent is an application object, rather than
a toplevel script. Attempting to get any parent properties of such objects (including the information
returned by OSAGetScriptInfo) would cause AppleScript to crash. This has been fixed. [2755096]
10.1 Changes
December 2001 Developer Tools Update  AppleScript 1.8
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
With AppleScript 1.7 in Mac OS X v10.1, applets that are set to show their startup (splash) screens
occasionally failed to do so. This has been fixed in AppleScript 1.8. The applications do not need to be
recompiled or resaved. [2756226]
Standard Additions
In Standard Additions 1.7, the description of the choose application command stated that it allows
users to choose a running application. On Mac OS X it allows users to choose any application, running or
not. [2785713]
In Standard Additions 1.7, using the mount volume command with an AppleTalk server name in the on
server parameter did not work. This has been fixed. [2656820]
In Standard Additions 1.7, if the path to command was requested to return the path of a folder that did
not exist (such as scripting additions folder from local domain), it would fail. In previous
versions, and now in 1.8 as well, it creates the folder and returns the path to the created folder. Note that
if the user does not have authorization to create the folder (e.g. is not an administrator and requests a
nonexistent folder in the System domain), the operation will still fail. [2751119]
In Standard Additions 1.7, the store script command would crash if no in parameter was supplied.
This has been fixed. [2782590]
Previous versions of Standard Additions improperly list the parameters for the store script command.
Both the direct parameter (the script) and the in parameter (the file) are optional. If the script is omitted,
an empty script is stored in the file; if the in parameter is omitted, the user is prompted for a file name.
Command Line Tools
The osacompile tool would fail if provided with a -i parameter specifying a nonexistent file. It is now
more lenient and issues a warning, but continues compilation. [2796415]
Mac OS X v10.1.2  AppleScript 1.8.1
AppleScript 1.8.1 is included with Mac OS X version 10.1.2 and requires Mac OS X version 10.1 or later.
Bug Fixes
In Mac OS X version 10.1 and 10.1.1, installing certain multimedia software (such as Roxio Toast or QuickTime
5) would cause all AppleScript applets to crash when launching. This has been fixed. [2785067]
10.1 Changes
Mac OS X v10.1.2  AppleScript 1.8.1
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
April 2002 Developer Tools Update  AppleScript 1.8.2
AppleScript 1.8.2 for Mac OS X is included with the April 2002 Developer Tools Update and requires Mac OS X
version 10.1 or later.
New Features and Enhancements
The do shell script command and the scriptable Terminal allow AppleScript scripts to execute strings
of text as UNIX shell scripts. The UNIX shell interprets certain characters specially (including singlequote,
doublequote, dollar sign, slash, and backslash). In order to pass text containing these characters to the
shell, they need to be quoted to let the shell know to process them literally, rather than apply its special
interpretation. The property quoted form has been added to the string and Unicode text classes.
The value of this property is the text enclosed in single quotes, with any single quotes in the string (such
as apostrophes in filenames) handled by concatenation. In general, all POSIX file paths and most text
parameters provided to shell commands should be quoted. A common use of this is in commands like:
Standard Additions
The dialogs for display dialog and choose from list are now moveable modal dialogs and can
be moved by the user. [2845800]
The do shell script command has a new altering line endings optional parameter. When this
optional parameter is omitted or true, the result of do shell script will have Macstyle line endings
(CR, ASCII character 13) and always be terminated by a CR; with this optional parameter set to false (i.e.
without altering line endings), the results will have UNIXstyle line endings (LF, ASCII character
10) and may or may not have a terminating LF. The default results are compatible with AppleScript 1.8.1,
while the without altering line endings form returns the unaltered output of the UNIX script.
Bug Fixes
In AppleScript 1.8.1 and earlier, using text item delimiters to extract text items from Unicode text
can cause the application to crash. This has been fixed. [2848981]
In AppleScript 1.6 through 1.8.1, a script comparing two Unicode strings could occasionally crash the
application running the script. This has been fixed. [2885328]
10.1 Changes
April 2002 Developer Tools Update  AppleScript 1.8.2
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
In AppleScript 1.8.1 and earlier, certain applications executing scripts can become unstable when coercing
identifiers to strings in tight loops. This includes FaceSpan and AppleScript Studio applications. This has
been fixed. [2858324]
In AppleScript 1.8 and 1.8.1, the Use Startup Screen menu item in script applications does not work. This
has been fixed. [2844978]
In AppleScript 1.8 and 1.8.1 for Mac OS X, getting the POSIX path property of a directory would omit
the terminating colon. This has been fixed. [2851963]
In AppleScript 1.1 and later, loading any script would cause a small memory leak. This has been fixed.
With AppleScript 1.8 and 1.8.1, some applications that create and/or execute scripts (such as Script
Debugger) will occasionally crash when trying to get certain information about a script. This has been
fixed. [2811897]
In AppleScript 1.8 and 1.8.1, some applications that execute scripts that target themselves will crash
unexpectedly. This has been fixed. [2839367]
On some rare occasions in AppleScript 1.8 (often during recording), the name of an application in a tell
statement is changed to AEServer. This has been fixed. [2822232]
In all versions of AppleScript 1.5.5 and earlier, using the some operator on a record to select a type that
does not exist in the record (e.g. some string of {a:2, b:3, c:{5, 7, 11}}) would return the
entire record, rather than an error. This was fixed in AppleScript 1.6 for Mac OS 9, but has not been fixed
in Mac OS X until now. [2842496]
AppleScript 1.7 could not open scripts saved on Mac OS 9 by any version of AppleScript if those scripts
contained references to applications on remote machines. AppleScript 1.8 can open those scripts, but
omits the first two characters of the host name. AppleScript 1.8.2 and later will correctly read and display
an application reference created on Mac OS 9. [2781523]
Standard Additions
Many commands in Standard Additions 1.7 through 1.8.1 adopted a new style of processing input
parameters that refer to files. This was found to fail when used inside application tell blocks with
application objects (such as Finder file objects). Those commands have been modified to work harder
to understand file references in applications. [2840037]
The display dialog command now recognizes a userdefined button with the button name “Cancel”
as the cancel button when the computer is using a nonEnglish system. [2765410]
In Standard Additions 1.7 through 1.8.1, using lengthy button titles in the display dialog command
could cause the prompt text to be truncated. This has been fixed. [2844857]
The performance of the do shell script command has been significantly improved when executing
lengthy shell scripts. [2853370]
10.1 Changes
April 2002 Developer Tools Update  AppleScript 1.8.2
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Prior to Standard Additions 1.7, the list folder command had a special case to accept a path string
as its direct parameter (though it is documented to accept an alias). In Standard Additions 1.7, this
special case was omitted, causing scripts that used the form list folder "Macintosh HD:" to fail.
This special case has been restored. [2850766]
In Standard Additions 1.7 through 1.8.1, the open for access command would not set the file type
and creator of newlycreated files. This has been fixed. [2836047]
The run script command in Standard Additions 1.5 through 1.8.1 did not handle the in parameter
correctly when choosing an OSA scripting component. It would in fact select the first OSA scripting
component that was not the one named. This has been fixed. [2889646]
In Standard Additions 1.7, the write command signals an error 50 (parameter error) when a script attempts
to write an empty string to a file. This has been fixed. [2823197]
Command Line Tools
In AppleScript 1.7 through 1.8.1, the osascript tool truncates output text if it contains a null character.
This has been fixed. [2827241]
AppleScript 1.8.3
AppleScript 1.8.3 for Mac OS X is available as an independent Software Update and requires Mac OS X version
10.1 or later.
Bug Fixes
In AppleScript 1.8.2 and earlier, operations using AppleScripts text item delimiters fail if the delimiters
are set to Unicode string values. This has been fixed. [2895572]
In AppleScript 1.8.2 and earlier, converting a list of values to a Unicode string will ignore any text encoding
information in those values, so the resulting Unicode string will not be correct. This has been fixed. [2895579]
Standard Additions
In Standard Additions 1.6 through 1.8.2, the as parameter for the read and write commands was not
handled correctly (especially if the value of the parameter was short or a list). This has been fixed. [2751784,
10.1 Changes
AppleScript 1.8.3
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This article describes changes to AppleScript and related tools in Mac OS X v10.0.
Mac OS X v10.0  AppleScript 1.6
AppleScript 1.6 is included with Mac OS X version 10.0 and requires Mac OS X version 10.0 or later.
Developer Notes
A new call, OSACopyScript(), will create an independent clone of an existing OSAID. OSACopyID(),
by comparison, creates a new reference to an existing object.
Event handlers have always been able to accept an as parameter, but have had no way to indicate to
AppleScript that they handled the coercion. This creates problems when the handler actually returns a list
of the requested type  AppleScript thinks the list needs to be coerced, and tends to either fail or do the
wrong thing. The workaround has been to define a “type list” type and a coercion handler from that to a
plain list that simply duplicates the descriptor. The Finders alias list type, for example, is implemented
this way. There is now a better way: if you take an as parameter, and you do not want AppleScript to try
to coerce your result, put a Boolean true value into the keyAppHandledCoercion parameter of the result.
AppleScript will sense this parameter and leave the result unchanged.
Mac OS X does not support scripting additions (OSAXen) built for Mac OS 9. Because only applications can
safely link to CarbonLib on Mac OS 9, scripting additions on 9 must link to InterfaceLib, which is not
supported on Mac OS X. Scripting additions for Mac OS X come in two flavors: CFM and MachO. For CFM,
follow the directions in Tech Note TN1164 to build it as a shared library, but link to CarbonLib instead of
MachO scripting additions are packaged as bundles. Using Project Builder, create a Bundle target, and
make sure that it has either a CFBundleSignature of 'osax' or a name ending with .osax. The code
layout is essentially the same as a CFM scripting addition, but instead of using the CFM initialization and
termination routines plus the gAdditionReferenceCount global, AppleScript looks for three entry
points: SAInitialize, SATerminate, and SAIsBusy, with the following prototypes:
additionBundle is a reference to your own addition; you may retain it for future use or ignore it and
rely on your own bundle identifier. SAIsBusy is equivalent to testing for gAdditionReferenceCount
not equal to zero.
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
10.0 Changes
It is possible to build a bundled scripting addition that contains both 9 and X versions, thus giving you a
single file distribution, but you need to have AppleScript 1.6 and CarbonLib 1.3 installed on Mac OS 9.1
for it to work with Mac OS 9.
An important difference from Mac OS 9 is that in Mac OS X, scripting additions are loaded separately into
each application that connects to AppleScript. This means that (1) there may be multiple instances of your
addition running on the system, so be careful about shared resource management; and (2) you cannot
assume that any random application has access to your addition, so sending raw AppleEvents to an
application will not necessarily work. (e.g., sending syso/beep to the Finder will return not handled.)
AppleScript has a workaround built into it so that scripts will still work, but applications that use AppleEvents
directly may have trouble.
New Features and Enhancements
The Unicode text data type has been growing in functionality since AppleScript 1.3 and is now
comparable in functionality with the string data type. Not only can Unicode text strings be received
from and sent to applications, they display properly in the Results and Event Log windows of the Script
Editor (and thirdparty editors); they can be accessed with the character, word, paragraph, and text
item element classes and the first, last, middle, some, and every access forms; they can be operated
on with the & (concatenation) operator; and they can be compared with the less than, greater than,
less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, equals, contains, is contained by,
begins with, and ends with operators. For text item elements of a Unicode string, the text item
delimiters can be either string or Unicode text values. When comparing Unicode strings, the
considering and ignoring constructs are supported for case, diacriticals and punctuation.
AppleScript 1.6 supports many changes in general system operation introduced in Mac OS X. It can use
applications and scripting additions that are stored as bundles or packages for Mac OS X. It can load scripts
and application terminologies from files that do not have traditional Mac OS resource forks. It accommodates
the fact that many Mac OS X applications actually have a .app filename extension that is hidden from the
Command Line Tools
There are two new command line tools, osascript and osacompile, that let you execute and compile
scripts from a Unix shell. For full details, see their respective man pages.
10.0 Changes
Mac OS X v10.0  AppleScript 1.6
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Bug Fixes
AppleScript 1.6 fixes a longstanding issue in AppleScript in which scripts may claim to run out of memory,
even when plenty of memory is available.
AppleScript 1.4.3 and 1.5.5 had rare issues with applets losing track of global variables; these issues have
been fixed in AppleScript 1.6.
AppleScript 1.6 returns more correct results from certain unusual operations (item 0 of a list, set text
item delimiters to {}, strings of a string, strings of a list that doesn’t contain strings) where
previous versions of AppleScript would return unhelpful results or fail to signal appropriate errors.
Standard Additions
AppleScript 1.6 has improvements to the random number command, to make random numbers more
evenly distributed and less predictable.
The read and write commands can now work with files greater than 2 GB in size. In addition, all of the
issues introduced in the Read/Write commands in AppleScript 1.5 and 1.5.5 have been fixed, and several
longstanding issues with reading and writing lists and records have been fixed.
Copyright © 20012007 Apple Inc.
10.0 Changes
Mac OS X v10.0  AppleScript 1.6
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This table describes the changes to AppleScript Release Notes .
Updated for OS X Mavericks.20131022
Updated with changes for OS X Lion v10.7 and OS X Mountain Lion v10.8.20130625
Unifies older separate documents, adds changes for Mac OS X v10.6.20090529
20131022 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Document Revision History
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